SURFTEST SJ-210 310 便携式表面粗糙度测量仪使用手册说明书
![SURFTEST SJ-210 310 便携式表面粗糙度测量仪使用手册说明书](
Portable Surface Roughness Tester Surftest SJ-210/310 SeriesSurftest SJ-210 SeriesThe Surftest SJ-210 is a user-friendly surfaceroughness measurement instrument designedas a handheld tool that can be carried with youand used on-site.Refer to page 4 to 7 for details.Surftest SJ-310 SeriesThe Surftest SJ-310 is a compact, portable, easy-to-use surface roughness measurementinstrument equipped with extensive measurement and analysis features.Refer to page 8 to 11 for details.Enhanced power for making measurements on siteCharging is reduced approximately one quarter of the time compared with conventional models. The detector supports a variety of measurement orientations and can perform measurements up against a wall surface or while facing upward. When combined with optional accessories such as a height gage adapter, the detector can perform measurements in various orientations and settings.High-speed USB communicationMemory card support Data can be transferred to and from a computer via the high-speed USB interface.The memory card slot lets you store large amounts of data onto a memory card.Applicable standards In addition to JIS and ISO, the Surftest SJ-210 also complies with ANSI and VDA standards.Battery The battery charges in one quarter of the time of previous Mitutoyo products.The drive unit can be separated from the display unit by using a cable, allowing more flexible measurement.The driver can be separated and reattached in one simple step.There are many different kinds of drivers and detectors available.(Refer to page 6, 13, 14 for details.)Operation keys Color graphic LCD Large, 2.4-inch LCDBacklight Multilingual support The displayinterface supports 16 languages.Drive unit S ur f test SJ-2Advanced featuresAdvanced data storage capabilitiesStylus alarm functionEasy settingSetting parameters and recalculating results•T he highly visible 2.4-inch color graphic LCD with backlight letsyou view the screen easily even in dark environments.•T he multilingual display interface supports 16 languages, whichcan be freely switched.•A ccess to features can be password-protected.•A quick-charge, long-life battery is provided.•U p to 10 measurement conditions can be stored in the internalmemory. Conditions can be quickly read according to theworkpiece.•A n optional memory card can be used as an extended memory tostore large quantities of measured profiles and conditions.•A n alarm warns you when thecumulative measurement distanceexceeds a preset limit. This featurecan be used to prevent problems thatwould be caused by worn out styli. Anyvalue can be specified as the limit.•D isplayed settings can be easilychanged by pressing the left and rightarrow keys under the sliding cover. Forexample, these keys can be used toswitch the cut-off value ( c) and thenumber of sampling lengths (N) on themeasurement screen.•T he required parameters can be selectedfrom the screen. The sub-menu alsolets you specify detailed settings suchas the tolerance. After completingmeasurement, the parameters can bechanged and calculation can be executedagain* using the new parameters.* M ay not be possible, depending on themeasurement conditions.•M any interface options:• A USB interface is equipped asstandard.• T he Surftest SJ-210 alsoprovides an RS-232C output,Digimatic output, printeroutput, and foot switch input.•A ssessed profiles, load curves, andamplitude distribution curves can bedisplayed in addition to calculationresults.Assessed profiles can also be zoomedup and down.•P ass/fail results are displayed incolor.•T he display mode can be easily switched between portrait andlandscape.•C alculation results are displayed inlarge characters.(Example of themeasurement screen) Extensive display features that assist measurementThe driver can be separated from the display unit and reattached Selectable from the following two items.•Measuring force: 0.75 mNStylus tip:T ip radius 2 µmTip angle 60°• M easuring force: 4 mNStylus tip: T ip radius 5 µmTip angle 90°Stylus contact with the workpiece is indicated by color coding in the display. This is helpful when visibility of the surface to be measured is restricted (e.g. when measuring within a shrouded feature or groove).A wide range of optional detectors is available, including detectors Detaching drive unit from Display unitA convenient carrying case issupplied as standard for protecting the instrument in the field.Detector supplied as standardDrive units (selectable)Standard drive unitTransverse tracing drive unitRetractable drive unitP opular standard drive unit B est suited for measurement ofnarrow, shrouded workpiece features such as crankshaft, EDM parts, etc. (Patent Registered in Japan)No contact T he detector is in the retractedposition at rest so it is immune from damage when inserted into a feature whose profile cannot be easily seen, such as a blind hole, etc.Storing drive unit in Display unitContactSJ-210 Series Specifications*1 Calculation is available only when selecting the VDA, ANSI, or JIS '82 standard.