


清· 温应广
花开花落漫同论, 雨露栽培在本根, 预卜春风红杏好, 一枝今已出花园。
潮汕地区的冠礼至清代在民间早已废止,另有一种存 在已久并延续至今的成人礼是“出花园”。 昔年潮州民俗,有15岁男女孩子的家庭,要在旧历七 月初七乞巧节或七月十五中元节(或另择日)为孩子备办 三牲果品拜别公婆神,表示孩子已经长大,可以走出花园, 不再是终日在花园里玩闹的孩童了。 • • 出花园——潮汕当地民间信仰认为,潮汕小孩子在15岁前, 其灵魂一直生活在花园里,并为花公花婆(即花神)所保 佑。 到了15岁(虚岁)之年,要在特定的日子举行一个特别的 仪式,把小孩“牵出花园”,表示其成年,必须承担起成 年人的责任感。
好兆头,在孩子入学时就给买双红皮屐,给他抱大公鸡, 孩子出花园时就给吃鸡头。
的做法不尽相同。如月份 有的选在五月,物品有以 三牲果品的,菜碗则六碗、 十二碗不等,形式也不尽 相同。
靖年间潮州状元林大钦。传说林大钦少时读书,买不起 红鞋,便穿红皮屐。
旁边还有一对红联纸,一张没有字,一张写着“雄鸡头 上髻。”老者要求路过者应对,对得上可得这只公鸡, 对不上者仅赔他一页对联纸。林大钦站了一阵,对曰: “牝(pì n)羊颔下须。”对得好,老者将公鸡送他。























潮汕出花园 英文版

潮汕出花园 英文版

Chaoshan: Take flowers as totem‘children grow up with the blossom of flowers.their roots cultivate in the rain ,and in the garden.As grown-ups predict the good spring as well as Apricot flowering, Their children have been growing up ,going out of the garden.”The poet, wenzhiguang was appointed to be the local official in the area of chaoshan in Qing dynasty, there he found the festivals special and interesting, thus he wrote a series of poems about these traditional and exclusive festivals.Above is one of the poems from his works, which describes the famous festival with a long history in chaoshan, called CHUHUAYUAN.Origins of the festivalif you grows up in the area of chaoshan, your parents would celebrate your rite when you are fifteen years old ,and there will be a special and folk custom called CHUHUAYUAN, which falls on the date of tanabata festival. that means ,you are no longer a child , and you can go out of your garden ,where you spent your childhood.On this special day, the child who is at the age of fifteen would be required to wear red clogs and bite beheaded. the original one is said to have been a local scholar in Ming dynasty. his name is LINGDAQIN. According to legend he was too poor to wear red shoes, instead he had to wear red clogs. one day, he went home from school while he saw a old man squatting on the road ,holding a rooster in his hand. There were a pair of red couplets beside him, one of them was empty, while some words written on the other one, it said“bun on the head of rooster”.that was, there was a Bristle on the head of cock. the old man asked the passerby to oppose it ,if he did ,he could take the rooster home ,or he would pay for the paper of couplet.The kid, LINGDAQIN stood there for a while; suddenly he came up with the answer: beard under the jaws of ewe. that meant , there was a handful of jaws under the beard of ewe. “nice couplet!”Yelled the old man, then he gave him the rooster. when this clever boy went home, his father was so surprised that he slaughtered the kitchen and had it cooked ,then he cut the beheaded as a reward of his coming out top.Later, he really became a famous scholar. The people in chaoshan thought it was a good omen, thus they let their children wear red clogs and bite beheaded before the children entered the school.this particular behavior gradually changed to be a custom, that is CHUHUAYUAN.Ceremony of the festivalNowadays simple ceremony have been held instead of the complicated one in ancient days on the date of CHUHUAYUAN festival. In 19th century parents who have 15-year-old kids would be busy for a couple of days or ever longer. Firstly, though the custom normally falls on the double seventh night, the parents would prefer to divining for a suitable day which was good for their kids . Then they would collect twelve different kinds of flowers , which were used for their kids taking shower. it was said it would bring the kids good luck. Besides, the children were requested to sacrifice one kind of immortal called POMU on the bed and they were not allowed to see people. In addition to that, there were so many complex and long ceremonies taken for this important day.Later, the people in chaoshao abandoned several procedures of this festival just for simple cerebration. They would take the kids to restaurant and bring them gifts , hoping that their lovely kids will be reliable for their lives bravely .However, some traditional and folk ways to cerebrate this special custom are still remained in some areas of chaoshan today. for example, the children would be required to bite beheaded just like their fathers did before.With the blossom of flowers, children have grown up. Once they were cultivated in the garden, and in their parents’ arms. Now it’s time for them to go out of the garden, to be grow-ups, with theirparents’ hope.。





















