



[hide][/hide]1991年上外研究生翻译考试真题Translate the following passage into Chinese.(25%)Thus far, our holiday has been simply a friendly sign of the survival of the love of letters amongst a people too busy to give to letters any more. As such it is precious as the sign of an indestructible instinct. Perhaps thetime is already come when it ought to be, and will be, something else; when the sluggard intellect of this continent will look from under its iron lids and fill the postponed expectation of the world with something better than the exertions of mechanical skill. Our day of dependence, our long apprenticeship to the learning of other lands, draws to a close. The millions that around us are rushing into life, cannot always be fed on the mere remains of foreign harvests. Events, actions arise, that must be sung, that will sing themselves. Who can doubt that poetry will revive lead in a new age, as the star in the constellation Harp, which now flames in our zenith, astronomers announce, shall one day be the polestar for a thousand years?(Excerpted from The American Scholar by R.W. Emerson)II.Translate the following passage into English.(25%)海风微微的吹过岛上,白日里剩下的热气全吹走了。



05年:Human Greatness.汉译英参考译文Confucius says, “Out of three men, there must be one that can teach me.” So pupils are not necessarily inferior to their teachers, nor teachers better than their pupils. Some learn the truth earlier than others, and some have special skills—that is all.”孔子曾经说过“三人行,必有我师焉。



A similar idea is expressed by the following well-known passage quoted from Xueji (The Subject of Education), a chapter of the ancient book Liji (The Book of Rites): 在《学记》和《礼记》的著名段落中我们也能找到类似的思想。

“食美与否,不吃不知其味也;理善与否,不学不知其真也”“However nice the food may be, if one does not eat it, he does not know its taste. however perfect the doctrine may be, if one does not learn it, he does not know its value. 因此,其学者知其不足,其教授者只其难也。

Therefore, when he learns, one knows his own deficiencies. when he teaches, one knows where the difficulty lies. 知不足,则学者省自身;知其难,则教授者得进取。



翻译英语基础:第一大题:完型,无选项,无首字母,15空,2分一个,讲得大概是人类祖先并非起源于非洲,而是可能从亚洲迁移而来的.EvolutionInto Africa – the human ancestors from AsiaThe human family tree may not have taken root in Africa after all, claimscientists, after finding that its ancestors may have travelled from Asia.By Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent 7:00PM BST 27 Oct 2010While it is widelyaccepted that man evolved in Africa, in fact its immediate predecessors mayhave 1colonised thecontinent after developing elsewhere, the study says.The claims are madeafter a team 2unearthedthe fossils of anthropoids – the primate group that includes humans, apes andmonkeys – in Libya's Dur At-Talah.Paleontologistsfound that 3amongstthe 39 million year old fossils there were three distinct families ofanthropoid primates, all of whom lived in the 4area at approximately the same time.Few or anyanthropoids are known to have existed in Africa during this 5period, known as theEocene epoch.This could eithersuggest a huge gap in Africa's fossil record – 6unlikely, say the scientists, given the amount ofarchaeological work undertaken in the area –7 or that the species "colonised" Africafrom another continent at this time.As the evolutioninto three species would have 8taken extreme lengths of time, combined with the lack of fossilrecords in Africa, the team concludes that Asia was the most likely 9origin.Writing in thejournal Nature, the experts said they believed migration from Asia to be themost 10plausibletheory.Christopher Beard,of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, said: "11If our ideas are correct,this early colonisation of Africa by anthropoids was a truly 12pivotal event — one ofthe key points in our evolutionary history."At the time,Africa was an island continent; when these 13anthropoids appeared, there was nothing on thatisland that could compete with them."It led to aperiod of flourishing evolutionary divergence amongst anthropoids, and one ofthose lineages 14resultedin humans."If our earlyanthropoid ancestors had not succeeded in migrating from Asia to Africa, wesimply 15wouldn'texist."He added:"This extraordinary new fossil site in Libya shows us that in the middleEocene, 39 million years ago, there was a surprising diversity of anthropoidsliving in Africa, whereas few if any anthropoids are known from Africa beforethis time."This suddenappearance of such diversity suggests that these anthropoids probably colonisedAfrica from somewhere else."Withoutearlier fossil evidence in Africa, we're currently looking to Asia as the placewhere these animals first evolved."第二大题:阅读。