*2 Calculation is available only when selecting the ISO '97 standard.*3 Calculation is available only when selecting the JIS '01 standard.*4 Calculation is available only when selecting the ANSI standard.*5 Not available when selecting the JIS '82 standard.*6 Order the SJ-210 printer (178-421, optional accessory) separately. See page 19 for details about the SJ-210 printer. *7 Standard deviation only can be selected in ANSI. 16 % rule cannot be selected in VDA.*8 Auto-sleep function is invalid when AC adaptor is used.*9 For connecting the calculation display unit and drive unit.Note: T o denote your AC line voltage add the following suffixes (e.g. 178-560-11A).The large 5.7-inch color graphic touch-screen LCD provides excellent readability. Furthermore, selecting icons from the touch panel display * provides intuitiveand easy operation. The integrated high-speed printer offers the user the ability to perform the entire measuring and printing process with the push of a single button (START button). * Text display can also be selected.BAC and ADC curves can be printed in addition to calculation results (including pass/fail results) andassessed profiles. The printer offers an easy-to-understandlayout and can also print horizontally to match the content displayed on the LCD. Furthermore, printing speed is approximately 50 % faster than conventional models.Sheet buttonsFrequently used functions, such as the measurement start button, are provided as rugged sheet buttons with excellent durability.Measurement ResultMeasured profileOne-touchswitchingBAC curve ADC curveHigh-speed printerDP-1VA LOGGER *USB keyboard signal conversion type *U-WAVE-T *U-WAVE-R *USB Input Tool Direct *PC* Refer to page 17 for details.Detector supplied as standardOne of two types may be selected:• M easuring force: 0.75 mNStylus tip: T ip radius 2 µmTip angle 60°• M easuring force: 4 mN Stylus tip: T ip radius 5 µmTip angle 90°Drive units• Standard drive unitPopular standard drive unit• Transverse tracing drive unitBest suited for measurement ofnarrow, shrouded workpiece features such as crankshaft bearings, EDM parts, etc. (Patent Registered in Japan)• Retractable drive unitThe detector is in the retracted position at rest so it is immune from damage when inserted into a feature whose shape cannot be easily seen, such as a blind hole, etc.A wide range of optional detectors is available, including detectors for small holes, extra small holes, gear tooth surfaces, and deep grooves.User friendly, high-functionality display unit with integrated high-speed printer Highly functional detectors and drive unitsLinks to a wide variety of external instruments Built-in batteryWith drastically enhanced power compared to conventional models, the Surftest SJ-310 can make 1,500 continuous measurements on a full charge achieved in 4 hours.PC. You can also connect to a PC using the USB connector and use a dedicated software application to perform everything from measurement control and S ur f test SJ-310 SeriesS ur f test SJ-310 SeriesThe display can be switched between icon and text, providing easy, user-friendly operation.Additionally, the guidance feature provides detailed explanations of touch-screen buttons.You can not only magnify or shrink waveforms, but also calculate the coordinate difference between two points using a ruler operation. You can quickly check the irregularity status without waiting for a printout.With the Surftest SJ-310, you can delete portions of measurement data. This feature allows you to make new calculations by deleting data that should not be included in parameter calculation, such as data on a scratch.Setting assessment conditions is simple because you can select the desired condition from a displayed list (e.g., standard, parameter).Icon TextBy specifying a tolerance in advance, you can display pass/fail results in color.OK +NG -NGSwitches between icon and text display Easy specification of assessment conditions from a list Zooming waveforms and analyzing coordinate differences Displaying GO/NG judgment results Deleting unnecessary data Surface texture symbol entryYou can enter assessment conditions using ISO/JIS surface texture symbols.