



2019年艾瑞咨询行业报告:行业发展趋势、市场规模、竞争格局全面解析Sure, here is a 1000-word response in English first.The 2019 iResearch Industry Report provides comprehensive analysis of the development trends, market size, and competitive landscape of the industry. The report offers invaluable insights into the current state and future prospects of the industry.In recent years, the iResearch industry has experienced rapid development and transformation. With the advancement of technology and the increasing integration of the digital economy, the industry has witnessed substantial growth in market size and influence. The 2019 report delves into these trends and offers a comprehensive analysis of the key drivers shaping the industry.One of the notable trends highlighted in the report is the rise of e-commerce and digital marketing. With the proliferation of the internet and mobile devices, e-commercehas become an integral part of the retail sector. The report discusses the impact of e-commerce on consumer behavior, market dynamics, and the overall economy. Additionally, it sheds light on the growing significance of digital marketing strategies in reaching and engaging with consumers in the increasingly competitive online landscape.Furthermore, the report delves into the emergence of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and blockchain in the iResearch industry. These technologies have revolutionized the way businesses operate, analyze data, and interact with customers. The report provides a detailed analysis of how these technologies are reshaping the industry and creating new opportunities for businesses to innovate and enhance their operations.In terms of market size, the report offers comprehensive data and analysis on the current size of the iResearch industry and its projected growth in the coming years. It covers various segments within the industry, including online advertising, e-commerce, digital content, and more. The report also provides insights into the regional distribution of the market and theopportunities and challenges presented by different geographical markets.The competitive landscape of the industry is another crucial aspect covered in the report. It offers a detailed analysis of the key players, their market strategies, and the competitive dynamics within the industry. The report also discusses the impact of mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, and new entrants on the competitive landscape, providing a holistic view of the industry's structure.Now, here is the response in Chinese:2019年艾瑞咨询行业报告提供了对行业发展趋势、市场规模和竞争格局的全面解析。



•Credit Card
•- Cash Service
••H- ToRme/Firm Service •- Account IQ •- Internet •- Virtual Bank
•Female ••- POrpoecne(AssCi,ng
Cust) •- DP(TR money • other •banks) •- Foreign EX/RM •- Others IQ
•Credit •Customer Product •Treasury
•Int'l Investment
•Maintenance •Summarization •Meas. Sum. •Performance Sum •Usage Sum. •Maintenance •Maintenance
•-•AFcracouudnt &•Detection • Card usage • Pattern •- Identify • Merchant • Fraud
•Stage 1
•- ISP Planning Project Workplan -
•Stage 2
•Business & •Competition •Assessment
•Organization •Plan
•Application, Data, and •Technical Strategies
•Geographic •Demographic •- Branch attribute
•Products ••In- fLoirmmiatstion •-
• price



Stage 2
Business & Competition Assessment
Organization Plan
Application, Data, and Technical Strategies
Projects and Schedules
Scope Definition & Classifications
have also identified the data and technology infrastructures, projects, and schedule to
carry out these strategies.
- ISP Planning Project Workplan -
Stage 1
Recommendation 1: Focus systems development on new customer relationship, profitability management, and risk management applications.
Recommendation 2: Divide applications into three phases: customer relationship first, management & control second, low priority third.
Virtual Banking

Remote Data Warehouse
Computing (1994)
PC (1982)
Client/Server (1985)











埃森哲首席技术与创新官保罗·多尔蒂(Paul Daugherty)表示:“随着新数字化时代的到来,企业需要思考一个新的问题:当所有企业都将开展数字化作为必要条件时,如何进行前瞻性布局才能独树一帜?显然,单纯应用数字技术已远远不够。





企业咨询-埃森哲-咨询方法 精品

企业咨询-埃森哲-咨询方法 精品

埃森哲咨询方法---了解国外企业运作的最佳作业方法(Best Practice) ,对国内企业有着重要的意义。




















- External credit
Deferred System
- LOG Analysis
Closing & Settlement
Product Administration
Authorization Handling
- Employees' PB Mgmt. - Operator Mgmt. - On-line
Male Processing
- Loan, Mortgage - Card, Borrowing - Trade FI - Others IQ
External Processing
- Clears from other banks - GIRO
Technology Plan
Information Action Plan Overview
Phase 1
Phase 2 Phase 3
Service Delivery
ATM/CD - DW - UP - AC Transfer
Phone Banking - TR Service - Account IQ .etc
have also identified the data and technology infrastructures, projects, and schedule to
carry out these strategies.
- ISP Planning Project Workplan -
Stage 1
Product Factory
Common - InPtreorgersatm CAL - Fees CAL - Check day - Dividend


