



2019小升初数学试卷及参考答案(1)一、选择题1.下面各组比中,比值相等的一组是()A. :=4:5B. := :C. 3:2.5=6:52.分母是12的最简真分数有()个。

A. 3B. 4C. 6D. 103.下列事件中的百分率可能大于100%的是()A. 栽种120棵树的成活率B. 六(1)班学生数学测试的优秀率C. 小麦的出粉率D. 2018年股票上涨的幅度4.小华双休日想帮妈妈做下面的事情:用洗衣机洗衣服要用20分钟;扫地要用6分钟;擦家具要用10分钟;晾衣服要用5分钟.她经过合理安排,做完这些事至少要花()分钟.A. 21B. 25C. 265.5.99x99=5.99x100-5.99运用了乘法()A. 交换律B. 结合律C. 分配律二、填空题6.与9999999相邻的两个数是________ 和________ 。

7.6÷11= ________ =5÷________ ________ ________=8.把小数化成百分数,只要小数点________,同时在后面添上________;把分数化成百分数,通常先把分数化成________,除不尽时,通常________,再把________化成百分数。



12.把14:3.5化成最简整数比是________,比值是________.13.=________÷50=________%=________ (填小数)。




2019-2020 学年深圳市百合外国语学校第二学期期中考试七年级数学试卷班级:姓名:(考试时间:90 分钟满分:100 分命题人:王雪审题人:瞿伟明) 20** .04.27 一、选择题(每题 3 分,共36 分)1.以下计算正确的选项是()A. ( x3)3=x9B.2x 3- x3= 2C.x 2· x3= x6D.x 6÷ x3= x22.若( x-a)( x+6)的睁开式中不含有x 的一次项,则 a 的值是()A.0B. ﹣ 6C.6D.6 或﹣ 63.以下长度的线段能构成三角形的是()A.3,4,7B.3,3,6C.2,5,8D.6,7,84.以下乘法中,不可以运用平方差公式进行运算的是()A.(x +a)(x - a)B.(b + m)(m-b)C.( ﹣ x- b)(x - b)D.(a + b)( - a- b)5.如图,直线 a∥ b,∠ 1= 60°,∠ 2= 40°,则∠ 3 等于()A.40 °B.60 °C.80 °D.100 °6.如图,以下判断中错误的选项是()A. ∠ A+∠ ADC=180°AB∥ CDB.AD∥ BC ∠3=∠4C.AB∥CD ∠ABC+∠ C= 180°D. ∠1=∠ 2 AD∥ BC7.要丈量河两岸相对两点 A、 B的距离,先在AB的垂线 BF 上取两点 C、 D,使 CD=BC,再定出 BF 的垂线 DE,使 A、C、E 在同一条直线上(以下图),则△ EDC≌△ ABC,所以 ED=AB,所以只须测得 ED的长就是 AB的长,这里△ EDC≌△ ABC的原因是()A. 边角边B. 角边角C. 边边边D. 边边角8. 如图,在△ ABC中,点 D、 E、 F 分别是三条边上的点, EF∥ AC,DF∥ AB,∠ B= 45°,∠ C =60° . 则∠ EFD=()A.80 °B.75 °C.70 °D.65 °9.如图, AB∥ CD,EF 与 AB、 CD分别订交于点E、F,EP⊥ EF,与∠ EFD的均分线 FP订交于点 P,且∠ BEP=50°,则∠ EPF=()度。



【考点】V2:全面调查与抽样调查. 菁优网版权所有
4.(3 分)(2019 秋•龙岗区校级期末)下列各组数中,结果相等的是( )
A.52 与 25
B.﹣22 与(﹣2)2
C.﹣24 与(﹣2)4
D.(﹣1)2 与(﹣1)20
【考点】1E:有理数的乘方. 菁优网版权所有
【分析】根据有理数的乘方的意义逐一计算并判断即可. 【解答】解:A.52=25,25=32,所以 52≠25,故本选项不符合题意; B.﹣22=﹣4,(﹣2)2=4,所以﹣22≠(﹣2)2,故本选项不符合题意; C.﹣24=﹣16,(﹣2)4=16,所以﹣24≠(﹣2)4,故本选项不符合题意; D.(﹣1)2=1,(﹣1)20=1,所以(﹣1)2=(﹣1)20,故本选项符合题意.
度. 14.(3 分)(2019 秋•会宁县期末)方程(a﹣2)x|a|﹣1+3=0 是关于 x 的一元一次方程,则 a

15.(3 分)(2014 秋•福田区期末)a、b、c 三个数在数轴上的位置如图所示,则化简|a﹣b|

16.(3 分)(2019 秋•龙岗区校级期末)若 a+b+c=0 且 a>b>c,则下列几个数中:①a+b;



15.如图,水面高 7 厘米,将容器倒放后,水面高度为多高?(距圆锥顶部)
16.1.64 ,1.64 1 ,1.64 2 ,……,1.64 29 ,求整数部分总和是多少?
17.在 7 点多时,分针落后时针100 度,问现在是 7 点__________分.
18.如图,一张正方形纸片,沿中线对折后再沿长边中点直线切割形,形成1 个大长方形和两个小长方形, 则一个小长方形和一个大长方形周长之比为?
【解析】如图,填满高度为 6 的圆锥需 2cm 高的圆柱型液体,剩下 5cm 圆柱不变,仅倒置.所以高度 为 5 6 11cm
16.1.64 ,1.64 1 ,1.64 2 ,……,1.64 29 ,求整数部分总和是多少?
【解析】1 30 30 1 0.64 0.36 10.8
8 9
8 9
1 12.5
1 10
11 16
4 24
6 11 14
1 7
1 2
2 25
1 10
5 2
75 16
4 25
95 14
7 57
3 2
= 9 52 50 2
=9 40
1 4
5 18
3 5
= 1 18 4.85 1 6.15
8. △ □ 4 A. 1 2
◯ □ 3 □ 1 , △ 比 ◯ 大多少?() 4
B. 1 3
C. 1 4
D. 1 12
【解析】 △ 1 ◯= 3 △ ◯= 1 ,故选 C.



