电气信息类专业英语 第18篇 个人吐血翻译



Chapter 18 微型发电和电网的概念及模型
1. Distributed Generation(DG) 分布式发电
2. Medium Voltage(MV) 中压 3. Low Voltage(LV) 低压 4. MicroSource(MS) 微电源
5. Renewable Energy Sources(RES) 可再生能源
Chapter 18 微型发电和电网的概念及模型
25. disturbance n.干扰 26. microturbine n.微型气轮机 27. fuel cells 燃料电池 28. distribution system 配电系统 29. power flow 潮流 30. synchronization n.同步 31. optimal management 最优管理 32. plug-and-play adj.即插即用的 33. periodicity n.周期性 34. critical load 临界负荷 35. power electronic converters
Chapter 18 微型发电和电网的概念及模型
➢ 章节18.1主要介绍了分布式发电资源及微电网在其中的 优势。
➢ 章节18.2介绍了微电网概念的提出、发展;介绍了微电 网的结构及其关键因素。
➢ 章节18.3介绍了微电网的工作原理及控制结构。
2.文中涉及的理论知识参考《电力系统继电保护原理》 对应部分。
6. Combined Heat and Power(CHP) 热电联产
7. Distribution Network Operator(DNO) 配电网运营商
8. paradigm n.范例 9. scenario n.方案 10. efficiency n.效率 11. exploitation n.开发 12. installation n.安装



电气的专业术语英文〔一〕电气专业术语二1. Personnel 人员职员2. Voltmeter 电压表伏特计3. Ohmmeter 欧姆计电阻表4. Megohmmeter 兆欧表5. Wattmeter 瓦特计电表功率6. Watt-hour 瓦时瓦特小时7. Ammeter 安培计电流表8. calibrate 校正9. scale 刻度量程10. rated 额定的11. interfere with 有害于...12. indicating needle仪表指针13. hazardous 危险的14. pivot 支点15. terminal 端子16. spiral 螺旋形的17. spring 弹簧18. shunt 分流,分路,并联,旁路19. rectifier 整流器20. electrodynamometer 电测力计21. strive for 争取22. vane 机器的叶,叶片23. strip 条,带,<跨接>片24. crude 不精细的,粗略的25. polarity 极性26. fuse 保险丝 ,熔丝27. rugged 坚固的28. depict 描绘 ,描写29. cartridge 盒式保险丝30. blow <保险丝>烧断31. plug fuse 插头式保险丝32. malfunction 故障33. deenergize 不给… 通电34. insulation 绝缘35. generator 发电机36. magneto 磁发电机37. humidity 湿度38. moisture 潮湿湿气39. abbreviate 缩写,缩写为40. transformer 变压器41. thumb 检查 ,查阅42. milliammeter 毫安表43. multimeter 万用表44. dynamometer 测力计,功率计45. aluminum 铝46. deteriorate 使….恶化47. eddy current 涡流48. gear 齿轮 ,传动装置49. dial 刻度盘50. semiconductor 半导体51. squirrel 鼠笼式52. diode 二极管53. thyristor 晶闸管54. transistor 电子晶体管55. triac 双向可控硅56. phase 相位<控制>57. silicon 硅58. crystal 晶体59. wafer 薄片60. anode 阳极 ,正极61. cathode 阴极62. collector 集电极]63. emitter 发射极64. schematic <电路>原理图符号65. leakage 漏电流66. rating 额定值,标称值,定额67. dissipate 散发68. breakdown 击穿69. heat sink 散热器70. self-latching 自锁71. commutation 换向72. geometry 几何结构73. squeeze 压榨,挤,挤榨74. light-dimmer 调光75. capability 容量76. studmounted 拴接式77. hockey puck 冰球78. fin 飞边79. active 有源的80. horsepower 马力81. diameter 直径82. in. <inch ,inches>英寸83. extruded 型材的84. clamp 夹住,夹紧85. compound 紧密结合86. wrench 扳手87. torque 转矩,扭矩88. enclosure 外<机>壳89. ventilation 通风,流通空气90. sealed-off 封的91. thermal 热的,热量的92. substantially 主要地,实质上地93. aptly 适当地,适宜地94. demystify 阐明95. allude 暗指,直接提到96. cease 停止,终了97. line 线电压98. ripple 脉动.99. redundant 多余的100. separately 单独励磁地101. synchronous 同步电动机102. circuitry 电路,线路103. cost-effective 花费大的104. capacitor 电容器105. dictate 确定106. trade-off 权衡,折衷107. criteria 标准,判据108. analog electronics电力电子学109. saturate 使…饱和110. active region 动态区域111. due 应得到的112. ratio 比,比率113. signify 表示114. encode 编码115. resonance 共鸣116. radiated 传播117. molecule 分子118. diaphragm 震动膜119. acoustic wave 声波120. wavy groove 起伏的沟槽121. deflection 挠度 ,挠曲122. strain gage 应变计量器123. tachometer 转速计124. thermocouple 热电偶125. oscilloscope 示波器126. analytical 解析的127. numerical 数值的128. integrate 求…的积分129. scale 改变比例130. frequency- domain 频域131. random 随机的132. audio 音频的133. operation amplifier 运算放大器134. summation 求和,加法135. sophisticated 复杂的,完善的136. mass-produce 大量生产137. subtract 减去138. inverting amplifier 反向放大器139. uninverting amplifer 同相放大器140. derive 推倒141. active filter 有源滤波器142. stabilize 使稳定143. moderate 适度的,适中的144. virtue 优点145. amplification 扩大146. capacitor 电容器147. impedance 阻抗148. bode plot 波特图149. simulate 模拟,方针150. narrowband filter 带通滤波器151. low-pass filter低通滤波器152. high-pass filter高通滤波器153. differential equation 微分方程154. prebias 预偏置155. summer 加法器156. weighted 加权的157. refinement 改进158. accommodate 适应159. envision 预见160. alphabet 字母表161. validity 正确性162. proposition 命题163. binary 二进制164. nevertheless 然而165. reveal 展现166. complement 补码167. truthtable 真值表168. algebraical 代数的169. trial and error 试错法,试凑法170. elapse 时间<流逝>171. enumerate 列举172. expire 期满,终止173. brute 僵化的174. prime 上撇号175. trigger 引起 ,触发176. inversion 反相 ,反转177. quadruple 四合一178. fabricate 制造179. integrated circuit 集成电路180. capsule 封装181. compatible 兼容的182. obsolete 废弃的183. threshold 门限,阈值184. zener diode 齐纳二极管185. adjacent 临近的,接近的186. arc welding 电弧焊187. intimately 密切地188. recast 重做189. bistable circuit 双稳电路190. cutoff 截止,关闭191. symmetry 对称192. lable 为……标号193. equilibria 平衡194. lever 杆,杠杆195. latch circuit 锁存电路196. depress 压下197. flip-flop 触发器198. glitch 同步199. leading edge 上升沿200. lagging<trailing> edge 下降沿201. inhibit 禁止202. hitherto 迄今,至今203. toggle <来回>切换204. impulse 推动力205. air gap 气隙206. aircraft 飞机207. alternating current, AC 交流208. armature 电枢209. automobile 汽车210. bearing 轴承211. brush 电刷212. carbon 碳213. circumference 圆周214. clearance 间隙215. coils 线圈绕组216. commutator 换向器217. connection 接线端218. copper bar 铜导条219. copper end rings 铜端环220. core 铁心221. cylindrical 圆柱式的222. doubly excited 双边励磁223. electromechanical 机电的224. felt 毡225. ferromagnetic 铁磁的226. field pole 磁极227. flux density 磁通密度228. frame 机座,机壳229. generator 发电机230. glue 胶合,粘贴231. graphite 石墨232. induction motor感应电动机233. laminate 叠制,叠压234. lubricant 润滑剂 ,润滑油235. magnetic flux 磁通236. magnetizing current 磁化电流,励磁电流237. mechanical rectifier 机械式换向器238. metallic 金属的239. penetrate 透过,渗透240. periphery 周围,圆周241. perpendicular 垂直的,正交的242. polarity 极性243. protrude 使伸出,突出244. reluctance 磁阻245. revolving magnetic field 旋转磁场246. rotor 转子247. salient 突出的248. salient-pole 凸极式249. servo 伺服250. singly excited 单边励磁251. slip rings 滑环252. slot 槽,开槽253. squirrel-cage 鼠笼式,笼型254. stator 定子255. synchronous machine 同步电机256. torque 转矩257. toroid 环状物258. transformer 变压器259. unidirectional 单方向的,方向不变的260. winding 绕组261. wound-rotor 绕线式262. wrap 捆,缠,环绕263. yoke 轭264. allowable temperature rise 允许温升265. alnico 铝镍钴合金266. asynchronous machine 异步电机267. automobile starter motor 汽车启动机268. backlash 啮合间隙,齿隙269. centrifugal force 离心力270. ceramic 陶瓷的271. compound-wound 复励272. constraint 强制,约束273. counter emf 反电势274. counterpart 对应物275. culminate 达到极值点276. cumulative compound 积复励277. demagnetization退磁,去磁278. denominator 分母279. differential compound 差复励280. dissipate 浪费281. equilibrium level 平均值282. equivalent circuit 等效电路283. figure of merit品质因数,优值284. flicker 闪烁,摇曳285. flux per pole 每极磁通286. friction 摩擦287. in parallel with 并联288. in series with 串联289. in terms of 根据,在……方面290. in the vicinity of 在…附近,在…左右291. indispensable 必需的,必不可少的292. inherent 固有的293. insulation 绝缘294. long-shunt 长复励295. loss 损耗296. magnetization curve 磁化曲线297. merit 优点,长处,指标298. no load 空载299. nonetheless,none the less 仍然,依然300. numerator 分子301. overload 过载302. permissible 允许的303. permanent-magnet永磁304. pertinent 有关的305. power flow diagram 功率流程图306. prefix 前缀,把…放在前面307. rated torque 额定转矩308. reaction 电感309. rheostat 变阻器,电阻箱310. series-wound 串励311. shunt-wound 并励312. short-shunt 短复励313. starting current 启动电流314. starting torque 启动转矩315. synchronous speed 同步转速316. theorem 定理317. turns 匝数318. undervoltage 欠电压319. Ward-Leonard system 发电机-电动机组系统320. windage 通风321. yield 产生,提供322. adjacent 相邻的,邻近的323. autotransformer自耦变压器324. braking 制动325. cam 凸轮326. chamber 室,腔327. conveyor 传送机328. corrosion 腐蚀329. counterclockwise 逆时针330. counter electromotive force ,CEMF反电势331. dashpot relay 油壶式继电器332. diaphragm 膜片,挡板333. drill 钻床334. elapse 过去,消逝335. enclosure 机壳336. expel 排出,放出337. fasten 固定,连接338. furnace 炉339. fuse 熔断器,保险丝340. general-purpose relay通用继电器341. hydraulic 液压传动342. initiate 引起,促进343. intake 吸入344. knob 旋钮 ,圆形把手345. latching relay 自锁继电器346. lathe 车床347. limit switch 限位开关348. moisture 潮气,湿度349. mount 安装350. octal-base 八脚的351. orifice 孔,注孔352. pedal 踏板,踏蹬353. phase sequence 相序354. piston 活塞355. pivot 轴,支点,旋转中心356. plunger 可动铁心,插棒式铁心357. pneumatic 气动的358. relay 继电器359. single-phase 单相的360. solenoids 螺线管361. solid-state relay 固态继电器362. spring 弹簧363. tap 抽头364. three-phase 三相365. timing relay 延时继电器366. toggle 搬扭,刀闸367. vibration 振动368. absolute encoder 绝对编码器369. accelerometer 加速度测量仪370. actuator 执行机构371. analog-to-digital conversion, ADC 模数转换器372. angular 角的373. auxiliary 辅助的374. as a rule of thumb 根据经验375. bellows 膜盒376. binary-coded decimal,BCD377. calibration 校准,标定,刻度378. cantilever 悬臂379. closed-loop 闭环■380. induction machine 感应式电机381. horseshoe magnet 马蹄形磁铁382. magnetic field 磁场383. eddy current 涡流384. right-hand rule 右手定则385. left-hand rule 左手定则386. slip 转差率387. induction motor 感应电动机388. rotating magnetic field 旋转磁场389. winding 绕组390. stator 定子391. rotor 转子392. induced current 感生电流393. time-phase 时间相位394. exciting voltage 励磁电压395. solt 槽396. lamination 叠片397. laminated core 叠片铁芯398. short-circuiting ring 短路环399. squirrel cage 鼠笼400. rotor core 转子铁芯401. cast-aluminum rotor铸铝转子402. bronze 青铜403. horsepower 马力404. random-wound 散绕405. insulation 绝缘406. ac motor 交流环电动机407. end ring 端环408. alloy 合金409. coil winding 线圈绕组410. form-wound 模绕411. performance characteristic 工作特性412. frequency 频率413. revolutions per minute 转/分414. motoring 电动机驱动415. generating 发电416. per-unit value 标么值417. breakdown torque 极限转矩418. breakaway force 起步阻力419. overhauling 检修420. wind-driven generator 风动发电机421. revolutions per second 转/秒422. number of poles 极数423. speed-torque curve 转速力矩特性曲线424. plugging 反向制动425. synchronous speed 同步转速426. percentage 百分数427. locked-rotor torque 锁定转子转矩428. full-load torque 满载转矩429. prime mover 原动机430. inrush current 涌流431. magnetizing reacance 磁化电抗432. line-to-neutral 线与中性点间的433. staor winding 定子绕组434. leakage reactance 漏磁电抗435. no-load 空载436. full load 满载437. Polyphase 多相<的>438. iron-loss 铁损439. complex impedance 复数阻抗440. rotor resistance 转子电阻441. leakage flux 漏磁通442. locked-rotor 锁定转子443. chopper circuit 斩波电路444. separately excited 他励的445. compounded 复励446. dc motor 直流电动机447. de machine 直流电机448. speed regulation 速度调节449. shunt 并励450. series 串励451. armature circuit 电枢电路452. optical fiber 光纤453. interoffice 局间的454. waveguide 波导波导管455. bandwidth 带宽456. light emitting diode 发光二极管457. silica 硅石二氧化硅458. regeneration 再生, 后反馈放大459. coaxial 共轴的,同轴的460. high-performance 高性能的461. carrier 载波462. mature 成熟的463. Single Side Band<SSB> 单边带464. coupling capacitor 结合电容465. propagate 传导传播466. modulator 调制器467. demodulator 解调器468. line trap 限波器469. shunt 分路器470. Amplitude Modulation<AM调幅471. Frequency Shift Keying<FSK>移频键控472. tuner 调谐器473. attenuate 衰减474. incident 入射的475. two-way configuration 二线制476. generator voltage 发电机电压477. dc generator 直流发电机478. polyphase rectifier 多相整流器479. boost 增压480. time constant 时间常数481. forward transfer function 正向传递函数482. error signal 误差信号483. regulator 调节器484. stabilizing transformer稳定变压器485. time delay 延时486. direct axis transient time constant直轴瞬变时间常数487. time invariant 时不变的488. transient response 瞬态响应489. solid state 固体490. buck 补偿491. operational calculus 算符演算492. gain 增益493. pole 极点494. feedback signal 反馈信号495. dynamic response 动态响应496. voltage control system 电压控制系统497. mismatch 失配498. error detector 误差检测器499. excitation system 励磁系统500. field current 励磁电流501. transistor 晶体管502. high-gain 高增益503. boost-buck 升压去磁504. feedback system 反馈系统505. reactive power 无功功率506. feedback loop 反馈回路507. automatic Voltage regulator<AVR>自动电压调整器508. third harmonic voltage 三次谐波电压509. reference Voltage 基准电压510. magnetic amplifier 磁放大器511. amplidyne 微场扩流发电机512. self-exciting 自励的513. limiter 限幅器514. manual control 手动控制515. block diagram 方框图516. linear zone 线性区517. potential transformer 电压互感器518. stabilization network 稳定网络519. stabilizer 稳定器520. air-gap flux 气隙磁通521. saturation effect 饱和效应522. saturation curve 饱和曲线523. flux linkage 磁链524. per unit value 标么值525. shunt field 并励磁场526. magnetic circuit 磁路527. load-saturation curve 负载饱和曲线528. air-gap line 气隙磁化线529. polyphase rectifier 多相整流器530. circuit components 电路元件531. circuit parameters 电路参数532. electrical device 电气设备533. electric energy 电能534. primary cell 原生电池535. energy converter 电能转换器536. conductor 导体537. heating appliance 电热器538. direct-current 直流539. self-inductor 自感540. mutual-inductor 互感541. the dielectric 电介质542. storage battery 蓄电池543. e.m.f = electromotive fore电动势544. unidirectional current 单方向性电流545. circuit diagram 电路图546. load characteristic 负载特性547. terminal voltage 端电压548. external characteristic外特性549. conductance 电导550. volt-ampere characteristics伏安特性551. carbon-filament lamp 碳丝灯泡552. ideal source 理想电源553. internal resistance 内阻554. active <passive> circuit elements有<无>源电路元件555. deviation 偏差556. leakage current 漏电流557. circuit branch 支路558. P.D. = potential drop 电压降559. potential distribution 电位分布560. r.m.s values = root mean square values均方根值561. permanent magnet 永磁体562. effective values 有效值563. steady direct current 恒稳直流电564. sinusoidal time function 正弦时间函数565. complex number 复数566. Cartesian coordinates 笛卡儿坐标系567. modulus 模568. real part 实部569. imaginary part 虚部570. displacement current 位移电流571. trigonometric transformations 瞬时值572. epoch angle 初相角573. phase displacement 相位差574. signal amplifier 小信号放大器575. mid-frequency band 中频带576. bipolar junction transistor<BJT双极性晶体管577. field effect transistor<FET>场效应管578. electrode 电极电焊条579. polarity 极性580. gain 增益581. isolation 隔离分离绝缘隔振582. emitter 发射管放射器发射极583. collector 集电极584. base 基极585. self-bias resistor 自偏置电阻586. triangular symbol 三角符号587. phase reversal 反相588. infinite voltage gain 无穷大电压增益589. feedback component 反馈元件590. differentiation 微分591. integration 积分下限592. impedance 阻抗593. fidelity 保真度594. summing circuit总和线路反馈系统中的比较环节595. pneumatic 气动的596. Oscillation 振荡597. inverse 倒数598. admittance 导纳599. transformer 变压器600. turns ratio 变比匝比601. ampere-turns 安匝<数>602. mutual flux 交互<主>磁通603. vector equation 向<相>量方程604. power frequency 工频605. capacitance effect 电容效应606. induction machine 感应电机607. shunt excited 并励608. series excited 串励609. separately excited 他励610. self excited 自励611. field winding 磁场绕组励磁绕组612. speed-torque characteristic 速度转矩特性613. dynamic-state operation动态运行614. salient poles 凸极615. excited by 励磁616. field coils 励磁线圈617. air-gap flux distribution 气隙磁通分布618. direct axis 直轴619. armature coil 电枢线圈620. rotating commutator 旋转<整流子>换向器621. commutator-brush combination换向器-电刷总线622. mechanical rectifier 机械式整流器623. armature m.m.f. wave 电枢磁势波624. Geometrical position 几何位置625. magnetic torque 电磁转矩626. spatial waveform 空间波形627. sinusoidal–density wave正弦磁密度628. external armature circuit 电枢外电路629. instantaneous electric power瞬时电功率630. instantaneous mechanical power 瞬时机械功率631. effects of saturation 饱和效应632. reluctance 磁阻633. power amplifier 功率放大器634. compound generator 复励发电机635. rheostat 变阻器636. self – excitation process 自励过程637. commutation condition 换向状况638. cumulatively compounded motor 积复励电动机639. operating condition 运行状态640. equivalent T – circuit T型等值电路641. rotor <stator> winding 转子<定子绕组> 642. winding loss 绕组<铜>损耗643. prime motor 原动机644. active component 有功分量645. reactive component 无功分量646. electromagnetic torque 电磁转矩647. retarding torque 制动转矩648. inductive component 感性<无功>分量649. abscissa axis 横坐标650. induction generator 感应发电机651. synchronous generator 同步发电机652. automatic station 无人值守电站653. hydropower station 水电站654. process of self – excitation 自励过程655. auxiliary motor 辅助电动机656. technical specifications 技术条件657. voltage across the terminals 端电压658. steady – state condition瞬态暂态659. reactive in respect to 相对….呈感性660. active in respect to 相对….呈阻性661. synchronous condenser 同步进相<调相>机662. coincide in phase with 与….同相663. synchronous reactance 同步电抗664. algebraic 代数的665. algorithmic 算法的666. biphase 双相的667. bilateral circuit 双向电路668. bimotored 双马达的669. corridor 通路670. shunt displacement current 旁路位移电流671. leakage 泄漏672. lightning shielding 避雷673. harmonic 谐波的674. insulator string 绝缘子串675. neutral 中性的676. zero sequence current 零序电流677. sinusoidal 正弦的678. square 平方679. corona 电晕,放电680. bypass 旁路681. voltmeter 电压表682. ammeter 电流表683. micrometer 千分尺684. thermometer 温度计685. watt-hour meter 电度表686. wattmeter 电力表687. private line 专用线路688. diameter 直径689. centimeter 厘米690. restriking 电弧再触发691. magnitude 振幅692. oscillation 振荡693. auxiliary 辅助的694. protective gap 保护性间隙放电695. receptacle 插座696. lightning arrester 避雷装置697. bushing 套管698. trigger 起动装置699. stress 应力700. deterioration 损坏,磨损701. spark gap 火花放电隙702. traveling-wave 行波703. wye-connected 星形连接704. enclosure 设备外壳705. live conductor 带电导体706. fuse 熔断器707. structural 结构上的708. out-of-step 不同步的709. resynchronize 再同步710. synchroscops 同步指示器711. automatic oscillograph 自动示波器712. nominally 标称713. sampling 采样714. potential transformer 电压互感器715. fraction 分数716. switchyard 户外配电装置717. hazard 危险718. bushing 高压套719. contact 触点720. energize 励磁721. trip coil 跳闸线圈722. over-current relay 过电流继电器723. armature 衔铁724. pickup current 始动电流725. release current 释放电流726. solenoid relay 螺管式继电器727. induction-disc relay 感应圆盘式继电器728. inverse time relay 反时限继电器729. hydraulic 液力的730. dashpot 阻尼器733. electrical stressing 电气应力734. mechanical stressing 机械应力■735. crystal 晶体的,水晶,晶体736. demodulation 解调737. derivative 导数738. diaphragm 膜片739. differentiation 微分740. discrete 离散的741. displacement 位移742. eddy 涡流743. encoder 编码器744. error 误差,偏差745. expedite 加速746. feedback 反馈747. feedforward 前馈748. forging 锻造749. hysteresis 磁滞750. immunity 抗扰性751. impedance 阻抗752. increment encoder 增量编码器753. inertia 惯性754. integration 积分755. interface 接口756. jerk 振动,冲击757. kinematic 运动的,运动学的758. longitudinal 经度了;纵向的759. manipulations 操作,控制,处理760. manipulator 机械手,操作器761. measurand 被测量,被测量对象762. modulation 调制763. multiplexer 多路转换器764. offset 偏心765. open-loop 开环766. orthogonal 垂直的,正交的767. perpendicular 垂直的,正交的768. photosensor 光电传感器769. piezoelectric 压电的770. plant 装置,设备771. potentiometer 电位器772. predominant 主要的,突出的773. prismatic 棱型的774. proximity 距离775. quantization 量化776. radial 径向的777. redundant 多余的,重复的778. representation 代表,表示779. resolver 解算器780. resonance 共振781. revolute 旋转的,转动的782. rig 设备783. robustness 鲁棒性784. rolling 轧制785. sampling period 采样周期786. signal-to-noise ration ,SNR信噪比787. strategy 策略788. subsequently 其后789. tachometer 测速仪790. terminology 术语,专门名词791. threshold 门,界限,阈值792. trajectory 轨迹793. transducer 传感器794. transient 瞬态的795. transistor-to-transistor logic,TTL 晶体管-晶体管逻辑796. transit 运输797. translatory 平移的798. algorithm 算法799. ambiguity 模棱两可800. antenna 天线801. arbitration 仲裁,公断802. autonomous 匿名的803. capacity 容量804. chao 混乱805. checksum 检查和806. circumnavigate 饶过807. client-server 客户-服务器808. client-server model 客户服务器模型809. corridor 通道,走廊810. decouple 解耦,去除干扰811. depict 描述812. distributed system 分布式系统813. dungen 地牢814. electronic mail 电子815. entity 实体816. etiquette 规则817. exponential 指数818. fallout 余波,附带结果819. forward 转发820. full-duplex 全双工821. gamut 全体,整体822. goggles 护目镜,潜水镜823. half-duplex 半双工824. hierarchy 阶梯,等级825. host 主机826. infrastructure 基础,底层结构827. interactive 交互式828. interface data unit 接口数据单元829. inventory 存货,清单830. killer 迷人的831. newsgroup 新闻组832. object-oriented 面向对象的833. outgoing 外出了,离开的834. pointer 指针835. primitive 操作,原型836. process 进程837. propagation 传播,宣传838. protocol 协议839. protocol data unit 协议数据单元840. remote database 远程数据库841. remote login 远程登陆842. remote terminal 终端843. reprisal 报复844. router 路由器845. service data unit 服务数据单元846. simultaneous 同时的847. static allocation 静态分配848. subnet 子网849. taxonomy 分类学,分类850. telemedicine 远程医疗851. terminology 术语852. testbed 测试平台853. therapy 治疗854. token 令牌855. topology 拓扑学856. videoconference 可视会议857. virtual reality 虚拟现实858. worldwide shared 全球共享的859. wide area network 广域网860. actuator 执行器861. bar code reader 条码阅读器862. by-product 副产品863. call for 需要864. contiguous 邻近的865. culprit 犯罪者866. elusive 难以捉摸的867. filter 滤波器868. fluctuation 升降剥动,不规则的变化869. hardwired 硬接线的870. havoc 大破坏871. high-volume 大容量872. induction coupling 感应耦合873. inference 干扰874. injection molding 注模875. instruction set 指令集876. interconnection 相互连接877. isolation transformer 隔离变压器878. maintenance 维护879. multiple axis drive 多轴驱动880. pilot light 信号灯881. RF noise 射频干扰882. shock 冲击883. solenoid 线圈884. stand-alone 独立的885. stepper 步进电机886. thermocouple 热电偶887. troubleshoot 排除故障888. uninterruptible power supply 不间断电源889. vendor 生产厂商890. vibration 震动891. water-tight 防水892. wreak 发泄,报复893. configuration 组态894. Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余检查895. electromagnetic interference 电磁干扰896. meticulous 详细的897. nonvolatile 非挥发的898. parity 校验899. peripheral 外设900. pharmaceutical 药剂,药品901. rack mounting 机架安装902. resident program 驻留程序903. spare 备用的904. standby 后备的905. volatile 挥发的,易失的906. watchdog timer 看门狗定时器907. distribution 分配,配电908. primary 最初的,基本的,初级线圈909. radial 径向的,辐射状的910. premise 上述各点,前言,根据911. residential 住宅的,居住的912. residence 住宅913. occupancy 占有,占用,居住914. tap 抽头915. establishment 组织,部门916. dwelling 住房917. panel 操纵台,面板918. laundry 洗衣房919. means 手段,工具920. condominium <国际>共官921. branch circuit 直路922. conduit 导线,导线管923. rigid 刚性的,坚固的924. clamp 夹,钳925. bolt 螺栓926. cubicle 立方体927. interrupter 断续<流、电、路>器928. margin 余量,裕度929. nuisance 障碍,公害930. receptacle 插座,插孔931. algebraic 代数的932. virtually 实际上,实质上933. fluorescent 荧光的,有荧光性的934. fixture 设备,装置]935. vicinity 附近,邻近,接近936. ballast 镇流器937. feeder 馈电线,电源线,馈电板938. ground-fault protector <GFP>939. ground-fault circuit interrupter<GFCI> 接地故障保护器,接地故障断路器940. centrifugal 离心的,离心力941. whilst=while942. sphere 球体943. counteract 抵抗,抵消,消除944. joint 关节,铰链945. keyway 键槽946. pivot 轴,支点947. link 连杆948. throttle 节流阀,风门949. synthesis 综合物950. mass 物质,块,堆951. classic 古典的,经典的,传统的952. steer 驾驶,操纵,引导953. servomechanism 伺服机构,伺服系统954. actuate 激励,驱动955. intimately 紧密地,直接的956. academic 纯理论的957. dial 刻度盘,调节控制盘958. calibration 标定,标准化959. lubrication 润滑,注油960. arrangement 结构961. wear 磨损,损耗962. subtle 微妙的,巧妙的963. transducer 变送器964. hand-wheel 手轮,驾驶盘,操纵盘965. hydraulic 液压的,液压传动装置966. pneumatic 气动的,气动力学的967. electro-hydraulic 电动液压的968. electro-pneumatic 电动气动的969. coincidence 一致,相等970. faithful 正确的,可靠的971. fidelity 重现精度,真实,正确972. oscillatory 振动的,摆动的973. align 调整,校准974. profile 轮廓,仿行975. milling machine 铣床976. gyroscope 陀螺仪977. launcher 发生器,启动装置978. inertial 惯性的,惯量的979. electrolytic 电解的980. plate <电>镀981. distillation 蒸馏982. blend 混合,调和,配料983. philosophy 基本原理984. analytical 分析的,分解的985. orifice 侧流板,隔板986. diaphragm 膜,隔板987. knob 钮,圆形把手988. nomenclature 术语989. liable 有责任的990. autonomic 自治的991. grossly 大概,大体上的992. ideological 思想的993. morally 道德上,道义上994. boredom 讨厌,无趣995. deterioration 变化,降低品质996. ambient 环境的997. remarks 附注,要点998. differential pressure transducer差压变送器999. viscous 粘稠的1000.viscous friction 粘滞摩擦.1001.bearing 轴承1002.rolling mill 轧钢机1003.mine minder 矿坑卷扬机1004.velodyne 伺服积分器1005.feasible 可行的1006.regenerative braking 回馈制动1007.eddy current braking 涡流制动1008.dynamic braking 能耗制动1009.reverse braking 反接制动1010.advent 出现1011.prolong 延长1012.armature 电枢1013.contactor 接触器1014.hoist 起重机1015.field winding 励磁绕组1016 mutator 换向器1017.riiple 纹动1018.creep 蠕动1019.tachogenerator 测速发电机1020.quadrant 象限1021.coast 跟踪惯性1022.profile 轮廓1023.conveyance 运输工具1024.lever 手柄,控制杆1025.forced commutation 强迫换流1026.ac squirrel cage induction motor交流笼型感应电动机1027.accutrol 控制器1028.stator 定子1029.rotor 转子1030.DC link 直流环节1031.Triac 双向晶闸管1032.Adjustable-voltage inverter 电压型逆变器1033.Current source inverter 电流型逆变器1034.refinement 明确表达1035.pros and cons 优缺点1036.cogging 齿槽效应.1037.retrofit 改型1038.damper 减速器1039.pitfall 缺陷1040.vernier 游标尺1041.jog 啮合1042.runout table 输出轨道1043.clinker-cooler 熟料冷却器1044.kiln 炉1045.grinder 磨床1046.pitch 齿轮1047.inventory 存货1048.cone pulley 塔轮,快慢轮1049.escalation 升级,提高1050.forced-draft 强制通风1051.induced-draft fan 吸风机1052.elbow 弯头11. interfere with 有害于...12. indicating needle仪表指针13. hazardous 危险的14. pivot 支点15. terminal 端子16. spiral 螺旋形的17. spring 弹簧18. shunt 分流,分路,并联,旁路19. rectifier 整流器20. electrodynamometer 电测力计21. strive for 争取22. vane 机器的叶,叶片23. strip 条,带,<跨接>片24. crude 不精细的,粗略的25. polarity 极性26. fuse 保险丝 ,熔丝27. rugged 坚固的28. depict 描绘 ,描写29. cartridge 盒式保险丝30. blow <保险丝>烧断31. plug fuse 插头式保险丝32. malfunction 故障33. deenergize 不给… 通电34. insulation 绝缘35. generator 发电机36. magneto 磁发电机37. humidity 湿度38. moisture 潮湿湿气39. abbreviate 缩写,缩写为40. transformer 变压器41. thumb 检查 ,查阅42. milliammeter 毫安表43. multimeter 万用表44. dynamometer 测力计,功率计45. aluminum 铝46. deteriorate 使….恶化47. eddy current 涡流48. gear 齿轮 ,传动装置49. dial 刻度盘50. semiconductor 半导体51. squirrel 鼠笼式52. diode 二极管53. thyristor 晶闸管54. transistor 电子晶体管55. triac 双向可控硅56. phase 相位<控制>57. silicon 硅58. crystal 晶体59. wafer 薄片60. anode 阳极 ,正极61. cathode 阴极62. collector 集电极]63. emitter 发射极64. schematic <电路>原理图符号65. leakage 漏电流66. rating 额定值,标称值,定额67. dissipate 散发68. breakdown 击穿69. heat sink 散热器70. self-latching 自锁71. commutation 换向72. geometry 几何结构73. squeeze 压榨,挤,挤榨74. light-dimmer 调光75. capability 容量76. studmounted 拴接式77. hockey puck 冰球78. fin 飞边79. active 有源的80. horsepower 马力81. diameter 直径82. in. <inch ,inches>英寸83. extruded 型材的84. clamp 夹住,夹紧。



