Sigm One MIG MAG高性能电焊机说明书
Sigma OneUna máquina de soldadura MIG/MAG de alto rendimiento, diseñada para tareas pesadas en acero en el sector de la construcción. Potente, sencilla y fiable.300, 400 o 550 amperios Sinérgica DC oPulsadaCompacta o Devanadora de hiloseparada Refrigerada por agua o Refrigerada por aireUn objetivo. Soldar.Sigma One es un inversor supersencillo y de alto rendimiento, idóneo para producciones de soldadura con mucho trabajo donde el objetivo principal es mantener altos los niveles de productividad. Utilícelo para soldar estructuras de acero de gran tamaño, prefabricación y placas gruesas en acero dulce o inoxidable en el taller de fabricación o en planta.Un objetivoCon Sigma One, obtiene los programasy funciones de soldadura esenciales que necesita para poder realizar soldaduras multipasada eficientes y de alta calidad. Sin necesidad de refinamiento de arco, solo soldar. Utilícelo para cordones de raíz y las capas adicionales.Soldadura continuaEl ciclo de alto rendimiento le permite soldar durante muchas horas sin ninguna disminución de las corrientes y sin comprometer la calidad de la soldadura. Suelde todos los metros aldía que sus tareas requieran. Con un amplio equipo de soldadores, puede mantener el nivel de productividad a un máximo absoluto. Soldadura pulsada más rápidaMejore aún más la productividad con el proceso pulsado. La soldadura pulsada con bajo calor aportado y sin proyecciones reduce el riesgo de dañar el acero. El proceso le ofrece un control mejor del baño de soldadura y una mejor soldadura.Sigma One C Diseño compacto Sigma One S Devanadora separadaAlimentación de hilo Diseño compacto Alimentación de hilo Unidad separada ControlSinérgica DC o PulsadaControlSinérgica DC o PulsadaRefrigeración AireRefrigeración AireRango de corriente 15-550ARango de corriente 15-550AEste One es genial si solo necesita aire.Coja caminos separados con este One .Onesimplemente hace el trabajo.Coge Onecon refrigeración de agua helada.Seleccione este si necesita que su máquina desoldadura respire aire. Solo aire. Sin características extraordinarias. Y sigue pudiendo lograr su único objetivo: soldar. Los soldadores asignados pueden realizar soldaduras multipasada eficientes y de alta calidad. Manténgase fresco a pesar de todo con las antorchas refrigeradas por aire líderes de primera calidadSepárese de la fuente de alimentación con este. Aléjese de la fuente de alimentación todo lo que permitan los cables intermedios. Desplácesealrededor de estructuras de acero y placas de gran tamaño al mismo tiempo que logra su único objetivo: soldar. Manténgase fresco todo el tiempo con las antorchas refrigeradas por aire líderes de primera calidad.Por las venas de esta corre líquido de refrigeraciónfresco y helado. Manténgala fría durante horas y horas y téngala cerca mientras logra su único objetivo: soldar. Suelde todos los metros al día que sus tareas requieran y mantenga el nivel deproductividad a un máximo absoluto.Coja esta y desaparezca. Déjese absorber completamente por su trabajo. Logre su único objetivo: soldar. Desaparezca entre contenedores u otros espacios estrechos con esta, y sepa que no tiene que volver en un buen rato. Mantenga el nivel de productividad alto. Simplemente desaparezca ytermine sus trabajos.Alimentación de hilo Diseño compacto ControlSinérgica DC o PulsadaRefrigeración AguaRango de corriente 15-550AAlimentación de hilo Unidad separada ControlSinérgica DC o PulsadaRefrigeración AguaRango de corriente 15-550AA salvo de salpicadurasEl robusto cristal de protección puede soportar el polvo y los impactos, estará expuesto en el taller de producción.Actualizaciones sencillasObtenga sus actualizaciones de software desde y transfiéralas a su Sigma One mediante tarjeta SD.Información claraLa pantalla cuenta con un alto nivel de brillo, lo que facilita verla o ajustar la configuración en la oscuridad o en espacios poco iluminados.No se quite los guantesLos botones están diseñados para que los soldadores no tengan que quitarse los guantes a la hora de cambiar la configuración o realizar ajustes de precisión.Sin exceso de consumo de gas durante la igniciónUna válvula tradicional suministra más gas del necesario durante la ignición. Esto causa un gran desperdicio de gas y turbulencia, lo que puede alterar la soldadura y hacer descender la calidad.IGC® garantiza que el gas acumulado en las manguerasde soldadura se libere gradualmente durante los primeros segundos de una soldadura.Esto no altera la soldadura y se elimina el consumo excesivo de gas durante la ignición. IGC® optimiza automáticamente el flujo de gasCuanto más alto sea el amperaje y mayor el tamaño del baño de soldadura, más gas necesitará. Cuando utilice programas de soldadura sinérgica, IGC® utiliza líneas sinérgicas de gas preajustadas para suministrar automáticamente el flujo de gas óptimo durante cada momento de una soldadura. Cuando IGC® reduce el flujo de gas durante la ignición y optimiza automáticamente el flujo de gas durante toda la soldadura, puede reducir hasta el 50 % de su consumo degas.Cada producción de soldadura es única. Visite /IGC para calcular sus propios ahorros.Con la pantalla gráfica, el soldador puede ajustar los parámetroscon precisión de hasta un amperio, sin tener que estar junto a lamáquina de soldadura. Es casi como tener el panel de control enel punto de soldadura, incluso si la distancia desde la máquina desoldadura es de 5 metros.Consiga fácil accesoal ajuste preciso de losparámetros de soldaduracon los módulos SmartTorch*Hay disponibles ajustes con los diferentes módulosMódulosSmart TorchHaga que la MIG parezca TIG conDUO PlusUtilice esta función MIG/MAG para obtener soldaduras tipoTIG impresionantes. DUO Plus* le aporta un mejor controldel baño de soldadura porque controla automáticamentelas corrientes definidas y cuenta con varios periodos derefrigeración durante una soldadura. Esto reduce el aportede calor y garantiza una apariencia de cordón de soldaduraperfecto.