绩效考核标准Performance assessment standard序号S/N 项目ITEM内容CONTENT权重weight1 工作态度Workingattitude1,品德端正,遵纪守法,每月无违反公司的各项管理规定和制度(3);Possess virtue, following regulations, no violation of companyregulations within one month(3).2,工作认真负责,积极主动,能吃苦耐劳,服从安排(3);Reliable andactive to work, capable of doing hard job, obedience to workarrangement(3)3,为公司利益不计个人得失,扎根本职工作,锐意进取,为公司员工树立良好形象并起到带头作用(3)Take company interest as first priority,make more progress based on your win duty to set an good example toother staff in company(3).4,热爱公司,维护公司形象,认同公司企业文化,爱岗敬业,乐于助人,与同事相处融洽,有团队精神和集体荣誉感(3);Trust company frominside your heart, protect company culture and image, be loyal tocompany, possess sense of team spirit and collective honor(3).5,良好的个人形象和素养(3)suitable personnel appearance andcadibre(3),个人(工序)岗位7S工作做得好(10)do well atimplementation of 7S working standard(10);6,每月内无任何被投诉记录(经查实的);受到领导、员工或雇主普遍好评的(3)No compliance received within one month, get high praisefrom boss, master and other working staff(3).28%2工作能力Workingcapability8,生产的重点就是平衡产量和质量,不能要求产量忽视了质量,也不能因质量忽视了产量,达到并超过专业技能或业务水平优秀,完全胜任本职工作,把质量放到首位;The most important point of production is tokeep balance between product quality and quantity.(考核办法:按返工、修复频次和数量核算,找不到责任人,班组长承担所有罚款,每个罚款₦10,再每个扣1分,扣完为止,如果已外发客户因质量问题退回返工,每个罚款₦20 Assessment rules: for each unqualifiedproduct, the person who is responsible will be fined 10 NAIRAS andlose 1 point, until all available points are gone. For eachunqualified product which is detected by customer, the fine wouldbe 20 NAIRAS. Squad leader will be responsible for the fine if thedirect responsible cannot be found )20%DISCOVERY INTERNATIONAL FZE拓展国际自贸区公司1,每月统计在案,并适时张榜公布,做到公平公正;Assessment statics record will be made and published every month in order to keep open and fair.2,作为每月绩效评估依据,确定每月绩效津贴(100分,NGN3000元)发放金额;The allowance base for monthly assessment is 100 points and 3000 NAIRAS.3,试行期间只考核工序组长及以上职位的员工。
GPSG oalsÖP erformanceÖS uccessHandbook(This page is intentionally blank.)Table of Contents1. Introduction to Performance Management 4Started 62. Getting3. Job Family Compass Guides and Success Factors 67Self-Appraisal4. TheEvaluation 8 5. The8Setting6. Goal7. Workplace Learning and Performance 118. Diversity 119. Evaluating Employees in Supervisory Roles 1212Improvement10.PerformanceSupporting Performance Improvement13IncreasesAnnualMerit11.MonthFollow-ups 13 Six12.toAvoid 14 Things13.Questions 14 Asked14.FrequentlyIntroduction to Performance Management (PM)The performance appraisal process at Lehigh University is designed to be a formal part of the ongoing two-way conversation between the employee and the supervisor. Appraising employee performance is one of the most important job responsibilities associated with the role of supervision. An effective appraisal requires the supervisor to set performance standards and goals, clearly communicate performance expectations, support employees in accomplishing set goals, and evaluate the impact/outcome of employees’ performance. This is referred to as performance management (PM). The supervisor’s role in performance management and in the performance appraisal process is that of a coach.There are three components of the ongoing performance management process:1.Setting expectations (goals and objectives)2.Ongoing tracking and feedback3.Reviewing results.Setting expectations begins when an employee is hired, transferred, or promoted to another position at Lehigh. All classified staff positions at Lehigh have position descriptions (PDs). Managers and supervisors are responsible for providing new employees with their position description. The provisional period of employment (90 days for most staff positions) is the initial opportunity to set expectations and establish goals and objectives. Beyond the provisional period, goals need to be established annually and reviewed and updated as necessary. Individual goals should align with area and University goals. It is good practice to review goals at the mid-year point in the performance management cycle.Staff members are responsible for tracking progress toward established goals and discussing progress with their supervisor. The supervisor’s role is to provide balanced feedback and coach staff to enhance performance. Performance discussions need to occur on a regular basis. Staff members should track progress throughout the year so that the information can be used for the self-appraisal.Reviewing results is the culmination of the performance management cycle. Performance is formally evaluated based on results and outcomes of the established goals documented in the Goals→Performance→Success(GPS) online tool, and discussed by the staff member and the supervisor. This is also the time new goals are established for the next evaluation period.The performance appraisal is the third phase of performance management – reviewing results. It is also the first phase – setting expectations. It is not only to look back over the past year, but more importantly, to look forward to the coming year, to discuss what needs to be accomplished professionally, and how the employee will contribute to the departmental goals. The supervisor and employee should also discuss and identify workplace learning programs necessary to enhance and expand the employee’s skills in order to ensure the completion of departmental goals and the stem’s strategic plan.About GPSIn 2006, the University launched the Performance Management Project. A steering committee comprised of staff representing most University stems, was appointed and designed a newprocess for evaluating staff performance. The new process is called GPS for Goals→Performance→Success.The GPS process is based on job accountabilities and related goals. Key accountabilities were established in the PDs created a few years ago. Goals and objectives established for employees during last year’s process will be included in the evaluation and linked to the key accountabilities. GPS is a process of shared responsibility between the supervisor and the staff member. The GPS online tool displays a workflow that will help guide staff members and supervisors through the process. Quick guides, user guides and online presentations will be available in addition to hands on GPS training sessions.In addition to key job accountabilities, the following aspects are important in the appraisal process:1.Setting Goals and Objectives: The full implementation of GPS in 2008 is heavilydependent on goals established during last year’s appraisal process. In addition toproviding the framework for next year’s appraisal, setting goals and objectives providesthe opportunity for employees to understand how their individual goals link to thestrategic plan for the department and the stem. Goals and objectives established duringthis performance cycle will be reviewed and evaluated in next year’s performanceprocess.2.Self-appraisals have always been a recommended part of the appraisal process but nowthey become even more important. Employees who complete a self-appraisal demonstrate the fourth Core Success Factor: Take ownership for personal learning and development.