一、形容词/ 名词+ 人体部位all ears 全神贯注地听all eyes 聚精会神地看all legs 又瘦又长all nerves 神经过敏all skin and bones 瘦得皮包骨all thumbs 笨手笨脚all fresh 众生free hand 全权处理old hand 内行good hand 漂亮的一手(好字)hot hand 走运的一手(牌)second hand间接地first hand 亲自red hands 血腥的手cool hand 大胆而脸皮厚的人light hand 熟练的手艺black eye 受伤后的黑眼圈glad eye 媚眼snake eyes (骰子中的)双么private eye 私人侦探dry eye 不哭的人evil eye 狠毒的眼光poker face 不动声色straight face 绷着脸sad face 愁容smooth face 讨好的面孔motor mouth 没完没了的说话bad mouth 诽谤big mouth 爱说闲话者good mouth 顺从的马hard mouth 不顺从的马lion's mouth 虎穴swelled head 自满dead head 死脑筋acid head LSD 的常用者long head 先见之明heavy heart 沉重的心情open heart 坦率pot belly 大肚子stiff neck 顽固之人silver tongue 流利的口才mailed fist 暴力devil's bones 骰子loose lips 说话很随便cold shoulder 冷漠cold feet 胆怯green thumb 在园艺方面有才能的人Achilles heel 弱点busy body 管闲事者sweet tooth 爱吃甜食之人family skeleton 家丑二、人体部位+ 名词brain drain 人才外流brain trust 智囊团brain storm 突有灵感brain child 头脑的产物brain wave 计上心头tongue twister 绕口令face card 带人像的扑克牌face value 票面价值knee slipper 使人笑得拍大腿的笑话eye shot 视野bone shaker 老爷车skin dive 只戴眼罩的潜水skin game 赌博骗钱skull session 坐在一起动脑筋nose dive 一落千丈elbow grease 可施展之地chin music 聊天leg work 跑腿lip praise 表面的称赞lip service 空口的应酬话blood debt 血债belly laugh 捧腹大笑skin flick 色情电影三、动词+ 人体部位keep / save face 保全面子preserve face 保持面子maintain face 维护面子lose face 失去面子make faces 做鬼脸make mouths 对人做嘴脸make eyes 漫送秋波make head 前进count heads 点名knock head 叩头gather head 时机成熟change hands 易手join hands 携手联合kiss hands 吻君王之手hold hands 手搀手change foot 换步set foot 行走play footsie 情侣在桌底下碰脚rub elbow / shoulders 与人交往lose heart 沮丧take heart 鼓起勇气gain flesh 长肉lose flesh 消瘦tell noses 清点人数split hairs 作琐细的分析cut teeth 长牙give lip 讲硬话show leg 逃跑give / throw tongue 猫/狗狂吠shake hands 握手四、人体部位对称或并列face to face 面对面from ear to ear 开心limb to limb 肢解mouth to mouth 嘴对嘴heart to heart 交心shoulder to shoulder 齐头并进eye to eye 赞同eyeball to eyeball 面对面hand to hand 逼近head to head 交头接耳nose to nose 面对面back to back 背靠背hand in hand 手拉手arm in arm 挽臂neck and neck 并驾齐驱leg and leg 平分秋色side by side 肩并肩hand over hand 两手交叉使用from hand to hand 用手传递from mouth to mouth 口口相传from hand to mouth 勉强糊口from head to foot 全身from top to toe 从头到脚hand and foot 手脚一起;尽力heart and soul 全心全意tooth and nail 竭尽全力toe and heel 跳舞flesh and blood 人类head and ears 全身hand to fish 齐心协力hand over fist 多而快地赚钱hand over heels 倒栽葱tooth for tooth 以牙还牙eye for eye 以眼还眼五、人体部位在谚语的运用Two heads are better than one . 三个臭皮匠,胜似一个诸葛亮。
英汉跨文化非言语交际身势语语用特征及文化差异1 引言人类交际是语言交际和非语言交际的结合,非语言交际是整个交际中不可缺少的组成部分。
2 身势语的语用特征作为符号概念的身势是交际和传递信息的符号单位,它用于传递信息,早已未人们所熟悉,并能自如的运用各自群体中所通用的符号势进行交际。
2.1 辅助,替代功能身势语伴随话语,对话语起着补充,强调或者确定的辅助功能,他们相互依附,相互支持以取得预期良好的交际效果。
例如:” Pardon me,sir ,will you do mea favor ?Let mepurchase you one of these puddings. It would give mesuch pleasure. ”He jumped back as if he had been stung ,and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.“请原谅,先生,能赏我个脸吗?让我为您买一只布丁吧,如果您肯收下,我将不胜感激。
2.2 表情功能主要是通过面部表情表露感情或者情绪,当然,身体其他部分也可显露这类情绪。
一、非言语交际的概述1. 非言语交际的定义所谓非言语交际,就是通过使用不属于言语范畴的方法来传递信息的过程,非言语交际的形式很多,不像言语交际那样只有口语和书面语之分,它包括除使用语言和文字以外的一切传递信息的方式,如身体动作、面部表情、空间利用、触摸行为、声音暗示、穿着打扮和其他装饰等,甚至没有表情的表情、没有动作的动作,都是非语言交际的有效途径。
2. 非言语交际的作用非言语交际通常与言语交际结合进行,大体上起到补充、替代、调节、重复、否定的作用。
二、身势语的定义及特点1. 身势语的定义身势语在人际沟通中有着口头语言无法替代的作用。
2. 身势语的特点(1) 与生俱来与后天习得的身势本能的身势与生俱来。
(2) 身势可以单独出现,也可以随口头的言语出现我们可以只通过身体的姿势,手势,或者是面部表情等身势语来传达出我们所要表达的意思,也可以伴随着这些身势说出内心那刻的感受,或激动,或悔恨,或气愤等的一些话语。
