
3.分组完成Act Out的5种面试情境中给出的任务
解决方案:Pair work 结对练习-----Team work分组练习
1.播放Sample 1
1. I graduated from……
2. What job are you applying for……
1.听懂Sample 1并能应用之中的惯用句正确填写Put in use 1
新编实用英语2第四版Unit five Food-Culture教学文案

Understanding a Short Speech / Talk
Unit | Five
1 Listen to ten topic-related sentences for workplace communication and try to remember them.
Section Ⅲ
Section Ⅴ
Appreciating Culture Tips
Section Ⅳ
Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Trying Your Hand
Unit | Five
Imitating Mini-Talks Acting out the Tasks Studying Menu Following Sample Dialogues Putting Language to Use
Unit | Five
Window on Key Words
1 Work in pairs. Look at the picture and recite the following mini-talks for eating at restaurants.
1) Which table to choose? Jane: Waiter, a table for two, please.
Unit | Five
1) Would you like something to drink? 2) I’d like a glass of beer, please. 3) I’d like to book a table for six this Friday evening. 4) Is this table available? 5) May I take your order now? 6) Which do you prefer, meat or fish? 7) Will you try some seafood? 8) May I have the menu, please? 9) I’d rather have some light food today. 10) Waitress, bring me the bill, please.

新编实用英语2教学教案一,课程的基本信息课程名称:实用英语2课程性质:院内必修课授课对象:2007级大二学生(英语公共课程)二.考试方式:考查主讲教师:吴国亮Unit 6 of the "Students' Book"教学目的及基本要求To make the staff have a general idea of shopping Ads, and the way to use it accordingly.To make the students know traditional Chinese pottery,and how to make them.To let students talk about shopping and their shopping experiences.重点及难点重点:To let students learn the passage about "Tangsancai-An Ideal Tourist Souvenir."As well as the langugage points involved难点:To let students learn how to talk something about shopping in their words.授课内容Section 1 Talking Face to FaceTo leave 3 to 5 minutes tolet students read the sample 1 and sample 2 seperately .To let students talk about Conversation 1 and Conversation 2 with their partner and pick out the mistakes that may happen in the dialogues.To make students listen to some conversations of this text.Section 2 Being All EarsTo make students listen to Dialogue and decode the message by finding the correct choices given below .To make the staff listen to the dialogue again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.To let students listen to something more challenging about the topic of this unit--a passage with some blanks for you to fill in. The words in the brackets will give you some hints. A glance beforehand at the word list provided below will be of some help to you.Section 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyeInformation related to the reading passageThe Tang Dynasty: It is one of the most flourishing and prosperous dynastied in the Chinese history. During this period of time, agriculture, pottery, handicraft, business and other industries came to peak and China became the most powerful country in the world. It is a dynasty the Chinese take the most pride in.Difficult Sentences(Para. 1) Developed in the tradition of the green and brown glazed pottery of the Han Dynasty, it represented a peak in the development of Chinese ceramics and was well known by the world in its time. Translation唐三彩由汉代的绿棕两色釉陶发展而来,代表了中国陶器发展史上的一个顶峰,并在当时举世闻名。

