

3Leabharlann 18capability能力
universal assumptions
【高考词汇】常用前缀13 上海初高中教学

【高考词汇】常用前缀13 上海初高中教学常用前缀是构成单词的一个重要元素,通过在词的前面加上不同的前缀,可以改变单词的意义,并丰富词汇。
下面是关于常用前缀的具体介绍:1.无意义前缀:- a-, an-:表示"无,不",如:atypical(非典型的),anonymous(匿名的)。
- dis-:表示"不,否定",如:disagree(不同意),disbelief (不信)。
- in-, im-:表示"不,无",如:inaccurate(不准确的),immaterial(无关紧要的)。
- il-, ir-:表示"不,无",如:illegal(非法的),irresponsible(不负责任的)。
- un-:表示"不,无",如:unhappy(不开心的),unfinished (未完成的)。
2.位置与程度前缀:- pre-:表示"之前,在前",如:pretest(预测),prepaid(预付)。
- post-:表示"之后,在后",如:postpone(推迟),postwar (战后的)。
- sub-:表示"在下面,在...之下",如:subway(地铁),submarine(潜艇)。
- super-:表示"在上面,在...之上",如:superior(优越的),supermarket(超市)。
- over-:表示"过度,超过",如:overcome(克服),overweight(超重的)。
- under-:表示"不足,不到",如:underdeveloped(欠发达的),underground(地下的)。

2018 年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试高考英语词汇手册(上海版)纯手打字母 AP1.art. 一 (个、种、份);(同类事物中的)任何一 (个 );每 (个 );某一 (个 )(不定冠词 ,般用于读音以辅音音素起首的词前)vt. 放弃 ;丢弃 ;离弃 ;遗弃 ;抛弃n.能力 ;本领adj.能够的;能力出众的;聪明能干的adj.反常的;异常的adv.在船(或飞机、车等)上 ;上船 ,登机 ;上车prep. 在 (船、飞机、车)上prep. 关于 ;在., .周围 ;在.· ·各处adv.在四周;到处prep. 在.的上方 ;多于 ;大于 ;高于 ,优于 ;超乎·之所及;不受. .,之影响 ;不屑于adv.在(或向)上面adv. 到国外 ;在国外 7n.不在 ,缺席 ;缺乏 ,不存在P2.adj.不在场,缺席的,缺乏的adj.完全的;不容置疑的;绝对的.vt. 吸收;吸引的注意,使全神贯注adi.抽象的n.摘要 ,梗概adj.学校的;学术的;普通文化课的n.重音 ;口音 ,腔调v.接受 ;认可n.接近 (或进入 )的机会 ;享用权 ;通道 ;入口vt. 接近 ;进入n.意外事情 ;事故vt. 向提供住处 (或膳宿 );容纳n.〈英〉 ~, 〈美 )〉 ~s 〕住处 ;膳宿 ;方便设施vt. 陪伴 ,陪同 ;为伴奏 (或唱 );伴随vi.伴奏 ,伴唱vt. 达到 ;完成 ;实现按照 ;根据n.记述 ,述 ;理由 ;解释 ;账 ( 目),账户vi.报账 ;提出理由 (for)P3.n 会计人员adj.准确的;精确的;正确无误的指控;指责vt. 使习惯于adi.适应了的,习惯的vi,n.疼痛vt. 完成 ,实现 ;达到 ;得到n.成就 ;成绩adi.n. 酸的 ;〔化〕酸vt. 承认 ;告知 (或确认 )(信件等的 )收到 ;对·表示感谢vt. 取得 ,获得 ;学到prep. 穿过 ,, ;越过 ., ;在的对面 ,在另一边adv. 从一边到另一边vi.行动 ;做事 ;表演 ;起作用 ;担当vt. 扮演 (角色 )n.行为 ,行动 ;法令 ;法案 ;(戏)幕n.行动adj.积极的;活跃的;勤奋的n.活动n.男演员n.女演员adj.实际的,事实上的,真实的v.(使 )适应 ,(使 )适合 ;改编 ;改写P4v.加;添加;进一步说(或写)合计达vt. 使沉溺 ,使入迷 ;使成瘾n.入迷的人 ;有瘾的人n.加 ;增加的人 (或物 )adj. 附加的 ;额外的n.演说 ,讲话 ;地址 ,住址Vt.对发表演说;在(信封等)上写姓名地址;对付;处理adj.足够的;适当的v.调整 ,调节n.管理 ;经营 ;支配vt. 赞赏 ;钦佩n.准许进入 ;入场费 ;入场券 ;录用vt. 准许 .,·进入、加入;承认n. ( 尤指 16 岁以下的 )青少年adj.青春期的;青少年的vt. 采纳 ;通过 ,批准 ;收养n.成年人adj. 成年的vi.前进 ,向前移动vt. 使向前移动 ;促进n.前进 ;进展adj.在前面的;先进的;高级的P5 、n.有利条件 (或因素 );优势vt. 有利于;使处于有利地位利用n.冒险 (性 );冒险活动 ,冒险经历 ;激动人心的活动 (或经历 );奇遇v.(使 )冒险 ;担风险v.为做广告 ,登广告n.广告n.( 口)广告n.劝告 ;忠告 ;意见vt. 劝告 ;建议vt. 拥护 ;提倡 ;主n.拥护者 ;提倡者 ;辩护者n.〈英 )飞机n.事情 ,事件 ;[~s) 事务vt. 影响 ;(在感情方面 )打动 ,震动 ;(疾病 )侵袭n.影响 ;疾病 ;慈爱 ;喜爱 ;感情vt. 买得起 ;担负得起 ;提供adj.怕的,害怕的;(口〉恐怕;遗憾的prep, conj.在以后n.下午 ;午后adv.后来,以后adv.再一次;又;另外P6prep. (反 )对;对着;以为抵御对象;以为竞争对手;为做准备、防备;紧靠着 ;以为背景、衬托n.年龄 ;时代 ;老,老v.(使 )变老 ,显老adi. ( 年 )老的 ;旧的 ;岁的n.代理行 ;代理n.代理人 ;代理商adj.侵犯的,侵略的;积极进取的adv.以前v.表示同意 ;持相同意见 ;达成协议 ;相符adj.令人愉快的;惬意的n.农业 ;农艺adv.在前面;向前n.帮助 ;援助 ;辅助物v.帮助n.艾滋病vt. 把瞄准 ,把对准 (at); 使旨在 (at)vi.瞄准 ;目的在于 ,旨在 (at)n. 瞄准 ;目的 ,目标n.空气 ;气氛 ;空中 ;神态 ;飞机;航空P7adj. 装有空调设备的(单复同〕 n. 飞机 ;飞艇 ;航空器n.( 飞机 )航线 ;([常作 ~s)] 航空公司adj. ( 飞机 )航线的 ;航空公司的n.航空n.机场n.惊恐 ;警报 ;(闹钟的 )闹铃vt. 使惊恐 ;向 ,,,报警n.( 照相本、集邮本等 )集纳簿一套 (激光 )唱片 ,唱片集n.含酒精的饮料 ;酒 ;酒精 ,乙醇adj. 警觉的 ,警惕的vt. 向·报警;使警觉 ,使警惕n.警戒 (状态 ),戒备 (状态)adv. 样地 ;相似地adj. 〔一般作表语〕同样的 ;相像的adj. 活着的 ;在世的 ;有活力的adj. 全部的 ;一切的 ,所有的pron.全体;(整体中的)每个;一切n.所有的一切vt. 允许 ,准许 ;承认adv.几乎,差不多adj. 仅(用于名词或代词后 );单独的 ;唯一的adv.单独地;独自地P8. prep.沿着adv.向前;一道,一起adv.在旁边prep.在旁边;沿着的边adv.大声地;出声地n.字母表adv. 已经adv.而且(也),(此外)还v.改变 ;(使 )变样adj. 供选择的n.两者 (或在两者以上之间 )择一 ,抉择 ;供选择的东西;供替代的抉择conj.虽然,尽管adv.总共;全部地;完全adv.总是上午n.业余爱好者adj. 业余爱好的vt. 使惊异 ,使大为惊奇n.强烈欲望 ;志向n.救护车prep.在中间,在之中n.数量 ;总数vi.合计 ,共计 ;等同 ;接近 (to)vt. 逗乐 ,逗笑 ;给提供娱乐(消遣)P9art. 一 (个、种、份);(同类事)任物何中一的(个);每一(个);某一(个)(不定冠词,一般用于读音以元音音素起首的词前)n.分析vt. 分析n.祖先adi. 古代的n.古代人conj.和n.怒;愤怒vt. 使发怒 ,激怒n.角度adj. 发怒的 ,生气的n.动物n.脚踝n.周年纪念 (日)adj. 周年的 ;每年的vt. 宣布 ;宣告n.宣布 ,宣告 ;通告 ,布告n.宣告者 ;电 (视)台的节目报告员vt. 使恼怒 ;使烦恼 ;打扰adj. 每年的n.年刊P10adj. 另一的 ;再一个 (或一批 )的pron. 又一个 ,再一个v., n. 回答 ;答复 ;对作出反应,响应n.蚂蚁n.防止 (环境 )污染n.焦虑 ,忧虑 ;渴望 ;挂念adj. 焦虑的 ;急切的 ;渴望的adj, pron.任一的;一些pron.任何人adv.不管怎么说;无论如何adv.而今再也pron.任何人pron.任何事情;任何东西adv.无论如何;不管怎么说adv. 在(或往 )任何地方adv. 成零碎 ;相间隔 ;(留置 )于一旁n.一套公寓房间 ;〈美〉公寓大楼n.类人猿 ;模仿者vt. 模仿vi.道歉 ,认错n.道歉 ,认错adj. 显然的vi.呼吁 ;上诉 ,申诉 ;有吸引力n.呼吁 ;上诉 ,申诉 ;吸引力vi.出现 ;变得明显 ;看来好像P11n.出现;外观;外表n.食欲 ;欲望 (for); 爱好 ;趣味 for)vt. 向·鼓掌vi.鼓掌n.鼓掌 ;喝彩n.苹果n.器具n.申请人n.应用 ;申请 (表)vt. 应用 ;涂 ;敷;把·施(用)于;使(自己 )致力于vi.申请 ;适用vt. 任命 ,委派 ;约定vt. 为表示感激 ;重视 ;赏识 ,欣赏n.感激 ;重视 ;赏识 ,欣赏v.接近 ;临近n.接近 ;入门 ;途径 ;(处理问题的 )方式 ,方法adj. 合适的 ,适当的vt. 批准 ;赞成vi.赞成adv.估计;近似n.建筑师 ;设计师n.建筑学 ;建筑式样 ;建筑工程P12adj. 〔常作 A- 〕北极的n.〔常作 A- 〕北极 ,北极圈n.地区 ;领域 ;面积v.争辩,争论 ;(坚决 )主 ,认为n.争论 ,辩论 ;论据 ,论点vi.起立 ,起身 ;上升 ;产生 ;出现n.计算 ;算术n.臂;前肢n.( 一件 )武器 ;(~s 〔总称〕武器 ,军火vt. 以武器装备 ;配备n.军队 ;陆军 ;大群prep.在四周;环绕adv., 在周围 ;大约. vt. 唤醒 ;引起vi.醒来v.安排 ;整理vt,n.拘捕,逮捕n.到达 ;到来vi.到达 ;到来n.箭;箭头符号n.美术 ;艺术 ;(一门 )人文科学 ;〔~s 〕文科adj. 美术 (品 )的;艺术 (品)的n.文章 ;物品rtificial/a:trfr 「al/n.人工的 ,人造的n.艺术家 ;画家P13conj. ( 表示时间 )当的时候;(表示比较 )像一样prep.作为n.灰;[-es) 灰烬adv. 在旁边 ;到(或向 )一边v.问;请求 ,要求询问 ,打听要 ,要求adj. 睡着的. n.方面n.阿司匹林 (药片 )v. 集合 ;召集 ;装配vi.对·进行估价;评价 ,评论vt. 分配 ;布置 (作业 );指派v.协助 ,帮助n.助手 ,助理vt. 使结合在一起 ;使有联系n.联合 ,联盟 ;协会 ,社团vt. 假定 ;承担vt. 使 (某人 )确信 ;确保vt. 使惊讶n.宇航员 ;航天员prep. 在 , (里上、旁、时刻 )n.运动员 ;〈英〉田径运动员P14adj. 运动员的,运动的adj. 大西洋的n.大气 ;气氛n.原子vt. 连接 ;使依附vi.附属. vt,n. 攻击 ,进攻 ;侵害vt, n.企图;试图;尝试v.出席 ,参加 ;护理 ;照料n.注意 ;注意力 ;照料n.态度 ,看法vt. 吸引 ;引起n.听众 ;观众adj. 视听的n.姨;姑;婶母 ;舅母n.著作者n. 权力 ,权威 ;职权 ;[authorities]当局,官方n.汽车 ( automobileubil/的缩略adj. 自动的n.秋;秋季adj. 可获得的 ;可利用的 ;可取得联系的n.林荫道 :大衔P15adj. 中等的;平常的;平均的n.平均数 ;平均 ;一般水平 ,中等水平vt. 算出,,的平均;平数均做(或得到、生产、分担等) vi.平均数为vt. 避免.v.等候 ;等待 (处理 ) adj. 醒着的vi.醒 ;觉醒vt. 唤醒 ;使觉醒vt. 唤醒vt. 授予 (奖品等 )n.奖;奖品;奖状adj. 意识到的 ;知道的 (of,that)adv.向远处;离开;向另一方向;向一边adj. 可怕的 ;不舒服的 ;(口 )非常的 ;极坏的adj. 笨拙的 ;使用不便的 ;难处理的Bn.婴儿 ;幼畜 ;幼兽n.单身男子 ;(亦作 B-) 学士 ,学士学位。

抗焦虑的automatic 自动的;autosave自动保存;autobiography 自传bilateral双方的;bilingual两种语言的cooperate合作;co-author合著者;coexist 共存immigrate移民到…;import进口,输入;imprison入狱interaction相互作用;interweave交织;interpersonal人际关系的maltreat虐待;malnutrition营养不良;malministration 管理不善m icroscope显微镜;microwave微波;microbiology微生物学multimedia多媒体的;multifunctional多功能的;multilateral多边的nonsense废话;non-stop直达的;non-fiction纪实文学outnumber在数量上超过;outgrow长得比…快;outsmart 比…更聪明;outdoor户外的;outward向外的postgraduate研究生;post-war战后的;post-reading读后活动preheat预热;pre-war战前的;prec aution预防;predetermine预定reapply再申请;retell复述;reprint重印;recollect回忆semicircular半圆形的; semi-final半决赛submarine潜水艇;substand ard低于标准的;sub-z ero零度以下的;subtropical亚热带的;subdepartment分部super-rich极富有的;superhuman超出常人的;superhero超级英雄telescope望远镜;teletext图文电视;telesales电话销售;横跨;超越;变化,转移transcontinental横跨大陆的;transnat ional 跨越国界的;transnormal 超出常规的;transplant移植;transform转变unconsciously 无意识地;untruth谬误;unlock开锁underground 地下的;地铁;undergraduate大学生;underdeveloped不发达的;underestimate低估;undercooked未煮熟的vice- 副的vice-chairman副主席;vice president副总统。

