where her father was a rector. She was the second daughter and seventh child in a family of eight. The first 25 years of her life,Austen spent in Hampshire. She was tutored at home. Her parents were avid readers and she received a broader education than many women of her time. On her father‘s retirement, the family moved to Bath..
Pride and Prejudice (1813年)
◆ Jane Austen began her second novel, Pride and Prejudice, before she was twenty-one. It was originally titled First Impression because the appearances of the characters created the plot of the novel.
Major Works
Sense and Sensibility Mansfield Park Emma Pride and Prejudice Northhanger Abbey Persuasion
《理智与情感》 《曼斯菲尔德庄园》 《爱玛》 《傲慢与偏见》 《诺桑觉寺》 《劝导》
◆However, because the novel is also concerned with the effects of the character's first impressions, that is their prejudice, Jane found the title Pride and Prejudice more appropriate. In Georgian England, Mrs. Bennet raises her five daughters - Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia with the purpose of getting married with a rich husband that can support the family. They are not from the upper class, and their house in Hartfordshire will be inherited by a distant cousin if Mr. Bennet dies.
Pride and Prejudice简·奥斯汀傲慢与偏见英文简介 作者简介ppt课件
Social Background
1 foxy 2 snob 3 love money very mucw middle-class women could choose not to marry or to marry simply for love.
In 1786, returned home , educated by their father
In 1801,because her father was retired, Jane moved to Bath with her family
1805, her father was
dead, and in 1806 Jane
moved to Southampton
精选w课件ithppther mother and
Engraving of Steventon rectory, home of
the Austen family during much of Jane
Austen's lifetime
• After Elizebeth'’s refusal of him, Darcy writes a letter where he explains that Wickham was an unscrupolous adventurer.
• Meanwhile Wickham elopes with Lydia ; Darcy traces them and provides for their marriage.
• 附近小镇的民团联队里有个英俊潇洒的青年军官威克姆,人人都夸他 ,伊丽莎白也对他产生了好感。一天,他对伊丽莎白说,他父亲是 达西家的总管,达西的父亲曾在遗嘱中建议达西给他一笔财产,从 而体面地成为一名神职人员而这笔财产却被达西吞没了。伊丽莎白 听后,对达西更加反感。
• 柯林斯夫妇请伊丽莎白去他们家作客,伊丽莎白在那里遇到,并且被邀去她的 罗辛斯山庄做客。不久,又见到了来那里过复活节的达西。达西无法抑制自己
• 班纳特先生没有儿子,根据当时法律,只有男性可以继承财 产,而班纳特家的女儿们仅仅只能得到五千英镑作为嫁妆, 因此他的家产将由远亲柯林斯(Collins)继承。柯林斯古板平庸 又善于谄媚奉承,依靠权势当上了牧师。他向伊丽莎白求婚 ,遭拒绝后,马上与她的密友夏洛特(Charlotte)结婚,这也给 伊丽莎白带来不少烦恼。
• 奥斯汀终身未婚,家道小康。由于居住在乡村小镇, 接触到的是中小地主、牧师等人物以及他们恬静、舒 适的生活环境,因此她的作品里没有重大的社会矛盾 。她以女性特有的细致入微的观察力,真实地描绘了 她周围世界的小天地,尤其是绅士淑女间的婚姻和爱 情风波。她的作品格调轻松诙谐,富有喜剧性冲突, 深受读者欢迎。在英国小说的发展史上有承上启下的 意义,被誉为地位“可与莎士比亚平起平坐”的作家。
《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀的代表作。这部作品以 日常生活为素材,一反当时社会上流行的感伤小说的 内容和矫揉造作的写作方法,生动地反映了18世纪末 到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活 和世态人情。这部社会风情画式的小说不仅在当时 吸引着广大的读者,时至今日,仍给读者以独特的 艺术享受。 也有根据书本改编的电影.
先后两次求婚的不同态度,实际上反映了女性对人格独立和 平等权利的追求。这是伊丽莎白这一人物形象的进步意义。
Jane Austen
Today we will get to know a great English novelist, whose works are mainly romantic fictions. Her name is Jane Austen (December16,1775—July18,1817)
At the beginning of 1816, she got tuberculosis. In May 1817, she was sent to Winchester for treatment. She stayed in college St. for the last six weeks of her life.