课文内容的剖析及理解, 掌握作者写作目的及行文的结构方式。
教学时数:周学时5,总学时85 (4学时精读,1学时听力)教学的具体内容及学时分配:Unit 1 FoodFood and Culture(In-Class Reading) (6 学时)教学目标和要求:This passage is about the relationship between food and culture, the feature of which is that while trying to explaining something, the author uses many illustrations to make it both convincing and understandable. It shows us that when we are writing passages, using illustrations appropriately can really help.教学重点和难点:重点单词:disgusting /butterfly /appropriate /calorie /sacred /manure /fertilize /protection /bark /apparently /taboo /nutritious /protein重点词组:feel sick/be related to/in addition /move around重点语法:动词不定式的用法教学方式:课堂讲授3学时,讨论和习题课3学时复习与思考题:1.Reading Comprehension2.Fill in blanks with the words given.3.Fill in blanks with suitable phrasal verbs.4.Structure.5.Translation.6.Story Summary.7.Text Structure Analysis.8.Structured Writing.The Menu(After-Class Reading Passage I ) (1 学时)教学重点和难点:重点单词:recitation /appetite /mood /association /publication /achieve /feature /decline /preserve重点词组:lead to/floor plan/give...credit for.../as well as/for the most part/give wayto/above all/open up/eat out/The Nutrients in Food(After-Class Reading Passage II)(1 学时)教学重点和难点:重点单词:tissue /absorption /protein /mixture /automobile /ultraviolet /tropical /acid /calcium /lemon /mineral /pollution重点词组:divide into/in short/keep together/keep... outListening Unit 1 Sports ( 2 学时)教学内容:1.学习并掌握PartA中的听力策略2.熟悉并掌握Part B中和本单元话题相关的Language Focus3.精听并完成PartB中Text的所有练习4.欣赏英文歌曲或小诗5.测试并讲解Part C 中的Additional Listening6.练习Part C中的看图说话7.欣赏英语短片听说训练:1. Reflections on the text2.Picture talk一describing pictures about sports课后练习:1.预习Part A中的听力策略2.预习Part B中和本单元话题相关的Language Focus3.预习Part B中Text的生词4.预听Part B 中Text5.课后独立完成Part D 中的Additional Listening思考题:What can sports bring us?Unit 2 PersonalityThe Misery of Shyness(In-Class Reading) (6 学时)教学目标和要求:This essay points out that shyness is the cause of much unhappiness. It's important for shy people to build self-confidence and overcome the shyness. This essay tells us how to do it in details. All of us are valuable, so we must understand ourselves well and live up to our full potential.教学重点和难点:重点单词:self-conscious /worrisome /profound /detrimental /inferior /overcome /converse /acquaintance /adversely /assurance /circulate /concept /contrast /determined /eliminate /enthusiastically /esteem /expectation /jealousy /realistic /rejection /slim /spontaneously /statement /timid重点词组:describe...as/in general /participate in/be unworthy of/hand in hand/dwell on/speak up/come along/have something at heart/set aside/live up to重点语法:副词的用法教学方式:课堂讲授3学时,讨论和习题课3学时复习与思考题:1.Reading Comprehension2.Fill in blanks with the words given.3.Fill in blanks with suitable phrasal verbs.4.Structure.5.Translation.6.Story Summary.7.Text Structure Analysis.8.Structured Writing.Two Ways of Looking at Life教学重点和难点:take credit to oneself/reach out for/keep track of 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6.7.教学内容:听说训课后练 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 重点单词:gratitude /way /despair /frown /temporary /undermine /confine /endure /elect /gown /misfortune /dismissal /optimist /prediction /reverse /setback 重点词组:overflow with/attach to/be alarmed at/in the meantime/cheer up/be prone to/bounce back/run fdr/apt to do sth./in the grip ofYou Are What You Think(After-Class Reading Passage II) (1 学时)教学重点和难点: 重点单词:representative /optimism /acquire /dodge /academic /fate /dumb /fearful/incompetent /interview/justify/representative /resume /triumph 重点词组:Listening Unit 2 Weather ( 2 学时)学习并掌握Part A 中的听力策略 熟悉并掌握Part B 中和本单元话题相关的Language Focus 精听并完成PartB 中Text 的所有练习 欣赏英文歌曲或小诗 测试并讲解 Part C 中的 Additional Listening 练习PartC 中的看图说话 「 欣赏英语短片 1. Reflections on the text 2. Picture talk 一describing pictures about weather预习Part A 中的听力策略预习Part B 中和本单元话题相关的Language Focus 预习Part B 中Text 的生词预听Part B 中Text课后独立完成Part D 中的Additional Listening思考题:Can weather influence our emotions? Unit 3 Career PlanningCareer Planning(In-Class Reading) (6 学时)教学目标和要求:This essay tends to give advice to students on how to make effective career planning. Every one has to plan for his career at a specific time of his life, while students are not very efficient career planners. Career planning does notguarantee to solve all the problems or difficulties, but it should help you to approach and cope better with new problems.教学重点和难点:重点单词:weight /phase /occupation /estimate /outcome /alternative /efficient /cite /when /striking /lack /identify /demonstrate /dominant /confront /resort /deceive /panic /overlook /evaluate /integrate /trend /undergo /pursue /attach /guarantee /foresee /shape 重点词组:not necessarily/at stake/seize on/every so often/take stock of/talk over/start over重点语法:反意疑问句教学方式:课堂讲授3学时,讨论和习题课3学时复习与思考题:1.Reading Comprehension2.Fill in blanks with the words given.3.Fill in blanks with suitable phrasal verbs.4.Structure.5.Translation.6.Story Summary.7.Text Structure Analysis.8.Structured Writing.Summer Job Planning教学重点和难点:重点单词:assuming /shortsighted /say /major /educate /option /postpone /select /stage/make /figure /branch /vacation /assume /conceive /hedge重点词组:meet with/so much the better/weigh againstWhich Career Is the Right One for You?(After-Class Reading Passage II)(1 学时)教学重点和难点:重点单词:setting /volunteer /competitive /inclined /persistent /concrete /possession /recreational /philosophy /obedient /independent /medium /enlighten /straighten /executive /head /ambitious /energetic重点词组:try out/a variety of/describe.. .as/expect sth. of sb./in nature/come into being/figure out/work on/Listening Unit 3 Food and Drinks ( 2 学时)教学内容:1.学习并掌握PartA中的听力策略2.熟悉并掌握Part B中和本单元话题相关的Language Focus3.精听并完成PartB中Text的所有练习4.欣赏英文歌曲或小诗5・测试并讲解Part C 中的Additional Listening6.练习Part C中的看图说话7.欣赏英语短片听说训练:1.Reflections on the text2.Picture talk一describing pictures about food课后练习:1.预习Part A中的听力策略2.预习Part B中和本单元话题相关的Language Focus3.预习Part B中Text的生词4.预听Part B 中Text5・课后独立完成Part D中的Additional Listening思考题:healthy and unhealthy foodUnit 4 Learning SkillsStudy Habits(In-Class Reading) (6 学时)教学目标和要求:This passage tells us that students are widely different in their study habits. Basically, they can be divided into three categories according to their study habits: the perpetual studier, the average studier, and the crammer. The author just elaborates the students5 study habits and doesn't give much comment, making the passage more objective.教学重点和难点:重点单词: widely /range /extreme /observe /distinct /basically /category /breed /spot /cover /inform /select /maintain /overall /thin /solid /threat /amaze /somehow /avoid /infect /literally /classify重点词组:in advance/previous to/backwards and forwards/miss out/something of/fall into/look over/put in/have something to do with/take precedence over /not to mention/leave alone/so to speak重点语法:情态动词教学方式:课堂讲授3学时,讨论和习题课3学时复习与思考题:1.Reading Comprehension2.Fill in blanks with the words given.3.Fill in blanks with suitable phrasal verbs.4.Structure.5.Translation.6.Story Summary.7.Text Structure Analysis.8.Structured Writing.Take Charge of Your Learning教学内容:1.2・3・4.5・6.7. 课后练习:1. 2・ 3・ 4. 5・教学重点和难点:重点单词:disregard /approach /manipulate /precisely /supplement /assign /proceed /retain /deduce /work /apply重点词组:take charge of/tend to/tailor sth. to/in a sense/set goals/stick to/all at once/work through/sink in/have sth. on one's mind/and so forth/go about/be on the lookout for/choke upMyths and Misconceptions about Reading(After-Class Reading Passage II) (1 学时)教学重点和难点: 重点单词:distinguish /focus /restless /engage /practice /enable /flexible /vary /eliminate /key /digest /thorough /assimilate /reflect /automatic 重点 i 司组:sort out/have the habit of/at times/strive fdr/wind up/impose on/drink in/at will/at one sitting/derive... fromListening Unit 4 Health ( 2 学时)学习并掌握Part A 中的听力策略 熟悉并掌握Part B 中和本单元话题相关的Language Focus 精听并完成PartB 中Text 的所有练习 欣赏英文歌曲或小诗 测试并讲解 Part C 中的 Additional Listening 练习PartC 中的看图说话 「 欣赏英语短片 听说训练:1. Reflections on the text2. Picture talk 一describing pictures about health预习Part A 中的听力策略预习Part B 中和本单元话题相关的Language Focus预习Part B 中Text 的生词预听Part B 中Text课后独立完成Part D 中的Additional Listening思考题: How to keep healthy?Unit 5 LanguageHow I Discovered Words(In-Class Reading) (6 学时)教学目标和要求:This story vividly narrates in great details how Helen Keller started to learn words under Miss Sullivan5 supervision. Meanwhile the descriptions of her emotional world are also included. After reading the passage, students should have this thought: Helen Keller grasped four foreign languages in such a difficult situation, what reasons do we, healthy people, have not to study English well?教学重点和难点:重点单词:contrast /eventful /expectant /penetrate /linger /blossom /passionate/dense /tangible /grope /childish /sensation /fragrance /unconsciously重点词组:to and fro/prey on/shut in/catch up/be flushed with /impress...on/at the first opportunity/in time/sweep away/give birth to/the close ofTlive over 重点语法:介词+关系代词教学方式:课堂讲授3学时,讨论和习题课3学时复习与思考题:1.Reading Comprehension2.Fill in blanks with the words given.3.Fill in blanks with suitable phrasal verbs.4.Structure.5.Translation.6.Story Summary.7.Text Structure Analysis.8.Structured Writing.Foreign Accents(After-Class Reading Passage I ) (1 学时)教学重点和难点:重点单词:place /ease /expect /point /mind /whereby /immediately /murder /gift/recognizable /sympathize /regional /section /well-educated /offend重点词组:as far as...concerned/be true of/there is no point in doing sth./get in the way of7to be honest /fit in with Not Just Parrot-talk(After-Class Reading Passage II) (1 学时) 教学重点和难点:重点单reside /abstract /word /primitive /mimic /exclusive /exploit /compete /reward /grasp /novel /previous /still /cautious /that /succession /cue重/点i 司组:amount to/in the course ofVin honor ofTknock out /leave...behind 教学内容: Listening Unit 5 Music ( 2 学时)1. 学习并掌握PartA 中的听力策略2. 熟悉并掌握Part B 中和本单元话题相关的Language Focus3. 精听并完成PartB 中Text 的所有练习4. 欣赏英文歌曲或小诗5. 测试并讲解 Part C 中的 Additional Listening6. 练习Part C 中的看图说话7. 欣赏英语短片听说训练: 1. Reflections on the text课后练习:2. Picture talk 一describing pictures about music1. 预习Part A 中的听力策略2. 预习Part B 中和本单元话题相关的Language Focus3. 预习Part B 中Text 的生词思考题: 4.预听 Part B 中 Text5・ 课后独立完成Part D 中的Additional Listening Music's influence on us Unit 6 Nature and NurtureTwins, Genes, and Environment(In-Class Reading) (6 学时)教学目标和要求:The article talks largely about the influence of genes andenvironment in an individual 9s development. Important as they are, genes alone won'tdetermine any trait. One's ability is up to genes, but how well it develops is set by environment.教学重点和难点:重点单词:potential / vacuum /interact /identical /raise /remarkably /subject /occur /likeness /substantially /illustrate /considerable /polish /graceful /liable /responsible 重点词组:be born with/on the whole/bring up/come to an end/make the most of 重点语法:特殊的关系代词教学方式:课堂讲授3学时,讨论和习题课3学时复习与思考题:1.Reading Comprehension2.Fill in blanks with the words given.3.Fill in blanks with suitable phrasal verbs.4.Structure.5.Translation.6.Story Summary.7.Text Structure Analysis.8.Structured Writing.Science Looks Twice at Twins(After-Class Reading Passage I ) (1 学时)教学重点和难点:重点单词:fascinate /invade /parade /contest /combine /controversial /nurture /excel /accurate /intensive /reckless /trait /flame /startle /posture /pose /routine /chew/coincidence /notable /exert /dedicate /persuasive /match教学内容:1. 2・ 3・ 4.5・ 6. 7.课后练习:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 思考题:重点词组:show up/be bound to/what 9s more/a mountain ofTalkative Parents Make Kids Smarter(After-Class Reading Passage II) (1 学时)教学重点和难点: 重点单词:yield /initial /modest /extensive /minimal /massive /controversy /abuse /subsist /designate /whoever /critical /guidance /element /ethnic /psychiatric 重点词组:devote...to/keep...out of7take...into considerationListening Unit 6 Business ( 2 学时)学习并掌握PartA 中的听力策略熟悉并掌握Part B 中和本单元话题相关的Language Focus 精听并完成PartB 中Text 的所有练习 欣赏英文歌曲或小诗 测试并讲解 Part C 中的 AdditionalListening 练习PartC 中的看图说话「 欣赏英语短片 听说训练:1. Reflections on the text 2. Picture talk 一describing pictures about business预习Part A 中的听力策略预习Part B 中和本单元话题相关的Language Focus 预习Part B 中Text 的生词预听Part B 中Text 课后独立完成Part D 中的Additional Listeningtips to be successful in businessUnit 7 MusicMusic to Your Gears(In-Class Reading) (6 学时)教学目标和要求:This passage hits the point at the very beginning and has rigid structure, adequate evidence and clear conclusion. It is an expository essay, but it doesn't deal with the theory of music but touches on the potential threat and bad effects exerted by music one listens to while driving. The aiming readers are the ordinary people, so the language is easy with mostly short sentences. Students can learn something from the structure and the way it explains an idea.教学重点和难点:重点单词:soothe /blast /spectrum /commission /bracket /tempo /accelerate /brake/qualify /track /hit /speed /vehicle /induce /fatigue /lull /overtake /vibration /hazard 重点词组:at the wheel/result in /bring on/at the top of one's voice/slow down/take advantage of/cut out重点语法:as的用法教学方式:课堂讲授3学时,讨论和习题课3学时复习与思考题:1.Reading Comprehension2.Fill in blanks with the words given.3.Fill in blanks with suitable phrasal verbs.4.Structure.5.Translation.6.Story Summary.7.Text Structure Analysis.8.Structured Writing.The Beatles(After-Class Reading Passage I ) (1 学时)教学重点和难点:重点单词:重点词组:autograph /signal /faint /competent /quaint /melody take off/break up/sing of/beyond the reach of/owe sth. toMozart Makes the Brain Hum(After-Class Reading Passage II)( 0・5 学时)教学重点和难点:重点单词:hum /session /attributable /pulse /complex /scribble /incidentally /manuscript /score /fold /arousal /spatial重点词组:have a high opinion of/go too far/lose touch with/account of/take onSongs of Love(After-Class Reading Passage III)( 0.5 学时)教学重点和难点:重点单词:respect /rank /transplant /donate /cast /tune /compose /commit /suicide /calling /venture /feature /ensure /revenue重点词组:fill out/in honor of/give out/in need of/put outListening Unit 7 Fashion (2 学时)教学内容:1.学习并掌握Part A中的听力策略2.熟悉并掌握Part B中和本单元话题相关的Language Focus3.精听并完成PartB中Text的所有练习4.欣赏英文歌曲或小诗5.测试并讲解Part C 中的Additional Listening6.练习Part C中的看图说话7.欣赏英语短片听说训练:1.Reflections on the text2.Picture talk一describing pictures about fashion课后练习:1.预习Part A中的听力策略2.预习Part B中和本单元话题相关的Language Focus3.预习Part B中Text的生词4.预听Part B 中Text5・课后独立完成Part D中的Additional Listening思考题:Is fashion always a good thing?Unit 8 CreativityThe Case for Creativity—Encouraging Children to Think(In-Class Reading) (6 学时)教学目标和要求:This text points out that creativity is the matter of using the resources one has to produce original ideas that are good for something. There are things teachers and parents can do at school or at home to encourage creativity. Through this passage, teachers should let students understand the importance of creativity and help them to cultivate it.教学重点和难点:重点单词:creativity /vital /mask /perfect /employ /function /emphasis /educator /sacrifice /recognize /multiplication /develop /basics /honor /value /scorn /dismiss /humor /boundary /automatically /motivation 重点词组:give back/be up to/a sense of重点语法:it的用法教学方式:课堂讲授3学时,讨论和习题课3学时复习与思考题:1.Reading Comprehension2.Fill in blanks with the words given.3.Fill in blanks with suitable phrasal verbs.4.Structure.5.Translation.6.Story Summary.7.Text Structure Analysis.8.Structured Writing.A Long March to Creativity (I)(After-Class Reading Passage I ) (1 学时)教学重点和难点:重点单i司:vicinity /manual /dexterity /orient /appoint /intervene /intervention/encounter /agenda /tease /withdraw /awkwardly /hesitation /rear重点词组:attach...to/tum in/not...in the least/find one's way/hold onto/on occasion /for the sake of7be grateful for/time and againA Long March to Creativity (II)(After-Class Reading Passage II) (1 学时)教学重点和难点:重点单词:incident /relevant /illuminate /audience /ultimate /gain /flail /desirable/reliance /principal /misdeed /retrospect /discern /dominant /subsequent /elicit/enhance /cultivation /primary /stimulation重点词组:proceed to/to the point /date back to/feed back/opposed to/more of7in thehope thatListening Unit 8 Society ( 2 学时)教学内容:1.学习并掌握Part A中的听力策略2.熟悉并掌握Part B中和本单元话题相关的Language Focus3.精听并完成PartB中Text的所有练习4.欣赏英文歌曲或小诗5.测试并讲解Part C 中的Additional Listening6.练习Part C中的看图说话7.欣赏英语短片听说训练:1. Reflections on the text2. Picture talk一describing pictures about society课后练习:1.预习Part A中的听力策略2.预习Part B中和本单元话题相关的Language Focus3.预习Part B中Text的生词4.预听Part B 中Text5.课后独立完成Part D 中的Additional Listening思考题:How to build a harmonious society?Unit 9 Gender DifferencesGender Roles from a Cultural Perspective(In-Class Reading) (6 学时)教学目标和要求:This passage introduces a cultural bias in education that boys are unintentionally and unconsciously favored than girls. This bias originates from their home education and is carried over to the classroom as the result of cultural provision of different images, aspirations and adult models for girls and boys. Teachers should help students to realize gender differences and help them to study together harmoniously.教学重点和难点:重点单词:pattern /decade /identity /gender /incorporate /bias /impact /alike /diminish /subordination /conduct /dimension /assumption /approve /reinforce重点i司组:in the process of/in other words/be amazed to do sth./take over /in accordance with/put away/deprive of7be superior to/up to sth.重点语法:被动语态教学方式:课堂讲授3学时,讨论和习题课3学时复习与思考题:1.Reading Comprehension2.Fill in blanks with the words given.3.Fill in blanks with suitable phrasal verbs.4.Structure.5.Translation.6.Story Summary.7.Text Structure Analysis.8.Structured Writing.Boys Are Teachers9 Pets(After-Class Reading Passage I ) (1 学时)教学重点和难点: 重点单词:tolerate /disrupt /otherwise /pervade /ignore disregard /oblige重点词组:be in a minority/be typical of/go too far/a fair deal/for ages/burn todeath/make a thing of/at a disadvantageStereotypes and Individual Differences(After-Class Reading Passage II) (1 学时)教学重点和难点:重点单词:expose /assert /context /contribution /dictate /differentiation /generalization /ideal /originate /prejudice /sympathetic /tough /universal /unwilling重点词组:be to do sth./with regard to/be consistent with/let go of/gain access to/in the company of/find oneself/defer to/make a point of/stem from/have a tendency to do/take advantage of7be based onUnit 10 RisksRisks and You(In-Class Reading) (6 学时)教学目标和要求:This piece of writing teaches us how to measure the level of risks so as to manage them. By reducing all risks to ratios or fractions, we can begin to compare different sorts of risks, and choose the relatively safe one if we are opposed to risks of act otherwise if we are reckless. Therefore, the key for us is not to totally eliminate or avoid risks but to understand how to manage them in a sensible way.教学重点和难点:重点单词:part /suffer /risk /rob /multiply /partial /suspect /concern /inflate/tremble /supposing /assess /ratio /versus重点i司组:on the strength of/all manner of/feed on/end up/may well/have a feel for/in question /divide by重点语法:连词教学方式:课堂讲授3学时,讨论和习题课3学时复习与思考题:1.Reading Comprehension2.Fill in blanks with the words given.3.Fill in blanks with suitable phrasal verbs.4.Structure.5.Translation.6.Story Summary.7.Text Structure Analysis.8.Structured Writing.Health Risks(After-Class Reading Passage I ) (1 学时)教学重点和难点:重点单词:preoccupation /replace /nonetheless /current /differ /fatal /concept/potential /costly /way /tend /define /bare /loom重点i司组:be preferable to/strike terror into sb's heart/bring sth. under control/bear in mind/make sense/in the light/by virtue ofRisks from Nature and Technology(After-Class Reading Passage II) (1 学时)教学重点和难点:重点单词:artificial /decay /prolong /inflict /contain /evolve /grounds /specific/variable /wring /accordingly重点词组: as yet/have a good idea/in response to/no doubt/greet sth. with sth./take sth. off sth./allow for参考文献:1 . 《新编大学英语第一册教师参考书》外语教学与研究出版社2 . 《新英汉词典》北京外国语大学出版社3 . 《英汉大词典》主编陆谷孙上海译文出版社4 . 《大学英语语法讲座与测试》主编徐广联兵器工业出版社5.《英汉多功能词典》主编简清国外语教学与研究出版社。