上海外国语大学英语语言文学专业2006年考研英汉互译试题 无答案

上海外国语大学英语语言文学专业2006年考研英汉互译试题 无答案




I. Translate the following into English (75分)我们搭小火轮去广州。
























II. Translate the following into Chinese (75分)The fact is that, as a writer, Faulkner is no more interested in solving problems than he is tempted to indulge in sociological comments on the sudden changes in the economic position of the southern states. The defeat and the consequences of defeat are merely the soil out of which his epics grow. He is not fascinated by men as a community but by man in the community, the individual as a final unity in himself, curiously unmoved by external conditions. The tragedies of these individuals have nothing in common with Greek tragedy: they are led to their inexorable end by passions caused by inheritance, traditions, and environment, passions which are expressed either in a sudden outburst or in a slow liberation from perhaps generations-old restrictions. With almost every new work Faulkner penetrates deeper into the human psyche, into man’s greatnessand powers of self-sacrifice, lust for power, cupidity, spiritual poverty, narrow-mindedness, burlesque obstinacy, anguish, terror, and degenerate aberrations. As a probing psychologist he is the unrivalled master among all living British and American novelists. Neither do any of his colleagues possess his fantastic imaginative powers and his ability to create characters. His subhuman and superhuman figures, tragic or comic in a macabre way, emerge from his mind with a reality that few existing people - even those nearest to us - can give us, and they move in a milieu whose odours of subtropical plants, ladies’perfumes, Negro sweat, and the smell of horses and mules penetrate immediately even into a Scandinavian’s warm and cosy den. As a painter of landscapes he has the hunter’s intimate knowledge of his own hunting-ground, the topographer’s accuracy, and the impressionis t’s sensitivity. Moreover—side by side with Joyce and perhaps even more so—Faulkner is the great experimentalist among twentieth-century novelists. Scarcely two of his novels are similar technically. It seems as if by this continuous renewal he wanted to achieve the increased breadth which his limited world, both in geography and in subject matter, cannot give him.。

上海外国语大学 考研备考 英语英汉互译训练题九

上海外国语大学 考研备考 英语英汉互译训练题九



题一Andit was the same with phrases. She would drag home a whole phrase, if it had agrand sound, and play it six nights and two matinees, and explain it in a newway every time—which she had to, for all shec ared for was the phrase; shewasn’t interested in what it meant, and knew those dogs hadn’t wit enough tocatch her, anyway. Yes, she was a daisy! She got so she wasn’t afraid ofanything, she had such confidence in the ignorance of those creatures.She evenbrought anecdotes that she had heard the family and the dinner-guests laugh andshout over; and as a rule she got the nub of one chestnut hitched onto anotherchestnut, where, of course, it didn’t fit and hadn’t any point; and when shedelivered the nub she f ell over and rolled on the floor and laughed and barkedin the most insane way, while I could see that she was wondering to herself whyit didn’t seem as funny as it did when she first heard it. But no harm wasdone; the others rolled and barked too, privately ashamed of themselves for notseeing the point, and never suspecting that the fault was not with them andthere wasn’t any to see.翻译:对于短语也是这样。



1.Translate the following into English(50%)(注意“.”是代表“顿号”)(1)中国是世界上历史最悠久的国家之一。





















上外2000攻读硕士研究生入学考试英语语言文学专业翻译试卷1. Translate the following into Chinese(50%)It is simple enough to say that since books have classes —— fiction, biography, poetry ——we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us. Yet fewpeople ask from books what books can give us. Most commonly we come to books with blurredand divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, ofbiography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices. If we could banish all such preconceptions when we read, that would be an admirable beginning. Do not dictate to your author; try to become him. Be his fellow-worker and accomplice. If you hang back, and reserve and criticise at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read. But if you open your mind as widely as possible, then signs and hints of almost imperceptible fineness, from the twist and turn of the first sentences, will bring you into the presence of a human being nulike any other. Steep yourself in this, acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is giving you, or attempting to give you, something far more definite. Thethirty-two chapters of a novel —— if we consider how to read a novel first —— are an attempt to make something as formed and controlled as a building: but words are more impalpable than bricks; reading is a longer and more complicated process than seeing. Perhaps the quickest way to understand the elements of what a novelist is doing is not to read, but to write; to make your own experiment with the dangers and difficulties of words. Recall, then, some event that has left a distinct impression on you ——how at the corner of the street, perhaps, you passed two people talking. A tree shook; an electric light danced; the tone of the talk was comic, but also tragic; a whole vision, an entire conception, seemed contained in that moment.2. Translate the following into English(50%)我们必须从理论上搞懂,资本主义与社会主义的区分不在于是计划还是市场这样的问题。



目 录2009年上海外国语大学高级翻译学院841翻译实践(英汉互译)考研真题及详解2006年上海外国语大学高级翻译学院841翻译实践(英汉互译)考研真题及详解2009年上海外国语大学高级翻译学院841翻译实践(英汉互译)考研真题及详解I. Translate the following into Chinese(75分)The Short MarchBy BILL POWELL/SHANGHAI Thursday, Feb. 14, 2008Locals sell produce outside the gates of one of Songjiang’s new developmentsOn a cold, gray afternoon a year ago, I stood on the deck of our newly purchased, half-constructed house about an hour outside Shanghai, wondering what, exactly, I had gotten myself into. My wife, a Shanghai native, and I had moved back to China from New York City in the spring of 2004, and 21/2 years later we had decided to take the plunge. We bought a three-story, five-bedroom townhouse way out in the suburbs, in a town called New Songjiang, a place that was then—and remains now—very much a work in progress.We had come here that day to see how construction was progressing. Our house, along with about 140 others, was going up in a development called Emerald Riverside. It sits on the banks of a tributary that dumps into the Huangpu, the river that cuts Shanghai in two about 28 miles (45 km) to the northeast. On that dreary afternoon I gazed out to the other side of the river, looking at the only significant patch of land for miles that was not yet being developed—about five acres (20,000 sq. m) of green that local farmers still used to grow watermelons, which they then sold to the migrant workers building this town. On the far bank there was a ramshackle one-room brick house, where three of the farmers lived—a husband, wife and teenage son. They had no running water—they bathed and washed their clothes in the river—and the place was lit by a single bulb. In every direction just beyond the watermelon patch, office parks and houses and apartment complexes were going up, forming a cordon around the farmland that was drawing inexorably tighter. As it is in vast swathes of China, the new was replacing the old, and it was not doing so slowly. It was doing so in the blink of an eye.I stood on the deck that day and watched one of the farmers who worked the watermelon patch, an older woman who would later introduce herself to us as Liu Yi, as she stared back at me across the river. I remember thinking to myself, My god, what must be going through her mind? Not only is the land she works on about to disappear, but there’s this foreigner standing over there staring at her. Where did he come from and, more to the point, what in the world is he doing out here? The short answer is that my wife and I have become a tiny part of China’s latest revolution. We got an off-the-shelf mortgage from the Standard Chartered Bank branch in town, plunked down 25% of the purchase price, and bought ourselves a piece of the Great Chinese Dream.Best Years of Their LivesFor the past decade and a half, the frantic pace of urbanization has been the transformative engine driving this country’s economy, as some 300-400 million people from dirt-poor farming regions made their way to relative prosperity in cities. Within the contours of that great migration, however, there is another one now about to take place—less visible, but arguably no less powerful. As China’s major cities—there are now 49 with populations of one million or more, compared with nine in the U.S. in 2000—become more crowded and more expensive, a phenomenon similar to the one that reshaped the U.S. in the aftermath of World War II has begun to take hold. That is the inevitable desire among a rapidly expanding middle class for a little bit more room to live, at a reasonable price; maybe a little patch of grass for children to play on, or a whiff of cleaner air as the country’s cities become ever more polluted.This is China’s Short March. A wave of those who are newly affluent and firm in the belief that their best days, economically speaking, are ahead of them, is headed for the suburbs. In Shanghai alone, urban planners believe some 5 million people will move to what are called “satellite cities” in the next 10 years. To varying degrees, the same thing is happening all across China. This process—China’s own suburban flight—is at the core of the next phase of this country’s development, and will be for years to come.The consequences of this suburbanization are enormous. Think of how the U.S. was transformed, economically and socially, in the years after World。



上海外国语大学硕士研究生入学考试(考试时间180分钟满分150分)德语语言文学德汉互译部分试卷讲评一、德译中试题:Wien ist Kulturmetropole,Wien ist eine Stadt der Musik,des Theaters,der Künste schlechthin.Wien ist einer von drei Amtssitzen der UNO-und der einzige UNO Amtssitz innerhalb der Europäischen Union.Wien ist aber auch eine Millionenstadt mit geradezu unvergleichlich hoher Lebens-und Umweltqualität.Das ist kein Zufall.Die Stadt hat den Schutz der Umwelt sowie die Entwicklung und Anwendung innovativer Stadttechnologien schon frühzeitig gefördert.Wien ist darüber hinaus der Kern einer Region…starker“Bundesländer,in denen beinahe die Hälfte allerÖsterreicher lebt und arbeitet.Wien hat seinen größten Standortvorteil,die ideale Position…im Herzen Europas“und die Nähe zu den neuen Märkten,bisher bestens genutzt.Die Stadt am Donaustrom liegt an der Schnittstelle zwischen den hoch entwickelten Märkten der Europäischen Union,mit mehr als300Millionen Konsumenten,und den neuen Märkten der Reformstaaten mit ebenfalls mehr als300Millionen Konsumenten-und somit in idealer Position in der Mitte Europas,umgeben von einem hoch interessanten wirtschaftlichen Potential.Wie Sie alle wissen,verbinden uns seit Jahren nicht nur enge kulturelle Beziehungen-Staats-und Volksoper gastierten bereits mehrfach in China-,sondern sind Wien und Österreich seit Jahren treue wirtschaftliche Partner Chinas.Wien beschäftigt beispielsweise seit Jahren chinesische Krankenpflegerinnen,die für das Gesundheitswesen unserer Stadt unverzichtbare Arbeit leisten.Dieösterreichische Hauptstadt stellt etwa ein Viertel der fast3Millionen Arbeitsplätze inÖsterreich.Auf diesen770000Arbeitsplätzen wird rund ein Drittel desösterreichischen Bruttoinlandsproduktes erwirtschaftet.Wien hat mit rund7%die niedrigste Arbeitslosenrate aller europäischen Millionenstädte.Städte wie Brüssel(18%),Rom (15%),Berlin(12%),London(11%)und Paris(l0%)liegen somit deutlich schlechter als Wien.Mit einem Bruttoinlandsprodukt von Pro-Kopf25000USD istÖsterreich eine derfünfreichsten Nationen des europäischen Wirtschaftsraums.Damit ist dieProduktivität pro Kopf etwa so hoch wie die Japans.Und die Region Wien war im Vergleich der Bruttoregionalprodukte von199EU-Regionen in den vergangenen Jahren jeweils unter den besten sechs zu finden.Heimische und internationale Unternehmen profitieren vom steten Wirtschaftswachstum,das zuletzt trotz allgemeiner Konjunkturschwäche in Europa bei ca.1,5%g,einer Inflationsrate,die derzeit bei rund l%liegt,einer der weltweit höchsten Produktivitätszuwachsraten,stabilen Zinssätzen.Österreich rangiert weltweit auf einem vordersten Rang im Bereich politischer,ökonomischer und finanzieller Stabilität.讲评:Wien ist aber auch eine Millionenstadt mit geradezu unvergleichlich hoher Lebens-und Umweltqualität.维也纳作为一个百万人口城市具有无法比拟的高质量生活和良好的自然环境。
















