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After ice we come to snow,don’t think snow just means snowman and snow fight,Harbin people give you totally different snow!
Huamei Restaurant was one of the best known.
You will often see such a scene at the Zhongyang street. But we don’t know how delicious the bread is!
Restaurant. It was Malse Restaurant serving
western food. It was
reported in 1973 that there were 260 Western restaurants in Harbin, with over 100 concentrated along Zhongyang Street.
Pine-nut Tripe
Spring Cakes
Red Sausage
Lie Ba
There are many restaurants along the street.
People are able to stroll(漫步), shop and enjoy delicacies(美食) along the street.
Today‘s journey coming to an end, the beautiful city gives you a totally different winter, winter is not just White and cold ,it is colorful because of 哈尔滨!
• Many people say Zhongyang Street is a street of architecture as over 70 buildings appear in different styles.

When you step on this cobbled street, you can see the ice carving 、 carving at the riverside
longer artic-like winter
Oriental Paris
Little Moscow
The city truly comes alive in the wintertime when the city becomes the venue for the worldfamous Winter Snow and Ice Festival.
The Central Shopping City opened in November 1994. On its original site there were five small stores ruቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ by Russians, which were built in 1932.
The architecture is a combination of a European castle with modern architecture. It has become a new scenic spot on Zhongyang Street.
Zhongyang street is one of the beautiful street in there,it is the typical street style in Harbin,go there ,and see.
The train has reached the zhongyang street.
However, modern seemed to overwhelm(压倒) mother as you can see the hotel now used the Modern Hotel as its English name.
Opposite the Modern Hotel, there is Huamei
Zhaolin Park
The amazing ice art is the wisdom of all the artists in the world, in winter artists get together to compete with each other,of course,the winner will win the prize and honory
Now this smooth cobbled street may remind us of the past when foreigners were sitting in chariots(战车) along the street, as if we could still hear the horse-hoofs clicking on cobbles.
The most interesting building along Zhongyang Street is the Modern Hotel.
It was constructed in 1913. It is of an attractive outlook and magnificently decorated.
Original:Established in 1985 in China
Time:January 5 and lasts for over one month
Address:northeast China
哈尔滨市兆麟公园坐落在繁华的市中心地带,与美丽的松花江隔 道相望,与商业大厦接壤相邻。冬季,这里成了冰的世界,灯的海洋。 驰名中外的冰灯游园会,就在兆麟公园举行,来自世界各地的冰雕艺 术家在这里决逐。
It has a typical Baroque style of the Neo-artistic period.
The origin of its Chinese name once aroused the interest of many people.
Some held its Chinese name came from the word “mother”, some said it came from “modern”.
• Now let's get off the coach, and take a walk on Zhongyang Street follow us.

Have you noticed the cobbled(石砖) road surface?
This is the only cobbled street left in Harbin. This cobbled street was paved in 1925 and kept in good shape with a few repairs in the past.
Snow is not just for watching,sking is the most popular sport in harbin
• 亚布力原名亚布洛尼,即俄语“果木园”之意。 清朝时期曾是皇室和满清贵族的狩猎围场。亚布 力滑雪旅游度假区是国家AAAA级景区,位于黑龙 江省东部尚志市境内,距哈尔滨193公里,距牡 丹江市120公里。这里的极端最低气温是-44℃, 平均气温-10℃,积雪期为170天,滑雪期近150 天,每年的11月中旬至次年3月下旬是这里的最佳 滑雪期。
共有11根初、中、高级滑雪道,它的高山滑雪道 是亚洲最长的。
a charming city
international markets
northernmost province
Ice City of the Northland
每当夜幕降临,园内冰灯五光十色,集声、光、动于一体,逼 真奇特,聚天下美景,拢大地灵秀,观今古奇观,一个神奇莫测的冰 雪世界在您眼前展现,令人称奇、令人叫绝。
勤劳、智慧的人们利用得天独厚的冰雪自然优势,利用现代科 学技术和冰雪造园相结合,经过独具匠心的雕琢,制造出玲珑剔透、 形态万千的冰雪艺术品。阳光下晶莹如玉,月光下万紫千红,是立体 的图画,彩色的诗篇,凝固的音乐,令人陶然欲醉,流连往返。每年 慕名而来的上百万中外游客宛如步入了仙境,尽情地领略北国冰雪艺 术的神奇和瑰丽。
Welcome to Harbin !!
Ladies and Gentlemen ,
The train will sail to Zhongyang street. We will bring you a taste of the beautiful scenery of the Zhongyang street.