William Shakespeare
Jane Austen
They have the significance of connecting the preceding and the following in the history of English novel development, and she is known as the writer of equal status with Shakespeare.
British and world literature.
Her six novels, sense and sensibility (1811), pride and Prejudice (1813), Mansfield Garden (1814),
Emma (1815), Northanger Abbey (1818) and persuasion (1818), published after the author's death,
Today we will get to know a great English novelist, whose works are mainly romantic fictions. Her name is Jane Austen (December16,1775—July18,1817)
At the beginning of 1816, she got tuberculosis. In May 1817, she was sent to Winchester for treatment. She stayed in college St. for the last six weeks of her life.
William Shakespeare
Jane Austen
They have the significance of connecting the preceding and the following in the history of English novel development, and she is known as the writer of equal status with Shakespeare.
British and world literature.
Her six novels, sense and sensibility (1811), pride and Prejudice (1813), Mansfield Garden (1814),
Emma (1815), Northanger Abbey (1818) and persuasion (1818), published after the author's death,
restricted environment
Jane Austen’s Life
writing at an early age six novels
quiet Retired隐退的 Uneventful平淡的 never married
died in 1817, 42 years old
Pride and Prejudice is the most famous of Jane Austen's novels and one of the first "romantic comedies" in the history of the novel.
The book is her second published novel. Its manuscript was initially written between 1796 and 1797 in Steventon, Hampshire, where Austen lived in the rectory.
Jane Austen 简· 奥斯丁 1775—1817
Jane Austenusten’s Life
rector(教区长) educated at home
read a lot
who already sees a world beyond class and commerce, beyond pride and prejudice, and dreams of doing what was then nearly unthinkable - marrying for love. Naturally, her parents are searching for a wealthy, well-appointed husband to assure their daughter's future social standing. They are eyeing Mr. Wisely, nephew to the very formidable, not to mention very rich, local aristocrat Lady Gresham, as a prospective match. But when Jane meets the roguish and decidedly non-aristocratic Tom Lefroy, sparks soon fly along with the sharp repartee. His intellect and arrogance raise her ire - then knock her head over heels. Now, the couple, whose flirtation flies in the face of the sense and sensibility of the age, is faced with a terrible dilemma. If they attempt to marry, they will risk everything that matters - family, friends and fortune.
简 奥斯丁 ppt
Her governess, Miss Taylor, marries a neighbor, Mr. Weston. Emma has too much time and she spends it choosing proper partners for her friends and neighbors - blind to her own feelings. She makes a protégée of Harriet Smith, an illegitimate girl of no social status and tries to manipulate a marriage between Harriet and Mr. Elton, a young clergyman, who has set his sight on Emma.
Emma has feelings about Mr. Weston's son. When Harriet becomes interested in George Knightley, a neighboring squire who has been her friend, Emma starts to understand her own limitations. He has been her moral adviser, and secretly loves her. Finally Emma finds her destiny in marriage with him. Harriet, who is left to decide for herself, marries Robert Martin, a young farmer.
human beings with their families and neighbors. • 4. Jane Austen’s work has a very narrow literary field. • 5. Jane Austen is a writer who regards novel writing as a sophisticated art.
Jane Austen 英美文学PPT资料37页
Life seems but a quick succession of busy nothings.
We do not look in our great cities for our best morality.
What is right to be done cannot be done too soon.
Lydia and Wickham
Viewpoint on marriage
Ideal marriage should be built on genuine love
Irony (反语) in the novels
Austen established great “Irony” between the words and the thought. Hence, her “irony” was no longer limited to text ,but has become Austen’s whole art world and her inner soul. In her preliminary work, like “Sense and Sensibility”、 “ Pride and Prejudice ”,”Verbal Irony” ,言语反讽 and “Dramatic Irony”戏 剧反讽 is Austen’s favorites “Irony” type, and is also the novel comedic fountainhead. But in her later period work like “Mansfield Park”、 “Emma” and “Persuasion”, Austen’s “Irony” change its style, it became more serious ,they are “Situational Irony”情境反讽 and “General Irony”总体反讽 , the novel’s thought also became deeper ,however ,we can still find the humor of “Verbal Irony” and “Dramatic Irony”.