浅谈身势语所谓(de)身势语,就是指那些包括空间距离、目光注视、身体接触、姿态动作、面部表情等在内(de)非语言(de)身体信号.空间距离当人们进行交际(de)时候,交际双方在空间所处位置(de)距离具有重要(de)意义,它不仅告诉我们交际双方(de)关系、心理状态,而且也反映出民族和文化特点.心理家发现,任何一个人需要在自己(de)周围有一个自己能够把握(de)自我空间,这个空间(de)大小会因不同(de)文化背景、环境、行业、不同个性等而不同.不同(de)民族在谈话时,对双方保持多大距离有不同(de)看法.根据霍尔博士(美国人类家)研究,欧美人生活中有四种距离表示不同情况:(1) 亲密接触 (intimate distance 0-45 cm) 交谈双方关系密切,身体(de)距离从直接接触到相距约 45 厘米之间,这种距离适于双方关系最为密切(de)场合,比如说夫妻及情人之间.(2) 私人距离 (personal distance 45-120 cm) 朋友、熟人或亲戚之间往来一般以这个距离为宜.(3) 礼貌距离 (social distance 120-360 cm) 用于处理非个人事物(de)场合中,如进行一般社交活动,或在办公,办理事情时.(4) 一般距离 (public distance 360-750 cm) 适用于非正式(de)聚会,如在公共场所听演出等.从这四种分法可以看出,人类在不同(de)活动范围中因关系(de)亲密程度而有着或保持不同(de)距离.不同民族与文化构成人们之间不同(de)空间区域,多数讲英语(de)人在交谈时不喜欢离得太近,总要保持一定(de)距离.西班牙人和阿拉伯人交谈会凑得很近,而对俄罗斯人来说意大利人交谈是过于靠近,拉美人交谈时几乎贴身.更有趣(de)是英国人与意大利人交谈时,意大利人不停(de)“进攻”,英国人不断(de)“撤退”.实际上他们交谈时都只不过是要占据对自己适当(de),习惯(de)实际距离.西方文化注重个个隐私,东方人“私”(de)概念薄弱.在电梯,巴士或火车上,素不相识人(de)拥挤在一起,东方人可以容忍身体与身体接触(de)那种挤,西方人无法容忍.在对个人空间(de)要求方面,中国人、日本人以至大多数亚洲人要比西方人小(de)多.这是因为不同(de)文化习俗(de)缘故,西方人看中宽松(de)氛围,崇尚个人自由和个人权利,而东方人(de)传统文化根深蒂固.空间(de)观念是立体(de),不仅包括领域(de)大小距离,包含领域(de)高度.“拉开距离”具有保持身份(de)威严(de)功能,而保持空间领域(de)高度又是支配权利(de)一种方式.法庭、堂、礼堂、会议厅(de)布置都十分注重利用空间距离来发挥这一功能,以表现优越感与从属关系.在中国,长辈和领导面朝南坐,在西方则坐在椭圆桌子头(de)位置,等等,不一而足.这些都说明不同文化背景(de)人对空间(de)运用和安排都有着各自(de)模式,从而构成无数文化差异,让空间(de)使用具有了更为丰富(de)文化功能.目光注视在人际交往过程中,与交往对象保持目光接触是十分必要(de).近代西班牙哲奥塔加在人与众人一书中说:“每一次注释都说出了注视者(de)心路历程.”中国古代成语有“画龙点睛”之说,人类男女之间有眉目传情之举.从莎士比亚(de)“仿佛他眼睛里锁藏着整个灵魂”,到音乐摇滚(de)“不要说,你(de)眼睛已经告诉了我”,都说明目光注视在人际交往中(de)重要功能.“眼睛是透露人(de)内心世界(de)最有效(de)途径,人(de)一切情绪、情感、和态度(de)变化,都可从眼睛里显示出来.几乎所有(de)人与人之间(de)活动能够和感情交流都依靠过眼光,某些文化所特有传播实践也体现在目光接触(de)运用之中.两个阿拉伯人在一起交流时会用非常热情(de)目光凝视对方,因为他们认为双目是个人存在(de)钥匙.如果从美国文化角度来看,这种目光是不适用于两个男人之间(de),这种长时间凝视常常是同性恋(de)亚文化群使用(de)非语言代码(de)一部分.有养(de)英国男子认为直接凝视与之交往(de)人(de)眼睛是一种绅士风度,而瑞典人在交谈中用目光相互打量(de)次数多于英国人.法国人则特别欣赏一种鉴赏似(de)注视,这种眼光看人是就传达了一种非语言信号:虽然我不认识你,但我从内心底欣赏你(de)美,所以法国男子在公共场合对妇女士(de)凝视是人们公认(de)一种文化准则.日本人与人交谈时(de)目光一般落在对方(de)颈部,而对方(de)脸部和双眼要在自己眼帘(de)外缘,他们认为眼对眼是一种失礼(de)行为.中国人则对紧盯着自己看(de)目光感到不自在,甚至惶惑不安,原因是“羞耻感"文化(de)影响,“非礼勿视”.而在西方这个世界文化(de)大熔炉里,人人都锻炼得眼界开阔喜欢大大方方地表白自己,敢于毫不遮掩地宣泄情感,她们往往会因为异性受到自己(de)吸引力而感到受宠,但不若惊.目光(de)礼节、各种凝视行为及目光在交际中(de)功能反映出不同(de)文化背景及不同(de)民族文化心理,其含义复杂,规定繁多,需要我们认真观察,仔细比较,从而促进各民族间文化(de)交流与融合.身体接触正像语言和姿势可以传递人们(de)情感信息一样,身体与他人(de)接触在交际中也无时无刻不在传递信息.婴儿在母亲怀里被摇着拍着,等到爱抚后不仅能保持心理平静,还能刺激协调运动器官──小脑,促使其发育,国外者称之为接触育(touch education).人类家把文化大致分为两大类:接触文化(touch culture)与非接触文化(nontouch culture),阿拉伯人,南欧和西欧人、犹太人及拉丁语系(de)人属于第一类,美国人、北欧人及东方人属于第二类.从孩提时代到成人期,不同(de)文化交给我们不同(de)接触方式,哪些部位该接触,哪些不该接触.这里着重谈谈被当作一种社会习惯来进行(de)利益方面(de)身体接触中(de)不同文化内涵.(一)握手据某些专家(de)考证,握手是石器时代穴居人留下(de)一种遗俗.陌生人相遇,如彼此并无恶意,就放下手中狩猎用(de)棍棒或石块,让对方摸摸掌心.在人类进化过程中,这些手势逐步演变成两手相握(de)形势.手掌(de)张开表示向对方敞开自己(de)势力范围,而手掌(de)接触则表示合二为一.今天,在许多国家,握手已经成为一种常用(de)表示亲热和友好(de)礼节.但各国握手(de)习惯不大一样.法国人做客走进房间或别离时都要与主人握手:而德国人只在进门时握一次手;有些非洲人在握手之后会将手指弄出轻轻(de)响声,以表示自由;在美国,男人之间(de)握手是很用力(d e),这可能源于印第安人(de)角力竞赛.中国人一边讲“你好”一边握手,对此没有什么忌讳;俄罗斯人则不允许两人隔着一道门或跨着门槛握手,以为这样做是不吉利(de).在西方,参加竞选(de)政客会用右手,握住对方(de)右手,再用左手搭在互相握住(de)手背上,试图让接受者感到他(de)热情真挚与诚实可靠,故被称为“政治家(de)握手”.有一位驻外人员叙述了这么一段经历:在巴基斯坦时,有一次请生到使馆看中文电影.一位刚结婚(de)生把妻子也带来了.老师见到后,主动与生妻子握手,并且握(de)很紧,以示热烈欢迎.第二天上课时,生满脸怒气,拒绝回答该老师(de)提问.课后,另一个生告诉老师说,这位生认为老师主动逼他妻子握手,太失礼.原来按照巴基斯坦礼俗,男子对陌生女子不能主动握手,老师说出了自己(de)本意是表示客气与友好后,才算消除了误会.