三、教学内容1. 阅读文化类话题通过阅读文化类话题的文章,学生将能够了解不同国家的文化和风俗习惯,并增加他们的文化知识。
2. 阅读短篇小说通过阅读短篇小说,学生将能够体验不同类型的故事,并理解故事中的情感变化。
3. 英语写作在教学过程中,老师可以讲授一些关于英语写作的基本知识,包括叙述、说明、议论和表达自己的观点等方面。
四、教学方法与手段1. 讲授式教学教师可以通过讲授课程来帮助学生理解英语知识,解释语法规则和词汇的含义,给予学生指导和建议。
2. 互动式教学教师可以通过问答、讨论、小组活动等形式,积极引导学生参与教学过程,提高学生的学习兴趣,加强课程效果。
3. 真实情景教学教师可以通过引入一些真实的情境,如写作活动、课外阅读、面试等,使学生能够更好地融入英语学习环境,进一步提高他们的英语水平。
新编实用英语2 教案

Unit 1 InvitationsThe First Session (90~100 min.)Teaching Contents:Section1 Talking Face to Face& Section2 Being All EarsTeaching Aims:Knowledge objects1 To study the key words and expressions: “invite, request the pleasure of one’s company, in celebration of , feel honored, great, super, congratulations” etc. by learning the dialogues of this part.2 To finish some oral exercises about extending and replying to an invitation. Ability objects1 To develop the Ss’ speaking abi lities on the subject of extending and replying to an invitation.2 To practice the Ss’ listening comprehension on the subject of extending and replying to an invitation.Teaching Important Points:1 To help the Ss to communicate with each other.2 To enable the Ss to study in groups and cooperate skillfully.3 To develop the Ss’ interest in talking in English.Teaching Difficult Points:1 How to make the Ss express their thoughts freely and correctly.2 How to strengthen their listening abilities.Teaching Methods:1 The Communicative Method2 The Audio-lingual Method3 The Task-based MethodTeaching Aids:1 A tape recorder2 The blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step1 Lead-in: The invitation card1 Warm-up questions:1)What are the two cards you are reading now?2)Why do people write an invitation card?2 Questions for understanding the first invitaion card1) Who are the inviters?2) Why are they going to hold a dinner party?3) When are they going to hold a dinner party?4) Where will the dinner party be held?3 Questions for understanding the second invitaion card1) Who is the inviter?2) Who is the person invited?3) What activity is going to take place?Step2 Oral Activities: Talking Face to Face1 The teacher asks some questions and the Ss speak out the sentences for certain purposes under the guidance of the teacher.1) Do you know how to make an invitation?2) Do you know how to decline an invitation?2 The Ss read the sample dialogues after the teacher and try to find out the useful sentences and expressions for making and declining an invitation in the dialogues.3 The Ss practice the dialogues in groups.4 Give the Ss several minutes to prepare short conversations in pairs by simulating the five small dialogues.5 The Ss role-play the similar situations they create, first in groups and then in front of the class.6 The Ss do Put-in-Use exercises in groups by reading out loud all the three dialogues they have completed.Step3 Listening Practice: Being All Ears1 Give the Ss a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2 Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3 Play the tape for a second time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the Ss to take notes of the key words.4 Play the tape for the third time, and ask the Ss to simultaneously repeat the passage while they are listening.5 Do all the exercises in this section.Step4 Assignments1 Pair work: Prepare conversations about making and declining an invitation.2 Recite the wonderful sentences picked out by the teacher.3 Preview all the exercises after Passage 1.Unit 1 InvitationsThe Second Session (90~100 min.)Teaching Contents:Section3 Maintaining a Sharp Eye:Passage1 Are You Really Being Invited?Teaching Aims:Knowledge objects1 To study the key words and expressions: “invent, appropriate, commit, instance, entertain, host/hostess, identify, present, casual, explicit, drop, be prepared to do sth, commit oneself, let the matter drop” etc. by learning the passage of this part.2 To know about some invitation culture.1) The time you are being invited2) Who pays if you are being invited to a restaurant?3) How to decline an invitation4) Appropriate etiquette of declining an invitation3 To grasp the main idea of the passage.Ability objects1 To develop the Ss’ abilities of reading comprehension.2 To develop the Ss’ abilities of making sentences.Teaching Important Points:1 To help the Ss to know about Western invitation culture.2 To enable the Ss to get a general understanding of the passage.3 To enable them to make sentences using the key words and expressions. Teaching Difficult Points:1 How to make the Ss translate the sentences by simulating the structures in the passage correctly.2 How to make the Ss understand some long or difficult sentences better. Teaching Methods:1 The Audio-lingual Method2 The Elicitation Method3 The Task-based MethodTeaching Aids:1 A tape recorder2 The blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step1 Lead-in: Warm-up questions:1 Do different countries vary in their customs when people invite friends? Give an example.Yes. For example, in China, if you invite a friend to a restaurant for dinner, you will pay the bill, while in Western countries, people often go Dutch.2 How much do you know about the practice of invitation in Western countries? Step2 Listen and Read1 The Ss read the passage as quickly as possible.2 The teacher plays the tape for the first time and ask the Ss to listen.3. Play the tape for a second time and ask the Ss to repeat after the tape.Step3 Analyzing and Summarizing1 The teacher asks the students to the Ss read the passage paragraph by paragraph and give a summary of the passage.Para.1: How to deal with or decline an invitation that you don’t like to accept. Paras.2-4:The etiquette of inviting people to eat out in a restaurant in the United StatesPara.5:How to distinguish between an invitation and a ritual expression of parting.2 The Ss discuss the following questions.1) What should you do if someone invites you but hasn’t told you what theinvitation is about?2) If someone invites you to do sth you don’t like to do, how should youreply?3) What are you expected to do if you have to decline an invitation?4) What is the proper etiquette for declining an invitation?5) What is the key word often used in an invitation that sounds like aninvitation but actually isn’t?Step4 Language pointsThe Ss choose some useful expressions and sentences from the passage, and then the teacher demonstrates their usage. The following should be chosen and practiced. The Ss should make up at least two sentences using the chosen phrases in groups.1 commit oneself to sth./doing sth. : promise to do sth.e.g. The government claimed to commit itself to improving health care.2 invent: v. discover and create sth. newe.g. Trains were invented long before cars.I didn’t invent the story --- everything I told you is true.3 drop: v. fall down, give up, lowere.g. She dropped her purse on the ground.Unit 1 InvitationThe Third Session (90~100 min.)Teaching Contents:Section3 Maintaining a Sharp Eye: Passage2& Section4 Trying Your HandTeaching Aims:Knowledge objects1 To study the key words and expressions: “colleague, occasionally, at least, get along with, happen to do sth, in the hope of, make sure” etc. by learning this part.2 To learn the format and language features of invitation cards.3 To know about word order in a subordinate clause.4 To grasp the main idea of the passage.Ability objects1 To develop the Ss’ abilities of reading comprehe nsion.2 To develop the Ss’ abilities of making sentences.Teaching Important Points:1 To enable the Ss to write an invitation letter.2 To enable the Ss to get a general understanding of the passage.3 To enable them to make sentences using the key words and expressions..Teaching Difficult Point:How to strengthen their grammar abilities.Teaching Methods:1 The Audio-lingual Method2 The Elicitation Method3 The Task-based MethodTeaching Aids:1 A tape recorder2 The blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step1 Lead-in: Warm-up questions1 Have you ever received an invitation letter in English?2 What points should an invitation letter include?(The activity’s program, time, place, inviter and invitee.)Step2 Listen and Read1 The teacher plays the tape and asks the Ss to listen.2 The Ss read the passage.Step3 Analyzing and SummarizingThe teacher asks the students to read the letter twice and try to find out the activity, the place, the time,, the inviter and the invitee. Then thr teacher makes sure that the students are able to summarize the message conveyed tin an invitation letter.Step4 Language pointsThe Ss choose some useful expressions and sentences from the passage, and then the teacher demonstrates their usage. The following should be chosen and practiced. The Ss should make up at least two sentences using the chosen phrases in groups.1 colleague:n. someone that you work with2 occasionally: ad. once in a while3 at least: not less than4 happen to do sth.: have or do sth. by or as if by chance5 make sure: find out if sth. is true or check that sth. has been doneStep5 Applied Writing1 The teacher briefly summaries the format and the language used in business cards.2 The Ss do Simulate and Create exercises.Step6 Grammar Review1 The teacher compares the word order in a wh-question and a subordinate clause with some examples.2 The Ss do Exs.5-6.Step7 Assignments1 Recite the words as many as possible after class.2 Do the grammar exercises in the Workbook.3 Prepare Section 1of Unit 2.4 Do Exs7-8 of Section 4.Unit 2 EmailsThe First Session (90~100 min.)Teaching Contents:Section1 Talking Face to Face & Section2 Being All EarsTeaching Aims:Knowledge objects1 To study the key words and expressions: “chat on line, get/gain access to the Internet, go on line, browse the Internet, be keen on chat online, send an email, email address, simulate, be addicted to, visit a website, click the mouse, sign up online, e-shopping/commerce” etc. by learning the dia logues of this part.2 To know more abbreviations and slang used in comunicating online.Ability objects1 To develop the Ss’ abilities of making coversations about going online.2 To practice the Ss’ listening comprehension on the subject of communicating online.Teaching Important Points:1 To help the Ss to communicate with each other.2 To enable the Ss to study in groups and cooperate skillfully.3 To develop the Ss’ interest in talking in English.Teaching Difficult Points:1 How to make the Ss express their thoughts freely and correctly.2 How to strengthen their listening abilities.Teaching Methods:1 The Communicative Method2 The Audio-lingual Method3 The Task-based MethodTeaching Aids:1 A tape recorder2 The blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step1 Lead-in:1 Warm-up questions:1) What do the abbreviations stand for?YDKM You don’t know meSTYS Speak to you soonTYVM Thank you very muchWYRN What is your real nameWDYS What did you say2) Do you often chat online?3) How do you chat online?4) What do you think of chatting on line?2 The Ss read and translate the abbreviations under the supervision of the teacher. Step2 Oral Activities: Talking Face to Face1 The teacher gives the students more abbreviations and asks them to use them for practice.LTNS, Long time no seeSTYSL, Speak to you soon later2 The Ss read the sample dialogues after the teacher and try to find out the useful sentences and expressions for talking about abbreviations used online.3 The Ss practice the dialogues in groups.4 Give the Ss several minutes to prepare short conversations in pairs by simulating the five small dialogues.5 The Ss role-play the similar situations they create, first in groups and then in front of the class.6 The Ss do Put-in-Use exercises in groups by reading out loud all the three dialogues they have completed.Step3 Listening Practice: Being All Ears1 Give the Ss a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2 Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3 Play the tape for a second time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the Ss to take notes of the key words.4 Play the tape for the third time, and ask the Ss to simultaneously repeat the passage while they are listening.5 Do all the exercises in this section.Step4 Assignments1 Pair work: Prepare conversations on chatting online with each other, referring to the dialogues in the Workbook.2 Recite the wonderful sentences picked out by the teacher.Unit 2 EmailsThe Second Session (90~100 min.)Teaching Contents:Section3 Maintaining a Sharp Eye: Passage1Teaching Aims:Knowledge objects1 To study the key words and expressions: “medium, share (in), conduct business, log onto the Internet, claim for sale, on sale, in the first quarter of the year, merge with, influence, at a...price, at one’s convenience, concern, regarding , have access to , digital divide, in spite of, slow down, speed up, provide with” etc. by learning the passage of this part.2 To know about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.3 To grasp the main idea of the passage.Ability objects1 To develop the Ss’ abilities of reading comprehension.2 To develop the Ss’ abilities of making sentences.Teaching Important Points:1 To help the Ss to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet..2 To enable the Ss to get a general understanding of the passage.3 To enable them to make sentences using the key words and expressions. Teaching Difficult Points:1 How to make the Ss translate the sentences by simulating the structures in the passage correctly.2 How to make the Ss understand some long or difficult sentences better. Teaching Methods:1 The Audio-lingual Method2 The Elicitation Method3 The Task-based MethodTeaching Aids:1 A tape recorder2 The blackboardTeaching procedures:Step1 Lead-in: Warm-up questions:1 Do you usually log onto the Internet?2 What do you usually do on the Internet?3 How do you get access to the Internet?Step2 