潮汕文化chao shan culture

潮汕文化chao shan culture

潮汕有句俗语“十五成丁,十六成人” 。古时经济落后, 潮汕有句俗语“十五成丁,十六成人” 古时经济落后, 迫使少年人需提早走出家门,为家庭生计做出贡献。许多 迫使少年人需提早走出家门,为家庭生计做出贡献。 人选择七夕节举行这个成人礼,是源自“牛郎织女”的故 人选择七夕节举行这个成人礼,是源自“牛郎织女” 事。七月初七也是中国的“乞巧节”,选择这一天“出花 七月初七也是中国的“乞巧节” 选择这一天“ 园”,其寓意也在个“巧”字,父母指望儿女长大后,能 其寓意也在个“ 父母指望儿女长大后, 出类拔萃,聪颖灵巧,成为栋材。 出类拔萃,聪颖灵巧,成为栋材。
有肉、三鸟蛋,共十二道菜。青菜以厚合、青蒜 有肉、三鸟蛋,共十二道菜。青菜以厚合、 等为主,其意是吃了厚合,“出花园”后处处 等为主,其意是吃了厚合, 出花园” “六合”;青蒜,长大后能算会除,聪敏伶俐; 六合” 青蒜,长大后能算会除,聪敏伶俐; 芹,是终身勤劳。“出花园”仪式的禁忌颇多, 是终身勤劳。 出花园”仪式的禁忌颇多, 各地大同小异。如揭阳一带忌爬上爬下,忌过桥; 各地大同小异。如揭阳一带忌爬上爬下,忌过桥; 汕头一带不能出门,不能见到乞丐. 汕头一带不能出门,不能见到乞丐.
Select auspicious day.
Before the arrival of nominal age fifteen, the mother will ask a good day for the child who is going to have the adult ceremony . Their multiple choices are early in the first month, the Lantern Festival. March, May, July, at the latest not later than July 7






恭请人XX 拓展








潮汕地区出花园作文英文回答:In the Chaoshan region, there are many beautiful gardens that are worth visiting. These gardens are not only a feast for the eyes, but also a place for people to relax and enjoy nature. One of the most famous gardens in the area is the Kaiyuan Garden, which is known for itsexquisite design and traditional Chaoshan architecture. The garden is filled with various plants and flowers, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll through the garden, admiring the beautiful scenery and taking in the fresh air.Another notable garden in the Chaoshan region is the Xiangqiao International Flower World. This garden is a paradise for flower lovers, with a wide variety of flowers from all over the world. The garden is meticulously landscaped, with colorful flower beds and carefully tended lawns. Visitors can also enjoy the sight of blooming cherryblossoms, lotus flowers, and other seasonal blooms. The garden is a popular spot for photography, as the vibrant colors and beautiful scenery make for stunning pictures.中文回答:在潮汕地区,有许多美丽的花园值得一游。



潮汕出花园作文500字(中英文实用版)Title: The Garden of ChaozhouStepping into the garden of Chaozhou, one is immediately captivated by the enchanting fusion of nature and culture.The air, heavy with the scent of blooming flowers, carries whispers of history and tradition that have been cultivated over centuries.走进潮汕的花园,你立刻会被自然与文化的迷人融合所吸引。


Wandering through the meticulously manicured paths, one encounters an array of vibrant flowers, each representing a unique story and symbol.The peony, with its voluptuous petals, stands as a symbol of wealth and prosperity, while the delicate lotus represents purity and integrity.漫步在精心修剪的小径上,你会遇到一系列充满活力的花朵,每一朵都讲述着独特的故事和象征。


