全球化石燃料的二氧化碳排放量(Global Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions)_大气科学_科研数据集


P185阅读理解41Too Little for GlobalWarming全球变暖“缺油

P185阅读理解41Too Little for GlobalWarming全球变暖“缺油
行星 燃烧
coal 煤 would be even 更加 worse 糟糕 for the planet
. 根据本周在瑞典乌普萨拉大学新发表的一个具有争议性的分析.石油和天然气
会在全球变暖这一世界末日的场景到来之前耗尽。作者警告说.在使大气中含有足 够的二氧化碳造成冰冠融化和温度升高等场景出现之前.石化燃料会先消耗殆尽。 来自政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)的专家为自己的预测变化说.他们是根据 一系列的石油及天然气存量来预测.并指出燃煤可减轻填补不足的差额。不过所有 人都同意燃煤将会对地球造成更糟的影响 (二)The IPCC’s predictions 预测 of global meltdown 灾难【pushed forward】5 抓紧
this week at the University of Uppsala
in Sweden 瑞典. The authors 作者 warn 警告 that all the fuel 燃料 will be burnt
before there is enough 足够 【carbon dioxide】二氧化碳 in the atmosphere 大气层 to
石油和天然气消耗殆尽.“还有大量的地下煤可以开采."他说.煤的燃烧能使 IPCC 的预言成为现实。但他指出.这一转换会灾难性的后果。煤比石油和天然气脏.每一 能量单位的使用会产生更多的二氧化碳.并释放出大量的微粒。他说最近的研究给 政策制定者们泼了盆冷水。 1. What do the authors of the new analysis presented 呈现 at the University of Uppsala 【intend to】打算 say? 乌普萨拉大学的新分析的作者们打算说什么? A .The burning of coal will accelerate 加速 the arrival of Earth’s doomsday. 煤的燃烧会加速地球末日的到来。 B. The oil reserves are big enough to materialize the doomsday scenarios. 石油储量足够大,以实现世界末日的场景。 C. Melting ice caps and searing temperatures exist only in science fiction. 冰盖和高温熔融只存在于科幻小说。



本指南适用于河北省钢铁生产企业温室气体排放量的核算和报 告。河北省行政辖区内从事钢铁生产的企业可按照本指南提供的方法 核算企业的温室气体排放量,并编制企业温室气体排放报告。如钢铁 生产企业生产其他产品,且生产活动存在温室气体排放,则应按照相 关行业的企业温室气体排放核算和报告指南核算,一并报告。
参考《省级温室气体清单指南(试行) 》 、 《中国能源统计年 鉴》和《国际钢铁协会二氧化碳排放数据收集指南》等国内外相 关权威材料, 《河北省钢铁生产企业温室气体排放核算方法与报 告指南(试行) 》提供了核算所需的参数和排放因子的推荐值, 具备条件的企业可以采用实测的数据。

一、适用范围 ......................................................................................... 1 二、引用文件和参考文献 ..................................................................... 1 三、术语和定义 ..................................................................................... 1 四、核算边界 ......................................................................................... 3 五、核算方法 ......................................................................................... 5 (一)化石燃料燃烧排放 ............................................................. 6 (二)工业生产过程排放 ............................................................. 8 (三)净购入使用的电力和热力对应的排放 ........................... 11 (四)固碳产品隐含的排放 ....................................................... 12 六、质量保证和文件存档 ................................................................... 13 七、报告内容和格式 ........................................................................... 13 (一)报告主体基本信息 ........................................................... 13 (二)温室气体排放量 ............................................................... 13 (三)活动水平及其来源 ........................................................... 14 (四)排放因子及其来源 ........................................................... 14 (五)其他希望说明的情况 ....................................................... 14 八、河北省行业特殊情况说明 ........................................................... 14 附录一:报告格式模板 ....................................................................... 16 附录二:相关参数缺省值 ................................................................... 36



二氧化碳通量的英文英文回答:Carbon dioxide flux is the rate at which carbon dioxide (CO2) is exchanged between the atmosphere and the Earth's surface. It is a key component of the global carbon cycle, and it plays a major role in regulating the Earth's climate.The carbon dioxide flux is driven by a number of factors, including:Photosynthesis: Plants and other organisms remove CO2 from the atmosphere during photosynthesis.Respiration: Plants and animals release CO2 into the atmosphere during respiration.Decomposition: Microorganisms decompose organic matter and release CO2 into the atmosphere.Combustion: Fossil fuels and other materials release CO2 into the atmosphere when burned.The carbon dioxide flux is a complex process, and it is influenced by a variety of factors, including:Land use: The type of land use can affect the carbon dioxide flux. For example, forests tend to absorb more CO2 than grasslands.Climate: The climate can also affect the carbon dioxide flux. For example, warmer temperatures can increase the rate of decomposition, which can release more CO2 into the atmosphere.Human activities: Human activities can also affect the carbon dioxide flux. For example, the burning of fossil fuels releases large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.Carbon dioxide flux is a key component of the global carbon cycle, and it plays a major role in regulating the Earth's climate. By understanding the factors that drivethe carbon dioxide flux, we can better understand the Earth's climate system and make informed decisions about how to manage it.中文回答:二氧化碳通量是指二氧化碳(CO2)在大气和地球表层之间交换的速率。

