毕业设计(论文)机械与电气工程学院电气工程及其自动化专业毕业设计(论文)题目基于FPGA的SDRAM控制器的实现(软件部分)学生姓名班级电气工程及其自动化学号指导教师完成日期2012 年 6 月 6 日基于FPGA的SDRAM控制器的实现(软件部分)The realization of SDRAM controller based on FPGA (software)总计毕业设计(论文) 41 页表格 6 个插图 21 幅摘要文中介绍了FPGA的开发流程、硬件开发语言及其开发环境QuartusII和SDRAM的结构特点和工作原理,根据SDRAM的工作原理、控制时序和指令特点,设计一种基于FPGA的SDRAM控制器的方案。
关键字:SDRAM控制器FPGA 控制模块软件仿真AbstractThis paper introduces the development process and FPGA hardware development language and the development environment of SDRAM QuartusII and structural characteristics and working principle, according to the working principle of SDRAM, sequence control and instruction characteristics, a scheme based on FPGA SDRAM controller is designed. SDRAM controller design mainly by the master control module, signal module, data path module and parameter module composition. This design solved a problem about the controlling complexity of SDRAM controller, and gives the simulation results by using Verilog. The simulation results show that using this method to design the controller can realize the system is convenient, reliable operation of SDRAM.Key words: SDRAM controller FPGA Control module Software simulation目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第一章绪论 (1)课题背景 (1)课题研究的意义 (1)第二章FPGA与Quartus II软件简介 (2)FPGA简介 (2)FPGA背景 (2)FGPA结构原理 (2)Quartus II软件简介 (3)硬件描述语言Verilog (4)FPGA开发过程 (5)第三章SDRAM的技术介绍 (6) (6)SDRAM简介 (6)SRAM和DRAM (6)SDRAM发展过程 (7)SDRAM工作原理和基本操作 (8)SDRAM存储的工作原理 (9)SDRAM 的引脚信号 (9)SDRAM基本命令 (10)SDRAM初始化 (10)SDRAM读、写操作 (11)终止操作 (12)第四章 SDRAM控制器设计 (12)SDRAM控制器 (13)主控制模块 (14)信号产生模块 (16)参数模块 (18)数据通路模块 (19)第五章SDRAM的读、写仿真 (19)SDRAM控制器时序仿真 (20)Quartus II (20)读仿真时序 (20)写仿真时序 (21)仿真结果分析 (22)结论 (24)参考文献 (25)致谢 (26)附录 (27)第一章绪论课题背景伴随着电子信息技术的飞速发展和其在通讯、工业、商业、医疗等方面的广泛应用,人们对信息的需求逐渐向着更快、更多、更准确发展。
fpga毕业设计FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)是一种可编程逻辑设备,由于其灵活性和高性能的特点,被广泛应用于各种领域,例如数字信号处理、嵌入式系统和通信等。
使用LabVIEW FPGA模块开发可编程自动化控制器学院:通信与电子工程学院班级:电子071学号: 2007131010姓名:欧洪材Building Programmable Automation Controllers with LabVIEWFPGAOverviewProgrammable Automation Controllers (PACs) are gaining acceptance within the industrial control market as the ideal solution for applications that require highly integrated analog and digital I/O, floating-point processing, and seamless connectivity to multiple processing nodes. National Instruments offers a variety of PAC solutions powered by one common software development environment, NI LabVIEW. With LabVIEW, you can build custom I/O interfaces for industrial applications using add-on software, such as the NI LabVIEW FPGA Module.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and reconfigurable I/O (RIO) hardware, National Instruments delivers an intuitive, accessible solution for incorporating the flexibility and customizability of FPGA technology into industrial PAC systems. You can define the logic embedded in FPGA chips across the family of RIO hardware targets without knowing low-level hardware description languages (HDLs) or board-level hardware design details, as well as quickly define hardware for ultrahigh-speed control, customized timing and synchronization, low-level signal processing, and custom I/O with analog, digital, and counters within a single device. You also can integrate your custom NI RIO hardware with image acquisition and analysis, motion control, and industrial protocols, such as CAN and RS232, to rapidly prototype and implement a complete PAC system.Table of Contents1.Introduction2.NI RIO Hardware for PACs3.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module4.FPGA Development Flowing NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion Controllers6.Applications7.ConclusionIntroductionYou can use graphical programming in LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module to configure the FPGA (field-programmable gate array) on NI RIO devices. RIO technology, the merging of LabVIEW graphical programming with FPGAs on NI RIOhardware, provides a flexible platform for creating sophisticated measurement and control systems that you could previously create only with custom-designed hardware.An FPGA is a chip that consists of many unconfigured logic gates. Unlike the fixed, vendor-defined functionality of an ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) chip, you can configure and reconfigure the logic on FPGAs for your specific application. FPGAs are used in applications where either the cost of developing and fabricating an ASIC is prohibitive, or the hardware must be reconfigured after being placed into service. The flexible,software-programmable architecture of FPGAs offer benefits such ashigh-performance execution of custom algorithms, precise timing and synchronization, rapid decision making, and simultaneous execution of parallel tasks. Today, FPGAs appear in such devices as instruments, consumer electronics, automobiles, aircraft, copy machines, and application-specific computer hardware. While FPGAs are often used in industrial control products, FPGA functionality has not previously been made accessible to industrial control engineers. Defining FPGAs has historically required expertise using HDL programming or complex design tools used more by hardware design engineers than by controlengineers.Within the test-fixture the tx output of the transmitter module is loop ed back to the rx input of the receiver module.This allows the transmitter module to be used as test signal generator for the receiver module.Data can be written in parallel format to the transmitter module and looped back in serial format to the rx input of the receiver module,and data received can finally be read out in paral lel format from the receiver module.In order to automate the testing of the UART a s much as possible,tree independent Verilog tasks were written as follows.The Ve rilog task“write_to_transmitter”holds all necessary statements required to generate a s ingle parallel data write sequence to the transmitter module.Data that are writt en to the transmitter upon execution of the“write_to_transmitter”task,get la tched internal to the test-fixture for later analysis.The Verilog task“read_ou t_receiver”holds all necessary statements required to generate a single paral lel data read out sequence from the receiver module.Data that are read out of the receiver upon execution of the“read_out_receiver”task,get latched internalto the test-fixture for later analysis.The Verilog task“compare_data”holds a ll necessary statements required to compare the previous data written to the tran smitter module,to the corresponding and most recent data received and read out f rom the receive r module.If any discrepancy occurs,the“compare_data”task fl ags for an error by writing out the data values that were written to the transmitte r module,as well as the corresponding data values that were received by and read o ut from the receiver module.The simulation is immediately stopped by the“compa re_data”task if any discrepancy occurs.Besides the tree above mentioned Verilo g tasks,the test-fixture holds the statements to generate the mclkx16,the master reset signals as well as the“tx to rx”loop back feature.The statements are c onsidered trivial,and will not be illustrated here,but can be referred to within the test-fixture itself.The core of the test-fixture is a behavioral level“for loop”that executes the tree above mentioned Verilog tasks in order to write all possible data combinations to the transmitter and verify that same data gets prop erly received by the receiver.The for loop is showed below in figure21.Next to port definitions comes port directions.Directions are specified as in put,output or inout(bidirectional),and can be referred to in table1.Next to the specification of port directions comes declaration of internal signals.Inter nal signals in Verilog are declared as“wire”or“reg”data types.Signals of the“wire”type are used for continuos assignments,also called combinatorial s tatements.Signals of the“reg”type are used for assignments within the Verilog“always”block,often use for sequential logic assignments,but not necessari ly.For further explanation see aVerilog reference book.Data types of the internal signals of the module can be referred to in table3.We have now passed by all nec essary declarations,and are now ready to look at the actual ing hardware description language allows us to describe the function of the transm itter in a more behavioral manner,rather than focus on it’s actual implementation at gate level In software programming language, functions and procedures breaks larger programs into more readable,manageable and certa inly maintainable pieces.The Verilog language provides functions and tasks as co nstructs,analogous to software functions and procedures.A Verilog function andtask are used as the equivalent to multiple lines of Verilog code,where certain i nputs or signals affects certain outputs or variables.The use of functions and ta sks usually takes place where multiple lines of code are repeatedly used in a desi gn,and hence makes the design easier to read and certainly maintain.A Verilog fu nction can have multiple inputs,but always have only one output,while the Veril og task can have both multiple inputs,and multiple outputs and even in some cases,non of each.Below is shown the Verilog task,that hold all necessary sequential statements,to describe the transmitter in the“shift”modeWith the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware, you now can use LabVIEW, a high-level graphical development environment designed specifically for measurement and control applications, to create PACs that have the customization, flexibility, and high-performance of FPGAs. Because the LabVIEW FPGA Module configures custom circuitry in hardware, your system can process and generate synchronized analog and digital signals rapidly and deterministically. Figure 1 illustrates many of the NI RIO devices that you can configure using the LabVIEW FPGA Module.Figure 1. LabVIEW FPGA VI Block Diagram and RIO Hardware PlatformsNI RIO Hardware for PACsHistorically, programming FPGAs has been limited to engineers who have in-depth knowledge of VHDL or other low-level design tools, which require overcoming a very steep learning curve. With the LabVIEW FPGA Module, NI has opened FPGA technology to a broader set of engineers who can now define FPGA logic using LabVIEW graphical development. Measurement and control engineers can focus primarily on their test and control application, where their expertise lies, rather than the low-level semantics of transferring logic into the cells of the chip. The LabVIEW FPGA Module model works because of the tight integration between the LabVIEW FPGA Module and the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware architecture of the FPGA and surrounding I/O components.National Instruments PACs provide modular, off-the-shelf platforms for your industrial control applications. With the implementation of RIO technology on PCI, PXI, and Compact Vision System platforms and the introduction of RIO-based CompactRIO, engineers now have the benefits of a COTS platform with thehigh-performance, flexibility, and customization benefits of FPGAs at their disposal to build PACs. National Instruments PCI and PXI R Series plug-in devices provide analog and digital data acquisition and control for high-performance, user-configurable timing and synchronization, as well as onboard decision making on a single device. Using these off-the-shelf devices, you can extend your NI PXI or PCI industrial control system to include high-speed discrete and analog control, custom sensor interfaces, and precise timing and control.NI CompactRIO, a platform centered on RIO technology, provides a small, industrially rugged, modular PAC platform that gives you high-performance I/O and unprecedented flexibility in system timing. You can use NI CompactRIO to build an embedded system for applications such as in-vehicle data acquisition, mobile NVH testing, and embedded machine control systems. The rugged NICompactRIO system is industrially rated and certified, and it is designed for greater than 50 g of shock at a temperature range of -40 to 70 °C.NI Compact Vision System is a rugged machine vision package that withstands the harsh environments common in robotics, automated test, and industrial inspection systems. NI CVS-145x devices offer unprecedented I/O capabilities and network connectivity for distributed machine vision applications.NI CVS-145x systems use IEEE 1394 (FireWire) technology, compatible with more than 40 cameras with a wide range of functionality, performance, and price. NI CVS-1455 and NI CVS-1456 devices contain configurable FPGAs so you can implement custom counters, timing, or motor control in your machine vision application.