海伦去世了,简・ 爱最好的朋友就这
她正穿过走廊,把我送回到宿舍去。我没有因为擅自离开自 样 走 了 , 虽 然 作 者
精 段 品
己的床而挨骂,人们还有别的事要操心。我提出的一连串问 题,当时也没有人作答。直到一两天以后我才听说,当谭波
开心。 同时在幽默的背后,是罗切斯特先生丰
望中狂躁的小鸟,拼命抓扯着自己的羽毛。” 我在你眼里是个撒谎者?”他激动地说。
富情感的体现。对于爱情他似乎不太看重, 但一旦看上了自己所喜欢的对象,便会不顾 一切地去追求对方,不在乎对方卑微的身份
的此 描处 述添 ,加
拓 展 阅
语 言 描 述 尽 量 简 洁 生 动
与 标 题 相 关 并 符 合 整 体
的此 描处 述添 ,加
精 段 品
语 言 描 述 尽 量 简 洁 生 动
与 标 题 相 关 并 符 合 整 体
的此 描处 述添 ,加
走 进 作
语 言 描 述 尽 量 简 洁 生 动
与 标 题 相 关 并 符 合 整 体
英语书籍推荐 英语PPT 精品 PPT课件
• O. Henry, one of the three
most famous short-story
writers in the world,
enjoys equal status with
Chekhov and Maupassant.
Some critics called him
compromise 妥协,让步 liberty自由 porch 门廊 exquisite 奇巧精致的 plot 构思 dominate 占优势 notable 显著的 greediness 贪欲 noble 贵族 grasp理解领会 chiefly 主要地 mentality 心态智力 arouse唤起 ponder考虑衡量 ornament 装饰
retiring 过隐居生活 forth 向前 eulogy 赞颂 be bounded in 以…约束…
Today we have higher buildings and wider highways, but shorter temperaments and narrower points of view; We spend more, but enjoy less; We have more compromises, but less time; We have multiplied out possessions, but reduced out values; These are times with more liberty, but less joy; That’s why I propose, that as of today; You do not keep anything for a special occasion. because every day that you live is a SPECIAL OCCASION. Search for knowledge, read more ,sit on your porch and admire the view without paying attention to your needs; Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment; not only about survival;
官方强调文学艺术要完成这 种教育功能最直接的手段就 是塑造体现社会主义精神和 共产主义理想的英雄人物
奥斯特洛夫斯基响应官方的号召 开始撰写《钢铁》,保尔朴素的 阶级感情、狂热的献身精神、对 共产主义的美好憧憬和对领袖的 绝对服从正是斯大林推行其路线 所需要的。
保尔解救过冬妮娅,加上她 又喜欢他“热情和倔强“的 性格,他的到来让她很高兴。 保尔也觉得冬妮娅跟别的富 家女孩不一样,他们都感受 到了朦胧的爱情
因为解救朱赫来,保尔自 己被关进了监狱。而后敌 人因疏忽把他错放了,保 尔怕重新落入魔掌,不敢 回家,遂不由自主地来到 了冬妮娅的花园门前,纵 身跳进了花园
共产党员,一个坚强的红军战士,善于领导和组织群众,他在革 命斗争中很好地团结了广大的工人和教育了无数的青年,保尔就 是深受他的教育和培养而成长起来的。
是保尔的哥哥,一个火车司机,钳工,市苏维埃主席。他具有工人阶级的高贵品质, 和敌人进行了不懈的斗争,他是朱赫来最好的助手。
尼古拉·阿耶克塞耶维奇·奥斯特洛夫斯基(1904—1936),苏联无产阶 级革命作家,出生于乌克兰一个普通工人家庭,12岁开始劳动生涯,15 岁加入共青团,参加过保卫苏维埃政权的国内战争
1920年因伤重转业,投入到经济建设的潮流之中,先后负责过团与党的 下、中层领导工作,是苏维埃“优秀的共产主义战士“。在伤病复发导致 身体瘫痪、双目失明后,他走上了文学创作的道路
保尔得了伤寒并引发了肺炎,组织上不 得不把保尔送回家乡去休养。半路上误 传出保尔已经死去的消息,但保尔第四 次战胜死亡回到了人间。病愈后,他又
外国名著 费城故事 的英文简介PPT
• Joe Miller: Are you a homo? Are you a queer? Are you a faggot? Are you a fruit? Are you *gay*, sir? 你是一个同性恋?你是一个同性恋? 乔:你是一个同性恋?你是一个同性恋? 你是一个同性恋?你是一个同性恋? 你是一个同性恋?你是一个同性恋?你是 一个同性恋,先生?(译注: ?(译注 一个同性恋,先生?(译注:homo、 、 queer、faggot、 fruit、gay等为同性恋 、 、 、 等为同性恋 的不同说法。 的不同说法。 )
• In the movie , Andrew and his “lover” has ” received the encouragement of his family members , but the prejudice of the society exists widely . At the end of the story , the result is not complex , he finally won this lawsuit , but it dose not refer that he has obtained acknowledgment of the society . The movie is ending with extremely painful . But it proposed a moral question to people , rendering the loving care and the assistance to AIDS person the same as other sickness , this is approved everywhere , but what kind of attitude we should adopt to the homosexual ?
阅读英文原版书籍可以培养跨文化交流能力,提高在国际化 环境中的适应能力。
$number {01}
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01 引言
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通过阅读英文原版书籍,可以接触到更地道的英语表达和句 式,提高英语阅读能力。
英文原版书籍通常涵盖了世界各地的文化和历史,阅读这些 书籍有助于拓展读者的文化视野。
通过书中描绘的不同文化背景和社 会现象,我深入了解了西方世界的 思维方式和价值观,增强了跨文化 交流的能力。
优秀的英文书籍具有极高的可读性 和趣味性,激发了我对英语学习的 热情和兴趣,让我更加积极主动地 投入到英语学习中。
阅读是提高英语能力的有效途径,应 该将阅读英文原版书籍作为学习的重 要部分,培养阅读习惯和兴趣。
故事通过XXX的经历和事件,表达了XXX的主题和思想。这些主题和思想对于读 者来说具有重要的启示和思考价值,可以帮助读者更好地理解XXX。具体而言, 故事表达了XXX的主题,引发了读者对于XXX的思考。
英语经典作品——《⽼⼈与海》ppt读爱阅Theoldmanandsea⽼⼈与海作者简介Theauthorsintroduce⽬录CONTENTS内容简介Contentbriefintroduction好句摘抄Excerptfromagoodsentence作者简介The authorsintroduceErnestMillerHemingway,anAmericanwriterandjournalist,isconsideredtobeoneofthemostfamousnovelistsofthe20thcentury.HismasterpiecesaretheriseoftheSunasusual,Farewell,Arms,deathknellforwhom,thenovelOldManandtheSea,etc.,inwhichtheOldManandtheSeawonthePulitzerPrizein1953andtheNobelPrizeforLiteraturein1954.内容简介C ontentbriefintroductionThebookfocusesonSanDiego,theoldfisherman,fightingwithahugeMarlininthegulf.Aftertwodaysandtwonights,hekilledthebigfish,sharkscametosnatchthespoils,andthebigfishstillcouldn''tescapethefateofbeingeatenup.Finally,theoldmandraggedthebonesofthebigfishhomeexhausted.好句摘抄Excerptfromagoodsentence1.Inasense,e verythingiskillingeachother.Fishingismyoldlife,butitalsosupportsme.在某种意义上,所有事物都在互相残杀。
名著格列佛游记 英文详细图文介绍(课堂PPT)
Second voyage---Brobdingnag
Gulliver finally escapes Lilliput and returns briefly to England before a second voyage takes him to Brobdingnag. While on shore, Gulliver is captured by giants, each of whom is the size of a watertower.
"When bending my eyes downward as much as I could, I perceived a human not six inches high!"
The king of lilliput
Good sentences
At that time, I suddenly felt a cool, breathing to a stream of pure, contain of salt air. Thisห้องสมุดไป่ตู้is a refreshing and relaxing with iodine qualitative sea breeze! My big mouth, my lungs filled with fresh gases.