2019-2019学年深圳市百合外国语学校第二学期期中考试七年级数学试卷班级: 姓名:(考试时间:90 分钟 满分:100 分 命题人:王雪 审题人:瞿伟明) 2019.04.27一、选择题(每小题 3 分,共 36分)1.下列计算正确的是( )A.(x 3)3=x 9B.2x 3-x 3=2C.x 2·x 3=x 6D.x 6÷x 3=x 22.若(x -a )(x +6)的展开式中不含有x 的一次项,则a 的值是( )A.0B.﹣6C.6D.6或﹣63.下列长度的线段能组成三角形的是( )A.3,4,7B.3,3,6C.2,5,8D.6,7,84.下列乘法中,不能运用平方差公式进行运算的是( )A.(x +a)(x -a)B.(b +m)(m -b)C.(﹣x -b)(x -b)D.(a +b)(-a -b)5.如图,直线a ∥b ,∠1=60°,∠2=40°,则∠3等于( )A.40°B.60°C.80°D.100°6.如图,下列判断中错误的是( )A.∠A +∠ADC =180°⇒AB ∥CDB.AD ∥BC ⇒∠3=∠4C.AB ∥CD ⇒∠ABC +∠C =180°D.∠1=∠2⇒ AD ∥BC7.要测量河两岸相对两点A 、B 的距离,先在AB 的垂线BF 上取两点C 、D ,使CD =BC ,再定出BF 的垂线DE ,使A 、C 、E 在同一条直线上(如图所示),则△EDC ≌△ABC ,因此ED=AB ,所以只须测得ED 的长就是AB 的长,这里△EDC ≌△ABC 的理由是( )A.边角边B.角边角C.边边边D.边边角8.如图,在△ABC 中,点D 、E 、F 分别是三条边上的点,EF ∥AC ,DF ∥AB ,∠B =45°,∠C =60°.则∠EFD =( )A.80°B.75°C.70°D.65°9.如图,AB ∥CD ,EF 与AB 、CD 分别相交于点E 、F ,EP ⊥EF ,与∠EFD 的平分线FP 相交于点P ,且∠BEP=50°,则∠EPF=( )度。




6.m、n是不为0 的自然数,m+n=3,那么m 、n的最大公约数是n;它们的最小公倍数是m.二、选择题(共10题;共23分)7.李莉有张数相同的5元和1元零用钱若干,你认为她的钱可能是()A. 38元B. 36元C. 28元D. 8元8.把250 克盐溶于1千克水中,盐占盐水重量的()A. 25%B. 125%C. 20%D. 15%9.如下图中的四个正方形的边长均相等,其中阴影部分面积最大的图形是()A. B. C. D.10.墙上有一面镜子,镜子对面的墙上有一个数字式电子钟.如果在镜子里看到该电子钟的时间显示如图所示,那么它的实际时间是()A. 12:51B. 15:21C. 15:51D. 12:2111.如图,用8相同的长方形地砖刚好拼成一个宽为20cm的长方形图案(地砖间的缝隙忽略不计),则每块长方形地砖的面积是()A. 75cm2B. 60cm2C. 40cm2D. 20cm212.如图,己知在正方形网格中,每个小方格的边长都为1,A、B 两点在小正方形的顶点上,点C 也在小正方形的顶点上,且以A、B 、C 为顶点的三角形面积为1个平方单位,则C点的个数为()A. 4个B. 5 个C. 6 个D. 7 个13.一个袋子中装有除了颜色以外都相同的红、白、黑三种球共10个,红球个数的5倍与白球的个数之和为20,任意从袋中摸出一球,可能性最大的是()A. 红球B. 白球C. 黑球D. 三种球一样14.繁分数化简后的整数部分是()A. 9B. 10C. 11D. 1215.百合外国语学校生活区水池有2个进水口,1个出水口,每个进水口进水量与时间的关系如图甲所示.出水口出水量与时间的关系如图乙所示,某天0 点到6 点,该水池的蓄水量与时间的关系如图丙所示.下列推论:①0点到1点,打开两个进水口,关闭出水口;②1点到3点,同时关闭两个进水口和一个出水口;③3点到4点,关闭两个进水口,打开出水口;④5 点到6点,同时打开两个进水口和一个出水口.其中,可能正确的推论是()A. ①③B. ①④C. ②③D. ②④16.四个小朋友站成一排(如图),老师按图中的规则数数,数到2018时对应的小朋友可得到一朵红花,那么得红花的小朋友是()A. 小沈B. 小叶C. 小李D. 小王三、填空题(共7题;共7分)17.水平放置的正方体的六个面分别用“前面、后面、上面、下面、左面、右面”表示.如图,是一个正方体的平面展开图,若图中的“似”表示正方体的前面,“锦”表示右面,“程”表示下面,则“你”在正方体的________面.18.在一副比例尺为1:1000000 的地图上,表示72千米的距离,地图上应画________厘米.19.一个圆柱的高是4分米,沿底面直径剖开可得两个正方形的剖面,这个圆柱的体积是________立方分米.(π 取3.14)20.小军同学这学期前几次测验的平均分是85分,为了能升入百外最近非常努力,这次测验的到100分,将平均分提高到88分,那个这次测验是第________次.21.甲、乙分别从一个周长为196米的长方形围墙的对角顶点按顺时针方向同时出发绕围墙跑(如图),甲每秒跑7 米,乙每秒跑5米,经过________秒钟后,甲第一次看到乙.22.当n无限大时,的值接近于________.(在横线填一个你认为正确的数)23.从A 、B 、C ,3人中选取2个人当代表,可以有A和B ,A和C ,B 和C 三种不同的选法,抽象成数学模型是:从3个元素中选取2个元素的组合,记作,一般地,从m 个元素选取n个元素的组合,记作根据以上分析,从7人中选取4人当代表的不同的选法有=________种.四、解方程(共1题;共10分)24.解方程。