碳税 carbon tax

碳税 carbon tax

碳税 carbon tax联合国气候变化会议于当地时间12月7日在哥本哈根召开。



请看《中国日报》的报道:Carbon tax, one of the market mechanisms that China is considering adopting, will raise the current energy price from fossil fuel sources, including gasoline, electricity, coal and natural gas.“碳税”是中国正在考虑要实行的市场机制之一,该机制的实行将提高现有包括汽油、电力、煤炭和天然气等在内的化石能源的价格。

文中的carbon tax就是指“碳税”,是基于市场的主要减排方案之一,根据fossil fuel(化石燃料)燃烧后排放碳量的多少,针对化石燃料的生产、分配或使用来征收税费。

而相比之下,使用wind(风力),sunlight(日光),hydropower (水电)等non-combustion energy sources(非燃烧能源)则更加环保。

Carbon tax是一种针对greenhouse gas(温室气体)中的emissions of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳排放)征收的environmental tax(环境税)。

征收carbon tax 的目的在于控制climate change(气候变化)和global warming(全球变暖)。

此外,人们还常采用carbon capture and storage(碳捕获和存储)等方法来处理emissions of carbon dioxide。



一、环境新词热词1. 生态安葬eco-friendly burials生态友好型安葬(eco-friendly burials),简称eco-burials(生态葬),指人的遗体火化(cremation)后,通过“草坪葬(grassland burial)”、“海葬(sea burial)”、“树葬(tree burial)”等不占地或少占地的方式处理骨灰(cremains),具有环保、节能和成本低等特点。

2. 自产绿色食品100-foot diet自产绿色食品(100-foot diet),指餐桌上的食物大部分或者全部来自于自家花园产出的作物。

它强调通过在家门口种植食材来减少碳足迹(reduce one's carbon footprint),从种植食材的花园(garden)到餐桌(dinner table)的距离(distance)一般不超过100英尺(within 100 feet)。

3. 垃圾按量收费pay as you throwPay as you throw(垃圾按量收费,缩写为PAYT)制度指每个家庭(household)都要为不可回收垃圾(non-recyclable rubbish)的处理支付费用,而费用的多少则根据垃圾的数量(quantity)和重量(weight)来计算。

在该制度内,可回收垃圾(recycled waste)的处理是免费的,也就是说该制度遵循的是“多循环,少交费(the more you recycle, the less you pay)”原则。

4. 生态补偿机制ecological compensation mechanisms生态补偿机制(ecological compensation mechanisms),是以保护生态环境(ecology environment)、促进人与自然和谐为目的,根据生态系统服务价值(values of ecological system service)、生态保护成本(the cost of ecology protection)、发展机会成本(the cost of development chance),综合运用行政和市场手段(administrative means and marketing means),调整生态环境保护(ecology environment protection)和建设(construction)相关各方之间利益关系的环境经济政策(environmental economy policy)。



化工进展Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress2022年第41卷第3期二氧化碳转化为合成气及高附加值产品的研究进展邵斌,孙哲毅,章云,潘冯弘康,赵开庆,胡军,刘洪来(华东理工大学化学与分子工程学院,上海200237)摘要:由于二氧化碳(CO 2)过度排放导致全球变暖日益严峻,发展零碳技术已成为人类社会面向可持续发展的战略选择。

将CO 2捕集并转化为高附加值化学和能源产品,可以优化化石能源为主体的能源结构、有效缓解环境问题,并实现碳资源的充分利用,是一项可以大规模实现低碳减排的技术。

本文重点介绍了CO 2高效利用新途径,通过二氧化碳-合成气-高附加值化学品的产品工艺路线,实现CO 2的资源化利用。


最后,总结了大规模工业化CO 2转化为合成气及高附加值产品过程催化剂设计和反应器优化的技术难题,并对未来CO 2高效转化利用方向进行了展望。


关键词:二氧化碳;合成气;催化机理;催化剂;工业应用中图分类号:TQ211文献标志码:A文章编号:1000-6613(2022)03-1136-16Recent progresses in CO 2to syngas and high value-added productsSHAO Bin ,SUN Zheyi ,ZHANG Yun ,PAN Fenghongkang ,ZHAO Kaiqing ,HU Jun ,LIU Honglai(School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering,East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai 200237,China)Abstract:The global warming caused by excess carbon dioxide (CO 2)emission has been a worldwide focus.The development of carbon neutralization technologies is a strategic choice for the sustainability of human society.CO 2capture and conversion to high value-added chemicals is an ultimate technology for the goal of carbon neutralization,which can optimize the fossil fuel-dominated energy structure,effectively alleviate environmental problems,and achieve carbon recycling.This paper focuses on the efficient CO 2utilization by the route of CO 2-syngas-high value-added chemicals.As an important intermedia product,syngas is the most feasible for CO 2conversion and can be further transformed into value-added chemicals.Recent progresses in three CO 2to syngas technologies of thermo-catalysis,electrocatalysis and photocatalysis are reviewed,including the mechanism,catalysts design strategies,and the current industrial application prospects.Moreover,the conversion of syngas to light olefins and aromatics through the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and relay catalytic routes are also reviewed.By analyzing and comparing the key technologies,特约评述DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2021-1909收稿日期:2021-09-07;修改稿日期:2021-10-19。