物流提供商正在通过联盟或购并的方式 来联系哪些与自己互补 的提供商已争取 更多的客户
从全球的角度,没有一家第三方物流公司能够在多个地区成为多种行业 的物流提供商 以上客户的物流供应商
地区 U.S.
Cellstar Ryder
Schneider Brightpoint
由于市场覆盖面的扩大和公司的国际化,第三方物流必须发现新的 方式扩大地域的覆盖面
跟随着顾客向国际化发展 与人联盟为顾客提供满意度 不断地建立国际化的能力 通过战略联盟来扩大自身能力 还有其他的能力提高竞争力?
一些大型的 3PL 提供商在其自 身能力的发展和 新客户的发展 方面正在变得越来越主动
Value added activities (e.g. assembly, kitting)
Reverse logistics Track and trace
Import/export movement
Customs clearance status and data interfaces
关系的质量 灵活性 功能和战略的能力 流程和系统的可靠性 服务的连贯性 价值与收费 交付时间的可靠性 有效率/连续不断的信息化
积极的响应,以服务为导向 具有专业知识背景的团队
Exel Menlo
食品 Exel



认识埃森哲管理咨询团队客户与渠道 ‒ 杨葳,张晖,李琳作为埃森哲管理咨询客户与渠道服务主管, 你有何启发感想?埃森哲的客户与渠道管理服务是帮助企业在数字化的大潮下将“以客户为中心”的思想和理念变成日常的运作和实践。






产品行业的客户涵盖了我们生活中的衣食住行,想象一下我们提供的咨询方案都会最终影响到我们自己,是不是会非常的激动?我们帮助过中国最大的B2C 电子商务公司设计他们的运营模式,我们帮助过某全球著名的汽车公司设计和推广基于数字化的“最佳客户体验”业务模式,我们帮助在亚洲和中国领先的房地产公司设计运营模式,我们帮助某全球领先的啤酒公司设计创新的客户体验及营销方式 – 数字化KTV 。

杨葳张晖在埃森哲的难忘经历?你喜欢埃森哲什么地方?我是从INHOUSE 转到咨询行业的,我印象最为深刻的是我进入埃森哲的第一个项目。



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IT技术咨询主要通过应用软件帮助客户完成信息系统集成,而外包则是近几年的新兴业 务。目前中国内地的销售收入不足埃森哲全球收入的1%,而且主要是管理咨询和IT咨 询,外包业务很少。
在中国内地,外包咨询服务的客户数量只是由2003年的3家发展到现在的7家,且主要是 外资客户。这与埃森哲国际业务中外包客户数量的大幅增加的情况有些区别,这也是埃 森哲在中国下一步的发展重点。
业务运作模式 信息战略
变革管理 变革管理
一体化高价值 服务体系
埃森哲大客户的忠诚度高也跟他的市场定位有关。跟其他很多管理咨询公司不同 的是,埃森哲是为数不多的能够提供管理咨询价值链“端到端”服务的公司。比如, 有些国际知名的管理咨询公司只负责高端战略的制定,还有一些公司只负责专业领域 的咨询,如人力资源或者系统集成和信息技术服务。而埃森哲的服务涵盖从最高层的 公司战略、运营层面的运营改进、流程再造优化,直至系统实施和外包服务。埃森哲 将帮助客户成就卓越绩效作为为客户服务的价值目标,不只给客户提供方案和蓝图, 更要帮助蓝图实施,要和客户一起将方案付诸实践并看到效果。这都是埃森哲保持高 客户忠诚度的原因所在。
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埃森哲负责提供在需求管理和供应计划领 域的专业知识. 在需求管理方面, 埃森哲帮 助戴尔建立了约束物料计划的能力和先进 的基于互联网的供应商协作能力; 戴尔同埃森哲一起建立了新的供应链计划 方案, 使用i2的计划软件来实现100%按客 户定单制造的能力。
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©Accenture 2001 All Rights Reserved
©Accenture 2003 All Rights Reserved