深圳百合外国语学校小升初招生考模拟试题2一、 填空:1.一个小数点向右移动两位,结果比原数增加36.135,原来的小数是(0.365)。






6.如果a +1=b (a, b 都是自然数,且a ≠0), 则a 和b 的最大公约数是(1),最小公倍数是(ab )。


8.妈妈今年C 岁,儿子(C -24)岁,再过b 年后,妈妈与儿子的年龄相差(24)岁。




11. 把一根圆柱形木材对半锯开,(如图,单位:分米)则这半根木材的体积是904.32立方分米;它的表面积是790.4平方分米。


13. 按规律填数 0,2,6,12,20,30,42,56,72。

5 8 1 5 14二、 选择:14. 下面的时间最接近你的年龄的是( )。

A .6000分B .6000时C .600周15. 2004个连续自然数的和是( )。



1 C.
D. x2 x 0
2. 已知 △ ABC△△ DEF,且相似比为 1:2,则 △ ABC 与 △ DEF的面积比为(

A.1 :4
3. 已知反比例函数 y
1 ,下列结论正确的是(
D.2:1 )
A. y 值随着 x 值的增大而减小
B. 图象是双曲线,是中心对称图形
点 O 顺时针方向旋转,使点 A 恰好落在 OB 上的点 A1 处,则点 B 的对应点 B1 的坐标为
16.如图所示,若 △ ABC 内一点 P 满足 △ PAC=△ PBA=△ PCB,则点 P 为△ ABC 的布洛卡点, 三角形的布洛卡点是法国数学家长数学教育家克洛尔于 1816 年首次发现,但他的发现并未被 当时的人们所注意, 1875 年,布洛卡点被一个数学爱好者法国军官布洛卡重新发现,并用他 的名字命名 .问题:已知在等腰直角三角形 DEF 中,△EDF=90°,若点 Q 为△DEF的布洛卡点,
C. 当 x >1 时, 0< y <1
D. 图象可能与坐标轴相交
4. 四边形 ABCD 中, AC 、BD 相交于点 O,能判别这个四边形是正方形的条件是(

C. AD △ BC,△ A=△ C
(1)填空: △OCD=
(2)当 m=3,1< x <3 时,存在点 M 使得 △OPM△△ OCP,求此时点 M 的坐标;
(3)当 m=5 时,矩形 OAMB 与△OPQ的重叠部分的面积能否等 于 4.1? 请说明理由 .



(3) 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 7 中有 4 个可以化为有限小数(

15 4 8 16 25
【解析】 2 0.13 15
1 0.25 4 1 0.125 8 1 0.0625 16 7 0.28 25
(4)直径是过圆心的一条线段( √ )
8 9
8 9
1 12.5
1 10
11 16
4 24
6 11 14
1 7
1 2
2 25
1 10
5 2
75 16
4 25
95 14
7 57
3 2
= 9 52 50 2
=9 40
1 4
5 18
3 5
= 1 18 4.85 1 6.15
【解析】此题中货车与客车速度比为 5∶4 ,可设货车速度为 5x . 客车速度为 4x ,由相遇后可知客车与货车变速后走的路程比为 5∶4 ,列出方程: 5x 15 5
5x 4 解得 x 12 ,即开始时客车速度为 60km / h . S 60 10 600km . 答案: 600km
15.如图,水面高 7 厘米,将容器倒放后,水面高度为多高?(距圆锥顶部)
6. 求阴影部分面积
abcd 点数( m ) 4 7 8 10 边数( n ) 6 9 ① ② 区域数( f ) 3 3 5 6 (1)填出剩下两数; (2)据上表,找出 m ,n 和 f 的关系; (3)有一个图形,有 20 个点,11个区域,求这个图形多少边形?















相关资料:部编版八年级上册第六单元第24 课《诗词五首》之《饮酒(其五)》(陶渊明)、部编版八年级下册第一单元写作之“学习仿写”。

二、数学逻辑推理:甲乙丙3 人中有1 个小偷,只有1 人说实话。


小明看书,第一天看了46 页,第二天看了1/4,第三天比第二天多看了20%,最后35 页没看,请问这本书共有多少页。

第三天看了1/ 4 ×(1+ 20 % )= 3 / 10 ,则第2 天,第3 天一共看了1/ 4 + 3 / 10 = 11 / 20 ,因此,第1 天和第4 天一共看了9/ 20 ,也就是46 + 35 = 8 1(页),因此这本书的总页数为:81 ÷9/ 20 = 180 (页)看图找规律4.A 瓶子的体积是B 瓶子体积的两倍,A、B 瓶子里酒精和水的比例分别是1:1 和4:1,两瓶水兑在一起,求酒精和水的比例。



深圳百合外国语小升初考试数学试题及答案DA外国语小升初考试数学E C8.把一个最简分数的分子扩大到原来的2 倍,分母缩小到原来的1后等于24,这个分数是().一、判断题(每题 2 小分,共10 分)1.()在一个圆形时钟的表面,若现在时间恰好是12 点整,则经过15 分钟后,分针和时针A.710【答案】AB.75C.14102 5D.145第一次成直角.【答案】×2.()有红、黄、蓝三种信号旗各若干面,把任意两面从上到下放在一起表示不同的信号,可以组成15 种信号.【答案】×3. ()25 千米的20%与20 千米的25%相等.【答案】√9.某人只记得友人的电话号码是852309 ⨯⨯,还记得各数字不重复,要拨通友人的电话,这个人最多拨()次.A.8 B.9 C.12 D.7【答案】C10.下列图形中为正方体的平面展开图的是().4.()一杯糖水,糖占糖水的110【答案】×,则糖与水的比为1:10.【答案】CA B C D5.()在7:13 的前项加6,要使比值不变后项也要加6.【答案】×二、选择题(每题 2 小分,共20 分)6.“两件进价一样的商品,一件降价20% 后出售,另一件提价20% 后出售,这两件商品卖出后结果是().A.赚了B.赔了C.不赚不赔D.无法确定【答案】C7.如图,三角形ABC 和三角形DEC 都是等腰直角三角形,阴影部分是正方形,如果三角形ABC的面积是54 平方厘米,那么三角形DEC 的面积是()平方厘米.A.54B.48C.24D.50【答案】B 1.百合外国语的一座教学楼长 150 米,宽90 米,在一张学校平面图上用 30 厘米的线段表示教学楼的长,那么该平面图的比例尺为().A.1:500B.1:300C.3:1500D.3:900【答案】A12.芳芳到文具店买东西后又按原路返回,去时每分钟行b 米,回来时每分钟行a 米,求芳芳来回的平均速度的正确算式是().A.2÷11a b⎛⎫+⎪⎝⎭B.(a +b)÷2C.1÷11a b⎛⎫+⎪⎝⎭D.2÷(a +b)【答案】A深圳百合外国语小升初考试数学试题及答案AD 4 :13. 若双休日,甲商场以“打九折”的措施优惠,乙商场以“满 100 送 10 元购物券”形式促销,妈妈打算花掉 500 元,她在( )商场购物合算一些. A .甲、乙都可以 B .甲 C .乙 D .无法确定【答案】B14. 边长为整数并且最大边长是 5 的三角形共有( ).A .5 个B .7 个C .9 个D .11 个【答案】C20. 一项工程,单独做,甲要 10 天完成,乙要 15 天完成.开始两人一起干,因工作需要,甲中途调走,结果乙一共用了 9 天完成.甲中途调走了 天.【答案】521. 如图,已知小圆的面积均为4π cm 2(π 取 3.14),则图中阴影部分的面积是 cm 2 .【答案】815. 某公司员工分别在 A 、B 、C 三个住宅区,A 区有 30 人,B 区有 15 人,C ,区有 10 人,三个区在一直线上,位置如图所示,公司的接送车打算在此间只设一个停靠点,为要使所有员工步行到停靠点的路程总和最少,那么停靠点的位置应在( )区.四、 解方程(每题 4 分,共 8 分)22.A .A 区B .B 区C .C 区D .一样多【答案】A23. 7x - 2 = 8 - 5x 解:12x = 10x = 5621 三、 填空题(每题 3 小分,共 18 分)16. 一个圆锥高 2 米,底面周长 9.42 分米,它的体积是 立方分米( π = 3.14 ).【答案】47.117. 小惠今年 6 岁,爸爸今年年龄是她的 5 倍, 年后,爸爸年龄是小惠的 3 倍.【答案】618.每次考试满分 100 分,小新 4 次考试平均成绩 90 分,为了使平均成绩尽快达到 95 分。