四六级英语静态图表类作文英文回答:The provided static image displays a comprehensive overview of theの変化in global carbon dioxide emissions from 1960 to 2020, as well as projections for the future. The data is presented in the form of a bar graph, with the years plotted on the x-axis and the emissions in gigatonsof carbon dioxide equivalent (GtCO2e) plotted on the y-axis.From 1960 to 2000, global carbon dioxide emissions experienced a steady increase, rising from approximately 10 GtCO2e to over 25 GtCO2e. This increase was primarilydriven by the rapid growth of industrialized economies and the increasing use of fossil fuels for energy production.Around the turn of the millennium, the rate of increase in global carbon dioxide emissions began to slow down. This was due in part to the implementation of emissionsreduction policies in some countries and the increasing useof renewable energy sources. However, emissions continued to rise, reaching a peak of over 36 GtCO2e in 2019.In response to the growing concern over climate change, many countries have adopted ambitious targets to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions. These targets have had a significant impact, and global emissions have begun to decline slightly in recent years.The static image also includes projections for future global carbon dioxide emissions. The projections show that under a business-as-usual scenario, emissions are expected to continue to rise, reaching over 50 GtCO2e by 2050. However, if countries implement ambitious emissions reduction policies, it is possible to keep emissions below 2°C of warming, the level beyond which the most dangerous impacts of climate change are expected to occur.中文回答:给定的静态图像全面概述了 1960 年至 2020 年全球二氧化碳排放的变化,并对未来进行了预测。



八下英语仁爱u5t1的重点单词Unit 5 Topic 1 的重点单词如下:1. pollution (n.) - 污染Pollution refers to the presence of harmful or toxic substances in the environment, especially in the air, water, or soil. Industrial activities and the burning of fossil fuels are major sources of pollution.2. environment (n.) - 环境Environment refers to the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives. It includes both natural and artificial elements, such as the air, water, land, buildings, and other living organisms.3. global (adj.) - 全球的Global means worldwide or relating to the entire Earth. It is often used to describe issues or problems that affect everyone on the planet, regardless of their location or nationality.4. solve (v.) - 解决Solve means to find a solution or answer to a problem. When faced with a challenge or difficulty, people try to solve it by coming up with ideas or strategies to overcome it.5. solution (n.) - 解决方案Solution refers to an answer or method to solve a problem. It usually involves a series of steps or actions that can lead to the desired outcome or resolution of the issue.6. recycle (v.) - 回收利用Recycle means to convert waste materials into reusable items. Recycling helps to reduce the amount of waste produced and preserves natural resources by using them more efficiently.7. waste (n.) - 废物Waste refers to any unwanted or unusable materials, substances, or products. It includes things like garbage, trash, or byproducts of manufacturing processes.8. reduce (v.) - 减少Reduce means to make something smaller or less in size, amount, orintensity. It is often used in the context of environmental conservation to encourage people to decrease their consumption or waste.9. reuse (v.) - 再使用Reuse means to use an item or object again, either for its original purpose or in a different way. By reusing items, people can extend their lifespan and minimize the need for new production.10. resource (n.) - 资源Resource refers to any material or asset that can be used to fulfill a need or achieve a goal. It can include natural resources like water, oil, or minerals, as well as human resources such as skills or knowledge.11. source (n.) - 来源Source refers to the origin or point of supply of something. It is often used to describe where something comes from or where it can be obtained.12. energy (n.) - 能源Energy is the ability or capacity to do work. It can be in various forms, such as thermal, electrical, or mechanical energy, and is vital for powering machines, vehicles, and other devices.13. generation (n.) - 一代人Generation refers to a group of individuals born and living at the same time. It can also refer to the act or process of producing or creating something.14. renewable (adj.) - 可再生的Renewable means capable of being replenished or replaced naturally within a relatively short period of time. Renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, can be used without depleting the Earth's limited resources.15. fossil fuel (n.) - 化石燃料Fossil fuel refers to any hydrocarbon deposit, such as coal, oil, or natural gas, formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals. Fossil fuels are non-renewable resources and contribute to pollution and climate change when burned.16. solar (adj.) - 太阳的Solar means relating to or derived from the sun. Solar energy isobtained from sunlight and can be converted into usable electricity or heat through various technologies.17. wind (n.) - 风Wind refers to the natural movement of air, especially a current ofair blowing from a particular direction. Wind energy is harnessed by wind turbines to generate electricity.18. hydroelectric (adj.) - 水力发电的Hydroelectric means generating electricity through the use of flowing or falling water. Hydroelectric power plants convert the kinetic energy of water into electrical energy.19. biofuel (n.) - 生物燃料Biofuel refers to a renewable fuel derived from recently living biological materials, such as plants or animal waste. It can be used as an alternative to fossil fuels in vehicles or for heating.20. nuclear (adj.) - 核能的Nuclear means relating to or using atomic energy. Nuclear power plants generate electricity by harnessing the energy released from nuclear reactions, such as the splitting of atoms.21. carbon (n.) - 碳Carbon is a chemical element that is present in all living organisms and many minerals. It is also a major component of fossil fuels, and the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is a significant contributor to climate change.22. dioxide (n.) - 二氧化物Dioxide is a chemical compound that contains two oxygen atoms and one other atom. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a common dioxide and a byproduct of burning fossil fuels.23. footprint (n.) - 碳足迹Carbon footprint is a measure of the impact of human activities on the environment, particularly the amount of greenhouse gases produced, especially carbon dioxide, as a result of consuming resources and energy.24. emission (n.) - 排放Emission refers to the release of gas, particles, or radiation into the atmosphere. Carbon emissions, for example, are a major concern due totheir role in global warming.25. alternative (adj.) - 可替代的Alternative means available as a substitute for something else. In the context of energy and resources, alternatives are often sought to reduce reliance on non-renewable or environmentally harmful options.26. sustainable (adj.) - 可持续的Sustainable means able to be maintained or kept going over a long period of time. Sustainable practices aim to protect the environment, economy, and social well-being without depleting resources.27. conservation (n.) - 保护Conservation is the act of protecting and preserving natural resources and habitats. It involves managing resources in a way that they can be used sustainably while maintaining their natural integrity.28. efficiency (n.) - 效率Efficiency is the ability to do something without wasting materials, time, or energy. Improving efficiency is crucial for reducing waste and minimizing the environmental impact of various activities.29. green (adj.) - 绿色的Green can refer to anything related to environmental conservation and sustainability. "Going green" means adopting practices that are friendly to the environment, such as using renewable energy or reducing waste.30. climate (n.) - 气候Climate is the usual kind of weather in a particular place or region. Climate change refers to long-term shifts in weather patterns and is often associated with human activities that emit greenhouse gases.31. change (n./v.) - 变化Change refers to the act or instance of making or becoming different. Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues, requiringsignificant changes in human behavior and energy use.32. action (n.) - 行动Action refers to a thing done or a process that is taking place. Taking action on climate change involves implementing policies and practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing environment.33. responsibility (n.) - 责任Responsibility is the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone. Individuals, communities, and governments all have a responsibility to protect the environment and address climate change.34. challenge (n.) - 挑战Challenge is a call to take part in a contest or competition, often involving problems to be solved. Addressing climate change and environmental pollution presents significant challenges that require innovative solutions.35. future (n.) - 未来Future refers to the time that will come after the present time. Ensuring a sustainable future involves making decisions and taking actions now that will have a positive impact on the environment and future generations.这些是 Unit 5 Topic 1中的重点单词,掌握它们将有助于理解和学习有关环境和能源的话题。



气候变化二氧化碳英语作文Climate change has become a pressing global issue, and carbon dioxide emissions are a significant contributor to this phenomenon. The increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is causing a rise in global temperatures, leading to a range of environmental andsocial problems. In this essay, we will explore the impact of carbon dioxide emissions on climate change, the sources of these emissions, and potential solutions to mitigate their impact.Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere, leading to global warming. The primary source of carbon dioxide emissions is fossil fuel combustion, which releases carbon stored in coal, oil, and gas over millions of years. As global demand for energy rises, so does the amount of fossil fuels burned, resulting in increasing carbon dioxide emissions.The impact of carbon dioxide emissions on climate change is profound. Rising global temperatures are causing extreme weather events such as heatwaves, droughts, floods, and hurricanes. These events are having devastating effectson ecosystems and human society, leading to crop failures, water scarcity, and displacement of people. Additionally, climate change is melting ice caps and glaciers, causing sea levels to rise and threatening coastal communities.To mitigate the impact of carbon dioxide emissions, it is crucial to adopt clean energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Transitioning to renewable energy will reduce the demand for fossil fuels and thereby decrease carbon dioxide emissions. Additionally, energy-efficient technologies and conservation measures can help reduce the amount of energy used and emitted.Individual actions can also make a significant difference. Simple steps such as reducing energy consumption, using public transportation or cycling, and eating a plant-based diet can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Furthermore, supporting policies and companies that promote sustainable practices and reduce emissions can drive positive change.In conclusion, climate change is a global challengethat requires urgent action. Carbon dioxide emissions are a significant driver of climate change and pose a threat toour planet's future. By adopting clean energy sources, implementing energy-efficient technologies, and taking individual actions, we can mitigate the impact of carbon dioxide emissions and protect our planet for future generations.**气候变化与二氧化碳:全球性的挑战**气候变化已成为一个紧迫的全球性问题,而二氧化碳排放是这一现象的主要推手。