实用资料:电气工程专业课(电力类)翻译参考专业外语:Professional English电路(上) electrical circuit (I)电路(下) electrical circuit (II)金工实习 machinery practice电机(上) electrical machinery (I)电工实验与测试 electrical experiment & test电子综合实践 integrated electronic practice信号与系统 signal & system电子技术基础(模拟) fundamentals of electronic (analog)电磁场electromagnetic field电子技术实验 electronic experiment(I)电子辅助设计EDA Electronic Design Automatic(I)发电厂动力工程基础 Heat power engineering in generating plant企业管理 enterprise management电气主系统electrical system principle电力系统稳态/暂态分析 Steady-State/ Transient-State Analysis of Power System 电力系统继电保护 Power System Relaying Protection电力系统潮流计算机分析:Computer Analysis of Power Flow数字电子技术 Digital Electrical Technique微机原理 microcomputer principle电子技术基础(数字) fundamentals of electronic (digital)自动控制 automatic control theory电力系统分析 electric power system analysis电子技术基础实验electronic experiment(II)电气主系统课程设计 electrical system principle-course design电子辅助设计EDA Electronic Design Automatic(II)通信与计算机网络 communication & computer networks电力系统继电保护 electric power system relaying电力系统继电保护 Power System Protective Relaying电力系统远动技术electric power system remote protocol生产实习productive practice Technology继电保护课程设计 electric power system relaying-course design电力电子技术 power electronics电力电子技术基础:Fundamentals of Electronics Power Technology电力电子课程设计 Power electronics course design电力系统自动控制 electric power system control & automation高电压技术 High voltage engineering Technology变电站自动化 substation automation电力经济 electric power system economics电能质量控制 electric power quality control配电网自动化 distribution system automation电力系统新技术 new techniques on electric power system控制电机 electrical machine control调度自动化与能量管理 energy management & automation灵活交流输电系统 flexible AC transmission system计算机保护 computer protection电力系统电磁兼容 EMC in electric power system毕业实习graduation practice毕业设计graduation dissertation数字信号处理:Digital Signal Processing自动控制理论:Automatic Control Theory电气工程基础:Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering电磁场概论:Introduction to Electro-Magnetic Field计算机继电保护:Microcomputer-Based Relaying Protection电气设备的绝缘检测与故障诊断:Insulation Diagnostics and Troubl-Shooting for Electrical Installations电网规划:Power System Planning可编程控制器原理及应用:Principles of PLC (Programmable logic Controller) And Application电磁场数值计算:Numerical Computation of Electro-Magnetic Field电力系统继电保护:Relay Protection of Power System电力系统自动装置原理 The Principle of Electric Power System Automatic Equipment 电力通信系统及调度自动化:Power System Communication and Dispatching Automatic专业方向电气工程 Electrical Engineering电机与电器 Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus电力系统及其自动化 Power System and its Automation高电压与绝缘技术 High Voltage and Insulation Technology电力电子与电力传动 Power Electronics and Power Drives电工理论与新技术 Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering电子科学与技术 Electronics Science and Technology。







电气自动化专业英语(翻译1-3)默认分类 2008-06-19 16:46 阅读471 字号:大评论0 中小第一部分:电子技术第一章电子测量仪表电子技术人员使用许多不同类型的测量仪器。






















一.电气名词Electric items 二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus, circuits)三.设备Equipments四.保护、继电器Protection , relays五.电气仪表Electric instruments六.防雷Lightning protection七.接地Grounding, earthing八.室、所Room , Substation九.电修车间设备Equipments of electric repair十.材料Material十一.图名Drawings, diagrams十二.表头Tables十三.标准图词汇Terms from standard DWG一.电气名词Electric items交(直)流Alternating (direct) current短路电流Short-circuit current起始次暂态短路电流Initial subtransient short-circuit current 冲击电流Impulse current稳态短路电流Steady state short-circuit current临界电流Critical current切断电流Rupturing current熔断电流Blow-out current故障电流Fault current计算电流Calculating current极限有限电流Limit effective current过电流Over current逆电流Inverse current整定电流Setting current额定电流Rated current电流密度Current density短路电流最大有效值Maximum effective value of short-circuit current 高压High-voltage , High-tension低压Low-voltage , Low-tension计算电压Calculating voltage激磁电压Exciting voltage冲击电压Impulse voltage临界电压Critical voltage残留电压Residual voltage击穿电压Puncture voltage脉动电压Pulsating voltage供电电压Supply voltage电力电压Power voltage照明电压Lighting voltage灯丝电压Filament voltage额定电压Rated voltage电压损失Voltage loss过(欠)电压Over (under) voltage线路电压Line voltage电压降Voltage drop工作电压Working voltage一次电压Primary voltage二次电压Secondary voltage电源Electric source (power supply)自控电压Power supply for process control6kV控制闪光电源Flashing supply for 6kV control 工作电源Working power supply (electric source) 保安电源Emergency power supply (electric source) 直流稳压电源Stabilized D.C. source控制电源Control supply直流电源D.C. source交流电源A.C. source负荷计算Load calculation设备容量Installed capacity需要容量Electric demand功率因数Power factor安装高度Mounting height耐电压Breakdown voltage工频耐压High-voltage test with working frequency 表面闪络Surface flash-over直流泄漏D.C. leakage体电阻率Volume resistivity介质损失角Dielectric loss angle击穿强度Puncture intensity电压等级Voltage grade比重Specific gravity性能Feature相序Phase sequence瞬时Instantaneous倾角Angle of inclination跨度Span正极Positive pole负极Negative pole截面(积) Cross section area辅助电源Auxiliary source遮断容量Interrupting capacity载流量Current-carrying capacity校正系数Correction factor连续负荷Continuous load长期载流量Continuous capacity长时间额定值Longtime rating电动机堵转电流Locked-rotor motor current限定负荷Limited load电感负荷Inductive load感应电流Induced current二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus , circuits)母线Bus-bar合闸电源母线Closing power source bus闪光母线Flashing-bus备用母线Spare bus装在支柱上的插接式母线Post-supported plug-in bus way装在吊钩上的插接式母线Hook-supported plug-in bus way 装在支架上的插接式母线Bracket-supported plug-in bus way 小母线Miniature bus电源小母线Power supply miniature bus操作小母线Operating miniature bus事故信号小母线Miniature bus for fault signal闪光小母线Flashing miniature bus主母线Main bus直流主母线D.C. main bus预告母线Prewarning bus干线Main line照明干线Lighting main line接地干线Grounding main line插座干线Receptacle main line电压干线Voltage main line端子出线Terminal outgoing中性线Neutral支线Branch-line引入线Lead-in电气线路Electric circuit交流配电线路A.C. distribution circuit直流配电线路D.C. distribution circuit事故照明线路Emergency lighting circuit控制线路Control circuit接地或接零线路Grounding or neutralizing circuit 信号线路Signal circuit有接地极的接地线路网Grounding with grounding electrodes定子绕组测温回路Temperaturemeasuringcircuitforstatorwinding 接地信号回路Grounding signal circuit闪光信号回路Flashing-signal circuit开阀回路Circuit for opening valve关(闭)阀回路Circuit for closing valve开度计回路Circuit for opening meter电流测量回路Current-measuring circuit差动保护回路Differental protective circuit过流保护回路Over-current protective circuit合闸回路Closing circuit停车延时回路Delayed shutdown circuit掉闸回路Trip circuit激磁回路Exciting circuit备用回路Spare circuit主回路Main circuit馈路Feeder circuit现有回路Existing circuit单线回路Single-wire circuit接地回路Earthed circuit有电压的电路Live circuit三.设备Equipments高压开关柜H.V. switchgear动力配电箱Power distribution cabinet电源配电箱Source distribution cabinet直流配电屏D.C. switchboard (distribution panel)交流低压配电屏A.C.L.V. switchboard (distribution panel)静电电容器柜Static capacitor cabinet多种电源插销箱Receptacleboxformiscellaneouspowersupplies 控制箱Control cabinet照明配电箱Lighting (distribution panel)连接箱Junction box出线盒Outlet box开关箱Switch box控制台Console分段屏Sectionalizing panel进线屏Incoming line panel电控箱Electric control panel边屏Side board端子箱Terminal box供电盘Power supply box瓶车箱Synchronizing cabinet感应调压器专用变压器高压柜SpecialtransformerH.V.cabinetforinductionvoltage regulator电压互感器柜Potential transformer cabinet信号屏Signal panel浮充屏Floating panel蓄电池屏Battery panel充电屏Charging panel母线联络柜Bus tie cabinet转换开关Transfer switch电压表转换开关Voltmeter change-over switch铁壳开关Metal-clad switch (Iron-clad switch)管式熔断器Cartridge fuse真空断路器Vacuum circuit breaker (V.C.B.)自动开关Automatic switch高压负荷开关H.V. load break switch三极高压断路器3-pole HV circuit-breaker刀开关Knife switch转换开关Transfer switch双极铁壳开关2-pole iron-clad switch风扇变速开关Fan speed regulator switch密闭照明灯开关Hermetic lighting switch防爆照明灯开关Explosion-proof lighting switch行程开关Limit switch高压隔离开关H.V. disconnecting switch明装单极板钮开关Surface-mounted single-pole toggle switch 暗装单极板钮开关Flush-mounted single-pole toggle switch 三路开关Three-way switch气密式组合开关Hermetic packet type switch防护式开关Guard type switch联锁开关Interlock switch操作方式选择开关Selecting switch for types of operation控制电源开关Switch for control supply主令开关Master switch (controller)多切点切换开关Multi-point change-over switch按钮Push-button控制按钮Control push-button防爆控制按钮Explosion-proof control push-button事故紧急按钮Emergency stopping push-button起动按钮Starting push-button停止按钮Stopping push-button现场按钮Push-button in field挡板damper音响解除按钮Push-button for sound release起动器Starter磁力起动器Magnetic starter综合起动器Combination starter (Magnetic starter combination)电力变压器Power transformer调压变压器Voltage regulating transformer电压互感器Potential transformer电流互感器Current transformer照明变压器Lighting transformer三相三绕组变压器3-phase tertiary winding transformer高压试验变压器H.V. testing transformer局部照明变压器Local lighting transformer多量程仪用电流互感器Multi-range current transformer for measurement 降压变压器Step-down transformer伺服电动机Servo-motor双电压电动机Dual-voltage motor感应电动机Induction motor交流异步电动机A.C. asynchronous motor同步电动机synchronous motor三相滑环感应电动机3-phase slip-ring induction motor三相鼠笼感应电动机3-phase squirrel-cage induction motor绕线式电动机Wound-rotor induction motor反应式电动机Reaction motor柴油发电机Diesel generator励磁发电机Excitation generator明装双极插座Surface-mounted 2-pole receptacle暗装双极插座Flush-mounted 2-pole receptacle双极带接地插座2-pole receptacle with grounding contact单相三孔明插座Surface-mountedsinglephase3-polereceptacle防护式明装三相四孔插座Guard type surface-mounted 3-phase 4-pole receptacle配照型灯Standard dome lighting fitting搪瓷深照型灯Enameled high bay lighting fitting防水防尘灯Water and dust proof lighting fitting安全灯Safety lighting fitting隔爆灯Explosion-proof lighting fitting弯灯Goose-neck light壁灯Wall light高压水银灯High pressure mercury vapor lighting fitting投光灯Flood-light (projection light)信号灯Signal lamp天棚灯Ceiling-mounted lighting fitting局部照明灯Local lighting fitting灯座Lamp holder事故照明灯Emergency lighting fitting高压水银荧光灯H.P. mercury fluorescent lighting fitting 广照型工厂灯Wide lit type industrial fitting深照型灯具High bay lighting fitting白炽灯具Incandescent lamp (bulb)圆球型灯Globe lamp嵌入式荧光灯flush type fluorescent lighting fitting红色障碍灯Red obstruction lamp for aviation厂区道路照明灯Street lighting in plant area路灯Street lamp视孔灯Inspection hole lamp立杆弯灯goose-neck post lamp , pole lamp模拟报警信号Semigraph and alarm signal自整角机Selsyn励磁机Exciter显示器Display电位器Potentiometer内电阻Internal resistance固定电阻(器)Fixed resistance脱扣Release , trip分励Shunt trip特殊失压脱扣器Special no-voltage release“或”开关放大器“Or” switch amplifier制动器Brake电容Capacitor整流器Rectifier镇流器Chock分流器Shunt油变阻器Oil immersed rheostat频敏电阻器Frequency sensitive rheostat滑线变阻器Sliding rheostat蜂鸣器Buzzer电机加热器Space heater (for motor)空气断路器电机操作机构Motor operating mechanism for air circuit-breaker 可控硅励磁装置Silicon controlled rectifier excitation device保护装置Protective device (element)闪光装置Flashing device接闪装置(避雷器)Lightning arrester断相保护Phase failure protection四.保护、继电器Protection , relays信号继电器Signal relay过电流继电器Over-current relay电压继电器Voltage relay时间继电器Time relay中间继电器Auxiliary relay热继电器Thermal relay温度继电器Temperature relay瓦斯继电器Gas relay控制电源中间继电器Auxiliary relay for control supply 自动操作继电器Relay for auto-operation低电压继电器Under-voltage relay过电压继电器Over-voltage relay联锁继电器Interlock relay冲击继电器Impact relay合闸位置继电器Close position relay逆流继电器Reverse-current relay差流继电器Differential current relay差动继电器Differential relay电流继电器Current relay功率继电器Power relay接地继电器Earthing relay重合闸继电器Reclosing relay同步继电器Synchronous relay速动继电器Quick acting relay定时限继电器Definite time relay光电继电器Photoelectric relay电子继电器Electronic relay电磁式继电器Electromagnetic relay电动式继电器Electrodynamic relay气压继电器Gas-pressure relay继电器常开触点Relay N.O. contact继电器常闭触点Relay N.C. contact继电器保护触点(常开)Relay holding contact (N.O.)能自动返回的常闭按钮触点Self-return button with N.C. contact 模拟信号触点Contact for semigraph signal强励磁接点Shock excitation contact电感线圈Induction coil电流线圈Current coil脱扣线圈Trip coil合闸线圈Close coil释放线圈Releasing coil掉闸线圈Tripping coil予告信号Prewarning signal掉闸回路断线信号Breakage signal of trip circuit断路器事故掉闸信号Fault trip signal of breaker掉闸音响信号Tripping audible signal重瓦斯预告信号Heavy gas prewarning signal温度预告信号Temperature prewarning signal手动、自动操作时事故信号Fault signal in manual/automatic operation保护掉闸Protective trip控制掉闸Control trip手动跳闸Manual trip变电所紧急停车Emergency shutdown at substation工艺故障Fault in process励磁故障Fault in excitation工作电源失电报警No-voltage alarm of working electric source工作电源分合闸On and off of working electric source工作电源投入Throw-in of working electric source保安电源送电supply of emergency electric source运转指示Indicating of operation投入指示Indicating of throw-in同步指示Indicating of synchronism延时停车Delayed shutdown电源切除Switch off the power supply速断及过流断通Instantaneous trip and over-current off/on自保持Self-holding自锁Self-lock联锁Interlocking绝缘监视Insulation supervision电压监视Voltage supervision联锁解除Release of interlock工作、保安电源切换Transfer of working and emergency power supply发电机与工作母线并车Synchronizationofgeneratortoworkingbus重瓦斯保护Heavy gas protection开或闭超扭矩保护Over-torque protection during opening and closing valve电机起动顺序Sequence of motor starting铭牌框注字Name plate denotation (inscription)五.电气仪表Electric instruments电流表Ammeter电压表Voltmeter三相三线有功电度表Three-phase three-wire kilowatt-hour meter , kWh meter 单相电度表Single-phase kilowatt-hour meter三相无功电度表Three-phase kilovar-hour meter有功功率表Active power meter , kilowatt meter无功功率表Reactive power meter , kilovar meter三相瓦特表(功率表) Three-phase watt meter功率因数表Power factor meter频率表Frequency meter验电流器GalvanoscopexxOhmmeter相位表Phase meter转速表Tachometer波长表Wave-length meter三相四线制标准电度表3-phase 4-wire standard watthour-meter 过载电流表Overload ammeter低功率因数瓦特表Low power-factor wattmeter交直流两用钳型电流表A.C./D.C. multi-purpose tongtester兆欧表Megger , Megohmmeter万用表Avometer微安表Microammeter毫安表Milliammeter各种测量仪表Various kind of measuring instruments接地电阻测量仪Earthing resistance tester真空管电压表Vacuum tube voltmeter电动秒表Electric second-meter六.防雷Lightning protection避雷装置Lightning protector避雷针Lightning rod避雷带Strap type lightning protector避雷网Network of lightning protector避雷针支架Lightning rod support避雷针尖Tip of lightning rod避雷针拉铁Brace for lightning rod避雷器Lightning arrester , surge discharger 球型避雷器Spherical arrester管形避雷器Tubular arrester阀形避雷器Auto-valve arrester低压避雷器Low voltage arrester角形避雷器Horn arrester多隙避雷器Multigap arrester铝避雷器Aluminum cell arrester氧化膜避雷器Oxide film arrester击穿保险器Puncture lightning arrester雷击Lightning stroke直接雷击Direct lightning stroke感应雷击Induction lightning stroke雷电日Thunderbolt days雷电或然率Lightning and thunder probability 触电Electric shock静电感应Electrostatic induction七.接地Grounding , earthing接地保护Ground protection , earth protection 防雷接地Grounding for lightning保护接地Protective earthing人工接地Artificial grounding工作接地Working grounding , working earthing 重复接地Multiple earthing屏蔽接地Screen earthing , shielding ground中性点接地Neutral point grounded接地系统Grounding system , earthing system 接地故障Ground fault , earth fault单相接地Single phase earthing母线接地Bus ground接地装置Grounding device , earthing device引下线Down-lead , down conductor引下线固定Clamping plate of support for fixing 支架夹板Down lead引下线固定支脚Support for fixing down lead接地线Ground connector接地干线Ground(ing) main , (bus)接地网Grounding network , earthing network 接地极Earth electrode (pole)接地电阻Earth resistance接地电路Earth (ground) circuit连接条Connecting strip断接xxConnecting clamp八.室、所Room , Substation贮藏室Storage套间Compartment蓄电池室Battery room控制室Control room配电室Distribution room维修间Repair room变电所Substation高压配电室H.V. distribution room休息室Rest room九.电修车间设备Equipments of electric repair 砂轮机Emery wheel grinder台钻Bench drilling machine交流电焊机A.C. welding machine移动式空气压缩机Portable air compressor手电钻Electric hand drill单速手摇绕线机Single speed hand winding machine导线钳压器Wire jointing press-clamp油压千斤顶Hydraulic jack电吹尘器Electric dust cleaner存放柜Store chest高压试验变压器H.V. testing transformer泄漏试验变压器Leakage testing set大电流发生器Strong current generator油浸自冷感应调压器Oil-immersed self-cooled induction voltage regulator多量程仪用电流互感器Multi-range current transformer for measurement仪用电感互感器Instrumental voltage transformer单相自耦变压器Single-phase auto-transformer三相自耦变压器3-phase auto-transformer硅整流器Silicon rectifier仪表试验台Testing stand for instrument接触器,继电器试验台Relay and contactor testing stand慢扫描示波器Slow scanning oscillograph交流电子稳压器A.C. electronic voltage stabilizer携带式交流电桥Portable A.C. electric bridge接地电阻测量仪Earthing resistance tester电缆故障探伤仪Cable fault detector直流单臂电桥D.C.single-armelectricbridge,Wheatstonebridge 十.材料Material绝缘包布Insulating tape填料Filler , packing绝缘膏Insulating compound电缆膏Cable compound防腐油Anti-corrosive oil沥青漆Bituminous varnish绝缘漆Insulating varnish瓷漆Enamel varnish有色金属Non-ferrous metal黑色金属ferrous metal白金属White metalxxMica环氧树脂Epoxy resin聚氯乙烯Polyvinyl chloride , PVC蜡WaxxxTalc powder电胶木Bakelite聚丙烯外壳Polyacrylic cover耐油橡胶管Oil-proof rubber tubes 接地铜线Grounding copper wire 垫圈Pad塑料绝缘线Plastics insulated wire 橡套电缆Rubber sheathed cable 中间接头Splice填充剂Filling agent绝缘电线Insulated wire移动软电缆Movable flexible cable 补偿导线Extension wire套管Bushing母线槽Busway悬索Cable suspension滑触线Trolley conductor镀锌煤气管Galvanized gas pipe镀锌角钢Galvanized steel angle 镀锌扁钢Galvanized steel strap钢丝绳Steel wire rope电笛Siren电磁阀Electromagnetic valve连接片Connecting link切换片Transfering link端子排Terminal board半导体二极管Semiconductor diode开度计Opening meter逻辑元件Logical element接线盒Junction box仪表槽板Instrument trunking电缆吊架Cable hanger出线套Outgoing line sleeve十一.图名Drawings , diagrams电气图纸目录Contents of electric drawings电力系统图Electric power system diagram照明系统图Lighting system diagram电力平面布置图Electric power layout plan照明平面布置图Lighting layout plan单线图One line diagram控制箱面部布置图Surface arrangement of control box 背部接线图Back wiring (diagram)外部接线图External (outside) wiring diagram内部接线图Internal (inside) wiring diagram控制原理图Principle control diagram原理图Schematic diagram展开图Developed diagram电气标准图Electric standard drawing电气施工图Electric working drawing复用图Reproducibles (drawing)电缆联系图Cable hook-up diagram转换开关接点图Contact diagram of transfer switch箱侧视图Side view of box正视图Front view , facade背视图Back view剖面图Section参考图Reference drawing电缆敷设图Cable laying diagram箱内框架布置图Arrangement of frames inside the cabinet控制箱台面展开图Surface developed diagram of console出线端子示意图Schematic diagram of terminal outgoing lines 端子接线图Diagram of terminal connections电气管线表List of wire , cable and conduits设备材料表List of equipment and materials十二.表头Tables电力系统图Power system diagram引入线Lead in保护设备Protective device型号Type额定值Rating整定值Setting主启动设备回路Circuit to starting device导线型号、芯数、截面及管径Conductor type , cores , section & diameter of conduit线长Wire length管长Conduit length启动设备Starting device型号规格Type , specification保护元件Protective element计量装置Calculating device用电设备主回路Main circuit of electric equipment控制回路Control circuit控制装置Control device用电设备Electric equipment设备容量Consumer capacity生产设备Production equipment位号No. of location名称Name备注Remarks引入线Feed in配电箱Distribution cabinet型号及编号Type and No.开关型号Switch type保护装置Protective device回路编号Circuit No.相别Phase灯数Number of lamps插座数Number of receptacles电缆编号No. of line起点Starting终点Ending母线截面Section of bus零母线Neutral bus屏编号Panel No.型号及方案号Type and variant No.控制原理图号Principle control diagram工艺位号Process item No.十三.标准图词汇Terms from standard DWG电工系统图图形符号Graphic symbols for electric system交流电的相别A.C. phase sequence直流电的正负极D.C. positive and negative poles有中性点引出线的星形连接的三相绕组Star-connected three phase windings withneutral outlet开口三角形连接的三相绕组3-phase winding with open delta connection互相连接的导线Cross connection of wires不连接的跨越导线Crossing wires not in contact with each other可拆卸的电气连接Removable connection电缆终端头Pothead of cable or cable end自耦变压器Auto-transformer感应调压器Induction voltage regulator凸极同步电动机Salient pole synchronous motor带接换装置的蓄电池组Accumulator battery with tap-changers空气断路器Air circuit-breaker保持触点Holding contact热元件Thermal element自动复位的操作开关Spring-return operating switch插接器Plug-in connector电喇叭Horn电炉Electric furnace分流器Shunt可控硅整流箱屏Silicon controlled rectifier box panel 直流配电屏D.C. distributing panel磁力起动器组Magnetic starter group自动开关箱Automatic switch box行程开关Limit switch局部灯Local lighting fitting荧光灯列Series fluorescent lighting fitting防护式灯开关Protective switch导线引上Conductors turning up导线引下Conductors turning down导线由上引来Conductors turning from above导线由下引来Conductors turning from below电缆沟Cable trench调压器Voltage regulator隔离变压器Isolating transformer击穿保护器Puncturing safety device晶体管Transisorized diode地坪Grade level电缆与水管平行Cable running parallel to a water supply pipe 电缆与热力管道交叉敷设Cable running across heat pipeline 车道Drive way电缆穿管与管道交叉Cable protective pipe across a pipeline 双(单)侧支架电缆沟Trench with rack on both sides (one side) 室外地坪Outdoor grade跨接线Jumper金属软管Flexible metal tube。



30个电气专业英语词汇互译Electrical engineering is a highly specialized field that utilizes a unique set of terminology and vocabulary to describe various concepts, components, and processes. As the industry continues to evolve and expand globally, the need for effective communication and translation of these specialized terms becomes increasingly important. In this essay, we will explore 30 essential electrical engineering English words and provide their corresponding translations.1. Voltage - Voltage is the potential difference between two points in an electrical circuit, measured in volts (V). The French translation is "tension électrique."2. Current - Current refers to the flow of electric charge through a conductor, measured in amperes (A). The Spanish translation is "corriente eléctrica."3. Resistance - Resistance is the measure of the opposition to the flow of electric current in a circuit, measured in ohms (Ω). TheGerman translation is "Widerstand."4. Power - Power is the rate at which electrical energy is generated or consumed, measured in watts (W). The Italian translation is "potenza."5. Capacitance - Capacitance is the ability of a component to store an electric charge, measured in farads (F). The Chinese translation is "电容量."6. Inductance - Inductance is the property of a component that opposes changes in the electric current, measured in henries (H). The Japanese translation is "インダクタンス."7. Impedance - Impedance is the total opposition to the flow of alternating current in a circuit, meas ured in ohms (Ω). The Russian translation is "сопротивление."8. Frequency - Frequency is the number of cycles or oscillations that occur in a unit of time, measured in hertz (Hz). The Arabic translation is "ددرتلا."9. Semiconductor - A semiconductor is a material that can conduct electricity under certain conditions, such as silicon (Si) or germanium (Ge). The Korean translation is "반도체."10. Transistor - A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power. The Portuguese translation is "transistor."11. Diode - A diode is a semiconductor device that allows electric current to flow in only one direction. The Polish translation is "dioda."12. Resistor - A resistor is a passive electronic component used to control or limit the flow of electric current. The Greek translation is "αντίσταση."13. Capacitor - A capacitor is a passive electronic component used to store electric charge temporarily. The Hindi translation is "सससससस."14. Inductor - An inductor is a passive electronic component used to store energy in the form of a magnetic field. The Swedish translation is "induktor."15. Transformer - A transformer is a device used to convert alternating current (AC) from one voltage level to another. The Dutch translation is "transformator."16. Circuit - A circuit is a closed path through which electric currentcan flow. The Turkish translation is "devre."17. Relay - A relay is an electrically operated switch used to control a high-power circuit with a low-power signal. The Persian translation is "هلر."18. Rectifier - A rectifier is a circuit that converts alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC). The Urdu translation is "سوکعمهدننک."19. Amplifier - An amplifier is a device that increases the magnitude of a signal. The Thai translation is "ससससससस."20. Oscillator - An oscillator is a circuit that generates a repetitive electrical signal. The Vietnamese translation is "Máy dao động." 21. Sensor - A sensor is a device that detects and responds to a physical or chemical stimulus. The Romanian translation is "senzor."22. Encoder - An encoder is a device that converts information from one format or code to another. The Hungarian translation is"kódoló."23. Decoder - A decoder is a device that converts encoded information back into its original format. The Czech translation is "dekodér."24. Multiplexer - A multiplexer is a device that selects one of several input signals and forwards it to a single output. The Slovak translation is "multiplexor."25. Demultiplexer - A demultiplexer is a device that selects one of several outputs based on a control signal. The Malay translation is "pemultipleks."26. Microcontroller - A microcontroller is a single-chip computer used for automation and embedded systems. The Indonesian translation is "mikrokontroler."27. Microprocessor - A microprocessor is a central processing unit (CPU) on a single integrated circuit. The Finnish translation is "mikroprosessori."28. Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) - An ADC is a device that converts an analog signal into a digital signal. The Norwegian translation is "analog-til-digital-omformer."29. Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) - A DAC is a device that converts a digital signal into an analog signal. The Danish translation is "digital-til-analog-omformer."30. Printed Circuit Board (PCB) - A PCB is a board that mechanically supports and electrically connects electronic components using conductive tracks. The Swedish translation is "trycktkretsförskjutning."The translations provided in this essay demonstrate the diversity of the electrical engineering field and the need for effective communication across different languages and cultures. As the industry continues to evolve and become more globalized, the importance of understanding and translating these specialized terms will only become more crucial. By familiarizing ourselves with these 30 key electrical engineering words and their multilingual equivalents, we can enhance collaboration, facilitate knowledge sharing, and ensure the seamless exchange of technical information worldwide.。



电气工程专业英语词汇汇总综合版精编W O R D版IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】电气工程师专业英语词汇汇总1. Personnel 人员职员2. Voltmeter 电压表伏特计3. Ohmmeter 欧姆计电阻表4. Megohmmeter 兆欧表5. Wattmeter 瓦特计电表功率6. Watt-hour 瓦时瓦特小时7. Ammeter 安培计电流表8. calibrate 校正9. scale 刻度量程10. rated 额定的11. interfere with 有害于。

12. indicating needle仪表指针13. hazardous 危险的14. pivot 支点15. terminal 端子16. spiral 螺旋形的17. spring 弹簧18. shunt 分流,分路,并联,旁路19. rectifier 整流器20. electrodynamometer 电测力计21. strive for 争取22. vane 机器的叶,叶片23. strip 条,带,(跨接)片24. crude 不精细的,粗略的25. polarity 极性26. fuse 保险丝,熔丝27. rugged 坚固的28. depict 描绘,描写29. cartridge 盒式保险丝30. blow (保险丝)烧断31. plug fuse 插头式保险丝32. malfunction 故障33. deenergize 不给…通电34. insulation 绝缘35. generator 发电机36. magneto 磁发电机37. humidity 湿度38. moisture 潮湿湿气39. abbreviate 缩写,缩写为40. transformer 变压器41. thumb 检查,查阅42. milliammeter 毫安表43. multimeter 万用表44. dynamometer 测力计,功率计45. aluminum 铝46. deteriorate 使….恶化47. eddy current 涡流48. gear 齿轮,传动装置49. dial 刻度盘50. semiconductor 半导体51. squirrel 鼠笼式52. diode 二极管53. thyristor 晶闸管54. transistor 电子晶体管55. triac 双向可控硅56. phase 相位(控制)57. silicon 硅58. crystal 晶体59. wafer 薄片60. anode 阳极,正极61. cathode 阴极62. collector 集电极]63. emitter 发射极64. schematic (电路)原理图符号65. leakage 漏电流66. rating 额定值,标称值,定额67. dissipate 散发68. breakdown 击穿69. heat sink 散热器70. self-latching 自锁71. commutation 换向72. geometry 几何结构73. squeeze 压榨,挤,挤榨74. light-dimmer 调光75. capability 容量76. studmounted 拴接式77. hockey puck 冰球78. fin 飞边79. active 有源的80. horsepower 马力81. diameter 直径82. in. (inch ,inches)英寸83. extruded 型材的84. clamp 夹住,夹紧85. compound 紧密结合86. wrench 扳手87. torque 转矩,扭矩88. enclosure 外(机)壳89. ventilation 通风,流通空气90. sealed-off 封的91. thermal 热的,热量的92. substantially 主要地,实质上地93. aptly 适当地,适宜地94. demystify 阐明95. allude 暗指,直接提到96. cease 停止,终了97. line 线电压98. ripple 脉动.99. redundant 多余的100. separately 单独励磁地101. synchronous 同步电动机102. circuitry 电路,线路103. cost-effective 花费大的104. capacitor 电容器105. dictate 确定106. trade-off 权衡,折衷107. criteria 标准,判据108. analog electronics电力电子学109. saturate 使…饱和110. active region 动态区域111. due 应得到的112. ratio 比,比率113. signify 表示114. encode 编码115. resonance 共鸣116. radiated 传播117. molecule 分子118. diaphragm 震动膜119. acoustic wave 声波120. wavy groove 起伏的沟槽121. deflection 挠度,挠曲122. strain gage 应变计量器123. tachometer 转速计124. thermocouple 热电偶125. oscilloscope 示波器126. analytical 解析的127. numerical 数值的128. integrate 求…的积分129. scale 改变比例130. frequency- domain 频域131. random 随机的132. audio 音频的133. operation amplifier 运算放大器134. summation 求和,加法135. sophisticated 复杂的,完善的136. mass-produce 大量生产137. subtract 减去138. inverting amplifier 反向放大器139. uninverting amplifer 同相放大器140. derive 推倒141. active filter 有源滤波器142. stabilize 使稳定143. moderate 适度的,适中的144. virtue 优点145. amplification 扩大146. capacitor 电容器147. impedance 阻抗148. bode plot 波特图149. simulate 模拟,方针150. narrowband filter 带通滤波器151. low-pass filter低通滤波器152. high-pass filter高通滤波器153. differential equation 微分方程154. prebias 预偏置155. summer 加法器156. weighted 加权的157. refinement 改进158. accommodate 适应159. envision 预见160. alphabet 字母表161. validity 正确性162. proposition 命题163. binary 二进制164. nevertheless 然而165. reveal 展现166. complement 补码167. truthtable 真值表168. algebraical 代数的169. trial and error 试错法,试凑法170. elapse 时间(流逝)171. enumerate 列举172. expire 期满,终止173. brute 僵化的174. prime 上撇号175. trigger 引起 ,触发176. inversion 反相 ,反转177. quadruple 四合一178. fabricate 制造179. integrated circuit 集成电路180. capsule 封装181. compatible 兼容的182. obsolete 废弃的183. threshold 门限,阈值184. zener diode 齐纳二极管185. adjacent 临近的,接近的186. arc welding 电弧焊187. intimately 密切地188. recast 重做189. bistable circuit 双稳电路190. cutoff 截止,关闭191. symmetry 对称192. lable 为……标号193. equilibria 平衡194. lever 杆,杠杆195. latch circuit 锁存电路196. depress 压下197. flip-flop 触发器198. glitch 同步199. leading edge 上升沿200. lagging(trailing) edge 下降沿201. inhibit 禁止202. hitherto 迄今,至今203. toggle (来回)切换204. impulse 推动力205. air gap 气隙206. aircraft 飞机207. alternating current, AC 交流208. armature 电枢209. automobile 汽车210. bearing 轴承211. brush 电刷212. carbon 碳213. circumference 圆周214. clearance 间隙215. coils 线圈绕组216. commutator 换向器217. connection 接线端218. copper bar 铜导条219. copper end rings 铜端环220. core 铁心221. cylindrical 圆柱式的222. doubly excited 双边励磁223. electromechanical 机电的224. felt 毡225. ferromagnetic 铁磁的226. field pole 磁极227. flux density 磁通密度228. frame 机座,机壳229. generator 发电机230. glue 胶合,粘贴231. graphite 石墨232. induction motor感应电动机233. laminate 叠制,叠压234. lubricant 润滑剂,润滑油235. magnetic flux 磁通236. magnetizing current 磁化电流,励磁电流237. mechanical rectifier 机械式换向器238. metallic 金属的239. penetrate 透过,渗透240. periphery 周围,圆周241. perpendicular 垂直的,正交的242. polarity 极性243. protrude 使伸出,突出244. reluctance 磁阻。



An electric circuit (or network) is an interconnection of physical electrical device. The purpose of electric circuits is to distribute and convert energy into some other forms. Accordingly, the basic circuit components are an energy source (or sources), an energy converter (or converters) and conductors connecting them.电路(或者网络)是物理电气设备的一种互相连接。



An energy source (a primary or secondary cell, a generator and the like) converts chemical, mechanical, thermal or some other forms of energy into electric energy. An energy converter, also called load (such as a lamp, heating appliance or electric motor), converts electric energy into light, heat, mechanical work and so on.电源(原生电池或者再生电池、发电机等类似装备)将化学能量、机械能量,热能或者其他形式的能量转换成电能。




电气实用英语汇编一.电气名词Electric items二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus, circuits)三.设备Equipments四.保护、继电器Protection , relays五.电气仪表Electric instruments六.防雷Lightning protection七.接地Grounding, earthing八.室、所Room , Substation九.电修车间设备Equipments of electric repair十.材料Material十一.图名Drawings, diagrams十二.表头Tables十三.标准图词汇Terms from standard DWG一.电气名词Electric items交(直)流Alternating (direct) current短路电流Short-circuit current起始次暂态短路电流Initial subtransient short-circuit current冲击电流Impulse current稳态短路电流Steady state short-circuit current临界电流Critical current切断电流Rupturing current熔断电流Blow-out current故障电流Fault current计算电流Calculating current极限有限电流Limit effective current过电流Over current逆电流Inverse current整定电流Setting current额定电流Rated current电流密度Current density短路电流最大有效值Maximum effective value of short-circuit current 高压High-voltage , High-tension低压Low-voltage , Low-tension计算电压Calculating voltage激磁电压Exciting voltage冲击电压Impulse voltage临界电压Critical voltage残留电压Residual voltage击穿电压Puncture voltage脉动电压Pulsating voltage供电电压Supply voltage电力电压Power voltage照明电压Lighting voltage灯丝电压Filament voltage额定电压Rated voltage电压损失V oltage loss过(欠)电压Over (under) voltage线路电压Line voltage电压降V oltage drop工作电压Working voltage一次电压Primary voltage二次电压Secondary voltage电源Electric source (power supply)自控电压Power supply for process control6kV控制闪光电源Flashing supply for 6kV control 工作电源Working power supply (electric source) 保安电源Emergency power supply (electric source) 直流稳压电源Stabilized D.C. source控制电源Control supply直流电源D.C. source交流电源A.C. source负荷计算Load calculation设备容量Installed capacity需要容量Electric demand功率因数Power factor安装高度Mounting height耐电压Breakdown voltage工频耐压High-voltage test with working frequency 表面闪络Surface flash-over直流泄漏D.C. leakage体电阻率V olume resistivity介质损失角Dielectric loss angle击穿强度Puncture intensity电压等级V oltage grade比重Specific gravity性能Feature相序Phase sequence瞬时Instantaneous倾角Angle of inclination跨度Span正极Positive pole负极Negative pole截面(积) Cross section area辅助电源Auxiliary source遮断容量Interrupting capacity载流量Current-carrying capacity校正系数Correction factor连续负荷Continuous load长期载流量Continuous capacity长时间额定值Longtime rating电动机堵转电流Locked-rotor motor current限定负荷Limited load电感负荷Inductive load感应电流Induced current二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus , circuits)母线Bus-bar合闸电源母线Closing power source bus闪光母线Flashing-bus备用母线Spare bus装在支柱上的插接式母线Post-supported plug-in bus way装在吊钩上的插接式母线Hook-supported plug-in bus way装在支架上的插接式母线Bracket-supported plug-in bus way小母线Miniature bus电源小母线Power supply miniature bus操作小母线Operating miniature bus事故信号小母线Miniature bus for fault signal闪光小母线Flashing miniature bus主母线Main bus直流主母线D.C. main bus预告母线Prewarning bus干线Main line照明干线Lighting main line接地干线Grounding main line插座干线Receptacle main line电压干线V oltage main line端子出线Terminal outgoing中性线Neutral支线Branch-line引入线Lead-in电气线路Electric circuit交流配电线路A.C. distribution circuit直流配电线路D.C. distribution circuit事故照明线路Emergency lighting circuit控制线路Control circuit接地或接零线路Grounding or neutralizing circuit信号线路Signal circuit有接地极的接地线路网Grounding with grounding electrodes定子绕组测温回路Temperature measuring circuit for stator winding 接地信号回路Grounding signal circuit闪光信号回路Flashing-signal circuit开阀回路Circuit for opening valve关(闭)阀回路Circuit for closing valve开度计回路Circuit for opening meter电流测量回路Current-measuring circuit差动保护回路Differental protective circuit过流保护回路Over-current protective circuit合闸回路Closing circuit停车延时回路Delayed shutdown circuit掉闸回路Trip circuit激磁回路Exciting circuit备用回路Spare circuit主回路Main circuit馈路Feeder circuit现有回路Existing circuit单线回路Single-wire circuit接地回路Earthed circuit有电压的电路Live circuit三.设备Equipments高压开关柜H.V. switchgear动力配电箱Power distribution cabinet电源配电箱Source distribution cabinet直流配电屏D.C. switchboard (distribution panel)交流低压配电屏A.C.L.V. switchboard (distribution panel)静电电容器柜Static capacitor cabinet多种电源插销箱Receptacle box for miscellaneous power supplies控制箱Control cabinet照明配电箱Lighting (distribution panel)连接箱Junction box出线盒Outlet box开关箱Switch box控制台Console分段屏Sectionalizing panel进线屏Incoming line panel电控箱Electric control panel边屏Side board端子箱Terminal box供电盘Power supply box瓶车箱Synchronizing cabinet感应调压器专用变压器高压柜Special transformer H.V. cabinet for induction voltage regulator电压互感器柜Potential transformer cabinet信号屏Signal panel浮充屏Floating panel蓄电池屏Battery panel充电屏Charging panel母线联络柜Bus tie cabinet转换开关Transfer switch电压表转换开关V oltmeter change-over switch铁壳开关Metal-clad switch (Iron-clad switch)管式熔断器Cartridge fuse真空断路器Vacuum circuit breaker (V.C.B.)自动开关Automatic switch高压负荷开关H.V. load break switch三极高压断路器3-pole HV circuit-breaker刀开关Knife switch转换开关Transfer switch双极铁壳开关2-pole iron-clad switch风扇变速开关Fan speed regulator switch密闭照明灯开关Hermetic lighting switch防爆照明灯开关Explosion-proof lighting switch行程开关Limit switch高压隔离开关H.V. disconnecting switch明装单极板钮开关Surface-mounted single-pole toggle switch 暗装单极板钮开关Flush-mounted single-pole toggle switch三路开关Three-way switch气密式组合开关Hermetic packet type switch防护式开关Guard type switch联锁开关Interlock switch操作方式选择开关Selecting switch for types of operation控制电源开关Switch for control supply主令开关Master switch (controller)多切点切换开关Multi-point change-over switch按钮Push-button控制按钮Control push-button防爆控制按钮Explosion-proof control push-button事故紧急按钮Emergency stopping push-button起动按钮Starting push-button停止按钮Stopping push-button现场按钮Push-button in field挡板damper音响解除按钮Push-button for sound release起动器Starter磁力起动器Magnetic starter综合起动器Combination starter (Magnetic starter combination) 电力变压器Power transformer调压变压器V oltage regulating transformer电压互感器Potential transformer电流互感器Current transformer照明变压器Lighting transformer三相三绕组变压器3-phase tertiary winding transformer高压试验变压器H.V. testing transformer局部照明变压器Local lighting transformer多量程仪用电流互感器Multi-range current transformer for measurement降压变压器Step-down transformer伺服电动机Servo-motor双电压电动机Dual-voltage motor感应电动机Induction motor交流异步电动机A.C. asynchronous motor同步电动机synchronous motor三相滑环感应电动机3-phase slip-ring induction motor三相鼠笼感应电动机3-phase squirrel-cage induction motor绕线式电动机Wound-rotor induction motor反应式电动机Reaction motor柴油发电机Diesel generator励磁发电机Excitation generator明装双极插座Surface-mounted 2-pole receptacle暗装双极插座Flush-mounted 2-pole receptacle双极带接地插座2-pole receptacle with grounding contact单相三孔明插座Surface-mounted single phase 3-pole receptacle防护式明装三相四孔插座Guard type surface-mounted 3-phase 4-pole receptacle 配照型灯Standard dome lighting fitting搪瓷深照型灯Enameled high bay lighting fitting防水防尘灯Water and dust proof lighting fitting安全灯Safety lighting fitting隔爆灯Explosion-proof lighting fitting弯灯Goose-neck light壁灯Wall light高压水银灯High pressure mercury vapor lighting fitting投光灯Flood-light (projection light)信号灯Signal lamp天棚灯Ceiling-mounted lighting fitting局部照明灯Local lighting fitting灯座Lamp holder事故照明灯Emergency lighting fitting高压水银荧光灯H.P. mercury fluorescent lighting fitting广照型工厂灯Wide lit type industrial fitting深照型灯具High bay lighting fitting白炽灯具Incandescent lamp (bulb)圆球型灯Globe lamp嵌入式荧光灯flush type fluorescent lighting fitting红色障碍灯Red obstruction lamp for aviation厂区道路照明灯Street lighting in plant area路灯Street lamp视孔灯Inspection hole lamp立杆弯灯goose-neck post lamp , pole lamp模拟报警信号Semigraph and alarm signal自整角机Selsyn励磁机Exciter显示器Display电位器Potentiometer内电阻Internal resistance固定电阻(器)Fixed resistance脱扣Release , trip分励Shunt trip特殊失压脱扣器Special no-voltage release“或”开关放大器“Or” switch amplifier制动器Brake电容Capacitor整流器Rectifier镇流器Chock分流器Shunt油变阻器Oil immersed rheostat频敏电阻器Frequency sensitive rheostat滑线变阻器Sliding rheostat蜂鸣器Buzzer电机加热器Space heater (for motor)空气断路器电机操作机构Motor operating mechanism for air circuit-breaker 可控硅励磁装置Silicon controlled rectifier excitation device保护装置Protective device (element)闪光装置Flashing device接闪装置(避雷器)Lightning arrester断相保护Phase failure protection四.保护、继电器Protection , relays信号继电器Signal relay过电流继电器Over-current relay电压继电器V oltage relay时间继电器Time relay中间继电器Auxiliary relay热继电器Thermal relay温度继电器Temperature relay瓦斯继电器Gas relay控制电源中间继电器Auxiliary relay for control supply自动操作继电器Relay for auto-operation低电压继电器Under-voltage relay过电压继电器Over-voltage relay联锁继电器Interlock relay冲击继电器Impact relay合闸位置继电器Close position relay逆流继电器Reverse-current relay差流继电器Differential current relay差动继电器Differential relay电流继电器Current relay功率继电器Power relay接地继电器Earthing relay重合闸继电器Reclosing relay同步继电器Synchronous relay速动继电器Quick acting relay定时限继电器Definite time relay光电继电器Photoelectric relay电子继电器Electronic relay电磁式继电器Electromagnetic relay电动式继电器Electrodynamic relay气压继电器Gas-pressure relay继电器常开触点Relay N.O. contact继电器常闭触点Relay N.C. contact继电器保护触点(常开)Relay holding contact (N.O.)能自动返回的常闭按钮触点Self-return button with N.C. contact模拟信号触点Contact for semigraph signal强励磁接点Shock excitation contact电感线圈Induction coil电流线圈Current coil脱扣线圈Trip coil合闸线圈Close coil释放线圈Releasing coil掉闸线圈Tripping coil予告信号Prewarning signal掉闸回路断线信号Breakage signal of trip circuit断路器事故掉闸信号Fault trip signal of breaker掉闸音响信号Tripping audible signal重瓦斯预告信号Heavy gas prewarning signal温度预告信号Temperature prewarning signal手动、自动操作时事故信号Fault signal in manual/automatic operation 保护掉闸Protective trip控制掉闸Control trip手动跳闸Manual trip变电所紧急停车Emergency shutdown at substation工艺故障Fault in process励磁故障Fault in excitation工作电源失电报警No-voltage alarm of working electric source工作电源分合闸On and off of working electric source工作电源投入Throw-in of working electric source保安电源送电supply of emergency electric source运转指示Indicating of operation投入指示Indicating of throw-in同步指示Indicating of synchronism延时停车Delayed shutdown电源切除Switch off the power supply速断及过流断通Instantaneous trip and over-current off/on自保持Self-holding自锁Self-lock联锁Interlocking绝缘监视Insulation supervision电压监视V oltage supervision联锁解除Release of interlock工作、保安电源切换Transfer of working and emergency power supply发电机与工作母线并车Synchronization of generator to working bus重瓦斯保护Heavy gas protection开或闭超扭矩保护Over-torque protection during opening and closing valve 电机起动顺序Sequence of motor starting铭牌框注字Name plate denotation (inscription)五.电气仪表Electric instruments电流表Ammeter电压表V oltmeter三相三线有功电度表Three-phase three-wire kilowatt-hour meter , kWh meter 单相电度表Single-phase kilowatt-hour meter三相无功电度表Three-phase kilovar-hour meter有功功率表Active power meter , kilowatt meter无功功率表Reactive power meter , kilovar meter三相瓦特表(功率表) Three-phase watt meter功率因数表Power factor meter频率表Frequency meter验电流器Galvanoscope欧姆表Ohmmeter相位表Phase meter转速表Tachometer波长表Wave-length meter三相四线制标准电度表3-phase 4-wire standard watthour-meter过载电流表Overload ammeter低功率因数瓦特表Low power-factor wattmeter交直流两用钳型电流表 A.C./D.C. multi-purpose tongtester兆欧表Megger , Megohmmeter万用表Avometer微安表Microammeter毫安表Milliammeter各种测量仪表Various kind of measuring instruments 接地电阻测量仪Earthing resistance tester真空管电压表Vacuum tube voltmeter电动秒表Electric second-meter六.防雷Lightning protection避雷装置Lightning protector避雷针Lightning rod避雷带Strap type lightning protector避雷网Network of lightning protector避雷针支架Lightning rod support避雷针尖Tip of lightning rod避雷针拉铁Brace for lightning rod避雷器Lightning arrester , surge discharger球型避雷器Spherical arrester管形避雷器Tubular arrester阀形避雷器Auto-valve arrester低压避雷器Low voltage arrester角形避雷器Horn arrester多隙避雷器Multigap arrester铝避雷器Aluminum cell arrester氧化膜避雷器Oxide film arrester击穿保险器Puncture lightning arrester雷击Lightning stroke直接雷击Direct lightning stroke感应雷击Induction lightning stroke雷电日Thunderbolt days雷电或然率Lightning and thunder probability触电Electric shock静电感应Electrostatic induction七.接地Grounding , earthing接地保护Ground protection , earth protection防雷接地Grounding for lightning保护接地Protective earthing人工接地Artificial grounding工作接地Working grounding , working earthing重复接地Multiple earthing屏蔽接地Screen earthing , shielding ground中性点接地Neutral point grounded接地系统Grounding system , earthing system接地故障Ground fault , earth fault单相接地Single phase earthing母线接地Bus ground接地装置Grounding device , earthing device引下线Down-lead , down conductor引下线固定Clamping plate of support for fixing支架夹板Down lead引下线固定支脚Support for fixing down lead接地线Ground connector接地干线Ground(ing) main , (bus)接地网Grounding network , earthing network接地极Earth electrode (pole)接地电阻Earth resistance接地电路Earth (ground) circuit连接条Connecting strip断接卡Connecting clamp八.室、所Room , Substation贮藏室Storage套间Compartment蓄电池室Battery room控制室Control room配电室Distribution room维修间Repair room变电所Substation高压配电室H.V. distribution room休息室Rest room九.电修车间设备Equipments of electric repair砂轮机Emery wheel grinder台钻Bench drilling machine交流电焊机A.C. welding machine移动式空气压缩机Portable air compressor手电钻Electric hand drill单速手摇绕线机Single speed hand winding machine导线钳压器Wire jointing press-clamp油压千斤顶Hydraulic jack电吹尘器Electric dust cleaner存放柜Store chest高压试验变压器H.V. testing transformer泄漏试验变压器Leakage testing set大电流发生器Strong current generator油浸自冷感应调压器Oil-immersed self-cooled induction voltage regulator 多量程仪用电流互感器Multi-range current transformer for measurement 仪用电感互感器Instrumental voltage transformer单相自耦变压器Single-phase auto-transformer三相自耦变压器3-phase auto-transformer硅整流器Silicon rectifier仪表试验台Testing stand for instrument接触器,继电器试验台Relay and contactor testing stand慢扫描示波器Slow scanning oscillograph交流电子稳压器A.C. electronic voltage stabilizer携带式交流电桥Portable A.C. electric bridge接地电阻测量仪Earthing resistance tester电缆故障探伤仪Cable fault detector直流单臂电桥D.C. single-arm electric bridge , Wheatstone bridge 十.材料Material绝缘包布Insulating tape填料Filler , packing绝缘膏Insulating compound电缆膏Cable compound防腐油Anti-corrosive oil沥青漆Bituminous varnish绝缘漆Insulating varnish瓷漆Enamel varnish有色金属Non-ferrous metal黑色金属ferrous metal白金属White metal云母Mica环氧树脂Epoxy resin聚氯乙烯Polyvinyl chloride , PVC蜡Wax滑石粉Talc powder电胶木Bakelite聚丙烯外壳Polyacrylic cover耐油橡胶管Oil-proof rubber tubes接地铜线Grounding copper wire垫圈Pad塑料绝缘线Plastics insulated wire橡套电缆Rubber sheathed cable中间接头Splice填充剂Filling agent绝缘电线Insulated wire移动软电缆Movable flexible cable补偿导线Extension wire套管Bushing母线槽Busway悬索Cable suspension滑触线Trolley conductor镀锌煤气管Galvanized gas pipe镀锌角钢Galvanized steel angle镀锌扁钢Galvanized steel strap钢丝绳Steel wire rope电笛Siren电磁阀Electromagnetic valve连接片Connecting link切换片Transfering link端子排Terminal board半导体二极管Semiconductor diode开度计Opening meter逻辑元件Logical element接线盒Junction box仪表槽板Instrument trunking电缆吊架Cable hanger出线套Outgoing line sleeve十一.图名Drawings , diagrams电气图纸目录Contents of electric drawings电力系统图Electric power system diagram照明系统图Lighting system diagram电力平面布置图Electric power layout plan照明平面布置图Lighting layout plan单线图One line diagram控制箱面部布置图Surface arrangement of control box背部接线图Back wiring (diagram)外部接线图External (outside) wiring diagram内部接线图Internal (inside) wiring diagram控制原理图Principle control diagram原理图Schematic diagram展开图Developed diagram电气标准图Electric standard drawing电气施工图Electric working drawing复用图Reproducibles (drawing)电缆联系图Cable hook-up diagram转换开关接点图Contact diagram of transfer switch箱侧视图Side view of box正视图Front view , facade背视图Back view剖面图Section参考图Reference drawing电缆敷设图Cable laying diagram箱内框架布置图Arrangement of frames inside the cabinet控制箱台面展开图Surface developed diagram of console出线端子示意图Schematic diagram of terminal outgoing lines 端子接线图Diagram of terminal connections电气管线表List of wire , cable and conduits设备材料表List of equipment and materials十二.表头Tables电力系统图Power system diagram引入线Lead in保护设备Protective device型号Type额定值Rating整定值Setting主启动设备回路Circuit to starting device导线型号、芯数、截面及管径Conductor type , cores , section & diameter of conduit 线长Wire length管长Conduit length启动设备Starting device型号规格Type , specification保护元件Protective element计量装置Calculating device用电设备主回路Main circuit of electric equipment控制回路Control circuit控制装置Control device用电设备Electric equipment设备容量Consumer capacity生产设备Production equipment位号No. of location名称Name备注Remarks引入线Feed in配电箱Distribution cabinet型号及编号Type and No.开关型号Switch type保护装置Protective device回路编号Circuit No.相别Phase灯数Number of lamps插座数Number of receptacles电缆编号No. of line起点Starting终点Ending母线截面Section of bus零母线Neutral bus屏编号Panel No.型号及方案号Type and variant No.控制原理图号Principle control diagram工艺位号Process item No.十三.标准图词汇Terms from standard DWG电工系统图图形符号Graphic symbols for electric system交流电的相别A.C. phase sequence直流电的正负极D.C. positive and negative poles有中性点引出线的星形连接的三相绕组Star-connected three phase windings withneutral outlet开口三角形连接的三相绕组3-phase winding with open delta connection 互相连接的导线Cross connection of wires不连接的跨越导线Crossing wires not in contact with each other可拆卸的电气连接Removable connection电缆终端头Pothead of cable or cable end自耦变压器Auto-transformer感应调压器Induction voltage regulator凸极同步电动机Salient pole synchronous motor带接换装置的蓄电池组Accumulator battery with tap-changers空气断路器Air circuit-breaker保持触点Holding contact热元件Thermal element自动复位的操作开关Spring-return operating switch插接器Plug-in connector电喇叭Horn电炉Electric furnace分流器Shunt可控硅整流箱屏Silicon controlled rectifier box panel直流配电屏D.C. distributing panel磁力起动器组Magnetic starter group自动开关箱Automatic switch box行程开关Limit switch局部灯Local lighting fitting荧光灯列Series fluorescent lighting fitting防护式灯开关Protective switch导线引上Conductors turning up导线引下Conductors turning down导线由上引来Conductors turning from above导线由下引来Conductors turning from below电缆沟Cable trench调压器V oltage regulator隔离变压器Isolating transformer击穿保护器Puncturing safety device晶体管Transisorized diode地坪Grade level电缆与水管平行Cable running parallel to a water supply pipe电缆与热力管道交叉敷设Cable running across heat pipeline车道Drive way电缆穿管与管道交叉Cable protective pipe across a pipeline双(单)侧支架电缆沟Trench with rack on both sides (one side)室外地坪Outdoor grade跨接线Jumper金属软管Flexible metal tube过渡接头Adapter。



disk 磁盘,磁碟片 loudspeaker 扩音器,麦克风 deflection 挠曲,挠度 strain gage 应变计量器 tachometer 转速计 thermocouple 热电偶 oscilloscope 示波器 analytical 解析的 numerical 数值的 integrate 求……的积分 scale 改变比例 frequency-domain 频域 random 随机的 audio 音频的 operation amplifier 运算放大器 summation 求和,加法 sophisticated 复杂的,完善的 mass-product 大量生产 subtract 减去,减 interting amplifier 反相放大器 uninterting amplifier 同相放大器 derive? 推导 active filter 有源滤波器 stabilize 使稳定 moderate 适度的,适中的 virtue 优点 amplification 扩大 capacitor 电容器 impedance 阻抗 bode plot 波特图 simulate 模拟,仿真 narrowband filter 带通滤波器 low-pass filter 低通滤波器 high-pass filter 高通滤波器 differential equation 微分方程 prebias 预偏置 summer 加法器 weighted 加权的 refinement 改进 accommodate 适当
milliammeter 毫安表 multimeter 万用表 dynamometer 测力计,功率计 aluminum 铝 deteriorate (使)恶化 eddy current 涡流 gear 齿轮,传动装置 dial 刻度表



generator 发电机发电机gas insulated substation GIS 气体绝缘变电站气体绝缘变电站 turbogenerator 汽轮发电机 neutral neutral point point 中性点中性点 hydrogenerator 水轮发电机 moving moving contact contact 动触头动触头 hydraulic turbine 水轮机 fixed fixed contact contact静触头静触头 steam turbine 汽轮机 arc-extinguishing arc-extinguishing chamber chamber 灭弧室灭弧室 dynamo 直流发电机 stray stray capacitance capacitance 杂散电容杂散电容 motor 电动机 stray stray inductance inductance 杂散电感杂散电感 stator 定子 sphere sphere gap gap球隙球隙rotor转子转子 bushing tap grounding wire 套管末屏接地线套管末屏接地线 power power transformer transformer 电力变压器 electrostatic electrostatic voltmeter voltmeter 静电电压表静电电压表 variable transformer 调压变压器 ammeter电流表电流表 taped transformer多级变压器 grounding grounding capacitance capacitance 对地电容对地电容 step up (down) transformer 升(降)压变压器 voltage voltage divider divider 分压器分压器 circuit circuit breaker breaker CB 断路器 surge surge impedance impedance 波阻抗波阻抗 dead tank oil circuit breaker 多油断路器 Schering Schering bridge bridge 西林电桥西林电桥 live tank oil circuit breaker 少油断路器 Rogowski Rogowski coil coil 罗可夫斯基线圈罗可夫斯基线圈 vacuum circuit breaker 真空断路器 oscilloscope 示波器示波器 sulphur hexafluoride breaker SF 6断路器 peak peak voltmeter voltmeter 峰值电压表峰值电压表 potential potential transformer transformer PT 电压互感器 conductor导线导线 current current transformer transformer CT 电流互感器 cascade cascade transformer transformer 串级变压器串级变压器 disconnector 隔离开关 coupling coupling capacitor capacitor 耦合电容耦合电容 earthing switch 接地开关 test test object object被试品被试品 synchronous generator 同步发电机 detection detection impedance impedance 检测阻抗检测阻抗 asynchronous machine 异步电机 substation变电站变电站 Insulator 绝缘子绝缘子 hydro power station 水力发电站水力发电站 lightning arrester避雷器避雷器 thermal power station 火力发电站火力发电站 metal oxide arrester MOA 氧化锌避雷器氧化锌避雷器 nuclear power station 核电站核电站 bus bar 母线母线 oil-filled power cable 充油电力电缆充油电力电缆 overhead line 架空线 mixed mixed divider divider (阻容)混合分压器混合分压器 transmission line 传输线 XLPE XLPE cable cable 交链聚乙烯电缆交链聚乙烯电缆 (coaxial) cable (同轴)电缆 relay 继电器继电器 iron core 铁芯 tuned tuned circuit circuit 调谐电路调谐电路 winding 绕组 suspension suspension insulator insulator 悬式绝缘子悬式绝缘子 bushing套管 porcelain porcelain insulator insulator 陶瓷绝缘子陶瓷绝缘子 front(tail) resistance 波头(尾)电阻 glass glass insulator insulator 玻璃绝缘子玻璃绝缘子 inverter station换流站 flash flash counter counter雷电计数器雷电计数器 steel-reinforced aluminum conductor 钢芯铝绞线charging(damping) charging(damping) resistor resistor充电(阻尼)电阻电阻tank箱体箱体point plane gap 针板间隙针板间隙 earth(ground) wire 接地线 exciting exciting winding winding 激磁绕组激磁绕组 grading ring均压环 trigger trigger electrode electrode 触发电极触发电极 highvoltage engineering 高电压工程 glow glow discharge discharge 辉光放电辉光放电 highvoltage testing technology 高电压试验技术 harmonic 谐波谐波 Power electronics电力电子 Automatic Automatic control control 自动控制自动控制 Principles of electric circuits电路原理电路原理Digital signal processing数字信号处理数字信号处理power system 电力系统 impulse current 冲击电流冲击电流power network 电力网络 impulse flashover 冲击闪络冲击闪络 insulation 绝缘 inhomogenous field 不均匀场不均匀场 overvoltage 过电压 insulation coordination 绝缘配合绝缘配合aging 老化 internal discharge 内部放电内部放电 alternating current 交流电 lightning stroke 雷电波雷电波AC transmission system 交流输电系统 lightning overvoltage 雷电过电压雷电过电压arc discharge 电弧放电 loss angle (介质)损耗角(介质)损耗角 attachment coefficient 附着系数 magnetic field 磁场磁场 attenuation factor 衰减系数平均自由行程衰减系数 mean free path 平均自由行程anode (cathode) 阳极(阴极)平均分子速度阳极(阴极) mean molecular velocity 平均分子速度breakdown (电)击穿 negative ions 负离子负离子bubble breakdown 气泡击穿 non-destructive testing 非破坏性试验非破坏性试验 cathode ray oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器 non-uniform field 不均匀场不均匀场cavity 空穴,腔 partial discharge 局部放电局部放电corona 电晕反向峰值电压电晕 peak reverse voltage 反向峰值电压composite insulation 组合绝缘 photoelectric emission 光电发射光电发射critical breakdown voltage 临界击穿电压 photon 光子光子Discharge 放电 phase-to-phase voltage 线电压线电压 Dielectric 电介质,绝缘体 polarity effect 极性效应极性效应 dielectric constant 介质常数 power capacitor 电力电容电力电容 dielectric loss 介质损耗 quasi-uniform field 稍不均匀场稍不均匀场 direct current 直流电 radio interference 无线干扰无线干扰divider ratio 分压器分压比设备额定值分压器分压比 rating of equipment 设备额定值grounding 接地 routing testing 常规试验常规试验electric field 电场 residual capacitance 残余电容残余电容 electrochemical deterioration 电化学腐蚀 shielding 屏蔽屏蔽electron avalanche 电子崩短路试验电子崩 short circuit testing 短路试验electronegative gas 电负性气体 space charge 空间电荷空间电荷epoxy resin 环氧树脂 streamer breakdown 流注击穿流注击穿 expulsion gap 灭弧间隙 surface breakdown 表面击穿表面击穿field strength 场强 sustained discharge 自持放电自持放电field stress 电场力 switching overvoltage 操作过电压操作过电压field distortion 场畸变 thermal breakdown 热击穿热击穿field gradient 场梯度 treeing 树枝放电树枝放电field emission 场致发射 uniform field 均匀场均匀场 flashover 闪络 wave front(tail) 波头(尾)波头(尾) gaseous insulation 气体绝缘 withstand voltage 耐受电压耐受电压Prime mover 原动机 Power factor 功率因数功率因数 Torque 力矩配电网自动化系统力矩 Distribution automation system 配电网自动化系统Servomechanism 伺服系统自动抄表伺服系统 Automatic meter reading 自动抄表Boiler 锅炉 Armature 电枢电枢Internal combustion engine 内燃机 Brush 电刷电刷 Deenergize 断电 Commutator 换向器换向器 Underground cable 地下电缆 Counter emf 反电势反电势Loop system 环网系统 Demagnetization 退磁,去磁退磁,去磁 Distribution system 配电系统 Relay Relay panel panel 继电器屏继电器屏 Trip circuit 跳闸电路 Tertiary Tertiary winding winding 第三绕组第三绕组 Switchboard 配电盘,开关屏 Eddy Eddy current current 涡流涡流 Instrument transducer 测量互感器 Copper Copper loss loss 铜损铜损 Oil-impregnated paper 油浸纸绝缘 Iron Iron loss loss 铁损铁损 Bare conductor 裸导线 Leakage Leakage flux flux 漏磁通漏磁通 Reclosing重合闸 Autotransformer 自耦变压器自耦变压器 Distribution dispatch center 配电调度中心配电调度中心 Zero sequence current 零序电流零序电流 Pulverizer 磨煤机磨煤机Series (shunt) compensation 串(并)联补偿串(并)联补偿 Drum 汽包,炉筒 Restriking电弧重燃电弧重燃 Superheater 过热器 Automatic Automatic oscillograph oscillograph 自动录波仪自动录波仪 Peak-load峰荷 Tidal Tidal current current 潮流潮流 Prime grid substation 主网变电站 Trip Trip coil coil跳闸线圈跳闸线圈 Reactive power` 无功功率 Synchronous Synchronous condenser condenser 同步调相机同步调相机 Active power 有功功率有功功率 Main and transfer busbar 单母线带旁路单母线带旁路 Shunt reactor 并联电抗器 Feeder 馈电线馈电线 Blackout断电、停电 Skin Skin effect effect 集肤效应集肤效应Extra-high voltage (EHV) 超高压 Potential Potential stress stress 电位应力(电场强度) Ultra-high voltage (UHV) 特高压 Capacitor Capacitor bank bank 电容器组电容器组 Domestic load 民用电 crusher 碎煤机碎煤机 Reserve capacity 备用容量 pulverizer 磨煤机磨煤机 Fossil-fired power plant 火电厂 baghouse集尘室集尘室Combustion turbine 燃气轮机燃气轮机 Stationary (moving) blade 固定(可动)叶片固定(可动)叶片 Right-of-way 线路走廊 Shaft转轴转轴 Rectifier整流器 Kinetic(potential) Kinetic(potential) energy energy 动(势)能动(势)能 Inductive (Capacitive) 电感的(电容的) Pumped storage power station 抽水蓄能电站抽水蓄能电站 Reactance (impedance) 电抗(阻抗) Synchronous Synchronous condenser condenser 同步调相机同步调相机 Reactor 电抗器Light(boiling)-water Light(boiling)-water reactor reactor 轻(沸)水反应堆轻(沸)水反应堆 Reactive电抗的,无功的 Stator(rotor) 定(转)子定(转)子 Phase displacement (shift) 相移Armature 电枢电枢 Surge 冲击,过电压 Salient-pole 凸极凸极 Retaining ring 护环 Slip Slip ring ring滑环滑环 Carbon brush 炭刷炭刷 Arc suppression coil 消弧线圈消弧线圈 Short-circuit ratio 短路比 Primary(backup) Primary(backup) relaying relaying 主(后备)继电保护继电保护 Induction 感应 Phase Phase shifter shifter移相器移相器Autotransformer 自藕变压器自藕变压器 Power line carrier (PLC) 电力线载波(器)电力线载波(器) Bushing 套管Line Line trap trap线路限波器线路限波器 Turn (turn ratio) 匝(匝比,变比)匝(匝比,变比) Uninterruptible power supply 不间断电源不间断电源 Power factor 功率因数功率因数 Spot power price 实时电价实时电价 Tap分接头 Time-of-use(tariff) 分时(电价)分时(电价) Recovery voltage 恢复电压 XLPE(Cross XLPE(Cross Linked Linked Polyethylene )交联聚乙烯(电缆)交联聚乙烯(电缆)Arc reignition 电弧重燃电弧重燃 Rms (root mean square) 均方根值均方根值 Operation mechanism操动机构操动机构RF (radio frequency)射频射频。


