二、英译汉(70分)The Reader,the Text,the PoemThe views set forth here have been tested and tempered by over forty years of observing and reflecting on readers'involvements with texts ranging from Chaucer and Shakespeare to Joyce and Wallace Stevens.For two decades,in a course on"Criticism and the Literary Experience,"I was able to pursue the study systematically.I presented texts-many of them repeated year after year to graduateand undergraduate students,who were often helped to develop a measure of self-criticism before their study of the critical canon from Plato to Eliot and beyond.A by-product for me was the opportunity,through various techniques,to gather evidence of what went onduring their reading.I was able to discover continuities and differences in response with changing student populations and changing mores,and to analyze the processes and patterns that manifested themselves in the actual movement toward an interpretation.My aim was to immerse myself in a rich source of insights,not merely to accumulate a body of codified data.What follows,therefore,is a distillation of my observations,reflections,and reading.As contemporary philosophers remind us,the observer inevitably enters into his observations:although I stress the inductive groundwork,obviously I brought to these inquiries various assumptions and hypotheses to be either supported or discarded.Further,strict training in the historical and critical disciplines of literary scholarship had established in me habits of thought from some of which I needed to be liberated.Perhaps this book can perform a similar service for others,not merely by articulating a particular set of intellectual theses but by inducing a new way of thinking about literary works of art.With one exception already alluded to,I have avoided the current tendency to create new terminology.Citations also have been kept to a minimum;a list of the works consulted over the years,or even those to which I am in some way indebted,beyond the ones mentioned in the notes,would be excessively long.I shall try simply to suggest the intellectual matrix within which the transactional theory of the literary work has evolved.As I look back on a long scholarly career,I become aware of a continuing need to affirm and to reconcile two often opposed positions,phrased,in earliest terms,as a Keatsian sense of the unique values of art,on the one hand,and,on the other,a Shelleyan feeling for its social origins and social impact.My first book,(L'Idée de l'art pour l'art dans la littérature anglaise (Paris,1931),)written for the doctorate in comparative literature at the Sorbonne,was a study of the theories of art for art's sake developed by nineteenth-century English and French writers to combat the pressures of an uncomprehending or hostile society.In the concluding pages,I stated the need for a public of readers able"to participate fully in the poetic experience" -readers able to provide a nurturing,free environment for poets and other artists of the word.Their texts possess,I believed,the highest potentialities for bringing the whole human personality,as Coleridge had said,"into activity."Here already was the germ of an increasingly intense preoccupation with the importance,to the arts and to society,of the education of readers of literature.My second book,(Literature as Exploration(1938),)confronted this problem directly,setting forth a philosophy of the teaching of literature the outgrowth mainly of my experience in teaching English and comparativeliterature at Barnard College.The book also refleeted work with Franz Boas and Ruth Benedict in the graduate department of anthropology at Columbia University.By that time,the writings of William Tamea.C.S.Peirce.Genroe Santavana,and John Dewey had provided a philosophic base for reconciling my aesthetic and social commitments.Dewey's Arl as Experience especially left its mark,perhaps more through its vision of aesthetic values woven into the texture of the daily life of human beings than its specific treatment of the literary arts.。























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一法译汉法译汉第1篇:Le rapport qui suit n'est pas tant la description de l'état de la langue française qu'une présentation, une saisie sur le vif du mouvement francophone dans le monde. Ils'ouvre en effet sur ce constat :«On nait de moins en moins francophone, mais on le devient de plus en plus.» Car la francophonie, comme il est dit dans le rapport, est devenir, variations, polycentrisme. D'un mot, elle reflète le pluriel du monde. La francophonie est devenir car elle est énergie qui puise àcelle des démographies d'un continent africain qui, comme elle, va vers sa jeunesse. La langue française est donc plus que jamais langue d'Afrique, de ses écoles, de sa production littéraire, desa recherche, de ses pensées. Elle sait également se faire la lingua franca de ses rues, de ses marchés, de ses villes en croissance toujours plus rapide.La francophonie est devenir aussi car elle est accueil, encore et toujours, des variations et variétés qui continûment adviennent dans le foisonnement des cultures qu'elle rassemble autour de la langue qu'elles partagent.Elle compose ainsi un cercle vivant dont on dira, en paraphrasant l'ancienne image m édiévale, que son centre est partout et sa circonférence nulle part. Polymorphe et polycentrique donc, la francophonie fait corps avec le pluriel du monde. Son credo est qu'un monde pluriel est non seulement un fait, mais une valeur qui doit lui donner orientation. La francophonie est ainsi la promotion continue du pluralisme linguistique et de ses vertus, dans le monde et en son sein. Parmi celles-ci, d'abord, la facultéde penser de langue àlangue, qui est aussi capacitéde décentrement et d'ouverture. Voilàpourquoi ce rapport insiste sur «les dangers du monolinguisme»en général, dans les institutions et les relations internationales en particulier. Il ne s'agit pas, en effet, d'imposer ou de s'imposer une langue qui seraitplus 《universelle》que les autres, mais de comprendre que dans un monde du pluriel des cultures et des idiomes, qui sont autant de visages de I'humanité, c'est au bout de la rencontre des langues, de leur dialogue, qui peut être difficile, de leur mise en relation, qui ne va certes pas sans malentendus, que se trouve le commun,I'universel, qu'il faut réaliser ensemble.Qui ne peut donc être, selon le mot du philosophe Maurice Merleau-Ponty, que «lat éral» ou«horizontal》et non pas «de surplomb». De ce (multi)latéralisme nécessairement plurilingue, la francophonie est le héraut et la manifestation.法译汉第2篇:Fixe également une limite d'âge de 13 ans pour l'utilisation des outils d'lA dans les salles de classe, et appelle àformer les enseignants spécifiquement sur ce sujet. Ce sont quelques unes des propositions du tout premier Guide mondial pour I'IA gén érative dans l'éducation et la recherche publiéen septembre 2023.L'initiative vise àgarantir une approche centrée sur I'humain lors de l'intégration de ces technologies dans l'éducationLe public a découvert I'lA générative en novembre 2022 àla suite du lancement de ChatGPT, qui est devenue l'application àla croissance la plus rapide de I'histoire. Capable de génÃrer des textes, des images, des vidéos, de la musique et des codes de logiciels, les outils d'IA générative ont des conséquences considérables sur l'éducation et la recherche.Pourtant, le secteur de l'éducation reste insuffisamment préparéàl'intégration éthique et pédagogique de ces outils àévolution rapide. Selon une récente enquêªte mondiale de I'UNESCO, menÃée auprès de plus de 450 écoles et universités, moins de 10 % d'entre elles disposent de politiques institutionnelleset/ou d'orientations formelles concernant l'utilisation des applications génératives de I'IA, en grande partie en raison de l'absence de réglementations nationales.二汉译法汉译法第1篇,平遥古城的介绍平遥古城是14世纪建成的中国汉族传统建筑的卓越保护典范。



1. 四个选择题
2. 四个单词,西西解释,
intrínseco cognitivo realismo
Guerra comercial
dos sesiones
mercado interbancario
Black swan
Internet of things
1. 如何看待电商平台对实体经济的影响



上海外国语大学《641翻译实践》英汉互译考研真题上海外国语大学《641翻译实践》英汉互译考研真题一、上海外国语大学高级翻译学院841翻译实践(英汉互译)考研真题及详解I. Translate the following into Chinese(75分)The Short MarchBy BILL POWELL/SHANGHAI Thursday, Feb. 14, 2008 Locals sell produce outside the gates of one of Songjiang’s new developmentsOn a cold, gray afternoon a year ago, I stood on the deck of our newly purchased, half-constructed house about an hour outside Shanghai, wondering what, exactly, I had gotten myself into. My wife, a Shanghai native, and I had moved back to China from New York City in the spring of 2004, and 21/2 years later we had decided to take the plunge. We bought a three-story, five-bedroom townhouse way out in the suburbs, in a town called New Songjiang, a place that was then—and remains now —very much a work in progress.We had come here that day to see how construction was progressing. Our house, along with about 140 others, was going up in a development called Emerald Riverside. It sits on the banks of a tributary that dumps into the Huangpu, the river that cuts Shanghai in two about 28 miles (45km) to the northeast. On that dreary afternoon I gazed out to the other side of the river, looking at the only significant patch of land for miles that was not yet being developed—about five acres (20,000 sq. m) of green that local farmers still used to grow watermelons, which they then sold to the migrant workersbuilding this town. On the far bank there was a ramshackle one-room brick house, where three of the farmers lived—a husband, wife and teenage son. They had no running water—they bathed and washed their clothes in the river—and the place was lit by a single bulb. In every direction just beyond the watermelon patch, office parks and houses and apartment complexes were going up, forming a cordon around the farmland that was drawing inexorably tighter. As it is in vast swathes of China, the new was replacing the old, and it was not doing so slowly. It was doing so in the blink of an eye.I stood on the deck that day and watched one of the farmers who worked the watermelon patch, an older woman who would later introduce herself to us as Liu Yi, as she stared back at me across the river.I remember thinking to myself, My god, what must be going through her mind? Not only is the land she works on about to disappear, but there’s this foreigner standing over there staring at her. Where did he come from and, more to the point, what in the world is he doing out here? The short answer is that my wife and I have become a tiny part of China’s latest revolution. We got an off-the-shelf mortgage from the StandardChartered Bank branch in town, plunked down 25% of the purchase price, and bought ourselves a piece of the Great Chinese Dream.Best Years of Their LivesFor the past decade and a half, the frantic pace of urbanization has been the transformative engine driving this country’s economy, as some 300-400 million people from dirt-poor farming regions made their way to relative prosperity in cities. Within the contours of that great migration, however, thereis another one now about to take place—less visible, but arguably no less powerful. As China’s major cities—there are now 49 with populations of one million or more, compared with nine in the U.S. in 2000—become more crowded and more expensive, a phenomenon similar to the one that reshaped the U.S. in the aftermath of World War II has begun to take hold. That is the inevitable desire among a rapidly expanding middle class for a little bit more room to live, at a reasonable price; maybe a little patch of grass for children to play on, or a whiff of cleaner air as the country’s cities become ever more polluted.This is China’s Short March. A wave of those who are newly affluent and firm in the belief that their best days, economically speaking, are ahead of them, is headed for the suburbs. In Shanghai alone, urban planners believe some 5 million people will move to what are called “satellite cities”in the next 10 years. To varying degrees, the same thing ishappening all across China. This process—China’s own suburban flight —is at the core of the next phase of this country’s development, and will be for years to come.The consequences of this suburbanization are enormous. Think of how the U.S. was transformed, economically and socially, in the years after World War II, when GIs returned home and formed families that then fanned out to the suburbs. The comparison is not exact, of course, but it’s compelling enough. The effects of China’s suburbanization are just beginning to ripple across Chinese society and the global economy. It’s easy to understand the persistent strength in commodity prices—steel, copper, lumber, oil—when you realize that in Emerald Riverside construction crews used more than three tons of steel in the houses and nearly a quarter of a ton of copper wiring.There are 35 housing developments either just finished or still under construction in New Songjiang alone, a town in which 500,000 people will eventually live. And as Lu Hongjiang, a vice president of the New Songjiang Development & Construction company puts it, “we’re only at the very beginning of this in China.”【参考译文】短行军比尔·鲍威尔,星期四,2008年2月14日当地人在新淞江发展区门外卖农产品一年前的一个寒冷阴暗的下午,我站在我们距离上海市区一小时车程的尚在建设中的新房的地板上,陷入了沉思,我的妻子是上海本地人,我在2004年春天离开纽约来到中国,两年半以后我们做了这个决定。

