

Panasonic Toughpad FZ-G1 产品说明书

Panasonic Toughpad FZ-G1 产品说明书

T OUGHPAD FZ-G1 CertificationsMIL-STD-461FThe Toughpad® FZ-G1 is tested to the MIL-STD-461F standard methodology for electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in Panasonic's R&D facility in Japan and certified by a third party. The certification ensures that Panasonic computers are electromagnetically compatible with other nearby electronic equipment. Certified Panasonic computers do not generate unwanted electromagnetic energy that could interfere with the operation of other equipment, nor are susceptible to the effects of unwanted electromagnetic energy from equipment in the same vicinity. Panasonic has various certifications that meet federal requirements for rugged computers. DOWNLOAD MIL-STD-461F REPORTMIL-STD-810GThe Toughpad® FZ-G1 is MIL-STD-810G certified for a range of extreme conditions including 48" drops1, shocks, vibration, humidity, altitude, explosive atmosphere, rain-, dust- and sand-resistance, temperature extremes and thermal shock. Each of the twenty-one MIL-STD-810G tests conducted have been certified by independent lab testing. MIL-STD-810G, which was created in October 2008, supersedes MIL-STD-810F. DOWNLOAD MIL-STD-810G REPORTIngress Protection (IP65)The Toughpad® FZ-G1 is IP65 certified1 according to the IP code defined in the international standard IEC 60529. The products are tested and certified by an independent test lab facility located in the United States. Rather than vaguely describing equipment as "waterproof" or "dustproof", the IP Code uniformly quantifies various levels of resistance to liquids, particulates and solid objects. The numbers following the letters "IP" represent the specific degree of protection provided by electrical enclosures. The first digit (6) indicates the ingress of dust at a level that will not have a harmful effect on the operation of the unit. The second digit (5) indicates that water sprayed from all directions will not compromise the computer's functioning. Higher numbers indicate a higher tolerance to dust and water. For example, a unit with an IP65 rating will withstand both elements better than a unit with an IP54 rating. While IP65-certified Panasonic computers are not completely impervious to the ingress of water or dust, the rating does indicate neither element will cause operational complications while used under conditions commonly encountered by Panasonic rugged computers. DOWNLOAD IP65 REPORTANSIHazardous LocationsAmerican National Standards Institute (ANSI) reviews safety standards, include Hazardous Locations, every 5 years. In July 2012, UL 1604 — Electrical Equipment for Use in Class I and II, Division 2 Hazardous Locations — was withdrawn as the approved ANSI standard for use in the United States. UL1604 was replaced with ISA 12.12.01-2000 which has very similar requirements as UL1604 Hazardous Locations Class 1 Division 2.ANSI 12.12.01-2000 Hazardous Locations certification allows products to be used in potentially explosive environments found in oil and gas, petrochemical, aviation and other industries. Select fully-ruggedToughbook® mobile computers can be configured to provide safe, reliable solutions for spark-free use. ANSI12.12.01-2000 Hazardous Location approved models are available for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C andD environments. These are defined as places where flammable gases, vapors and liquids are present during abnormal or accident conditions. DOWNLOAD ANSI 12.12 REPORTENERGY STAR QualificationENERGY STAR, a joint program between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy, offers voluntary qualification for products that are energy efficient. The ENERGY STAR program sets high standards designed to save energy, save money and help protect the environment for future generations. Panasonic is one of nearly 20,000 organizations that have become ENERGY STAR partners, all working to promote, sell, or improve products, homes, and buildings that use less energy and qualify for the ENERGY STAR. Panasonic's commitment to ENERGY STAR initiatives and other environmental programs have resulted in all Toughbook® computers earning the ENERGY STAR.ENERGY STAR for computers raises the efficiency bar dramatically. ENERGY STAR establishes efficiency requirements for all modes of a product's operation, which ensures energy savings when a product is active and running basic applications, as well as in low power modes. Qualifying products must also include an internal power supply that is at least 80 percent efficient. Only the most energy-efficient products, including all Toughbook computers have qualified for the new specification. If all computers sold in the US meet ENERGY STAR requirements, the savings in energy costs will grow to more than $1.5 billion each year, reducing greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those from 2 million vehicles. READ MOREEPEAT CertificationEPEAT is an easy-to-use, online tool to help purchasers in the public and private sectors evaluate, compare and select products based on their environmental attributes. EPEAT also provides a clear and consistent set of performance criteria for the design of products, and provides an opportunity for manufacturers to secure market recognition for their efforts to reduce the environmental impact of its products.EPEAT evaluates electronic products according to three tiers of environmental performance — Bronze, Silver and Gold. There are 51 total environmental criteria: 23 required criteria and 28 optional criteria. A Bronze-rated product meets all 23 required criteria. A Silver-rated product meets all 23 required criteria plus at least 50% of the optional criteria. A Gold-rated product meets all 23 required criteria and at least 75% of the optional criteria. All Toughbook computer models are either gold- or silver-rated, ensuring the highest level of environmental performance. READ MOREISO CertificationSince 1996, all Panasonic manufacturing plants worldwide—including the factory in Kobe, Japan—have achieved ISO 14001 registration and implemented the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. The Kobe factory has also been certified for ISO 9001, an international standard for quality management systems that enhance product quality assurance and customer satisfaction.International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international federation promoting the development of international manufacturing, trade, and communication standards. ISO 14000, a series of standards, provides the framework for managing the environmental impacts of an organization.The ISO 14001 international standard established a systematic approach that organizations can use to minimize or prevent environmental impacts and risks. This approach, known as an Environmental Management System or EMS, requires the organization to establish an environmental control policy, educate employees about procedures and continually monitor environmental performance.RoHS ComplianceFor manufacturers of electronic equipment, the main impact of RoHS is that only lead-free products can be sold in Europe. Panasonic has therefore shifted to lead-free solder. By selling RoHS-compliant products in all countries, not just Europe, Panasonic helps eliminate hazardous electronic waste materials from landfills and waste dumps around the world. READ MOREVerizonVerizon Wireless delivers high-speed wireless access in 259 major metro areas, covering more than 280 million people. Panasonic Toughbook computers connect to the Verizon Wireless network without the need of a PC card or Wi-Fi hotspot. READ MOREAT&TA United States wireless leader, AT&T has more than 72.9 million subscribers and offers the best coverage of any carrier worldwide1. Panasonic Toughbook mobile computers are designed with embedded wireless technology allowing instant access to AT&T's extensive high-speed network without the need for an external card, additional antenna or other accessories. READ MORETested by national independent third party lab following MIL-STD-810G Method 516.6 Procedure IV for transit drop test and IEC 60529 Sections 13.4, 13.6.2, 14.2.5 and 14.3 for IP65.。

