

Shanghai Angels Kindergarten(上海私立安乔幼儿园)281 Panlong Village, Xujing Town, Qingpu Close to Xujing Carrefour 徐泾镇蟠龙村281号近北青公路和华徐公路(青浦)TUITION: ¥7500/MONTHBright Start Academy 启星早教中心2/F, Bldg 3, 10 Cangwu Lu , Xuhui near Tianlin Lu 苍梧路10 号3幢2楼近田林路(徐汇) TUITION: ¥6000/MONTHFonshin Kindergarten方馨幼儿园100 Wuyuan Lu, Xuhui near Changshu Lu, Metro Line 1 & 7 Changshu Lu Station 五原路100号近常熟路, 地铁1 & 7号线常熟路站(徐汇)TUITION: ¥5720/MONTHHappy Bridge Trilingual International PreschoolXin Yuan Hotel F5006 No 1900 Hong Qiao Road, 虹桥路1900号新苑宾馆F5006 (长宁) TUITION: ¥3800/MONTHElite Happykids Kindergarten爱德好贝幼儿园70 Fuxing Xi Lu , Xuhui near Yongfu Lu 复兴西路70 号近永福路(徐汇)TUITION: ¥54000/YEARHappy Marian Xinlei Kindergarten 快乐玛丽安新蕾幼儿园692 Changle Lu 徐汇区长乐路692号(徐汇)TUITION: ¥5500/MONTHJulia Gabriel Centre for Learning 徐汇区嘉宝幼儿园75Wuxing Lu, 吴兴路75号(徐汇)TUITION: ¥94000/YEARLittle Eton Bilingual Kindergarten小伊顿双语幼稚园592 wanping Nan Lu, 宛平南路592号(徐汇)TUITION: ¥5500/MONTHMontessori Children's House上海蒙台梭利儿童之家No.56, Lane 2000 Lingshan Lu,灵山路2000弄56号(浦东金桥)TUITION: ¥127400/YEARMontessori School of Shanghai上海私立蒙特梭利幼儿园1230, Zhuguang Rd.,Qingpu Dist诸光路1258号(青浦)21, Donghu Rd., Xuhui Dist东湖路21号(徐汇)TUITION: ¥65700/semesterMorgan Rothschild Academy(悦田幼儿发展中心)Bldg 161, 1358 Huqingping Highway, Qingpu near Huaxiang Lu 沪青平公路1358号161楼近华翔路(青浦)TUITION: ¥8200/MONTHOkiki Kindergarten and Raffles Children Club (胡姬港湾幼儿园)TUITION: ¥10800/MONTHPeeKaBoo Kindergarten (闻裕顺新理念幼儿园)House. Lane 10, 39 Yongjia Lu , French Concession near Shaanxi Nan Lu 永嘉路10巷39号陕西南路.(徐汇)TUITION: ¥60000/YEARSino European International Preschool 中欧国际早教中心260 Jinyan Lu, near Jinxiu Lu锦延路260号,近锦绣路(浦东)TUITION: ¥87780/YEARSoong Ching Ling Kindergarten (宋庆龄幼儿园)3908 Hong Mei Road虹梅北路3908号(长宁)TUITION: ¥13000/MONTHStars and Stripes American Kindergarten,上海新世纪虹桥幼儿园138 Yingbin San Lu, near Shanghai Zoo迎宾三路138号近上海动物园(长宁)TUITION: ¥70000/YEARTiny Tots International Pre-school and Kindergarten (上海泰宁国际幼儿园)43FuXing Xi Lu复兴西路43号(徐汇)TUITION: Full Day ¥14900/month ¥43500/term ¥112800/yearHalf Day ¥12600/month ¥35400/term ¥75800/yearStarPlay Academy 星贝儿童馆10 Cang Wu Road, Block B, Unit 308, Xuhui District, Shanghai苍梧路10号B座308室(徐汇)TUITION: ¥4500/MONTH。

请各位家长配合学校完成以下家长满意度调查问卷,请在您认为符合您想法的选项前面划 ,谢谢您的支持与配合!(完成后请将问卷交与各班老师,谢谢!)一、关于幼儿园1、您对安乔幼儿园的整体印象:非常满意[ ] 还算满意[ ] 普通[ ] 不太满意[ ] 非常不满[ ] 不清楚[ ]2、您把孩子送到安乔的首要原因是(可多选):管理规范[ ] 口碑好[ ] 教育理念新[ ] 特色教育好[ ] 教育教学质量高[ ]饮食好[ ] 保育工作好(限小班以下可选项)[ ]硬件好[ ] 师资稳定[ ] 员工服务态度好[ ] 其它________________________________________________________________________________3、学校的哪些方面让您比较满意(可多选):教育理念[ ]课程设置[ ]师资队伍[ ] 办园质量[ ] 教学水平[ ] 饮食[ ] 生活护理[ ]丰富多彩的活动[ ] 孩子IQ和EQ同步培养[ ] 员工服务态度[ ] 其他____________________4、为孩子创造一个清洁、优美、和谐的环境,是教育工作的基本前提,您对学校在教育环境的美化、儿童化、教育化方面所做的工作:非常满意[ ] 还算满意[ ] 普通[ ] 不太满意[ ] 非常不满[ ] 不清楚[ ]5、您对学校全体教职员工的责任意识、敬业程度及精神面貌:非常满意[ ] 还算满意[ ] 普通[ ] 不太满意[ ] 非常不满[ ] 不清楚[ ]6、您对学校的管理工作及办学质量:非常满意[ ] 还算满意[ ] 普通[ ] 不太满意[ ] 非常不满[ ] 不清楚[ ]7、您对学校的整体师资质量:非常满意[ ] 还算满意[ ] 普通[ ] 不太满意[ ] 非常不满[ ] 不清楚[ ]8、您对学校的卫生保健工作质量:非常满意[ ] 还算满意[ ] 普通[ ] 不太满意[ ] 非常不满[ ] 不清楚[ ]9、您觉得学校对家长的服务:非常满意[ ] 还算满意[ ] 普通[ ] 不太满意[ ] 非常不满[ ] 不清楚[ ]二、关于幼儿发展1、您希望您的孩子在学校学到(可多选) :学做人[ ] 学自信[ ]养成良好的行为习惯,形成良好的个性品质[ ] 学自理[ ] 开发智能[ ] 学会学习(掌握知识、技能、为小学打基础) [ ] 游戏[ ] 外语和特色教育[ ] 学什么由学校定[ ] 2、您觉得孩子入学后哪些方面进步较大(可多选)?身体健康[ ]生活、学习习惯和文明礼貌[ ]性格[ ]语言(英语和普通话) [ ]交往能力[ ]自理能力[ ]学习兴趣[ ]计算[ ]其他[ ]3、您最关心孩子在学校的哪些方面?(可多选)学习内容[ ] 习惯培养[ ] 生活情况[ ] 饮食[ ] 身体状况[ ] 情绪[ ]其他____________三、关于教师1、您的孩子喜欢自己的教师和小老师吗?主班教师喜欢[ ]比较喜欢[ ]一般[ ]不喜欢[ ]助教教师喜欢[ ]比较喜欢[ ]一般[ ]不喜欢[ ]小老师喜欢[ ]比较喜欢[ ]一般[ ]不喜欢[ ]2、您对班级教师是否具有亲和力,对待孩子有爱心和热情:非常满意[ ] 还算满意[ ] 普通[ ] 不太满意[ ] 非常不满[ ] 不清楚[ ]3、您对孩子所在班级的教师是否尊重您的孩子,并经常给予孩子表扬和鼓励:非常满意[ ] 还算满意[ ] 普通[ ] 不太满意[ ] 非常不满[ ] 不清楚[ ]4、您对班级教师的责任心、师德、师风情况:非常满意[ ] 还算满意[ ] 普通[ ] 不太满意[ ] 非常不满[ ] 不清楚[ ]5、教师对孩子照顾细致周到,没有体罚或变相体罚的现象:非常满意[ ] 还算满意[ ] 普通[ ] 不太满意[ ] 非常不满[ ] 不清楚[ ]6、您对幼儿回家时的仪表整洁:非常满意[ ] 还算满意[ ] 普通[ ] 不太满意[ ] 非常不满[ ] 不清楚[ ]7、您对班级生活护理工作:非常满意[ ] 还算满意[ ] 普通[ ] 不太满意[ ] 非常不满[ ] 不清楚[ ]8、老师是否经常主动向您反馈孩子在校情况?经常反馈[ ]反馈过,不是很经常[ ] 偶尔会反馈[ ]从来没有反馈过[ ]9、当您的观点或行为与老师的要求发生冲突时,教师的态度是:耐心解释,取得认可[ ] 稍作解释,坚持己见[ ] 不作任何解释,要求服从[ ]10、孩子有时不愿上幼儿园的原因是(可选多项):11、每天早上,孩子对于上幼儿园的态度是:非常积极[ ] 一般[ ] 不太想去[ ] 很不想去[ ]12、您的孩子在幼儿园出现过摔伤、碰伤、跌伤的事情吗?经常出现[ ] 出现过,但不是很多[ ] 偶尔会出现一两次[ ] 没有出现过[ ]四、教育教学1、您对学校开设的外国老师教授的轮滑课感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]2、您对学校开设的外国老师授课的打击乐课感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]3、您对学校新开设的每月一次的陶艺课程感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]4、您对学校新开设的每月一次的烹饪课程感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]5、您对学校开设的中、英文说故事课程感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]6、您对学校每周五举行的颁奖典礼和带动唱活动感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]7、您对学校老师每月制作的新闻月刊感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]8、您对学校老师自行设计的年册感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]9、您对安乔TV的节目感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]10、您对学校老师每天上传每个孩子照片和视频感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]11、您对学校每两周让大班孩子,去学校餐厅吃自助餐感到(此项请大班家长勾选):非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]12、您对班级里教具、玩具丰富,能促进幼儿动手动脑及幼儿思维的发展:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]13、您对学校多样的大型玩具的卫生和安全感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]14、您对班级教师教学质量的评价:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]15、您对班级环境卫生质量的评价:卫生环境:清洁()整齐()零乱()卫生护理:细致()负责()一般()不细致()16、您认为幼儿园开设才艺课的科目设置及教学效果:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]17、对于学校组织的诸多活动,您最喜欢(可多选):万圣节活动[ ]圣诞节活动[ ]科学月[ ]文化月[ ]亲子运动会[ ]亲子感恩活动[ ] 才艺比赛[ ] 六一儿童节[ ]元宵节活动[ ]欢庆中国年[ ]校园歌唱大赛[ ]早操比赛[ ] 户外教学[ ]五、关于校车1、您对校车司机的服务态度感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]2、您对跟车老师的态度感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]3、您对校车到达时间是否准时感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]4、您对接小朋友时实行的密语制度感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]5、您对校车的安全性感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]6、您对校车晚点,跟车老师通知的及时性感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]六、关于行政1、您对接电话老师的态度感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]2、您对行政老师对您的接待感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]3、对于您反映的问题,行政老师的反馈使您感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]七、家园互动1、作为家长,您希望通过哪些途径和方法得到指导和帮助:家教宣传栏[ ]家访[ ]家长到学校[ ]家长开放日[ ]家长会[ ]幼儿家教资料(杂志)[ ] 宝宝成长档案[ ]亲子活动[ ]与教师的口头交流[ ]网上家园论坛[ ]其他[ ]2、您对班级教师向家长宣传科学育儿知识和方法方面感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚3、您是否经常向教师了解孩子的在园表现,并为教师提供孩子的在家表现:经常[ ]一般[ ]偶尔()从不[ ]打算今后开始[ ]4、老师平均多长时间主动通过电话与您联系:约两个月一次[ ]约一个月一次[ ]约半个月一次[ ]约一个星期一次[ ]每天一次[ ]5、您是否知道孩子班级网络平台的地址,并通过电脑登陆了解孩子在学校的情况:知道并经常浏览[ ]知道但很少浏览[ ]不清楚,没浏览过[ ]6、您对学校网站论坛感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚7、您了解孩子在学校的情况是通过:看家里表现[ ] 听孩子汇报[ ] 等老师告知[ ] 主动打电话问老师[ ]到幼儿园问老师[ ]网络平台[ ]没了解过[ ]8、您对“学生家庭联络本”上的内容:每期必看[ ]偶尔看看[ ]从来不看[ ]9、您对班级教师在“学生家庭联络本”上所填写的内容:非常满意[ ] 还算满意[ ] 普通[ ] 不太满意[ ] 非常不满[ ] 不清楚[ ]八、卫生保健1、您对幼儿园合理的膳食结构和均衡的营养感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]2、您对学校为孩子提供的有机食物感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]3、您对幼儿园丰富的膳食品种感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]4、您对幼儿园无限量给孩子提供膳食感到:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]5、您的孩子爱吃幼儿园的膳食吗:很爱吃[ ]还可以[ ]不爱吃[ ]不清楚[ ]6、孩子生病,您认为可能的原因有(可选多项):老师照顾不周[ ] 身体锻炼不够[ ] 营养不好[ ] 孩子体质问题[ ] 园内交叉传染[ ]7、孩子在幼儿园生病,老师是否及时告知?及时告知[ ]有时告知[ ]不告知[ ]8、孩子需服药,保健老师是否按时按量喂药:是[ ]有时按时[ ]否[ ]9、您对学校在幼儿传染性和流行性疾病的预防工作:非常满意[ ]还算满意[ ]普通[ ]不太满意[ ]非常不满[ ]不清楚[ ]七、意见建议您认为学校今后需要进一步加强或改进的方面:谢谢您的配合!孩子姓名:______________所在班级:______________家长签名:______________填写日期:______________。

1. 艾米童胎国际幼儿园:致力于打造本地最顶尖的国际养育和
2. 上海静安小先锋私立学校:开设的课程涵盖了多个学科,全面发展
3. 睿劲学校:为孩子提供一个良好的学习环境,培养孩子创造力及创
4. 日月星辰实验幼儿园:以青少年核心素质培养及目标式教学为特点,为孩子创造机会。
5. 华荣幼儿园:以深入浅出的培养孩子内在信心及兴趣方面的能力,
6. 阳光德育:倡导由“重德育”到“德育与智育并重”的教育理念。
7. 余下乐园: 以独特的“感性循环教育”模式,引导孩子从行动中发
8. 上海智慧联盟幼儿园:使用小组讨论,情景对话,科学分析等有效
9. 顽童国际幼儿园:采用全心全意,“顽童成长法”教育模式,帮助
10. 九莎轩高瘦美少儿舞蹈培训中心:拥有多位专业教练,成熟的体系,提供专业的舞蹈课程。

排名以国际幼儿园在教育质量、安全环境、师资力量和孩子活动设施等方面综合考虑,排名从高到低如下:1.南联合国际学校幼儿园2. 上海世界国际学校幼儿园3. 上海柏林国际学校幼儿园4. 上海国际社区学校幼儿园5. 上海富士夏幼儿园6. 上海新星幼儿园7. 上海高德集团幼儿园8. 上海国际幼儿园9. 上海太空幼儿园10. 上海博爱国际学校幼儿园上述排名仅供参考,家长们在选择合适的国际幼儿园时,还应根据孩子的兴趣和特长,以及他们的家庭经济条件等因素来考虑。

67752847 67718126
3 上海松江区趣丫丫早教中心 4 上海松江荣盛亲子园 5 上海松江区新星宝贝早教中心
谷阳北路 1500 号 101 室
新桥镇莘松路 1500 弄 78 号、79 号 九亭镇涞亭南路 888 弄 654 号-668 号
0-3 岁早教服务 机构
0-3 岁
67648582 67680988 57682289 67657309 37787559 37827713 37023732 57727599 57719066 67690668 51992777
29 上海松江区新文华幼儿园
新浜镇叶新公路 5326 弄 5 号
30 上海松江区新港东幼儿园
3-6 岁 3-6岁 2-6 岁 3-6 岁 2-6 岁 2-6 岁 2-6 岁
2-6 岁
2-6 岁
3-6岁 3-6岁
41 上海松江区世泽幼儿园 42 上海松江区快乐天地幼稚园 43 上海现代明珠幼稚园
九亭镇同利路 28 号 九亭镇涞亭南路(颐景园) 888 弄 92 号 九亭镇虬泾路 99 弄 25 号
2-6 岁
20 上海松江区远志幼儿园
新桥镇陈春路 888 号
3-6 岁
21 上海松江区红彤彤幼儿园
22 上海松江区庙三路幼儿园 23 上海松江区新桥快乐幼儿园 24 上海松江区新鸿圣马丁幼儿园 25 上海松江区春蕾幼儿园
26 上海松江区悦荟坡幼儿园
27 上海松江区新蓝幼儿园 28 上海松江区莱茜庄园幼儿园
0-6 岁 2-6 岁
6 上海松江区玉树幼儿园
玉树路 2255 弄 3、4 号

民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办 民办
上海市闵行区万科幼儿园 上海闵行区伊顿汇智金汇豪庭幼儿园 上海闵行区尚德坤庭幼儿园 泰林国际幼儿园 JES 上海zoo 1 ig a ns幼儿园 哈比乔治 上海市浦东新区民办爱绿幼儿园 上海浦东新区海富新里城幼儿园 上海海富龙阳幼儿园 民办世纪星证大幼稚园 上海民办胡姬港湾幼儿园 民办建桥好好艺术幼儿园 民办世纪星双语实验幼稚园 上海浦东新区民办维多利亚幼儿园 上海市浦东新区民办碧云幼儿园 上海市浦东新区民办小龙鱼环球幼儿园 上海市民办中芯幼儿园 上海浦东新区民办海富耀华幼儿园 上海市民办金苹果学校附属幼儿园 上海浦东新区民办博雅汇潼幼儿园 上海浦东新区民办胡姬港湾松、林幼儿园 上海浦东新区民办学乐星幼儿园 民办格林斯堡幼儿园(去年新园) LUC国际儿童中心 惠灵顿(上海)双语幼儿园 上海浦东新区民办菲索幼儿园 上海浦东新区民办万科幼儿园 上海浦东新区民办常青藤幼儿园 上海昔陀区民办浦新村幼儿园 上海昔陀区民办蘑菇亭幼儿园 上海昔陀区民办金豆豆幼儿园 上海中远博士娃幼儿园 上海市昔陀民办开心果幼儿园 上海昔陀区甜馨幼儿园 上海昔陀区咪咪幼儿园 上海市昔陀欢乐谷幼儿园 上海新曹杨实验幼儿园 上海昔陀区建德幼儿园 上海昔陀区金海螺香樟幼儿园 上海市昔陀区好习惯幼儿园 上海市昔陀区民办海棠幼儿园 上海昔陀区金海螺幼儿园 上海昔陀区民办金果果幼儿园 上海音陀区乐宝堡幼儿园 上海市昔陀金海螺名庭幼儿园 上海昔陀区小丫丫幼儿园
二级 二级 二级 未定级 未定级 未定级 未定级 —级 一级 —级 一级 —级 一级 —级 一级 —级 一级 —级 浦东新区 二级 二级 二级 二级 二级 二级 未定级 未定级 二级 二级 二级 —级 一级 —级 —级 二级 二级 二级 二级 二级 二级 二级 二级 普陀区 二级 二级 二级 二级 二级 二级

