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英国社会与文化chapter 1

1、UK全称: Official name

---the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

----the United Kingdom of the UK


Capital city National Emblem England London rose

Scotland Edinburgh Thistle 蓟花

Wales Cardiff Daffodil 水仙花Northern Ireland Belfast Shamrock 三叶草

2、Largest lake Lough Neagh(内伊湖)

/highest mountain Ben Nevis/backbone of the central Northern England:mountain-the Pennines/important river in London Thams

3、Edinburgh 1.the capital city of Scotland

2.economic center of Scotland

3.a tourist city second only to London in UK(Royal Miles & Princes Street)

4、Edinburgh castle symbol of Edinburgh &situted on a mound of Vol/Winsor castle largest occupied castle/Holyrood palace

the official residence of the Monarch of the United Kingdom in Scotland,located at the bottom of the Royal Mile in Edinburgh,at the opposite end to Edinburgh Castle

5、London Eye the largest Ferris Wheel 摩天轮 in Europe/Big Ben =Elizabeth Tower the largest four-faced chimming clock

6、National currency GBP=Great Britain Pound

National day Queen’s Birthday 2nd Saturday of June since 1952

National flag Union Flag adopted on Jan 1st 1801

National flower rose

Location Western Europe

7、Geography Location

---Located off the northwest coast of Europe ---an island country surrounded by four seas .to the south by the English Channel,which separates it from continental Europe

.to the east by the North Sea

.to the west by the Irish sea

.to the north by the Atlantic Ocean

Land & People

.very unevenly distributed:90% urban 10% rural .Britain multiracial society and 1 in 20 people

are of non-European ethnicity

Climate a Favorable Maritime Climate

.a rainy,changeable and unpredictable weather

.mild winters and cool summers

.a steady and reliable rainfall throughout the year .a small range of temperature(4-6℃ in the north in Winter,and 12-17℃ in the south in summer)

Factor 影响因素.The surrounding waters

.south-west winds

.North Atlantic Drift

8、The British Isles,Great Britain,England,the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth

Official name +The British Isles

-----Great Britain (England,Wales,Scotland)

-----Northern Ireland(also known as Ulster)

-----The Republic of Ireland (also the Irish Republic,formly Eire)

-----Numberous smaller islands

British Isles

United Kingdom


Republic Northern Of Ireland Ireland Great Britain Scotland
