深圳英语翻译标书翻译价格报价qq:544609186精诚翻译公司全网最低5元百字起(市场价格10元,比传统翻译机构低40%左右,互联网+时代,省去中间的环节,价格低于翻译行业任何家翻译机构,5年经验保证,首推先翻译后付费模式,无效免单,免费试译,免费修改,为很多的大型外企和国企翻译过许多专业文件!五周年庆,五折优惠中,可以通过以上联系方式咨询!Being ready to help others is one of the finetraditions of Chinese nation.By helping others,onenot only offered help to others,but also expressedone kind of self-respect.To help others,one shouldgive up selfishness and shouldn't consider his owninterest all the time.Think more of others and initiatively give a hand to those that need help.Tobe ready to help others,one should live happily and avoid asking for trouble.When helpingothers,one can get happiness at the same time and enjoy the pleasure of life.To be ready tohelp others,one should take action actively instead of just saying it.Be down-to-earth,and offerservice to others with passion.Even for the simple things,just start doing them bit by bit.助人为乐,是中华民族优良传统之一。
【最新】钱的英语怎么写-优秀word范文 (4页)
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事后,聂女士的金毛犬贝贝先后在多家宠物医 院治疗,均确认该犬腰椎骨折、错位,腰椎神经至 今无法恢复,两条后腿已经瘫痪无法行走。聂女士 为此花费了39555元治疗费,还支出了563.5元请人从 国外为贝贝买来辅助支架轮椅。 因赔偿数额谈不拢,聂女士将孙先生告上法庭,
请求法院判令对方支付撞伤犬只治疗费、购买辅助 支架轮椅费用共计43199.89元。 车主反诉狗狗闯红灯 此案一审开庭时,孙先生提出了反诉。他称事 发时,车行道显示绿灯,人行横道显示红灯,聂女 士的金毛犬贝贝在无人牵管的情况下横穿马路,导 致其驾驶时反应不及,无法躲
翻译报价50-70元千字,市场价都是100以上 个人提供翻译服务,长期翻译经验,价格绝对最低, 因为不用什么成本,收费最低可以比翻译公司低40% 左右,完全人工翻译,曾供职于几家翻译公司,质 量过硬,欢迎咨询。想省钱找我就对了Байду номын сангаас质量跟翻 译公司是完全一样的,流程也是一样。
聂女士诉称:2011年3月31日晚9时许,她带着 花5000元购买并领有狗证的两岁金毛犬贝贝,在福 田区白石东路红绿灯路口从斑马线过马路,此时孙 先生驾驶汽车将狗撞伤,后狗狗被送往宠物医院治 疗。交警赶到后,确认孙先生所驾车辆交强险已经 过期,且没有年检,并出具了事故经过证明。
避,导致事故发生。 他认为,此事故是因为聂女士对自己的宠物狗 看护不力,导致宠物狗违规闯红灯过马路。孙先生 称此事导致其车辆受损,生活和工作受到影响,请 求法院判令聂女士赔偿其修车费、误工费、车辆损 耗和停滞费2700元。 法院一审判
一审法院认为,事发后,交警部门确认因事故 发生路段没有监控录像,无法确认本次事故责任, 原、被告双方也均提交有效证据证明对方过错。该 院参照相关规定,推定由机动车方承担事故的全部 责任,因此孙先生应对聂女士的财产损失承担全部 赔偿责任。
杭州英语翻译标书翻译报价拨--打【4000-537-407】精诚翻译公司全网最低5元百字起(市场价格10元,比传统翻译机构低40%左右,互联网+时代,省去中间的环节,价格低于翻译行业任何家翻译机构,5年经验保证,首推先翻译后付费模式,无效免单,免费试译,免费修改,为很多的大型外企和国企翻译过许多专业文件!五周年庆,五折优惠中,可以通过以上方式咨询It was a typical summer evening in June,the atmosphere being in such delicate equilibrium and so transmissive that inanimate objects seemed endowed with two or three senses,if not five.There was no distinction between the near and the far, and an auditor felt close to everything within the horizon.The soundlessness impressed her as a positive entity rather than as the mere negation of noise.It was broken by the strumming of strings.(Tess of the d"Urbervilles,Chapter19毫无疑问,对英美读者而言,原文语言优美自然,对景物的描述细腻生动。
然而,现有的研究对于COOE 和儒家面子观念对中国消费者心态影响的分析很少。
一些研究和理论已经涉及到了这种跨文化分析,这些包括水平和垂直集体主义和个人主义(施威特等人,2006)、中国消费者对国外产品的评价(Zhang,1996)、儒家面子观念(Leung & Chan, 2003) 、中国现代消费行为与现代性(Xiao,2005)等等。
Disney posted a 5% increase in revenue for the three months to 27 June - but missedexpectations for the first time in eight quarters.迪斯尼宣布,到7月27日为止的三个月内,收入增长了5%,但这是它在8个季度里首次未能达到预期。
Analysts expected the entertainment group's revenues to be $13.2bn, but the total was $100m less.分析师之前预测这家娱乐集团的收益达132亿美元(85亿英镑),但是实际上总额少了1亿美元。
Operating income fell at Disney's theme parks and resorts outside North America due to higher operating costs at Disneyland in both Paris and Hong Kong.由于在巴黎和香港的迪斯尼游乐园过高的营业成本,北美以外的迪斯尼主题公园和度假村的营收有所下降。
The Asian park also had fewer visitors in the period.在这段期间,亚洲的游乐园游客数量也有所减少。
Operating profit at its theme parks rose 9% to $922m, with a 4% increase in revenue to $4.1bn.主题公园的营业利润上涨到9.22亿美元,涨幅9%,收入则上涨至41亿美元,涨幅4%。
「非物质文化遗产」的原文是intangible cultural heritage(英文)或patrimoine culturel immateriel (法文),是联合国在1997年以尊重多元文化为大原则而提出的概念,并由联合国教科文组织制定「保护非物质文化遗产公约」,2006年生效。
而抽象的翻译,多表现为视频的翻译和ppt 的字幕翻译。
【笔译】单位:元/千字【口译】单位:元/天标准笔译报价(单位:人民币/元)译文字数英语日、韩、法、德、俄小语种其它外译中中译外外译中中译外外译中中译外外译外每千字(word字符数(不计空格))120-160 160-200 180-260 200-280 400-500 500-600 450-550 交替传译报价(单位:人民币/元)类型英语日、韩、法、德小语种其它语种一般商务展览、旅游陪同600-1200元/人/天800-1500元/人/天1000-1600元/人/天1000元/人/小时技术交流商务谈判800-1600元/人/天1000-2000元/人/天1200-2200元/人/天大型国际会议2500-4000元/人/天3000-5000元/人/天4000-6000元/人/天备注:1、口语翻译工作时间为8小时/天/人(不包括同传)。
同声传译报价同声传译(每个语种、每场同传需要安排2-3名同传译员)同传语种中、英互译中、俄法德意日互译中、其它小语种互译计费方式每小时/每人每天/每人每小时/每人每天/每人每小时/每人每天/每人同传价格1000-1200 6000-8000 1200-1400 7000-9000 1400-1600 8000-10000备注:1、同传翻译工作时间为6小时/天/人。
(设备租赁价格请来电索取)DVD/VCD视频和音频听力翻译报价中←→英中←→日法德俄中←→小语种外←→外录象带时长(分钟)中→英英→中中→外外→中中→外外→中外←→外100以内100-300 300以上180-240160-230140-220150-200130-180120-160240-300220-290180-240160-240300-400290-440200-290200-290320-580300-540备注:本报价除了用时间分钟计费外,还可用字数计费,价格面议。
翻译服务收费标准一、笔译人民币元/千字中文( 加急加收30% —70% ,专业加收50% ) 语种中译外外译中外译外英语170 140 面议日语170 140韩语190 160德语220 180俄语220 180法语220 180意大利语280 250西班牙语280 250葡萄牙语290 260阿拉伯语350 320越南语430 400荷兰语510 460波兰语380-480 360-40塞尔维亚语370-470 420-530泰国语260-380 280-520老挝语320-420 370-480印度语320-420 370-480希腊语370-470 420-530哈萨克语280-380 300-410瑞典语300-400 340-450丹麦语320-420 370-470印度尼西亚语330-450 350-460蒙古语300-400 350-4601、字数计算:以中文版稿件在Windows word文档显示的字符数(不计空格)为基准。
