扫描电镜SEM-JEOL 7600F 详细操作步骤
1.关闭阀1,打开“STAND BY”开关。
1.在测量高真空时,不要将表头开关置于HI V AC位置上。
SEM扫描电镜的使用流程1. 准备工作在使用SEM扫描电镜之前,需要进行一些准备工作,以确保仪器能够正常运行并获取高质量的扫描电镜图像。
2. 启动仪器在准备工作完成后,可以启动SEM扫描电镜。
3. 设置实验参数在SEM扫描电镜启动后,需要设置一些实验参数,以获得所需的图像。
4. 放置样品并调整在设置好实验参数后,需要放置样品并调整到合适的位置。
扫描电镜操作手册扫描电镜操作手册一、目的本操作手册旨在为使用扫描电镜(Scanning Electron Microscope,简称SEM)的用户提供操作步骤和指南,以确保仪器的正确使用和延长其使用寿命。
扫描电子显微镜操作流程扫描电子显微镜(Scanning Electron Microscope,SEM)是一种常用的显微镜,用于观察微观尺度下的表面形貌和组织结构。
一、准备工作在进行扫描电子显微镜操作之前,需要做一些准备工作:1. 查看设备状态:确保扫描电子显微镜处于正常工作状态。
2. 清洁样品:将待观察的样品进行适当的清洁处理,以去除表面的杂质和污染物。
3. 固定样品:将样品放置在适当的样品架上,并使用夹具或者导电胶带等方式固定好。
二、样品装载1. 打开样品室:打开扫描电子显微镜的样品室门,确保样品室内的环境与外界隔离。
2. 放置样品:将准备好的样品小心地放置在样品架上,并确保样品与检测器件之间的距离适当。
3. 关闭样品室:关闭样品室门,并确保密封良好,避免样品室内空气进入。
三、真空抽气由于扫描电子显微镜需要在真空环境下运行,因此需要进行真空抽气:1. 打开真空阀门:打开真空阀门,开始抽气。
2. 监测真空度:通过监测仪器,观察真空度的变化,待真空度达到设定要求后进行下一步操作。
3. 关闭真空阀门:当真空度稳定后,关闭真空阀门,保持真空状态。
四、电子束调节1. 打开激光:打开光源或电子束发射器。
2. 对焦:通过调节电子束的对焦控制,使得电子束聚焦在样品表面上。
3. 调节亮度和对比度:根据实际需求,调节电子束的亮度和对比度,以获得清晰的显微镜图像。
五、影像获取1. 扫描区域选择:根据需要选择要扫描的区域,调整样品台的位置。
2. 开始扫描:按下扫描按钮,开始扫描电子显微镜。
3. 图像观察:通过显微镜的显示屏或者计算机上的图像软件,观察并记录扫描获得的图像。
4. 图像保存:根据需要,将扫描得到的图像保存到计算机或其他存储设备中。
六、仪器关闭1. 关闭激光:关闭光源或电子束发射器。
2. 关闭扫描电子显微镜:按下关闭按钮,将扫描电子显微镜关闭。
3. 停止真空抽气:打开真空阀门,停止真空抽气。
)二、扫描电镜的操作1.安装样品1) 按“Vent”直至灯闪,对样品交换室放氮气,直至灯亮;2) 松开样品交换室锁扣,打开样品交换室,取下原有的样品台,将已固定好样品的样品台,放到送样杆末端的卡抓内(注意:样品高度不能超过样品台高度,并且样品台下面的螺丝不能超过样品台下部凹槽的平面);3) 关闭样品交换室门,扣好锁扣;4) 按“EVAC”按钮,开始抽真空,“EVAC”闪烁,待真空达到一定程度,“EVAC”点亮;5) 将送样杆放下至水平,向前轻推至送样杆完全进入样品室,无法再推动为止,确认“Hold”灯点亮,将送样杆向后轻轻拉回直至末端台阶露出导板外将送样杆竖起卡好。
(注意:推拉送样杆时用力必须沿送样杆轴线方向,以防损坏送样杆)2.试样的观察(注意:软件控制面板上的背散射按钮千万不能点,以防损坏仪器)1) 观察样品室的真空“PVG”值,当真空达到9.0×10-5Pa时,打开“Maintenance”,加高压5kv,软件上扫描的发射电流为10μA,工作距离“WD”为8mm,扫描模式为“Lei”(注意:为减少干扰,有磁性样品时,工作距离一般为15mm左右);2) 操作键盘上按“Low Mag”、“Quick View”,将放大倍率调至最低,点击“Stage Map”,对样品进行标记,按顺序对样品进行观察;3) 取消“Low Mag”,看图像是否清楚,不清楚则调节聚焦旋钮,直至图像清楚,再旋转放大倍率旋钮,聚焦图像,直至图像清楚,再放大……,直到放大到所需要的图;4) 聚焦到图像的边界一致,如果边界清晰,说明图像已选好,如果边界模糊,调节操作键盘上的“X、Y”两个消像散旋钮,直至图像边界清晰,如果图像太亮或太暗,可以调节对比度和亮度,旋钮分别为“Contrast”和“Brightness”,也可以按“ACB”按钮,自动调整图像的亮度和对比度;5) 按“Fine View”键,进行慢扫描,同时按“Freeze”键,锁定扫描图像;6) 扫描完图像后,打开软件上的“Save”窗口,按“Save”键,填好图像名称,选择图像保存格式,然后确定,保存图像;7) 按“Freeze”解除锁定后,继续进行样品下一个部位或者下一个样品的观察。
扫描电镜基本操作扫描电子显微镜(Scanning Electron Microscope,SEM)是一种高分辨率的显微镜,可以对样品表面进行扫描,获得高清晰度、高放大倍数的图像。
3.调节参数:a. 调节电子束对准仪(Electron Beam Alignment):使用电子束对准仪对电子束进行调节,使其准直,并使束斑圆形对称。
c. 调节工作距离(Working Distance):调节样品与电子枪的距离,以获得最清晰的图像。
4.图像获取:a. 打开电子枪(Electron Gun)和电子镜(Objective Lens),调节电子束的亮度和对比度,使图像清晰可见。
六.关机时,先关闭EZ OMNIC软件,再关闭仪器电源,盖上仪器防尘罩。
扫描电镜的使用流程解析1. 简介扫描电镜(Scanning Electron Microscope,SEM)是一种利用电子束来扫描样品表面并对电子束与样品间的相互作用进行分析的仪器。
2. 准备工作在使用扫描电镜之前,需要进行以下准备工作:•清洁工作台和样品架,确保无尘。
3. 样品装载使用扫描电镜之前,需要将待观察的样品进行装载。
4. 真空操作在样品装载完成后,需要进行真空操作,以确保扫描电镜内部处于高真空状态。
5. 参数设置在进行实际观察之前,需要设置扫描电镜的参数。
6. 图像观察设置参数完成后,即可进行实际的图像观察。
扫描电子显微镜的操作流程扫描电子显微镜(Scanning Electron Microscope,SEM)是一种常用的高分辨率显微镜,通过使用电子束来观察物体的表面形态和微观结构。
二、加载样品1. 样品处理:将待观察的样品进行必要的处理,如切片、抛光、涂覆导电膜等,以确保样品表面光滑并具有良好的导电性能。
2. 安装样品:打开仪器的样品舱门,使用样品夹将样品固定在样品台上。
三、真空系统操作1. 泵真空:关闭样品舱门后,打开真空泵开关,开始泵真空。
2. 气体通道:打开气体通道开关,注入惰性气体(如氮气)以进一步减小环境中的氧气含量,减少样品表面的氧化。
3. 真空泄漏测试:关闭气体通道开关,观察真空指示器,确保真空系统没有泄漏。
四、对焦与对齐1. 温度与电流调节:根据样品类型选择合适的工作温度和电流。
2. 对焦调节:使用对焦旋钮或对焦按钮,调节电子束的聚焦,使样品表面图像清晰可见。
3. 对齐调节:使用平板标准样片,调节电子束的对齐,确保图像垂直且居中。
五、参数设置与图像观察1. 工作参数设置:根据实际需要,设置合适的工作参数,如放大倍数、扫描速度、探测器类型等。
2. 图像观察:通过显示屏观察到的样品表面图像,根据需要进行捕捉、保存或调整图像。
六、完成操作1. 关闭仪器:在使用完毕后,按照设备操作步骤逆序关闭设备,先关闭真空泵,然后关闭电源。
2. 样品处理:将样品从样品台上取下,并根据需要进行后续处理,如去除导电膜等。
3. 数据保存:根据实验需要,将观察到的图像或数据保存到计算机或存储介质中。
扫描电镜操作流程扫描电子显微镜(Scanning Electron Microscope,SEM)是一种高分辨率的显微镜,可以使用电子束扫描样品表面以获取高清晰度的图像。
文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copy excerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!扫描电镜(Scanning Electron Microscope,SEM)是一种用于观察和分析材料表面形貌和微观结构的重要工具。
1. 准备工作在进行扫描电镜操作之前,您需要做一些准备工作。
2. 样品制备选择您要观察的样品,并进行适当的制备。
3. 装载样品将制备好的样品装入扫描电镜样品室。
4. 调整仪器参数在开始观察前,您需要调整扫描电镜的一些参数,以获得最佳观察效果。
5. 图像获取调整好仪器参数后,您可以开始进行图像获取。
6. 数据分析与保存当您获得一组满意的图像后,可以对这些图像进行进一步的分析。
7. 清理与关闭当完成扫描电镜操作后,确保对实验环境进行清理。
10.开电子枪Maintance-Gun-Starup 电源会持续增加
扫描电镜操作手册一、前言扫描电镜(Scanning Electron Microscope,SEM)是一种采用电子束来形成高分辨率图像的仪器。
三、扫描电镜的操作步骤1. 准备工作在操作扫描电镜之前,需要进行一些准备工作。
2. 开机和预热按下电源按钮,等待电镜主机启动。
3. 样品安装当电镜主机预热完成后,打开样品室的门,并将准备好的样品放置在样品架上。
4. 参数调整根据样品的性质和需求,进行相应的参数调整。
5. 图像观察和采集在参数调整完成后,可以开始观察和采集图像。
6. 关机和清理在使用完毕后,进行关机和清理工作。
扫描电镜基本操作步骤和注意事项一、基本操作步骤:1. 块状样品尺寸不宜过大(形状不规则的样品应咨询管理老师如何测试,不能想当然),用铜导电胶;粉末样品,则需碳导电胶带,用牙签制样,尽可能少量,并用洗耳球吹掉粘结不牢的粉末样品;做好样品后,把导电胶带等放入抽屉,并收拾好桌面。
2. 测样品时需换鞋,请同学们注意保持实验室卫生。
3. 观察屏幕右下角“Status”栏里的参数是否正常,尤其是Emission Current值是否正常。
测试前应在SEM记录本上记录IGP1、IGP2和Emission Current的值。
4. 未测试前系统处于“P ump”状态(黄色),按“V ent”键往样品室充高纯氮气(变黄色),约2分钟后“V ent”键变灰色可以轻轻缓慢的拉开样品室的门(如果打不开门,马上联系管理人员)。
5. 将附有样品的铝台,用洗耳球吹洗干净,并放入。
(正常的操作:右手握住带有样品的镊子,左手轻轻拉开门,马上把样品放置在支架(Holder)上,并立刻用左手“轻推”,右手扶住门正上端边缘的中间部位,双手配合,以防止门和电镜系统接触时过大的撞击,一直到门和电镜完全接触)6. 放好样品后,轻轻将样品室门推入保证接触,将右手指放在门上接触边缘缝隙处,左手点击“Pump”,当右手指感觉到门缝渐渐变紧时说明泵抽气正常。
鼠标左键选中左上窗口,按住鼠标中间滚轮往上拉,样品台会上升,视样品具体情况,控制样品台和极靴之间的距离(Work Distance, WD),Work Distance不能小于6mm。
等待操作界面右下角“Chamber Presure”真空优于8*10-3 Pa时,设置好高压和Spot的值,方可点击“High Voltage”加上高压。