德国的化石燃料的二氧化碳排放量(Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions from Germany)

德国的化石燃料的二氧化碳排放量(Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions from Germany)

德国的化石燃料的二氧化碳排放量(Fossil-Fuel CO2Emissions from Germany)数据介绍:Fossil-fuel emissions of CO2 from unified Germany have declined 22.4% since 1990 to 215 million metric tons of carbon in 2008. The 2008 per capita emission estimate of 2.61 metric tons of carbon is comparable to early 1950s levels. Although the largest fraction of emissions (39.8%) is from burning of solid fuels, the use of coal has been in general decline since 1950, at which time 97.3% of the total emissions were from coal burning.关键词:数据格式:TEXT数据详细介绍:Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions from GermanyTrendsFossil-fuel emissions of CO2 from unified Germany have declined 22.4% since 1990 to 215 million metric tons of carbon in 2008. The 2008 per capita emission estimate of 2.61 metric tons of carbon is comparable to early 1950s levels. Although the largest fraction of emissions (39.8%) is from burning of solid fuels, the use of coal has been in general decline since 1950, at which time 97.3% of the total emissions were from coal burning. Natural gas burning first contributed over 1% in 1968 and is now 22.3% of the total. The year 1991 marked the first year the United Nations published energy statistics for unified Germany. Through 1990 statistics were still published for the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) and Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). We have combined the statistics here to generate a continuous time series for unified Germany.CITE AS: Boden, T.A., G. Marland, and R.J. Andres. 2011. Global, Regional, and National Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions. Carbon Dioxide Information AnalysisCenter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tenn., U.S.A. doi 10.3334/CDIAC/00001_V2011Countries Comprising Germany∙Former Federal Republic of Germany∙Former German Democratic Republic∙Germany数据预览:点此下载完整数据集。



低碳生活(2011考研英语作文预测1)默认分类2010-11-08 16:58:07 阅读95 评论0 字号:大中小订阅偶预测,今年的政治分析题和英语作文都有很大的可能性,考低碳生活。

Today's society is a highly developed technological society. However, the shortcomings in the development process are obvious, such as: carbon dioxide, and environmental pollution. But the most serious should be the carbon dioxide problem.Now the problem of global warming because of excess emissions of greenhouse gases. Excessive amount of carbon dioxide emissions, creating a diversified economy and La Nina phenomena lag disorder. Two levels of glaciers melting, polar animals lose their chance of survival at the same time, will lead to rising sea levels, many coastal cities into the water did not result in a few years later. Therefore, we must take the necessary measures to reduce the environmental impact of carbon dioxide.For example: tree-planting activities, reduce fossil fuel use, we can from our own, to promote low-carbon living.“低碳生活”英语作文考小作文的可能性比大作文要高随着全球环境的恶化,越来越多的人选择过“低碳生活(low-carbon life)”,即减少二氧化碳的排放,低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活。





Global warming may or not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st century, but—regardless of weather it is or isn't— we won't do much about it. We will argue over it and may even, as a nation, make some fairly solemn-sounding mitments to avoid it. But the more dramatic and meaningful these mitments seem, the less likely they are to be observed.全球变暖有可能是21世纪宏大的环境危机,也有可能不是,但是无论它是或不是我们对此都无能为力。



Al Gore calls global warming an “inconvenient truth,” as if merely recognizing it could put in on a path to a solution. But the real truth is that we don't know enough to believe global warming, and — withour major technological breakthroughs — we can't do much about it.Al Gore 称全球变暖是一个“让人感到麻烦的事实”,似乎只要认识到它的存在就可以把我们带往一条解决问题的途经上去。

fossil fuel造句

fossil fuel造句

fossil fuel造句一、中文翻译“fossil fuel” 常见释义为“化石燃料”。

例如:“Coal is a kind of fossil fuel.(煤是一种化石燃料。



例如:“The price of oil has been fluctuating recently.(最近石油价格一直在波动。



例如:“Many power plants still use coal to generate electricity.(许多发电厂仍然用煤发电。



例如:“Gas is often used for heating in winter.(天然气经常在冬天用于取暖。

)”三、用法“fossil fuel” 作为名词短语,在句中可作主语、宾语等。


四、十条双语造句1. Our cars rely too much on fossil fuel. It's time we thought about alternative energy.(我们的汽车太依赖化石燃料了。


)- 例子:“You know, Tom and I were talking the other day. Tom said his car guzzles up so much petrol, which is a fossil fuel. I was like, 'Dude, we're polluting the earth like crazy with this fossil fuel dependency.' And he just shrugged. Seriously, we can't keep this up. Fossil fuels are finite, and we need to find a better way. We should be using clean energy sources instead.2. Fossil fuel is a major source of air pollution.(化石燃料是空气污染的一个主要来源。

常州继续教育 低碳经济 考试 83分

常州继续教育 低碳经济 考试 83分

低碳经济 考试一) 单选题:每题1分,共30题,只有唯一一个选项正确 1. 全世界大约有( )的人口生活在沿海岸线60公里的范围内(A) 1/3 (B) 1/4 (C) 1/5 (D)1/6 [分值:2. ()明确了环境保护与发展的统一关系,是人类在环境保护问题上的认识飞跃。