(See page 5 for more information on success factors.)3.Workplace Learning and Performance was previously referred to as “training anddevelopment” and identifies the resources that aid employees in meeting their job goalsand stretching their job knowledge.Performance management is an ongoing process, not a one-time discussion. A six-month follow-up to the annual appraisal is encouraged, but it is important to monitor performance and provide timely, specific, and balanced feedback when appropriate.Performance planning gives meaning to what people do and it makes their work more interesting. During the Lehigh All-Staff Employment Rewards (LASER) project launched in 2005, Lehigh staff members affirmed that they wanted interesting and engaging work. One planning tool available to managers and supervisors is the performance appraisal process. Performance planning also ensures that we all work toward the same goal. Employees may not understand how their work contributes to achieving the department and stem goals. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to communicate and act as a catalyst so the employee understands his or her role in achieving the institutional goals.Feedback is an integral part of performance management. As mentioned above, feedback needs to be timely, specific, and given frequently. Therefore the performance appraisal should be a review of feedback given throughout the year. Feedback is a motivational tool. When employees are told specifically how they did a good job, it emphasizes the desired level of performance and motivates employees to achieve that same level in other areas of their work. Feedback can also be a motivational tool for the employee who has not been performing at the expected level. Themanager should discuss the current level of performance, the expected level of performance, and ask the employee to develop a plan for achieving the desired level of performance. Feedback on significant and incremental improvement is equally important to the employee’s growth and professional development.“No news is good news” does not apply to the performance management process. When an individual does not receive a performance appraisal, the communicated message is not a positive one. At the onset of the performance appraisal process, the president, provost, vice presidents, and deans communicate that performance appraisals are mandatory for exempt and nonexempt staff. HR tracks the return of performance appraisals and contacts the immediate supervisor and the appropriate dean or vice president when appraisals are not returned. Surprising as it may seem, most individuals would rather learn if their performance is less than satisfactory and why, than to not receive any appraisal.When a supervisor meets with employees regularly to discuss performance and provide feedback and keeps a record of accomplishments, completing the annual performance appraisal should not be an arduous task.Getting StartedWhere to start can be difficult, but there are a number of ways to prepare to evaluate an employee’s performance over the past year. Supervisors should consider reviewing one or more of the following:•Position description•Job Family Compass Guide (can be found on the Campus Portal or obtained from HR)•Employee’s self-appraisal•Notes from meetings with the employee•Feedback from key people with whom the employee interacts regularly (contact HR for suggestions in doing so)•Last year’s performance appraisal which may contain goals for the current performance cycle.Job Family Compass Guides and Success FactorsThe Compass Initiative paved the way for the Performance Management project with the completion of the Job Family Compass Guides. The Job Family Compass Guides provide several tools to aid managers in the performance management process. Managers can refer to the Compass Guide for information on key accountabilities and knowledge, skills, and abilities for the job. Key accountabilities describe what needs to be accomplished in the position. Each Compass Guide includes the Core and Managerial Success Factors as well as Functional Success Factors developed by and for members of the job family. Core and Managerial Success Factors are listed on page 7. Success factors describe how to perform the key accountabilities of the job. The Staff Development Resource Guide provides information for workplace learning and professional development. Job Family Compass Guides are available on the Campus Portal.Core Success Factors: Managerial Success Factors:1.Support Lehigh’s Mission and Goals2.Embrace and Adapt to Change3.Accountability for Work Achievements4.Take Ownership for Personal Learningand Developmentmunicate Effectively6.Demonstrate Creativity and Innovation 1.Build a Community2.Set a Strategic Vision3.Manage and Facilitate Change4.Coach Staff for Excellent Performance5.Foster a Learning Environmentmunicate to Ensure EffectivenessThe Self-AppraisalSelf-appraisals have always been a recommended part of the appraisal process due to the importance of understanding how the employee views his or her performance. The completion of self-appraisals by all employees was a key goal in the 2007 process and is equally important in the 2008 process and beyond. When employees complete self-appraisals, they demonstrate Core Success Factor #3, which states: Take accountability for work achievements. The self-appraisal