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关键词:门诊注射室; 静脉采血; 管理
文章编号:1006 - 6411(2012)11 - 0001Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu- 04
Quality Investigation and Management Countermeasures on Venous Blood Sampling in Outpatient Injection Room Qiu Yu - ru,Wu Hui - wen,Wang Ji - wen The Sun Yat - sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat - sen University,Guangzhou,510120,Guangdong Abstract Objective To investigate the time distribution of venous blood sampling in outpatient injection room,the time duration of venous blood sampling among nurses and the degree of satisfaction of patients,improve the nursing quality in outpatient injection room. Methods The number and time distribution of patients who need venous blood sampling between 2008 and 2010 were investigated,the time duration of venous blood sampling among nurses was measured,the degree of satisfaction on venous blood sampling among patients was investigated. Results The number of patients who needed venous blood sampling during the past three years was gradually increasing,the number in the mornings accounted for 97. 4% ,the number in August represented the most; the average time of printing and pasting line code,collecting venous blood was 164. 9s,the average time among different nurses was defferent( P < 0. 05) ; the patients'satisfaction on nurses'technical level, health education,service attitude and environment was above 90% ,while 72. 8% on waiting time. Conclusion The nurse managers should take effective and flexible scheduling system in outpatient injection room,and arrange the human resources reasonably,promoting the work efficiency and providing humanized service,to improve the patients'degree of satisfaction on nursing work. Key Words: Outpatient Injection Room; Venous Blood Sampling; Management
的满意度。结果 三年内静脉采血患者人数逐年递增,每日上午人数占全天的 97. 4% ,每年 8 月份最多; 打印、粘贴条码、静脉采血
总平均时间为 164. 9 秒,不同护士间存在明显差异( P < 0. 05) ; 患者对护士的技术水平、健康教育、服务态度、环境的总满意度均在
90% 以上,而对等候时间的总满意度却只有 72. 8% 。结论 门诊注射室静脉采血护理工作应采用灵活、弹性的排班制度,合理安排
当代护士 2012 年 11 月中旬刊
丘宇茹 吴惠文 王吉文
摘要 目的 了解门诊注射室静脉采血患者就诊时间分布、护士的采血时间及患者的满意度,为改善门诊注射室的护理工作提供依
据。方法 调查本院 2008 年 ~ 2010 年门诊静脉采血的人数及时间分布; 测定门诊护士静脉采血时间; 调查静脉采血患者对注射室
本院是一所三级甲等综合医院,门诊中心注射室承担了全 院各专科门诊患者血液标本采集及各种注射、教学、健康教育等 工作,具有单位时间内患者集中、病种复杂、流动量大、治疗等待 时间长、每天上午工作繁重等特点; 另外注射室作为医院对外服 务的第一窗口,门诊护理服务质量的优劣直接关系到医院的声 誉与形象。为了解本院门诊注射室的工作情况,改进护理管理, 本人对在门诊注射室进行静脉采血的患者进行调查分析,结果 如下。 1 对象与方法 1. 1 调查对象 1. 1. 1 门诊患者采血的时间分布 本组门诊患者静脉采血的 时间数据资料来源于 2008 年 1 月 ~ 2010 年 12 月本院门诊电子 信息管理资料库,病例共 230657 例。 1. 1. 2 门诊护士静脉采血时间测定 于 2011 年 4 月 ~ 2011 年
工作单位: 510120 广州 中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院 收稿日期: 2012 - 03 - 23