扫描电镜的使用流程1. 准备工作在使用扫描电镜之前,需要进行一些准备工作,以确保设备的正常运行和样品的质量。
2. 扫描电镜的打开和预热在正式使用扫描电镜之前,需要进行打开和预热的操作。
3. 样品装载样品装载是使用扫描电镜的重要步骤,需要注意一些细节。
4. 图像获取和观察使用扫描电镜进行图像获取和观察是主要的操作步骤。
5. 数据保存和分析在观察完样品并获得需要的图像后,需要进行数据保存和分析。
6. 关闭扫描电镜使用完扫描电镜后,需要进行关闭和清理的操作。
扫描电镜SEM-JEOL 7600F 详细操作步骤
![扫描电镜SEM-JEOL 7600F 详细操作步骤](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a70e6265f242336c1eb95e39.png)
Operating procedure for JEOL 7600F High Resolution Analytical SEMI. Specimen preparationThere are several holders for different kinds of specimens and applications. During your initial training you should have received a general overview of these holders. Also, you should have received training on specimen mounting using the holder that best suits your specific application. Only use a holder for which you have received training by the tool instructor. If you wish to use a different holder, first contact the tool instructor.It is very important to know the kind of holder you are using and the way to mount specimens. For example, for the 12.5 and 26 mm holders, the correct way to mount your specimen is to flush its surface with the cylinder top face (see Fig. 1).FIG. 1. Specimen positioning on 12.5 and 26 mm holders. (Diagram taken from JEOL’s manual.)If your specimen needs to protrude above the cylinder’s top face (or the top face of another holder), you can still use this holder, but you need to estimate (with approx. 1 mm accuracy) the offset between the specimen and holder top surfaces. To make sure you are doing things correctly, use the sample height tool(see Fig. 2). Try to have the sample’s surface aligned with the zero offset line. If it needs to be above this line, read the offset in the meter scale. This offset value will be used when loading your sample in the SEM chamber.FIG. 2. Sample height tool. The right image shows a sample correctly flushed at the zero offset line.II. Loading a specimen1) Log on your session in the Facility Online Manager (FOM) software (icon on the desktop ofthe DATA computer). After a correct login, the SEM monitor should automatically turn on.If it does not, STOP YOUR WORK AND CONTACT A STAFF MEMBER. Never modify any physical connections or push any system buttons. Doing so is unsafe for you and the instrument.2) Confirm that the stage is in the exchange position by checking that the EXCH POSN light onthe airlock is ON. If not:a.Click the OFF button under Observation in the upper left section of the main window(see Fig. 3). The system diagram, located in the lower right corner of the main window, should show the beam stopped at the upper section of the SEM column. This means that the SEM column gate is closed, if not, please contact the tool instructor.b.Click the Observation button in the upper right section of the main window.c.Click the Exchange Position button in the SEM Monitor window.FIG. 3. Main window of Graphical User Interface (GUI).3) Before continuing with the next step, make sure that all the stage coordinates (X, Y, R and T)are “0.0”, except for Z, which should be “38.0”.4) Turn on a “live” image of the chamber using the infrared (IR) camera. To do this, click onthe “Windows” key in the SEM computer keyboard and select “IR Camera” icon.5) Ordinarily, the airlock chamber is under high vacuum and the airlock chamber isolation valveis open. Before loading, the lights in the airlock buttons should be: VENT-off / EVAC-on / EXCH POSN-on / HLDR-off.6) Press the VENT button for 2 seconds then release it. (The VENT light blinks; the isolationvalve closes; N2 gas vents into the airlock.)7) When the VENT light stops blinking, unlock the airlock chamber by releasing the clasp.Open the airlock door.8) Lock the specimen holder into the clamp on the end of the exchange rod. (The specimenheight above the top of the holder is limited to ~5 mm.) Make sure the flat side of the specimen holder lies perpendicular to the insertion direction (see figs. 4 and 5).FIG. 4. Locking the sample holder in place in the airlock chamber. a) Top view of specimen holder. b) and c) Identification of “flat side” with respect to dovetail channel at the base of holder. The flat side is perpendicular to the length of the dovetail channel. d) Correct way of locking specimen holder with the holder’s flat side perpendicular to the insertion direction. (Diagrams taken from JEOL’s manual.)FIG. 5. Sample locked in place in the airlock chamberIT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO CHECK THAT THERE ARE NO VERTICAL GAPS BETWEEN THE HOLDER AND THE CLIP MECHANISM. GENTLY PUSH DOWN ON THE HOLDER TO MAKE SURE IT SITS PROPERLY OVER THE CLIP.9) Before closing the airlock chamber, check that the door’s O-ring is free of dust and dirt andcorrectly positioned in the groove.10) Close and lock the airlock chamber and press the EVAC button. (The EVAC light blinks; theairlock is pumped to high vacuum; the isolation valve opens.)11) Wait until the EVAC light stops blinking. Now the lights in the airlock buttons should be:VENT-off /EVAC-on /EXCH POSN-on /HLDR-off. Also confirm that the system diagram (lower right of main window) indicates that the airlock chamber is under vacuum (gray color)and that the airlock isolation valve is open.12) Lower the specimen-exchange rod horizontally without pulling along its axis (see Fig. 6).Once it is completely horizontal, the low pressure in the chamber may suck the rod in. This is normal, it will stop by itself due to friction.FIG. 6. Lowering of specimen-exchange rod. (a) Initial vertical position. (b) Detail of location of the plastic stopper.