can easily be accomplished by asking the employee to complete the “Progress and Outcomes” and “Comments” areas on the GPS online tool. Employees may also rate their performance for each key accountability as part of the self-appraisal. Asking employees to list goals and objectives and workplace learning suggestions for the upcoming year allows them the opportunity to express interest in their career development.It is important that employees know what is expected of them and by when. An early start ensures time for employees to complete a self-appraisal, allows time for employees to digest the appraisal prepared by the supervisor, and also allows time for the employee to respond to the appraisal in the “Performance Summary” section on the GPS online tool before returning the completed form to the supervisor. Schedules will vary by stem. Supervisors should consult their stem leadership. A sample schedule follows.Sample departmental schedule:December 8 Start of performance appraisal process. Supervisor requests all employees complete self-appraisals using the online GPS tool. Supervisor identifies adue date of January 9, 2009.January 9 Date self-appraisals are to be forwarded to the supervisor.January 12 – 23 Supervisor reviews self-appraisals, completes performance appraisals for all staff members, and reviews performance appraisals with next levelsupervisor (if necessary).January 26 – 30 Supervisor schedules performance meeting allowing sufficient time to review all completed sections of the appraisal. (HR recommends 90minutes.) When a supervisor forwards the online appraisal to the“Performance Meeting” step it becomes available for the employee toreview the supervisor’s ratings and comments. Supervisor and employeemeet to discuss the appraisal.February 2 – 6 Employee completes the “Summary Statement” section and finalizes “2009 Performance Goals and Objectives.”The EvaluationThe supervisor’s evaluation of the staff member takes place following the completion of the self-appraisal. Using the workflow established in the GPS online tool, the staff member will forward the self-appraisal to his or her supervisor. The supervisor will select a rating from the drop down menu that best reflects the direct report’s level of performance for each key accountability and related goal(s). Supervisors are encouraged to add comments and enter or edit weights for the key accountabilities and special projects (if applicable). Supervisors are also encouraged to set goals for the next performance cycle and identify workplace learningfor the employee.Goal SettingGoal setting is a very important part of the performance appraisal process and identifies where employees should focus their efforts to effectively meet objectives during the course of the year. This is the first step in completing the performance appraisal. Look at goals and objectives from the prior year and comment on the results. Many of Lehigh’s stems and colleges have prepared strategic plans.The achievement of goals and objectives is important but goals and objectives are a plan and need to be flexible to accommodate change in workplace priorities. In many cases unexpected activities or significant changes affect the employee’s ability to complete the goal. If a goal from the previous year was not completed, document the reasons why. These circumstances can be noted directly on the GPS online tool in the “Progress and Outcomes” area for the related key accountability and associate goal. Notes can also be made in the “Notes” function of the PM form.Use the S.M.A.R.T. goal-setting process to establish goals and objectives. This process helps ensure that both supervisors and staff members share the same understanding and clarity on goals set during the performance management cycle.Differentiating between a goal and an accountability:y An accountability is a statement about normal work output… a clearly defined and established ongoing responsibility or requirement of a job. Accountabilities and associated supporting activities are found on the position description. They describe what the person in that position is responsible for regularly producing or providing. Ask, “What are the normal expected outcomes of the position?”y A goal is a general statement about a desired outcome with one or more specific objectives that define in precise terms what is to be accomplished within a designated time frame. A goal may be performance-related, developmental, a special project, or some combination.Types of performance, developmental, and special project goals:y A performance goal is usually linked to an accountability and could involve problem-solving, innovating, or implementing some type of improvement.y A developmental goal may serve to enhance performance in the current role (greater depth of knowledge/skills) or prepare for a new or future role.y Special projects could include a “stretch” assignment (build experience), be based on the departmental plan, or meet a particular organizational need.Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals:Goals should describe accomplishments, not activities. First,let’s look at what the S.M.A.R.T. acronym means …Specific: Goal objectives should address the … who, what, when, where, and how. Make sure the goal specifies what needs to be done, with a timeframe for completion. Use action verbs … create, design, develop, implement, produce, etc. Example: Resolve accounting discrepancies within 48 hours.Measurable: Goal objectives should include numeric or descriptive measures that define quantity, quality, cost, etc. How will you and your staff member know when the goal has been successfully met? Focus on elements such as observable actions, quantity, quality, cycle time, efficiency, and/or flexibility to measure outcomes, not activities. Example: Secure pledges from ten new donors by the end of each week.Achievable: Goal objectives should be within the staff member’s control and influence; a goal may be a “stretch” but still feasible. Is the goal achievable with the available resources? Is the goal achievable within the timeframe originally outlined? Consider authority or control, influence, resources, and work environment support to meet the goal. Example: Obtain the