


5 beautiful places in the world
7 beautiful places in the world
The Grand Canyon -----America
பைடு நூலகம்
位于美国亚利桑那州科罗拉多河两 侧深深的峡谷是最让人流连忘返的。 该峡谷长277英里,宽度在4-18英 里之间,深1英里。科学家们认为 这个峡谷是在六百万年前是由科罗 拉多河冲刷而成。在欧洲移民到美 洲之前,美国原住民已在峡谷的洞 穴里居住。该峡谷被普韦布洛民族 奉为一处朝圣之地。根据记录,欧 洲人首次来到这个地方时间是在 1869年。尽管这不是世界上最深的 峡谷,但因其极为恢弘的规模及错 综复杂色而享有盛誉。大峡谷国家 公园据说是美国第一个的国家公园, 每年吸引了超过五百万的游客。尽 管,在地势较高被森林覆盖的边缘, 冬天白雪皑皑。而峡谷内部因为地 势较低则是一片荒漠。
Cataratas del Iguazú( or Iguassu)

被公认为世界上最美丽的瀑布,伊瓜苏 瀑布的确是自然的奇迹。瀑布位于阿根 廷、巴西、巴拉圭三国的边境。瀑布位 于阿根廷的那边允许游客绕着水流走或 者去探索国家公园。而巴西的那边则以 其全景式的视野及其壮观闻名于世.与 世界上其他瀑布相比,伊瓜苏瀑布还有 一卓尔不群的优势,那就是它的年径流 是最大的。
Machu Picchu------Peru

马丘比丘在秘鲁是“古老的顶峰” 的意思。这是世界上最具神秘色彩 的古老建筑。据传说,马丘比丘在 很久以前就被认为是一座神圣的城 市。人们把这座非凡城市的建设功 劳算在印加人民头上。印加人们在 这里竖立了许多的石头建筑并且把 它们建成一种艺术形式。马丘比丘 位于乌鲁班巴河两千英尺之上,由 银盘、神庙、宫殿及150多间的房 子组成,这些都保存的十分完整。 这些花岗岩的建筑,其中有些每个 都重达超过50吨。这些花岗岩都是 精雕细琢的,简直就是出自于建筑 天才之手。这些建筑在1911年被耶 鲁大学的考古学家重新发现,建筑 给人一种空灵飘渺的美感、其建筑 的手工及历史使其每年吸引上百万 的游客。


During the travel process, you should take good care of your belongings to avoid loss or theft.
Pay attention to payment security
When using payment tools, pay attention to the surrounding environment to avoid disclosing personal information or passwords.
Leisure activities
Introduce various leisure activities such as SPA, massage, gym, etc., and provide English expressions.
Entertainment programs
Provide English entertainment program recommendations, such as concerts, dramas, movies, etc., to help learners enrich their travel life.
Detailed description
Natural scenery is one of the important attractions of tourism, such as magnificent mountains and rivers, clear lakes, beautiful beaches, and dense forests. These natural landscapes not only provide beautiful scenery, but also provide tourists with opportunities to get close to nature and experience its wonders and beauty.


Under the Tuscan Sun

What did you hear and see from it?

Divorce / a straight / sunflowers / green field / olive / a strange woman …

How do you feel about it?

Traveling around Having a vacation
Vacations & Traveling Around
Discussion: Where to spend your vacation?
• Places like … – Paris – Maldives – Tibet – Tuscany

In detail …

Reservation in advance - discounts Information - have a better understanding Packing your bag carefully ensures a happy journey.
– – –
Do you feel tired sometimes?

If you do, how to relieve yourself?

– –
Music Sports Hanging out Shopping

Or how about … (when money is no longer a BIG problem)?

Do you know how the movie might end?

旅游英语口语教学课件unit (10)

旅游英语口语教学课件unit  (10)

Warming up


A: Is this the right counter to check in for this flight? B: No, you should go to the counter No.3. What will the visitor do? Answer: He will check in for this flight.