百外语文小升初考试真题(分值80分,考试时间45分钟)一、文言文(14 分)曹植聪慧曹植年十岁余,诵读《诗》《论》及词赋数十万言,善属文。







本是同根生,_______________________?(5 分)2、用现代汉语翻译下面的句子。

(4 分) 植援笔立成,可观。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 3、根据文章意思解释下列词语(4 分)善_______________________________________________________________________汝_______________________________________________________________________言_______________________________________________________________________异_______________________________________________________________________4、太祖对于曹植写作文采的态度是怎样的呢?用文中的话来说一说。

(3 分)_______________________________________________________________________________ 二、古诗(7 分)所见清袁枚牧童骑黄牛,歌声振林樾。



深圳市外国语学校初中招生理科综合能力评估一、判断题(在答题卡上正确涂【T】,错误涂【F】)1.因为圆周长C=πd,,所以π与d 成反比例。

()2.把甲、乙、丙、丁四人分成两组,每组2 人,则甲、乙分在一组的可能性为16。



()5. 把棱长是20 厘米的正方体木块,分割成棱长是4 厘米的小正方体,可以分割成25 块。

()6.m、n 是不为0 的自然数,m+n=3,那么m, n 的最大公因数是n,它们的最小公倍数是m。

()二、选择题7. 李莉有张数相同的5 元和1 元零用钱若干,你认为她的钱可能是()。

A.38 元B.36 元C.28 元D.8 元8. 把250 克盐溶于1 千克水中,盐占盐水重量的()。



A.12:51B.15:21C.15:51D.12:2111.如图,用8 块相同的长方形地砖刚好拼成一个宽为20cm 的长方图案(地砖间的缝隙忽略不计),则每块长方形地砖的面积是()。

A.75cm²B.60cm²C.40cm²D.20cm²12、如图,已知在正方形网格中,每个小方格都是边长为1 的正方形,A,B 两点在小方格的顶点上,位置如图所示,点C 也在小方格的顶点上,且以A,B,C 为顶点的三角形面积为1,则点C 的个数为()A.3 个B.4 个C.5 个D.6 个13、一个袋子中装有除了颜色以外都相同的红、白、黑三种球共10 个,红球个数的5 倍与白球的个数之和为20。