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA ModuleWith LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module, you add significant flexibility and customization to your industrial control hardware. Because many PACs are already programmed using LabVIEW, programming FPGAs with LabVIEW is easy because it uses the same LabVIEW development environment. When you target the FPGA on an NI RIO device, LabVIEW displays only the functions that can be implemented in the FPGA, further easing the use of LabVIEW to program FPGAs. The LabVIEW FPGA Module Functions palette includes typical LabVIEW structures and functions, such as While Loops, For Loops, Case Structures, and Sequence Structures as well as a dedicated set of LabVIEW FPGA-specific functions for math, signal generation and analysis, linear and nonlinear control, comparison logic, array and cluster manipulation, occurrences, analog and digital I/O, and timing. You can use a combination of these functions to define logic and embed intelligence onto your NI RIO device.Figure 2 shows an FPGA application that implements a PID control algorithm on the NI RIO hardware and a host application on a Windows machine or an RT target that communicates with the NI RIO hardware. This application reads from analog input 0 (AI0), performs the PID calculation, and outputs the resulting data on analog output 0 (AO0). While the FPGA clock runs at 40 MHz the loop in this example runs much slower because each component takes longer than one-clock cycle to execute. Analog control loops can run on an FPGA at a rate of about 200 kHz. You can specify the clock rate at compile time. This example shows only one PID loop; however, creating additional functionality on the NI RIO device is merely a matter of adding another While Loop. Unlike traditional PC processors, FPGAs are parallel processors. Adding additional loops to your application does not affect the performance of your PID loop.Figure 2. PID Control Using an Embedded LabVIEW FPGA VI with Corresponding LabVIEW HostVI.FPGA Development FlowAfter you create the LabVIEW FPGA VI, you compile the code to run on the NI RIO hardware. Depending on the complexity of your code and the specifications of your development system, compile time for an FPGA VI can range from minutes to several hours. To maximize development productivity, with the R Series RIO devices you can use a bit-accurate emulation mode so you can verify the logic of your design before initiating the compile process. When you target the FPGA Device Emulator, LabVIEW accesses I/O from the device and executes the VI logic on the Windows development computer. In this mode, you can use the same debugging tools available in LabVIEW for Windows, such as execution highlighting, probes, and breakpoints.Once the LabVIEW FPGA code is compiled, you create a LabVIEW host VI to integrate your NI RIO hardware into the rest of your PAC system. Figure 3 illustrates the development process for creating an FPGA application. The host VI uses controls and indicators on the FPGA VI front panel to transfer databetween the FPGA on the RIO device and the host processing engine. These front panel objects are represented as data registers within the FPGA. The host computer can be either a PC or PXI controller running Windows or a PC, PXI controller, Compact Vision System, or CompactRIO controller running a real-time operating system (RTOS). In the above example, we exchange the set point, PID gains, loop rate, AI0, and AO0 data with the LabVIEW host VI.Figure 3. LabVIEW FPGA Development FlowThe NI RIO device driver includes a set of functions to develop a communication interface to the FPGA. The first step in building a host VI is to open a reference to the FPGA VI and RIO device. The Open FPGA VI Reference function, as seen in Figure 2, also downloads and runs the compiled FPGA code during execution. After opening the reference, you read and write to the control and indicator registers on the FPGA using the Read/Write Control function. Once you wire the FPGA reference into this function, you can simply select which controls and indicators you want to read and write to. You can enclose the FPGA Read/Write function within a While Loop to continuously read and write to the FPGA. Finally, the last function within the LabVIEW host VI in Figure 2 is the Close FPGA VI Reference function. The Close FPGA VI Reference function stops the FPGA VI and closes the reference to the device. Now you can download other compiled FPGA VIs to the device to change or modify its functionality.The LabVIEW host VI can also be used to perform floating-point calculations, data logging, networking, and any calculations that do not fit within the FPGA fabric. For added determinism and reliability, you can run your host application on an RTOS with the LabVIEW Real-Time Module. LabVIEW Real-Time systems provide deterministic processing engines for functions performed synchronously or asynchronously to the FPGA. For example, floating-point arithmetic, including FFTs, PID calculations, and custom control algorithms, are often performed in the LabVIEW Real-Time environment. Relevant data can be stored on a LabVIEW Real-Time system or transferred to a Windows host computer for off-line analysis, data logging, or user interface displays. The architecture for this configuration is shown in Figure 4. Each NI PAC platform that offers RIO hardware can run LabVIEW Real-Time VIs.Figure 4. Complete PAC Architecture Using LabVIEW FPGA, LabVIEW Real-Time and Host PC Within each R Series and CompactRIO device, there is flash memory available to store a compiled LabVIEW FPGA VI and run the application immediately upon power up of the device. In this configuration, as long as the FPGA has power, it runs the FPGA VI, even if the host computer crashes or is powered down. This is ideal for programming safety power down and power up sequences when unexpected events occur.Using NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion ControllersThe NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW provides VIs and functions to help you build custom motion controllers as part of NI PAC hardware platforms that can include NI RIO devices, DAQ devices, and Compact FieldPoint. NI SoftMotion provides all of the functions that typically reside on a motion controller DSP. With it, you can handle path planning, trajectory generation, and position and velocity loop control in the NI LabVIEW environment and then deploy the code on LabVIEW Real-Time or LabVIEW FPGA-based target hardware.NI SoftMotion includes functions for trajectory generator and spline engine and examples with complete source code for supervisory control, position, and velocity control loop using the PID algorithm. Supervisory control and the trajectory generator run on a LabVIEW Real-Time target and run at millisecond loop rates. The spline engine and the control loop can run either on a LabVIEW Real-Time target at millisecond loop rates or on a LabVIEW FPGA target at microsecond loop rates.ApplicationsBecause the LabVIEW FPGA Module can configure low-level hardware design of FPGAs and use the FPGAs within in a modular system, it is ideal for industrial control applications requiring custom hardware. These custom applications can include a custom mix of analog, digital, and counter/timer I/O, analog control up to 125 kHz, digital control up to 20 MHz, and interfacing to custom digital protocols for the following:Batch control∙Discrete control∙Motion control∙In-vehicle data acquisition∙Machine condition monitoring∙Rapid control prototyping (RCP)∙Industrial control and acquisition∙Distributed data acquisition and control∙Mobile/portable noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) analysis ConclusionThe LabVIEW FPGA Module brings the flexibility, performance, and customization of FPGAs to PAC platforms. Using NI RIO devices and LabVIEW graphical programming, you can build flexible and custom hardware using the COTS hardware often required in industrial control applications. Because you are using LabVIEW, a programming language already used in many industrial control applications, to define your NI RIO hardware, there is no need to learn VHDL or other low-level hardware design tools to create custom hardware. Using the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware as part of your NI PAC adds significant flexibility and functionality for applications requiring ultrahigh-speed control, interfaces to custom digital protocols, or a custom I/O mix of analog, digital, and counters.使用LabVIEW FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)模块开发可编程自动化控制器综述工业控制上的应用要求高度集成的模拟和数字输入输出、浮点运算和多重处理节点的无缝连接。
Building Programmable Automation Controllers with LabVIEWFPGAOverviewProgrammable Automation Controllers (PACs) are gaining acceptance within the industrial control market as the ideal solution for applications that require highly integrated analog and digital I/O, floating-point processing, and seamless connectivity to multiple processing nodes. National Instruments offers a variety of PAC solutions powered by one common software development environment, NI LabVIEW. With LabVIEW, you can build custom I/O interfaces for industrial applications using add-on software, such as the NI LabVIEW FPGA Module.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and reconfigurable I/O (RIO) hardware, National Instruments delivers an intuitive, accessible solution for incorporating the flexibility and customizability of FPGA technology into industrial PAC systems. You can define the logic embedded in FPGA chips across the family of RIO hardware targets without knowing low-level hardware description languages (HDLs) or board-level hardware design details, as well as quickly define hardware for ultrahigh-speed control, customized timing and synchronization, low-level signal processing, and custom I/O with analog, digital, and counters within a single device. You also can integrate your custom NI RIO hardware with image acquisition and analysis, motion control, and industrial protocols, such as CAN and RS232, to rapidly prototype and implement a complete PAC system.Table of Contents1.Introduction2.NI RIO Hardware for PACs3.