*DUO Plus está incluido con cada Sigma One.DUO Plus 1DUO Plus 10Smart Torch resulta indispensable en las producciones de soldadura querequieren precisión y exactitud a la hora de ajustar el arco.DUO Plus 15Consumo de gas en el momento de la ignición.Flujo de gas utilizando IGC®.*Un módulo Smart T orch es un característica opcional para su antorcha.Nos reservamos el derecho a realizar cambios.Nos reservamos el derecho a realizar cambios.Nos reservamos el derecho a realizar cambios.Especificaciones técnicas Obtenga servicio en nuestra amplia red de serviciosNuestra red de Colaboradores de servicio técnico autorizados en Europa está lista paraofrecerle asistencia en su producción de soldadura. Los Colaboradores de servicio técnicoautorizados han formado a técnicos de servicio certificados para prestar un servicio ymantenimiento profesionales. Conocen su máquina de soldadura y sus vehículos de servicioestán equipados con recambios originales y equipo de medición de calibración y prueba.Visite /service para localizar su colaborador de servicio técnico más cercanoAmplíe la garantía de su Sigma OneCuando compra Migatronic, puede estar seguro de contar con productos de alta calidad.Además del periodo de garantía de 2 años para las máquinas de soldadura nuevas, puedeampliar la garantía hasta 5 años.Para mantener la garantía ampliada, se requiere una comprobación de servicio anual, incluyendovalidación, calibración y prueba de seguridad.Registre su Sigma One recientemente adquirida en /warranty en un plazo que nosupere los 30 días desde la fecha de compra. Conseguirá una garantía de entre 5 años en loscomponentes seleccionados.Sigma One Migatronic A/S Aggersundvej 339690 Fjerritslev DinamarcaTeléfono: (+45) 96 500 600 Fax: (+45) 96 500 601*******************。
一、准备工作1.1 检查焊接机的电源是否正常,检查焊接机是否处于正常工作状态。
1.2 检查焊接机的焊接电极是否正常,如果需要更换,应提前准备好。
1.3 检查焊接机的焊接材料是否充足,如果不足,应及时补充。
1.4 检查焊接机的保护设备是否完好,确保操作过程中的安全。
二、操作步骤2.1 开机准备将焊接机连接到电源,并开启电源开关。
2.2 调整焊接机参数根据所需焊接材料的种类和规格,调整焊接机的参数。
2.3 准备焊接材料将焊接材料放置在焊接机上,调整焊接位置和角度,确保焊接材料能够得到充分焊接。
2.4 焊接操作按下开始按钮,焊接机将按照预设的参数进行焊接。
2.5 检查焊接质量焊接完成后,检查焊接接头的质量。
2.6 关机整理关闭焊接机,并对焊接机进行整理和清洁。
三、注意事项3.1 在操作过程中,必须佩戴防护手套、护目镜等安全装备,确保人身安全。
3.2 操作焊接机时,要保持注意力集中,避免分心造成意外。
3.3 在操作焊接机之前,必须熟悉焊接机的操作说明书,了解各个部位的功能和操作方法。
3.4 定期检查焊接机的维护情况,确保焊接机的正常运行。
1. 编写目的:1.1向员工提示作业过程存在的风险。
2. 员工职责:2.1员工在生产及辅助作业过程中必须严格遵守本规程。
3. 员工上岗培训:3.1新进人员进入本岗位前,必须先接受“公司级、车间级、班组级”三级安全教育,并将员工安全档案交由公司安环部留存。
4 自动焊接作业中存在的中度风险:4.1常规作业:4.1.1人员在焊接机观察窗观察,肢体被夹伤;4.1.2排版机手臂脱落、断裂撞伤人员;;4.1.3人员触碰焊接机高温区域,导致人员烫伤;4.1.4焊接机电线短路,致使人员触电或引发火灾。
5. 自动焊接岗位安全操作规程:5.1自动焊机操作工岗位安全操作规程:5.1.1员工进入生产区域前,应规范穿戴好个人防护用品(防静电服、网帽、活性炭口罩、防静电手套、指套、布鞋)。
Neopulse 320 三相脉冲MIG MAG焊接机说明书
MADE in FRANCENEOPULSE 320 CP.N. 062474MIG/MAG:- steel wire: Ø 0.6 - 1.2 mm- stainless steel wire: Ø 0.8 - 1.2 mm - aluminium wire: Ø 0.8 - 1.2 mm - CuSi and CuAl wire: Ø 0.8 - 1.2 mmPULSED / DC MMA: basic, rutile and cellulosic electrodes (up to Ø 5 mm) PULSED / DC LIFT TIGSupplies without accessoriesReinforced metal casing and non slip rubber pads. IP23-rated casing.Separate, optional NEOFEED-4W* dispenser with air- or water-connection cables (up to 20 m).Remotely adjustment of the machine’s settings using two, optional remote controls (*digital or analogue).The NEOPULSE 320 C is a digital, three-phase, pulsed, MIG/MAG welding machine. Designed to operate at the highest performance level using the latest technology, it features various synergy curves as well as exceptional arc quality and performance. User friendly and highly practical, its digital interface is designed to allow the welding settings to be quickly and easily adjusted. Equipped with a precise, four-reel, wire-feeding system, this power source provides unparalleled productivity and welding quality on all types of materials.www.gys.frIntended for heavy and demanding industrial applications:Four microprocessors increase the communication speed and optimise the machine’s efficiency. High productivity thanks to its high duty cycle (300 A @ 60%). Compatible wire-feed reels: Ø 200 / 300 mm.Can be connected to a SAM control interface for automated or robotic applications (optional). Robust design to withstand shocks and vibrations.Powerful, motorised wire-feed system (100 W) with four active drive rolls. Very high arc voltage for easier ignition and exceptional arc dynamics.SYNERGY mode: after selecting the material/gas combination and the wire diameter theNEOPULSE 320 C will automatically work out the optimal welding settings whilst still allowing you to adjust the settings (wire-feed speed, voltage, current and arc length).New user friendly interface focused on the welders’ navigation habits. Machine and synergy updates using a USB key.Optional cooling unit (P .N. 013537) and trolley (P .N. 037328). Stores up to 500 welding programs (can be saved to a USB key).Displays the current/voltage during and after the welding process (WPS/PQR).Choose which key parameter setting to display on the screen (wire-feed speed, average welding current, etc.).Internal