可见握手(de)概念常因文化(de)不同而不同.在人类交际活动中,眼睛(de)信息传递是微妙(de),而握手发出(de)信号却是直截了当(de).如果握肩膀和握胳膊时,实际上是进入了接受者(de)密切区域,只有在感情极为密切与融洽(de)人之间才受欢迎.在异性之间,如果女方不主动伸出手来,男性是不能去握她(de)手(de).如果伸左手与人相握,则是无礼(de)表现.握手(de)文化是如此丰富多彩,我们必须深入研究,严加区分,以避免文化冲撞和误会.(二)拥抱与亲吻不同(de)文化背景产生不同(de)礼貌和礼仪,其含义是约定俗成(de).在西方许多发达国家,两个女生见面时拥抱在一起是常见现象,夫妻久别重逢时拥抱亲吻也非常自然;但阿拉伯人、俄国人、法国人、东欧人、地中海沿岸和有些拉丁美洲国家(de)人,两个男人之间也会拥抱及亲吻双额.阿拉伯人甚至不停地嗅着对方身上散发出(de)气息,对他们来说,好(de)气味能令人精神为之一爽.缅甸人、蒙西人和分布在挪威、瑞典、芬兰等国(de)拉普人会嗅着彼此(de)面颊表示问候.而在东亚及英语国家,男人之间一般只是握手表示欢迎,很少拥抱或亲吻对方.在许多欧美人看来,政治家(de)亲吻是“虚假”(de)代名词.拥抱亲吻(de)这些差异充分反映不同文化(de)特色和浓厚(de)社会文化意义,也是不同民族文化之间深层(de)差异在身势语这个表层上(de)具体表现.(三)其他接触如前所述,有(de)民族崇尚接触文化,而有(de)民族则信奉非接触文化,不同(de)文化确定了它自己关于接触(de)定义.出于宗(de)崇拜和信仰,佛徒认为活佛给他们施行(de)摸顶礼是崇高而神圣(de);而在泰国,头部可是千万不能摸(de),触及头部简直就是一种罪过;此外,泰国僧侣在向上行走时特别忌讳被女性触及,认为这样就会使他(de)苦苦修炼前功尽弃.中国人喜爱一个小孩时会亲切地抚摸她(de)头部或搂搂抱抱,而对美国(d e)孩子这样做就会引起孩子妈妈(de)反感,尽管她知道这种动作并无恶意,但在他(de)文化中,这样做被人认为是无礼(de)表现.在穆斯林国家,人们把关于触摸(de)知识看作其文化整体(de)一部分,他们用右手进食或做愉快(de)事,用左手去触摸别人则是一种社交(de)侮辱,因为左手是大小便时用(de).在中国传统文化中,“面子”重于一切.脸对女性来说无异于命根子.如果触摸一个中国姑娘(de)脸,那可是犯了大忌.可见触摸在身体不同部位(de)运用也要因地域及文化之不同而异.如果不加区别地统统采取亲密性接触,或是统统推行非接触文化,这个世界就会乱成一团了.姿态动作有专家提出,人能发出多达50万个不同(de)身体信号,只用“千姿百态”作比喻已显得苍白无力,任何想将它们分门别类(de)企图也只能令人失望.所以我们只能从传递交际信息(de)常见姿势中诠释一些行为代码与文化含义.手势在各国有不同(de)表达意义,不同(de)文化背景赋予了手势不同(de)交际功能.中国人竖起拇指表示“好”,伸出小指表示“差”或“坏”,这反映了一种“尊卑有等”、“长幼有序”(de)文化心态;美国人将拇指朝上表示要求搭便车,将拇指朝下则表示“坏”;而日本人伸出小指却表示“情人”.在美国,人们用挥手来表示再见;而在南美,人们见到这种动作时不但不会离去,反而会向你跑过来.在美国,用拇指和食指捏成一个圈,其余三个指头分开向上伸直,则表示“OK”一词;在日本,这种手势则表示钱;在阿拉伯人中,这种动作常常伴以咬紧牙关,一起表示深恶痛绝.用手指在太阳穴旁边转圈,中国人表示动脑筋,美国人和巴西人则表示发疯.俄国人把手指放在喉咙上表示吃饱了;日本人用此动作表示被“炒了鱿鱼".美国人、日本人抿着嘴吃东西才算得体,而印第安人却以张口大嚼为礼貌.假如一位美国人无意中把筷子直直(de)插进饭碗内,再把饭送给中国人吃时,中国人心里就可能会大为不快.因为按照中国(de)风俗,供死人时才把筷子插进饭碗里.美国人用手指着太阳穴表示手枪自杀,反映(de)是美国私人拥有枪支不足为奇(de)社会文化背景.日本人用手戳向肚子表示剖腹自杀,反映了日本传统文化中(de)武道精神.在新几内亚,将手架在脖子上表示自杀;在中国,这种手势表示被人砍头,是古代刑法取去“首级”(de)遗风.姿态动作(de)幅度和速度以及姿势和坐立习惯地反映出不同(de)文化背景和心态.犹太人(de)手部动作远比一般德国人(de)手部动作来(de)自由,所以二战时期生活在德国境内(de)犹太人要尽量控制自己(de)手部动作,以免暴露身份.白人中(de)年轻人步履轻捷,而年轻(de)黑人则步伐较慢,这与他们(de)社会环境不无关系.在东方人眼里,美国女子大胆而泼辣,因为他们(de)步子比东方女子大,腰板挺(de)更直.在西方人眼里,日本女子(de)莲莲碎步反映出他们(de)柔顺和屈从心理.英国人将两臂交叉放在胸前表示旁观或不准介入,恰似中国(de)“袖手旁观”;美国人着重随意与个性,常常大大咧咧(de)坐下来或者站着时一副松松散散(de)样子,所以当某美籍外上课时坐在课桌上,中国生(de)惊讶程度就可想而知了.但在德国等欧洲国家,生活方式比较规范,人们十分注重礼仪,懒散(de)样子常被认为是粗俗和无礼(de)标记.不同文化在姿态动作上(de)这些微妙(d e)差别常常容易导致交往失当,甚至会使交际完全中断.了解这些差异并采取必要(de)补偿手段,对于人们在跨文化交际中互相理解,避免误会,对于填平文化沟壑,无疑具有十分重要(de)意义.五、面部表情人类(de)感情或欲望,在无意中形成身体行为(de)变化而表现出来,而利用面部做出(de)变化更是难计其数.相对目光而言,表情是更容易辨别对方心情、态度(de)线索.一切没有经过掩饰(de)肯定与否定、积极与消极、接纳与拒绝等表情(de)事情发生,面部表情对于交际(de)重要性是众所公认(de),但表情中(de)多种文化内涵却难以估量.二次世界大战期间,从纳粹党徒投向犹太人身上那恶毒而阴毒(de)表情里,人们可以知道犹太人当时(de)悲惨命运;从过去(de)南非白人鄙视黑人(de)视线中,我们可以了解到南非黑人当时(de)社会地位.感情(de)表达是在文化背景中习得(de),它们(de)表现因文化(de)不同而不同.汉民族在贵客来到时,笑脸相迎才合情理,而美国(de)印地安部族却大哭来迎接客人(de)到来.在某些文化中,咂嘴唇是认可(de)表示;在中国文化中,表示有滋有味;在英国文化中,表示没有滋味;在许多地中海国家,则是过分夸大痛苦和悲哀(de)标志.微笑,是最有益于人际交往(de)面部表情.白居易(de)名句“回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色”,写出了最微妙(de)表情效果.正如亚当斯所说(de),“当你微笑(de)时候,别人会更喜欢你”.笑脸不只是快乐和友好(de)表示,也能传递道歉与谅解(de)信息.在公共汽车上因急刹车而踩了别人(de)脚,微笑就等于说“对不起”.与陌生人相遇或相撞理,露出微笑是为了向对方表示自己没有敌意.服务行业(de)人脸上常带着微笑则是欢迎和友善(de)表示.东方人比较含蓄,感情不容易外露,不象西方人、尤其是拉丁语系人身上那样,可以看到七情六欲(de)展现.中国人习惯用面部来遮掩感情,而不是显露感情.中国俗语“看脸色办事”和“给人脸色难看”更将面部表情运用到了出神。
4.enter a friend’s house
I shake hands and say, “Hello, pleased to see you.”