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module4.FPGA Development Flowing NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion Controllers6.Applications7.ConclusionIntroductionYou can use graphical programming in LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module to configure the FPGA (field-programmable gate array) on NI RIO devices. RIO technology, the merging of LabVIEW graphical programming with FPGAs on NI RIO hardware, provides a flexible platform for creating sophisticated measurement and control systems that you could previously create only with custom-designed hardware.An FPGA is a chip that consists of many unconfigured logic gates. Unlike the fixed, vendor-defined functionality of an ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) chip, you can configure and reconfigure the logic on FPGAs for your specific application. FPGAs are used in applications where either the cost of developing and fabricating an ASIC is prohibitive, or the hardware must be reconfigured after being placed into service. The flexible,software-programmable architecture of FPGAs offer benefits such as high-performance execution of custom algorithms, precise timing and synchronization, rapid decision making, and simultaneous execution of parallel tasks. Today, FPGAs appear in such devices as instruments, consumer electronics, automobiles, aircraft, copy machines, andapplication-specific computer hardware. While FPGAs are often used in industrial control products, FPGA functionality has not previously been made accessible to industrial control engineers. Defining FPGAs has historically required expertise using HDL programming or complex design tools used more by hardware design engineers than by control engineers.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware, you now can use LabVIEW, a high-level graphical development environment designed specifically for measurement and control applications, to create PACs that have the customization, flexibility, andhigh-performance of FPGAs. Because the LabVIEW FPGA Module configures custom circuitry in hardware, your system can process and generate synchronized analog and digital signals rapidly and deterministically. Figure 1 illustrates many of the NI RIO devices that you can configure using the LabVIEW FPGA Module.Figure 1. LabVIEW FPGA VI Block Diagram and RIO Hardware PlatformsNI RIO Hardware for PACsHistorically, programming FPGAs has been limited to engineers who have in-depth knowledge of VHDL or other low-level design tools, which require overcoming a very steep learning curve. With the LabVIEW FPGA Module, NI has opened FPGA technology to a broader set of engineers who can now define FPGA logic using LabVIEW graphical development. Measurement and control engineers can focus primarily on their test and control application, where their expertise lies, rather than the low-level semantics of transferring logic into the cells of the chip. The LabVIEW FPGA Module model works because of the tightintegration between the LabVIEW FPGA Module and the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware architecture of the FPGA and surrounding I/O components.National Instruments PACs provide modular, off-the-shelf platforms for your industrial control applications. With the implementation of RIO technology on PCI, PXI, and Compact Vision System platforms and the introduction of RIO-based CompactRIO, engineers now have the benefits of a COTS platform with the high-performance, flexibility, and customization benefits of FPGAs at their disposal to build PACs. National Instruments PCI and PXI R Series plug-in devices provide analog and digital data acquisition and control for high-performance, user-configurable timing and synchronization, as well as onboard decision making on a single device. Using these off-the-shelf devices, you can extend your NI PXI or PCI industrial control system to include high-speed discrete and analog control, custom sensor interfaces, and precise timing and control.NI CompactRIO, a platform centered on RIO technology, provides a small, industrially rugged, modular PAC platform that gives you high-performance I/O and unprecedented flexibility in system timing. You can use NI CompactRIO to build an embedded system for applications such as in-vehicle data acquisition, mobile NVH testing, and embedded machine control systems. The rugged NI CompactRIO system is industrially rated and certified, and it is designed for greater than 50 g of shock at a temperature range of -40 to 70 °C.NI Compact Vision System is a rugged machine vision package that withstands the harsh environments common in robotics, automated test, and industrial inspection systems. NICVS-145x devices offer unprecedented I/O capabilities and network connectivity for distributed machine vision applications.NI CVS-145x systems use IEEE 1394 (FireWire) technology, compatible with more than 40 cameras with a wide range of functionality, performance, and price. NI CVS-1455 and NI CVS-1456 devices contain configurable FPGAs so you can implement custom counters, timing, or motor control in your machine vision application.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module With LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module, you add significant flexibility and customization to your industrial control hardware. Because many PACs are already programmed using LabVIEW, programming FPGAs with LabVIEW is easy because it uses the same LabVIEW development environment. When you target the FPGA on an NI RIO device, LabVIEW displays only the functions that can be implemented in the FPGA, further easing the use of LabVIEW to program FPGAs. The LabVIEW FPGA Module Functions palette includes typical LabVIEW structures and functions, such as While Loops, For Loops, Case Structures, and Sequence Structures as well as a dedicated set of LabVIEWFPGA-specific functions for math, signal generation and analysis, linear and nonlinear control, comparison logic, array and cluster manipulation, occurrences, analog and digital I/O, and timing. You can use a combination of these functions to define logic and embed intelligence onto your NI RIO device.Figure 2 shows an FPGA application that implements a PID control algorithm on the NI RIO hardware and a host application on a Windows machine or an RT target that communicates with the NI RIO hardware. This application reads from analog input 0 (AI0), performs the PID calculation, and outputs the resulting data on analog output 0 (AO0). While the FPGA clock runs at 40 MHz the loop in this example runs much slower because each component takes longer than one-clock cycle to execute. Analog control loops can run on an FPGA at a rate of about 200 kHz. You can specify the clock rate at compile time. This example shows only one PID loop; however, creating additional functionality on the NI RIO device is merely a matter of adding another While Loop. Unlike traditional PC processors, FPGAs are parallel processors. Adding additional loops to your application does not affect the performance of your PID loop.Figure 2. PID Control Using an Embedded LabVIEW FPGA VI with Corresponding LabVIEW HostVI.FPGA Development FlowAfter you create the LabVIEW FPGA VI, you compile the code to run on the NI RIO hardware. Depending on the complexity of your code and the specifications of your development system, compile time for an FPGA VI can range from minutes to several hours.To maximize development productivity, with the R Series RIO devices you can use abit-accurate emulation mode so you can verify the logic of your design before initiating the compile process. When you target the FPGA Device Emulator, LabVIEW accesses I/O from the device and executes the VI logic on the Windows development computer. In this mode, you can use the same debugging tools available in LabVIEW for Windows, such as execution highlighting, probes, and breakpoints.Once the LabVIEW FPGA code is compiled, you create a LabVIEW host VI to integrate your NI RIO hardware into the rest of your PAC system. Figure 3 illustrates the development process for creating an FPGA application. The host VI uses controls and indicators on the FPGA VI front panel to transfer data between the FPGA on the RIO device and the host processing engine. These front panel objects are represented as data registers within the FPGA. The host computer can be either a PC or PXI controller running Windows or a PC, PXI controller, Compact Vision System, or CompactRIO controller running a real-time operating system (RTOS). In the above example, we exchange the set point, PID gains, loop rate, AI0, and AO0 data with the LabVIEW host VI.Figure 3. LabVIEW FPGA Development FlowThe NI RIO device driver includes a set of functions to develop a communication interface to the FPGA. The first step in building a host VI is to open a reference to the FPGA VI and RIO device. The Open FPGA VI Reference function, as seen in Figure 2, also downloads and runs the compiled FPGA code during execution. After opening the reference, you read and write to the control and indicator registers on the FPGA using the Read/Write Control function. Once you wire the FPGA reference into this function, you can simply select which controls and indicators you want to read and write to. You can enclose the FPGA Read/Write function within a While Loop to continuously read and write to the FPGA. Finally, the last function within the LabVIEW host VI in Figure 2 is the Close FPGA VI Reference function. The Close FPGA VI Reference function stops the FPGA VI and closes the reference to the device. Now you can download other compiled FPGA VIs to the device to change or modify its functionality.The LabVIEW host VI can also be used to perform floating-point calculations, data logging, networking, and any calculations that do not fit within the FPGA fabric. For added determinism and reliability, you can run your host application on an RTOS with the LabVIEW Real-Time Module. LabVIEW Real-Time systems provide deterministicprocessing engines for functions performed synchronously or asynchronously to the FPGA. For example, floating-point arithmetic, including FFTs, PID calculations, and custom control algorithms, are often performed in the LabVIEW Real-Time environment. Relevant data can be stored on a LabVIEW Real-Time system or transferred to a Windows host computer for off-line analysis, data logging, or user interface displays. The architecture for this configuration is shown in Figure 4. Each NI PAC platform that offers RIO hardware can run LabVIEW Real-Time VIs.Figure 4. Complete PAC Architecture Using LabVIEW FPGA, LabVIEW Real-Time and Host PC Within each R Series and CompactRIO device, there is flash memory available to store a compiled LabVIEW FPGA VI and run the application immediately upon power up of the device. In this configuration, as long as the FPGA has power, it runs the FPGA VI, even if the host computer crashes or is powered down. This is ideal for programming safety power down and power up sequences when unexpected events occur.Using NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion ControllersThe NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW provides VIs and functions to help you build custom motion controllers as part of NI PAC hardware platforms that can include NI RIO devices, DAQ devices, and Compact FieldPoint. NI SoftMotion provides all of the functions that typically reside on a motion controller DSP. With it, you can handle path planning, trajectory generation, and position and velocity loop control in the NI LabVIEW environment and then deploy the code on LabVIEW Real-Time or LabVIEW FPGA-based target hardware.NI SoftMotion includes functions for trajectory generator and spline engine and examples with complete source code for supervisory control, position, and velocity control loop using the PID algorithm. Supervisory control and the trajectory generator run on a LabVIEW Real-Time target and run at millisecond loop rates. The spline engine and the control loop can run either on a LabVIEW Real-Time target at millisecond loop rates or on a LabVIEW FPGA target at microsecond loop rates.ApplicationsBecause the LabVIEW FPGA Module can configure low-level hardware design of FPGAs and use the FPGAs within in a modular system, it is ideal for industrial controlapplications requiring custom hardware. These custom applications can include a custom mix of analog, digital, and counter/timer I/O, analog control up to 125 kHz, digital control up to 20 MHz, and interfacing to custom digital protocols for the following:•Batch control•Discrete control•Motion control•In-vehicle data acquisition•Machine condition monitoring•Rapid control prototyping (RCP)•Industrial control and acquisition•Distributed data acquisition and control•Mobile/portable noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) analysis ConclusionThe LabVIEW FPGA Module brings the flexibility, performance, and customization of FPGAs to PAC platforms. Using NI RIO devices and LabVIEW graphical programming, you can build flexible and custom hardware using the COTS hardware often required in industrial control applications. Because you are using LabVIEW, a programming language already used in many industrial control applications, to define your NI RIO hardware, there is no need to learn VHDL or other low-level hardware design tools to create custom hardware. Using the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware as part of your NI PAC adds significant flexibility and functionality for applications requiring ultrahigh-speed control, interfaces to custom digital protocols, or a custom I/O mix of analog, digital, and counters.使用LabVIEW FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)模块开发可编程自动化控制器综述工业控制上的应用要求高度集成的模拟和数字输入输出、浮点运算和多重处理节点的无缝连接。
