Chapter 2 Kings and Queens 英美文化概论 教学课件

Legacy of the civil war: • the abolishing of the monarchy • the formation of Commonwealth of England
“the founder of the nation”
2. the Glorious Revolution 1688
• the rising of the British Empire 1. In politics
“a worldwide empire on which the sun never set”
• in Europe • in Asia • in Africa
2. In Economics
• the accomplishment of Industrialization • the uprising of the capitalist class
Her descendants: Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ of the United Kindom (and her husband) King Harald of Norway King Carl Gustaf of Sweden Queen Margarethe Ⅱ of Denmark King Juan Carlos of Spain(and his wife) Constantine Ⅱ of Greece the throne of Russia, Prussian and Germany
in her Diamond Jubilee, 1897
• Heiress to throne
Victoria receives the news of her accession to throne from the Prime Minister and the Archbishop of Canterbury

The Houses of Parliament is also called the Palace of Westminster as it is and was a royal palace. The last monarch to live here, Henry VIII, moved out in 1512. Parliament has met in the Palace of Westminster since around 1550.
4. The makeup of the Parliament ①the Queen (symbolic)
②the House of Commons
①Lords Spiritual
③the House of Lords ②Lords Temporal ③Law Lords ①hereditary peers ②life peers
The birth and development of parliament (1) “parliament” “parley” (to discuss or talk) (2) the Great Council (3) the expansion of the Great Council summoned “by name” (the House of Lords) representatives of communities (the House of Commons)
英美文化概况-Lessen one--ten