(c) Lowering of rod without pulling along its axis. (d) Fully horizontal position. Rod is held extended due to friction in sliding metal parts. Note that plastic stopper is pushed down when rod is horizontal as shown in (e).13) Fully insert the specimen-exchange rod, keeping the holder horizontal, until you feel it cometo a firm stop. Look at the chamber live image to detect this event. Then apply more force to lock the holder in the SEM stage (see Fig. 7).FIG. 7. Lo cking holder in SEM stage. (a) Insertion of rod by pushing horizontally along rod’s axis. (b) Rod position when it first touches the SEM stage. (c) Rod position with holder locked in SEM stage.14) After confirming that the HLDR light has lit up, fully retract the exchange rod horizontallyuntil the plastic stopper snaps and comes up (see Fig. 8). Let the rod sit on the stopper and then tilt up the exchange rod without pulling along its axis. Now the lights in the airlock buttons should be: VENT-off / EVAC-on / EXCH POSN-on / HLDR-on.FIG. 8. Retracting exchange rod. (a) Fully retracted and resting on the plastic stopper. (b) Detail of rod resting on plastic stopper. C) Lifting of rod to its vertical position without using any force along rod’s axis.15) Click on the Specimen Offset button in the graphical user interface (GUI) and select fromthe list the holder you installed. If your sample has an offset (in mm) measured with the sample height tool (see Fig. 2), enter it in the specimen surface offset field of the specimen holder pop-up window (see Fig. 9).FIG. 9. Graphic user interface showing the specimen holder popup window.III. Obtaining an image1) Wait until the chamber vacuum is at 5x10-4 Pa or lower. Open the Gun Isolation Valve byclicking the ON button under Observation.3) Select the SEI detector and SEM mode, and click on the working distance (WD) in the imageinfo area of the GUI (see Fig. 10). VERY IMPORTANT: Only click on WD when in SEM (high mag mode), never do it in LM (low mag mode). Select 15 mm from the list and click “OK” in the window that pops up after clicking WD. This action will focus the beam toa WD of 15 mm and will bring the stage to Z=15.0+OFFSET. If the stage doesn’t move,check that the ZFC button is “on” (green). Keep an eye on the movement in the IR camera window.FIG. 10. Graphic user interface showing the position of the WD indicator/selector area.4) Unfreeze the image, if necessary, by clicking on the FREEZE button in the knobset panel(see Fig. 11).FIG. 11. Knobset panel, specimen stage control panel and trackball.5) Find a feature in your sample by moving the stage using the trackball (see Fig. 11). If needed,select LM mode and, once you find the feature of interest, switch back to SEM. Adjustcontrast and brightness using the autocontrast (ACB) button or the IMAGE CONTRAST and BRIGHTNESS knobs in the knobset panel (see Fig. 11). If the offset is correct, the image should be rather focused. Now, rotate the outer ring of the trackball until the image is in good focus. As you rotate the ring, the Z value changes. Make sure Z doesn’t change by more than ±2 mm from its initial value. If not sure about this step, please contact the tool instructor.6) Once the image is in focus, update the sample offset. For example, if your sample had aninitial offset of 3 mm (Z=15.0+3.0=18.0 mm), and after focusing with the outer ring, Z=17.5 mm, then the new offset should be OFFSET=17.5 - 15.0 = 2.5 mm. Click on the sample holder image (see Fig. 9) and enter the new offset in the corresponding field.7) Choose probe current setting. You may change the probe current by selecting the desiredlevel in the probe current section of the GUI (right under the WD info area, see Fig. 10):a.For most secondary electron (SE) imaging choose low current (LC) mode with levels 1-10 (6-7 typical). The objective lens (OL) aperture should be set to #4.b.For analytical work, especially when using wavelength dispersive spectroscopy (WDS),choose high current (HC) mode with levels 11 – 20 and with the OL aperture set to #1.CAUTION.-Do not attempt to change the OL aperture without having been trained on this specific procedure by the tool instructor.CAUTION.