Listen and Read1 The Ss read the passage as quickly as possible.2 The teacher plays the tape for the first time and ask the Ss to listen.3. Play the tape for a second time and ask the Ss to repeat after the tape.Step3 Analyzing and Summarizing1 The teacher asks the students to the Ss read the passage paragraph by paragraph and give a summary of the passage.Paras.1-3: Introduction to the Internet.Paras.4-6: Advantages of the Internet in people’s current life.Paras.7-8: Disadvantages of the Internet.Paras.9-15: Further development of the Internet in the future.2 The Ss discuss the following questions.1) What can people do on the World Wide Web?2) How many people joined the American Online Inc. in 1995?3) What is the e-Bay?4) What are the advantages of email mentioned in this passage?5) What are the disadvantages of the Internet according to this passage?6) How do you understand the term “digital divide”?7) Who has contributed a lot to the Internet growth in America according to thepassage?8) What has improved the speed of the Internet?Step4 Language pointsThe Ss choose some useful expressions and sentences from the passage, and then the teacher demonstrates their usage. The following should be chosen and practiced. The Ss should make up at least two sentences using the chosen phrases in groups.1 share: v. divide and distributee.g. We will share (in) the work.2 conduct: v. handle, undertake, transact, guidee.g. People around the world conduct business on the Internet nowadays.3 communicate with sb.: share or change opinions with sb.e.g. More and more people communicate with each other on the Internetin modern society.4 log on the Internet: gain access to the Internet, get on linee.g. Millions of people log on the Internet every day.5 claim:v. declare to be true, statee.g. He claims that he has a strong memory, but I don’t believe him.She claims to be the daughter of a well-known scientist.6 for sale: offered to be sold, esp. by a private ownere.g. The sign on the house says “To let or for sale”.Do you have any pictures for sale?on sale: offered to be sold, esp. with a discounte.g. Will the new product be on sale next month?7 merge with: join together so as to become onee.g. The two companies merged to become larger and more powerful.They advised their clients to merge with another company.8 at one’s own convenience: at a time that is most convenient for onee.g. We may arrange the meeting at your convenience.9 have access to: succeed in getting intoe.g. Students should have easy access to the books in the library.10 respective: a.belong to each of those in questione.g. The work was assigned to them according to their respective ablities.11 rate: n. the speed at which sth. happens or is donee.g. The amount of light available will determine the plant’s rate of growth.Individual children develop phsically and mentally at different rates.12 available: a.able to be obtainede.g. Those shoes are not available in your size.Step5 Doing ExercisesGuide the Ss through Read and Simulate exercise. Try to let them find out and simulate the patterns and the expressions used in the sentences taken from the passage.Step6 Assignments1 Recite the words as many as possible after class.2 Do Exs.4-5 in the exercise book.3 Prepare for Passage2 and Section4.Unit 2 EmailsThe Third Session (90~100 min.)Teaching Contents:Section3 Maintaining a Sharp Eye: Passage2&Section4 Trying Your Hand Teaching Aims:Knowledge objects1 To study the key words and expressions: “experience, entertain, come to a conclusion, fall in love, common, addictive, point out, tend, make compromises, in terms of, maintain relationships, lead to, withdraw, along with” etc. by learning this part.2 To learn the format and language features of an email.3 To know about the use of noun clauses.4 To grasp the main idea of the passage.Ability objects1 To develop the Ss’ abilities of reading comprehension.2 To develop the Ss’ abilities of making sentences.Teaching Important Points:1 To enable the Ss to write and reply to an email and send an email with an attachment.2 To enable the Ss to use the noun clauses properly.Teaching Difficult Point:How to make the Ss understand the use of noun clauses better.Teaching Methods:1 The Audio-lingual Method2 The Elicitation Method3 The Task-based MethodTeaching Aids:1 A tape recorder2 The blackboardTeaching procedures:Step1 Lead-in: Warm-up questions1 Have you ever chatted online?2 What’s your opinion of chatting online?3 Do you think it’s good to make friends online?Step2 Listen and Read1 The teacher plays the tape and asks the Ss to listen.2 The Ss read the passage.Step3 Analyzing and SummarizingThe students summarize the passage by filling in the blanks below without look at the book.The Internet chatroom is a new and popular (1) . People may meet (2) in it or even (3) with someone. It is very (4) and exciting to chat online.However, chatting can be (5) . People who chat online usually (6) about their personal (7) . They prefer to remain (8) when chatting with each other. Thus they are likely to (9) others or even tell dirty (10) . So we say that chatting online can be both exciting and dangerous.1 forum2 new friends3 fall in love4 relaxing5 dangerous6 lie7 identities8 anonymous9 offend 10 jokesStep4 PracticeThe Ss pick out and practice the abbreviations often used when chatting online. Here are some more abbreviations while chatting online.AFAIC as far as I’m concernedAFAIK as far as I knowAFK away from keyboardAMBW all my best wishesB4N bye for nowBBL be back laterDBEYR don’t believe everything yu readDLTM don’t lie to meIDKY I don’t know youMYOB mind your own businessStep5 Language pointsThe Ss choose some useful expressions and sentences from the passage, and then the teacher demonstrates their usage. The following should be chosen and practiced. The Ss should make up at least two sentences using the chosen phrases in groups.1 effect:n. result that can have an influencetake effect / in effect / come into effect2 come to a conclusion: make a judgment or decisionreach a conclusion / arrive at a conclusion3 potential: n. possibility for developing or being developede.g. He has made a new invention with a big sales potential.4 common.: a. usualUnit 3 Communication by PhoneThe First Session (90~100 min.)Teaching Contents:Section1 Talking Face to Face& Section2 Being All EarsTeaching Aims:Knowledge objects1 To study the focal expressions about making and answering a phone call by learning the dialogues of this part.2 To finish some oral exercises about making and answering a phone call.Ability objects1 To develop the Ss’ abilitie s of making and answering a phone call.2 To practice the Ss’ listening comprehension on the subject.Teaching Important Points:1 To help the Ss to communicate with each other.2 To enable the Ss to study in groups and cooperate skillfully.3 To develop the Ss’ interest in talking in English.Teaching Difficult Points:1 How to make the Ss express their thoughts freely and correctly.2 How to strengthen their listening abilities.Teaching Methods:1 The Communicative Method2 The Audio-lingual Method3 The Task-based MethodTeaching Aids:1 A tape recorder2 The blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step1 Lead-in: The telephone message1 Warm-up questions: Questions for understanding the telephone message1) Who is calling?2) When does he make the phone call?3) What message does he leave?4) Who is the person called?5) What is he expected to do?6) Who passes the message to the person called?2 The Ss read the message again and then translate the message orally under theguidance of the teacher.Step2 Oral Activities: Talking Face to Face1 The teacher asks some questions and the Ss speak out the sentences for certain purposes under the guidance of the teacher.1) Do you know how to make a phone call?2) Do you know how to answer a phone call?3) Do you know how to take/ leave a message?4) Do you know how to pass the message to the person called?5) Do you know how to extend a phone call?2 The Ss read the sample dialogues after the teacher and try to find out the useful sentences and expressions for answering and making a phone call or leaving a message.3 The Ss practice the dialogues in groups.4 Give the Ss several minutes to prepare short conversations in pairs by simulating the five small dialogues.5 The Ss role-play the similar situations they create, first in groups and then in front of the class.6 The Ss do Put-in-Use exercises in groups by reading out loud all the three dialogues they have completed.Step3 Listening Practice: Being All Ears1 Give the Ss a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2 Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3 Play the tape for a second time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the Ss to take notes of the key words.4 Play the tape for the third time, and ask the Ss to simultaneously repeat the passage while they are listening.5 Do all the exercises in this section.Step4 Assignments1 Pair work: Prepare conversations about making and answering a phone call.2 Recite the wonderful sentences picked out by the teacher.Unit 3 Communication by PhoneThe Second Session (90~100 min.)Teaching Contents:Section3 Maintaining a Sharp Eye: Passage1 For Conversation Press #1 Teaching Aims:Knowledge objects1 To study the key words and expressions: “advance, account, connect, preferable, deposit, insert, chain, consequence, intend, unable, check out, credit card, save the bother of (doing sth.), pretty soon” etc. by learning the passage of this part.2 To understand Good and Bad of cell phones.3 To grasp the main idea of the passage.Ability objects1 To develop the Ss’ abilities of reading comprehension.2 To develop the Ss’ abilities of making sentences.Teaching Important Points:1 To enable the Ss to get a general understanding of the passage.2 To enable them to make sentences using the key words and expressions. Teaching Difficult Points:1 How to make the Ss translate the sentences by simulating the structures in the passage correctly.2 How to make the Ss understand some long or difficult sentences better. Teaching Methods:1 The Audio-lingual Method2 The Elicitation Method3 The Task-based MethodTeaching Aids:1 A tape recorder2 The blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step1 Lead-in: Warm-up questions:1 What are the advantages of the cell phone?2 What are the advantages of the email and voice mail?Step2 Listen and Read1 The Ss read the passage as quickly as possible.2 The teacher plays the tape for the first time and ask the Ss to listen.3 Play the tape for a second time and ask the Ss to repeat after the tape.Step3 Translation PracticeThe Ss are given several minutes to prepare for the translation of the last three paragraphs in groups. Group presentation of the translation is required in the class.Step4 Language pointsThe Ss choose some useful expressions and sentences from the passage, and then the teacher demonstrates their usage. The following should be chosen and practiced. The Ss should make up at least two sentences using the chosen phrases in groups.1 advance: n. an improvement, a breakthroughe.g. There have been great advances in medicine in the last 60 years.in advance of: more highly developede.g. Their training facilities are far in advance of anything we have.in advance: ahead of timee.g. Everything had been fixed in advance.2 connect: v. attach, join together, reach sb. by telephonee.g. I connected the antenna to the TV set.3 preferable: a. better or more suitable, to be preferrede.g. Gradual change is preferable to sudden, great change.4 deposit:v. place sth. valuable, such as money, in a bank account;place valuables for safekeepinge.g. Sam deposited two hundred dollars in his savings account.5 insert: v. put sth. into/between/ amonge.g. The old lady carefully inserted the letter into an envelope.6 chain: n.a series of related things or events; a group of stories/restaurantse.g. The king’s murder started a chain of events that led to a war.7 check out: pay the bill and leave a hotele.g. The students had to check out at five in the morning.Step5 Doing ExercisesGuide the Ss through Read and Simulate exercise. Try to let them find out and simulate the patterns and the expressions used in the sentences taken from the passage.Step6 Assignments1 Recite the words as many as possible after class.2 Finish Exs.2-5 in the exercise book.3 Prepare for Passage2 and Section4.Unit 3 Communication by PhoneThe Third Session (90~100 min.)Teaching Contents:Section3 Maintaining a Sharp Eye: Passage2&Section4 Trying Your HandTeaching Aims:Knowledge objects1 To study the key words and expressions: “advertise, directions, rate, classify, value, charge, plus, by the last name, call back, credit coupon, direct dial calls, long distance call, phone book, phone booth, the blue page, the white page, the yellow page” etc. by learning this part.2 To learn how to take/fill in a message.3 To know about the basic usages of subjunctive mood.4 To grasp the main idea of the passage.Ability objects1 To develop the Ss’ abilities of reading comprehension.2 To develop the Ss’ abilities of making sentences.Teaching Important Points:1 To enable the Ss to take and fill in a telephone mesage.2 To enable the Ss to use subjunctive mood correctlyTeaching Difficult Points:How to make the Ss master the basic rules of subjunctive mood well.Teaching Methods:1 The Audio-lingual Method2 The Elicitation Method3 The Task-based MethodTeaching Aids:1 A tape recorder2 The blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step1 Lead-in: Warm-up questions1 How many digits do phone numbers have in America?2 Do you know how to make a long distance call in America?Step2 Listen and Read1 The teacher plays the tape and asks the Ss to listen.2 The Ss read the passage.。

