



目录Contents一、编写概述 (3)二、适用范围 (3)三、常用操作及命令 (3)(一)配置操作 (3)1.配置IP地址 (3)2.配置模板 (3)3.配置用户板 (4)4.配置上联口 (5)5.配置VLAN (6)6.配置SNMP (6)7.配置XDSL端口 (7)8.配置ATM PVC (7)9.配置bridge port (7)(二)查看操作 (7)1.查看软件版本 (7)2 .查看上联端口 (8)3.查看板卡 (9)4.查看用户端口 (10)5.查看MAC地址 (11)6.查看用户Bridge端口信息 (12)(三)常用操作命令 (12)1.打开/关闭端口 (12)2.修改端口速率模板 (13)(四)其他操作 (13)1.登陆用户名和口令 (13)2.系统时钟 (14)3.命令提示符 (14)4.ACL访问控制 (14)5.数据备份和恢复 (15)6.告警查询 (15)7.系统重启 (15)四、常见故障及维护建议 (16)(一)常见故障 (16)1.无法同步 (16)2.频繁掉线 (16)3.同步无法拨号 (18)4.自动工单系统操作失败 (18)5.用户上网慢 (19)(二)维护建议 (20)1.检查节点备份文件 (20)2.检查节点板卡温度 (20)附录Trace&Debug命令介绍 (20)一、编写概述为帮助更好维护7302ISAM设备,编写本文档。




configure system single-public-ipconfigure system management host-ip-address manual:查看配置info configure system management2.配置模板线速模板configure xdsl service-profile 1 name 2M-640K-Fastconfigure xdsl service-profile 1 min-bitrate-up 64 min-bitrate-down 64 plan-bitrate-up 640 plan-bitrate-down 2048 max-bitrate-up 640 max-bitrate-down 2048 max-delay-up 1max-delay-down 1 active其中max-delay-up、max-delay-down定义交织延时,=1表示Fast模式查看配置info configure xdsl service-profile 1协议模板configure xdsl spectrum-profile 1 name adsl2plus g992-5-aconfigure xdsl spectrum-profile 1 active其中7302默认配置如下协议,见表3-2-1:g992-5-a为ADSL2+ over POTS协议,需要单独添加,也可以按需添加其他协议,如AnnexM协议等,具体参照标准协议手册。

Logix1200V 安装、使用、维修说明书

Logix1200V 安装、使用、维修说明书

Valtek 部件号:138430 44-1流体控制部安装、使用、维修说明书Valtek Logix1200数字式定位器一般资料下面的说明用于按照Valtek ® Logix ®1200数字式定位器的要求进行开箱、安装和维修。

系列1000是下面所有定位器的代号,具体数字表示具体特征(例如,Logix1200指明该定位器使用HART ®协议)。




Flowserve 公司的阀门(如IOM1或IOM27)和执行机构(如IOM2或IOM31),以及其它辅件有单独的安装、操作、维修说明书,需要时请参考对应的资料。



开箱1、 打开Logix1200定位器包装箱时,应对照装箱单检查收到的产品。


2、 从运输包装箱内起吊本系统时,应注意起吊带的位置,防止损坏安装好的辅件。







3、 如果发现运输损坏,应立即与运输公司联系。

4、 万一发生问题,请与Flowserve 公司的流体控制部联系。

目录一般资料-------------------------------------------1 开箱-------------------------------------------------1 Logix1200定位器概述------------ -------------2 定位器的运转-------------------------------------3 定位器到执行机构的接管----------------------4 接线和接地指南----------------------------------5 输入电缆屏蔽-------------------------------5接地螺钉-------------------------------------5恒流输出电压-------------------------------5 对电缆的要求-------------------------------------5 驱动器模件组件----------------------------------6 柱形阀盖-------------------------------------------8 调压器----------------------------------------------8 内部组合过滤器----------------------------------8 定位器主电路板(PCB)组件---------- ------9 汇集板----------------------------------------------9 更换汇集板(Logix1X1X)--------------- ----9 现场端板------------------------------------------10 阀杆位置传感器---------------------------------10 安装定位器到直行程阀门上------------------11 标准角行程安装程序---------------------------12 可选角行程安装程序---------------------------13 发光二极管(LED)指示器------------------14 快速校准按钮------------------------------------15 检查或设定内部调压器压力------------------16 检查或设定驱动器模件最低压力------------16 故障查找------------------------------------------17 定位器部件展示图------------------------------18 备件套件------------------------------------------19 直行程安装套件---------------------------------20 角行程安装套件---------------------------------20Logix1200定位器概述Logix1200是两线制、4~20毫安输入、数字式定位器。

Milliflex PLUS Pump安全码说明书

Milliflex PLUS Pump安全码说明书

Milliflex® PLUS PumpMXPPLUS01MXPPLUS02MXPPLUS03Security Code InstructionsIntroductionTo prevent unauthorized calibration of the weight-measurement function in theMilliflex® PLUS Pump, access to the calibration function requires the use of a security code. To maintain security, the code has been provided on this separate instruction sheet, supplied at the time of purchase.This security code instruction sheet should be secured in an appropriate location. The code should be supplied only to authorized personnel, as required.Entry of the security code will be required at the beginning of the calibration process. For further information, see the section on Calibration of the Weight-Measurement Function in the Milliflex PLUS Pump User Guide.Instructions1.After initial power-up, when the display shows Tare, use the down arrow to scrolldown to Configuration.2.Press the down arrow until the display shows Validation.3.Press OK. The display shows:WeightCalibration4.Press OK. The display shows:Enter codeor press C5.Press the START button three times, and then press OK. The display shows:Calibration DateDD MMM YY(After the first calibration, the system shows the most recent calibration date.)6.Proceed with the calibration of the weight-measurement function, as described inthe User Guide.Millipore and Milliflex are registeredtrademarks of Millipore Corporation.© 2003 Millipore Corporation.All rights reserved.P36510, Rev. A, 4/03。

Krell S-1200 S-1200U 引导手册说明书

Krell S-1200  S-1200U 引导手册说明书

S-1200/ S-1200U OWNER’S REFERENCEKrell® is a registered trademark of Krell Industries LLC., and is restricted for use by Krell Industries LLC., its subsidiaries, and authorized agents. All other trademarks and tradenames are registered to their respective companies.b. S-Videoc. Composite Video(1) RS-232 via DB9 Female Connector Straight Wired (1) RC-5 via 1/8” stereo “trs” ReceptacleRC-5 pin out Tip = RC-5 data, Ring = +5 V, Sleeve = GND XLR Pin Out Pin 1 (ground) Pin 2 (non-inverting “Hot”) Pin 3(Inverting)Back Panel DescriptionFront Panel and Remote Control FunctionThese are the available analog scaler output formats for the S-1200u 480i - 720 x 480 60Hz720p- 1280 x 720 60Hz480p- 720 x 480 60Hz1080i - 1920 x 1080 50Hz(Outside the USA)576i- 720 x 576 50Hz(Outside the USA)1080i - 1920 x 1080 60Hz576p- 720 x 576 50Hz (Outside the USA)1080p - 1920 x 1080 24Hz720p- 1280 x 720 50Hz (Outside the USA)1080p- 1920 x 1080 25Hz (Outside the USA)A. Quantity - Sets the number of channels in the system.B. Full Range – This setting allows the passing of full spectrum audio frequencies includingLFE information.C. LIM ( ? ) (limited) Hz – Sets the low pass filter frequency. Low frequency informationbelow this setting is channeled to the sub woofers or LFE channels.The following settings are available to any of the speakers in the system except thesubwoofer. This setting will specify a point where the low frequency response of eachspeaker respectively will be re-routed to the subwoofer or LFE enabled speakers. Choosea setting from the chart below that corresponds to the low frequency specification of thespeakers in use.LIM 40 Hz LIM 75 HzLIM 45 Hz LIM 80 HzLIM 50 Hz LIM 85 HzFront - Speaker channels positioned front Left and front Right respective to the listening position.1. Quantity – N/ANOTE: Left and Right front speakers are a minimum requirement for surround or two channel music play back. The quantity value cannot be changed.2. Crossover - Full, LIM (?) HzCenter - Speaker channels positioned front Center respective to the listening position.1. Quantity - NO, 12. Crossover - Full, LIM (?) HzSurround - Speaker channels positioned to the Left and Right midway into the room respective to the listening position.1. Quantity - NO, 1 and 22. Crossover - Full, LIM (?) HzBack – Speaker channels positioned to the Left and Right behind the listening position respectively.1. Quantity - NO, 1 and 22. Crossover - Full, LIM (?) HzA. LEFT, RIGHT - Speaker channels positioned front Left and front Right respective to thelistening position. Left and right are required for a 5.1 or 7.1 surround system.B. CENTER - Speaker channels positioned front Center respective to the listening position.Typically a center channel is positioned above or below the video screen. The centerchannel is required for a 5.1 or 7.1 surround system.C. L SURR, R SURR - Speaker channels positioned to the Left and Right midway into theroom respective to the listening position. They can also be placed further back or behind the listening position in 5.1 systems. Surround channels are required for a 5.1 or 7.1surround system.D. L BACK, R BACK - Speaker channels positioned to the Left and Right behind the listeningposition respectively. Rear Surround channels are required for a 7.1 surround system.E. SUB - Speaker channel (s) specifically utilized for LFE (Low Frequency Effects) information.Subwoofers are the .1 in a 5.1 or 7.1 surround system. The LFE channel is specificallydeveloped to carry Low frequency energy and effects in this frequency range. In aA. Auto Noise Sequence – Once auto is selected the automatic noise sequence begins.Starting from the Left channel the digits indicating dB level directly below the label (LEFT) will flash. To change the level setting press the enter key. The digits indicating dB leveldirectly below the label (LEFT) will stop flashing, now using the up and down arrows you can select the required dB level. Once that level has been set press the enter button again and the auto setup program will move to the next speaker (CENTER). The auto setupprogram will stay on each speaker channel for approximately 3 seconds and then move to the next speaker channel. Once finished to exit from the auto noise sequence menu press the previous button or the menu button.B. Manual Noise Sequence – The manual noise sequence works similarly to the Auto Noisesequence, the major difference being that the automatic portion has been removed. In manual mode, navigation to each of the speaker components is done using the arrowkeys. Using the arrow keys, navigate to the speaker you want to change, press the enter button and the digits indicating dB level directly below the label will begin to flash while the audible pink noise tone will begin. Once the adjustment is completed press the enter button again, now navigate to the next speaker in need of adjustment.Main video input device options are:a. HDMI 1, HDMI 2, HDMI 3, HDMI 4b. COMPONENT 1, COMPONENT 1, COMPONENT 3c. SVIDEO 1, SVIDEO 2, SVIDEO 3, SVIDEO 4d. COMPOSITE 1, COMPOSITE 2, COMPOSITE 3e. PREVIOUS - Displays the last active video input selected.f. MENU ONLY - Displays only the OSD and menu, no other video will be passed.g. DISABLED - No OSD or video will be passed.1. Analog - Sets analog audio option for each button2. Digital – Sets Digital audio option for each button3. Lip Sync – Changes the delay time between viewing a person’s lips moving onthe screen and the sound leaving their mouth. Normally this synchronization willbe correct but in systems where multiple video connections are made or extremedistances are required, a delay can be present. The lip Sync setting can increase the audio delay in milliseconds to match video presentation.4. EQ Memory – Sets the room equalization mode configured in the operation menu.There are up to 4 different EQ settings that can be utilized for any button. Setting the Analog audio InputUsing the arrow keys navigate to the text to the right of the for “device” label. Press the enter button to make the text flash, while flashing and using the up and down arrows, select the device input to be changed by pressing the enter button. Navigate to the text11. On Stage (44.1, 48, 96, 192 kHz)12. Enhanced Stereo (44.1, 48, 96, 192 kHz)Assign EQ MemoryTo adjust the EQ Memory options, Use the arrow keys to navigate to the text to the right of the “device” label. Press the enter button to make the text flash, while flashing and using the up and down arrows, select the device input to be changed by pressing the enter button. Navigate to the text to the right of the “EQ” label press enter and change EQ assignment. The EQ options are 1, 2, 3, 4 and OFFSEE: Operation – Room EQ SetupConfigure Trigger1. Select a button preset device to configure.2. Choose whether one or all the triggers will be configured at once. The optionsare: Selective or All triggers. If the all triggers option is selected then the Mode and delay will be configured for all (4) trigger outputs for that selected button preset.If Selective is used then each trigger can be configured individually for that button preset. The selective options are Trigger 1, Trigger 2, Trigger 3 and Trigger 4.NOTE: Trigger 1 is enabled for all button presets by default.3. Mode sets the behavior of each specified trigger the options are:4. Enabled – Trigger output is active for the selected device.5. Always Off –Trigger output is OFF for the selected device.Delay - sets the time delay between when the device button is selected and the 12v signalDevice TrimDevice trim is a master level adjustment for all of the incoming audio signals. This tool is useful when trying to balance the overall level from input to input while switching preset buttons. The device trim range is from -15dB to +15dB in 1dB increments.Analog Input TrimAn adjustment of analog input signals utilizing a clip indicator to display and adjust the incoming signal level for fine tuning. Often there are analog signals that have exceptionally high output that may overload or clip the S-1200/ 1200U’s input stage. This would require the input trim or even the Anti-clip circuit.NOTE: A Device with an analog source configured needs to be selected first in order to enable the Analog input trim function. Select the device button preset and proceed to the OSD Menu.A. Anti-Clip - The anti-clip function measures the signal level and prevents the inputsignalfrom overloading (clipping) the analog-to-digital converters. The Anti-clip option is ON or OFF.OSD OperationA. OSD On Time - Adjusts the amount of time the OSD stays on the active screen after abutton is pushed. The OSD on time can be adjusted from 0 to 10 seconds in 1 secondincrements.B. Line Number – Adjusts the starting position of the OSD text. Every video display hasvariances in where displayed images are placed respectively to the viewable area. When the OSD is active it may be necessary to change where the text starts on the screen. The line number can be adjusted from 1 to 12 lines down in 1 line increments.C. Menu Bkgnd – Adjusts the way OSD is displayed on the video display. The options areTransparent and Solid.1. Transparent – Displays only white text over whatever image that is currently on thevideo display.2. Solid – Displays a blue screen with white letters masking the image on the videoA. To begin, turn the volume control to select a command. The command appears on thefront panel display window.B. Place the programmable remote in program mode (see the learning remote user manual).C. Place the infrared sensor of the programmable remote so that it faces the infrared emitteron the S-1200/ 1200U front panel.D. Press and hold the save button on the S-1200/ 1200U front panel until the programmableremote has learned the code (see the learning remote user manual for information on the actions required to learn code).E. Select and save as many commands as required.F. Press the recall button on the front panel to return to the Program Remote Screen and exitfrom the Program remote mode.c. Notch – Notch FilterBelow is a graph of the Notch Filter. The graph also shows what happens when you change the Shape parameter of the Notch filter. Notice how the width of the notch changes. The Frequency parameter of the notch filter moves the notch across the frequency band.d. Lshlf – Low Shelf FilterThe Low Shelf filter is the same as the High Shelf Filter except the LEVEL parameter changes the level of the frequencies below, instead of above, the crossover point specified by the FREQ parameter.Pking – Peaking FilterBelow are two graphs of the peaking filter. The peaking filter is similar to the notch, but the peaking filter has the ability to vary the depth of the notch using the LEVEL parameter. The depth can be changed to the point that it offers boost instead of cut. The first graph shows what happens when you change the Shape parameter of the Peaking filter with the LEVEL parameter set at +6. Notice how the width of the peak changes, if the LEVEL parameter was set negative there would be a notch instead of aFrequency - The Center/Cutoff Frequency can be specified for all of the filters. Thirty frequencies, up to 16K, which are the standard ISO 1/3 octave center frequencies are used as the Center/Cutoff Frequency Settings.Shape – The shape parameter used with the Notch and Peaking Filter, controls the bandwidth of the filter. The Shape parameter can be adjusted from 0.4 to 9.0. Level - The Peaking, High Shelf and Low Shelf filters require a level adjustment. The input level to the filter is reduced allowing the filter to pass full scale input at the filter’s peak level without clipping the signal. The level difference is made up in the volume control so the peak of the filter is really above/below the un-filtered level and the un-filtered levels are the same as they were before filtering. Level can beThe S-1200 Preamp/ Processor with matching S-1500 multi-channel amplifer。