We do not look in our great cities for our best morality.
What is right to be done cannot be done too soon.
Lydia and Wickham
Viewpoint on marriage
Ideal marriage should be built on genuine love
Irony (反语) in the novels
Austen established great “Irony” between the words and the thought. Hence, her “irony” was no longer limited to text ,but has become Austen’s whole art world and her inner soul. In her preliminary work, like “Sense and Sensibility”、 “ Pride and Prejudice ”,”Verbal Irony” ,言语反讽 and “Dramatic Irony”戏 剧反讽 is Austen’s favorites “Irony” type, and is also the novel comedic fountainhead. But in her later period work like “Mansfield Park”、 “Emma” and “Persuasion”, Austen’s “Irony” change its style, it became more serious ,they are “Situational Irony”情境反讽 and “General Irony”总体反讽 , the novel’s thought also became deeper ,however ,we can still find the humor of “Verbal Irony” and “Dramatic Irony”.
小说运用喜剧的手法表达对生活的严肃批评,探索女主人公从恋爱到结婚中自我 发现的心理过程,生动地反映了18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英 国乡镇生活和世态人情。
小乡绅班纳特有五个待嫁闺中的千金,班 纳特太太整天操心着为女儿们物色称心如 意的丈夫,新来的邻居宾利(Bingley)是个有 钱的单身汉,他立即成了班纳特太太追猎 的目标。
附近小镇的民团联队里有个英俊潇洒的青年军官威克汉姆,伊丽莎白也对他产生了好感。一天,他对伊丽莎白说,他父亲是达西家 的总管,达西的父亲曾在遗嘱中建议达西给他一笔财产,从而体面地成为一名神职人员,而这笔财产却被达西吞没了。
柯林斯夫妇请伊丽莎白去他们家作客,又见 到了来那里过复活节的达西。达西无法抑 制自己对伊丽莎白的爱慕之情,向她求婚, 但态度还是那么傲慢,加之伊丽莎白之前 便对他有严重偏见,便坚决地谢绝了他的 求婚 伊丽莎白随舅父母来到达西的庄园彭伯里, 在管家的门口了解到达西在当地很受人们 尊敬,而且对他妹妹乔治安娜非常爱护。 伊丽莎白在树林中偶遇刚到家的达西,发 现他的态度大大改观
班纳特太太实在气得说不出话; 可是他一走,她那一肚子牢骚 便马上发泄出来。第一,她坚 决不相信这回事;第二,她断 定柯林斯先生受了骗。第三, 她相信这一对夫妇决不会幸福; 第四,这门亲事可能会破裂
直到晚上,怨愤依然没有消散。 她见到伊丽莎白就骂,一直骂 了一个星期之久。她同威廉爵 士或卢卡斯太太说起话来,总 是粗声粗气,一直过了一个月 才好起来;至于夏洛蒂,她竟 过了好几个月才宽恕了她。
宾利和简经过一番周折,言归于好,一对情人沉浸在欢乐之 中。而一心想让自己的女儿嫁给达西的凯瑟琳夫人匆匆赶来, 蛮横地要伊丽莎白保证不与达西结婚。伊丽莎白对这一无理 要求断然拒绝
• 《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀的代表作。这部作 品以日常生活为素材,一反当时社会上流行的 感伤小说的内容和矫揉造作的写作方法,生动 地反映了18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞 状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情。这部社会 风情画式的小说不仅在当时吸引着广大的读者, 时至今日,仍给读者以独特的艺术享受。 也有 根据书本改编的电影。
• 《理智与情感》虽是简·奥斯汀的第一部小说,但写作技 巧已经相当熟练。故事中的每一个情节,经作者的巧妙 构思,表面的因果关系与隐藏在幕后的本质缘故均自然 合理。女主人公根据表面现象产生合情合理的推测和判 断,细心的读者虽然不时产生种种疑惑,但思绪会自然 而然随着好的观察而发展,等着最后结果出现时,与表 面现象截然不同,造成了出乎意料的喜剧效果。如果反 过来重读一遍,会发现导致必然结果的因素早见于字里 行间。