(Patent registered in Japan, U.S.A., Germany, UK, France) (Patent pending in China)Using the result of a single measurement, you can make calculations or analyze assessment profiles under two different assessment conditions (standard, profile, filter, etc.) without using the recalculation feature.An alarm warns you when the cumulative measurement distance exceeds a preset limit. This feature can be used to prevent problems that would be caused by worn out styli. Any value can be specified as the limit.You can make a maximum of 300 statistical measurements using up to three parameters to obtain averages, standard deviations, maximums, minimums, passing rates, and histograms (upper and lower limits can be displayed). This feature is ideal for day-to-day data management.Measurement results can be presented in the form of a 1-parameter, profile, 4-parameter or trace display.Stylus contact with the workpiece is indicated by color coding in the display. This is helpful when visibility of the surface to be measured is restricted (e.g. when measuring within a shrouded feature or groove).1-parameter display: o ne parametermeasurement result Profile display: o ne parameter measurementresult and the measured profile 4-parameter display: m ultiple parametermeasurement results Trace display: t he ten latest measurementresults using the same parameterAfter completing measurement, you can modify the assessment conditions (standard, profile, and parameter) and easily recalculate the results using the new condition.* * Not possible with all measurement conditions.No contact ContactSJ-310 SeriesMeasurement results can be displayed in several waysRecalculation functionDual assessment of a single measurement Positive stylus contact indicationStylus alarm functionExtensive statistical processing featuresSpecificationsSJ-310 Series Specifications*6 Standard deviation only can be selected in ANSI.16% rule cannot be selected in VDA. *7 Auto-sleep function is invalid when AC adapter is used.*8 F or connecting the calculation display unit and drive unit.• • Drive unit stored inside display unit (Standard detector installed in drive unit)Dimensions25.4mm = 1"25.4mm = 1"DimensionsDetectorsUnit: mm25.4mm = 1"12AAA217Note 2: Not available for the transverse tracing drive unit.Note 1: Standard accessory for the standard/ retractable drive unit of the SJ-310 Series Note 2: Not attachable to the detector side of the transverse tracing drive unit.Note 1: Standard accessory for the standard/ retractable drive unit of the SJ-310 Series Note 2: Not available for the transverse tracing drive unit.12AAE644Note 1: T ransverse tracing typestandard accessory.Note 2: D edicated to thetransverse tracing drive unit.12AAA21612AAA221(Mounting spigot diameter is 8 mm)12AAA220(Mounting spigot diameter is 9.5 mm)12AAA210Note: N ot available for thetransverse tracing drive unit.12AAA21812AAE643Note 1: Transverse tracing typestandard accessory.Note 2: D edicated to thetransverse tracing drive unit.12AAA219Note: N ot available for thetransverse tracing drive unit.12AAA22212BAA303Note: For connecting calculation display unit and drive unit.Optional accessories for SJ-210/310 SeriesDrive unit accessoriesOptional accessories for SJ-210/310 SeriesEnhances measurement efficiency by facilitating the measurement setup of multiple workpieces of the same type and of the hard-to-access sections of a workpiece.Setting attachmentsNote: Not available for the transverse tracing drive unitThe V-width is adjustable to the cylinder diameter facilitating axial measurement of a wide range of cylinder diameters.• Adjustable range: ø5 - ø150 mm 178-033Greatly facilitates measurement of internal wall surfaces of, for example, a cylinder block.• Applicable diameter: ø75 - ø95 mm •Accessible depth: 30 - 135 mm 178-035This attachment is ideal for measuring a flat area of a workpiecethat has an indentation or step that makes it difficult to attach the drive unit.178-034• Custom-made for special orderAny specified attachment other than above listed can be custom-made for special order. Please consult your local Mitutoyo sales office.Example: measurements for crankshaft, cylinder-block boresThis unit allows you to remotely load Surftest SJ-210/310 Series calculation results (SPC output) into commercial spreadsheet software on a PC.You can essentially use a one-touch operation to enter the calculation results (values) into the cells in the spreadsheet software.This unit allows you to load Surftest SJ-210/310 Series calculationresults (SPC output) into commercial spreadsheet software on a PC via a USB connector. You can essentially use a one-touch operation to enter the calculation results (values) into the cells in the spreadsheet software.U-WAVE-T *(Connects to the SJ-210/310 Series)02AZD880G* R equires the optional connection cable.02AZD790DU-WAVE-R (Connects to the PC)02AZD810D USB Input ToolUSB