Canon EOS-1 D Mark III 说明书

Canon EOS-1 D Mark III 说明书


EOS-1D Mark III是业内顶级的高性能数码单镜头反光相机,它配有大型高画质的1010万有效像素CMOS图像感应器和两枚“DIGIC III”数字影像处理器。














相机: EOS-1D Mark III(含眼罩、机身盖、电池仓盖及为日期/时间供电的装机电池)电池:电池LP-E4 (含保护盖)充电器:电池充电器LC-E4 (含两个保护盖)电源线交流电适配器套装ACK-E4交流电适配器AC-E4直流电连接器DR-E4 (含保护盖)电源线两根电缆接口电缆IFC-200U视频电缆VC-100USB电缆保护器(带安装螺丝)相机宽背带L6光盘EOS数码解决方案光盘(EOS DIGITAL Solution Disk) (随机软件)软件使用手册(PDF)袖珍指南拍摄的快速入门指南。

















7、环境温度:-20~+60℃(低于-20度可增加内部保温附件)8、环境湿度:<95%9、外形尺寸:125×82×68mm10、重量: 365g三、使用说明:该产品投入使用前,用户务必进行时钟、经纬度的初次设定,请按以下步骤进行:1、了解面板及各部分功能用途:1)八位LED数码管,显示相关时间及数据。


萤石 摄像机 卡片机-C2系列 CS-C2HC-1E2WF 使用说明书

萤石 摄像机 卡片机-C2系列 CS-C2HC-1E2WF 使用说明书



3登录“萤石云视频”客户端,选择“首页”页签,点击页面右上方的 -> 扫一扫/添加设备,进入扫描二维码的界面。

请将Micro SD卡插入Micro SD卡槽,插入时卡的缺口朝上。


连接电源使用电源线和适配器(5V 1A)将设备连接电源。

添加至“萤石云视频”安装摄像机指示灯蓝色快闪:配网模式蓝色慢闪:正常工作红色常亮:设备启动中*正面Micro SD卡槽*插入Micro SD卡,并登录“萤石云视频”初始化后再使用RESET键*设备运行时,长按RESET键5秒,设备重置并进入配网模式当摄像机的指示灯处于蓝色快速闪烁状态时,表示启动完成。

***安装Micro SD卡(可选)安装机身·本设备不防水,请安装在室内。

·设备底部内嵌磁铁,若安装位置是金属平面,您可跳过以下步骤, 直接将设备放置在金属平面。



·安装前,请先撕掉摄像机前后面的保护膜,防止影响镜头清晰度和 安装牢固度。










地址:江西省宜春市东风路19号 传真:************ 销售热线:************江西江特锂电池材料有限公司产品说明书1.产品名称:富锂锰基正极材料2.产品型号:RM-1C3.产品概述:富锂锰基正极材料是一种过渡金属以锰为主并掺杂了其它元素的锂锰基复合氧化物,属于层状结构的锰系材料。


4.质量指标:序号 项目 指标 特征值 测试方法或设备 1 铁Fe ≤0.01% 0.0059% 原子吸收(瑞利WFX-320) 2 铜Cu ≤0.005% 0.0009% 原子吸收(瑞利WFX-320) 3 镁Mg ≤0.02% 0.0105% 原子吸收(瑞利WFX-320) 4 钙Ca ≤0.02% 0.0080% 原子吸收(瑞利WFX-320)5 水分 ≤0.1% 0.06%6 pH 值 <11.5 11.1 上海雷磁3C7 D10(μm) >4 5.82 8 D50(μm) 11.5±1 11.82 9 D90(μm) <25 20.8 丹东百特BT-9300H 10 比表面积BET(m ²/g ) 1.0~1.5 1.1 金诶谱F-Sorrd2400 11振实密度(g/cm ³)>1.51.8丹东百特BT-300地址:江西省宜春市东风路19号 传真:************ 销售热线:************序号 项目 指标 特征值 测试方法或设备12 比容量(mAh/g) >100(2.75-4.2V ,1C )108 13 3.6V/1C 放电平台>60% 64% 14 循环寿命 >80%(800周) 98% AA 钢壳,人造石墨负极,蓝电测试 15外观黑色系粉末,颜色均一灰黑色粉末5.性能特点RM-1C 型富锂锰基正极材料具有高温性能好、循环寿命长(循环次数可达2500次以上)、安全性能好等优点。