奥斯汀终身未婚,家道小康 居住在乡村小镇,接触到的是中小地主、牧师等人物以及他们恬静、舒适的 生活环境,因此她的作品里没有重大的社会矛盾。 她以女性特有的细致入微的观察力,真实地描绘了她周围世界的小天地,尤 其是绅士淑女间的婚姻和爱情风波。 18世纪末到19世纪初,庸俗无聊的“感伤小说”和“哥特小说”充斥英国文 坛,而奥斯汀的小说破旧立新,一反常规地展现了当时尚未受到资本主义工 业革命冲击的英国乡村中产阶级的日常生活和田园风光。
• 成为简·奥斯汀,而且她的生活同样充满了激情 与爱情。1796年,二十岁的简遇到了汤姆·勒 弗罗伊(Tom Lefroy,詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊饰)。 他们的感情成为了现实生活中的传奇,而爱情 故事也成为她毕生最伟大的著作。
简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen)是英国文学史上著名的女作家,她用独特和细腻 笔触创作出感人至深的爱情故事,自己却终身未婚。喜欢看《傲慢与偏见》、 《理智与情感》、《爱玛》的影迷不要错过了,影片《成为简·奥斯汀》将解 开她的情路历程,而且这部电影的风格就如同那些根据奥斯汀小说改编的影 片一样。 只不过,《成为简·奥斯汀》将重点描写,放在了奥斯汀的生活 经历是如何促使她写出那些浪漫的小说的。把一位当时信手涂鸦完成的作品 现在被公认为经典名著的作家的生活改编成电影,是很冒险的一件事情。在 这么多年以来,出现过各种各样简·奥斯汀小说的电影版本之后,能够拍摄一 部关于她自己真实世界的电影,这样看上去是再好不过的一件事情。
provides comic relief to the
reader while at the same
time revealing certain traits
of the characters.
Lydia’s lack of common sense and responsibility is revealed when she takes pride in being the first Bennet girl to be married. Lydia does not take into consideration the circumstance of her marriage, the personality of her husband, or the prospects of their marriage for the future.
Jane Austen
Her life
❖ 1.Austen was born in Hampshire, a small ❖ town in southwest England, where her ❖ father was rector of the church. ❖ 2. She was educated at home, with her ❖ sisters and passed her life quietly, ❖ cheerfully in doing small domestic duties.
conceited baboon who is completely stupify
简·奥斯汀终身未婚,家道小康。由于居住在乡村小镇,接触到的是中小地 主、牧师等人物以及他们恬静、舒适的生活环境,因此她的作品里没有重大 的社会矛盾。她以女性特有的细致入微的观察力,真实地描绘了她周围世界 的小天地,尤其是绅士淑女间的婚姻和爱情风波。她的作品格调轻松诙谐, 富有喜剧性冲突,深受读者欢迎。她创造出了一大批的人物,开启了19世纪 30年代的现实主义小说高潮。英国文学史上出现过几次趣味革命,文学口味 的翻新几乎影响了所有作家的声誉,唯独莎士比亚和奥斯汀经久不衰。2000 年,BBC做过一个“千年作家评选”活动,结果奥斯丁紧随莎士比亚之后, 排名第二,而且,她是前十位里唯一的女性作家。这位女性堪称英国之骄傲。
家产丰厚、有贵族头衔的青年男 子,故事中男主人公——达西。 他外表高贵、头脑灵活,心地 善良,即使对他的仇敌威克汉 姆,他也十分仁慈。然而,由 于它不好结交生人,使大家认 为他很傲慢。在虚心接受伊丽 莎白的批评后,他赢得了伊丽 莎白的爱情。
达西两个层面的性格——表面的 傲慢无礼与内心的仁爱,知错 就改。而且他有主见明事理, 并不只注重女子的美色,更看 重的是内在的心灵美德,道育 修养。所谓的傲慢只是他不想 哗众取庞而已,而且达西对妹 妹也是特别关心、呵护。能够 真心爱护家人,保护家庭且为 人正直的绅士,是一个真正负 责任的好男人,达西正是如此。
※ 奥斯汀眼中理想型——吉英与宾莱格的婚姻
若说“傲慢”与“偏见”是男女主角爱情的绊脚石,过度 谦卑和缺乏勇气则是吉英和宾格莱的爱情的阻碍。在那个 时期,女性对于自身地位的改善所能做的选择是非常少的. 他们的结合完全符合"仪式",是资产阶级"自由选择",有 爱情的婚姻的"典范",故被称为理想型婚姻.但以现在的 观点来看这段婚姻非常真实但并不理想.