XYZ professional certification within two years.Relevant: Goals should be instrumental to the mission of the department (and ultimately, the institution). Why is the goal important? How will the goal help the department achieve its objectives? Develop goals that relate to the staff member’s key accountabilities or link with departmental goals that align with the institutional agenda. Example: Develop and implement a diversity recruitment plan that increases the number of diversity candidates by ten percent.Time-bound: Goal objectives should identify a target date for completion and/or frequencies for specific action steps that are important for achieving the goal. How often should the staff member work on this assignment? By when should this goal be accomplished? Incorporatespecific dates, calendar milestones, or timeframes that are relative to the achievement of another result (i.e., dependencies and linkages to other projects). Example: Check the fire alarms and emergency lighting in all buildings every six months.Let’s look at some more examples:For an organization or department…Not SMART “Improve our student service.”SMART “Achieve and maintain an average student service rating of at least 4.0 (out ofa possible 5.0) on our annual survey by 11/20/09.”For an exempt staff member…Not SMART “Create departmental plan.”SMART “Create a 2009 operational plan for the new departmental initiative. Obtain final approval from stem leadership and discuss it with our department soindividuals can begin setting their performance objectives by 1-29-09.”Not SMART “Improve project management skills.”SMART“Take the Project Management Essentials workshop on 10-18-2008, report what was learned to our team by 11-01-2008, and apply the relevant conceptswhile implementing our 2009 marketing plan.”For a nonexempt staff member…Not SMART “Send out welcome letters to our new students.”SMART “Produce and distribute personalized welcome letters, error-free, to all new students in our department by 9-26-09.”Not SMART “Be more receptive to coaching suggestions and feedback.”SMART “At our monthly progress meetings, ask for feedback on what is going well and what things to improve. Keep a notebook with this information, try outthe suggestions, and document each week what worked and what didn’t.”For an exempt or nonexempt staff member…Not SMART “Keep our department’s Website up-to-date.”SMART “Solicit updates and new material for the Website from our department managers on the first Friday of each month; publish this new material by thefollowing Friday. Each time material is published, review the Website formaterial that is out-of-date and delete or archive that material.”Remember the S.M.A.R.T. acronym when establishing goals and objectives. This formula for goal-setting helps ensure that both supervisors and staff members share the same understanding and clarity on goals set during the performance management cycle.Workplace Learning and PerformanceGPS ProcessWorkplace learning is an important tool that enhances professional growth and development for all staff members regardless of position or grade. All supervisors are encouraged to identify one or two training programs related to a goal for each employee or to support requests for job-related training made by employees. The online GPS tool has two sections for workplace learning. The purpose of the first section (year being appraised) is to list any courses, seminars, or workshops attended during the year. The second Workplace Learning section is to identify seminars or workshops for the coming year. Workplace learning activities are generally linked to a key accountability and associated goal.Example from Online GPS Tool: 2009 Workplace Learning Section:Consult the Staff Development Resource section in the respective Job Family Compass Guide and refer to the Individual Development Plan to assist with these areas of the performance appraisal online tool. Training programs offered through Human Resources at Lehigh can be found at /~inhro/PerformanceManagementDirectory.htm.Diversity“Lehigh University actively promotes an inclusive community that values, affirms, and advances the diverse backgrounds, interests, experiences, and aspirations of all its members.” This is a sentence from the Diversity Initiative Mission Statement. Lehigh University is committed to diversity and to building a community that is more reflective of society.Diversity will always be a very important aspect of performance management at Lehigh and is part of our everyday work life. It is applicable to everyone, not just those who supervise. Behaviors demonstrate standards of professional conduct. Desired behaviors in the Lehigh workplace are described in the Core and Managerial Success Factors. “Supporting Lehigh’smission and goals” and “building a community” are success factors supporting diversity. Employees who are thoughtful in what they say and do exhibit an awareness and adherence to Lehigh policies and goals, thereby contributing to an inclusive and productive workplace. How an employee accomplishes key accountabilities and associated goals should be noted on the performance appraisal. This GPS online tool provides “Comments” areas for each key accountability and associated goal(s). The tool also has a “Notes” feature that can be used to document how an employee performs relative to the core, managerial, and/or functional success factors.Evaluating Employees in Supervisory RolesEmployees who supervise other exempt and nonexempt employees need to be evaluated regarding their effectiveness as a manager or supervisor. In the GPS process the supervisory role will be addressed as a key accountability. If an employee supervises other nonexempt or exempt employees, one of his/her key accountabilities should be supervision.The GPS online tool has a “Get Feedback” function. Be advised that feedback received using this function will remain on the performance appraisal tool and printed form. Those who evaluate employees in supervisory roles should seek feedback from the employee’s direct reports. For more information on how to obtain this feedback, contact Human Resources.Performance ImprovementSupporting Performance ImprovementIf an employee’s overall appraisal