lighting system for the wire-feed motor and reel.Viewing window on wire-compartment’s door for easily wire monitoring.Smart ventilation management system to reduce power consumption, dust intake and noise. Compatible with Push-Pull torch (24 V / 42 V).6 MIG-MAG welding modes: Standard Dynamic, Standard Impact, Standard Root, Pulsed, Modularc and Manual. To learn more about GYS pre-installed user settings, scan the QR code or click . TACK modes: SPOT and DELAY . Trigger options: 2T and 4T .Precise control of the entire welding cycle: CreepSpeed, Softstart, Hotstart, Upslope, Downslope, Crater Fill and Post-Gas, etc.Calibrate the welding cables and motor speed to adjust the displayed voltage and refine the energy calculation.Energy consumption, displays and calculates the energy consumption after welding in accordance with standards EN1011-1, ISO / TR 18491 and QW-409.Portable: load / save user JOBS and machine settings using a USB key.Traceability: track / record all welding stages, weld by weld, during industrial manufacturing in accordance with standard EN ISO 3834.Three user-interface levels:- Easy: simplified features - Expert: full display- Advanced: full access to all parameters* Digital connector kit required (P .N. 063938)GYS synergiesNEOPULSE 320 CRef. 062474Inter connection cablesTECHNICAL DATAACCESSORIES & CONSUMABLES。
标题 mag焊接操作流程及注意事项。
**一、MAG焊接操作流程**1. 焊接前的准备工作呢,哎呀呀,这可太重要啦!首先得检查焊接设备呀,看看焊机是不是能正常工作呢?电线有没有破损呀?还有那个保护气体的供应装置,气体够不够哇?流量是不是合适呢?哇,这些要是出了问题,焊接可就没法好好进行啦!然后就是选择合适的焊接材料啦,不同的焊件需要不同的焊丝呢,这可不能选错呀!焊条的直径也要根据焊件的厚度来定哦,这一点可不能马虎呢!2. 焊件的处理也不能忽视哇。
3. 接下来就是调整焊接参数啦。
焊接速度也得适中哇,太快了焊缝不饱满,太慢了又可能会把焊件烧穿呢!这几个参数就像跳舞的节奏一样,要配合好才行呢!4. 开始焊接的时候呢,要先引弧。
在焊接过程中,要注意观察熔池的状态呀,熔池应该是明亮、清晰的呢,如果熔池看起来很浑浊,那可能就是有问题啦,是不是焊接参数不对呢?还是保护气体有问题呀?这时候就得停下来检查一下呢!5. 焊接完成后呢,要对焊缝进行检查和清理呀。
**二、MAG焊接的注意事项**1. 保护气体的使用可是个大问题呢!保护气体的种类、流量和纯度都要严格控制呀。
如果保护气体不足或者不纯,空气中的氧气、氮气就会进入熔池,这样就会产生气孔、夹杂这些缺陷呢!哇,这可太影响焊接质量啦!2. 焊接环境也很重要哦。
MIG MAG脉冲焊接机产品说明书
forceArcHIGH-SPEED!Maximum efficiency for all requirements with reproducible welding results and low-spatter welding thanks to the fully digital inverter welding technology!EWM-forceArc – the high-pressure arc – up to 30% faster welding with thick panels!Self-explanatory, intuitive operating concepts for everyone – your choice of various control concepts – optimised for the target group and the application!Optimum preset JOBs (welding tasks) and synergic operation – so that you can concentrate fully on your welding task !Maximum mobility: Easily movable thanks to large wheels, fits through standard doors, easy loading and unloading thanks to the even wheel gauge, can be lifted by crane and moved on a fork lift!Multifunctional and ergonomic grip system: Effort-less mobility, practical holder for tube packages, impact protection!Intelligent casing design with optimised air guidance for longer duty cycle and ventilation control for less contamination in the machine!PROGRESS, EXPERT: Ideal for robot, industrial bus and mechanised applications and documentation via optional interfaces!Powerful cooling system for the torch, with centrifugalpump, cooler with large surface area and an extra-large tank (12 litres)!PHOENIX 521 PULS EXPERT forceArc HIGHSPEED:Efficient MAG welding with significantly higher fusion performance and welding speed as well as excellent weld seam quality thanks to low-spatter welding with deep and wide fusion penetration!Unalloyed, low-alloy and high-alloy steels, aluminium alloys, copper and its alloys, special alloys!Solid and fluxed-core wire electrodes (0.8-2.4 mm), coated electrodes: Rutile, basic!Production and repair work: Chemical and food industries, machine and plant construction, vehicle, automobile, railway vehicle and ship construction, container, closed container and equipment construction, steel and metal construction work, offshore, etc.Ergonomic, robust and perfect –MMA weldingTIG welding LiftarcMIG/MAG pulse welding of the highest qualityMIG/MAG pulse weldingEWM forceArc weldingMIG/MAGstandard weldingHIGHLIGHTSAREA OF APPLICATIONSHigh performance MAG welding HIGH-SPEED®(only PHOENIX 521 and DRIVE 4 in HIGHSPEED version)PHOENIX 301;351;421;521PHOENIX 301;351;421PHOENIX 301IP23S EN 50199IEC/EN 60974MIG/MAGon the welding machine – only the most important welding parameters immediately accessible on the wire feed.115 optimum pre-programmed JOBs (welding tasks) for selection on the wire feed/ welding machine – everything immediately accessible on the wire feed,16 welding programsMaximum ease-of-use – 256 optimum pre-programmed JOBs (welding tasks), including 128 for customised programming with immediate access – all welding parameters immediately accessible both from the welding machine and from the wire feed, 16 welding programs TECHNICAL DATAB A S I CP R O G R E S SE X P E R T *A L T E R N A T I V E L Y* Version decompact onlyWelding machine, gas / water cooledDCPHOENIX BASICGeneralŸ ŸSuperpulseŸS Ÿ115 JOBsDisplaysŸMIG/MAG standard, pulse and forceArc welding, TIG (Liftarc) and MMA welding Non-latched, latched, special non-latched, special latched, MIG spot ŸAutomatic cut-outynergic one-dial operationŸPreselection of welding task using material type, seam type, electrode diameter via a job list Ÿ 3 special JOBs, can be programmed for customised applications Ÿ16 programs per JOB ŸHold functionŸCurrentless gas test and wire inchingŸ2 displays for welding parameters before, during and after welding: Welding current and voltage, wire speed, panel thickness, program number, job number, etc.