1200 - 1300 CONTROLLERS商品说明说明书

1200 - 1300 CONTROLLERS商品说明说明书

1200 - 1300 CONTROLLERSMain applications •Extrusion lines•Injection presses for plastics •Heat punches•Presses for rubber •Packaging machines •Packing machines •Polymerization and synthetic fiber plants•Food processing pants•Die-casting plants•Cooling plants•Climatic cells and test benches •Dryers for ceramics and construction parts•Ovens•Painting plants Main features•Universal input configurable from faceplate •Accuracy better than 0.2% f.s. under nominal conditions•Control output: relay, logic, Triac or continuous•Hot/cold function with selection of cooling fluid• 3 alarms with completely configurable function•Analog retransmission output•Up to 2 isolated digital inputs with configurable function•Isolated digital input with configurable function•Auxiliary input for CT (TA) (50mAac)•Heater break or probe short-circuit alarm •Self-tuning, Auto-tuning, Soft-start, bumpless Man/Auto function•Double set, set ramp, timed output function •Optically isolated RS485 serial line. Protocol: GEFRAN MODBUS RTU•Self-diagnosis•Rapid configuration from PC with WinstrumpacketPROFILEMicroprocessor controllers, 48x96(1/8DIN) format for 1200 and 96x96(1/4DIN) format for 1300, built with SMT technology. Complete operator interface, protected by Lexan membrane to guarantee an IP65 faceplate protection level. Composed of 4 keys, double 4-digit green LED display, 4 red signal LEDs for the 4 relay/logic outputs and 3 additional LEDs with programmable function to signal the instrument’s various function states.The main input for the variable to be controlled is universal, and allows connection of a wide variety of signals: thermocouples, resistance thermometers, thermistors, normalized linear inputs, all with possibility of custom linearization set from the faceplate.Input type is selected entirely from the faceplate and requires no external adapter shunts/dividers.A second auxiliary analog input from current transformer is available. You can select one of the two presettable setpoints, select Manual-Automatic mode, reset the alarm memory, or enable the hold function by means of the digital input.The instrument provides up to 4 outputs: relay (5A, 250VAC/30VDC cosϕ= 1) or logic (24V ±10% (10Vmin a 20mA). An analog output in voltage or in currentis also available.The functions of each output are freelyconfigurable from the faceplate.In addition to the control and alarmoutputs, you can also have outputs thatrepeat the state of the digital orretransmission input by process variable,setpoint, deviation, alarm trip points andvalues acquired via serial line. Anadditional output (24VDC, 30mA max.) isavailable to power outside transmitters.The serial communication option can bein Current Loop or RS485, with MODBUSRTU protocol and maximum speed of19200 baud (485).The instrument’s entire programmingprocedure is made easier by grouping theparameters in function blocks (CFG forcontrol parameters, Inp for inputs, Out foroutputs, etc.).The instrument can also select theparameters to be displayed based on itshardware configuration, whichautomatically hides irrelevant parameters.The instrument is supplied with an“EASY” configuration calling for just a fewparameters (only those pertaining to themodel ordered and essential to thecontroller’s operation).In this way, you just have to set thesetpoint and the alarm, then launch self-tuning with the specific button.For even simpler configuration, you canuse a PC programming kit consisting of acable and a guided program for Windowsenvironment (see Technical Data codeWINSTRUM).TECHNICAL DATAI NPUTSAccuracy 0,2% f.s. ±1digit.Acquisition of the input signal 120msec.TC- ThermocouplesJ0...1000°C/32...1832°FK0...1300°C/32...2372°FR0...1750°C/32...3182°FS0...1750°C/32...3182°FT-200...400°C/-328...752°FB44...1800°C/111...3272°FE-100...750°C/-148...1382°FN0...1300°C/32...2372°Fcustom-1999 (9999)Using the custom solution, tables areavailable for the following thermocouples:L-GOST0...600°C/32...1112°FU-200...400°C/ -328...752°FG0...2300°C/32...4172°FD0...2300°C/32...4172°FC0...2300°C/32...4172°F(NI-Ni18Mo)0...1100°C / 32...2012°FRTD3-wiresPT100 -200...850°C /-328...1562°FJPT100 -200...600°C/ -328...1112°FGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 74 - 25050 Provaglio d’Iseo (BS)Tel.03098881 - fax 0309839063 - Internet: GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.DTS_1200-1300_0409_ENG。

徕卡 TPS1200 技术手册

徕卡 TPS1200 技术手册

测站信息………………………………………182 电池和内存……………………………………183 系统信息……………………………………...184 接口…………………………………………….186 整平和激光对中……………………………….187 远望镜定位……………………………………..188 功能……………………………………………189 EDM……………………………………………189 棱镜搜索方法--ATR………………………….191 棱镜搜索方法--PS ……………………………194 跟踪移动中的棱镜—锁定…………………..196 RCS……………………………………………198 导向光 EGL……………………………………199 快速设置----SHIFT+USER…………………..200 概述…………………………………………...200 使用罗盘定向………………………………...202 依据角度定位望远镜………………………..204 导航键控制仪器转动…………………………205 检查记录的点…………………………………..206 L.GO/L.INT…………………………………..208
型 号:
仪器标识………………………………………………2 目录……………………………………………………3 主菜单……………………………………………….11 管理/作业…………………………………………..12 概述…………………………………………………12 新建作业……………………………………………13 编辑作业……………………………………………14 作业中的编码管理…………………………………15 管理…/数据………………………………………16 概述………………………………………………..16 数据相关术语………………………………………..18 输入已知点……………………………………….23 点的编辑…………………………………………….25 平均页……………………………………………….27 线、面的创建与管理……………………………….31 编辑线、面………………………………………….33 示例…………………………………………………..35 数据日志…………………………………………….37 点、线、面数据排序与过滤………………………39

SH-EX1200 操作说明书

SH-EX1200 操作说明书

Operating InstructionsModel No.SH-EX1200RQT6018-1YAudio MixerBefore connecting, operating or adjusting this product, please read these instructions completely.Please keep this manual for future reference.The photograph shows the silver model.EnDear customerThank you for purchasing this product. Array For optimum performance and safety, please read these instructions carefully.ContentsSupplied accessories (2)Listening caution (3)IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (4)Features (5)Connections (6)Names of the parts (8)Block diagram (10)Maintenance (11)Product service (11)Troubleshooting guide (12)Specifications (12)User memo:Selecting fine audio equipment such as the unit you’ve just pur-chased is only the start of your musical enjoyment. Now it’s time to consider how you can maximize the fun and excitement your equip-ment offers. This manufacturer and the Electronic I ndustries Association’s Consumer Electronics Group want you to get the most out of your equipment by playing it at a safe level. One that lets the sound come through loud and clear without annoying blaring or distortion—and, most importantly, without affecting your sensitive hearing.We recommend you to avoid prolonged exposure to excessive noise.Sound can be deceiving. Over time your hearing “comfort level”adapts to higher volumes of sound. So what sounds “normal” can actually be loud and harmful to your hearing.Guard against this by setting your equipment at a safe level BEFORE your hearing adapts.To establish a safe level:¡Start your volume control at a low setting.¡Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it comfortably and clearly, and without distortion.Once you have established a comfortable sound level:¡Set the dial and leave it there.Taking a minute to do this now will help to prevent hearing damage or loss in the future. After all, we want you listening for a lifetime.The following mark and symbols are located on the bottom of the unit.DATE OF PURCHASE DEALER NAME DEALER ADDRESSTELEPHONE NUMBERThe model number and serial number of this product can be found on either the back or the bottom of the unit.Please note them in the space provided below and keep for future reference.MODEL NUMBER SH-EX1200SERIAL NUMBERCAUTION:TO PREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK MATCH WIDE BLADE OF PLUG TO WIDE SLOT, FULLY INSERT.WARNING:TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK OR PRODUCT DAMAGE, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPARATUS TO RAIN,MOISTURE, DRIPPING OR SPLASHING AND THAT NO OBJ ECTS FILLED WITH LIQUIDS,SUCH AS VASES, SHALL BE PLACED ON THE APPARATUS.CAUTION!DO NOT INSTALL, OR PLACE THIS UNIT, IN A BOOKCASE, BUILT-IN CABINET OR IN ANOTHER CONFINED SPACE. ENSURE THE UNIT IS WELL VENTILATED. TO PREVENT RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK OR FIRE HAZARD DUE TO OVERHEATING, ENSURE THAT CURTAINS AND ANY OTHER MATERIALS DONOT OBSTRUCT THE VENTILATION VENTS.The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage ” within the product ’s enclosure that may be of suffi-cient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.Read these operating instructions carefully before using the unit. Follow the safety instructions on the unit and the applicable safety instructions listed below. Keep these operating instructions handy for future reference.1)Read these instructions.2)Keep these instructions.3)Heed all warnings.4)Follow all instructions.5)Do not use this apparatus near water.6)Clean only with dry cloth.7)Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance withthe manufacturer’s instructions.8)Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat reg-isters, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that pro-duce heat.9)Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding-type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet. 10)Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particu-larly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.11)Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufac-turer.12)Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, ortable specified by the manufacturer, or sold withthe apparatus. When a cart is used, use cautionwhen moving the cart/apparatus combination toavoid injury from tip-over.13)Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unusedfor long periods of time.14)Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing isrequired when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normal-ly, or has been dropped.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSFeaturesSince 1997, this model has been used as the official mixer at the World DJ Championships, an event sponsored by DMC held annually that brings together professional disc jockeys from all over the world. It is a top-of-the-line audio mixer with the kind of outstanding design, functions, and sound quality that suits the requirements of disc jockeys accustomed to giving scratch-mixing performances in a variety of ways.Operating ease•This audio mixer is the same height as the SL-1200 series for oper-ating ease.•By providing adequate space in the panel layout around the chan-nel faders and cross fader and by eliminating protruding parts, full rein can be given to individual technique which exactly reflects the mood of the moment even when it comes to high-powered scratch-mixing.Functions•The model comes with both high and low equalizers so that all man-ner of sound sources can be accommodated to generate a highly creative style of sound. A wide margin of creativity in producing sound is provided since the attenuation is set to a high –24 dB (12 dB/oct).•The model is equipped with [TRIM]controls (±10 dB) which com-pensate for differences in the source level.•The life of the cross fader has been dramatically increased by using a photocoupler cross fader circuit.•By reversing the input channel of the cross fader with the new cross fader switch, you can reverse the operation of the fader.•By adding a pre-fader monitor, the channels selected by [MONITOR CUE] controls can be monitored regardless of the positions of the faders.It is also possible to mix and monitor the line-out sources.•The model comes with line-out connectors for monitoring so that sound can be monitored not only with headphones but through the speakers inside the booth.•The line-out source L and R levels as well as the monitor source levels can be checked out on the 12-point, 3-column level meter.•An [AUX IN] connector is provided to enable a sampler, keyboard, etc. to become part of the disc jockey scene.Construction and materials•New 45 mm stroke faders with excellent durability and smooth op-erating touch have been developed for this model.•A spare channel fader has been provided on the bottom panel just in case, and it is designed to enable easy replacement.•Lever switches are employed for the input selector controls (LINE, PHONO) and, by providing adequate space around them, they can also be used for operations involving transformer scratching.ConnectionsRear panel connectionsThis model is connected with the other equipment using stereo connection cables (not included). Before proceeding with the connections, make absolutely sure that the power is turned off to the units concerned.Connect the power cord after all the other connections have been completed.For your reference:A grounding wire need not be connected if the turntable does not have a grounding wire or terminal.To listen with the headphones:•Before connecting headphones, turn down the volume with [MONITOR LEVEL], etc.•Avoid listening for prolonged periods of time to prevent hearing damage.Connect the [LINE OUT] connector of the sub mixer to the [AUX IN] connector on the master mixer.How to align the volume levels of the master and sub mixers:Adjust [AUX/EFFECTOR] volume on the master mixer and [MASTER] volume on the sub mixer so the levels are identical.Names of the partsNote:The channel faders are designed for a long service life, but this can be shortened if they are used in a situation that requires rapid movement, such as during Hip-Hop transfer play. The con-trols may need to be replaced frequently if used this way.A spare channel fader is provided inside the bottom panel of the unit. Refer to the additional instructions.Consult your dealer if the cross fader ever needs replacing.Fader replacementUse numbers indicated in parentheses when asking for replace-ment parts.(Only for U.S.A.)To order accessories contact 1-800-332-5368 or web site (http: //www. ).•Channel fader (RFKVHDX1200B)() Channel fader (INPUT) () Input selector (LINE, PHONO)() LOW-range level control (LOW)MIC volume level control (MIC)AUX/EFFECTOR volume level control (AUX/EFFECTOR) MASTER volume level control (MASTER)() Input sensitivity control (TRIM) () HIGH-range level control (HIGH)OUTPUT LEVEL meter (OUTPUT LEVEL)This indicates the [LINE OUT] (L and R channels) and [MONITOR OUT] output levels.MONITOR volume level control (MONITOR LEVEL) MONITOR BALANCE control (MONITOR BALANCE)This adjusts the balance between the [LI NE OUT] source and source selected by the [MONITOR CUE] selector.MONITOR source selector (MONITOR CUE)Channels and can be selected as the output for headphones or monitor speakers regardless of the position of the faders.CROSS FADER (CROSS FADER)This adjusts the signals of CH and CH so that they are both output as mixed signals or output as only CH or CH signals.Power button (POWER) Headphones jack (PHONES) MIC input jack (MIC)CROSS FADER switch (CROSS FADER)This reverses the input signals of CH and CHas controlledby the cross fader .NORMAL : output as labeled REVERSE : output reversedPower input socket (AC IN )() LINE IN connector (LINE IN)() PHONO IN connector (PHONO IN)LINE OUT connector (LINE OUT) REC OUT connector (REC OUT) AUX IN connector (AUX IN)PHONO grounding terminal (PHONO)Secure the grounding wire of the turntable to [PHONO] to prevent hum and noise.MONITOR OUT connector (MONITOR OUT)Outputs the same signal as the headphones. Connect a monitor amplifier when monitoring from the speakers without head-phones as in independent DJ booths. Connect the general out-put amplifier to [LINE OUT] .Select [CUE] (completely to the right)•Works as past general DJ mixer monitors.•Allows the CH ( , ) input selected with [MONITOR CUE] to be monitored regardless of the position of the [INPUT] channel fad-ers and [CROSS FADER].Select [MASTER] (completely to the left)•Disregards the source selected with [MONITOR CUE] ( , ).•Allows monitoring of the output from the [LINE OUT] connector .Select the center•Allows the CH ( , ) input selected with the [MONITOR CUE]control and the output from the [LINE OUT] connector to be mixed and monitored.Block diagramMaintenanceTo clean this unit, wipe with a soft, dry cloth.•Never use alcohol, paint thinner, or benzine to clean this unit.•Before using chemically treated cloth, read the instructions that came with the cloth carefully.LINE OUTREC OUT MONITOR OUTPHONESProduct informationFor product information or assistance with product operation;In the U.S.A., contact the Panasonic Customer Call Center at 1-800-211-7262,**************************************,orweb site ().In Canada, contact Panasonic Canada Inc. Customer Care Centre at 905-624-5505, web site (, or an authorized Servicentre closest to you.Product service1.Damage requiring service —The unit should be serviced by qualified service personnel if:(a)The AC power supply cord or AC adaptor has been damaged; or(b)Objects or liquids have gotten into the unit; or (c)The unit has been exposed to rain; or(d)The unit does not operate normally or exhibits a marked change in performance; or(e)The unit has been dropped, or the cabinet damaged.2.Servicing —Do not attempt to service the unit beyond that described in these operating instructions. Refer all other servic-ing to authorized servicing personnel.3.Replacement parts —When parts need replacing ensure the servicer uses parts specified by the manufacturer or parts that have the same characteristics as the original parts.Unauthorized substitutes may result in fire, electric shock, or other hazards.4.Safety check —After repairs or service, ask the servicer to perform safety checks to confirm that the unit is in proper working condition.Troubleshooting guideFrequency response PHONO 30 Hz to 15 kHz (RIAA ±1 dB)LINE10 Hz to 70 kHz(–3 dB)AUX/EFFECTOR 10 Hz to 100 kHz(–3 dB)MIC100 Hz to 15 kHz(–3 dB)Tone control characteristics 12 dB/octLOW +12 dB, –24 dB(63 Hz)HIGH+12 dB, –24 dB(10 kHz) General Power supplyAC 120 V, 60 HzPower consumption 16 WDimensions(WxHxD)260 x 102 x 305 mm (1015/64w x 41/64w x 121/64w )Mass3.5 k (7.5 lb.)Specifications are subject to change without notice.Mass and dimensions are approximate.SpecificationsInput sensitivity/input impedance PHONO 1.5 to 15 mV/47 k ΩLINE 100 to 1000 mV/more than 10 k ΩAUX/EFFECTOR 150 mV/47 k ΩMIC 0.7 mV/1 k Ω Rated output voltage LINE1 V/600 ΩMONITOR2 V/2.2 k ΩPHONES 1.5 V/100 ΩREC1 V/2.2 k ΩMaximum output voltage(10 k Ω load excluding headphones)LINE8 VMONITOR 8 V (headphones open)PHONES 1.5 V/100 ΩREC8 VApplicable load impedance LINEMore than 600 ΩMONITOR More than 10 k ΩPHONES More than 47 ΩRECMore than 10 k Ω Residual hum and noiseLess than 0.2 mVRQT6018-1YM0901TK2085Before requesting service, make the below checks. If you are in doubt about some of the check points, or if the remedies indicated in the chart do not solve the problem:IntheU.S.A.,contactthePanasonicCustomerCallCenterat1-800-211-7262,**************************************,orweb site ().In Canada, contact the Panasonic Canada Inc. Customer Care Centre at 905-624-5505, web site (, or an authorizedServicentre closest to you.Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company, Division of Panasonic Corporation of North America One Panasonic Way Secaucus,New Jersey 07094Printed in JapanPanasonic Puerto Rico, Inc.Ave. 65 de Infanter ía, Km. 9.5San Gabriel Industrial Park, Carolina,Puerto Rico 00985Panasonic Canada Inc.5770 Ambler Drive Mississauga, Ontario L4W pages are shown as black circled numbers.。