1.名称:宋庆龄幼儿园国际部学制:幼儿园地址:长宁区虹梅北路3908号邮编:201103电话:62422881 传真:624228812.名称:上海中学国际部学制:小学至高中地址:徐汇区上中路400号邮编:200231电话:64765516 传真:645350083.名称:幼儿天地国际幼儿园学制:幼儿园地址:济南路8号盛捷高级服务公寓2楼邮编:200021电话:63867880 传真:638771314.名称:东进上海日本人幼儿园学制:幼儿园地址:长宁区虹梅路3081号虹桥别墅内邮编:201103电话:62094474 传真:627515145.名称:上海恩吉尔幼儿园学制:幼儿园地址:闵行区七莘路2999号邮编:201101电话:64198610 传真:641937606.名称:上海泰宁国际幼儿园学制:幼儿园地址:徐汇区复兴西路43号邮编:200031电话:64313788 传真:643324687.名称:奥伊斯嘉上海日本语幼儿园学制:幼儿园地址:长宁区茅台路715弄20号邮编:200336电话:62903298 传真:629099448.名称:上海美丘第一幼儿园学制:幼儿园地址:闵行区虹许路788号(名都城)邮编:201103电话:64056318 传真:640563289.名称:上海虹桥国际学校学制:幼儿园至小学地址:长宁区虹桥路2381号邮编:200335电话:62689773 传真:6269129410.名称:上海韩国学校学制:小学至高中地址:闵行区七莘路2999号邮编:201101电话:54794291 传真:3410002211.名称:上海协和国际学校学制:幼儿园至高中地址:浦东金桥黄杨路345号邮编:201206电话:58990380 传真:5899168512.名称:上海长宁国际学校学制:幼儿园至初中地址:长宁区江苏路261弄79号邮编:200050电话:62523688 传真:6212233013.名称:上海新加坡国际学校学制:幼儿园至高中地址:闵行区诸翟镇纪翟路288号邮编:201107电话:62219288 传真:62219288*102414.名称:上海法国学校学制:幼儿园至高中地址:闵行区金汇路437号邮编:201103电话:64059220-105 传真:6405922715.名称:上海德国学校学制:幼儿园至初中地址:闵行区金汇路437号邮编:201103电话:64059220-113 传真:6405923516.名称:耀中上海国际学校学制:幼儿园至高中地址:长宁区水城路11号(虹桥校区)邮编:200336 电话:62423243 传真:6242733117.名称:上海日本人学校学制:小学至初中地址:闵行区虹梅路3185号邮编:201103电话:64068027 传真:6401274718.名称:上海美国学校学制:幼儿园至高中地址:闵行区诸翟镇金丰路258号(浦西校区)邮编:201107 电话:62211445 传真:6221126919.名称:上海英国学校学制:地址:沪南公路2729弄600号(康桥半岛)邮编:201315电话:58123201 传真:5812320120、上海瑞金国际学校21、上海李文斯顿美国学校22、上海德威英国国际学校。

首先,我强烈推荐LUC国际儿童中心(The Little Urban Center Preschool)。


近年来许多国内家长对蒙氏教学方法颇有微词,但并不影响蒙特梭利幼儿园长长的Waiting List。
据说幼儿园入学,家长教育理念和素质是首要考察目标,贵是贵,这所学校可不愁生源,基本满额状态,waiting list也是超长,有钱想读领着孩子排队去吧!惠灵顿双语幼儿园对口惠灵顿管理的.双语学校惠立,而且后期不对外招生,只从幼儿园直升,惠立2018年开校。


幼儿天地国际幼儿园济南路8号盛捷高级服务公寓2楼63867880东进上海日本人幼儿园长宁区虹梅路3081号虹桥别墅内62094474上海恩吉尔幼儿园闵行区七莘路2999号64198610上海泰宁国际幼儿园徐汇区复兴西路43号64313788奥伊斯嘉上海日本语幼儿园长宁区茅台路715弄20号62903298上海美丘第一幼儿园闵行区虹许路788号(名都城)64056318上海虹桥国际学校(幼儿园至小学) 长宁区虹桥路2381号62689773上海韩国学校(小学至高中) 闵行区七莘路2999号54794291上海中学国际部(小学至高中) 徐汇区上中路400号64765516上海协和国际学校(幼儿园至高中) 浦东金桥黄杨路345号58990380上海协和国际学校(浦东)浦东金桥明月路999号58990380上海长宁国际学校(幼儿园至初中) 长宁区江苏路261弄79号62523688上海新加坡国际学校(幼儿园至高中) 闵行区诸翟镇纪翟路288号62219288 上海法国学校(幼儿园至高中) 闵行区金汇路437号64059220-105上海德国学校(幼儿园至初中) 闵行区金汇路437号64059220-113耀中上海国际学校(幼儿园至高中) 长宁区水城路11号(虹桥校区)62423243 上海日本人学校(小学至初中) 闵行区虹梅路3185号64068027上海美国学校(幼儿园至高中) 闵行区诸翟镇金丰路258号62211445上海英国学校沪南公路2729弄600号(康桥半岛)58123201上海中学国际部上中路400号64765516上海中芯学校青桐路169号58554588上海西华国际学校青浦区徐泾镇联民路555号69766388李文斯顿美国国际学校上海长宁区甘溪路580号62383511宋庆龄幼儿园国际部长宁区虹梅北路3908号62422881上海市民办东方外国语学校(中学)恒丰路461号63176717迈克汀国际商务学院(大学)闵行罗锦路25号(虹梅南路罗锦路) 64534222华侨国际教育(留学)常德路319号京德大厦208室(近北京西路) 62170781 上海英国学校(小学)上海市闵行区华漕镇金光路111号52263211 金苹果学校国际部浦东区巨峰路1555号A楼505国际部办公室68973118 上海美国学校(浦东校区)在三甲港上海英国国际学校(浦东校区)在康桥上海长宁国际学校(浦东校区)在康桥上海德威英国国际学校在碧云上海协和国际学校在碧云上海耀中国际学校(浦东校区)在世纪公园板块西华国际学校青浦区徐泾镇联民路555号69766388上海协和国际学校浦东金桥明月路999号58990380李文斯顿美国国际学校上海长宁区甘溪路580 号62383511上海瑞金国际学校莘庄东闸路189 号64923431上海欧洲学校(德法学校新校区)上海青浦区诸光路399 弄30 号39760555。


一级园:园所评估的总得分不低于90分;且婴幼儿开展水平、保教工作和卫生保健工作三项评估指标每项得分不得低于应得分的90% 。


收费情况境内班:每学期3,000元境外班:每学期35,000元PYP班:每学期50,000元(注:境外班和PYP班学生,仅限港澳台,华人、华侨子女以及外国人) 学校简介上海市世界外国语小学创办于993年,是由上海市徐汇区政府与社会各界共同创办的一所公立转制学校。
收费情况)初中部(境内普通班):学费:每学期7,000元(最终以物价局核定为准) 书薄费、学杂费、伙食费另计,以政府有关部门当年核定标准为准)高中IBDP班:学费:每学期60,000元(最终以物价局核定为准) 原版教材费、IBDP考试费、大型活动费、伙食费、班车费等另计,以政府有关部门当年核定标准为准。

®Shanghai Angels International Bilingual Kindergarten®上海安乔国际双语幼儿园®Application for Admissions入学申请表Student Name 学生姓名:___________________________No.487 Huaxu Gonglu, Xujing Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇华徐公路487号Tel 电话: +86-21-59883458/59883488 | Email: admission@ | TERMS AND CONDITIONS (ENGLISH) (Must*)条款(英文)(必填*)In the admissions process, Angels International Bilingual Kindergarten (“the School”) does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, nationality, origin or religion. Our students come from diverse lifestyles and economic backgrounds. We are committed to serving families who share our values and educational philosophy.1. Registrationa) Registration to be considered for admissions to the School is made by completing and returning this form.b) However, the Student’s place is not reserved until all entry requirements are fulfilled, the in-person interview is passed, and all appropriate dues are paid.c) An in-person interview with the Parents or Guardian(s) and the Student is an integral part of the admissions process. The School reserves the right to deny admission to any Student at the end of the application process, even after the interview has been conducted, if the School believes that the best interests of the Student cannot be served.2. Trial Class FeeTrial Class Fee of 500 RMB must be paid. An application is considered incomplete if said fee is not paid in full.3. Tuition FeeTuition fees must be paid in full by the due date specified on your payment notice. If payment is not received by the due date, the Student’s place will be forfeited at the School’s discretion and given to another student. The Student cannot attend class until tuition fees have been paid in full.4. Payment Methodsa) Cash (RMB only)b) Foreign currency -- If a currency other than RMB is used, the final amount received by the School after currency exchange has to equal the amount of the tuition in RMB. The School will use the currency exchange rate of the day that the remittance is received. If the amount comes short of the total RMB amount, the difference needs to be paid in full before the Student’s first day of school. The payment can also be made in cash or by credit card, but please note that credit card payments are subject to a service charge by the bank, which the school will collect on the bank's behalf (foreign credit cards and non-Union Pay cards are charged a 3% service charge).c) Bank wire transfer -- to be made to the School’s bank account according to instructions from the School’s