二、口译价格:(1) 交传报价(元/人/天,加小时按100-150元/小时加收费用)类型英语德、日、法、俄、韩小语种一般活动700 800 1500商务活动500-1200 500-1500 800-3000中小型会议1200-3000 1500-3000 2500-3000大型会议1200-4000 2500-6000 4000-9000(2) 同传报价(元/人/天)类别中-英互译日、韩、德、俄、法、韩-中互译小语种-中互译商务会议5000-8000 6000-10000 8000-10000中小型会议5500-8000 7000-12000 8000-12000大型国际会议6000-9000 8000-12000 12000-16000。
杭州英语翻译标书翻译报价拨--打【4000-537-407】精诚翻译公司全网最低5元百字起(市场价格10元,比传统翻译机构低40%左右,互联网+时代,省去中间的环节,价格低于翻译行业任何家翻译机构,5年经验保证,首推先翻译后付费模式,无效免单,免费试译,免费修改,为很多的大型外企和国企翻译过许多专业文件!五周年庆,五折优惠中,可以通过以上方式咨询It was a typical summer evening in June,the atmosphere being in such delicate equilibrium and so transmissive that inanimate objects seemed endowed with two or three senses,if not five.There was no distinction between the near and the far, and an auditor felt close to everything within the horizon.The soundlessness impressed her as a positive entity rather than as the mere negation of noise.It was broken by the strumming of strings.(Tess of the d"Urbervilles,Chapter19)毫无疑问,对英美读者而言,原文语言优美自然,对景物的描述细腻生动。
1. 普通稿件:
2. 专业稿件:
3. 普通商务信函
4. 企业宣传稿件
5. 企业产品介绍
1. 陪同口译:2000/天
2. 商务谈判交传:4000/天
广州英语标书翻译翻译价格加-微-信:544609186精诚翻译公司全网最低5元百字起(市场价格10元,比传统翻译机构低40%左右,互联网+时代,省去中间的环节,价格低于翻译行业任何家翻译机构,5年经验保证,首推先翻译后付费模式,无效免单,免费试译,免费修改,为很多的大型外企和国企翻译过许多专业文件!五周年庆,五折优惠中,可以通过以上方式咨询!CONCEIVED at the same Bretton Woods conference in 1944, the IMF and the World Bank are neither identical twins, nor always very fraternal[1].(1)The fund is buttoned-up[2], hierarchical and preoccupied with hard money and sound budgets. Its sister, by contrast, is loose-limbed, sprawling and a bit of a dilettante[3], worrying about greenery, equality and empowerment, as well as poverty.国际货币基金组织(IMF)和世界银行都是1944年布雷顿森林(Bretton Woods)会议的产物,但两者既非“同卵双生”,亦非总是亲密无间。
Inevitably, they squabble[4]. In moments of crisis, the bank is rudelypress-ganged[5] into the fund's rescue missions. (2)In today's quieter interludes, the fund itches[6] to offer help, on things such as pensions and insurance, that the bank is perhaps better placed to provide.为此,“姐妹俩”免不了会争风吃醋。
精诚翻译全网最低报价50元-70元千字(市场价为100元)先翻译后付费不仅仅是便宜的收费,保证让您满意,不满意免单咨询翻译事宜可以百度搜索精诚翻译找到我们1<A closer look at destination: Image, personality, relationship and loyalty>Drawing on brand relationship theory and attitude theory, this study investigates the relationships among destination image, destination personality, tourist-destination relationship and tourist behavior. Using a sample of 428 foreign tourists visiting the Angkor temple area of Cambodia and the structural equation modeling technique, the results reveal that destination image and destination personality have positive effects on the tourist-destination relationship, which in turn affect tourist behavior. The study lends support to brand relationship theory, indicating that tourists form em otional relationships with destinations, and further supports Bagozzi‟s (1992) reformulation of attitude theory with regard to the cognitive, affective and behavior sequence.Destination imageDestination image is defined as the sum of beliefs, ideas, and impressions that a tourist holds about a destination (Crompton, 1979), and it is viewed as a multidimensional construct composed of three primary dimensions, i.e. cognitive, affective, and conative (Beerli & Martin, 2004; Prayag, 2007). The cognitive component involves beliefs and knowledge about the physical attributes of a destination, while the affective one refers to the appraisal of the affective quality of feelings towardthe attributesandthe surrounding environment (Baloglu & McCleary,1999). The conative component is considered analogous to behavior, and evolves from cognitive and affective images (Beerli & Martin, 2004; Prayag, 2007).Brand personalityBrand personality is defined as the set of human characteristics associated with a brand. Aaker (1997) conceptualizes it using the five trait dimensions of sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication and ruggedness. These dimensions have been applied to various settings across different cultures to gauge consumers‟ symbolic consumption and thei r effects on behavior (Ekinci & Hosany, 2006). By adopting Aaker‟s (1997) terminology of brand personality, Ekinci and Hosany (2006) define destination personality as the set of human characteristics associated with a destination, and find that tourists ascribe personality characteristics to destinations based on three salient dimensions: sincerity, excitement and conviviality. The concept of