Lesson 1 Geography : The LandThe whole and official name of the Union consisted of English , Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , usually abbreviated to the United Kingdom or UK , Great Britain , or shortly Britain , or sometimes informally English .Britain is located in Western Europe and is parted from the European continent by the North Sea , the Strait of the Dover and the English Channel. The prime meridian of 0°just passes through the old observatory at Greenwich . Britain is a rather small country , accounting for less than 2% of the land area of the world and ranking about the 75th in size in the world . Though it is small in the both size and population , Britain has acted an important part in forming the modern world . It was once one of the oldest and strongest colonial powers in the world and ruled a vast empire , as said to be . " an empire on which the sun never sets ."The north and west of the England are hilly , partly shaped by the Cumbrian Mountain Range , the highest mountain peak of which is Scafell , the highest in England but the third highest mountain across the country . The main range of the Scotland in the Highland is the Grampian Mountains , which concluded Ben Nevis , the highest mountain on the island of the Great Britain .Edinburgh , the capital of Scotland , and the Glasgow , the largest city in Scotland . On the central plain locates Lough Neagh , the largest lake in the Britain . .the Thames River is the most important river in Britain . The river is navigable for large ships to London . the Severn River is The longest river in Britain . The Clyde and the Forth are the most important rivers in Scotland . The largest lake in England is Lake Windermere .Britain has a temperate maritime climate , which has three characteristics : more fogs or smog in winter , more rainy days but less sunny days , instability or changeability. Coal ,petroleum ,natural gas , iron ore , limestone ,clay , shale , and tin are the main natural resources in Britain . The most important are Coal and petroleum . The Ayrshire field in Scotland and the deposits of the Lowlands continue to supply Scotland industry . The leading anthracite fields in Britain are in Wales .Lesson 2 Geography : The PeopleOn the basis of the 2005 census , the whole population of Britain is about 60.2 million . Britain is the 3rd largest country in population in Europe . Britain has the one of the highest population densities in the world , about 10 times of the density of the U.S .The major people in Britain are the English , Scottish , Welsh and Irish . The English people , offspring of Anglo-Saxons . The Wales and Irish are the descendants of the Celts . The main language spoken in Britain are English , Gaelic and Welsh . English is the official language of the country and is spoken by most of the population . The 3 steps in the development of the English language are Old English , Middle English , Modern English ( Early Modern , Authoritarian English , Mature Modern , and Late Modern English .Britain : Christian country . either Protestants or Catholic . The church of England is the established church of the English nation . The King or Queen is the boss of the church and is crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury in Westminster Abbey . The Free Churches , the Baptists and the United Reformed Church , Quakers ,Methodists are part of the "non-conformist" group in Britain . The Roman Catholic Curch was much persecuted and very weak in England for a long time after the Reformation . the Jews , the Moslems and the Buddhists are The principle non-Christian communities in Britain . Christian regarded Sunday as the " Sabbath Day ."London , the capital of both England and the UK , has a population of about 7 million . The city of London , governed by the Lord Major , acts as the financial center of the country , where there is a concentration of banks . Now London is the great center of commerce , administration , culture and transportation of Britain , and one of the largest international ports in the world . Regard as the biggest manufacturing center , London has such industries as printing , publishing ,food processing , and so on . Edinburgh , the capital of Scotland , one of the important financial and transportation centers in Britain . Cardiff , the capital of Wales , one of the largest coal shipping ports in the world , and a center of Iron and steel industry in Britain .Belfast , the capital of Northern Ireland , is an important industries , commercial and cultural center in Northern Ireland .Birmingham is the second largest city in Britain . Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland , it is a shipping , industries and commercial center of Scotland . Liverpool is one of the largest ports in Britain . Manchester is one of the oldest cities in Britain .Lesson 3 British EconomyThe progresses of the relative of Britain Economy are as follows : Firstly , the country underwent a great loss in the 2 World Wars . Secondly , the era of the Britain Empire was finished . Thirdly , in spite of the relatively rapid and trouble-free process ofde-colonization , Britain was still forced to keep a abundant and expensive military presence in many overseas locations until the end of 1960`s when the process was finished . Fourthly , during the war , British industry was badly ruined but survived unaffected .The problem is that although it has improved , other countries have improved more rapidly , thus the slide from being the 2nd largest economy to being the 6th , as it is at present . though Britain has experienced economic decline , the decline is relative to some other rather than complete.The British economy underwent a special bad stage in the 1970s when rates of the inflation reached up to 25% with the rises of the oil price . Under Margaret Thatcher , government expense was decreased , taxation , foreign exchanges controls lifted , rules governing banks loosened and worker strikes restricted . inflation came under control , and the business made profits . the negative aspect of the Thatcher`s reform was a rapid increase in unemployment .The national economy of the Britain can be divided into 3 main areas : primary industries , secondary industries , and tertiary industries . The British agriculture is highly efficient compared to France and Germany . It produce1.4% of the national wealth , which only 2% of the labor force that grow 58% of the food needed by the nation . Since oil and gas discovered under the north Sea , Britain has become one of the main producers of oil and gas and the 5th largest exporter of oil in the world . It repots about 1/6 of the total world exports of manufactured goods . It buys about 1/5 of the raw materials exported in the world .the pound sterling is Britain`s unit of currency . London is one of the top three financial centers in the world . Britain`s central bank is the Bank of England .Lesson 4 Political System : Parliament and GovernmentThe U.K still retains an old-fashioned government established on the foundation of the constitutional monarchy : the head of the state of the King or queen . The Britain has no written constitution . Theoretically the queen has all the power , but in reality , she has no real power at all . However, she acts a very important role in the whole system .Parliament : the sovereign , the house of Lords and the House of Commons. The house of Lords comprises hereditary and the life peers and the peeresses , with the the Lord Chancellor as the president of the house . The house of commons is made up of 650 members chosen from the country`s 630 constituencies , Mr. Speaker is the chairman in debates .Mr. Speaker is the second most powerful person in Britain . Parliament`s main functions : debating , making laws and supervising the government and finance .The British government : the Prime Minister and other ministers , who are formally nominated by the Queen according to the advice of the prime minster . The most senior ministers make up of the Cabinet , meets regularly under the chairmanship of the prime minister to decided government policy about major issues .There are over 12 departments under the leadership of the prime minister , some heads are entitled "minister" or "secretary" and some have special titles .The cabinet :the heads od the most important departments with a few ministers without departments . prime minister decides who will be included . The privy council has the formal power to make certain executive orders and proclamations .the head of government , the prime minister controls not only the Cabinet but also the parliament , as he or she is the leader of the majority party in the house of commons . The present prime minister is David Cameron , who become prime minister on May 2010.England is broken into 45 countries . Each country is subdivided into about 6 districts . Wales is divided into 8 countries and the 37 districts . Scotland 12 regions and Southern Ireland ,26 districts . Each of the local administrated areas( countries ,regions or districts) has elected council of its own as local authority .Lesson 5 Political system : Party Politics and JudiciaryThere are three major national parties in Britain :The conservative party and the Labor Party and the Liberal Democrats . Two main political parties dominate the political scene : the conservative party ( openly helps the monopolist to getsuper-profits) and ( practices social democracy or bourgeois reformism) the Labor Party ( both bourgeois in nature ), have been in power by turns sine the end of WW ‖ . The liberal Democratic is been as the party of the "middle ," occupying the ideological ground between the two main parties . The general election in Britain is held every 5 years . Lords in the house of lords cannot be voters in the general election .The conservative party developed out of the Tory party , the Labor Party developed out of the Whip party .For the election purpose , Britain is divided into 651constituencies , each of which elects one member of the house of commons . The deposit a candidate has to pay is supposed to prevent people from running just for a joke. Compiling a register of voters in the duty of a Returning Officer in a constituency . The party that has the majority of seats in the house of Commons will from the government . Common law in Britain may be said to consist of previous court decisions .Serious cases arising in trade and maritime affairs in Britain are dealt with by the Queen`s bench division of the high court of justice . The supreme civil trial court in Scotland is the outer house of the