一、FPGA概述FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)是一种可编程逻辑器件,其硬件结构由可编程逻辑单元(LUT)、寄存器和互连资源组成,可以进行不同电路结构的编程和再编程。
FPGA 拥有很多优点,例如高度的可定制性、可重构性、高速性、大规模集成度、低功耗和低成本等,因此在数字电子、通信、图像处理、网络交换机、音视频处理、科学计算等领域中得到广泛应用。
二、FPGA在数字信号处理中的应用数字信号处理(Digital Signal Processing,DSP)是数字电子学的一个重要领域,用于处理数字信号。
FPGA 实现数字滤波器具有高速处理、低延迟、低功耗、高精度和灵活性等优点。
(三)FFTFFT(Fast Fourier Transform,快速傅里叶变换)是一种数字信号处理算法,用于将时间域信号转换为频域信号。
基于FPGA的全数字锁相环设计(毕业设计)基于FPGA的全数字锁相环设计中文题目英文题目 The design of DPLL based on FPGA系别:年级专业:姓名:学号:指导教师:职称:2012 年 5 月 15 日毕业设计(论文)诚信声明书本人郑重声明:在毕业设计(论文)工作中严格遵守学校有关规定,恪守学术规范;我所提交的毕业设计(论文)是本人在指导教师的指导下独立研究、撰写的成果,设计(论文)中所引用他人的文字、研究成果,均已在设计(论文)中加以说明;在本人的毕业设计(论文)中未剽窃、抄袭他人的学术观点、思想和成果,未篡改实验数据。
该锁相环由FPGA实现,采用Quartua II和Modelsim SE作为软件开发环境,其灵活性、速度优化和资源控制都能够更好的体现。
【关键词】全数字锁相环(ADPLL),比例积分,FPGA ,环路滤波The design of DPLL based on FPGAAbstract:The design is to design a second-order digital phase locked loop, using theproportional - integral algorithm instead of the traditional PLL loop filter and digitally controlled oscillator function of the phase accumulator. In practical engineering application of phase-locked loop, regardless of theirfunction and structure of the difference between the basic structure should consistsof three basic components(phase detector, loop filter and voltage / numerically controlled oscillator) .The main task of this design is to adopt the basicstructure of the concrete realization of a new control and methods to design these three modules.The phase-locked loop implemented by the FPGA, used Quartua II and Modelsim SE as a software development environment,its flexibility, speed optimization and control of resources to better reflect. Design and debug this system, the need for late phase-locked loop data analysis .Recording and analyzing data including :Analysis of phase-locked loopsystem stability; analysis of the tracking error; to adjust the system stability and phase-locked speed by adjusting the proportionaland integral coefficients, good analysis chart.Key Words:ADPLL,Proportional integral,FPGA,Loop filter.目录第一章绪论 ..................................................................... ...................................... 7 1.1 课题背景及意义 ..................................................................... .................. 7 1.2 国内外相关研究状况 ..................................................................... ........... 8 1.3 FPGA技术与Verilog HDL语言简介.. (8)第二章软件方案选择论证.................................................................................... 9 2.1 鉴相器(DPD)程序设计实现方案 (10)2.2 环路滤波器(DLF)的程序设计的实现方案 (10)2.3 数字振荡器(DCO)的程序设计的实现方案 (11)2.4 FPGA程序设计实现方案 ..................................................................... ... 11 2.5 软件设计系统时钟的选择 ..................................................................... .. 11第三章锁相环系统介绍 ..................................................................... ................ 12 3.1 锁相环系统的分类及性质 ......................................................................123.1.1 模拟锁相环 ..................................................................... .. (12)3.1.2 数字锁相环 ..................................................................... .. (12)3.2 锁相环的性质 ..................................................................... .. (13)3.2.1 带宽 ..................................................................... .. (13)3.2.2 线性 ..................................................................... .......................... 13 3.3 锁相环的工作原理与结构 ......................................................................133.3.1 鉴相器(PD).................................................................... .. (14).................................................................... ... 15 3.3.2 环路滤波器(LF)3.3.3 压控振荡器(DCO) .................................................................. .. 153.3.4 环路相位模型 ..................................................................... .. (16)3.3.5 环路的动态方程 ..................................................................... . (17)第四章锁相环系统的软件设计及仿真 .............................................................. 18 4.1 系统软件设计要求 ..................................................................... ........... 18 4.2 数字鉴相器(DPD)的软件设计及仿真 (18)4.3 数字环路滤波器(DLF)的软件设计与仿真 (20)4.4 数控振荡器(DCO)的软件设计与仿真 (21)4.5 锁相环系统软件设计中遇到的问题及解决方法 (24)第五章锁相环系统的硬件环境及调试 (25)5.1 锁相环系统的硬件环境:Altera DE2开发板的介绍 (25)5.2 锁相环系统的载入DE2开发析调试 (25)5.3 锁相环系统硬件调试所遇到的问题及解决方法 (25)第六章锁相环系统相关参数的分析确定及数据的测试分析 (27)6.1 锁相环系统相关参数的分析确定 (27)6.1.1 锁相环系统比例参数PG、积分参数IG的确定 (27)6.1.2 锁相环系统比例和积分计数限幅参数、控制参数N限幅参数的确定 ................................................................. (27)6.3 数字锁相环系统数据的测试分析 (28)6.3.1 锁相环系统的稳定性分析 (28)6.3.2 锁相环系统跟踪误差的分析 (32)6.3.3 调节比例积分系数来分析系统的稳定性和锁相速度 ..................34总结 ..................................................................... (38)致谢 ..................................................................... (39)参考文献 ..................................................................... . (40)第一章绪论1.1 课题背景及意义锁相环路(PLL)是一个能使输出锁相信号频率跟踪输入被锁信号频率的闭环控制系统。
fpga毕业设计FPGA毕业设计(700字):FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array)是一种可现场编程门阵列的集成电路。
摘要FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array),即现场可编程门阵列,它是在PAL、GAL、CPLD等可编程器件的基础上进一步发展的产物。
目前以硬件描述语言(Verilog 或VHDL)所完成的电路设计,可以经过简单的综合与布局,快速的烧录至FPGA 上进行测试,是现代IC 设计验证的技术主流。
关键字:FPGA,硬件原理图,测验ABSTRACTFPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array),It is based on the further development of the product of PAL、GAL、CPLD etc.. It is in the field of application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC)for a half customize the circuit, it solves the shortage, and custom circuit overcomes original programmable gate device limited number of faults. Now completed the above circuit design by the Hardware description language, can pass by the simple integrated and layout, rapid replication to test on FPGA, it is the mainstream of modern IC design verification. These can edit component can be used to achieve some basic logic gate(such as AND、OR、XOR、NOT ) or, more complex combination of some functions such as decoder or mathematical equations. In most of the FPGA, these can edit component also includes memory devices such as flip-flop or other more complete memory block. According to the system designer, through the FPGA links can edit the internal logic pieces together. One of the products of the factory, logical block of FPGA can be changed according to the designer, so the FPGA can complete the required logic functions.The purpose of this experimental plate is to verify that the logic function of circuit. The primary device is EP1C6Q240C8 on this experimental plate, use with the circuit of memory, Data configuration, reset, real-time clock, I/O port, expand interface, independent buttons and LED, LCD display, digital display, buzzers and power etc.. And that the independent buttons and LED, LCD display, digital display show directly of the checkoutKey Words: FPGA, Hardware diagram, quiz目录第1章绪论 (1)设计背景 (1)设计目的和意义 (2)论文的结构安排 (2)第2章 FPGA开发板原理图分析 (3)FPGA电路 (4)存储电路 (6)Flash存储器 (6)SRSM存储器 (7)SDRAM存储器 (8)配置电路 (9)复位电路 (11)时钟电路 (12)FPGA I/O口分配电路 (13)扩展接口电路 (13)外扩I/O口PACK2 (18)外设PACK接口电路 (18)FPGA扩展接口电路 (19)验证功能电路 (17)按键及LED电路 (17)蜂鸣器电路 (18)七段数码管显示电路 (18)液晶显示电路 (19)实时时钟电路 (19)电源电路 (24)系统电源电路 (24)FPGA电源电路 (25)第3章实验板的测验 (28)读取按键信号 (28)第4章结论 (27)参考文献 (28)致谢 (29)第1章绪论设计背景半导体技术一直遵循著名的摩尔定律持续地发展,回顾半导体的发展历史,当一种技术具有可编程特性时,它就会处于支配的地位。
武汉轻工大学毕业设计外文参考文献译文本2013届原文出处:from Vin Skahill.VHDL for Programmable Logic page 76-88毕业设计题目:基于FPGA的数字频率计设计院(系):电气与电子工程学院专业名称:电子信息科学与技术学生姓名:学生学号:指导教师:Introduction of digital frequency meterDigital Frequency is an indispensable instrument of communications equipment, audio and video, and other areas of scientific research and production . In addition to the plastic part of the measured signal, and digital key for a part of the show, all the digital frequency using Verilog HDL designed and implemented achieve in an FPGA chip. The entire system is very lean, flexible and have a modification of the scene.1 、And other precision measuring frequency PrincipleFrequency measurement methods can be divided into two kinds:(1) direct measurement method, that is, at a certain time measurement gate measured pulse signal number.(2) indirect measurements, such as the cycle frequency measurement, VF conversion law. Frequency Measurement indirect measurement method applies only to low-frequency signals.Based on the principles of traditional frequency measurement of the frequency of measurement accuracy will be measured with the decline in signal frequency decreases in the more practical limitations, such as the accuracy and frequency of measurement not only has high accuracy, but also in the whole frequency region to maintain constant test accuracy. The main method of measurement frequency measurement Preferences gated signal GATE issued by the MCU, GATE time width on the frequency measurement accuracy of less impact, in the larger context of choice, as long as the FPGA in 32 of 100 in the counter b M Signals are not overflow line, in accordance with the theoretical calculation GATE time can be greater than the width Tc 42.94 s, but due to the single-chip microcomputer data processing capacity constraints, the actual width of less time, generally in the range of between 0.1 s choice, that is, high-frequency, shorter gate;, low gate longer. This time gate width Tc based on the size of the measured frequency automatically adjust frequency measurement in order to achieve the automatic conversion range, and expanded the range of frequency measurement; realization of the entire scope of measurement accuracy, reduce the low-frequency measurement error.The design of the main methods of measuring the frequency measurement and control block diagram as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Preferences gated signal GA TE issued by the MCU, GA TE time width of less frequency measurement accuracy, in the larger context of choice, as long as the FPGA in 32 of 100 in the counter b Msignal Overflow will do, according to theoretical calculations GA TE time width T c can be greater than 42194 s, but due to the single-chip microcomputer data processing capacity constraints, the actual width of less time, generally 10 to 011 s in the inter-choice, that is, high - band, the gate time shorter, low gate longer. This time gate width based on the measured T c automatically adjust the size of frequency measurement frequency range to achieve the automatic conversion, and expanded the range of frequency measurement; realization of the entire scope of measurement accuracy, reduce the low-frequency measurement error.2、Frequency of achievingFrequency Measurement accuracy of such method. Can be simplified as shown in the diagram. Map CNT1 and CNT2 two controllable counter, standard frequency (f) signal from the CN F1 clock input cI K input, the signal measured after the plastic (f) CNT2 clock input cI K input. Each counter in the CEN input as enable end, used to control the counter count. When the gate signal is HIGH Preferences (Preferences start time). Signal measured by the rising edge of the D flip-flop input, launched at the same time with two counts of juice; Similarly, when preferences for low gate signal (the end of Preferences time), the rising edge of the measured signals through D Trigger output end of the counter to stop counting.3、And the median frequency of relevant indicatorsMedian: At the same time the figures show that up to the median. The usual eight-count frequency of only several hundred yuan can buy. For high precision measurements, nine just beginning, the middle is 11, 13 can be relatively high.Overflow of:-the ability to promote itself to overflow the equivalent of the total. Some of the frequency with overflow function, which is the highest overflow does not display only shows that the bit behind, in order to achieve the purpose of the median. Here is the estimated value of individual indicators.Speed: namely, the number of per second. With the high number of measurement particularly slow but also lose its significance. Counting of the usual eight frequency measurement 10 MHz signals, one second gate will be 10000000 Hz, which is actually seven (equivalent to the median number of common admission after the value), to obtain eight needed 10 seconds gate ; to obtain nine needed 100 seconds gate, followed by analogy, shows that even the permission of 11 need 10,000 second measurement time. But in any case, or seven per second. Therefore, to fast must be a few high speed.Distinction: it is like a minimum voltage meter can tell how much voltage indicators are similar, the smaller the better, unit ps (picoseconds). 