
人教版高中英语必修一第五单元阅读课教学设计-教育文档教学目标:1. 培养学生的阅读理解和语言表达能力;2. 通过阅读教育文档,了解不同的教学方法和教育理念;3. 培养学生的批判性思维和分析能力。
教学资源:1. 教育文档:可以选择一些与学生生活和学习相关的教育文档,比如教育改革文件、教育研究报告等;2. 学生提前阅读的教育文档;3. 学生的讨论和分享。

Prereading【Activity 1】T lets Ss look at the title and picture below. Predict what thetext will be about. Then T picks 12 Ss to share theirpredictions.(TITLE: THE CHINESE WRITING SYSTEM:CONNECTING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT)PICTURE:见下During T talks with the volunteer Ss, T asks some questionsabout their predictions, (or makes a conversation with them)which helps to introduce the new words in this unit.The basic facts that are covered in the video: The pictureshows jiaguwen. Some symbols were carved on longgu byancient Chinese people. Maybe they are the earliest Chinesecharacters.T can ask following questions, or replaces Ss' wording intheir speech by new words underlined above.1.What's in the picture?1.Help Ss to get a basicprediction of the text;2.Expose Ss to some newwords that to be learnt inthe text in the situationalconversation.1.Ss can predict the text contentaccording to the title and picture.2.Ss can get to be exposed to newwords in the conversation with T.英文进行表达。
高中英语 阅读课教学教案设计 新人教版必修5

Teaching Procedure
Step I: Lead-in & Warming up
1. A free talk about students’ future plans and their ideal occupations.
Tip: Whatever you want to be, you need to know a lot about the occupations and prepare yourselves for them from now on.
Q7 Has the boss ever had a case where someone accused the journalist of getting the wrong end of the stick?
How to deal with accusations of printing lies?
单词:occupation, photograph, photographer, colleague, eager, concentrate, course, acquire, meanwhile, recorder, case, accuse, deliberately, guilty,
短语:concentrate on, accuse ... of, so as to (do sth), defend against,cover
a story,have a“nose”for a story, get sth straight, a trick of the trade
高中英语新人教版精品教案《A Night the Earth didn't Sleep 阅读课》

人教版 必修一 Unit 4 Earthquae ing-u
1. e, ; right awa, at an end, ie in ruin, be tra 1. 1.
1. 1.
1. ain idea of the tet i about an ______ in ______
twice on Ju 28, 1976
D The whoe nation united to he
e trange thing…
出,以此来展现对文章内 容的理解,同时也能够表
an _____ thing _______in Tanghan We wa craced, water a were too nervou to eat
age caued b the quae
TANGSHAN uch of the ign of the earthquae B the ade to oe their ene b the udden big earthquae C the age eter ong and thirt meter wide ____ the houe, road and cana Steam ___ from hoe in the ground And hard hi of roc became river of ____

具体步骤如下:1. 通过展示一张有关阅读的图片或者播放与阅读相关的视频来调动学生的积极性和好奇心。
2. 呈现一些形象鲜明的标题,引发学生的思考和猜测。
3. 开展一些小组讨论或者师生互动的活动,让学生在分享和交流中培养阅读意识。
具体步骤如下:1. 教师先让学生浏览整篇文章,帮助学生获取主题和大意。
2. 分配任务,让学生进行细读和标记,寻找关键信息和生词。
3. 设计一些问题,引导学生深入思考和理解文章。
4. 帮助学生掌握阅读策略,如扫读、略读和精读。
5. 引导学生进行词汇和语法的分析,培养学生的语言运用能力。
具体步骤如下:1. 布置一些与文章内容相关的作业,如写一篇小短文、设计一个续写、形成自己的问题等,以检验学生对文章的理解和运用能力。
2. 推荐一些相关的阅读材料,鼓励学生拓宽阅读视野。
3. 鼓励学生与同学分享自己的阅读心得和体会,培养合作学习的氛围。
高中英语新人教必修一Unit 1 Teenage life period 2 阅读课教学设计教案3份