Finance Office. Please add the Student’s name as a remark on the wire transfer. A photocopy of the proof of transfer, with the Student’s name clearly visible as a remark, is required. Payment is considered complete only when it is received in the School’s bank account.Acc’t Name: 上海青浦区私立安乔幼儿园Acc’t Number: 03863100040010740Bank: Agricultural Bank of China- Xujing Branch5. Leaves and AbsencesThree months before the start of a new school year, the School will publish a calendar of events for the year. We request that Parents plan family vacations accordingly so as to avoid taking the Student away while school is in session, as this interferes with the quality of education that the Student receives at the School as well as causes disadvantages to the Student during primary school entry tests. We ask that Parents work together with the School to cultivate a responsible attitude towards learning.If the Student must take a leave of absence due to special circumstances, Parents must submit an application one month in advance and receive approval from the School before leaving. If the Student is absent without reason, without submitting an application for leave, or without a proof of illness or hospitalization from an accredited hospital, and if the total number of days absent exceeds two calendar weeks within any given month, the School may give the Student’s place to another student from a more cooperative family before the end of the semester.Any kind of leave (such as injury outside the School and need long term sick leave) or absence is non-refundable.6. Withdrawal and RefundsNew Students1)Withdrawal Before AttendanceParents must submit a written request for withdrawal for approval by the School’s Board of Directors. The School will deduct one month’s tuition fee (if school bus service is requested, one month of school bus fee will also be deducted) and refund the remaining amount of the tuition fee and school bus fee. Other fees are non-refundable. An additional 500 RMB administrative fee will also be deducted.(continues on next page)2)Withdrawal After Attendance of Less Than Two WeeksThe School will deduct two months’ tuition fee (if school bus service is requested, two months’ school bus fee will also be deducted) and refund the remaining amount of the tuition fee and school bus fee. Other fees are non-refundable. An additional 500 RMB administrative fee will also be deducted.3)Withdrawal After More Than Two Weeks AttendanceThe tuition fee and other fees of the semester are non-refundable.Returning Students1)Withdrawal Before the Start of a New SemesterParents must submit a written notice of withdrawal at least three months before the start of the semester for approval by the School’s Board of Directors. The School will deduct one month’s tuition fee (if school bus service is requested, one month of school bus fee will also be deducted) and refund the remaining amount of the tuition fee and school bus fee. Other fees are non-refundable. An additional 500 RMB administrative fee will also be deducted.2)Withdrawal After the Start of a New SemesterIf Parents submit a withdrawal notice after a semester has already begun, the tuition fee and other fees of the semester are non-refundable.7. Special NoticeBefore the Student begins attendance at the School, Parents must clearly understand the school calendar and vacation policies. Parents must agree to abide by the vacation schedule arranged by the school. School vacations include Chinese National Holidays stipulated by the government, as well as Christmas, Chinese New Year, and Spring Break.8. Official InvoiceThe School collects tuition fees by semester. The School issues official invoices for tuition after receiving tuition fee. If you are requesting a refund, please bring back the original official invoice; but if you can’t bring back the original one, you have to bare the extra tax which is charged by the tax bureau. Therefore, we ask Parents to please keep the original official invoice safe. To ensure that Parents receive this invoice, the School requires Parents to pick it up and sign for it at the Finance Office. Under special circumstances where Parents are unable pick up the invoice in-person, the Finance Office will keep the invoice for a year, after which the invoice will be discarded.9. Pick-up and Drop-off9.1 School Bus Pick-up and Drop-offa) The school bus is a service provided by the School. If you choose to take the school bus, please be at the designated pick-up point at the time assigned by the School.b) Students who take the school bus must be at the pick-up point prior to the arrival of the bus. In order to ensure that all students arrive at school in a timely manner, the school bus will not wait for those who are tardy. In the event of tardiness, Parents are responsible for the Student’s transportation to the School.c) At the end of a school day, please be at the designated bus drop-off point prior to the designated time to wait for the Student.d) If the Student normally rides the school bus but Parents decide