is rated “needs improvement,” “below most expectations,” or “unsatisfactory,” the supervisor needs to complete the Performance Improvement form. The Performance Improvement form is not part of the GPS online tool. It is a separate paper form and is available at /~inhro/forms.html.In completing the Performance Improvement form, supervisors should also consider the employee’s level of performance in comparison to the previous year. If, for example, an employee had an unsatisfactory rating last year, the supervisor should identify where progress has been made. By doing this the supervisor reinforces significant or complete improvement.If some improvement has occurred, the supervisor still needs to reinforce the improvement and focus on further improvement.If significant progress has not been made, the supervisor should contact HR in order to be prepared to discuss the employee’s lack of improvement and a course of action.An example of the Performance Improvement form is shown on page 13.Example of the Performance Improvement form:Improvement Area Expected Results Time Frame Support ActionsImproved sense of urgency when dealing with walk-in or telephone customers.Walk-in customers areto be assistedimmediately.Telephone calls shouldbe answered by thethird ring.March 2009If you are with another customeror on the telephone, establishimmediate eye contact and say, “Iwill be with you shortly.”If several phones ring at the sametime, ask customers to hold.Request assistance from otherstaff if necessary.Annual Merit IncreasesThe annual staff salary increases are merit-based. Appraisals are to be completed by February 28, 2009 so they can be reviewed by the dean, vice president, or other designate to ensure there is an appropriate relationship between the appraisal and the recommended merit increase. The Board of Trustees approves the budget parameters including the merit increase guidelines at their February board meeting. Recommended merit increases are then sent to the Budget Office for the budget process. The Budget Office will provide the earliest date employees receiving a merit increase may be notified of their new salary. The new salary is effective July 1, 2009 or when the employee returns to Lehigh if working less than 12 months.Six-Month Follow-UpThe timeframe for completion of performance appraisals is October 1, 2008 through February 28, 2009. Performance is an ongoing process, therefore appraising performance also needs to be an ongoing process. Now that you’ve established goals for your employees, check back periodically to see what progress has been made toward the goals. Quarterly checkups are ideal. HR recommends following up to the performance review in July or August. This is an informal review where the supervisor discusses with the employee his or her progress toward the goals. It is also an opportunity to discuss whether goals have changed in priority or whether new goals and priorities have emerged. The online GPS form for 2009 will be available early in 2009 to note progress, comments, or edit/change goals.Things to AvoidHere are some helpful hints in completing the performance appraisal: Pitfall How to addressAn aspect of the employee’s performance is either very good or very poor just before the performance appraisal. The supervisor allows this event to overshadow the year. This is sometimes referred to as “three-week memory” or the “horn/halo effect.” Provide timely feedback to the employee and comment on the event in the appraisal, but be sure to consider all other aspects of the employee’s performance throughout the year.An employee is absent for several weeks and the absence is covered by short-term disability or the Family Medical Leave Act. The supervisor documents in the appraisal that performance could have been better if the employee were not out for such a long period of time.Attendance issues related to the Family Medical Leave Act or short-term disability, such as pregnancy, should not be documented or discussed in the performance appraisal. Contact Human Resources for more information.The supervisor includes information in the performance appraisal that has not been discussed with the employee.The appraisal is intended to review the year but there should not be any surprises for the employee. Also, the appraisal should not be used as a disciplinary tool.Frequently Asked Questions•I have a new employee just completing the provisional period. Should I prepare an appraisal?For employees with a hire date of October 1, 2008 or later it is best to complete the GPS online Provisional Period Report, which will be sent to the supervisor from HR. It will help the employee know what is expected during the year and will help you with the appraisal next year.•Is it a good idea to solicit feedback from others with whom the employee works closely?Within the department? Outside the department?Yes. This is important because there are aspects of performance that you may not be able to observe. This can be done informally through conversations or in writing (email, memo, etc.) or by using the “Notes” feature of the online GPS tool. It can be accomplished formally by using the “Get Feedback” function of the GPS tool. Be advised that comments made using the “Get Feedback” function become a part of the appraisal and printed form. If you want to weigh what others tell you and summarize it in a way that can be useful for the recipient, use an informal method as described above. Include examples of behaviors if known.•If I solicit feedback from others, must I identify who provided the feedback?If it’s good, absolutely! If it’s negative, you may choose to summarize information from several individuals. It is best to try to frame it from your perspective if you have first-hand knowledge or have observed it. There are two sides to every situation and knowing both may。
:: 外企日常工作中常用的英语术语和缩写语 ::办公室职员(Office Clerk)加入公司的整个过程为例,引出在跨国公司(MNC-Multi-National Company) 工作中,日常人们喜欢经常使用的术语(Terminology)和缩写语(Abbreviation)。
[找工作Job Searching]我立志大学毕业后加入一家跨国公司。
我制作了精美的个人简历(Resume, cv)。
我参加了校园招聘(Campus Recruitment)。
我关注报纸招聘广告(Recruiting Ads)。
我也经常浏览招聘网站(Recruiting Website)。
我还参加人才招聘会(Job Fair)。
[参加面试Be invited for Interview] 我选择了几家中意的公司,投出了简历。