上海高考英语词汇手册词组双向默写A1.abandon sb. to sth.2.have the/an ability to do sth.3.be able/unable to do sth.4.what/how about5.in one’s absence/ in the absence of6.be absent from7.absent-minded8.be absorbed in9.have access to10.be accessible to sb.11.by accident/ chance12.according to13.take…into account14.on account of15.on no account16.account for17.accuse sb. of18.be/get accustomed to19.make great achievements in20.act as21.act on/upon22.take action23.be active in24.take an active part in25.adapt… to…26.add…to…27.add up28.add up to29.in addition30.in addition to31.adjust...to...32.admire sb. for33.admit…to/into…34.admit doing/having done35.in advance36.take (full) advantage of37.advertise for38.take/follow one’s advice39.advise doing40.advise sb. to do 41.can/can’t afford sth./ to do42.be afraid of43.be afraid to do44.be after45.again and again46.be against47.for ages48.under the age of49.travel agency50.agree to51.agree with52.agree on53.agree to do54.reach an agreement55.ahead of56.go aheade/go/run to one’s aid58.first aids59.aim at/to do60.on the air61.by air62.all over63.in all64.at all65.above all66.after all67.first of all68.all in all69.for all70.allow doing71.allow sb. to do72.leave...alone73.along with74.be amazed at/to do/that75. a large/small amount of76.and so on77.be angry at/to do/that78.be annoyed at sth./with sb.79.answer (n.) to the question80.answer for81.be anxious about82.be anxious for/to do/that83.anything but84.nothing but85.apart from86.apologize to sb. for87.make an apology to sb. for88.appeal to89.It appears that90.appear to do91.have no appetite for sth.92.apply to ... for...93.apply... to...94.make an appointment with sb.95.appreciate doing96.I would appreciate it if youcould/would97.approach (n.) to sth.98.approve of99.argue with sb. about/over100.arise from101.arm in arm102.in arms103.arrange for ... to do104.make arrangements for105.under arrest106.on one's arrival at/in sp.107.arrive at108.arrive in109.as... as...110.not as/so... as...111.just as112.as for113.as to114.as if/though115.be ashamed of/to do/that116.ask about117.ask for118.ask after119.fall asleep120.fast/sound asleep121.in all aspects122.assign sb. to do123.assist sb. in sth.124.associate ... with ...125.assure sb. that/of sth. 126.be astonished at/to do/that127.attach...to...128.attempt to do129.make an attempt130.attend to131.pay attention to132.draw one's attention to133.attitude to/towards134.attract sb. to135.tourist attractioa large/small audience 136.be available to sb.137.on average138.avoid doing139.wide awake140.award sb. for141.be (fully/well) aware of sth/that142.away fromB1.baby-sitter2.back up3.at the back of4.behind one’s back5.be bad for6.keep the balance of7.lose/upset/disturb/destroy the balanceof8.ban...from doing9.snack bar10.the barber’s11.barely...when...12.barrier to13.base...on...14.on the basis of15.have/take a bath16.bathing suit17.be about to do18.be going to do19.be to do20.can’t bear/stand doing/to do21.bear/keep sth. in mind22.be born in23.because of24.go to bed25.be in bed26.before long27.long before28.It won’t be long before...29.begin with30.at the beginning of31.behave oneself32.leave behind33.fall behind in34.human beinge into being36.beyond one’s means37.big game38.be bound to do39.at birth40.give birth to41. a bit42.not a bit43.bit by bit44.do one’s bit45.blame sb. for sth.46.blame sth. on sb.47.be to blame for48.be blind to49.notice board50.on board51.booking office52.be bored with53.be born with54.borrow...from...55.at the bottom of56.break away from57.break down58.break into59.break in60.break out61.break up62.out of breath63.in brief64.fire brigade65.bring about66.bring out67.browse through68.build up 69.bump into70.burst out doing71.burst into sth.72.on business73.business hour74.be busy doing75.be busy with sth.C1.pocket calculator2.call on sb.3.call at sp.4.call for5.call in6.calm down7.camping trip8.on campus9.be capable of10.care for11.care about12.take care13.take care of14.be careful of/with15.carry out16.carry on17.in case (conj.)18.in case of (prep.)19.in any case20.in no case21.in many/some/most cases22.in this/that case23.be the case24.catch up with25.cause...to do26.make certain27.make certain of/about28.by chance29.chances are that(+从句)30.change...into31.in charge of32.in the charge of33.take charge of34.free of charge35.charge sb. for36.on charge37.charge sb. with sth.38.live on charity39.check in40.check out41.cheer up42.in chief43.choose sb. as44.choose to do45.at Christmas46.go to church47.go to the church48.in/under no circumstances49.in/under the circumstances50.claim to do51.in class52.in the class53.clear up54.be clever at55.close to56.zip codebine...with...e one to oneself60.when it comes to61.have a good command ofment on/aboutmit a crime64.in commonmunicate...with...municate...to...67.the Communist Party of Chinapare...with...pare...to...70.in/by comparison withpete for sth.pete against/with sb.plain about sth.plain to sb.75.make a complaint76.be composed of77.conceal...from sb.78.concentrate on79.be concerned about 80.be concerned with81.draw/come to/reach/get to a conclusion82.on condition that83.in good/poor condition84.confess to doing85.have confidence in86.be confident of87.congratulate sb. on sth.88.connect...with...89. a clear conscience90.be conscious of91.consider doing92.consider...(as)...93.consider...to do...94.consist of95.consist in96.make/lose contact with97.be content with98.the Continent99.contrary to100.on the contrary101.in contrast to/with102.by contrast103.contribute to104.make contributions to105.be in control of106.out of control107.have/bring/get...under control108.convey...to...109.convince sb. of sth.110.cope with111.in the corner112.at/on the corner113.at the cost of114.count on115.count down116.a couple of117.in the course of118.of course119.be covered with120.be crazy about121.credit card122.crime rate123.cross talk124.the Red Cross125.be crowded with126.cure sb. of sth.127.be curious about128.cut down129.cut in130.cut outD1.in/out of danger2.out of date3.date back to4.at dawn5.to this day6.how to deal with7. a good/great deal of8.decide to do9.make a decision10.define...as...11.to some degree12.delay doing13.demand to do14.demand that15.the dentist’s16.deny doing17.depart from18.depend on/upon19.it all depends20.be dependent on/upon21.describe...as...22.beyond description23.in detail24.be determined to do25.devote...to...26.die of27.die from28.be on a diet29.differ from30.make no/little difference31.much much difference32.be different from33.have difficulty (in) doing34.have difficulty with sth.35.with/without difficulty 36.in all directions37.to one’s disadvantage38.disapprove of39.discourage sb. from doing40.on display41.in the distance42.at a distance43.be distinct from44.divide...into...45.what to do with46.be down with47.dozens of48. a drain on49.dream of/about50.be dressed up51.be dressed in52.dress sb.53.drive sb. mad54.drop in on sb.55.drop in at sp.56.drop off57.drop out58.due to59.at dusk60.on/off duty61.duty-freeE1.each other2.be eager for3.go in one ear and out the other4.on earth5.at ease6.with ease7.take it easy8.economy class9.on the edge of10.have an effect on11.take effect12.make effort13.spare no effort14.either...or...15.elder brother16.electric light17.elementary school18.put/lay/place an emphasis on19.be employed in20.employ sb. in sth.21.be empty of22.enable sb. to do23.encourage sb. to do24.end up in25.put an end toe to an end27.make an end of28.make both ends meet29.at the end of30.in the end31.be engaged to sb.32.be engaged in sth.33.engage sb. in sth.34.English Evening35.enjoy oneself36.enough for sb. to do37.sure enough38.stangely/curiously/oddly enough39.enter for40.entitle sb. to sth.41.entrance to42.be equal to43.equip…with…44.be equivalent to45.by trial and error46.escape doing47.establish…as…48.on the eve49.even though/if50.for example51.except for52.exchange…for…53.exchange rate54.excuse sb. frome into existence56.exit to57.expect sb. to do58.expect too much of sb.59.at the expense of60.at one’s expense 61.be expert in/at62.explain sth. to sb.63.expose sb. to sth.64.to some extent65.catch one’s eye66.eye exercise67.raise one’s eyebrow F1.face to face2.in the face of3.look in the face4.on the face of5.save face6.lose face7.be faced with8.in fact9.fail to do10.failure to do11.have faith in12.fall off13.fall asleep14.fall behind15.fall on16.fall short of17.be familiar to sb.18.be familiar with sth.19.be famous for20.as/so far as21.far from22.so far23.in fashion24.out of fashion25.fast asleep26.as sure as fate27.Father Christmas28.find fault with sb.29.do sb. a favour30.in favour of31.for fear of32.for fear that +从句33.in fear of34.feed on35.feed...to...36.feed...with...37.be fed up with38.feel like doing39. a few40.quite a few41.science fiction42.in the field of43.fight for44.fight with45.fight against46.fill...with...47.fill in/out48.make a film49.find out50.finish off/up51.catch fire52.make a fire53.on fire54.set fire to55.set sth. on fire56.be fit for57.keep fit58.fit in with59.fit up with60.be fitted with61.fix on62.in flames63.focus on64.be fond of65.make a fool of sb.66.on foot67.on one’s foot68.forbid sb. to do69.force sb. to do70.weather forecast71.in the form of72.back and forth73.make a fortune74.seek one’s fortune75.fortune-teller76.look forward to77.to be frank78.set free79.free from/of 80.for free81.make friends with82.from then on83.in front of84.in the front of85.fruit bowl86.be full of87.make fun of88.for fun89.in future90.in the futureG1.No pains, no gains.2.video game3.generation gap4.gaze at5.in general6.generally speaking7.from generation to generation8.get across9.get along with sb.10.get off11.get to12.get together13.get up14.get over15.get through16.get down to sth.17.have got18.give out19.give up20.give away21.give in22.give off23.glance at24.go down25.go on26.go on doing27.go on to do28.go on with sth.29.go over30.go round31.go up to32.go wrong33.go in for34.go off35.go around36.go through37.go out38.score a goal39.achieve/rea ch/obtain one’s goal40.golden rule41.do good to sb.(=do sb. good)42.for good43.be good at44.be good to sb.45.be good for46.Goodness gracious!47.Thank goodness!48.graduate from49.the Grand Theatre50.the Grand Canyon51.take...for granted52.be grateful to sb. for sth.53.group singing54.grow up55.in the growth of56.on guard57.be guilty ofH1.form the habit of2.hand in3.give/lend a hand to4.at hand5.by hand6.in hand7.hang on8.hang up9.happen to sb.10.happen to do11.be hard on sb.12.hardly/scarcely/rarely...when...13.do harm to sb.14.do sb. harm15.have...on16.have much to do with 17.have little to do with18.have nothing to do with19.head for20.in good/poor health21.hear about/of22.hear from sb.23.heart and soul24.lose heart25.take heart26.at heart27.by heart28.help out29.help oneself to sth.30.help (to) do31.can’t help doing32.can’t help but do33.hesitate to do34.without hesitation35.hide sth. from sb.36.speak highly of37.in history38.make history39.hold on40.hold out41.hold up42.hold off43.hold back44.in holes45.on holiday46.at home and abroad47.make oneself at home48.in honour of49.hope for50.hope to do51.hope that...52.horror film53.the host country54.air hostess55.how come + 从句56.sense of humour57.hunger for58.hurry up59.in a hurryI1.ice cream2.have no idea3.have/get a general/rough idea of4.identify with5.as if/though6.even if/though7.ignorance of8.be ignorant of9.imagine doing10.make/have an impact on11.of importance12.impress sb. with sth.13.impress sth. on/upon sb.14.improve on15.improvement on16.be inaccessible to sb.17.on the increase18.independence from19.be independent of20.infect...with...21.infer from22.be inferior to23.under the influence of24.influence over/on/uponrm sb. of/about sth.26.inherit from27.be innocent of28.inquire about29.inquire into30.insist on31.for instance32.the instant33.instead of34.instruct sb. in sth.35.insurance policy36.insure against37.intend to do38.be intended for39.intention of40.have/show an interest in41.be interested in42.on the Internet 43.at intervals44.introduce...to...45.invest in46.invite...to...47.involve...in...48.isolate...from...49.at issue50.issue fromJ1.traffic jam2.be jealous of3.join sb.in sth.4.joint venture5.make a joke6.play a joke on sb.7.to one’s great joy8.judging from/by9.jump the queue10.high jump11.long jump12.be junior to13.just now14.just a minute15.do justice to sb. K1.be keen on2.keep silent3.keep a secret4.keep doing sth.5.keep...from6.keep to7.keep up with8.keep in9.keep off10.keep on11.keep out12.keep out of13.keep up14.key to15.kill time16.be kind to sb.17.of a kind18.kind of19.knife and fork20.knock at21.knock down22.know about23.know better than24. a knowledge ofmon knowledge26.to the best of on e’s knowledge27.be knowledgeable aboutLnguage labbour Daybour forceck of5.at largest but not least7.at lastst (for)9.be late for10.be late withter on12.at the latestugh at14.burst into laughterw and order16.take the law into one’s own handsy off18.lead to19.lead up to20.turn over a new leaf21.leak out22.lean against23.lean on24.learn from25.learn about/of26.learn a lesson27.at least28.in the least29.leave for30.leave...behind31.leave...alone32.leave out 33.ask for leave34.on one’s left35.turn left36.at leisure37.at one’s leisure38.lend...to...39.at length40.at full length41.teach sb. a lesson42.let out43.let go44.let sb. down45.let...in46.let...off47.on a level with48.liberate...from...49.at liberty50.licence plate51.lie in52.tell a lie53.live a ...life54.in the light of55.bring sth. to lighte to light57.cast/throw light on58.light up59.be likely to do60.limit...to...61.be lined with62.in/out of line63.make a list of64.on the list65.listen to66.no litter67. a little68.not a little69.little by little70.live by71.live on72.live up to73.live beyond one’s means74.be located75.under lock and key76.long to do77.long for sth.78.no longer79.not...any longer80.as/so long as81.in the long run/term82.it won’t be long before...83.have a look84.look after85.look around86.look back87.look down on88.look for89.look forward to90.look into91.look on92.look on...as...93.look out94.look out of95.look over96.look through97.look to98.look up99.look up to100.lose one’s temper101.lose one’s way102.lose oneself in103.lose sight of104.lose touch with105.get lost106.at a loss107.lots of/a lot of108.actions speak louder than words 109.fall in love with110.love me, love my dog111.try one’s luck112.good luckM1.be mad on/about2.in the main3.major in4.a/the majority of5.make it6.make for7.make into8.make off9.make out10.make up11.make up for12.be made of13.be made from14.be made up of15.manage to do16.good/bad manners17.many a18. a good/great many19.on the market20.be married to21. a mass of/masses of22.mass media23.go with24.as a matter of fact25.make matters worse26. a matter of course27.no matter how28.may as well do29.may well do30.mean doing31.mean to do32.be meant for33.by means of34.by all means35.by no means36.take measures37.gold medal38.meet with39.meet the needs40.sports meeting/meet41.memorial to42.in memory of43.physical and mental health44.d on’t mention it45.not to mention46.at the mercy of47.give sb. a message48.leave a message for sb.49.at midday50.in the middle51.at midnightlions of53.on one’s mind54.to one’s mind55.make up one’s mind56.bear/keep in mind57.never mind58.mind doing59.absent-minded60.prime minister61. a minority of62.in a minute63.just a minute64.the minute65.do/make miracles66.make a mistake67.by mistake68.mistake...for...69.mix...with...70.mobile phone71.be modest about72.at the moment73.in a moment74.at any moment75.for the moment76.the moment77.pocket money78.make money79.monument to80.in a good/bad mood81.in the mood for82.in no mood for83.more and more84.more than85.no more than86.not more than87.more or less88.what’s more89.no more=not...any more90.at most91.make the most of92.mother tongue93.mother-in-law94.keep one’s mouth shut 95.move off96.move on97.move about/around98.move house99.mow the lawn100.much the same101.much asN1.in the name of2.under the name of3.go native4.not nearly5.in need of6. a need for7.negotiate with...8.neither...nor...9.day and night10.nod to/at sb.11.nod off12.make a noise about13.none but14.none other than15.none the less16.at noon17.by a nose18.under one’s nose19.with one’s nose in the air20.not...but...21.not at all22.not to say23.take notes24.take notice of25.now and then26. a number of27.the number ofO1.object to2.objection to3.oblige sb. to do4.be obliged to sb.5.obstacle to6.It is obvious that...7.on the occasion of8.on occasion9.be occupied in10.occur to sb.11.odd jobs12.right off13.well/badly off14.offer to do15.offer sb. sth.16.offer sth. to sb.17.the Olympics18.on and on19.for once20.all at once21.once upon a time22.once or twice23.one and only24.if only25.only too26.be open to27.open fire at/one into operation29.in one’s opinion30.be of the opinion that31.have a good/bad/high/low opinion of32.oppose to33.opposite to34.or else35.or so36.in/out of order37.on orderanize...into...39.every other40.the other day41.in outline42.outlook on43.outlook for44.outlook onto/over45.overflow with46.owe...to...47.o n one’s own48.of one’s ownP 1.keep pace with2.at a pace3.package tour4.take pains5.in pairs6.in long/short pants7.on paper8.on parade9.parallel to10.parking lot11.for my part12.for the most part13.on the part of sb./on one’s part14.participate in15.be particular about16.in particular17.pass away18.pass by19.passion for20.in the past21.in the past few years22.be paved with23.pave the way for24.pay...for25.pay back26.pay off27.pay a visit to28.be at peace29.hold one’s peace30.make one’s peace with sb.31.at peak hours32.be peculiar to33.Practice makes perfect.34.permit doing35.permit sb. to do36.persevere in37.persist in38.in person39.persuade sb. to do40.persuade sb. into doing41.take photos42.physical education43.play the piano44.pick on45.as pretty as a picture46.as easy as pie47. a piece of cake48.in one piece49.make a pig of oneself50.pile up51.pineapple52.have/take pity on53.in place of54.take one’s place55.take the place of56.give place to57.in/out of place58.plan to do59.plan on/for sth.60.play tricks on61.be pleased with62.take pleasure in63.with pleasure64.plunge in/into65.plunge...into66.point out67.point of view68.make one’s point69.the South/North Pole70.police station71.pop music72.be popular with73. a portion of74.in/out of position75.be in a position to do76.there is possibility of/that77.hot pot78.pour down79.put...into practice80.practise doing81.pray for82.prefer...to...83.prefer to do rather than do84.make preparations for85.prepare for86.in the presence of87.presence of mind88.at present 89.for the present90.be present at91.preserve...from92.press conference93.under pressure94.bring/put pressure on95.pretend to do96.prevent...(from)97.at a price98.of a price99.quote a price100.take pride in101.pride oneself on102.primary color103.primary school104.in principle105.on principle106.in prison107.prisoner of war108.in private109.private school110.in the process of111.production line112.be productive of 113.by profession114.make a profit of115.profit by/from116.in progress117.prohibit...from118.promise to do119.make a promise120.keep a promise121.break a promisemon property 123.in proportion to124.in prospect125.protect...from/against 126.in protest127.protest about/against/at 128.provide sb. with sth. 129.provide sth. for sb. 130.provided that131.go public132.public school133.in the public eye134.pull down135.pull in136.pull out137.pull over138.pull up139.pull through140.punctuation mark 141.on purpose142.put through143.put to144.put up withQ1.be qualified for/to do/as2.qualify sb. for/to do/as3. a quantity of/quantities of4.quarrel with sb.5.in questione into question7.out of question8.out of the question9.be quick at10.quit doingR1.by rail2.look like rain3.rain cats and dogs4.range from...to...5.range between...and...6. a wide range of7.of the first rank8.birth rate9.at a rate10.rate of exchange11.would rather12.rather than13.or rather14.raw material15.reach out16.reach for17.out of reach18.react to 19.reaction to20.be ready to do21.real estate22.in reality23.the reason for24.rebel against25.on receipt of26.recognize...as27.tape recorder28.recover from29.the Red Cross30.reduce sb. to doing31.reduce sb. to tears32.refer to33.in/with reference to34.reflect on/upon35.refuse to do36.regard...as37.in/with regard to38.best regards39.regardless of40.registered post/mail41.regret doing42.regret to say/tell/inform43.relate...to44.be related to45.in/with relation to46.be relative to47.release...from48.be relevant to49.relieve sb. of sth.50.be reluctant to do51.rely on sb. to do52.remark on/upon53.remember doing54.remember to do55.remember sb. to sb.56.remind sb. of sth.57.remove...from...58.for rent59.replace...with...60.reply to61.be reported to do62.It is reported that63.be representative of64.request sth. from/of sb.65.require sth. of sb.66.rescue...from...67.rescue team68.go/come to one's rescue69.research into/on70.resemble...in sth.71.reserve sth. for sb.72.resign from73.resist doing74.be resistant to75.natural resources76.show respect for77.respect oneself78.in respect of79.with respect to80.respond to81.response to82.sense of responsibility83.take full responsibility for84.be responsible for85.at rest86.the rest87.rest on88.restore...to...89.result in90.result from91.as a result of92.return to93.return ticket94.in return for95.reveal sth. to sb.96.take revenge on sb.97.reward sb. for sth.98.in reward for99.be rich in100.ring up101.give rise to102.early to bed and early to rise 103.at the risk of104.at risk105.run the risk of106.take a risk/risks 107.risk doing108.all roads lead to Rome 109.rob sb. of sth.110.rock and roll111.in rough112.in a row113.in ruins114.as a rule115.run across116.run away from117.run into118.run out of119.run over120.run for121.rush hourS1.be safe from2.for the sake of3.for sale4.at the same time5.the same to you6.be satisfied with7.save...from...8.that is to say9.be said to do10.It is said that11.on a large scale12.scarcely...when...13.be scared of14.on the scene15.science and technology16.scold sb. for sth.17.score a goal18.scores of19.at sea20.on the sea21.in search of22.search for23.in/out of season24.second only to25.second to none26.second class27.in secret28.secretary general29.the security council30.seeing that31.see to it that32.seem to do33.sell out34.send for35.be senior to36.make sense37.make sense of38.be sensible of39.be sensitive to40.sentence sb. to sth.41.be separate from42.separate...from...43. a series of44.be serious about45.serve...as...46.serve to do47.set about doing48.set out to do49.settle down50.be severe on/with51.shake hands with sb.52.shame on you53.in/out of shape54.share sth. with sb.55.shoot at56.be/fall/go short of57.be short for58.for short59.in short60. a shortage of61.should to should62.shout at63.shout to64.show off65.show up66.on show67.for show68.shut down69.be sick of70.on the side of sb./on one's side71.side by side 72.side effect73.at sight74.in/out of sight75.lose/catch sight of76.in the sight of77.sign up for78.of significance79.in silence80.keep silent81.be similar to82.be sunk in83.one's heart sunks84.sit down85.sit up86.construction site87.be skillful at88.slave of/to sth.89.put sb. to sleep90.not in the slightest91.slow down92.smile at93.snack bar94.and so on95.so...as to96.soap powder97.the polar system98.solution to99.something of a + n. 100.son-in-law101.like father, like son 102.the sooner, the better 103.no sooner...than104.soon after105.be sorry for106.be sorry to do107.sort of108.heart and soul109.fall asleep110.source of111.spare part112.spare no pains doing/to do 113.speak to/with sb.114.speak about/of sth. 115.speak for。

babybaby-sitbackat the back ofbehind one”sback b ackgroundbackwardbacteriabadbe bad forbadlybagschoolbagbaggagebakebakerbakerybalancekeep the balance of natureupset/disturb/destroy the balance of n.婴儿v. (代人临时)照看小孩,当临时保姆n.背〔部〕;反面;后面 adj.后面的adv.向后;往回 vt.支持〔组〕在…的后面〔组〕在某人背后,背地里n. 背景,幕后,配音 vt. 供给背景adj. 向后的;落后的 adv. 向后n. (复数)细菌adj.〔worse,worst〕坏的(组〕对…有害adv.坏地;严峻地,厉害地;迫切地n. 包;袋n.书包n.〔U〕行李vt. 烘焙,烤 vi. 烘焙,烤,变得炎热n. 烘焙,烤n.面包师;面包商n.面包店n. 平衡 v.使平衡;权衡,比较〔组〕保持生态平衡〔组〕破坏生态环境naturekeep a balance between work and play balancedimbalanceballballetballoonbamboobanban…from doingbananabandbandageband-aidbankbankingbankerbarbarbecuebarberthebarber”sbare 〔组〕劳逸结合adj.平衡的n.不平衡n. 舞会;球n. 芭蕾舞n.气球n.〔pl〕-s 竹n. 禁令 v. 制止 vt. 制止,取缔〔组〕制止…做n.香蕉n. 群,伙,队;乐队;带n.绷带n.护创胶布n.岸,堤;银行;储存库n.银行业n.银行家n.酒吧〔柜台〕n. 烤肉野餐n.理发师〔组〕理发店adj.无遮盖的;赤裸的barely bargainbarkbarrierbase base…onbe based on baseball basementbasicbasically basinbasison the basis of basket basketballbat adv. 几乎没有;仅仅n. 特价商品,廉价货;交易 vi. 讨价还价n.树皮;〔狗等的〕吠声 v.〔狗等〕吠;咆哮n. 障碍〔物〕;栅栏n.基地;地基,基座〔组〕把…放在…根底之上〔组〕以…为根底n. 棒球n.地下室adj.根本的;[化学]碱性的;[地质学]基性的;首要的 n.根底,根本;根本原则,根本原理,根本规律;要素;根底训练adv.根本上n.盆,洗脸盆;盆地n.〔pl〕bases 根底〔组〕以…为根底n.篮子n.篮球vt.打;击n.〔乒乓〕球bathhave/take a bath bathebathing suit bathroombatterybattlebayB.C.bebe about to do sth.be going to dobe to dobeachat/on the beach beanbear n.洗澡;浴室〔组〕洗澡 vi.洗澡;游泳〔组〕游泳衣n. 浴室n. 电池,一系列,排炮n. 战斗,争辩;搏斗 vt.战斗;搏斗vt.与...作战〔斗争〕n.海湾〔组〕公元前〔Before Christ 的缩写〕v.是〔组〕刚要做某事〔组〕表示“打算、打算做”或客观状况下马上要发生的动作〔组〕表示“打算、打算做”以及命令、制止、可能等情态意义n.海滨;海滩〔组〕在海滩n.豆n.熊vt.忍受〔常用语否认或疑问句〕;承受;生育;拥有;怀有can”t bear/stand doing/to do b ear/keep sth. in mind bear/keep in mind that …unbearablebeardbeastbeatbeautifulbeautifybecausebecomebedgo to bedbe 〔ill〕in bedmake a/the/one”sbed b edroombedtimebeebeefbeer 〔组〕不能忍受做〔组〕牢记某事物〔组〕牢记…adj.无法忍受的n.胡须n.野兽n. 敲打〔声〕;(心脏等的〕跳动;〔音乐的〕节拍v. 打;战胜,(心脏等)跳动adj.秀丽的;精彩的vt.美化conj.〔介〕由于〔作状语〕vi.变成,变得;成为n.床〔组〕上床睡觉〔组〕卧〔病〕在床〔组〕铺床n.卧房n.就寝时间adj.适用于临睡前的n.蜜蜂n.牛肉n.啤酒beforeas beforethan beforebegbeggarbeginbegin/start with beginnerbeginningat the beginningfrom the beginning from beginning to end behavebehave well/badly behave oneself behaviour behavioralbehindfall/be behind〔 (i)beinghuman being prep./conj. 在…之前 adv.在〔向〕前;以前〔组〕像以前一样〔组〕比以前更…v. 乞讨,恳求n.乞丐v.开头〔组〕由…开头 n.初学者;创始者n.开头,开端〔组〕在…之初〔组〕从一开头〔组〕从头到尾,自始至终v.行为,举止〔组〕举止得当/恶劣〔组〕行为检点,守法规n.〔U〕行为,举止adj.行为的prep.在…之后adv.在〔向〕后〔组〕在…方面落后〔于…〕n.存在;人,生物〔组〕人come into being beliefbelieve believe in believe it or not disbelievebellring the bell doorbell belongbelong to belongings beneficial belowbeltseat/safety belt benchbendbeneath beneficial 〔组〕形成n.信任,信任;年,信仰v.信任;认为〔组〕信任;信任…的存在,信仰;信任…有价值〔组〕信不信由你v.不信n.铃,钟〔组〕按铃n.门铃vi.属于〔组〕属于n.全部物, 财产adj.有益的,有利的prep.在…下面adv.在下面n.带子;皮带;腰带〔组〕安全带n.长凳v.〔使〕弯曲;弯腰n.弯曲;弯角;转弯处prep.在…下面adv.在下面adj.有益的benefitsth. benefit sb.=sb. benefit from sth.besidebesidesbestdo/try one”s best todo a t bestmake the best/most ofbetbetterhad better 〔not〕dobetweenbetween ourselves = between you and mebeyondBiblebicyclebig v.有益于;得益n.好处〔组〕某事物使某人收益,某人得益于某事物prep.在…旁边prep. 除...之外〔还〕adv.而且adj.最好的adv.最好地;最〔组〕竭尽全力做〔组〕至多;充其量也不过〔组〕最有效利用…n. 打赌,赌注,最大的可能 vi. 下注vt. 打赌addj.更好的adv.更好地〔组〕最好〔不〕做prep.在〔两者或两两〕之间adv. 在〔两者〕之间〔组〕仅仅你我知道的隐秘,缺乏为外人道adv. 在更远处,另外 n. 远处, 来世prep. 超出, 越过,另外n.〔用 the-〕n.自行车adj.大的big gamebikebillbinbindbe bound to do biology biological biologistbirdbirthgive birth to birthday biscuitbita bitnot a bitbit by bitdo one”s bit 〔组〕〔象、狮子等〕大猎物n.自行车n.账单;钞票;清单;广告 vt.安排;给…开账单;为…发提〔货〕单;把…登录在账 vi.鸟嘴相接触n.箱子vt.捆绑,捆扎;使粘合;束缚〔组〕肯定会…;负有…义务的n.生物学adj.生物学的n.生物学家n.鸟n.诞生,诞生;产生〔组〕生…;产生…n.生日n.饼干n.一点儿〔用于指代不行数名词〕〔组〕一点儿〔修饰名词时用 a bit of〕〔组〕一点也不〔组〕渐渐地〔组〕尽自己的一份力气〕bitebitterblackblackboardblacksmithblameblame sb. for sth.=blame sth. on sb. be to blame forblankblanketbleedblessblindblindnessblockblood v./n.咬;叮,蛰adj. 苦的,苦痛的,猛烈的,严寒的n. 苦久, 苦涩, 苦的东西 vt. 使...变苦adv. 剧烈地,极其n.黑色〔的〕n.黑板n.铁匠vt./n. 指责,责备〔组〕把…归咎于某人〔组〕因…应受责备n.空白〔处〕,空格;空白表格n. 毛毯,掩盖物,排字版 vt. 用毯子裹,扑灭,挡风,掩盖,使包含 adj. 包含全部的,适用于全部情形的vi.流血vt. 保佑;祝福adj. 失明的;盲目的vt. 使失明;使盲目n.失明;盲目n.块;街区; <英>大楼,大厦;障碍物,阻碍vt.阻挡;堵塞;限制n.血;血统bloodybloomblouseblowblow upblueboardnotice boardon boardboastboast about/of/that boatlifeboatbodybody languageboilboiling point bombbonebook adj. 流血的,血腥的,嗜杀的 vt. 使流血 adv. [俚]格外n. 花,钢块,兴盛 vt. 使...开花 vi. 开花,变得安康n.女上衣;女衬衫v.吹n.打击〔组〕爆炸 adj./n.蓝色〔的〕n.板,木板;船舷;董事会〔组〕布告栏〔组〕在船〔飞机、车〕上n./v.吹嘘,自吹自擂〔组〕吹嘘…n.船 vi.乘船;划船n.救生艇n.身体,躯体;尸体〔组〕肢体语言v./n.沸腾,烧开;煮熟,烹煮〔组〕沸点n.炸弹v.投弹〔于…〕,轰炸n.骨头n.书;本子 v.预定〔票、座位、房间等〕booking office handbookbookletbookshopbootborderborebe bored with boredboringbornbe born inbe born withbe born equal borrowborrow sth. from sb. bossbotanistbotanybotanic〔al〕both 〔组〕售票处n.手册n.小册子n.书店 n.靴子n.边;边界vt.使厌烦〔组〕对…感到厌烦adj.感到厌烦的adj.乏味的,无聊的adj.诞生的;天生的〔组〕生于…〔组〕生来具有…〔组〕生来公平v.借〔组〕向某人借某物n.老板,上司n.植物学家n.植物学家adj.植物〔学〕的adj./pron./adv.两者都botherbothersomebottlebottomat the bottom offrom the bottom of one”s heart b owbowlboxboybrainbrainstormingbrakebranchbrandbrand-newbrassbravebraverybread vt.打搅;使苦恼 vi.担忧,苦恼;特意adj.麻烦的n.瓶n.底〔部〕〔组〕在…的底部〔组〕从心底里,发自内心地vi.鞠躬n.鞠躬;弓,弓形物n.碗 v.打保龄球n.箱子,盒子n.男孩n.脑;〔常-s〕头脑,才智n.头脑风暴n.制动器,刹车v.刹车n.树枝;分支〔如分店、分部、分行等〕n.品牌;商标;烙印 vt.打烙印于adj.崭的n.黄铜 adj.英勇的n.英勇n.〔U〕面包bread and butterbreakbreak outbreak away frombreak downbreak inbreak into sp.break into tears/laughter break throughbreak uphave/take a break outbreakbreakfastbreastbreathout of breath = lose one”s breath h old one”s breath breathlessbreathtakingbreathe 〔组〕黄油面包〔视为单数〕v.打破;违反 n.裂开;休息时间按,暂停〔组〕爆发〔组〕从…逃离;从…脱离,与…断绝关系〔组〕〔机械等〕出故障〔组〕强行闯入;插嘴〔组〕强行闯入某地〔组〕突然大哭/大笑〔组〕突破〔组〕打碎;〔使〕〔关系〕裂开〔组〕〔中间〕休息n.爆发n.早餐n.胸部;乳房n.呼吸〔组〕喘不过气来〔组〕屏息adj.喘不过气来的;屏息的adj.令人兴奋的;令人心惊肉跳的v.呼吸breedbreezebribebriberybrickbridebridegroombridgebriefin briefbrigadefire brigadebrightbrilliantbringbring sb. sth.=bring sth. to sb. bring upbring aboutbring inbring outbring sb. to n.(动植物的〕品种v.生殖;培育n.微风vi.微风轻吹n.贿赂vt.向…行贿n.行贿;受贿n.砖;积木n.娘n.郎n.桥adj.简短的〔组〕简言之 n.〔执行特定任务的〕队〔组〕消防队adj.光明的;明媚的;绚烂的;聪明的adj.绚烂的,极聪明的vt.带来〔组〕给某人带来某物〔组〕抚养长大〔组〕引起,导致〔组〕引进〔组〕显示出…;使…问世〔组〕使某人恢复知觉broadbroaden broadcastbrotherbrowbrownbrowsebrunchbrushB.S.bubblebucketbudgetbuildbuild up one”s confidence n ew-built buildingbulbbullbulletbump adj.宽的,宽阔的;广泛的v.拓宽v./n.播送n.兄弟n.额头;眉毛adj./n.棕色〔的〕vi./n.扫瞄,任凭翻阅n.早午餐〔晚吃的早餐,用以代替午餐〕n.刷子;画笔 vt.刷理学士n.泡 n.水桶n.预算〔案〕vi.预算v.建筑n.体格〔组〕树立信念adj.建的n.大楼n.灯泡;〔植物〕球茎n.公牛n.子弹 vi.碰,撞bump intobunchbundleburdenbear/carry/shoulder the burden of burnburstburst into tears/laughter=burst out crying/laughingburybe buried in = bury oneself inbusbus stopbushbusinessbusiness hourson businessdo businessnone of your business businessmanbusy 〔组〕撞上;碰见n.束;串n.捆;束;包n.负荷;负担〔组〕担负起…的重任v.燃烧,烧焦;晒黑;发亮,发热v.〔使〕爆裂;突然发出n.爆裂;突发〔组〕突然大哭/大笑vt.掩埋〔组〕埋头于…,专注于…n.公共汽车〔组〕公共汽车站n.灌木〔丛〕n.商业;生意;工作;商店,公司〔组〕营业时间〔组〕因公出差〔组〕做生意〔组〕不关你的事〔〔pl.〕-men〕n.商人adj.忙的,繁忙的be busy with sth./be busy doing butnot …butnot only…but〔also〕can do nothing but do=can”t do a nything but dodo nothing but dohave nothing to do but dobut foranything butnone but + 人/物butcherbutterbutterflybuttonpress the buttonbuybuy sb. sth.=buy sth. for sb.by 〔组〕忙于…conj.但是prep.除了〔排解〕〔组〕不是…但是〔谓语动词单复数遵循就近原则〕〔组〕不仅…而且…〔谓语动词单复数遵循就近原则〕〔组〕什么都不能做,只得…〔组〕除了…什么也不做〔组〕除了…没什么要做的〔组〕〔介〕要不是〔组〕根本不〔组〕只有…n. 屠夫;肉食品商n.黄油vt.涂黄油于n.蝴蝶n.纽扣;按钮〔组〕按按钮v.购置;购物〔组〕给某人买某物prep.在…旁边;〔表示方法、手段〕通过adv.在旁边;经过bye interj.再见。