2019-2020学年深圳百合外国语学校高三英语第一次联考试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AMust-see MusicalsReady to get back to the theater and enjoy some toe-tapping show tunes? Whether you're a Londoner or just visiting the capital for a day, you're sure to find a good night out from our selection of must-see musicals. Book your ticketsin advance to catch the hottest shows!●TINA- The Tina Turner MusicalFrom humble beginnings in Nutbush, Tennessee, to her transformation into global Queen of Rock n' Roll, Tina Turner didn't just break the rules, she rewrote them. This new stage musicalreveals the story of a woman who dared to defy the bounds of her age, gender and race. TINA—The Tina Turner Musical is written by Oliver Award-winning playwright Katori Hall and directed by Phyllida Lloyd.Performance times: Monday 7 pm; From June 3, 2021 until June 26, 2022Venue: Aldwych Theater, 49 Aldwych, London, WC2B 4DF●The Lion KingTaking the famous story of Simba and his ascension to king, the stage show is a one-way ticket to Pride Lands. With fascinating scenery drawing you in, you'll almost feel like you're part of the action as you journey through Simba's world. To bring The Lion King to life, the show's original director, Julie Taymor, combined live performers and creative props. Creating a visual feast that's since redefined how musicals could and should look, The Lion King really is an all singing, all-dancing affair.Performance times: Tuesday—Saturday 7: 30 pm; From June 1, 2021 until April 3, 2022Venue: Lyceuwm Theater, 21 Wellington Street, London WC2E 7RQ●The Prince of EgyptJourney through the wonders of Ancient Egypt as two young men, raised together as brothers in a kingdom of privilege, find themselves suddenly divided by a secret past. One must rule as Pharaoh, but the other must rise up and free histrue people; both face a destiny that will change history forever.With a huge cast and orchestra of almost 60 artists, this “truly phenomenal production” is based on theclassic Dream Works Animation film and features the international best-selling, Academy Award-winning song When You Believe.Performance times: Monday—Saturday 7: 30 pm; From July 1, 2021 until January 8, 2022Venue: Dominion Theater, 268—269 Tottenham Court Rd, Fitzrovia, London W1T 7AQ1. Who is the author of TINA—The Tina Turner Musical?A. Oliver Award.B. Katori Hall.C. Phyllida Lloyd.D. Tina Turner.2. What is special for The Lion King?A. It is written by a famous director.B. It reveals a conflict between two brothers.C. It offers a lifelike feast for eyes.D. It shows the importance of protecting lions.3. If you prefer the songWhen You Believe, which theater should you go to?A. Dominion Theater.B. Lyceuwm Theater.C. Aldwych Theater.D. Egypt Theater.BI started out in life with few advantages. I didn't graduate from high school. I worked at menial (不体面的) jobs. I had limited education, limited skills and a limited future.And then I began asking, "Why are some people more successful than others?" This question changed my life.Over the years, I have read thousands of books and articles on the subjects of success and achievement(成就). It seems that the reasons have been discussed and written about for more than two thousand years, in every possible way. One quality that most philosophers, teachers and experts agree on is the importance of self-discipline (自律). As Al Tomsik summarized it years ago, "Success is tons of discipline."Some years ago, I attended a conference in Washington. It was the lunch break and I was eating at a nearby food fair. The area was crowded and I sat down at the last open table by myself, even though it was a table for four.A few minutes later, an older gentleman and a younger woman who was his assistant came along carrying trays of food, obviously looking for a place to sit. With plenty of room at my table, I immediately invited the older gentleman to join me. He was hesitant (犹豫), but I insisted. Finally, thanking me as he sat down, we began to chat over lunch.It turned out that his name was Kop Kopmeyer. As it happened, I immediately knew who he was. He was a legend in the field of success and achievement. Kop Kopmeyer had written four large books, each of which contained 250 success principles that he had obtained from more than fifty years of research and study. I had read all four books from cover to cover, more than once.After we had chatted for a while, I asked him the question that many people in this situation would ask, "Of all the one thousand success principles that you have discovered, which do you think is the most important?”He smiled at me, as if he had been asked this question many times, and replied, without hesitating, "The most important success principle of all was stated by Thomas Huxley many years ago. He said, 'Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.'"He went on to say, "There are 999 other success principles that I have found in my reading and experience, but without self-discipline, none of them work."4. Why did the writer ask the question in Paragraph 2 ?A. Because he wasn't satisfied with himself.B. Because he was a person of self-discipline.C. Because he dislike those successful people.D. Because he wanted to share his idea on success.5. What made the writer invite the older gentleman to join him ?A. His great kindness.B. The gentleman's fame.C. His eagerness for success.D. The gentleman's habit.6. What are the four large books about ?A. Personal changesB. The secret of successC. Sayings of wisdomD. The gentleman's manners.7. What's the best title for the text ?A. The Magic of ReadingB. An Unexpected ConversationC. A Question that Changed MyLifeD. The Power of Self-disciplineCIf you go into the forest with friends, stay with them. If you don’t, you may get lost. If you get lost, this is what you should do. Sit down and stay where you are. Don’t try to find your friends—let them findyou. You can help them find you by staying in one place. There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you. You can shout or whistle three times. Stop. Then shout or whistle three times again. Any signal given three times is a call for help.Keep up shouting or whistling. Always three times together. When people hear you, they will know that you are not just making a noise for fun. They will let you know that they have heard your signal. They will give you two shouts or two whistles. When a signal is given twice, it is an answer to a call for help.If you don’t think that you will get help before night comes, try to make a little house with branches(树枝). Make yourself a bed with leaves and grass.When you need some water, you have to leave your little branch house to look for it. Don’t just walk away. Pick off small branches and drop them as you walk in order to go back again easily. When you are lost, the most important thing to do is to stay in one place.8. If you get lost in the forest, you should _________.A. try to find your friends in no timeB. stay in one place and give signalsC. walk around the forestD. shout as loudly as possible9. Which signal is a call for help?A. Crying twice.B. Shouting here and there.C. Whistling everywhere in the forest.D. Shouting or whistling three times together.10. When you hear two shouts or two whistles, you know that _________.A. someone needs your helpB. something terrible will happenC. people will come to help youD. someone is afraid of an animal11. What’s the meaning of the last paragraph?A. Use branches to make a bed.B. Drop branches to look for water.C. Pick off branches to build another house.D. Leave branches to help you find your way back.DEmojis are very popular among mobile phone and social media users. While there are emojis of almost every kind imaginable, from dinosaurs to joyful tears and eggplants, there is no emoji for forgiveness. Seeing the need to show understanding, aFinnish group decided it was time for a "forgiveness" emoji.Every year, the Unicode Consortium, which sets the standards, adds new emojis to the emoji keyboard on mobile phones and computers. In 2019, the Forgivemoji campaign was launched. Forgivemoji's site made an open call to the public to give their designs for a new forgiveness emoji, with the goal of presenting the symbol to the Unicode Consortium and getting it accepted by people.Tuomo Pesonen, communications director of the Unicode Consortium, explained why the forgiveness emoji isindispensablein today's world. “In our modern communication culture, emojis are an important way of expressing human feelings beyond words.” The campaign gained popularity, reaching over two million people around the world. They received many designs, including a bandaged heart, two holding hands, and people from different cultures hugging.After hundreds of people offered their ideas for this emoji, the winner was announced in February 2020. Former Finnish president Tarja Halonen was selected to choose the winner as she has been important in building bridges between people. The emoji that will be presented to the Unicode Consortium is an image of two hands giving a thumbs-up symbol in front of a heart. If the Unicode Consortium accepts the design, it will become available to the public in late 2021.The Forgivemoji campaign goes far beyond having a strong influence on social media. The message of showing forgiveness and understanding is helpful for the world at large.12. What's the idea behind the Fogivemoji campaign?A. people develop pleasant habits.B. To get people more friendly to each other.C. To pick a forgiveness emoji for the public to use.D. To make mobile phones and computers more convenient to use.13. What does the underlined word “indispensable” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Necessary.B. Different.C. Changeable.D. Interesting.14. Why was Tarja Halonen selected to choose the winner for the campaign?A. She launched the campaign herself.B. She designed the most popular emoji.C. She was familiar with the emoji history.D. She played an important role in relating people.15. What can be the best title for the text?A. Forgiveness is important for peopleB. Emoji for forgiveness is on the wayC. Emojis are becoming interestingly popularD. Finnish people explore the stories of emojis第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