1000ps = 1ns. Suppose you use the frequency of 1 ns to differentiate between an e-12 error, we need a ns/1e-12 = 1000 seconds. Also assume that you have a frequency resolution of 100 ps, the measurement time can be shortened by 10 times for 100 seconds, or can be in the same 1000 second measured under an e-14 Error.4、Time and Frequency MeasurementCompared to traditional methods of circuit design, EDA technology uses VHDL language to describe circuit system, including circuit structure, behavior, function and interface logic. Verilog HDL description of a multi-level system hardware functions, and support top-down design features. Designers can not understand the hardware structure. Start from the system design, on the top floor of a system block diagram of the structure and design, in a diagram with Ver-ilog HDL acts on the circuit description and simulation and error correction, and then the system level verification, and finally use logic synthesis optimization tool to create specific gate-level logic circuit netlist, download to the specific FPGA device to in order to achieve FPGA design.Time and frequency measurement is an important area of electronic measurement. Frequency and time measurement has been receiving increasing attention, length, voltage, and other parameters can be transformed into a frequency measurement and related technologies to determine. Based on the more traditional method of synchronization cycle, and has proposed a multi-cycle synchronization and quantitative method of measuring delay frequency method.The most simple method of measuring the frequency of direct frequency measurement method. Direct Frequency Measurement is scheduled to enter the gate signal pulse, the adoption of the necessary counting circuit, the number of pulses are filled to calculate the frequency or analyte signal cycle. In the direct frequency measurement on the basis of the development of multi-cycle synchronous measurement method, in the current frequency monitoring system to be more widely used. Multi-cycle synchronization frequency measurement technology actual gate time is not fixed value, but the measured signals in the whole cycle times, and the measured signal synchronization, thereby removing the measured signal count on when the word ± 1 error, measurement accuracy greatly improved, and reached in the entire spectrum of measurement, such as precision measurement.In the time-frequency measurement method, the multi-cycle synchronization is a high precision, but still unresolved ± a word error, mainly because of the actual gate edge and standard frequency synchronization is not filling pulse edge Tx=N0T0-△t2+△t1, if accurately measured short interval Δ t1 and Δ t2, will be able to accurately measure time intervals Tx, eliminating ± a word counting error, so as to further enhance accuracy.To measure a short time interval Δ t1 and Δ t2, commonly used analog interpolation method with the cursor or more combined cycle synchronization, although accuracy is greatly improved, but eventually failed to resolve ± a word error this fundamental issue, but these methods equipment complex and not conducive to the promotion.To obtain high precision, fast response time, simple structure and the frequency and time measurement method is relatively difficult.Judging from the structure as simple as possible at the same time take into account the point of view of accuracy, multi-cycle synchronization and delay based on the quantitative methods in a short period of time interval measurement, achieved within the scope of broadband, such as high-resolution measurement accuracy.Quantified by measuring short time intervals DelayPhotoelectric signal can be in a certain stability in the medium of rapid spread, and in different media have different delay. By signals generated by the delay to quantify, and gave a short period of time interval measurement.The basic principle is that "delay serial, parallel count", and different from the traditional counter serial number, that is, to signal through a series of delay unit, the delay unit on the delay stability, under the control of the computer Delay on the state of high-speed acquisition and data processing, for a short period of time to achieve accurate measurement interval.Delay quantitative thinking depend on the realization of the delay stability delay unit, the unit depends on the resolution of the delay time delay element.Delay device as a unit can be passive conduit, or other active devices gate circuit. Among them, Traverse shorter delay time (nearly the speed of light transmission delay), the gate delay time longer. Taking into account delays can be predictive ability final choice of the CPLD devices, the realization of the short time interval measurement.Will be the beginning of a short time interval signal sent delay in thetransmission chain, when the advent of the end of signal, this signal delay in the delay in the chain latch state, read through the CPU, the judge signal a delay unit on the few short-term time interval can be the size of the unit decided to delay resolution of the unit delay time.Generally speaking, in order to measure both short interval, the use of two modules delay and latches, but in reality, given the time software gate large enough to allow completion from the number of CPU operation, which can be measured in the time int erval taken before the end of a short period of time at Δ t1 corresponding delay the number of units through the control signals must be used only a delay and latches units, it saves CPLD internal resources. Synchronization and multi-cycle latency to quantify the method of combining The formula is:T=n0t0+n1t1-n2t1On, n0 for the filling pulse of value; t0 for filling pulse cycle, that is 100 ns; n1 for a short period of time at Δ t1 corresponding delay the number of modules; n2 for a short period of time at Δ t2 corresponding delay unit Number; t1 quantify delay devices for the delay delay unit volume (4.3 ns). In this way, using multi-cycle synchronization and realized the gate and measured signal synchronization; Delay of using quantitative measurement of the original measured not by the two short intervals, to accurately measure the size of the actual gate, it raised frequency measurement accuracy.The frequency synthesizer output frequency signal can only be transferred to the minimum 10 Hz, XDU-17 as a standard of measurement can be calculated prototype frequency measurement accuracy.For example, the measured signal is measured at 15.000010 MHz MHz signal to 5.00001002, from the calculation can be seen above, the resolution of the prototype has reached ns order of magnitude below from the perspective of theoretical analysis to illustrate this point.It has been anal yzed,multi-cycle synchronization frequency measurement, the measurement uncertainty:When the input f0 10 MHz, 1 s gate time, the uncertainty of measurement of ±1×10-7/s. When the measurement and quantification of delay circuit with short intervals combined, the uncertainty of measurement can be derived from the following.In the use of cycle synchronization, multi-analyte Tx for the cycle value of T0time base for the introduction of the cycle.Tx= NT0+△t1-△t2Delay circuit and quantitative combined:Tx= NT0+(N1-N2)td±δTxHere, δTx not for the accuracy of the measurement.On the decline of the share: δTx≤±2tdFrom the details of the measuring accuracy of this method depends on the td, and its direct impact on the stability and size of the uncertainty of measurement. Therefore, the application of methods, counters can be achieved within the entire frequency range, such as the accuracy of measurement, and measurement accuracy is significantly improved, measuring improvement in resolution to 4.3 ns, and the elimination of the word ± a theoretical error, the accuracy is increased by 20 times.CONCLUSION This paper presents a new method of measuring frequency. Based on the frequency of this method of digital integrated circuit in a CPLD, greatly reduced the volume of the entire apparatus, improved reliability, and a high-resolution measurements.5 、Frequency of VHDL DesignALTERA use of the FPGA chip EPF10K10 companies, the use of VHDL programming language design accuracy of frequency, given the core course. ISPEXPER simulation, design verification is successful, to achieve the desired results. Compared to the traditional frequency of FPGA simplify the circuit board design. Increased system design and the realization of reliability, frequency measurement range of up to 100 MHz and achieve a digital system hardware and software, which is digital logic design the new trend.The design uses the AL TERA EPF10K FPGA chip, the chip pin the delay of 5 ns, frequency of 200 MHz,the standardization of application VHDL hardware description language has a very rich data types, the structure of the model of a complex digital system logic design and computer simulation, and gradually improve after the automatic generation integrated to meet the requirements of the circuit structure of the digital logic can be realized, then can be downloaded to programmable logic devices, to complete design tasks.数字频率计的介绍数字频率计是通信设备、音、视频等科研生产领域不可缺少的测量仪器。
在计算机科学与技术专业中,基于FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array)的毕业设计成为了一种热门选择。
我选择了一块基于Xilinx Zynq的开发板,因为它具有强大的处理能力和丰富的资源。
为了实现这些算法,我需要使用HDL(Hardware Description Language)来描述电路的行为。
w毕业设计论文外文资料翻译题目: Latest Development Trend Observation of FPGA FPGA 技术开展探究院系名称:信息科学与工程学院专业班级:电子信息科学与技术级2 班学生姓名:学号:指导教师:教师职称:副教授附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
签名:年月日w附件1:外文资料翻译译文FPGA 技术开展探究一.绪言自1985 年Xilinx 公司推出第一片现场可编程逻辑器件〔FPGA〕至今FPGA 已经历了十几年的开展历史。
在这十几年的开展过程中以FPGA 为代表的数字系统现场集成技术取得了惊人的开展:现场可编程逻辑器件从最初的1200 个可利用门开展到90 年代的25 万个可利用门乃至当新世纪来临之即国际上现场可编程逻辑器件的著名厂商Altera 公司、Xilinx 公司又陆续推出了数百万门的单片FPGA 芯片将现场可编程器件的集成度提高到一个新的水平。
纵观现场可编程逻辑器件的开展历史其之所以具有巨大的市场吸引力根本在于:FPGA 不仅可以解决电子系统小型化、低功耗、高可靠性等问题而且其开发周期短、开发软件投入少、芯片价格不断降低促使FPGA 越来越多地取代了ASIC 的市场特别是对小批量、多品种的产品需求使FPGA 成为首选。
目前FPGA 的主要开展动向是:随着大规模现场可编程逻辑器件的开展系统设计进入quot片上可编程系统quot〔SOPC〕的新纪元芯片朝着高密度、低压、低功耗方向挺进国际各大公司都在积极扩充其IP 库以优化的资源更好的满足用户的需求扩大市场特别是引人注目的所谓FPGA 动态可重构技术的开拓将推动数字系统设计观念的巨大转变。
二.Xilinx 公司研制开发的FPGA 系列产品的主要特征Xilinx 公司自创造FPGA 以来就不断的推出新器件和开发工具力求芯片的速度更高、功耗更低。