正文内容:1. 词汇分类1.1 常用词汇1.1.1 日常生活词汇:包括食物、交通、家庭、工作等常见词汇。
1.1.2 学术词汇:包括科学、数学、历史、地理等学科的专业词汇。
1.2 考试词汇1.2.1 高考常见词汇:整理了历年高考试题中出现频率较高的词汇,帮助学生有针对性地进行复习。
1.2.2 同义词和反义词:列举了一些常见的同义词和反义词,帮助学生扩展词汇量,并提高语言表达的准确性。
2. 学习方法2.1 记忆技巧2.1.1 关联记忆法:通过与已知词汇或形象进行关联,提高记忆效果。
2.1.2 词根词缀法:学习一些常见的词根和词缀,帮助理解和记忆单词的意思。
2.2 多种形式练习2.2.1 词汇填空:通过填空练习巩固词汇的用法和搭配。
2.2.2 听写:通过听写练习提高对词汇的听力理解和拼写能力。
2.2.3 词汇运用:通过写作和口语练习,巩固词汇的应用能力。
3. 学习资源3.1 词汇书籍3.1.1 词汇手册:本手册提供了丰富的词汇内容和学习方法,是学生的主要参考资料。
3.1.2 词汇练习册:提供了大量的词汇练习题,帮助学生巩固所学的词汇知识。
3.2 在线资源3.2.1 词汇学习网站:提供了在线词汇学习工具和练习题,方便学生随时随地进行学习。
3.2.2 词汇APP:通过手机应用软件,学生可以随时进行词汇学习和练习。

1. 基础词汇- 常见单词:包括英语的基本词汇,如人物、动物、植物、颜色、数字等常用单词。
- 基本动词:收录了常见的基本动词,如be、have、do、go等,考生需熟记其不同时态和用法。
- 常见形容词:整理了日常生活中常用的形容词,如happy、beautiful、interesting等。
2. 主题词汇- 学校与教育:涵盖了与学校、教育相关的词汇,如classroom、teacher、homework等。
- 社会与文化:包括与社会、文化相关的词汇,如government、tradition、custom等。
- 健康与运动:整理了与健康、运动相关的词汇,如exercise、nutrition、fitness等。
3. 考试词汇- 高考词汇:列举了高考中常见的词汇,如examine、question、answer等,帮助考生备战高考。
- 翻译常用词汇:收集了常用的中英文翻译词汇,如translate、interpret、meaning等。
4. 阅读词汇- 文学词汇:整理了与文学作品、文学创作相关的词汇,如novel、poem、author等。
- 新闻词汇:归纳了与新闻报道、事件报道有关的词汇,如headline、report、journalist等。
5. 高级词汇- 学术词汇:梳理了与学术研究、学术论文相关的高级词汇,如research、academic、theory等。
- 专业词汇:包括各个领域的专业术语,如medicine、engineering、technology等。

table n.餐桌;表格at(the)table (组)在吃饭lay/set/spread the table (组)摆饭桌tablet n.药片tag n.标签tail n.尾巴;尾部tailor n.裁缝vt.裁制(衣服);使适应特定需要the tailor's (组)裁缝店vt.拿;带走;带领;就(座、职);吃,喝;服(药);搭乘(交通take量(体温等);采取(措施等);花费,需要(时间等)take in (组)吸收;理解;欺骗take off (组)起飞;脱下take on (组)呈现;承担;雇用take over (组)接管take up (组)开始从事;占据(时间或空间)take after (组)(长相或性格)像(父母等)take away (组)拿走,带走take down (组)拿下;写下,记下;拆毁(建筑物)take A for B (组)误认A为Btake to (喜欢上(to为介词)tale n.故事;传说talent n.天赋,才能;有天才的人,人才talented adj.有天才的,有才干的talk vi./n.谈话,讲话;商谈,商讨talk(to/with sb.)about (组)(与某人)谈论…talk/speak of (组)谈到,说起talk over (组)好好商量talk to oneself (组)自言自语talkative adj.好说话的;健谈的;多嘴多舌的tall adj.高(大)的tame adj.驯服的;温顺的tank n.箱;坦克v.(-pp-)轻拍,轻敲;开发(资源等)n.轻拍,轻敲;(自来水等tap头tape n.磁带target n.靶子;目标;对象task n.任务taste v.尝,品尝;尝起来n.味觉;味道;口味to one's taste (组)合乎某人口味tasty adj.美味的taster n.品尝师tax n.税vt.对…征税taxi n.(pl.)~s或~es)出租汽车tea n.茶;茶叶green/black tea (组)绿茶/红茶make tea (组)泡茶,沏茶tea party (组)茶话会tea ceremony (组)茶道teach v.教,讲授;教书teach sb. sth.=teach sth. to sb. (组)教某人某物teach sb. to do/that/wh- (组)教某人…teacher n.教师,老师team n.队;组teamwork n.集体合作tear .(常~s)眼泪vt.撕;撕起来rear down (组)扯下;拆毁(建筑物)tear up (组)撕碎technical adj.技术的;工艺的technician n.技师,技术员technique n.(C)(具体的)技术technology n.(U)(抽象的)技术science and technology (组)科技technological adj.科技的teenager n.(13~19岁的)少年teenage(d) adj.十来岁的teen n.十来岁的年龄层telegram n.电报vt.发电报给telegraph n.电报(指通讯方式);电报机vt.发电报给telephone n.电话(机)v.打电话;打电话给telephone box (组)公共电话亭televise vt.用电视播放television n.电视(略作TV);电视机(=TV set)watch TV (组)看电视on TV (组)在电视上TV station (组)电视台tell vt.说出;告诉;讲述;吩咐;分辨tell A from B=tell A and B(组)辨别A与Baparttell right from wrong (组)分辨是非retell vt.复述temper n.心情;脾气lose one's temper (组)发脾气in a good/bad temper (组)心情好/不好hot-tempered adj.易怒的,暴躁的temperate adj.(气候)温和的;温带的temperature n.温度take one's temperature (组)量体温temple n.寺庙temporary adj.临时的tempt vt.引诱,诱惑tempt sb. to do (组)引诱某人做temptation n.诱惑resist the temptation to do (组)抵抗…的诱惑tenant n.租户;房客tend v.倾向于;照管,护理tend to do (组)往往,易于tendency n.趋势,倾向tender adj.温柔的;柔弱的;(肉等)嫩的tennis n.网球table tennis (组)乒乓球(=ping-pong)tense adj.绷紧的;紧张的n.时态tension n.绷紧;紧张tent n.帐篷term n.学期;期限;术语in terms of (组)在…方面,就…而言;用…的字眼in the long/short term (组)就长期/短期而言midterm adj.期中的terminal n.终点站;终端adj.终点的;末端的terrible adj.可怕的;厉害的,严重的;很糟的terribly adv.非常,很;可怕地terrific adj.可怕的;极好的territory n.领土terror n.恐怖;恐惧terrify vt.使惊恐terrified adj.感到恐惧的terrifying adj.令人恐惧的terrorism n.恐怖主义terrorist n.恐怖分子test n./vt.测验;试验,测试;化验;考验text n.课文;正文wage n.(常~S)工资waist n.腰(身)wait vi.等候wait for (组)等候…wait(for sb.)to do (组)等待(某人)做waiting room (组)候诊室;候车室wait and see (组)拭目以待waiter n.(男)侍者,(男)服务员waitress n.女侍者,女服务员wake v.醒来;唤醒wake up (组)醒来;唤醒waken v.醒来;唤醒walk vi./n.走,步行;散步go for a walk (组)去散步takehave a walk (组)散步Walkman n.(pl.)~s)随身听wall n.墙壁wallet n.皮夹子,钱包waltz n.华尔兹舞(曲);圆舞曲wander vi.漫游;闲逛;徘徊want vt.想要;需要want(sb.)to do (组)想要(某人)做want sth.(to be)done (组)想要某物被做war n.战争ward n.病房;牢房warm adj.温暖的;热情的;热心的v.(使)变暖warm up (组)(使)变暖;做热身运动warm-hearted adj.热情的,热心的;富有同情心的kind-hearted adj.好心的whole-hearted adj.全心全意的warmth n.温暖;热情warn vt.警告;告诫vi.发出警告warn sb. of/to do/that (组)警告某人…warning n./adj.警告(的)warship n.军舰wash v.洗;洗起来;冲走wash up=wash the dishes (组)洗餐具wash away (组)洗掉;冲走washing n.洗涤(物)washing machine (组)洗衣机waste vt.浪费n.浪费;废弃物adj.废弃的waste…(in)doing/on sth. (组)浪费…做/在某物上watch v.观看,注视,观察;照看,看守,监视n.照看,看守,监视;手watch…do/doing (组)看着…做/正在做watchman n.(pl.)~men)看守人water n.水vt.浇水fresh/mineral/pure/tap water (组)淡水/矿泉水/纯净水/自来水by water (组)由水路(=by ship/boat)waterproof adj.防水的wave n.波浪;挥动vi.挥手示意;波动,起伏vt.挥手向…示意;挥动wave at sb. (组)向某人挥手wave goodbye to sb. (组)向某人挥手告别way n.路;方法;方式;方面the way to do/of doing (组)做…的方法on the/one's way to (组)在去…的途中(to为介词)by the way (组)顺便说一下,顺便问一声;在途中by way of (组)经由…under way (组)在进行中in the/one's way (组)当道;妨碍in a way (组)在某种程度上in every way (组)在各方面in no way (组)绝不lead/point the way (组)带路/指路give way to (组)给…让路;让位于…make one's way (组)前进all the way (组)一路上;大老远the other way around (组)相反地freeway n.高速公路(=motorway,expressway)we pron.我们(主格)weak adj.弱的;稀薄的weakness n.弱点,缺点weaken v.(使)变弱wealth n.财富,财产a wealth of (组)丰富的,大量的(后接可数名词复数或不可数名词皆可)wealthy adj.富的weapon n.武器wear v.穿着,戴着;穿旧,磨坏;耐用,耐穿wear out (使)耗尽、穿旧、磨坏be worn out (组)感到筋疲力尽weather n.(U)天气,气象in all weathers (组)风雨无阻weather-beaten adj.饱经风霜的weatherman n.(pl.)~men)天气预报员weave v.编织;织布web n.蜘蛛网;网络Website n.网站wedding n.婚礼week n.周,星期weekday n.平常日,工作日(=workday)weekend n.周末at/on weekends (组)在周末weekly adj./adv.每周(的)n.周报;周刊weep vi.哭泣,流泪weigh v.称…的重量;中…;重要outweigh vt.比…重要weight n.重量;体重;重要性put on/gain weight (组)体重增加lose weight (组)体重减轻,减肥weighty adj.沉重的;重要的welcome vt./n.欢迎adj.受欢迎的receive/give a warm welcome (组)受到/给予热烈欢迎welfare n.福利well adv.好地adj.健康的n.井as well (组)也,又(位于句末)as well as (组)除…之外(还)well-known adj.有名的;众所周知的west n./adj.西方(的)adv.向西western adj.西方的westerner n.西方人wet adj.湿的;(油漆等)未干的;下雨的vt.弄湿whale n.鲸what pron.什么What(组)令某人担忧/惊讶/印象深刻的是…worries/surprises/impressessb. is that…do what sb. dan to do (组)尽己所能去做…A is toB whatC is toD (组)A对B之关系犹如C对D之关系What if…?(组)如果…怎么办;即使…又有什么关系whatever pron.无论什么do whatever one likes (组)为所欲为wheat n.小麦wheel n.轮子;车轮;方向盘when adv.何时conj.当…的时候It was+时间点+when…(组)…的时候是何时be about to do…when…(组)正要做某事,这时…be doing…when…(组)正在做某事,这时…whenever conj.无论何时;每当where adv.在(向)哪里wherever conj.无论哪里whether conj.是否(no matter)whether…or…(组)无论是…还是…which pron.哪个;哪些whichever pron.无论哪个conj.当…的同时(从句一般用进行时);虽然,尽管(一般位于句首while(表示两方面)n.一会儿;一段时间after a while (组)过了一段时间for a while (组)一会儿,片刻whip n.鞭子;鞭打vt.(-pp-)鞭打whisper v./n.低语,耳语,窃窃私语whistle v.吹口哨;鸣汽笛n.口哨;汽笛white adj./n.白色(的)white-haired adj.白发的who pron.谁whoever pron.无论谁whole adj.全部的;整个的n.全部;整体as a whole (组)作为整体;就整体来看on the whole (组)就总体而言wholly adv.完全地whom pron.谁(who的宾格)whose pron.谁的why adv.为什么Why not do…?(组)为什么不做…?wide adj.宽阔的;广阔的;广泛的adv.宽阔地;广阔地be wide open/awake (组)大开着/大醒着widen v.拓宽widely adv.广泛地,普遍地widespread adj.广泛的,普遍的width n.宽度;宽阔wife n.(pl.)妻子wild adj.野生的;荒芜的;疯狂的;狂热的wilderness n.荒无人烟的地区wildlife n.(总称)野生动物will v.aux.将会;愿意n.意志;遗嘱Where there's a will,there's a(组)有志者事竟成。

词汇手册下面是年上海高考英语词汇手册的详细内容:1. Taskspecific Words(任务相关词汇)•Analyze(分析)•Compare(比较)•Describe(描述)•Evaluate(评估)•Expln(解释)•Identify(鉴定)•Interpret(解释)•Outline(概述)•Summarize(•)•Synthesize(综合)2. Academic Vocabulary(学术词汇)•Abstract(抽象的)•Academic(学术的)•Analyze(分析)•Argument(论点)•Cite(引用)•Hypothesis(假设)•Methodology(方法论)•Theory(理论)•Thesis(论文)•Validity(有效性)3. Literary Terms(文学术语)•Alliteration(头韵)•Metaphor(隐喻)•Simile(明喻)•Imagery(意象)•Foreshadowing(铺垫)•Symbolism(象征主义)•Irony(讽刺)•Theme(主题)•Plot(情节)•Characterization(人物塑造)4. Words for Describing Tone(用于描述语气的词汇)•Anxious(焦虑的)•Confident(自信的)•Cynical(愤世嫉俗的)•Optimistic(乐观的)•Pessimistic(悲观的)•Sincere(真诚的)•Sarcastic(讽刺的)•Humorous(幽默的)•Poignant(令人痛心的)•Nostalgic(怀旧的)5. Essential Words for Reading Comprehension(阅读理解必备词汇)•Assume(假设)•Infer(推断)•Mn idea(主要观点)•Evidence(证据)•Contrast(对比)•Persuade(说服)•Analyze(分析)•Recall(回忆)•Sequence(顺序)Genre(流派)本文提供了一份年上海高考英语词汇手册,涵盖了与高考英语相关的词汇,包括任务相关词汇、学术词汇、文学术语、描述语气的词汇以及阅读理解必备词汇。