to pick him or her up on any given day, please inform the Administration Office and Homeroom Teacher in advance.e) If the Student rides the bus but cannot attend class or will not ride the school bus on any given day, Parents must inform the Administration Office or Homeroom Teacher before 7:30 am.f) When school buses leave the School, bus monitors will send text messages to Parents. Every text message will contain a number that serves as the day’s secret password. When Parents pick up the Student, please say this password to the bus monitor. Since the password changes everyday, and each family's password is different from one another, so please make sure to check your mobile phone. If your phone runs out of battery or has poor signal, please contact the School Office immediately to receive the password. If the person picking up the Student does not know the password, the school bus will take the child back to the School and wait for a Parent to come and pick up the Student.g) In keeping with the Education Bureau and the Police Department’s regulations: for the safety of all children, no persons other than the bus monitor and driver are allowed to ride the school bus. We request that Parents adhere strictly to this policy. If the Police discover any violations to this policy, violating Parents shall be subject to legal consequences.Tel 电话: +86-21-59883458/59883488 | Email: admission@ | (continues on next page)i) The person picking up the Student must carry a cell phone with. In the event of poor traffic conditions and other unpredictable situations, the School will contact Parents who can then contact the person responsible for pick-up and inform him or her of the approximate time of arrival.9.2 Parent Pick-up and Drop-off (No School Bus)a) If the Student cannot attend class on any given day, Parents must inform the School and the Homeroom Teacher before 9:00 am (office phone number: +86-21-59883458/59883488).b) If Parents pick-up and drop-off the Student on your own or with your personal driver, please make sure your car has an “Angels Parking Permit.” The Parking Permit must be placed visibly inside the windshield of your car. Only cars with Parking Permits will be permitted on-campus. Without a Parking Permit, the security guards will refuse entry to your vehicle.c) The School will be produce picture IDs for Parents and Guardians who pick up and drop off Students personally. Please have the ID on you for the School Staff to see. School Personnel will swipe Parents into the corridor waiting area after the first set of glass doors to wait for Students.d) Please pick up the Student within half an hour of the end of the school day. Please wait outside the School Office in front of the glass doors. If you discover that the glass door is open, please notify the Office immediately to prevent random persons from entering the School.e) If you ask someone else to pick up the Student on your behalf, please notify the School Office beforehand and tell us the person’s name and physical attributes so that we can ensure the Student is not taken away by a stranger. Before the Student leaves, the Teacher will verify with Parents.f) When picking up and dropping off Students, Parents are asked to adhere strictly to the policy of entering through the front gates on Shuangbang Road and exiting through the side gates on Huaxu Road. The side gates on Shuangbang Road will only be open during drop-off and pick-up times; no private vehicles shall be allowed entry through this gate at any other time.10. Parents agree that the Student will wear the school uniform to School. If the Student does not come to School in uniform, the School will provide the Student with a new set of uniform, which Parents will have to purchase.11. The School reserves the right to warn, suspend or expel a student if the Student’s behavior poses a problem to the well-being and security of the School community.12. Parents are liable for any damage to the School’s property, the belongings of other students, teachers, or employees, etc. caused by the Student.13. Parents authorize the School’s medical staff to administer treatment in minor emergencies. In the event of more serious injuries such as bone fractures, the School will send the Student to the hospital designated by Parents on the application form (if none is given, Parents agree to accept the School’s arrangements). Parents must inform the School of the Student’s health condition and medical history in a truthful and timely manner upon enrollment and update important medical records during attendance at the School, including such information as congenital or infectious diseases, and any physical or mental deficiencies. The School does not take any responsibility for any accidents caused by the Student’s personal health problems that occur while at School.14. Parents agree to promptly inform the School of any changes to the information provided in this form, such as contacts, addresses, phone numbers, etc.15. Parents agree to fully support the School’s internal regulations and policies as stated here and in the Parent Handbook.16. The School reserves the right to use the Student’s photograph and video/audio recording taken inside classrooms or outside at other school functions for publicity and public relations purposes, including publication on the website.