终于接到了人力资源部(Human Resources Department)邀请面试的通知。
经过几轮面试(Interview)和笔试(Written Test)我终于接到了XXXX公司的聘用书(Offer Letter)。
这是一家独资/合资企业(Wholly Foreign-Owned Company/Joint-Venture)。
[录用条件Employment Terms] 我隶属XX部门(Department)。
我的工作职责(Job Responsibilities)是XXXX。
我的直接上司(Direct Supervisor)是XXX。
我的起点工资(Starting Salary)是XXXX。
首期劳动合同(Labor Contract/Employment Contract)的期限(Term)是3年。
[第一天上班 First day of join] 我乘坐公司班车(Shuttle Bus/Commuting Bus)来到公司。
绩效考核英文简称CPI一、CPI的定义CPI,全称为Consumer Price Index,即消费者价格指数。
绩效管理绩效:(performanee )绩效是指某一组织或员工在一定时间与条件下完成某一工作任务所表现出来的工作行为和所取得的工作结果,对组织而言,绩效的表现形式主要体现在三个方面:工作效率、工作数量与质量、工作效益。
绩效考核:(Performanee appraisal )绩效考核又叫绩效评估或绩效评价,它通过系统的方法,原理来评定和测量员工在职务上的工作行为和工作效果。
目标管理:(management by objective,MBO)目标管理是以目标为导向,以人为中心,以成果为标准,而使组织和个人取得最佳业绩的现代管理方法。
目标管理法:(Target admi ni strati on)目标管理法是一种管理过程,在这一过程中通过使主管人员和下属共同参与制定双方同意的目标、目的,从而使组织的目的得到确定和满足。
绩效计划:(Performa nee Pla n)绩效计划是被评估者和评估者双方对员工应该实现的工作绩效进行沟通的过程,并将沟通的结果落实为订立正式书面协议即绩效计划和评估表,它是双方在明晰责、权、利的基础上签订的一个内部协议。
绩效目标:(Performanee objeetive/Performanee goal)绩效目标(常被称为目的和责任,英文Aehievement imitates a target )是指给评估者和被评估者提供所需要的评价标准,以便客观地讨论、监督、衡量绩效。
人力资源所写英文词汇 pdca
![人力资源所写英文词汇 pdca](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/dfa53f6a0166f5335a8102d276a20029bd646392.png)
•Strategic Planning(战略规划)
•Goal Setting(目标设定)
•Resource Allocation(资源分配)
•Risk Assessment(风险评估)
•Training and Development(培训和发展)
•Task Execution(任务执行)
•Performance Monitoring(绩效监控)
•Data Analysis(数据分析)
•Compliance Check(合规性检查)
•Audit and Review(审计和复审)
•Continuous Improvement(持续改进)
•Corrective Action(纠正行动)
•Feedback Implementation(反馈实施)
外企日常工作中常用的英语术语和缩写语办公室职员(Office Clerk )加入公司的整个过程为例,引岀在跨国公司(MNC-Multi-National Compa ny)工作中,日常人们喜欢经常使用的术语( Term in ology )和缩写语(Abbreviation )。
[找工作Job Searchi ng]我立志大学毕业后加入一家跨国公司。
我制作了精美的个人简历( Resume, cv)。
我参加了校园招聘(Campus Recruitment )。
我关注报纸招聘广告(Recruiting Ads )。
我也经常浏览招聘网站(Recruiting Website )。
我还参加人才招聘会(Job Fair)。
[参加面试Be in vited for In terview]我选择了几家中意的公司,投岀了简历。
终于接到了人力资源部(Human Resources Departme nt )邀请面试的通知。
经过几轮面试( In terview )和笔试(Writte n Test) 我终于接到了XXXX公司的聘用书(Offer Letter )。
这是一家独资/合资企业(WhollyForeign-Owned Company/Joint-Venture )。
[录用条件Employment Terms]我隶属XX部门(Department )。
我的职位(Position )是XXXX。
我的工作职责(Job Responsibilities )是XXXX。
我的直接上司(Direct Supervisor )是XXX。
我的起点工资(Starting Salary )是XXXX。
我的入职日期(Join-Date )是XXXX。
我的试用期(Probati on )是 3 个月。
首期劳动合同( Labor Co ntract/Employme nt Con tract )的期限(Term )是 3 年。
[第一天上班First day of join]我乘坐公司班车(Shuttle Bus/Commuting Bus )来到公司。
itisourpolicytoprovideeveryemployeetheopportunitytodiscussperformance withhis/hersupervisoratleastonceayear.Theannualappraisalensuresthatopp ortunity.此年度评估是员工和管理人员的直接对话,是双方有效沟通的一部分。
Theannualappraisalisadialoguebetweenemployeesandmanagement.itispart oftheongoingcommunicationprocessbetweenthetwoparties.基本评估原则Basicappraisalprinciples?此评估必须建立在双方相互尊重和聆听基础上,以达成一致。
Theappraisalmustbeconductedinaspiritofmutualrespectandlistening,witha viewtoreachingaconsensus.?此评估的目标是根据事实评定一段时期内员工的表现,而不是根据对员工的印象,看法或个性而做出评定。
Theobjectiveistoassesstheemployee’sperformanceoveragivenperiod,basedonfacts,notonimpressionsoropinions oftheemployee’spersonality.?业绩评估是根据岗位的需求而去评估的,请避免对与绩效评估无关的不同工作或不同业绩进行比较。
Performanceisevaluatedwithrespecttothejob’srequirements.avoidmakingcomparisonswithjobsorperformancelevelsthat arenotrelevanttotheappraisal.评估的目的并非局限于对目前业绩的评估,而且要采用有远见的方法去改进,帮助开发员工的潜力,以及保证业务的增长。
绩效管理绩效: (performance)绩效就是指某一组织或员工在一定时间与条件下完成某一工作任务所表现出来得工作行为与所取得得工作结果,对组织而言,绩效得表现形式主要体现在三个方面:工作效率、工作数量与质量、工作效益。
绩效考核:(Performance appraisal)绩效考核又叫绩效评估或绩效评价,它通过系统得方法,原理来评定与测量员工在职务上得工作行为与工作效果.就就是在工作一端时间或工作完成后,对照工作说明书或绩效标准,采用科学得方法,检查与评定员工对职务所规定得职责与履行程度以及员工个人发展得情况,对员工得工作结果进行评价,并将评定结果反馈给员工得过程.目标管理:(management by objective,MBO)目标管理就是以目标为导向,以人为中心,以成果为标准,而使组织与个人取得最佳业绩得现代管理方法。
目标管理法:(Target administration)目标管理法就是一种管理过程,在这一过程中通过使主管人员与下属共同参与制定双方同意得目标、目得,从而使组织得目得得到确定与满足.绩效计划:(Performance Plan)绩效计划就是被评估者与评估者双方对员工应该实现得工作绩效进行沟通得过程,并将沟通得结果落实为订立正式书面协议即绩效计划与评估表,它就是双方在明晰责、权、利得基础上签订得一个内部协议。
对于各子公司而言,这个步骤即为经营业绩计划过程,而对于员工而言,则为绩效计划过程.绩效目标:(Performance objective/Performance goal)绩效目标(常被称为目得与责任,英文Achievement imitates a target)就是指给评估者与被评估者提供所需要得评价标准,以便客观地讨论、监督、衡量绩效。
绩效考核英文缩写【篇一:绩效考核英文缩写】企业关键绩效指标(kpi:key performance indicator)是通过对组织内部流程的输入端、输出端的关键参数进行设置、取样、计算、分析,衡量流程绩效的一种目标式量化管理指标,是把企业的战略目标分解为可操作的工作目标的工具,是企业绩效管理的基础。
公司战略目标是长期的、指导性的、概括性的,而各职位的关键绩效指标内容丰富,针对职位而设置,着眼... 企业关键绩效指标(kpi:key performance indicator)是通过对组织内部流程的输入端、输出端的关键参数进行设置、取样、计算、分析,衡量流程绩效的一种目标式量化管理指标,是把企业的战略目标分解为可操作的工作目标的工具,是企业绩效管理的基础。
什么是绩效考核绩效考核Performance Assessment绩效考核通常也称为业绩考评或“考绩”,是针对企业中每个职工所承担的工作,应用各种科学的定性和定量的方法,对职工行为的实际效果及其对企业的贡献或价值进行考核和评价。
什么是绩效管绩效管理Performance Management绩效是指对应职位的工作职责所达到的阶段性结果及其过程中可评价的行为表现。
P283、绩效评价:英文performance appraisal,又称绩效考核,或者绩效考评,或者绩效评估。
P33 5、绩效管理:是一个完整的系统,它将员工绩效和组织绩效相融合,将员工绩效管理提升到战略管理层面。
P58 14、任务绩效行为:所规寂的行为或与特定的工作熟练有关的行为,这些行为直接或者间接帮助实现企业目标。
- Targeted action- Organization, priority management - Independence - Commitment - Adaptability- Foucs on customers O i z n- Innovation - Initiative - Continuous improvement- - Building Relationships- Communication - Health, Safety and Environment R s- Leadership - Strategic Thinking绩效评估使用指南PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL GUIDE公司政策规定每位员工都有机会每年至少一次与主管讨论其每年的业绩。
It is our policy to provide every employee the opportunity to discuss performance with his/her supervisor at least once a year. The annual appraisal ensures that opportunity.此年度评估是员工和管理人员的直接对话,是双方有效沟通的一部分。
The annual appraisal is a dialogue between employees and management. It is part of the ongoing communication process between the two parties. 基本评估原则Basic appraisal principles∙此评估必须建立在双方相互尊重和聆听基础上,以达成一致。
The appraisal must be conducted in a spirit of mutual respect and listening, with a view to reaching a consensus.∙此评估的目标是根据事实评定一段时期内员工的表现,而不是根据对员工的印象,看法或个性而做出评定。