通过本课程的学习,学生应该达到下列要求:1. 词汇A 级: 认知3 400个英语单词(包括入学时要求掌握的1600个词)以及由这些词构成的常用词组,对其中2000个左右的单词能正确拼写,英汉互译。
《新编实用英语》教案第二册unit 5

Unit FiveAT A RESTAURANTLearning Objectives:This unit is to teach us how to order food in a restaurant. We should learn how to read the menus, book dinner, order menus and master the useful sentences and expressions on this topic; Learn to talk about food and restaurant service in English. Try to write and translate English menus.Teaching Procedures:Many people like to eat large meals at restaurants, not only in China but in foreign countries too. But it varies from country to country on the eating habits. Do you know how to order food and how to communicate with the waiter (or waitress) at a restaurant? This unit can help you get a rough idea about restaurant English .Section ITalking Face to FaceThe topic area of Talking Face to Face in this unit is ordering a table and food at a restaurant with the focus on the patterns for expressing how to make and take order at a restaurant.Menu1. Present the Samples of menusMany Americans like to eat a large meal at a restaurant. Now let's look at the menu of a restaurant and try to use it to practice two short dialogues.Sample 12. Topic-related sentence expressions1) Reserve a tableI want to make a reservation for three people for this evening at 6:30.I’d like to reserve a table for tomorrow evening at 7 o’clock. It’s for five. I’s like a non-smoking section .2) Order menusAre you ready to order? /May I take your order ?We’d like some specialties. Can you recommend some ?What would you like to drink?I also like a chef’s salad .What would you like for dessert ?I’d like something typically Chinese .Let’s go Dutch .3. Practice the Two Dialogues According to the SamplesFollow the Samples: Dialogue 1 & Dialogue 24. Act OutFinish the tasks according to the models given2.Put in UseSection IIBeing All EarsWords and expressions related in the listening materials1) hold up 2)hate to do sth 3)speed up 4) doggie 5) eat out 6) catch one’s eyes 7)get one’s attentionSection IIIMaintaining a Sharp EyePassage I1. Text-related InformationEating habitsThe eating habits vary greatly from culture to culture. For example, Americans prefer to eat fatty, greasy, fried and sweet food, and they like snacks too. That is why America is probably the fattest country in this world. We Chinese people like a real meal that includes vegetables, meat and rice, whereas in the US, a meal could be a bag of cookies or French fries, very greasy. So, likes or dislikes with regard to food vary greatly in different countries. What is disgusting to one person can be a delicacy to another. Sometimes we need to change our eating habits. If we move or travel to anew place with a different culture, our favorite meat, fruit and vegetables may not be available to us. As a result, we have to eat what is different from the food we are used to. Slowly, this strange food may become familiar to us. Our tastes may change, too, and we begin to enjoy eating the food that used to seem unusual to us.2. Words and Expressions-- escape: vi. to find a way out ; get out ye.g. The prisoners escaped by break a hole in the wall.People quickly escaped from their house when the earthquake wasfelt .We escaped to a quieter place to enjoy our holiday.-- project: vi. 伸出, 突出,设想自已处身于(into)vt. 计划, 规划,投掷, 抛出; 发射,投影, 上映, 使突出, 使凸出,预言,e.g. Project yourself into her condition , maybe you can understand her.The government is projecting a new dam.Please project a slide on the screen.He projected the weather for the coming week.--suspect: v. to believe to exist or be true; think likely 猜疑,怀疑e.g. we suspect that he was lost, even before we were told.They suspect him of murder-- deposit v. to put down 放下,放置to place in a bank or sage place 储蓄;存放e.g. He deposited a pile of files before me.Don’t leave so much cash at home, deposit it in the bank.--permission n. an act of permitting; agreement; consent 允许; 同意,准许e.g. Without our manager’s permission, I can’t let you in.Did he give you permission to take that?-- whereupon: adv.于是, 因此e.g. His department was shut down, whereupon he returned to London.He didn’t understand the point, whereupon I had to expl ain it further.The soldier refused to surrender, whereupon the army captured him.-- mood: n.心情;情绪e.g. The beautiful sunny morning put him in a happy mood.Don’t talk with him, he is not in his mood today.-- acknowledge 承认、表示感谢、表明已收到e.g. He was acknowledged as one of America’s finest writers.The president stood up to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.I acknowledge the truth of your statement.-- scene: 吵闹、景象、场面e.g. They caused a scene at the supermarket.The family reunion scene was the best part of the play.-- taste v. 品尝, 辨味, (of)有 ...味道, 领略n. 味道;欣赏力,鉴赏力e.g. I don’t like the taste of fresh fish.She has a very good taste in clothes.He insisted on pouring the wine for a guest to taste.This soup tastes nice.-- embarrass v. 使尴尬e.g. It embarrasses me even to think about it.She had been too embarrassed to ask her friends to lend her somemoney.--be accustomed to …in the habit of 习惯于e.g. I’m not accustomed to getting up so early.He quickly accustomed to the new life at school.--to follow through … to complete; carry out exactly to the end 彻底执行,贯彻到底e.g. We’ll follow through our experiment with his scientific directions.Follow through, you’ll succeed.Structures and patterns1.would rather 宁愿; 宁可e.g. I would rather go early and get home before it get dark.I would rather to go home than go shopping with her.2. There is something wrong with…坏了,出了毛病了e.g. we thought there must be something wrong with you because wehadn’t heard from you for quite a long time.There is something with my computer , would you please help me check it over.3.must + have done 表示对过去发生的事情的推测She must have finished it earlier if she didn’t get a bad cold.Difficult Sentences-- I escaped but projected myself into an even worse situation for I chose what seemed to be the best restaurant in Toledo, where I announced quickly and in a clear voice that I wanted the tourist menu. (Para. 1)Analysis: This is a complex sentence. “f or” here is used as a conjunction introducing a clause of reason. “what seemed to be the best restaurant in Toledo” is used as the object of “chose”; “where I announced quickly and in a clear voice that I wanted the tourist menu” is a non-restrictive relative clau se modifying “the best restaurant”. The where-clause again has a that-clause as its object.e.g. This did not offend me in the least, for I knew that a man in hisposition could have little time to spare.-- ... but of the twenty-nine dishes thus available, twenty-six carried a surcharge if ordered on the tourist menu. (Para. 2)Analysis: The adjective available is used here as an attributive post-modifying “the twenty-nine dishes”. This adjective usually follows the noun or noun phrase it modifies. “i f ordered” is the ellipsis of “if they are ordered”.e.g. I’m afraid I don’t have the shoes available in your size.She asked me not to say anything until asked.-- Technically, one could order a dinner that would cost the price advertised by the government, but if he did so he would have two soups, one cheap fish and no dessert. (Para. 2)Analysis: “Technically” here means according to the exact details of the rules and that-clause is a relative clause modifying “a dinner”; and “advertised by the government” is a past participle phrase modifying “the price”. “If he did so” can be paraphrased as “if the tourist ordered a dinner at the price advertised by the government”.e.g. Technically, your proposal is against the law.It is a question that needs careful consideration.He is a man loved by us all.-- “With your permission, sir,” I said, waiting for him to acknowledge me. (Para. 6)Analysis: “With your permission” is used to ask somebody to permit something. Here it means “May I be allowed to say a few words / to say about it?”e.g. With your permission, I’ll leave now.-- ... it was exactly the way it should have been by Toledo standards.(Para. 7)Analysis: “It should have been by Toledo standards” is used as a relative claus e modifying the way. Here “in which” is omitted. The subjunctive mood “should have been” shows that it is a subjective supposition.e.g. H e hated the way (in which) she talked.-- Special taste produced by hanging the bird without refrigeration, and much enjoyed by Spanish hunters and countrymen. (Para. 7) Analysis: This is an elliptical sentence which can be paraphrased as “The special taste was made by hanging ... ”. In this sentence, “produced by” and “enjoyed by” are two past participle phrases used to modify “special taste”.e.g. The fried chicken served by this fast-food restaurant has a specialtaste.-- ... but it was truly awful and I must have made a face, for the Englishman reached over,... (Para. 9)Analysis: “must have done (some thing)” is used to express a guess of something done in the past.e.g. He must have succeeded in the exam, for he is always smiling today.3. ExercisesPassage II1.Translate the passage paragraph by paragraph2.Do the exercisesSection IVTrying Your HandApplied Writing1.Explain the Format of Menu2.Pay Attention to the Difference between Chinese Dishes and EnglishDishes3.Learn to Write a Menu According to the SamplesSample 1Sample 2Sentence Writing1. Grammar RulesRelative Clause (Refer to the Workbook for Relative Clause.)2. Exercises。
《新编实用英语》教案第二册unit 5