-If you change the current setting, repeat steps 5 and 6 to update thesample offset.8) Now, you are ready to navigate to the region of interest in your sample, and if necessary,change the beam parameters and the working distance.e low magnification mode (LM) when necessary by pushing the LOW MAG button inthe knobset panel. Navigate to the area of interest using the trackball.e SEM mode in high magnification when possible. This is selected when the light ofthe LOW MAG button is off.CAUTION.- If you move the stage by more than 1 mm, repeat steps 5 and 6 toupdate the sample offset.c.Set WD to 4-6 mm for best resolution secondary electron (SE) imaging using the inlensdetector (SEI), especially at low beam energies.d.Set WD≤8 mm for good resolution SE imaging using the low, in-the-chamber SEdetector (LEI).e.Set WD=8 mm for EDS, and WD=15 mm for WDS work.CAUTION.- If you desire to change to a shorter WD, repeat steps 5 and 6 to update the sample offset.CAUTION.-Unless you have been authorized by the tool instructor, the minimum WD you can use is 4.5 mm. Note that EDS work is done at WD=8 mm and WDS work is done at WD=15 mm.NOTE.- The shortest WD for 30 keV and 15 keV is 6.5 mm and 4.5 mm, respectively.For beam energies 2 keV, the shortest WD can be 2 mm, however, make sure you have authorization from the tool instructor before setting WDs below 4.5 mm.IV. Optimizing an image1) Align the beam.a.Set magnification to ~10,000x - 50,000x using the MAGNIFICATION knob in theknobset panel.b.Focus the image (FOCUS knob in knobset panel) and correct astigmatism if necessary(see IV.2)c.Turn the wobbler on (WOBB button in knobset panel). If the image shifts, adjust X and Yknobs to stop image shiftingd.Turn the wobbler off.2) Astigmatism correction.a.Find a feature that has approximately circular shape using medium to high magnification.ing the FOCUS knob, check for astigmatism by going through over and under focuswhile looking for directionality of focus in the image (over and under focus directionality will be at right angles to each other).c.Stop focus at center of over and under focus (image may not be sharp but has nodirectionality of focus).d.Adjust the X and Y stigmation knobs (one at a time) and try to obtain an image as sharpas possible.e.Focus the image with the FOCUS knob and, if necessary, repeat steps b-e.f.If required, increase the magnification and repeat steps a-e.V. Unloading a specimen1)Click the OFF button under Observation in main window (see Fig. 12). The systemdiagram, located in the lower right corner of the main window, should show the beamstopped at the upper section of the SEM column.2)Click the Exchange Position button in the SEM Monitor window.FIG. 12. Main window of Graphical User Interface (GUI).4) Before continuing with the next step, make sure that all the stage coordinates (X, Y, R andT) are “0.0”, except for Z, which should be “38.0”.5) Turn on a “live” image of the chamber using the infrared (IR) camera. To do this, click onthe “Windows” key in the SEM computer keyboard and select “IR Camera” icon.6) Ordinarily, the airlock chamber is under high vacuum and the airlock chamber isolation valveis open. Before unloading, the lights in the airlock buttons should be: VENT-off / EVAC-on / EXCH POSN-on / HLDR-on.7) Fully insert the specimen exchange rod until it “grabs” the specimen holder on the SEMstage. You can check this event in the IR camera image. These steps are describe in steps II.12 and II.13. Confirm that the HLDR light remains on8) Fully retract the exchange rod as described in step II.14. Confirm that the HLDR light goesoff.9) Press the VENT button. (The VENT light blinks; the isolation valve closes; N2 gas vents intothe airlock.)10) When the VENT light stops blinking, unlock the airlock chamber by releasing the clasp.Open the airlock door.11) Remove the specimen. Close and lock the airlock chamber and press the EVAC button. (TheEVAC light blinks; the airlock is pumped to high vacuum; the isolation valve opens.) The lights in the airlock buttons should be: VENT-off I EVAC-on I EXCH POSN-on I HLDR-off.12) Close the IR camera window to increase the life of safe the life of the IR lamp.13) Log off your session in the Facility Online Management (FOM) software. The SEM monitorshould automatically turn off. If it does not, please contact the tool instructor.V. Notes on using the TED detector1)Make sure you have previously accurately determined the stage offset (see section III).2)Go to a WD between 6-8 mm.3)Verify that the vacuum level is in the mid 10-4 Pa range or better.4)Click the OFF button under Observation in main window (see Fig. 12). This will isolate thevacuum in the e-beam column.5)Insert the TED and wait until the vacuum level is back at 5x10-4 Pa or better. This will take afew minutes.6)Once the vacuum level is appropriate, click the ON button under Observation in mainwindow.VI. Policy for mounting powder samples (including magnetic powder samples)We need to be extra careful when mounting powder sample, especially