abandon vt.放弃✧ability n.能力✧able adj.有能力, 能干的✧abnormal adj.反常的,异常的✧aboard adv.在船上, 登记✧about prep.关于✧above prep.在上方✧abroad adv.在国外✧absence n.缺席✧absent adj.缺席的✧absolute adj.完全的, 绝对的, 不容置疑的✧absorb vt.吸收, 理解✧abstract adj/n.抽象的;摘要✧academic adj.学术上的✧accent n.口音, 重音, 强调✧accept v.接受, 认可✧acceptable adj.可接受的✧access n.接近, 进入, 利用✧accident n.意外事故✧accidental adj.偶然的, 意外的✧accommodation n.住处, 住宿✧accompany vt.陪伴✧accomplish vt.实现, 完成, 达到✧according adv.根据✧account n/vi.叙述, 账户账目;解释, 说明✧accountant n.会计人员✧accuracy n.准确性✧accuse vt.指责, 控告✧accustomed adj.适应了的✧ache vi/n疼痛✧achieve vt.完成, 实现, 达到✧achievement n.成就✧acid adj/n.酸的;酸✧acknowledge vt.承认, 告知, 收到✧acquire vt.获得, 学到✧across prep/adv.穿过, 越过✧act vi/n.行动, 表演, 扮演;行为, 法令✧action n.行动✧active adj.积极地, 主动地✧activity n.活动✧actor n.男演员✧actress n.女演员✧actual adj.事实上✧adapt v.适应, 改编✧add v.添加✧addition n.加✧additional adj.附加的✧address n/vt.演说, 地址;演说, 致辞✧adequate adj.充足的, 适当的✧adjust v.调整, 调节✧administration n.行政, 管理✧admire vt.赞赏, 钦佩✧admission n.准许进入✧admit vt.承认, 准许进入✧adopt vt.采纳, 领养, 采用✧adult n.成年人✧advance v/n.进步, 前进✧advanced adj.先进的, 高级的✧advancement n.前进, 进步✧advantage n/vt.有利条件, 优势;有利于✧adventure n.冒险, 奇遇✧advertise v.宣传✧advertisement n.广告✧advice n/vt.劝告, 忠告✧advise vt.劝告, 建议✧aeroplane n.飞机✧affair n.事情✧affect vt.影响, 使感动✧affection n.喜爱, 慈爱✧afford vt.买得起, 承担✧afraid adj.害怕✧after prep/conj.在之后✧afternoon n.下午✧again adv再来一次✧against prep.反对✧age n/v.年龄, 时代;变老✧aged adj.年老的✧agency n.代理处✧agent n.代理人✧aggressive adj.侵略性的, 有进取心的✧ago adv以前✧agree v.同意✧agreeable adj.令人愉快的✧agriculture n.农业✧ahead adv.向前✧aid n/v.帮助✧AIDS n.艾滋病✧aim vi/n.瞄准;目标✧air n.空气, 氛围✧air-conditioned adj.有空调的✧aircraft n.飞行器✧airline n.航线, 航空公司✧airmail n.航空邮件✧airport n.飞机场✧alarm n.警报, 闹钟✧album n.唱片, 集邮本✧alcohol n.酒精✧alcoholic adj.酒精的✧alert adj/v.警觉地;使警觉✧alike adv/adj.相似的, 一样的✧alive adj.活着的✧all adj/pron/adv.所有的, 完全✧allow vt.允许✧almost adv.几乎✧alone adj/adv.仅仅, 单独的✧along prep/adv.沿着;向前✧alongside adv.在旁边✧aloud adv.出声地✧alphabet n.字母表✧already adv.已经✧also adv.也✧alter v.改变✧alternative adj/n.替代的;选择✧although conj.尽管✧altogether adv.总共, 完全的✧always adv.总是✧m.✧amateur n/adj.业余爱好者;业余爱好的✧amaze vt.使惊异✧ambition n.志向✧ambulance n.救护车✧among prep.三者(以上)之中✧amount n/vi.数量;总计✧amuse vt.逗乐, 娱乐✧amusement n.娱乐, 乐趣✧an art.一个✧analysis n.分析✧analyze vt.分析✧ancestor n.祖先✧ancient adj/n.古代的;古人✧and conj.和✧anger n/vt.怒气;发怒✧angle n.角度✧angry adj.生气✧animal n.动物✧ankle n.脚踝✧anniversary n/adj.周年纪念, 周年的✧announce vt.宣布, 通告✧announcement n.宣布✧announcer n.广播员✧annoy vt.使恼怒, 打扰✧annual adj/n.每年的;年刊✧another adj/pron.另一个✧answer v/n.回复✧ant n.蚂蚁✧antipollution n.防止污染的✧anxious adj.焦虑的, 急切的✧any adj.任何的✧anybody pron.任何人✧anyhow adv.不论如何✧anymore adv.再也✧anyone pron.任何人✧anything pron.任何事✧anyway adv.无论如何✧anywhere adv.任何地方✧apart adv.分开的✧apartment n.公寓✧apologize vi.道歉✧apology n.道歉✧apparent adj.显然的✧appeal vi/n.呼吁, 上诉, 吸引✧appear vi.出现, 显得, 好像✧appearance n.出现, 外貌✧appetite n.食欲✧applaud vi/vt.鼓掌✧applause n.鼓掌, 喝彩✧apple n.苹果✧appliance n.器具✧applicant n.申请人✧application n.申请表, 应用✧apply v.申请, 应用✧appoint vt.任命, 委任✧appointment n.约会, 任命, 委任✧appreciate vt.感激, 欣赏✧appreciation n.感激, 欣赏, 鉴赏✧approach v/n.接近;入门, 方法✧appropriate adj.合适的, 适当的✧architect n.建筑师✧architecture n.建筑学【学科】✧area n.地区, 面积, 领域✧argue v.争论主张✧argument n.争论✧arise vi.起立, 上升, 发生✧arithmetic n.计算, 算术✧arm n.手臂, 武器(s)✧army n.军队✧around prep/adv.环绕的✧arouse vt.引起✧arrange v.安排✧arrangement n.安排(s)✧arrest vt/n.拘捕✧arrival n.到达✧arrive vi.到达✧arrow n.箭头✧art n.美术, 文科(s)【学科】✧article n.文章✧artificial adj.人工的, 人造的✧artist n.艺术家✧as conj/prep.当, 随着, 尽管, 因为✧ash n.灰烬✧ashamed adj.惭愧, 羞耻✧aside v.旁边✧ask v.请求✧asleep adj.睡着的✧aspect n.方面✧aspirin n.阿司匹林✧assemble v.集合, 装配✧assess vt/n.评估, 评价✧assign vt.分配, 布置, 委派✧assist v.协助, 帮助✧assistant n.助手✧associate vt.联系, 联合✧association n.联合, 协会✧assume vt.假定, 承担✧assure vt.保证, 承担✧astonish vt.使惊讶✧astronaut n.宇航员✧at prep.听到, 看到✧athlete n.运动员✧athletic adj.运动的✧atmosphere n.大气, 氛围✧atom n.原子✧atomic adj.原子的✧attach vt.连接, 依附于✧attack vt/n.攻击, 责难✧attempt vt/n.企图, 尝试✧attend v.出席, 参加, 护理✧attention n.注意力✧atitude n.态度✧attract vt.吸引✧attraction n.吸引力✧attractive adj.吸引人的✧audience n.观众, 读者✧audio-visual adj.试听的✧aunt n.舅母, 阿姨✧author n.作者✧authority n.权威, 当局✧automatic adj.自动的, 不自觉的autumn n.秋天✧available adj.可得到的, 可利用的✧avenue n.大街✧average adj/n.平均的, 平常的;平均✧avoid vt.避免✧await vt.等待✧awake adj/v.醒着的;醒来✧awaken v.醒来✧award vt/n.授予✧aware adj.意识到✧away adv.离开, 一边✧awful adj.可怕的, 糟糕的, 非常了得的✧awkward adj.笨拙的, 难用的, 尴尬的✧baby n.婴儿✧back n/adj/adv/vt.背面;后面的;向后;支持✧background adj.背景✧backward adj/adv.向后, 落后;向后✧bacteria n.细菌✧bad adj.坏的✧badly adv.严重的, 厉害的, 迫切的✧bag n.包✧baggage n.行李✧bake v.烘烤✧bakery n.面包店✧balance n/v.平衡;使平衡✧ball n.球✧ballet n.芭蕾舞✧ballon n.气球✧ban vt/n.阻止, 取缔;禁令✧banana n.香蕉✧band n.群, 队, 乐队✧bandage n.绷带✧band-aid n.胶布✧bank n.银行, 堤岸✧bar n.酒吧✧barbecue n.烧烤✧barber n.理发师✧bare n.赤裸的✧barely n.几乎没有, 仅仅✧bargain n/vi.特价商品, 交易;讨价还价✧bark n/v.树皮;犬吠✧base n.基础, 基地✧baseball n.棒球✧basement n.地下室✧basin n.脸盆, 盆地✧basis n.基础✧basket n.篮子✧basketball n.篮球✧bat vt/n.打, 击;板✧bath n.洗澡, 浴室✧bathe vi.洗澡, 游泳✧bathing n.洗澡, 游泳✧bathroom n.浴室✧battery n.电池✧battle n/vi/vt.战役;战斗;与作战✧bay n.海湾✧ B.C. 公元前✧be v.是✧beach n.沙滩✧bean n.豆✧bear n/vt.熊;忍受, 承受✧beard n.胡须✧beast n.野兽✧beat v/n.打败, 跳动;敲打, 跳动✧beautiful adj.美丽的✧beauty n.美丽, 美人✧because conj.因为✧become vi.变得, 成为✧bed n.床✧bedroom n.卧室✧bedtime n/adj.就寝时间;临睡前的✧bee n.蜜蜂✧beef n.牛肉✧beer n.啤酒✧before prep/conj.在之前✧beg v.祈求✧beggar n.乞丐✧begin v.开始✧beginning n.开端✧behave v.行为✧behaviour n.行为✧behind prep/adv.在之后;向后✧being n.存在, 人, 物✧belief n.相信, 信任, 信仰✧believe v.相信, 认为✧bell n.铃✧belong vi.属于✧below prep/adv.在下面✧bell n.皮带, 腰带✧bench n.长凳✧bend v/n.弯曲, 弯腰✧beneath prep/adv.在下面✧beneficial adj.有益的✧benefit v/n.得益;益处✧beside prep.在旁边✧besides prep/adv.除之外;而且✧best adj/adv.最好的✧bet v/n.打赌✧better adj/adv.更好的✧between prep/adv.在之间✧beyond prep.超过✧Bible n.圣经✧bicycle n.自行车✧big adj.大✧bike n.自行车✧bill n.账单, 议案, 纸币✧bin n.箱子✧bind vt.捆扎, 粘合✧biology n.生物【学科】✧bird n.鸟✧birth n.出生, 产生✧birthday n.生日✧biscuit n.饼干✧bit n.一点✧bite n/v.叮咬✧bitter adj.有苦味的, 痛苦的✧black adj/n.黑色的✧blackboard n.黑板✧blacksmith n.工匠✧blame vt/n.责怪✧blank n.空白处✧blanket n.毯子, 遮盖层✧bleed vi.流血✧bless vt.保佑✧blind adj/vt.失明的, 盲目的;使失明, 使盲目✧block n/vt.大楼, 街区;阻塞, 阻碍✧blood n.血✧bloom vi/n开花.✧blouse n.女式衬衫✧blue adj/n.蓝色的✧board n.版, 船舷, 董事会✧boast v/n.吹嘘✧boat n/vi.船;乘船✧body n.身体, 尸体✧boil v/n.沸腾, 烧开, 烹煮✧bomb n/v.炸弹;投掷炸弹✧bone n.骨头✧book v/n.书本;预定✧booklet n.小册子✧bookshop n.书店✧boot n.靴子✧border n.边界✧bore vt.使厌烦✧born adj.出生的, 天生的✧borrow v.借✧boss n.老板✧botanist n.植物学家✧botany n.植物学【学科】✧both adj/pron/adv.两者都✧bother vt/vi.使烦恼;烦恼, 担心, 特意✧bottle n.瓶✧bottom n.底部✧bow vi/n.鞠躬;弓形, 鞠躬✧bowl n.碗✧bowling n.保龄球✧box n.盒子✧boy n.男孩✧brain n.脑子, 智慧✧brake n/v.刹车✧branch n.分支, 树枝✧brand n/vt..品牌;烙印于✧brass n.黄铜✧brave adj.勇敢的✧bread n.面包✧break v/n.打破, 违反;暂停, 破裂✧breakfast n.早饭✧breast n.胸部✧breath n.呼吸✧breathe v.呼吸✧breed n.品种;繁育✧breeze n/vi.微风;轻吹✧bribe n/vt.贿赂;行贿✧brick n.积木✧bride n.新郎✧bridegroom n.新娘✧bridge n.大桥✧brief adj简言之✧brigade n.队✧bright adj.明亮的, 灿烂的, 聪明的✧brilliant adj.极其聪明的, 灿烂的✧bring vt.带来✧broad adj.广泛的, 广阔的✧broadcast v/n.广播✧brother n.兄弟✧brow n.眉毛✧brown n/adj.棕色✧browse v.浏览✧brunch n.早午饭✧brush n/v.刷子;刷✧ B.S.理学士✧bubble n.泡泡✧bucket n.水桶✧budget n/vi.预算✧build v/n.建造;体格✧building n.建筑物✧bulb n.灯泡, 植物根茎✧bull n.公牛✧bullet n.子弹✧bump vi.撞见✧bunch n.束, 串✧bundle n.捆, 束, 包✧burden n.负担✧burn v.燃烧, 烧焦, 发亮✧burst v.爆裂, 突然发出✧bury vt.掩埋✧bus n.公交车✧bush n.灌木✧business n.生意, 工作, 公司, 商店✧busy adj.繁忙的✧but conj/prep.但是;除了✧butcher n.屠夫✧butter n.黄油✧button n.纽扣, 按钮✧buy v.买, 购物✧by prep/adv.在旁边, 通过, 经过✧bye interj.再见✧cabbage n.白菜✧cabin n.小木屋, 机舱, 船舱✧cable n.索, 缆✧cafe n.咖啡馆✧cafeteria n.自助餐馆✧cage n.笼子✧cake n.蛋糕✧calculate n.计算, 估计✧calculator n.计算器✧call vt/vi/n.大声说出;叫喊;呼叫✧calm adj/v.平静的, 镇定的;平静, 镇定✧camel n.骆驼✧camera n.照相机✧camp n/vi.营地✧campaign n.运动, 战役✧campus n.校园✧can v/aux/n.把, 能够;罐头✧canal n.运河, 水道✧cancel vt.取消, 删去✧cancer n.癌症✧candidate n.参选者, 求职者✧candy n.糖果✧canteen n.小卖部, 食堂✧cap n/vt.帽子, 给戴帽子✧capable n.有能力✧capital n/adj.首府, 大写字母;主要的✧captain n.首领✧capture vt/n.占领, 捕获✧car n.小汽车✧carbon n.碳✧card n.卡片✧care n/v.关心, 照顾✧career n.生涯, 职业✧careful adj.小心的, 仔细的✧careless adj.粗心的, 疏忽的✧cargo n.货物✧carpenter n.木匠✧carpet n.地毯✧carriage n.车辆, 马车✧carrot n.萝卜✧carry vt.运载, 携带✧cart n.手推车✧cartoon n.卡通✧carve vt.切开, 分开, 雕刻✧case n.实例, 事例✧cash n/vt.现金;兑现✧cashier n.出纳员✧cassette n.磁带盒✧cast v/n.扔, 投, 抛, 扮演;扔, 演员表✧castle n.城堡✧casual adj.偶然的, 随便的, 非正式的✧cat n.猫✧catalogue n/v.目录;编目录✧catch vt.捉住, 赶上, 钩住✧cattle n.牛✧cause vt/n.使发生;原因, 起因✧cave n/v.山洞;坍塌✧CD 光碟✧cease v/n.停止✧ceiling n.天花板✧celebrate vt.庆祝✧cell n.细胞, 电池✧cement n.水泥✧cemetery n.坟墓✧cent n.美分✧centigrade adj.摄氏度✧centimetre n.厘米✧central adj.中心的, 主要的✧centre n.中心, 中央✧century n.世纪✧ceremony n.典礼✧certain adj.确定的, 有把握的✧certificate n/vt.证书;发证书给✧chain n/vt.链条, 一系列;拴住✧chair n/vt.椅子;入座, 担任✧chairman n.主席✧chalk n.粉笔✧challenge n/vt.挑战, 向挑战✧champion adj/n.得第一名, 冠军✧championship n.冠军称号✧chance n/vi.机遇, 机会;碰巧发生✧change v/n.改变, 变化;找零, 零钱✧channel n.海峡, 电视频道✧chapter n.章✧character n.性质, 品质, 文字, 人物✧characteristic n/adj.特征;特有的✧charge v/n.主管, 费用, 充电, 控告✧charity n.仁爱, 慈善✧charm n/vt.魅力, 吸引✧chart n.图表, 地图✧chase v/n.追逐, 赶出✧chat v/n.闲聊, 聊天✧cheap adj.便宜的✧cheat v/n.欺骗✧check v/n.核对, 制止;支票✧checkout n.结账离开, 付款台✧cheek n.面颊✧cheer v/n.使高兴, 为喝彩;振奋, 喝彩✧cheese n.奶酪✧chemical adj/n.化学的, 化学制品✧chemist n.化学家✧chemistry n.化学【学科】✧cheque n.支票✧chess n.国际象棋✧chest n.胸部, 箱子, 柜子, 橱柜✧chew v.咀嚼✧chicken n.鸡✧chief adj/n.主要的;首领✧child n.小孩子✧childbirth n.生产✧childhood n.童年✧childish adj.幼稚的✧chill n.寒冷✧chimney n.烟囱✧china n.瓷器✧chip n.薄片, 土豆条✧chocolate n.巧克力✧choice n.选择✧choose v.选择, 挑选✧chop v/n.砍, 劈, 斩✧chopsticks n.筷子✧Christian n.基督徒✧Christmas n.圣诞节✧church n.教堂✧cigar n.雪茄烟✧cigarette n.香烟✧cinema n.电影院✧circle v/n.环绕, 盘旋;圆✧circular adj.圆形的, 环形的, 循环的✧circumstance n.情况, 境遇✧citizen n.公民✧city n.城市✧civil adj.国内的, 公民的✧civilian n.平民✧civilization n.文明✧civilize v.使开化✧claim vt/n.认领, 声称, 提出要求✧clap vt/vi.拍手鼓掌✧class n/vt.班级, 等级;归入等级✧classic adj/n.经典的, 一流的;经典作品✧classical adj.古典的✧classify vt.分类, 归类✧classmate n.同班同学✧clay n.黏土✧clean v/adj.弄干净, 清洁的✧cleaner n.清洁工✧clear adj/vt.清楚地, 明朗的;清除, 清扫✧clerk n.职员✧clever adj.聪明的✧click v.点击✧cliff n.悬崖✧climate n.气候✧climb v/n.爬✧clinic n.诊所✧clone n/vt.克隆, 繁殖✧close v/adj.关闭;接近的, 靠近的✧cloth n.布✧clothes n.衣物✧clothing n.衣物✧cloud n.云✧club n.俱乐部✧clue n.线索, 提示✧coach n/vt.长途公交车, 教练;指导✧coal n.煤✧coast n.海岸✧coat n.上衣, 外套✧cock n.公鸡✧code n.密码✧coffee n.咖啡✧coin n.硬币✧coincidence n.巧合✧Coke n.可乐✧cold adj/n.冷;感冒✧collapse v.塌下, 崩溃✧collar n.衣领, 项圈✧colleague n.同事✧collect v.收集, 集合, 收取✧collection n.收藏品✧college n.大学✧colony n.殖民地, 聚居区✧colour n/vt.颜色;着色✧column n.支柱, 专栏✧comb n/vt.梳子;梳理✧combination n.结合✧combine v.结合✧come vi.来✧comedian n.喜剧演员✧comedy n.喜剧✧comic n/adj.喜剧, 连环画;喜剧演员✧comfort vt/n.安慰, 使舒适✧command n/vt.命令, 指挥, 掌握✧commander n.司令官, 指挥官✧comment n/v.评论✧commerce n.商业, 贸易✧commercial adj.商业的, 商务的✧commit vt.犯罪, 委托, 提交✧committee n.委员会✧common adj.一般的, 普遍的✧communicate v.传达, 传递✧communist adj.共产主义的✧community n.社区, 团体✧companion n.伴侣, 同伴✧comparative adj.相比较而言✧compare v.比较, 对照✧comparison n.比较✧compete vi.比赛, 竞争✧competition n.竞争, 比赛✧competitive adj.有竞争力的✧complain v.抱怨✧complaint n.抱怨✧complete vt/adj.完成;完整的, 十足的✧completion n.完成✧complex adj.组合的, 复杂的✧complicated adj.复杂的✧compliment n.赞美✧compose v.组成, 创作✧composer n.作曲家✧composition n.组成, 作文, 作品✧compound n/adj.复合物;复合的✧comprehension n.理解, 包含✧comprehensive adj.广泛的, 综合的✧compulsory adj/n.义务强制的;规定动作✧compute v.计算, 估计✧computer n.计算机✧concentrate v.集中✧concentration n.专心, 集中✧concept n.概念, 理念, 观念✧concern vt/n.关心, 忧虑✧concert n.音乐会✧conclude v.结束, 推断出✧conclusion n.结束, 结论, 推论✧concrete n/adj.混凝土;具体实在的✧condition n/vt.环境, 状况✧conduct v.进行, 指挥, 管理✧conductor n.指导者✧conference n.会议✧confess vt.承认, 坦白✧confidence n.信心, 信任✧confident adj.有信心的✧confirm vt.证实, 确认✧conflict n/vi.冲突, 战斗✧confuse vt.使混乱, 使困惑✧congratulate vt.祝贺✧congratulation n.祝贺✧congress n.代表大会✧connect vt.连接, 联系✧conquer vt.攻克, 征服✧conscience n.良心✧conscious adj.意识到, 神志清醒的✧consequence n.结果, 后果✧consider vt.考虑, 认为✧considerate adj.考虑周到的✧consist vi.由组成, 构成, 在于✧constant adj.连续不断的, 一再重复的✧construct v.建造, 构造✧consult vt.请教, 查阅✧consume vt.消耗, 消费, 耗尽✧consumer n.消费者, 顾客✧contact n/v.联系, 接触✧contain vt.包含, 容纳✧container n.集装箱, 容器✧contemporary adj.当代的✧content n.目录, 内容✧contest n.竞赛, 比赛✧context n.上下文, 语境, 背景, 环境✧continent n.大陆✧continue v.继续, 延续✧contract n/v.合同;订立合同✧contrary n.相反✧contrast n.对比✧contribute v.贡献✧contribution n.贡献✧control vt/n.控制, 支配✧convenience n.方便, 便利设施✧convenient adj.方便的✧conversation n.谈话, 会谈✧convey vt.运送, 传导✧convince vt.使确信, 说服✧cook n.厨子;烹调✧cooker n.厨具✧cool adj.凉的, 冷静的✧cooperate vi.合作, 配合✧cope vi.竞争, 对付, 应付✧copy vt/n.抄写, 复印, 模仿;复制品✧corn n.谷物✧corner n/vt.墙角;逼入困境✧corporation n.公司✧correct adj/v.正确的;改正✧corridor n.走廊✧cost v/n.价钱, 花费✧cotton n.棉花✧cough v/n.咳嗽✧could v.aux.能够✧count v.计算, 数✧counter n.柜台✧country n.国家, 乡下✧countryside n.乡下✧county n.郡✧couple n.一对, 一双, 夫妇✧courage n.勇气, 勇敢✧course n.过程, 课程, 必经之路✧court n.球场, 法院✧cousin n.侄辈✧cover vt/n.遮盖;封面, 盖子✧cow n.奶牛✧crack v/n.裂开;裂缝, 瑕疵, 缺点✧crash vi/n.坠毁, 碰撞✧crawl vi/n.爬行✧crazy adj.疯狂的, 荒唐的✧cream n.奶油✧create v.创造, 产生✧creative adj.有创造力的✧creature n.生物✧credit n.信用, 信誉✧crew n.全体工作人员✧crime n.罪行✧criminal adj.犯罪的✧crisis n.危机, 决定性时刻, 转折点✧critic n.批评家✧criticism n.批评, 评论✧critical adj.批评的, 吹毛求疵的, 决定性的✧criticize v.批评, 评论, 指责✧crop n.庄稼✧cross n/vt/adj.十字形;穿过;坏脾气的✧crossroads n.十字路口✧crowd n/vt/vi.人群;挤满✧crown n.王冠, 王位✧crucial adj.决定性的, 关键的, 至关重要的✧cruel adj.残酷的, 残忍的✧cruelty n.残忍✧cry v/n.叫喊, 哭✧crystal adj/n.晶莹剔透的;水晶✧cucumber n.黄瓜✧cultivate v.栽培, 培养✧cultural adj.文化上的✧culture n.文化✧cup n.杯子✧cupboard n.橱柜✧cure vt/n.治疗, 治愈✧curious adj.好奇的✧current adj.通用的✧curtain n.幕✧curve n.曲线, 曲线状物✧cushion n.垫子, 气垫✧custom n.风俗习惯, 惯例, 海关✧customer n.顾客✧cut v/n.切, 割;裂口✧cute adj.可爱的, 漂亮的✧cycle n/vi.周期, 循环;使循环, 骑车✧cyclist n.骑车人✧dad n.爸爸✧daily adj/n.每日的;日报✧dairy n/adj.乳品店;乳品的✧dam n.水闸✧damage vt/n.损害, 毁坏✧damp n/vt/adj.潮湿;泼冷水;潮湿的✧dance n/vi.跳舞;舞动✧danger n.危险✧dare v.aux.敢✧dark adj/n.黑暗的;海岸✧darling n/adj.心爱的人;亲爱的, 心爱的✧dash n/vi.短跑;冲击✧datum n.(data复数)论据, 资料✧date n/vt.约会;约会, 注明日期✧daughter n.女儿✧dawn n/vi.黎明;破晓✧day n.天, 日子✧daylight n.日光✧daytime n/adj.白天✧dead adj.死亡的, 死一般的✧deadline n.最后期限✧deaf adj.聋的✧deal v.处理✧deal n.数量, 交易✧dear adj.亲爱的✧death n.死亡✧debate v/n.辩论✧debt n.欠款, 债务✧decade n.十年✧decay vt.使腐烂✧deceive vt.欺骗, 蒙蔽✧decent adj.得体的, 适当的✧decide v.决定✧decision n.决定✧deck n.甲板✧declare vt.宣布, 声明✧decline v/n.拒绝, 下降, 衰弱✧decorate v.装饰✧decrease v/n.减少✧deed n.事情, 行为✧deep adj.深的✧deer n.鹿✧defeat vt/n.击败✧defence n.防御, 辩护✧defend vt.防御, 辩护✧define vt.下定义, 明确, 规定✧definite adj.明确的, 一定的✧definition n.定义✧degree n.学位, 程度, 度数✧delay n/vt/vi.推迟, 延误, 耽搁✧delegate n.代表✧delete vt.删除✧deliberate adj.慎重的, 故意的✧delicate adj.纤细的, 雅致的, 易碎的✧delicious adj.美味的, 可口的✧delight vt/n.高兴✧deliver vt.投递, 分送✧delivery n.投递, 分送✧demand vt/n.要求, 需求, 询问✧demanding adj.高要求的✧democracy n.民主✧demonstrate vt/vi.论证, 说明✧dense adj.密集的✧dentist n.牙医✧deny vt.否认, 拒绝✧depart vi.离开, 出发✧department n.部门✧departure n.离开, 启程, 出发, 背离✧depend vi.依靠, 依赖✧dependent adj.依赖的, 依靠的✧deposit vt/vi/n.沉淀, 存放, 储蓄, 预付✧depress vt.丧气, 压下, 抑郁✧depth n.深度✧describe vt.描述, 形容✧description n.描写, 叙述, 形容✧desert n/vt.沙漠;离开, 抛弃✧deserve vt.应得, 值得✧design vt/n.设计✧desire vt/n.愿望;要求, 请求✧desk n.桌面✧desktop adj/n.台式电脑✧despair n/vt.绝望✧desperate adj.不顾一切的, 绝望的✧despite prep.不管✧dessert n.甜点✧destination n.目的地, 目标, 终点✧destroy vt.破坏, 拆毁, 消灭✧destruction n.破坏, 毁坏✧detail n.细节✧detective adj/n.侦探✧determination n.决心, 坚定, 果断, 确定✧determine vt/vi.决定✧develop vt/vi.开发, 发展, 生长, 发育✧device n.装置✧devote vt.奉献, 专用于✧diagnose vt.诊断, 下结论✧dial vt/n.拨号码;表盘✧dialect n.方言✧dialogue n.对白✧diamond n.钻石✧diary n.日记✧dictation n.听写✧dictionary n.字典✧die vi/vt.死✧diet n.日常饮食✧differ vi.不同✧different adj.不同的, 有区别的✧difficult adj.困难的✧dig v.挖掘✧digest vt/n.消化吸收;摘要✧digit n.数字✧digital adj.数字的✧dignity n.尊严✧diligent adj.勤勉的✧dim adj.昏暗的, 模糊不清的✧dine vi.吃正餐✧dinner n.晚餐✧dioxide n.二氧化物✧dip vt.浸泡✧diploma n.文凭✧diplomat n.外交家✧direct vt/adj.指导, 命令;笔直的, 直接的✧direction n.方向, 说明✧director n.主管, 经理✧dirt n.污物, 灰尘✧dirty adj.脏的✧disabled adj.丧失能力的✧disadvantage n/vt.处于不利地位, 条件✧disagreeable adj.不合意的, 令人不快的✧disappear vi.消失, 不见✧disappoint vt.失望✧disapproval n.不赞同✧disapprove v.不赞同✧disaster n.灾难✧disc n.圆盘, 唱片✧discipline n/vt.纪律;训练✧disco n.迪斯科✧discount vt/vi/n.打折;折扣✧discourage vt.阻止, 阻拦✧discover vt.发现✧discuss vt.讨论✧disease n.疾病✧dish n.菜肴, 碟子✧dishwasher n.洗碗机, 洗碗工✧dislike vt/n.不喜欢✧dismiss vt/vi.解散, 不考虑, 解雇✧disobey vt.不服从, 不遵守✧disorder n.杂乱, 混乱✧disorderly adj.杂乱的, 混乱的✧display n/v.展示✧dissatisfy vt.不满意✧dissolve v.溶解✧distance n.距离, 远处✧distant adj.远的✧distinct adj.有区别的, 不同的✧distinguish vt.区别, 区分, 辨别✧distinguished adj.卓越的, 杰出的✧distribute vt.分发, 配送✧district n.区域, 地区✧distrust vt.不信任, 怀疑✧disturb vt.扰乱✧disturbance n.扰乱, 打扰✧dive vi.潜水✧divide vt.分开✧division n.部门, 分开✧divorce vt/vi/n.离婚✧dizzy adj.头晕目眩的✧do v.做✧doctor n.医生✧document n.文件✧dog n.狗✧doll n.娃娃✧dollar n.元✧dolphin n.海豚✧domestic adj.家庭的, 驯养的, 国内的✧dominant adj.占优势的✧dominate vt/vi.支配, 处于支配地位的✧donate vt.捐赠✧donkey n.驴, 笨蛋✧door n.门✧dormitory n.寝室✧dot n.点✧double adj/vt/vi.加倍的, 成为两倍✧doubt vt/n.怀疑✧down adv.向下✧download v/n.由于病倒✧downstairs adv.往楼下✧downtown adj/adv/n.商业区的✧downwards adv.向下的✧dozen n.二十个✧draft n/v.草案, 起草✧drag vt/vi.拖拉✧dragon n.龙✧drain n/v.排水沟;消耗, 耗尽✧drama n.剧本, 戏剧✧dramatic adj.令人印象深刻的✧draw vt/vi.拖拉, 画, 吸引, 提取✧drawer n.抽屉✧drawing n.绘画✧dream n/v.梦;做梦✧dress n/vt.连衣裙;穿衣✧drift vt/vi/n.漂流✧drill n/vi.钻头, 练习;操练✧drink v/n.喝, 饮料✧drip vi/n.滴下✧drive v/n.驾驶, 迫使, 驱动✧drop n/v.滴;落下, 掉下✧drown v.溺死✧drug n/v.药;吸毒✧drugstore n.药店✧drum n.鼓✧dry vt/vi/adj.变干;干燥的✧duck n.鸭子✧due adj.应得的, 到期的, 预定的✧dull adj乏味的, 愚钝的, 不鲜艳的✧dump vt.倾倒✧dumpling n.汤圆, 饺子✧during prep.在期间✧dusk n.黄昏✧dust n/v.灰尘;去除灰尘✧dustbin n.垃圾箱✧dusty adj.多灰尘的✧duty n.责任, 义务✧dynasty n. 朝代✧each adj/pron/adv.各自, 各个, 每✧eager adj.热切, 渴望的✧ear n.耳朵✧early adv/adj.早期的, 早的✧earn vt.赚得✧earnest adj.认真的, 热切的✧earnings n.收入, 收益✧earth n.陆地✧earthquake n.地震✧ease n.悠闲, 容易✧east n/adj.东;东方的✧eastern adj.东部的✧eastward adv.向东✧easy adj.容易的✧eat v.吃, 毁坏✧e-book n.电子书✧economic adj.经济的✧economy n.经济✧economical adj.节约的✧ecosystem n.生态系统✧edge n.边缘, 刀刃✧edit vt.编辑✧edition n.版本✧editor n.编辑✧editorial adj.编辑的✧educate vt.教育✧education n.教育✧effect n.影响, 结果, 效力✧effective adj.有效的, 生效的✧efficient adj.效率高的, 有能力的✧effort n.努力✧ e.g. 例如✧egg n.蛋✧either adv/adj/pron.任意一个(两者)✧elder adj.年龄大的, 资格老的✧elderly adj.较老的, 晚年的✧elect vt.选举✧electric adj.电的✧electrical adj.电的, 与电有关的✧electrician n.电气专家✧electricity n.电✧electron n.电子✧electronic adj.电子的✧elegant adj.优美的, 优雅的✧element n.元素, 成分✧elementary adj.初级的, 基本的✧elephant n.大象✧elevator n.电梯✧eliminate vt.消除, 淘汰✧else adj/adv.其他的✧elesewhere adv.在别处✧email n/vt.电子邮件✧embarrass vt.使尴尬的✧emerge vi.出现, 浮现✧emergency n.紧急情况, 出诊✧emotion n.感情, 激动✧emperor n.皇帝✧emphasis n.强调, 着重✧emphasize v.强调, 着重✧empire n.帝国✧employ vt.雇佣, 使用✧empolyee n.雇主✧employer n.雇员✧empty adj/v.空;变空, 排除✧enable vt.能够✧enclose vt.围住, 包住, 封入✧encounter vt/n.意外的相遇, 邂逅✧encourage vt.鼓励, 激励✧end n/v.末端;结束, 终止✧endurance n.持久力, 耐力✧endure vt/vi.持久, 忍受, 持续, 忍耐✧enemy n.敌人✧energetic adj.精力充沛的✧energize vt.供给能量✧energy n.活力✧engage vt/vi.使订婚, 使从事, 吸引✧engine n.引擎✧engineer n.工程师✧engineering n.工程学【学科】✧English n.英语✧enhance vt.增强, 提供✧enjoy vt.喜爱✧enjoyable adj.有趣的✧enlarge vt.扩大✧enormous adj.巨大的✧enough adj.足够的✧ensure vt.保证✧enroll vt/vi.入学, 吸收成员✧enter v.进入✧enterprise n.公司✧entertain vt.娱乐, 招待✧entertainer n.表演者✧entertaining adj.引起兴趣的✧entertainment n.娱乐, 招待✧enthusiasm n.热情✧enthusiastic adj.满腔热情的✧entire adj.整个, 全部✧entitle vt.给权利, 给称号, 提名✧entrance n.入口✧entry n.进入, 许可, 入口处, 登录✧envelope n.信封✧environment n.环境✧envy vt/n.羡慕, 嫉妒✧equal adj/n/v.相等的;同等的人;等于✧equip vt.配备, 有准备的✧equivalent adj/n.相等的;相等物✧erase v.擦掉, 抹去, 清除✧eraser n.擦除器✧error n.错误, 差错✧escalator n.自动扶梯✧escape v/n.逃跑, 逃脱✧especially adv.尤其, 特别✧essay n.论文, 散文✧essential adj.实质的, 绝对必要的✧establish vt.建立, 确立✧estimate vt/n.估计, 评价, 判断✧etc. 等等✧evaluate v.估计, 评价, 鉴定✧eve n.前夜, 前夕✧even adv.甚至, 即使✧evening n.傍晚, 晚上✧event n.事件, 活动✧eventual adj.最终, 结果✧ever adv.任何时候✧everlasting adj.永恒的, 持久的✧every adj.每一✧everybody pron.每个人✧everyday adj.每一天✧everyone pron.每个人✧everything pron.每件事✧everywhere adv.到处✧evidence n.证据✧evident adj.明显的✧evil n/adj.罪恶✧evolution n.演变, 逐步形成✧evolve v.进化, 发育, 演化✧exact adj.精确地, 确切的✧examination n.考试, 检查, 检测✧examine vt.测试✧example n.例子✧excellent adj.优秀的✧except prep.除之外✧exchange n/vt.交换, 交流✧excite vt.使兴奋✧exclude vt.排斥在外, 不包括✧excursion n.短途旅行✧excuse vt/n.原谅;借口✧executive adj/n.执行的;执行者✧exercise n/vt.行使, 履行, 训练✧exhaust vt.耗尽✧exhibit n/vt.展览品;展出, 展示✧exhibition n.展览会✧exist vi.存在✧existence n.存在✧exit n.出口✧expand v.扩大, 展开✧expect vt.期待, 预料✧expense n.花费, 费用✧expensive adj.✧experience n/vt.✧experiment n/vi.✧expert n.✧explain v.讲解, 解释, 说明✧explanation n.解释, 说明✧explode v.爆炸, 爆发✧exploit vt.开发, 利用, 剥削✧explore vt.探险, 勘探, 探索✧explosive n.炸药✧export n/v.出口, 输出✧expose vt.暴露, 揭露✧express n/vt.快车, 快递;表达, 表示✧expression n.表达, 表示, 表情, 短语✧extend v.延长, 扩展✧extension n.扩大的部分, 电话的分机✧extensive adj.广阔的, 广泛的✧extent n.广度, 宽度, 长度, 范围, 程度✧external adj.外面的, 外部的✧extinct adj.灭绝的✧extinguisher n.灭火器✧extra adj.额外的, 附加的✧extraordinary adj.不平常的, 特别的✧extreme adj/n.末端的, 极端的;极端✧eye n.眼睛, 眉毛, 注意✧eyebrow n.眉毛✧eyesight n.视力✧fable n.寓言✧face n/v.面孔;面对✧facility n.便利, 设备设施✧fact n.事实, 实际✧factor n.因素✧factory n.工厂✧fail vi/vt.失败, 不及格, 衰退✧failure n.失败, 故障✧faint adj/vi/n.微弱, 昏暗;昏厥✧fair n/adj.商品展览;公平的✧fairly adv.相当, 公正的, 不带偏见的✧fairy n.仙子✧faith n.信任, 信心, 信念✧fake n.假货, 赝品✧fall vi/n.跌倒, 落下;秋天✧false adj.不正确的✧fame n.名声, 名望✧familiar adj.熟悉的, 相似的✧family n.家庭✧famous adj.著名的✧fan n/v.扇子, 粉丝;煽动, 激起✧fancy n/v.想象力;想象✧fantastic adj.奇异的, 了不起的✧far adj/adv.远的✧fare n.车费, 船费✧farewell adj/n.告别✧farm n/vi.农场;种田, 务农✧farmer n.农夫✧fascinate vt.迷住, 吸引✧fashion n.时尚, 方式, 样子✧fashionable adj.符合时尚的, 时髦的✧fast adj/adv.快的, 牢固的✧fasten vt.扎牢✧fat adj/n.肥胖的;脂肪, 肥肉✧fatal adj.致命的, 毁灭性的✧fate n.命运✧father n.父亲✧fault n.缺点, 错误✧favour n/vt.恩惠, 善行;喜爱, 支持✧favourite adj.最爱的✧fax n/vt.传真机;传真传输✧fear n/v.害怕, 恐惧✧feasible adj.可行的, 行得通的✧feather n.羽毛✧feature vt/n.以为特征;特征✧fee n.小费✧feed vt.喂养✧feedback n.反馈信息, 返回, 反应✧feel v.感受到, 觉得✧feeling n.感觉, 感情✧fellow n.家伙, 小子✧female adj/n.女的, 雌性✧fence n.栅栏, 篱笆, 击剑术✧ferry n.渡口, 渡船✧fertile adj.肥沃的, 丰富的✧fertilizer n.肥料✧festival n.节日✧fetch vt.拿来✧fever n.发烧, 高度兴奋✧few adj.很少, 几乎没有✧fiction n.小说✧field n.田地, 领域✧fierce adj.凶猛的, 猛烈的✧fight vt/vi/n.打仗, 反对;战斗, 打架✧figure n/vt.数字, 外形人影;计算, 描绘✧file n.档案✧fill vt/vi.装满✧film n/v.电影, 胶片;拍摄✧final adj.最终的✧finance n/vt.财政;提供资金给✧financial adj.金融的, 财政的✧find vt.找到, 发现✧fine n/v/adj.罚款;好的, 精致的✧finger n.手指✧finish v.完成, 结束✧fire n/v.火, 炉火;燃烧, 开枪, 解雇✧firm adj/n.坚固的;商行✧fireworks n烟火✧fish vi/vt/n.钓鱼, 捕鱼;鱼✧fisherman n.渔夫✧fist n.拳头✧fit vt/vi/adj.合适, 配合;适配;合适的✧flag n.旗✧flame n.火焰✧flash n/v.闪电;使闪光✧flat adj/n.平坦的;公寓✧flavour n.滋味, 味道✧flee v.逃走, 逃离✧flesh n.肌肉, 果肉✧flexible adj.易弯曲的, 灵活的, 柔软的✧flight n.航班, 飞行✧float vi.浮动, 漂流✧flood n/v.洪水;淹没✧floor n.地板, 层✧flour n.面粉✧flow vi/n.流动, 飘拂✧flower n.花✧flu n.感冒✧fluent adj.流利的, 流畅的✧fly vi/vt/n.飞, 驾驶;飞机✧focus v/n.集中, 聚焦✧fog n.雾✧foggy adj.有雾的。