江苏科技大学本科毕业设计(论文)学院专业学生姓名班级学号指导教师二零壹叁年六月江苏科技大学本科毕业论文基于FPGA的异步FIFO设计Asynchronous FIFO design based on FPGA摘要在现代集成电路芯片中,随着设计规模的不断扩大,一个系统往往包含多个时钟,如何进行异步时钟间的数据传输成为了一个很重要的问题。
异步FIFO (First In First Out)是一种先进先出电路,可以在两个不同的时钟系统间进行快速准确的数据传输,是解决异步时钟数据传输问题的简单有效的方案。
异步FIFO 在网络接口、数据采集和图像处理等方面得到了十分广泛的应用,由于国内对该方面研究起步较晚,国内的一些研究所和厂商开发的FIFO电路还远不能满足市场和军事需求。
本课题介绍了一种基于FPGA的异步FIFO 电路设计方法。
课题选用Quartus II软件,在Cyclone II 系列的EP2C5T144C8N芯片的基础上,利用VHDL 硬件描述语言进行逻辑描述,采用层次化、描述语言和图形输入相结合的方法设计了一个RAM深度为128 bit,数据宽度为8 bit的高速、高可靠的异步FIFO电路,并对该电路功能进行时序仿真测试和硬件仿真测试。
关键词:异步FIFO;同步化;亚稳态;仿真测试AbstractIn modern IC chips, with the continuous expansion of the scale of design, a system always contains several clocks. How to transmit data between the asynchronous clocks become a very important problem.Asynchronous FIFO (First In First Out) is a first-in, first-out circuit, it can transmit data between two diffent clock systems fastly and accurately, it is also a simple and effective solution to solve the problem of asynchronous clock data transfer. The asynchronous FIFO has a very wide range of applications in network interface, data acquisition and image processing.But because of the aspect of a late start, some domestic research institutes and manufacturers which research the FIFO circuit also can not meet the needs of the market and the military.In the asynchronous circuit, because of that the clock cycle and phase is completely independent, and the presence of metastability problems, the loss rate of data transmission is not zero. How to implement asynchronous signal synchronization, reduce the probability of metastability and judge the state of the FIFO storage correctly become a difficult problem while designing the asynchronous FIFO circuit. This paper introduces a method of asynchronous FIFO circuit design based on FPGA. This topic selects Quartus II software, the Cyclone II family EP2C5T144C8N chip, based on the use of VHDL hardware description language for logical descriptions, using the method of combining hierarchical, description language and graphical input ,This topic designs a high-speed, highly reliable asynchronous FIFO circuit as the RAM depth is 128 bit and the data width is 8 bit, and tests the circuit function with timing and software simulation.Keywords:Asynchronous FIFO; Synchronization; Metastability; simulation testing目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 FPGA简介 (1)1.2 异步FIFO简介 (1)1.3 国内外研究现状及存在的问题 (1)1.3.1 研究现状 (1)1.3.2 存在问题 (2)1.4 本课题主要研究内容 (3)第二章异步FIFO设计要求及基本原理 (4)2.1 设计要求 (4)2.2 异步FIFO基本原理 (5)2.3 异步FIFO设计难点 (5)2.4 系统设计方案 (6)2.5 异步FIFO验证方案 (7)2.5.1 验证复位功能 (7)2.5.2 验证写操作功能 (7)2.5.3 验证读操作功能 (7)2.5.4 验证异步FIFO电路整体功能 (7)第三章模块设计与实现 (8)3.1 格雷码计数器模块 (8)3.2 同步模块 (8)3.3 格雷码∕自然码转换模块 (9)3.4 空满标志产生模块 (10)3.5 双端口RAM (13)第四章时序仿真与实现 (15)4.1 模块整合 (15)4.2 时序仿真及功能测试 (17)4.2.1 复位功能软件仿真与测试 (17)4.2.2 写操作功能时序仿真与测试 (17)4.2.3 读操作功能时序仿真与测试 (18)4.2.4 异步FIFO电路整体功能软件仿真与测试 (18)4.2.5 时序仿真结果总结 (19)第五章硬件仿真与实现 (20)5.1 外部电路焊接 (20)5.2 引脚分配 (21)5.3 调试电路设计 (24)5.3.1 调试电路介绍 (24)5.3.2 异步时钟产生模块 (25)5.3.3 伪随机数据队列产生模块 (25)5.3.5 调试电路引脚分配 (26)5.3.6 调试电路硬件仿真 (27)5.4 异步FIFO电路硬件仿真 (28)5.4.1 复位功能硬件仿真与测试 (29)5.4.2 写操作功能硬件仿真与测试 (30)5.4.3 读操作功能硬件仿真与测试 (30)5.4.4 异步FIFO硬件电路整体功能软硬件仿真与测试 (31)5.4.5 硬件仿真结果总结 (32)结论 (33)致谢 (34)参考文献 (35)附录 (36)第一章绪论1.1 FPGA简介FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array),即现场可编程门阵列,它是在CPLD、PAL、GAL等可编程器件的基础上进一步发展的产物[10]。
3.1 OFDM调制解调原理........................................................................................9
2.3 OFDM系统的关键技术....................................................................................5
基于FPGA的OFDM调制器的仿真设计Simulation design of OFDM modulator based on FPGA
Chapter 1, first of all, this paper first introduces the research background, purpose and significance of OFDM. Chapter 2, the practice of the basic principle of OFDM and technology were reviewed, and the key technologies of OFDM system has made the detailed introduction. Chapter 3 illustrates theory of OFDM modulation demodulation, and IFFT and FFT structure of OFDM system is introduced. Chapter 4 describes the OFDM modulator of MTALAB simulation. VERILOG simulation of OFDM modulator are described in chapter 5, and the simulation results were compared. Chapter 6 main advantages and disadvantages of OFDM technology, and its development is prospected.
本科毕业设计说明书基于FPGA的高速数据采集卡的设计DESIGN OF HIGH-SPEED DATA ACQUISITION CARDBASED ON FPGA学院(部):电气与信息工程学院专业班级:学生姓名:指导教师:年月日基于FPGA的高速数据采集卡的设计摘要论文还从宏观和微观两个方面来分析数据采集卡的各个组成部分。
在后期的系统调试中遇到了采集数据错位、ARM与FPGA通信效率低下,还有FPGA 中预处理时序紧张等问题,通过硬件软件部分的修改,问题都得到一定程度的解决。
关键词:高速数据采集,触发,高速PCB设计,高速ADC1DESIGN OF HIGH-SPEED DATA ACQUISITION CARDBASED ON FPGAABSTRACTDate acquisition is the premise of measure, the foundation of analysis and the beginning of cognition. Most precise device is based on the date acquisition. With the development of the electronic and digital technology, the speed of date transmission and the calculation of CPU are faster and faster; therefore the requirements of data acquisition and processing are more severe than before.This paper analyzes the system from Macro-and micro respect. From the macro point of view it analyzes data flowing, speed matching and the selection of specific means of communication of acquisition system and so on. We adapt ping-pong mechanism to reduce the speed of analyzing data and pre-difficult of FPGA which lead to the ease of processing Timing Margin of FPGA. DMA transfer is used as communication between ARM and FPGA which improve data transmission rates, and liberate the back-end ARM processor. From the micro point of view, data enter into the A/D converter from the front-end conditioning circuitry, FPGA collecting data on the output of A/D converter and go through the pre-operation of triggering and framing of data. After these operations, data are transmitted to the back-end of the ARM processor and then display on the LCD. A lot of difficult exited in the successful operation in the micro respect which is mainly about A/D data collection and the of transmission data. All of these issues have been settled by the revising of hardware and software.KEYWORDS:High-speed Data Acquisition, Triggering, High-speed PCB High-speed, A/D converter21绪论1.1 引言数计算机技术在飞速发展,微机应用日益普及深入,微机在通信、自动化、工业自动控制、电子测量、信息管理和信息系统等方面得到广泛的应用。
The system uses FPGA to realize the high precision digital frequency meter design. In addition to the signal input part outside, the rest allin the realization of a FPGA chip, the whole system is very compact, and flexible change of scene.
运用protel 开发软件,通过对通用型FPGA开发板的原理图设计与PCB印制电路板的制作,深入了解FPGA的接口功能与拓展电路的功能原理及应用,对出现的问题进行分析与解决,从而对FPGA芯片功能的认识以及对FPGA拓展电路的认识,进而学会FPGA产品的开发与应用。
IABSTRACTABSTRACTIn recent years,the development of FPGA application technology is very quickly, as a result,there is urgent need of qualified personnel at FPGA development and application. Therefore,to know the current situation of FPGA development and understand the function of FPGA application is particularly e the Protel software to design the schematic of the general-purpose FPGA development board and printed circuit board, depth understanding of the FPGA interface functions and the application of expand circuit , analysis and solutions the problems, thus know the function of FPGA chip and the expand circuit,and then understanding how to develop and apply of the FPGA product.II目录第1章引言 (1)第2章FPGA及开发板 (2)2.1 FPGA (2)2.2 FPGA工作原理 (2)2.3 FPGA的配置模式 (3)2.4 FPGA开发板 (3)第3章EP1C20F324C8芯片介绍 (4)3.1 EP1C20F324C8芯片简介 (4)3.2芯片的技术资料 (4)3.3芯片的端口及功能分析 (5)第4章FPGA开发板原理图设计 (9)4.1 FPGA开发板设计目标 (9)4.2 FPGA开发板结构框图 (9)4.3子模块原理图设计 (10)4.3.1电源电路及原理图设计 (10)4.3.2 EP1C20F324C8芯片电源接口 (14)4.3.3 MSEL端口 (15)4.3.4 全局时钟引脚CLK (15)4.3.5 nCONFIG复位电路配置接口 (16)4.3.6 配置芯片EPCS4 (17)4.3.7 JTAG配置接口 (17)4.3.8 RS232串口电路 (19)4.3.9 数码管电路 (20)4.3.10 LED指示灯电路 (21)4.3.11蜂鸣器 (23)4.3.12 矩阵键盘 (25)4.3.13 独立按键开关电路 (26)4.4 FPGA开发板完整原理图设计 (27)4.4.1 完整原理图 (27)4.4.2电气规则检测(ERC) (27)4.4.3 创建网络表 (28)第5章FPGA开发板PCB版图设计 (29)5.1画元件封装库文件 (29)5.2 FPGA开发板PCB版图设计 (33)5.2.1 打开PCB版图设计窗口 (33)5.2.2 载入网络表 (33)5.2.3元件布局 (34)5.2.4 排列元件 (35)5.2.5 画禁止布线层 (35)5.2.6 隐藏元件名称 (36)5.2.7布线 (37)5.2.8 铺铜 (38)III5.2.9 DRC设计规程校验 (38)5.2.10打印输出 (38)第6章结论 (39)参考文献 (40)致谢 (41)附录1 FPGA开发板原理图全图 (42)附录2 FPGA开发板版图 (43)附录3 FPGA开发板元件清单 (44)How to Formalize FPGA Hardware Design (45)如何正式进行FPGA硬件设计 (48)IV第1章引言第1章引言FPGA在复杂逻辑电路以及数字信号处理领域扮演着越来越重要的角色。
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[1] Using FPGA technology towards the design of an adaptive fault tolerant frameworkErdogan, Sevki (University of Hawaii); Gersting, Judith L.; Shaneyfelt, Ted; Duke, Eugene L. Source: Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, v 4, IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, Proceedings - 2005 International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2005, p 3823-3827ISSN: 1062-922X CODEN: PICYE3Conference: IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, Proceedings - 2005 International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Oct 10-12 2005, Waikoloa, HI, United States Sponsor: IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Abstract: In this paper we propose architecture for a Reconfigurable, Adaptive, Fault-Tolerant (RAFT) framework for application in real time systems with require multiple levels of redundancy and protection. Typical application environments include distributed processing, fault-tolerant computation, and mission and safety-critical systems. The framework uses Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technologies with on the fly partial programmability achieving reconfiguration of a system component when the existing components fail or to provide extra reliability as required in the specification. The framework proposes the use an array of FPGA devices to implement a system that, after detecting an error caused by a fault, can adaptively reconfigure itself to achieve fault tolerance. The FPGAs that are becoming widely available at a low cost are exploited by defining a system model that allows the system user to define various levels of reliability choices, providing a monitoring layer for the system engineer. ? 2005 IEEE. (21 refs.)[2]METHOD FOR PROTECTING COMPUTER THROUGH REAL-TIME MONITORING BY PROTECTING EXECUTION FILE, AND COMPUTER AND SYSTEM PROTECTED BY THE SAMEPatent number: KR20040083409Publication date: 2004-10-01Inventor: AHN MU GYEONGApplicant: SAFEI CO LTDClassification:- international: G06F11/30; G06F11/30; (IPC1-7): G06F11/30- european:Application number: KR20040072633 20040910Priority number(s): KR20040072633 20040910View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsReport a data error hereAbstract of KR20040083409PURPOSE: A method for protecting a computer through real-time monitoring, and the computer and a system protected by the same are provided to safely protect the computer by monitoring an interrupt or an event related to file handling and enable a user to perform setting conveniently. CONSTITUTION: A setting list(50) stores permission for changing an executable file. A detecting module(10) detects/intercepts occurrence of the interrupt or the event related to the file handling. An analysis module(20) checks the permission by comparing the interrupt or the event detected from the detecting module with the setting list after checking that the interrupt or the event is a request for changing the executable file by analyzing the interrupt or the event. A processing module(30) disuses or returns the interrupt or the event depending on an analysis result of the analysis module.