
水 田 衣
古 代 的 衣 裙 的 繁 复 。
作 简 便 和 服 用 方 便 , 取 代 了
旗 装 以 它 用 料 节 省 , 制
之 后 的 第 三 次 明 显 的 突 变 。
“ 胡 服 骑 射 ” 、 “ 开 放 唐 装 ”
到 破 坏 。 这 种 变 革 是 历 史 上
由 于 满 族 八 旗 兵 的 进 关 而 遭
百 姓 服 饰
妇 女 衫 裙
一为汉族服式,承袭秦汉遗制;一为少数 民族服饰,袭北方习俗。汉族男子的服饰, 主要有衫。 当时的妇女发式,与前代有所不同。 魏晋流行的“蔽髻”,是一种假髻。 南北朝时期的百姓服饰--魏晋时期冠 帽很有特色。汉代的巾帻依然流行,但与 汉代略有不同的是帻后加高,体积逐渐缩 小至顶,时称“平上帻”或叫“小冠”。
魏 晋 时 期 的 百 姓 服 饰
• The fashion clothing of this period is loose clothes. Men always bare their chest and expose their arms and flow their clothing over one's shoulders to pursue the easy, natural and free feeling; women’s dress trail on the ground clothing and have dancing big sleeves, layered lace ,which is elegant and flowing.
质 孙 服
明 朝 服 饰 明代服装出现了许多新的变化,最 突出的特点是以前襟的纽扣代替了几千 年来的带结。 水田衣是明代一般妇女服饰,形似 僧人的袈裟,因整件服装织料色彩互相 交错形如水田而得名。它具有其它服饰 所无法具备的特殊效果,简单而别致, 所以在明、清妇女中间赢得普遍喜爱。
唐朝服饰介绍 英文PPT

• • Mindedness: the open-minded state “绮罗纤缕见肌肤” “蝉翼罗衣白玉人 ”
The open clothing style and its softness and lightness make the women’s costume in Tang dynasty so unique and distinctive.
Will you accept your girlfriends/ yourselves dressing very open?
( 2)the hufu, or alien dress that came from the Silk Road; (3)CrossDressing(namely,
girls dressed as boys), the full set of male garments that broke the tradition of the Confucian formalities拘谨,礼节.
After the reign of Tang Emperor Gaozong, purple was used as the garment color for officials above the third grade; light red, officials above the fifth grade; dark green.
• Third, The Tang government was tolerant, and often appreciative of religions, art and culture from the outside world.Though the forms of garments were still the continuation of the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD) and the Sui Dynasty (581-618), they have distinctive styles by itself being influenced by cultures and arts of the Western Regions.
The open clothing style and its softness and lightness make the women’s costume in Tang dynasty so unique and distinctive.
Will you accept your girlfriends/ yourselves dressing very open?
( 2)the hufu, or alien dress that came from the Silk Road; (3)CrossDressing(namely,
girls dressed as boys), the full set of male garments that broke the tradition of the Confucian formalities拘谨,礼节.
After the reign of Tang Emperor Gaozong, purple was used as the garment color for officials above the third grade; light red, officials above the fifth grade; dark green.
• Third, The Tang government was tolerant, and often appreciative of religions, art and culture from the outside world.Though the forms of garments were still the continuation of the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD) and the Sui Dynasty (581-618), they have distinctive styles by itself being influenced by cultures and arts of the Western Regions.