keyboard signal conversion type*IT-016U 264-016-10* R equires the optional connection cable.1 m: 9369372 m: 965014USB Input Tool-Direct USB-ITN-D06AFM380DCalculation results input unit INPUT TOOLMeasurement Data Wireless Communication System U-WAVEA foot switch is used to trigger measurement. This tool is very useful in cases where you need to measure the same workpiece multiple times using jigs and other fixtures.12AAJ08812AAW452 / 64PMI244Note 1: m icro SD card (with a conversionadapter to SD card)Note 2: N ot all memory cards can berecognized. Please use the optional SD memory card.Foot switch Memory card (2GB / 8GB)By connecting this printer to the Surftest SJ-210/310 Series' digimatic output, you can print* calculation results, perform a variety of statistical analysis, draw a histogram or D chart, and also perform complicated operations for X-R control charts.264-505ADisplay: Ra = A pprox. 3 µm,Approx. 0.4 µm 178-604Note: R a = Approx. 0.4 µm can only beused for stylus tip checking.•S J-210/310Series DP-1VA LOGGER Connecting cable1 m: 9369372 m: 965014* T he symbol 'µm' is not printable, but measurement results can still be printed out without setting the measurement unit.Digimatic mini processor DP-1VA LOGGER Roughness specimen W Example of the connection with SJ-210Optional accessories for SJ-210/310 SeriesThe Surftest SJ-210/310 Series has a USB interface, enabling setting up measurement conditions and starting the measurement via PC.We also provide a program that allows you to create inspection record tables using a Microsoft Excel* macro.The optional USB cable is also required.• U SB cable for SJ-210 Series (2 m)12AAL068• U SB cable for SJ-310 Series12AAD510Note: U SB Communication cable (commercial item: Equivalent to A and mini-Btype for device-host A)* Windows OS and Microsoft Excel are products of Microsoft Corporation.Required environment *:• OS: W indows 7Windows 8 Windows 10• S preadsheet software:Microsoft Excel 2010 Microsoft Excel 2013 Microsoft Excel 2016More advanced analysis can be performed by loading SJ-210/310 Series measurement data to software program FORMTRACEPAK-AP via a memory card (option) for processing back at base.Refer to the FORMTRACEPAK Bulletin No. 2010(2) for more details.Simplified communication program for SURFTEST SJ-210/310 SeriesContour/Roughness analysis software FORMTRACEPAK-AP FORMTRACEPAKSURFACE ROUGHNESS/CONTOUR ANALYSIS SOFTWAREAssessed profiles, calculation results and curves can be printed out byconnecting the SJ-210-dedicated printer, which is palm sized (W×D×H: 93×125×70 mm) and can run on an internal battery.Power supply can be selected. (AC adapter or battery pack)P rintable items: Measurement conditions, calculation results, assessed profile, bearing area curve (BAC), amplitude distribution curve (ADC), and environment settings.Protective sheet for the color LCD (5-sheet set) 12AAL066Connecting cable (for SJ-210 Series)12AAL067Unit configuration:1) Printer main unit 1 unit2) Printer connecting cable (For the connection to the SJ-210) 3) Printing paper 6 rolls 4) Battery pack 1 piece5) Exclusive use AC adaptor (with AC power cord) 1 pieceExample of the output by the printerPrinter supplies:Printing paper standard type (5 rolls) 270732Durable printer paper (5 rolls) 12AAA876For SJ-210 SeriesFor SJ-310 Series 178-421AOptional AccessoriesPrinter paper standard type (5 rolls) 270732Durable printer paper (5 rolls) 12AAA876Touch-screen protector sheet (10 sheets) 12AAN040Connecting cable (for SJ-310 Series)12AAA882• P rinter for SJ-210• O ptional accessories and consumables for SJ-210• O ptional accessories and consumables for SJ-310Sensor Systems Test Equipmentand Seismometers Digital Scale and DRO Systems Small Tool Instrumentsand Data Managementbasis.Mitutoyo America CorporationOne Number to Serve You Better1-888-MITUTOYO (1-888-648-8869)M3 Solution Centers:Aurora, Illinois (Headquarters)Boston, MassachusettsCharlotte, North CarolinaCincinnati, OhioDetroit, MichiganLos Angeles, CaliforniaSeattle, WashingtonHouston, Texas2M 1220 • Printed in USA • March 2021©221MitutoyoAmericaCorporationFind additional product literatureand our product catalogNote: All inform ation regarding our products, and in particular the illustrations, drawings, dim ensional and perform ance data contained in this printed matter as well as other technical data are to be regarded as approximate average values. We therefore reserve the right to make changes to the corresponding designs. The stated standards, similar technical regulations, descriptions and illustrations of the products were valid at the time of printing. In addition, the latest applicable version of our General Trading Conditions will apply. Only quotations submitted by ourselves may be regarded as definitive. Specifications are subject to change without notice.Mitutoyo products are subject to US Export Administration Regulations (EAR). Re-export or relocation of our products may require prior approval by an appropriate governing authority.Trademarks and RegistrationsDesignations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. In all instances where Mitutoyo Am erica Corporation is aware of a claim, the product nam es appear in initial capital or all capital letters. The appropriate companies should be contacted for more complete trademark and registration information.。