magnetic.1)Before mounting ANY powder sample, YOU NEED TO SHOW IT TO THE TOOLMANGER TO RECEIVE GREEN LIGHT TO GO ON. Once it is determined that it is safe for the system, you can repeat the mounting method as many times as you want on your own.In the next section you can find some tips on mounting powder samples, including magnetic powder samples.2)The closest WD for magnetic powder samples is 8mm. You can't image these samples anycloser.3)Make sure you secure extremely tight any bulk magnetic sample to the sample holder toavoid any chance of having it fly onto the objective lens.VII. Tips for mounting powder samples (including magnetic powder samples)∙ A good general procedure is to cover an aluminum or carbon stub with carbon paint or silver paint/cement and quickly deposit a very small amount of powder on to the stub before the paint dries. Once dry, blow off any loose particles with compressed air. Remember that YOU CAN’T DO THIS IN 1L32, you need to do it in an approved lab here on in your owninstitution.∙Nano sized magnetic particles .- If the particles are nano sized and are relatively small in number, mounting them on a carbon stub by drying an alcohol suspension is OK. The weak force will keep them stuck to the stub. They can also be mounted on lacey or holey carbon TEM grids the same way (this implies using the TEM sample holder). Mounting on TEM grid reduces considerably the interaction volume allowing higher resolution for elemental mapping.∙Imaging large size (> 1 μm) magnetic particles.- This size particles cannot be mounted as in the previous bullet, because the objective lens (OL) flux will pull them onto the lens. For imaging these large particles, to study rough particle morphology for example, you need toinsure that they are FIRMLY stuck down in carbon tape with all of the loosely adhering particles blown off with compressed air or nitrogen. (You have to do this in your own lab, or an in approved lab in the CFN, not in 1L32!) For safety of the microscope, only use low mag (LM) mode for imaging these particles. In LM mode, the OL flux field is turned off.∙EDS of large size magnetic particles.- Mount these particles in a 1” or 1 ¼” inch standard epoxy mount (see for example, /material_html/mat1.htm). Polish the mount to expose surfaces of particles and then coat with carbon. This will give the bestmicroanalysis conditions.∙VERY IMPORTANT! Mounting samples of the kind described in this section CANNOT be done in lab 1L32. Ask the tool manager to give you a holder for you to mount these samples in an appropriate lab in the CFN or in your own institution.。
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Operating procedure for JEOL 7600F High Resolution Analytical SEMI. Specimen preparationThere are several holders for different kinds of specimens and applications. During your initial training you should have received a general overview of these holders. Also, you should have received training on specimen mounting using the holder that best suits your specific application. Only use a holder for which you have received training by the tool instructor. If you wish to use a different holder, first contact the tool instructor.It is very important to know the kind of holder you are using and the way to mount specimens. For example, for the 12.5 and 26 mm holders, the correct way to mount your specimen is to flush its surface with the cylinder top face (see Fig. 1).FIG. 1. Specimen positioning on 12.5 and 26 mm holders. (Diagram taken from JEOL’s manual.)If your specimen needs to protrude above the cylinder’s top face (or the top face of another holder), you can still use this holder, but you need to estimate (with approx. 1 mm accuracy) the offset between the specimen and holder top surfaces. To make sure you are doing things correctly, use the sample height tool(see Fig. 2). Try to have the sample’s surface aligned with the zero offset line. If it needs to be above this line, read the offset in the meter scale. This offset value will be used when loading your sample in the SEM chamber.FIG. 2. Sample height tool. The right image shows a sample correctly flushed at the zero offset line.II. Loading a specimen1) Log on your session in the Facility Online Manager (FOM) software (icon on the desktop ofthe DATA computer). After a correct login, the SEM monitor should automatically turn on.If it does not, STOP YOUR WORK AND CONTACT A STAFF MEMBER. Never modify any physical connections or push any system buttons. Doing so is unsafe for you and the instrument.2) Confirm that the stage is in the exchange position by checking that the EXCH POSN light onthe airlock is ON. If not:a.Click the OFF button under Observation in the upper left section of the main window(see Fig. 3). The system diagram, located in the lower right corner of the main window, should show the beam stopped at the upper section of the SEM column. This means