卡萨帝洗衣机 C3 3W1U1说明书

卡萨帝洗衣机 C3 3W1U1说明书

洗衣机使用说明书型号C3 3W1U1• 本说明书为通用手册• 本公司保留说明书解释权• 产品外观请以实物为准• 阅后请与发票一并妥善保存• 如遇产品技术或软件升级,恕不另行通知• 本产品只适合在中国大陆销售和使用1. 产品介绍1 1.1. 产品部件1 1.1.1. 正面1 1.1.2. 背面1 1.1.3. 底面2 1.1.4. 附件3 1.2. 技术规格5 1.2.1. 技术数据5 1.2.2. 产品执行标准5 1.2.3. 产品尺寸及安装要求5 1.2.4. 测试程序7 1.3. 产品特色71.3.1. 产品特色72. Wi-Fi 连接8 2.1. APP下载8 2.1.1. 下载海尔智家客户端8 2.1.2. 注册账号8 2.2. 智慧物联功能8 2.2.1. 智慧物联功能82.2.2. 联网配置方法83. 使用说明9 3.1. 安全注意事项9 3.1.1. 图示说明9 3.1.2. 警告类9 3.1.3. 注意类10 3.2. 洗衣机的安装10 3.2.1. 包装箱10 3.2.2. 连接进水管11 3.2.3. 放置排水管14 3.3. 洗涤注意事项15 3.3.1. 不可洗涤的衣物15 3.3.2. 检查待洗衣物16 3.3.3. 衣物分类洗涤17 3.3.4. 重污衣物预处理18 3.3.5. 衣物洗涤重量参考20 3.4. 洗衣操作20 3.4.1. 快速上手20 3.4.2. 控制面板243.4.3. 洗衣程序选择25 3.4.4. 洗涤参数调节26 3.4.5. 特有功能28 3.5. 清洁保养29 3.5.1. 清洗排水过滤器29 3.5.2. 清洗进水阀接头过滤网303.5.3. 应急开门操作334. 售后服务34 4.1. 疑问解答34 4.1.1. 故障排除34 4.1.2. 显示代码及处理方法36 4.2. 有害物质38 4.2.1. 有害物质名称与含量38 4.3. 保修说明39 4.3.1. 洗衣机保修说明391. 产品介绍1.1. 产品部件1.1.1. 正面本说明书中所有的图片均为示意图,您所得到的产品外观、颜色及功能部件可能与图片不一致,请以实际产品为准。



WinWedge SoftwareSerial Data Acquisition Direct Into Any PC ApplicationActivate WinWedge and watch your serial data pop into your application.SWD-WINWEDGE32WinWedge Software captures serial data, custom tailors it to your specifications, then transfers the data to any Windows application either by sending keystrokes to the application’s window or by passing the data through DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) conversations.WinWedge adds complete data acquisition and instrument control to any Windows application - Excel, Access, LIMS, MMIs, etc. It is easily set up in minutes, with no programming, using a fully menu-driven configuration program. WinWedge collects data on any serial port* (RS232, RS422 or RS485) even multiple serial ports simultaneously and quickly diagnoses and corrects serial communications problems with a powerful “analyze” feature.It also transmits, prompts or commands out the serial port to control or query your instruments directly from within other Windows applications or directly from WinWedge. Think of WinWedge as a fully customizable serial I/O device driver.U Input Instrument Data Directly into Excel, Access, Statistical Software, LIMS, MMIs or any Windows ®Application U Transfers Serial Data Quickly, Accurately, and Pre-Formatted to Your Exact SpecificationsU Powerful DDE Support in WindowsU WinWedge 32 Pro Version Includes TCPWedge Software that Allows You to Communicate With Any TCP/IP Network Port AddressWinWedge has a simple, menu-driven step by step set-up. With WinWedge you can easily eliminate slow, error prone manual data entry - without having to do complex and time consuming custom programming.WinWedge 32 Pro WinWedge 32 Pro is designed to collect data from, and control, any serial device, no matter how complex the serial output or how sophisticated the control required. Use it with industrial and laboratory instruments, quality and process control devices, PBX systems, PLCs, etc.WinWedge 32 Pro supports advanced parsing, filtering and formatting of text, binary, hex, octal and ASCII data. WinWedge 32 Pro supports up to 100 COM ports, and all Windows features, such as long file names, and it is 30% faster. Expanded DDE support allows other applications to completely control WinWedge and all serial I/O. This lets you create extremely powerful data acquisition and device control interfaces from within any Windows application that supports DDE (i.e. Excel, Lotus, Access, etc.).Included with the WinWedge Pro package you receive TCPWedge software. TCPWedge lets you communicate with any TCP/IP network port address (Ethernet/ Internet) from any Windows application. It is just like WinWedge 32 Pro but for TCP/IP communications instead of serial I/O.WinWedge 32 (Standard Edition)WinWedge 32 (32-bit) Standard Edition is designed to work with simple devices, such as bar code readers, electronic scales, calipers and gages, or any other device that transmits simple text data - either single field data, comma delimited data or fixed length data. It supports basic prompting and control of serial devices, selectable input buffer size (up to 32K), date and time stamps, and baud rates up to 19,200 baud. WinWedge 32 supports up to 16 COM ports.Select how you want the data collected.Choose the communications parameters for your serial device.Define how you want the serial data to be parsed, filtered, and translated.TCPWedge).Advanced Features of Pro Version• 30 powerful math functions including scaling, conversions, arithmetic and logical operators.• V irtual Instrument Mode.• H ot Key activated output strings and Hot Key control.• A Pre-Input Character Translation table that can be used to simplify complex input data record structures.• D isk File Logging mode for serial data. Use it to log serial data to a file in the background.• E xtended support for 2-way I/O to give you more options for controlling serial devices.• S upport for any serial data including Binary, Hexadecimal and Octal as well as ASCII.• M aximum field lengths up to 64K (vs. 256 bytes in std.)• W inWedge 32 Pro includes FileWedge software. FileWedge easily inputs data from any disk file directly into any Windows application. FileWedge works just like WinWedge except data is read from a disk file instead of a serial port.• W inWedge 32 Pro also includes the TCPWedge software. TCPWedge communicates with any TCP/IP network port address directly from within any Windows application, Access, Excel, etc.System Requirements WinWedge 32 and WinWedge 32 Pro run under Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7 or 8. All versions of WinWedge will work with any Windows program. The Pro versions offer support for a far wider range of serial devices including advanced industrial and laboratory instruments. All versions are small applications that can run with minimal system requirements.。



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炫 影 多 媒 体 播 放 器( T6)使用手册
简 介 ............................................................................................................................................ 2 关于本用户说明书 ........................................................................................................................ 2 知识产权 ........................................................................................................................................ 2 主要功能及随机附件 .................................................................................................................... 3 使用前的注意事项 ........................................................................................................................ 4 产品介绍 ........................................................................................................................................ 5 连接 ................................................................................................................................................ 7 设置 .............................................................................................................................................. 10 使用功能介绍 ...............................................................................................................................11 附 录 .......................................................................................................................................... 15


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使用本产品前,请先仔细阅读安全注意事项和本说明书,以确保安全和正确使用。 本说明书中所有的图像和截图可能与实际不同。 本说明书中的内容可能与产品不同,如有变更,恕不另行通知。 您可以访问 获取最新版本说明书或其它服务。 请妥善保存本说明书以供日后参考。 本公司郑重那家议您单独存放所有重要资料的书面记录,某此情况下,电子存储器中保存的资
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尊敬的天敏高清播放器用户: 感谢您选购“天敏 T6 高清播放器”,T6 功能强大,将“高清播放”和“智能安卓”合于一
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英克PM4(Power Manager)系统产品说明书(综合业务管理系统)北京英克科技有限公司目录前言 (3)1.手册作用 (3)2.手册内容 (3)3.阅读对象 (4)第一章PM4产品介绍 (5)1.PM4整体架构 (5)2.PM4技术平台 (6)3.PM4集成运行 (7)4.PM4产品体系 (8)5.PM4产品特点 (8)6.本手册涉及的PM4产品 (11)第二章业务模块介绍 (12)1.NP平台模块 (12)2.核心产品基本模块 (13)3.核心产品可选模块 (15)4.核心产品扩展模块 (16)5.核心产品公共服务模块 (17)6.调配产品模块 (17)7.零售产品模块 (18)8.业务报表模块 (19)第三章PM4系统介绍 (20)1.综合业务管理系统 (20)1.1.综合业务管理系统(BMS)特点 (20)1.2.基础数据管理 (22)1.3.采购业务 (25)1.4.销售业务 (33)1.5.仓储管理 (39)1.6.GSP管理 (44)1.7.日常业务的财务核算 (47)2.连锁零售管理系统 (50)2.1连锁零售管理系统(RETAIL)特点 (50)2.2零售业务管理功能 (51)3.物流调配系统 (58)3.1.物流调配系统(GPCS)综述 (58)3.2. 物流调配系统特点 (58)3.3.物流调配模型 (59)3.4.物流调配系统功能 (60)4. 其他扩展系统 (65)4.1.供应商网络服务系统 (65)4.2. 客户网络服务系统 (65)4.3. 经营数据分析系统(BI) (66)第四章概念及名词解释 (69)前言1. 手册作用综合业务管理产品是PM4产品线的基础产品,用于管理企业的主要业务过程,它是PM4的核心部分。





指标参数 -10~+55 =(92 +3-2)% DC19~DC28 DC22~DC26
=65(DC24V) =30 =2.5
80~110 电源防反接 130(不含编码模块) 130×90×34(h) 68×40×17(h) 依据 B型警报器编码模块带载能力确定
单位 ℃ RH V V mA m S dB
4.4 在接线、安装完毕后,将底板下部边沿上的突出卡条嵌入上盖下部的卡槽内,并将上盖上 部的卡槽对正底板上部的的弹性止退勾(见图 4)适度用力按压上盖直到听到底板止退勾 嵌入上盖卡槽时的咬合声。
本产品安装时,建议使用墙内预埋接线盒配套安装,如必须进行明线接线,则用户需自备固定用 螺丝钉,本产品自带 M4×20 的标准螺丝钉,明装线缆可通过警报器上下进线敲落孔接入警报器。
力。 保修与服务 保修说明:
消防电话总机在正常使用情况下,免费保修期为 1 年,并负责产品终身维修。由于用户 自行拆卸主机造成的损害,不在保修范围之列。
地址:北京市朝阳区金盏乡雷庄村东高路 电话:(010)64792099 64792100 传真:(010)64391040 邮编:100018
5、 本产品发声部分工作时,声音非常尖利,在调试状态下发声应注意不要惊吓他人,特别是 儿童、老人、孕妇、精神病患者等。
6、 如想利用该产品发挥其它作用或有特殊要求,希望用户与本公司联系,我们愿意为您进行 改装服务。
7、 如因产品质量问题导致用户不能正常使用该产品,请速与本公司联系,我们将尽快为您解 决使用中遇到的各类问题。

