龙袍在龙纹之间还绣以五彩云纹、蝙蝠纹、十二章纹等吉祥图案。 五•彩云。纹是龙袍上不可缺少的装饰图案,既表现祥瑞之兆又起衬 托作用。红色蝙蝠纹即红蝠,其发音与“洪福”相同,也是龙袍 上常用的装饰图案。在龙袍下摆排列着代表深海的曲线,这里被 称为水脚,水脚上装饰有波涛翻卷的海浪,挺立的岩石,这种纹 样被称为“海水江崖”,寓意福山寿海
汉朝沿用了秦朝的传统,汉时期的龙纹多成兽性, 常绘成行走状,给人以虚无缥缈的感觉。
During the Sui and Tang Dynasties , men generally wore robes official T-shirts, sweaters, from the emperor down to the fatigue can be dressed in uniforms。
皇帝的朝服,因袍上绣有龙.形图案而得名. The emperor because of his royal robes, embroidered with a dragon named
The Qin Dynasty advocating black robe, predominantly black. The dragon is coarse, mostly without limbs, approximate reptile animal.
宋代的通天冠服包括云龙 纹深红色纱袍、白纱中单 , 深红色纱裙、金玉带、蔽 膝 ,白袜黑鞋、通天冠等。 它是仅次于冕服的一种官 服。
通 天通 冠天 服冠 服
The picture of The Song Dynasty the crown clothing
In the white black leather crown, a beige sweater, ear after hair under canopy
汉朝沿用了秦朝的传统,汉时期的龙纹多成兽性, 常绘成行走状,给人以虚无缥缈的感觉。
During the Sui and Tang Dynasties , men generally wore robes official T-shirts, sweaters, from the emperor down to the fatigue can be dressed in uniforms。
皇帝的朝服,因袍上绣有龙.形图案而得名. The emperor because of his royal robes, embroidered with a dragon named
The Qin Dynasty advocating black robe, predominantly black. The dragon is coarse, mostly without limbs, approximate reptile animal.
宋代的通天冠服包括云龙 纹深红色纱袍、白纱中单 , 深红色纱裙、金玉带、蔽 膝 ,白袜黑鞋、通天冠等。 它是仅次于冕服的一种官 服。
通 天通 冠天 服冠 服
The picture of The Song Dynasty the crown clothing
In the white black leather crown, a beige sweater, ear after hair under canopy
中国古代服装英文介绍 ppt课件

春秋战国时期深衣和胡服开始推广。 深衣(dark clothing)将过去上下不相 连的衣裳连属在一起,所以叫深衣。它 的下摆不开衩口, 而是将衣襟接长,向后 拥掩,即所谓“续衽钩边”。
胡服( Hu Dress )主要指衣裤式的服 装,尤以着长裤为 特点,是中国北方草原 民族的服装。为骑马方便,他们多穿较 窄的上衣、长裤和靴。无袖、短袖、长 袖之衣,与腰中间有线道横截或无线道 横截之袍,皆可称为裤褶,因而今所论 之半臂,其为胡服。
褙子 。对襟,两侧从腋下起不缝合,多罩在其他衣服外 面穿着。在宋、明朝时最为盛行。
a kind of Chinese-style jacket with buttons down the front . (对襟) Girdling\tunic. (束腰) wide sleeves. (衣袖宽大)
Ancient Chinese Articles of Clothing
China, known as a" land of dresses”,has a long history in the development of its clothing culture. Dresses in different periods reflect, to a certain extent, the situation of the politics, economy, military affairs, religions, and the civil customs of the specific historical stages.
春秋战国时期深衣和胡服开始推广。 深衣(dark clothing)将过去上下不相 连的衣裳连属在一起,所以叫深衣。它 的下摆不开衩口, 而是将衣襟接长,向后 拥掩,即所谓“续衽钩边”。
胡服( Hu Dress )主要指衣裤式的服 装,尤以着长裤为 特点,是中国北方草原 民族的服装。为骑马方便,他们多穿较 窄的上衣、长裤和靴。无袖、短袖、长 袖之衣,与腰中间有线道横截或无线道 横截之袍,皆可称为裤褶,因而今所论 之半臂,其为胡服。
褙子 。对襟,两侧从腋下起不缝合,多罩在其他衣服外 面穿着。在宋、明朝时最为盛行。
a kind of Chinese-style jacket with buttons down the front . (对襟) Girdling\tunic. (束腰) wide sleeves. (衣袖宽大)
Ancient Chinese Articles of Clothing
China, known as a" land of dresses”,has a long history in the development of its clothing culture. Dresses in different periods reflect, to a certain extent, the situation of the politics, economy, military affairs, religions, and the civil customs of the specific historical stages.