(A)计划生育 (B)发展低碳经济 (C)发展循环经济(D)可持续发展的思想 [分值:3. 化石能源燃烧活动排放二氧化碳最多的是( )(A)煤(B) 100石油(C) 天然气(D) 氢4. 工业化前很长一段时间全球地面的平均温度实际上是()左右(A) +18℃(B) —18℃(C) -15℃(D) +15℃5. ()的碳减排潜力巨大,应当大力发展(A) 太阳能(B) 水电(C) 火电(D) 石油[分值:6. ()我国提出转变增长方式(A) “九五”(B) “十五”(C) “十一五”(D) “十二五”[分值:7. 碳金融不包括()(A) 碳排放权及其衍生品交易(B) 低碳项目开发的投融资(C) 银行的绿色信贷(D) 低碳技术创新[分值:8. 下面属于低碳产出指标的是()(A) 单位GDP二氧化碳排放量(B) 零碳能源占一次能源比例(C) 清洁煤占煤能源比例(D) 单位能源消耗[分值:9. 低碳经济的实质是()(A) 提高能源利用效率,建立清洁能源结构和清洁能源机制(B)技术创新(C)制度创新(D)发展观的根本转变[分值:10. 臭氧( )是一种有臭味的气体,常温下为浅蓝色。

(A) O1(B) O2(C) O3(D)O4[分值:11. 要实现节能降耗,首先,要继续大力发展第()产业,调整一、二、三类产业的格局(A)一(B) 二(C) 三(D) 四12. 下面属于低碳消费指标的是()(A) 单位GDP能耗(B) 单位GDP二氧化碳排放量(C) 人均碳排放(D) 二氧化碳排放因子13. 低碳经济的发展方向是()(A) 实践中运用低碳经济理论(B) 低碳发展(C) 节能减排(D) 碳中和技术[分值:14. 太阳能资源的特点不包括()(A) 清洁(B) 无污染(C) 可再生(D) 有污染[分值:15. 气候变化是由()的变化引起的(A) 生态系统(B) 环境系统(C) 水系统(D) 气候系统[分值:16. 环境友好型社会评价体系的对象不包括()(A) 区域产业(B) 城市基础设施(C) 人居环境(D) 社会生产17. 我国发展低碳经济的劣势有()(A) 政策支持(B) 法律保障(C) 节能减排经验(D) 技术低18. 实施低碳营销应具备的条件不包括()(A) 产品营销模式(B) 市场营销模式(C) 绿色营销模式(D) 持续营销模式[分值:19. 地球表面()被水覆盖,因此有人把地球说成是蓝色星球,又叫水球(A) 50%(B) 60%(C) 70%(D) 80%20. 我国环境问题的基本特点不包括()(A) 复杂性(B) 不可积累性(C) 广泛性(D) 潜在性21. 一个国家产业国际竞争力的最重要的来源不包括()(A) 生产要素(B) 需求条件(C) 相关产业和支持产业的表现(D) 国家战略[分值:22. “双系统循环共生模式”是在借鉴国外三种典型发展模式的基础(A) 丹麦(B) 美国(C) 德国(D) 日本[分值:23. 开发新资源、新材料、新工艺、新产品,替代原来所用的资源、材(A) 替代技术(B) 减量化技术(C) 再利用技术(D) 资源化技术[分值:24. ()是指围绕太阳能光伏技术,以可释放电子的半导体物质为核心,(A) 光伏产业(B) 第一产业(C) 纺织业产业(D) 金融产业25. 刘贵富提出的循环经济模式为()(A) “1+3”模式(B) “1+5”模式(C) “2+3”模式(D) “2+4”模式[分值:26. 解决可持续发展观念指导下加强和健全环境法制建设的主要障碍和“瓶颈”因素不包括()(A) 环境法律制度的创新(B) 环境法律机制的调整(C) 多立法(D) 环境法律观念的进步27. 消费结果对消费主体和人类生存环境的健康危害最小指的是()(A) 恒温消费(B) 经济消费(C) 安全消费(D) 可持续消费28. 推进新能源产业建设的方式没有()(A) 发展太阳能光伏产业(B) 大力发展风电(C) 发展核电(D) 发展火力发电29. 下面不属于低碳社会评价指标的是()(A) 人类发展指数(B) 人均住房面积(C) 低能耗建筑比例(D) 人均生活碳排放[分值:30. 不属于在实践上,我国发展循环经济在能源和环境方面难以克服的问题的是()(A) 节能减排问题凸显(B) 能源结构严重高碳(C) 产业模式极不合理(D) 人口基数大二) 多选题:每题2分,共20题,至少有两个选项正确,多选、少选、1. SWOT方法是对系统或机构的内部优势()进行分析,然后寻求最优的发展战略(A) 内部优势(B) 内部劣势(C) 外部机遇(D) 外部威胁2. 森林减少的影响和危害有()(A) 产生气候异常(B) 增加二氧化碳排放(C) 物种灭绝和生物多样性减少(D) 加剧水土侵蚀3. 我国循环经济发展模式的支持系统确定为()(A) 理论支持(B) 政策支持(C) 制度支持(D) 技术支持[分值:4. 政府要对()等方面实施有效激励与监督,协调消费者在环境治理方面的利益矛盾(A) 消费对象(B) 消费行为(C) 消费时间(D) 消费尾部5. “低碳经济”的理想形态是充分发展()(A) 阳光经济(B) 风能经济(C) 氢能经济(D) 生态经济6. 我国发展低碳经济的劣势有()(A) 发展水平低(B) 长期以煤炭为主(C) 法律保障(D) 技术水平低[分值:7. 冯之浚提出的社会子系统的指标包括()(A) 就业(B) 平等(C) 福利(D) 安全[分值:8. 低碳汽车产业化上应注意从以下几个方面创新思维()(A) 加大电动汽车的研发力度(B) 国家的扶持力度要紧跟产业发展的进程(C) 完善电动汽车产业的基础配套设施建设(D) 建立电动汽车管理规范。