广东省深圳市百合外国语学校2019-2020学年九年级上学期开学考试试卷一、单项选择题(每题2分,共60分)1.根据生活经验,你认为下列数据符号实际情况的是()A. 八个鸡蛋的重力大约是4NB. 一般洗澡水的温度约为65℃C. 在百外A栋12楼顶的大气压一定是1个标准大气压D. 人正常步行的速度约为2米/秒2.足球比赛中运动员经常踢出“香蕉球”和“直线球”,这两种球的运动轨迹和旋转情况各不相同,根据你的判断,要产生了不同的效果,这主要是由于踢球时所用力的什么不同造成的()A. 大小和方向B. 大小和作用点C. 方向和作用点D. 方向、大小和作用点3.物块在空气中和浸没在水中时,弹簧测力计示数如图所示.下列判断正确的是()A. 物块受到的浮力是1NB. 物块的体积是2×10-4m2C. 物块的密度是3×103kg/m3D. 物块浸没在水中时,所受浮力随深度增加而增大4.如图所示是蹦极运动的简化示意图,弹性绳一端固定在O点,另一端系住运动员,运动员从O点自由下落,到A点处弹性绳自然伸直,B点是运动员受到的重力与弹性绳对运动员拉力相等的点,C点是蹦极运动员到达的最低点(忽略空气阻力),下列说法正确的是()A. 从O点到C点运动员速度一直减小B. 从O点到A点运动员的机械能不变C. 从O点到C点运动员的机械能一直在减小D. 从O点到C点运动员的机械能一直在增大5.物理小组制作的潜水艇模型如图所示.通过胶管A从烧瓶中吸气或向烧瓶中吹气,就可使烧瓶下沉、上浮或悬浮.当烧瓶处于如图所示的悬浮状态时,若从A管吸气,烧瓶将会()A. 上浮,它受到的浮力增大B. 下沉,它受到的浮力减小C. 下沉,它受到的浮力不变D. 上浮,它受到的浮力不变6.在水平地面上,用20N的水平拉力拉重为50N的小车,使小车沿水平方向前进了10m,此过程中的拉力所做的功是()A. 200JB. 500JC. 1000JD. OJ7.如下图所示,某同学用大小为F的水平推力,推着重力为G的木箱m在水平地板上向右做匀速直线运动,当木箱运动的距离为S时,下列关于做功的判断正确的是()A. 木箱受到的重力做功大小为GsB. 木箱受到的地板摩擦力做功大小为FSC. 木箱受到的合力做功大小为FSD. 本箱受到的地板的支持力做功大小为(F+G)S8.我国自行研制的“嫦娥三号”登月探测器(包括着陆器和“玉兔”月球车)成功发射,并在月球成功实施软着陆,假设月球对其表面物体的引力只有地球对地面物体引力的六分之一,则下列说法正确的是()A. 在地球上质量为140 kg的“玉兔”月球车,在月球上只有约23.3 kgB. “嫦娥三号”探测器向地球传递信号既可以用电磁波,也可以用次声波C. 制造“玉兔”月球车的金属在月球上的密度只有地球上的六分之一D. “玉兔”月球车上的相机在地球上重为60 N,在月球上重为10 N9.如图所示,利用弹簧测力计测量一块秒表的重力时,使测力计内弹簧伸长的力是()A. 秒表的重力B. 秒表和测力计的总重力C. 秒表对弹簧的拉力D. 弹簧对秒表的拉力10.一弹簧右端连接一个小球,小球向左运动压缩弹簧后,经历了如图甲、乙所示过程,下列说法错误的是()A. 压缩过程说明力可以改变物体的形状B. 压缩过程中小球受到的弹力方向向右C. 弹开过程小球受到的弹力逐渐变大D. 整个过程说明力可以改变物体的运动方向11.关于惯性的理解和现象解释,以下说法正确的是()A. 利用盘子的惯性将盘中的水泼出去B. 一切物体都有惯性,所以月球上的物体也有惯性C. 汽车紧急刹车时,由于惯性的作用,乘客因而向前倾D. 汽车驾驶员和乘客系上安全带能减少惯性,避免出现安全事故12.燕子归巢时,沿图示虚线方向匀速滑翔。