Leica TPS1200系列全站仪 技术手册

Leica TPS1200系列全站仪 技术手册

TPS1200 Version 1.0English中文 1.0 版感謝您購買新型徠卡 TPS1200 系列全站儀。


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Luma 110 Series Dome 产品说明书

Luma 110 Series Dome 产品说明书

110 Series Dome IP Surveillance Camera Quick-StartGuide2Box Contents}Camera}Self-adhesive mounting template}4 × wall anchors with screws}Hex wrench}Weatherproofing kit for PoE cable}DC power plug with screw terminalsYou must provide:}A network connection (and an NVR, if desired)}Admin rights to a computer that can access the network }Mobile device with Luma Surveillance app (recommended) }Power source: PoE or 12V DC}Phillips screwdriverWARNING: This product can expose you to chemicalsincluding cadmium, which is known to the State ofCalifornia to cause cancer. For more information go to.Read this before you go on site! Install your camera with a connection to the Internet via your NVR or through a network router. This allows you to use OvrC, a powerful remote maintenance tool (see ) and lets you use the Luma Surveillance mobile app to check on the camera from anywhere.For installation using this guide, you must be able to access this camera through a personal computer. If your surveillance system is not on a network, you’ll have to use the NVR’s local interface for installation. See the NVR user’s manual for details.The web UI manual and other materials can be found on the product page at .Additional ResourcesYou can acquire a PDF of the web interface manual and other materials from the camera’s product page at .34Safety Tips}Handle this device with care.}Do not strike or shake this device.}Protect the power cord from being stepped on or pinched, particularly where it connects to the device and the power outlet.}Do not operate this device beyond its specified power ratings. }Do not use this device near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other such heat-generating equipment.}The performance and lifespan of the camera is affected by temperature. For best results, use this device in temperatures ranging from -20–140 °F.}Clean this device with a dry cloth. Do not use strong or abrasive detergents when cleaning the device, especially the lens. If dirt is hard to remove, use a mild detergent and wipe gently.}Save a copy of the configuration settings. This helps when changing the configuration, when upgrading the device, or with recovery if unexpected failure or trouble occurs.PrecautionsBefore you start, ensure that the device is in good condition and all the assembly parts are included. Also ensure that your recorder has the very latest firmware. Use OvrC to update the firmware, or consult your NVR manual.}Ensure that all equipment is powered off during installation. }Ensure the mounting surface is strong enough to hold threetimes the weight of the camera and the mount.}If the mounting surface is cement, use the included expansion screws to install the camera. If mounting to a wood surface, use self-tapping wood screws (not included) to secure the camera.}If the product does not function properly, please contact technical support. Do not disassemble the camera for repair or maintenance.}Do not remove the protective film from the lens until installation is complete.56Your Camera Before installing, familiarize yourself with your camera.LAN Socket Power WiresDomeLensSD Card SlotDC Power WiresReset ButtonFoam RingPreserving Your CameraFoam RingCAUTION: Do not throw away the foam ring around the camera lens! It protects the camera from glare from its infrared lights. Dome TetherWe recommend you do not remove the security tether that holds the dome cover to the camera base. However, if you must get rid of it, please cut it at both ends. Do not unscrew the screws on the dome or the dome cover, or you may damage the camera’s weatherproofing.Protective FilmThe dome cover comes with a protective film. Do not remove this until you are done installing your camera; it is there to prevent the dome from getting scratched if it accidentally hits the wall during installation.7Installation with an NVRIf you are installing with an NVR, follow these instructions. Otherwise, follow the instructions starting on the next page.1. Ensure your NVR has the latest firmware. If it does not, yourNVR may be unable to locate and activate your camera.2. Perform the physical installation of your camera by followingthe instructions given on pages 11–15.3. Plug your camera into your recorder. The NVR autodetectsyour camera, activates it (giving it the same admin password that it has), and assigns it an IP address.4. Complete the installation using the instructions given in yourNVR manual. You do not need to continue using this guide.Where possible, we recommend changing settings using your NVR.89Install and Run the Luma UtilityUse the Luma Utility to locate your camera and set it up.Visit your product page at SnapAV .com and downloadthe Luma Utility installer from the Support tab. Y oumust use v3.0.0.53 build 20170426 or later! Earlier versions of the utility will not work!Run the installer. You can click through and accept the defaults. Pre-Installation Camera ConfigurationY ou’ll find it easiest to connect the camera directly to your PC, making most adjustments to the camera from the convenience of your table (prior to physical installation), rather than from atop a ladder.Connect the camera to your PC and run the L uma Utility. It searches for attached L uma Surveillance devices. If your camera does not appear, check the connection, ensure the camera is powered up, then click the Refreshbutton.Activate the CameraClick on the entry for your camera to view its details. If the camera is inactive, use the text boxes at the lower right of the L uma utility window to activate the camera by creating a new secure password.}Passwords cannot be longer than 16 characters. T o ensure compatibility with the local interface, only use numbers, letters, spaces, and the following special characters: . , : - / }Use a password that is long and easy to remember. A password like parisinthespring is more secure and easier to remember.than a password like D3x-7b10Physical Installation1. Drill pilot holes for your screws using the supplied template.2. CAUTION! Before terminating the cable for an outdoor install, you must weatherproof it! See the following pages for details.3. Remove the protective dome from the camera.4. Attach the cabling to the camera.}If using PoE, attach the cable to the socket.}If using 2-Wire power, attach the hot line to the red wire, and the ground to the black wire.}If using 12V, attach the power plug to the red & black wires.5. Secure the base of the camera to the mounting surface with screws.6. Aim the camera at the target area.7. Once the aim is perfected (see page 15), replace the protective dome.8. Run a silicon bead around the base of the camera.11Weatherproofing the PoE Cable1. Slide the unterminated cable through the lock nut , therubber gasket , and the weatherproof endcap. F ace the notched side of the rubber gasket toward the endcap, as shown.2. T erminate the RJ45 cable with a network plug .3. Place the O-ring onto the end of the camera’s networkinterface socket with the flat side toward the camera. Push it past the locking teeth as far as it easily goes.4. Connect the RJ45 plug to the camera’s network socket .5. Align the teeth on the weatherproof endcap with the gapson the camera’s network socket . Insert the socket into the endcap. T wist until they click into position (the O-ring gives you flexibility while still weatherproofing the connection). 6. Slide the rubber gasket into the weatherproof endcap .Secure it by screwing the lock nut tightly onto the endcap .12Start the Web InterfaceOpen your browser and navigate to the camera’s IP address. Below the login area, you may see: “Please click here to download and install the plug-in. Close the browser when installing the plug-in.” If so, download the plug-in and close all browser windows.Install the LumaWebComponents plug-in,restart your browser and go to your camera’slogin window. L og in as admin using thepassword you created.You might get a pop-up message that askswhether you want to run the L uma WebComponents plug-in. You must allow the plug-in to access your system over the web.Be sure to save your camera’s web page as a favorite in yourbrowser.1314Check the CameraAfter logging in, your screen shows the live page, similar to the illustration below. If it does not appear, check the connection to your NVR or network, and ensure that the camera is powered up. Click the Settings icon to access the web interface and finish setup.SettingsMenuIconAdjust the CameraThis camera can spin 355° around the base. It can be angled up to 75°. In addition, the camera can rotate 355° within its housing.1. Swivel the camera so it faces the desired direction.2. Angle the camera to face the target surveillance area.3. Rotate the camera within its housing so that the resulting image is upright.0°–355°0°–75°0°–355°15。


care • Do not disassemble the camera • Do not point the camera directly towards the sun or a source of
intense light • Periodic cleaning may be required. Use a damp cloth only. Do not use
© 2016 Lorex Corporation
As our product is subject to continuous improvement, Lorex Corporation & subsidiaries reserve the right to modify product design, specifications & prices without notice and without incurring any obligation. E&OE. LNE4162_SERIES_TRIFOLDQSG_EN_R1
ATTENTION - This camera is only compatible with select NVRs. For a list of compatible recorders, please visit https:///support/selfServe.jsp, and search for “Lorex High Definition Cameras Compatibility”.
6. Place the adjustment ring over the dome cover, then place both over the ball camera. Twist the adjustment ring clockwise halfway onto the camera base. Do not tighten all the way.