【新教材】必修第一册Unit 1 Teenage Life 教学设计(人教版)Period 2 Reading and Thinking本板块包括阅读部分The freshman Challenge 和在阅读基础上完成相关的词汇和问答练习。
为了顺利完成Reading and Thinking 的任务,学生还要提前做好相关词汇准备。
1. Let students master useful words and phrases related to the text;2. Let students understand the challenges Adam meets in his new school and compare the similarities and differences of their school and Adam’s;3. Help the students finish vocabulary exercises in the text book.4. Get students to understand they should learn to face difficulties and challenges in senior high school for their own future.Importance:1.Help the students to master key words and phrases in the text.2.Guide students to compare school life in different places.3. Guide the students to learn about Adam’s school life and understand that everyone should overcome difficulties in a new situation.Difficulty:Guide the students compare their sc hool life and Adam’s, and discuss ways to deal with challenges.1.Ask the students to prepare new words and phrases related to the contents of the text.2.Mark the new words in the textbook, understand the meaning in context, or consult the dictionary to understand the meaning.Step 1 Preparation1.freshman___________ junior high school ___________ Senior highschool___________confusing___________ choose courses___________ sign up___________extra-curricular activities___________hand out ___________ homeless people___________ in the community ___________ get used to doing___________ keep up with ___________2.challenge _________ topic________ fluent _________ graduate ________recommend ___________ literature_________ obviously _________quit_________be responsible for _________ schedule_________ editor_________Step 2 Warming upCompare school life in different placesActivity 11.Guide the students to take part in the group work and discuss school life in and out of China.Ask Ss to work in groups and discuss the questions.1)What do you want to know about the school life in other countries?Possible answers:I want to know whether they take extra courses during summer or winter vocations.I wonder if they have enough free time to develop their own interests.I am interested in what subjects they study at school.…2)What would you tell a teenager from another country about school life in China?I am happy to come to my new school and know a lot of new friends.Our teachers are patient and helpful.I feel a little worried about my study because I have more subjects to learn.…Activity 22.Read the text quickly to find the main idea of each paragraph.Guide the students to read the text quickly and fill in the blanks in this part.Possible answers:Paragraph1:Senior high school is a Challenge.Paragraph2:It is important to choose courses.Paragraph3:Extra-curricular activities are also important.Paragraph4:A senior high student must work harder and be more responsible.Step3 Intensive readingActivity 3Read the text again and answer the questions.Guide the students to read the text carefully and find the answers to the following questions.1.What causes did Adams choose? Which one do you think would be his favorite? Why?2.What does “make the team” in paragraph mean?3.What is Adam worried about?4.Is Adam confident that he will get used to senior school life? How do you know?Possible answers:1.Adam chooses Math, English chemistry, world history and Chinese. I think. English advancedliterature is his favorite because he likes English, and he is good at it.2.It means joining the football team.3.He is worried that he can’t keep up with other students in his advanced course and get used to allthe homework.4.Yes, he is. On the one hand, Adam knows that he has to study harder as a senior school studentto be well prepared for his future. On the other hand, Adam knows that school advisers andteacher can give him help when he is faced with problems.Activity 4Complete the outline. Then discuss the questions below with a partner.Get the students to work in pairs and fill in the blanks after discussing the questions carefully. Encourage the students to find clues from the text.Guide the students to discuss the following questions and encourage them to answer the questions according to Adam’s story and their own situation.1.What kind of person do you think Adam is? Why?2.Do you face the same challenges as Adams? What other challenges are you facing?3.What are some differences between Adam’s school and your school life?Possible answers:1.Adam is clear-minded and responsible for himself. When he chooses courses, he knows hisadvantages。
新人教版 高中英语教学设计