Warming up


A: Would you put your baggage on the machine, please? B: Ok. Where should the visitor put his baggage? Answer: On the machine. 5. A: How many pieces of luggage do you want to check, sir? B: Two baggages. A: Would you please put all your luggage on the scales? B: Here they are, do you think my hand bag should be weighed? A: Of course, the free allowance for luggage is 25 kilos. Oh, the total is 28 kilos, I’ll have to charge you for overweight. How many pieces of luggage does the man want to check? Answer: Three.
Background Knowledge

口语课旅游Travelling ppt课件

口语课旅游Travelling ppt课件
I don't agree with you... No, I don’t think so really. I’m afraid I don’t agree.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Let’s eat out! 咱们出去吃饭吧!
Chinese restaurant ? VS
• 出游时间
• Travel time • 走五分钟
• 5minutes’ walk • 坐四个小时大巴
• 4-hour travel by coach • 坐三小时飞机
• 3 hours travel by plane • 坐两个小时船
• Two-hour travel by ship
2. Price:
most about...? • ...
1. I have so many things to do before I leave. 我走之前还有很多事情要做。
2. I have to drop by the bank to get some money. 我得到银行去取一下钱。
EUROSTAR(欧洲之星) is high-speed railway which connects England and France. The highest speed can be up to300km/h. If you travel from London to Paris by EUROSTAR, it only takes 2 hours and 20minutes.
Make your dialogue!
• Useful sentences for you. • Do you like/enjoy/love travelling? • Where...? • How...? • Where...visit? • How much...? • How long...? • How do you like about.../What do you like

雅思 口语 旅游类 part2(PPT文档)

雅思 口语 旅游类 part2(PPT文档)
• What do you think is the best way for a tourist to travel if they want to learn about your country?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane?
Where the place is what you did at this place who you went there with And explain why you liked this place.
Cambridge Test 2
Describe a place you visited to learn another culture. You should say:
the name and location of the place what it looked like what you did there who you went with And explain why you enjoyed it or why you think people are attracted to that place.
7,a valid passport/a visa/ an itinerary/ a suitcase/a souvenir
Part 1
Handout 1
Part 2
hand out 2
Cambridge Tar water(such as a river, a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting. You should say:
Part 3 • Travelling and learning • What do people learn from travelling? • Do you think the growth of international tourism is a


3. Lodging and Catering:
This component consists of those who provide accommodations to people in the form of hotels, resorts, apartments, camps, guesthouses etc. The accommodations may be marketed individually or through the tour operators in the form of package. Direct marketing may require huge costs on advertisements while sales through a tour operator may guarantee the occupancy rate throughout a holiday season. These service providers also take care of the catering needs of the people by providing them with huge cafeterias, various fast food outlets in house or in the form of a galleria.
(Adapted from Technofunc)
Part Three: Text B: A Brief History of Tourism
The history of tourism can be traced back to ancient years. As ancient world empires grew in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, the infrastructure necessary for travel such as land routes and water ways were created and vehicles and other means for travel were developed. During the Egyptian dynasties, travel for both business and pleasure began to flourish and hospitality centers were built along major routes and in the cities to accommodate travelers travelling between central government posts and outlying territories. At the height of the Assyrian empire, the means of travel were improved, the roads were improved, and markers were established to indicate distances and directions. Later, the Persians made further improvement to the road systems and developed four-wheeled carriages for transportation.

口语课 旅游 Travelling2 PPT

口语课 旅游 Travelling2 PPT
western restaurant ?
What can we eat in a western restaurant?
fried chicken steak
salad We can eat ____in a western restaurant.
What can we drink in a western restaurant?
Sure. 当然。
Order food with your partner
Travel & food France & Italy
Travel English 出游英语
• 法国意大利摩纳哥7天自由行 • France, Italy, Monaco [ˈmɔnəkəu]
• independent travel
How about…? Would you like?
You have ordered….
Is that all right?
Anything else?
What about...?
Hi, may I take your order now?/Are you ready to order? (服务员)我现在可以点菜吗?
Do you know how to take orders?

Taking orders in a
Taking orders in a Restaurant
step1 •
step2 recommend
step3 repeat
step4 recommend
May I take your order now?