that the SEM column gate is closed, if not, please contact the tool instructor.b.Click the Observation button in the upper right section of the main window.c.Click the Exchange Position button in the SEM Monitor window.FIG. 3. Main window of Graphical User Interface (GUI).3) Before continuing with the next step, make sure that all the stage coordinates (X, Y, R and T)are “0.0”, except for Z, which should be “38.0”.4) Turn on a “live” image of the chamber using the infrared (IR) camera. To do this, click onthe “Windows” key in the SEM computer keyboard and select “IR Camera” icon.5) Ordinarily, the airlock chamber is under high vacuum and the airlock chamber isolation valveis open. Before loading, the lights in the airlock buttons should be: VENT-off / EVAC-on / EXCH POSN-on / HLDR-off.6) Press the VENT button for 2 seconds then release it. (The VENT light blinks; the isolationvalve closes; N2 gas vents into the airlock.)7) When the VENT light stops blinking, unlock the airlock chamber by releasing the clasp.Open the airlock door.8) Lock the specimen holder into the clamp on the end of the exchange rod. (The specimenheight above the top of the holder is limited to ~5 mm.) Make sure the flat side of the specimen holder lies perpendicular to the insertion direction (see figs. 4 and 5).FIG. 4. Locking the sample holder in place in the airlock chamber. a) Top view of specimen holder. b) and c) Identification of “flat side” with respect to dovetail channel at the base of holder. The flat side is perpendicular to the length of the dovetail channel. d) Correct way of locking specimen holder with the holder’s flat side perpendicular to the insertion direction. (Diagrams taken from JEOL’s manual.)FIG. 5. Sample locked in place in the airlock chamberIT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO CHECK THAT THERE ARE NO VERTICAL GAPS BETWEEN THE HOLDER AND THE CLIP MECHANISM. GENTLY PUSH DOWN ON THE HOLDER TO MAKE SURE IT SITS PROPERLY OVER THE CLIP.9) Before closing the airlock chamber, check that the door’s O-ring is free of dust and dirt andcorrectly positioned in the groove.10) Close and lock the airlock chamber and press the EVAC button. (The EVAC light blinks; theairlock is pumped to high vacuum; the isolation valve opens.)11) Wait until the EVAC light stops blinking. Now the lights in the airlock buttons should be:VENT-off /EVAC-on /EXCH POSN-on /HLDR-off. Also confirm that the system diagram (lower right of main window) indicates that the airlock chamber is under vacuum (gray color)and that the airlock isolation valve is open.12) Lower the specimen-exchange rod horizontally without pulling along its axis (see Fig. 6).Once it is completely horizontal, the low pressure in the chamber may suck the rod in. This is normal, it will stop by itself due to friction.FIG. 6. Lowering of specimen-exchange rod. (a) Initial vertical position. (b) Detail of location of the plastic stopper.(c) Lowering of rod without pulling along its axis. (d) Fully horizontal position. Rod is held extended due to friction in sliding metal parts. Note that plastic stopper is pushed down when rod is horizontal as shown in (e).13) Fully insert the specimen-exchange rod, keeping the holder horizontal, until you feel it cometo a firm stop. Look at the chamber live image to detect this event. Then apply more force to lock the holder in the SEM stage (see Fig. 7).FIG. 7. Lo cking holder in SEM stage. (a) Insertion of rod by pushing horizontally along rod’s axis. (b) Rod position when it first touches the SEM stage. (c) Rod position with holder locked in SEM stage.14) After confirming that the HLDR light has lit up, fully retract the exchange rod horizontallyuntil the plastic stopper snaps and comes up (see Fig. 8). Let the rod sit on the stopper and then tilt up the exchange rod without pulling along its axis. Now the lights in the airlock buttons should be: VENT-off / EVAC-on / EXCH POSN-on / HLDR-on.FIG. 8. Retracting exchange rod. (a) Fully retracted and resting on the plastic stopper. (b) Detail of rod resting on plastic stopper. C) Lifting of rod to its vertical position without using any force along rod’s axis.15) Click on the Specimen Offset button in the graphical user interface (GUI) and select fromthe list the holder you installed. If your sample has an offset (in mm) measured with the sample height tool (see Fig. 2), enter it in the specimen surface offset field of the specimen holder pop-up window (see Fig. 9).FIG. 9. Graphic user interface showing the specimen holder popup window.III. Obtaining an image1) Wait until the chamber vacuum is at 5x10-4 Pa or lower. Open the Gun Isolation Valve byclicking the ON button under Observation.3) Select the SEI detector and SEM mode, and click on the working distance (WD) in the imageinfo area of the GUI (see Fig. 10). VERY IMPORTANT: Only click on WD when in SEM (high mag mode), never do it in LM (low mag