Unit FiveAT A RESTAURANTLearning Objectives:This unit is to teach us how to order food in a restaurant. We should learn how to read the menus, book dinner, order menus and master the useful sentences and expressions on this topic; Learn to talk about food and restaurant service in English. Try to write and translate English menus.Teaching Procedures:Many people like to eat large meals at restaurants, not only in China but in foreign countries too. But it varies from country to country on the eating habits. Do you know how to order food and how to communicate with the waiter (or waitress) at a restaurant? This unit can help you get a rough idea about restaurant English .Section ITalking Face to FaceThe topic area of Talking Face to Face in this unit is ordering a table and food at a restaurant with the focus on the patterns for expressing how to make and take order at a restaurant.Menu1. Present the Samples of menusMany Americans like to eat a large meal at a restaurant. Now let's look at the menu of a restaurant and try to use it to practice two short dialogues.Sample 12. Topic-related sentence expressions1) Reserve a tableI want to make a reservation for three people for this evening at 6:30.I’d like to reserve a table for tomorrow evening at 7 o’clock. It’s for five. I’s like a non-smoking section .2) Order menusAre you ready to order? /May I take your order ?We’d like some specialties. Can you recommend some ?What would you like to drink?I also like a chef’s salad .What would you like for dessert ?I’d like something typically Chinese .Let’s go Dutch .3. Practice the Two Dialogues According to the SamplesFollow the Samples: Dialogue 1 & Dialogue 24. Act OutFinish the tasks according to the models given2.Put in UseSection IIBeing All EarsWords and expressions related in the listening materials1) hold up 2)hate to do sth 3)speed up 4) doggie 5) eat out 6) catch one’s eyes 7)get one’s attentionSection IIIMaintaining a Sharp EyePassage I1. Text-related InformationEating habitsThe eating habits vary greatly from culture to culture. For example, Americans prefer to eat fatty, greasy, fried and sweet food, and they like snacks too. That is why America is probably the fattest country in this world. We Chinese people like a real meal that includes vegetables, meat and rice, whereas in the US, a meal could be a bag of cookies or French fries, very greasy. So, likes or dislikes with regard to food vary greatly in different countries. What is disgusting to one person can be a delicacy to another. Sometimes we need to change our eating habits. If we move or travel to anew place with a different culture, our favorite meat, fruit and vegetables may not be available to us. As a result, we have to eat what is different from the food we are used to. Slowly, this strange food may become familiar to us. Our tastes may change, too, and we begin to enjoy eating the food that used to seem unusual to us.2. Words and Expressions-- escape: vi. to find a way out ; get out ye.g. The prisoners escaped by break a hole in the wall.People quickly escaped from their house when the earthquake wasfelt .We escaped to a quieter place to enjoy our holiday.-- project: vi. 伸出, 突出,设想自已处身于(into)vt. 计划, 规划,投掷, 抛出; 发射,投影, 上映, 使突出, 使凸出,预言,e.g. Project yourself into her condition , maybe you can understand her.The government is projecting a new dam.Please project a slide on the screen.He projected the weather for the coming week.--suspect: v. to believe to exist or be true; think likely 猜疑,怀疑e.g. we suspect that he was lost, even before we were told.They suspect him of murder-- deposit v. to put down 放下,放置to place in a bank or sage place 储蓄;存放e.g. He deposited a pile of files before me.Don’t leave so much cash at home, deposit it in the bank.--permission n. an act of permitting; agreement; consent 允许; 同意,准许e.g. Without our manager’s permission, I can’t let you in.Did he give you permission to take that?-- whereupon: adv.于是, 因此e.g. His department was shut down, whereupon he returned to London.He didn’t understand the point, whereupon I had to expl ain it further.The soldier refused to surrender, whereupon the army captured him.-- mood: n.心情;情绪e.g. The beautiful sunny morning put him in a happy mood.Don’t talk with him, he is not in his mood today.-- acknowledge 承认、表示感谢、表明已收到e.g. He was acknowledged as one of America’s finest writers.The president stood up to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.I acknowledge the truth of your statement.-- scene: 吵闹、景象、场面e.g. They caused a scene at the supermarket.The family reunion scene was the best part of the play.-- taste v. 品尝, 辨味, (of)有 ...味道, 领略n. 味道;欣赏力,鉴赏力e.g. I don’t like the taste of fresh fish.She has a very good taste in clothes.He insisted on pouring the wine for a guest to taste.This soup tastes nice.-- embarrass v. 使尴尬e.g. It embarrasses me even to think about it.She had been too embarrassed to ask her friends to lend her somemoney.--be accustomed to …in the habit of 习惯于e.g. I’m not accustomed to getting up so early.He quickly accustomed to the new life at school.--to follow through … to complete; carry out exactly to the end 彻底执行,贯彻到底e.g. We’ll follow through our experiment with his scientific directions.Follow through, you’ll succeed.Structures and patterns1.would rather 宁愿; 宁可e.g. I would rather go early and get home before it get dark.I would rather to go home than go shopping with her.2. There is something wrong with…坏了,出了毛病了e.g. we thought there must be something wrong with you because wehadn’t heard from you for quite a long time.There is something with my computer , would you please help me check it over.3.must + have done 表示对过去发生的事情的推测She must have finished it earlier if she didn’t get a bad cold.Difficult Sentences-- I escaped but projected myself into an even worse situation for I chose what seemed to be the best restaurant in Toledo, where I announced quickly and in a clear voice that I wanted the tourist menu. (Para. 1)Analysis: This is a complex sentence. “f or” here is used as a conjunction introducing a clause of reason. “what seemed to be the best restaurant in Toledo” is used as the object of “chose”; “where I announced quickly and in a clear voice that I wanted the tourist menu” is a non-restrictive relative clau se modifying “the best restaurant”. The where-clause again has a that-clause as its object.e.g. This did not offend me in the least, for I knew that a man in hisposition could have little time to spare.-- ... but of the twenty-nine dishes thus available, twenty-six carried a surcharge if ordered on the tourist menu. (Para. 2)Analysis: The adjective available is used here as an attributive post-modifying “the twenty-nine dishes”. This adjective usually follows the noun or noun phrase it modifies. “i f ordered” is the ellipsis of “if they are ordered”.e.g. I’m afraid I don’t have the shoes available in your size.She asked me not to say anything until asked.-- Technically, one could order a dinner that would cost the price advertised by the government, but if he did so he would have two soups, one cheap fish and no dessert. (Para. 2)Analysis: “Technically” here means according to the exact details of the rules and that-clause is a relative clause modifying “a dinner”; and “advertised by the government” is a past participle phrase modifying “the price”. “If he did so” can be paraphrased as “if the tourist ordered a dinner at the price advertised by the government”.e.g. Technically, your proposal is against the law.It is a question that needs careful consideration.He is a man loved by us all.-- “With your permission, sir,” I said, waiting for him to acknowledge me. (Para. 6)Analysis: “With your permission” is used to ask somebody to permit something. Here it means “May I be allowed to say a few words / to say about it?”e.g. With your permission, I’ll leave now.-- ... it was exactly the way it should have been by Toledo standards.(Para. 7)Analysis: “It should have been by Toledo standards” is used as a relative claus e modifying the way. Here “in which” is omitted. The subjunctive mood “should have been” shows that it is a subjective supposition.e.g. H e hated the way (in which) she talked.-- Special taste produced by hanging the bird without refrigeration, and much enjoyed by Spanish hunters and countrymen. (Para. 7) Analysis: This is an elliptical sentence which can be paraphrased as “The special taste was made by hanging ... ”. In this sentence, “produced by” and “enjoyed by” are two past participle phrases used to modify “special taste”.e.g. The fried chicken served by this fast-food restaurant has a specialtaste.-- ... but it was truly awful and I must have made a face, for the Englishman reached over,... (Para. 9)Analysis: “must have done (some thing)” is used to express a guess of something done in the past.e.g. He must have succeeded in the exam, for he is always smiling today.3. ExercisesPassage II1.Translate the passage paragraph by paragraph2.Do the exercisesSection IVTrying Your HandApplied Writing1.Explain the Format of Menu2.Pay Attention to the Difference between Chinese Dishes and EnglishDishes3.Learn to Write a Menu According to the SamplesSample 1Sample 2Sentence Writing1. Grammar RulesRelative Clause (Refer to the Workbook for Relative Clause.)2. Exercises。