ŸLEDs: Faults, welding parametersFunctionsMIGŸTIGŸMMAŸArcforcingWire speed ŸArc length correction ŸChoke effect/dynamics ŸWire burn-back ŸWire creepŸGas pre-flow and post-flow timesŸSlope times, main, reduced main and end programŸIgnition, main, reduced main and end programs per jobŸSuperpulse: Pulse and pause programŸWelding currentŸGas pre-flow and post-flow times ŸUp and down slope timesIgnition, welding, secondary and end currentsŸWelding current ŸHotstart time ŸHotstart current ProgrammableŸVarious torch and function modesTorchOptionsSoftwareŸMIG standard ŸTIG comboRemote controlŸManual remote control: CurrentŸDinse central connector ŸPhoenix DRIVE: Wheel set ŸStar handle for wire feed ŸReinforced pump ŸDirt filterŸHolders for accessoriesŸPC 300 welding parameter softwareŸWelding data documentation for Q-DOC 9000 softwareŸWELDQAS welding data monitoring and documentation systemWelding parameters (infinite adjustable)Accessories/OptionsSelection on welding machineSet on welding machineWire feedWelding machine Welding parameter (infinite adjustable)Set on wire feedMIGŸWire speedŸArc length correctionDCPHOENIX PROGRESSGeneralŸ ŸSuperpulseŸ115 JOBsDisplayŸMIG/MAG standard, pulse and forceArc welding, TIG (Liftarc) and MMA welding Non-latched, latched, special non-latched, special latched, MIG spot ŸAutomatic cut-outŸSynergic one-dial operationŸPreselection of welding task using material type, seam type, electrode diameter via job listŸ 3 special JOBs, can be programmed for customised applications Ÿ16 programs per JOB ŸHold functionŸCurrentless gas test and wire inchingŸConnection capability for intermediate driveŸ2 displays for welding parameters before, during and after welding: Welding current and voltage, wire speed, panel thickness, program number, job number, etc.ŸLEDs: Faults, welding parametersFunktionsMIGTIGMMAŸ ŸArcforcingŸWire speedŸArc length correction ŸChoke effect/dynamics ŸWire burn-back ŸWire creepŸGas pre-flow and post-flow timesŸSlope times, main, reduced main and end programŸIgnition, main, reduced main and end programs per jobŸSuperpulse: Pulse and pause programŸWelding currentŸGas pre-flow and post-flow times ŸUp and down slope timesŸIgnition, welding, secondary and end currentsŸWelding current ŸHotstart time Hotstart current ProgrammableŸVarious torch and function modesTorchŸUp/ DownŸPush/Pull Remote controlOptionsInterfacesŸSoftwareŸProgram/job selectionŸRETOX: Up/down with display ŸTIG comboŸManual remote control: Current ŸProgram remote controlŸKey switchŸDinse central connector ŸPhoenix DRIVE: Wheel set ŸStar handle for wire feed ŸReinforced pump ŸDirt filterŸHolders for accessoriesŸAnalogue interface for mechanised welding Digital interfaces: PC, robot, industrial bus, wire feed, documentation ŸPC 300 welding parameter softwareŸWelding data documentation for Q-DOC 9000 softwareŸWELDQAS welding data monitoring and documentation systemWelding parameters (infinite adjustable)Accessories/OptionsSelect on wire feedSet on wire feedWire feedChecklist of Machine FunctionsGeneralŸŸŸŸŸŸŸSuperpulse Select on wire feedMIG/MAG pulse/standardNon-latched/latched, special latched Synergic one-dial operation Automatic cut-out Select on welding machineMIG/MAG and forceArc welding, TIG(Liftarc) and MMA weldingPreselection of welding task using materialtype, seam type, electrode diameter on the welding machineŸ256 JOBs: 128 preset and 128 freelyprogrammable for customised applications Ÿ 3 special JOBsŸ16 programs per JOB ŸHold functionŸCurrentless gas test and wire inchingŸConnection capability for intermediate driveDisplaysŸM310, M370: 2 displays for welding parameters before, during and afterwelding: Welding current and voltage, wire speed, panel thickness, program number, job number, operating hours, motor current, etc.ŸM310: LEDs: Faults, current typeFunctionsMIGŸTIG / MMAWire speed ŸArc length correction ŸChoke effect/dynamicsŸWelding current TorchŸUp/ DownŸPush/Pull OptionsInterfacesSoftwareŸSoftware Q-DOC 9000ŸProgram/job selectionŸRETOX: Up/down with display ŸTIG comboRemote controlŸManual remote control: Current ŸProgram remote controlŸKey switchŸDinse central connector ŸPhoenix DRIVE: Wheel set ŸStar handle for wire feed ŸReinforced pump ŸDirt filterŸHolders for accessoriesŸAnalogue interface for mechanised welding ŸDigital interfaces: PC, robot, industrial bus, wire feed, documentation ŸPC 300 welding parameter software Welding data documentation ŸWELDQAS welding data monitoring and documentation systemWelding parameters ()infinite adjustable Accessories/OptionsSet on wire feedWire feedWelding machine MIGTIGMMAŸ ŸArcforcingŸWire burn-back ŸWire creepŸGas pre-flow and post-flow timesŸSlope times, main, reduced main and end programŸIgnition, main, reduced main and end programs per jobŸSuperpulse: Pulse and break timesŸGas pre-flow and post-flow times ŸUp and down slope timesŸIgnition, welding, secondary and end currentsŸHotstart time Hotstart current ProgrammableŸVarious torch and function modes ŸExpert mode for creating customisedcharacteristicsSet on welding machine。
操作面板说明显示屏A电源开关显示屏B送丝保险8A模式设定显示项目设定参数设定其他设定编码器A 编码器B1. 按动【模式选择】按钮,选择〖焊接〗指示灯亮2. 按动【焊接控制】按钮,选择〖收弧无〗或〖收弧有〗,这里选择〖收弧无〗,则〖收弧无〗指示灯亮3. 按动【焊接方式】按钮,选择〖脉冲无〗或〖脉冲有〗,这里选择〖脉冲无〗,相应的指示灯亮模式设定模式设定参数设定4.按动【材质】按钮,根据焊丝材质,可选择〖碳钢〗或〖药芯碳钢〗,这里选择〖碳钢〗5. 按动【丝径】按钮,选择使用的焊丝直径,这里选 1.26. 按动【气体】按钮,选择焊接气体,选〖CO2〗或〖MAG 〗这里选〖CO2〗参数设定在设定过程中,当显示屏呈现以下状态时,表明所设定的参数不匹配,在焊机内没有相关数据,要重新设定。