简·奥斯汀终身未婚,家道小康。由于居住在乡村小镇,接触到的是中小地 主、牧师等人物以及他们恬静、舒适的生活环境,因此她的作品里没有重大 的社会矛盾。她以女性特有的细致入微的观察力,真实地描绘了她周围世界 的小天地,尤其是绅士淑女间的婚姻和爱情风波。她的作品格调轻松诙谐, 富有喜剧性冲突,深受读者欢迎。她创造出了一大批的人物,开启了19世纪 30年代的现实主义小说高潮。英国文学史上出现过几次趣味革命,文学口味 的翻新几乎影响了所有作家的声誉,唯独莎士比亚和奥斯汀经久不衰。2000 年,BBC做过一个“千年作家评选”活动,结果奥斯丁紧随莎士比亚之后, 排名第二,而且,她是前十位里唯一的女性作家。这位女性堪称英国之骄傲。
家产丰厚、有贵族头衔的青年男 子,故事中男主人公——达西。 他外表高贵、头脑灵活,心地 善良,即使对他的仇敌威克汉 姆,他也十分仁慈。然而,由 于它不好结交生人,使大家认 为他很傲慢。在虚心接受伊丽 莎白的批评后,他赢得了伊丽 莎白的爱情。
达西两个层面的性格——表面的 傲慢无礼与内心的仁爱,知错 就改。而且他有主见明事理, 并不只注重女子的美色,更看 重的是内在的心灵美德,道育 修养。所谓的傲慢只是他不想 哗众取庞而已,而且达西对妹 妹也是特别关心、呵护。能够 真心爱护家人,保护家庭且为 人正直的绅士,是一个真正负 责任的好男人,达西正是如此。
※ 奥斯汀眼中理想型——吉英与宾莱格的婚姻
若说“傲慢”与“偏见”是男女主角爱情的绊脚石,过度 谦卑和缺乏勇气则是吉英和宾格莱的爱情的阻碍。在那个 时期,女性对于自身地位的改善所能做的选择是非常少的. 他们的结合完全符合"仪式",是资产阶级"自由选择",有 爱情的婚姻的"典范",故被称为理想型婚姻.但以现在的 观点来看这段婚姻非常真实但并不理想.
• 奥斯汀21岁时写成她的第一部小说,题名《最初的印象》,她与出版商 联系出版,没有结果。就在这一年,她又开始写《埃莉诺与玛丽安》, 以后她又写《诺桑觉寺》,于1799年写完。十几年后,《最初的印象》 经过改写,换名为《傲慢与偏见》,《埃莉诺与玛丽安》经过改写,换 名为《理智与情感》,分别得到出版。至于《诺桑觉寺》,作者生前没 有出书。以上这三部是奥斯汀前期作品,写于她的故乡史蒂文顿。
Content description(作者简介)
• Austen's later works also three: Mansfield Park, Emma and persuasion are moved to the Joe Orton made since the. The first two has published, only in 1816 completed "Persuasion", because the author is not satisfied with the original ending, rewrite, there is no published. She died later, his brother Henry Austen responsible for published the Sangjiao Temple "and" Persuasion ", and for the first time in the name of Jane Austen.
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Content description(作者简介)
• Austen's later works also three: Mansfield Park, Emma and persuasion are moved to the Joe Orton made since the. The first two has published, only in 1816 completed "Persuasion", because the author is not satisfied with the original ending, rewrite, there is no published. She died later, his brother Henry Austen responsible for published the Sangjiao Temple "and" Persuasion ", and for the first time in the name of Jane Austen.