上海高考英语考纲词汇表(注:带“*”为2017年新增词汇;加粗下划线的为2016年新增词汇;带“△”为2016年新增词汇)1◆A◆2 a (an) art. 一(个、件……)3 △abandon v. 舍弃,放弃4 ability n. 能力;才干5 able a. 能够的;有能力的6 abnormal a. 反常的,异常的7 aboard prep.& ad. 在(船、飞机、车)上,上船等8 about ad.大约;到处;四处prep. 关于;9 above prep.在……上面a.上面的ad. 在……之上10 abroad ad. 到(在)国外11 *absence n. 缺席,不在,缺乏,不存在12 absent a. 缺席的,不在的13 absolute a. 十足的;绝对的14 absolutely ad. 绝对的;完全的15 absorb v. 吸收;吸引16 △abstract a./ n. 抽象的(作品)17 *academic a. 学校的,学术的18 accent n. 口音,音调19 accept vt. 接受20 access n. 通道;入口vt. 使用,存取,接近21 accident n. 事故,意外的事22 accommodate vt. 提供住宿,容纳23 accommodation n. 住处,方便设施24 accompany vt. 陪伴,陪同,为…伴奏;vi. 伴奏,伴唱25 accomplish v. 达到(目的),完成(任务),实现(计划)26 according ad. 按照,根据…27 account n. 账目;描述28 accountant n. 会计人员29 accurate a .精确的30 accuse v. 控告31 *accustom v. 使习惯于32 accustomed a. 习惯的,适应了的33 ache vi.& n. 痛,疼痛34 achieve vt. 达到,取得35 achievement n. 成就36 acknowledge v. 承认;答谢37 acquire v. 获得;学到38 across prep. 横过,穿过39 act n.法令,条例v.(戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事40 action n. 行动41 active a. 积极的,主动的42 activity n. 活动43 actor n. 男演员44 actress n. 女演员45 actual a. 实际的;现实的46 AD n. 公元47 ad (缩) =advertisement n .广告48 adapt v. (使)适应;(使)适合49 add vt. 添加,增加50 *addict vt. 使沉溺,使上瘾;n. 有瘾的人,入迷的人51 addition n. 增加;(算数用语)加52 additional a. 附加的53 address n. 地址54 *adequate a. 足够的,适当的55 △adjust v. 调整,调节,适应,习惯56 △administration n. 管理,行政部门57 △admirable a. 值得赞赏的,可钦佩的;极好的58 admire v. 钦佩;羡慕59 admission n. 准入,接纳60 admit vt. 承认,准许(入场,入学等)61 *adolescent a. 青春期的;n.青少年62 adopt v. 收养;过继63 adult n. 成年人64 advance v. 推进,促进;前进65 advanced a. 先进的;高级的66 *advantage n. 优势;有利条件v.有利于67 adventure n. 冒险;奇遇68 advertise vt. 为……做广告69 *advertisement n. 广告70 advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议71 advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议72 △advocate v. 拥护,主张,提倡n. 支持者,提倡者,律师73 aeroplane n.(英)飞机74 affair n. 事,事情75 affect vt. 影响,震动,(疾病)侵袭76 affection n. 影响,喜爱,慈爱,疾病77 afford vt. 负担得起(……的费用);抽得出(时间);提供78 afraid a. 害怕的;担心79 Africa n. 非洲80 African a.非洲的,非洲人的;n. 非洲人81 after ad.在后;后来;prep. 在……之后;在后面;conj. 在……以后82 afternoon n. 下午,午后83 afterwards ad. 后来84 again ad. 再一次;再,又85 against prep. 对着,反对86 age n. 年龄;时代87 aged a. 年老的,陈年的88 agency n. 代理;中介89 agent n. 代理人90 aggressive a. 侵略的;咄咄逼人的91 ago ad. 以前92 agree v. 同意;应允93 *agreeable a. 令人愉快的,惬意的94 Agreement n. 同意,一致; 协定,协议95 agricultural a. 农业的96 agriculture n. 农业,农学97 ahead ad. 在前,向前98 aid n. 援助;救护;辅助器具99 AIDS n. 爱滋病,获得性免疫功能丧失综合症100 aim n.目的;目标;v. 计划,打算;瞄准;针对101 air n. 空气;大气102 air-conditioned a. 装有空掉设备的103 aircraft n. 飞机(单复数同)104 airline n. 航空公司;航空系统105 airmail n. 航空邮件106 airport n. 航空站,飞机场107 alarm n. 警报108 album n. 相簿109 alcohol n. 酒精110 *alert a. 警觉到,警惕的;vt.向…报警,使警觉,使警惕111 alike a.&ad. 相同的;类似于112 alive a. 活着的,存在的113 all ad.全部地;a. 全(部);所有的;总;整;pron. 全部;全体人员114 allow vt. 允许,准许115 almost ad. 几乎,差不多116 alone a. 单独的,孤独的117 along ad. 向前;和…一起;一同prep. 沿着;顺着118 alongside ad. 在…旁边,与…同时119 aloud ad. 大声地120 alphabet n. 字母表121 already ad. 已经122 also ad. 也123 alter v. 改变,(使)变样124 alternative a. 供选择的n.二选一,抉择125 although conj. 虽然,尽管126 altogether ad. 总共127 always ad. 总是;一直;永远128 am v. be的人称形式之一129 a.m./am,A.M./AM n. 午前,上午130 amateur n. 业余爱好者 a. 业余爱好的131 amaze v. 惊奇,惊叹;震惊132 amazing a. 令人吃惊的133 ambition n. 野心,强烈愿望,志向134 ambulance n. 救护车135 America n. 美国;美洲136 among prep. 在……中间;在(三个以上)之间137 amount n.&v. 数量;总计138 amuse vt. (使人)快乐,逗乐139 △amusement n. 娱乐140 amusing a. 有趣的,逗乐的141 analyse(Analyze)v. 分析142 analysis n. 分析;分解143 ancestor n. 祖宗;祖先144 ancient a. 古代的,古老的145 and conj. 和;又;而146 anger n. 怒,愤怒vt. 使发怒,激怒147 angle n. 角度148 angry a. 生气的,愤怒的149 animal n. 动物150 *ankle n. 脚踝,踝关节; 脚脖子;151 anniversary n. 周年纪念日152 announce vt. 宣布,宣告153 announcement n. 宣布,宣告154 announcer n. 播音员,报幕员155 annoy vt. (使)烦恼156 annual a. 年度的n. 年刊157 another a.再一;另一;别的;不同的;pron. 另一个158 answer n. 回答,答复;回信;答案;v. 回答,答复;回信; (作出)答案159 ant n. 蚂蚁160 anti-pollution n. 防止(环境)污染161 anxiety n. 焦虑;渴望162 anxious a. 渴望的;焦虑的163 any pron.(无论)哪一个;哪些,任何的;(用于疑问句、否定句)一些;什么164 anybody pron. 任何人,无论谁165 anyhow ad. 不管怎样166 anymore ad. 如今再也不,不再167 anyone pron. 任何人,无论谁168 anything pron. 什么事(物); 任何事169 anyway ad. 不管怎样170 anywhere ad. 任何地方171 apart a.&ad. 分离的;与众不同地172 apartment n. (美)楼中单元房,一套房间;房间173 *ape n. 类人猿,模仿者vt. 模仿174 apologize vi. 道歉,谢罪175 apology n. 道歉176 *apparent a. 显然的177 appeal n.&v. 上诉;呼吁178 appear vi. 出现179 appearance n. 出现,露面;容貌180 appetite n. 食欲;嗜好181 applaud v. 喝彩;向…鼓掌182 applause n. 喝彩;鼓掌183 apple n. 苹果184 *appliance n. 器具185 *applicant n. 申请人186 application n. 申请(表),应用187 apply v. 申请188 appoint v 任命,委派;确定189 appointment n. 约会;任命;职务; 职位190 appreciate v. 欣赏;感激191 △appreciation n. 欣赏,鉴定,评估192 approach n.&v. 接近;靠近193 appropriate a. 适当的194 approve v. 批准;赞同195 △approximately ad. 近似,大约196 *architect n.建筑师197 △architecture n. 建筑学,建筑设计,风格198 arctic n.北极,北极圈 a. 北极的,极寒的199 area n. 面积;地域,地方,区域;范围,领域200 argue vi. 争辩,争论201 argument n. 争论,辩论202 arise (arose,arisen) vi. 起来,升起;出现203 arm 1 n. 臂,支架204 arm 2 v.以……装备,武装起来;n.(美)武器,武力205 armchair n. 扶手椅206 army n. 军队207 around ad.在周围;在附近;prep. 在……周围;大约208 *arouse vt. 唤醒,引起;vi. 醒来209 arrange v. 安排,布置210 arrest n.&v. 逮捕211 △arrival n. 到来,到达212 arrive vi. 到达;达到213 *arrow n. 箭,箭号214 art n. 艺术,美术;技艺215 article n. 文章;东西,物品;冠词216 △artificial a. 人造的,人工的;做作的,不自然的217 artist n. 艺术家218 as ad.& conj.像…一样;如同;因为prep. 作为,当做219 ash n. 灰;灰末220 ashamed a. 惭愧;害臊221 *aside ad. 在旁边,到一边222 Asia n. 亚洲223 Asian a.亚洲的,亚洲人的;n. 亚洲人224 ask v. 问,询问;请求,要求;邀请225 asleep a. 睡着的,熟睡226 aspect n. 方面227 aspirin n. 阿司匹林(药片)228 assemble v. 集合,召集,装配229 assess v. 评定,对…进行估价230 assist n. 帮助231 assistant n. 助手,助理232 associate v. 结合在一起,使有联系233 association n. 协会,联合234 *assume v. 假定,承担235 *assure v. 使(某人)相信236 astonish v 使惊讶237 astonishing a. 令人惊讶的238 *astronaut n. 宇航员239 astronomy n. 天文学240 at prep. 在(几点钟);在(某处)241 △athlete n. 运动员242 △athletic a. 运动的;运动员的;健壮的243 *Atlantic n.大西洋 a. 大西洋的244 atmosphere n. 大气;气氛245 △atom n. 原子,微粒246 attach v. 附加;附属,连接,使依附247 attack vt. 攻击,袭击248 attempt vt. 试图,尝试249 attend v. 看护,照料,服侍;出席,参加250 attention n. 注意,关心251 attitude n. 态度,看法252 attract v. 吸引,引起253 △attraction n. 吸引,爱慕254 attractive a. 迷人的,有吸引力的255 audience n. 观众,听众256 audio-visual a. 视听的257 aunt n. 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨258 author n. 作者259 authority n. 权威;权力260 automatic a. 自动的261 automatically ad. 自动地;无意识地262 autumn n. 秋天,秋季263 available a. 可利用的264 avenue n. 林荫道,街265 average a. 平均的;普通的;n. 平均数266 avoid v. 避免,躲开,逃避267 await v. 等候,等待(处理)268 awake (awoke,awoken) v. 唤醒;a. 醒着的269 awaken v. 唤醒270 award n. 奖品,奖励271 aware a. 知道的;意识到的272 away ad. 离开;远离273 awful a. 可怕的;庄严的274 awkward a. 笨拙的275276 ◆B◆277 baby n. 婴儿278 bachelor n. 学士,单身汉279 back ad.回(原处);向后;a. 后面的n. 背后,后部;背280 background n. 背景281 backward(s) ad. 向后 a. 向后的,落后的282 △bacterium (复bacteria) n. 细菌283 bad (worse,worst) a. 坏的;有害的,不利的;严重的284 badly ad. 厉害地;严重地285 badminton n. 羽毛球286 bag n. 书包;提包;袋子287 baggage n. 行李288 bake v. 烤;烘(面包)289 bakery n. 面包店290 balance n. 平衡291 ball n. 球;舞会292 ballet n. 芭蕾舞293 balloon n. 气球294 bamboo n. 竹295 △ban n. v. 禁令禁止;取缔296 banana n. 香蕉297 band n. 带298 bandage n. 绑带v. 用绑带包扎299 bank n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤;银行300 bar n.;条;(长方)块,棒,横木;(酒店的)买酒柜台;酒吧(卖东西的)柜台301 barbecue v. & n. 金属烤架;烧烤野餐;在烤架上烧烤302 barber n. ( 为男人理发的)理发师303 bare a. 空的;赤裸的304 barely ad. 几乎不,仅仅,简直没有305 bargain n. v. (经讨价还价之后)成交的商品;廉价货讨价还价306 bark n. v. 吠声,叫声,大声叫喊307 barrier n. v. 障碍(物),栅栏308 base n. 底;基础309 baseball n. 棒球310 *basement n. 地下室311 basic a.基本的312 basin n. 洗脸盆,盆313 basis n. 基础,根据,原则314 basket n. 篮子,蒌,筐315 basketball n. 篮球316 bat n. 板,蝙蝠,球棒,球拍v.打,击317 bath n. 洗澡;浴室;澡盆318 bathe vi. 洗澡;游泳319 bathing n. 游泳,洗澡320 bathroom n. 浴室,盥洗室321 battery n. 电池322 battle n. 战斗;战役323 bay n. 海湾324 B.C. (=Before Christ) 公元前成为;是(原形)325 be v. (am,is,are,was,were,being,been)326 beach n. 海滨,海滩327 bean n. 豆328 bear 1 v. 承受,负担,承担;忍受;容忍329 bear 2 n. 熊330 beard n. (下巴上的)胡须331 beast n. 野兽332 beat (beat,beaten) v. n. 敲打;跳动;打赢(音乐)节拍333 beautiful a. 美的,美丽的,美观的334 beauty n. 美丽,美人335 because conj. 因为336 become (became,become) v.;变得成为337 bed n. 床338 bedroom n. 寝室,卧室339 bedtime a. 就寝时间,适用于临睡前的340 bee n.. 蜜蜂341 beef n. 牛肉342 beer n. 啤酒343 before prep. 在…以前;在…前面ad. conj. 以前在…之前344 beg v. 请求,乞求,乞讨345 beggar n. 乞丐346 begin(began,begun)v. 开始,着手347 behave v. 守规矩,行为348 behaviour(behavior)n. 行为,举止349 behind prep. (表示位置)在…后面ad. 在后面;向后350 being n. 人,生物351 belief n. 信条,信念352 believe v. 相信,认为353 bell n. 钟,铃;钟(铃)声;钟形物354 belong vi. 属,附属355 below prep. 在……下面356 belt n .(皮)带357 bench n. 长凳;工作台358 bend (bent,bent) vt. 使弯曲359 beneath prep. 在……下方(面)360 beneficial a. 有益的361 benefit n.&v. 利益;收益362 beside prep. 在……旁边;靠近363 besides prep.除……以外(还有)ad. 还有,此外364 best a. 最好的adv. 最好地,最365 bet v. 打赌366 better a. 较好的n. 好的人(东西)367 between prep. 在(两者)之间;在…中间368 beyond prep. 超越,在…的那边369 Bible n. 圣经370 bicycle n. 自行车371 bid n.&v. 出价372 big a. 大的373 bike n. 自行车374 bill n. 账单;法案,议案;(美)钞票,纸币375 billion n. 十亿,大量376 bind v. 使粘(结)合,捆绑; 约束; 装订; (用长布条)缠绕377 biologist n. 生物学家378 biology n. 生物(学)379 bird n. 鸟380 birth n. 出生;诞生381 birthday n. 生日382 birthplace n. 出生地;故乡383 biscuit n. 饼干384 bit n. 一点,一些,少量的385 bite (bit,bitten) v. 咬;叮386 bitter a. 有苦味的;痛苦的,难过的;严酷的387 black n. 黑色a. 黑色的388 blackboard n. 黑板389 blacksmith n. 铁匠390 blame n.& v. 责备;责怪391 △blank n.& a. 空格,空白(处);空的;茫然无表情的392 blanket n. 毛毯,毯子393 bleed v. 出血394 bless vt. 保佑,降福395 blind a. 瞎的396 block n. 大块;(木、石等)块;街区;路障vt. 阻塞;阻挡397 blood n. 血,血液398 bloom n. vi. 开花399 blouse n. 宽罩衫;(妇女、儿童穿的)短上衣400 blow (blew,blown) v. 吹;刮风;吹气401 blue n.蓝色;a. 蓝色的;悲伤的;沮丧的402 board n.木板;布告牌;委员会;(政府的)部;v. 上(船、火车、飞机)403 *boast vi. n. 自吹自擂vt. 吹嘘404 boat n. 小船,小舟405 body n. 身体406 boil v. 沸腾;烧开;煮……407 bomb n. 炸弹v. 轰炸408 bone n. 骨头,骨质409 book n.书;本子;v. 预定,定(房间、车票等)410 booklet n. 小册子411 bookshop n. 书店412 *boom v. 使兴旺,发隆隆声,急速发展n. 繁荣,钓竿,隆隆声413 boot n. 靴414 border n. 边缘;边境,国界415 bore v. 钻孔; 令人厌烦; 用钻,使厌倦416 bored a. 无聊的;烦人的417 boring a. 乏味的,无聊的418 born a. 出生419 borrow v. (向别人)借用;借420 boss n. 领班;老板421 *botanist n. 植物学家422 *botany n. 植物学423 both a. & pron. 两个……(都),两者(都)424 bother v. 打扰;使不安;尽力;担心425 bottle n. 瓶子,容器426 bottom n. 底部;末尾;臀部427 *bounce n. 跳,弹力v. 弹跳,(使)弹起,反跳428 bow v. & n. 鞠躬,弯腰429 bowl n. 碗,木球,大酒杯v. 玩保龄球,投球,平稳快速移动430 bowling n. 保龄球431 box n. 盒子,箱子432 boy n. 男孩433 brain n. 脑(子)434 brake n. 制动器,刹车v. 刹车435 branch n. 树枝;分枝;分公司,分店;支部436 brand n. 商标;牌子;烙印v. 打烙印于,把…铭刻437 brass n. 黄铜438 brave a. 勇敢的439 △bravery n. 勇气440 bread n. 面包441 break (broke,broken) v. 打破(断,碎);损坏,撕开442 breakfast n. 早餐443 breast n. 胸,胸部,乳房444 breath n. 气息;呼吸445 breathe vi. 呼吸446 △breathless a. 气喘吁吁的,上气不接下气的447 *breed n.品种,种类448 *breeze n.微风449 *bribe n.贿赂v. 向…行贿450 brick n. 砖;砖块451 bride n. 新娘452 bridegroom n. 新郎453 bridge n. 桥454 brief a. 简洁的455 briefly ad. 简洁地,简短地456 *brigade n. (执行特定任务的)队457 bright a. 明亮的;聪明的458 brilliant a. 灿烂的,极聪明的,卓越的459 bring (brought,brought) vt. 拿来,带来,取来460 broad a. 宽的,宽大的广播节目;vt.广播461 broadcast n. vt. (broadcast,broadcast或-ed,-ed)462 brochure n. 手册63 broom n. 扫帚464 brother n. 兄;弟465 brow n. 眉毛,额(头),眉脊466 brown n.褐色,棕色; a. 褐色的,棕色的467 *browse v. 随便翻阅468 *brunch n. 早午餐vi. 吃早午餐469 brush v. & n. 刷子;轻碰;刷470 B.S. (=Bachelor of Science) 理学士471 bubble n. 泡(沫)472 bucket n. 水桶473 budget n.&v. 预算;安排474 build (built,built) v. 建筑;造475 building n. 建筑物;房屋;大楼476 bulb n. 灯泡,(植物)球茎477 bull n. 公牛478 bullet n. 子弹479 *bump vi. 碰,撞480 bunch n. 束481 burden n. 负担,负荷482 burn (-ed,-ed 或burnt,burnt) v. 燃,烧,着火;使烧焦;使晒黑;n. 烧伤;晒伤483 burst v. 突然发生;突然发作484 bury vt. 埋;葬485 bus n. 公共汽车486 bush n. 灌木,灌木丛487 business n. (本分)工作,职业;职责;生意,交易;事业488 businessman n. 商人(男);男企业家489 businesswoman n. 商人(女);女企业家490 busy a. 忙(碌)的491 but conj.但是,可是;prep. 除了,除……外492 butcher n. & vt. 肉店;屠夫;屠宰(动物);残杀(人)493 butter n. 黄油,奶油494 butterfly n. 蝴蝶495 button n.纽扣;(电铃等的)按钮;v. 扣(纽扣)496 buy(bought,bought)vt. 买497 by prep. 靠近,在…旁;在…时间;不迟于;被;用;由;乘(车)498 bye int. 再见499500 ◆C◆501 cabbage n. 卷心菜,洋白菜502 cabin n. 机舱,小木屋503 cable n. 缆,索 a. 有线电视的504 cafe n. 咖啡馆;餐馆505 cafeteria n. 自助餐厅506 cage n. 笼;鸟笼507 cake n. 蛋糕,糕点;饼508 calculate v. 计算;打算509 calculator n. 计算器510 calendar n. 日历511 call n.喊,叫;电话,通话;v. 称呼;呼唤;喊,叫512 calm a.镇静的;沉着的;v. 镇静;沉着513 camel n. 骆驼514 camera n. 照相机,摄影机,摄像机515 camp n.(夏令)营;vi. 野营;宿营516 campaign n.&v. 运动,战斗;作战,参加竞选,参加活动517 campus n. (大学)校园518 can 1 (could) modal v. 可能;能够;可以519 can't = can not 不能520 can 2 n. (美)罐头;罐子521 a garbage can (美)垃圾桶522 a can opener 开罐器523 canal n. 运河;水道524 cancel vt. 取消525 cancer n. 癌526 candidate n. 候选人527 candle n. 蜡烛528 candy n. 糖果529 *canteen n. 小卖部,食堂530 cap n. (无檐的或仅在前面有檐的)帽子;(瓶子的)盖;(钢笔等的)笔套531 capable a. 有能力的532 capital n. 首都,省会;大写;资本 a. 首都的,资本的,主要的533 capitalist n. n.资本家; 资本主义者; <口>有钱人,财主;adj资本主义的;资本家的; 有资本的534 △capsule n. [医]胶囊;[航]太空舱;小容器535 captain n. (海军)上校;船长,舰长;队长536 *capture n. v. 捕获,占领,俘获537 car n. 汽车,小卧车538 carbon n. 碳539 card n. 卡片540 care n.照料,保护;小心;v. 介意…,在乎;关心541 career n. 生涯,职业542 careful a. 小心的,仔细的,谨慎的543 careless a. 粗心的,漫不经心的544 cargo n. (由船、飞机、车辆装载的)货物545 carpenter n. 木匠546 carpet n. 地毯547 △carriage n. 四轮马车;(火车)客车厢548 carrot n. 胡萝卜549 carry vt. 拿,搬,带,提,抬,背,抱,运等550 cart n. 大车,(美)手推车551 cartoon n. 动画片,卡通;漫画552 carve vt. 刻;雕刻553 case n. 情况;病例;案件;真相;箱;盒;容器554 cash n. 现金,现钞v. 兑现555 cashier n. 出纳员,收银员556 cassette n. 磁带盒,胶卷暗盒557 cast v. 投,掷,抛558 castle n. 城堡559 casual a. 漫不经心的;随便的;临时的;偶然的560 cat n. 猫561 catalog(ue) n. 目录(本、卡)vi. 编目录562 catastrophe n. 大灾难,灾祸563 catch (caught,caught) v. 接住;捉住;赶上;染上(疾病)564 cattle n. 牛(总称),家畜565 cause n.原因,起因;vt. 促使,引起,使发生566 cautious a. 小心的,谨慎的567 cave n. 山洞,岩洞568 CD (=compact disc) 激光唱片569 *cease v. n. 停止570 ceiling n. 天花板571 celebrate v. 庆祝572 △celebration n. 庆祝;庆祝会573 cell n. [生物]细胞574 cellphone n. 手机,移动电话575 cement n. 水泥576 cemetery n. 墓地,公墓577 cent n.(100cents = 1 dollar)美分578 centigrade a. 摄氏的,百分度的579 centimetre (美centimeter) n. 公分,厘米580 central a. 中心的,中央的;主要的581 centre (美center ) n. 中心,中央582 century n. 世纪,百年583 ceremony n. 典礼584 certain a. (未指明真实名称的)某…;确定的,无疑的;一定会…585 *certificate v. 发给证明书; 用证书证明n. 证明书; 文凭,结业证书586 chain n. 链;链条587 chair n. 椅子;(会议)主席588 chairman n. 主席,会长;议长589 chairwoman n. 女主席,女会长;女议长590 chalk n. 粉笔591 challenge n. 挑战(性) v. 向…挑战,提出挑战592 *champion n. 冠军 a. 得第一名的593 championship n. 锦标赛,冠军594 chance n. 机会,可能性,机遇595 change n.零钱;找头;. v 改变,变化;更换;兑换596 channel n. 频道;通道;水渠597 chapter n. 章598 character n. (汉)字,字体;品格,个性599 characteristic a. 特有的,独特的,n. 特性,特征600 charge v. 要求收费;索价;将(电池)充电n. 费用;价钱,控告601 *charity n. 慈善(行为); 施舍,捐助; 慈善机关; 仁爱,宽容602 *charm n. 魅力; 魔力; 咒文;小装饰品vt. 使陶醉; 诱惑; 对…行魔法; 令人陶醉603 chart n. 图表;航海图604 *chase n. v. 追求; 追捕; 追寻; 镂刻605 chat n. & vi.聊天,闲谈606 cheap a. 便宜的,贱607 cheat n. & v. 骗取,哄骗;作弊608 check n.检查;批改;vt. 校对,核对;检查;批改609 checkout n. 付款台,结帐离开; 检验,校验610 cheek n. 面颊,脸蛋611 cheer n. & vi. 欢呼;喝彩612 cheese n. 奶酪613 chemical a. 化学的n. 化学品614 chemist n. 药剂师;化学家615 chemistry n. 化学616 cheque (美check) n. 支票617 chess n. 棋618 chest n. 箱子;盒子;胸部619 △chew v. 咀嚼,咬620 chicken n. 鸡;鸡肉621 chief a. 主要的;首要的;n. 领导,头622 child (复children) n. 孩子,儿童623 childbirth n. 分娩,生产624 childhood n. 幼年时代,童年625 childish a. 孩子般的,幼稚的626 *chill n. 寒冷,着凉 a. 冷的627 chimney n. 烟囱; 壁炉; 玻璃灯罩; 烟囱状东西628 china n. 瓷器629 chip n. 碎片,油煎土豆片,集成电路块,(计)芯片630 chocolate n. 巧克力631 choice n. 选择,抉择632 choke v. (使)窒息,呛;塞满,塞住633 choose (chose,chosen) vt. 选择634 *chop v. 砍,劈n. 排骨肉635 chopsticks n. 筷子636 Christian n. 基督教徒和天主教徒的总称637 Christmas n. 圣诞节638 church n. 教堂;教会639 cigar n. 雪茄烟640 cigarette n. 纸烟,香烟641 cinema n. 电影院;电影642 circle n. vt. 圆圈将……圈起来n. 圆643 *circular a. 圆形的; 环行的; 迂回的,绕行的; 供传阅的,流通的644 circumstance n. 环境,形势645 citizen n. 公民;居民646 city n. 市,城市,都市647 civil a. 国内的;平民(非军人)的;民用的648 civilian n. 平民 a. 平民的649 civilization(civilisation)n. 文化,文明650 civilize v. 使文明,使开化651 claim v. 声称; 索取; 断言; 需要n. 要求,声称,索赔652 clap v. 拍(手),鼓(掌)653 △clarify v. 澄清,阐明654 class n. (学校里的)班;年级;课655 classic a. 经典的;古典的n. 经典作品,经典作家656 classical a. 古典的657 classify v. 归类;分类658 classmate n. 同班同学659 classroom n. 教室660 clay n. 粘土661 clean vt.弄干净,擦干净;a. 清洁的,干净的662 cleaner n. 吸尘器663 clear a. 清晰的;明亮的;清楚的664 clerk n. 书记员;办事员;职员665 clever a. 聪明的,伶俐的666 click n. 咯嚓声,卡塔声v. 使发出卡塔声,发出轻而短的声音667 cliff n. 悬崖,峭壁668 climate n. 气候669 climb v. 爬,攀登670 clinic n. 诊所671 clock. n. 钟672 *clone. n. 无性繁殖,克隆v. 无性繁殖,复制673 close a.亲密的;近,靠近;ad. 近,靠近674 cloth n. 布675 clothes n. 衣服;各种衣物676 clothing n. (总称) 衣服677 cloud n. 云;云状物;阴影678 cloudy a. 多云的,阴天的679 club n. 俱乐部;纸牌中的梅花680 *clue. n. 线索,提示681 coach n. 教练;马车;长途车682 coal n. 煤;煤块683 coast n. 海岸;海滨684 coat n. 外套;涂层;表皮;皮毛v. 覆盖…的表面,给…涂上一层685 cock. n. 公鸡686 code. n. 密码687 coffee n. 咖啡688 coin n. 硬币689 coincidence n. 巧合,巧事;(意见、爱好等的)一致690 coke n. 可口可乐691 cold a. 冷的,寒的n.寒冷;感冒,伤风692 *collapse vi. 塌下,崩溃; 倒塌; 折叠; (尤指工作劳累后)坐下693 collar n. 衣领;硬领694 colleague n. 同事695 collect vt. 收集,搜集696 collection n. 收藏品,收集物697 college n. 学院;专科学校698 colony n. 殖民地969 colour (美color) n.颜色;vt. 给……着色,涂色700 column n. 专栏; 圆柱; 纵队,列701 comb n. 梳子v. 梳702 combination vt. 联合;结合,组合703 combine vt. 使联合;使结合704 come (came,come) vi. 来,来到705 *comedian n. 喜剧演员706 △comedy n. 喜剧;喜剧性;有趣的事情707 comfort n. 安慰;慰问708 comic a. 喜剧的;具有喜剧特点的;n. 喜剧演员,滑稽电影709 comfortable a. 舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的710 command n. & v. 命令;指挥;掌握711 commander n. 司令员,指挥官712 comment n. 评论713 commerce n. 商业,贸易714 commercial a. 商业的,营利的n. 商业广告715 *commit v.犯罪,做错事; 把…托付给; 保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等); 承诺,使…承担义务;716 commitment n. 承诺,保证;信奉,献身;承担的义务717 committee n. 委员会718 common a. 普通的,一般的;共有的719 communicate v. 交际;传达(感情,信息等)720 communication n. 交际;交往;通讯721 communism n. 共产主义722 communist n.共产主义者;a. 共产党的;共产主义的723 community n. 社区;团体724 companion n. 同伴;同事725 company n. 公司726 *comparative a. 相比较而言的,相对的727 compare vt. 比较,对照728 comparison n. 比较;比喻729 compass n. 罗盘,罗盘仪730 compete vi. 比赛,竞赛731 competition n. 比赛,竞赛732 competitive a. 竞争(比赛)性的,有竞争力的733 competitor n. 竞争者;比赛者734 complain v. 抱怨,投诉,控告735 *complaint n. 抱怨736 complete a.完成的;vt. 完成,结束737 completion n. 完成,完工738 complex a. 复杂的739 complicated a. 复杂的740 compliment n. 赞美741 compose v. 组成,构成,写作,创作742 composer n. 作曲家743 composition n. 作文744 compound a. 复合的n. 复合物,复合词745 comprehension n. 理解,理解力746 *comprehensive a. 综合的; 广泛的; 有理解力的n. [常用复数] 专业综合考试; 综合学校; 综合性中学747 *compulsory a. 必修的; 义务的; 必须做的,强制性的748 compute v. 计算749 computer n. 电子计算机750 *conceal v. 隐藏751 concentrate n.&v. 集中,专心752 concentration n. 集中,专心753 concept n .观念754 concern v. 关心755 concert n. 音乐会;演奏会756 conclude v. 完成,结束757 conclusion n. 结论;结束758 △concrete a. 混凝土制的;实在的,具体的;有形的759 condition n. 条件,状况760 conduct vt. 进行,指挥,引导,带领n. 品行,管理,行为,举止761 *conductor n. 售票员,列车员,指挥,导体762 conference n. (正式的)会议;讨论763 *confess v. 承认764 confidence n. 信任,信心765 confident a. 有信心的,自信的766 confirm v. 确认767 conflict n.&v. 冲突768 confuse v. 使混乱769 congratulate vt. 祝贺770 congratulation n. 祝贺,庆贺771 *congress n. 代表大会,立法机关772 connect vt. 连接,把…联系起来773 connection n. 连接物;接触,联系774 *conquer v. 击败,征服775 *conscience n. 良心776 *conscious a. 意识到的,神志清醒的777 consequence n. 结论,后果,重要性778 consequently ad. 所以,因此779 consider vt. 考虑780 considerable a. 相当大的,重要的,值得考虑的781 considerate a. 体贴的,体谅他人的782 consideration n. 考虑,要考虑的事;体贴,关心783 consist v. 包含,组成,构成,在于784 constant a. 经常的,不断的,一再重复的785 constantly ad. 经常地;不断地786 construct v. 构筑;建造,建设787 construction n. 建造,建设;建筑物788 consult v. 商量,请教,查阅789 consume v. 消耗,消费,吃完,喝光,耗尽790 consumer n. 消费者,顾客,用户791 contact n. v. (使)接触; (与…)联系; (与…)通讯(或通话)792 contain v. 包含;包括;能容纳793 container n. 容器,集装箱794 contemporary a. 当代的,发生,存在于同一时代的795 content a. 甘愿的,满意的;n. 内容,目录796 contest n. 竞赛797 context n. 上下文,语境,背景,环境798 continent n. 大陆,大洲;陆地799 continue vi. 继续800 contract n. 合同v. 收缩,订约801 contrary n. a. 相反相反的802 contrast n.&v. 对比803 contribute v. 贡献,捐献804 △contribution n. 贡献805 control vt.& n. 控制806 convenience n. 便利807 convenient a. 便利的,方便的808 conversation n. 谈话,交谈809 convey v. 传达,运输810 convince v. 使确信,信服,说服811 convincing a. 有说服力的;有力的812 cook n.炊事员,厨师;v. 烹调,做饭813 cooker n. 炊具814 cool a. 凉的,凉爽的;酷815 cooperate v. 合作,协作,配合816 cooperation n. 合作817 cope v. (with) 对付,对抗,(妥善地)处理818 copy n.抄本,副本;一本(份,册……);v. 抄写;复印;(计算机用语)拷(备份盘)819 corn n. 玉米,谷物820 corner n. 角;角落;拐角821 corporation n. 集团,公司822 correct v.改正;纠正a. 正确的,对的;823 corridor n. 走廊,回廊824 cosmetic n. 化妆品,装饰品 a. 美容的,化妆用的825 cost (cost,cost) v. 值(多少钱);花费n. 费用,成本826 cottage n. 小屋,村舍827 cotton n. 棉花a. 棉花的828 couch n. 睡椅,长沙发829 cough n.& vi. 咳嗽830 could v. 能够831 count vt. 数,点数32 counter n. 柜台,结账处833 country n. 国家;农村,乡下834 countryside n. 乡下,农村835 county n. 郡,县836 couple n. 夫妇,一对37 courage n. 勇气;胆略838 course n. 过程;经过;课程839 court n. 球场,法院840 cousin n. 堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹841 cover n.盖子;罩;v. 覆盖,遮盖;掩盖42 cow n. 母牛,奶牛843 crack v. 破裂n.瑕疵,缺点844 craft n. 工艺,手艺,船,航空器845 crash v. 碰撞,坠毁,猛撞n. 哗啦声486 *crawl n.&v. 爬,爬行,匍匐前进847 crazy a. 疯狂的,不切实际的848 cream n. 奶油,乳脂849 create vt. 创造;造成,产生850 creative a. 有创造力的851 creature n. 生物852 credit n. 信用;信赖;信誉853 crew n. 全体人员854 crime n.&v. 罪行;控告855 criminal a.&n. 犯罪的;罪犯856 crisis n. (pl. crises) 决定性时刻,危机,转折点857 critic n. 批评家,评论家858 critical a. 关键的; 批评的,爱挑剔的; 严重的; 极重要的;评论的859 criticism n. 批评,批判860 criticize v. 批评,批判,指责,非难861 crop n. 庄稼;收成862 cross a. 脾气不好的,易怒的;n. 十字形的东西;vt. 越过;穿过863 crossroads n. 交叉路口864 crowd n. 人群vt. 拥挤,群聚865 crown n. 王冠,国王,王位866 cruel a. 残忍的,残酷的;无情的867 cruelty n. 残忍868 cry n. 叫喊;哭声v. 喊叫;哭869 *crystal n. 晶体; 水晶; 结晶(体); 水晶饰品a. 水晶(般)的; 透明的;清楚的870 cucumber n. 黄瓜871 *cultivate v. 耕作,培植,培养872 cultural a. 文化(上)的873 culture n. 文化874 cup n. 茶杯875 cupboard n. 碗柜;橱柜876 cure n. & vt. 治疗;医好877 curiosity n. 好奇,好奇心878 curious a. 好奇的;奇异的879 curiously ad. 好奇地880 currency n. 货币;现金881 current n. (空气、水、电等)流 a. 现时的,通行的,通用882 *curriculum n. 课程883 curtain n. 窗帘884 curve n. 弯,曲,曲线(道路的)弯曲处885 cushion n. 垫子,气垫886 custom n. 习惯,习俗,风俗习惯887 customer n. (商店等的)顾客,主顾888 cut (cut,cut) v. & n. 切,剪,削; 割伤889 cute a. 可爱的,漂亮的890 cycle vi. 骑自行车891 cyclist n. 骑自行车的人892893 ◆D◆894 dad = daddy n. (口语)爸爸895 daily a.每日的;日常的;ad. 每天;n. 日报896 dairy n. 牛奶场; 乳品店; 牛奶及乳品业 a.乳品的; 牛奶的; 奶制的; 乳品业的897 dam n. 水坝,堰堤898 damage n.& vt. 毁坏,损害899 △damp a. 湿的,潮湿的n.潮湿vt.使潮湿,使沮丧,抑制900 dance n.& vi. 跳舞901 danger n. 危险902 dangerous a. 危险的903 dare v.& aux. (后接不带to的不定式;主要用于疑问,否定或条件句)敢,敢于904 dark n.黑暗;暗处;日暮;a. 黑暗的;暗淡的;深色的905 darkness n.906 darling n. & a.907 dash v. & n. 快跑,冲刺,短跑,破折号,猛冲908 datum (pl. data) n. 资料,数据909 △database n. 资料库,数据库910 date n. & v. 日期;约会911 daughter n. 女儿912 dawn n. 黎明,拂晓913 day n. (一)天,(一)日;白天914 daylight n. 日光915 daytime n. 白天 a. 白天的916 dead a. 死的;无生命的917 deadline n. 最后期限,截止日期918 deaf a. 聋的919 deal(dealt,dealt)n. 量,数额;交易v. 处理,涉及,(with)对付,应付920 dear a. 亲爱的;贵的921 death n. 死922 debate n. & v. 讨论,辩论(会),争论923 debt n. 债务;欠款924 decade n. 十年925 decay n. v. (使)腐烂,衰败,衰退,衰落926 deceive n. 欺骗,蒙骗927 decent a. 正派的,得体的,相当好的928 decide v. 决定;下决心929 decision n. 决定;决心930 deck n. 甲板,舱面931 declare vt. 声明;断言932 decline n.&v. 下降933 decorate vt. 装饰…,修饰…934 decrease n.&v. 减少935 deed n. 行为;事迹936 deep a. 深ad. 深;深厚937 deer n. 鹿938 defeat vt. 击败;战胜939 defence (Am. defense) n. 防御,答辩,防务940 defend vt. 防守;保卫,防御,为…辩护941 define vt. 给…下定义942 definite a. 明确的,确定的943 definition n. 定义,释义944 degree n. 程度;度数;学位945 delay v.& n. 拖延,延误,延迟,延期;耽搁946 delegate n. 代表947 delete v. 擦去,删除948 *deliberate a. 深思熟虑的; 故意的; 蓄意的; 慎重的v.权衡,熟虑; 商讨949 *delicate a. 微妙的; 熟练的; 纤弱的; 易损的,雅致的950 delicious a. 美味的,可口的951 delight n. & v. (使)高兴;使人高兴的东西(或人)952 delighted a. 高兴的,快乐的953 deliver vt. 投递(信件,邮包等)954 delivery n. 投递,分送,询问955 demand vt. n. 要求,需要956 demanding a. 要求高的,费力的957 democracy n. 民主958 *demonstrate v. 证明,论证,展示,示威959 dense a. 密集的,稠密的; 浓密的,浓厚的; 愚钝的;960 dentist n. 牙科医生961 deny v. 否认,不承认;拒绝给予,拒绝要求962 depart vi. 离开,出发963 departure n. 离开964 depend vi. 依靠,依赖,指望;取决于965 dependent a. 依靠的,依赖的966 deposit vt. n. 储蓄; 寄存; 放置,安置; 付保证金,存款; 沉淀(物); 寄存967 depress vt. 压下,压低; 使沮丧; 使萧条; 使跌价,使不景气968 Dept.= department n. 部门,局969 depth n. 深,深度970 describe vt. 描写,叙述971 description n. 描述,描写972 desert 1 n. 沙漠973 desert 2 vt. 舍弃;遗弃974 deserve v. 应得975 design n.& vt. 设计,策划图案,图样,样式976 desire vt. & n. 要求;期望,愿望977 desk n. 书桌,写字台978 desktop n. 桌面,台式机 a. 台式的979 *despair n. vi. 失望,绝望980 △desperate a. (因绝望而)不惜冒险的,不顾一切的,拼命的981 despite prep.不管; 虽有; 尽管,不论982 dessert n.甜点; 餐后甜食983 destination n.目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语] 预定,指定984 destroy vt. 破坏,毁坏985 destruction n. 破坏,毁灭986 detail n. 细节987 △detective n. 侦探988 determination n. 决心,决定;确定989 determine vt. 决定;决心990 determined a. 下定决心的,有决心的991 develop v. (使)发展;(使)发达;(使)发育;开发vt.冲洗(照片) 992 development n. 发展,发达,发育,开发993 device vt. 设计,装置。