Hurricane 1200 用户手册说明书

 Hurricane 1200 用户手册说明书

User ManualT ABLE OF C ONTENTS1. Before You Begin (3)What Is Included (3)Unpacking Instructions (3)Claims (3)Text Conventions (3)Symbols (3)Disclaimer (3)Product at a Glance (4)Safety Notes (4)2. Introduction (5)Overview (5)Dimensions (6)3. Setup (7)AC Power (7)Fuse Replacement (7)Mounting (8)Orientation (8)Rigging (8)4. Operation (9)Remote or Manual Operation (9)Wired Timer Controller (FC-T) Setup (9)Wired Timer Controller (FC-T) Operation (9)Optional Wired Manual Remote Control (FC-M) (10)Optional Wireless Remote (FC-W) (10)Fluid Tank Indicator Lights (10)5. Technical Information (11)Fogger Maintenance (11)Storage (11)6. General Troubleshooting (12)7. Technical Specifications (13)Returns (14)Contact Us (15)Page 2 of 15 Hurricane™ 1200 User Manual Rev. 21.B EFORE Y OU B EGINWhat Is Included ·Hurricane™ 1200·FC-T Timed Remote Control·Hanging Bracket with Mounting Hardware·Warranty Card·Quick Reference GuideUnpacking Instructions Carefully unpack the product immediately and check the container to make sure all the parts are in the package and are in good condition.Claims If the box or the contents (the product and included accessories) appear damaged from shipping, or show signs of mishandling, notify the carrier immediately, not Chauvet.Failure to report damage to the carrier immediately may invalidate your claim. Inaddition, keep the box and contents for inspection.For other issues, such as missing components or parts, damage not related to shipping,or concealed damage, file a claim with Chauvet within 7 days of delivery.Text ConventionsConvention Meaning1—512 A range of values50/60 A set of valuesSettings A menu optionMenu > Settings A sequence of menu options <Enter>A buttonDisclaimer The information and specifications contained in this User Manual are subject to change without notice. Chauvet assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions,and reserves the right to revise or recreate this manual at any time. Download the latestversion from .© Copyright 2015 Chauvet. All rights reserved.Electronically published by Chauvet in the United States of America.Author Date Editor DateR. Isenstadt 07/14/2015 M. Trouard 07/14/2015Hurricane TM 1200 User Manual Rev. 2 Page 3 of 15Page 4 of 15 Hurricane™ 1200 User Manual Rev. 2Safety Notes These notes include important information about the mounting, usage, and maintenanceof this product; read before using the product.·Always connect the product to a grounded circuit to avoid the risk of electrocution.·Always disconnect the product from the power source before cleaning or replacing the fuse.· Make sure the power cord is not crimped or damaged.· Never disconnect the product from power by pulling or tugging on the cord. · If mounting the product overhead, always secure to a fastening device using a safety cable.· Make sure there are no flammable materials close to the product when operating. · Do not touch the product’s housing when operating because it may be very hot. ·Do not mount the product on a flammable surface (linoleum, carpet, wood, paper, carton, plastic, etc.).· The product’s nozzle is very hot during operation and it remains hot for a long time after operation has stopped.· The fog exits the nozzle at a very high temperature. Keep a minimum distance of 6.5 ft (2 m) from the nozzle to the nearest object. · Do not use the product as a space heater.· Do not drink or come in contact with the fog fluid. If you do, call your local emergency service (911 in the US) for help.·Do not add perfume, alcohol, gasoline, or any other flammables to the fog fluid.· Always make sure that the voltage of the outlet to which you are connecting the product is within the range stated on the decal or rear panel of the product.· The product is for indoor use only! (IP20) To prevent risk of fire or shock, do not expose the product to rain or moisture.· Always install the product in a location with adequate ventilation, at least 20 in (50 cm) from adjacent surfaces.· Be sure that no ventilation slots on the product’s housing are blocked. · Never connect the product to a dimmer or rheostat.· Make sure to replace the fuse with another of the same type and rating.·Never carry the product from the power cord or any moving part. Always use the hanging/mounting bracket.·The maximum ambient temperature (Ta) is 104 °F (40 °C). Do not operate the product at higher temperatures.· In the event of a serious operating problem, stop using the product immediately. · Never try to repair the product. Repairs carried out by unskilled people can lead to damage or malfunction. Contact the nearest authorized technical assistance center. · This product is not intended for permanent installation. · Use only CHAUVET® water-based fog fluid.· Drain the tank before transporting or storing the product.·To eliminate unnecessary wear and improve its lifespan, during periods of non-use completely disconnect the product from power via breaker or by unplugging it.Keep this User Manual for future use. If you sell the product to another user, be sure to give this document to the next owner.FCQ (Fog Cleaner Quart) was specifically developed by Chauvet to clean your Hurricane™ 1200. Make sure you use FCQ regularly, no longer than 90 days between cleanings, to increase the life of your fogger.Hurricane TM 1200 User Manual Rev. 2Page 5 of 152. I NTRODUCTIONOverviewBack Panel ViewFuse HolderFog FluidPage 6 of 15 Hurricane™ 1200 User Manual Rev. 2Dimensions3.S ETUPAC Power This Hurricane TM 1200 has a fixed voltage power supply and it can work with an input voltage of either 120 VAC, 60 Hz or 230 VAC, 50 Hz, depending on the specific model.To determine the product’s power requirements (circuit breaker, power outlet, andwiring), use the current value listed on the label affixed to the product’s back panel, orrefer to the product’s specifications chart. The listed current rating indicates theproduct’s average current draw under normal conditions.·Always connect the product to a protected circuit (circuit breaker or fuse).Make sure the product has an appropriate electrical ground to avoid the riskof electrocution or fire.·To eliminate unnecessary wear and improve its lifespan, during periods ofnon-use completely disconnect the product from power via breaker or byunplugging it.Never connect the product to a rheostat (variable resistor) or dimmer circuit, evenif the rheostat or dimmer channel serves only as a 0 to 100% switch.Fuse Replacement 1. Disconnect the product from power.2. Twist the fuse holder cap counterclockwise to loosen the fuse holder and pullstraight out.3. Remove the blown fuse.4. Replace with a fuse of the same type and rating.5. Screw the fuse holder cap back in place and reconnect power. ·Disconnect the product from power before replacing the fuse. ·Always replace a blown fuse with another of the same type and rating.Hurricane TM 1200 User Manual Rev. 2 Page 7 of 15Page 8 of 15 Hurricane™ 1200 User Manual Rev. 2MountingBefore mounting the product, read and follow the safety recommendations indicated in the Safety Notes .OrientationThis product may NOT be tilted. This product should be level when on a surface or when mounted.Rigging· Before deciding on a location, always make sure there is easy access to the product for maintenance and fluid replenishment.· Make sure that the structure or surface onto which you are mounting the product can support the product’s weight (see the Technical Specifications ).· When mounting the product overhead, always use a safety cable. Mount the product securely to a rigging point, such as an elevated platform or a truss.·When rigging the product onto a truss, you should use a mounting clamp of appropriate weight capacity. The bracket has 13-mm holes, which are appropriate for this purpose.·The rubber feet also serve as floor supports and allow for surface mounting. When mounting the product on the floor, make sure that the product and cables are away from people and vehicles.Mounting DiagramWhile operating the Hurricane™ 1200, make sure there is adequate fog fluid in the machine to prevent pump and heater damage. When the fog fluid level becomeslow, simply add more fog fluid to continue using the Hurricane™ 1200.MountingBracket(works with CH-05 from Chauvet) Mounting Clamp(such as CLP-15 or CLP-15N clamp fromChauvet)Hurricane TM 1200 User Manual Rev. 2Page 9 of 154. O PERATIONRemote or Manual OperationThe Hurricane™ 1200 can be operated manually, or with the included wired timer controller (FC-T).The Manual button is located on the rear of the unit. See the product Overview . Additionally, the product can be operated with the FC-M manual wired remote or the FC-W wireless remote, available separately.Wired Timer Controller (FC-T)SetupThe FC-T wired timer controller allows you to automatically trigger fog output by setting interval and duration times. LED indicator lights display the machine and controller’s current state. Rotary knobs set interval time, output, and duration time, while manual and continuous buttons allow overriding control.1. Plug in the fog machine to power.2. Plug in the wired timer controller to the Manual Remote Connector socket on the back ofthe fog machine. (See the product Overview .)3. Allow the Hurricane™ 1200 three to four minutes to heat up before continuing. (SeeFluid Tank Indicator Lights .)FC-T Wired Timer Controller OverviewWired Timer Controller (FC-T)OperationThe FC-T wired timer controller has three modes of operation: timer, continuous, and manual.Timer Mode To trigger the Hurricane™ 1200 with the timer function, follow the instructions below:1. Set the desired output level with the OUTPUT knob.2. Set the INTERVAL and DURATION knobs to the desired positions.· The INTERVAL knob sets the amount of time in between bursts of fog.· The DURATION knob sets the length of time that the fog machine will runduring the burst.3. Press the <TIMER ON/OFF> latching button. The LED indicator above the buttonwill light up. The timer will now run as set by the INTERVAL , DURATION , and OUTPUT knobs.4. Press the <TIMER ON/OFF> button again to turn off the timer.The <MANUAL> button will override the timer.Continuous Mode To trigger the Hurricane™ 1200 to continuously cycle fog, follow the instructions below:1. Set the desired output level with the OUTPUT knob.2. Press the <CONTINUOUS> latching button. The LED indicator above the button willlight up. The fog machine outputs fog until the <CONTINUOUS> button is pressed again.3. Press the <CONTINUOUS> button again to stop the fog output.In order for Continuous mode to run uninterrupted, without the Hurricane™ 1200 stopping to reheat, set the OUTPUT knob no higher than 11. At Output levels above 11, the fogger will cycle through intermittent bursts of fog during its reheating program. · The duration of Continuous fog output is based on the capacity of the tank. · Fluid consumption will be significantly increased during Continuous mode.Manual Mode To trigger the Hurricane™ 1200 manually, do the following:1. Set the desired output level with the OUTPUT knob.2. Press and hold the <MANUAL> button on the wired timer controller. The LEDindicator above the button will light up. The fog machine will output fog for as long as you hold down the <MANUAL> button.3. Release the <MANUAL> button to stop the fog output.The duration of manual fog at any given Output setting is based on the capability of the fog machine.Uninterrupted ContinuousMode at Output 11Optional Wired Manual Remote Control (FC-M) The optional FC-M wired manual remote control allows the user to start and stop the fog output. It operates the same as the Manual button on the product, with the addition of a READY indicator LED.1. Plug in the fog machine to power.2. Plug in the wired manual remote control to the Manual Remote Connector socket on theback of the fog machine. (See the product Overview.)3. Wait for the READY indicator LED to light up, indicating the Hurricane™ 1200 is heatedenough to produce fog. (Also see Fluid Tank Indicator Lights.)4. Press and hold the <FOG> button on the wired manual remote control.5. Release the <FOG> button to stop the fog output.FC-M Manual RemoteControl Overview·The Hurricane™ 1200 unit may start producing fog intermittently to allow for fluidreheating after a period of continuous fog output. This is a normal occurrence.·The duration of manual fog output is based on the capability of the fog machine.Optional Wireless Remote(FC-W) The optional FC-W wireless remote allows the user to trigger the Hurricane™ 1200 to produce fog from up to 100 ft away. See1. Plug in the fog machine to power.2. Plug the FC-W wireless remote receiver into the Wireless Remote Connector on the backof the Hurricane™ 1200. (See the product Overview.)3. Allow the Hurricane™ 1200 three to four minutes to heat up. (See Fluid Tank IndicatorLights.)4. Press and hold the <1>, <2>, <3>, or <4> button on the wireless remote. (Download theFC-W User Manual from for more information on addressing the FC-W)5. Release the button to stop the fog output.FC-W WirelessRemote OverviewEnsure the FC-W has an unobstructed view of the receiver for maximum performance.Fluid Tank IndicatorLights The Hurricane™ 1200 has indicator LEDs that light up the fluid tank to indicate the status of the product, as follows:·Red - The heater is currently warming up.·Flashing Red - The heater is currently warming up and no fluid is detected.·Blue - The heater is ready to produce fog.·Flashing Blue - The heater is ready to produce fog and no fluid is detected.Page 10 of 15 Hurricane™ 1200 User Manual Rev. 25. T ECHNICAL I NFORMATIONFogger Maintenance Do not allow the fogger to become clogged. After every 40 hours of continuousoperation, use CHAUVET® Fog Cleaner Quart (FCQ) through the system to prevent theaccumulation of particulate matter in the heating element. The recommended cleaning procedure is as follows. 1. Unplug the product from power.2. Empty all fog fluid from the machine.3. Add cleaning solution to the tank.4. Connect the product to power and allow it to warm up.5. Run the unit in a well-ventilated area until the tank is almost empty. Do not allowthe pump to run dry.6. Refill with fogger fluid to continue using the fogger. Run the machine briefly to clearany remaining cleaning solution from the pump and heater.Do Not operate the machine without fluid at any time.Fog Cleaner Quart (FCQ) was specifically developed by Chauvet to clean your Hurricane™ 1200. Make sure you use FCQ regularly, no longer than 90 days between cleanings, to increase the life of your product.StorageBefore storing the fogger, run FCQ through the system as described in the cleaning procedure above; however, only follow steps 1 through 5. Do not refill the tank with fog fluid if storing the fogger. Cleaning the system prior to storage will help prevent any particles from condensing inside the pump or heater while not in use .Test-run your Hurricane™ 1200 on a monthly basis to achieve the best performance.If you still experience problems after trying the solutions presented here, contact Chauvet Technical Support.7.T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONSDimensions andWeight11.3 in (286 mm) 9.3 in (235 mm) 8.2 in (209 mm) 6.4 lb (2.9 kg)Note: Dimensions in inches rounded to the nearest decimal digit.PowerModel-specific 120 VAC, 60 Hz or230 VAC, 50 HzFixedConsumption 1,180 W 1,180 WOperating current 10 A 5.2 AFuse F 13 A, 250 V F 7 A, 250 VPower input connector Hard-wired Hard-wiredPower Cord plug Edison (US) Local plugOperation2 min 0.26 gal (1.0 l) 28 ml/minFog Output Output18,000 cfmThermal Maximum External Temp. Cooling System104 °F (40 °C) ConvectionOrderingHurricane 1200 (120 V) 09071018 781462213664Hurricane TM 1200 (230 V)09071020 781462213688R ETURNSIn case you need to get support or return a product:· If you are located in the U.S., contact Chauvet World Headquarters. · If you are located in the UK or Ireland, contact Chauvet Europe Ltd. · If you are located in Mexico, contact Chauvet Mexico.· If you are located in Benelux, contact Chauvet Europe BVBA.· If you are located in any other country, DO NOT contact Chauvet. Instead, contactyour local distributor. See for distributors outside the U.S., UK, Ireland, Mexico, or Benelux.If you are located outside the U.S., UK, Ireland, Mexico, or Benelux, contact your distributor of record and follow their instructions on how to return Chauvet products to them. Visit our website for contact details. Call the corresponding Chauvet Technical Support office and request a ReturnMerchandise Authorization (RMA) number before shipping the product. Be prepared to provide the model number, serial number, and a brief description of the cause for the return.Send the merchandise prepaid, in its original box, and with its original packing and accessories. Chauvet will not issue call tags.Clearly label the package with the RMA number. Chauvet will refuse any product returned without an RMA number.Write the RMA number on a properly affixed label. DO NOT write the RMA number directly on the box.Before sending the product, clearly write the following information on a piece of paper and place it inside the box: · Your name · Your address· Your phone number · RMA number· A brief description of the problemBe sure to pack the product properly. Any shipping damage resulting from inadequate packaging will be your responsibility. FedEx packing or double-boxing are recommended.Chauvet reserves the right to use its own discretion to repair or replace returned product(s).C ONTACT U S WORLD HEADQUARTERS - ChauvetGeneral InformationAddress: 5200 NW 108th AvenueSunrise, FL 33351Voice: (954) 577-4455Fax: (954) 929-5560Toll free: (800) 762-1084 Technical SupportVoice: (954) 577-4455 (Press 4) Fax: (954) 756-8015Email: ************************ World Wide Web UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND - Chauvet Europe Ltd.General InformationAddress: Unit 1CBrookhill Road Industrial EstatePinxton, Nottingham, UKNG16 6NTVoice: +44 (0)1773 511115Fax: +44 (0)1773 511110 Technical SupportEmail: ************************** World Wide Web MEXICO - Chauvet MexicoGeneral InformationAddress: Av. Santa Ana 30Parque Industrial LermaLerma, Mexico C.P. 52000 Voice: +52 (728) 285-5000 Technical SupportEmail: ********************.mx World Wide Web .mxCHAUVET EUROPE - Chauvet Europe BVBAGeneral Information Address: Stokstraat 189770 KruishoutemBelgiumVoice: +32 9 388 93 97 Technical SupportEmail: ************************* World Wide Web www.chauvetlighting.euOutside the U.S., United Kingdom, Ireland, Mexico, or Benelux contact your dealer. Follow their instructions to request support or to return a product. Visit our website for contact details.。