凭借优质的服务和良好的业绩,埃森哲赢得 了众多客户的信任和好评。
深入了解客户的业务需求和目标 ,确保咨询项目能够满足客户的 期望。
通过访谈、问卷调查等方式收集 客户业务相关的信息,为后续分 析提供数据支持。
基于收集的信息,识别客户业务 中存在的问题和挑战,为制定解 决方案提供依据。
根据分析结果,埃森哲为 企业设计符合其发展需求 的人力资源管理体系,包 括招聘、培训、绩效管理 等方面。
埃森哲为企业提供人力资 源培训服务,提高企业人 力资源管理的专业水平。
在项目实施过程中,埃森 哲对项目进行持续的监控 和评估,确保项目达到预 期的效果。
在项目结束后进行总结,提炼经 验教训,为客户提供持续的支持 和改进建议。
利用专业的行业研究工具,收集最新的市场数据 和趋势,为解决方案提供有力支持。
采用高效的项目管理工具,确保项目进度和质量 的控制,提高工作效率。
运用先进的数据分析工具,对收集到的数据进行 深入挖掘,揭示数据的内在联系和规律。
团队成员定期参加各类培训和认证,以确保其专 业知识和技能的更新与提升。
团队成员对各行业发展趋势有深入了解,能 够为客户提供前瞻性的战略建议。
团队在项目管理方面具有丰富的经验,能够 确保咨询项目的顺利实施。