三、教学目标根据以上对教材、学情的分析,我制定了如下三维目标:1. 知识目标:通过阅读训练,使学生能够理解文章的结构和作者的写作意图,掌握如何概括文章细节。
2. 能力目标:通过小组合作训练,提高学生的阅读理解能力和合作探究能力;通过写作训练,提高学生的写作能力。
3. 情感目标:通过本节课的学习,增强学生热爱祖国河山的意识,培养他们保护环境、文明旅游的良好习惯。
五、教学方法与手段在本节课中,我将采用以下两种教学方法和教学手段来辅助教学:1. 任务型教学法:通过一系列的任务设计,引导学生完成阅读和写作任务,培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。
2. 情景创设法:利用多媒体手段创设情境,激发学生的兴趣和求知欲,提高课堂教学效果。
3. 合作学习法:通过小组合作探究的方式完成教学任务,充分发挥学生的主动性。
六、教学过程设计Step 1: Pre-reading (5mins)首先,我利用多媒体展示一些有关旅游的图片和视频,激发学生的兴趣和求知欲。
高中英语人教版必修第一册 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 阅读课教案

Living Legends阅读课教案1.Teaching Objectives●Language ability:Students can understand the meaning and master the usage of some words and phrases.●Learning ability:Students can improve their ability to analyse the structure of the article and learn how to write sports legends.●Thinking quality objective:Students can realize the importance of sports and do more exercise in their daily life.●Cultural consciousness objective:Students know famous athletes from different countries and broaden their horizons2.Teaching Key and Teacning Difficult PointTeaching key points :Students can understand the meaning and master the usage of some words and phrases.Teaching difficult points :Students can improve their ability to analyse the structure of the article and learn how to write sports legends.3.Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Lead-in (5 minutes)●Show the students some pictures of famous athletes and ask if you know who they are.●Ask students “Who is your favourite athlete? Why?Could you introduce him/her briefly?”(Justification:this step can attract student’s interest and introduce the topic.)Step 2 pre-reading (8 minutes)Show the title and picture, ask students the following question:Q1: what does “legends” mean?Q2: Do you know who is Lang Ping? How do you know her?Q3: Do you know who is Michael Jordan? How much do you know about him?Q4: What do you think this article is mainly talk about?(Justification:this step can provide some background information and pave the way for the following activities.)Step 3 while-reading (20 minutes)Activity 1 read the introduction of Lang Ping and answer following question.Q1: Is lang Ping a master in sports? Why?Q2:What challenge did Lang Ping meet? How did she solve it?Q3:What three roles did Lang Ping play?Q4:What rhetorical device does the author use to introduce Lang Ping? How do you know that?Activity 2 read the introduction of Michael Jordan and answer following question.Q1: Is Michael Jordan a master in sports? Why?Q2: What’s the meaning of “ when Michael Jordan’s feet left the ground, time seemed stand still.”Q3: What is the mental strength of Michael Jordan?Activity 3 read the introduction of Lang Ping and Michael Jordan, then think about two question: Q1: What do they have in common?Q2: What we can learn from them?Step 4 post-reading (10 minutes)Group discussionWhat qualities are needed to become a sport living legend?4.Homework (2 minutes)Write a short passage about an athlete you admire.。
Welcome+unit+阅读课教案 高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册

Welcome unit阅读课教案Describing Y our First Senior High School Day一、Teaching Objective:The objective of this lesson is for students to practice their English writing skills by describing their first day in senior high school. Through this activity, students will also develop their ability to express themselves in English and learn more about each other.二、Teaching Key Points:1. Students will be able to describe their first day in senior high school using simple sentences and vocabulary.2. Students will learn how to use transitional words and phrases to make their writing more coherent and interesting.3. Students will learn how to ask and answer questions about their first day in senior high school in English.三、Teaching Methods:1. Role-playing: The teacher will act as a student on the first day of senior high school and the students will take turns asking and answering questions about that day.2. Writing activities: The students will write a paragraph describing their first day in senior high school using the given vocabulary and sentence structure, and then share their paragraph with the class.3. Discussion: The students will discuss their experiences and compare them with others' experiences.四、Materials Needed:1. V ocabulary cards with words related to first day of senior high school (e.g., new uniform, new teachers, new classmates, etc.).2. Whiteboard and markers.3. Computer or projector for presentations.4. Writing paper and pens for the students to complete the task.五、Teaching Process:1.Warm-up (5 minutes)The teacher will ask the students what they did on their first day of junior high school and what they were nervous about. This will help set the context for the lesson and get the students excited to share their experiences.2.Presentation (10 minutes)●The teacher will present the vocabulary cards and explain how to use them insentences related to the topic of first day of senior high school. The teacher can also give examples of good sentences that use these words effectively.●Ask students read the passage quickly and summarize the main content of thepassage and the main idea of each paragraph.●Ask students read the passage again, paying attention to the details, and thenanswer the questions in Activity 3.3.Practice (20 minutes)The students will take turns acting out their first day of senior high school as if they are still in junior high school, while the other students ask and answer questions about that day. The teacher can provide guidance on sentence structure and vocabulary usage during this time.4.Writing activity (20 minutes)The students will write a paragraph about their first day of senior high school using the given vocabulary and sentence structure, and then share their paragraph with the class. The teacher can provide feedback on the students' writing and encourage them to use transitional words and phrases to make their writing more coherent and interesting.5.Conclusion (5 minutes)The teacher will summarize what was learned during the lesson and remind the students of the importance of expressing themselves in English, not just in writing, but also in speaking and listening. The teacher can also provide some additional vocabulary related to senior high school life for future reference.六、Homework:Ask the students to write a short paragraph about their first day of senior high school using the same vocabulary and sentence structure provided in class, and then share it with a friend or family member in English.。