电气工程及其自动化专业英语介绍第一篇:电气工程及其自动化专业英语介绍Electrical Engineering and AutomationElectrical Engineering and Automation was created at forty years ago.AS a new subject, it is relating to many walks of life, small to a switch designed to study aerospace aircraft, has its shadow.Electrical Engineering and Automation of electrical information professional is an emerging field of science, but because of people's daily lives and industrial production is closely related to the extraordinarily rapid development of relatively more mature now.High-tech industry has become an important component of the widely used in industry, agriculture, national defense and other fields, in the national economy is playing an increasingly important role.Worse more, Electrical Engineering and Automation is very hard to learn.The graduate should obtain much knowledge and ability.Such as natural science foundations include more sturdy mathematics, physics, etc, better Humanity, social science basic for sum foreign language for integration capability.Besides the essential technological basic theory knowledge of the originally professional field, mainly include circuit, electric magnetic field theory, electronic technology, information place in system Paying attention to, control theory, computer software andhardware basic theories.And so on.Control theory and electrical network theory is a professional electrical engineering and automation of the base, power electronics technology, computer technology is its main technical means, but also includes a system analysis, system design, system development and system management and decision-making research.Thereare some characteristics of the profession, that is, combining the strength of power, electrical and electronic technology, software and hardware combined with a cross-disciplinary nature, electricity, electronics, control, computer integrated multi-disciplinary, so that graduates with strong adaptation capacity.电气10-3班魏学军25号第二篇:电气工程及其自动化专业英语induction machine 感应式电机 horseshoe magnet 马蹄形磁铁magnetic field 磁场eddy current 涡流right-hand rule 右手定则left-hand rule 左手定则slip 转差率induction motor 感应电动机rotating magnetic field 旋转磁场 winding 绕组 stator 定子 rotor 转子 induced current 感生电流 time-phase 时间相位 exciting voltage 励磁电压 solt 槽 lamination 叠片 laminated core 叠片铁芯 short-circuiting ring 短路环 squirrel cage 鼠笼 rotor core 转子铁芯 cast-aluminum rotor 铸铝转子 bronze 青铜 horsepower 马力 random-wound 散绕 insulation 绝缘 ac motor 交流环电动机 end ring 端环alloy 合金 coil winding 线圈绕组 form-wound 模绕 performance characteristic 工作特性 frequency 频率revolutions per minute 转/分分motoring 电动机驱动generating 发电 per-unit value 标么值 breakdown torque 极限转矩breakaway force 起步阻力overhauling 检修wind-driven generator 风动发电机 revolutions per second 转/秒秒 number of poles 极数 speed-torque curve 转速力矩特性曲线 plugging 反向制动 synchronous speed 同步转速 percentage 百分数 locked-rotor torque 锁定转子转矩 full-load torque 满载转矩 prime mover 原动机inrush current 涌流magnetizing reacance 磁化电抗line-to-neutral 线与中性点间的 staor winding 定子绕组 leakage reactance 漏磁电抗no-load 空载full load 满载多相(的Polyphase 多相的)iron-loss 铁损 complex impedance 复数阻抗 rotor resistance 转子电阻 leakage flux 漏磁通 locked-rotor 锁定转子 chopper circuit 斩波电路 separately excited 他励的 compounded 复励 dc motor 直流电动机 de machine 直流电机 speed regulation 速度调节 shunt 并励series 串励armature circuit 电枢电路optical fiber 光纤interoffice 局间的wave guide 波导波导管bandwidth 带宽light emitting diode 发光二极管silica 硅石二氧化硅 regeneration 再生后反馈放大再生, coaxial 共轴的同轴的共轴的,同轴的 high-performance 高性能的 carrier 载波 mature 成熟的 Single Side Band(SSB)单边带 coupling capacitor 结合电容 propagate 传导传播 modulator 调制器 demodulator 解调器 line trap 限波器 shunt 分路器 Amplitude Modulation(AM 调幅 Frequency Shift Keying(FSK)移频键控 tuner 调谐器 attenuate 衰减incident 入射的two-way configuration 二线制generator voltage 发电机电压 dc generator 直流发电机 polyphase rectifier 多相整流器boost 增压time constant 时间常数forward transfer function 正向传递函数error signal 误差信号regulator 调节器stabilizing transformer 稳定变压器time delay 延时direct axis transient time constant 直轴瞬变时间常数 transient response 瞬态响应 solid state 固体 buck 补偿 operational calculus 算符演算 gain 增益 pole 极点 feedback signal 反馈信号 dynamic response 动态响应voltage control system 电压控制系统mismatch 失配error detector 误差检测器 excitation system 励磁系统 field current 励磁电流transistor 晶体管high-gain 高增益boost-buck 升压去磁feedback system 反馈系统 reactive power 无功功率 feedback loop 反馈回路 automatic Voltage regulator(AVR)自动电压调整器自动电压调整器 reference Voltage 基准电压 magnetic amplifier 磁放大器amplidyne 微场扩流发电机self-exciting 自励的limiter 限幅器manual control 手动控制 block diagram 方框图 linear zone 线性区potential transformer 电压互感器stabilization network 稳定网络stabilizer 稳定器 air-gap flux 气隙磁通 saturation effect 饱和效应saturation curve 饱和曲线 flux linkage 磁链 per unit value 标么值shunt field 并励磁场 magnetic circuit 磁路 load-saturation curve 负载饱和曲线 air-gap line 气隙磁化线 polyphase rectifier 多相整流器circuit components 电路元件circuit parameters 电路参数electrical device 电气设备 electric energy 电能 primary cell 原生电池电能转换器energy converter 电能转换器conductor 导体heating appliance 电热器 direct-current 直流 time invariant 时不变的 self-inductor 自感 mutual-inductor 互感 the dielectric 电介质storage battery 蓄电池 e.m.f = electromotive force电动势 generator 发电机 gas insulated substation GIS 气体绝缘变电站气体绝缘变电站 turbogenerator 汽轮发电机 neutral point 中性点hydrogenerator 水轮发电机 moving contact 动触头 hydraulic turbine 水轮机fixed contact 静触头steam turbine 汽轮机arc-extinguishing chamber 灭弧室dynamo 直流发电机stray capacitance 杂散电容motor 电动机stray inductance 杂散电感stator 定子sphere gap 球隙rotor 转子bushing tap grounding wire 套管末屏接地线power transformer 电力变压器electrostatic voltmeter 静电电压表 variable transformer 调压变压器 ammeter 电流表 taped transformer 多级变压器 grounding capacitance 对地电容 step up(down)transformer 升(降)压变压器 voltage divider 分压器降压变压器 circuit breaker CB 断路器 surge impedance 波阻抗dead tank oil circuit breaker 多油断路器 Schering bridge 西林电桥live tank oil circuit breaker 少油断路器 Rogowski coil 罗可夫斯基线圈 vacuum circuit breaker 真空断路器 oscilloscope 示波器 sulphur hexafluoride breaker SF6 断路器 peak voltmeter 峰值电压表峰值电压表potential transformer PT 电压互感器conductor 导线current transformer CT 电流互感器 cascade transformer 串级变压器disconnector 隔离开关coupling capacitor 耦合电容earthingswitch 接地开关 test object 被试品 synchronous generator 同步发电机 detection impedance 检测阻抗 asynchronous machine 异步电机 substation 变电站 Insulator 绝缘子 hydro power station 水力发电站 lightning arrester 避雷器 thermal power station 火力发电站metal oxide arrester MOA 氧化锌避雷器 nuclear power station 核电站bus bar 母线oil-filled power cable 充油电力电缆overhead line 架空线mixed divider(阻容混合分压器阻容)混合分压器阻容transmission line 传输线XLPE cable 交链聚乙烯电缆(coaxial)cable(同轴电缆 relay 继电器同轴)电缆同轴 iron core 铁芯tuned circuit 调谐电路 winding 绕组 suspension insulator 悬式绝缘子bushing 套管porcelain insulator 陶瓷绝缘子波头(尾电阻front(tail)resistance 波头尾)电阻glass insulator 玻璃绝缘子inverter station 换流站 flash counter 雷电计数器 steel-reinforced aluminum conductor 充电(阻尼阻尼)电阻钢芯铝绞线charging(damping)resistor 充电阻尼电阻 tank 箱体 point plane gap 针板间隙 earth(ground)wire 接地线 exciting winding 激磁绕组grading ring 均压环trigger electrode 触发电极highvoltage engineering 高电压工程glow discharge 辉光放电highvoltage testing technology 高电压试验技术harmonic 谐波Power electronics 电力电子Automatic control 自动控制Principles of electric circuits 电路原理 Digital signal processing 数字信号处理电气工程专业英语词汇表2 power system 电力系统impulse current 冲击电流 power network 电力网络 impulse flashover 冲击闪络 insulation 绝缘 inhomogenous field 不均匀场 overvoltage 过电压insulation coordination 绝缘配合aging 老化internal discharge 内部放电 alternating current 交流电 lightning stroke 雷电波 AC transmission system 交流输电系统 lightning overvoltage 雷电过电压介质)损耗角 arc discharge 电弧放电 loss angle(介质损耗角介质attachment coefficient 附着系数magnetic field 磁场attenuation factor 衰减系数mean free path 平均自由行程anode(cathode)阳极阴极 mean molecular velocity 平均分子速度阳极(阴极阴极)breakdown(电)击穿negative ions 负离子电击穿bubble breakdown 气泡击穿 non-destructive testing 非破坏性试验cathode ray oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器 non-uniform field 不均匀场 cavity 空穴腔 partial discharge 局部放电空穴,腔 corona 电晕peak reverse voltage 反向峰值电压 composite insulation 组合绝缘photoelectric emission 光电发射 critical breakdown voltage 临界击穿电压 photon 光子 Discharge 放电 phase-to-phase voltage 线电压 Dielectric 电介质绝缘体 polarity effect 极性效应电介质,绝缘体 dielectric constant 介质常数 power capacitor 电力电容 dielectric loss 介质损耗quasi-uniform field 稍不均匀场direct current 直流电radio interference 无线干扰divider ratio 分压器分压比rating of equipment 设备额定值grounding 接地routing testing 常规试验electric field 电场 residual capacitance 残余电容 electrochemical deterioration 电化学腐蚀 shielding 屏蔽 electron avalanche 电子崩short circuit testing 短路试验electronegative gas 电负性气体space charge 空间电荷 epoxy resin 环氧树脂 streamer breakdown 流注击穿expulsion gap 灭弧间隙surface breakdown 表面击穿field strength 场强 sustained discharge 自持放电 field stress 电场力switching overvoltage 操作过电压field distortion 场畸变thermal breakdown 热击穿 field gradient 场梯度 treeing 树枝放电field emission 场致发射 uniform field 均匀场 flashover 闪络 wave front(tail)波头尾)波头(尾gaseous insulation 气体绝缘withstand voltage 耐受电压Prime mover 原动机Power factor 功率因数Torque 力矩Distribution automation system 配电网自动化系统Servomechanism 伺服系统Automatic meter reading 自动抄表Boiler 锅炉Armature 电枢Internal combustion engine 内燃机Brush 电刷Deenergize 断电 Commutator 换向器 Underground cable 地下电缆Counter emf 反电势电气工程专业英语词汇表3 退磁,去磁Loop system 环网系统Demagnetization 退磁去磁Distribution system 配电系统 Relay panel 继电器屏 Trip circuit 跳闸电路 Tertiary winding 第三绕组 Switchboard 配电盘开关屏 Eddy current 涡流配电盘,开关屏Instrument transducer 测量互感器Copper loss 铜损Oil-impregnated paper 油浸纸绝缘 Iron loss 铁损 Bare conductor 裸导线 Leakage flux 漏磁通 Reclosing 重合闸 Autotransformer 自耦变压器 Distribution dispatch center 配电调度中心 Zero sequence current 零序电流 Pulverizer 磨煤机 Series(shunt)compensation 串(并)联补偿并联补偿汽包,炉筒 Drum 汽包炉筒 Restriking 电弧重燃Superheater 过热器 Automatic oscillograph 自动录波仪 Peak-load 峰荷 Tidal current 潮流 Prime grid substation 主网变电站 Trip coil 跳闸线圈 Reactive power` 无功功率 Synchronous condenser 同步调相机 Active power 有功功率 Main and transfer busbar 单母线带旁路 Shunt reactor 并联电抗器 Feeder 馈电线 Blackout 断电、停电Skin effect 集肤效应断电、Extra-high voltage(EHV)超高压Potential stress 电位应力电场强度电位应力(电场强度电场强度)Ultra-high voltage(UHV)特高压Capacitor bank 电容器组Domestic load 民用电crusher 碎煤机Reserve capacity 备用容量pulverizer 磨煤机 Fossil-fired power plant 火电厂 baghouse 集尘室 Combustion turbine 燃气轮机 Stationary(moving)blade 固定可动叶片固定(可动可动)叶片Right-of-way 线路走廊Shaft 转轴Rectifier 整流器Kinetic(potential)energy 动(势)能Inductive(Capacitive)电势能感的(电容的电容的)感的电容的Pumped storage power station 抽水蓄能电站Reactance(impedance)电抗阻抗Synchronous condenser 同步调相机电抗(阻抗阻抗)Reactor 电抗器 Light(boiling)-water reactor 轻(沸)水反应堆沸水反应堆电抗的,无功的Reactive 电抗的无功的Stator(rotor)定(转)子Phase displacement(shift)相移转子Armature 电枢Surge 冲击过电压Salient-pole 凸极冲击,过电压Retaining ring 护环Slip ring 滑环Carbon brush 炭刷Arc suppression coil 消弧线圈Short-circuit ratio 短路比Primary(backup)relaying 主(后备继电保护后备)继电保护后备Induction 感应 Phase shifter 移相器 Autotransformer 自藕变压器Power line carrier(PLC)电力线载波器)电力线载波(器 Bushing 套管Line trap 线路限波器 Turn(turn ratio)匝(匝比变比 Uninterruptible power supply 不间断电源匝比,变比匝比变比)Power factor 功率因数 Spot power price 实时电价分时(电价电价)Tap 分接头 Time-of-use(tariff)分时电价Recovery voltage 恢复电压 XLPE(Cross Linked Polyethylene)交联聚乙烯(电缆电缆)交联聚乙烯电缆Arc reignition 电弧重燃Rms(root mean square)均方根值 Operationmechanism 操动机构 RF(radio frequency)射频电气工程专业英语词汇表4 Pneumatic(hydraulic)气动(液压)Rpm(revolution per minute)转/ 分Nameplate 铭牌LAN(local area network)局域网Independent pole operation 分相操作 LED(light emitting diode)发光二极管 Malfunction 失灵 Single(dual, ring)bus 单(双,环形母线环形)母线双环形 Shield wire 避雷线 IC(integrated circuit)集成电路Creep distance 爬电距离 FFT(fast Fourier transform)快速傅立叶变换 Silicon rubber 硅橡胶 Telemeter 遥测 Composite insulator 合成绝缘子Load shedding 甩负荷Converter(inverter)换流器逆变器Lateral 支线换流器(逆变器逆变器)Bus tie breaker 母联断路器Power-flow current 工频续流Protective relaying 继电保护sparkover 放电 Transfer switching 倒闸操作 Silicon carbide 碳化硅Outgoing(incoming)line 出(进)线 Zinc oxide 氧化锌进线相位超前(滞后滞后)Phase Lead(lag)相位超前滞后 Withstand test 耐压试验Static var compensation(SVC)静止无功补偿Dispatcher 调度员Flexible AC transmission system(FACTS)灵活交流输电系统Supervisory control and data acquisition(SCADA)监控与数据采集EMC(electromagnetic compatibility)电磁兼容ISO(internationalstandardization organization)国际标准化组织GIS(gas insulated substation, geographic information system)气体绝缘变电站地理信息系统 IEC(international Electrotechnical Commission)国际电工(技术技术)委员会国际电工技术委员会 IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)电气与电子工程师学会(美)美IEE(Institution of Electrical Engineers)电气工程师学会(英电气工程师学会英)scale 刻度量程 calibrate 校准刻度,量程 rated 额定的 terminal 接线端子保险丝,熔丝 fuse 保险丝熔丝 humidity 湿度 resonance 谐振共振 moisture 潮湿湿气谐振,共振潮湿,湿气 analytical 解析的 operation amplifier 运算放大器numerical 数字的amplitude modulation(AM)调幅frequency-domain 频域frequency modulation(FM)调频time-domain 时域binary 二进制 operation amplifier 运算放大器 octal 八进制 active filter 有源滤波器decimal 十进制passive filter 无源滤波器hexadecimal 十第三篇:电气工程及其自动化专业英语电气工程及其自动化专业英语老师:学生:专业:电气工程及其自动化学院:学号:Automatic Control system自动控制系统When a specific systemis proposed for a given application,it mustsatisfy certain requirements.This may involve the system response or optimization of the system in a specified way.These requirements that a control system must meet are generally called performance specifications.当一个精细的系统被推引入一个给定的应用程序的时候,它必须满足这个特定的要求。



Lesson 1 electronic network1、短语及词汇:Electronic circuit or network ——电路或电网络Passive network ——无源网络 active network ——有源网络V oltage source ——电压源 current source ——电流源in the case of …——就…来说 Rather than ——是…而不是…of interest ——有价值的;使人感兴趣的;有意义的;2、重点句型(1)in the case of a resistor, the voltage-current relationgship is given by ohm ’s law, which states that the voltage across the resistor is equal to the current through the resistor multiplied by the value of the resistance.就电阻来说,电压电流的关系由欧姆定律决定。

欧姆定律指出:电阻两端的电压等于电阻上流过的电流乘以电阻值(2)it may be that the inductor voltage rather than the current is the variable of interest in the circuit.或许在电路中,人们感兴趣的是电感电压而不是电感电流3、文章内容翻译(见参考译文并在课堂上讲解)对应译文:电网络电路或电网络是由电阻、电感和电容等器件以某种方式联接在一起所组成的。







电⽓专业英⽂⾃我介绍 电⽓⾃动化⾃我介绍是向别⼈展⽰⾃⼰的⼀个重要⼿段,⾃我介绍好不好,直接关系到⾃⾝给别⼈第⼀印象的好坏,也对以后交往顺利与否起到不可忽视的作⽤,下⾯店铺为你整理了电⽓专业英⽂⾃我介绍,欢迎阅读。