In the garden, ancient trees provide shade and solace, their gnarled branches reaching towards the sky as if in silent contemplation.Stone pavilions and bridges add an artistic touch, their intricate carvings showcasing the exquisite craftsmanship of the Chaozhou people.在花园里,古树提供阴凉和慰藉,它们扭曲的树枝伸向天空,仿佛在默默沉思。


Local Traditions
Chaoshan is known for its rich cultural heritage and unique traditions. The people of Chaoshan have a strong sense of community and place great emphasis on family values. Filial piety is highly regarded, and respecting one’s elders is considered a fundamental virtue. Traditional customs such as ancestor worship, dragon boat racing, and the art of Teochew opera are still celebrated and passed down through generations. The Teochew opera, in particular, is a revered art form thatshowcases the region’s history and folklore.
In conclusion, exploring Chaoshan is a journey of discovery that encompasses unique traditions, a melodious dialect, and an array of culinary delights. From the rich cultural heritage to the tantalizing flavors of its cuisine, Chaoshan is a treasure trove waiting to be explored. Visitors to Chaoshan will be captivated by its charm and beauty, and will leave with a deeper appreciation for this vibrant and dynamic region.



出花园中穿红皮屐和吃公鸡头的习俗,来源于明嘉 靖年间潮州状元林大钦。传说林大钦少时读书,买 不起红鞋,便穿红皮屐。一天,他放学回家,见有 老者抱着一只公鸡蹲在地上,旁边还有一对红联纸, 一张没有字,一张写着“雄鸡头上髻。”老者要求 路过者应对,对得上可得这只公鸡,对不上者仅赔 他一页对联纸。林大钦站了一会儿,对曰:“牝羊 颔下须。”因对得好,老者将公鸡送他。回到家里, 他父亲将公鸡宰了,烫熟后砍了个鸡头奖励大钦, 以示独占鳌头之意。后来,大钦果然得中状元,名 扬天下。潮人以为这是个好兆头,在孩子入学时就 给他买双红皮屐,给他抱大公鸡,孩子出花园时就 给吃鸡头。
孩子扎上自己亲手缝制的新腰兜,兜里一般放着12颗桂圆和2枚 “顺治”铜钱。 出花园之日,成年的少年有许多拘束和讲 究要遵守。现在,许多仪式内容有所简化。 在汕头市潮阳 区的关埠镇,出花园的孩子会收到红包,收到红包了,父母需给 回礼,买些喜庆的东西送过去,包括食用油、白糖、饼等;这各 家有各家的安排。 潮安县:要用12样鲜花泡水给出花园者沐浴,要换新衣,穿红皮 屐,围新肚兜(肚兜里藏桂圆和“顺治”钱),而且这一身行头 必须是舅舅家送的,当日要躲在房子里。除拜公婆神,还要拜花 公花妈。 男出花园者,祭品中要有一只公鸡,女者用母鸡, 要请亲族吃酒菜。 汕头澄海区风俗与潮州的潮安县大体相 同。 饶平县:用榕树枝、竹枝、石榴花、桃树枝、状元竹、青草各一 对合12样泡水给出花园者沐浴同时进食,祝贺出花园者“换上成 人肠肚”,与童年告别。揭西县出花园者之家要给亲友赠送酵踝、 鸡鸭,亲友回敬布匹 。
新意叠出,符合青年人喜欢新生 事物、奋发向上的特点。从1995 年10月8日始,共举行了十五届 汕头市成人节,第一届至第十届 的主题依次是:“十八岁的誓 言”、“十八岁的责任”、“在 阳光下成长”、“做新世纪的主 人”、“迎接新世纪的曙光”、 “领跑二十一世纪”、“新世纪 新汕头 新青年”、“诚信人生---十八岁的追求”、“自强自信---十八岁的展示”、“奋发有为 ----十八岁的选择”等。



the Adult Ceremony in chao-shan area
what is Area ceremony?
• It is the ceremony called "chu-hua-yuan". • When the children are 15 norminal age. • Existed in chao-shan area from the ancient time.
How does the Adult Ceremony come into being?
• children from 14-17 years old will be out of the house to earn their family's living. • their parents hold this ceremony to expect their children to grow up and be outstanding,intelligent, smart and a buildings material.
what parents do during the ceremony?
• During the Adult Ceremony ,parents will prepare many things for the day. • ask a good day for the children when? early in the first month,the Lantern Festival,March,May, July,or at the latest not later than July 7.
What we children do on that;water to take a bath



Title: The Charms of Chaoshan GardenNestled amidst the bustling cityscape of Chaoshan stands a serene oasis - a garden that whispers tales of ancient traditions and natural harmony. Stepping into this enchanted space, one is transported to a world of tranquility and beauty, where every leaf, flower, and stone tells a story.Upon entering the garden, the senses are immediately assaulted by a symphony of sights and smells. The air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, a melange of jasmine, roses, and orchids that waft gently on the breeze. The sun filters through the lush foliage, casting dappled patterns of light on the stone paths that lead deeper into the garden's mysteries.The garden is a tapestry of colors and textures. Vibrant flowers bloom in every hue, from the deepest purple to the brightest yellow, their petals soft to the touch. The leaves of the trees and shrubs are a mix of glossy green and velvety brown, their shapes varying from delicate to robust. The stones that make up the paths and features of the garden are rough and smooth, cold to the touch, yet warm in their invitation to explore.As one wanders through the garden, it becomes apparent that every element has been carefully placed to create aharmonious whole. The layout of the paths seems to follow the natural contours of the land, leading one to unexpected corners and hidden treasures. The placement of the plants and features, such as pagodas and ponds, is both artistic and functional, providing shade, interest, and a sense of serenity.The water elements of the garden are particularly captivating. A small pond, its surface rippling gently in the breeze, reflects the sky and the surrounding foliage. The sound of running water, whether from a small stream or a hidden fountain, adds a calming melody to the garden's atmosphere.The Chaoshan garden is not just a space for aesthetic appreciation; it is also a repository of cultural and historical significance. The pagodas and temples that dot the garden are reminders of the region's rich past, their intricate carvings and painted walls telling tales of ancient gods and heroes. The plants and trees, too, have deep cultural meanings, often symbolizing prosperity, longevity, or good luck.Spending time in this garden is a meditative experience. It slows the pace of life, allowing one to connect with nature and one's own inner self. The constant sounds of nature - the rustling of leaves, the singing of birds, the gentle lap of water - create a sense of peace and tranquility that is hard to find in thehustle and bustle of modern life.In conclusion, the Chaoshan garden is a jewel in the crown of the region's cultural landscape. It is a testament to the harmonious coexistence of nature and humanity, a space where the ancient meets the modern, and the natural world merges with the built environment. Visiting this garden is not just a visual treat; it is an immersive experience that touches the soul and leaves a lasting impression on the heart.。



Title: Exploring the Unique Charms of Chaoshan CultureChaoshan, a region encompassing the cities of Chaozhou, Shantou, Jieyang, and Fengshan in the southeastern coast of China, is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and vibrant traditions. This essay aims to delve into the unique aspects of Chaoshan culture, highlighting its significance and influence in the lives of its inhabitants.At the heart of Chaoshan culture lies the strong emphasis on family values and respect for elders. Homes are often adorned with paintings and sculptures depicting historical figures and legends, serving as a constant reminder of the region's rich historical background and cultural identity. This respect for tradition and ancestors is further reflected in the vibrant folk arts and crafts that are passed down from generation to generation.The Chaoshan dialect, also known as Teochew, is another distinctive feature of this culture. It is a unique language that is different from both Mandarin and Cantonese, and it is widely spoken by the locals. This dialect is not only a means of communication but also a symbol of the region's unique identity and cultural heritage.The cuisine of Chaoshan is yet another aspect that sets it apart. Renowned for its delicacy and sophistication, Chaoshan cuisine embodies the region's deep-rooted respect for the sea and its bounty. Dishes like fish ball soup and shark's fin are not only delicious but also serve as a testament to the region's rich maritime history and culture.In addition to these, Chaoshan culture also boasts a vibrant festival culture. Festivals and celebrations are an integral part of life in Chaoshan, and they are marked with much enthusiasm and joy. These festivals serve as a platform for community gatherings, cultural exchanges, and the display of traditional arts and crafts.In conclusion, Chaoshan culture is a unique and vibrant blend of traditions, values, and customs that have been passed down through generations. It is a cultural heritage that is deeply rooted in the lives of its inhabitants and serves as a reminder of the region's rich historical background and identity. This culture, with its unique dialect, delicious cuisine, and vibrant festival culture, offers a fascinating insight into the depth and breadth of Chinese culture and deserves recognition and preservation for future generations to appreciate and learn from.。



汕头潮剧文化英语介绍作文Shantou Chao Opera, also known as Swatow Opera, is a traditional Chinese opera originating from the Chaoshan region in Guangdong Province, China. It is characterized by its unique singing style, elaborate costumes, and rich cultural heritage. In this essay, we will delve into the fascinating world of Shantou Chao Opera and explore its significance in Chinese culture.Firstly, let's discuss the origins of Shantou Chao Opera. It dates back to the Qing Dynasty, with its roots deeply embedded in the local customs and traditions of the Chaoshan region. Over the centuries, it has evolved into a distinctive form of opera with its own repertoire of stories, music, and performance techniques.One of the defining features of Shantou Chao Opera is its melodious singing style. Unlike some other forms of Chinese opera which emphasize vocal acrobatics, Shantou Chao Opera focuses more on the emotional expressionconveyed through the lyrics and melodies. The performers undergo rigorous training to master the intricate vocal techniques required for this art form, including falsetto singing and subtle vibratos.In addition to its vocal aspect, Shantou Chao Opera is also renowned for its elaborate costumes and makeup. The performers don colorful costumes that reflect the characters they portray, whether it be heroic warriors, cunning villains, or virtuous maidens. The intricate makeup designs further enhance the characters' appearance, helping to convey their personalities and emotions to the audience.Another key aspect of Shantou Chao Opera is its rich repertoire of stories and themes. Drawing inspiration from Chinese mythology, history, and folklore, the operas cover a wide range of subjects, from epic legends of ancient heroes to romantic tales of love and betrayal. Each performance is a captivating journey into the cultural heritage of the Chaoshan region, offering insights into its history, values, and beliefs.Furthermore, Shantou Chao Opera plays an important role in preserving and promoting traditional Chinese culture. In an age of rapid modernization and globalization, it serves as a cultural anchor, connecting present-day audiences with their heritage and identity. Through its performances, workshops, and educational programs, Shantou Chao Opera ensures that the rich legacy of Chinese opera continues to thrive for future generations to enjoy.In conclusion, Shantou Chao Opera is a treasure trove of Chinese cultural heritage, embodying centuries of tradition, craftsmanship, and artistic expression. Its melodious singing, elaborate costumes, and rich repertoire make it a beloved art form cherished by audiences both in China and around the world. As we continue to embrace the diversity of global culture, let us not forget the timeless beauty and significance of Shantou Chao Opera in the tapestry of human creativity.。
























[英语作文]潮汕家乡习俗Title: The Endearing Traditions of Chaoshan HometownNestled in the eastern part of Guangdong province, the Chaoshan region, also known as Teochew, is a culturally rich area famous for its unique dialect, cuisine, and customs. As a native of this vibrant place, I grew up surrounded by fascinating traditions that continue to shape our community's identity. From the festive celebrations to the daily rituals, these practices are not just habits but rather a way of life that binds us together and keeps our heritage alive.One of the most striking aspects of Chaoshan culture is the importance placed on family and ancestral reverence. Ancestral worship is an integral part of our lives, with families maintaining elaborate ancestral altars in their homes. These altars are lavishly decorated with pictures and memorial tablets of ancestors, and offerings of fruit, tea, and incense are made regularly to show respect and seek blessings from the past generations.The celebration of festivals is another cornerstone of our local traditions. The Chaoshan people revel in various festivals throughout the year, but the most notable ones include the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year), the Qingming Festival (Tomb-sweeping Day), and the Mid-Autumn Festival. During these times, families gather to enjoy traditional meals, exchange red envelopes, and participate in activities such as lion dances and lantern displays.Food is a central element of our culture, with Teochew cuisine renowned for its sophistication and complexity. Traditional dishes like "Yao Sui" (a type of porridge), "Chaoshan Ge Fen" (a sweet soup made with glutinous rice flour), and "Oyster Omelet" are not only delicious but also embody the spirit of our people's hospitality and attention to detail in cooking.Weddings in Chaoshan are particularly memorable events that highlight the significance of family ties. The bride is often adorned in a traditional red dress, and the groom wears a black suit. The wedding ceremony involves several rituals, including the exchange of tea between the couple and their elders, symbolizing respect and gratitude. The banquet that follows is a lavish affair with an abundance of food and toasts, celebrating the union and the continuity of the family line.Another distinctive aspect of Chaoshan culture is the art of tea drinking. Tea plays more than just a beverage; it's a medium for social interaction and relaxation. Older generations gather in tea houses, where they sip tea and engage in lively discussions, passing on stories and wisdom from one generation to another.In conclusion, the customs of my Chaoshan hometown are deeply rooted in our sense of community and tradition. They provide a framework for our daily lives and a foundation for our connections with one another. As modernization continues to influence our way of living, these endearing traditions act as a reminder of our cultural roots and the values that have been passed down through centuries. It is my hope that future generations will continue to cherish and preserve these precious practices, allowing the spirit of Chaoshan to thrive for ages to come.。