Tang Chinese clothing
●bold 大胆的 ●colorful 多彩的 ●various styles 样式繁多
Three main categories
Ruqun dated from Pre-Qin Dynasty. It was the most popular in the Tang Dynasty.
Ru 短襦
Half-sleeves 半臂 shawl 长巾 (披帛)
Long dress 长裙
·Another special fashion beginning in Tang Dynasty was the cross-dressing. ·Women in Tang dynasty enjoyed a relatively high social status and more freedom.
Chinese ancient costume
Han Dynasty
Tang Dynasty
Han Chinese clothing has a long history in terms of the clothing worn. The Han Chinese clothing covered all the traditional Chinese clothing worn by people in that era. The Hanfu was considered to be very important by the Han Chinese as far as their culture was concerned. It was also known that one has to follow the rules of dressing that belonged to the Hanfu styles, as a mark of respect. The basic style and design of the Hanfu were developed to a great extent in the Shang Dynasty.

Both men and women's world shoes with upturned tips, a style that is because synonymous with the Tang Dynasty
Men's clothing
Emperor's attention
Clothing for schools
Scholars and intelligences of Chinese simple robes made of cotton or silk The rocks were commonly unadorned, except for a few buttons or ties, emphasizing their humanity and simplicity
Palace may attract
The palace may have been designed for practicality and functionality, as the maids performed a variety of tasks in the palace
Long Robe: The employees of the Tang Dynasty word dragon adorned robes, a symbol of imperial power and dignity The rocks were commonly made of silk and embroidered with dragons and clouds, signaling the employee's connection to heaven and his position as the prime rule
Men's clothing
Emperor's attention
Clothing for schools
Scholars and intelligences of Chinese simple robes made of cotton or silk The rocks were commonly unadorned, except for a few buttons or ties, emphasizing their humanity and simplicity
Palace may attract
The palace may have been designed for practicality and functionality, as the maids performed a variety of tasks in the palace
Long Robe: The employees of the Tang Dynasty word dragon adorned robes, a symbol of imperial power and dignity The rocks were commonly made of silk and embroidered with dragons and clouds, signaling the employee's connection to heaven and his position as the prime rule
中国古代服饰介绍英文 ppt课件

more freedom.
boys in order to go out.
Chinese ancient garment
Chinese Costume
China is a historical country with splendid(辉 煌的)civilizations, in which the Chinese costume is an important part. From the change of Chinese costumes, we can see the political change(政治变革), economic development and customs evolvement (n. 演变,发展)through the long history. The Chinese costume, which has over 5,000 years’ history, is just like a long river. And today I’ll present them in two parts, Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty.
Putting the long dress above the breast, then put long gown outside, with a gauze pizi.
·Another special
•Some females had rebel
fashion beginning in
spirit in the Tang Dynasty, so they climbed or jumped

Wide and loose Cover body A - line
Qing Chinese clothing
● shirt is not exposed
(衫不露外) ● the right-side lapel of junction decorated with buttons (偏襟右衽以盘纽为饰)
Why call Qipao china dress
Qipao, which is famous with its harmony and unity ,is known as the representative of the Chinese dress culture. It shows the elegant temperament of Chinese women, demonstrates the culture and virtues of our nation . It creates an impression of simplicity and quiet ,charm, elegance and neatness.
Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns.Zhongyi(中衣)is usually worn inside,which like a shirt.Wearing in the house as pajamas,ually,it’s white or other plain colour.
short sleeves
如意襟round Jin
琵琶襟Pipa Jin
斜襟 slanting Jin