Moxa ioLogik R1200系列远程I O产品快速安装指南RS-485远程I O版本4.1,

Moxa ioLogik R1200系列远程I O产品快速安装指南RS-485远程I O版本4.1,

P/N: 1802012002014 *1802012002014*ioLogik R1200 Series Quick Installation GuideRS-485 Remote I/OVersion 4.1, January 2021Technical Support Contact Information/support2021 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.Package Checklist• 1 ioLogik R1200 series remote I/O product •Quick installation guide (printed)SpecificationsInput CurrentioLogik R1210 Series: 154 mA @ 24 VDC ioLogik R1212 Series: 187 mA @ 24 VDC ioLogik R1214 Series: 207 mA @ 24 VDC ioLogik R1240 Series: 216 mA @ 24 VDC ioLogik R1241 Series: 343 mA @ 24 VDC Input Voltage12 to 48 VDCOperating TemperatureStandard Models: -10 to 75°C (14 to 167°F) Wide Temp. Models: -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)Storage Temperature-40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)Installation Jumper SettingsThe models with DIO or AI channels require configuring the jumpers inside the enclosure. Remove the screw located on the back panel and open the cover to configure the jumpers.DIO mode configuration is shown to the right (default: DO Mode).Analog mode configuration is shown to the right (default: Voltage Mode).I/O WiringDigital Input/Output (Sink Type)Analog Input Relay Output (Form A)NOTE A “load” in a circuit schematic is a component or portion of the circuit that consumes electric power. For the diagrams shown in this document, “load” refers to the devices or systems connected to the remote I/O unit.MountingThe ioLogik R1200 is designed with a vertical form factor, and can be used with both DIN-Rail and wall mounting applications. When mounting on a rail, release the bottom mounting kit, install the ioLogik on the rail, and then restore the bottom mounting kit to fix the ioLogik to the rail. When using wall mounting, release both the upper and bottom DIN-Rail kits.Power and NetworkingConnect the +12 to +48 VDCpower line to the ioLogik R1200’s terminal block V+ terminal; connect the ground from the power supply to the V- terminal. Connect the ground pin () ifearth ground is available.NOTE For safety reasons, the wires attached to the power should be at least 2 mm (12 gauge) in diameter.Switch SettingsThe R1200 series provides Dual/Rep and Run/Initial switch settings to set up the communication mode. Duel (Default)Dual RS-485 mode Rep Repeater modeRunUser define communication parameters Initial (Default)Initial RS-485 communication parametersLED IndicatorsType LED Color LED ActionPWR Green On: Power OnOff: Power OffRDY Green/Red Green: System ReadyGreenBlinking:LocatedRed: System Boot-up ErrorRedBlinking:Firmware upgrade / USB upgradeGreen/RedBlinking:Safe ModeOff: System NOT ReadyP1 Green/Amber Green: TxAmber: RxBlinking: Data Transmitting Off: DisconnectedP2 Green/Amber Green: TxAmber: RxBlinking: Data Transmitting Off: DisconnectedSystem ConfigurationioSearch UtilityioSearch is a search utility that helps users locate an ioLogik R1200 on the local network. The utility can be downloaded from Moxa’s website. Load Factory Default SettingsThere are three ways to restore the ioLogik R1200 to the factory default settings.1.Hold the RESET button for 5 seconds.2.Right click the specified ioLogik in the ioSearch utility and select“Reset to Default.”3.Select “Load Factory Default” from the web console.Modbus Address TablePlease refer to the user’s manual for details of the ioLogik’s Modbus address.How to Download the SoftwareStep 1: Click on the following link to open the Support & Downloads search tool:/support/support_home.aspx?isSearchShow=1Step 2: Type the model name in the search box or select a product from the drop down box and then click Search.Step 3: Click the Software Packages link to download the latest software for the product.。



Release NotesMicroLogix 1200 and MicroLogix 1500 Programmable Controllers FirmwareBulletin 1762 and 1764About This PublicationThese release notes for MicroLogix 1200 and MicroLogix 1500 controllers with Series C FRN 14 operating system firmware supplement the existing documentation supplied with your product.Keep this document with your MicroLogix 1200 and MicroLogix 1500 Programmable Controllers Instruction Set Reference Manual, publication number 1762-RM001.TopicPage About This Publication1New Features and Enhancements 2Corrected Anomalies 12Additional Resources13New Features and Enhancements MicroLogix 1200 New Features and EnhancementsCatalog Number OS(1)SeriesLetterOSRevisionLetterFirmwareRevisionReleaseDateEnhancement1762-L24AWA 1762-L24BWA 1762-L40AWA 1762-L40BWA A A FRN 1March 2000Initial product release.A B FRN 2May 2000The trim pots (trimmingpotentiometers) on thecontroller operated inreverse of the ladder logicis now corrected.B A FRN 3November2000This revision features:•Full ASCII (read/write)•PTO Controlled Stop•PWM Ramping•RTC and StringMessaging•Static Data FileProtection•Comms ResetPushbutton Bit1762-L24BXB 1762-L40BXB B A FRN 3November2000Initial product release.Supports all the featureslisted above for the1762-L24xWA and1762-L40xWA controllers.1762-L24AWA 1762-L24BWA 1762-L24BXB 1762-L40AWA 1762-L40BWA 1762-L40BXB C A FRN4(2)June 2001This revision features:•Floating Point (F) DataFile for use with:•compare instructions(EQU, GEQ, GRT, LEQ,LES, LIM, NEQ); mathinstructions (ABS,ADD, CLR, DIV, MUL,NEG, SQR, SUB); moveinstruction (MOV); fileinstructions (CPW,FLL); and the message(MSG) instruction•Programmable LimitSwitch (PLS) File foruse with HSC•RTA - Real Time ClockAdjust•GCD - Gray Code•CPW - Copy Word•ABS - Absolute ValueRockwell Automation Publication 1762-RN001D-EN-P - July 2014C B FRN5(3)March 2002Internal firmware revision;no user functionalitychange.C C FRN6(3)September2002This revision features:•The Floating Point (F) Data File can now beused with the Scalewith Parameters (SCP)•ModBus MemoryMappingEnhancements1762-L24AWA 1762-L24BWA 1762-L24BXB 1762-L40AWA 1762-L40BWA 1762-L40BXB C D FRN 7April 2003This revision features:•DF1 Half-DuplexMaster Driver•DF1 Radio ModemDriver•Enhanced DF1Broadcast Support•ASCII Clear Buffer(ACL) instructionenhancementC E FRN8November2003This revision features:•Modbus MasterProtocol•PTO IndependentAccel/Decel profiles1762-L24AWAR 1762-L24BWAR 1762-L24BXBR 1762-L40AWAR 1762-L40BWAR 1762-L40BXBR C E FRN8March 2004This revision featuresadditionalcommunications portcalled theprogrammer/HMI port.1762-L24AWA 1762-L24BWA 1762-L24BXB 1762-L40AWA 1762-L40BWA 1762-L40BXB 1762-L24AWAR 1762-L24BWAR 1762-L24BXBR 1762-L40AWAR 1762-L40BWAR 1762-L40BXBR C F FRN 9May 2004•Fixed reply of BCC forDF1-Mastertransmissions•Fixed delay time forDF1-Mastertransmissions withHalf-duplex handshaking turned on•Supported FUJITSU'sand STM's FlashMemory.MicroLogix 1200 New Features and EnhancementsCatalog Number OS(1)SeriesLetterOSRevisionLetterFirmwareRevisionReleaseDateEnhancementRockwell Automation Publication 1762-RN001D-EN-P - July 2014C G FRN 10January2005Fixed defects for abnormal shutdown problem for ML1200/ML1210. When EPhardFault() function is called from OS firmware, ML1200/ML1210 does not shut down properly. The reason is that the pointer UfdlProgramFlashPtr in BOOT firmware was overwritten by OS firmware. So, the pointer areas were reserved to prevent from overwriting by OS firmware.1762-L24AWA 1762-L24BWA 1762-L24BXB 1762-L40AWA 1762-L40BWA 1762-L40BXB C H FRN 11November2005•Fixed defect for HardFault in bit addressinginto a PLS file•Fixed defect forPre-Transmit Delay inDF1-RM.•Fixed defect for ACLinstruction. If ACLinstruction is placedalone on a rung,communication will beblocked by this defect.When both transmitand receive bufferclear options areselected, if defaultCOMM button ispressed, ACLinstruction does notpurge other buffers.•Changed the indirectbit address check inthe Pre-First Pass.Checking for theindirect bit address isnot performed in thePre-First Pass. Thecontroller willgenerate Fault duringRUN mode instead ofHard Fault duringPre-First Pass•Promoted OS functiontype to 0x400BMicroLogix 1200 New Features and EnhancementsCatalog Number OS(1)SeriesLetterOSRevisionLetterFirmwareRevisionReleaseDateEnhancementRockwell Automation Publication 1762-RN001D-EN-P - July 2014Rockwell Automation Publication 1762-RN001D-EN-P - July 20141762-L24AWAR 1762-L24BWAR 1762-L24BXBR 1762-L40AWAR 1762-L40BWAR 1762-L40BXBR CHFRN 11November2005•As above•Promoted OS function type to 0x400C1762-L24AWA 1762-L24BWA 1762-L24BXB 1762-L40AWA 1762-L40BWA 1762-L40BXB 1762-L24AWAR 1762-L24BWAR 1762-L24BXBR 1762-L40AWAR 1762-L40BWAR 1762-L40BXBRC H FRN 12April 2008•Fixed defect for user flash writing for Ladder Program programming •Removed thePowerUpcounter value check with oxFFFF in Power Down data structure to prevent possible logic error •Added the solution for DH485 remotecommunication issue which controller should always accept a Destination Link ID of zero as valid.C H FRN 13March 2013Status file bits (S2:1/13, S2:5/0, S2:5/2, S2:5/3) and watch dog bits(S2:3/8-15) were writable through communication messages which allowed the possibility to force the controller to go into fault. The solution included in this firmware revision allows users to CLEAR these bits (S2:1/13,S2:5/0, S2:5/2, S2:5/3) but does NOT allow them to SET using Communication messages. The watch dog bits (S2:3/8-15) will be Read Only in non-transfer mode.(1)OS = Operating System.MicroLogix 1200 New Features and EnhancementsCatalog NumberOS (1)Series LetterOSRevision LetterFirmware Revision Release DateEnhancement(2)For users of RSLogix 500 Programming Software version 4.5: MicroLogix 1200 Series C Revision Acontrollers with FRN4 firmware may be downgraded for compatibility with this version of software using the ControlFlash FRN3 tool available on the MicroLogix website. The controller may be later upgraded using the FRN5 (which replaces the FRN4 ControlFlash upgrade, and is a functionalequivalent) or higher ControlFlash tool.(3)For users of RSLogix 500 Programming Software version 4.5: MicroLogix 1200 Series C Revision Bcontrollers with FRN5 or later firmware may be downgraded for compatibility with this version of software using the ControlFlash FRN 3.1 tool available on the MicroLogix website. Your controller may be later upgraded using the FRN5 (which replaces the FRN 4 ControlFlash upgrade, and is a functional equivalent) or higher ControlFlash tool.Operating system firmware flash upgrades and downgrades are available for MicroLogix 1200 controllers from the MicroLogix website,/Programmable-Controllers/MicroLogix-Sy stems. Any controller may be upgraded to the latest release by using these tools. Users of RSLogix 500 version 4.5 with MicroLogix 1200 Series C Revision A and B should refer to footnotes 2 and 3 of the preceding table for compatibility requirements.Rockwell Automation Publication 1762-RN001D-EN-P - July 2014MicroLogix 1500 New Features and EnhancementsCatalog Number OS(1)SeriesLetterOSRevisionLetterFirmwarerevisionReleaseDateEnhancement1764-LSP A B FRN 2February1999Initial product release.1764-LSP A C FRN 3October1999MicroLogix 1500 controllers with 1764-LSP processor can now be used with Compact I/O (Bulletin 1769) Expansion Cables and Power Supplies.1764-LSP B A FRN 4April 2000MicroLogix 1500 controllerswith 1764-LSP processor cannow use:•String Data File Type•ASCII Instruction SetSupport•Modbus RTU Slaveprotocol•Ramping, when usingPWM outputs•Static Data File Protection•RTC Messaging1764-LRP B A FRN 4April 2000Initial product release.MicroLogix1500 controllerswith 1764-LRP Processor hasall the features of the1764-LSP, plus:•Second communicationsport (isolated RS-232)•Data Logging capability1764-LSP 1764-LRP B B FRN 5October2000For both the 1764-LSP and LRPprocessors:•When using the PTOfeature, the controller cannow perform a controlledstop when using PTOoutputs. The decelerationphase of the PTO can beinitiated early via ladderlogic.•Enhanced programcompare bit functionalityin the Memory Module.Rockwell Automation Publication 1762-RN001D-EN-P - July 20141764-LSP 1764-LRP C A FRN6September2001This revision supports:•Floating Point (F) Data Filefor use with:compare instructions(EQU, GEQ, GRT, LEQ, LES,LIM, NEQ); mathinstructions (ABS, ADD,CLR, DIV, JUL, NEG, SQR,SUB); move instruction(MOV); file instructions(CPW, FLL); and themessage (MSG)instruction•Programmable LimitSwitch (PLS) File for usewith HSC•RTA - Real Time ClockAdjust•GCD - Gray Code•CPW - Copy Word•ABS - Absolute Value•RCP - Recipe•MSG - Message onDeviceNet (1764-LRP only)1764-LSP 1764-LRP C B FRN7September2002This revision supports:•The Floating Point (F) DataFile can now be used withthe Scale with Parameters(SCP)•Modbus Memory MappingEnhancements1764-LSP 1764-LRP C C FRN 8April 2003This revision supports:•DF1 Half-Duplex MasterDriver•DF1 Radio Modem Driver•Enhanced DF1 BroadcastSupport•ASCII Clear Buffer (ACL)instruction enhancement1764-LRP C C FRN 8April 2003This revision supportsChannel Diagnostic CounterReset.1764-LSP 1764-LRP C D FRN 9November2003This revision supports:•Modbus Master Protocol•PTO IndependentAccel/Decel profilesMicroLogix 1500 New Features and EnhancementsCatalog Number OS(1)SeriesLetterOSRevisionLetterFirmwarerevisionReleaseDateEnhancementRockwell Automation Publication 1762-RN001D-EN-P - July 20141764-LSP 1764-LRP C D FRN 10November2005•Added support for theMM3/MM3RTC. TheMM3/MM3RTC has thesame user memory size asthe MM2/MM2RTCexcept recipe data area.Recipe data which wasstored to Data Log Queuearea in ML1510 can bestored to upper 64Kbytes(actually maximum48Kbytes) of theMM3/MM3RTC. So, thismemory module will beused in ML1510 whenRecipe data exists and isstored to Data Log Queue.There is no difference inthe functionality betweenMM2/MM2RTC andMM3/MM3RTC exceptstoring Recipe data in theData Log Queue.•Removed support for theMemory ModuleInitialization features forMM1/MM1RTC/RTC/MM2/MM2RTC via serialcommunication due toFlash memory space. But,the Memory ModuleInitialization feature forMM3/MM3RTC isincluded.MicroLogix 1500 New Features and EnhancementsCatalog Number OS(1)SeriesLetterOSRevisionLetterFirmwarerevisionReleaseDateEnhancementRockwell Automation Publication 1762-RN001D-EN-P - July 2014Rockwell Automation Publication 1762-RN001D-EN-P - July 2014•Fixed defect for Hard Fault in Bit addressing into a PLS file.•Fixed defect forPre-Transmit Delay in DF1-RM. This fix does not include the packet flush feature.•Fixed defect for ACL instruction. If ACLinstruction is placed alone on a rung, communication will be blocked by this defect. When both transmit and receive buffer clear options are selected, if default COMM button is pressed, ACL instruction does not purge other buffers.•Changed the indirect bit address check in the Pre-First Pass. Checking for the indirect bit address is not performed in the Pre-First Pass. So, the controller will generate Fault during RUN mode instead of Hard Fault during Pre-First Pass.MicroLogix 1500 New Features and EnhancementsCatalog NumberOS (1) Series LetterOSRevision LetterFirmware revision Release DateEnhancementRockwell Automation Publication 1762-RN001D-EN-P - July 20141764-LSP 1764-LRPCDFRN11January 2006Fixed defect for the maximum Processor Imagereading/writing from/to MM3/MM3RTC.C D FRN 13March 2013Status file bits (S2:1/13, S2:5/0, S2:5/2, S2:5/3) and watch dog bits (S2:3/8-15) were writable through communication messages which allowed the possibility to force the controller to go into fault.The solution included in this firmware revision allows users to CLEAR these bits (S2:1/13, S2:5/0, S2:5/2, S2:5/3) but does NOT allow them to SET usingCommunication messages. The watch dog bits(S2:3/8-15) will be Read Only in non-transfer mode.(1)OS = Operating System.MicroLogix 1500 New Features and EnhancementsCatalog NumberOS (1) Series LetterOSRevision LetterFirmware revision Release DateEnhancementCorrected Anomalies MicroLogix 1200 Corrected AnomaliesCatalog Number OS(1) Series Letter(1)OS = Operating System.OSRevisionLetterFirmwarerevisionReleaseDateCorrected Anomalies1762-L24AWA 1762-L24BWA 1762-L24BXB 1762-L40AWA 1762-L40BWA 1762-L40BXB 1762-L24AWAR 1762-L24BWAR 1762-L24BXBR 1762-L40AWAR 1762-L40BWAR 1762-L40BXBR C H FRN14July2014•Negative values areaccepted for the Timerfile.The solution included inthis firmware revisionno longer allowsnegative values for theACC and PRE fields ofthe Timer file, throughthe RSLogix 500software or any HumanMachine Interfaceconnected to thecontroller.•Processor memory canbe cleared using theRSLogix 500 software.The solution included inthis firmware revisionno longer allows you toselect the option to clearthe processor memory inFRN 14 and later.Rockwell Automation Publication 1762-RN001D-EN-P - July 2014Rockwell Automation Publication 1762-RN001D-EN-P - July 2014Additional ResourcesThis document contains additional information concerning related Rockwell Automation products.MicroLogix 1500 Corrected AnomaliesCatalog NumberOS (1) Series LetterOSRevision LetterFirmware revisionRelease Date Corrected Anomalies1764-LSP 1764-LRPCDFRN 14July 2014•Negative values areaccepted for the Timer file.The solution included in this firmware revision no longer allows negative values for the ACC and PRE fields of the Timer file, through the RSLogix 500 software or any Human Machine Interfaceconnected to the controller.•Processor memory can be cleared using the RSLogix 500 software.The solution included in this firmware revision no longer allows you to select the option to clear the processor memory in FRN 14 and later.(1)OS = Operating System.ResourceDescriptionMicroLogix 1200 and MicroLogix 1500Programmable Controllers Instruction Set Reference Manual, publication 1762-RM001.Contains instruction sets and other information specific to 1762 controllers.Notes:Rockwell Automation Publication 1762-RN001D-EN-P - July 2014Rockwell Automation Publication 1762-RN001D-EN-P - July 2014Publication 1762-RN001D-EN-P- July 2014Supersedes Publication 1762-RN001C-EN-P - Feb 2013Copyright © 2014 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.Allen-Bradley, Rockwell Automation, ArmorBlock, and T echConnect are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.T rademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Rockwell Automation SupportRockwell Automation provides technical information on the Web to assist you in using its products. At /support/, you can find technical manuals, a knowledge base of FAQs, technical and application notes, sample code and links to software service packs, and a MySupport feature that you can customize to make the best use of these tools.For an additional level of technical phone support for installation, configuration, and troubleshooting, we offer TechConnect support programs. For more information, contact your local distributor or Rockwell Automation representative, or visit /support/.Installation AssistanceIf you experience a problem within the first 24 hours of installation, please review the information that's contained in this manual. You can also contact a special Customer Support number for initial help in getting your product up and running.New Product Satisfaction ReturnRockwell Automation tests all of its products to ensure that they are fully operational when shipped from the manufacturing facility. However, if your product is not functioning and needs to be returned, follow these procedures.Documentation FeedbackYour comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this document, complete this form, publication RA-DU002, available at /literature/.United States or Canada 1.440.646.3434Outside United States or CanadaUse the Worldwide Locator at/support/americas/phone_en.html , or contact your local Rockwell Automation representative.United States Contact your distributor. You must provide a Customer Support case number (call the phone number above to obtain one) to your distributor to complete the return process.Outside United StatesPlease contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for the return procedure.Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.Ş., Kar Plaza İş Merkezi E Blok Kat:6 34752 İçerenköy, İstanbul, Tel: +90 (216) 5698400。

