I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud(咏水仙赏析)

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Interpratation of I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud

班级:英语11103班学号:03 姓名:邓美玲During all the poems we have learnt this term I like William Wordsworth’s I Wonderded Lonely as a Cloud best.Because he,the representative poet of the early romanticism,is a passionate lover of nature,and so am I.His description of daffodils was exquiste but its language is rather simple and pure.It is a lively and splendid picture to my mind and as if I am dancing like daffodils in the crowd in his free imagination.What’s more,it convinces me more and more that the natural world can be source of human happiness that it can touch us to such a degree that it can heal the wounds in our heart.

In the first stanza Wordsworth compares himself to a cloud,his mood is lonely but enjoying the freedom come from the sky.All of a sudden,a crowd of dancing daffodils catches his eye.This beautiful and spctacular scenery make his inner sense become bright and he is touched by the beauty of nature.Also,it brings him great power to clear depression and loneliness.

In the next two stanzas,Wordsworth has already got rid from the loneliness.He concentrates more attention on the never-ending daffodils and finds that ten thousand are tossing their heads in sprightly dance.The author just compared the deffodils to “the stars twinkle on the milk way”,and all natural beauities connected together and present the readers with a picture-like view. Then he lost himself in the beauty in such a cheerful compang.Then his emotion became stronger and stronger,great joy send in the air and his love to nature is wordsless. Wordsworth finally realizes that it has brought great spiritual wealth to him.

The last stanza ,is the conclusion,describes the recollection in tranquillity from which this poem arose.Wordsworth shows the great wealth that nature brought for him by the poem.This kind of memory is the happiness of solitude and still makes his heart fill with pleasure in the following years as if he is dancing with daffodils.Here daffodils are not beautilul flowers anymore,but a symbol of the pure soul and stand for a harmonious attitude towards men and nature.

In this poem,Wordsworth presents a vivid visual and kinaesthertic image and expresses his passionate love for nature and unutterable delight in the presence of nature. Alone with the daffodils dancing continuously and differently,the poet’s inner heart become more and more cheerful.Here,the daffodils symbolize the beauty of nature,it is the nature roots his heart and courage him to face reality.We all are part of it and maybe that’s why there’s a magic power to affect our feeling.Willim Wordsworth is aware of this and enjoy the pure and overwhelming beauty.To some extent,it has become a great spiritual support to inspire him to live optimistically.Nature can purify our souls and bring happiness and courage to our lonely heart.It is the harmonious relationship between men and nature.That is,appreciating nature is also appreciating our life.