上海高考英语词汇手册整理知识讲解词汇手册整理1. abilitythe ability to do the capability of doingbe (un)able to do be capable of sth/doing1 主语可以是物2 可以加不好的事Cf. was able to do ( = managed to do = succeeded in doing sth)Couldenable sb. to do2. (ab)normal adj.n. above normal below normal return to normalCf. average adj. 平均的;典型,有代表性的n. above/below average on (the) averageagainst an average of …the average driverscommon adj. 人人都有;到处可见It’s commo n to have a mobi le phone now.共同;共有have …in common; common interest ordinary adj.general adj. 总的the general manager the general idea/outline社会一般的the general public general knowledgegeneral electiongenerally speakingin general VS in detailusual adj.universal adj. a universal truth/rulea universal language/universal peace/donortopics of universal interestn. the universe Cf. space3.aboard adv. prepgo aboard the ship.On board4.abroad adv.go/study abroad; from home and abroad5. absence n.one’s absence from in the absence of = for lack of absent adj. be absent from VS be present atabsent-minded6.absorb vt.absorb light/water/heat/the training/what he says (sb.) be absorbed in sth/doing sth7. accept vt. Cf accept an invitationreceive an invitationCf. be accepted by allbe well/coldly/poorly received by allCf. be accepted by a companybe admitted to/into a company(un)acceptable adj. be acceptable to sb.8.access (u)n. the access to the villagehave (easy/no) access to the librarythe Internet access(in)accessible adj. be ~ to9.accident n. Cf. accidenteventincidentissueby accident = by chance = accidentally = unintentionally on purpose = by intention = by design = purposefully =intentionally10.according to the chairman/reportaccording to the specific situationaccording to me (此表达法错,正确为so/as far as I am concerned)11.accountaccount for 1)占据Girls account for 30% of the whole class.2)解释…的原因The student could not account for his absence.Give a detailed/full account of sthTake sth into account/considerationOn no account should we give up. We should not on any account give up.12.with great accuracyCf. accurateexactactual13.accuse sb. of sthcharge sb. with stharrest sb. for sth.blame sb. for sth. = blame sth. on sb.scold sb. for sth.criticize sb. for sth.excuse sb. rorpraise sb. for14.accustomed adj. his accustomed seat/ an accustomed smilebe accustomed to sth./doing sth. = be used to sth./doing sth.get accustomed to sth./doing sth. = get used to sth./doing sth.15.ache n.have a bad headache/stomachachevi. = hurtI ache all over.My heart aches for you.My leg has been hurting/aching since yesterday.Cf. hurt (hurt, hurt)vt. hurt my leg/have my leg hurt/hurt my feelingsvi. My leg hurts.wound vt. a wounded solidern. = injuryinjure vt. injure his leg / injure his feelingsn. injurydamage vt. damage the table/chairsdamage one’s health/eyesightn. do/cause damage toCf. damagesdestroy vt.spoil vt. Spare the rod, spoil the child.a spoilt childspoil his birthday party/the picnicCf. offend himharm vt. harm sb.harm one’s eyesn. do harm to sb. = do sb. harm= be harmful to = be bad for16.achieve vt.achieve success/ fame/recognition/an effect 达到(较抽象)achieve a task/one’s aim 完成achievement n. make achievements inaccomplish vt. accomplish a task/one’s aim 完成accomplish something/nothing/wonders/whatever you do 做到(具体)fulfill vt. fulfill a promise/contrast 履行fulfill a task 完成fulfill one’s needs/requirements = meet; satisfy 满足17.acquire vt.acquire sth. 获得acquire a knowledge of French/a bad reputation 学得;养成gain vt . gain sth. /gain(lose)five minutes a dayobtain vt. obtain sth. /obtain one’s goalearn vt. earn sb. sth.win vt. win sth./ win sb. sth. / win over sb.18.across~~ the desert; shout across the room; run across the plain Come across19.act asact n. Cf. actbehaviouractiondeed20.actual adj. the actual price/ the actual cost/ his actual words/ in actual factCf. real real leather/silka real person in real lifetrue It’s not true. She made up t he story.true love/friends21.adapt v. adapt sth. to sth.adapt oneself to sth. = adapt to sth.adopt vt. adopt a childadopt a good attitude/the proposaladjust vt. adjust the focus/ the clockadjust oneself to sth. = adjust to sth.22.add v. add sth. to sth.add up A and Badd that 接着说add to sth. = increase sth. 增添了add to our helplessness(sth) add up to 总和addition n. in addition to = besidesin addition = besides = furthermore = what’s more23.address n. 注意词义vt. address the envelopeaddress the meeting/ a large audience24.admire vt. admire you/ admire your bravery /admire you for your braveryadmire the beautiful sunset = appreciate ~25.admit vt. admit sb. to/into sp.admit doing sth. VS deny doing sth.Cf. permit vt. permit sth. permit doing sth. permit sb. to do allow vt. allow sth. allow doing sth. allow sb. to doadvise doing advise sb. to dorecommend doing recommend sb. to do26.advance v.n. C/U make advances in = make progress inadvancement n. Uadvanced technology / advanced course27.take full advantage of = make full use of = make the most ofCf. make the best ofhave an advantage over sb.28.adventure n. 冒险的活动Cf. venture n. 冒险的事业Every venture has the possibility ofmaking or losing money.Risk29.advertise the new car model in the newspaperadvertise for a job/roommate30.advise sb. on sth. suggest sth.advise sb. to do suggest one’s doingadvise doing suggest (to sb.) that … (should) do advise that…(should) dogive advice to sb. on sth. make a suggestion to sb.give tips to sb. on sth.31.affair (usu. pl.) foreign affairs/ political affairshousehold affairs/ a love affairCf. businessdo business with business hours on business or for pleasure It’s none of your business.set up/start a businessmatter It’s a matter of choi ce/of personal tastes/life and death.Is there anything the matter with you?32.affect vt . affect a child’s growth (不良影响)be affected by the story = be moved/touched by the story be affected by a disease = be infected with/by a disease= develop/catch/pick up/(carry) a disease Cf. influence vt. influence a child’s thought/opinionn. U have influence oneffect n. have an effect onachieve the intended effectcause and effectcreate a wonderful sound effect(sth.)take effect bring sth. into effecteffort n. make effort(s) to do without effort(s) in one’s efforts to dospare no efforts to do through combined effortsimpact n. have an impact on33.afford vt. 买得起afford sth. afford to do承受得起后果A language learner cannot afford not to have a dictionary.34.afraid adj. be afraid to dobe afraid of doingCf. I am afraid of dogs.I fear dogs.Dogs frighten me.I am frightened at dogs.35.agree to doagree to my planagree with me/my words/what I saidHis words don’t agree with his actions.相符The food/weather here does not agree with me. 适合,适宜(All of them) agree on (a date)come to/reach/arrive at an agreementagreeable(= pleasant) people/weather36.ahead of me 在前面;胜过ahead of time/schedule VS behind timeahead of one’s time/the times VS behind the times落后于时代37.aid n. a knowledge of first aidhearing aids audio-visual aids teaching aidscome to/ go to one’s aid/help/rescue/assistancewith the aid of = with the help ofaid v. = help; assistaid (sb.) with sth.aid sb. in doing38.aim his gun at the target aim his words at meaim at sth.aim to do = aim at doing The advert aims at promoting good service.aim highachieve one’s aim to do sth.39.alike(adv.) The boss treats us all alike. (=in the same way)(adj.) The two brothers look much alike.Cf. A looks like B.40.Cf. alive the oldest man alive catch sb. alive keep sb. aliveliving the oldest living man the living and the dead a living language lively a lively boy/lessonlive (adj.)a live broadcast/match experiment on live animals (adv.)be broadcast live41.all students/all the students/all of the studentsall of themin allall in allafter allabove allfirst of allall over(not) at all42.almost nobody/nothing/no…not nearly satisfactory = far from satisfactory/perfect/enoughalmost/nearly everybodyCf. almost/most/mostly43.alone adj. She is alone, but she isn’t not lonely.adv. do it alone = do it on one’s own = do it by oneself Money alone(光,仅仅) can’t make me happy.lonely adj. She is lonely.a lonely girla lonely village = a remote/faraway village44.amaze vt.amuse vt.45.have an ambition to do sthachieve/realize/fulfill one’s ambition46.a large amount of; a great deal of + Uplenty of, a large quantity of; large quantities of + U/C masses of; a good many; a large number of + C47.in ancient times VS in modern timesthe ancients48.be angry with sb. at/about sth.49.announce vt. 公开宣布announce sth. ( announce their marriage)announce that…declare vt. (权威.政府)宣布; 申报关税declare sth. (declare peace/war)declare sth/sb. (to be) + n./adj. (declare the meeting open) declare that…claim vt. 要求获得权利;认领某物claim sth. (claim the wallet/ claim the reward)自称claim to do ( 无claim sb. to do)claim that…demand vt. 需要demand sth. ( demand great care/patience) = need sth.= call for sth. = require sth.(强烈)要求demand sth. ( demand an apology/ demand a reasonable explanation) demand to do (无demand sb. to do) demand that…(should) dorequire vt. 需要require sth.= need sth. = demand sth. = call for sth.require doing = require to be done ( = want; need; deserve) (规定) 要求require sb. to do(sb. ) be required to dorequire too much of sb. = ask too much of sb. = expect too much of sb.( = beg sth. of sb.)require that…(should) don. requirement meet/satisfy admission/entrance requirementsinquire vi. 咨询,询问inquire for sth. = ask forinquire about sth. = ask aboutinquire into the matterinquire after sb.n. inquiry make inquiries for/about/into/after…request vt. 请求request sth. (from sb. )request sb. to dorequest that…(should) don. make an request for sth.a pamphlet will be sent on/upon requestat one’s request = at the request of sb.command vt. command the army / command silence 指挥command respect/ command a high price 博得command a large vocabulary/ command English = master command sb. to docommand that…(should) d on. have a good command of English = have a good mastery of English 50.annoy vt. 惹恼annoy sb. (with sth.) be annoyed by the poor bus servicedisturb vt. 打搅disturb sb. (with sth.) Don’t disturb.扰乱disturb the smooth surface of the riverdisturb the balance of nature使…心烦意乱be disturbed by the newsdisturbance n.interrupt vt. 打断interrupt us (with sth.) interrupt our conversation bother vt . 打搅bother sb. with sth.vi. 麻烦;费心Don’t bother to do that.Don’t bother about supper.He hasn’t even bothered to write to his parents.他甚至懒得写信给他爸妈51.answer vt. answer the question = reply to the questionanswer the telephone/doorbell/the appeal of the governmentanswer for …为。