2019-2020学年深圳百合外国语学校高三英语第二次联考试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIt's time to put your two-wheeler to good use on these fun bike paths — each varying in distance and difficulty. Just choose one fit for you.• Paulinskill Valley TrailCheck out Paulinskill Valley Trail, filled with forests, wetlands, and small townsalong this 25- mile route. While the trail is mostly flat, you can do a quick ride. You're likely to catch sight of beautiful birds, considering more than 100 species find a home in the land near the path. Check out the trail in the fall - prime time for pretty sights.•AlaHele MakalaeOn theislandofKaui, you'll find a bike path with lots of beachy views that'll leave you feeling accomplished yet calm. The name translates to “The Path that Goes By Coast,” and, as you might guess, the seven-mile path hugs the shoreline. Start early enough and you'll witness an incredible sunrise to make it even more amazing,• TheCheaha RouteThis ride covers up to 126 miles, with steep climbs and extreme downhills along the way. So prepare for a thrilling ride - one that’s not necessarily for the inexperienced or those looking for an easy, casual ride. Along the route, you'll pedal through five towns. The journey is worth it, though, because you get some of the most scenic views in the state.• The Whitefish TrailFamous for its countless route options, whether you’re a new biker looking for smooth tracks or you have more experience and want to play around on rocky, more technical land, this bike path brings in lots of visitors. The 43-mile route offers beautiful green scenery. Around every comer, you’ll see a new jaw-dropping landscape, from glassy lakes to green mountains.1. When is the best time to visit Paulinskill Valley Trail?A. In Autumn.B. All year round.C. On early mornings.D. On sunny days.2. Which route is not fit for someone new to cycling?A. The Whitefish Trail.B. Ala Hele Makalae.C. Paulinskill Valley Trail.D. TheCheaha Route.3. What's the common feature of the four routes?A. They are full of challenges.B. Various route options are offered.C. They have beautiful scenery.D. Different species can be found there.BAccording to a survey, the wasteof food on the dining table occupies 10% of the total grain output.Last week, Meituan, a giant online food ordering platform, co-published a proposal with a number of business organizations, calling on restaurants to stop food waste and help develop new eating habits for customers. Following the proposal, merchants are asked to offer guidance for consumers, including reminding them during the ordering process about the taste of the ingredients, portion sizes and other information about the dishes, to helpthem avoid excessive ordering and food waste.Catering(餐饮)associations in more than 18 provinces have also joined the campaign to remove food waste. The Wuhan Catering Association proposed an “NT" ordering code for restaurants in which a group of 10 diners would only order enough for nine people. More food is only brought to the table if required. On Friday, the China Cuisine Association announced that it had teamed up with Ele. me, the Alibaba Group Holding-owned food delivery platform, to launch a "half-dish plan," encouraging restaurants to provide customers with the option to order smaller portions.Tang Zhisong, a professor at Southwest University Education School, said "Evaluating how much you can eat, how much you should buy and how to deal with the leftover is a way for young people to improve their self-management. It's also a means to teach them sharing food, caring about others, and more importantly, developing a mindset of suitability. "4. What's the purpose of the proposal mentioned in the passage?A. To change customers' attitude toward life.B. To promote a new policy on food delivery.C. To spread the idea of healthy eating.D. To encourage restaurants to reduce food waste.5. What does the underlined word “excessive" in Paragraph 2 prolably mean?A. More than enough.B. Less than required.C. Better than ever.D. Worse than before.6. Paragraph 3 is mainly developed by.A. offering analysesB. presenting a surveyC. giving examplesD. making comparisons7. What do Tang's words suggest?A. Sharing food is caring about others.B. Young people should have self-discipline.C. Reducing food waste has all-round benefits.D Saving food contributes to a sustainable society.CIt is essential that students have a category of school-related activities they can participate in. These activities can range from activities during normal school hours to after-school activities. No matter the time, these activities should be available to every student, and at Victory Pioneers International Schools (V.P.I.S) it is encouraged that every student participate in at least one activity, educational and recreational.One of the primary reasons school activities are important at V.P.I.S. is because it gives students the exercise they might not normally receive. Most popularly, these types of activities include major sports such as football, basketball, baseball, tennis, track and field and soccer but also might include gymnasium games and other games.Activities during V.P.I.S. also make a good impression on colleges if students are planning to pursue more education. Colleges look for students who do not just go to school and go home after school. These activities range from participating in clubs and sports to volunteering after school at a recreation center or having a part-time job. If a college sees you maintained good grades while participating in these activities, it will be impressed.V.P.I.S. activities also allow students to be creative. Gifted-and-talented activities allow gifted students to participate in what they otherwise would never have experienced in the classroom. They are a great way to allow students to be creative. Additionally, participating in clubs such as drama that appeal to students’ interest also allows them to expand their knowledge and be creative.Students also can have their interests expanded by participating in activities. These activities could consist of anything, such as joining the Future Business Leaders, the school’s debate team and the chess team, to name a few. By participating in these activities, a student might realize he is interested in something he never knew he was interested in before.8. What can we learn about activities at V.P.I.S.?A. Not every student has access to them.B. Students are required to take part in them after school.C. They give students exercise that might not be got in other schools.D. Educational activities are more popular with the students.9. What benefits can the students get from the activities?A. They can get extra grades when applying for colleges.B. They will become more gifted and talented .C. They may expand their knowledge in drama.D. They may better know their own interests.10. Which of the following is a suitable title for the passage?A. The Benefits of V.P.I.S. ActivitiesB. School-related Activities at V.P.I.S.C. Colleges Need Creative StudentsD. Activities Make You Creative11. Where is the passage probably from?A. A scientific magazine.B. A college application guideline.C. A club introduction.D. The website of V.P.I.S.DScientists have recently discovered thatAndean condors (秀鹫)— some of the world’s largest birds——barely flap their wings at all while flying. Instead, they use rising air currents to remain in the air for hours.The Andean condor is the world’s largest soaring bird. They can weigh up to 15 kilograms. Their wings, when spread out, measure up to three meters. Their main food source is the meat of large animals which have died. Soaring high in the sky allows condors to easily spot possible meals on the ground.Scientists worked together to study the flight patterns of these huge birds and how much effort the birds use when flying. To study the birds while they were in the sky, the researchers attached special devices which could record every beat of their wings.The scientists learned that most of the condors’ flapping— over 75%— came when the birds were taking off. Once in the sky, the birds flew for very long periods of time without flapping at all. In fact, they only flapped their wings for 1% of the time they were in the air. One bird flew for over five hours without flapping, covering nearly 117miles.Soaring without flapping is important because birds bum energy every time they flap their wings.The birds’ soaring isn’t magic. They use the fact that hot air rises to keep themselves up. As hot air rises, itoften creates “thermals”— currents of warm air moving upward. The condors soar by making use of these thermals. The tricky part is finding thermals and moving between them.When birds are forced to land and take off again often, it costs them a lot of energy. The researchers learned that to avoid having to land, the condors did most of their non-take-off flapping when they were closer to the ground and looking for a new thermal.The scientists reported that even though all of the condors they studied were young, they knew well how to take advantage of the air currents.12. What can we learn about the Andean condor from the text?A. They live mairly on small animals.B. Their wingspan is at least three meters.C. They rely on hot air to remain high in the sky.D. They are the birds with the strongest flying ability.13. Why was the equipment tied to the birds?A. To measure how far they could fly without flapping.B. To keep track of how often they flapped while flying.C. To calculate the energy required for their flight.D. To confirm their flight patterns.14. Which of the following acts consumes the most energy for a condor?A. Hunting for food.B. Flying in the sky.C. Getting off the ground.D. Landing on the ground.15. What can we infer from the text?A. Condors flap the most when looking for a new thermal.B. No condor can fly for more than five hours without flapping.C. Condors don’t need to look for thermals when soaring in the sky.D. Soaring by using thermals is probably a natural ability of condors.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

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相关资料:部编版八年级上册第六单元第24 课《诗词五首》之《饮酒(其五)》(陶渊明)、部编版八年级下册第一单元写作之“学习仿写”。

二、数学逻辑推理:甲乙丙3 人中有1 个小偷,只有1 人说实话。


小明看书,第一天看了46 页,第二天看了1/4,第三天比第二天多看了20%,最后35 页没看,请问这本书共有多少页。

第三天看了1/ 4 ×(1+ 20 % )= 3 / 10 ,则第2 天,第3 天一共看了1/ 4 + 3 / 10 = 11 / 20 ,因此,第1 天和第4 天一共看了9/ 20 ,也就是46 + 35 = 8 1(页),因此这本书的总页数为:81 ÷9/ 20 = 180 (页)看图找规律4.A 瓶子的体积是B 瓶子体积的两倍,A、B 瓶子里酒精和水的比例分别是1:1 和4:1,两瓶水兑在一起,求酒精和水的比例。

假设B 瓶子里的水为a,则 B 瓶子里的酒精为4a,A 瓶子里的水和酒精都是5a ,因此,兑在一起之后,酒精和水的比例为(4a+ 5 a ):(a+ 5 a )= 9 : 6 = 3 : 2某商品成本为1000 元,按定价80%出售,仍可获利20%,原价多少?假设定价a 元,80 % a= (1+ 20 % )×1000 ,解得a= 1500 ,即原价为1500 元开始甲乙钱数比为3:2,甲给乙18 元后,甲乙钱数比变为3:4,问原来甲乙各有多少钱?假设开始时,甲乙钱分别为3a 和2a ,则有(3a- 18 )×4=(2a+ 18 )× 3 ,可得a= 21 ,则原来甲有63 元,乙有42 元。