三丰SURFTEST SJ-400系列便携式表面粗糙度测量仪-产品手册说明书
![三丰SURFTEST SJ-400系列便携式表面粗糙度测量仪-产品手册说明书](
2Requirement1High-accuracy measurements with a hand-held testerA wide-range, high-resolution detector and an straight drive unit provide superior high-accuracy measurement in its class.<Detector>Measuring range: 800µmResolution: 0.000125µm (at 8µm range)<Drive unit>Straightness/traverse lengthSJ-401: 0.3µm/25mm SJ-402: 0.5µm/50mmRequirement5Advanced data processing with an extended analyzing programThe SJ-400 series allows data processing that is identical to that in the high-end class. These data analysis and report creation capabilities can be achieved with this system using the surface roughness analyzing program SURFPAK-SJ.Requirement3Measurement of cylinder surfaceroughness even with a compact typeThe skidless measurement and R-surface compensation functions make it possible to evaluate cylinder surface roughness.Requirement2Roughness parameters that conform tointernational standardsThe SJ-400 series performs 36 kinds of roughness measurements that conform to the latest ISO, DIN, and ANSI standards as well as to JIS standards (1994/1982).Now, long-awaited specifications and functions are at hand: compactness,skidless measurement, high-accuracy roughness detection, multi-function, and ease of operation.Revolutionary New Portable Surface Roughness Testers Make Their Debut!SJ-401SJ-402SJ-401Requirement4Measurement/evaluation of stepped features and straightnessUltra-fine steps, straightness and waviness can be measured by switching to the skidless measurement function. The ruler functionenables simpler surface feature evaluation on the LCD monitor.3Surftest SJ-400Calculation Result screen Measured Profile screenRequirement6Confirmation of a measurement results and an assessed profile without printoutUsing the integrated large touch-panel LCD monitor,measurement results and an assessed profile can be clearly displayed.Measurement ApplicationsRuler Analysis screenA variety of accessories•A stylus and a nosepiece can be selected according to the measurement condition. (See page 9 – 11.)Simplified surface feature evaluation with the ruler function•This function determines the coordinate difference between two arbitrary points, such as a step height and a pitch interval.The SJ-400 series employs a detector with exchangeable nosepiece that is interchangeable between skidless measurement and skid measurement. It allows optional evaluation according to measurement conditions.NosepieceRuler function keyRuler keyCoordinate differenceRulerStylusDetectorSurftest SJ-400DAT screen showing the amount to be adjustedThe D.A.T. FunctionThe height-tilt adjustment unit comes as standard for powerful support of the leveling operation at skidless measurement. This unique and convenient function has achieved high-accuracy measurement with ease of operation.Move the micrometer head by this amount.Digimaticmicrometer headLeveling table (for D.A.T.)When using with the stand,the D.A.T. function can work with the optional leveling table.Support for R-surface roughness measurement (skidless measurement)Usually a workpiece with a spherical or cylindrical surfacecannot be evaluated. By eliminating the round surface element with a filter, this function processes this R-surface data as if it was taken from a flat surface.Built-in thermal printerA high-quality, high-speed thermal printer prints out measured results. It can also print a BAC curve or an ADC curve as well as calculated result and assessed profile. These results and profiles can be printed out in landscape format, just as they appear on the LCD. They are presented in an easy-to-understand form.Measurement of a cylindricalsurfaceStatistical processing functionThis function performs statistical processing of multiplemeasurements for one roughness parameter. It is possible to display and print histograms in addition to statistical results (mean, standard deviation, maximum value/minimum value,and acceptance ratio).StatisticalHistogramsSwitchableSurftest SJ-400Calculation Result screen with GO / NG judgment resultAccording