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fortitude, unselfishness, etc.; the display of such


Heroism is the self-devotion of genius manifesting

itself in action. --Hare.

Syn: {Heroism}, {Courage}, {Fortitude}, {Bravery}, {Valor},

{Intrepidity}, {Gallantry}.

Usage: Courage is generic, denoting fearlessness or defiance

of danger; fortitude is passive courage, the habit of

bearing up nobly under trials, danger, and sufferings;

bravery is courage displayed in daring acts; valor is

courage in battle or other conflicts with living

opponents; intrepidity is firm courage, which shrinks

not amid the most appalling dangers; gallantry is

adventurous courage, dashing into the thickest of the

fight. Heroism may call into exercise all these

modifications of courage. It is a contempt of danger,

not from ignorance or inconsiderate levity, but from a

noble devotion to some great cause, and a just

confidence of being able to meet danger in the spirit

of such a cause. Cf. {Courage}.

2.Divide the class into 5 groups with at least 5 ss. One of them acts as a host, the others

act as host to discuss the topic heroes and heroism.


a.each group has a host who should keep the talk show be logical and also he or she

can have some opinion on what the others’ talk about;

b.each member should have a profession, that is to say, their opinion on heroes and

heroism should be put up within the field of profession.

c.20min discussion.

Teaching reflection: (教学反思: 由任课教师自己填写,重点说明本单元教学中存在的问题和改进意见)




Ⅰ. Time Allotment

Warming up 15’

Text one 20’

Expression learning 25’

Talking about t he differences bwtween women and men 30’

Comparing and contrasting 20’

Group discussion and `presentation 55’

International Women's Day 15’

Ⅱ.Teaching Procedure

ⅰ. Warming Up 15’

1. look at the following pictures and explain what they are about.

The reacher will give students five minutes to discuss with their partners. Then they can have their own ideas about these pictures. Then they should think about the questions:

①what is the most important thing to women for gaining equal position with men?

②What should women do to enhance their social positon?

ⅱ. Text one 20’

First, the students will read the dialogues by themselves to talk about the family assiganment between women and men with the question whether they have equal division of work.

Second, listen to the recording of the dialogues to correct their pronunciation and intonation.

Third, the teacher will point the important language points:

Phrases: by no means

do the washing up

not really

be responsible for

now that

sentence pattern: Who did what in your house?