卡萨帝洗衣机 C8 DN14L5U1说明书 (1)

卡萨帝洗衣机 C8 DN14L5U1说明书 (1)

复式滚筒全自动洗衣机C8 HDN14L5U1使用说明书智能家电操控智慧场景定制智家商城购物家电报装报修使用前请仔细阅读本说明书本公司保留说明书解释权产品外观请以实物为准阅后请与发票一并妥善保存如遇产品技术或软件升级,恕不另行通知本产品只适合在中国大陆销售和使用C8 HDN14L5U1为家用复式滚筒全自动洗衣机。



5.将降噪垫上的双面胶保护膜揭掉,按照图2所示区域 位置,按照1-2-3-4的顺序将降噪垫粘贴在底板四周。

(图2:2个较短的粘贴在1和3指示的位置,2个较长的 粘贴在2和4指示的位置)2×2×124.先在地面上垫上泡沫底座,将洗衣机缓缓向后放倒,3.洗衣机的排水管、进水管、奢护支架附件和降噪垫 均放置于泡沫底座内,请取出后妥善保存以备使用。



2.拆掉洗衣机外围包装运输部件,包括:泡沫顶盖板、 泡沫底座、四角支撑条及洗衣机底部内侧的泡沫支 撑块,然后去掉塑料包装罩。






选择下筒洗衣程序2. 下筒同时具备洗涤、烘干和空气洗三种洗涤模式,可通过点击选择不同的 洗涤模式,不通过模式下匹配的程序不同,可以滑动选择;即便是单筒已经启动运行,也可以操作选择另外一个筒;3. 根据家庭日常大小件的洗涤衣物,上筒设置了13个洗衣程序可选,下筒设 置了19个洗衣,9个带烘干功能的程序、16个空气洗程序可选;4. 每次只能选择一个洗涤模式的一个程序,不能同时选中2个程序。
















4、结构特性:(略)6、使用和操作●充电时灯头应朝下,将手电筒交流插头完全推出,直接插入AC110V/220V 电源插座上,此时红灯亮起,表示手电筒处于充电状态;当充电充满时,绿灯亮起,表示充电已充满。




343332313536413940384237以下图标仅供参考,根据不同系列有做调整,恕不另行列举点击功能按钮显示区域的 进入导航功能。

点击功能按钮显示区域的 进入收音功能。

点击功能按钮显示区域的 进入音乐功能。

111213点击功能按钮显示区域的 或点击屏幕下方空调区域按钮进入空调控制功能。

16181917点击功能按钮显示区域的 进入蓝牙功能。

1011643① 搜索电话本号码。

(按下此按钮时将显示图2)② 从手机下载电话本③ 电话号码信息显示区域④ 字母快捷搜索栏⑤ 快捷拨号按钮⑥ 键盘8734563425① 进入列表(图2)② 随机、循环、全部重复切换按钮③ 时间进度条④ 上一曲⑤ 播放/暂停⑦ 中⑧ USB设备⑨ SD卡设备⑩ 本地设备(系统自带内存)⑪ 当前选中设备中的列表2345676734567在此时间设置界面,在使用时可上下滑动数字条来调节时间,即下图:① 调节白天的屏亮度。

大灯没有打开的时候,机器的屏亮度为此进度条显示的亮度, 并且此时调节此进度条才有用,调节2将不会拿背光产生变化。

② 调节晚上屏的亮度。

打开大灯的时候,机器屏的亮度为此进度条显示的,此时调节 1,屏亮度不会产生变化。

① 机器按键音开关② 开机是否运行导航开关③ 手刹开关④ 是否有内置导航⑤ 分屏显示时,上下半屏内容位置切换⑥ 默认导航音量① 内置应用,即系统自带的应用。

② 由第三方公司开发的软件安装后将显示在此位置。



施耐德ATV31变频器说明书本文档下载自文档下载网,内容可能不完整,您可以复制以下网址继续阅读或下载:/b685fb71f8790e09492570709.htmlATV 31H异步电机变频器安装手册编程手册目录变频器型号____________________________________________________________________________ 2安装________________________________________________________________________________ _ 6连线________________________________________________________________________________ _13制动电阻_____________________________________________________________________________24注意:另请参考编程手册。

1变频器型号单相电源电压: 200...240 V 50/60 Hz3 相电机 200...240 V电机铭牌上指示的功率 (1)kW/HP0.18/0.250.37/0.50.55/0.750.75/11.1/1.51.5/22.2/3ATV 31变频器 (输出)最高瞬时额定负载型号预期最大视在功率最大启动额定最大线电流 (2)电流下的耗散 (5)线电流 Isc电流 (3)电流 In200 V 时240 V 时(1)(1) (4)功率电源输入(输入)A3. 2ATV31HU15M2ATV31HU22M23 相电源电压: 200...240 V 50/60 Hz3 相电机 200...240 V电机铭牌上指示的功率 (1)kW/HP0.18/0.250.37/0.50.55/0.750.75/11.1/1.51.5/22.2/33/44/55.5/7.57.5/1011/1515/20ATV 31变频器 (输出)预期最大视在功率最大启动额定电流最高瞬时额定负载型号最大线电流 (2)线电流 Isc电流 (3)In (1)电流下的耗散 (5)200 V 时240 V 时(1)(4)功率电源输入(输入)A2. .13240.955.671.9kA55555555522222222kVA0. 5A10101010101010191923239393A1. . V31H018M3XATV31H037M3XATV31H055M3XATV31H075M3XATV31HU11M3XATV31HU15M3XATV31HU22M 3XATV31HU30M3XATV31HU40M3XATV31HU55M3XATV31HU75M3XATV31HD11M3XATV31http://doc.xu /b685fb71f8790e09492570709.htmlHD15M3X2变频器型号(1)这些功率额定值和电流值是在最高环境温度50°C、开关频率为 4kHz 的连续运行条件下的值。