碳钢的数据表空表状态母材材料焊接方式保护气体脉冲有无丝径(mm)碳钢CO2100%CO2脉冲无0.8/1.01.2/1.41.6MAG Ar+18%CO2脉冲无0.8/1.01.2/1.41.6脉冲有0.8/0.91.0/1.21.4/1.6碳钢药芯CO2100%CO2预置焊接电流、电压3. 可对焊接电压进行微调,幅度为±92. 焊接电压自动匹配1. 通过送丝机上的遥控器调节焊接电流检查气体按动检气按钮,检气指示灯亮,此时可检查气体有无,并通过流量计设定气体流量。
1. 按动【模式选择】按钮,选择〖焊接〗指示灯亮2. 按动【焊接控制】按钮,选择〖收弧无〗或〖收弧有〗,这里选择〖收弧无〗,则〖收弧无〗指示灯亮3. 按动【焊接方式】按钮,选择〖脉冲无〗或〖脉冲有〗,这里选择〖脉冲有〗,相应的指示灯亮模式设定4.按动【材质】按钮,根据焊丝材质,可选择〖不锈钢(3系)〗或〖不锈钢(4系)〗,这里选择〖不锈钢(3系)〗5. 按动【丝径】按钮,选择使用的焊丝直径,这里选1.26. 按动【气体】按钮,选择焊接气体,这里选〖MIG 〗,(推荐使用Ar+2.5%CO2或Ar+2.0%O2配比的气体)参数设定模式设定参数设定不锈钢的数据表母材材料焊接方式保护气体脉冲有无丝径(mm)不锈钢(SUS308)MIG Ar+ 2.5%CO2或Ar+2.0%O2脉冲有0.不锈钢(SUS430)MIG Ar+ 2.5%CO2或Ar+2.0%O2脉冲有 1.01.2不锈钢药芯MAG Ar+ 18%CO2脉冲有 1.2不锈钢药芯CO2100%CO2脉冲无 1.23系不锈钢MIG焊〖脉冲有〗的设置何谓“3系不锈钢?”——凡是不锈钢焊丝牌号第一位数字为“3”的,如:308、308L、308LSi/316、316L/309、309L、309LSi/310/307Si等奥氏体不锈钢,统称为“3”系。
松下全数字脉冲MIG MAG焊机 GS5系列 操作及调试指南说明书
2019年7月15日星期一唐山松下产业机器有限公司全数字脉冲MIG/MAG 焊机GS5系列操作及调试指南智能焊接.解决方案关于GS5系列焊机1.GS5焊机是针对碳钢和不锈钢、实现稳定、极低飞溅焊接的高级机型。
手工焊接时设备基本构成NO.项目型号说明①焊接电源YD-350GS5HNEYD-500GS5HGE风冷配置、适合碳钢、不锈钢超低飞溅、带脉冲②送丝装置+电缆组件YW-50DN1HSE+TSMWV685风冷送丝机、钢配置、数字全封闭式、三芯插头③焊枪YT-35CS4HSE YT-50CS4HSE 3米长度、风冷、三芯插头YT-35CS4HPSYT-50CS4HPS3米长度、风冷、三芯插头、脉冲专用④气体调节YX-25CD1HAM⑤母材焊接电缆50 mm 2以上70 mm 2以上⑥其它可选送丝装置YW-50DNW1HLE①水冷②欧式接头③钢配置YW-50DG1HNHYW-50DG1HNS风冷送丝机、钢配置、管状结构、带1.8米线、三芯插头、带数显操作面板说明显示屏A显示屏B显示项目设定编码器A 编码器B设定项目切换(切换按钮A )焊接模式切换(切换按钮B )1. 按动【选择】按钮,直到〖焊接〗指示灯亮2.选择〖收弧无〗,则〖收弧无〗指示灯亮模式设定3.按动【材质】按钮,每按一次,按钮上方屏幕交替显示焊丝材质的名称(注意这里是指焊丝材质),这里选”STL”。
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INSTRUCTION MANUALAUTOMIG XValid from 8647 50170005.CONTENTS:GENERAL DESCRIPTION (4)INITIAL OPERATING (5)CONTROL SWITCHES/INSTRUCTION (6)WELDING TECHNIQUE (7)MAINTENANCE (8)FAULTS (9)REPLACEMENT OF CONTROL UNIT (10)REPLACEMENT OF WIRE GUIDE LINER (11)TECHNICAL DATA (12)WELDING SCHEDULES (13)Only first-class materials have been used for the development and production of MIGATRONIC welding machines. The materials are subject to current control and quality supervison and then processed and mounted together into MIGATRONIC welding machines.No matter how good materials we have used and no matter how carefully the mounting has been done, an advanced product as a MIGATRONIC MIG-MAG-welding machine demands your effort to operate perfectly for years.Therefore study carefully this instruction before your initial operating. This should assure a profitable use of your new MIGATRONIC welding machine.CONGRATULATIONS!GENERAL DESCRIPTIONMIGATRONIC welding machines, type Automig: 140 Mono X, 140 X, 180 Mono X, 180 X, 185 X, 200 X, 250 X and 300 X have been developed for thin plate welding and car body repair.The Automig 140 Mono X and 180 Mono X are designed to normal single-phase 220-240 V plug (F+0+earth)/10 Amp(16Amp) where as the Automig 140 X, 180 X, 185 X, 200 X, 250 X, 300 X are designed for three-phase 220-380 V (3F+earth)/10Amp.Automig 185 X needs only two phase wires (2F+earth)/16Amp.The main parts of the machine are the main transformer, the contactor, the rectifier for welding current, the condenser battery (only 140 M X, 180 M X, 185 X), the control transformer, the wire feed motor, the solenoid valve and the electronic control.The welding transformer has been dimensioned to obtain optimum welding capacities, and for a working temperature of 180°C. For further protection a thermal fuse has been incorporated which automatically cuts out the machine at 150°C. The overheating protection will switch on automatically when the transformer has cooled. The rectifier is electronically protected against overloading in case of short circuit of the welding current, the machine will cut out after approx. 3 sec.Mode of operation: When the trigger at the welding handle is activated the contactor will couple voltage to the welding transformer which will give a secundary voltage decided by the position of the voltage switch. In the rectifier this AC voltage is transformed into a DC voltage which is applied between welding torch and return cable. At the same time the flow of protection gas and the wire feed motor are started. The number of revolutions is decided by the adjustment button. When you lift your finger from the trigger the motor will stop and after a short delay the contactor and the welding current are interrupted.This delay which is called "burn back delay" has the effect that the welding wire will burn back a little from the molten pool and thus does not stick to the pool. The time of delay can be set by the lowest trimpotentiometer at the print card.The electronic control can be set to the functions "seam" , "spot" , and "interval" .At "seam" the welding will start when you press the trigger and stop when you release the trigger.At "spot" the welding will stop after a delay that can be set by the button "welding time". Using this function you are sure of a uniform interval welding.In the position "interval" the wire feed motor will stop with intervals that can be set by the buttons "welding time" and "pause time". When you put "pauses" into the welding, the average heat volume added is reduced to prevent a burning through on difficult welding tasks.INITIAL OPERATINGMains connection:Input voltage should be as stated on the type plate of the machine. If dual voltage, the tapping must be checked before mains connection.Shielding gas connection:The shielding gas bottle is mounted on the machine and the regulator on the bottle. If the regulator is equipped with flowmeter, the gas quantity is adjusted on 5-15 litres/min.Welding hose connection:The welding hose is put through the hole in the front plate and into the switch on the wire feed console (see page 11). Keep the inlet nozzle as close to the wire feed roller as possible without letting them touch each other. Fasten the Allen screw and mount the gas hose and the control wire. Check that the hole in the inlet nozzle is in line with the groove of the wire feed roller.Fitting the welding wire:Turn the tension spring aside and tip it up. Check that the wire feed roller, the wire guide liner and the contact tip correspond to the wire diameter, the wire feed roller is designed for two wire dimensions and should be turned around until the outer side is showing the wire size being used. The following wire guide liner is recommendedWIRE DIAMETER FE.WIREmm WIRE GUIDE LINER INT.DIAM.mmø 0.6ø 0.8 - ø 1.0 ø 1.0 (ø 1.5)ø 1.5WIRE DIAMETER AL.WIREmm WIRE GUIDE LINER INT.DIAM.mmø 0.8 ø 1.0 ø 1.5 ø 1.5When using aluminium wire use a special guide liner where the internal liner goes all the way through the inlet nozzle. This prevents the aluminium wire from being damaged.The reel of wire is put on the hub, and the wire is put through the wire feed unit and some centimeters into the hose. As the wire guide liner is vulnerable to burrs at the point of the wire, it is important to file the point of the wire in order to remove all burrs and it is equally important to straighten out the first 10-15 cm. Unscrew contact nozzle. Tip up the lever. Set the wire speed at 6, press the start button, the wire runs through the hose. When the wire is through the hose, stop the machine and mount the contact nozzle. The pressure of the lever is adjusted to allow the wire feed roller just to slide on the wire when this is stopped at thecontact nozzle.Automig 185 XThe special welding hose is mounted at the quick clutch of the machine and the Jack-sleeve and the welding handle is mounted with the desired electrode holder.For planishing of dents with carbon the voltage switch of the machine shall be set at step 8 whereas voltage step 7 is used when welding nails or discs. Using this method it is important for a satisfactory result that you do not press the handle too hard against the workpiece as the contact resistance between nail (discs) and the piece is reduced and the desired generation of heat is decreased.You must also take care that the return clip is in good contact with the piece and is not attached too far from the welding point.CONTROL SWITCHES/INSTRUCTIONS1. Welding time: With this switch the welding time is chosen, when 2 is in position: interval and spot.2. Switch:Seam:The switch is set at seam. The trigger on the welding handle is activated, welding starts. By letting go the trigger you stop the welding process.Spot:The switch is set at spot. When the trigger on the welding handle is activated, welding starts. Welding automatically stops, depending on the time adjusted by button 1 (0.2-1.5 sec.)Interval:The switch is set at interval. When the trigger is activated, welding starts. The welding automatically stops, depending on the time adjusted by button 1. After an interval fixed at button 3 the same cycle continues automatically and is only interrupted when the trigger on the welding handle is released.3. Adjustable pausetime: With this button the pause time is chosen, when button 2 is in position: interval.4. Wire speed: With this button the wire feed speed is adjusted, depending on the welding voltage and wirediameter.Wire speed range: 2-12 m/min.5. Control lamp: Lights when the machine is on.6. Fuse7. Adjustment of welding voltage and main switch ON-OFF.8. Earth cable (only at Automig 185X).9. Connection for bolt welding hose (only at Automig 185 X).10. Pilot cable for bolt welding hose (only at Automig 185 X).WELDING TECHNIQUESetting of the machineThe setting of a MIG-MAG welding machine demands some practice from the welder, the machine having two control points that have to conform. These two are the wire feed speed and the welding voltage. The welding current is determined by the wire feed speed, and it should correspond to the workpiece. The current will increase with increased wire speed, resulting in a shorter arc. Less wire speed will reduce the current and lengthen the arc. Increasing the welding voltage hardly alters the current intensity, but lengthens the arc. By decreasing the voltage a shorter arc is obtained with little change in current intensity.When using CO2 as shielding gas, increase the voltage by about 5 Volts per 100 Amp.When changing the wire diameters, different control settings are required. A thinner wire needs more speed to acquire the same current strength. A satisfactory weld cannot be obtained if extreme values are exceeded.If the feed speed is too high for the welding voltage, blockage will occur in the torch as the wire dips into the molten pool and does not melt. Welding in these conditions normally gives faults due to lack of fusion. If, however, the welding voltage is too high, large drops will form on the end of the wire, causing spatter.The correct setting of voltage and speed can be seen in an even and calm arc.See tables.Influence of the welding positionThe position of the torch and the work piece is important for the quality and appearance of the seam.The diagrams on the next page show some of the many possibilities and indicate schematically the importance of these positions. In practice one of course uses all combinations of welding positions, torch directions and positions of the work piece.Together with the figures, the diagram below may help when an estimation of the importance of separate factors for welding quality is needed.The terms drawing weld and thrusting weld mean:Drawing weld:torch sloped in direction of weldThrusting weld:torch sloped away from direction of weld.Drawing weld is sometimes designated "dragging welding" and thrusting weld "stabbing" weldingThrusting weld Drawing weldWidth of seam wider narrowerUpper bead smaller largerPenetration decreaseincrease Tendency to lack of fusion greater lesserMAINTENANCEThe following items demand special attention:Wire feed unitThis unit is to be checked regularly at the wire feed roller and the wire nozzles, as it is of great importance for a satisfactory welding result and a minimum of wear and tear that the wire passes through the mechanism without any deformations of the wire or the wire feed roller.The wire nozzles should often be checked and changed if the copper coating of the wire is damaged on its way through the nozzles. Copper dust may totally hinder free passage through the wire liner.A weekly check and cleaning of the nozzles as well as the wire feed roller is recommended.Welding hoseGreat care should be taken that the welding hose is not overloaded. It should not be pulled over sharp edges, and other heavy machines should not run over it as it may damage the wire lines. The hose should be dismantled every week and blown out with dry air.Welding torchThere are many parts in the welding torch that have to be cleaned regularly. The main ones are the contact tip and the gas nozzle. During the welding process, these parts are bombarded with spatter that sticks in the nozzles. This may disturb the shielding gas flowing from the gas nozzle down to the molten pool. Otherwise, if the gas nozzle is blocked up with spatter, there is a danger that a short-circuit will occur between the contact tip and the gas nozzle. The spatter should therefore be removed regularly and spatter remover applied in order to prevent spatter from burning into the nozzles. During the cleaning process, the gas nozzle should be removed.DO NOT CLEAN BY BEATING THE TORCHPower sourceThe rectifier and transformer should be blown out with dry air occasionally, otherwise the air circulation will be affected by the dust.FAULTSFAULT:Too little welding effectThe welding seam forms a bead. PROBABLE CAUSE:1. One of the three fuses in the main switch is notworking (one phase is missing).2. The welding voltage is too low.Switch one setting higher.The wire feed is blocking. 1. The inlet nozzle and the wire are not in alignmentwith each other.2. The reel of wire is too taut, the wire must come offthe reel evenly.3. The inlet or contact tip is worn out or is blocked up.4. The welding wire is not clean or it is rusty. It couldalso be of an inferior quality.5. The pressure roller has to be tightened.Spatter 1. The wire feed is too fast for the voltage setting.2 Worn out contact tip.Porous weld.A cone is formed when spot welding 1. Insufficient gas - not enough pressure or the bottleis empty.2. Contact tip is blocked up.3. Leakage - air is pumped in and mixes with theshielding gas.The arc does not look normal, and there is a lot ofspatter1. The material is dirty, underseal or paint.The wire keeps sticking in the contact tip and is very slow 1. The wire can be malformed.The damaged wire should be cut off, pulled outand replaced. The pressure on the wire feed roller should be checked.2. Worn out contact tip.No welding voltage 1. Working voltage interrupted due to overloading ofthe transformer. Automatic switch on after cooling(15-30 min.).REPLACEMENT OF CONTROL UNIT1. Switch off current.2. Remove buttons on the front plate.3. Remove side panel.4. Disconnect multiplug outlets and unscrew the nuts.5. Dismount potentiometer for pause time.6. Pull out control unit.7. Mount the new control unit inversely.8. Do not connect the machine before the multiplug is in the right place.NutNutPlugREPLACEMENT OF WIRE GUIDE LINER1. Unscrew the Allen screw, disconnect the gas hose and the control wire, pull out the welding hose.2. Dismount the welding torch.3. Unscrew the Allen screw for fixing the wire guide liner. The nozzle to which the wire guide liner has beenfixed can now be pulled out to the rear.4. Push in the new wire guide liner. During the mounting the hose should be in as straight a line as possible.5. Press home the nozzle and screw the Allen screw for fixing the wire guide liner.6. Cut the liner so that it is in line with the outer edge of the connection nipple. If the wire guide liner is ofplastic, cut it with a sharp knife.7. Mount the welding torch.8. Connect the welding hose as explained page 5.Gas hoseAllenscrewControl wireTECHNICAL DATA140 MX 180 MX 185 X 140 X 180 X 200 X 250 X 300 X Mains voltage 50 Hz 1x220V 1x220V 1x380V 3x380V 3x380V 3x380V 3x380V 3x380V Mains voltage 50 Hz 1x240V 1x240V 1x415V 3x415V 3x415V 3x415V 3x415V 3x415V Mains voltage 50 Hz 1x220/380V 3x220/380V 3x220/380V 3x220/380V 3x220/380V3x220/380V10A 16A 25A 10A 16A 16A 16A 25A Fuse220/240V380/415V 16A 10A 10A 10A 10A 16A FuseConsumption max. 2.6 kVA 6.3 kVA 5.3 kVA 3.5 kVA 4.5 kVA 6.2 kVA 9.2 kVA 12.2 kVAEfficiency 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.82 0.82 Cos. phi. 0.90 0.95 0.92 0.89 0.85 0.87 0.87 0.87Open circuit voltage 20-31V 20-36V 19-36V 18-25V 17-31V 15-31V 15-37V 16-44V100%cycle50A 60A 65A 45A 65A 95A 145A 165A duty1260% duty cycle 60A 80A 85A 60A 85A 125A 185A 210A 35% duty cycle 80A 100A 110A 