What does it mean?Байду номын сангаас
What does it mean?
What does it mean?
What does it mean?
What does it mean?
What does it mean?
What does it mean?
What does it mean?
pull a long face
shrug one’s shoulder
Match the verbs in the box with the pictures. point shake smile wave
Listen and match the situations with the pictures.
Say what you do when you … Example: are introduced to someone. I shake hands and say, “ Pleased to meet you.”
1. meet a friend
I shake hands and say, “ Pleased to meet you.” 2. show someone the way
5.say yes
I nod my head up and down.
21 身势语中的接触行为。 .1 . 身体接触。 在人类 交际活动 中, 眼睛的信息传递是微妙的, 而握手发 出的信号却是直截了当的。在美国, ^之间的握 男 、 手是很用力的。 俄罗斯人不允许两人隔着一道门或 跨着门槛握手, 以为这样做是不吉利的。而中国人 的握手则没有什么忌讳。 异性之间握手, 如果女方 不主动伸出手来, 男性是不能去握她的手的。在阿 拉伯国家, 伸左手与人 相握, 是无礼的表现。 1 不 Z. 2 同文化中接触行为的不同含 义及应用。 通常给韩国 ^ . 递东西时, 你只要用右手即可, 下面情况例外: 为 了表示特别的尊重 ,当你给具有较高地位的人 , 例 如客户, 递东西时, 用双手递 E ——或者用右手递 东西, 但是用左手托着你的右肘。在新加坡要绅士 般地握手 , 避免用力过大, 通常男士要等女士先出 手。入座 , 双腿交叉时, 不要让你的鞋底指着某个 人。且不要用脚接触东西或者移动东西。 2 2眼神接触。 2 身势语中的眼神接触。 2. 1 俗 语 ‘ 眼睛是 灵的窗户”人 理表达与接受往 , 往与眼睛分不开。 目光的直接接触可以引起感情的 微妙交流。 人 在 际交往过程中, 与交往对象保持 目 光接触是十分必要的。 眼睛是透露人的内心世界的 最有效的途径 , 人的一切情绪 , 情感 , 和态度的变 化, 都可从眼睛里显示出来。2 2不同文化中眼神 . 2 接触的不同含义及应用。中国人或许会把强烈的、 直接的眼神接触, 误认为是有恐吓的企图或者完全 的敌意的表露。俄罗斯在谈判桌的两端 , 可以直接 凝视对方。 在丹麦在谈判桌 E 丹麦人通常会适当地 注视一 Tx'- 阿拉伯 人和拉 丁人喜 欢一直 热 情 , , l 而 h 地看着对方。 另—方面, 本人、 日 大多数中国人和东 南亚 ^ 、 却避免直视对方, 门 他f认为这是鲁莽的、有 敌意的, 甚至是威肋性 的。 2 . 3空间行为。 31 2 .身势语中的空间行为。当 人1进行交际的时候. 门 交际双方在空间所处位置的 距离具有重要的意义 ,它不仅体现交际双方的关 系、 心理状 态 , 目也 反映出 民族和文 化托 。 理 而 心 学家发现, 任何—个 ^ 需要在自己的周围有一个 自 己能 够把握 的 自我 空间 , 这个空 间的大 小会 因不 同
关键词: 非语言交际身势语不同文化不同方式Body Language on Nonverbal CommunicationAbstract“Body language”, like our verbal language, is also a part of our culture. But not all body language means the same thing in different cultures. Different people have different ways of making nonverbal communication. For example: different people have different ideas about the proper distance between people conversing; the appropriateness of physical contact varies with differen t cultures; one could draw up quite a list of “rules” about eye contact: to look or not to look; when to look and how long to look; who and who not to look at; smiles and laughter usually convey friendliness, approval, satisfaction, pleasure, joy and merriment, and, this is generally true in China as well as the English-speaking countries, however, there are situations when some Chinese will laugh that will cause negative reactions by westerners; gestures can be particularly troublesome, for a slight difference in making the gesture itself can mean something quite different from that intended, and, a wrong interpretation of a gesture can arouse quite unexpected reactions and so on. So in order to communicate effectively in a foreign language, one should know also the gestures, body movements, mannerisms and etc. that accompany a particular language. Some authorities feel that the two are dependent on each other. This is certainly true in most situations. But it is also true that in certain situations body action contradicts what is being said, just as the spoken words may mean something quite different from what body language communicates. When this occurs, one must try to get further information, or guess the meaning from the context of the situation. In a sense, all body language should be interpreted within a given context; to ignore the overall situation could be misleading. A comparative study of Chineseand American body language shows a number of similarities and diversities of body language. It shows the importance of knowing the specific gestures that go with a language. Observation shows that a truly bilingual person switches his body language at the same time he switches languages. This makes communication easier and better.Key words: nonverbal communication body language different culture different waysContents1. Introduction ……2. The necessity and importance of learning body language on nonverbal communication ……3. The concrete types and application of the body language ……3.1 Types of body language ……3.1.1 Distance between people conversing ……3.1.2 Physical contact ……3.1.3 Eye contact ……3.1.4 Smiles and laughter ……3.1.5 Gestures ……3.2 Application of the body language ……3.2.1 Greetings ……3.2.2 Signs of affection ……3.2.3 Physical contact in life ……3.3 A comparative study of Chinese and American body language ……4. Conclusion ……1. IntroductionWhen a Chinese converses with a Canadian or American friend of the opposite sex, would it be indecent to be looking at the other person?If two young friends of the same sex walk with their arms around each other‟s shoulders or hold hands, would this be regarded by English-speaking people as proper?Does nodding the head mean “yes”, and shaking the head mean “no” in all cultures?There are not questions about language, but about body language, about nonverbal communication.Nonverbal communication, composed of pictures, dresses, eye contact, spatial signals, gestures and so on, is as important as verbal communication.People communicate in many different ways. One of the most important ways, of course, is through language. Moreover, when language is written it can be completely isolated from the context in which it occurs; it can be treated as if it were an independent and self-contained process.Like all animals, people communicate by their actions as well as by the noises they make. It is a sort of biological anomaly of man—something like the giraffe‟s neck, or the pelican‟s beak—that our vocal noises have so for outgrown in importance and frequency all our other methods of signaling to one another. Language is obviously essential for human beings, but it is not the wholestory of human communication. Not by a long shot.The study of nonverbal communication should be complementary to the study of language. The understanding of one should be helpful in the further understanding of the other. Some authorities feel that the two are dependent on each other. This is certainly true in most situations. But it is also true that in certain situation body action contradicts what is being said, just as the spoken words may mean something quite different from what nonverbal communication communicates. When this occurs, one must try to get further information, or guess the meaning from the context of the situation. In a case, all nonverbal communication should be interpreted within a given context; to ignore the overall situation could be misleading.2. The necessity and importance of learning body language on nonverbal communication Although we may not realize it, when we converse with others we communicate by much more than words. By our expressions, gestures and other body movements we send messages to these around us a smile and an outstretched hand show welcome. A form is a sign of displeasure. Nodding one‟s head means agreement—“Yes”. Waving an outstretched hand with open palm is the gesture for “goodbye”. Leaning back in one‟s seat and yawning at a talk or lecture shows lack of interest, boredom. These gestures have come to be accepted in