企业管理中英文词汇PMBOOKE项目管理师英语词汇篇之O/PObjective 目标Offer 要约,提议,出价Operating 运作操作Operation 运行运作经营作业操作Opportunity 机会Optimistic 乐观的Oral 口头沟通Order of Magnitude 数量级Organization Chart 组织图Organizational Breakdown Structure ("OBS") 组织分解结构Organizational Planning 组织规划Organizational Strategy 组织策略Overall Change Control 整体变更控制全面变更控制综合变更控制Overhead 管理费Owner 业主Parameter 参数Parametric Estimating 参数估算Pareto Diagram 帕累托图Path Convergence 路径趋同Pattern 模式Performance 执行Performance Evaluation 绩效评估Performance Factor 绩效因子Performance Measurement 绩效测量Performance Measurement Baseline ("PMB")绩效测量基准Performance Measurement Techniques ("PMT") 绩效测量技术Performance Reporting 绩效报告Performing Organization 执行机构Period 周期一段时间Periodic Review 定期评审Planned Value 计划价值Planning 规划Population 样本Portfolio 组合Portfolio Management 组合管理Power 权力Precedence 前导任务前置任务紧前任务Precedence Diagram 前导图Precedence Diagramming 前导图Precedence Diagramming Method 前导图法Predecessor 前导活动Predecessor Activity 前导活动Preliminary 预备的,初步的Prescribe 规定Presentation 演讲演示Proactive 积极主动/提前行动Proactive Management 前瞻性管理Probability 概率Probability Assessment 概率评估Probability Distribution 概率分布Problem Solving 问题解决Procedure 程序流程Process 过程进程流程Procurement 采购Procurement Planning 采购规划Procurement/Tender Documents 采购/投标文件Product 产品Product Breakdown Structure ("PBS") 产品分解结构("PBS") Product Description 产品描述Product Life Cycle 产品生命期Profession 职业专业Profit 利润Program 项目群Program Management 项目群管理Progress 进展Progress Measurement 进展测量Progress Report 进展报告Project Calendar 项目日历Project Charter 项目章程Project Closure 项目收尾Project Communications Management 项目沟通管理Project Communications Plan 项目沟通计划Project Context 项目背景Project Cost Management 项目费用管理Project Definition 项目定义Project Initiator 项目启动者Project Integration 项目整合,项目综合Project Life Cycle 项目生命期Project Management Information System 项目管理信息系统Project Management Office ("PMO") 项目管理办公室Project Management Plan 项目管理计划Project Management Process 项目管理过程Project Management Professional ("PMP") 项目管理专业人员Project Management Software 项目管理软件Project Management Team 项目管理团队Project Manager ("PM") 项目经理Project Matrix 项目矩阵Project Milestone 项目里程碑Project Monitoring 项目监测Project Objective 项目目标Project Organization 项目组织Project Performance 项目绩效Project Phase 项目阶段Project Policies 项目方针Project Portfolio 项目组合Project Portfolio Management 项目组合管理Project Processes 项目过程Project Procurement Management 项目采购管理Project Quality Management 项目质量管理Project Risk 项目风险Project Risk Management 项目风险管理Project Schedule 项目进度Project Scope 项目范围Project Scope Management 项目范围管理Project Sponsor 项目发起人项目赞助者Project Stakeholder 项目干系人Project Team 项目团队Project Team Member 项目团队成员Project Time Management 项目时间管理Project/Program Methodology 项目方法论Projectized Organization 项目型组织Proposal 建议书Public 公众Purchase 购买采购Purchase Order 采购订单项目管理英文词汇ABC Activity Based Costing 基于活动的成本核算ABM Activity Based Management 基于活动的管理ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed 已完成工作实际成本ADM Arrow Diagram Method 箭线图方法ADP Automated Data Processing 自动化数据处理ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution 替代争议解决方案AF Actual Finish Date 实际完成日期AFE Application for Expenditure 支出申请AFE Authority for Expenditure 开支权ALAP As-Late-As-Possible 尽可能晚AMR Advanced Material Release 材料提前发布AOA Activity on Arc 弧线表示活动双代号网络AOA Activity on Arrow 箭线表示活动双代号网络AON Activity on Node 节点表示活动单代号网络AOQ Average Outgoing Quality 平均出厂质量AOQL Average Outgoing Quality Limit 平均出厂质量限度APMA Area of Project Management Application 项目管理的应用领域APR Acquisition Plan Review 采购计划评审AQL Acceptable Quality Level 可接受质量水平AS Actual Start Date 实际开始日期ASAP As-Soon-As-Possible 尽快ATP Acceptance Test Procedure 验收测试过程AUW Authorized Unpriced Work 批准的未定价工作BAC Budget at Completion 完工预算BAC Baseline at Completion 完成/完工基线BATNA Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement 协议外最佳方案BCM Business Change Manager 商业变更经理BCWP Budgeted Cost of Work Performed 已完工作预算成本BCWS Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled 计划工作的预算成本BEC Elapsed Cost 计划工作的预算成本BOOT Build, Own, Operate, Transfer 建造拥有经营转让BPA Blanket Purchase Agreement 一揽子采购协议BSA Balanced Scorecard Approach 平衡记分卡方法C/SCSC Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria 成本控制系统标准? C/SSR Cost/Schedule Status Report 成本/进度状态报告CA Control Account 控制帐目CAD Computer Aided Drafting/Design 计算机辅助制图/设计CAM Cost Account Manager 成本帐目经理CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 计算机辅助制造CAM Control Account Manager 控制帐目经理CAP Cost Account Plan 成本帐目计划CAP Control Account Plan 控制帐目计划CAR Capital Appropriation Request 资本划拨请求CBD Component-Based Development 基于构件的开发CBS Cost Breakdown Structure 成本分解结构CCB Change Control Board 变更管理委员会CCDR Contractor Cost Data Report 承包商成本数据报告CDR Critical Design Review 关键设计评审CI Configuration Item 配置项CM Configuration Management/Construction Management 配置管理/施工管理CPFFC Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract 成本加固定费用合同CPI Cost Performance Index 成本绩效指数CPI Cost Performance Indicator 成本绩效指数CPIFC Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract 成本加奖励费用合同CPM Critical Path Method 关键路径法CPN Critical Path Network 关键路径网络图CPPC Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract 成本加成本百分比合同CPR Cost Performance Ratio 成本绩效比率CPR Cost Performance Report 成本绩效报告CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理单元CR Change Request 变更请求CSCI Computer Software Configuration Item 计算机软件配置CSF Critical Success Factors 关键的成功因素CTC Contract Target Cost 合同目标成本CTP Contract Target Price 合同目标价格CTR Cost-Time Resource Sheet 成本时间资源表CV Cost Variance 成本偏差CWBS Contract Work Breakdown Structure 合同工作分解结构DBA Database Administrator 数据库管理员DBM Dynamic Baseline Model 动态基线模型DBMS Database Management System 数据库管理系统DCE Distributed Computing Environment 分布式计算环境DCF Discounted Cash Flow 折现现金流DD Data Date 数据日期DID Data Item Description 工作项描述DRD documentation Requirements Description 文档要求说明DU Duration 工期持续时间EAC Estimated Actual at Completion 实际完工估算ECC Estimated Cost to Complete 尚未完成的成本估算ECP Engineering Change Proposal 工程变更建议书EF Early Finish Date 最早完成日期EFC Estimated Final Cost 估算的最终成本EMR Expenditure Management Report 支出管理报告EPS Enterprise Project Structure 企业项目结构ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源规划ERPS Enterprise Resource Planning Systems 企业资源规划系统ES Early Start Date 最早开始日期ESAR Extended Subsequent Applications Review 扩展后续应用评审ETC Estimate To Complete 尚未完成/完工的估算EV Expected value 期望值EVMS Earned value Management System 挣值管理系统FAC Forecast At Completion 完工预测FF Free Float 自由浮动时间FFP Firm Fixed Price Contract 严格固定价格合同FIFO First In, First Out 先进先出FM Functional Manager 职能经理FP Fixed Price Contract 固定价格合同FPPIF Fixed Price Plus Incentive Fee Contract 固定价格加激励酬FTC Forecast to Completion 完工尚需预测FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议G&A General and Administrative Costs 综合行政管理成本G&A General and Administrative 综合行政管理费GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 公认会计原则GERT Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique 图形评审技术GUI Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面企业管理英语词汇ABC