75A 110A 160A 220A 260A 25% duty cycle 250A 300A20% duty cycle 200A15% duty cycle 140A 180A 180A 115A 180ACurrent range 25-140A 25-180A 25-180A 25-140A 25-180A 25-200A 25-250A 25-300A4 6 6+2 4 7 10 10 10adjustmentVoltageAvailable for other mains voltagesTABLES FOR SETTING OF THE MACHINEThese tables are only intended as a guide, as the datas may change depending on the length of the arc, the torch handling and the position of the welding seam.Furthermore, the values change if the mains voltage is appreciably above or beneath 380V (220V). The values are based on CO2 shielding gas.When welding with mixed gas as shielding gas, wire speed should be increased by about 10 or welding voltage should be decreased by about 10 (1-2 steps).SEAM- AND INTERVAL WELDING SPOT WELDING0.6 mm0.8 mm 1.0 mm0.8 mmMaterial thickness mm WeldingvoltagesettingWirespeedWeldingvoltagesettingWirespeedWeldingvoltagesettingWirespeedMaterialthicknessmmWeldingvoltagesettingWirespeedWeldingtime140 MX0.5-11-22-33-42-45-82-33-42-33-4.5180 MX0.5-11-22-42 3-42-3.54-52-33-452-33-3.580.5+0.51+155-655-70-51-2185 X0.5-11-22-4 2-33-42-3.53.5-52-33-45-62-33-45-70.5+0.51+155-655-70.51-2140 X0.5-11-2 1-23-43-55-623-42.5-3.53.5-4.0180 X0.5-11-22-4 3-45-62.5-3.56.5-8.53-44-55-72-33-4.54.5-6.50.5+0.51+1777-87-912-4200 X0.5-11-22-44-62-34-53-44-62-33-55-77-92-33-44-6.56.5-100.5+0.51+19107-8100.81250 X0.5-11-22-44-61-34-52-34-62-33-55-67-102-33-44-76-102-33-45-67-90.5-11-22-33-40.5+0.51+18978-100.81。
NEOPULSE 500 G 脉冲MIG-MAG焊接机说明书
MADE in FRANCENEOPULSE 500 G10 Ref. 014503MIG/MAG :- steel and stainless steel wire: Ø 0.6 to 1.6 mm - aluminium wire: Ø 0.8 to 1.6 mm - CuSi and CuAl wire: Ø 0.8 to 1.2 mmMMA DC / Pulse : basic, rutile and cellulosic electrodes (up to Ø 6 mm) TIG DC lift / Pulse.Supplied without accessoriesReinforced metal case & non slip rubber pads. IP 23 protection rate.Interconnection cables (air or water cooled) up to 20m (optional).Remote settings of the wire feeder using the 2 optional remote controls (digital or analog). 4 rings/brackets for lifting/positioning.Digital technology, the NEOPULSE 500 G is a pulsed MIG/MAG welding power source with a separate wire feeder. Ultra high performance and designed for the highest performance level using the latest technology, it features +100 synergic curves and exceptional arc quality/performances. Intuitive and highly functional, its digital interface allows you to change welding parameters with ease. Equipped with its NEOFEED-4W reel (optional), this welding power source provides productivity and quality of unmatched welding on all types of alloys.www.gys.frIntended for heavy and demanding industrial applications:4 microprocessors increase the speed of communication and optimize the efficiency of the product. High productivity thanks to its high duty cycle (470A @ 60%).Connectable via a SAM control interface for use on robot/automaton (optional). Higher resistance and robustness of the electronics.Powerful electronically controlled wire feed motor (100 W) with 4 active drive rolls. High arc voltage for easier ignition and exceptional arc dynamic.SYNERGIC mode : Select the material/gas type and wire diameter , now the NEOPULSE automatically determines the optimal welding conditions and allows you to adjust the settings (wire feed speed, voltage, current, arc length).New user friendly interface focused on welders’ navigation habits. Complete update of the machine and synergies by USB key. Cooling unit (ref. 032750) and trolley (ref. 037328) optional. Storage of 500 welding programs (can be saved on USB stick). Displays current/voltage during and after welding (WPS/PQR).Choice of the main parameter to display on the screen (wire speed, average welding current, etc.). Internal lighting of the motorized roll and wire reel.Viewing window on trapdoor to check the consumption of the filler wire.Intelligent ventilation management to reduce power consumption, dust extraction and substation noise.Welding processes : Manual, Dynamic STD, Pulsed, Modul Arc (variation of hot / cold current) TACK modes : SPOT and DELAY . Trigger management : 2T and 4T .Precise control over the welding cycle : CreepSpeed, Softstart, Hotstart, Upslope, Downslope, Crater Filler , Postgas, etc.Complete packsSteel / Stainless steelAluminium 062924062931Calibration of welding accessories, to adjust the displayed voltage measurement and the energy calculation. Energy, display and energy calculation after welding according to EN1011-1, ISO / TR 18491 and QW-409. Portability : load / save as, JOBS from a USB key as well as the machine configuration.Traceability : trace / record all welding steps, weld by weld, during industrial manufacturing according to EN ISO 3834.NEOPULSE 500 GRef. 014503Interconnection cablesACCESSORIES & CONSUMABLES。
7.将工件吊装至托架上,脚踏开关抬升气缸将工件固定在头尾架中心, 脚踏开关控制液压
WI-1-18- YD-200_350KRCO2_MAG焊机操作规程
1.0 适用范围本规程规定了CO2MAG焊机的操作方法及日常保养,适用于YD—200/35KR2CO2MAG焊机操作。
2.0 开关机顺序2.1开机顺序配电箱电源开关冷却水焊接电源保护气阀流量调节旋钮2.2关机顺序流量调节旋钮保护气阀冷却水焊接电源配电箱电源开关3.0 作业的准备3.1安全保护用具3.1.1为保护眼睛和皮肤的裸露部位,应穿戴劳动保护用品。
编制:技术部作成/日期:丁海清/2001、11、08 批准/日期:许成火2001、11、08抄送:□总经理□副总经理□管理者代表□市场部□供应部□计划部□技术部□生产钣金部□生产喷涂部□生产装配部□品质部□人力资源部□文控FORM NO: WI-1-18 共 2页第1页REV1.14.0 日常保养、检修4.1每天应对焊接设备进行点检。
操作规程4.1 计算机与网络管理程序4.1。
1 IT设备的领用、采购,回收,维修,更换流程(1)各部门新增招聘计划时,必须提前15天到行政部备案,如果库存的IT设备无法满足申请部门的需求或者库存无货时,就转采购申请。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
3. 检查用于悬挂焊接机头的平衡器是否安装牢固,平衡器的拉力调整到机头可以轻松
4. 检查焊接机头导电嘴和保护咀。
7. 在焊接过程中要时刻注意观察,出现问题及时关停机器。
8. 焊接完成后,先关闭电源、混合气源。