01 添 加 目 录 文 本 03 教 学 内 容 05 教 学 过 程
02 教 学 目 标 04 教 学 方 法 06 教 学 评 价 与 反 馈
学生能够掌握本单元的词汇和短语,理解其在语境中的意义和用法。 学生能够理解并运用本单元所学的语法知识和语言结构。 学生能够掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读速度和阅读理解能力。 学生能够通过学习本单元的内容,增强对英语语言和文化背景的了解。
课文背景:英国是一个拥有悠久历史和文化的国家,其地理环境、政治制度、经济发展等方 面都有其独特之处
掌握本单元出现的重点词汇和短语,如:congratulations、congratulate、extend、extend to、 conclude等。 了解和掌握本单元中出现的短语,如:be content with、be satisfied with、make a difference等。
小组讨论:针对 阅读材料中的主 题和问题展开讨 论,培养学生的 合作意识和思辨 能力。
角色扮演:让学 生扮演文中角色, 通过情景模拟加 深对阅读材料的 理解和记忆。
写作练习:根据 阅读材料的内容, 设计写作任务, 提高学生的写作 能力和语言表达 能力。
练习:学生自主阅读,完成相关练 习,巩固所学知识
词汇练习:通过词汇填空、匹配和 翻译等练习,巩固学生对新词汇的 理解和记忆。

Step4 post reading
Step5 homework
教师布置学生利用今天所学的三个阅读理解编题技巧对本单元的using language进行阅读理解题的编写
学生对本单元的using language进行阅读理解题的编写。
旨在利用这个练习使学生进一步熟悉并掌握三个出题技巧,同时还理解了using language里的那篇文章。
Step2before reading

基本信息内容人教版选择性必修三Unit 3EnvironmentProtection 标题Climate changerequires theworld’sattention年级高二课型阅读课文本分析本节课教学内容是选择性必修三Unit 3 Environmental Protection 的第一部分 Reading and thinking 部分,探讨的话题为环境保护,该主题语境是“人与自然”。
标题为Climate change requires the world’s attentio n,是一篇说明文,文本结构清晰,按照“现象-原因-危害-措施”的逻辑顺序展开,通过展示气候变暖的趋势和影响,分析气候变化的成因和警示气候变化的后果,号召全人类采取恰当行动,减少碳排放,应对全球变暖。
教学目标语言能力 1.阅读文章,理解全球气候变暖的原因、危害以及各国政府和个人应该采取的措施,探究如何减少温室气体的排放,控制全球气候变暖的进程。
学习能力 1.能够厘清温室效应的因果关系,制作流程图和思维导图来表达该关系。
文化意识 1.能够理解并感悟个人在环境保护中的作用和意义。
思维品质 1.能够根据数据图表分析气候变化的趋势,找到问题产生的源头与解决问题的对策。
教学重难点教学重点 1.引导学生运用思维导图梳理文章内容及结构。