general as having the meanings mentioned, at last to Chinese and Americans. There are parts of the way in which we communicate. This “body language”, like our verbal language, is also a part of our culture.But not all body language means the same thing in different cultures. Different people have different ways of making nonverbal communication. The answers to the questions at the beginning of this chapter are all “no”. Even nodding the head may have a different meaning. To Nepalese, Sri Lankans, some Indians and some Eskimos it means not “yes”, but “no”. So in order to communicate effectively in a foreign language, one should know also the gestures, body movements, mannerisms and etc. that accompany a particular language.Body language is an important media through which people communicate with each other. It refers to the patterns of facial expressions and gestures that people use to express their feelings in communication. The specialist on body language research—Fen. Lafle. Angles, once said: "Once it was lost, a baby couldn t have grown into a normal person". It s also true to the juveniles. In school education, body language plays a positive role in cultivating the students characters.3. The concrete types and application of the body language3.1 Types of body language3.1.1 Distance between people conversingWatch an Arab and an Englishman in conversation. The Arab, showing friendliness in the manner of his people, will stand close to the Englishman. The latter will move back, watching to the Englishman. The Arab will then move forward to be closer; the Englishman will keep moving backward. By the end of the conversation, the two may be quite a distance from the conversation; the two may be quite a distance from the place where they were originally standing!Here, distance between the two is the key factor. Different people have different ideas about the proper distance between people conversing. According to studies, it seems there are four main distances in American social and business relations: intimate, personal, social, and public. Intimatedistance ranges from direct physical contact to a distance of about 45 centimeters; this is for people‟s most private relations and activities, between man and wife, for example. Personal distance is about 45—80 centimeters and is most common when friends, acquaintances and relatives converse. Social distance may be anywhere from about 1.30 meters to 3 meters; people who work together, or people doing business, as well as most of those in conversation at social gatherings tend to keep a distance is farther than any of the above and is generally for speakers in public and for teachers in classrooms.The important thing to keep in mind is that most English-speaking people do not like people to be too close. Being too far apart, of course, may be awkward, but being too close makes people uncomfortable, unless there is a reason, such as showing affection or encouraging intimacy. But that is another matter.3.1.2 Physical contactThe appropriateness of physical contact varies with different cultures. Figures from a study offer interesting insight into this matter. Pairs of individuals sitting and chatting in college shops in different places were observed for at last one hour each. The number of times that either one touched the other in that one hour was recorded, as follows: London, 0; Gainesville, Florida, 2; Pairs, 10; San Juan, Puerto Rico, 180. These figures speak for themselves. (Robinett, 1978)In English-speaking countries, physical contact is generally avoided in conversation among ordinary friends or acquaintances. Merely touching someone may cause an unpleasant reaction. If one touches another person accidentally, he/she usually utters an apology such as “Sorry, Oh, I‟m sorry, Excuse me.”In China, a common complaint of western mothers is that Chinese often fondle their babies and very small children. Such behavior—whether touching, patting, hugging or kissing—can be quite embarrassing and awkward for the mothers. They know that no harm is meant, and that such gestures are merely signs of friendliness or affection, therefore they cannot openly show their displeasure. On the other hand, such actions in their own culture would be considered rude, intrusive and offensive and could arouse a strong dislike and even repugnance. So the mothers often stand by and watch in awkward silence, with mixed emotions, even when the fondling is by Chinese friends or acquaintances.Going beyond the milder forms of touching, we shall take up the matter of hugging and embracing in public. This practice is fairly common among women in many countries. And in most of the more industrialized countries, it occurs frequently between husband and wife and close members of the family when meeting after a period of absence. Hugging and embracing among men, however, is a different matter. Among Arabs, Russians, French, and in several of the east European and Mediterranean countries, a warm hug and a kiss on the cheeks are a standard way of welcome. The same is true with some Latin Americans. In East Asia and in the English-speaking countries, though, the practice is seldom seen. A simple handshake is the custom. The story is told of what happened not long ago when the Japanese prime minister at the time, Mr. Fukuda, went to the U.S. on a state visit. When he stepped out of his car in front of the white house, he was greeted by the American president whit a “bear hug”. The prime minister was flabbergasted; others of the Japanese delegation were amazed; many Americans were surprised—it was so unusual and so unexpected. If the president had bowed low in Japanese fashion, it would have been less a surprise than to be greeted in a way so uncommon in either country!The matter of physical contact between members of the same sex in English-speaking countries is a delicate one. Once past childhood, the holding of hands, or walking with an arm around another‟s shoulder is not considered proper. The implication is homosexuality, and homosexuality generally arouses strong social disapproval in these countries.3.1.3 Eye contactEye contact is an important aspect of body language. One could draw up quite a list of “rules” about eye contact: to look or not to look; when to look and how long to look; who and who not to look at. These passages from the book Body Language (Fast, 1971) are amusing as well as informative:“Tow strangers seated across from each other in a railway dining car have the option of introducing themselves and facing a meal of inconsequential and perhaps boring talk, or ignoring each other and desperatel y trying to avoid each other‟s glance. A writer, describing such a situation in an essay, wrote, …they re-read the menu, they fool with the cutlery, they inspect their own fingernails as if seeing them for the first time. Comes the inevitable moment when glances meet, but they meet only to shoot instantly away and out the window for an intent view of the passing scene.