to the upper/lower tolerance limits set the GO/NG judgment sign is displayed and the calculation result is highlighted (max. for 3 roughness parameters).Calibration screenThe SJ-400 series is equipped with the Ra calibration and step calibration methods for detector calibration (gain adjustment).In both calibration methods only the reference value described in the precision specimen needs to be entered. No other operation such as volume control is required.and conditionsIt is possible to save the measurement conditions and measured data in the control unit or memory card (optional) and to recall the data from both.Batch printout of the measured data after performing on-site measurement and saving the data will raise measurement efficiency.This function invalidates the key operation on the touch panel.Since only the sheet key operation is valid, there is no chance for error in data, including calibration conditions and measurement conditions.This function samples a displacement of the stylus for the specified time without traversing the detector.It has a wide range of uses such as a simplified vibration meter or a displacement gage incorporated in another system.It is possible to recalculate already measured data for other evaluation by changing the current standard, assessed profile and roughness parameters.This function allows a sampling length to be arbitrarily set in 0.1mm increments (SJ-401: 0.1mm to 25mm, SJ-402: 0.1mm to 50mm). It also allows the SJ-400 series to make both narrow and wide range measurements.Customize functionThis function selects only the necessary parameters forcalculation/display from a variety of roughness parameters. It is also possible to add parameters later for recalculation.Customized screenGO signNG signInvalidatedSURFPAK-SJ SpecificationsEvaluation Curve displayAnalysis graph displayEvaluation condition displayMeasurement condition displayCalculation result display Analysis screenSurftest SJ-400Carrying case is a standard accessory10Detector178-396-2: 0.75mN measuring force, with 12AAC731 standard type stylus (2µm tip radius)178-397: 4mN measuring force, with 12AAB403 standard type stylus (5µm tip radius)Set configuration/Dimensionsø146.83.6146027.2ø8ø142410.42.8DetectorSkid nosepiece (12AAB344)Stylus ø14ø7103.13.61.3Skidless nosepiece (12AAB355)90°0.937.77.644.7ø2.4ø1.25.2A Distinguish colorDetail - A0.60.41.6ø0.690°(S=5/1)Detail - A ø2.415ø1. color0.41.2ø0.390°(S=5/1)Detail - A ø2.48.9ø0.62.537.71.244.2ADistinguish colorø0.390°Distinguish color0.80.4Detail - A (S=5/1)ø2.437.72.5ø0.68.944.20.8Aø2.487.70.9Ø1.290° distinguish color Detail - Aø2.4137.70.97.6144.7ø1.290°5.2ADistinguish colorDetail - Aø14Ø7.2R 403.623. 2.8Stylus tip positionø14ø3R 400.61.63.621.5 5.63.623.51.43.515.6ø7.23.8R2Stylus tip positionø14R 403.61.222.321.5ø1.926.73.53.8ø7.2Stylus tip positionø7ø141.33.6421.5103.5Stylus tip positionø14R 405.621.5 3.623.53.53.6ø7.26.87.5Stylus tip position150°Standard type12AAC731 (2µm)*112AAB403 (5µm)12AAB415 (10µm)( ): Tip radiusSmall hole type12AAC732 (2µm)*112AAB404 (5µm)12AAB416 (10µm)( ): Tip radiusExtra small hole type12AAC733 (2µm)*112AAB405 (5µm)12AAB417 (10µm)( ): Tip radiusExtra small hole typeDeep hole type12AAC734 (2µm)*112AAB406 (5µm)12AAB418 (10µm)( ): Tip radius2 x stylus12AAC740 (2µm)12AAB413 (5µm)12AAB425 (10µm)( ): Tip radius3 x stylus12AAC741 (2µm)*112AAB414 (5µm)12AAB426 (10µm)( ): Tip radius12AAB35512AAB34412AAB34512AAB34612AAB347Skidless nosepieceUnit: mmStylusApplicable skid nosepiece*1 Tip angle is 60°11Surftest SJ-400Deep groove type*212AAC735 (2µm)*112AAB409 (5µm)12AAB421 (10µm)( ): Tip radiusExtra deep groove type*212AAC736 (2µm)*112AAB408 (5µm)12AAB420 (10µm)( ): Tip radiusExtra deep groove type*212AAC737 (2µm)*112AAB407 (5µm)12AAB419 (10µm)( ): Tip radiusGear face typeEccentric type*2*1 Tip angle is 60° *2 At using this stylus, measuring force of the detector does not guarantee.12AAB339 (2µm)*112AAB410 (5µm)12AAB422 (10µm)( ): Tip radius12AAC739 (2µm)*112AAB412 (5µm)12AAB424 (10µm)( ): Tip radiusKnife edge type12AAC738 (2µm)*112AAB411 (5µm)12AAB423 (10µm)( ): Tip radiusWE-curve type12AAB33812AAB349StylusApplicable skid nosepiece12AAB35012AAB35112AAB35212AAB34812AAB35312AAB35413ø2.40.9ø1.290°14.237.744.7ADistinguish ColorDetail - A230.9ø2.424.2ø1.290°37.744.7A Detail - ADistinguish color3533.85.2ø1.2A Distinguish colorø2.4Ø2.490°37.745.2Detail - A60°60°7.66.437.743.8ø1.2ø2.4ADistinguish colorDetail - A7.6ø2.4ø1.20.937.744.7Ball ø1.5885.27.6ø2.4ø1.290°37.70.944.7ADistinguish colorDetail - AADetail - A37.70.990°ø0.6Distinguish color457.610ø2.4ø2.4ø14R 4012. 1.821.54.53.6109ø7.2Stylus tip positionR24.4ø14ø7.2R 403.623.51.413.421.5 5.63.6 2.8103.5Stylus tip positionR2ø14ø7.2(8.4)3.63.819.51.821.53.513.4 2.55910Stylus tip positionø1.5ø14R 4017.9Ø7.23.521.553313.64.513.49 1.4511.610R210Stylus tip positionø14R 403.53.819.5 1.821.522.80.61.42720Ø7.29Stylus tip positionR21.44.4ø14R 401.43.50.521.5ø7. tip position4.4ø14R 4021.56.7ø7. tip positionFlat Unit: mm12Order No.178-019Mounting method Two-sliding- jaw Clamp opening 36mm/1.42”Clamp width 44mm/1.73”Clamp depth 16mm/.63”Height38mm/1.50”Stand, TablesManual column standColumn travel: 200mmDimensions: 370x200x740mm Mass: 13kg178-009178-042-1 (mm)178-052-1 (inch/mm)178-049 (mm)178-059 (inch/mm)XY leveling tables178-019Precision vise•Can be used with the XY leveling table.74313178-043-1 (mm)178-053-1 (inch/mm)Order No.178-042-1,178-052-1178-043-1,178-053-1178-049,178-059Table size130 x 100mm/5.12” x 3.94”Maximum loading weight 15KgInclination angle±1.5˚—Horizontal rotating angle ±3˚—X, Y axis displacement ±12.5mm/.49”±12.5mm/.49”±12.5mm/.49”Min. reading0.001mm/.00005”*0.001mm/.001”*0.001mm/.00005”*of the micrometer head Dimension 262 x 233 x 83mm220 x 189 x 83mm262 x 233 x 55mmMass6.3kg6kg5kg* Digital display13Surftest SJ-400Leveling table•Can be used with the XY leveling table.Table swivels: ±1.5°Table size: 130x100mm Max. Loading weight: 15kgMemory cardSaves/Retrieves the measuring conditions (up to 20), measured data, and statistical data.Memory: 8MBOthers 264-005DP-1VRPerforms various statistical processingCylinder attachmentUsed to attach on a cylinderDiameter: ø15mm up to 60mmSPC connecting cablesConnects a control unit with DP-1VR.1m: 9369372m: 965014Reference step specimenUsed to calibrate detector sensitivity.Step nominal value: 2µm/10µmLCD protective sheetFor touch panel protection (10 sheets set)Printer paperFive rolls (25m)Standard paper:270732Durable paper:12AAA879178-048 (mm)178-058 (inch/mm)178-611 (mm)178-612 (inch/mm)2 (.08")99 (3.90")79 (3.11")57.5(2.26")Ø50 (1.97")Input toolData input device for spread sheet software.264-503 (100V)264-503A (120V)264-503D (220V)264-503E (240/220V)12AAA84112AAA89612AAB358MichiganPhone: (734) 459-2810IllinoisPhone: (630) 978-5385CaliforniaPhone: (626) 961-9661MassachusettsPhone: (978) 692-8765IndianaPhone: (317) 577-6070North CarolinaPhone: (704) 875-8332Coordinate Measuring Machines Small Tool Instruments and Data ManagementHardness Measuring Sensor Systems Optical Measuring Digital Scale and DRO Systems Surface-, Form- and Contour MeasurementVision Measuring Systems Note: All information regarding our products, and in particular the illustrations, drawings, dimensional and performance data contained in this pamphlet, as well as other technical data are to be regarded as approximate average values. We therefore reserve the right to make changes to the corresponding designs, dimensions and weights. The stated standards, similar technical regulations, descriptions and illustrations of the products were valid at the time of printing. In addition, the latest applicable version of our General Trading Conditionswill apply. Only quotations submitted by ourselves may be regarded as definitive.Job No.11B-826.800308 (1) C N E , P r i n t e d i n J a p a n。
Mitutoyo 精密工具和仪器产品说明书
![Mitutoyo 精密工具和仪器产品说明书](
G E N E R A LAN ESSENTIAL GUIDE OF MITUTOYO PRECISION TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTSS T Y L I F O R C M MContentsPageItemDescription4Materials for bases and stylus stems Material data and characteristics5Technical data 7 - 9Stylus kits M2 / M3Styli kits10 - 11Stylus kits M3 / M413Stylus: tungsten carbideStyli M214Stylus: tungsten carbide/ceramic 15 Stylus: steel 16Cylinder stylus 17Stylus for holder 17Stylus holder 18Adaptor 18 - 194-way stylus holder 19 - 205-way stylus holder 19 - 20Stylus for multi-way stylus 20Tip stylus 21Disk stylus22Knuckle/swivel joint 22Extension24 - 25Stylus: tungsten carbide Styli M325Stylus: ceramic 25 - 26Stylus: carbon fiber 26Stylus: steel 27Cylinder stylus 27 - 285-way stylus holder 28Adaptor 28Knuckle joint 28Disk stylus29Multi-way stylus29Stylus for multi-way stylus 30Extension 32Stylus: steel Styli M432Stylus: ceramic 33Extension335-way stylus holder 33 - 34Adaptor 35Pin spanner Accessories35Master ball35Base plate for calibration sphereMaterials used for bases and styli stemsTungsten carbideBend-resistant styli stems made from tungsten carbide are ideal for virtually all standard applications in the measuring lab with its stable ambient temperature. A durable material that has provenits worth.Aluminum alloyLightweight and stable, and therefore frequently used for probe extensions, styli stems or extensions made of aluminum alloy per-form best in measuring labs with stable temperatures,and accordingly, the lowest possible temperature gradients.SteelThe primary material of choice for