court of session . Death penalty for murder in Britain was abolished in 1969 . Borstal institutions for young offenders in Britain provide courses of training .All police forces in Britain outside London are supported and paid by county councils . The famous "Scotland Yard" refers to CID . The operation zone of the Metropolitan Police covers Greater London .The central courts in Britain include the high court of justice and the court of appeal , the house of Lords and the Privy council . The three divisions of the high court of justice are the chancery ,Family Queen`s Bench divisions . The local courts in England are the magistrate courts and the country courts and the others. The Scottish highest court of justice divided into the criminal session and the court of session that has an inner court house and the outer house .Lesson 6 History : Early Man and the Feudal SocietyThe earliest settlers on the Britain Isles were the Iberians and Celts . From 700 B.C. The Celts came from the Upper Rhineland and began to inhabit British Isles . In A.D.43 Romes under the Claudius conquered Britain .Rome Britain lasted until the year ofA.D 410 when all Rome troops went back to the continent . In the middle of the 5th century , Anglo-Saxons came from the region of Denmark and the Low Countries and settled in Britain .The early Anglo-Saxons were worships of natural forces . However , a christian mission under St. Augustine came from Rome in 597 . By the end of the 7th century all England had been Christianized . In the late 8th century the Denes or Scandinavians began to attack the English coast . The new aristocracy , the thegn , had appeared by the 10th century in Britain .From 1017---1042 England was ruled by Danish kings .Edward had promised his kingdom to William , but on his deathbed he changed his idea and gave the kingdom to Harlod . This led to the Norman Conquest of 1066 . Doomsday book was in fact a record each man`s property. The war between Matilda and Stephen resulted in the establishment of the house of Plantagenet .The Great charter was made in the interest of the feudal lords . the Great charter aimed at restricting the power of the king . Simon called the " all Estates parliament " in 1265 . The first British parliament was summoned in the year of 1265 . King Edward I summoned the " all Estates parliament " in the year of 1295 , which is known in history as " the model Parliament ".In 1327 , Parliament forced Edward II hand over his crown to his son .Lesson 7 History : Decline of Feudalism and the Bourgeois RevolutionEdward III launched the Hundred Year`s war , which was a feudal war and a trade war , was one of the history events that marked the decline of the feudalism in Britain . the Hundred Year`s war was a against France for the French crown and for the industries city of Flanders. From 1343 onward , parliament was divided into two chambers . Black death to some extent brought higher and greater freedom to villains . The statutes of Laborers issued by the government of Edward III introduced cruel punishment for those who refused to work .In 1381 , peasants in Essex first rebelled . The closure of land turned a large number of peasants in to landless men . Wars of roses were fought intermittently between Lancastrians and the Yorkists from 1455 to 1465 . During the wars of roses common people were little affected . The house of Tudor was founded in 1485 . The British Bourgeois took place in the 17th century . The two centuries just before the outbreak of the Bourgeois Revolution were a period of capital accumulation .The renaissance was a cultural movement by humanist , spread into England under the Tudors . During the renaissance , the theatre attained great popularity under the Elizabeth .Puritans were Christians , were opposed to Charles I and his ideas , wished to purify the Church of England . The commoners who drew up the Grand Remonstrance had already escaped before Charles I burst into parliament . The restoration of Charles II took place in the year of 1660 .The king`s men at the beginning of the First civil war were called cavaliers . The first civil war lasted for 4 years . The second civil war was fought in the year of 1648 .England was cruelly ruled by Cromwell in the period of the commonwealth . Cromwell suppressed the diggers , liked Levelers in the army , conquered Ireland . The " Glorious Revolution " of the 1688 put William of orange " on the throne , was actually a bloodless coupdetat by the Bourgeois in 1688 . the British Bourgeois revolution exerted exerted great influence on French and the American revolution in the 18th century .Lesson 8 History :The Industrial Revolution and the Chartist MovementThe Industrial Revolution was a Revolution in both the method of production and the relations of production . It began in the textile Industrial in the 1760s and lasted until 1840s . The closures in the 18th century resulted in the appearance of Capitalist farms , labor reserve and an exception of national market .In the 17th and 18th centuries , England fought a series of wars with Holland and France and won supremacy . After the 7 years` war England become the strongest sea power and dominated world trade . As a result of the Industrial Revolution , the Industrial Bourgeois gained supremacy in both economic and political life of the country . Productivity was greatly increased . Many cities sprang up . The rapid growth of capitalism caused miseries disasters among the working people .Oliver twist was written Charles Dickens . People`s Charter was a petition to Parliament drawn by workers organized in London Workingmen`s Association in 1837 . The chartist movement reached its height in 1839-1842 . The failure of Chartism is largely duo to the divided leadership and lack of a strong basis for class and influence of Utopian and petty-bourgeois ideologies .James Hargreaves invented the "spinning Jenny ". One of the Corn Laws placed a ban on wheat import when the prize fell below 50 shillings per quarter. The term "Rotten Boroughs " means constituencies in the house of Commons . The people`s Charter was not accepted by Parliament . The ten-hour Act prohibited young persons and females to work in any factory longer than ten hours a day . The author of wealth of Nations is Adam Smith . The principle of population was formulated by Thomas Malthus .Lesson 9 History : The British Empire and Britain In two World Wars andpost-war PeriodsThe British Empire begin with the founding of Newfoundland in 1583 , and fell after the end of the second World war . The East India Company was given right to enlist army , enforce law ,declare war and make peace in India . India served as a gangplank for the British colonies to expand their colonies and spheres of influence in India . The British Empire reached the pinnacle of its colonial expansion after the First World War . The two imperialist blocks that had been formed just before the outbreak of World War I were Triple Alliance and Triple Entente . The three features of imperialism were foreign territorial expansion , the export of capital and monopoly .Nearly three million British soldiers were killed and wounded and 70% of the her merchant ships were sunk or damaged in World War I . Consequently British lost her sea supremacy after the end of the War . And she came out of the War with a huge debt .In 1920 and 1921 an economic crisis broke our for the first time sine the end of the first World War . The most serious economic crisis that British had ever experienced before World War II lasted from 1929 to 1933 . The working class struggle reached its climax in the General Strike of 1926 .Britain`s foreign policy in the years between the two World Wars was characterized by its hostility toward the young Soviet and the policy of non-intervention and appeasement toward Fascist aggression . The second World war sealed the fate of the British Empire .Britain`s serious economic troubles after the second World War produced such effects as devaluation of pound Sterling , inflation and debts . In 1950 Britain recognized the People`s republic of China . And in 1972 China and Britain established diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial rank .The Munich Agreement was a non-aggression pact between Britain and France on the one hand and Nazi Germany on the other . In 1941 Japan attack pearl Harbor . The British Commonwealth of Nations is a phony organization . The underlying aim of Thatcherism is denationalization . Mrs. Thatcher failed to win the general election in 1990 mainly because of the high rate of unemployment .Lesson 10 Education in BritainEducation in Britain is carried out in three stages : primary ,secondary and the higher education . Eduction in Britain is compulsory for children between the ages of 5 and 16 . All state schools in Britain are non-tree paying institutions . CSE , "A" Level of GCE and "O" Level of GEC are for schooling . University that were founded between 1850 and 1930 are called Redbrick University . All university in Britain are private institutionsThe main responsibility for administering education in Britain is left to Local education authorities . The examinations for GCE are conducted by examining boards . Entry to university in Britain is competitive .All teachers in the state system must spend some time in the department or school of education of a university . Supplements are paid to teachers who have first or second class honors degrees . The term of early September to mid-December is known as Christmas . University terms are longer . The general grant needed by states schools in Britain is provided by the Treasury . In Britain , most children start their schooling at the age of 5 in an infant . Under the old selective system ,pupils sit for an examination called the 11-plus in the their last year at primary school . Pupils with the highest marks in the "11 plus" examination go to grammar schools ."Co-educational" means with boys and girls mixed together . Those who do well in the examination of "A"Level of GCE . Can go on to university for study . Independent schools are schools that operate outside the state school system and are private educational institutions .Secondary schools students are required to take at least one of the three certificates to demonstrate their educational attainment . The open university is so called because it is open to people of all ages . The academic year for schools begins after the summer holidays and is divided into three terms . The general pattern for school holidays is about 2 weeks at Christmas and Easter and 8 weeks in the summer .。
英美文化Unit 2