destination personality has been applied to characterize tourism destinations (Hosany et al., 2006; Murphy, Benchendorff, & Moscardo, 2007; Park & Jung, 2010; Prayag, 2007), and its effects on differentiating among them (Murphy, Moscardo, & Benckendorff, 2007).2<A model of destination branding: Integrating the concepts of the branding and destination image>Despite the significance of destination branding in both academia and industry, literature on itsconceptual development is limited. The current study aims to develop and test a theoretical model of destination branding, which integrates the concepts of the branding and destination image. The study suggests unique image as a new component of destination brand associations. It is proposed that the overall image of the destination (i.e., brand image) is a mediator between its brand associations (i.e., cognitive, affec tive, and unique image components) and tourists‟ future behaviors (i.e., intentions to revisit and recommend). The results confirmed that overall image is influenced by three types of brand associations and is a critical mediator between brand associations and tourists‟ future behaviors. In addition, unique image had the second largest impact on the overall image formation, following the cognitive evaluations.Destination BrandingDestination branding can be defined as a way to communicate a destination‟s unique identity by differentiating a destination from its competitors (Morrison & Anderson, 2002). Similar to the general knowledge on brands, destination brands exert two important functions: identification and differentiation. In the branding literature, the meaning of “identification” involves the explication of the source of the product to consumers. While a product in general terms represents a physical offering, which can be easily modified, a place as a product is a large entity which contains various material and non-material elements to represent it (Florek, 2005). For example, a place includes tangible attributes such as historical sites or beaches as well as intangible characteristics such as culture, customs, and history. Because of the complex nature of a destination to be a brand, generalization of the identity is inevitable.Brand identity and imageBrand identity reflects the contribution of all brand elements to awareness and image (Keller, 1998, p. 166). It provides a direction, purpose, and meaning for the brand and is central to a brand‟s strategic vision and the driver of brand associations (Aaker, 1996). On the other hand, brand image can be defined as consumer perceptions of a brand as reflected by the brand associations held in consu mer‟s memory (Keller, 2008). To brand a destination, the sender (i.e., destination marketers) projects a destination brand identity through all the features and activities that differentiate the destination from other competing destinations. All the while, the receiver (i.e., a consumer) perceives the image of the place, which is formed and stored in their minds (Florek et al., 2006).Brand associationsbrand associations are classified into three major categories: attributes, benefits, and attitudes (Keller, 1993, 1998). According to Keller (1993, 1998), attributes are those descriptive features that characterize a brand. In other words, an attribute is what a consumer thinks the brand is or has to offer and what is involved with its purchase or consumption. The benefits that may occur are the personal value consumers associate with the brand attributes in the form of functional, symbolic, experiential attachments. That is, what consumers think the brand can do for them. Brand attitudes are consumers‟ overall evaluations of the brand and are the basis for consumerbehavior (e.g., brand choice).3<A multidimensional analysis of the information sources construct and its relevance for destination image formation>The images of a tourist destination often depend on information and contents generated by travelers, suppliers, and residents. This article analyzes the weight that different information sources exert in defining the overall information source construct. The authors adopt a multidimensional methodology; unlike prior research, this study considers the combined weight of various web platforms for determining the images of tourist destinations. Thus, in addition to integrating various explanatory models to detail how the images of a tourist destination form, this study adds web platform factors and thereby moves beyond the influences of traditional, offline sources of information. The results of a survey of 541 