How to Bridge Generation Gap (怎样面临代沟)

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“the generation after 90s” in China
How to Solve the Problem of the Generation Gap
What can we do to bridge the gap?
Don’t complain about our parents’ intrusion or disagreement because they have formed their habits and opinions for a long time, and it is hard for them to adapt themselves to the new and the different. When becoming a parent, don’t limit our child to our own circle, nor order our child to do whatever as we favor, because they are living in a different time.
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born between 1946 and the early 1960s hard-working anti-tradition no self-sacrifice high self-esteem high self-indulgence questioning everything
“the generation after 80s” in China
• • • • • • • • • 30年代 40年代 50年代 60年代 70年代 80年代 90年代 2000年代 2010年代 到延安去,到太行去,到敌人后方去; 到辽沈去,到平津去,到长江对岸去; 到农村去,到边疆去,到祖国最需要的地方去; 到山上去,到乡下去,到贫下中农当中去; 到城市去,到部队去,到能生活得好一些的地方去; 到大学去,到夜校去,到可以拿到文凭的地方去; 到美国去,到法加去,到一切不说中国话的地方去; 到国企去,到外企去,到年薪百万的地方去; 到党政机关去,到公务员队伍中去,到一辈子不失业 的地方去。
4. Practice listening and talking: talk with your family about what you see on TV, hear on the radio or see at the park or store. (Talk with your children about school and their friends.) 5. Respect children and use a courteous tone of voice. 6. Catch children and teens being good. Praise them for cooperating with you.
1. Teach children to listen... gently touch a child before you talk... say their name. 2. Speak in a quiet voice... whisper sometimes so children have to listen... they like this. 3. Look a child in the eyes so you can tell when they understand... bend or sit down... become the child’s size.
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Various Generations
Lost Generation: pessimistic; mentally blank; creative in literature
a group of American literary notables who lived in Paris and other parts of Europe, some after military service in the First World War . “Lost Generation” include authors and poets Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ezra Pound,, and John Dos Passos.
Different interests? Different idols? Different lifestyles? Different ways of communication? Different dreams? Different attitudes? ……
Different interests:
处在幻想中的一代;靠父母给钱享受 生活 1成多抽过烟喝过酒 近2成有两种以上化妆品 近3成能玩一种以上乐器 超过4成有4-6个要好朋友 近5成通过网络来了解新闻 近6成最欣赏崇拜影视类明星 近7成认为自己的生活充实而开心
NEET is an acronym for people currently “Not in Employment, Education or Training”. It was first used in the United Kingdom but its use has spread to other countries, including Japan, China and South Korea.
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How to Bridge the Gap
Generation Gap
Your Idol ???
Did your parents make the same remark ?
Did your grandpa show you the same dress ?
Change of the Trends
Silent Generation -- born from 1923 to 1933 They are cautious, unadventurous, unimaginative, withdrawn, silent and conformable.
Baby Boom Generation:
Set up A Happy Family and Enjoy A Happy Life!
Roller skating
Peking opera Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
online games
Different idols or icons:
Different lifestyles:
Social background? Economic status? Living environment? National policy? ………
Questions about Generation Gap
1. Do you often make decisions by yourself? 2. Do your parents interfere with your affairs because of different ideas? 3. Do you sometimes feel difficult to communicate with elderly people, e.g. your parents, grand-parents, uncles, aunts etc.?
Communication Tips for Parents and Kids
Good communication helps children and parents to develop confidence, feelings of self-worth, and good relationships with others. Try these tips: