
(内容来自考生回忆,仅供参考,欢迎补充)Listening 听力一,考试概述:本场考试20道填空,20道选择,流程图的听力同学们可能比较不熟悉,这次可以多注意下哦。
Section 1音乐会咨询:10填空Section 2钓鱼证:4流程图+6匹配Section 3怪石雕刻的研究:5选择+5匹配Section 4关于古代食物的研究:10填空二、具体题目分析Section 1场景:音乐会咨询题型:10填空1.June2.123.Donalson4.ticket5.headaches6.Light7.Thursday8.concert9.sunscreen10.nurseSection 2场景:钓鱼证题型:4流程图+6匹配11-14)11. If you want to fish there, you need to tell them passport number12. And have a fishing license from your home country. If you don’t have one, you need proof of passing a fishing exam13. You can go to the local bank for the fishing costs, regulations and ask for which type of fishing license14. Then they will find details of accommodation on island you can go fishing 15-20)15. Pine tree beach——G. on calm days16. Oyster ocean——H. when it rains17. Port——B. at night18. Marton Reservoir——C. in autumn19. Southern Coast——F. in winter20. Bella Sea——E. in March and AprilSection 3场景:怪石雕刻的研究题型:5选择+5匹配21-25)21. Why does the shape of Hei-kiti look unusual?B. difficulty in carving stones22. Very few Hei-tiki are found in archaeological site because:C. the villagers look after them carefully23. What was Hei-tiki regarded by Moris People as?B. a communication way to their ancestors24. What is the distinction between two types of Hei-tiki?C. the position of hands and legs25. What is the characteristics of a new type of Hei-tiki?A. It has metal setting26-30)26. Sand:——E. to form the shape27. Stick and string——A. use for cave details28. Bark——C. to make the end29. Wax——B. to polish the eyes30. Bone——G. to attach it togetherSection 4场景:关于古代食物的研究题型:10填空31-40)31. Diet was influenced by geographical and social factors32. Undigested food left in stomach33. Food sticking to pots34. Prepared and eaten food35. Knife used for cooking36. The account of food people lend to consume37. Chemical signature38. Teeth that showed some values39. Prevalent food was hard to find40. Extreme climateReading 阅读一、考试概述:本次考试的题目配对题占了32%,比填空题的30%比例稍高了点,更高于判断题。

威学一百雅思考试2018年9月15日内容解析Listening 听力部分一、考试概况:本次考试选填比1:1。
二、具体题目分析:Section 1场景:吸尘器购买更换售后服务题型:10填空参考答案:: Dinane Roddick2.Leave a home telephone number3.Address: XX Garden Avenue4.Date of purchase: 31st July5.Original vacuum problem: in the handle6.Price: $ 104 ( in a sale)7.Suggest action: Free repair8.New vacuum has a: reusable bag9.New type price:$ 190(女的说心理价位是100-200,这个价格正合适)10.Color: silver(提到三种颜色,还有red, pink)Section 2场景:大堡礁旅行题型:2单选+2多选+6匹配参考答案:11-12)11.green island is special for its A. water( 还提到了fish,water)12. In what condition can have a good view in the sea?A. No wind (because wind will blow the cloud over )B. no rain(no rain for a week, fantastic)C. High tide13-14)待补充15-20)matchingA. visitors can do all the timeB. visitors can do sometimesC.visitors can do anytime15. 待补充16. Beach activities - Climb mountain (B)Visitors are not encouraged to climb the mountain since it is dangerous to put away clothes at windy and rainy days. So here I thought that visitors cannot climb mountain anytime.But then it said if it is good weather, you can try it and you climb more you will get used to it.17. Sprivate boats - Feed the fish (B)Sometimes you can feed fish, when there’s few people, but you can only feed a little bit.18. Touch the fish (C)It will bite people19. Taking photos(A)Always20. 待补充Section 3场景:学术旅行题型:暂无参考答案:(待补充)Section 4场景:铅笔的历史Evolution of writing : pencil, ink and marks in paper题型:10填空参考答案:31. Made of bones32. feathers33. Use ink34. And paper35. To make it suitable for writing HB to mark how hard it is.36. Part are fixed by strings or steel.37. Producers marked a name on the pencil to simpler kinds of printing.38. The pencil core is thought to bet lead.39. Made mixture of graphite in a form of clay powder and wax.40. Remove unwanted bose on the oil.三、重点词汇:Reading 阅读部分一、具体题目分析:Writing 写作部分TASK 1题目分析:1971-2001年私家车拥有量的对比,动态柱图,考生依旧要注意时态的选择,可以使用一般过去时和过去完成时两种时态,同时要注意趋势描述的不同表达,题目难度适中。

Section 1咨询——皮划艇课程, 10笔记Section 2介绍——植物中心介绍, 4多选+6配对Section 3学术讨论——网络对心理学的影响, 6单选+4配对Section 4学术讲座——鸟类研究, 10笔记二、具体题目分析:Section 1新旧情况:场景:咨询——皮划艇课程题型:10笔记参考答案:1-10)笔记完成题1. swim 50 metres2. rules to follow3. a vest and a helmet provided4. shower afterwards5. spare cloth6. fee: adult 17 pounds7. with assurance included8. 课程结束后的活动——sea9. 课程结束后的活动——take part in race10. 开课日期——Tuesday, 5th, June(答案仅供参考)解析:考查的主要还是数字字母日期常规项目内容,关键是个别数字和如50和17要注意teen/ty辨析,并且有两个单词helmet和assurance需要注意拼写。
参考练习:C11T2S1Section 2新旧情况:场景:介绍——植物中心介绍题型:4多选+6配对11-14) Multiple choices11-12. without changegarden gloverose bush trimming course13-14 need more volunteercaféoffice15-20)Matching15-20: 展台看点15. local plants- easy to grow16. desert plants17. edible plants18. lawn19. soil nutrient20. design colour(答案仅供参考)解析:多选题和配对题组合的一套题目,整体来说因为需要识别多选题中的干扰信息和识别配对题中的定位词识别,重点考查考生的同义替换识别能力。

(内容来自考生回忆,仅供参考,欢迎补充)Listening 听力一、考试概述:作为8月的最后一场考试,题型配置为20填空+20选择,整体难度适中。
Section 1 预定10笔记Section 2 介绍——雕塑公园6单选+4配对地图Section 3 学术讨论——音乐与压力6单选+4配对Section 4 学术讲座——项目评价10笔记二、具体题目分析:Section 1场景:预订题型:10笔记参考答案:1. green room with large lounge2. estimated number of people: 403. 3 long table4. should have background music, drinks and flowers5. holding party: Smith Brothers Engineering6. postcode: S13 2RT7. contact person: Collins8. contact number: 25314869. need a big cake10. time: 28th June解析:今天的S1中,有一个数字题,一个日期题,两个专有名词题,一个电话号码,一个邮编,一共六个题是相对来说比较简单的,相信考生不会觉得太难。
参考练习:C6T4S1Section 2场景:介绍——雕塑公园题型:6单选+4配对地图11-20题题干选项待补充11-16)单选11. C12. A13. B14. A15. B16. C17-20) 地图17. C18. E19. B20. G解析:6个单选+4个配对地图的题型在S2中不算少见,所以也带来了一定的难度。

3. New class begins at
4.45 pm
4-6) Matching
4. Dance class
A. the course is full
5. Singing class
D. she has another activity at that evening
7. name
8. proof
9. lyrica
10. dancing
11. radio
12. tour
13. Claim
Passage 2:
题型:段落标题6 +单选3 +判断3 +主旨单选1
37. The people is descended fromslaves
38. Move to city withanimals
39. What are men called blue people: because they are wearingdark blueveil
40. Some of them are granted by the government and now worked as tourguidesin this area
Similar effects can be seen in the housing problem if such action is taken into effect. If large corporations with thousands of staff are moved to less populated area with lower renting fees, some young white- and blue- collar employees who currently rent houses in the urban area in major cities are more likely to move to a new location near their workplace in order to save time on commuting and to save money on the rent. With less population and less demand on the city center apartments, the price, hopefully, would decrease and more people will be able to afford the houses.

(内容来自考生回忆,仅供参考,欢迎补充)Listening 听力部分一、考试概况:作为9月非周六的加考,题型配置为20填空+20选择,整体难度适中。
二、具体题目分析:Section 1场景:社区服务问卷调查City Survey题型:10笔记参考答案:1. Address: Fowler Road2. Postcode: RO6 2LR3. Occupation: waiter4. Satisfactory-streets5. Poor-health services6. Good-police7. Plenty of parks8. Good quality schools9. More consultation local people10. Improvements of swimming poolSection 2场景:二手车市场Hamilton Car Sale题型:5单选+5匹配参考答案:11-15)11. C - the number of people each week12. A - differences of entry fee13. B - document of car14. B - sign of car15. C - advice for car owners16-20)16. Cars under 5000 pounds - D17. Cars between 5000 to 10000 pounds - F18. Cars above 10000 pounds - H19. Caravans - A20. Motorbikes - ESection 3场景:水中污染物讨论题型:2多选+4单选+4匹配参考答案:21-22)21. B - Farmers can't get fish22. E - Electronic products are affected23-26)23. A - originated from Latin24. C - Soil erosion25. C - many years later26. B - expensive27-30)27. Dried - B28. Mushroom - E29. Oyster - D30. Cows - CSection 4场景:阿拉斯加先民Early Human’s migration to USA 题型:10填空参考答案:31. The place is cold but free of ice32. How people migrate to Alaska: hunting33. Evidence of migration: teeth34. Resources35. Evidence found: weapons36. Technology used: boats37. Plants38. Climate39. Lack of skill: navigational40. Migration is impossible: currentReading 阅读部分Passage 1题目:澳洲牙医Australia Airborne Dentist题型:7判断题+6填空题新旧程度:新题参考答案:1-7)判断题1. All the dentists in RFDS are volunteers - Not Given2. They go to rural areas once a month3. RFDS can treat wild variety of diseases4. They will bring nurses with them5. 会提供牙具和教育给村民6. 假牙大小不适合是一个问题7. 城里人的牙齿好是因为水8-13)填空题8. Jack said he had scores concerning the composition of the song9. The Mario changed the song because they were fond of dancing10. They also added lyrics to the song11. Fields encountered the song on a tour and recorded it12. The song became less popular after radio was invented13. A court rejected that Jack and the descendants of the songPassage 2题目:工作压力Work Related Stress题型:5配对题+3单选+6填空新旧程度:旧题参考答案:14-18)配对题14. 工作压力来源于给顾客的承诺- 企业家说的15. 同事的帮助缓解工作压力- 企业家说的16. 主妇17. 压力大不要缓解,需要训练- 科学家说的18. 积极的心态解决压力(其余待补充)Passage 3题目:全球通用语言Global Lingua Franca题型:4判断题+5配对题+4单选题新旧程度:新题参考答案:25. 统一英语的方法26. 一个event引起了当局对英语的重视27. impression(其余待补充)Writing 写作部分2002. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.题型:动态表格+动态线图作文主题:关于澳洲电影院观众分析:本次考试小作文组合图,虽图形不同,但都以描写数据的变化趋势为主。

Section 1:咨询——酒店咨询,10表格填空Section 2:介绍——主题公园,6选择4匹配Section 3:讨论——讨论实验课,6匹配4地图Section 4:学术——绘画和摄影,10表格填空二、具体题目分析:Section 1场景:酒店咨询题型:10表格填空参考答案:1-10) Table Completion1 there is a big screen provided in the ball room2 please contact the manager for the booking requirements3 popular activity:cooking4 you can see the forest nearby5 recommend month to go is June6 special: get a rose7 performance by a famous singer8 local band will be there to do live music9 will organize an exhibition for local arts10 the earliest day to go exhibition this Friday(答案仅供参考)备考建议:S1词汇非常简单,初中生级别,大家好运!Section 2场景: 主题公园题型:6选择4匹配参考答案:11-16) Multiple Choice11 when does ride open in the park open?A 9.00B 9.30C10.0012 how much does the family fast line track ticket cost if booked online?A 78B95C 11313 the suggestion of lake in the park water-ride 需要注意什么?A cameraB go there in summerC take waterproof clothes14 rollercoaster特别之处?A its materialB the changing speedC family design15 what should they bring to eat?A buy some snackB sit in a cafeC take some food and go for picnic16 what the activity recommond for one day trip?C stay and see fireworks17-20)Matching17 cowboy show ride -not wait at a long queue line18 driving school ride -only for small child19 rollercoaster -the most frightening one20 magic show ride -some surprise at the end(答案仅供参考)备考建议:选择题+匹配题的S2,较为常规,如果提前安排好时间看完题目,相信难度不是很大,这边主要是考试策略的问题。

Section 1 职业中介介绍,10填空Section 2 健身房介绍,6地图4匹配Section 3 音乐课程讨论,6选择4匹配Section 4 古埃及药物讲座,10填空二、具体题目分析:Section 1场景:职业中介介绍题型:10填空Section 1 Job application enquiry1. Telephone number (home): 0218819/Diploma: Secondary school2. Type of job wanted: builder3. Proficient in language: certificate in English4. Gardening5. No transport offered6. Can work full-time in evenings7. Previous jobs: painting8. And hurt his back injuries9. Gardening and can bring his own tools10. Date for starting work: 15th OctoberSection 2场景:健身房介绍题型:6地图4匹配填空Section 2 Burnside fitness centre11. Locker room - G12. Woman’s fitting room - J13. Gym room - H14. Man’s fitting room - F15. Squash court - B16. Fitness machines - build up overall strength17. Mats exercises - help body flexibility18. Cycling class - good for lower limbs19. Aerobic class - increase heart health beat20. Weight training - keep concentrationSection 3场景:音乐课程讨论题型:6选择4匹配SECTION 321 B22 B23 C24 A25 B26 C27 C28 G29 F30 DSection 4场景:古埃及药物讲座题型:10填空Section 4 新题(顺序不定)31. Lists32. Sugar33. Sculpture34. Clean35. Minerals36. Resin/Metals37. Honey38. Symbols39. ****40. ****阅读部分Reading一、考试概述:本次考试的文章是三篇新题,但有考生反应三篇题目为4月21日亚太考区原题。

Section1派对筹划10填空Section 2 新题,暂无资料Section 3师生讨论义务组织6选择,4句子填空Section 4 新西兰艺术介绍10填空二、具体题目分析:Section 1场景:派对策划题型:10填空1-10) Note Completion1.Number:80people2.Time: Friday26 September3.Room type:King4.Cake:lemon5.Congratulations6.Table7.Music:Jazz8.MasterCard digital number:54412 00** 8887 in card: middle name Sebastian10.Extra fee for service答案仅供参考备考建议:这次长数字是考点也是难点,希望广大考生在备考之余不要忘了对数字的复习。
Section 2新题,暂无资料Section 3场景:师生讨论义务组织题型:6选择,4句子填空21-26) Multiple Choice21. What was the initial problem when the organization was foundedA didn’t have clear subject22. What is the thing that the staff is not satisfied withB how work be shared23. What is the problem of the manager thereB he made so many decisions himself24. What do they think about the new recruit of this organizationA surprisingly well25. What achievement does the organization makeA children are involved to help26. What problem has been solvedB administrator stops working27-30) Sentence Completion27. The tutor suggests her reading some books about management ofchanges28. The tutor suggests to improve his organization through culture29. And the role of leader30. Name of an article:motivation of voluntary答案仅供参考备考建议:常规师生讨论场景,选择的题型可能会增加考试的难度。

10月27日雅思考试内容解析Listening 听力部分一、考试概况:本次考试选填比1:1。
S2 虽为新题,但词汇难度正常。
答案词为听力高频词,要注意单词的单复数,如insects 和rivals,容易漏泄s。
二、具体题目分析:Section 1场景:打电话预定:学生参加trip题型:10填空参考答案:1-10)completion1. try climbing for the 1st time2. enjoy the view of: animals3. lunch: BBQ or pizza4. watch dancing from aboriginals5. group activity two: football6. pay to borrow shoes in the camp7. name of building: Paige8. maxim number of limit: 659. fee for each one: 15010. it doesn’t include transport.Section 2场景:向员工介绍hotel题型:5单选+5地图参考答案:1. A(因为帮人写报告晚了)2. B(希望员工有热情)3. C(hotel建于20世纪)4. B(员工大部分待了5年)5. C6-10)待补充Section 3场景:Linda and Neo are discussing ancient jewelry题型:6单选+4匹配参考答案:21-26)Multiple Choices21. The girl thinks it isC.a piece of jewelry22. How can Linda distinguish the gloves?A. textureB. colorC. stitching23. What surprises Linda most?C. much more information on the Internet24. How to distinguish this item?A. visible label in French25. B. useful for owner to remove26. B. use metal on top to identify the period of items27-30)MatchingA. only Linda didB. only Neo didC. both did27. met interesting person 选A28. new method for research 选 B29. can’t answer the question 选C30. felt prepared at the beginning 选 ASection 4场景:Extinction of species题型:10填空参考答案:Recent problems in Australia:31. Several species of frog are at risk because of increased housing32. loss of food source due to pesticides is affecting many animals, especially birds33. production of single crop like corn is harming wildlife.Attitude to endangered animals:34. Can be influenced by the media35. People are less concerned about small animals, e.g. insects36.some animals are ignored because they are viewed with fear.37 as our rivals in terms of foodReasons for preventing extinction :38. improve our knowledge of ecosystem39. Ecosystem need to be complex to keep stable40. disorder of blood system.Reading 阅读部分Passage 1题目:Ice Skate题型:6判断+7填空文章大意:滑雪的历史背景起源,滑雪工具的发展参考答案:1-6)填空题1. bottom2. distribution3. surface4. Metal5. hunting6. 待补充7-13)判断题7. T8. T9. NG10. NG11. F12. F13. NGPassage 2题目:Food and diet题型:7信息配对+3人物配对+3填空文章大意:人类饮食的演变参考答案:14-20)段落匹配14. section A-I(人们开始吃生肉)15. section B—IV16. section C—V(开始学会生火)17. section D—IX(烹煮去除细菌,使人少生病)18. section E-VI(人类牙齿发生变化)19. section F-VIII(营养均衡)20. section G-VII(男性的饮食结构影响子孙)21-23)人物匹配21. A22. D23. B24-26)填空24. growth25. festival26. 待补充Passage 3题目:未来主义者题型:6配对+3选择+4填空参考答案:27-33)匹配题27. C28. B29. E30. A31. B32. D33. 待补充34-36)选择题34. A35. D36. 待补充37-40)填空题37. 待补充38. demography39. 待补充40. 待补充Writing 写作部分TASK 1The graph shows the development of a particular college campus from 1975 to 2002 and the proposed development of 2022.题型:地图题作文主题:学校地图变迁写作要点:本题写作要注意到地图的写作特征,主要易错点出现在写作顺序,时态、语态的使用上。

S2 虽为新题,但词汇难度不高,也在高频词范围内。
S4语速较快,常见的商业场景,答案词为听力高频词,注意城市名大写和单词的单复数,如profits,stages 和strategies。
二、具体题目分析Section 1场景:游玩住宿项目预定题型:填空参考答案:1. three adults and two children2. accommodation3. 2 weeks4. menu5. massage6. hotel7. 15 October8. caravan9. golf10. fishing (tent)Section 2场景:某城镇运动题型:地图+匹配参考答案:(待补充)Section 3场景:关于达芬奇一副古画鉴定的研究题型:单选+匹配参考答案:21-24)Multiple Choice21. why did John think Jackson Pollock’s painting is fake?A are too easy to make fake copyB his work is complexC look simple and childish22. why initially John think 5 pounds 的画作is fake?A it is too cheapB background featured wrong colored 颜色搭配不好C back of documentation23. why international foundation reject 5 pounds 的画作?A the material appliedB what’s on the backC featured in coloring mismatched24. John and Emily both agree on what?A new method will replace the traditional method to identify paintingB scientists and artists can work together to evaluate the painting25-30)Matching-Flow ChatSection 4场景:连锁店改革题型:填空参考答案:31. The government should open more branches of petrol station to increase its market share in England. (政府应该增设加油站来增加在英国的市场份额。

Section 1 志愿者申请10填空Section 2天堂岛屿旅游介绍 10选择Section 3鸟类观察5填空5选择Section 4(新题)10填空二、具体题目分析:Section 1场景:志愿者申请题型:10填空1-10) Note Completion1. Address: 62 Mileda Street2. Language skill: French and Chinese3. Bring old to go shopping4. Know how to socialize with people5. License to drive6. Where does she live now: South of the river7. Be free only on Wednesday8. Date to start on: 3th June9. Put a mail note on the stairs in front of house10. Where to get the information on the radio答案仅供参考备考建议:常规的咨询场景,单词拼写难度不大,考生们应该在这一部分争取尽量少错。
Section 2场景:天堂岛屿的旅游介绍题型:10选择11-20) Multiple Choice11. Which color of bus: A red12. Activity is free: B nocturnal walk13. which one needs to paid for by coins?C changing room locker14. which activity needs to be booked in advance?B fishing15. which activity will be offered every day?B banana boating16. part was closed?A canoeing17. island restaurant - D18. general gift store - C19. children centre - H20. bicycle hire - E答案仅供参考备考建议:选择题还是第二部分的主要题型,建议考生们复习以选择题为主的Section2。

1. Describe a famous athlete you know
2. Describe a public park or garden
3. Describe an occasion when someone visited your home
To sum it up, both choices has its positive and negative side. But in my opinion, attending school provides a wide range of necessary information as well as skills that children will help them develop well. Even though attending school is beneficial, education supplementation from home will help students to attain a high level of education. School and home teaching will greatly help students understand more and help them mould their character and attitudes that will help them in the near future.
Section 4学术——水下考古
31. Maoris actually don’t have record on language which is written

1-10) Table Completion
1. Daytime Temperature : around 19 degrees
2. Normal Transfer time:40 minutes
3. Every room has suite facilities and a balcony
His third experiment is studying yawning in those with brain disorders, such as autism and schizophrenia, in which victims have difficulty connecting emotionally with others. A psychology professor at the University of Maryland.Robert Provine, is one of the few other researchers into yawning. He found the basic yawn lasts about six seconds and they come in bouts with an interval of about 68 seconds. Men and women yawn or half-yawn equally often, but men are significantly less likely to cover their mouths which may indicate complex distinction in genders. “A watched yawner never yawns.” Professor Provine said. However, the physical root of yawning remains a mystery. Some researchers say it’s coordinated within the hypothalamus of the brain, the area that also controls breathing.

Section 1:咨询——演唱会,10填空Section 2:介绍——餐厅对比,5多选5匹配Section 3:讨论——新西兰恐鸟知识,6选择4匹配Section 4:学术——伦敦地铁,10填空二、具体题目分析:Section 1场景:咨询—演唱会题型:10填空参考答案:1-10) Table Completion1. For children2. hope to have a piano performance3. broadcast on the local radio station4. Evening concert5. for students $ 46. lighting up by candles7. Tuesday8. charge by donation9. no group discount10. a special show of a famous singer(答案仅供参考)Section 2场景: 介绍——餐厅对比题型:5多选5匹配参考答案:11-15)MatchingA limited choiceB food…so slowC lack of spaceD Food is too expensiveE sever wrong foodF the food is coldG small sized portion11. Hot Spicy---D12. Pizza---C13. The wellington---E14. A Thursday and Saturdays15. G16-20) 多选16-17)A buy one week package and get one free lunchB free salad for over each pizzaC happy hour-special price for kidsD provide separated space for group guests dinnerE order 3 seats, the 4th will be free18-30)food unhealthysomething wrong with the takeawayno heater for cold materials(答案仅供参考)Section 3场景:讨论——新西兰恐鸟知识题型:6选择,4匹配参考答案:21-26) Multiple Choice21. one similar thing the moa is with dinosaurA both are of interest to the publicB both are extinct at similar timeC both left lot Fossils remain22. What is the difference between moa and other birds,A no wind bonesB tailC has a smaller head23. the special feature of their chicksA never return to the nestsB most die at two monthsC can find food by themselves24. 老师对female的反应如何A trouble to thinkB may think it trueC certainty to think25. male student attitude to lecturer in report today ofA He is surprisedB He is worriedC He is amused26. the reason why the moa become extinct?A climate changeB human interferenceC other animals’ competition27-30) MatchingA The tallest femaleB has less left fossilC The biggest eggsD it may feed at nightE More vocal soundF have poor eyesight27. A the N欧瑞特和人island Moa28. B the Coastal Moa29. F The stout-legged Moa30. D The Eastern Moa(答案仅供参考)Section 4场景:学术——伦敦地铁题型:10填空参考答案:31. 伦敦地铁特点之一—deep32. 没有考虑到population growth33. 通风口经常被newspaper堵住34. 车厢上的乘客会觉得凉爽,XXX会觉得更热35. 工程师要考虑到security36. 如果做一些改动park会被破坏37. /38. /39. /40. /(答案仅供参考)阅读部分Reading一、考试概述:本次考试的文章两篇新题一篇旧题,第一篇讲的是中国的茶如何传到西方的,第二篇主要介绍了纳米科技,第三篇是一篇旧题,介绍学校传统的对science的教育受到批判,引出另外两种方法,并解释对比各自优劣。

Section 1:咨询——垃圾回收,10表格填空Section 2:介绍——新员工工作职责,4选择6匹配Section 3:讨论——小镇历史研究,4匹配,2多选,4地图Section 4:学术——新西兰教育研究,10表格填空二、具体题目分析:Section 1场景:垃圾回收题型:10表格填空参考答案:1-10) Table Completion1. Collection day: Tuesday2. Time to collect the waste: 8.15 a.m.3. The thing which cannot be collected: TV4. Bags for sorting out the waste can be bought in the grocery store5. Large garbage site can be found on the map via the internet6. After collection, the garbage should be divided into different 2 categories7. Before throwing the bottle, people should remove the labels8. Egg cartons9. Juice bottles10. Pizza boxes(答案仅供参考)备考建议:考试词汇比较简单常规,但需要注意grocery的拼写,考生应该争取在第一部分尽量全对。
Section 2场景: 新员工工作职责题型:4选择6匹配参考答案:11-14) Multiple Choice11) Collecting incoming postA. do it today12. Answering customers on the phoneC. not his responsibility13. Reading customer emailsB. next few days14. Updating client databaseA. do it today15-20) Matching15. B. authorization16. H. purchase number17. A. approved supplier list18. G. order form19. C. contract20. D. delivery note(答案仅供参考)备考建议:匹配题考验对同义替换单词更快速的反应,但这次普遍反应同义替换不难,并且配对基本上都是原词,这应该是广大考生的福利。

Section 1 租房房屋保险10填空Section 2 国家植树大会7填空,3选择Section 3 男女对话选专业5选择,5匹配Section 4 IT科技对世界的帮助,一个学校IT学院引入了新的模式 10填空二、具体题目分析:Section 1场景:租房房屋保险题型:10填空1-10) Note Completion1. Address: 19 Hallway Deighton2. Daytime telephone: 01295 4770393. House layout with: 3 bedrooms4. Age of the house: 40 years old5. Property type house: construction material stone.6. With garage7. Security feature need to be installed: alarm8. Office equipment9. Content in the freezer10. Move in date: 1st April.备考建议:常见Section1场景,单词考查简单,参考练习C8T3S1Section 2场景:国家植树大会题型:7填空;3选择11-17) Table Completion11. 20 million trees are planned since the 1st festival planning day12. It also provides shade in hot water.13. It can lessen noise of cars.14. It can reduce people’s stress levels.15. It can reduce the risk of flooding.16. Not convenient for people to reconstruct rural area.17. Because of changes in climate and insects bring diseases.18-20) Multiple Choice18. B. Make art from wood.19. A. Art exhibition.20. E. New publication.备考建议:常见的填空加上选择,参考练习C8T1S2Section 3场景:男女对话选专业题型:5选择,5匹配21-24) Multiple Choice21. Why does the man choose the polytechnic over university course?A. he has been to many placesB. he has worked in the fieldC. he has a good prospects22. What advantages does he have gained?A. business working experienceB. financial planningC. interpersonal skills23. What ability does he have in travelling?A. independenceB. patienceC. tolerance24. What does the tutor think about ecotourism?A. it needs commitmentB. it is cheaperC. it is more popular and more practical25-30) Matching25. Travel and business tourist and economy --- D. intensive learning class26. Culture --- C. self-defense27. Japanese and Mandarin ---- A. language skills28. Mechanic operations ---- B. medicine skills29. Festival events ---- F. flexible entry30. Computing of tourism --- E. customer relationship备考建议:选择题搭配匹配题目的类型应该是section3的难点,平时训练的时候要提高自己审题的迅速,参考练习:C8T3S3Section 4场景:IT科技对世界的帮助,一个学校IT学院引入了新的模式题型:10填空31-40) Sentence Completion31. First of all, using email failed to32. Great relationship with local economy33. Mainly apply computer teaching methods34. Enjoy communication with35. Build up greater confidence36. More flexible approaches37. Offer new materials38. New solutions to new problems39. Develop time management skills40. Subsides the student’s supplement of income备考建议:section4虽然难,但是单词拼写很常规。
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威学一百雅思考试2018年7月19日内容解析听力 Listening一、考试概述:本场考试24道填空,16道选择,填空题占多数。
Section 1 买房咨询,10填空Section 2 骑马俱乐部,7 单选,3匹配Section 3 论文讨论,1多选,3单选,4填空Section 4 关于昆虫的演讲,10填空二、具体题目分析:Section 1场景:买房咨询题型:10填空1-10) Note Completion1. Address:59 Franklyn Avenue2. Post code:TY12 6OS3. Telephone number:0194885364. Preferred type of house:traditional5. Facilities inside:central heating6. Facilities outside:garage7. Preferred location:village8. Bank loan:$120,0009. Branch bank:Park Square10. To collect details in person答案仅供参考备考建议:买房租房的常规场景,单词拼写无难度,问题都是在考点内。
Section 2场景:骑马俱乐部题型:7选择,3匹配11-17)Multiple choice11. The speaker said the club:A meets the demands of customers12. The club does not provide:A individual classes13. The speaker said the customers must:B deposit of equipment14. When the customers do the registration, they:C can cancel two days in advance without charges15. The nervous customers may:A watch a lesson16. The shop in the horse riding club sells:B footwear17. The Equs Club is for:B riders who are preparing competition18-20) Matching18. Cafe - D19. Booking office - C20. Waiting area - E答案仅供参考备考建议:第二部分仍然是以选择题为主,建议考生们平时训练以选择题为主的Section2。
Section 3场景:论文讨论题型:1多选,3单选,4填空21-23) Multiple Choice21. What is causes for low score on the term paper?A. submit delayE. lack of accurate informationG. writing style24-26) Multiple choice24. What further information should be covered?A. technical support25. The salary has greatly increased by:A. 3 times as average26. She needs to include more:A. farming method27-30) Sentence completion27. the students were asked to write for library the reference document for library28.Eight products need to be mentioned29. Coffee producer contributed to communities, donated part of the revenue on equipment such as computers30. There is a so-called program:knowledge sharing答案仅供参考备考建议:Section3大量出现选择题,建议考生们训练自己阅读题干的速度,和抓取关键信息的能力,提高这部分的听力效率。
Section 4场景:关于昆虫的演讲题型:10填空31-40) Sentence completion31. vitamin32. bacteria33. antibiotics40. marketing答案仅供参考阅读 Reading一、考试概述:今天又是周四的考试,考情依旧非常稀少,老师们也费了九牛二虎之力获得了以下信息请大家稍安勿躁。
二、具体题目分析:Passage 1:题目:中美洲球类运动题号:新题参考文章:暂无Passage 2:题目:各国钱币题型:选择+匹配题号:旧题参考文章:暂无Passage 3:题目:British Woodlands题型:段落细节配对7+选词填空7题号:旧题文章大意:讲的是英国森林的演变利用和最后的管理,大致文章脉络是在人类的入侵之前英国的植被覆盖情况,工业革命之后,人们对森林的掠夺从以燃烧原料和建筑材料为目的到了以工业发展为目的,后来人们意识到保护森林的重要,开始投入人力物力进行保护。
参考答案:段落细节配对:27 a description of careless working practices that harm woodland F28 details of landscape prior to human intervention B29 arguments against cash rewards H30 a botanical source of evidence for the appearance of primitive woodland B31 reasons for reduced economic importance of woodland E32 a reason for recent improvements of woodland management G33 an implication for people of unhealthy tree A选词填空:Evolution of British WoodlandWhen woodland started to grow after last Ice Age. certain34. species naturally dominated certain regions of Britain. People then intervened to reduce the woodland by using grazing animals and methods such as35. burning and coppicing. An increasing number of trees have been grown to meet the demand of36. IndustrySituations of woodland in Britain deteriorated due to the use of37. I and the rigid38. planting patterns of woodland. Such practices also destroyed the39. habits G of animals and other wildlife.However, in the twentieth century, the state of woodland in Britain has been improved.40.grants available for fund encourage people to plant trees in good quality.写作 WritingTASK1The chart shows the average class size in 6 countries in 2006, and compare them with world average class size.