z 接地保护 为了防止触电,在接通本仪表电源之前请务必进行接地保护。
z 接地保护的必要性 请不要切断本仪表内部或者外部的接地保护或者拆掉保护端子 的接线。否则会使本仪表的保护动作失效,处于危险状态。
z 保护功能无缺陷 如果您认为接地保护等保护功能还不完善,请不要运行本仪表。 在运行之前请确认保护功能是否完善。
z 保护装置的损坏 如果您不按照本书进行操作,也许会损坏本表的保护装置。
打开包装箱后在您使用之前请确认以下事项。一旦您收到的产品 有误,或者数量不对,或者外观不对,请与我公司或销售网点联 系。 在仪表筒身尾部左侧,有一个标签。请确认标签上缩写的型号与 您所订产品一致。
第3章 各部分的名称/使用模式/通用键操作
3.1 各部分的名称和功能………………………………………………3-1 3.2 使用外部存储媒体…………………………………………………3-3 3.3 使用模式……………………………………………………………3-4 3.4 关于功能设定………………………………………………………3-6 3.5 通用键操作…………………………………………………………3-7
液晶显示器和画面的构成 本仪表装有(128*64 点)的液晶显示器(LCD) ,画面由状态显示部分 和数据显示部分构成。
z 状态显示部分 显示日期或时间、US 1.3-1 所示画面,标号 2、3 所指示的为状态显示部分, 即循环显示标志和系统当前时间。

USB下载器 V1 使用说明书

USB下载器 V1 使用说明书

USB下载器V1使用说明书深圳唯创知音电子有限公司Shenzhen Waytronic Electronic Co.,Ltd免责申明:深圳唯创知音电子有限公司申明;说明书以官网资料为准,如若资料内容有更新,不会一一进行通知。