电⽓专业英⽂⾃我介绍 篇【1】 Good morning. It's a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself. My name is xx, and I am a candidate for the position of Mechanical EngineerI graduated from xx university, majored in Category:Machine Design & Manufacturing and Their AutomatioFamiliar with optimization of large mechanical system and key parts with equal-strength principlemechanical system of V60, V90 and V80,and optimization of slewing bearings, main bearingsHAZOP and technique to analyze safety issues in design and operation processSix Sigma and process to develop new project and upgrade quality to meet and exceed customer needsGood communication and cooperation, and achieve uniform actions with team without power of authority and organization level2015/12--Present,redesign and localization of yaw gear for V60.Participant, responsible for DVVP of torque limiter in yaw gear V602015/10--2015/12: quality upgrade of main bearing from supplier.responsible for analysis and calculation of the root cause and corrective actions for the improvement together with supplier2015/3--2015/4 As mechanical engineer and bearing specialist, responsible for design verification and validation of yaw system, blade bearings, main bearings and service craneNothing is invincible,I believe that I can do well anything. 电⽓专业英⽂⾃我介绍 篇【2】 Good morning, my dear professors!It is my great honor to take this interview. Thank you very much for giving me the chance!My name is Yan li,I come from Liao ning Province , I am 23 years old. I am an undergraduate of Shandong University at Qingdao .My major is Mechanical design manufacturing and automation. The beautiful campus sceneries provide me an excellent study environment. After about three years’ hard work, I have learned most of the courses of my specialty and also do well in them.During the past 3 years in the university, as an undergraduate student, I have been working diligently at my specialty. I have built up a solid foundation for professional knowledge and comprehensively improved my quality. I got a lot of scholarships, once I feel I fall behind others, I will find the reason as soon as possible and try my utmost to catch up with them. And just owning to this, I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end. I am confident that my solid education background will lay me a foundation to fulfill my bachelor degree courses! In my spare time, I like to read books, listen to Pop music, watch movies and doing sports. In all sports , volleyball is my favorite. They keep me in good health, full of energy and breed optimism towards life. Besides, I really enjoy watching English films. It can not only kill time, but also excise my listening skills.I know my English is not good enough, and I will continue to study. I have learnt a lot from it not only how to do research , but also team sprit and how to communication with others .So I love my major. I am long for doing research in this field. However, I think further study is urgent for me to realize my dream. I think the postgraduate study can enrich my knowledge and make the competence in my future career. 电⽓专业英⽂⾃我介绍 篇【3】 Time flies, blink of an eye to the company has been a year, feeling a lot, a lot of harvest. Into the ** City ** Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., for me is a good opportunity for development, is also a good exercise and enhance their ability to various aspects of the opportunity. In this first special thanks to the leadership and colleagues to give me the strong support, care and help so that I can quickly adapt to the company's management system, and strive to do their jobs. Into the company, I seriously understand the company's development profile, learning the company's rules and regulations, familiar with the company's processes. At the same time, it is truly feel positive, inspiring corporate culture, so I benefited from. Now I work over the past year summarized as follows: First, solid work I entered the workshop from the sheet metal began to do chest box shell, can be said that the sheetmetal shop is my first impression of the company. Have to say, in the sheet metal workshop a month, the master who gave me a good image, so I benefited. Last September, I went into the assembly workshop internship, I deeply feel my colleagues work diligently, and strive to perfect the spirit. In the assembly workshop, I focus on access to relevant information, manuals, drawings and instructions to understand the operation of electrical equipment and principles, learning equipment layout, wiring, do row, the second line. Into the assembly plant began, I know that their burden is very heavy, I always remember this sentence to give others a bowl of water, they will have a bucket of water. Because I know that in order to become a qualified technician is not an easy task, as a technician not only to be able to deal with the requirements of customers, more importantly, to be able to solve the problems on the scene, on-site equipment operation Situation to be aware of. In May this year, following the installation team to Panzhihua, I seize the time familiar with the drawings, construction plans, drawings, the construction site management, acceptance and other requirements. In the face of difficulties and problems, take the initiative to consult the leadership, and design units and construction units to communicate and coordinate relations, in order to smooth the work of the project. The actual work, due to some local civil engineering changes and drawings, resulting in the wall without leaving holes, bridge and pipe unreasonable, need to open or re-layout to take the line, increase the workload, and after the leadership communication has been resolved. Therefore, in future work, I will pay attention to relevant knowledge, so that their own from the civil, decoration, budget and other aspects of strengthening, good external coordination, and actively design units, construction units and government departments to communicate, to develop a good overall planning, Where the interests of the main companies. Second, efforts to learn and progress In the work, serious study, and constantly improve themselves, and the use of other time, learn more advanced knowledge. From the simplest manufacturing standards start to do a complete set of equipment, where both their own studious, but also inseparable from the workshop colleagues Q & A FAQ. From the old engineer who I not only learned a lot, but also gave me a lot of sentiment. For the first time I do equipment, colleagues not only help me carefully but also patiently explained to me, very grateful to colleagues for their help, but also in our culture so that the company better work with sufficient confidence. Third, shortcomings and shortcomings As I participated in the work soon, so in many ways the technology and experience are inadequate, the problems encountered, the problem can not be handled handy. In the future work, we must dare to solve and deal with problems encountered problems, never escape, humbly to the experienced technicians, the old workers to learn; In addition, the timely organization of lessons learned, the existence of doubt, do not understand the aspects are recorded Down, and seize the time to solve the problem, make a record, so that later encountered the same thing, can solve the problem faster. Conscientiously learn all kinds of knowledge, so that their future work, to better complete the leadership of the work and tasks assigned to make themselves more mature faster. Fourth, self-evaluation Although I participated in the production of labor and technology study time is only one year, but in the ideological and technical have been greatly improved and progress. Not only enrich the knowledge, but also to improve their management and business level, the most important thing is for their own work in the future, to better completion of the task to lay a good foundation. Summing up the work of the past year, both achievements and deficiencies. In the future work, only continue to seriously sum up, found inadequate, and strive to correct, in order to get faster progress in order to better serve the company, realize the value of life.。