课程名称New Practical English授课班级教学时数60节教学内容Unit One Invitation本章节(单元)教学目标教学目标1.知识点目标: This lesson is to introduce some information while givinginvitation cards and letters.2.能力目标: The students should understand and write invitationcards correctly in English.教学方法Detailed study of difficult language pointsUse the two dialogues for oral practice with essential sentence patterns, listening exercises to intensify their listening ability, one passage for comprehensive reading and the other for extensive reading, grammatical exercises and writing exercises are combined to form a whole.重点难点Grammar: word order in a subordinateclauseThe focus is on the patterns that areappropriate for writing the invitationcards and letters教具或实训教学条件准备Tape recorder教学实施Step 1. Section onea. New words and phrases of section oneb. Talk face to facec. Put in useStep 2. Section Two ListeningStep 3. Section Threea. New words and phrases of Passage oneb. Passage onec. Exercisesd. Passage twoStep 4. Section Four Trying your handa. Applied Writing: Writing and Replying invitation cards and lettersb. General Writing: Word Order in a Subordinate ClauseStep 5. Summarize the whole lesson教学中可能存在的问题及解决办法There might be some m istakes made b y students in learning. Encourage them and help them to correct it.Some students may h ave some l istening problems or poor pronunciation, let them listen more and practice more after class.思考题或作业Homework:P10. 5 6 P16. 6 7Speaking task: Read the text fluently and even learn it by heart.本课小结预期效果:实际效果:教研室主任签字任课教师:年月课程名称New Practical English授课班级教学时数60节教学内容Unit Two Emails本章节(单元)教学目标教学目标1.知识点目标: This lesson is to lead the students to recognize and getemail information on internet.2.能力目标: The students should understand email and know how to writethem correctly by using abbreviation in English教学方法Detailed study of difficult language pointsUse the two dialogues for oral practice with essential sentence patterns, listening exercises to intensify their listening ability, one passage for comprehensive reading and the other for extensive reading, grammatical exercises and writing exercises are combined to form a whole.重点难点The focus is on the patterns that areproperly used in sending and receivingemail in writing.Grammar: Punctuation教具或实训教学条件准备Tape recorder教学实施Step 1. Section onea. New words and phrases of section oneb. Talk face to facec. Put in useStep 2. Section Two ListeningStep 3. Section Threea. New words and phrases of Passage oneb. Passage onec. Exercisesd. Passage twoStep 4. Section Four Trying your handa. Applied Writing: Writing and Replying invitation cards and lettersb. General Writing: Punctuation5. Summarize the whole lessonStep 5. Summarize the whole lesson教学中可能存在的问题及解决办法There might be some m istakes made b y students in learning. Encourage them and help them to correct it.Some students may h ave some l istening problems or poor pronunciation, let them listen more and practice more after class.思考题或作业Homework: P28. 5 6 P34. 3 4 6Speaking task: Read the text fluently and even learn it by heart.本课小结预期效果:实际效果:教研室主任签字任课教师:年月课程名称New Practical English授课班级教学时数60节教学内容Unit Three Communication by phone本章节(单元)教学目标教学目标1.知识点目标: This lesson is to lead the students to take the telephonemessage.2.能力目标: The students should know how to take message i n the officeor at home correctly in English教学方法Detailed study of difficult language pointsUse the two dialogues for oral practice with essential sentence patterns, listening exercises to intensify their listening ability, one passage for comprehensive reading and the other for extensive reading, grammatical exercises and writing exercises are combined to form a whole.重点难点The focus is on the patterns that areappropriate for taking the telephonemessage in the office or at home.Grammar: Noun Clauses教具或实训教学条件准备Tape recorder教学实施Step 1. Section onea. New words and phrases of section oneb. Talk face to facec. Put in useStep 2. Section Two ListeningStep 3. Section Threea. New words and phrases of Passage oneb. Passage onec. Exercisesd. Passage twoStep 4. Section Four Trying your handa. Applied Writing: Writing and Replying invitation cards and lettersb. General Writing: Noun ClausesStep 5. Summarize the whole lesson教学中可能存在的问题及解决办法There might be some m istakes made b y students in learning. Encourage them and help them to correct it.Some students may h ave some l istening problems or poor pronunciation, let them listen more and practice more after class.思考题或作业Homework:P45 . 4 5 6 P52. 5 6Speaking task: Read the text fluently and even learn it by heart.本课小结预期效果:实际效果:教研室主任签字任课教师:年月课程名称New Practical English授课班级教学时数60节教学内容Unit Four Making Reservations本章节(单元)教学目标教学目标1.知识点目标: This lesson is to make reservations.2.能力目标:The students should understand and make reservation correctly in English.教学方法Detailed study of difficult language pointsUse the two dialogues for oral practice with essential sentence patterns, listening exercises to intensify their listening ability, one passage for comprehensive reading and the other for extensive reading, grammatical exercises and writing exercises are combined to form a whole.重点难点The focus of functions is on thepatterns that are appropriate formaking reservations at hotel.Grammar: The Subjunctive Mood教具或实训教学条件准备Tape recorder教学实施Step 1. Section onea. New words and phrases of section oneb. Talk face to facec. Put in useStep 2. Section Two ListeningStep 3. Section Threea. New words and phrases of Passage oneb. Passage onec. Exercisesd. Passage twoStep 4. Section Four Trying your handa. Applied Writing: Writing and Replying invitation cards and lettersb. General Writing: The Subjunctive MoodStep 5. Summarize the whole lesson教学中可能存在的问题及解决办法There might be some m istakes made b y students in learning. Encourage them and help them to correct it.Some students may h ave some l istening problems or poor pronunciation, let them listen more and practice more after class.思考题或作业Homework:P65. 5 6 P72.5 6Speaking task: Read the text fluently and even learn it by heart.本课小结预期效果:实际效果:教研室主任签字任课教师:年月课程名称New Practical English授课班级教学时数60节教学内容Unit Five At a Restaurant本章节(单元)教学目标教学目标1.知识点目标: This lesson is to lead the students to understand and makethe expressions of menu.2.能力目标:The students should understand the menu a nd know how to writeit correctly in English.教学方法Detailed study of difficult language pointsUse the two dialogues for oral practice with essential sentence patterns, listening exercises to intensify their listening ability, one passage for comprehensive reading and the other for extensive reading, grammatical exercises and writing exercises are combined to form a whole.重点难点The focus is on the patterns that areproperly used in talk about the largemeal at a restaurant.Grammar: Relative Clauses教具或实训教学条件准备Tape recorder教学实施Step 1. Section onea. New words and phrases of section oneb. Talk face to facec. Put in useStep 2. Section Two ListeningStep 3. Section Threea. New words and phrases of Passage oneb. Passage onec. Exercisesd. Passage twoStep 4. Section Four Trying your handa. Applied Writing: Writing and Replying invitation cards and lettersb. General Writing: Relative ClausesStep 5. Summarize the whole lesson教学中可能存在的问题及解决办法There might be some m istakes made b y students in learning. Encourage them and help them to correct it.Some students may h ave some l istening problems or poor pronunciation, let them listen more and practice more after class.思考题或作业Homework:P85. 4 5 6 P91. 5 6Speaking task: Read the text fluently and even learn it by heart.本课小结预期效果:实际效果:教研室主任签字任课教师:年月课程名称New Practical English授课班级教学时数60节教学内容Unit Six Shopping本章节(单元)教学目标教学目标1.知识点目标: This lesson is to introduce and learn the different waysof making shopping ads in newspapers and magazines, in theradio and television to promote sales.2.能力目标: The students should understand and know how to write the shopping ads under the instruction, specification, model and functions教学方法Detailed study of difficult language pointsUse the two dialogues for oral practice with essential sentence patterns, listening exercises to intensify their listening ability, one passage for comprehensive reading and the other for extensive reading, grammatical exercises and writing exercises are combined to form a whole.重点难点The focus is on the operatinginstruction, specifications model andfunctionsGrammar: Adverbial Clauses教具或实训教学条件准备Tape recorder教学实施Step 1. Section onea. New words and phrases of section oneb. Talk face to facec. Put in useStep 2. Section Two ListeningStep 3. Section Threea. New words and phrases of Passage oneb. Passage onec. Exercisesd. Passage twoStep 4. Section Four Trying your handa. Applied Writing: Writing and Replying invitation cards and lettersb. General Writing: Adverbial ClausesStep 5. Summarize the whole lesson教学中可能存在的问题及解决办法There might be some m istakes made b y students in learning. Encourage them and help them to correct it.Some students may h ave some l istening problems or poor pronunciation, let them listen more and practice more after class.思考题或作业Homework:P102. 5 6 P109. 5 6Speaking task: Read the text fluently and even learn it by heart.本课小结预期效果:实际效果:教研室主任签字任课教师:年月课程名称New Practical English授课班级教学时数60节教学内容Unit Seven Entertainment and Tourist本章节(单元)教学目标教学目标1.知识点目标: This lesson is to lead the students to the mastery ofrules and principles of entertainment ads.2.能力目标: The students should understand entertainment adsand know how to write them correctly in English.教学方法Detailed study of difficult language pointsUse the two dialogues for oral practice with essential sentence patterns, listening exercises to intensify their listening ability, one passage for comprehensive reading and the other for extensive reading, grammatical exercises and writing exercises are combined to form a whole.重点难点Grammar: Present participle and pastparticiple as attributives教具或实训教学条件准备Tape recorder教学实施Step 1. Section onea. New words and phrases of section oneb. Talk face to facec. Put in useStep 2. Section Two ListeningStep 3. Section Threea. New words and phrases of Passage oneb. Passage onec. Exercisesd. Passage twoStep 4. Section Four Trying your handa. Applied Writing: Writing and Replying invitation cards and lettersb. General Writing: Present participle and past participle asattributivesStep 5. Summarize the whole lesson教学中可能存在的问题及解决办法There might be some m istakes made b y students in learning. Encourage them and help them to correct it.Some students may h ave some l istening problems or poor pronunciation, let them listen more and practice more after class.思考题或作业Homework:P122. Ex. 5 6 P129. 5 6Speaking task: Read the text fluently and even learn it by heart.本课小结预期效果:实际效果:教研室主任签字任课教师:年月课程名称New Practical English授课班级教学时数60节教学内容Unit Eight Farewell本章节(单元)教学目标教学目标1.知识点目标: This lesson is to lead the students to the mastery ofcharacteristics and formula for farewell letter.2.能力目标:The students should understand the characteristic andformula concerning writing a farewell letter.教学方法Detailed study of difficult language pointsUse the two dialogues for oral practice with essential sentence patterns, listening exercises to intensify their listening ability, one passage for comprehensive reading and the other for extensive reading, grammatical exercises and writing exercises are combined to form a whole.重点难点The focus is on the patterns that areappropriate for writing a farewellletterGrammar: Emphasis, Ellipsis andInversion教具或实训教学条件准备Tape recorder教学实施Step 1. Section onea. New words and phrases of section oneb. Talk face to facec. Put in useStep 2. Section Two ListeningStep 3. Section Threea. New words and phrases of Passage oneb. Passage onec. Exercisesd. Passage twoStep 4. Section Four Trying your handa. Applied Writing: Writing and Replying invitation cards and lettersb. General Writing: Emphasis, Ellipsis and InversionStep 5. Summarize the whole lesson教学中可能存在的问题及解决办法There might be some m istakes made b y students in learning. Encourage them and help them to correct it.Some students may h ave some l istening problems or poor pronunciation, let them listen more and practice more after class.思考题或作业Homework:P141. Ex. 4 5 6 P148. 5 6Speaking task: Read the text fluently and even learn it by heart.本课小结预期效果:实际效果:教研室主任签字任课教师:年月课程名称New Practical English授课班级教学时数60节教学内容Unit Nine Applying for a Job本章节(单元)教学目标教学目标1.知识点目标: This lesson is to lead the students to the mastery ofinforming and talking about applying for a job2.能力目标:The students should understand information concerningadvertisements for applying for a job教学方法Detailed study of difficult language pointsUse the two dialogues for oral practice with essential sentence patterns, listening exercises to intensify their listening ability, one passage for comprehensive reading and the other for extensive reading, grammatical exercises and writing exercises are combined to form a whole.重点难点The focus of functions therefore is onthe patterns that are appropriate forgiving information concerning applyingfor a job. Grammar: word order in asubordinate clause教具或实训教学条件准备Tape recorder教学实施Step 1. Section onea. New words and phrases of section oneb. Talk face to facec. Put in useStep 2. Section Two ListeningStep 3. Section Threea. New words and phrases of Passage oneb. Passage onec. Exercisesd. Passage twoStep 4. Section Four Trying your handa. Applied Writing: Writing and Replying invitation cards and lettersb. General Writing: Word Order in a Subordinate ClauseStep 5. Summarize the whole lesson教学中可能存在的问题及解决办法There might be some m istakes made b y students in learning. Encourage them and help them to correct it.Some students may h ave some l istening problems or poor pronunciation, let them listen more and practice more after class.思考题或作业Homework:Ex. 5 6 P170. 6Speaking task: Read the text fluently and even learn it by heart.本课小结预期效果:实际效果:教研室主任签字任课教师:年月课程名称New Practical English授课班级教学时数60节教学内容Unit Ten Managers and CEOS本章节(单元)教学目标教学目标1.知识点目标: This lesson is to lead the students to the mastery ofinforming and talking about conference schedules2.能力目标:The students should understand the format and informationconcerning preparing a conference or an agenda.教学方法Detailed study of difficult language pointsUse the two dialogues for oral practice with essential sentence patterns, listening exercises to intensify their listening ability, one passage for comprehensive reading and the other for extensive reading, grammatical exercises and writing exercises are combined to form a whole.重点难点The focus of functions is on the specialformat and relevant terms andexpressions that are appropriate fortalking about planning a conference.Grammar: Conclusion教具或实训教学条件准备Tape recorder教学实施Step 1. Section onea. New words and phrases of section oneb. Talk face to facec. Put in useStep 2. Section Two ListeningStep 3. Section Threea. New words and phrases of Passage oneb. Passage onec. Exercisesd. Passage twoStep 4. Section Four Trying your handa. Applied Writing: Writing and Replying invitation cards and lettersb. General Writing: ConclusionStep 5. Summarize the whole lesson教学中可能存在的问题及解决办法There might be some m istakes made b y students in learning. Encourage them and help them to correct it.Some students may h ave some l istening problems or poor pronunciation, let them listen more and practice more after class.思考题或作业Homework:P183. Ex. 5 6 P191. 5 6Speaking task: Read the text fluently and even learn it by heart.本课小结预期效果:实际效果:教研室主任签字任课教师:年月。

青岛港湾职业技术学院授课教案编号:第1 周第1 次Array课题Unit 1 Invitations班级09航海六授课日期2010 年月日星期教学过程青岛港湾职业技术学院授课教案编号:第1 周第2 次Array课题Unit 1 Invitations班级09航海六授课日期2010 年月日星期教学过程青岛港湾职业技术学院授课教案编号:第2 周第1 次Array课题Unit 1 Invitations班级09航海六授课日期2010 年月日星期教学过程青岛港湾职业技术学院授课教案编号:第2 周第2 次Array课题Unit 1 Invitations班级09航海六授课日期2010 年月日星期教学过程青岛港湾职业技术学院授课教案编号:第3 周第1 次Array课题Unit 2 Emails班级09航海六授课日期2010 年月日星期教学过程青岛港湾职业技术学院授课教案编号:第3 周第2 次Array课题Unit 2 Emails班级09航海六授课日期2010 年月日星期教学过程青岛港湾职业技术学院授课教案编号:第3 周第2 次Array课题Unit 2 Emails班级09航海六授课日期2010 年月日星期教学过程青岛港湾职业技术学院授课教案编号:第4 周第1 次Array课题Unit 2 Emails班级09航海六授课日期2010 年月日星期教学过程青岛港湾职业技术学院授课教案编号:第4 周第2 次Array课题Unit 2 Emails班级09航海六授课日期2010 年月日星期教学过程青岛港湾职业技术学院授课教案编号:第5 周第1 次Array课题Unit 5 At a Restaurant班级09航海六授课日期2010 年月日星期教学过程青岛港湾职业技术学院授课教案编号:第 5 周第2 次Array课题Unit 5 At a Restaurant班级09航海六授课日期2010 年月日星期教学过程青岛港湾职业技术学院授课教案编号:第6 周第1 次Array课题Unit 5 At a Restaurant班级09航海六授课日期2010 年月日星期教学过程青岛港湾职业技术学院授课教案编号:第6 周第2 次Array课题Unit 5 At a Restaurant班级09航海六授课日期2010 年月日星期教学过程。
新编实用英语2 Unit2教案

TYVM Thank you very much
WYRN What is your real name?
WDYS What Did You Say?
2) Do you often chat online?
3) How do you chat online?
4) What do you think of chatting online?
2. Email Information on the Internet
Abbreviations are sometimes very useful in communicating online. Now let’s try to use the abbreviations listed below to practice two short dialogues:
Unit 2Emails
1. Guide the students to know and master some abbreviations used in communicating online.
2. Enable the students to talk about online abbreviations by asking questions and giving answers.
2.Some abbreviations for chatting online.