About the content
Character introduction
阿隆那克斯教授 Professor Aronnax 仆人孔赛伊 Servant Conseil 鱼叉手尼德兰 Harpooner Ned Land 尼摩船长 Captain Nemo
Word introduction
phosphorescent adj.发出磷光的,磷光性的英 [ˌfɒsfəˈresnt] 美 [ˌfɑ:sfəˈresnt]
locomotive n.机车;火车头 adj.移动的;运动的 英 [ˌləʊkəˈməʊtɪv] 美 [ˌloʊkəˈmoʊtɪv]
phenomenal adj.现象的;显著的;异常的;能知觉的. 英 [fəˈnɒmɪnl] 美 [fəˈnɑ:mɪnl]
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea
Jules Verne, 1828-1905
About the author
4《银椅》(The Silver Chair,1953年)
5《能言马和男孩》(The Horse and His Boy,1954年)
6《魔法师的外甥》(The Magician's Nephew,1955年)
7《最后的战役》(The Last Battle,1956年)
《裸颜》(Till We Have Faces,1956年)
《致马尔肯书》(Letters to Malcom,1963年)
《痛苦的奥秘》(The Problem of Pain,1940年)
《如此基督教》(又译作:《反璞归真》)(Mere Christianity,1952年,是基于1941年至1944年
《诗篇撷思》(Reflections on the Psalms,1958年)
After a four-year fight with bone cancer, Joy passed away in 1960. Lewis continued to care for her two sons, Douglas and David Gresham. C. S. Lewis died at his home “The Kilns” on November 22, 1963. His grave is in the yard of Holy Trinity Church in Headington Quarry, Oxford. Warren Lewis died on Monday, April 9, 1973. Their names are on a single stone bearing the inscription (墓志铭)"Men must endure their going hence.
●I must confess that I lost faith in the sanity of the world when I saw it suffering the painful disorder of this island. 我得承认,当我看到还有这种混乱痛苦的地方存在时,我不相信这个世界 还是个正常的世界。 ● A blind Fate, a vast pitiless Mechanism. 塑造世间百态的是盲目的命运,是一台巨大的无情的机器。 ● I could not persuade myself that the men and women I met were not also another Beast People, animals half wrought into the outward image of human souls, and that they would presently begin to revert,—to show first this bestial mark and then that. 我遇到的男人或女人,感觉他们还是人性尚存的兽人,只是外表被修得像 人的动物,不久他们将会退化,显示出这样那样的的兽性。 ● I hope, or I could not live. 我心存希望,否则我将活不下去。
赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯 (HerbertG.Wells;1866-1946)于1866 年9月21日出生于英国肯特郡的小城市 布朗姆雷(现在的伦敦西区小镇)。 1895年威尔斯相信自己的写作能力已 经开始成熟,于是创作出版了中篇科 幻小说《时间机器》。这是威尔斯最 为成功的一部科幻作品,并使他一举 成名。 少年时代的威尔斯是一个狂热的 读书迷,长大后曾进入科学师范学院 学习,1890年他以动物学的优异成绩 获得了伦敦大学帝国理工学院的理学 学士学位,后来威尔斯又进入一家新 闻学院,毕业后成为记者,专门撰写 有关科学方面的文章,并写过许多非 小说类的科幻文章。 主要作品有《摩若博士岛(1896) 《隐身人》(1897)、《世界之间的战 争》(1898,又译《大战火星人》), 《首先登上月球的人们》(1901)《神 食》(1904)等。
外国名著介绍 ppt课件
• 男 I can't go all my life waiting to catch you between • husbands.
我不能让自已再等了。 • 女 You‘re coarse, and you’re conceited.
你很卑鄙,而且很自负。 And I think this conversation has gone far enough. 我想我们的对话应该到此为止了。 Besides, I shall never marry again. 还有,就是我不会再结婚了。 男 Oh, yes, you will, and you‘ll marry me. 不,你会再结婚的,你要嫁给我。 • 女 You? You! 你?你! I don't love you! And I don't like being married. 我不会爱你的!我也不喜欢结婚。
• like this -with your filthy--你真是一个没有教养的男人!