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傲慢与偏见,是我们很常见的弱点和毛病。每一个人其实都很容易被自己的主观印 象所驱使,因而容易对别的人下不正确的注解,进而造成了彼此之间的误会。
一个人所给予的第一印象固然可以影响到很多事,但并非一定不会改变,要有更加 深入的了解,才能有更客观一点的论点,就好像故事中伊莉莎白对达西的看法,就 是因为了解才有所改变。
贝内特夫妇五个女儿待字闺中,没有子嗣,依照当时法律, 他们死后家产须由远房内侄柯林斯继承,因此把五个女儿嫁到 有钱人家,成了贝内特太太最大的心愿。宾利,一位未婚富家 子弟,租赁了贝内特家附近的内瑟菲尔德庄园,成为众人注目 的焦点和谈论的话题。不久,宾利就与美丽贤淑的大小姐简相 爱了。宾利的朋友达西对聪明直率的二小姐伊丽莎白颇有好感, 却因在一次舞会上出言不逊使伊丽莎白对他心存偏见。品行不 端的威克姆告诉伊丽莎白,他是达西庄园已故总管的儿子,与 达西一起长大,达西的父亲先前许诺给他的教职,被达西无端 剥夺了。而达西则因为伊丽莎白的母亲及其他妹妹的缘故,劝 说宾利中止与简的关系,结果四人不欢而散。威克姆对达西的 诋毁,以及达西的劝说对简造成的伤害进一步加深了伊丽莎白 对达西的偏见。
创作背景 《傲慢与偏见》是简· 奥 斯汀最早完成的作品,开始 取名为《最初的印象》 。 她父亲看后很感动,特意 拿给汤玛· 卡士德尔,请他 出版,但对方一口回绝,使 得他们十分失望。 后来,她重写了《最初的 印象》 并改名为《傲慢与偏 见》于1813年1月出版。 这部作品以日常生活为 素材,反当时社会上流行的 感伤小说的内容和矫揉造作 的写作方法,生动地反映了 18世纪末到19世纪初处于保 守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇 生活和世态人情。
达西是一个表面傲慢,其实心地善 良的年轻人。在不断的成长中自我完善, 使他成为一个性格健全的人。
The point of view in Pride and Prejudice is limited omniscient; the story is told through Elizabeth, but not in first person. As a result, the mood of the novel lacks dramatic emotions. The atmosphere is intellectual and cold; there is little descriptions of the setting. The main actions of the novel are the interactions between opinions, ideas, and attitudes, which weaves and advances the plot of the novel. The emotions in the novel are to be perceived beneath the surface of the story and are not to be expressed to the readers directly. Jane's powers of subtle discrimination and shrewd perceptiveness is revealed in Pride and Prejudice; she is able to convey such a complex message using a simple, yet witty, style.
• The latest survey in England shows that the ideal man making appointments with in English women’s eyes is Mr. Darcy-----a character in the 1800s novel Pride and Prejudice .Even cool 007 Mr. Bond has to be in the second place, the superman is in the third place.
Jane Austne 简-奥斯丁.ppt
一个女人要是不幸聪明得什么都懂,那就必 须同时懂得怎么伪装成什么都不懂。
• An engaged woman is always more agreeable than a disengaged. She is satisfied with herself. Her cares are over, and she feels that she may exert all her powers of pleasing without suspicion。 订了婚的女人最可爱了。她什么都满足了, 什么忧虑都消散了,她可以大大方方去讨 好自己未来老公,而无需担心人家以为她 在玩暧昧。
Jane Austen
• • • Master piece Famous remark Her writing style
Master piece
• Sense and Sensibility 1811 《理智与情 感》 • Pride and Prejudice 1813 《傲慢与偏 见》 • Mansfield Park 1814 《曼斯菲尔德庄 园》 • Emma 1816 《爱玛》 • Northanger Abbey 1818 《诺桑觉寺》 • Persuasion 1818 《劝导》
& Her style is easy and effortless.
• Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love.
• • • •
Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance.