潮汕出花园(清晰): /usmbers:
陈美欣 池海秀 Speakers: 张莉芳
罗毅滢 彭梅娣 张莉芳 周宛容
Everyone knows that the seventh day of the seventh lunar month is a traditional festival of China which is called QiXi festival or QiQiao festival. However, do you know this day have its special significance to the people of ChaoShan area?
This special ceremony is similar to the “Adds the capping ceremony”( 加冠礼) or “Adds hair clasp ceremony ” (加笄礼) in the ancient time.
There is no explicit record for us to know when the custom “out of the garden” begins, its origin is at least nearly 400 year apart from now. The old all said that“This is an ancient custom spreads down.”
At that noon, in some families, especially whose elder child or their son are to go out of the garden, they will invite many guests to have a big lunch. Because the protagonist(主角) can’t meet with strangers, almost the gusts are their relatives and friends. During the lunch, everyone else has to obey the rules of the seats, the protagonist(主角)should sit at the main seat, even though their grandparents are at present.
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At that day, the chil d’s mum should gathers 4, 8 or 12 kinds of things, which are including 3 kinds of meats and many kinds of fruits. After putting them on a shallow basket, the child worships(祭拜)the censer(香炉) of their In-laws god(公婆神),and after that, they d on’t need to do it any longer.
The chil d who goes out of the garden should have to wear new clothes and red wooden shoes(红皮屐).As for boys, they have to eat the head of a rooster ,while girls have to eat the head of a hen or a duck. Because peopl e here thought chil dren wear such clothes and eat those food can bring lucky to them. In some areas , such as Chenhai(澄海), Chaoan(潮阳)and Raoping(饶平), according to their customs , parents ask their child to take a show with 12 types of fresh flowers. However , chil dren have to eat the intestine and the stomach of a pig in Jiedong(揭东), Puning(普宁)and Huilai(惠来),and they call it ‘the replacement of intestines and stomach'.
At that noon, in some families, especially whose elder child or their son are to go out of the garden, they will invite many guests to have a big lunch. Because the protagonist(主角)can’t meet with strangers, almost the gusts are their relatives and friends. During the lunch, everyone else has to obey the rules of the seats, the protagonist(主角)have to sit at the main seat,
even thought their grandparents are at present. In ad dition, the head
of the chicken have to face to him or her, and others can’t eat the chicken. This means him or her will become outstanding and prosperous(兴旺发达)when he or she grows up.
The food of the lunch is really rich, the masters will supplies meat, three kinds of eggs and so on. Altogether there are 12 dishes. The vegetables mainly are green garlic(青蒜),celery(芹菜)and a kind of local vegetabl e calls ‘Houhe’(厚合).The green garlic means that they hope their chil dren can cal culate well(能除会算)after eating it, and celery means they will study and work hard. By the way, there are many taboos(禁祭)that, for example, children aren't allow to climb ups and downs and cross bridges in Jieyang(揭阳), and they can’t see baggers in Shantou(汕头).