tourists and residents of Mallorca, according to different descriptive statistics and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, indicate that different websites, reflecting both supplier- and user generated content, exert important influences and combine to form an information source construct. Furthermore, users who publish tourist information online value web platforms that offer user-generated content when they seek information about a tourist destination for themselves. These findings in turn offer several managerial recommendations.4<China‟s Chairman Mao: A visual analysis of Hunan Pro vince online destination image>Chairman Mao Zedong, founder of the People‟s Republic of China, is the main attraction in Shaoshan Village, Hunan. The Great Helmsman was born here and his likeness lives on after him in the form of statues, portraits, and souvenirs. His legacy is commemorated at his childhood home and family shrine filled with markers, displays and artifacts. This paper describes how these representations of Mao work as a key element of the Hunan (湖南) Province online tourism destination image. The study was based on a compound content analysis-semiotic analysis method and a purposive sample of 995 photographs gathered from 257 websites. It was found that Mao-related photographic representations found online make up an interconnected and internally self-referential destination image of Hunan. The image combines intrinsic cultural value with commercial use value in ways that complement China‟s Green and Red Tourism policy. The control of this complex image is not, however, entirely in the hands of tourism marketers.Tourism Destination ImageDestination image theory in tourism research was originally used to describe an induced-organic image dualism (Gunn, 1972) that contrasted destination marketing against the experiences and perceptions of visitors. Recognizing that induced and organic image perspectives might be mutually independent, the theory was refined into a set of three constructs, including: 1) destination imagery as the topography of the touristic landscape and its material objects and experiences (Wolcott, 1995); 2) perceived destination image as the effect of individual or collective audiences‟ exposure to destination imagery; and 3) projected destination image as the purposive generation and packaging of imagery in print and electronic forms for marketing orcommentary (Gartner, 1994; Pritchard & Morgan, 2001).5<Destination image and tourist loyalty: A meta-analysis>Extant literature is inconclusive on the linkage between destination image and tourist loyalty, due to the multi-dimensional nature of the two concepts. The present study attempts to draw some informative conclusions about the relationship through a meta-analysis. A research framework was proposed in which 14 hypotheses were developed. A total of 66 independent studies were synthesized and analyzed. The findings reveal that the impact of destination image on tourist loyalty is significant, with varying degrees. Specifically, overall image has the greatest impact on tourist loyalty, followed by affective image and cognitive image. Cognitive affective joint image fails to demonstrate a stable impact on tourist loyalty. Of the three levels of tourist loyalty, destination image has the greatest impact on composite loyalty, and then on attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty, successively. The findings are discussed in light of their theoretical and practical implications for destination marketing and management.Destination ImageCustomer LoyaltyCustomer loyalty has been defined in several ways (Jacoby & Kyner, 1973). The first definition of loyalty is attitudinal. Customers‟ beliefs about the value received lead to their overall attitude toward a product or service, such as the intention to repurchase (Fournier, 1994; Hawkins, Best, &Coney, 1989). The second defines loyalty as behaviors, including continued patronage and act of recommendation (Hughes,1991; Sönmez & Graefe,1998). An alternative conceptualization is the integration of the two views, which defines customer loyalty as the relationship between relative attitude and repeat patronage (Dick & Basu, 1994; Oliver, 1999).Tourist loyaltyTourist loyalty has been treated as an extension of customer loyalty in tourism setting (Backman & Crompton,1991; Baloglu, 2001); that is, if destination experience is considered as a product, tourists may choose to revisit or recommend it to friends and relatives (Yoon & Uysal, 2005). Specifically, tourist loyalty has been conceptualized in