• An engaged woman is always more agreeable than a disengaged. She is satisfied with herself. Her cares are over, and she feels that she may exert all her powers of pleasing without suspicion。 订了婚的女人最可爱了。她什么都满足了, 什么忧虑都消散了,她可以大大方方去讨 好自己未来老公,而无需担心人家以为她 在玩暧昧。
Jane Austen
• • • Master piece Famous remark Her writing style
Master piece
• Sense and Sensibility 1811 《理智与情 感》 • Pride and Prejudice 1813 《傲慢与偏 见》 • Mansfield Park 1814 《曼斯菲尔德庄 园》 • Emma 1816 《爱玛》 • Northanger Abbey 1818 《诺桑觉寺》 • Persuasion 1818 《劝导》
& Her style is easy and effortless.
• Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love.
• • • •
Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance.
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An extremely wealthy aristocrat贵族, Darcy is proud, haughty傲慢的 and extremely conscious of class differences at the beginning of the novel. He does, however, have a strong sense of honor and virtue. Elizabeth‘s rebukes责难 after his first proposal to her help him to recognize his faults of pride and social prejudice. It is, in fact, precisely because Elizabeth is not so awed 敬畏的by his high social status as to be afraid to criticize his character that he is attracted to her. The selfknowledge acquired from Elizabeth's rebukes and the desire to win Elizabeth's love spur him to change and judge people more by their character than by their social class.
3. Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》
(It went begging/没人要/ for 16 years)
Her Novels
5. Emma 《爱玛》 6. Persuasion 《劝告》
Mr. Bingley, much like Jane, is an amiable and goodtempered person. He is not overly 过度地concerned with class differences, and Jane‘s poor family connections are not a serious deterrent制止 to his attachment to her. Bingley is very modest and easily swayed by the advice of his friends, as seen in his decision not to propose to Jane as a result of Darcy's belief that Jane is not really attached to him. Also like Jane, Bingley lacks serious character faults and is thus static throughout the novel. His character and his love for Jane remain constant; the only thing that changes is the advice of Darcy, which leads him not to propose to Jane in the beginning of the novel but to propose to her in the end.
Three of types of marriage:
(1) those who marry for money, position and property, (2) those who marry just for passion , (3) those who marry for love based on consideration of the person’s personal merit as well as his economical and social status.
Pride and Prejudice, First Impression
None of the daughters of the wealthy family can inherit the estate (property) of the family for it has been entailed (把遗产留 给) upon the nearest male heir, William Collins. Collins intends to marry and he decides to choose Elizabeth. But Elizabeth rejects his proposal.
Characteristics of Her Works
1. Jane Austen is one of the realistic novelists. She drew vivid and realistic pictures of everyday life of the country society in her novels.
Characteristics of Her Works
2.Jane Austen’s main concern is about human beings in their personal relations, human beings with their families and neighbors. Stories of love and marriage provide the framework for all her novels and in them women are always taken as the major characters.
Character analysis
The protagonist of the novel and the second oldest of five sisters, Elizabeth is lively, quick-witted, sharp-tongued, bold and intelligent. Elizabeth is good-looking, and is especially distinguished by her fine eyes. The importance of her eyes may be symbolic of her abilities of perception. She has pride in her abilities to perceive the truth of situations and of people‘s characters. However, her perceptive abilities fail her frequently because she is influenced by vanity and judges people rashly轻率地. By the end of the novel she overcomes her prejudice through her dealings with Darcy. Elizabeth is concerned with propriety礼貌, good-manners, and virtue, but is not impressed by mere wealth or titles
Jane is the oldest in the family. Beautiful, good-tempered, sweet, amiable和蔼的, humble and selfless, Jane is universally wellliked. She refuses to judge anyone badly, always making excuses for people when Elizabeth brings their faults to her attention. Her tendency to give people the benefit of the doubt leads her to be hurt by insincere friends such as Caroline Bingley, although in the end her judgments seem to be more accurate than Elizabeth‘s overall and to do her much less harm. Jane is a static 静态的 character as she is basically a model of virtue from the beginning, there is no room for her to develop in the novel.
Pride and Prejudice, First Impression
When another young man called Darcy proposes to Elizabeth, she has prejudice against him because she thinks that he has nothing but pride. After many twists and turns, misunderstanding disappears and they are happily united.
The Theme The first theme is pride and prejudice. Another theme is love and marriage.
Other Features
Austen is successful in the employment of irony and frequent use of witty and delightful dialogues .