旅游英语口语教学课件unit (8)

旅游英语口语教学课件unit  (8)

Background Knowledge Nhomakorabea
butcher’s shop charity shop second-hand store antique shop souvenir shop gift shop café or restaurant cinema theatre children’s goods store bar/lounge bar take away shop
Background Knowledge

Most department stores have similar pattern. Customers can find all kinds of cosmetics and foodstuffs on the first floor. The second floor and the third floor form a world of garments and shoes for men and women, old and young. On the fourth floor are office appliances, jewelry, toys, arts and crafts products, clocks and watches. The cultural and recreational department is on the fifth floor, while in the top floor, household electric appliances, and something else. 大多数的商场都有相似的格局。消费者可以在一楼找到所有的化妆 品和食品。二楼和三楼则是男女士服饰鞋类的世界。四楼是办公用 具、珠宝、玩具、文艺品和工艺品、钟表等。娱乐文化则在五楼, 顶层是家用电器还有一些其他的。


located in northern China, it is one of the greatest ancient defense projects in the world and also a symbol of China.
The Forbidden City
Located in the center of Beijing, it was a royal palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties in China and one of the largest palace complexes in the world.
Booking air tickets
Secure your air tickets online or through a travel agent to ensure a smooth journal
Arranging ground transportation
Plan your ground transportation to and from the airport, as well as within the destination city, to ensure effective travel
expressed as "Is there a guided tour available?"
Hotel check-in dialogue
Check in procedures, inquire about breakfast time, etc.
Restaurant dining conversation
Tourism and culturwill introduce the basic information of Western culture, including history, values, traditions, etc. It will help students understand the cultural background of the West and avoid cultural misunderstandings in tourism services



Part Two:
Text A:The Tour Wholesaler
Tour wholesaling became an important segment of the U.S. travel industry after World War II. It has expanded substantially since the 1960s, largely because air carriers wanted to fill the increasing numbers of aircraft seats. The tour wholesale business consists primarily of planning, preparing, and marketing a vacation tour, including making reservations and consolidating transportation and ground services into a tour assembled for a departure date to a specific destination. Tours are then sold to the public through retail outlets such as travel agents and airline ticket offices.
Part Two: Text A:The Tour Wholesaler
The tour wholesaler (also called tour operator) puts together a tour and all its components and sells the tour through his or her own company, through retail outlets, and/or through approved retail travel agencies. Wholesalers can offer vacation packages to the traveling public at prices lower than an individual traveler can arrange because wholesalers can buy services such as transportation, hotel rooms, sightseeing services, airport transfers, and meals in large quantities at discounted prices.
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What is the weather like?
The weather changes so quickly that people say you can experience four seasons in one day.
When is the best time to visit? The best times to visit Shangri-la are spring and autumn because the temperature is at its mildest.
How can you get there?
We can start in the city of Dali and drive northwards along the Yunnan-Tibet Highway until we reach there. We can also go there by plane for there are regular flights between Zhongdian and Kunming.
The delicious food
Qiao BaBa 荞粑粑 ZanBa
Peipah meat 枇杷肉 13
Qiao BaBa
14Leabharlann 糌粑 ZanBa15
Peipah meat 琵琶肉
Z旅游13117 张 玉(25)
❖5. What does Shangri-la mean?
❖6. What is the weather like?
❖7. What the delicious food of Shangri-
Yunnan Province
south-west of China
When did the word ‘Shangri-la’ first appear?
in 1933 Lost Horizon by James Hilton
three snowy mountains… be surrounded by look like make …speechless
the sun and the moon in one’s heart
heaven on earth
人间乐土 8
mild spring/ autumn
What does Shangri-la mean?
In the Tibetan language,Shangri-la means the sun and the moon in one’s heart. Today, it means heaven on earth in English
Do you know where it is?
What is the impression of Shangri-la?
❖1. Where is it?
❖2. How can you get there?
❖3. Who first talked about Shangri-la?
❖4. What can you see in Shangri-la?