Look at the following pictures and try to identify the symbols
of the U.S.
The White House
The Statue of Liberty
bald eagle
The Star and Stripes
The essential design of the American flag can be traced to a resolution passed by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777. This resolution stated that the flag should represent the 13 original states with 13 alternating red and white stripes and 13 stars on a blue field. The Congress assigned symbolic meanings to the colors: “White signifies Purity and Innocence; Red, Hardiness and Valor; and Blue, Vigilance, Perseverance, and Justice.”
Warm –up the United States
Images of the United States
Land of promise and opportunity Land of miracles and achievements Land of paradox and contradiction Land of oddities and absurdities Land of inequality and injustice
英美文化Unit 2.

Essentials of British and American CulturesChapter 2. English HistoryI. Focal Points:Parliamentthe Glorious Revolutionthe clashes between England and France in the 18th centurythe Industrial Revolutionthe progress and reforms in the 19th centuryVictorianismCharles Darwinmajor events in the 20th centuryII. Questions and Answers on the Text1. What is considered to be the clearest historical item in the general knowledge of most British people?It is the year 1066, when the French-speaking Normans under William the Conqueror invaded England from France, defeating the Saxon king Harold at the Battle of Hastings.2. What do the average people in Britain know about English history before the year1066?They know about the Romans and they are sure to know the story of the fine Saxon king, Alfred the Great, and the legendary stories of the still earlier king Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.3. Who was the most famous of the English Crusaders?The most famous of the English Crusaders was the Norman king, Richard Lion-Heart.4. In the Middle Ages, who were the great rivals of the king's authority?The great rivals of the king's authority were the Church and the powerful local chiefs, called barons.5.Why was the Pope in the Middle Ages so powerful?Because the Pope in Rome could always inspire the fear of eternal damnation by "excommunicating" (i. e. expelling from the Church) a king or even a whole nation; the Pope also wielded great political power over the whole of Western Europe.6.How did the French drive the English from their country at the end of the One-hundred-year War?The French drove the English from their country partly through the inspiration of the brave girl Joan of Arc, and partly through the effective use of guns, which had only just been invented.7. In English history, what language did the kings of the Middle Ages speak as their mother tongue? What changes took place after the Hundred Years' War?All the kings of the Middle Ages spoke French as their mother tongue. After the Hundred Years' War, England became completely severed from France, and the English language finally took the place of French in all classes of society.8.What were the characteristics of the sixteenth century as the beginning of the modern period in English history and European history?In the sixteenth century, the invention of printing made books much easier to produce and therefore much cheaper, so that ideas could spread quickly. It was the age of the great voyages of discovery and the beginning of the imperialist expansion; it was also the beginning of freedom of thought in the Christian religion.9.In the sixteenth century, what changes took place in religion?The sixteenth century was the beginning of the freedom of thought in the Christian religion, when the decline in the Pope's political power was followed by a decline in his religious authority.10. What was the result of the decline in the Pope's political power and religious authority in the sixteenth century?As a result of the decline in the Pope's political power and religious authority, Protestant churches sprang up in Northern Europe in opposition to the established Roman Catholic Church, and Protestant-Catholic hatred became a constant theme in European history.11. Who delivered the first great blow to the Roman Catholic Church in England?It was Henry VIII who delivered the first great blow to the Roman Catholic Church in England.12. How did the English Church break away from the central organization of Christianity?The long quarrel between the Pope and Henry VIII on the matter of Henry VIII's divorce ended in Henry VIII's declaring that he and not the Pope was the head of the Church in England. As a result, the English Church broke away from the central organization of Christianity.13. What is meant by "heresy" in the sixteenth century?It refers to any revolt against the traditional Christian faith. It was held by Catholics that "heresy" was the work of the devil and should be resisted by the most violent means.14. When did Protestantism gradually become the dominant faith in Britain?Protestantism gradually became the dominant faith in Britain in the reign of Elizabeth I, whose main interest lay in creating a strong united country in which there should be no more religious persecution.15. What were the characteristics of the Elizabethan age?It was an age of literature, especially the literature of Shakespeare, and an age of adventure on the sea.16. Which country was the biggest enemy of England in the sixteenth century?Spain was the biggest enemy of England in the sixteenth century.17. What was the most important event in the English history in the seventeenth century?The most important event in the English history in the seventeenth century was the English Revolution.18. What was the conflict between King Charles I and Parliament before the Civil War?Charles I believed he had a "Divine Right" to govern, while Rarliament believed he was a human being answerable to the people. For a time, Charles I actually ruled without parliament, and levied taxes without Parliament's approval.19. Who were the "Roundheads"? Why were they nicknamed "Roundheads" ?The "Roundheads" were the nickname of the "Puritan" elements, those with very strict Protestant principles. They were supporters of the Parliament. They were nicknamed the "Roundheads" because of the bare look of their shorn heads contrasted with the long, curly wigs of the King's more fashionable supporters, the "Cavaliers". 20. Who were the "Cavaliers"?The "Cavaliers" were the supporters of King Charles I, those who had long, curly wigs.21. Who was the Roundhead leader?The Roundhead leader was Oliver Cromwell.22. What was the consequence of the English Civil War?The Civil War led to the execution of Charles I and the temporary overthrow of the monarchy, when the country became for more than ten years a sort of republic founded by Oliver Cromwell.23. When did the Glorious Revolution take place?The Glorious Revolution took place in 1688.24. Who was the Britain's great enemy during the whole of the eighteenth century?Britain' s great enemy during the whole of the eighteenth century was France.25. What were the two most famous victories that Britain had over France during the eighteenth century?The two most famous victories were the Battle of Waterloo over the great Napoleon, and the Battle of Trafalgar over Napoleon' s fleet.26. What is meant by "meet one' s Waterloo"? What is the origin of the phrase?The phrase "meet one's Waterloo" means "encounter final disaster''. It comes from the Battle of Waterloo, the famous victory won by Britain over Napoleon.27. What is considered to be the most important event in the eighteenth century in Britain?The Industrial Revolution is considered to be the most important event in the eighteenth century in Britain.28. What was the most important invention during the Industrial Revolution?The most important invention during the Industrial Revolution was the invention of the steam engine.29. What was Britain's main historical interest after the Battle of Waterloo?Britain's main historical interest was in the efforts made (a) to overcome social problems, (b) to make Parliament more representative of the people, and (c) to improve local government and social services.30. What do "Peelers" or "bobbies" refer to?The word "Peeler" or "bobby" comes from the name of a person, Sir Robert ("Bobby") Peel, who founded the modern police force of Britain. So policemen are called "Peelers", or rather affectionately "bobbies."31. What is meant by "franchise"?Franchise means the right to vote in elections.32. How long did the Victorian age last?The Victorian age lasted 64 years from 1837 to 1901.33. What impact did Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species have on the Victorian age?Darwin's theory of evolution caused violent reaction from the religious Victorians who believed every deeply in God as the Creatorr of Man and in the life after death.Furious debates were Held both in private and in public, and Darwin's theory was destined to outlive Victorianism and contribute to its decay.34. How did the Victorian stability collapse after the death of Queen Victoria ?The Victorian stability collapsed within a few years of the death of Queen Victoria. The working classes rose up to fight for their rights and the women woke up to fight for the right to vote. Meanwhile the trouble in Ireland was going from bad to worse.35. According to the author, how did Britain get involved in World War I?Britain became involved because she had made friends with her old enemy, France, who was being attacked by Germany.36. What were the two most disasterous events in British economy between the two World Wars?They were the General Strike in 1926 and the great "slump" of the early 1930s.37. What became the threat of the international situation after the great "slump" ?After the great "slump", fascism became the threat of the international situation.38. Who were the two big fascists before and during the Second World War?The two big fascists were Mussolini in Italy and Hitler in Germany.39. What was the consequence of Hitler' s constant thirst for power?What was the basis of Hitler's constant thirst for power?Hitler's constant thirst {or power led Europe into the Second World War. The basis of Hitler's constant thirst for power was the idea of a German "master-race".40. How long did the First World War last? How long did the Second World War last?The First World War lasted 4 years from 1914 to 1918. The Second World War lasted 6 years from 1939 to 1945.41. What is meant by the "blitz" of 1940?It refers to the bombing of Britain by German planes in 1940, when Hitler sent his bombers day after day to bomb airfields and towns in the south, and then night after night, to bomb London.III. Explanations1.King HaroldThe Saxon king who was defeated and killed at the Battle of Hastings in 1066, when the French-speaking Normans under William the Conqueror invaded England from France.2. Alfred the Great(1)He was a fine Saxon king who successfully defeated the invading Danes.3. King Arthur( 1 ) He was the king of England in the sixth century. (2) Little was known about him,except that he was associated with Corn- wall and is the central figure of many legends about him and his Knights of the Round Table.4. The CrusadesThe Crusades were a series of wars in the Middle Ages in which armies from all over Europe tried to snatch the "Holy Land" ( i.e. Palestine, where Jesus Christ once lived) from the Infidels (i.e. the Muslims).5. Richard Lion-Heart( 1 ) He was a Norman king in the Middle Ages. (2) He was also the most famous of the English Crusaders at that time. (3) Many stories have been told about him and his enemy Saladin.6. the Magna Carta( 1 ) The Magna Carta (or Great Charter) was a document signed in 1215 by King John under compulsion by the powerful barons. (2) The purpose of the Charter was to make King John to recognize the rights of the barons. (3) The Magna Carta is now in the British Museum, London.7. the Hundred Years' War(1) A war between England and France which lasted, on and off, for a hundred years from 1337 to 1453. (2) It was fought entirely in France, and the whole of France very nearly fell into English hands in the famous battles of Crecy and Agincourt. (3) Eventually, partly through the inspiration of the brave girl Joan of Arc, and partly through the effective use of guns, the French drove the English from their land for good.8. Joan of Arc(1) She was a French saint and national heroine. (2) During the Hundred Years' War, her bravery and inspiration provided spirit and morale for French armies. (3) Later she was captured and burned at the stake.9. the Wars of the Roses(1) It is the name given to the struggle (1455--1485) for the throne of England between two branches of the English royal family: (2) the houses of Lancaster, whose badge was a red rose, and York, whose badge was a white rose. (3) The wars weakened both the nobility and the monarch.10. the Catholic Church(1) It refers to the Christian church headed by the Pope. (2) All members of the church accept the gospel of Christ and the teachings of the Bible. Any revolt against the traditional Christian faith was "heresy." (3) In the Middle Ages, the Pope was extremely powerful. (4) In the sixteenth century, some of the actual beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church Were questioned by Protestant doctrines and there was a great deal of presecution by Catholics.11. the Protestant Church( 1 ) It refers to the Christian church whose faith and practice originated with the principles of the Reformation. (2) As the Pope’s political power and religious authority declined in the sixteenth century, Protestant churches sprang up in Northern Europe in opposition to the established Roman Catholic Church. (3) In Britain, Protestantism gradually became the dominant faith in the Elizabethan age.12. bloody Mary( I ) It was the nickname given to Mary I, Henry III' s elder daughter. (2) She was a devout Catholic, and had so many Protestants burnt to death that she is remembered less by her official title Mary I than by her nickname Bloody Mary. (3) She was succeeded by Elizabeth I.13 the Elizabethan age(I) It refers to the period during the reign of Elizabeth I in British history. (2) It was an age of real literary achievement, especially that of Shakespeare, and (3) it was an age of adventure on the sea.14. the "Gunpowder Plot"(1) It refers to the most famous of a number of Catholic conspiracies in English history which occurred in the reign of James I (2) It was the plot to blow up the King and Parliament, in which a man called Guy Fawkes was caught in the cellars of the House of Commons in the very act of preparing the explosives. (3) "Guy Fawkes' Night" is still celebrated on November 5th each year.15. the English Civil War(1) One of the most important events in the whole of British history. (2) It is a bitter power struggle (1642--1648) between the monarchy and Parliament. (3) The victory of the Parliament led to the execution (1649) of Charles I and the temporary overthrow of the monarchy, and (4) the country became for more than ten years a sort of republic founded by Oliver Cromwell.16. King Charles I(1) An English king in the seventeenth century. He believed that he had a "Divine Right" to govern. (2) For a time, Charles actually ruled without Parliament, and levied taxes without Parliament's approval. (3) This aroused the opposition of the Roundheads , and the great Civil War broke out, in which he was defeated, tried as a traitor to his country, and condemned to death.17. Oliver Cromwell(1) Oliver Cromwell was the Roundhead leader during the English Civil War. (2) He defeated King Charles I and condemned him to death. (3) The monarchy was overthrown, and the country became for more than ten years a republic.18. the Glorious Revolution(1) It refers to the event of 1688 in the English Revolution, when the Catholicking James II was forced to flee with his baby son to France. (2) The throne was offered to his Protestant daughter and her husband Dutch king William. (3) The bill of Rights was passed by Parliament to restrict the power of the Monarchy. (4) This was the beginning of the Constitutional Monarchy in Britain.19. the Industrial Revolution( 1 ) It refers to the period in British history from 1750 to 1850. (2) Great changes took place with the invention of the steam engine. (3) More factories and big towns were built. (4) It made Britain stronger and richer, and at the same time it also created entirely new social class, the industrial workers.20. the Victorian age(I) It refers to the monarch of Britain under the great Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901, the longest reign in British history. (2) The Victorian age was an age of national development and national optimism. (3) The Victorians were very religious and conservative in family life. (4) It was also, in its later stages, an age of imperialism.21. the "suffragette" movement( 1) A term refers to the movement in the early twentieth century by the British women, who had been meek and submissive in Victorian's reign. (2) They rose up to gain their right to vote. (3) This was not simply a political campaign but a profound revolt against an inferior status.22. Charles's Darwin( I ) The famous British scientist who wrote the important book "The Origin of Species". (2) His theory of evolution caused violent reaction of the Victorians against the book, and furious ,debates were held in private and in public. (3) Darwin's theory contributed to the decay of Victorianism.。

6. Which one of the following Is not particularly British Christmas tradition? A enjoying the Pantomime. B the Queen broadcasting her Christmas message. C eating chocolate eggs. D shopping on the Boxing Day.
1. Criket and “fair play”: Cricket was one of the first team sports in Britain to have organized rules and to be played according to the same rules nationally. The reason that fixed rules were applied to criket so early on was a financial one: aristocrats loved betting on criket matches and if people were going to risk money on a game, they wanted to ensure that the game would be plalyed fairly.Before the Victorian era, and in modern Britain, people from all walks of life play cricket, but in the 19th century, cricket became a sport associated with the upper class. It was a kind of “snob” game played by boys who attended public schools.As generations of public school grew up to become the civil servants and rules of the UK and its colonies, criket became associated with a set of moral values, in particular the ideas of “fair play” which supposedly characterized British government.
英美国家概况(英国部分)Unit 2 History

• Infrastructure – Government (fell apart when they left) – Walls, villas, public baths (some remains still exist)
• Language and Writing – Latin was official language – Practice of recording history led to earliest English “literature” being documentary
• The Celts were Pagans (异教徒) and their religion was know as “animism” (万物有灵论) a Latin word for “spirit.” Celts saw spirits everywhere
• Druids were their priests; their role was to go between the gods and the people
• Danes, who were Vikings from Denmark, attacked Southeastern England and established some small kingdoms.
• Military—strong armed forces (“legions”) – Pushed Celts into Wales and Ireland – Prevented Vikings from raiding for several hundred years: C. Warren Hollister writes, “Rome’s greatest gift to Britain was peace” (15).
英美文化基础第二章The People