[3] Method and system for protecting computer system from malicious software operationPatent number: US2004225877Publication date: 2004-11-11Inventor: HUANG ZEZHEN (US)Applicant:Classification:- International: G06F1/00; G06F11/30; G06F1/00; G06F11/30; (IPC1-7): G06F11/30 - European:Application number: US20040792506 20040303Priority number(s): US20040792506 20040303; US20030469113P 20030509View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsAlso published as:CN1550950 (A)Report a data error hereAbstract of US2004225877A method and system for protecting a computer system from malicious software operations in real-time is disclosed. The security system combines system and user activity information to derive a user initiation attribute indicating whether or not a system operation is initiated by a computer user, and stop secrete malicious software operations that are not initiated by a computer user. The security system incorporates a plurality of attributes to support flexible security policy design, warn about potentially damaging operations by Trojan programs, and dynamically create security policies to allow trusted programs to perform trusted operations.[4]PREBOOT PROTECTION, IDENTIFICATION AND SECURITY OF A COMPUTER SYSTEMPatent number: WO0233522Publication date: 2002-04-25Inventor: TELLO JOSE ALBERTOApplicant: CODEX TECHNOLOGIES INC (CA)Classification:- international: G06F1/00; G06F21/00; G06F1/00; G06F21/00; (IPC1-7): G06F1/00; G06F9/445- european: G06F21/00N5A2D; G06F21/00N1C; G06F21/00N1V; G06F21/00N3P2 Application number: WO2000IB01659 20001017Priority number(s): WO2000IB01659 20001017; US199******** 19990104View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsAlso published as:US6463537 (B1)Cited documents:WO0048063US5835597WO9613002US5610981WO9839701Report a data error hereAbstract of WO0233522A "personalized" computer with a unique digital signature which will not boot up or recognize any data storage or communication peripheral devices without a matching "personalized" smart card containing a complementary encrypted digital signature. A modified BIOS (Basic Input Output System) replaces the standard BIOS of a motherboard and allows a security engine microprocessor to take over preboot control of the computer from the motherboard CPU (Central Procesisng Unit), configures and operates the encryption-based security system, and enables or disables selected data storage devices and other user selectable peripherals upon start up and shut down of the computer. The enabling or disabling of peripheral devices involves the use of special enabling/disabling circuits. A modified DDL (Device Driver Layer), loaded in the hard drive of the computer as part of the resident O/S (Operating System) of the computer, and memory buffer circuits allows a real time encryption system to be in place for any communication or data storage device. A data encryption engine in the security engine microprocessor allows encryption and decryption of all data stored indata storage devices. Upon power up, reset or interrupt of the computer, the microprocessor looks for, and if present, reads from the smart card in the smart card reader which is logically connected to the security engine microprocessor. This invention can also be used to allow identification and authentication of the computer and its user in networks.[5]Temporarily authorizing the use of a computer programme protected by an electronic cartridgePatent number: GB2302968Publication date: 1997-02-05Inventor: ANTONINI PIERREApplicant: ANTONINI PIERRE (FR)Classification:- international: G06F21/00; G06F21/00; (IPC1-7): G06F1/00- european: G06F21/00N7P5HApplication number: GB199******** 19960701Priority number(s): FR199******** 19950705View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsAlso published as:US5898778 (A1)FR2736448 (A1)DE19626972 (A1)Report a data error hereAbstract of GB2302968Use of a programme protected by an electronic cartridge in a computer system is authorised for a period limited by a number of hours or a date. So as to extend the use of a protected programme contained in the memory (103) of the computer system (100-106), the user needs to enter by means of the keyboard (105) into this system a password so as to reset the electronic cartridge (107). This electronic cartridge (107) preferably comprises a memory (108), a first counter (110), a second counter (112), a monostable element (113), an adder (114), a real time clock (109) and a cabled logic network (111). This device is connected to the outside of the computer system (100-106) by means of a connector. For renting software, this invention is able to control the use of these programmes.[6] System for computer software protectionPatent number: US5666411Publication date: 1997-09-09Inventor: MCCARTY JOHNNIE C (US)Applicant:Classification:- international: G06F1/00; G06F9/38; G06F21/00; G06F1/00; G06F9/38; G06F21/00; (IPC1-7): H04L9/00- european: G06F21/00N7P5H; G06F9/38S4L; G06F21/00N1C1Application number: US199******** 19940113Priority number(s): US199******** 19940113View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsReport a data error hereAbstract of US5666411This system protects proprietary software from disclosure and unauthorized use, enforces license limits on number of users of the software, and prevents corruption of protected software by computer viruses. Software protected under this system may execute only on computer systems which incorporate a microprocessor capable of deciphering enciphered instructions in real time. Program files are first enciphered under control of a distribution cipher key. Prior to first use of software, program files must be customized on the user computer system. This customization procedure re-enciphers the programs, so that they are enciphered under a second cipher key. Customized programs may not execute on a computer system other than one constructed with a processor chip which incorporates a crypto microprocessor. The crypto microprocessor is capable of performing this re-encipherment, and of executing both enciphered and unenciphered programs. The customization program runs on user's computer system and normally accesses a remote Exchange database system by means of a modem to accomplish its task. Variations of customization process provide for storage of enciphered software on either a single system, a network server, or a site license repository system.[7]METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PROTECTION OF COMPUTER SYSTEM FROM ILLEGAL DISTRIBUTIONPatent number: BG48653Publication date: 1991-04-15Inventor: KOLEV VLADIMIR N (BG); MARDIROSJAN GARO KH (BG) Applicant: TS LAB KOSM IZSLEDV ANIJAClassification:- international: G06F5/00; G06F5/00; (IPC1-7): G06F5/00- european:Application number: BG198******** 19890712Priority number(s): BG198******** 19890712View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsReport a data error hereAbstract of BG48653The invention is designed for the production and use of computer systems and their software. It provides complete protection against undesirable unauthorised copying and reproduction. The method of current real time of the computer system serves to establish a protection code combination for the software product currently used by it. The unit consists of a power supply unit (1), a quartz crystal standart (2), a real time register (3), a real time coder (4), a protection code register (5) and an interface package (6)[8]DEVICE FOR PROTECTING INFORMATION BY USING USB SECURITY MODULE ON BASIS OF PC AND CODE CHIPPatent number: KR20010048160Publication date: 2001-06-15Inventor: CHO JIN HO (KR); CHOI KWANG YUN (KR); HAN SEUNG JO (KR) Applicant: CHO JIN HO (KR); CHOI KWANG YUN (KR); HAN SEUNG JO (KR); SOFTPROTEC CO LTD (KR)Classification:- international: H04L9/00; H04L9/00; (IPC1-7): H04L9/00- european:Application number: KR199******** 19991125Priority number(s): KR199******** 19991125View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsReport a data error hereAbstract of KR2001004816PURPOSE: A device for protecting information by using a USB security module on basis of a PC and a code chip is provided to prevent illegal copy and modification of the software or data by the illegal users on the basis of the PC and to protect the important data and information. CONSTITUTION: The device for protecting information by using a USB(Universal Serial Bus) security module on basis of a PC and a code chip includes a USB controller(10) and a code chip(100). The USB controller(10) is composed of a USB core(11) and an MCU(12). The serial data by the outer input by using the USB port are sent in the USB core(11) and are in/output serially after buffering. If all the input data are the module information request order languages, the module information is read from a PROM(103) of the code chip(100) and is output to the input step of the USB core(11) or the 17 bites are output to the input step of a buffer(101) in the code chip(100) or the 16 bites input from thebuffer(101) are input and output to the input step of the USB core(11) in the MCU(12). The code chip(100) is composed of the buffer(101), a KSE96 block(110), a controlling portion(130), a mode checker(102), a scrambler, the PROM(103) and an RSA calculating portion(140).[9] Security method for protecting a system, e.g. a computer or online system against unauthorized access, whereby a computer is used with a chip card reader, with an additional varying control question used for access authenticationPatent number: DE10218945Publication date: 2003-11-13Inventor: SCHWENK JOERG (DE); SAAR EV A (DE)Applicant: DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG (DE)Classification:- international: G06F21/00; G07F7/10; G06F21/00; G07F7/10; (IPC1-7): G06F17/60 - european: G06F21/00N5A2D; G07F7/10D6K; G07F7/10D6PApplication number: DE20021018945 20020422Priority number(s): DE20021018945 20020422View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsReport a data error hereAbstract of DE10218945Method for securing a system against unauthorized access, whereby an input device is used to input a value that is compared with a stored input code in order to provide access to a system. Following input of the code, e.g. a PIN, a further control question is asked via a system output unit, e.g. the monitor. The question includes information for providing the answer and the user must input the correct answer before access is granted. The invention also relates to a system for implementing the method that comprises a computer with a chip card reader. The information displayed in the additional control question changes each time an identification chip card is inserted in the reader.[10]Computer chip heat protection apparatusPatent number: US6496118Publication date: 2002-12-17Inventor: SMITH WARREN L (US)Applicant:Classification:- international: H01L23/34; H01L23/467; H01L23/34; (IPC1-7): G08B17/00- european: H01L23/34; H01L23/467Application number: US20010953001 20010911Priority number(s): US20010953001 20010911View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsReport a data error hereAbstract of US6496118A heat protection apparatus includes a heat sink adapted for mounting to a computer chip for dissipating heat generated thereby, the heat sink having a base defining a channel peripherally thereabout. A cooling fan is mounted to the heat sink for dispersing the dissipated heat. The apparatus includes a logic circuit capable of evaluating resistance input data and capable of energizing an alarm upon a programmed condition. The apparatus includes a temperature sensitive polymeric tape spanning between a pair of conductors connected to the circuit. The conductors and polymeric tape are mounted in the channel. The circuit energizes the alarm if the resistance data indicates a temperature greater than a predetermined critical temperature parameter or if the data indicates a temperature rate of rise greater than a critical rate of rise parameter. The alarm may be audible or provide a visual indicator to a computer display.