主题单元分课时教学设计课题 指向学科核心素养的高中英语主题教学 (第5课时)课时类型reading for writing学时40分钟教学素材PPT,黑板,白板;指导思想与理论依据《普通高中英语课程标准》明确提出:发展学生英语语言技能,就是使学生能够通过听、说、读、看、写等活动,理解口头和书面语篇所传递的信息、观点、情感和态度等;并能利用所学语言知识、文化知识等,根据不同目的和受众,通过口头和书面等形式创造新语篇。
美国西北大学教授Wallace Douglas认为,写作是一个过程,写作课应该教授的是构成写作过程的一步步的操作方法。
内容分析/语篇研读/文本分析What本课语篇是实用性文本,其文体为博客,内容是三名网友对Wang Le在网上提出的“英语学习最大的困难是什么?”这一问题的回答,其中,Liu Wen, Jia Xin和 Li Rui 的回复各有侧重,其回顾了自己英语学习的经历,并分别提出了听母语人士讲英语、得体使用英语、记忆单词上的困难,并且在文中表达了求助的想法,希望自己的困难能够得到解决。

2019人教版高中英语必修一Unit 3 阅读课-单元整体教学设计

第三课时教学设计难点:Work out the structure and writing techniques of the passage.教学资源课件PPT,黑板、白板、白纸,彩笔步骤活动形式活动意图活动层次时间Step 1 Warm-up1.How do you understand the title“legend”?2.Look at the titles and picturesbelow. What do you think the textis about?3.Where is the text probablytaken from?浏览图片,标题预测文章内容概括文章结构,判断体裁。
感知与注意5minsStep 2Read the lead paragraph and findout what kind of people can wecall living legends of sports.理解living legend的概念获取与梳理2minsStep 3 ●What do you know aboutLang Ping?●Watch a video about her.●Read the part of Lang Pingand answer the questions.1. Is she a master in her sports?2. Did she set good examples forothers?3.What kind of qualities does LangPing possess?获取有关郎平的信息,依据文章判断她是不是living legend,分析文本结构和写作技巧。
描述与阐释内化与运用15minsStep 4 Read the other passage and draw amind map about Michael Jordanand finish the table.依照学习郎平文本的方式,让学生自主学习,获取信息,整合文本。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
川南幼儿师范高等专科学校教案2016 — 2017学年第一学期教学系学期一系教研室英语课程名称英语泛读授课对象14级4班授课教师曾熙美教材名称高中英语必修教程22016年9月 1 日必修2 Unit 1一、教学目标(3-Dimentional Teaching Demands)(一)课标内容(Curriculum demands)(二)教学要求(Teaching demands)二、学情分析(Learner analysis )⒈新的教材,新的教学方法,呼唤着新的评价体系。
三、教学重点和难点:(Teaching difficult and important points)★教学重点:1.学生掌握本篇文章当中的单词,词组以及重要表达Master the new words, phrases and useful expressions in the text.2.学生掌握理解文章细节的阅读能力Students should improve their ability to understand the content of text in detail.3.学生在体验中学会与人合作的能力Students should improve their ability to cooperate with others.重点突破:1.任务驱动,层层深入。
★教学难点: 1.学生在借助网络资源的基础上对奥运会及体育竞技相关知识做一了解和学习,合理运用网络将二者结合起来。
四、教学方法(Teaching Methodology)根据第二语言习得理论、“整体语言教学”的理论和实践,以及当前教学改革,课程改革等先进理念,为达成上述教学目标,运用任务型教学(Task-based teaching mode)途径,我的英语课堂设计采取“P---T---P(Pre-task----Task-cycle----Post-task)”自主学习立体模式:五、教学工具: blackboard, multimedia, projector.六、教学时间:45 分钟Period I Warming up and Reading七.教学设计步骤(Teaching Procedures )Step 1:Greeting &Lead-in (情境导入) ⑴ Greet to the students as usual.⑵ Free-talk on picture-linking (学生自由发言) (Show some pictures)Question& Answer:① What does this flag stand for?② What do the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for? ③ Where do the Olympics start? Step 2:Warming-up (热身活动) ⑴ Question and answer:①. Where did the ancient Olympic Games start?②. How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games? ③. Who could not take part in the ancient Olympic Games? ④.When and where did the modern Olympic Games start?⑤.Who was the China’s first gold medal winner and for what event?⑥.What are the three words that show the spirit of the Olympic Games?⑵Talking about the Olympic Games (Group-work activity)As we know, the 29th Olympic Games were held in Beijing. Could you talk about some information about them?①What are the official mascots for the Beijing Olympics?②What is the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games theme slogan?③What is the emblem of Beijing Olympic Games?④what are the names of the stadiums of Beijing Olympic Games?Step 3: Pre-reading(读前准备)Looking and guessing:①.Do you know any differences between the ancient and modern Olympic Games?②. When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?Step 4: Prediction (课文标题预测)Probing Questions:(探究问题)①. As an interviewer, what information you want to report?