The Warrior of Vikings
The Vikings’ Castle
• 1066年诺曼底公爵渡海征服英格兰。 • 对英国历史的发展产生了深远的影响,封 建制度从欧洲大陆带到了英格兰。 法国人。French Normans another ethnic component. (last major group )
Language Approx total Language Approx total
Greek French
6,300 5,600
英国人口中百分之八十是英格兰人,其他是 苏格兰人、威尔士人和爱尔兰人。英语是官方语 言,但许多人不讲英语,在威尔士讲凯尔特语, 在苏格兰高原有八万人左右讲盖尔语。
•The formation of Modern English
Because of the aggressions from Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Vikings, English was deeply affected by the Germanic dialects(日耳曼方言) and the language of the Danes(丹麦语). Then from the 11th to 14th century ,under the French-speaking Norman kings, a hybrid speech combining Anglo-Saxons and Norman French elements developed and gradually became the official language known as Middle English. This hybrid language ,along with many additions from many other language in the world, subsequently evolved into modern English.
英美文化概况Chapter 2

At that time, since France was culturally more advanced than England, it was natural that French words were regarded as more elegant than English words and thus used more in formal and literary contexts. RestRest-repose, room-chamber, bear-endure, loveroombearloveaffection, house-mansion, king-sovereign, etc. housekingWords borrowed from Latin are usded mainly in academic writings or legal, religious or official documents. (P.71)
Grammatical explicitness in English Grammatical implicitness in Chinese Examples: Examples: 1. We are students. vs. 我们都是学生。 2. He came to Beijing in 1978.vs. 他1978 年到北京。

英美文化概论提纲Unit 1 a brief introduction to the united kingdom 1一 a brief introduction1.全称 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern Ireland--P17 III 12.构成England LondonScotland EdinburghWales CardiffNothern Ireland Belfast--P17 III23.历史A公元43世纪RomanB公元7世纪Anglo –saxons 安格鲁撒克逊人C 8世纪末阿尔弗雷德大帝King Alfred北欧海盗D 1066年诺曼征服NormansWilliam of NormandyBattle of HastingsKing Harold4.英国内战 civil war 资产阶级革命二Scotland1. Glasgow 最大城市 --P16 II 82. 大学15世纪 ancient and international university --P17 III 11三WalesUnlike England it did not fall to the Anglo-Saxon invaders of the 5th century --P16 II 11名词解释London:the largest city located in the south of the country .London is dominant in the UK in all fields;government finance and culture.London is one of the top three financial centers in the worldUnit 2 a brief introduction to the united kingdom iiNorthern Ireland1.宗教爱尔兰人是天主教徒 Catholics英国人是新教徒 Protestants--P33 I 62.1921年独立 Irish State (分水岭)3.爱尔兰南部26郡成立自由邦北部6 郡仍属英国—P34 II 104 .Loyalist 民族派希望加入爱尔兰共和国Unionist 联合派亲英国5.The official IRA 倾向于政治手段解决–P34 III 4The Provisional IRA 军事–P35 III 5“The Bullet and the Ballot Box”—P35 III 106.区分 Sinn Fein是政党 --P33 I 8/P35 III 11,121919 IRA是军事团体非政党7 .1973年 Power-Sharing mechanism权利分享机制—P34 II 88.1972 “Bloody Sunday”—P34 II 79.1985 Anglo-Irish agreement --P33 I 910. Downing –Street Declaration唐宁街宣言授权英军司令直接干预北爱治安事务名词解释1.”Home-rule”:1914年被签署成为法律。

1. Criket and “fair play”: Cricket was one of the first team sports in Britain to have organized rules and to be played according to the same rules nationally. The reason that fixed rules were applied to criket so early on was a financial one: aristocrats loved betting on criket matches and if people were going to risk money on a game, they wanted to ensure that the game would be plalyed fairly.Before the Victorian era, and in modern Britain, people from all walks of life play cricket, but in the 19th century, cricket became a sport associated with the upper class. It was a kind of “snob” game played by boys who attended public schools.As generations of public school grew up to become the civil servants and rules of the UK and its colonies, criket became associated with a set of moral values, in particular the ideas of “fair play” which supposedly characterized British government.
英美文化Unit 2.

Essentials of British and American CulturesChapter 2. English HistoryI. Focal Points:Parliamentthe Glorious Revolutionthe clashes between England and France in the 18th centurythe Industrial Revolutionthe progress and reforms in the 19th centuryVictorianismCharles Darwinmajor events in the 20th centuryII. Questions and Answers on the Text1. What is considered to be the clearest historical item in the general knowledge of most British people?It is the year 1066, when the French-speaking Normans under William the Conqueror invaded England from France, defeating the Saxon king Harold at the Battle of Hastings.2. What do the average people in Britain know about English history before the year1066?They know about the Romans and they are sure to know the story of the fine Saxon king, Alfred the Great, and the legendary stories of the still earlier king Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.3. Who was the most famous of the English Crusaders?The most famous of the English Crusaders was the Norman king, Richard Lion-Heart.4. In the Middle Ages, who were the great rivals of the king's authority?The great rivals of the king's authority were the Church and the powerful local chiefs, called barons.5.Why was the Pope in the Middle Ages so powerful?Because the Pope in Rome could always inspire the fear of eternal damnation by "excommunicating" (i. e. expelling from the Church) a king or even a whole nation; the Pope also wielded great political power over the whole of Western Europe.6.How did the French drive the English from their country at the end of the One-hundred-year War?The French drove the English from their country partly through the inspiration of the brave girl Joan of Arc, and partly through the effective use of guns, which had only just been invented.7. In English history, what language did the kings of the Middle Ages speak as their mother tongue? What changes took place after the Hundred Years' War?All the kings of the Middle Ages spoke French as their mother tongue. After the Hundred Years' War, England became completely severed from France, and the English language finally took the place of French in all classes of society.8.What were the characteristics of the sixteenth century as the beginning of the modern period in English history and European history?In the sixteenth century, the invention of printing made books much easier to produce and therefore much cheaper, so that ideas could spread quickly. It was the age of the great voyages of discovery and the beginning of the imperialist expansion; it was also the beginning of freedom of thought in the Christian religion.9.In the sixteenth century, what changes took place in religion?The sixteenth century was the beginning of the freedom of thought in the Christian religion, when the decline in the Pope's political power was followed by a decline in his religious authority.10. What was the result of the decline in the Pope's political power and religious authority in the sixteenth century?As a result of the decline in the Pope's political power and religious authority, Protestant churches sprang up in Northern Europe in opposition to the established Roman Catholic Church, and Protestant-Catholic hatred became a constant theme in European history.11. Who delivered the first great blow to the Roman Catholic Church in England?It was Henry VIII who delivered the first great blow to the Roman Catholic Church in England.12. How did the English Church break away from the central organization of Christianity?The long quarrel between the Pope and Henry VIII on the matter of Henry VIII's divorce ended in Henry VIII's declaring that he and not the Pope was the head of the Church in England. As a result, the English Church broke away from the central organization of Christianity.13. What is meant by "heresy" in the sixteenth century?It refers to any revolt against the traditional Christian faith. It was held by Catholics that "heresy" was the work of the devil and should be resisted by the most violent means.14. When did Protestantism gradually become the dominant faith in Britain?Protestantism gradually became the dominant faith in Britain in the reign of Elizabeth I, whose main interest lay in creating a strong united country in which there should be no more religious persecution.15. What were the characteristics of the Elizabethan age?It was an age of literature, especially the literature of Shakespeare, and an age of adventure on the sea.16. Which country was the biggest enemy of England in the sixteenth century?Spain was the biggest enemy of England in the sixteenth century.17. What was the most important event in the English history in the seventeenth century?The most important event in the English history in the seventeenth century was the English Revolution.18. What was the conflict between King Charles I and Parliament before the Civil War?Charles I believed he had a "Divine Right" to govern, while Rarliament believed he was a human being answerable to the people. For a time, Charles I actually ruled without parliament, and levied taxes without Parliament's approval.19. Who were the "Roundheads"? Why were they nicknamed "Roundheads" ?The "Roundheads" were the nickname of the "Puritan" elements, those with very strict Protestant principles. They were supporters of the Parliament. They were nicknamed the "Roundheads" because of the bare look of their shorn heads contrasted with the long, curly wigs of the King's more fashionable supporters, the "Cavaliers". 20. Who were the "Cavaliers"?The "Cavaliers" were the supporters of King Charles I, those who had long, curly wigs.21. Who was the Roundhead leader?The Roundhead leader was Oliver Cromwell.22. What was the consequence of the English Civil War?The Civil War led to the execution of Charles I and the temporary overthrow of the monarchy, when the country became for more than ten years a sort of republic founded by Oliver Cromwell.23. When did the Glorious Revolution take place?The Glorious Revolution took place in 1688.24. Who was the Britain's great enemy during the whole of the eighteenth century?Britain' s great enemy during the whole of the eighteenth century was France.25. What were the two most famous victories that Britain had over France during the eighteenth century?The two most famous victories were the Battle of Waterloo over the great Napoleon, and the Battle of Trafalgar over Napoleon' s fleet.26. What is meant by "meet one' s Waterloo"? What is the origin of the phrase?The phrase "meet one's Waterloo" means "encounter final disaster''. It comes from the Battle of Waterloo, the famous victory won by Britain over Napoleon.27. What is considered to be the most important event in the eighteenth century in Britain?The Industrial Revolution is considered to be the most important event in the eighteenth century in Britain.28. What was the most important invention during the Industrial Revolution?The most important invention during the Industrial Revolution was the invention of the steam engine.29. What was Britain's main historical interest after the Battle of Waterloo?Britain's main historical interest was in the efforts made (a) to overcome social problems, (b) to make Parliament more representative of the people, and (c) to improve local government and social services.30. What do "Peelers" or "bobbies" refer to?The word "Peeler" or "bobby" comes from the name of a person, Sir Robert ("Bobby") Peel, who founded the modern police force of Britain. So policemen are called "Peelers", or rather affectionately "bobbies."31. What is meant by "franchise"?Franchise means the right to vote in elections.32. How long did the Victorian age last?The Victorian age lasted 64 years from 1837 to 1901.33. What impact did Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species have on the Victorian age?Darwin's theory of evolution caused violent reaction from the religious Victorians who believed every deeply in God as the Creatorr of Man and in the life after death.Furious debates were Held both in private and in public, and Darwin's theory was destined to outlive Victorianism and contribute to its decay.34. How did the Victorian stability collapse after the death of Queen Victoria ?The Victorian stability collapsed within a few years of the death of Queen Victoria. The working classes rose up to fight for their rights and the women woke up to fight for the right to vote. Meanwhile the trouble in Ireland was going from bad to worse.35. According to the author, how did Britain get involved in World War I?Britain became involved because she had made friends with her old enemy, France, who was being attacked by Germany.36. What were the two most disasterous events in British economy between the two World Wars?They were the General Strike in 1926 and the great "slump" of the early 1930s.37. What became the threat of the international situation after the great "slump" ?After the great "slump", fascism became the threat of the international situation.38. Who were the two big fascists before and during the Second World War?The two big fascists were Mussolini in Italy and Hitler in Germany.39. What was the consequence of Hitler' s constant thirst for power?What was the basis of Hitler's constant thirst for power?Hitler's constant thirst {or power led Europe into the Second World War. The basis of Hitler's constant thirst for power was the idea of a German "master-race".40. How long did the First World War last? How long did the Second World War last?The First World War lasted 4 years from 1914 to 1918. The Second World War lasted 6 years from 1939 to 1945.41. What is meant by the "blitz" of 1940?It refers to the bombing of Britain by German planes in 1940, when Hitler sent his bombers day after day to bomb airfields and towns in the south, and then night after night, to bomb London.III. Explanations1.King HaroldThe Saxon king who was defeated and killed at the Battle of Hastings in 1066, when the French-speaking Normans under William the Conqueror invaded England from France.2. Alfred the Great(1)He was a fine Saxon king who successfully defeated the invading Danes.3. King Arthur( 1 ) He was the king of England in the sixth century. (2) Little was known about him,except that he was associated with Corn- wall and is the central figure of many legends about him and his Knights of the Round Table.4. The CrusadesThe Crusades were a series of wars in the Middle Ages in which armies from all over Europe tried to snatch the "Holy Land" ( i.e. Palestine, where Jesus Christ once lived) from the Infidels (i.e. the Muslims).5. Richard Lion-Heart( 1 ) He was a Norman king in the Middle Ages. (2) He was also the most famous of the English Crusaders at that time. (3) Many stories have been told about him and his enemy Saladin.6. the Magna Carta( 1 ) The Magna Carta (or Great Charter) was a document signed in 1215 by King John under compulsion by the powerful barons. (2) The purpose of the Charter was to make King John to recognize the rights of the barons. (3) The Magna Carta is now in the British Museum, London.7. the Hundred Years' War(1) A war between England and France which lasted, on and off, for a hundred years from 1337 to 1453. (2) It was fought entirely in France, and the whole of France very nearly fell into English hands in the famous battles of Crecy and Agincourt. (3) Eventually, partly through the inspiration of the brave girl Joan of Arc, and partly through the effective use of guns, the French drove the English from their land for good.8. Joan of Arc(1) She was a French saint and national heroine. (2) During the Hundred Years' War, her bravery and inspiration provided spirit and morale for French armies. (3) Later she was captured and burned at the stake.9. the Wars of the Roses(1) It is the name given to the struggle (1455--1485) for the throne of England between two branches of the English royal family: (2) the houses of Lancaster, whose badge was a red rose, and York, whose badge was a white rose. (3) The wars weakened both the nobility and the monarch.10. the Catholic Church(1) It refers to the Christian church headed by the Pope. (2) All members of the church accept the gospel of Christ and the teachings of the Bible. Any revolt against the traditional Christian faith was "heresy." (3) In the Middle Ages, the Pope was extremely powerful. (4) In the sixteenth century, some of the actual beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church Were questioned by Protestant doctrines and there was a great deal of presecution by Catholics.11. the Protestant Church( 1 ) It refers to the Christian church whose faith and practice originated with the principles of the Reformation. (2) As the Pope’s political power and religious authority declined in the sixteenth century, Protestant churches sprang up in Northern Europe in opposition to the established Roman Catholic Church. (3) In Britain, Protestantism gradually became the dominant faith in the Elizabethan age.12. bloody Mary( I ) It was the nickname given to Mary I, Henry III' s elder daughter. (2) She was a devout Catholic, and had so many Protestants burnt to death that she is remembered less by her official title Mary I than by her nickname Bloody Mary. (3) She was succeeded by Elizabeth I.13 the Elizabethan age(I) It refers to the period during the reign of Elizabeth I in British history. (2) It was an age of real literary achievement, especially that of Shakespeare, and (3) it was an age of adventure on the sea.14. the "Gunpowder Plot"(1) It refers to the most famous of a number of Catholic conspiracies in English history which occurred in the reign of James I (2) It was the plot to blow up the King and Parliament, in which a man called Guy Fawkes was caught in the cellars of the House of Commons in the very act of preparing the explosives. (3) "Guy Fawkes' Night" is still celebrated on November 5th each year.15. the English Civil War(1) One of the most important events in the whole of British history. (2) It is a bitter power struggle (1642--1648) between the monarchy and Parliament. (3) The victory of the Parliament led to the execution (1649) of Charles I and the temporary overthrow of the monarchy, and (4) the country became for more than ten years a sort of republic founded by Oliver Cromwell.16. King Charles I(1) An English king in the seventeenth century. He believed that he had a "Divine Right" to govern. (2) For a time, Charles actually ruled without Parliament, and levied taxes without Parliament's approval. (3) This aroused the opposition of the Roundheads , and the great Civil War broke out, in which he was defeated, tried as a traitor to his country, and condemned to death.17. Oliver Cromwell(1) Oliver Cromwell was the Roundhead leader during the English Civil War. (2) He defeated King Charles I and condemned him to death. (3) The monarchy was overthrown, and the country became for more than ten years a republic.18. the Glorious Revolution(1) It refers to the event of 1688 in the English Revolution, when the Catholicking James II was forced to flee with his baby son to France. (2) The throne was offered to his Protestant daughter and her husband Dutch king William. (3) The bill of Rights was passed by Parliament to restrict the power of the Monarchy. (4) This was the beginning of the Constitutional Monarchy in Britain.19. the Industrial Revolution( 1 ) It refers to the period in British history from 1750 to 1850. (2) Great changes took place with the invention of the steam engine. (3) More factories and big towns were built. (4) It made Britain stronger and richer, and at the same time it also created entirely new social class, the industrial workers.20. the Victorian age(I) It refers to the monarch of Britain under the great Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901, the longest reign in British history. (2) The Victorian age was an age of national development and national optimism. (3) The Victorians were very religious and conservative in family life. (4) It was also, in its later stages, an age of imperialism.21. the "suffragette" movement( 1) A term refers to the movement in the early twentieth century by the British women, who had been meek and submissive in Victorian's reign. (2) They rose up to gain their right to vote. (3) This was not simply a political campaign but a profound revolt against an inferior status.22. Charles's Darwin( I ) The famous British scientist who wrote the important book "The Origin of Species". (2) His theory of evolution caused violent reaction of the Victorians against the book, and furious ,debates were held in private and in public. (3) Darwin's theory contributed to the decay of Victorianism.。

Most people were farmers or fishermen. High quality wool was made in Britain too.
There was a lot of mining for lead and other metals which the Romans valued. Under Roman rule, England and Wales were rather peaceful…particularly in the second century
Hadrian’s Wall
This was built as a sort of border between the Roman lands to the south and the Celtic territory to the north. Roman soldiers built the wall. They built it quickly but remember it is not nearly as long as the Great Wall. Building the wall across northern England also gave soldiers something to do….
Life in Roman Britain…
The Romans either started or greatly built up many cities in England, particularly. For example, London is a name from the Latin word for the city…Londinium There is to the present day a city called “Bath” in the south on the Bristol Channel which has hot springs…Romans LOVED baths

• 我们本人都直接代表美国以及美国作为自由、平等和机会之土地的希 望。
1.2Value Orientation
Value Frankness Individualism Collectivism Respect for the Old Youthfulness Efficiency and practicality Peace Patriotism Feminism Being grateful Primary Western Western Eastern Eastern Western Western Eastern Eastern Western Eastern Western Eastern Western Eastern Eastern Western Secondary Eastern Tertiary Eastern Western Western Negligible
Classification of Culture
• Material cultures(物质文化): dress, architecture, language, food, sports and so on. • Social cultures ( 社会文化) : gestures, greetings, behaviors, customs. • Ideological cultures (意识形态文化) : value, idea, thinking.
• 2.2 Analytical thinking
• 2.3 linear thinking 直 线型 • 2.4 Cognitive thinking
Circutuitous thinking 绕 圈子 Moral thinking
2.1 Western: Abstract thinking China: imaginary thinking
英语国家社会与文化入门(大学英语专业英美文化概况)Unit 2

新西兰的教育体制被视为世界上最好的教育体 制之一,他们通过学校、大学、技工学院和其 它教育机构提供高质量教育,新西兰的教育体 系源于英国的传统教育体制,全国实行统一的 教育体系,教育经费开支占政府开支第三位。 惠灵顿维多利亚大学,奥克兰大学,梅西大学 ,林 肯大学
农业 畜牧业发达,是新西兰经济的基础,新西兰农牧产品出口量 占其出口总量的50%,羊肉、奶制品和粗羊毛的出口量均居世界 第一位。新西兰还是世界上最大的鹿 茸生产国和出口国,生产量 占世界总产量的30%。畜牧业用地为1352万公顷,占国土面积的 一半。乳制品与肉类是新最重要的出口产品。新西兰渔产丰富, 是世界第四大专属经济区,200海里专属经济区内捕鱼潜力每年约 50万吨。 农业高度机械化。主要农作物有小麦、大麦、燕麦、水果等。 粮食不能自给,需从澳大利亚进口。
Forestry & Fishing One of the largest fishing areas—Exclusive Economic Zone Energy Self-sufficient Overseas trade Farming,fishing,horticulture,manufacturing,th e construction and computer software sectors & tourism
出口:油类、乳制品、肉类、木材和木制品、鱼类、机械。 粗羊毛出口量居世界第一位,占世界总产量的25%。 进口:机器及设备、车辆和飞机、石油、电子产品、纺织品、 塑料。
新西兰最美丽的地方非属岛屿湾,那里主要城市有:派西亚, 拉塞尔和怀唐伊。拉塞尔是新西兰第一个首都,派西亚,属于 岛屿湾中间位置,有更多的酒店。怀唐伊,1840年,毛利人和 欧洲人在怀唐伊的条约屋(Treaty House)共同签署了《怀唐 伊条约》。这所房子至今仍屹立在开阔、祥和的公园之内。这 里的其它重要景点有雕梁画栋的毛利会堂(Maori Meeting House)、毛利人最大的战舟、旅游中心和艺术馆。怀唐伊在 新西兰人心目中占有极其重要的位置――是对新西兰历史和文 化感兴趣的游客“必到”之处。
英美文化Chapter 2 History

C h a p t e r2H i s t o r yI. The Founding of the Nation1.1 Roman Britain and Anglo-Saxons1.1.1 Prehistoric Period (history undocumented)9,000 years ago part of E-Continent3,000 BC IberiansStonehenge1.1.2 Celtic Britain (8th—5th Century BC)The name of Britain—BritonsTribal societyCeltic Language(Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh)1.1.3 Roman Britain (43 AD—5th Century)First invasion—In August 55 BC, Julius Caesar invaded BritainSecond—Caesar's second raid in 54 BCThird and final—In 43 AD, Emperor Claudius, final and successful Roman invasion of BritainLeft—Germanic attack in Rome, forcing all Roman troops to leave Britain, and thus ending the Roman occupation of the island.1.1.3 Roman Britain (43 AD—5th Century)Capable administrators & good builders (towns and cities & roads) ▪Building of London, River Thames, “London Bridge”▪Building of roads1.1.4 The Anglo-Saxon Invasion (5th—8th Century)Germanic people(the Jutes from Jutland, Angles from South of Denmark and Saxons fromGermany)English (language of the Angles)dominant languageRoman ChristianitySt. Augustine brings Christianity to Britain from Rome and becomes Archbishop of Canterbury1.1.5 Danish Invasion (8th Century—1066)the Vikings (from the Scandinavian countries: Norway, Denmark and Sweden) Alfred the Great, king of Wessex▪A peace treaty: the eastern half of the island was to be subject to the Danish law and come to be known as the Danelaw▪From 1016 to 1042, under the rule of Danish kings.▪In 1042, the English throne was returned to the Anglo-Saxons▪Westminster Abbey, built in1052, by the penultimate King of England, Edward the Confessor (1042-1066)1.1.6 The Norman ConquestIn 1066, Edward died without an heir and Harold of Wessex became King in his place.Duke William, often referred to as William the Conquer, challenged Harold’s succession, won the Battle of Hastings, and was crowned King.In 1067, William started building the Tower of London, the greatfortress which demonstrated his power and dominated the city ofLondon.1.2.1 Great Charter (Magna Carta)In 1154 Henry II ascended the throneHenry II reformed the courts and the laws:▪introduced the jury system (陪审团制度)▪institutionalized common lawJohn ascended the throne in 1199. He demanded feudal taxes and army service.He was forced to sign the Magna Carta (大宪章).Significance▪townspeople—freedom of trade and self-government▪merchants and craftsmen—for the first time as a newpolitical force▪part of the British Constitution today1.2.2 Birth of ParliamentProvisions of Oxfordlimiting the King’s power by calling regular meetings of the GreatCouncilParler—to talkOfficial formation of the two houses of parliament:▪House of Lords▪House of Commons1.2.3 Hundred Years’ War (1337—1453)a series of wars fought between England and France over trade,territory, security and the throne▪promoted the concept of English nationalism.▪promoted the development of the textile industry▪raised the social position of the bourgeois class.1.2.4 The War of the Roses (1455—1485)A war for the throne between the House of York and the House ofLancaster.▪It reduced the power of nobility and helped to increase the power of the new rising bourgeois class.The House of Lancaster won and their leader Henry Tudor became King Henry VII and started the rule of the House of Tudor(1485-1603).II. Transition to the Modern Age2.1 Religious ReformationReasons—2 religious camps: Catholic and ProtestantImmediate cause: Henry VIII’s divorceAct of SupremacyHenry VIII—“only supreme head of the church of England”In essence, the Reformation was a political movement in a religious guise2.1 Religious ReformationQueen Elizabeth I (1558-1603)▪Consolidated the Church of England▪Defended the fruit of the Reformation in essence Golden Age of English History▪England advanced in such areas as foreign trade, exploration, literature, and the arts.▪The age of exploration began: claiming new lands for England and introducing new materials and foods.The American State, Virginia, is named after Queen Elizabeth.parliamentary clashes over monopolies▪the monarchy attempted to control commercial activities in the interests of the courtKing Charles I dissolved Parliament in 1629, and ruled the country without it for eleven years.The various classes in England soon split up into two camps: ▪Parliament: merchants, artisans and apprentices, peasants▪King: gentry, big landlords and monopolists2.2 The Civil WarThe civil war broke out (1642—1649)▪Between the Royalists (the Cavalier [保王党人]) andParliamentarians (Roundheads [圆颅党人])Result: the monarchy was abolished in 1649▪England was declared a commonwealth, i.e. a republic The Commonwealth (1649—1660)▪Cromwell, the head of the CommonwealthConservative in social reforms and protected propertyownership▪In 1660, Parliament had Charles II as king of England.▪This put an end to the Commonwealth.2.3 Restoration and the Glorious RevolutionRestoration:▪1661, Charles II: to restore the old social order▪1685, James II: to reestablish CatholicismGlorious Revolution▪1688: joint sovereign of William and Mary▪1689: Bill of Rights (limited the power of the monarch and guaranteed the authority of Parliament ) removed the ruling monarchand established Constitutional Monarchy2.4 The Industrial RevolutionThe Industrial Revolution took place first in Britain for the following reasons▪huge market▪colonies in America and India—capital▪enclosure movement—laborA series of important inventions in the textile industry marked thebeginning of Industrial Revolution:▪Spinning Jenny▪Water frame▪Spinning mule▪Power loom▪Steam engineMeans of transportation▪canals were dug to ship goods▪the locomotive invented in 1814▪the first railway completed in 1825▪large merchant fleetBy the middle of 19th century, the Industrial Revolution was accomplished in BritainIts influence: Britain changed in many ways▪dramatically increased industrial productivity▪the process of urbanization▪changes in class structure▪The conflict between the capitalists and the proletarians—the most important political issueIII. The Rise and Fall of the British Empire3.1 The Formation of the British EmpireFirst British Empire: 19th Century▪It included the colonies in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and many small states in the West IndiesSecond British Empire during the Victorian Age: Mid- and late-19th Century▪Queen Victoria’s foreign policy—New ImperialismIt included the colonies in Australia, New Zealand and Canada—dominionsVictoria—“Empress of India”In Asia, occupied Burma and some other small states.Opium War against ChinaIn Africa, control Suez Canal and conquer EgyptUnion of South Africa—the 4th dominion On the Eve of World War I, Britain had the largest colonial empire the world had ever seen.▪ a territory of 33.5 million square kilometers (1/4 of the world’s total land).▪ a population of 393.5 million (8 times as large as that in Britain)▪An empire on which the sun never set3.2 Britain in the World Wars3.2.1 World War IBy the beginning of the 20th centur y, Britain’s dominance was challenged by other European nations and the USTwo camps in Europe:▪Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria▪Allied Powers: Britain, France, Russia, Italy and US The immediate cause—assassination in SarajevoOver 32 countries were involved, 28 of which support the Allies Powers and Allies Powers wonThe cost of the war for Britain was great:▪drained of its manpower▪lost the sea supremacy▪ a huge national debt3.2.2 World War IIGermany—plan to conquer EuropeBritain—appeasementdeclare war on Germany on September 3, 1939alliance with the Soviet Union and the United StatesGermany surrendered unconditionally on May 7, 1945great cost—lose its navalsupremacy and in debt tothe United States.3.3 The Fall of the EmpireIndependence movement—India, Pakistan, Burma, Malaya and EgyptBritish Commonwealth of Nations (a loosely organized community of former British colonies)IV. Britain since World War II4.1. “Three Majestic Circles”One of the Big Three after WWIIForeign Policy: Three Majestic Circles▪less involvement in the Commonwealth circle▪close cooperation with the United States▪an isolationist policy towards Europe4.2 “Special Relationship” with the USMargaret Thatcher▪Reestablished “special relationship” with the United States▪against European integrationTony Blair▪more positive towards Europe (but refuse to join the Euro)▪further strengthened the close relationship with the United States。
英美国家概况 Unit2 A brief introduction to the UK

UNIT 3 The government of UK
Britain is the oldest representative
democracy in the world. Its roots can be traced back one thousand years ago
The crown and Cabinet (consists of some members of the parliament)need to have good relationship, so they need to meet each other regularly. In 1714, the British Queen died without producing a heir to the throne, so they found a king from Germany.
for discussion or talk In the 13th century, The king would gather barons and representatives to raise money. The king wanted to enlarge the group that gave him money, so the house of Lords and the house of commons came into being.
governance also has its own constitution(宪法). Parliament has a number of different functions

What is American?
A mixture of nationality
What is American?
Melting pot—大熔炉
What is American?
Stewing pot—大炖锅
What is American?
Salad bowl—大拼盘
White House (Washington)
World Trade Center
WTC Twin Towers a complex of seven buildings in Lower Manhattan, New York. 110-story twin towers All of the original buildings in the complex were destroyed in the September 11, 2001 attacks.
China Town
a section of an urban area associated with a large number of Chinese within a city outside the majority-Chinese countries of China, Taiwan, and Singapore.
Lincoln Memorial (Washington)
36 columns: 36 states(1865) 48 flowers 48 states (1922)
Lincoln Memorial (Washington) In this temple as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved the Union the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever.
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Conclude: New Zealand’s strike a right balance between dependence and international links
software sectors)
Tourism: air links over 1.5 million international visitors
Market: single export Market– Great Britain four major market becoming more regionally concentrated
Each voter has two votes It offers an opportunity for a range of parties to gain seats
Ministers (portfolios): about 20 MPs chosen by the Prime Minister Officials (public servants): independent of the political process The Ombudsman: appointed by Parliament
The Correspondence School largest in New Zealand distance education visiting families Private schools mostly single-sex related to religion paying fees boarding pupils wealthy families Students with special difficulties
Manufacturing (about 25% of export income): domestic economic reform an the CER free trade agreement with Australia Service(consultants, construction and computer
The world’s largest farm A world leader in agriculture Family business Dairy farms Livestock (hay, turnips, and no artificial foods) Other crops Cereals Subtropical fruit
Local Government
Power: given by Parliament Functions: give public notice and receive public submissions Three levels of local government and their responsibilities: Regional councils Territorial authorities Community boards
Forestry: natural forest planted production forests forest parks Fishing Exclusive Economic Zone most significant markets: Japan, the United States and Australia the forth biggest export earner
Agriculture (half of New Zealand’s export earnings): environmental and quality standards “clean green” image furthering processiource industries: forestry exports the fishing industry horticulture
Fast-flowing river Geothermal steam Natural gas Windmills Solar power Coal Crude oil Fossil fuels
Overseas Trade
Some changes: Departmental functions are now clearly specified; A number of government enterprises have been privatized; Some corporations became publicly financed corporations.
State School: Compulsory (6-16) Tuition (free; voluntary school fees) Correspondence courses Foreign students
Crèches (from a few years old) Kindergartens(2.5-4) Primary schools (from 5 or 6): two years in the infant classes; intermediate school
Secondary schools (from 12 or 13) boarding co-educational(in smaller centers)or single-sex wearing uniforms
Universities: Massey (extra-mural tuition) The Wanangao Aotearoa (one Maoli universities)
Polytechnics: Open Polytechnic (largest)
Auckland Canterbury Lincoln
agriculture natural resource industry(forestry, fishing, horticulture) wine manufacturing services tourism
Domestic market, International market CER
Political System, Education and Economy
The Constitution Act 1986 The Head of State Governor-General Act of Parliament
A single chamber: the House of Representatives Functions: passing, supervising, receiving MPs Electoral Roll Two main parties: the National Party and the Labor Party The Prime Minister and Opposition