(Must*)I, ___________________, hereby submit an application on behalf of my child (“the Student”),____________________, for admission to Shanghai Angels International Bilingual Kindergarten (“the School”), and authorize the School to transfer the information contained in this application form to the School’s database(s), and archive it in any way seen fit by the School. I also certify that the information given in this form is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if I fail to provide accurate information about the Student, the School reserves the right to deny the Student enrollment and/or revoke his/her place at the School. I hereby declare that I have read all of the Terms and Conditions listed on this application form, and agree to abide by them.Signature:_______________________ Date:__________________TERMS AND CONDITIONS (CHINESE) (Must*)条款(中文)(必填*)上海安乔国际双语幼儿园保证在招生时不会因性别、种族、原籍地或宗教而给予差别对待。
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®Shanghai Angels International Bilingual Kindergarten®上海安乔国际双语幼儿园®Application for Admissions入学申请表Student Name 学生姓名:___________________________No.487 Huaxu Gonglu, Xujing Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇华徐公路487号Tel 电话: +86-21-59883458/59883488 | Email: admission@ | TERMS AND CONDITIONS (ENGLISH) (Must*)条款(英文)(必填*)In the admissions process, Angels International Bilingual Kindergarten (“the School”) does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, nationality, origin or religion. Our students come from diverse lifestyles and economic backgrounds. We are committed to serving families who share our values and educational philosophy.1. Registrationa) Registration to be considered for admissions to the School is made by completing and returning this form.b) However, the Student’s place is not reserved until all entry requirements are fulfilled, the in-person interview is passed, and all appropriate dues are paid.c) An in-person interview with the Parents or Guardian(s) and the Student is an integral part of the admissions process. The School reserves the right to deny admission to any Student at the end of the application process, even after the interview has been conducted, if the School believes that the best interests of the Student cannot be served.2. Trial ClassSchool will invite your family to join an trial class after recieving your child' application form.3. Tuition FeeTuition fees must be paid in full by the due date specified on your payment notice. If payment is not received by the due date, the Student’s place will be forfeited at the School’s discretion and given to another student. The Student cannot attend class until tuition fees have been paid in full.4. Payment Methodsa) Cash (RMB only)b) Foreign currency -- If a currency other than RMB is used, the final amount received by the School after currency exchange has to equal the amount of the tuition in RMB. The School will use the currency exchange rate of the day that the remittance is received. If the amount comes short of the total RMB amount, the difference needs to be paid in full before the Student’s first day of school. The payment can also be made in cash or by credit card, but please note that credit card payments are subject to a service charge by the bank, which the school will collect on the bank's behalf (foreign credit cards and non-Union Pay cards are charged a 3% service charge).c) Bank wire transfer -- to be made to the School’s bank account according to instructions from the School’s Finance Office. Please add the Student’s name as a remark on the wire transfer. A photocopy of the proof of transfer, with the Student’s name clearly visible as a remark, is required. Payment is considered complete only when it is received in the School’s bank account.Acc’t Name: 上海青浦区私立安乔幼儿园Acc’t Number: 03863100040010740Bank: Agricultural Bank of China- Xujing Branch5. Leaves and AbsencesThree months before the start of a new school year, the School will publish a calendar of events for the year. We request that Parents plan family vacations accordingly so as to avoid taking the Student away while school is in session, as this interferes with the quality of education that the Student receives at the School as well as causes disadvantages to the Student during primary school entry tests. We ask that Parents work together with the School to cultivate a responsible attitude towards learning.If the student must take a leave of absence due to special circumstances, parents must submit an application one month in advance to receive approval from the school. Student can ask for leave for no more than 5 school days per month, and no more than 20 school days per semester (except for those who can present the doctor’s note regarding sickness