1200 Sub-miniature键盘应用 工程手册说明书

1200 Sub-miniature键盘应用 工程手册说明书

This document is provided for use and guidance of engineering personnel engaged in the installation or application of STORM data entry products manufactured by Keymat Technology Ltd. Please be advised that all information, data, and illustrations contained within this documentremain the exclusive property of Keymat Technology Ltd. and are provided for the express and exclusive use as described above. This e.mail:****************USA OFFICE UK OFFICE Suite 202 14, Bentinck Court 364, Pennsylvania Avenue, Bentinck Road, Glen Ellyn West Drayton Illinois 60137 UB7 7RQ USA ENGLAND .This document is provided for use and guidance of engineering personnel engaged in the installation or application of STORM data entryproducts manufactured by Keymat Technology Ltd. Please be advised that all information, data, and illustrations contained within this document remain the exclusive property of Keymat Technology Ltd. and are provided for the express and exclusive use as described above. ThisTable of Contents.Page.Section 1. Overview. (3)Section 2. Options (colours, materials, configurations). (4)Section 3. Installation in host equipment. (5)Section 4. Connectors and connections. ……………………………………... 6,7,8Section 5. Ratings and Performance. (9)Section 6. Availability/Reliability/Maintainability. (10)Serviceability.Warranty.Section 7. Ordering Details - Keyboards. (11)Appendix 1. Keyboard Layouts :UK ……………………………………………………………………. 12 US ………………………………………………………………….. 13 Appendix 2. Panel Mounting Details / Overall Dimensions. ………………….. 14,15Appendix 3.Keyboard Scan Codes. ……………………………………………. 16,17,18This document is provided for use and guidance of engineering personnel engaged in the installation or application of STORM data entry products manufactured by Keymat Technology Ltd. Please be advised that all information, data, and illustrations contained within this documentremain the exclusive property of Keymat Technology Ltd. and are provided for the express and exclusive use as described above. ThisSection 1. Overview.Developed for use in a new generation of web enabled public telephones and transaction terminals, this small but highly responsive keyboard is suitable for use in exposed or hostile environments. It’s robust construction is highly resistant to hard use, abuse and vandalism. It is sealed against water and dust to ensure responsive and reliable data entry in the most demanding situations. The keyboard’s front panel and keytop characters can be customised to complement the colour scheme, design and function ofalmost any host equipment. Encoding electronics are an option that can be specified and integrated into the keyboard construction providing a plug compatible, ready to use, solution for almost any PC based application.ü Weather and vandal resistant for outdoor and unsupervised public environments. (also available in a lighter robust construction for less aggressive environments). ü Integrated PC / USB compatible interface (optional). ü Rapid, responsive and reliable data entry. ü Stainless steel or high impact polymer front plate.ü Easily and securely installed in public web-phones, vending machines, automated teller machines, transaction terminals, public internet kiosks etc.This document is provided for use and guidance of engineering personnel engaged in the installation or application of STORM data entryproducts manufactured by Keymat Technology Ltd. Please be advised that all information, data, and illustrations contained within this document remain the exclusive property of Keymat Technology Ltd. and are provided for the express and exclusive use as described above. ThisSection 2. Options.The STORM 1200 is a versatile data entry keyboard that can be configured to suit many applications. A number of cosmetic and functional options can be selected to achieve the optimum environmental or operational performance. The options marked with a ● should be considered as “required to achieve vandal resistant specification”.The following table shows the range and availability of optional features. Check the boxes ❑ to indicate your selected options.Option● = Required (not optional) ❑ = Optional ✔if required - = Not availableVandalResistant SpecRobust SpecResistance to water and dust.IP65Low pressure water jetIP54Wet wipe-down, splashes and light rainSwitch Contact Resistance 100 ohms (max) 100 ohms (max)Brushed Stainless Steel Front Plate ●- Textured Polycarbonate Front Plate - ● Silver Chromed metal keys.● - Moulded polymer keys with laser engraved keytop graphics.- ● Panel mounting kit to secure the keyboard against the under surface of a facia panel or equipment casing. (See section 3 Installing and fixing the keyboard). ❑ ❑ Factory fitted Molex Picoflex connector, Part Number90814-3320, attached to the keyboard’s rear surface. ❑❑Recommended mating connector for ribbon cable.Molex Picoflex Part Number 90327-3320Molex Picoflex Part Number 90327-3320Factory fitted PS2 / USB compatible encoder, enabling direct connection to a PC’s keyboard or USB port. (Cable required).❑❑Keyboard cable, 2.5m length, fitted with a male USB connector at the PC end ❑ ❑ Keyboard cable, 2.5m length, fitted with a male 5 pin DIN connector at the PC end ❑❑This document is provided for use and guidance of engineering personnel engaged in the installation or application of STORM data entryproducts manufactured by Keymat Technology Ltd. Please be advised that all information, data, and illustrations contained within this documentremain the exclusive property of Keymat Technology Ltd. and are provided for the express and exclusive use as described above. ThisSection 3. Installation in host equipment.The STORM 1200 keyboard must be securely fitted into a facia panel or equipment casing.For effective resistance to vandalism, abuse and rough use the STORM 1200 should be installed from the underside of a panel, with the operational face of the keyboard accessible through a rectangular aperture in the panel, Appendix 2 refers.The STORM 1200 is secured into place by a retaining plate (in Mounting Kit Pt. No. 1200-MK000x) located on 8 M3 x 16 mm studs. (See Appendix 2).Recommended dimensions and profile for the panel aperture and positions of the fixing studs are detailed as “non-revision supported copy”. The keyboard’s integral sealing rib (positioned on the top face of the peripheral flange) is compressed between the flange’s top face and the rear surface of the fascia panel. The rear surface of the fascia panel must be rigid, flat, and free of debris to achieve rated resistance to water and dust. The keyboard’s integral seal should be checked to ensure it is free from damage and debris prior to installation or refit.The overall requirements are as shown below:1200 Keyboard.Overall Length mm (ins) 175,0 (6.8 in) Overall Width mm (ins) 85,0 (3.3 in) Overall Depth underpanel mm (ins) 21,5 (0.85 in) Weight Kg 0.549 Underpanel cut out aperture dimensions mm (in) Panel thickness 2 mm 170,5 +0,5 (6.71 in) x 80,5 +0,05 (3.17 in)This document is provided for use and guidance of engineering personnel engaged in the installation or application of STORM data entry products manufactured by Keymat Technology Ltd. Please be advised that all information, data, and illustrations contained within this document remain the exclusive property of Keymat Technology Ltd. and are provided for the express and exclusive use as described above. ThisSection 4. Connectors and connections.The 1200 Keyboard is supplied either as a matrix keypad with row column output via a 20 way Molex Connector, or with an integral encoder with PS2 or PS2/USB switchable output depending on the options chosen.The 1200 Keyboard has a standard PS2 output or a selectable PS2/USB output that is configured by the user via a switch on the Encoder pcb at the time that the cable is connected to the Keyboard.Cables are not supplied with the 1200 Keyboard in order that the user can select the correct cable length and connector type to suit their application. (see Section 7 for available cables)Cables are offered as separately purchased options, Section 7 refers.Matrix Keypad Version with Row/Column OutputThe keyboard’s 53 keys are momentary contact (carbon to gold on nickel on copper contact) switches, positioned on a 6 row x 14 column circuit matrix as defined in Table 1. This circuit matrix is terminated via a 20 way Molex Picoflex connector (part number 90814-3220). See figure 1.To connect a 20 line ribbon cable to this connector, it is recommended to use the mating Molex Picoflex connector (part number 90327-3320). Current specifications and ratings for these components (or other compatible molex connectors) should be sought from the manufacturer at Figure 1. Picoflex ConnectorDimensions in mm (inches)Number of connectionsA (Overall Length) B(1st to Last Ckt) C 2029.18(1.149)24.13(.950)27.98(1.102)This document is provided for use and guidance of engineering personnel engaged in the installation or application of STORM data entry products manufactured by Keymat Technology Ltd. Please be advised that all information, data, and illustrations contained within this documentremain the exclusive property of Keymat Technology Ltd. and are provided for the express and exclusive use as described above. ThisTable 1 below, shows the connector pin designation for the switch circuit matrix.Please Note: When the keyboard is viewed from the rear, with the connector positioned towards the bottom edge of the keyboard, pin 1 is on the right, pin 20 is on the left.Table 1.Connector pin designator.Connector Pin Number Row / Column1 Column 142 Column 133 Column 124 Column 115 Column 106 Column 97 Column 88 Column 79 Column 610 Column 511 Column 412 Column 313 Column 214 Column 115 Row F16 Row E17 Row D18 Row C19 Row B20 Row AKeytop Layouts are detailed in Appendix 1.Appendix 3 shows the row and column connection for each switch position. Please note; the characters indicating row and column connections are not representative of keytop layouts.This document is provided for use and guidance of engineering personnel engaged in the installation or application of STORM data entryproducts manufactured by Keymat Technology Ltd. Please be advised that all information, data, and illustrations contained within this document remain the exclusive property of Keymat Technology Ltd. and are provided for the express and exclusive use as described above. ThisEncoded Version with PS2 or USB OutputThe encoder daughterboard has a 5 way Molex male connector which mates with the corresponding female housing supplied fitted to the accessory cable. The pinout details for these are shown below.The scan codes for each key position are listed in Appendix 3.Diagrams showing pin designations.This document is provided for use and guidance of engineering personnel engaged in the installation or application of STORM data entryproducts manufactured by Keymat Technology Ltd. Please be advised that all information, data, and illustrations contained within this document remain the exclusive property of Keymat Technology Ltd. and are provided for the express and exclusive use as described above. This Section 5. Ratings and performance.The following table shows the designed operational and performance data. Achieved performance may depend on environmental or operational conditions and mode of use.Key to symbols● = Required for Vandal Resistance - = Not applicableVandal Resistant SpecRobust SpecResistance to water and dust.IP65Low pressure water jet●IP54Wet wipe-down, splashes and lightrainOperational Temperature 0°C to +70°C0°C to +70°C Impact Resistance20 Joules via 50mm dia steelstriker ●Light impacts onlySwitch Contact Resistance 100 ohms (max)100 ohms (max) Switch Contact Bounce 5ms (max) 5ms (max) Insulation Resistance 50 Mohms (min) 50 Mohms (min) Breakdown Voltage 500V AC (max 60 secs)500V AC (max 60 secs)Operating Voltage 24V DC (max) 24V DC (max) Operating Current 50mA (max)50mA (max)Operational Life 4 million cycles per key (min)2 million cycles per key (min)Keytop travel 1.25mm nominal 1.25mm nominal Key actuation force120gms nominal120gms nominalMatrix Keypad Version OptionsConnector (Factory fitted to the rear face of the keyboard).Molex Picoflex Part Number 90814-3220Molex Picoflex Part Number 90814-3220Recommended mating