[11] Protection device for portable computersPatent number: US2005039502Publication date: 2005-02-24Inventor: A VGANIM MAIR (IL)Applicant:Classification:- international: G06F1/00; G06F21/00; G06F1/00; G06F21/00; (IPC1-7): E05B73/00 - european: G06F21/00N5A2D; G06F21/00N1Z; G06F21/00N5A2BApplication number: US20040497635 20040602Priority number(s): IL20010146897 20011204; WO2002IL00965 20021202View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsAlso published as:WO03048907 (A3)WO03048907 (A2)AU2002365735 (A1)Report a data error hereAbstract of US2005039502A protection device (16) particularly for portable computers (10) having a Universal Serial Bus (USB) socket (12) and a standardized dedicated slot (14) formed in vicinityof the socket (12). A key or the like operable mechanism (18) is provided for rotatinga T-shaped tip member (20) which is adapted to be inserted into and locked by the slot(14). Plug (22) may be either a "demo" or part of an active device, which functions to enable/disable the operation of the computer. The device (16) may further be provided with arresting means in the form of a cable (24), which can be tied to an immovable object such as table leg (26) for protecting the computer (10) against theft.[12] Electronic system and corresponding method for protecting an access gate of a computerPatent number: EP1429226Publication date: 2004-06-16Inventor: NICCOLINI MARCELLO (IT)Applicant: INFOTRONIC SPA (IT)Classification:- international: G06F21/00; G06F21/00; (IPC1-7): G06F1/00- european: G06F21/00N1V3Application number: EP20020425770 20021213Priority number(s): EP20020425770 20021213View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsView document in the European RegisterCited documents:EP1248179WO9743716US6009527Report a data error hereAbstract of EP1429226The invention relates to a system and a method for protected access to an input/output gate (2) of an electronic processor equipped with conventional microprocessor units, volatile and mass memory units, at least one display unit, and an operating system (4) arranged to handle the several processor units, said access gate (2) being a USB gate allowing connenction at fast receptacle to predetermined peripheral units (3) of the electronic processor that are entitled to accede to be plugged in. The method comprises the following steps: detecting, through the operating system (4), the type of any unit coupled to said USB gate (2); comparing the detected type with a stored list of the predetermined units (3) entitled to accede; disabling the USB gate (2) if the comparison gives negative result.[13]APPARATUS FOR PROTECTING COMPUTER USING FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERPatent number: WO03072451Publication date: 2003-09-04Inventor: LEE IN JA (KR)Applicant: LEE IN JA (KR)Classification:- international: B65D41/26; B65D51/24; B65D81/36; B65D41/02; B65D51/24; B65D81/00; (IPC1-7): B65D41/26- european: B65D41/26; B65D51/24L; B65D81/36D2Application number: WO2002KR00432 20020313Priority number(s): KR20020005975U 20020228View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsAlso published as:AU2002239122 (A1)Cited documents:KR890016287UKR880016247UReport a data error hereAbstract of WO03072451The present invention relates to a apparatus for protecting computer for notifying the outside of each of operation state of virus inspection using the character apparatus connected to the computer. The present invention includes computer for generating and transmitting the USB code value corresponding to registry value inspected from each of operation state of vaccine engine, and character apparatus for inquiring and outputting the voice data corresponding to the USB code value received from the computer. Hence, the present invention has an effect on not only hearing the information to virus inspection through the voice irrespective of the time as it always surveys the vaccine engine, but also presenting a fine view around the computer and increasing the effective value of the character by forming the character apparatus as the character including a doll.[14] Multiple protecting system to protect personal computer data from burglary utilized flash memory drivePatent number: US2003079140Publication date: 2003-04-24Inventor: URA YOSUKE (JP)Applicant:Classification:- international: G06F21/00; G06F21/00; (IPC1-7): H04L9/00- european: G06F21/00N1D1; G06F21/00N1V3Application number: US20010002501 20011024Priority number(s): US20010002501 20011024View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsReport a data error hereAbstract of US2003079140This invention provides the system to protect the data stored in personal computer from burglary. This invention features providing method to protect the data stored in personal computer from easy burglary by combining several types of protecting method in the system that data is input and output inserting flash memory drive into USB port on personal computer.[15]Secure general purpose input/output pins for protecting computer system resourcesPatent number: US6138240Publication date: 2000-10-24Inventor: TRAN ROBIN T (US); SIMONICH CHRISTOPHER E (US) Applicant: COMPAQ COMPUTER CORP (US)Classification:- international: G06F21/00; G06F21/00; (IPC1-7): G06F11/00- european: G06F21/00N1VApplication number: US199******** 19980619Priority number(s): US199******** 19980619View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsReport a data error hereAbstract of US6138240A security device and methodology that prevents unauthorized access to general purpose I/O pins in a computer system. In a system according to the invention, secure general purpose I/O pins are utilized as enable signals for data transfer devices such as Universal Serial Port (USB) ports. In one embodiment of the invention, access to the secure general purpose I/O pins is governed by an administrator password that is protected by a memory slot in a security device. When an administrator (or other authorized user) desires access to the general purpose I/O register that controls the secure general purpose I/O pins, the administrator enters the administrator password. If the password is correct, the relevant slot of the security device is unlocked, thereby permitting completion of write cycles to the secure general purpose I/O register. If a write cycle to the secure general purpose I/O register is attempted while the relevantslot in the security device is locked, the write cycle is ignored. Control and monitoring of various system resources in a secure manner is thereby permitted via use of the secure general purpose I/O pins.[16] SECRECY-PROTECTING COMPUTER AND PROGRAMPatent number: JP2006338136Publication date: 2006-12-14Inventor: KANEUCHI HIDEApplicant: MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC INF TECHClassification:- international: G06F21/24; H04L9/32; G06F21/00; H04L9/32;- european:Application number: JP20050159474 20050531Priority number(s): JP20050159474 20050531View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsReport a data error hereAbstract of JP2006338136PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a secrecy-protecting computer which prevents a file from being operated in a computer except the computer from which the file is taken away.SOLUTION: When a file is closed by a filter driver provided between an I/O manager and a device driver, plain-sentence data 100 to be stored are encrypted, and the file is stored in a form of mixed data 130 which include the encrypted data and a MAC address 120 unique to the computer. When the file is opened, the encrypted data included in the mixed data are decrypted only when the MAC address included in the mixed data 130 accords with a MAC address 130 unique to the computer which opens the file.[17] ACCESS PROTECTION FOR A COMPUTER BY MEANS OF A PORTABLE STORAGE MEDIUMPatent number: WO2006074490Publication date: 2006-07-13Inventor: FUCHS HJALMAR DOUGLAS (ZA)Applicant: FUCHS HJALMAR DOUGLAS (ZA)Classification:- international: G06F21/20; G06F21/20;- european:Application number: WO2005ZA00176 20051130Priority number(s): ZA20040009657 20041130View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsCited documents:WO03079163US6401205DE19508288NL9101506FR2783943Report a data error hereAbstract of WO2006074490This Invention relates to a memory device such as a memory stick with a unique identifier or ID to be used in conduction with an electronic device such as a Personal Computer as to enable a user to gain access or operate or control devices or services associated with the electronic device for example a PC or Laptop. The systems software running or operational on the electronic device and/or memory device will search and read a unique identifier on the memory device such as a serial number or code. Should the serial number or code not be Read operation of the electronic device is seized.[18]METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PROTECTING AGAINST COMPUTER VIRUSESPatent number: WO2005008417Publication date: 2005-01-27Inventor: KWAN TONY (AU)Applicant: COMPUTER ASS THINK INC (US); KWAN TONY (AU) Classification:- international: G06F21/00; G06F21/00; (IPC1-7): G06F- european: G06F21/00N3P; G06F21/00N3V6; H04L29/06C6HApplication number: WO2004US22216 20040709Priority number(s): US20030486754P 20030711View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsView document in the European RegisterAlso published as:WO2005008417 (A3)EP1644859 (A3)EP1644859 (A2)EP1644859 (A0)Cited documents:US5956408US6049671US2003084322US5948104US2003065926more >>Report a data error hereAbstract of WO2005008417A method for delivering an update to at least one user including creating an electronic communication including an update and a unique signature identifying, the electronic communication as including the update and sending the electronic communication to the user..[19] Systems, methods, and computer program products for privacy protection Patent number: US2003130893Publication date: 2003-07-10Inventor: FARMER BENNIE L (US)Applicant: TELANON INC (US)Classification:- international: (IPC1-7): G06F17/60- european: G06F21/00N9A2P1Application number: US20020291196 20021108Priority number(s): US20020291196 20021108; US20000638177 20000811; US20010337827P 20011108View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsReport a data error hereAbstract of US2003130893A systems and method of transmitting or communicating unique data from a unique user through a communications and/or computer network to a third party, wherein the third party has no method of determining the personal-identifying information (PII) of the unique user upon receiving the data. The invention provides privacy protection and location for communication of data, voice orOther information via a communications network, for providing various services related to telemetric communications and other location-based services.[20]Method and apparatus for establishing computer configuration protection passwords for protecting computer configurationsPatent number: US6470454Publication date: 2002-10-22Inventor: CHALLENER DA VID CARROLL (US); ATKINS BARRY DOUGLAS (US); ARNOLD TODD W (US)Applicant: IBM (US)Classification:- international: G06F21/00; G06F21/00; (IPC1-7): G06F11/30; H04L9/00; H04L12/14- european: G06F21/00N5A2Application number: US199******** 19980331Priority number(s): US199******** 19980331View INPADOC patent familyView forward citationsReport a data error hereAbstract of US6470454A method and apparatus is provided for facilitating the generation and use of computer system configuration passwords which can be utilized in an enterprise or organization to allow authorized users having knowledge of the password associated with a particular data processing system to make and change configuration decisions, but which prevents unauthorized users from making and changing such configuration decisions. In the preferred embodiment, a unique identifier (such as a serial number) and an enterprise secret key are supplied to a one-way cryptographic hash function in order to generate the configuration passwords which are unique to each data processing system of the plurality of data processing system of the enterprise or organization.。