男-I made up my mind that you were the only woman for
• me the first day I saw you at Twelve Oaks. -在十二橡园第一次见到你的时候,我就知道我要的就
• 是你。
女 Now that you‘ve got the lumber mill and Frank’s money,
you won‘t come to me as you did to the jail. 现在你已经很富有了,不必像来监狱找我时那样对我了
男 So I see I shall have to marry you. 所以我知道自已不得不娶你了。
Little lewis
In 1910, Lewis became a boarding student at Campbell College in Belfast, just one mile from his home, but withdrew one year later. In 1913, Lewis enrolled at Malvern College where he remained for one year. It was there that, at age fifteen, he became an atheist(无神论者), abandoning the Christian faith of his childhood. From Malvern, he went into private tutoring under William T. Kirkpatrick, "The Great Knock," who had also been his father's tutor. Lewis went on to receive a scholarship to University College, Oxford, in 1916. Lewis took a hiatus from study after the outbreak of WWI, enlisting in the British Army in 1917. On April 15, 1918, Lewis was wounded in the Battle of Arras and was discharged a little more than a year later in December 1919. While in the army, Lewis became close friends with his roommate Paddy Moore. Moore was killed in battle in 1918. After Lewis was discharged, he followed through with a promise to his friend to look after Moore's family. Lewis moved in with Paddy's mother, Jane Moore, and her daughter, Maureen, in 1920. The three of them eventually moved into "The Kilns," which they purchased jointly along with Lewis's older brother, Warren.
The Dream of the Red Chamber is a classic Chinese novel that tells the story of the decade of an once powerful noble family in the Qing Dynasty
A strategy and advisor to the alliance, Wu Yong is known for his cutting and wit He is often the brains behind the operations of the outlooks
Song Jiang
The pious and determined master who is on a mission to retrieve Buddhist scripts from the West He is patient and tolerant rewards his decisions
Tang Sanzang
The story revolves around the lives of various characters, their loves, ambitions, and the complex relationships within the Jia family It also explores themes such as love, fate, and social commentary
A mischievous and powerful monkey who has great magical powers He is loyal to his master and helps him overcome many challenges on their journal
Peter Pan 彼得潘英文读书推荐 理由 简介PPT课件
• The boys might have the ability to do anything but they have not heard any fairy tale stories and did not know how to take care of themselves because they did not have a mum until Wendy,a little girl,was taken to the Neverland by Peter Pan,along with her little brothers.Then,a girl and nine boys began their adventure in Neverland.
Why do we recommend this book?
• A.easy to understand. • B.interesting,attractive. • C.let us think about childhood ,growing up and love,not just a fairy tale.(just like 小
story introduction
• Peter Pan was a naughty, brave, adventurous, handsome, beautiful boy with a little arrogant. He can fly and the most exciting thing was that he would never grow up.He leaded other six boys who were lost by their parents living on the Neverland. They were happy except that they must fight with evil pirates.
经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为 的,应 当按照 消费者 的要求 增加赔 偿其受 到的损 失,增 加赔偿 的金额 为消费 者购买 商品的 价款或 接受服 务的费 用
On the eve of the French revolution, Dr.Manette found that noble eritrea, the marquis DE trample peasant woman and killed her brother's crimes when he was outcall(出诊), he in spite of the threatening of the marquis, tell the court the truth.but finally he was put in the bastille for 18 years by the Marquis.
characters. Lucie Manette:The daughter of the Dr.Manette,the clue of the novel. Charles Darnay:A young French aristocrat,the husband of Lucie Manette. Sydney Carton: A lawyer assistant who have been secretly in love with Lucy.
经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为 的,应 当按照 消费者 的要求 增加赔 偿其受 到的损 失,增 加赔偿 的金额 为消费 者购买 商品的 价款或 接受服 务的费 用
Finally,the France revolution broke out.And the bastille was attracted and occupied. Madame Defarge ,a small insurgent leader in the in the France revolution,intense psychological driven by revenge, she is becoming a avenger.She knew Chares and tried to killed the Manettes.
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By C.S.Lewis
About the author:
CLIVE STAPLES LEWIS刘易斯 (1898–1963) was one of the intellectual giants of the 20th century and the most influential Christian writer of his day. His major contributions in literary criticism, children‘s literature, fantasy literature, and popular theology(神学) brought him international renown and acclaim. He wrote more than thirty books, allowing him to reach a vast audience, and his works continue to attract thousands of new readers every year. C. S. Lewis was born in Belfast, Ireland, on November 29, 1898. Throughout his life, Lewis was known to his family and friends as "Jack"—a nickname he called for himself at the age of four after the beloved neighborhood dog Jack died. Lewis had one brother, Warren Hamilton Lewis (1895–1973). Lewis's mother died of cancer in 1908 when he was just nine years old.