The May 4th movement was an anti—imperialist as well as anti—feudal movement. Its outstanding historical significance is to be seen in a feature which was absent form Revolution of 1911, namely, its thorough and uncompromising opposition to imperialism as well as to feudalism. The May 4th movement possessed this quality because capitalism had developed a step further in China and because new hopes had risen for the liberation of the Chinese nation.
1 He hated failure, he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, despised it in others.
2 Happy families also had their own troubles.
17 If there is a time of triumph for the many, it was a painful period for the few. 多数人兴高采烈之日,却是少数人伤心失意之时。
18 The trial, in his opinion, was absolutely fair. 据他看了,这次审判是绝对的公平合理的。

2024届高三下学期英语培优外刊阅读学案 化石燃料话题

2024届高三下学期英语培优外刊阅读学案  化石燃料话题




COP28达成的共识将会造成什么样的影响?澳大利亚是否面临着紧迫的能源转型?Will the End of Fossil Fuels Spoil the Lucky Country's Streak?By Jacky WongAustralia has lived up to its nickname, the “Lucky Country,” partly thanks to abundant reserves of coal and natural gas. A fossil-fuel-free future—like the one envisioned at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai on Wednesday—would therefore pose a significant challenge to its growth model.Governments may not be able to agree on much nowadays, but nearly 200 of them signed onto Wednesday’s statement: The first time a United Nations climate agreement has called for transitioning away from all fossil fuels. And getting such a diverse set of countries—including petrostates and big emitters like China and the U.S.—on the same page is still quite significant.That could also mean a very different future for Australia, one of the world’s largest exporters of fossil fuels. If other countries are serious about their climate commitments, the medium-term impact could be large indeed.Luckily, Australia also has an ample supply of minerals that are needed for the energy transition. It is by far the world’s largest lithium producer, accounting for nearly half of global extraction in 2022, according to consulting firm McKinsey. Australia is also a big producer of copper—essential to EVs and renewables.Australia could still do more to better position itself for a clean-technology future—and reduce some of the new risks stemming from it. Its luck may not run out if it can work toward the energy transition.【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。



雅思小作文co2排放量英文回答:CO2 emissions have become a major concern in today's world. The excessive release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere has led to numerous environmental issues, such as global warming and climate change. In this essay, I will discuss the causes of CO2 emissions and their impact on the environment, as well as potential solutions to reduce them.One of the main causes of CO2 emissions is the burning of fossil fuels for energy production. Industries, transportation, and households heavily rely on fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. These fuels release large amounts of CO2 when burned, contributing to the greenhouse effect. For example, cars emit carbon dioxide through their exhaust pipes, and power plants release CO2 when generating electricity.Another significant source of CO2 emissions isdeforestation. Trees play a crucial role in absorbing CO2 and releasing oxygen through photosynthesis. However, when forests are cleared for agriculture, urbanization, or logging, the carbon stored in trees is released back into the atmosphere. This process contributes to the overall increase in CO2 levels.The impact of CO2 emissions on the environment is far-reaching. Global warming, caused by the greenhouse effect, leads to rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and more frequent extreme weather events. For instance, the increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere have resulted in the acidification of oceans, endangering marine life and coral reefs. Additionally, higher levels of CO2 contribute to air pollution, which poses health risks to humans and animals.To mitigate CO2 emissions, various solutions can be implemented. Firstly, transitioning to renewable energy sources like solar and wind power can significantly reduce CO2 emissions. These sources are clean, abundant, and do not produce greenhouse gases. Secondly, promoting energy efficiency in industries, transportation, and buildings canhelp reduce the demand for fossil fuels. For example, using energy-efficient appliances and insulation can lower energy consumption and subsequently decrease CO2 emissions.Furthermore, afforestation and reforestation programs can help absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Planting trees not only sequesters carbon but also provides habitats forwildlife and improves air quality. Moreover, adopting sustainable agricultural practices can reduce deforestation and minimize CO2 emissions from land-use changes.中文回答:CO2排放量已成为当今世界的一个重大问题。

odiac fossil fuel emission dataset 简介

odiac fossil fuel emission dataset 简介

odiac fossil fuel emission dataset 简介odiac,一个国际性的研究机构,致力于收集并分析全球能源消耗和排放数据,其fossilfuelemissiondataset是该机构的主要研究成果之一。




