Leading brands are using data to humanize their customer relationships and learning where to draw the line between invasive and inventive.Accenture Interactive’s 2019 Consumer Pulse Surveyns.See people, not patterns.ContentsMilestones in digital advertising Just because you can doesn’t mean you should Data gathering, within reason What customers want from digital advertising Regulations take hold The line in the sand The seamless experience Methodology35 79 11121415Lessons from the front lines of digitaladvertising on how to use data respectfully and responsibly.MANY CONSUMERS FEEL BRANDS don’t know them well enough to serve them in a way that makes them feel special, but when those brands seem to know too much—and act on that knowledge—they can quickly lose consumers’ trust. That push and pull between consumers’ desire to be known and their wish for privacy has increasingly become an issue for brands. As we mark the 25-year anniversary of what has been celebrated as one of the first digital banners, digital advertising plays a bigger role in the cultural conversation than ever before.Milestones indigital advertising1994200519982015199620082007for the first time.201819972009demographics.20062019Sources:https:///en-uk/marketing-solutions/blog/posts/infographic-of-the-week/2019/Infographic-of-the-Month-A-Look-Back-at-25-Years-of-Digital-Advertising https:///technology/archive/2011/08/infographic-the-history-of-video-advertising-on-youtube/242836/https:///theblog/2019/05/28/u-s-digital-ad-revenues-tops-100-billion-for-the-first-time-in-2018-per-iab-report/This year Accenture Interactive conducted a consumer pulse survey to gain an understandingof how brands are creating paths to success with their digital advertising campaigns. We surveyed 8,000 consumers in Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, the UK and the US to findout their answers.Consumers increasingly expect brands to know and understand them at a time when first-party data, gained from consumer interactions, is taking hold. Our research focused on three areas: What are consumers’ experienceswith digital advertising?What are the drivers of consumers’ online purchases?What are the most effective data-driven marketing efforts and challenges?WE FOUND THAT MANY CONSUMERS feel the automated techniques brands are using to serve them are not effective. The algorithmic recommendations brands make to them, based on their demographics and past behaviors and purchases, don’t accurately reflect their intention.A salesperson in a store asking thoughtful questions to figure out what a shopper might like to buy is typically much more effective. But often, digital advertising behaves in a way that suggests a brand does not know the shopper at all. Or a brand collects data without having a clear purpose for doing so. That practice can create many risks and is no longer acceptable to consumers or regulators.The good news is that there is a big opportunity for brands to take a more mindful approach to data collection and to design a holistic customer experience while doing so. Consumers do want a better, more customer-focused experience, with 65% willing to share more personal data in return. Amazon is a good example. Many consumers are willing to hand over personal data to the giant e-commerce retailer because of their level of trust in how this information will be used and the high level of service they will receive in return. Brands that treat data collection and data strategy as part of the consumer experience can benefit from greater consumer willingness to share information. For instance, Accenture Interactive found that 73% of consumers are willing to share more personal information if brands are transparent about how it is used, up from 66% in 2018. Providing consumers with value for their data, ensuring that the brand won’t lose or abuse their data, and recognizing consumers in a way that puts them at ease are all part of a better experience. This approach requires a human and humane approach to data. Think about typical personal interactions. People expect someone they’ve met beforeto recognize them—and they expect someone they’ve never met not to recognize them. The same logic applies digitally. Forward-thinking brands are finding ways to approximate how humans behave, in a humane and ethical way.Just because you candoesn’t mean you shouldSee people, not patterns.CONSUMERS INCREASINGLY EXPECT BRANDS’ digital advertising to show they are known and recognized, as long as there is transparency around what the brands are doing with their data. Accenture Interactive found that 87% of consumers think it’s important to purchase from brands or retailers that understand “the real me.”When digital advertising was new, a brand’s advertising team had a lot of latitude to experiment, and consumers weren’t as vocal about privacy worries. Today, however, as we mark the 25th anniversary of what theindustry has cited as one of the first digital banner ads*, digital advertising is part of everyday life. Consumers have current preferences for how they want brands to interact with them digitally. Their tolerance for the way most data is collected may vary with demographic factors, such as their age, gender or even geo-localization. Regardless, they don’t want brands to go too far and violate their privacy when delivering a custom-tailored, 360-degree experience.Data gathering, within reasonAmong consumers who said a brand had communicated in a way that was too personal, 71% said that it was because the brand had information about them or their family that they didn’t share directly.71%See people, not patterns.One central task of leaders in this environment is to limit data gathering to information they have a right to know, and they must provide value in exchange for that data. With 76% of consumers saying they are uncomfortable with data collection via a microphone or voice assistant, providers of these devices will have to make clearer the value exchange when they do collect this data, or there will likely be a backlash. Handlingdata responsibly is a fast-emerging component of corporate accountability. As the executive who comes closest to owning the brand experience, the CMO plays a pivotal and fast-evolving role, with 90% of decision-makers agreeing that the CMO should be the internal advocate for their customers, according to research by Forrester Consulting and Accenture Interactive*. And, as otherC-suite leaders and board membersstart to share this accountability, the CMO will play a key role in bringing all parties together to make decisions that affect the future of the brand.A new conversation must take place among C-suite executives and boardsto make sure they get this right. Companies face real risk if they don’t, including regulatory risk, reputationalrisk and bottom-line risk. Those whofind the right route to success bytruly listening to and knowing their customers will have a tremendous opportunity with consumers.See people, not patterns.WHAT MANY CONSUMERS ULTIMATELY WANT is for digital advertising to have the same social intelligence as a familiar salesperson in their favorite store—one who can tell from the expression on their face that they’re in the mood to splurge or that they’re in a hurry because it’s a Tuesday night and they need to get home to dinner. That salesperson has the social intelligence to avoid certain missteps, such as suggesting the consumer might need a new bathing suit for an upcoming Hawaiian vacation that the salesperson overheard the consumer mention. The brands that approximate that human touch best (using automation) will stand out and win consumer loyalty. Brands that can’t pull it off will feel sterile.What consumers want from digital advertisingNearly 30% of consumers said a brand had become “too personal”—and 69% of these consumers would stop doing business with a brand or reconsider their relationship to the brand because of this.69%See people, not patterns.Among consumers who left aretailer/branded website because of poor personalization, 51% think invasive ads are on the rise.Sponsored51%Effective strategies include Full transparency.Many consumers are willing to share data if brands are transparent about how