mode). Select 15 mm from the list and click “OK” in the window that pops up after clicking WD. This action will focus the beam toa WD of 15 mm and will bring the stage to Z=15.0+OFFSET. If the stage doesn’t move,check that the ZFC button is “on” (green). Keep an eye on the movement in the IR camera window.FIG. 10. Graphic user interface showing the position of the WD indicator/selector area.4) Unfreeze the image, if necessary, by clicking on the FREEZE button in the knobset panel(see Fig. 11).FIG. 11. Knobset panel, specimen stage control panel and trackball.5) Find a feature in your sample by moving the stage using the trackball (see Fig. 11). If needed,select LM mode and, once you find the feature of interest, switch back to SEM. Adjustcontrast and brightness using the autocontrast (ACB) button or the IMAGE CONTRAST and BRIGHTNESS knobs in the knobset panel (see Fig. 11). If the offset is correct, the image should be rather focused. Now, rotate the outer ring of the trackball until the image is in good focus. As you rotate the ring, the Z value changes. Make sure Z doesn’t change by more than ±2 mm from its initial value. If not sure about this step, please contact the tool instructor.6) Once the image is in focus, update the sample offset. For example, if your sample had aninitial offset of 3 mm (Z=15.0+3.0=18.0 mm), and after focusing with the outer ring, Z=17.5 mm, then the new offset should be OFFSET=17.5 - 15.0 = 2.5 mm. Click on the sample holder image (see Fig. 9) and enter the new offset in the corresponding field.7) Choose probe current setting. You may change the probe current by selecting the desiredlevel in the probe current section of the GUI (right under the WD info area, see Fig. 10):a.For most secondary electron (SE) imaging choose low current (LC) mode with levels 1-10 (6-7 typical). The objective lens (OL) aperture should be set to #4.b.For analytical work, especially when using wavelength dispersive spectroscopy (WDS),choose high current (HC) mode with levels 11 – 20 and with the OL aperture set to #1.CAUTION.-Do not attempt to change the OL aperture without having been trained on this specific procedure by the tool instructor.CAUTION.-If you change the current setting, repeat steps 5 and 6 to update thesample offset.8) Now, you are ready to navigate to the region of interest in your sample, and if necessary,change the beam parameters and the working distance.e low magnification mode (LM) when necessary by pushing the LOW MAG button inthe knobset panel. Navigate to the area of interest using the trackball.e SEM mode in high magnification when possible. This is selected when the light ofthe LOW MAG button is off.CAUTION.- If you move the stage by more than 1 mm, repeat steps 5 and 6 toupdate the sample offset.c.Set WD to 4-6 mm for best resolution secondary electron (SE) imaging using the inlensdetector (SEI), especially at low beam energies.d.Set WD≤8 mm for good resolution SE imaging using the low, in-the-chamber SEdetector (LEI).e.Set WD=8 mm for EDS, and WD=15 mm for WDS work.CAUTION.- If you desire to change to a shorter WD, repeat steps 5 and 6 to update the sample offset.CAUTION.-Unless you have been authorized by the tool instructor, the minimum WD you can use is 4.5 mm. Note that EDS work is done at WD=8 mm and WDS work is done at WD=15 mm.NOTE.- The shortest WD for 30 keV and 15 keV is 6.5 mm and 4.5 mm, respectively.For beam energies 2 keV, the shortest WD can be 2 mm, however, make sure you have authorization from the tool instructor before setting WDs below 4.5 mm.IV. Optimizing an image1) Align the beam.a.Set magnification to ~10,000x - 50,000x using the MAGNIFICATION knob in theknobset panel.b.Focus the image (FOCUS knob in knobset panel) and correct astigmatism if necessary(see IV.2)c.Turn the wobbler on (WOBB button in knobset panel). If the image shifts, adjust X and Yknobs to stop image shiftingd.Turn the wobbler off.2) Astigmatism correction.a.Find a feature that has approximately circular shape using medium to high magnification.ing the FOCUS knob, check for astigmatism by going through over and under focuswhile looking for directionality of focus in the image (over and under focus directionality will be at right angles to each other).c.Stop focus at center of over and under focus (image may not be sharp but has nodirectionality of focus).d.Adjust the X and Y stigmation knobs (one at a time) and try to obtain an image as sharpas possible.e.Focus the image with the FOCUS knob and, if necessary, repeat steps b-e.f.If required, increase the magnification and repeat steps a-e.V. Unloading a specimen1)Click the OFF button under Observation in main window (see Fig. 12). The systemdiagram, located in the lower right corner of the main window, should show the beamstopped at the upper section of the SEM column.2)Click the Exchange Position button in the SEM Monitor window.FIG. 12. Main window of Graphical