one of the following approaches: behavioral loyalty, attitudinal loyalty, and composite loyalty (Jacoby & Chestnut,1978). Behavioral loyalty focuses on the behavioral outcome such as repeat visits. This approach usually fails to disclose the anteceding factors that affect customer loyalty (Yoon & Uysal, 2005). Attitudinal loyalty refers to tourists‟ psychological expression such as intention to revisit a destination or recommend to other potential tourists. The composite or combined approach of loyalty suggests the integration of both attitude and behavior (Backman & Crompton, 1991; Iwaskaki & Havitz, 1998); that is, tourists who demonstrate behavioral loyalty toward particular destinations tend to have a positive attitude toward those destinations.At operational level, revisit intention and recommendations to others are the most commonly used measured for tourist loyalty (Alcañiz et al., 2009; Horng et al., 2012; Hung & Petrick, 2012; Oppermann, 2000). Repeat visitors represent a much desired market segment for many tourism products and destinations (Lau & McKercher, 2004). They tend to stay longer at a destination (Oppermann, 1998), spread positive word of mouth (Oppermann, 2000; Shoemaker & Lewis, 1999), and participate in consumptive activities more intensively (L ehto, O‟Leary, & Morrison, 2004). Repeat visitors are also cost-effective as they incur a much lower marketing costs than first-time visitors (Shoemaker & Lewis, 1999).6<Destination image as a mediator between perceived risks and revisit intention: A case of post-disaster Japan>Despite the significance of perceived travel risk and destination image, relatively few studies address the effect of perceived travel risks on the formation of destination image, and the mediating role of destination image. This study draws new insights by examining (1) the effects of perceived risks on destination image, and (2) the mediating role of destination image between perceived risks and revisit intention of repeat tourists to a risky destination. With perceived risk and destination image being empirically distinctive constructs, findings revealed that perceived socio-psychological and financial risks influenced both cognitive and affective destination images. Perceived physical risk did not have a significant influence on destination image, although it directly affected revisit intention. Additionally, destination image significantly mediated the relationships between two risks, namely, perceived sociopsychological and financial risks, and revisit intention. Several managerial implications concerning the management of risk perceptions and the promotion of risky destinations are discussed in this study.Perception of RiskPerception of risk is of paramount importance in tourists‟ decision-making process as it can alter rational decision-making pertaining to destination choice (Sönmez & Graefe, 1998a). Perceived risk is defined as consumer perception of the probability that an action may expose them to danger that can influence travel decisions if the perceived danger is deemed to be beyond anacceptable level (Mansfeld, 2006; Reichel et al., 2007). A certain level of probability can be attached to risk to determine probable loss (Stone & Grønhaug,1993). The perception of travel risks such as physical risk, psychological risk, financial risk, and health risk may arise from perceived potential loss as a result of natural disaster (Mansfeld, 2006), epidemics (Rittichainuwat & Chakraborty, 2009), terrorism (Sönmez & Graefe, 1998b), and political instability (Carter, 1998). Such perceptions may differ from reality (Roehl & Fesenmaier, 1992) as media plays a key role in forming consumers‟ risk perceptions through information dissemination of affected destinations.7<The contribution of website design to the generation of tourist destination image: The moderating effect of involvement>The question of how tourist destination image is generated is an issue of significant interest in the tourism management field. The present work analyzes the effect of the design of a tourist destination website, and the effect of the tourist's processing of information, on the destination image that the tourist creates. In order to achieve this objective, an experimental design was carried out, in which a destination website was specially created in order to manipulate message type and information overload. The results demonstrate that destination image is more positive when emotional messages are employed on the website and when the individual does not experience overload. The work also demonstrates the