雅思小作文co2排放量英文回答:CO2 emissions have become a significant global issue in recent years. It is widely acknowledged that the excessive release of CO2 into the atmosphere is a major contributor to climate change and global warming. As an individual, I believe that we all have a responsibility to reduce our carbon footprint and minimize our CO2 emissions.One effective way to reduce CO2 emissions is by adopting renewable energy sources. For instance, solar power and wind energy are clean and sustainablealternatives to fossil fuels. By installing solar panels on our rooftops or investing in wind turbines, we can generate electricity without emitting any CO2. This not only reduces our dependence on fossil fuels but also helps combat climate change.Another approach to reducing CO2 emissions is bypromoting energy efficiency. This can be achieved through simple measures such as using energy-efficient appliances, insulating our homes, and practicing good energy-saving habits. For example, switching to LED light bulbs and turning off electronic devices when not in use can significantly reduce our energy consumption and consequently, our CO2 emissions.Furthermore, transportation is a major contributor to CO2 emissions. To address this issue, we can opt for greener modes of transportation such as cycling, walking, or using public transport. Carpooling and ridesharing are also effective ways to reduce the number of vehicles on the road, thereby reducing overall CO2 emissions. Additionally, the use of electric vehicles is gaining popularity as they produce zero tailpipe emissions.In conclusion, there are various strategies that individuals can adopt to reduce CO2 emissions. By embracing renewable energy, promoting energy efficiency, and adopting greener transportation options, we can all contribute to a more sustainable future. It is crucial for each and everyone of us to take action and make conscious choices to reduce our carbon footprint.中文回答:CO2排放量近年来已成为全球性的重要问题。



二氧化碳捕集、运输与储存技术进展及趋势张墨翰【期刊名称】《当代化工》【年(卷),期】2017(46)9【摘要】At present, the global trend is still dominated by the use of fossil fuels. With the global climate warming, CO2 emission reduction has become the problem that we must be concerned about. In this paper, CO2 capture and storage technologies were introduced in detail, and the possible problems in CO2 transport process were summarized. Finally, the future development trend of CCTS technology was discussed.%目前,全球依然是以使用化石燃料为主导趋势,随着全球气候日益变暖,减排CO2成为我们必须关注的问题.详细介绍了CO 2捕获及储存技术,并对CO 2各相态输送过程可能产生的问题进行了总结.最后总结了CCTS技术未来的发展趋势并对未来需要努力的方面进行了阐述.【总页数】4页(P1883-1886)【作者】张墨翰【作者单位】中国石油大学(北京),北京 102249【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ127.1【相关文献】1.二氧化碳捕集技术进展研究 [J], 鹿雯2.燃燥电厂二氧化碳捕集与储存技术 [J], 孙欣3.面向二氧化碳捕集的过程强化技术进展 [J], 李函珂;党成雄;杨光星;曹永海;王红娟;彭峰;余皓4.浅析二氧化碳捕集储存技术研究进展 [J], 刘晴晴;叶佳璐5.浅析二氧化碳捕集储存技术研究进展 [J], 刘晴晴;叶佳璐因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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全球化石燃料的二氧化碳排放量(Global Fossil-Fuel
CO2 Emissions)
Since 1751 approximately 337 billion tons of carbon have been released to the atmosphere from the consumption of fossil fuels and cement production. Half of these emissions have occurred since the mid 1970s. The 2007 global fossil-fuel carbon emission estimate, 8365 million metric tons of carbon, represents an all-time high and a 1.7% increase from 2006.
Global Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions
Since 1751 approximately 337 billion tons of carbon have been released to the atmosphere from the consumption of fossil fuels and cement production. Half
of these emissions have occurred since the mid 1970s. The 2007 global
fossil-fuel carbon emission estimate, 8365 million metric tons of carbon, represents an all-time high and a 1.7% increase from 2006.
Globally, liquid and solid fuels accounted for 76.3% of the emissions from fossil-fuel burning and cement production in 2007. Combustion of gas fuels (e.g., natural gas) accounted for 18.5% (1551 million metric tons of carbon) of the total emissions from fossil fuels in 2007 and reflects a gradually increasing global utilization of natural gas. Emissions from cement production (377 million metric tons of carbon in 2007) have more than doubled since the mid 1970s and now represent 4.5% of global CO2 releases from fossil-fuel burning and cement production. Gas flaring, which accounted for roughly 2% of global emissions during the 1970s, now accounts for less than 1% of global fossil-fuel releases.
CITE AS: Boden, T.A., G. Marland, and R.J. Andres. 2010. Global, Regional, and National Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tenn., U.S.A. doi 10.3334/CDIAC/00001_V2010