it is being used.Smart use of walled gardens.Even when brands rely on high-quality data sources such as Amazon, Facebook and Google, consumers’ experience should be as consistent as possible across platforms.Creating a cohesive experience.The digital ad experience should be connected to the customer experience, whether on the web or in the store, though ads should be tailored to the channel where they appear.So how can brands hit the mark?CONSUMERS’ EXPECTATIONS AREN’T THE ONLY FACTOR that brands need to consider when it comes to managing data. Brands need to pay close attention to the evolution of privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, as they make advertising decisions. What should and shouldn’t be done in the current environment will be shaped by how rights granted under these two laws are interpreted.Having a good handle on compliance will become increasingly important. With regulators starting to impose substantial fines to enforce GDPR, brands face the risk of negative publicity if their advertising practices are seen as out of bounds. Brands will also need to be aware of what their supply chain is doing, as this may be seen as their responsibility.Brands must build the data architecture of enterprise systems in a way that reflects current regulations. Ultimately, brands must be respectful of the rights of consumers to get access to their data, be “forgotten” or request portability. This must be baked into their technology.Regulations take holdBrands can’t rely on regulators alone to set the pace for their policies,however. While GDPR has improved the ad industry, leading to less fraud and higher-quality audiences, there are still undesirable practices that remain legal under GDPR. For instance, brands have the ability to listen to customers through their computer mics, but should they? Even though by law they can do this, is this the time to reflect and say “Have we gone too far?” As a result, until ePrivacy laws impose more order on what brands can do with “legal” data and activate it, brands must consider the ethical aspects of their choices on storing and using it.of consumers agree it is important that every interaction they have with a brand is excellent, whenever or wherever they happen in the decision to purchase from a brand or retailer.93%See people, not patterns.See people, not patterns. The line in the sandEVEN IF BRANDS FOLLOW REGULATIONS, it’s easy to take things too far in their digitaladvertising, as noted earlier. Some discover they are inadvertently angering consumerswhen the damage is already done while others are, frankly, bad actors.There’s a price to pay if it seems like a brand is invading consumers’ privacy. Brands needto develop a balanced data strategy to avoid that perception, while still making the mostof consumers’ desire to be known and recognized for who they are. The key to using anyof this data is to use it responsibly and humanely.There are ways to make third-party data more efficient, transparent and ownable. AccentureInteractive worked with a leading financial services institution to modernize its data strategyin the context of Facebook altering how brands may use data to identify and target audienceson their platform. Accenture Interactive built a plan to help the company take direct controlof its relationship with its third-party data providers, bringing more transparency to their datacosts and performance, and improving the institution’s ability to launch and scale campaigns.And as a result, the institution improved its speed to market by four times.Zero-party data :You make your consumers want to tell you something by giving them value.First-party data :You are respectful about what you collect and only gather what you have a right to know and what will help you better tailor the experience to consumers’ needs.So how does a brand set the right tone in its data usage?Second- and third-party data :Using a humane, balanced approach to the data ecosystem (incorporating resources such asplatform data and third-party platform matching), you can round out your view of consumers.For instance, the auto industry has embraced the use of third-party data to gain access to audiences based on factors such as car ownership or lease data, which isn’t available otherwise.There are several types of data brands can use to create a balanced data strategy:GIVEN THE MANY MOVING PARTS in today’s digital advertising environment, it can be tricky to define a “better” customer experience.So what do we know for sure?Consumers are not asking for splashier banner ads. They want to be treated holistically and see the entire experience improve. As a result, brands need to focus on consumers’ experience at every interaction in the customer journey, from websites and mobile apps to physical stores. The data brands gather and how they use it will curate customers’ experiences. At the same time, opting out of collecting or licensing data should not have to be part of the consumer experience.Although brands may wish to stitch every available data source together across business platforms in a seamless manner, that’s not possible because platforms don’t want brands to be able to do that. A more effective route to creating a great customer experience is building a respectful and empathetic data—and audience—understanding strategy that uses the best combination of rightfully, transparently available information.The seamless experienceTo create a seamless experience, brands can benefit from:• U sing fresh opt-in alternatives to track users, such as encouraging consumers to authenticate on websites and mobile applications• B ringing ad-tech contracts in-house to access more effective, transparent data collection methods • B uilding the data architecture of enterprisesystems in a way that reflects current regulationsBrands should also make sure the approaches they use extend throughout their advertising efforts. Consumers expect companies to take note of all of the information about themselves that they’ve chosen to share, no matter where that takes place.UNITED STATESCANADAUNITED KINGDOMFRANCEITALYGERMANY SWEDENSPAINMethodologyACCENTURE INTERACTIVE SURVEYED 8,000 CONSUMERS from North America and Europe about their digital advertising preferences when it comes to interacting with brands, retailers and service providers.MALE50.24%FEMALE (4,019 respondents)United States:United Kingdom:Canada: 12.51% (1,001 respondents)France: 12.50% (1,000 respondents)Germany: 12.34% (987 respondents)Sweden: 12.66% (1,013 respondents)Italy: 12.49% (999 respondents)Spain: 12.50% (1,000 respondents)Copyright © 2019 Accenture. All rights reserved. Accenture and its logo are trademarks of Accenture.This document makes reference to marks owned by third parties.All such third-party marks are the property of their respective owners.No sponsorship, endorsement or approval of this content by the ownersof such marks is intended, expressed or implied./programmaticAbout Accenture InteractiveAccenture Interactive helps the world’s leading brands transform their customer experiences across the entire customer journey. Through our connected offerings in design, marketing, content and commerce, we create new ways to win in today’s experience-led economy. Accenture Interactive is ranked the world’s largest digital agency in the latest Ad Age Agency Report for the fourth year in a row and was named a 2019 Most Innovative Company in Advertising by Fast Company. To learn more follow us @AccentureACTIVE and visit About AccentureAccenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all business functions—underpinned by the world’s largest delivery network—Accenture works at the intersection of business and technology to help clients improve their performance and create sustainable value for their stakeholders. With 492,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives. Visit us at ContactTo learn more about Accenture Interactive Programmatic Services visit / programmatic or contact:Scott TiemanProgrammatic Services and Personalization Global Lead—Accenture Interactive scott.w.tieman@Javier Pérez Moiño Programmatic Services and Personalization European Lead—Accenture Interactive javier.perez.moino@@jpmoino。