User Interface (GUI).4) Before continuing with the next step, make sure that all the stage coordinates (X, Y, R andT) are “0.0”, except for Z, which should be “38.0”.5) Turn on a “live” image of the chamber using the infrared (IR) camera. To do this, click onthe “Windows” key in the SEM computer keyboard and select “IR Camera” icon.6) Ordinarily, the airlock chamber is under high vacuum and the airlock chamber isolation valveis open. Before unloading, the lights in the airlock buttons should be: VENT-off / EVAC-on / EXCH POSN-on / HLDR-on.7) Fully insert the specimen exchange rod until it “grabs” the specimen holder on the SEMstage. You can check this event in the IR camera image. These steps are describe in steps II.12 and II.13. Confirm that the HLDR light remains on8) Fully retract the exchange rod as described in step II.14. Confirm that the HLDR light goesoff.9) Press the VENT button. (The VENT light blinks; the isolation valve closes; N2 gas vents intothe airlock.)10) When the VENT light stops blinking, unlock the airlock chamber by releasing the clasp.Open the airlock door.11) Remove the specimen. Close and lock the airlock chamber and press the EVAC button. (TheEVAC light blinks; the airlock is pumped to high vacuum; the isolation valve opens.) The lights in the airlock buttons should be: VENT-off I EVAC-on I EXCH POSN-on I HLDR-off.12) Close the IR camera window to increase the life of safe the life of the IR lamp.13) Log off your session in the Facility Online Management (FOM) software. The SEM monitorshould automatically turn off. If it does not, please contact the tool instructor.V. Notes on using the TED detector1)Make sure you have previously accurately determined the stage offset (see section III).2)Go to a WD between 6-8 mm.3)Verify that the vacuum level is in the mid 10-4 Pa range or better.4)Click the OFF button under Observation in main window (see Fig. 12). This will isolate thevacuum in the e-beam column.5)Insert the TED and wait until the vacuum level is back at 5x10-4 Pa or better. This will take afew minutes.6)Once the vacuum level is appropriate, click the ON button under Observation in mainwindow.VI. Policy for mounting powder samples (including magnetic powder samples)We need to be extra careful when mounting powder sample, especially magnetic.1)Before mounting ANY powder sample, YOU NEED TO SHOW IT TO THE TOOLMANGER TO RECEIVE GREEN LIGHT TO GO ON. Once it is determined that it is safe for the system, you can repeat the mounting method as many times as you want on your own.In the next section you can find some tips on mounting powder samples, including magnetic powder samples.2)The closest WD for magnetic powder samples is 8mm. You can't image these samples anycloser.3)Make sure you secure extremely tight any bulk magnetic sample to the sample holder toavoid any chance of having it fly onto the objective lens.VII. Tips for mounting powder samples (including magnetic powder samples)∙ A good general procedure is to cover an aluminum or carbon stub with carbon paint or silver paint/cement and quickly deposit a very small amount of powder on to the stub before the paint dries. Once dry, blow off any loose particles with compressed air. Remember that YOU CAN’T DO THIS IN 1L32, you need to do it in an approved lab here on in your owninstitution.∙Nano sized magnetic particles .- If the particles are nano sized and are relatively small in number, mounting them on a carbon stub by drying an alcohol suspension is OK. The weak force will keep them stuck to the stub. They can also be mounted on lacey or holey carbon TEM grids the same way (this implies using the TEM sample holder). Mounting on TEM grid reduces considerably the interaction volume allowing higher resolution for elemental mapping.∙Imaging large size (> 1 μm) magnetic particles.- This size particles cannot be mounted as in the previous bullet, because the objective lens (OL) flux will pull them onto the lens. For imaging these large particles, to study rough particle morphology for example, you need toinsure that they are FIRMLY stuck down in carbon tape with all of the loosely adhering particles blown off with compressed air or nitrogen. (You have to do this in your own lab, or an in approved lab in the CFN, not in 1L32!) For safety of the microscope, only use low mag (LM) mode for imaging these particles. In LM mode, the OL flux field is turned off.∙EDS of large size magnetic particles.- Mount these particles in a 1” or 1 ¼” inch standard epoxy mount (see for example, /material_html/mat1.htm). Polish the mount to expose surfaces of particles and then coat with carbon. This will give the bestmicroanalysis conditions.∙VERY IMPORTANT! Mounting samples of the kind described in this section CANNOT be done in lab 1L32. Ask the tool manager to give you a holder for you to mount these samples in an appropriate lab in the CFN or in your own institution.。