provided by third-grade class-A hospitals). If the student is absent without giving notification to the school nor filing an application for leave, the school may grant the student’s place to another applicant before the end of the semester.Any kind of leave (such as injury outside the School and need long term sick leave) or absence is non-refundable.6. Withdrawal and RefundsNew Students1)Withdrawal Before AttendanceParents must submit a written request for withdrawal for approval by the School’s Board of Directors. The School will deduct one month’s tuition fee (if school bus service is requested, one month of school bus fee will also be deducted) and refund the remaining amount of the tuition fee and school bus fee. Other fees are non-refundable. An additional 500 RMB administrative fee will also be deducted.(continues on next page)2)Withdrawal After Attendance of Less Than Two WeeksThe School will deduct two months’ tuition fee (if school bus service is requested, two months’ school bus fee will also be deducted) and refund the remaining amount of the tuition fee and school bus fee. Other fees are non-refundable. An additional 500 RMB administrative fee will also be deducted.3)Withdrawal After More Than Two Weeks AttendanceThe tuition fee and other fees of the semester are non-refundable.Returning Students1)Withdrawal Before the Start of a New SemesterParents must submit a written notice of withdrawal at least three months before the start of the semester for approval by the School’s Board of Directors. The School will deduct one month’s tuition fee (if school bus service is requested, one month of school bus fee will also be deducted) and refund the remaining amount of the tuition fee and school bus fee. Other fees are non-refundable. An additional 500 RMB administrative fee will also be deducted.2)Withdrawal After the Start of a New SemesterIf Parents submit a withdrawal notice after a semester has already begun, the tuition fee and other fees of the semester are non-refundable.7. Special NoticeBefore the Student begins attendance at the School, Parents must clearly understand the school calendar and vacation policies. Parents must agree to abide by the vacation schedule arranged by the school. School vacations include Chinese National Holidays stipulated by the government, as well as Christmas, Chinese New Year, and Spring Break.8. Official InvoiceThe School collects tuition fees by semester. The School issues official invoices for tuition after receiving tuition fee. If you are requesting a refund, please bring back the original official invoice; but if you can’t bring back the original one, you have to bare the extra tax which is charged by the tax bureau. Therefore, we ask Parents to please keep the original official invoice safe. To ensure that Parents receive this invoice, the School requires Parents to pick it up and sign for it at the Finance Office. Under special circumstances where Parents are unable pick up the invoice in-person, the Finance Office will keep the invoice for a year, after which the invoice will be discarded.9. Pick-up and Drop-off9.1 School Bus Pick-up and Drop-offa) The school bus is a service provided by the School. If you choose to take the school bus, please be at the designated pick-up point at the time assigned by the School.b) Students who take the school bus must be at the pick-up point prior to the arrival of the bus. In order to ensure that all students arrive at school in a timely manner, the school bus will not wait for those who are tardy. In the event of tardiness, Parents are responsible for the Student’s transportation to the School.c) At the end of a school day, please be at the designated bus drop-off point prior to the designated time to wait for the Student.d) If the Student normally rides the school bus but Parents decide to pick him or her up on any given day, please inform the Administration Office and Homeroom Teacher in advance.e) If the Student rides the bus but cannot attend class or will not ride the school bus on any given day, Parents must inform the Administration Office or Homeroom Teacher before 7:30 am.f) When school buses leave the School, bus monitors will send text messages to Parents. Every text message will contain a number that serves as the day’s secret password. When Parents pick up the Student, please say this password to the bus monitor. Since the password changes everyday, and each family's password is different from one another, so please make sure to check your mobile phone. If your phone runs out of battery or has poor signal, please contact the School Office immediately to receive the password. If the person picking up the Student does not know the password, the school bus will take the child back to the School and wait for a Parent to come and pick up the Student.g) In keeping with the Education Bureau and the Police Department’s regulations: for the safety of all children, no persons other than the bus monitor and driver are allowed to ride the school bus. We request that Parents adhere