7. A B C 分别是工程师、教师、医生,已知:A 比教师大,C 比医生小,医生比B 小,问谁是工程师。

由题目可知,A 不是甲,C 不是医生,B 不是医生,则可以知道A 是医生,则医生比教师大,又因为医生比B 小,则 B 不是教师,B 为工程师,C 为教师。

三、英语给文章片段猜出处诗歌翻译Sunlight streaming on Incense Stone kindles a violet smoke Far off I watch the waterfall plunge to the long riverFlying waters descending straight three thousand feetTill I think the Milky Way has tumbled from the ninth height of Heaven答案:《望庐山瀑布》押韵诗歌填词:Faster, higher, up the mountain_____辩论--参加夏令营,是选择学习型还是实践型好?单科发展好还是全科发展好?正方观点:Be in favor of learning-orientedA、Knowledge from books form a very important part of knowledge structure.We learn knowledge from books in order to make contributions to our society in the future.A student learns mathematic equations(数学公式) and other scientific knowledge and become a scientist and engineer.B、Learning knowledge is fundamental to us.Only on the basis of book knowledge can we learn further.反方观点:Be in favor of practice-basedA、”Experience is the best teacher.”B 、Without knowledge from experience,it is impossible to get a real understanding of knowledge from books and how to apply this knowledge to real world situation.C、Practice is the only way of testing truth,try is the only basis for practice.谚语翻译(卑鄙小人, yellow)二一、数学1.几何计数求有多少个平行四边形?由2 块组成的平行四边形:12 个由4 块组成的平行四边形:12 个由8 块组成的平行四边形:3 个则一共有:12 + 12 + 3 = 27 (个)求有多少个平行四边形?由2 块组成的平行四边形:10 + 10 + 6 = 26 个由4 块组成的平行四边形:8+ 8 + 8 = 24 个由6 块组成的平行四边形:6+ 6 = 12 个由8 块组成的平行四边形:4+ 4 + 6 = 14 个由10 块组成的平行四边形:2+ 2 = 4 个由12 块组成的平行四边形:2+ 2 = 4 个由16 块组成的平行四边形:1+ 1 = 2 个则一共有:26 + 24 + 12 + 14 + 4 + 4 + 2 = 86 (个)求有多少个长方形?(不包括正方形)横向数线段:3+ 2 + 1 = 6 (条)竖向数线段:3+ 2 + 1 = 6 (条)则一共有长方形(含正方形)有6×6= 36 (个)正方形有9+ 4 + 1 = 14 (个)则长方形(不含正方形)有36 - 14 = 22 (个)求有多少个正方形?1×1: 16个,2×2:8 个,3×3:2 个一共有16 + 8 + 2 = 26 (个)2.等高模型如图所示,BE:ED:DC=1:2:3,O 为AE 的中点,三角形ABC 的面积为192,求阴影部分面积?设△ODE= a ,则△ADE= 2 a ,△ABD= 3 a ,△ABC= 6 a= 192得a= 32 ,即阴影部分面积为32 3.行程工程问题一项工程,甲单独完成需要40 天,甲先做10 天后,甲、乙一起做,乙中途休息了几天,4.5 天做完,乙休息了多少天?二、英语Part 1 观看名著英文片段,要求说出名著书名《格列佛游记》Gulliver' s Travels《八十天环游地球》Around the World In 80 Days答案:b.《八十天环游地球》Around the World In 80 DaysPart 2 辩论“考试是鼓励还是压力?”分正反方,每方各三组(ABC 组一方,DEF 组一方)环节共10min 左右,每方只有四次发言机会。



如果是英语语言功底较好的孩子,平时有丰富的演讲经验,可以使用appeal to emotion 的技巧,先讲一个吸引人的故事(不用太长,但是要能激发共鸣),再马上提出自己的论点。


参考示例:黑色部分可套用,蓝色部分替换开头:Good morning/afternoon, dear judges and speaker. Our team firmly believes that test score can have a positive effect to our study.反驳(第一位发言者不需要):In the former speaker’s speech, they argue that test scores will lead to mental disease. However, it is wrong because…立论:I am going to discuss two pointsMy first point is test scores can give students encouragement and self-confidence.This is because if students study hard in their daily life, their effort will be reflect by their test scores. If not, test scores can give a warn to students and promote them to do better.My second point is test scores is the best way to know our study effect.The reason for this point is because there are so many students in the classroom, it is difficult for teachers to evaluate each students. Therefore, test is the most effective way to help us to findout our strengths and weakness.结尾:In conclusion, we believe test score can have a positive effect to our study.正方观点(可参考):Test scores can give students encouragement and self-confidence if students study hard in their daily lifeThere is a saying, that is, no pressure no power.Test scores can give a warn to students and promote them to do better.The exam is not only a test, but also an exercise. Examination can help student toset up a good state of mind so that they can tackle challenges in real life.For those students who enjoy studying,to prepare for the exam is very exciting and the preparation itself is areward and encouragement. When you find that your hard work is finally paid off by the good grades,you will feel happy.Taking the examination helps me to review what I have learned and promoted a deeper understanding of the study content which is beneficial to the development ofthe students and thus it is an encouragement.If there is no exam,students will not find their effects, it is bad for them to find out the weak points in theirstudy.反方观点(可参考):For some students, too many exams can make them nervous. They will have too much stress. They can not give full play of their normal level.Paying too much attention to the exam, students will consider that exam is more important than study. So that they may cheat in exam.Some parents only judge their students’school performance through the exam score. This is not conducive to the overall development of students.We do not deny that the exam is important in our study, but the setting of examination should pay attention to the students’ability to bearPart 3 二谚语一古诗中英互译①More haste, less speed.答案:欲速则不达②Birds of a feather flock together答案:物以类聚,人以群分③英文古诗(参考版本)The Snowbound RiverOver mountains and mountains no bird is on the wing; On thousand lines of the pathways there’s no footprint. In a lone boat on the snowbound river, an old man,In palm-back cape and straw hat, drops his angle string.答案:《江雪》千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。