‟ ”He points out that with people who are unfamiliar:“We must void staring at them, and yet we must also avoid ignoring them… We look at th em long enough to make it quite clear that we see them, and then we immediately look away.There are different formulas for the exchange of glances depending on where the meeting takes place. If you pass someone in the street you may eye the oncoming person till you are about eight feet apart, then you must look away as you pass. Before the eight-foot distance is reached, each will signal in which direction he will pass. This is done with a brief look in that direction. Each will veer slightly, and the pass ing is done smoothly.”In conversations with people who know each other, however, American custom demands that there should be eye contact. This applies to both the speaker and the listener. For either one not to look at the other person could imply a number of things, among which are fear, contempt, uneasiness, guilt, indifference, even in public speaking there should be plenty of eye contact. For a speaker to “burry his nose in his manuscript”, to read a speech instead of looking at and talking to hid audience, as some Chinese speakers are in the habit of doing, would be regarded as inconsiderate and disrespectful.In conversation, a person shows that he is listening by looking at the other person‟s eyes or face. If the other person is speaking at some length, the listener will occasionally make sounds like “Hmm”, “Ummm”, or nod his head to indicate his attention. If he agrees with the speaker, he may nod or smile. If he disagrees or has some reservations, he may slant his head to one side, raise an eyebrow, have a quizzical look.Staring at people or holding a glance too long is considered improper in English-speaking countries. Even when the look may be one of appreciation—as of beauty—it may make people uneasy and embarrassed. Many Americans traveling abroad find the stares of the local people irritating. They become extremely self-conscious and often end up quite indignant about the “rudeness” of the people there, not realizing that the practice may be quite common in the country and may be nothing more than curiosity. Many English-speaking people in china have heard to complain about this.“The language of the eyes”—one of the most common and ancient ways of exchanging feelings between boys and girls, men and women—is especially elaborate in the United States. Much study has been made of this: how people of the opposite sex show interest or indifference, encouragement or discouragement, approval or disapproval, affection or aversion. However, there are many differences even within the United States. Men use their eyes in different ways than women; there are differences of age, class or social status and geographical region; there are differences of ethnic background.The story is told of a teenage Puerto Rican girl in a New York high school who was taken with a number of other girls to the principal for suspected smoking. Although there was no proof of any wrongdoing and although she had a good record, the principal decided she was guilty and suspended her. “There was something sly and suspicious about her,”he said in his report. “She just wouldn‟t meet my eye. She wouldn‟t look at me.”When she was questioned by the principal it was true that she kept staring at the floor and refused to meet his eye. And in English there is a saying “Don‟t trust anyone who won‟t look at you in the eye.”It so happened that one of the teachers had a Latin American background and knew about Puerto Rican culture. After talking with the girl‟s parents, he went to the principal and explained that according to Puerto Rican culture, a good girl “does not meet the eyes of an adult.” Such behavior, he explained, “is a sign of respect and obedience.”Fortunately, the principal accepted the explanation, admitted his mistake and the matter was settled properly. This difference in interpreting a simple eye gesture was a lesson in cultural diversity that he would not easily forget.Rules about eye-language are numerous and complex. What has been mentioned gives a good idea of this; we shall not go further into detail.3.1.4 Smiles and laughterSmiles and laughter usually convey friendliness, approval, satisfaction, pleasure, joy and merriment. This is generally true in China as well as the English-speaking countries. However, there are situations when some Chinese will laugh that will cause negative reactions by westerners. To illustrate, here is an excerpt from a letter by an American to a Chinese friend on nonverbal gestures that often cause cross-cultural misunderstanding:“…One is the different meaning of laughter in China and American. When an American is parking his bicycle, for example, and the bicycle accidentally falls over, he feels embarrassed at his awkwardness, and is quite angered and humiliated when Chinese onlookers laugh. I have seen the same thing happen in the dining room, when a foreigner drops a plate quite by accident and feels badly and Chinese onlookers laugh, compounding his discomfort and causing anger and bad feeling.”Such laughter, of course, is not at the person or his misfortune—whether he be a foreigner or a Chi nese. It can convey a number of feelings: don‟t take it so seriously; laugh it off, it‟s nothing; such things can happen to any of us, etc. However, for people unaware of this attitude, the reaction to such laughter is usually quite unpleasant and often generates ill feeling towards those laughing.3.1.5 GesturesGestures can be particularly troublesome, for a slight difference in making the gesture itself can mean something quite different from that intended. A wrong interpretation of a gesture can arouse quite unexpected reactions.A well-known case is a gesture made by Winston Churchill, the doughty prime minister who led Britain through the Second World War. As he appeared before a large crowd, he was greeted with cheers and applause. The occasion was a momentous one and Churchill flashed the “V for victory” sign—with the forefinger and middle finger raised to form a “V”. Whether by mistake or ignorance, instead of facing the palm of his hand to the front, he made the “V” with the back of his hand towards the audience. Some in the crowd applauded; some gasped; some broke out in laughter. The prime minister‟s gesture, as given, meant quite something else. Instead of “V for victory”, it meant something dirty; it was an obscene gesture!3.2 Application of the body language3.2.1 GreetingsHoa has just arrived from Vietnam. Her cousin Phuong and some of his American friends are waiting at the airport to greet her. Hoa and Phuong are both excited about this meeting because they have been separated for seven years. As soon as Hoa enters the passenger terminal, Phuong introduces her to his friends Tom, Don, and Charles. Tom steps forward and hugs and kisses Hoa. She pushes him away and bursts into tears.Among Chinese from Vietnam, if a boy hugs and kisses a girl in public, he insults her. Chinese culture in Vietnam is very strict about this, especially