strictly to this policy. If the Police discover any violations to this policy, violating Parents shall be subject to legal consequences.Tel 电话: +86-21-59883458/59883488 | Email: admission@ | (continues on next page)i) The person picking up the Student must carry a cell phone with. In the event of poor traffic conditions and other unpredictable situations, the School will contact Parents who can then contact the person responsible for pick-up and inform him or her of the approximate time of arrival.9.2 Parent Pick-up and Drop-off (No School Bus)a) If the Student cannot attend class on any given day, Parents must inform the School and the Homeroom Teacher before 9:00 am (office phone number: +86-21-59883458/59883488).b) If Parents pick-up and drop-off the Student on your own or with your personal driver, please make sure your car has an “Angels Parking Permit.” The Parking Permit must be placed visibly inside the windshield of your car. Only cars with Parking Permits will be permitted on-campus. Without a Parking Permit, the security guards will refuse entry to your vehicle.c) The School will be produce picture IDs for Parents and Guardians who pick up and drop off Students personally. Please have the ID on you for the School Staff to see. School Personnel will swipe Parents into the corridor waiting area after the first set of glass doors to wait for Students.d) Please pick up the Student within half an hour of the end of the school day. Please wait outside the School Office in front of the glass doors. If you discover that the glass door is open, please notify the Office immediately to prevent random persons from entering the School.e) If you ask someone else to pick up the Student on your behalf, please notify the School Office beforehand and tell us the person’s name and physical attributes so that we can ensure the Student is not taken away by a stranger. Before the Student leaves, the Teacher will verify with Parents.f) When picking up and dropping off Students, Parents are asked to adhere strictly to the policy of entering through the front gates on Shuangbang Road and exiting through the side gates on Huaxu Road. The side gates on Shuangbang Road will only be open during drop-off and pick-up times; no private vehicles shall be allowed entry through this gate at any other time.10. Parents agree that the Student will wear the school uniform to School. If the Student does not come to School in uniform, the School will provide the Student with a new set of uniform, which Parents will have to purchase.11. The School reserves the right to warn, suspend or expel a student if the Student’s behavior poses a problem to the well-being and security of the School community.12. Parents are liable for any damage to the School’s property, the belongings of other students, teachers, or employees, etc. caused by the Student.13. Parents authorize the School’s medical staff to administer treatment in minor emergencies. In the event of more serious injuries such as bone fractures, the School will send the Student to the hospital designated by Parents on the application form (if none is given, Parents agree to accept the School’s arrangements). Parents must inform the School of the Student’s health condition and medical history in a truthful and timely manner upon enrollment and update important medical records during attendance at the School, including such information as congenital or infectious diseases, and any physical or mental deficiencies. The School does not take any responsibility for any accidents caused by the Student’s personal health problems that occur while at School.14. Parents agree to promptly inform the School of any changes to the information provided in this form, such as contacts, addresses, phone numbers, etc.15. Parents agree to fully support the School’s internal regulations and policies as stated here and in the Parent Handbook.16. The School reserves the right to use the Student’s photograph and video/audio recording taken inside classrooms or outside at other school functions for publicity and public relations purposes, including publication on the website.(Must*)I, ___________________, hereby submit an application on behalf of my child (“the Student”),____________________, for admission to Shanghai Angels International Bilingual Kindergarten (“the School”), and authorize the School to transfer the information contained in this application form to the School’s database(s), and archive it in any way seen fit by the School. I also certify that the information given in this form is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if I fail to provide accurate information about the Student, the School reserves the right to deny the Student enrollment and/or revoke his/her place at the School. I hereby declare that I have read all of the Terms and Conditions listed on this application form, and agree to abide by them.Signature:_______________________ Date:__________________TERMS AND CONDITIONS (CHINESE) (Must*)条款(中文)(必填*)上海安乔国际双语幼儿园保证在招生时不会因性别、种族、原籍地或宗教而给予差别对待。