It is usually ankle-length and has long sleeves. The robe is usually belted at the waist with a rope or sash, and the collar is usually closed.
This type of robe is usually associated with meditation and other religious practices and is considered a symbol of simplicity and humility.
Hanfu and Confucian Culture
Hanfu also reflects Taoist beliefs, which emphasize harmony with nature and the pursuit of inner peace and spirituality.
Taoist philosophy can be seen in Hanfu's use of natural dyes and textures, as well as its designs, which often feature山水画,代表着自然之美和和谐。The clothing also reflects Taoist ideas of balance and harmony, with its attention to detail and quality of materials.
Types of Hanfu
Ru skirt is a traditional Chinese women's garment, which is usually made of silk and has a round neckline and loose-fitting sleeves. It is usually worn over a jade green tunic called "qunpao".

The Spring and Autumn Period and The Warring States
The occurrence of Hufu and the prevalence(流行) of shenyi are the most important change in costume. Wars in the spring and autumn period promoted the evolution of Han costume‘s broad shirt, long skirt and tunic(长袍). Wu ling King of Zhao state introduced Hufu into Central Plain(中原), this was the first costume evolution in history. Hufu is the garments(衣服) worn by Tartars or those who lived in the Western consisted of narrow sleeved shirt, long trousers and boot.
The Yi(shirt) and Shang(skirt) system(上衣下裳制
Sewn-up system(衣裳连属制)
Xia Shang and Zhou
The Spring and Autumn Period and The Warring States
Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty Tang Dynasty
From TV series The Legend of Sword and Fairy
The Spring and Autumn Period and The Warring States
The occurrence of Hufu and the prevalence(流行) of shenyi are the most important change in costume. Wars in the spring and autumn period promoted the evolution of Han costume‘s broad shirt, long skirt and tunic(长袍). Wu ling King of Zhao state introduced Hufu into Central Plain(中原), this was the first costume evolution in history. Hufu is the garments(衣服) worn by Tartars or those who lived in the Western consisted of narrow sleeved shirt, long trousers and boot.
The Yi(shirt) and Shang(skirt) system(上衣下裳制
Sewn-up system(衣裳连属制)
Xia Shang and Zhou
The Spring and Autumn Period and The Warring States
Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty Tang Dynasty
From TV series The Legend of Sword and Fairy
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dragon robe 龙袍
Thank you !
Women wear : Cheongsam,\ Manchu flag costume (旗袍) Flowerpot shoes (花盆底鞋) Hairstyle like a great wing.(“两把头”、 “大拉翅”)
(in the Qing Dynasty) official cap showing various ranks by button of precious stone on top(清代区别官员等级的帽饰)
中国,被称为“衣服土地”的地方, 在服装文化发展上有着悠久的历史。 不同时期的衣服在一定程度上反映 了政治、 经济、 军事、 宗教和特 定的历史阶段的民间习俗的情况。
Chinese clothing in the past dynasties can be roughly(粗略的) divided into the following categories: 1. clothing of the remote times; 2. that of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties; 3. that of the Qin and Han Dynasties; 4. that of the Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties; 5. that of the Sui, Tang ,and the Five Dynasties; that of the Song Dynasty; 6. that of the Liao, Jin, and Yuan Dynasties; 7. that of the Ming Dynasty; 8. that of the Qing Dynasty; 9. and that of modern times.