②. What a kind of information does the author try to convey to us through the title andpictures?Step 5:Fast reading(快速阅读)Read the text as quickly as possible and try to answer the following questions.1. The text mainly talks about ____A. the history of the modern OlympicsB. who can take part in the modern OlympicsC. the ancient Olympics and the modern OlympicsD. when and where the modern Olympics2. Why does every country want to host the Olympics?A. It will be a great honor to be chosenB. It will make that country much stronger.C. It will be easier for its athletes to win medalsD. It will be convenient for its athletes to compete3. We can learn from the text that ___.A. not all the countries want to host the Olympics.B. the olive wreath can be seen in the modern OlympicsC. the spirit of the Olympics has changed a lot over timeD. more countries can be found in the modern OlympicsStep 6:Careful reading (细节阅读)Read the text for the second time and finish the following diagram.Step 7:Sentence patterns (句型)Read again and try to appreciate the language of the passage:①.I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece ” and I used to write about the Olympic Games along time ago.②.…, and both are held every four years on a regular basis.③.I t’s in the Summer Olympics that you have the running races, together with the swimming,sailing and all the team sports.④.N o other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women!⑤.I t’s a great responsibility but also a great honour to be chosen.⑦.Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted ascompetitors.Step 8:Consolidation(课文巩固)Filling the blacks with the information of the text:The Olympic Games are now the biggest sports meeting in the world, which include the _1__ and the ___2____ Olympics. Both of them are held every __3___ years. The Winter Olympics are usually held two years before the Summer Games. In the Winter Olympics, there are __4___ and ice skating, while in the Summer Olympics there are ____5___ sailing, running races and horse riding etc. All countries can take part if their athletes reached the _6__ to the games. Women are not only _7__ to join in, but playing a very __8_ role. They live in a special ___9___ with a main reception building, several __10____and a gymnasium. It is a great _11__ to host the Olympic Games. The olive wreath has been _12__ by medals. But it’s still about being able to run _13__, jump _14__ and throw _15__.Step 9:Post reading (读后讨论)Discussion(小组活动)Why do many countries want to host the Olympic Games while others do not?Step 10. Assignment (课后作业)⑴. Finish the exercise on P11—12⑵. Make a dialogue to describe that nowadays any country can take part in the Olympics. Step 11. Assessment and Feedback(教学评价与反馈)⑴My comments on the activities in the lesson:(教师课堂教学评价)The advantages of these activities are: more students can communicate with each other, discuss with each other, learn from each other, help each other, share different opinions with each other. They feel interested in negotiating, debating, and responding, they feel more confident and be bold to participate in the activities. In these activities, I help them to achieve their full potential, encourage and motivate them to value each other and the relationships they make. I raise their aspiration and give them confidence. So learning in this activity and in this atmosphere will be more effective and successful.⑵Students’ reflection(针对学生制定的反思性评价问题)①Have you got those useful words and phrases you’ve learnt?②Whether you have understood what the text is about during a short period of time?③Have you found out any other important sentence patterns?④Are there any other points you are still confused with?⑤Is your spoken English a little bit improved?⑥What should be prepared for the next class? Are you ready?附: 表一:Teaching Procedures(教学过程)教学流程图。