电气工程专业英语词汇表 词汇表

电气工程专业英语词汇表 词汇表

词 汇 表Aa rule of thumb 一般做法a scope of 一个范围a sequence of一连串;一系列的 a set of一套;一组;一副 acceleratevt .(使)加快,(使)增速;加速,催促 vi . 加快;加速 accelerator depression对加速的抑制 accelerator pedal加速踏板 accumulated offset累积偏移量 acid rain酸雨 activateadj . 有活性的 v . 使活动;启动;触发(activate 的过去式和过去分词)actuatev . 开动 ad hocadj . 特别的;临时;专设 adv . 特别地 adaptern . 适配器;改编者;接合器;适应者 adequateadj . 足够的;适当的,恰当的 adhesiveadj . 带黏性的;胶粘 n . 黏合剂 adjacent adj.邻近的,毗邻的;(时间上)紧接着的;相邻 agencyn . 机构 agilityn . 灵活;便捷 aileronn . 副翼 air gap空气隙 algorithmsn . 运算法则;演算法;计算程序 aliasing[数]混淆现象 aliasingn . 混淆现象 alternatelyadv . 轮流地,交替地;交互 alternativelyadv . 二中择一;换句话说 aluminumn . 铝 ammetern . 电流表 amplituden . 振幅; 广大,广阔,充足;角度距离 analogn . 类似物;模拟 angular position角位置 antecedent and the consequence前因和后果 anti aircraft Gun Turret高射炮电气工程及其自动化专业英语2anticipate vt. 预感;预见;预料vi. 过早地提出;预言;预测aperture n. 孔,洞;光圈;孔径;隙缝approximately adv. 近似地;大约approximation n. 接近;近似值;近似额approximation n. 接近;[数]近似值;近似额;粗略估计approximative adj. 近似的armature n. 盔甲;电枢(电机的部件)armature n. 电枢;转子;衔铁;支架as such 同样地;本身;就其本身而论as adv. 也,又; 既……又……;除……之外;此外aswellassumption n. 假设asymptotic adj. 渐近的;渐近线的attach v. 附上;连接attain vt.& vi. 达到;获得vt. 达到,实现;获得 vi. 达到;获得sound 可听见的声音audibleaudit v. 审计;会计检查;查账;核查augment v. 增大;增加autonomous adj. 自治的;有自主权的autonomously adv. 自治地;独立自主地auto-reclosing 自动重合闸,自动重合装置availability n. 可用性;有效性;实用性avionics n. 航空电子设备;航空电子学;航空电子技术axis n. 轴,轴线Bbackbone n. 构架;中心;中枢;主干线baseload n. 基本负载;基本荷载battery back-up system 电池备份系统be achieved by 通过什么……达到be attached to v. 附属于,喜爱be present in v. 存在于be subdivided into 被分为beto v. 受支配;从属于;可以……的;常遭受……subjectbeacons n. 灯塔;烽火;指路明灯;无线电台或发射台bearing n. [机]轴承,支座;关系;方位hammer 铃锤bellbias n. 偏见;偏爱;斜线vt. (使)存偏见binary adj. 双重的;二态的;二元的;二进制的n.双体;二进制数BJT n. 双极结型晶体管blade n. 叶片;刀片,刀锋;剑词汇表 3blade n. 叶片;刀片,刀锋;剑blade n. 刀片;剑blender n. 掺和器,搅拌机blowout n. 爆裂;喷出bobbin n. 线轴;绕线筒bode n. 波特图boiler n.锅炉;蒸发器;蒸汽发生器bolt n. 螺栓,螺钉;门闩vt. 筛选vi.(门窗等)闩上,拴住adv. 突然地adj. 有担保的;黏合的bourdon tube n. 波尔登压力计branch n. 树枝;分枝;分部;支流;支脉v. 出现分歧breakdown n. 崩溃,倒塌;损坏,故障;分解;垮,衰竭breezy adj. 有微风的,微风吹过的;通风好的;活泼的,轻松愉快的brighten v. (使)变亮;(使)愉快brushless adj. 无刷;无刷的buckle n. 带扣v. 扣住;变弯曲bulb n. 鳞茎;球形物burner n.燃烧器;喷燃器busbar n. 母线,汇电板;[电] 汇流排buzzer n. 嗡嗡作声的东西;蜂鸣器;信号手by means of 用,依靠;将;借助于by means of 用;依靠;借助于Ccafeteria n. 自助食堂calibrate v. 校准calibrated adj. 校准的candidate n. 选择物;候选人capacitor n. 电容器;电容carbide n. [化]碳化物;碳化钙carburetor butterfly valve 化油器阀门cast vt. 铸造;投掷;投射n. 铸型vi. 掷,投;计算,加centimeter n. 厘米;公分ceramic adj. 陶器的n. 陶瓷制品characteristic adj. 特有的;表示特性的;典型的n. 特性;特征chimney n.(高)烟囱,烟筒chopper n. 斩波器chute n. 瀑布;斜槽;降落伞;陡坡道breaker 断路器circuitclamp-on ammeter 钳式安培计电气工程及其自动化专业英语4clumsy adj. 笨拙的coal hopper 煤斗coal-fired adj.燃煤的coaxial adj. 同轴的,共轴的coefficients n. 系数(名词复数);率;程度cogeneration n.热电联产;热电联供coherent adj. 粘着的;条理分明的coil n. (一)圈,线圈come up with 提出;想出;赶上commutation n. 交换;折算;折合commutator n. 换向器;转接器comparator n. 比较仪comparator n. 比较器compensator n. [电][自] 补偿器;自耦变压器;补偿物compensator n. 补偿者comprises vt. 构成;包含computation n. 计算;估计conceptually adv. 概念地condenser n.凝结器,冷凝器configuration n. 构造;结构;配置;外形confuse vt. 使混乱;使更难于理解;使困窘;使困惑vi. 使糊涂constitute v. 组成controllability 可操纵性;可监督性;可控性controversial adj. 有争议的;有争论的convert vt. 转换cooling tower 冷却塔cooperation n. 合作;协作coordinate n. 坐标adj. 并列的;同等的vt. 调整;整合vi. 协调coordinate n. 同等者;同等物;坐标(用复数)adj. 同等的;并列的vt. 调整;整理with 对付……;支应copecopper n. 铜copper n. 铜;铜币;警察adj. 铜的vt. 镀铜于copper-clad n. 镀铜core n. 中心,核心;磁芯vt. 去(果)核;挖去……的果心Coriolis effect force 科里奥利效应力(是地球自转偏向力)cost-effective adj. 划算的flaps 整流罩cowlcriterion n.(批评判断的)标准;准则;规范;准据critical adj. 批评的;危险的;决定性的;临界的cross-sectional area 横截面面积词汇表 5crosstalk 色度亮度干扰;串扰;交调失真crucial adj. 关键性的,极其显要的;决定性的CSMA/BA 载波侦听多路访问/位仲裁CSMA/CD 载波侦听多路访问/冲突检测current rating 额定电流;电流额定值cyanoacrylate n. 氰基丙烯酸盐黏合剂cyanoacrylic glue 氰基丙烯酸胶cycloconverter n. 周波变换器;循环换流器;双向离子变频器cylinder n. 圆筒,圆柱;汽缸;cylindrical adj. 圆柱形的;圆柱体的cylindrical adj. 圆柱形的;圆筒状的;气缸(或滚筒)的Ddam n. [水利] 水坝;障碍v. 控制;筑坝damp vt. 使潮湿;使阻尼;抑制vi. 减幅,阻尼;变潮湿n. 潮湿,湿气adj. 潮湿的decoder n. 解码器decomposes vt.& vi. 分解;(使)腐烂deflect vt. 使转向;使偏斜;使弯曲vi. 转向;偏斜deflection n. 偏斜;偏转;偏差defuzzifier module 去模糊器模块degradation n. 降级;降格;退化delta connection 三角形连接demodulation n.[讯] 解调;检波deoil v. 去油;脱脂term 微分项derivativedesirable adj. 令人满意的;值得拥有的;可取的n. 称心如意的人(东西)destabilize v.使打破平衡;使不稳定destination n. 目的地;[计]目的文件;目的单元格detector n. 发现者;探测器;检波器;检电器deterministic adj. 确定性的devastation n. 毁坏;荒废deviation n. 背离diameter n. 直径diaphragm n. [解]横隔膜;控光装置;照相机镜头上的光圈;(电话等)振动膜dielectric n. 电介质;绝缘体adj.非传导性的dielectric adj. 非传导性的;诱电性的n. 电介质;绝缘体engine n. 柴油机dieseldifferential equation 微分方程digital adj. 数字的;数位的n. 数字;数字式电气工程及其自动化专业英语6dim adj. 暗淡的;悲观的;怀疑的vt. 使暗淡;使失去光泽dimensions vi. 按规格尺寸切割vt. 在……上标尺寸n. 尺寸;重要性;方面;量度diminish vt.(使)减少,缩小;减弱……的权势;vi. 变小或减少;逐渐变细diode n. 二极管direct v. 引导discrete adj. 不连续的;离散的discriminator n.辨别者;鉴别器dissipate v. 驱散,浪费(金钱或时间)dissipate v. 驱散;(使)(云、雾、疑虑等)消散distortion n. 扭曲,变形;失真,畸变disturbance n. 扰动domain n. 领域;范围;范畴domestic adj. 家庭的,家的downside n. 下降趋势;底侧drawback n. 缺点;不利条件;障碍drift n. 冲洗;漂流物;观望;漂流v.(使)漂流drill n. 钻床;钻头;vt.& vi. 钻(孔);打(眼)drum n. 鼓;鼓声;鼓形圆桶vi. 击鼓;作鼓声vt. 打鼓奏drumbeat n. 鼓声,打鼓;鼓点子due to 由于dynamic response 动态响应dynamic adj. 动态的;充满活力的;不断变化的n. 动态;动力学;活力Eecology n. 生态学;社会生态学elasticity n. 弹力;弹性electromagnet n. 电磁体,[电] 电磁铁;电磁石electromagnetic adj. [物]电磁的electro-mechanical 机电electromechanical adj. 电动机械的;机电的;电机的electromotive force(emf) 电动势electrostatic adj.静电的electrostatic precipitator 电除尘element n. 成分;元件elevation n. 高地;海拔;提高;崇高;正面图elevator n. 电梯;升降机eliminate vt. 排除;消除;淘汰;除掉eminently adv. 突出地;显著地empirical adj.经验主义的;以观察或实验为根据的energize vt. 激励;使活跃;供给……能量vi. 活动;用力词汇表7energized adj. 激励的engagement n. 约定enhancement n. 增强;增加;提高;改善epoxy adj. 环氧的equalization n. 均等,平等化,同等化;整平equation n. 方程式,等式equivalent adj. 相当的,等效的;等价的n. 对等物;[化]当量eventually adv. 终于,最后;竟;总归;终久exchange v. 交换;调换exert v. 运用;施加exhaust steam 乏汽exhibit vt. 陈列,展览;呈现vi. 公开展览,展出n. 展览,陈列;展览品external intervention 外部干预extraordinary adj.非常的;特别的;非凡的;特派的extrapolate v. 推算;推断Ffacilitate v. 易于;便于;助长Fahrenheit adj. 华氏温度计的n. 华氏温度计faint n. 昏晕;昏倒adj. 衰弱的;无力的;暗淡的vi. 昏倒;变得微弱;变得没气力fatigue n. 疲乏;疲劳;累活;[军]杂役vt. 使疲劳;使心智衰弱vi. 疲劳fatigue n. 疲乏;疲劳;累活vt. 使疲劳;使心智衰弱vi. 疲劳feed water pump 给水泵Feedback n. 反馈feed-Water 给水ferromagnetic adj. 磁铁的FET n. 场效应管network 滤波器网络filterfiltering n. 过滤;滤除;滤清finite steady-state error 有限稳态误差flame n. 火焰flipping n. 翻转fluctuation n. 起伏,波动flue gas 烟气;废气;排烟fluorescent lamp ballast 荧光灯镇流器flux n. 涨潮;变迁[物]流量;通量vi. 熔化;流出vt. 使熔融;用焊剂处理flyball-governed 离心调速器foil n. 箔;金属薄片;[建]叶形片;衬托vt. 衬托;阻止;挡开;贴箔于foil n. 箔;金属薄片;[建]叶形片;烘托;衬托vt. 衬托;阻止;挡开;贴箔于电气工程及其自动化专业英语8system 随动系统follow-upforward-bias 正向偏置fossil n. 化石adj. 化石的;陈腐的,守旧的fragile adj. 易碎的,脆的freewheeling n. 惯性滑行adj. 惯性滑行的;随心所欲的v. 轻快地行动furnace n.炉;炉膛;燃烧室module 模糊器模块fuzzifierfuzzy inference engine 模糊推理机logic 模糊逻辑fuzzyGgateway n. 网关gauge n. 标准尺;规格;量规;量表v. 测量Gaussian adj.(德国数学家)高斯的,高斯发现的gear n. 齿轮;传动装置 vi. 接上;调和vt. 装上齿轮;用齿轮连接gearbox n. 变速箱;齿轮箱generalized adj. 普遍的;概括的;广义的generator n. 发电机,发生器;电力公司geographical adj. 地理的;地理学的gigahertz n. 千兆赫glow-discharge n. 辉光放电gradually adv. 逐步地,渐渐地;按部就班地;日趋greenhouse effect 温室效应GTO n. 门极可关断晶闸管Hhabitat n. [生态] 栖息地;产地halfway adj. 中途的;一半的长度的heater exchanger 热交换器heliograph n. 照相制版;太阳摄影机;日光仪hierarchical adj. 分层的;等级体系的high-pressure turbine 高压汽轮机household adj. 家庭的;日常的;王室的n. 家庭;一家人household n. 家庭;户adj. 家庭的,家内的,一家的;日常的hull n. 外壳;皮;船身humanoid adj. 有人的特点的;人形机的humidity n. 湿气;潮湿;湿度HVDC transmission system 高压直流输电系统hydraulic adj. 液压的;水力的;水力学的hydraulic adj. 水力的,水压的;用水发动的词汇表9Iidentical adj. 同一的;完全同样的,相同的n. 完全相同的事物IGBT n. 绝缘栅双极型晶体管ignitron n. 引燃管;放电管illuminate v. 照亮immobilize v. 使固定impedance n. [电]阻抗;全电阻;[物]阻抗implement v. 履行in addition to 除……之外in nature 在世界上;实际上;性质上;究竟in proportion to 与……成比例in tandem 前后地;协力地;相互合作地independent n. 独立自主者;无党派者adj. 独立自主的;不受约束的independent variable 独立变量indicator n. 指示器;[化]指示剂inductance n. 感应系数induction motor 感应电动机inductive adj. 感应的inductor n. 感应器;感应体inflation n. 膨胀;通货膨胀;夸张;自命不凡infrared adj. 红外线的n. 红外线infrastructure n. 基础设施;公共建设;下部构造infrastructure n. 下部结构;永久性基地;基础infrastructure n. 基础设施;基础建设inherent adj. 固有的;内在的;与生俱来的inherently adv. 天性地,固有地initial conditions 初始条件instantaneous adj. 即刻的;猝发的;瞬间的instantaneous adj.瞬间的;即刻的;猝发的instantaneous time 瞬时时间instrument n. 工具;手段;器械;器具;手段insufficient adj. 不足的;不够的insulate vt. 使隔离,使孤立;使绝缘,使隔热insulating adj. 绝缘的intake n. 摄取量;通风口;引入口;引入的量term 积分项integralintegral adj. 完整的;积分的n. 整体;积分integrated circuit集成电路integration n. 结合;整合;一体化intelligent adj. 智能的电气工程及其自动化专业英语10interaction n. 一起活动;合作;互相影响;互动interconnect vt. 使互相连接vi. 互相联系interconnect vt. 使互相连接interconnection n. 相互连接;互连interdependent elements 相互依存的元件interface n. 接触面;界面intermediate-pressure turbine 中压汽轮机interpolation n. 窜改;添写,插补interrelated adj.相关的intersect vi. 相交;交叉vt. 横断,横切;贯穿interval n. 间隔;间隔时间;区间inverter n. 反用换流器(逆变器);变极器inverter thyristor 晶闸管逆变器;可控硅换流器;可控硅逆变器inverter n. 逆变器involve in 参与;涉及;卷入,陷入ionize vt. 电离;使离子化vi. 离子化is aligned to 与……对齐is associated with 与……联系isochronous n. 同步的;等时的Jjitter n. 抖(颤)动;颠簸Kkiloamperes n. 千安培kilovolt n. 千伏特kinetic adj. [力] 运动的;活跃的Llag n. 落后;迟延;防护套adj. 最后的vi. 缓缓而行;滞后vt. 落后于;加上外套lamination n. 层压;迭片结构;薄板lamination n. 叠层;层压LAN (Local Area Network) 局域网Laplace transform 拉普拉斯变换latch n. 门闩,插销;窗闩;碰锁,弹簧锁latticework n. 格子leakage n. 漏,漏出;泄露leakage n. 漏,漏出;泄露;漏损量;渗漏物lessen vt. 使……变小;使……减轻;使……变少vi. 减少;减轻;变小lightbulb 灯泡voltage 线电压linelinearity n. 线性linguistic adj. 语言的;语言学的load frequency control 负荷频率控制lobby n. 门廊;休息室loci n. 轨迹(locus的复数);地点locomotives n. 火车头,机车logarithmic adj. 对数的loop n. 环, 循环,线(绳)圈, 弯曲部分, 回路, 回线vt. 使成环;使成圈;以环连接vi. 打环;翻筋斗low-pressure turbine 低压汽轮机lumens n. 流明flux 光通量luminousMmagnetic adj. 有磁性的magnitude n. 巨大,广大;重大,重要;量级majority n. 多数;成年malfunction n. 故障;失灵;疾病vi. 发生故障;不起作用MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) 城域网manipulate vt.(熟练地)操作;使用(机器等);操纵(人或市价、市场);利用;应付manipulated variable 被操纵变量manometer n. 压力计manual adj. 手动的MCT n. MOS栅控制晶闸管meaningful adj. 意味深长的;有意义的;有意图的mechanical alarm clock 机械闹钟medium access control(MAC) 媒质访问控制megawatt n. 兆瓦,百万瓦特(电能计量单位)mercury n. 水银;汞mercury-arc [医]汞弧metallic adj. 金属(性)的metallic adj. 金属的;金属性的;金属制的;含金属的metropolitan adj. 大城市的microcontroller n. 微控制器microprocessor n. 微处理器microscopic adj. 用显微镜可见的;精微的military adj. 军事的;军用的;讨厌的n. 军人;军队;武装力量miniature n. 缩图;微型画adj. 微型的,小规模的vt. 是……的缩影MIS (Management Information System) 管理信息系统misinterpreted v. 误解,曲解mismatch vt. 使配错n. 错配;除……之外不协调mission n. 使命;任务;代表团v. 派遣mitigate v. 减轻mobility n. 灵活性;移动性;可动性modulation n. 调制;调幅度;移调modulator n. 调节器;调制器mold n. 模子vt. 塑造;用模子制作Morse code 摩尔斯电码MOSFET n. 金属氧化层半导体场效晶体管multiplexing n. 复用;倍增,倍加multi-stage turbine 多级汽轮机municipality n. 自治市;市政当局Nneon n. 霓虹灯;氖(10号元素,符号Ne)NIC (Network Interface Card) 网络接口卡nickel n. 镍node n. 节点null n. 零坐标Ooff-grid 离网offline adv. 脱机的;挂线的offset n. 偏移量;抵消;弥补;分支 vt. 弥补;抵消vi. 偏移;形成分支offshore adj. 离岸的;[海洋] 近海的;吹向海面的adv. 向海面,向海online adv. 在线地open-circuit 开路life 工作寿命operatingoptimal power flow 潮流优化original adj. 最初的;原始的;独创的;新颖的n. 原物;原作oscillate vt. 使振荡,使振动,使动摇vi. 持续周期性地摆动;动摇,犹豫oscillating v. (使)摆动;振荡oscillator n. 振荡器oscillatory adj. 振荡的;振动的;动摇的than prep. 不同;不同于;不otherout-of-synchronous adj. 不同步的;失步的overall adj. 全部的;全体的;一切在内的adv. 全部地;总的说来overexcited adj. 过于激动的;过度刺激的;过励的overhead adj. 过顶的;头上的;经常的overheat vt.& vi. 过度加热;使愤怒n. 过热;激烈overshoot n. 过冲Pparallel adj. 平行的;相同的;并联的n. 平行线;平行面;类似v. 相应;平行parallel adj. 平行的;相同的;类似的;并联的n. 平行线;平行面;相似物v.相应;平行parameter n. 因素,特征,界限;参量;参项;决定因素paramount importance 至关重要的partial adj. 部分的;偏爱的;钟爱的n. 偏微商pattern n. 模范;式样;模式;样品;图案vt. 模仿;仿造;以图案装饰vi. 形成图案penstock n. 水渠;压力水管;水门;消防栓performance characteristics 运行特性peripheral n. 外部设备;辅助设备permeability n. 渗透性perturbation n. 摄动;不安;扰乱perturbation n. 扰动;摄动;不安;扰乱voltage 相电压phasephenomena n. 现象phenomenon n. 现象,事件;奇迹;非凡的人photocell n. 光电池photovoltaic adj. [电] 光电伏打的;光电的physical properties 物理性质piezometer n. 压力计;压强计piezoresistance n. [电]压电电阻pilot adj. 引导的;辅助的;控制的;驾驶员的;试验性的piston n. [机]活塞;瓣plant n. 装置;设备platinum n. 白金, 铂plug n. 插头;插塞polarity n. 极性;反向性;对立;配极polarity n. 极性pollution-free 无污染的porcelain n. 瓷;瓷器adj. 瓷制的;精美的porcelain adj. 瓷制的portion n. 一部分vt. 分配power electronics 电力电子precipitator n.除尘器predetermined v. 预先裁定(过去式和过去分词);注定predictable adj. 可预言的preheated adj.预热的preliminary adj. 初步的primemover 原动机mover n. 原动力;发动者primeprincipally adv. 主要地;大部分probability n. 可能性;几率,概率;或然率process control 过程控制profit v. 有利于;获益programmable logic controller 程序逻辑控制器propeller n. [航][船] 螺旋桨;推进器propeller n. 螺旋桨;推进器property n. 财产;所有物;所有权;性质;特性proportional gain 比例增益term 比例项proportionalproportional adj.比例的,成比例的;相称的,均衡的n. [数]比例项;比例量proximity n. 接近;近似;近程psi 磅/平方英寸(压强单位)pulsate n. 脉动pulse n. 脉搏;脉冲pulverizer n.磨煤机;粉煤机punch vt. 打孔;穿孔,冲孔n. 冲压机,冲床;钻孔机vi. 用拳猛击Qquadrant n. 四分之一圆;扇形体;象限仪quadrature n. 求积,求积分;求积法;求面积quadrature n. 求积,求积分;求积法;求面积;转象差quantization n. 量子化;数字化;量化quantizer n. 数字转换器;量化器;量子化quench vt. 熄灭;[机]淬火;解渴;结束;冷浸vi. 熄灭;平息quiescent adj. 静止的;不活动的;沉寂的Rranging 额定范围ratingratio n. 比率reactance n. 电抗reassemble vt. 重新召集vi. 重新集合reconstruction n. 重建术;再建造rectangular adj. [数] 矩形的;成直角的;直角坐标的;长方rectification n. 纠正;整顿;校正;精馏;整流rectifier n. 纠正者;整顿者;校正者;整流器rectifier n. 整流器refrigerator n. 冰箱;冷藏库regeneration n. 正反馈regulate v. 调节reheater n.再热器relaxed adj. 放松的;松懈的;随意的relay n. 继电器reluctance n. 磁阻rely upon 依赖;依靠on 依赖relyingremote adj. 遥远的;偏僻的;细微的replenish vt. 补充;重新装满;把……装满representation n. 表现;陈述;表现……的事物;有代理人reservoir n. 水库;蓄水池residual adj. 剩余的;残余的resistance n. 电阻resistance n. 抵抗;阻力;抗力;电阻resistor n. [电]电阻器spring 限制弹簧restrainingrestraint n. 约束restriction n. 限制;约束;束缚restriction n. 限制retail n. 零售retain vi. 保持reverse-biased 反向偏置revolution n. 革命;转动rheostat n. 可变电阻器rivet n. 铆钉vt. 铆接;把……固定住;加深robot n. 机器人;遥控装置;自动机robotic adj. 机器人的;自动的rotate vt.& vi. 旋转;使转动;使轮流,轮换rudder n. 方向舵Ssalient adj. 显著的;突出的;跳跃的n. 凸角;突出部分sampling n. 抽样;取样;(乐曲的)节录;选录saturate vt. 浸湿,浸透;使渗进,使湿透adj. 浸透的,渗透的;饱和的saw n. 锯;谚语,格言vt.& vi. 往复移动;锯成SCR n. 可控硅整流器s-domain s域self-contained adj. 独立的;设备齐全的;沉默寡言的semaphore n. 臂板信号系统,臂板信号装置vt.& vi.发出信号semi-automatic adj. 半自动的semiconductor n. 半导体semiconductor n. 半导体n. [物]半导体semiconductorsender n. 寄件人;发报机;发话机;发送人(器)sensitivity n. 敏感;灵敏(度);灵敏性sensor n. 传感器sequence n. 次序;顺序;序列serial adj. 连续的;串行的;顺次series n. 连续;系列;级数;串联servomechanism n. 伺服机构sheath n. 套,鞘shed v. 散发shield n. 防护物;护罩;盾;盾状物vt. 保护;防护v. 遮蔽shield n. 盾;护罩 vt. 保护;掩护;庇护;给……加防护罩shingle n. 墙面板;木瓦;小招牌;鹅卵石vt. 用盖板覆盖shunt v. 使转轨;使分流;转向一边;避开n. 转轨;分流器shutoff n.关闭;切断;断路sideband n. 边(频)带;旁(频)带silicon n. [化]硅;硅元素silicon-controlled 可控硅silver n. 银;银器;银灰色adj. 银的;含银的;银色的vi. 变成银色vt. 镀银single-phase 单相single-stage turbine 单级汽轮机sink vi. 淹没;下落;退去;渐渐进入vt. 使下沉;使下垂slightly adv. 轻微地,轻轻地;细长地,苗条地slope n. 斜率slot n. 位置;狭槽,水沟;硬币投币口vt. 跟踪;开槽于solenoid n. [电] 螺线管;螺线形电导管solid-state adj. 固态的solvent adj.溶解的;有偿付能力的;有溶解力n. 溶媒;溶剂;解决方法sophisticated adj. 精密的;复杂的specifications n. 指标specify vt. 指定;详述 vi. 明确提出,详细说明spectral adj.(似)幽灵的;谱的;光谱的spectrum n. 谱,光谱;能谱;范围;系列;幅度spin vi. 结网;快速旋转vt. 纺(线);使延伸n. 快速的旋转运动;眩晕spring n. [机]弹簧;发条squirrel-cage n. 鼠笼式;鼠笼;笼型stall n. 托辞vt.& vi.(使)熄火;(使)停止转动vi. 拖延vt. 搪塞;搁置;停顿standstill n. 停顿;停止,停滞adj. 停顿的,停滞的stationary set point 稳定的设置点stationary adj. 不动的,固定的;静止的,不变的n. 不动的人;驻军;固定物stator n. 固定片,定子steady-state response 稳态响应stimuli 激励stimuli n. 激励strain n. 过度的疲劳;紧张;张力;应变vt. 扭伤;损伤v. 拉紧;扯紧;(使)紧张;尽力stray n. 流浪者adj. 迷路的;偶遇的vi. 流浪;迷路;偏离stringent adj. 严格的;迫切的strip vt. 剥,剥去n. 条;带subject vt. 使服从;使隶属;使遭遇subsequent adj. 后来的;随后的substance n. 物质,材料;实质,内容;[神]灵;质地substantial adj. 结实的;牢固的;重大的n. 本质;重要材料substantial adj.实质的,真正的;有实力的n. 本质;重要材料substation n. 变电站substrate n. [无线电]基底subsystem n. 子系统,分系统sufficiently adv. 足够地;充分地sulfur hexafluoride[无化] 六氟化硫superheater n.过热器super-position 叠加性supervisoryrole 监控的角色supplementary adj. 辅助的suspend v. 悬挂switch n. 开关;转换,转换器;vt.& vi. 转变,改变;转换switchgear n. 开关设备;接电装置;开关齿轮switching n. 开关;转换;交换;配电v. 转换(switch的现在分词)synchronization n.同一时刻;同步;使时间互相一致;同时性synchronous adj.同步的synonymous adj. 同义的,类义的;同步的Ttactile adj. 触觉的;有触觉的;能触知的tailrace n. 泄水道;尾水渠tandem adj.级联(的);串联的;前后排列的n.前后排列使用的一组事物telecommunication n. 电信;电通信telegraph n. 电报;打电报;电报机telemetry n. 遥感勘测,自动测量记录传导;遥测术;遥测term vt. 把……称为terminal n. 终点站;终端;接线端terminals n. 端口terrorism n. 恐怖主义;恐怖行动;恐怖统治of 大部分thebulkthe parallelogram method 平行四边形法the sum of 总和theorem n. [数]定理;法则thermal efficiency 热效率thermionic adj. [物]热电子的;热离子的thermistor n. 电热调节器thermocouple n. 热电偶thermometer n. 温度计;体温计thermostat control 恒温控制three-phase circuit 三相电路three-phase power 三相电源threshold n. 开始;开端;极限;阈值threshold n. 界限,阈,起始点thrown out 扔出去thyratron n. [电]闸流管thyristor n. 半导体闸流管;硅可控整流器tidal adj. 潮汐的;潮的,有关潮水的;定时涨落的tiltmeter n. 测量地面倾斜度之仪器tolerate vt. 容许topology n. 拓扑;布局;拓扑学topology n. 地质学;拓扑结构trade-off (为此)付出的代价trailer-mounted 装在拖车上的transformer n. 变压器transient response 瞬态响应transient adj. 短暂的;转瞬即逝的;临时的n. 临时;瞬变现象transistor n. 晶体管;晶体管收音机;半导体收音机transmission n. 播送;传送;信息;传动装置transmission n. 传输路径transmitter n. 转送者;传导物;发报机;话筒;让渡者transmitter n. 传送者;传达者;发射机;发报机tray n. 盘子;托盘;浅盘;满盘triac n. <美>[电]三端双向可控硅开关元件trigger vt. 引发;引起;触发vi.转移;换车n. 扳机triggered adj. 触发的trigonometric adj. 三角法的;据三角法的trip n. [机] 切断装置;止动闸;挡器;卡爪vt. [机]松开(机械的某一部分)trip out 断开,断路;停机tune vt. 调整parameter 调整参数tuningturbine n. [动力] 涡轮;[动力] 涡轮机turbine n. 涡轮turbine n. 涡轮机;汽轮机;透平机turbogenerator n.涡轮发电机Uubiquitous adj. 无所不在的;普遍存在的unambiguous adj.不含糊的;清楚的;明白的underexcited 欠励的undergo vt. 经历,经受;忍受undergo vt. 经历,经验;遭受,承受underground adv. 在地下;秘密地adj. 地下的n. 地下;地铁;地道unfortunate adj. 不幸的;不吉利的;不成功的unify vt. 使联合;使相同;使一致;统一utilise vt. 使用(等于utilize);利用utility n. 功用,效用;有用的;公用事业adj. 有多种用途的utilization n. 利用;使用;效用utilize vt. 利用;使用Vvacuum n. 真空;空间adj. 真空的;产生真空的;利用真空的vt. 用真空吸尘器打扫vacuum n. 真空;真空吸尘器adj. 真空的;利用真空的;产生真空的vt. 用真空吸尘器清扫vagueness n. 模糊性valve n. 阀;真空管;活栓vt. 装阀(于);以活门调节vaporization n. 蒸发;喷雾器;蒸馏器var n. 乏,无功伏安(无功功率单位)variable n. 变量variable-reluctance tacho generator n. 可变磁阻测速发电机varistor n. [电] 压敏电阻;变阻器vehicle n. 车辆;交通工具;传播媒介,媒介物vent n. 通风孔;排空(气)阀;通风管;管乐类via prep. 取道,通过;经由vibrating n. 振动,振荡v.(使)振动[颤动]vibration n. 摆动;振动;感受;一次性往复振动virtually adv. 实际上;实质上;事实上virtually adv. 实际上;实质上;事实上;几乎visual adj.视觉的;视力的;可见的n.画面;图像vitally adv. 极其;紧要地;生死攸关地vocal adj. 声音的,嗓音的;由嗓音发出或产生的voltage n. 电压;伏特数voltage class 电压等级voltmeter n. 电压表Wwafer n. 圆片;晶片WAN (Wide Area Network) 广域网warehouse n. 仓库waveform n. 波形weld vt.& vi. 焊接;熔接;锻接;使紧密结合n. 焊接点Wheatstone bridge 惠斯登电桥whereas conj. 然而whereupon adv.于是;因此conj. 于是windmill n. 风车;旋转玩具;[口]直升机with respect to 关于;至于with respect to 关于,至于;相对于withstand vt. 抵挡;禁得起;反抗vi. 反抗withstand vt. 经受,承受,经得起;反抗vi. 反抗;耐得住,经得起WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) 无线局域网wye connection 星形连接。

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Lesion18 Harmonics in power system












今天,然而,由于下列事物的发展使得更高层次的谐波处理在今天更加必要:(1)近年来静止电力换流器的广泛使用 (2)新出现的电网谐振(3)电力系统装备及其负载对于谐波更加敏感。





因此,用户负载的规模会随着系统规模而下降, 使用者使用较大百分比的谐波电流是允许进入公用电力系统。



列表18-2 中的电压失真从利用的角度来说,用户是可以接受的。

这个表格与当前版本的IEEE 519比较相似。



列表18-1 谐波电流限制(%)摘自IEEE 标准.519
I sc/ I 负载 谐波指标 谐波失真总计
11-16 17-22 23-24 >35 <20 4.0 2.0 1.5 0.6 0.3 5.0 20-50 7.0 3.5 2.5 1.0 0.5 8.0 50-100
4.5 4.0 1.5 0.7 12.0 100-1000 12.0
5.5 5.0 2.0 1.0 15.0 >1000
I l =在公共耦合点的最大额定负载电流(基本频率)
⎫ ⎝⎛H
h l h I I *100%=总谐波失真
表18-2 最大失真电压 每个IEEE.519标准 最大失真(百分比) 系统电压 <69KV 69-138kv >138kv 独立谐波 总谐波
1.0 1.5


1. 静电转换器
2. 过载转换器
3. 荧光灯
4. 固态设备(电脑,调光器,变速驱动器)。