上海高考词汇手册(及时雨)TWXYZtable n.餐桌;表格at(the)table (组)在吃饭lay/set/spread the table (组)摆饭桌tablet n.药片tag n.标签tail n.尾巴;尾部tailor n.裁缝vt.裁制(衣服);使适应特定需要the tailor's (组)裁缝店vt.拿;带走;带领;就(座、职);吃,喝;服(药);搭乘(交通take量(体温等);采取(措施等);花费,需要(时间等)take in (组)吸收;理解;欺骗take off (组)起飞;脱下take on (组)呈现;承担;雇用take over (组)接管take up (组)开始从事;占据(时间或空间)take after (组)(长相或性格)像(父母等)take away (组)拿走,带走take down (组)拿下;写下,记下;拆毁(建筑物)take A for B (组)误认A为Btake to (喜欢上(to为介词)tale n.故事;传说talent n.天赋,才能;有天才的人,人才terribly adv.非常,很;可怕地terrific adj.可怕的;极好的territory n.领土terror n.恐怖;恐惧terrify vt.使惊恐terrified adj.感到恐惧的terrifying adj.令人恐惧的terrorism n.恐怖主义terrorist n.恐怖分子test n./vt.测验;试验,测试;化验;考验text n.课文;正文wage n.(常~S)工资waist n.腰(身)wait vi.等候wait for (组)等候…wait(for sb.)to do (组)等待(某人)做waiting room (组)候诊室;候车室wait and see (组)拭目以待waiter n.(男)侍者,(男)服务员waitress n.女侍者,女服务员wake v.醒来;唤醒wake up (组)醒来;唤醒waken v.醒来;唤醒walk vi./n.走,步行;散步go for a walk (组)去散步takehave a walk (组)散步Walkman n.(pl.)~s)随身听wall n.墙壁wallet n.皮夹子,钱包waltz n.华尔兹舞(曲);圆舞曲wander vi.漫游;闲逛;徘徊want vt.想要;需要want(sb.)to do (组)想要(某人)做want sth.(to be)done (组)想要某物被做war n.战争ward n.病房;牢房warm adj.温暖的;热情的;热心的v.(使)变暖warm up (组)(使)变暖;做热身运动warm-hearted adj.热情的,热心的;富有同情心的kind-hearted adj.好心的whole-hearted adj.全心全意的warmth n.温暖;热情warn vt.警告;告诫vi.发出警告warn sb. of/to do/that (组)警告某人…warning n./adj.警告(的)warship n.军舰wash v.洗;洗起来;冲走wash up=wash the dishes (组)洗餐具wash away (组)洗掉;冲走washing n.洗涤(物)washing machine (组)洗衣机waste vt.浪费n.浪费;废弃物adj.废弃的waste…(in)doing/on sth. (组)浪费…做/在某物上watch v.观看,注视,观察;照看,看守,监视n.照看,看守,监视;手watch…do/doing (组)看着…做/正在做watchman n.(pl.)~men)看守人water n.水vt.浇水fresh/mineral/pure/tap water (组)淡水/矿泉水/纯净水/自来水by water (组)由水路(=by ship/boat)waterproof adj.防水的wave n.波浪;挥动vi.挥手示意;波动,起伏vt.挥手向…示意;挥动wave at sb. (组)向某人挥手wave goodbye to sb. (组)向某人挥手告别way n.路;方法;方式;方面the way to do/of doing (组)做…的方法on the/one's way to (组)在去…的途中(to为介词)by the way (组)顺便说一下,顺便问一声;在途中by way of (组)经由…under way (组)在进行中in the/one's way (组)当道;妨碍in a way (组)在某种程度上in every way (组)在各方面in no way (组)绝不lead/point the way (组)带路/指路give way to (组)给…让路;让位于…make one's way (组)前进all the way (组)一路上;大老远the other way around (组)相反地freeway n.高速公路(=motorway,expressway)we pron.我们(主格)weak adj.弱的;稀薄的weakness n.弱点,缺点weaken v.(使)变弱wealth n.财富,财产a wealth of (组)丰富的,大量的(后接可数名词复数或不可数名词皆可)wealthy adj.富的weapon n.武器wear v.穿着,戴着;穿旧,磨坏;耐用,耐穿wear out (使)耗尽、穿旧、磨坏be worn out (组)感到筋疲力尽weather n.(U)天气,气象in all weathers (组)风雨无阻weather-beaten adj.饱经风霜的weatherman n.(pl.)~men)天气预报员weave v.编织;织布web n.蜘蛛网;网络Website n.网站wedding n.婚礼week n.周,星期weekday n.平常日,工作日(=workday)weekend n.周末at/on weekends (组)在周末weekly adj./adv.每周(的)n.周报;周刊weep vi.哭泣,流泪weigh v.称…的重量;中…;重要outweigh vt.比…重要weight n.重量;体重;重要性put on/gain weight (组)体重增加lose weight (组)体重减轻,减肥weighty adj.沉重的;重要的welcome vt./n.欢迎adj.受欢迎的receive/give a warm welcome (组)受到/给予热烈欢迎welfare n.福利well adv.好地adj.健康的n.井as well (组)也,又(位于句末)as well as (组)除…之外(还)well-known adj.有名的;众所周知的west n./adj.西方(的)adv.向西western adj.西方的westerner n.西方人wet adj.湿的;(油漆等)未干的;下雨的vt.弄湿whale n.鲸what pron.什么Whatworries/surprises/impresses(组)令某人担忧/惊讶/印象深刻的是…sb. is that…do what sb. dan to do (组)尽己所能去做…A is toB whatC is toD (组)A对B之关系犹如C对D之关系What if…?(组)如果…怎么办;即使…又有什么关系whatever pron.无论什么do whatever one likes (组)为所欲为wheat n.小麦wheel n.轮子;车轮;方向盘when adv.何时conj.当…的时候It was+时间点+when…(组)…的时候是何时be about to do…when…(组)正要做某事,这时…be doing…when…(组)正在做某事,这时…whenever conj.无论何时;每当where adv.在(向)哪里wherever conj.无论哪里whether conj.是否(no matter)whether…or…(组)无论是…还是…which pron.哪个;哪些whichever pron.无论哪个conj.当…的同时(从句一般用进行时);虽然,尽管(一般位于句首while(表示两方面)n.一会儿;一段时间after a while (组)过了一段时间for a while (组)一会儿,片刻whip n.鞭子;鞭打vt.(-pp-)鞭打whisper v./n.低语,耳语,窃窃私语whistle v.吹口哨;鸣汽笛n.口哨;汽笛white adj./n.白色(的)white-haired adj.白发的who pron.谁whoever pron.无论谁whole adj.全部的;整个的n.全部;整体as a whole (组)作为整体;就整体来看on the whole (组)就总体而言wholly adv.完全地whom pron.谁(who的宾格)whose pron.谁的why adv.为什么Why not do…?(组)为什么不做…?wide adj.宽阔的;广阔的;广泛的adv.宽阔地;广阔地be wide open/awake (组)大开着/大醒着widen v.拓宽widely adv.广泛地,普遍地widespread adj.广泛的,普遍的width n.宽度;宽阔wife n.(pl.)妻子wild adj.野生的;荒芜的;疯狂的;狂热的wilderness n.荒无人烟的地区wildlife n.(总称)野生动物will v.aux.将会;愿意n.意志;遗嘱Where there's a will,there's a(组)有志者事竟成。