Ruqun(襦裙)is worn by women.When its collar likes the letter “y”,we can called it Jiaolingruqun(交领襦裙).If its collar likes the number“11”,we can called it duijinruqun(对襟 襦裙).When they are classified(分类)by its height of the skirt,we can called them qiyaoruqun(齐腰襦裙)——Which waistband (腰带) is on the waist.Or qixiongruqun (齐胸襦裙)—— Which waistband is above the chest .
Qin and Han Qin & Han In Qin &Han Dynasty also dark Qin & trousers. Han clothing, Crown system is established in the Han Dynasty. Han women generally will be dressing the hair back hair bun hanging round. And Han Fu is very beautiful and popular.
Tang Dynasty
The dress style in Tang Dynasty is very open.Women’s dress and personal adornments (装饰)of the Tang Dynasty outstanding in China’s history.The clothing materials were exquisite(精致的,优美的),the structure (结构)was natural,graceful and elegant,and adornments were splendid.Though the forms of garments were still the continuation of the Han Dynasty and the Sui Dynasty,they were influenced by cultures and arts of the Western Regions.
Men: Wear a soft cloth of surrounding the head. Women: Skirt、shirt、Off two lapel, buttons in the middle of the chest. Inside the pants in the skirt. Foot binding
褙子 。对襟,两侧从腋下起不缝合,多罩在其他衣服外 面穿着。在宋、明朝时最为盛行。
a kind of Chinese-style jacket with buttons down the front . (对襟) Girdling\tunic. (束腰) wide sleeves. (衣袖宽大)
Wear a soft cloth ofsurrounding the head(幞头)with dark, so called Wushamao(乌纱帽). And the civilian can’t wear it. Also draw some designs in the chest and back . Different designs of different grade
春秋战国时期深衣和胡服开始推广。 深衣(dark clothing)将过去上下不相 连的衣裳连属在一起,所以叫深衣。它 的下摆不开衩口, 而是将衣襟接长,向后 拥掩,即所谓“续衽钩边”。
胡服( Hu Dress )主要指衣裤式的服 装,尤以着长裤为 特点,是中国北方草原 民族的服装。为骑马方便,他们多穿较 窄的上衣、长裤和靴。无袖、短袖、长 袖之衣,与腰中间有线道横截或无线道 横截之袍,皆可称为裤褶,因而今所论 之半臂,其为胡服。
Ancient Chinese Articles of Clothing
China, known as a" land of dresses”,has a long history in the development of its clothing culture. Dresses in different periods reflect, to a certain extent, the situation of the politics, economy, military affairs, religions, and the civil customs of the specific historical stages.
秦朝时他们穿的半长衣所交 掩之曲裾虽较浅,但仍为深 衣之属,其下身着长裤,腰 系施钩之革带。这种装束在 西汉时仍广泛流行,裤也逐 渐向全社会普及。 冠制的确立是在汉代实现 的。 汉代的冠则主要从属于服 制,是身份、官职以至官阶 的表征。身份低微的人,只 能戴帻而不能戴冠。冠本为 加于发髻上的一个发罩,并 不覆盖整个头顶。帻则像一 顶便帽。 汉代妇女一般将头发向后 梳成下垂的圆髻,名椎髻。 常着深衣,女式深衣之华丽 者名衣,它的曲裾不但在下 身缠绕好些层,且在其斜幅 上缀以三角形物及长飘带。
Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns.Zhongyi(中衣)is usually worn inside,which like a shirt.Wearing in the house as pajamas(睡衣),ually,it’s white or other plain colour.
Slave Civilian Officer
Emperor Queen 、Princess
Tonsure 、 Change clothes. (剃发易服) Manchu customs(满族习俗) Dressed braiding, braid hanging behind, wearing thin horse-hoof-shaped cuff Arrow clothing, tight socks, dark boots.(剃发留辫, 辫垂脑后,穿瘦削的马蹄袖箭衣、紧袜、深统靴。 )
Bold 大胆
Colorful 绚丽多彩 Sexy 性感
Many styles 款式多样
宋代服装大体沿袭唐制。 这时的幞头(Pu Tou)内衬木骨、外罩漆纱,宋人称 之为“幞头帽子”,可随意脱戴,这时,皇帝和高 官戴的展脚幞头,两脚向两侧平直伸出,可达数尺。 身份低的公差、仆役等,则多戴无脚幞头。 宋代妇女也穿裙和衫,这时的衫子多为对襟, 盖在裙外。裙较窄,多施细摺,宋代妇女在裙内着裤。 起于五代时的缠足,至北宋晚期已逐渐流行。