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英语期末考试题 2

diminish collapse isolate illusion coincidence figurative prospect abbreviate

1、What a coincidencethat we were both in Paris at the same time!

2、We should not have anyillusion that a foreign language can be learnt

without hard work.

3、The twin towers of the World Trade Center in New Y ork collapsed

about an hour after the attack by terrorists on September 11th, 2001.

4、We should never isolate ourselves from the outside world.

5、The United States of America is a bbreviated to the USA.

6、A “sweet temper” is a figurative expression, but “sweet coffee” is not.

7、The factory is carrying out a series of technological reform in order to

diminish the cost of production.

8、There’s not much prospect of Mr. Smith’s being elected as


approach share p redictable proposition out of ingredient drive abandon win-win sign

1、Everybody knows that he married her just out of pity.

2、So far we haven’t found any signs of life on the moon.

3、In the long course of their married life they shared many joys and


4、Americans are supposed to believe in the proposition that all men are

created equal.

5、Both parties are trying every means to work out a win-win solution to

the issues between them.

6、We firmly believe that honesty is an essential ingredient of human


7、The irresponsible man abandoned his wife and children and went

away to look for a new life.

8、With the advances in science and technology, weather conditions are

becoming more and more predictable.

9、Grief over the loss of her young baby d rove her insane.

10、Sometimes there is really little point arguing about what is the best

approach to language teaching.

go for identical objection dilemma feature individual nurture raise associate with generate

1、As the Great Wall is associated with China, the Great Pyramid is

associated Egypt.

2、If two objects are rubbed against each other, heat raises.

3、At the meaning John is generated an important question concerning

the possibility of curing that disease.

4、They are facing a d ilemma whether to pay back the loan or to give up

the project.

5、Many scientists are i dentical in their view of what they should do with

the cloning technology

6、The new engines feature high speed, small size and economical

operating costs.

7、Students should read extensively in order to nurturetheir mind.

8、The newly-passed law focuses on the rights of i ndividuals.

9、So far quite a number of governments have expressed their objection

to human cloning.

10、Many managers and CEOs in our country are going for MBA.