Important Safety Instructions WARNINGS and CAUTIONS for the battery• The battery shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire, or the like.• Do not dismantle, open or shred the battery.• Do not expose the battery to heat or fire. Avoid storage in direct sunlight.• D o not short-circuit the battery. Do not store the battery haphazardly in a box or drawer where they may short-circuit each other or be short-circuited by other metal objects.• Do not remove the battery from its original packaging until required for use.• Do not subject the battery to mechanical shock.• I n the event of a battery leaking, do not allow the liquid to come in contact with the skin or eyes. If con-tact has been made, wash the affected area with copious amounts of water and seek medical advice.• Do not use any charger other than that specifically provided for use with the equipment.• Do not use any battery which is not designed for use with the equipment.• Always purchase the correct battery for the equipment.• Keep the battery clean and dry.• Wipe the battery terminals with a clean dry cloth if they become dirty.• T he battery needs to be charged before use. Always use the correct charger and refer to the manufac-turer’s instructions or equipment manual for proper charging instructions.• Do not leave a battery on prolonged charge when not in use.• A fter extended periods of storage, it may be necessary to charge and discharge the battery several times to obtain maximum performance.• B atteries give their best performance when they are operated at normal room temperature68°F (20°C) ± 9°F (5°C).• Use only the battery in the application for which it was intended.• T o return the battery for recycling, contact Bose or your Bose dealer. In the United States only, call 1-800-905-2180 or visit the Bose website at. . For other regions, see the contact information. Important Safety Instructions1. Read these instructions.2. Keep these instructions.3. Heed all warnings.4. Follow all instructions.5. Do not use this apparatus near water or moisture.6. Clean only with a dry cloth.7. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in a ccordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.8. D o not install near any heat sources, such as r adiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus(including amplifiers) that produce heat.9. P rotect the power cord from being walked on or pinched, particularly at plugs, conveniencer eceptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.10. Use only attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.11. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.12. R efer all servicing to qualified service personnel. S ervicing is required when the apparatus has beendamaged in any way: such as power supply cord or plug is damaged; liquid has been spilled orobjects have fallen into the apparatus; the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.English - 3ContentsIntroducing SoundTouch™ from Bose®Key Benefits (8)IntroductionAbout your SoundTouch™ Portable system (9)System features (9)Setting up the SystemUnpacking the system (10)Connecting the system to power (11)Adding the system to your Wi-Fi® network (12)Add the system to an existing SoundTouch™ account (12)Download and install the SoundTouch™ app (12)Connect the system to your home Wi-Fi® network (13)Using the SystemPowering on the system (14)Getting system information (14)Messages on the display (15)Wi-Fi® Indicator (16)System control buttons (16)Operating on battery power (17)Checking the battery (17)Charging the battery (17)Battery production mode (18)Replacing the battery (18)To replace the battery (18)Controlling the System using the AppUsing the SoundTouch™ app (20)Getting help (20)Controlling the system from another smartphone,tablet, or computer (21)6 - EnglishEnglish - 7Personalizing PresetsHow Presets work (22)What you need to know .......................................................................................... 22Playing a Preset ............................................................................................................... 22Setting a Preset (23)Listening to other SourcesPlaying music from other sources (24)Connecting an audio device to the system ........................................................ 24Playing an AirPlay stream from an AirPlay compatible device .. (25)Advanced FeaturesUpdating system software ............................................................................................ 26Disabling Wi-Fi ®capability ............................................................................................. 27Re-enabling Wi-Fi ® capability ........................................................................................ 27Resetting the system .. (27)Care and MaintenanceTroubleshooting .............................................................................................................. 28Rebooting your system .................................................................................................. 29Cleaning ............................................................................................................................. 29Replacing the remote control battery ......................................................................... 30Customer service ............................................................................................................. 31Limited warranty information (31)Technical InformationSoundTouch™ Portable system (32)Appendix: Using a Computer for SetupImportant setup information (33)Using a desktop computer for setup ................................................................... 33Setting up the system using a computer . (33)Con t en t sPresenting SoundTouch™ from Bose®With SoundTouch™, you can stream Internet radio, music services, and your music library. If you have Wi-Fi® at home, you’re ready to enjoy your favorite music in any room you want.Key Benefits• Enjoy wireless access to Internet radio, music services and your music library.• Wireless setup using a smartphone or tablet.• Stream your favorite music easily with personalized Presets.• Works with your existing home Wi-Fi network.• Free SoundTouch™ app for your computer, smartphone or tablet provides more powerful control.• Simply add additional systems at any time for a multi-room listening experience.• Wide selection of Bose® audio systems lets you choose the right solution for any room.8 - EnglishIntroduction About your SoundTouch™ Portable systemYour SoundTouch™ Wi-Fi® music system provides full range sound streamed wirelessly over your home Wi-Fi network. Use the free SoundTouch™ app toset up and control your system. See "Adding the system to your Wi-Fi® network" on page 12.System features• Six Presets on the system and its remote deliver your music with just one touch.• 1.6-in. display communicates system status and information.• Portable design lets you take the system from room to room.• Stream your music via AirPlay from select iPod, iPhone, or iPad devices.• Rechargeable lithium-ion battery keeps your music going for hours.• Remote control for point-and-click control from up to 20 feet away.• Thumbs up/Thumbs down buttons on remote control for customized listening.• AUX connector enables playback from an external media player.• Ethernet connector enables wired access to your home network.English - 9Controlling the System Using the AppUsing the SoundTouch™ appThe SoundTouch™ app is a software application that enables you to set up and control SoundTouch™ from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Using the app, your smart device acts as a rich remote for your SoundTouch™ system.The app enables you to manage your SoundTouch™ settings, add music services, explore local and global Internet radio stations, set and change Presets, stream music to the system, view what is playing, plus much more.After you set up the system on your network using the SoundTouch™ app, you are ready to explore streaming music and personalize your Presets.Getting helpIf you need more information on using the system, use Help Tips or in-app help. Help TipsAfter setup is complete helpful tips appear on the screen, based on the task you are trying to complete. These tips instruct you how to use the system, including how to personalize your Presets.To activate the tipsIf you have deactivated tips, follow these instructions to r e-activate tips.1. Launch the SoundTouch™ app and click EXPLORE > SETTINGS > Help Tips.2. Slide the SHOW TIPS slider to ON.In-app helpFor information about using SoundTouch™ :1. Click EXPLORE > HELP in the app.2. Browse through the help topics.Controlling the System Using the App Controlling the system from another smartphone,tablet, or computerOnce you set up the SoundTouch™ system on your home Wi-Fi® network, you can control the system from any smartphone, tablet, or computer on the same network.1. Connect the device to the same network as your system.2. On the device, download and install the SoundTouch™ app:• If you are using a smartphone or tablet, see page 12.• If you are using a computer, open a browser and go to:/appCare and Maintenance Customer serviceFor additional help using the system, contact Bose® Customer Service. Refer to the quick start guide in the carton for contact information.Limited warranty informationYour SoundTouch™ system is covered by a limited warranty. Details of the limited warranty are provided on the quick start guide in the carton. Please refer to the quick start guide for instructions on how to register. Failure to do so will not affect your limited warranty rights.The warranty information provided with this product does not apply in Australia and New Zealand. See our website at .au/warranty or / warranty for details of the Australia and New Zealand warranty.English - 31Technical InformationSoundTouch™ Portable systemSize: 6.0"H x 9.84"W x 2.59"D (15.2 cm x 25.0 cm x 6.6 cm) Weight: 3.2 lb (1.4485 kg)Power supply rating:USA/Canada/International:Input: 100-240V 50-60 Hz, 600mAOutput: 20 VDC, 1.25A MaxInput power rating:USA/Canada/International:Input: 20 VDC, 1.25A Max32 - EnglishAppendix: Using a Computer for Setup Important setup information• You can set up your system using a computer rather than a smartphoneor tablet.• Use a computer that is on your Wi-Fi® network.• Use a computer where your music library is stored.• You need the provided USB cable.*• Do not connect the USB cable until the app instructs you to connect the cable. * T he SETUP A USB connector on the back of the system is for computer setup only. The USB connectors are not designed to charge smartphones, tablets, or similar devices.Using a desktop computer for setupIf you are using a desktop computer, move the system near the computer to set up your system. During setup, the app prompts you to connect the USB cable from the computer to the system (temporarily).After setup, disconnect the USB cable from your computer and from your system and move the system to its permanent location.Setting up the system using a computer1. Plug the power cord into an AC (mains) power outlet.2. On your computer, open a browser and go to/appTip: Use the computer where your music library is stored.3. Download and run the SoundTouch™ app.The app guides you through setup.English - 33。