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上外英语考研历年翻译真题带答案1991翻译与现代汉语I.Translate the following passage into Chinese.(25%)Thus far, our holiday has been simply a friendly sign of the survival of the love of letters amongst a people too busy to g any more. As such it is precious as the sign of an indestructible instinct. Perhaps thetime is already come when it ought to be, and will be, something else; when the sluggard intellect of this continent will lo under its iron lids and fill the postponed expectation of the world with something better than the exertions of mechanical of dependence, our long apprenticeship to the learning of other lands, draws to a close. The millions that around us are ru life, cannot always be fed on the mere remains of foreign harvests. Events, actions arise, that must be sung, that will sing Who can doubt that poetry will revive lead in a new age, as the star in the constellation Harp, which now flames in our z astronomers announce, shall one day be the polestar for a thousand years?(Excerpted from The American Scholar by R.W. Emerson)II.Translate the following passage into English.(25%)海风微微的吹过岛上,白日里剩下的热气全吹走了。









1997翻译I.Translate the following passage into Chinese.(25%)To a professional critic (I have been one myself) theatre-going is the curse of Adam. The play is the evil he is paid to endsweat of his brow, and the sooner it is over, the better. This would seem to place him in irreconcilable opposition to the p playgoer, from whose point of view the longer the play, the more entertainment he gets for his money. It does in fact so p especially in the provinces, where the playgoer goes to the theatre for the sake of the play solely, and insists to effectivel number of hours‟ entertainment that touring managers are sometimes seriously embarrassed by the brevity of the London have to deal in.For in London the critics are reinforced by a considerable body of person who go to the theatre as many others go to chu their best clothes and compare them with other people‟s; to be in the fashion, and have something to talk about at dinner adore a pet performer; to pass the evening anywhere rather than at home; in short, for any or every reason except interest art as such. In fashionable centers the number of irreligious people who go to church, of unmusical people who go to con operas, and of undramatic people who go to the theatre, is so prodigious that sermons have been cut down to ten minutes two hours; and, even at that, congregations sit longing for the benediction and audiences for the final curtain, so that they away to the lunch or supper they really crave for, after arriving as late as late as (or later than) the hour of beginning can made for them.Thus from the stalls and in the Press an atmosphere of hypocrisy spreads. Nobody saysstraight out that genuine drama is a tedious nuisance, and that to ask people to endure more thantwo hours of it (with two long intervals of reliet) is an intolerable imposition.II.Translate the following passage into English.(25%)这几天心里颇不宁静。















1999 翻译与现代汉语1.Translate the following into Chinese(25%)At this last presidential inauguration of the 20th century, let us lift our eyes toward the challenges that await us in the nex our great good fortune that time and chance have put us not only at the edge of a new century, in a new millennium, but o a bright new prospect in human affairs -- a moment that will define our course, and our character, for decades to come. W our old democracy forever young. Guided by the ancient vision of a promised land, let us set our sights upon a land of ne The promise of America was born in the 18th century out of the bold conviction that we are all created equal. It was exte preserved in the 19th century, when our nation spread across the continent, saved the union, and abolished the awful scou slavery.Then, in turmoil and triumph, that promise exploded onto the world stage to make this the American Century. And what century ithasbeen. America became the world'smightiest industrial power; saved the world from tyranny in two world wars and a long cold war; and time and again, rea across the globe to millions who, like us, longed for the blessings of liberty.Along the way, Americans produced a great middle class and security in old age; built unrivaled centers of learning and schools to all; split the atom and explored the heavens; invented the computer and the microchip; and deepened the wells justice by making a revolution in civil rights for African Americans and all minorities, and extending the circle of citizen opportunity and dignity to women..Now, for the third time, a new century is upon us, and another time to choose. We began the 19th century with a choice, nation from coast to coast. We began the 20th century with a choice, to harness the Industrial Revolution to our values o enterprise, conservation, and human decency. Those choices made all the difference. At the dawn of the 21st century a fr must now choose to shape the forces of the Information Age and the global society, to unleash the limitless potential of a and, yes, to form a more perfect union.2.Translate the following into English(25%)要全面认识公有制经济的含义,公有制经济不仅包括国有经济和集体经济,还包括混合所有制经济中的国有成分公有制的主体地位主要体现在,公有资产在社会总资产中占优势:国有经济控制国民经济命脉,对经济发展起主是就全国而言,有的地方,有的产业可以有所差别。