新编英语教程2第三版教学大纲一、课程介绍1.1 课程概述本课程是新编英语教程2第三版,是一门英语口语和阅读类的课程,适合英语学习者对基础英语及口语和阅读的提高。
1.2 教学目标该课程旨在提高学生英语听、说、读、写的能力,培养学生良好的英语思维习惯和交际能力。
1.3 教学内容这门课程主要包括以下内容:•基础语法知识:包括限定性和非限定性关系、被动语态、情态动词等;•基础词汇:通过学习主题,学习一些基础的英语词汇;•英语口语:学习日常生活中常用的英语口语表达;•英语阅读:学习一些简单的英语文章,提升阅读理解能力。
二、教学计划2.1 学期安排本课程分为两个学期,每个学期包含40个学时,共80学时。
2.2 教学进度学时主题内容1-2自我介绍姓名、年龄、职业、兴趣爱好等介绍及练习对话3-4家庭及职业家庭成员、职业介绍及练习对话5-6学校及工作学校介绍、工作介绍及练习对话7-8问路及交通问路、交通方式及练习对话9-10饮食生活饮食习惯及词汇练习11-购物及娱乐购物及娱乐活动及练习对话1213-健康及健身健康及健身习惯及词汇练习1415-朋友及社交朋友及社交活动及练习对话1617-18环保及旅游环保、旅游景点及练习对话19-20文化及艺术听音乐、看电影等艺术活动及练习对话21-22新闻及时事学习一些英语新闻及时事23-24商务英语学习商务英语及商务文化25-26面试技巧学习面试英语及面试技巧27-28成语及俚语学习常用的成语及俚语29-30电影及剧集学习一些英语电影及剧集31-32英语歌曲听听英语歌曲、学唱英语歌曲及翻译歌词33-34爱情及婚姻爱情及婚姻话题及练习对话35-36国际关系及政治国际关系及政治话题及练习对话37-38科技及互联网科技及互联网话题及练习对话39-总结回顾课程总结回顾40三、教学策略与方法•采用任务型教学方法,设置各种与日常生活相关的情景任务,通过任务完成来促进学生语言交际和运用能力的提高;•引导学生自主学习,轻松愉快地学习英语;•利用多媒体教学,让学生在观看图片、听音频、看视频等互动式的学习中感受语言的魅力;•提供丰富多样的练习,如听力、口语、阅读、写作、词汇练习等,以加强学生的综合语言能力。

[分析】主体句型:my mother anted her children to see themselves much like。
Explanation o
i th paragraph 5
【原文】That as the year the gardeing
Explanation o
the second paragraph 2
【原文】But I never stopped imagining ho the giver might be
[分析】But I never stopped doing句型。ho the giver might be为imagining的宾语从 句。
【分析】整句为I stopped doing and just delighted in,是and并列句。the beauty and heady smell o—亦为and并列短语。
eg To my teacher I dedicate this dictionary in token o
ection and gratitude
eg I tried in vain to get Sue to come ith us
contribute to
eg Your hard ork contributes greatly to your success today
eg I hit the purchase button
新编大学实用英语教程第二册教案unit 2

散发,流露;从中心散开 吸引,引诱 磁铁,磁石;有吸引力的人(事物) 情况,情形(一般用复数 circumstances)
Cheer up! Don’t give up!
自信 获得信心 相信你自己 重获信心 增强某人信心 振作起来! 别放弃!
Asking students to share their experiences
Teaching Plan 2
序号 周次 Unit 2
班级 日期
chance to travel.
4. circumstance
n. 情况,情形(一般用复数 circumstances)
e.g. The rules can only be waived in 这些规定只有在特殊情况下方可撤回。
UNIT 2 Teaching Plan 1
序号 周次
班级 日期
教师 主任签字
Unit 2
Teaching Objectives:
Confidence Reviewing , Listening and Speaking practices 1. Checking the words and expressions in unit 1 of text A.
Step XI. (5mins)

Five different situations:talk with your partnerabout your imagined experience as a salesmanetc.
以Passage I为例进行朗读能力的训练
2. 自选及抽选代表朗读课文
以Passage I为例进行朗读能力的训练通过小组竞赛的方式评选出最快的小组
3.job experience

《新编实⽤英语》教案第⼆册Unit-10Unit Ten Managers and CEOSI. Objectives:By the end of this unit, the students should be able to:1. Read and understand some schedule, especially meetingschedule2. Read some dialogues and learn how to arrange a program3. Learn how to write conference schedule4. Useful words, expressions and language pointsII. IntroductionLead-in(导⼊): First, the students are asked to discuss the topic — management and schedule. Then their opinions are written down on the blackboard. Finally, the introductory remarks will be made by the teacher as follows:Everybody dreams of being a manager or CEO of a big company because it often represents great success. If your dream comes true one day, would you know how to arrange your business work well, how to writea work schedule, how to chair a business meeting, how to manage yourpeople and so on? These are the basic qualities of a good manager.In this unit you'll learn something about how to communicate like a successful manager.A schedule is used to plan a conference or an intended event. Witha well-prepared schedule, we can do things better and save sometimes.In this unit, we will learn some knowledge about management and schedule.III. Teaching Procedures:Section I. Talking Face to FaceStep 1 Read and translates some samples of schedule Sample 1Sample 2Step 2 Read some dialogues and try to learn how to arrange a program1. SamplesSample 1 Dialogue 1 Have You Finished the Schedule?Manager:Have you finished the schedule for the celebrations, Janet?Secretary:Yes. I’ve just finished it. Do you want to read it now?Manager: Right. (Janet shows the schedule to the manager.)Manager: Let me see. On Wednesday, September 17th, the SupremeHotel .An introduction by Susan Williams, Janet, I am afraid Toby can comeback for the opening address. He phoned me this morning. Secretary: Oh, I see. Who do you think can take the place? Manager: You may arrange for Sally, Sally Turner, to deliver the speech.Secretary: All right. Any other opinions?Manager:Well, about the buffet supper, we’d better make it sumptuous (豪华的).Secretary: Thanks.Sample 2 Dialogue 2Secretary: Good morning. What can I do for you?Reporter: I am a reporter from the TV station. I have an appointment with Mr. Anderson at 10:30.Secretary: OK. Please have a seat. He’ll be with you in a minute. Mr. Anderson: Hello, Mr. Ronald. Pleased to meet you. What would you like to know?Reporter: First of all, I would like to ask you some questions about how you manage your people.Anderson: OK, please.Reporter: Do you hold regular meetings with your employees? Anderson: Yes, I do. Once a week on Wednesdays from 8:00 to 10:00. That’s why I couldn’t me et you then.Reporter: What do you do at those meetings?Anderson: I listen while my people review and analyze what they accomplished last week, the problems they had, and what still needs to be accomplished.Reporter: What else after that?Anderson: Then we develop plans and strategies for the next week. Reporter: Are the decisions made at the meetings binding on both you and your people?Anderson: Of course, they are.Reporter: Then you are a participative manager, aren’t you? Anderson: No. I don’t believe in participating in any of my people decision-making.2. Tasks after class(1) Interview a manager of a company about his management of humanresources.(2) Talk about looking for a secretary for your manager’s office.(3) Offer your help in preparing for a conference.(4) Inform one of your colleagues of a meeting to be held at 8:30 a.mStep 3 Useful expressions and sentence patterns1. expressionsshow something to somebodytake the placedeliver the speechhad better do itmake it goodbear something in minddo a good jobhave an appointment with somebodypleased to meet somebodyask somebody about somethingneed to be accomplishedbelieve in participatingdecision making2. SentencesCould I ask you a question about your new project?What would you like to know?I would like to ask how you became a “rags-to-riches” CEO.I wonder how you manage the company?Could you tell me something about the management of your staff? Do you have regular meetings to discuss business? What do you do at the meetings?Have you finished the schedule for the celebration?Have you made a draft of the agenda for the conference?When shall we have the board meeting?Is everyone required to attend the meeting?Who do you think could fill the position of the chief engineer?Who do you think can take the place of the general manager?Have you got everything ready for the conference?What’s the n ext item to discuss?Why can’t Mr. Hopkins attend the meeting?How do you feel about the proposal?What are your views on this plan?Don’t you agree with what Mr. Fisher said just now?What else do you think we should discuss now?Step 4 Practices1. Imagine you are a company secretary. You are informing a member of the board, Mr. Brown, to attend an important conference. Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese version provided.Y: Mr. Brown, __________(1)______________ (你收到通知) that we are going to hold a board meeting on Wednesday, November 28th?B: No, not yet. Where are we going to have it?Y: _______________(2)_______________. (下午2:30在董事会办公室。
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通过本课程的学习,学生应该达到下列要求:1.词汇A 级:认知3 400个英语单词(包括入学时要求掌握的1600个词)以及由这些词构成的常用词组,对其中2000个左右的单词能正确拼写,英汉互译。
4、教学重点、难点词汇,语法,听力,写作,翻译5、教学方法与手段讲解法,练习法,演示法,阅读法,实验法6、教材及主要参考书[1]新编实用英语综合教程(教师用书).教材编写组.北京:高等教育出版社.2016年1月7、其它正文部分Unit One Invitation Etiquette一、教学要求1. What Students Should Know Abouta. Invitation culture: Western and Chineseb. Word order in a subordinate2. What Students Should Learn to Doa. Making an oral invitation:Inviting people to join in daily activitiesInviting people to formal occasionsb. Making a written invitation:Writing an invitation card or a letter for personal invitation /official invitationsc. Giving a reply to an oral invitation /a written invitation二、教学内容Section I Talking Face to Face: Students practice inviting people to join daily activities and formal occasions.1.Imitating Mini-talks2.Acting Out the Tasks3.Studying Invitation Cards and Letters4.Following Sample Dialogues5.Putting Language to UseSection II Being All Ears: Students have practiced making and accepting invitations in English. Now try to learn more from what they will hear in this section.1.Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication2.Handling a Dialogue3.Understanding a Short Speech/TalkSection IIITrying Your Hand: Students are asked to read the samplesof invitation letter and learn to write their own.Section IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye: Students are required to decode and understand the general idea of the passage under the guidance of the teacher.Passage 1 Business Invitation三、重点、难点及教学手段重点:1) Words and Expressions: mistaken, identity, mystery, holiday, office,party, investigation, regret only, crime, R.S.V. P.,acceptable, occasion, remind, guideline, seminar,executive, reception, cocktail, commonly, off-white,uphold, image, preprinted, notation, given, likely, showup, embarrassing2) Structures: a. not…untilb. In advancec. As long asd. hear...frome. it is… who/that…f. never...unlessg. Turn out to be3) Grammar rules: Word Order in a Subordinate Clause难点:Putting the words and expressions and structures to correct use.Grammar rules: Word Order in a Subordinate Clause教学手段精讲多练,以练为主;侧重听说写,兼顾读译。
四、思考与练习五、本章学时数8学时Unit Two Communication by Emails一、教学要求1.What Students Should Know About:a.Surfing online for information and shoppingb. Good and bad of chatting onlinec. Noun Clauses2.What Students Should Learn to Doa.Chatting on lineb. Using abbreviations and slang in communicating onlinec. Writing an email二、教学内容Section ITalking Face to Face : chat online1.Imitating Mini-talks2.Acting Out the Tasks3.Studying Emails Information on the Internet4.Following Sample Dialogues5.Putting Language to UseSection II Being All Ears: Students have learned to used the terms or sentences patterns used for talking on line. Now try to learn more from what they will hear in this section.1.Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication2.Handling a Dialogue3.Understanding a Short Speech/TalkSection IIITrying Your Hand: Students are asked to read the samplesof email and learn to write their own.Section IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye: Students are required to decode and understand the general idea of the passage under the guidance of the teacher.Passage 1 Email, a Blessing and Annoyance三、重点、难点及教学手段重点:1) Words and Expressions: blessing, immediate, plain, interactive, chit-chat, omit, annoyance, assume, schedule, participate, design, convenience, feature, combat, notification, assure, previous, smilies,facial, cue, symbol, wink, sarcasm, devilish, grin, shock, perplexed, frown, displeasure, wry, leer, scream, yell, typically, statement2)Structures:a. Get used tob. Refer back toc. Either wayd. Assume thate. The chance thatf. Have no way tog. All it can do is3) Grammar rules: Noun Clauses难点:Putting the words and expressions and structures to correct use. Grammar rules: Noun Clauses教学手段精讲多练,以练为主;侧重听说写,兼顾读译。