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一、适用X围及工作环境该硅柜适用于舞台电视台场馆等固定场所其工作环境应满足下列要求电源容量大于600kW电压220V ±10%频率50Hz ±1Hz温度0-50℃湿度40-90℃其它:自然通风、无腐蚀、无可燃气体及大量烟尘二、性能特点★特有功能:抽屉回路自动显示。










三、技术指标3.1外形尺寸:W H DDR-A096D大柜530mm 500mm 2165mmDR-A060D大柜530mm 500mm 1445mm3.2技术参数1.电源三相五线制:AC 220V±10%3.整机功耗:200W4.输出回路:60路5.数字信号:DMX5126.电流: max.545A/相7.输出功率:6kW/路8.输出电压:1-98% 电网电压9.调光X围:1-100%10.输出电压不一致性:∣U0-U∣≤U×3%+1V11.调光曲线:10条12.输出直流分量<1V13.输出漏电流<5mA14抗电强度≥1500V/1min15.绝缘电阻≥2M/DC500V16 接触电阻<0.417.电流上升时间>400uS18.响应时间<40mS19.预热值0-100%20.满载温升<50℃21.噪音<60dB22.连续工作时间:24h23.数据保存时间:2年24.无线电骚扰:符合GB15734 中一级机要求四.硅柜介绍4.1 硅柜后面介绍见下图:图一:处放大、网络接口12、网络接口23、信号输入4、信号输入5、信号并联输出6、信号并联输出1、第一路输出10、第二路输出、相总电源输入、相输出序号表、地线、零线、相输出序号表、相总电源输入、相输出序号表、相总电源输入①电源接线柱:位于硅柜后面上、中、下三块横向安装的接线铜板(见图二),由上到下分别为A相、B相、C相,用于三相总电源的火线输入。





④A、B、C各相输出序号表见下图:相输出序号表相输出序号表4.2 网络大柜正面介绍见下图功率模块控制模块功率模块网络大柜正面结构示意图a、控制模块位于硅柜的上部共有2块,分别为控制模块A与控制模块B,其中控制模块A为主控板控制模块,B为备份模块,在主控模块失效的情况下备份模块自动接替工作,确保系统的可靠性。




2、【ESC】退出操作键3、【 - 】下选键, -值键4、【 + 】上选键, +值键5、【Enter】进入子菜单、进入数值修改、修改确认6、【Error】错误指示灯7、【Power】电源指示灯8、【Acting】工作提示灯9、【Mode】网络接收指示,双端口模式(即DMX1、DMX2),灯亮表示该端口已设为网络接收模式。










五、硅柜的安装与调试5.1硅柜的安装5.1.1安装要求1 机房设有良好通风设备,以保持通风顺畅。

2 机房应有宽为0.4米深度大于0.5米的电缆沟方便接线,如无电缆沟可用支架将硅柜垫起,再用4个M10*100的地脚螺栓将硅柜可靠地安装在支架上从硅柜下走线。

3机房顶端到硅柜顶端以及硅柜后背离墙的距离均应大于1米,便于硅柜通风散热和安装维护4机房环境为温度0-40℃湿度40-90% 大气压86-106kPa5电源电压220V±10% 频率50±1Hz 容量大于360kW5.1.2 安装1 拆出后门2 抬起硅柜将底座上的4个孔对准地脚螺栓放下,然后上好螺母装回后门。








其中图一中的3和5为信号A,4和6为信号B ,接信号线时,将插头的凸起对准插头的缺口,插针与针孔一一对应,然后平行推入即可。



六、硅柜的调试6.1、硅柜的初检1 检查硅柜电源连线确保线头无松动,绝缘层无破损,连线正确。

2 抽屉应插紧,确保插准,没插错。

3 将所有空气开关断开,通电检查控制模块的电源指示灯,亮则为供电正常。

4 接好硅柜负载线,确保线头无松动,负载无短路。

5 通电检查,此时主控制模块的LCD显示:菜单:(主控)<系统设置: >状态:6 如1-5项有不符应酌情排除,正常则可闭合所有的空气开关,接上调光台通电检查负载。



2. 备份功能检测操作调光台运行任一个场并观察,按控制模块的“+”键进入“场景记录”菜单,清掉所有记录的场,然后记录任一一场,然后关调光台,进入“场景回放”菜单运行刚记录的场,观察其效果是否为控制台所运行的场。



b. 回路输出亮度、电流、电压、温度。


a、出厂默认设置b、语言设置c、本地IP地址的设置d、组播IP地址的设置e、DMX1、DMX2网络组编号的设置f、DMX1、DMX2端口模式的设置g、DMX1、DMX2起始回路的设置h、DMX运行模式的设置i、DMX出错后清除缓冲的设置j、DMX出错处理模式的设置k、峰值限制模式的设置l、淡入、淡出时间的设置m、手动场景调节步宽的设置n、蜂鸣器的设置o、三相自动补偿功能的设置p、最大通道报警电流的设置q、最大报警温度的设置r、风机运行模式设置s、过零点移相设置t、运行报告设置u、手动场景调节v、场景回放w、场景记录x、预热值设置y、限幅值设置z、曲线选择A、报警屏蔽七、硅柜的使用7.1 现场调光现场调光的作用:使用中可用来调试灯具和现场对光也可以在调光台完全失效时简单调光。


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