During his time at Oxford, Lewis went from being an atheist to being one of the most influential Christian writers of the 20th century; 1931 marks the year of Lewis‘s conversion to Christianity(基督教). He became a member of the Church of England. Lewis was married late in life at age fifty-eight to Joy Davidman Gresham, an American writer fifteen years his junior. They married in 1956, two years after Lewis accepted the chair of Medieval and Renaissance Literature at Cambridge, where he finished out his career. After a four-year fight with bone cancer, Joy passed away in 1960. Lewis continued to care for her two sons, Douglas and David Gresham. C. S. Lewis died at his home “The Kilns” on November 22, 1963. His grave is in the yard of Holy Trinity Church in Headington Quarry, Oxford. Warren Lewis died on Monday, April 9, 1973. Their names are on a single stone bearing the inscription (墓志铭)"Men must endure their going hence.
Little lewis
In 1910, Lewis became a boarding student at Campbell College in Belfast, just one mile from his home, but withdrew one year later. In 1913, Lewis enrolled at Malvern College where he remained for one year. It was there that, at age fifteen, he became an atheist(无神论者), abandoning the Christian faith of his childhood. From Malvern, he went into private tutoring under William T. Kirkpatrick, "The Great Knock," who had also been his father's tutor. Lewis went on to receive a scholarship to University College, Oxford, in 1916. Lewis took a hiatus from study after the outbreak of WWI, enlisting in the British Army in 1917. On April 15, 1918, Lewis was wounded in the Battle of Arras and was discharged a little more than a year later in December 1919. While in the army, Lewis became close friends with his roommate Paddy Moore. Moore was killed in battle in 1918. After Lewis was discharged, he followed through with a promise to his friend to look after Moore's family. Lewis moved in with Paddy's mother, Jane Moore, and her daughter, Maureen, in 1920. The three of them eventually moved into "The Kilns," which they purchased jointly along with Lewis's older brother, Warren.
Novels:(小说) 《太空三部曲》 1《来自寂静的星球》(Out of the Silent Planet,1938年) 2《漫游金星》(Perelandra,1943年) 3《那股邪恶的力量》(That Hideous Strength,1946年) 《地狱来鸿》(The Screwtape Letters,1942年) 《梦幻巴士》(The Great Divorce,1945年) 《纳尼亚传奇》系列 1《狮子· 女巫· 魔衣橱》(The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,1950年) 2《凯斯宾王子》(Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia,1951年) 3《黎明踏浪号》(The Voyage of the Dawn Treader,1952年) 4《银椅》(The Silver Chair,1953年) 5《能言马和男孩》(The Horse and His Boy,1954年) 6《魔法师的外甥》(The Magician's Nephew,1955年) 7《最后的战役》(The Last Battle,1956年) 《裸颜》(Till We Have Faces,1956年) 《致马尔肯书》(Letters to Malcom,1963年) Literature(文学) 《痛苦的奥秘》(The Problem of Pain,1940年) 《如此基督教》(又译作:《反璞归真》)(Mere Christianity,1952年,是基于1941年至1944年 的广播谈话内容) 《诗篇撷思》(Reflections on the Psalms,1958年) 《四种爱》(The Four Loves,1960年) 《卿卿如晤》(A Grief Observed,1960年)
它包括需求之爱和给予之爱。它是最谦卑、传播最广泛地爱,在这种爱中,我们的 体验似乎与动物的体验差异最小。 慈爱,尤其是父母对孩子的爱,并且也包括孩子对父母的爱。而且,这是慈爱的最 初形式,也是这个词的核心意义。几乎所有人都能成为慈爱的对象:丑陋的、愚蠢 的、甚至是令人恼火的人。但是慈爱有自己的标准,它的对象必须是自己所熟悉的。 慈爱除了本身是一种爱外,还能渗透到其他的爱中,浸染它们,从而成了其他的爱 每天发挥作用的媒介。
About Friendship( Nhomakorabea爱):To the ancients , Friendship seemed the happiest and most fully human of all loves , it is the crown of life and the school of virtue . The modern world , in comparison , ignore it. Without Eros none of us would have been begotten(产生) and without Affection none of us would have been reared , but we can live and breed (繁 衍)without Friendship. The co-existence of Friendship and Eros may also help some moderns to realize that Friendship is in reality a love , and even as great a love as Eros . A friend will , to be sure , prove himself to be also an ally(盟友) when alliance becomes necessary ; will lend or give when we are in need ,nurse us in sickness , stand up for us among our enemies , do what he can for our widows (遗孀) and orphans(孤儿)