in the rural areas where Hoa grew up. She described her village: “After children are ten years old, boys and girls cannot play together. A boy and girl cannot da te without their parents‟ approval. A man and woman cannot hug or kiss if they‟re not married.”In Hoa‟s village if anyone violated these rules, the villagers punished the girl by forcing her to kneel on the ground so they could spit at her and throw rocks at her. No wonder that Puong‟s American friends frightened Hoa. She did not know what punishment for public hugging and kissing might be meted out to her in this country. She confused Tom, who by American standards was dong the right thing.Eventually Hoa learned to be comfortable when greeted with hugs and kisses, accepting them as merely perfunctory acts.Analogous to this situation is another in which Duane, a Chinese American employee, invited his non-Chinese boss, Mr. Keck, to a large family celebration. When Mr. Keck arrived, he shook hands with Duane and, when introduced to Duane‟s grandmother, leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. This shocked the older woman, yet Mr. Keck was totally unaware that he had committed a social blunder. What he considered as a respectful act, grandmother considered disrespectful. Instead, Mr. Keck should have nodded to the older woman and offered her a verbal greeting.◆When establishing relations with Asians, avoid body contact. The safest form is to nod and give a verbal salutation. Follow their lead as the relationship changes.Like customs everywhere, increased cross-cultural interaction brings about changes in habits; many Asian businesspeople have accommodated to the American handshaking tradition. On the other hand, in a situation where it seems as if bowing would still be the only polite move tomake—especially to the Japanese—following these guidelines should make it easier.◆When bowing to people from Japan, hands should slide down toward the knees or remain at the side.◆Back and neck should be held in a rigid position, while eyes look downward.◆The person in the inferior position always bows longer and lower.Those from India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh use the namaste for both greeting and farewells and as a sign of respect. They do this by holding their hands chest-high in a prayerlike position, then slightly nod the head; but they do not bow. American students of yoga who are taught by Asian teachers become familiar with this gesture that heralds the beginning of each session. Thais have a similar greeting, but they call it a wai.While body contact is generally taboo in most Asian countries, elsewhere, body contact is expected; shying away from contact gives off negative signals.◆When greeting, people from Indian, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Thailand hold their hands together in front of their chins in a prayerlike position and nod their heads.◆When greeting, most Latinos expect body contact. Hugging and kissing on the check are acceptable for both the same sex and the opposite sex. The abrazo is commonplace—friends embrace and simultaneously pat each other on the back.◆When greeting, most middle easterners, especially Muslims, avoid body contact with the opposite sex, but men may embrace and kiss one anther. Women may do the same. When shaking hands, men should avoid pulling their hands away too quickly.◆When greeting most Americans, expect soma body contract. Women kiss once on each cheek and hug; men shake hands. Men may also hug and kiss women on the cheek if they are close friends.◆When greeting orthodox Jews, avoid body contact with the opposite sex.3.2.2 Signs of affectionSheree Bykofsky, an American writer, is thrilled when a cruise ship line purchases copies of her hew romantic travel guide, the best place to kiss in and around New York City. The cruise line plans to give the books as dinner favors during their special valentine‟s cruise.They invite Sheree on board to greet the passengers and autograph their copies. The Americans and Europeans delight in meeting the author and having her sign their books. However, when Sheree visits the tables of the Japanese passengers, most of them refuse to acknowledge her. Japanese people do not approve of public body contact and, thus, have developed a complex system of bowing to express relationships. Touching a member of the opposite sex is particularly repugnant to their sensitivities; consequently, kissing in public is considered a disgraceful act. The Japanese snubbed Sheree because the title of her book suggested behavior that did not conform to their standards of respect. They would not acknowledge her because, in their eyes, she promoted vulgarity.Asians from countries other than Japan are equally disapproving when they see American men and women or two men to walk in public holding hands. However, when they practice this sign of friendship in the states, they are frequently mistaken for homosexuals. This shocks them.Same-sex hand holding or walking arm-in-arm also occurs among Latinos, French, Spanish, Italians, Greeks, and middle easterners.◆Most Japanese people strongly disapprove of public expression of affection by males andfemales through kissing or any other form of body contact.◆Same-sex hand holding between Asians, middle-easterners, Latinos, or those from Mediterranean countries is a sign of friendship. Walking with arms on each other’s shoulders or with hands or arms linked also equates with camaraderie.3.2.3 Physical contactWhen Dorothy receives a wedding invitation to attend her Japanese neighbor‟s wedding, she is thrilled. She has always admired the Yamashita family. She is very fond of lance, the about-to-be-married son, and feels extremely close to Grace, his mother. Dorothy feels honored to be included in the family festivities.After the beautiful church ceremony, Dorothy stands in line to greet the bridal party. However, when Dorothy, a very affectionate person, steps forward to embrace the mother of the groom, Grace steps backward.Dorothy feels rejected.Even at such a joyous occasion as a wedding, Japanese customs about physical contact in public are not relaxed, even when taking place between the same sex. Truly, more formality is demonstrated in such situations. Consider the extreme reserve displayed at the 1993 royal wedding of crown prince Naruhito to Massako Owada. The physical acts of the royal couple consisted only of sipping sacred sake and making bows—no touching, no hugging, no kissing between the couple, certainly none by the wedding guests.In Dorothy‟s situation, even though she felt very close to Grace, she would have been more socially correct had she bowed her head slightly and then offered only verbal felicitations. In situations like these, it is best to observe the manner in which other wedding guests congratulate family members and then follow their example.3.3 A comparative study of Chinese and American body languageA comparative study of Chinese and American body language shows a number of similarities; for example: men don‟t hug or embrace when meeting; a handshake is the most common gesture that goes with a greeting; waving a hand to say “goodbye” is the same; a frown shows displeasure, and the wrinkling of one‟s nose is a sign of dislike, disgust or disapproval; nodding means “yes”, and shaking one‟s head means “no”; pouting has the same meaning—displeasure, bad humor, resentment; a pat on the back of a man or boy indicates approval, praise, encouragement; gritting one‟s teeth may express anger, fury, or determination.The charts on the following pages provide examples of some of the difference:Different Body Language, Same MeaningMeaning Body Language in China Body Language in U.S.