商业模式研究综述商业模式(Business Model),有些学者称之为商务模式,或称之为业务模式。





加拿大著名管理学家亨利·明兹伯格(Mintzberg,1994)把企业组织的商业模式称为战略思想(Strategic Thinking)。

实际上,稍早提出这样类似概念的还有加里·哈默尔和 C.K.普拉哈拉德(Gary Hamel&C.K.Prahalad,1989),他们所说的企业“战略意象”(Strategic Intent)比较符合商业模式的实际含义。



一个好的商业模式必须包含五个构成部分:(1)核心观点(Global Core)。

包括自我定位(Identity)、战略领导(Strategic Leadership)、核心能力(Capabilities)、控制目标(Control Mission)、资本使命(Capital Mission);(2)经营单元(Business Unit);(3)服务项目(Services);(4)治理模式(Governance);(5)系统联系(Linkages)。

















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2.3.1 KX 知识共享系统强大....................................................................................................................................... 9 2.3.2 人才众多并保持增长 ......................................................................................................................................... 9 2.3.3 全球 500 强四分之三是埃森哲客户,且续约率高 .................................................................................. 9 2.3.4 “端到端”的服务能力覆盖全球 ................................................................................................................. 10 3、埃森哲互动——埃森哲的增长明星.................................................................................................................................. 10 3.1 通过技术、流程和市场营销重新定义用户消费体验 ....................................................................................... 10 3.2 商业咨询、创意设计、技术是埃森哲互动业务落地的铁三角 ..................................................................... 11 3.3 三大并购逻辑支撑埃森哲互动营销能力构建 ..................................................................................................... 13 3.3.1 把握“地域、技术和客户”三大并购逻辑,6 年并购 28 起............................................................. 13 3.3.2 并购布局与埃森哲咨询所处地域保持一致............................................................................................... 15 3.3.3 埃森哲中国布局 ................................................................................................................................................ 17 3.4 埃森哲互动对广告行业的启示 ................................................................................................................................. 18 3.5 埃森哲互动的业绩走势............................................................................................................................................... 19 4、同行市场竞争策略及财务状况对比.................................................................................................................................. 20 4.1 同行市场竞争策略 ........................................................................................................................................................ 20 4.2 基本财务状况对比 ........................................................................................................................................................ 21 5、风险提示 .................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
2019年咨询服务行业埃森哲商业 模式分Байду номын сангаас报告
目录 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 1、全球咨询行业稳健增长,中国市场成为增长亮点 ........................................................................................................ 4
1.1 2018 年全球咨询行业达 2770 亿美元,复合增长 4.3% ....................................................................................... 4 1.2 北美咨询行业成熟,约占全球市场份额 55% ........................................................................................................ 4 1.3 中国咨询行业市场迅速增长,政府政策助力行业发展 ...................................................................................... 5 2、埃森哲商业模式:全球领先的“端到端”咨询服务提供商...................................................................................... 6 2.1 埃森哲发展历程——从安达信分支到世界五百强 .............................................................................................. 6 2.2 埃森哲商业模式:端到端咨询服务提供商 ............................................................................................................ 7 2.3 埃森哲核心竞争力:公司层面竞争力强劲,业务优势突出............................................................................ 9