(Word counts: 156)The bar chart illustrates how the average number of students in primary school and lower secondary school classes varied in 6 different countries in the year 2006 and the figure for the global average.It is apparent that on average, the approximately 23 students constitute a class globally both for both types of schools. Overall, lower secondary schools had larger class size than primary schools, except the UK.The average class sizes in South Korea, Japan and the UK ware much larger than the worldaverage. South Korea had the largest class size, with around 32 and 29 students for primary school and lower secondary school respectively. The pattern was similar in Japan and the UK, but with smaller class sizes, at about 27 students.The rest of the six countries had fairly similar number of students in a class to that of the global average. The figure ranged from 22 to 24 in Mexico, Denmark and Iceland.TASK 2题目类别:生活类提问方式:混合提问类考试题目:These days, an increasing number of people in many cities know little about their neighbors and do not have a sense of community. What do you think are the causes and what solutions can you suggest?(Word count:457)The significant rises of the population, fast paced life, crime rate and dependency on technology in the urban areas make more people become unacquainted and unfriendly to their neighbours. However, there are measures that can be taken to alleviate this issue.In today’s technology dependent era, people are mostly busy with their own work. Major streets in the cities are filled with busy people walking fast to reach their office or business place. They are even busy talking to their office colleagues and family members over the phone. After they return home late evening, they watch television, use computers and the Internet or spend time with family members. They scarcely have any time to socialise with neighbours. In some scenarios, people do not even know who live next door in city areas. These are the everyday scenarios in the cities where social interactions could be rarely seen as individuals have no time to socialise and much focused on their own work or personal interests.Again, the rampant acceleration of crimes in the urban community makes individual become unnecessarily cautious and suspicious about other people, especially with the people they meet for the very first time. Even trusting their own neighbourhood would be tough for them as they are in constant fear of being harmed. As a result inhabitants of cities tend to become isolated as they are afraid to mingle because of undeveloped acquaintance. Unlike rural areas, where comparatively fewer people live together, city areas are highly populated and it is not unlikely that several thousands of people live in a block. Maintaining social relationship with all of them is this thus quite impossible.On the other hand, considering possible measures to improve a sense of community in the neighbourhood, community officials must organise programmes regularly to encourage camaraderie. Secondly, building more parks, social gathering places, community centres andchildren’s playground in the community could be a good measure to let people socialise and know each other. This is also helpful for meeting friends, bonding with family and neighbours. As a result, people living in the community would develop a sense of friendship. Positive news and events among community members should be highlighted in media to eradicate the fear people have about unknown people. Finally, organising different community groups to help people find others with same interest and to share common passions is a very effective measure to help people enhance their neighbouring bonds and relationship in my opinion.To sum it up, city life and overwhelming population should not be hindrances to our sense of community and our relationship with our neighbours. It would be nicer for the community to develop a friendly environment to create a better place to live in with all the neighbours.口语 Speaking一、考试整体概述:以下为7月份本场高频题,请考生扎实准备1.Describe a city or country that you would like to live or work2.Describe a website that you often visit3.Describe a leisure facility you would like to have in your hometown4.Describe a thing you own that you want to replace5.Describe a magazine you enjoy reading二、本场难题及解析Describe a city or country you would like to work or live inYou should sayWhere it would beHow you got to know this placeWhat do you know about this placeAnd explain why you like to work or live thereThe Netherlands will be my first choice when I have a chance to work there for a short period of time. I first heard about this country in Geology class but later in 2000, I got to know more about it as it was the co-host country of 2000 European Cup. Beyond football, I have been fascinated by its greatness in art and economy and of course its spectacular landscape. Amsterdam is the capital city of The Netherlands, and it is known far and wide for its cultural vitality and inclusiveness of multi-ethnic. And it creates a bouncing atmosphere that I really enjoy. When it comes to job opportunities, many top 500 countries headquarter in this city, which provides its citizens with abundant job opportunities. If I would start my new venture in this country, then my future career would be promising, that’s what I know for sure. Apart from that, there’re a long list of places for fun in this country, from all types of bars to grand shopping malls and wonderful theme parks, so it’s just like a paradise to youngsters. In order to fulfill this plan, I should firstly get in touch with my best friend Jason who is now working in a Dutch non-profit organization, because he would refer me to some of his business partners. That would be a great plus to my job hunting. And then, I should learn to speak its language thought it’s pretty tricky tome. But I am confident that I could live a decent life there one day.X。