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1.avoid vi.避免;消除;无效

【商务用语】avoid creditor 避债

【例句】It is hard to avoid mistakes.


2.avoidance n.避免;无效

【商务用语】international tax avoidance 国际逃税

tax avoidance (合法)避税

avoidance of policy 保单失效

avoidance of the contract 合同废止

3.awkward adj.不熟练的;笨拙的;难应付的;危险的

【相关词组】an awkward question 棘手问题

in an awkward situation 处境困难

awkward squad 一群没有经验的人

awkward time 不方便的时间

4.axe n.斧头 vt.&n. (经费)大削减;裁员

【商务用语】get the axe 砍掉;削减(计划或人员)

【例句】Three people in this company were axed last Thursday.


5.backbone n.骨干,支柱

【例句】The older employees are the backbone of the industry.


6.backdate vt.追溯到,回溯

【例句】The increase in pay agreed in June will be backdated to January. 六月达成加薪协议,加薪将追溯至一月算起。

7.backing n.援助;发行钞票的资金;发行证券准备

【商务用语】financial backing 财政援助

【例句】The plan for a new hospital has plenty of government backing. 新建医院的计划得到政府的大量援助。

8.backlog n.积压而未交付的订货;尚未用完的拨款

【商务用语】backlog document 积压文件

backlog order 未交货的订货总额

【例句】There is a backlog of orders because of the strike.


9.backup n.备份;复写

【相关词组】backup station 备用工位

backup aid 备用辅助设备

10.bail n.保释金;保证人;担保

【商务用语】bail bond 保释保证书

bail-out 以优先股发给股东作为红利之行为

1.balloon n.分期付款中最后一笔特大数;货款偿还计划;漂浮式偿付款;股票上涨【商务用语】balloon payment 分期付款中最后一笔较大金额的付款balloon maturity 全部或大部分债券或欠款的到期日

2.ballyhoo n.招徕生意的广告 vi.大肆宣传 vt.(为...)大吹大擂

【例句】Do not ballyhoo the public with false advertising.


3.bankable adj.银行可承兑的

【商务用语】bankable funds 银行可承兑的资金

bankable project 可由银行担保的项目

4.banker n.银行家

【商务用语】 banker bill 银行对外国银行开出的汇票

a banker clearing house 票据交换所

investment banker 投资银行家

banker capitalism 银行资本主义

5.banking n.银行业;银行业务;银行学;金融

【商务用语】investment banking 投资银行业务,投资银行学

banking centre 金融中心

offshore banking 境外银行业务

trust banking 信托银行业务

6.banner n.横幅,标语 adj.特别好的;杰出的

【相关词组】banner headline 头号大标题

【例句】This is a banner year for the company.


7.banquet n.宴会,酒席 vt.设宴招待 vi.参加宴会

【商务用语】a regular banquet 豪华的酒席

a lucullian banquet 豪华的酒宴

【例句】They banqueted royally when she became the director of the company. 当她就任这家经理时,他们为她举行了盛大宴会。

8.bargain n.契约;便宜货;议价 vt.讨价还价后卖掉;交易;商定价格

【商务用语】firm bargain 实盘交易

forward bargain 期货交易

great bargain 廉价货物

price bargain 讨价还价

【例句】We finally reached a bargain with the antique dealer over the lamp. 我们最后和古董商谈好了照明灯的价格。