moderating role of involvement, in the effect of the factors manipulated in the study (message type and information-overload) on tourist destination image. The conclusions reached in this study hold some interesting implications for practitioners working in tourist destination management.Destination image8<The relationship between travel constraints and destination image: A case study of Brunei>This study evaluated the relationship between travel constraints and destination image of young travelers to Brunei. This study found a significant relationship between destination image and travel constraints during the early decision-making process. This study concluded travel constraints impact on the formation of destination image during the early decision-making process. Study results contribute to the body of knowledge in two areas. First, four dimensions of travel constraints and three dimensions of perceived destination image were identified. In addition to the 3-dimension hierarchal constraints (structural, intrapersonal, and interpersonal), a new constraint dimension (unfamiliar cultural constraints) was revealed. Second, this study confirmed the relationship between travel constraints and destination image. Relatively few studies address the role of travel constraints to the formation of destination image. This is the first study providingempirical evidence demonstrating Brunei‟s destination image and travel constraints impact young travelers during the early decision-making process.Travel ConstraintsPast research has shown participation in leisure activity, including travel, might be inhibited by constraints (Jackson, 1988, 1991). Leisure constraints and the benefits of leisure are the two basic factors that influence the travel decision-making process. The major constraints affecting travel are social, political, physical, financial, time, health, family stage, lack of interest, fear and safety, lack of transportation, companionship, overcrowding, distance, and limited information about potential destinations (Carneiro & Crompton, 2010; Jackson, 1988). As such, leisure constraints have been shown to prohibit participation in tourism activities (Um & Crompton, 1999).9<Tourists' opinions and their selection of tourism destination images: An affective and motivational evaluation>Image is an important component of tourism destination marketing because it influences tourists' behavior by stimulating multiple creative activities and experiences. Previous studies have shown that destination image formation affects travelers' thinking and feeling. Therefore, exploring the role of destination images is vital for the promotion of tourist destinations as holiday resources. We were interested in exploring the tourist's opinion in selecting touristic images used for promotional aims. Hence, the aim of this study is to investigate the affective and motivational factors with regard to a case-tourist destination, comparing two sets of images. The results showed that tourists considered the images in the first set to be stereotypical, while those in the second set evoked more affective and motivational attributes, increasing their desire to visit the represented places. The results of logistic regression analyses underlined that tourists are more influenced by the images in the second set. Finally, marketing implications are discussed.10<Visual destination images of Peru: Comparative content analysis of DMO and user-generated photography>With the arrival of new media and communication technologies in recent years, user-generated content (UGC) on the internet has increasingly been considered a credible form of word-of-mouth. Social media websites, such as Facebook, Flickr, and Panoramio, allow tourists to share their travel experiences with others by uploading travel photos online, an activity that has gained popularity among internet users. Unlike images created and projected by destination marketing organizations (DMOs), pictorial UGC reflects users‟ perceptions of a destination. This study compared images of Peru collected from a DMO‟s site and from Flickr, a photo-sharing website and identified statistical differences in several dimensions of these images. The study visualized these differences by constructing maps representing “aggregated” projected and perceived images of Peru, as well as maps of geographical distribution of the images.11<Destination images of non-visitors>This article provides much needed understanding of destination images held by non-visitors. Recognizing the characteristics of non-visitor images and their formation is important in order to understand images more widely. This qualitative study assesses images of London. The views of three hundred people in the Czech Republic who have never visited London were obtained via an innovative open-ended research instrument. The study showed that non-visitors imagine destinations through comparisons with their own experiences of places. Findings indicate that images can be very persistent and that the first images formed of a destination endure over time. Although the research is based on people with no direct experience of London, the research highlights that arrange of secondary …experiences‟ influence image formation.City ImageFor many urban researchers the city is best understood as an …imagined environment‟ even for those who experience that environment on a daily basis (e.g. Donald, 1999; Raban, 1974). As Pike(1996, p. 246) states, the city is itself ……by any definition, a social image‟‟. The very idea of …the city‟ has been created through practices, representations and the meanings that are generated by human cultures. According to Donald (1999, p. 8) ……the city is an abstraction which claims to identity what, if anything, is common to all cities‟‟. Therefore, it is impossible to e xamine city images without recognizing the importance of urban representations, particularly iconographic representations distributed via film, television and painting. Distinct from perspectives relating to the cognitive personal and psychological perception of the urban landscape, cultural analyses of place image emphasize the importance of mythic places, imaginary places, and places constructed through the production of discourse.12<Examining the structural relationships of electronic word of mouth, destination image, tourist attitude toward destination and travel intention: An integrated approach>The purpose of this paper is to study the interrelationships among electronic word of mouth (eWOM), destination image, tourist attitude, and travel intention in the tourism industry. In addition, the paper examines the effect of sociodemographic characteristics on the research variables. A 10 min pen and paper questionnaire was distributed to international tourists in Isfahan through a nonprobability, convenience-sampling approach. Reliability and validity of the measurement scale were established through average variance extracted (A VE), Cronbach‟s alpha analyses, and intercorrelation analyses. A structural equation model (SEM) test with maximum likelihood estimation was performed to test the relationship among the research variables using 264 participants. In addition, the possible influence of sociodemographic characteristics on the research variables was analyzed using an ANOV A. The empirical results from the structural model suggest that: (1) eWOM positively influences the destination image, tourist attitude and travel intention; (2) destination image and tourist attitude have a significant relationship with intention to travel; (3) destination image positively affects tourist attitude, and (4) the socio-demographic characteristics influence using eWOM, destination image, tourist attitude, and travel intention. Implications and future research issues were discussed.Electronic word of mouthElectronic WOM (eWOM) communication refers to any positive or negative statement made by potential, actual, or former custo- mers about a product or company, which is made available to a multitude of people and institutions via the Internet (Litvin et al., 2008). eWOM is considered as an important information source influencing tourists‟ travel intention and choice of destination (Grewal, Cline & Davies, 2003; Soderlund & Rosengren, 2007; Ying & Chung, 2007; Yun & Good, 2007; Jalilvand & Samiei, 2012b, 2012c). Findings of recent studies show different effects of online reviews on the product/service sales. For instance, Chevalier and Mayzlin (2006) and Ye, Law, Gu, and Chen (2011) also indicated that online reviews have a significant impact on online sales. Since online traveler reviews are an important source of information to both travelers and tourism firms, researchers have attempted to analyze and understand online traveler reviews by sophisticated technolo- gies (Govers & Go, 2005; Ye, Law & Gu, 2009, Ye, Zhang & Law, 2009). Previous studies have shown that online travel reviews may influence the decisions of travelers (Vermeulen & Seegers, 2009).////Tourism has become increasingly dependent on image (Tasci & Gartner, 2007). Holidays are intangible products, which are concurrently produced and consumed and therefore cannot be evaluated beforehand (Lewis & Chambers, 2000; Mundt, 2000).Thus, image plays a major role in travel decisions and choice of destinations (Chen & Tsai, 2007; Nadeau, Heslop, O'Reilly, & Luk, 2008; Tasci & Gartner, 2007). Accordingly, the study of destination image has been a focus of tourism research for nearly four decades. While there is a relative abundance of research analyzing the image induced by the tourism industry's promotional materials (e.g., Gartner, 1989; S€onmez & Sirakaya, 2002) only a few of these studies have focused on the Internet (Lepp, Gibson, & Lane, 2011).。