connector for ribbon cable.Molex Picoflex Part Number 90327-3320 Molex Picoflex Part Number 90327-3320Flammability of Major Plastic Parts (taken from Material Suppliers Datasheets UL94 RatingCase Moulding V-0 Rubber Actuators HB Insulator Circuit Boards V-0 Rear Cover BS Class 1This document is provided for use and guidance of engineering personnel engaged in the installation or application of STORM data entry products manufactured by Keymat Technology Ltd. Please be advised that all information, data, and illustrations contained within this documentremain the exclusive property of Keymat Technology Ltd. and are provided for the express and exclusive use as described above. ThisSection 6. Availability/Reliability/Maintainability.Firmware.The firmware version is shown on the back of the microchip controller .Serviceability .The STORM 1200 keyboard is designed for use in exposed, unsupervised public environments. It is rugged, reliable and weather resistant to provide years of trouble free and responsive data entry. The keyboard is assembled and sealed under strictly controlled factory conditions, using calibrated and highly specialized tooling. It should not be disassembled or modified by anyone other than trained technicians (under controlled conditions) in our UK manufacturing facility. There are no user serviceable parts contained within the 1200 keyboard. Disassembly or modifications carried out by non-authorised personnel will invalidate any warranties and have a detrimental effect on the products performance and reliability .The keyboard should be regularly cleaned by washing the operational surface with weak solution of detergent and water. Care should be taken to ensure that no liquids enter the rear face of the keyboard or the connector mechanism.Warranty.Policy Statement.It is Keymat Technology’s intention to provide a fair and rapid response when any customer reports a defect in any product supplied by Keymat Technology.If a valid warranty claim is received, then it is our policy to repair, replace or provide a credit note for those defective products as quickly as possible and with minimum inconvenience to our customers.Exclusions.Product shipped more than 12 months before the date of claim are not covered by warranty. Product damaged in use is not covered by warranty.Product that has been modified is not covered by warranty.Product where the serial number / batch numbers have been removed or modified are not covered by warranty. Product that has been stripped down for any reason by the customer is not covered by warranty.Section 7. Ordering Details – Keyboards.The table below shows the part numbering scheme for the 1200 Series keyboard range. Each digit is listed with the corresponding meaning.Other options, finishes, layouts may be available – contact your Storm distributor for details.Digit 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Language DistributionSpec Key Style Encoder Cable PointingDevice120 0 VR 3 Metal 0 None 0 None 0 None 1 UK1 PS2 2 USA2 PS2/USBFor Example1200-310011 is a 1200 KEYBOARD WITH-3 10 0 111200Vandal Resist Spec -METAL KEYS, P S2 ENCODER, NO CABLE, NO POINTING DEVICE, UK LAYOUTOrdering Details - AccessoriesDescription Stock CodeUNDERPANELKIT 1200-MK000(X)MOUNTING2.5m STRAIGHT CABLE WITH GROMMET AND MINIDIN CONNECTOR FOR PS2 1200-00100(X)2.5m STRAIGHT CABLE WITH GROMMET AND CONNECTOR FOR USB 1200-00200(X)This document is provided for use and guidance of engineering personnel engaged in the installation or application of STORM data entry products manufactured by Keymat Technology Ltd. Please be advised that allThis document is provided for use and guidance of engineering personnel engaged in the installation or application of STORM data entry products manufactured by Keymat Technology Ltd. Please be advised that allUS Layoutñ*'Appendix 2: Panel Mounting Details / Overall Dimensions.This document is provided for use and guidance of engineering personnel engaged in the installation or application of STORM data entry products manufactured by Keymat Technology Ltd. Please be advised that allKeyboard Overall Dimensions.This document is provided for use and guidance of engineering personnel engaged in the installation or application of STORM data entry products manufactured by Keymat Technology Ltd. Please be advised that allThis document is provided for use and guidance of engineering personnel engaged in the installation or application of STORM data entry products manufactured by Keymat Technology Ltd. Please be advised that allScan Codes.Key Position Column Row Key Assignment UK Layout Key Assignment US Layout PC/AT Code (Code Set 2)Base Shifted Base Shifted 1 2 1 1 ! 1 ! 16 2 3 1 2 “ 2 @ 1E 3 4 1 3 £ 3 # 26 4 5 1 4 $ 4 $ 25 5 6 1 5 % 5 % 2E 6 7 1 6 ^ 6 ^ 36 7 8 1 7 & 7 & 3D 8 9 1 8 * 8 * 3E 9 10 1 9 ( 9 ( 46 10 11 1 0 ) 0 ) 45 11 13 3 B/Space B/Space 66 12 2 2 q Q q Q 15 13 3 2 w W w W 1D 14 4 2 e E e E 24 15 5 2 r R r R 2D 16 6 2 t T t T 2C 17 7 2 y Y y Y 35 18 8 2 u U u U 3C 19 9 2 i I i I 43 20 10 2 o O o O 44 21 11 2 p P p P 4D 22 13 4 Enter Enter 5A 23 1 2 TAB TAB 0D 24 2 3 a A a A 1C 25 3 3 s S s S 1B 26 4 3 d D d D 23 27 5 3 f F f F 2B 28 6 3 g G g G 34 29 7 3 h H h H 33This document is provided for use and guidance of engineering personnel engaged in the installation or application of STORM data entry products manufactured by Keymat Technology Ltd. Please be advised that allKey Position Column Row Key Assignment UK Layout Key Assignment US Layout PC/AT Code (Code Set 2) 30 8 3 j J j J 3B 31 9 3 k K k K 42 32 10 3 l L l L 4B 33 14 4 Shift Shift 12 34 3 4 z Z z Z 1A 35 4 4 x X x X 22 36 5 4 c C c C 21 37 6 4 v V v V 2A 38 7 4 b B b B 32 39 8 4 n N n N 31 40 9 4 m M m M 3A 41 12 3 ‘ @ ‘ “ 52 42 11 5 ↑ ↑ E0,75 43 12 2 # ~ \ | 5D 44 12 1 - _ - _ 4E 45 13 1 = + = + 55 46 11 3 ; : ; : 52 47 12 4 / ? / ? 4A 48 7 5 Space Space 29 49 13 5 , < , < 41 50 11 4 . > . >49 51 10 5 ← ←E0,6B 52 12 5 ↓ ↓E0,72 53 13 5 → →E0,74Release Codes.The PC/AT release code for each key is the Scan Code preceded by H’F0’.Example:Q – H’F0’, H’15.Exception : Keys with Scan Codes starting with H’E0, the release code sequence (for example Left Arrow) is, H’E0’, H’F0’. H’6B’。



MC-1200SeriesUltra-compact rugged edge computers with Intel®Core™i7processor,designed for IIoT, AI,and machine learning applicationsFeatures and Benefits•3Mini-PCIe sockets for Wi-Fi,3G,LTE,GPS,and mSATA expansion modules•7th Gen Intel®Core™processor(Kaby Lake U)•2built-in DDR4memory slots;total capacity up to32GB•Built-in TPM2.0module•Variety of interfaces:2serial ports,2Giga LANs,3USB3.0(type A)portsCertificationsIntroductionThe MC-1200Series computers are built around a7th Gen Intel®Celeron®or Intel®Core™i3,i5,or i7processor and come with1HDMI display port,3USB3.0ports,2gigabit LAN ports,and23-in-1RS-232/422/485serial ports.The MC-1200is equipped with a2.5”HDD/SSD slot and a built-in TPM2.0module.Additional value and convenience is provided through a modular design with three independent slots for flexible system integration and expansion. Users have the option to add a variety of different communications modules,including Wi-Fi,3G,LTE,GPS,and mSATA expansion modules.With UL Class1Division2compliance,the MC-1200is sure to deliver stable and reliable system operation for oil and gas applications.Class1 Division2(C1D2)is a certification issued to products that allow them to be used in potentially hazardous environments.Examples of hazardous work settings include locations where flammable or explosive gasses,certain chemicals,airborne fibers,or vapors could be excessive under abnormal circumstances.The MC-1200is designed to operate reliably in extreme conditions,such as continuous exposure to low or high temperatures,humidity,high vibration,and power surges,making them perfect for heavy industry,solar grid,water/wastewater,oil and gas,and transportation applications. Proactive Monitoring FunctionMoxa Proactive Monitoring is a small-footprint,resource-friendly,easy-to-use utility available with some Moxa computers to track a number of system parameters.You can view the current values for key parts by simply clicking on the icons corresponding to the parameters in a Windows-based user er-defined key part indicators(KPIs)are used to monitor the computer’s key parts.Visible and/or audio alerts are triggered automatically via relays and SNMP traps when these KPIs exceed their preset threshold values,making it extremely convenient for operators to avoid system downtime by setting up predictive maintenance tasks well in advance.The Proactive Monitoring tool is currently available with the following:•DA-820C Series•DA-720Series•MC-1200Series•MC-7400SeriesAppearanceSpecificationsComputerCPU MC-1220-KL7-T-S:Intel®Core™i7-7600U Processor(4M Cache,up to3.90GHz)MC-1220-KL5-T-S:Intel®Core™i5-7300U Processor(3M Cache,up to3.50GHz)MC-1220-KL1-T-S:Intel®Celeron®Processor3965U(2M Cache,2.20GHz)MC-1220-KL5-T:Intel®Core™i5-7300U Processor(3M Cache,up to3.50GHz) Storage Slot mSATA slots x1,SATA3.0,internal mini-PCIe socketSystem Memory Slot SODIMM DDR4slot x2,up to32GB max.Supported OS Linux Debian9,64-bit,kernel4.9(optional via CTOS)Windows10Enterprise LTSC180964-bit(optional via CTOS)Graphics Controller MC-1220-KL7-T-S:Intel®HD Graphics620MC-1220-KL5-T-S:Intel®HD Graphics620MC-1220-KL1-T-S:Intel®HD Graphics610MC-1220-KL5-T:Intel®HD Graphics620Computer InterfaceVideo Input HDMI x1,up to3840x2160resolution at30HzUSB3.0USB3.0hosts x3,type-A connectorsButtons Reset buttonSerial InterfaceConnector DB9maleSerial Standards RS-232/422/485(software selectable)Serial Ports2x RS-232/422/485Flow Control RTS/CTS,XON/XOFFBaudrate50bps to115.2kbpsESD Protection4kV contact,8kV airEthernet InterfaceMagnetic Isolation Protection 1.5kV(built-in)10/100/1000BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45connector)2LED IndicatorsSystem Power x1Serial2per port(Tx,Rx)Serial SignalsRS-232TxD,RxD,RTS,CTS,GNDRS-485-4w Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDRS-422Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDRS-485-2w Data+,Data-,GNDPhysical CharacteristicsInstallation Wall mounting(with optional kit),DIN-rail mounting Housing MetalDimensions134x60.4x120mm(5.28x2.38x4.72in)Weight Product only:1.40kg(0.63lb)DeclarationGreen Product RoHS,CRoHS,WEEEPower ParametersPower Button ON/OFF(rear panel)Reset buttonInput Voltage9to36VDCInput Current8A@9VDC,2A@36VDCPower Consumption72WEnvironmental LimitsOperating Temperature-40to70°C(-40to158°F)Storage Temperature-40to75°C(-40to167°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Shock IEC60068-2-27Standards and CertificationsSafety UL60950-1,UL62368-1,EN60950-1,EN62368-1EMC EN55032/35,CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class A Hazardous Locations ATEX Zone2,IECEx Zone2,Class I Division2 ReliabilityAlert Tools Built-in RTC(real-time clock)with lithium battery backupMTBFTime510,913hrs Standards Telcordia (Bellcore),GBWarrantyWarranty Period3years Details See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x MC-1200Series computer Installation Kit1x DIN-rail kit Documentation 1x quick installation guide1x warranty card DimensionsOrdering InformationModel Name CPU Memory TPM 2.0Optional OS Storage(mSATA)LAN/Serial Ports SSD/HDD Slots USB 3.0Ports Interface Expansion Operating TempMC-1220-KL7-T-S Intel®Core™i7-7600U8GB ✓16GB 2/2133x mPCIe -40to 70°C MC-1220-KL5-T-S Intel®Core™i5-7300U8GB ✓16GB 2/2133x mPCIe -40to 70°C MC-1220-KL1-T-S Intel®Celeron®3965U8GB ✓16GB 2/2133x mPCIe -40to 70°C MC-1220-KL5-T Intel®Core™i5-7300U 8GB –16GB 2/2133x mPCIe -40to 70°CAccessories(sold separately)Power AdaptersPWR-24250-DT-S1Desktop power supply(requires power cord),24VDC,2.5A,100to240VAC,0to40°C operatingtemperatureWi-Fi Wireless ModulesMC-1220-WLAN11-AC Wireless package for the MC-1200Series with WPEQ-261ACNI(BT)802.11ac/a/b/g/n Wi-Fi moduleand mPCIe moduleLTE Wireless ModulesMC-1220-LTE Cat4-EU Wireless package for the MC-1200Series with LE910C4-NF4G module and mPCIe module for the EUregionMC-1220-LTE Cat4-US Wireless package for the MC-1200Series with LE910C4-NF4G module and mPCIe moduleMC-1220-LTE Cat4-AP Wireless package for the MC-1200Series with LE910C4-NF4G module and mPCIe module for theAsia-Pacific region©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Oct04,2022.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。