“Come here” (beckoning someone to come) hand extended toward person,open palm, palm down, withall fingers crooked in a beckoning motion hand extended toward person,closed hand, palm up, with forefinger only moving backand forth (in china this samegesture would be consideredoffensive by many)“Shame on you!” (semi-joking gesture) forefinger of one hand extended, tip touches one‟s own face several times quickly; similar to scratching,but with the forefinger straight (usually with the remark “shame on you!”) forefinger of each hand extended, palms down in front of one‟s body;。
身势语(Body language)又称为肢体语言。
一些美国人常用的身势语桂萍身势语(the body language)指各种手势、姿势和身势(signs, signals and gestures)。
1.shake someone's hand握某人的手。
2.wave one's hand挥手。
3.raise one's hand举手。
4.hold someone's hand拉着某人的手。
5.shake one's fist (at someone) (向某人)挥拳头。
6.wring one's hand扭着手,搓着手。
7.clench one's fists紧握拳头。
8.slap someone on the back拍某人的后背。
9.give someone a pat on the back/pat someone on the back轻拍某人的后背。
关于身势语的英语小短文English:Body language, or nonverbal communication, plays a crucial role in how we interact with others. It includes gestures, facial expressions, posture, and even the tone of our voice. Body language can convey a multitude of emotions and intentions, often without us even realizing it. For example, crossing one's arms can signal defensiveness or a closed-off attitude, while maintaining eye contact can indicate attention and interest. Understanding and being aware of body language can greatly enhance our communication skills and help us to better understand the feelings and intentions of those around us. It also allows us to convey our own emotions and intentions more effectively, as sometimes our nonverbal cues speak louder than words.中文翻译:身势语,也就是非语言交流,在我们与他人互动中扮演着至关重要的角色。
身势语(Body Language)
身势语(Body Language)bd language is used b peple fr sending essages t ne anther it is ver useful beause it an help u ae urself easil understd hen u are taling ith thers,u are nt ust using rds, but als using expressins and gestures fr exaple, aving ne’s han d is t sa gd-be a sile and handshae sh ele, and lapping hands eans ngratulatins ndding the head eans agreeent, but shaing the head eans disagreeent the gestures are aepted bth b hinese and freigners as having the sae eaningsdifferent untries have different bd language fr exaple, en in russia, frane and arab untries iss eah ther hen the eet, but en in hina r australia shae hands instead f issing peple in puert ri lie tuhing eah ther, but peple fr english speaing untries d nt tuth eah ther if u tuh an english persn, u shuld sa srr’ peple in arab untries lie standing lse t ne anther hen the are taling, but english peple ust eep a distane aa hen the are taling in se asian untries, u ust nt tuh the head f anther persn in arab untries, u eat using the fingers f ur right land;the left hand is nt used at all in parts f asia u ust nt sit ith ur feet pinting at anther persnhen u use a freign language, it is ver iprtant t n the eanings f gestures and veents in the freign untr flling the usts ill help u uniate ith peple and ae ur sta there uh re pleasant and frtable身势语英语作文译文:身势语是用来帮人们传递信息的,身势语非常有用,因为它可以使对方很容易地明白你自己的意思。
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So Called (所谓的)
所谓“兔耳手势 ,英文名叫: finger quote-mark gesture 手势做法:抬起双手至头两侧,伸 出中指和食指并弯曲两下。
It is quoted from “Gone With the Wind”.引用
这个手势通常用在你跟别人解释某 个不是十分常用的词语,或者某个 普通的词语在一个的定的情景下有 了不同的意思的时候。就相当于在 书面的表达时的“引号”,表示反 意、讽刺、重点等 。
consonants phonemes vowel
Sound changes
strong and weak forms liaison incomplete plosion elision English rhythm stress intonation
其他地区:虽然几乎全球都以 握手为欢迎对方的方式,但日 本人仍然喜欢向对方鞠躬致意 (但不久将迎合西方人的习俗 ,也用握手致意)。东南亚人 是两掌在胸前对合作祈祷状。 中东人和许多东方人在握手时 ,往往轻轻握一下,那是因为 在他们的文化里,紧紧握手意 味着挑衅。
“o” and “v”(276)
美国:北美人向漂亮女人吹口哨,但也在运动场上作为喝彩的形式, 或者在一场杰出的演出,又拍手又吹口哨。在这些场合,吹口哨都表 示赞扬。 其他地区:然而,在全欧洲,在这种公共场合下,吹口哨表示的意思 恰恰相反,它表示不赞成,反对,甚至嘲笑。
Facial expression 目光解除与凝视 Give sb. the eye/Make eye to sb. Wink at sb. I am joking. (274-275) Give sb. a hug Shrug one’s shoulder. I don’t know. I don’t care. I don’t give a damn. It is not my business. It is just so so.
-come -smile(268) -green cap Ireland national day
Some popular gestures In western countries
Shake hands a. Greeting (left hand and right hand 278) b. Foreign affairs c. Business negotiation d. Congratulations e. Make a bet “ Let’s shake on it”
第10周左右期中测试(口语测试) 期末考试分数比例与上学期相同 期末考试(口笔试)
Non-verbal Communication
Intercultural Communication
Signals 姿势
Signs 手势
Gestures 身势
Different nation or region has the different meaning in body language. It is possible to be the same gesture but various meanings.
When you make this gesture, you can also say “For shame!” or “Shame on you!" at the same time.
I Love You (我爱你)
This gesture consists of three parts:
在美国,表示“同意”、“顺利”、 “很好”的意思;在法国,表示 “零”,或表示某件事情不值一提, 也表示自己的不赞成
在巴西, 是粗俗下流动 在日本,则表示“钱”; 在泰国,它表示“没问题”; 在突尼斯:表示傻瓜 作。而在中东等地区,这种 手势则象征 同性恋 。
Hands up a. “Hands up and don’t move” b. calm down Cross one’s finger. Keep one’s finger crossed. God bless you . Good luck. Thumb a ride Thumbs up Yes, you are right. That’s terrific Thumbs down No, that’s not true.
Special signs in China(280) 用食指指自己的鼻子 两只手递东西 倒茶或斟酒时把手放在杯子边 拇指或食指向中间靠拢
《文化与交际》外语教学与研究出版社胡文仲 《语言与文化》上海外语教育出版社 顾嘉祖 《跨文化交际研究:与英美人交往指南》 福建人民出版社 林大津 《与英美人交往的习俗和语言》 上海外语教育出版社 《跨文化交流学》关世杰
For Shame (羞羞羞)
When your friend made a mistake or caused embarrassment, you can do this.
伸出你的两根食指,然后一只食指 反复在另一只食指上来回的刷。现 在这个动作只在开玩笑的时候才会 用到,所以千万不要在正式场合使 用哦。
Stretch out the index finger means “I” Stretch out the index finger and thumb means ”l” (LOVE). Stretch out the thumb and little finger means “Y”(YOU).
表示说谎话: 用手遮嘴巴 摸眼睛下部 拽领口
吐舌头 坐的不同 “坐如钟,站如松” relaxed way (281)WWII
走 日本女人步子碎而小 (谦恭) 美国人步子大 身体接触 接触文化 阿拉伯 拉美 非洲国家 不接触文化 欧洲 北美 亚洲 同性 与异性的接触,舞会上同性舞伴 对孩子的接触
snap one’s finger a. call for waiter b. It’s easy. --Can you pass me the bottle of ink? --That’s a snap. Easy as a pie. As easy as cake.
I am full.
In China
In America
Make a long nose With folded arms. It is none of my business. Tap the finger. Impatient Thief He has sticky fingers. cup one’s ear I am sorry. I can’t catch you.
Palm facing out with the index and middle fingers displayed in the shape of a “V”.
"Victory" or "peace."
其他地区:然而,注意,在英国,如果你伸出食指和中指形成 V字形,手掌向着自己的脸,这等于示意“他妈的”.
手势名称:数字手势 手势含义:表示1-10的简单数字 手势做法:该多大数,出多少手指
Pretty woman, cheering at sporting events, applauding performances. Throughout Europe, whistling at public events is a signal of disapproval, even derision.