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上海英文资料翻译公司翻译报价加-微-信:544609186精诚翻译公司全网最低5元百字起(市场价格10元,比传统翻译机构低40%左右,互联网+时代,省去中间的环节,价格低于翻译行业任何家翻译机构,5年经验保证,首推先翻译后付费模式,无效免单,免费试译,免费修改,为很多的大型外企和国企翻译过许多专业文件!五周年庆,五折优惠中,可以通过以上方式咨询!CANCER cells manage their energy production in a most peculiar way.Most cancer cells,however,use a less efficient mechanism called glycolysis to power themselves.They thus cut their mitochondria out of the loop.肿瘤细胞产生能量的方式极为特别。
That cancer cells often rely on glycolysis was discovered by Otto Warburg in 1930.Now,it looks a lot more interesting,for Evangelos Michelakis and his colleagues at the University of Alberta,in Canada,are testing a drug called dichloroacetate that suppresses the Warburg effect and reactivates the mitochondria.The result shows why mitochondrial suppression is so important to tumours:when they are unsuppressed,the tumour they are in stops growing.肿瘤细胞通常依靠糖酵解供能是Otto Warburg于1930年发现的,但这一被后人称为“Warburg效应”的现象一直以来只是让人感到好奇而已,而且还颇有争议。
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Couple Dylan and Lexie were holding hands and walking down a tree-lined street recently when a thunderstorm hit,and the two were hit by a lightning bolt.近日,一对名叫狄伦和莱克茜的情侣正手牵手走在林荫大街上,突然闪电来袭击中二人。
'It felt like I was getting hit over the head with metal or something,'said Dylan.狄伦说:“当时的感觉就好像头部被金属之类的东西击中了一样。
”'Next thing you know,we're on the ground and we gave each other the most terrified looks,'Lexie added.'I kind of thought there was an earthquake.'“另外一点、你懂的,我们两个都站在地面上彼此露出恐怖的神情,”莱克茜补充道,“有一秒钟我的想法是来地震了。
”A passerby then came over to help them up and said that they had been hit directly.接着一个路人过来帮助他们,并告诉他们是被闪电直接击中了。
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Putting fresh groceries in the fridge is the quickest and easiest option after a shop, but whether or not those items belong in there is another story.
Surprisingly, most fruits and vegetables are better off out of the fridge at first, with many of them only needing refrigeration once fully ripe.
Daily Mail Australia spoke to leading senior nutritionist from NAQ Nutrition, Aloysa Hourigan, to find out what should be in the fridge and what should remain at room temperature.
《每日邮报》驻澳大利亚记者向NAQ Nutrition首席高级营养师阿罗伊莎霍瑞根咨询了什么该放冰箱里、什么该常温保存。
Putting bread in the fridge will dry it out so if you are not going to eat it fast, then the better option is to freeze it and get slices out as you need them. 面包放冰箱里会变干,所以如果你吃得慢的话,最好冷冻,吃的时候切片。
For those who do choose to keep it in the fridge, multi grain bread is the best choice as it doesn't dry out as easily as white or wholemeal bread does. 对那些选择冷藏的人来说,最好选杂粮面包,因为它不像白面包或全麦面包那么容易变干。
Tomatoes are commonly refrigerated after purchase, but there is a reason they are kept at room temperature at the supermarket.
'In terms of becoming ripe enough to eat, tomatoes do better when they are out of the fridge,' Ms Hourigan said.
'Once they reach their ripeness they can go in the fridge otherwise they start to spoil...but tomatoes won't ripen in the fridge by themselves.'
If you leave them out of the fridge for too long they will gradually lose their Vitamin C content over time and the fridge will keep those levels higher for longer.
'Potatoes should never be stored in the fridge, the best way to store them, as well as onions, is in a cool dark place like the bottom of the pantry,' Ms Hourigan said.
'If they are in the light they go green on the skin and spoil and if they are in the fridge they become moist which is not ideal.'
'Berries - especially strawberries - ripen up much better out of the fridge, however they will spoil fairly quickly so you need to pick the perfect time,' Ms Hourigan said.
'Honey is better in the cupboard than in the fridge as it crystallises...it doesn't go off in the cupboard,' Ms Hourigan said.
'If they are whole bulbs they can just sit in a dish or container near where food is prepared,' Ms Hourigan said.
'Once you've peeled it however, it is better off in the fridge as it won't retain it's flavour otherwise.'