Edimax AC1200 Home Roaming Wi-Fi Upgrade Kit说明书

Edimax AC1200 Home Roaming Wi-Fi Upgrade Kit说明书

Universal Compatibility Works with any router, zero configurationAC1200 Home Roaming Wi-Fi Upgrade KitExpand Your Whole-Home Reliable Wi-Fi Coverage3-in-1 Mode Wi-Fi Extender,Access Point & Wi-Fi Bridge Smarter Wi-FiFast, reliable roaming for a seamless connection Stronger SignalAlways connected to the best Wi-Fi Signal Faster SpeedUpgraded 11ac dual-band Wi-Fi ideal for video streamingSmarter Wi-Fi with a Single NetworkFast, reliable roaming for a seamless connection while you move around your home. No hassle with switching SSIDs (network name). The RE11S uses the same SSID and automatically switch intelligently.Network SSID = EdimaxNetwork SSID = EdimaxBeing different to a general range extender network configuration, Gemini RE11 is a whole home Wi-Fi system that uses multiple access points​ to provide your home with fast, reliable coverage for a seamless roaming connection.Plug and Play in AP-ModeGemini RE11 in AP-Mode is designed to be super easy to configure with plug and play auto-grouping management. Moreover, additional Gemini RE11S can be easily added to get even better whole-home Wi-Fi coverage.The first RE11S plugs into your existing cable or DSL modem. Additional RE11S just need to be powered!​Smart iQ SetupFeatures user-friendly browser-based iQ Setup for smart, automatic and quick installation. iQ Setup automatically detects the available Wi-Fi networks nearby and helps you establish a connection in a few secondsFaster 802.11ac Speeds Ideal for StreamingUpgrade your single-band 2.4GHz Wi-Fi to802.11ac dual-band Wi-Fi with 5GHz ideal for video streaming. Get the latest 11ac technology with high-speed capacity up to 1200Mbps (N300 + AC867Mbps), and extend both 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless connections at the same time.Three StepsEasy InstallationJust plug it inType the web access URL in your browser*Extend your Wi-Fi in minutes!Use a Wi-Fi device to connect to the extender*iQ Setup will guide you through setupRouter2.4GHz5GHz300Mbps867Mbps11ac Super High-Speed Dual-Band Wi-Fi11n router coverageUpgraded 11ac coverage Extended upgraded 11accoverageRE11SRE11SEthernet cable11n RouterAP Mode Extender ModeUpgrade for Your Home 11n Router to 11acJust plug in the Edimax RE11S to upgrade your single-band 2.4GHz Wi-Fi to dual-band with better coverage, without replacing your router and with zero configuration required.Stronger Signal for Connected HomesRE11S extenders keep detecting the Wi-Fi signal quality for your Wi-Fi devices, and ensure they’re always connected to the best Wi-Fi signal.Automatically switch to the best Wi-Fi signalFriendly Signal-Strength IndicatorDesigned with a signal strength LED which lets you see the Wi-Fi signal strength received from the router* and guides you to find the best setup location. *Wi-Fi Extender or Wi-Fi Bridge mode only.Green Wi-Fi Power SwitchFeaturing a new hardware switch to adjust between normal and green Wi-Fi transmit power (the strength of the Wi-Fi signal), or switch off the power with one click. If you only need Wi-Fi in a smaller house, you can switch to green mode to reduce power by 75% and conserve energy.Slide Switch to Adjust Wi-Fi Power Easily-Normal Mode -Green Mode -Power OffGreen ModeNormal ModeSaving Energy UsageWorks with Any Wi-Fi RouterUniversal compatibility that works with any other router, and easy web-based iQ Setup for quick and easy installation.Detachable AntennaDesigned with a detachable 3dBi dual-band antenna, to provide flexibility and high performance connections for your wireless network.Detachable AntennaInstall the extender where the signal strength LED is off (but not flashing) for optimal Wi-Fi performance.Signal Strength LEDOn: Excellent Signal Flashing: Good SignalFlashing Rapidly: Poor Signal Off: No Signal!Frequency Band Wireless Standards and Data Rates Hardware Interface2.4GHz 5GHzIEEE 802.11ac (up to 867Mbps) IEEE 802.11n (up to 300Mbps) IEEE 802.11a (up to 54Mbps) IEEE 802.11g (up to 54Mbps) IEEE 802.11b (up to 11Mbps)1 x 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet LAN port1 x Slide switch 1 x WPS button2 x External detachable antennasLEDs: 5GHz, 2.4GHz, power, WPS, LAN 1 x AC plug (EU, UK, US, or AU) ManagementSecuritySystem Requirements 16-language user interface Upgradable firmware64/128-bit WEP, WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK encryption802.1x authentication, User access control (in access point mode) WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup)Existing wireless home network(2.4GHz/5GHz) for Wi-Fi extender/Wi-Fi bridge mode, or Cable/xDSL modem router for access point mode Mobile device or computer withIEEE802.11ac/a/b/g/n Wi-Fi capability and web browser for software configuration (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera or Safari latest version)InstallationAntennaPower AdapterMulti-language iQ Setup (browser interface) Hardware WPS button2 x External detachable antennasBuilt-in AC100-240V, 0.16A 50-60Hz power moduleHumidityTemperaturePackage Contents10-90% (Non-condensing)0-40°C (32-104°F)Two RE11S Wi-Fi range extenders One Ethernet cable Quick installation guideCD with multi-language QIG and user manualAccess key cardDimensionsWeightCertifications59(W) x 91(H) x 40(D) mm (power plug & antennas are excluded)130gFCC, CETECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSHARDWARE INTERFACEAPPLICATION DIAGRAMLEDs: 5GHz, 2.4GHz, Power, WPS, LANSlide SwitchAdjust Wi-Fi Power Gigabit LAN Port-Normal Mode -Green Mode -Power OffWPS ButtonDetachable AntennasEUUKUSAUAC PlugRE11SNetwork SSID = EdimaxRouterRE11SNetwork SSID = EdimaxInternet(RE11 Roaming Kit with 2 x RE11S)*Maximum performance, actual data rates, and coverage will vary depending on network conditions and environmental factors. Product specifications and design are subject to change without notice.Copyright © 2017 Edimax Technology Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.Edimax Technology Co., LtdNo.278, Xinhu 1st Rd., Neihu Dist., Edimax Technology Europe B.V. Fijenhof 2, 5652 AE Eindhoven, Edimax Computer Company3350 Scott Blvd., Bldg.15 Santa Clara,。

西门子Siemens S7-1200可编程控制器系统手册更新信息说明书

西门子Siemens S7-1200可编程控制器系统手册更新信息说明书
此优势对于 PLC 的“过程映像”也同样适用。 使用解压缩编址功能时,将采用同样的编址方式,从而每个 2DI 或 2DO 模块都 浪费六位。 压缩编址功能能够有效利用“过利 Ⓟ 2012
A5E03767027-AB, 07/2012
示例:解压缩过程映像字节 下面的示例显示解压缩“过程映像”中的一个 2DI 数字量输入模块:
“解压缩地址”。 默认情况下,插入模块将使用解压缩编址。
为所有接口组态完全部要解压缩的分布式 I/O 模块之后,即可成功下载硬件配置。
Siemens AG Industry Sector Postfach 48 48 90026 NÜRNBERG
2011 年 11 月版 S7-1200 系统手册更新信息
2A5E03767027-AB, 07/2012
2011 年 11 月版 S7-1200 系统手册更新信息 A5E03767027-AB, 07/2012

示例:压缩过程映像字节 下面示例显示的是相同“过程映像”字节中的四个 2DI 数字量输入模块:

组态解压缩地址 必须为 S7-1200 PLC 的分布式 I/O 组态解压缩地址。 要组态解压缩地址,请按以下步骤操作: 1. 为每一个组态的分布式 I/O 接口模块打开设备视图。 2. 右键单击机架中的每一个 2DI、2DO、4DI 和 4DO 模块,对于之前已组态为要压缩其地址的模块,从其上下文菜单中选择
SIMATIC S7-1200 2011 年 11 月版 S7-1200 系统手册更新信息
尽管我们力求确保产品文档条理清楚与准确无误,但《S7-1200 可编程控制器系统手册》中的一些页面仍被发现包含有不完整 的、不正确的或误导性的信息。

Siemens S7-1200兼容的无管理网络交换机模块说明书

Siemens S7-1200兼容的无管理网络交换机模块说明书

Product data sheet6GK7277-1AA10-0AA0 Product-type designation CSM 1277COMPACT SWITCH MODULE CSM 1277 CONNECTIONSIMATIC S7-1200 AND UP TO 3 FURTHER IND.ETHERNET USERS WITH 10/100 MBIT/S UNMANAGEDSWITCH,4 RJ45 PORTS, EXT. 24V DC POWER SUPPLY,LED DIAGNOSTICS,S7-1200 MODULE INCL. ELECTRONIC MANUAL ON CDTransfer rate / 110 Mbit/sTransfer rate / 2100 Mbit/s4Number of electrical/optical connections / for network components orterminal equipment / maximumNumber of electrical connections• for network components and terminal equipment4• for power supply1Design of electrical connection• for network components and terminal equipment RJ45 port• for power supply3-pole terminal blockType of voltage / of supply voltage DCSupply voltage / external24 V• minimum19.2 V• maximum28.8 VProduct component / fusing at power supply input YesConsumed current / maximum0.07 AActive power loss / at 24 V / for DC 1.6 WAmbient temperature• during operating0 … 60 °C• during storage-40 … +70 °C• during transport-40 … +70 °CRelative humidity• at 25 °C / without condensation / during operating / maximum95 %Protection class IP IP20Design SIMATIC S7-1200 device designWidth45 mmHeight100 mmDepth75 mmNet weight0.15 kgType of mounting• 35 mm DIN rail mounting Yes• wall mounting Yes• S7-300 rail mounting NoProduct function / switch-managed NoStandard• for EMC / from FM FM3611: Class 1, Division 2, Group A, B, C, D / T.., CL.1, Zone 2,GP. IIC, T.. Ta• for hazardous zone EN 600079-15:2005, EN 600079-0:2006, II 3 G Ex nA II T4, KEMA08 ATEX 0003 X• for safety / of CSA and UL UL 508, CSA C22.2 No. 142• for emitted interference EN 61000-6-4 (Class A)• for interference immunity EN 61000-6-2Verification of suitability EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-4• CE mark Yes• C-Tick Yes• KC approval Noletzte Änderung:Jul 20, 2012。





您可以对自己编写的OB、FB、FC进行技术保护,具体步骤如下:图1∙a、在项目树中选中您要保护的程序块∙b 、点击编辑菜单-->专有技术保护-->启用专有技术保护,随后您会见到下面的窗口:图2输入密码点击确定后,您会看到被保护的程序块内容被隐藏,显示一片空白:图3对于已经启用专有技术保护的程序块,您可以将其选中,点击编辑菜单-->专有技术保护,来修改密码或者禁用专有技术保护功能,如下图所示:图4如果您希望禁止保护功能,在图8中输入密码即可;如果您希望更新密码,则在下列窗口中输入新密码:图5忘记密码时,如何清除密码保护如果密码被遗忘,用户只能使用S7-1200存储卡来清除PLC内部的程序和密码,详细请参考S7-1200存储卡相关章节。


程序块的复制保护功能所谓复制保护就是可以绑定CPU 或存储卡的序列号,程序只能下载到所绑定的CPU 或存储卡中。

OB, FB, FC, DB均可以使用复制保护功能。

注意:只有 TIA Protal v11 或更高版本支持该功能。

具体步骤如下:1. 选中需要复制保护的块,鼠标右键,在弹出窗口中选择“ 属性”(见图7)图72.弹出“属性”对话框:选择“保护”,定义“复制保护“功能(见图8)图83.“复制保护”功能有三个选项供选择:未绑定;绑定存储卡序列号;绑定CPU 序列号;默认选择为“未绑定”(见图9)图94.选择“下载到设备或存储卡时插入序列号”或者选择“输入序列号”:(见图10)图10a 、在下载到设备或存储卡时,插入序列号:选择此选项时,无需手动输入序列号,下载到 CPU 后,系统会自动读取需要绑定的CPU 的序列号或存储卡的序列号。

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Input and Output...........................................................................................4-7 Input: i, ib, iw, il, id .............................................................................4-7 Output: ob, ow, ol, od.........................................................................4-8
PLXMon User’s Guide
Page i
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Preface.........................................................................................vii Document Organization ................................................................................. vii Style Conventions......................................................................................... viii Contacting PLX............................................................................................. viii
Monadic Operators ............................................................................3-4 Dyadic Operators...............................................................................3-4 Macros..........................................................................................................3-5 Ranges .........................................................................................................3-5 Repeating Command Lines (Looping)..........................................................3-5 Online Help ..................................................................................................3-5 PLXMon Batch Files .....................................................................................3-6 MON Environment Variable..........................................................................3-6 When PLXMon Starts… ...............................................................................3-6
PCI Commands ............................................................................................4-9 Register PCI Devices: regdevs..........................................................4-9 PLXMon (DOS) .......................................................................4-9
Chapter 1 Introduction to PLXMon ....................................................................................... 1-1
Who Should Use PLXMon? ......................................................................... 1-2 Previous Incarnation of PLXMon—HOST.EXE............................................ 1-2 Similarities between PLXMon and DEBUG.EXE ......................................... 1-3 “Versions” of PLXMon.................................................................................. 1-3 PLXMon License Agreement ....................................................................... 1-3 Programmers’ Statement ............................................................................. 1-3 Late Breaking News..................................................................................... 1-4 Chapter 2 Getting Started with PLXMon .............................................................................. 2-1 Running PLXMon (DOS).............................................................................. 2-1 Running PLXMon95 (Windows 95).............................................................. 2-2
Page ii
PLXMon User’s Guide
Table of Contents
Chapter 3 PLXMon Basics .....................................................................................................3-1
User’s Guide
Version 1.1 December 7, 2000
Product Sales: 1- 800 -759-3735 Fax: 1- 408-774-2169 Email: info@ Web and FTP Site: //
Chapter 4 PLXMon Command Set.........................................................................................4-1
Memory Manipulation ...................................................................................4-2 Display: d, db, dw, dl, dd ...................................................................4-3 Enter: e, eb, ew, el, ed.......................................................................4-4 Fill: f ...................................................................................................4-5 Move: m, mb, mw, ml, md ..................................................................4-5 Compare: c ........................................................................................4-6 Search: s............................................................................................4-6