略语表adj. adjectif 形容词adj.dém. adjectif démonstratif 指示形容词adj. exclam. adjectif exclamatif 感叹形容词adj.indéf. adjectif indéfini 泛指形容词adj.interr. adjectif interrogatif 疑问形容词adj.inv. adjectif invariable 不变形容词adv. adverbe 副词interj. interjection 感叹词inv. invariable 不变的loc. locution 短语loc.adv. locution adverbiale 副词短语loc.conj. locution conjonctive 连词短语loc.prép. locution prépositive 介词短语n.f. nom féminin 阴性名词n.m. nom masculin 阳性名词pl. pluriel 复数prép. préposition 介词pron. pronom 代词pron.dém. pronom démonstratif 指示代词pron.indéf. pronom indéfini 泛指代词pron.interr. pronom interrogatif 疑问代词v. verbe 动词v.i. verbe intransitif 不及物动词v.impers. verbe impersonnel 无人称动词v.pr. verbe pronominal 代动词v.t. verbe transitif 及物动词v.t.dir. verbe transitif direct 直接及物动词v.t.indir. verbe transitif indirect 间接及物动词1 à prép.2 abandonner v.t.3 abattre v.t.4 abîmer v.t.5 abolir v.t.6 abondant, e adj.7 abonner (s’)v.pr.8 abord (d’)loc.adv.9 aborder v.t.10 aboutir v.t.indir.v.i.11 abri n.m.12 absent, e adj.13 absolu, e adj.14 abstrait, e adj.15 abuser v.t.indir.16 absurd, e adj.17 académie n.f.18 accabler v.t.19 accélérer v.t.20 accent n.m.21 accepter v.t.22 accès n.m.23 accident n.m.24 accompagner v.t.26 accord n.m.27 accorder v.t.28 accro adj., n.29 accrocher v.t.30 accroître v.t.31 accueillir v.t.32 accumuler v.t.33 accuser v.t.34 achat n.m.35 acheter v.t.36 achever v.t.37 acier n.m.38 acquérir v.t.39 acte n.m.40 acteur, trice n.41 actif, ve adj.42 action n.f.43 activité n.f.44 actualité n.f.45 actuel, le adj.46 adapter v.t.47 addition n.f.48 adieu interj.n.m.50 admettre v.t.51 administration n.f.52 admirer v.t.53 adolescent, e n.adj.54 adonner (s’)v.pr.55 adopter v.t.56 adorer v.t.57 adresse n.f.58 adresser v.t.59 adroit, e adj.60 adulte n.adj.61 adversaire n.m.62 aérien, ne adj.63 aéroport n.m.64 aéronautique adj.65 affaire n.f.66 affecter v.t.67 affection n.f.68 afficher v.t.69 affirmer v.t.70 affreux, se adj.71 afin de loc.prép.72 âge n.m.73 agence n.f.74 agenda n.m.75 agent n.m.76 aggraver v.t.77 agir v.i.78 agiter v.t.79 agneau n.m.80 agrandir v.t.81 agréable adj.82 agresser v.t.83 agricole adj.84 agriculture n.f.85 aider v.t.86 aigre adj.87 aigu, ë adj.88 aiguille n.f.89 aile n.f.90 ailleurs adv.91 aimer v.t.92 aîné, e adj.93 ainsi adv.94 air n.m.95 aise n.f.96 à l’aise loc.adv.97 aisé, e adj.98 ajouter v.t.99 album n.m. 100 alcool n.m. 101 alerter v.t. 102 aliment n.m. 103 allée n.f. 104 aller v.i.n.m. 105 alliance n.f. 106 allô interj. 107 allocation n.f. 108 allonger v.t. 109 allumer v.t. 110 alpinisme n.m. 111 alors adv. 112 alternance n.f. 113 altitude n.f. 114 amateur, trice n. 115 ambassade n.f. 116 ambiance n.f. 117 ambition n.f. 118 ambulance n.f. 119 âme n.f. 120 améliorer v.t.121 aménager v.t. 122 amende n.f. 123 amener v.t. 124 amer, ère adj. 125 ami, e n. 126 amical, e adj. 127 amitié n.f. 128 amour n.m. 129 ample adj. 130 amuser v.t. 131 an n.m. 132 analyser v.t. 133 ananas n.m. 134 ancien, ne adj. 135 âne n.m. 136 angle n.m. 137 angoisse n.f. 138 animal n.m. 139 animal, ale adj. 140 animer v.t. 141 année n.f. 142 anniversaire n.m. 143 annoncer v.t. 144 annuel, le adj. 145 annuler v.t.146 antenne n.f.147 antérieur, e adj.148 apercevoir v.t.149 apéritif n.m.150 apparaître v.i.151 appareil n.m.152 apparence n.f.153 appartement n.m.154 appartenir v.i.155 appeler v.t.156 appétit n.m.157 applaudir v.i.158 appliquer v.t.159 apporter v.t.160 apprécier v.t.161 apprendre v.t.162 approcher v.t.dir.v.t.indir., v.i.163 approfondir v.t.164 approuver v.t.165 appuyer v.i.166 après prép.167 après-midi n.m.inv.ou n.f.inv. 168 aptitude n.f.169 arbre n.m.170 arc n.m. 171 architecte n.172 ardeur n.f.173 argent n.m. 174 argumenter v.i.175 arme n.f.176 armée n.f.177 armoire n.f.178 arracher v.t.179 arranger v.t.180 arrêt n.m. 181 arrêter v.t.v.i.182 arrière n.m.adj.inv.adv. 183 arriver v.i.v.impers. 184 arrondissement n.m. 185 arroser v.t.186 art n.m. 187 article n.m. 188 artificiel, le adj. 189 artisan, e n.190 artiste n.191 artistique adj. 192 ascenseur n.m. 193 aspect n.m. 194 aspirateur n.m. 195 aspirer v.t.indir.v.t.dir. 196 assassin n.m. 197 assemblée n.f. 198 asseoir (s’)v.pr. 199 assez adv. 200 assiette n.f. 201 assis, e adj. 202 assistant, e n.203 assister v.i. 204 associer v.t. 205 assumer v.t. 206 assurer v.t. 207 astronaute n.208 astronomie n.f. 209 atelier n.m. 210 athlète n.211 atmosphère n.f. 212 attacher v.t. 213 attaquer v.t. 214 attarder (s’)v.pr.215 atteindre v.t.216 attendre v.t.217 attente n.f.218 attentif,ve adj.219 attention n.f.220 atténuer v.t.221 atterrir v.i.222 attirer v.t.223 attitude n.f.224 attraction n.f.225 attraper v.t.226 attribuer v.t.227 aube n.f.228 auberge n.f.229 aucun,e pron.indéf.adj.indéf. 230 auditeur, trice n.231 augmenter v.t.v.i.232 aujourd’hui adv.233 auparavant adv.234 auprès de loc.prép. 235 ausculter v.t.236 aussi adv.237 aussitôt adv.238 autant adv.239 auteur n.m.240 authentique adj.241 autocar n.m.242 automatique adj.243 automne n.m.244 automobile n.f.adj.245 autonome adj.246 autoriser v.t.247 autorité n.f.248 autoroute n.f.249 auto-stop n.m.250 autour adv.251 autre adj.pron.indéf. 252 autrefois adv.253 autrement adv.254 avaler v.t.255 avance n.f.256 avancer v.i.257 avant prép.n.m.adj.inv. 258 avantage n.m.259 avare adj. 260 avec prép.adv. 261 avenir n.m. 262 aventure n.f. 263 avenue n.f. 264 averse n.f. 265 avertir v.t. 266 aveugle adj.n. 267 aviation n.f. 268 avion n.m. 269 avis n.m. 270 avocat, e n. 271 avoir v.t. 272 avouer v.t. 273 baccalauréat n.m. 274 badminton n.m. 275 bagage n.m. 276 bague n.f. 277 baguette n.f. 278 baigner v.t. 279 baignoire n.f. 280 bain n.m. 281 baiser v.t.282 baisser v.t. 283 bal n.m. 284 balai n.m. 285 balance n.f. 286 balayer v.t. 287 balcon n.m. 288 baleine n.f. 289 balle n.f. 290 ballet n.m. 291 ballon n.m. 292 bambou n.m. 293 banal, e adj. 294 banane n.f. 295 banc n.m. 296 bancaire adj. 297 bande n.f. 298 bandit n.m. 299 banlieue n.f. 300 banque n.f. 301 banquet n.m. 302 bar n.m. 303 barbe n.f. 304 barrage n.m. 305 barre n.f. 306 barrer v.t.307 bas n.m. 308 bas, se adj. 309 base n.f. 310 basket n.m.n.f. 311 bassin n.m. 312 bataille n.f. 313 bateau n.m. 314 bâtiment n.m. 315 bâtir v.t. 316 bâton n.m. 317 batterie n.f. 318 battre v.t. 319 bavarder v.i. 320 beau (bel), belle adj. 321 beaucoup adv. 322 beauté n.f. 323 bébé n.m. 324 bec n.m. 325 beige adj. 326 bénéfice n.m. 327 bénéficier v.t.indir. 328 bénévole adj.n.329 besoin n.m.330 bête adj.n.f. 331 bêtise n.f. 332 béton n.m. 333 beurre n.m. 334 bible n.f. 335 bibliothèque n.f. 336 bicyclette n.f. 337 bien adv.adj.inv.n.m. 338 bientôt adv. 339 bienvenu, e adj.n. 340 bière n.f. 341 bifteck n.m. 342 bijou n.m. 343 bilan n.m. 344 billet n.m. 345 biologie n.f. 346 biscuit n.m. 347 bisou n.m. 348 bistrot n.m. 349 bizarre adj. 350 blague n.f.351 blanc, che adj. 352 blé n.m. 353 blesser v.t. 354 blessure n.f. 355 bleu, e adj. 356 bloc n.m. 357 blog n.m. 358 blond, e adj.n. 359 bloquer v.t. 360 blouson n.m. 361 bœuf n.m. 362 boire v.t. 363 bois n.m. 364 boisson n.f. 365 boîte n.f. 366 bol n.m. 367 bombe n.f. 368 bon n.m. 369 bon,ne adj. 370 bonbon n.m. 371 bonheur n.m. 372 bonjour n.m. 373 bonsoir n.m. 374 bonnet n.m.375 bord n.m. 376 border v.t. 377 botte n.f. 378 bouche n.f. 379 boucher v.t. 380 boucher, ère n. 381 bouchon n.m. 382 boucle n.f. 383 bouclé, e adj. 384 bouddhisme n.m. 385 bouger v.i. 386 bougie n.f. 387 bouillabaisse n.f. 388 bouillir v.i. 389 boulanger, ère n. 390 boule n.f. 391 boulevard n.m. 392 bouleverser v.t. 393 boulot n.m. 394 bouquet n.m. 395 bouquin n.m. 396 bourse n.f. 397 bousculer v.t. 398 bout n.m. 399 bouteille n.f.400 boutique n.f. 401 bouton n.m. 402 boxe n.f. 403 bracelet n.m. 404 branche n.f. 405 brancher v.t. 406 bras n.m. 407 bravo interj. 408 bref adv. 409 bref, ève adj. 410 bricolage n.m. 411 brièvement adv. 412 brillant, e adj. 413 briller v.i. 414 brique n.f. 415 briser v.t. 416 brochure n.f. 417 bronze n.m. 418 bronzer v.t. 419 brosse n.f. 420 brouillard n.m. 421 brouillon n.m. 422 bruit n.m. 423 brûler v.t. 424 brume n.f.425 brun, e adj.426 brusque adj.427 brutal, e adj.428 bruyant, e adj.429 budget n.m.430 buffet n.m.431 bulletin n.m.432 bureau n.m.433 bus n.m.434 but n.m.435 ça pron.dém. 436 cabine n.f.437 cabinet n.m.438 câble n.m.439 cacahouète n.f.440 cacher v.t.441 cadeau n.m.442 cadet, te adj.n.443 cadre n.m.444 café n.m.445 cafétéria n.f.446 cage n.f.447 cahier n.m.448 caisse n.f.449 calculatrice n.f. 450 calculer v.i. 451 calendrier n.m. 452 calligraphie n.f. 453 calme adj. 454 calmer v.t. 455 camarade n. 456 caméra n.f. 457 camion n.m. 458 camp n.m. 459 campagne n.f. 460 camper v.i. 461 camping n.m. 462 campus n.m. 463 canal n.m. 464 canapé n.m. 465 canard n.m. 466 cancer n.m. 467 candidat,e n. 468 canot n.m. 469 cantine n.f. 470 capable adj. 471 capacité n.f. 472 capitaine n.m. 473 capital, e adj.n.m. 474 capitale n.f. 475 capter v.t. 476 car n.m. 477 car conj. 478 caractère n.m. 479 caramel n.m. 480 caresser v.t. 481 carnet n.m. 482 carotte n.f. 483 carré n.m. 484 carré,e adj. 485 carreau n.m. 486 carrefour n.m. 487 carrière n.f. 488 carte n.f. 489 cas n.m. 490 casquette n.f. 491 casser v.t. 492 casserole n.f. 493 cassette n.f. 494 catalogue n.m. 495 catastrophe n.f. 496 catégorie n.f. 497 cathédrale n.f.498 catholique adj.n.499 cause n.f.500 causer v.t.501 caution n.f.502 cave n.f.503 ce pron.dém. 504 ce, (cet), cette, ces adj.dém. 505 ceci pron.dém. 506 céder v.t.dir.v.t.indir., v.i. 507 ceinture n.f.508 cela pron.dém. 509 célèbre adj.510 célébrer v.t.511 célibataire adj.n.512 celui (f.sing. celle, m.pl. ceux, f.pl. celles) pron.dém. 513 cendre n.f.514 centime n.m.515 centimètre n.m.516 central, e adj.517 centrale n.f.518 centre n.m.519 cependant adv.520 cercle n.m.521 céramique adj.n.f.522 céréale n.f.523 cérémonie n.f.524 cerise n.f.525 certain, e adj.pron.pl. 526 certes adv.527 certificat n.m.528 certitude n.f.529 cerveau n.m.530 cesser v.i.v.t.531 chacun, e pron.indéf. 532 chaîne n.f.533 chaise n.f.534 chaleur n.f.535 chambre n.f.536 champ n.m.537 champagne n.m.538 champignon n.m.539 champion,ne n.540 chance n.f.541 changer v.t.542 chanson n.f.543 chanter v.t.v.i.544 chantier n.m. 545 chapeau n.m. 546 chapitre n.m. 547 chaque adj.indéf. 548 charbon n.m. 549 charcuterie n.f.550 charge n.f.551 charger v.t.552 chariot n.m. 553 charmant, e adj.554 chasser v.t.555 chat, te n.556 château n.m. 557 châtain adj.m.n.m. 558 chaud, e adj.559 chauffage n.m. 560 chauffer v.t.561 chauffeur n.m. 562 chaussette n.f.563 chaussure n.f.564 chef n.m.565 chef-d’œuvre n.m. 566 chef-lieu n.m. 567 chemin n.m. 568 cheminée n.f. 569 chemise n.f. 570 chemisier n.m. 571 chèque n.m. 572 cher, ère adj.adv. 573 chercher v.t. 574 chercheur, se n. 575 chéri, e adj.n. 576 cheval n.m. 577 cheveu n.m. 578 chèvre n.f. 579 chez prép. 580 chic adj.inv.interj. 581 chien, ne n. 582 chiffon n.m. 583 chiffre n.m. 584 chimie n.f. 585 chirurgie n.f. 586 chocolat n.m.587 choisir v.t. 588 choix n.m. 589 chômage n.m. 590 choquer v.t. 591 chose n.f. 592 chou n.m. 593 chouette adj.interj. 594 chrétien, ne adj.n. 595 chut interj. 596 chute n.f. 597 ci adv. 598 cible n.f. 599 ciel n.m. 600 cigarette n.f. 601 cimetière n.m. 602 cinéma n.m. 603 circonstance n.f. 604 circuit n.m. 605 circulation n.f. 606 circuler v.i. 607 cirque n.m. 608 citadin, e adj.n.609 cité n.f. 610 citer v.t. 611 citron n.m. 612 civil, e adj.n.m. 613 civilisation n.f. 614 clair, e adj. 615 clandestin, e adj. 616 classe n.f. 617 classer v.t. 618 classique adj. 619 clavier n.m. 620 clef ou clé n.f. 621 client,e n. 622 clientèle n.f. 623 climat n.m. 624 climatiseur n.m. 625 clinique n.f. 626 cliquer v.i. 627 cloche n.f. 628 clou n.m. 629 club n.m. 630 cochon n.m. 631 cocktail n.m. 632 code n.m.633 cœur n.m. 634 coffre n.m. 635 coiffer v.t. 636 coiffure n.f. 637 coin n.m. 638 coincé,e adj. 639 col n.m. 640 colère n.f. 641 colis n.m. 642 collaborer v.t.indir. 643 coller v.t. 644 collectif, ve adj. 645 collection n.f. 646 collège n.m. 647 collègue n.648 collier n.m. 649 colline n.f. 650 colocataire n.651 colocation n.f. 652 colonie n.f. 653 colonne n.f. 654 combattre v.t.v.i. 655 combien adv. 656 combiner v.t.658 comique adj. 659 commander v.t. 660 comme adv.conj. 661 commémorer v.t. 662 commencer v.i. 663 comment adv. 664 commentaire n.m. 665 commerçant, e adj.n. 666 commettre v.t. 667 commissaire n. 668 commission n.f. 669 commode adj.n.f. 670 commun, e adj. 671 commune n.f. 672 communauté n.f. 673 communiquer v.t. 674 compagnie n.f. 675 compagnon n.m. 676 comparer v.t. 677 compatriote n. 678 compartiment n.m.680 compétition n.f. 681 complet, ète adj. 682 complexe adj. 683 compliment n.m. 684 compliquer v.t. 685 comportement n.m. 686 comporter v.t. 687 composer v.t. 688 composition n.f. 689 compréhension n.f. 690 comprendre v.t. 691 comprimé n.m. 692 comptable n. 693 compte n.m. 694 compter v.t.v.i. 695 concentrer v.t. 696 concept n.m. 697 conception n.f. 698 concerner v.t. 699 concert n.m. 700 concevoir v.t. 701 concierge n. 702 conclure v.t.704 concours n.m. 705 concret, ète adj. 706 concurrence n.f. 707 condamner v.t. 708 condition n.f. 709 conduire v.t. 710 conférence n.f. 711 confiance n.f. 712 confier v.t. 713 confirmer v.t. 714 confiture n.f. 715 conflit n.m. 716 confondre v.t. 717 conforme adj. 718 confort n.m. 719 confus, e adj. 720 confronter v.t. 721 congé n.m. 722 congrès n.m. 723 conjuguer v.t. 724 connaissance n.f. 725 connaître v.t. 726 connecter v.t. 727 conquérir v.t.729 conscience n.f. 730 conseil n.m. 731 conseiller v.t. 732 consentir v.t.indir. 733 conséquence n.f. 734 conserver v.t. 735 considérable adj. 736 considérer v.t. 737 consigne n.f. 738 consister v.i. 739 consoler v.t. 740 consommer v.t. 741 constant, e adj. 742 constater v.t. 743 constituer v.t. 744 construire v.t. 745 consulat n.m. 746 consulter v.t. 747 contact n.m. 748 conte n.m. 749 contemporain, e adj. 750 contenir v.t. 751 content,e adj. 752 contester v.t.754 continent n.m. 755 continuer v.t. v.i. 756 contradiction n.f. 757 contraint, e adj. 758 contraire adj.n.m. 759 contrat n.m. 760 contre prép.adv. 761 contribuer v.t.indir. 762 contrôle n.m. 763 contrôler v.t. 764 convaincre v.t. 765 convenable adj. 766 convenir v.t.indir. 767 conversation n.f. 768 convivial, e adj. 769 cool adj. 770 coopérer v.t.indir. 771 coordonnées n.f.pl. 772 copain, copine n.773 copie n.f. 774 copier v.t. 775 copieux,se adj.777 corde n.f. 778 cordial, e adj. 779 corps n.m. 780 correct, e adj. 781 correspondance n.f. 782 correspondre v.t.indir.v.i. 783 corriger v.t. 784 costume n.m. 785 côte n.f. 786 côté n.m. 787 coton n.m. 788 cou n.m. 789 couche n.f. 790 coucher1 v.t.v.i. 791 coucher2 n.m. 792 coucou interj. 793 coude n.m. 794 couler v.i. 795 couleur n.f. 796 couloir n.m. 797 coup n.m. 798 coupable adj.n. 799 coupe n.f. 800 couper v.t. 801 couple n.m. 802 cour n.f. 803 courage n.m. 804 courant, e adj. 805 courant n.m. 806 courir v.i.v.t. 807 courriel n.m. 808 courrier n.m. 809 cours n.m. 810 course n.f. 811 court,e adj. 812 cousin,e n. 813 couteau n.m. 814 coûter v.i.v.t. 815 coutume n.f. 816 couture n.f. 817 couvert n.m. 818 couverture n.f. 819 covoiturage n.m. 820 couvrir v.t.821 cracher v.iv.t. 822 craindre v.t. 823 crainte n.f. 824 cravate n.f. 825 crayon n.m. 826 création n.f. 827 crédit n.m. 828 créer v.t. 829 crème n.f. 830 crêpe n.f. 831 creuser v.t. 832 creux, se adj. 833 crever v.i.v.t. 834 crevette n.f. 835 cri n.m. 836 crier v.i. 837 crime n.m. 838 crise n.f. 839 cristal n.m. 840 critère n.m. 841 critique1 adj. 842 critique2 n.f.adj.843 critiquer v.t. 844 croire v.t.dir.v.t.indir. 845 croiser v.t. 846 croissance n.f. 847 croissant n.m. 848 croissant, e adj. 849 croître v.i. 850 croix n.f. 851 cru,e adj. 852 cruel, le adj. 853 cueillir v.t. 854 cuillère ou cuiller n.f. 855 cuir n.m. 856 cuire v.t. 857 cuisine n.f. 858 cuisinière n.f. 859 cultiver v.t. 860 culture n.f. 861 curieux,se adj. 862 cycle n.m. 863 cycliste n.864 dame n.f. 865 danger n.m. 866 dans prép.867 danser v.i. 868 date n.f. 869 dater v.i. 870 dauphin n.m. 871 davantage adv. 872 de prép. 873 débarquer v.t.v.i. 874 débarrasser v.t. 875 débat n.m. 876 déborder v.i. 877 debout adv. 878 débrouiller v.t. 879 début n.m. 880 débutant, e n.881 débuter v.i. 882 décéder v.i. 883 décès n.m. 884 décevoir v.t. 885 déchet n.m. 886 déchirer v.t. 887 décider v.t.dir.v.t.indir.v.i. 888 décision n.f.889 déclarer v.t. 890 décoller v.i. 891 décorer v.t. 892 découper v.t. 893 décourager v.t. 894 découverte n.f. 895 découvrir v.t. 896 décrire v.t. 897 décrocher v.t. 898 dedans adv.n.m. 899 défaite n.f. 900 défaut n.m. 901 défavorable adj. 902 défendre v.t. 903 défense n.f. 904 défi n.m. 905 défilé n.m. 906 définir v.t. 907 définitif, ve adj. 908 définition n.f. 909 déformer v.t. 910 dégager v.t. 911 dégât n.m. 912 dégrader v.t.913 degré n.m. 914 dehors adv.n.m. 915 déjà adv. 916 déjeuner n.m.v.i.917 delà (au(-)~ de) loc.prép. 918 délai n.m. 919 délégation n.f.920 délégué, e n.921 délicat, e adj. 922 délicieux,se adj. 923 délivrer v.t.924 demain adv.n.m. 925 demande n.f.926 demander v.t.927 démarche n.f.928 démarrer v.i.v.t.929 déménager v.i.v.t.930 demeurer v.i.931 demi, e adj.n.932 démission n.f.933 démocratie n.f.934 démodé, e adj. 935 demoiselle n.f.936 démolir v.t.937 démonstration n.f.938 démontrer v.t.939 dénoncer v.t.940 dense adj. 941 dent n.f.942 dentifrice n.m. 943 dentiste n.944 départ n.m. 945 département n.m. 946 dépasser v.t.947 dépêcher v.t.948 dépendre v.t.indir. 949 dépenser v.t.950 dépit (en ~ de) loc.prép. 951 déplacer v.t.952 déposer v.t.953 déprimer v.t.954 depuis prép.adv. 955 député,e n.957 dernier, ère adj.n.958 dérouler v.t. 959 derrière1 prép.adv. 960 derrière2 n.m. 961 dès prép. 962 désagréable adj. 963 descendre v.i.v.t. 964 description n.f. 965 désert n.m. 966 désert, e adj. 967 désespérer v.t.indir.v.i. 968 désespoir n.m. 969 déshabiller v.t. 970 désigner v.t. 971 désirer v.t. 972 désolé, e adj. 973 désordre n.m. 974 désormais adv. 975 dessert n.m. 976 dessin n.m.978 dessous1 adv. 979 dessous2 n.m. 980 dessus1 adv. 981 dessus2 n.m. 982 destin n.m. 983 destinataire n. 984 destination n.f. 985 destiner v.t. 986 détacher v.t. 987 détail n.m. 988 détective n.m. 989 détendre v.t. 990 déterminer v.t. 991 détester v.t. 992 détourner v.t. 993 détruire v.t. 994 dette n.f. 995 devant1 prép.adv. 996 devant2 n.m. 997 développer v.t. 998 devenir v.i. 999 deviner v.t. 1000 devise n.f.1001 devoir1 v.t. 1002 devoir2 n.m. 1003 diable n.m.interj. 1004 dialogue n.m. 1005 diamant n.m. 1006 dictée n.f. 1007 dictionnaire n.m. 1008 dieu n.m. 1009 différence n.f. 1010 difficile adj. 1011 diffuser v.t. 1012 digérer v.t. 1013 digne adj. 1014 dimension n.f. 1015 diminuer v.i.v.t. 1016 dîner1 v.i. 1017 dîner2 n.m. 1018 diplomate n.m. 1019 diplôme n.m. 1020 dire v.t. 1021 direct, e adj.n.m. 1022 directeur, trice n.1023 direction n.f.1024 diriger v.t.1025 discipline n.f.1026 discothèque n.f.1027 discours n.m.1028 discret, ète adj.1029 discrimination n.f.1030 discussion n.f.1031 discuter v.t.v.i.1032 disparaître v.i.1033 disponible adj.1034 disposer v.t.dir.v.t.indir.v.i.1035 dispute n.f.1036 disque n.m.1037 distance n.f.1038 distinguer v.t.1039 distraction n.f.1040 distraire v.t.1041 distribuer v.t.1042 divers, e adj.adj.indéf.pl. 1043 diviser v.t.1044 divorce n.m. 1045 docteur n.m. 1046 document n.m. 1047 dodo n.m. 1048 doigt n.m. 1049 dollar n.m. 1050 domaine n.m. 1051 domestique adj.n. 1052 domicile n.m. 1053 dominer v.i.v.t. 1054 dommage n.m. 1055 don n.m. 1056 donc conj. 1057 donnée n.f. 1058 donner v.t.v.i. 1059 doré, e adj. 1060 dormir v.i. 1061 dortoir n.m. 1062 dos n.m. 1063 dossier n.m. 1064 douane n.f. 1065 double adj.n.m.1066 doubler v.t.v.i.1067 douche n.f.1068 doué,e adj.1069 douleur n.f.1070 doute n.m.1071 douter v.t.dir. v.t.indir. 1072 doux, ce adj.1073 drame n.m.1074 drap n.m.1075 drapeau n.m.1076 dresser v.t.1077 drogue n.f.1078 droit, e1 adj.adv.1079 droit, e2 adj.1080 droit n.m.1081 droite n.f.1082 drôle adj.1083 dû,due adj.1084 duo n.m.1085 dur, e adj.1086 durant prép.1087 durée n.f.1088 durer v.i. 1089 dynamique adj. 1090 dynastie n.f. 1091 eau n.f. 1092 écart n.m. 1093 échanger v.t. 1094 échapper v.i. 1095 écharpe n.f. 1096 échec n.m. 1097 échelle n.f. 1098 écho n.m. 1099 échouer v.i. 1100 éclair n.m. 1101 éclairer v.t.v.i. 1102 éclat n.m. 1103 éclater v.i. 1104 école n.f. 1105 écologie n.f. 1106 économe adj. 1107 économie n.f. 1108 économiser v.t. 1109 écouter v.t. 1110 écran n.m. 1111 écraser v.t.。
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常用前缀、后缀1.常用前缀:prefixanti- (构成名词或形容词) 意为:反;反对; 防止e.g. antipollution (防止污染);antirust (防锈的); antisocial (反社会的);antimatter (反物质) ; Anti-Japanese War 抗日战争;antianxiety 抗焦虑的;antibacterial 抗菌的auto- (构成名词、形容词和副词) 意为:自己(的); 本身(的); 无人操作(的)e.g. autobiography (自传);automatic (自动的);autosave (n.& v. 自动保存)autocriticism (自我检讨);automatic pilot 自动驾驶仪co- (构成形容词、副词、名词和动词) 意为:①一起;共同;联合②同事,伙伴,副e.g. co-produced (合作生产的);cooperate (合作v. );cooperatively (合作地);co-author (合着者); coexist (共存v.);coauthor(合着者);copilot (飞机副驾驶员)dis- (构成形容词、副词、名词和动词) 意为:不;非;相反;相对e.g. dishonest (不诚实);disagreeably (不合意地);disadvantage (不利条件);disappear (消失)dislike (v.& n.不喜欢);disable (v.使无能;使残疾); disclose (v.使显露;揭露;泄露);discomfort (v.& n.不舒服;使人不舒服);discontinue (v. 停止,中断);disorder (n. 杂乱,混乱);dishonorable (a. 不光彩的,可耻的);dispraise (贬低;诋毁)en- (构成动词) 意为:使处于…状态;使(成为)e.g. endanger (使遭危险);enlarge (扩大);enrich (丰富);enable (使…能够);in-; il-; im-; ir- (构成形容词、副词和名词) 意为:不;非;相反的e.g. infinite (无限的);inactive (不活跃的);inadequate (不足的;不充分的);illegible (难辨认的);illogical (不合逻辑的);illegal (非法的);immorally (不道德地);immature (不成熟的;幼稚的);immortal (不朽的;永生的) ; irrelevance(不相关);irregular (不规则的); irresponsible (不负责任的)inter- (构成形容词、副词、名词和动词) 意为:在…之间;相互e.g. interaction (相互作用);international (国际的);interchange(交换;互换); interpersonal (人际关系的;人际的)mini- (构成名词)意为:小的;短的e.g. miniskirt(迷你裙,超短裙);minibus (小巴士);minicam (小型摄像机)mis- (构成动词和名词) 意为:坏(或错)的e.g. misbehavior (行为不端);misunderstand (误解);mislead (误导);misuse (误用;滥用;虐待)multi- (构成名词和形容词) 意为:多个;许多e.g. multicoloured (多色彩的);multimedia (多媒体的);multifunctional (多功能的);multinational (跨国的; 跨国公司)non-[nn] (构成形容词、副词和名词) 意为:无;没有e.g. nonsense (废话);non-stop (直达的); non-fiction (纪实文学);non-smoker (不吸烟的人); non-standard(不标准的)out- (构成动词、名词和形容词) 意为:超越;超过;在外面;向外e.g. outnumber (在数量上超过);outgrow (长得比…快);outsmart (比…更聪明);outdoor (户外的);outward (外面的;向外的)over- (构成形容词、副词、名词和动词), 意为:太;过于;上面;外面e.g. over-production (生产过剩);overload (超载);overconfident(过分自信); overcoat (大衣);overhead (在头上方ad.& a. )post- (构成动词、名词和形容词) 意为:后;以后e.g. postgraduate (研究生);post-war (战后的);post-reading (读后活动)pre- (构成动词、名词和形容词) 意为:先于;在…前e.g. preheat (预热);pre-war (战前的);precaution (预防)re- (构成形容词、副词、名词和动词) 意为:又;再;重新e.g. reapply (再申请);reappear (再次出现);retell (复述);rewrite (重写;改写)semi- (构成形容词和名词) 意为:半;部分e.g. semicircular (半圆形的); semi-final (半决赛);semicivilized (半文明的,半开化的);semiconductor (半导体);sub- (构成名词和形容词) 意为:在…以下;少于;低于;次于;亚于; 分支;分部e.g. subtropical (亚热带的);substandard (低于标准的);sub-zero (零度以下的);subdivision (再分割;分支,分部)super- (构成形容词、副词和名词) 意为:极;超;超级e.g. super-rich (极富有的);superhuman (超出常人的);superhero (超级英雄)supersonically 超音速地tele- (构成形容词、副词、名词和动词) 意为:远距离的;远的;电视的;通过电话的e.g. telescope (望远镜);teletext (图文电视);telesales (电话销售);teleconference (电话会议)trans- (构成形容词)意为:横跨;通过;超越;表示“变化”或“转移”e.g. transcontinental (横跨大陆的);transnational (跨越国界的);transplant (移植);transform (转变)un- (构成形容词、副词和名词) 意为:不;未;非;反;构成动词表示相反的过程e.g. unable(不能的);unconsciously (无意识地);untruth (谬误);unlock (开锁)under-(构成名词和形容词) 意为:在下面;在…下面;次于,低于;不足;未 e.g. underground (地下的;地铁);undergraduate (大学生);underdeveloped(不发达的);underestimate (低估);undercooked (未煮熟的)2. 常用后缀 suffix1)名词后缀:-able, ible (构成形容词) 意为:可…的;能…的;应…的e.g. calculable (能计算的);taxable (应纳税的);adaptable (能适应的);visible (看得见的)-ability, ibility (构成名词).e.g. capability (能力); responsibility (责任);-al (构成形容词或名词) 意为:与…有关的; 表示过程或状态e.g. magical (魔术的);physical (物理的);survival (幸存);arrival (到达);refusal (拒绝)-an, -ian (构成形容词或名词) 意为:来自;有…特征; 专长于…的人,…专家e.g. Brazilian (巴西人);Egyptian (埃及人);mathematician (数学家);politician (政治家);historian (历史学家);musician (音乐家);physician (内科医生);magician (魔术师)-arian (构成名词) 意为:…派(主义)的人e.g. humanitarian (人道主义者);vegetarian (素食者);librarian (图书馆管理员)-ance, -ence (构成名词) 意为:表示行动或状况。
e.g. assistance (帮助);appearance (出现);brilliance (才华);perseverance (毅力)confidence (信心); excellence (优秀)-ee (构成名词) 意为:受动者;称为…的人。
e.g. employee (雇员);interviewee (接受面试者);trainee (受训者);absentee (缺席者);refugee (难民)-er, -or (构成名词) 意为:做某事的人;用于做某事的器械。