Classification ABC分类法Activity-Based Costing 业务量成本法/作业成本法ACRS (Accelerated cost recovery system) 快速成本回收制度Action Message 行为/措施信息AIS (Accounting information system) 会计信息系统Allocation 已分配量Anticipated Delay Report 拖期预报A/P (Accounts Payable) 应付帐款APICS (American Production & Inventory Control Society) 美国生产及库存控制协会AQL (Acceptable quality Level) 可接受质量水平A/R (Accounts Receivable) 应收帐款Automatic Rescheduling 自动重排产Available To Promise (APT) 可签约量Backflush 倒冲法Backlog 未完成订单/未结订单Back Scheduling 倒序排产BE analysis (Break-even analysis) 盈亏临界点分析,保本分析Bill of Material (BOM) 物料清单Business Plan 经营规划B/V (Book value) 帐面价值Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP) 能力需求计划CBA (Cost-benefit analysis) 成本效益分析CEO 首席执行官CFO (Chief Financial Officer) 财务总裁Closed Loop MRP 闭环物料需求计划CPM (Critical path method) 关键路线法CPP accounting (Constant purchasing power accounting) 不变购买力会计 Cumulative Lead Time 累计提前期Cycle Counting 周期盘点Demand 需求Demand Management 需求管理Demonstrated Capacity 实际能力Dependent Demand 非独立需求DFL (Degree of financial leverage) 财务杠杆系数Direct-deduct Inventory Transaction Processing 直接增减库存法Dispatch List 派工单DOL (Degree of operating leverage) 经营杠杆系数ELS (Economic lot size) 经济批量EOQ (Economic order quantity) 经济订货批量FIFO (Fist-in,Fist-out) 先进先出法Firm Planned Order 确认计划订单FISH/LIFO (Fist-in,Still-here) 后进先出法Fixed Order Quantity 固定订货批量法Flow Shop 流水车间Focus Forecasting 集中预测Full Pegging 完全跟踪Generally Accepted Manufacturing Practices 公认生产管理原则Independent Demand 独立需求Inpu/Output Control 投入/产出控制Interplant Demand 厂际需求Inventory Turnover 库存周转次数Item 物料项目Item Record 项目记录Job Shop 加工车间Just-in-time (JIT) 准时制生产Lead Time 提前期前置期,指订单从收到具体明细到货到货仓收到落货纸这一段时间,可以用评估工厂的综合实力。
绩效考核标准(中英⽂)绩效考核标准Performance assessment standard序号S/N 项⽬ITEM内容CONTENT权重weight1 ⼯作态度Workingattitude1,品德端正,遵纪守法,每⽉⽆违反公司的各项管理规定和制度(3);Possess virtue, following regulations, no violation of company regulations within one month(3).2,⼯作认真负责,积极主动,能吃苦耐劳,服从安排(3);Reliable and active to work, capable of doing hard job, obedience to work arrangement(3)3,为公司利益不计个⼈得失,扎根本职⼯作,锐意进取,为公司员⼯树⽴良好形象并起到带头作⽤(3)Take company interest as first priority, make more progress based on your win duty to set an good example to other staff in company(3).4,热爱公司,维护公司形象,认同公司企业⽂化,爱岗敬业,乐于助⼈,与同事相处融洽,有团队精神和集体荣誉感(3);Trust company from inside your heart, protect company culture and image, be loyal to company, possess sense of team spirit and collective honor(3).5,良好的个⼈形象和素养(3)suitable personnel appearance and cadibre(3),个⼈(⼯序)岗位7S⼯作做得好(10)do well at implementation of 7S working standard(10);6,每⽉内⽆任何被投诉记录(经查实的);受到领导、员⼯或雇主普遍好评的(3)No compliance received within one month, get high praise from boss, master and other working staff(3).28%2⼯作能⼒Workingcapability8,⽣产的重点就是平衡产量和质量,不能要求产量忽视了质量,也不能因质量忽视了产量,达到并超过专业技能或业务⽔平优秀,完全胜任本职⼯作,把质量放到⾸位;The most important point of production is tokeep balance between product quality and quantity.(考核办法:按返⼯、修复频次和数量核算,找不到责任⼈,班组长承担所有罚款,每个罚款?10,再每个扣1分,扣完为⽌,如果已外发客户因质量问题退回返⼯,每个罚款?20 Assessment rules: for each unqualifiedproduct, the person who is responsible will be fined 10 NAIRAS andlose 1 point, until all available points are gone. For eachunqualified product which is detected by customer, the fine wouldbe 20 NAIRAS. Squad leader will be responsible for the fine if thedirect responsible cannot be found )20%DISCOVERY INTERNATIONAL FZE拓展国际⾃贸区公司1,每⽉统计在案,并适时张榜公布,做到公平公正;Assessment statics record will be made and published every month in order to keep open and fair.2,作为每⽉绩效评估依据,确定每⽉绩效津贴(100分,NGN3000元)发放⾦额;The allowance base for monthly assessment is 100 points and 3000 NAIRAS.3,试⾏期间只考核⼯序组长及以上职位的员⼯。
回顾工作总结英文简称为Performance Review,具体包括以下内容:
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
尊 重 同 事 及 环 境 /R es pe ct for Pe op le an d En vir on m en t
学习及组织能力 /Learning Organization
注重成效的领导力 Leadership by Results
- 建立良好工作关系 - Building Relationships - 沟通能力 - Communication - 健康,安全和环境 - Health, Safety and Environment - 员工的管理和发展 - Management and Development of People - 领导力 - Leadership - 战略思维 - Strategic Thinking -以收益为导向 -字/日期 Signature & Date
评估者 Appraiser 签字/日期 Signature & Date
评估者上级主管 Appraiser Supervisor 签字/日期 Signature & Date
人力资源 Human Resources 签字/日期 Signature & Date
E 2011 个人发展计划 /Professional Development for 2011
目标或行动/Objective /Activity 完成日期/Due Date
集团内部轮调区域选择/Geographical mobility:
无/None 评注(请列出时间安排, 区域选择及相关的细节等)/ 中国/China 亚洲/Asia 全球/International
(1) 未达到岗位要求 /Unsatisfactory y (2) 需要改进/ Improvement needed (4) 超过标准/ Exceeds Expectation (3) 达标/ Meets Expectations (5)优秀/ Outstanding
主要职责/Key Responsibilities
Comments (time frames, constraints, geographical regions ruled out, specific wishes)
F 面谈纪要,总体评分/ Comments, Overall Rating
面谈纪要(根据需要)/Comments (optional)
C 总结/ Performance Overall Summary
强项/Strengths 需改进项/Areas for Development
D 2010 个人发展回顾 /Professional Development Review for 2010
目标或行动/Objective /Activity 评述/Comments
(1) 未达到岗位要求 /Unsatisfactory
岗位 标准 Critic al for the Job
(4) 超过标准/ Exceeds Expectation
(所有评分均需要/Required for all ratings)
- 行动有目标性 - Targeted action -组织性,工作的优先合理安排 - Organization, priority management - 独立性 - Independence - 承诺及责任感 - Commitment - 适应性 - Adaptability - 以客户 (内部\外部)为中心 - Foucs on customers - 以工作质量为中心 - Focus on quality - 创新力 - Innovation - 主动性 - Initiative - 持续改进 - Continuous improvement - 解决问题的能力 -Problem Solving - 团队合作及参与精神 - Teamwork & Team Player
总体评分 Overall Rating
未达到岗位要求 /Unsatisfactory (1) 需要改进/Improvement Needed (2) 达标 /Meets Expectations (3) 超过标准/Exceeds Expectations (4) 优秀/Outstanding (5)
公司政策规定每位员工都有机会每年至少一次与主管讨论其每年的业绩。此绩效评估表体现了此政策。 It is our policy to provide every employee the opportunity to discuss performance with his/her supervisor at least once a year. The annual appraisal ensures that opportunity. 此年度评估是员工和管理人员的直接对话,是双方有效沟通的一部分。 The annual appraisal is a dialogue between employees and management. It is part of the ongoing communication process between the two parties.
受评者/Employee 年龄/Age 职位/Position 评估者/Appraiser 部门/Dept. 日期/Date
A 行为准则 2010 年个人目标完成情况/Achievement of main individual objectives in 2010
B 行为标准 / Performance Criteria
(2) 需要改进/ Improvement needed (3) 达标/ Meets Expecta (5)优秀/ Outstanding
请选择与该岗位相关的标准进行评分 , 至少选 5 条。对岗位 不适用的标准用“N/A” 来表示. Please select criteria that are relevant for the position and select a minimum of five criteria. Use “N/A” for those that do not apply to the position.