high-strength precision styli enables very accurate measuring tasks. Its superb material strength makes steel an excellent choice of material for manufacturing styli or reference probe elements.CeramicVery lightweight and extremely stiff, ceramic is an ideal material, particularly for long stems. A low tendency to expand in higher temperatures makes ceramic styli suitable for use in productionsurroundings.Carbon fiberThe highest-quality material with an expansion coefficient of virtu-ally zero at ambient temperatures of up to 113 degrees Fahrenheit (45 degrees Celsius). Carbon fiber is very lightweight and extremelystiff, making it particularly suitable for the manufacture of long styli.Which stylus is best suited, and under which conditions, for use with your measuring equipment and specific measuring task?With more than 30 years of experience in developing and manufacturing styli, Mitutoyo experts know which material and combination enable you to achieve your goals—reliably and accurately.Styli made by MitutoyoRubyAs the hardest of all probe element materials, ruby is the perfect all-around material when it comes to manufacturing spherical contact points that must be highly resistant to wear. Contact points made of ruby have been used for most standard applications for decades. The low specific density of ruby enables the mass of the stylus tip to be kept as small as possible, effectively eliminating false triggers causedby mass inertia when the CMM moves or vibrates.Zirconium oxideBecause of the specific surface properties of contact points made of zirconium oxide - a ceramic compound – they are acknowledged as the best choice for aggressive scanning of abrasive surfaces, such as workpieces made of cast iron. Zirconium oxide has virtually the samehardness and wear-resistant properties as ruby.Silicon nitrideSilicon nitride is extremely hard and wear-resistant, with the least surface roughness of all ball materials. Specific advantage: because silicon nitride has a higher resis-tance to soft metal alloy material (such as brass, aluminum), materials adhere to the surface of the stylus less than other ball materials such as ruby or zirconium oxide.Materials used for contact pointsTitaniumTitanium is remarkably stiff, yet has a relatively low density. Probe components made of titanium are extremely rigid and stable, yet sur-prisingly lightweight. Mitutoyo uses the material primarily for bases,connecting pieces and extensions for measuring styli.Carbon-fiber tubeThermal expansion coefficient range is virtually undetectable at tem-peratures between 59 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 40 degrees Celsius) Mitutoyo uses carbon-fiber tube for styli with outstanding quality, sophisticated styli configurations and probe extensions.Technical dataMaterial characteristicsDiameter and Form DeviationsCharacteristics of ball materialsVDws Ra max.tDwsDifference between the largest and smallest of the single diameters of ball Surface roughnessDeviation from the perfect spherical formSTYLI KITS STYLI KITSStyli Kit M2 AdditionKits M2 / M3Styli Kit M2StarterStyli Kit M2Basic 1Unit: mmStyli Kit M2Basic 2Styli Kit M2ExpansionSTYLI KITS STYLI KITSUnit: mmKits M2 / M3Styli Kit M2Unit: mmStyli Kit M3CRP 1Styli Kit M3CRP 2Styli Kit M3CRP 3Styli Kit M3Linear HeightSTYLI KITS STYLI KITSUnit: mmStyli Kits M3 / M4Styli Kit M3 StarterStyli Kit M4Unit: mmComponents for measuring heads WITH M2 THREAD TP20 TP200 MH20i TP2 WITH M2 THREADStyli M2Stylus: tungstencarbidebase: stainless steelstem: tungsten carbideball: rubyUnit: mm Mass: gStylus: tungsten carbidebase: stainless steel stem: tungsten carbide ball: rubySTYLI M2STYLI M2Stylus: ceramicbase: stainless steel stem: ceramicball: rubyUnit: mm Mass: gStyli M2Stylus: steelbase: stainless steel ball: rubyStylus: steelbase: stainless steelball: rubyUnit: mm Mass: gSTYLI M2STYLI M2Cylinder stylus: steelstainless steelCylinder stylus: rubybase: stainless steel stem: tungsten carbide tip: rubyCylinder stylus: rubybase: stainless steel tip: rubyCylinder stylus:tungsten carbidebase: stainless steeltip: tungsten carbideUnit: mm Mass: gStyli M2Stylus for holderstem: tungsten carbide ball: rubyStylus for holderstem: tungsten carbide ball: rubyStylus holderstainless steelUnit: mm Mass: gAdaptorstainless steel4-way stylus holderstainless steel, rotatable5-way stylus holderstainless steel, fixed5-way stylus holderstainless steel, rotatableSTYLI M2STYLI M2Unit: mm Mass: gStyli M25-way stylus holder,largestainless steel, rotatable5-way stylus holder,smallstainless steel, fixed4-way stylusbase: stainless steel stem: tungsten carbide ball: ruby5-way stylusbase: stainless steel stem: tungsten carbide stainless steelball: rubyUnit: mm Mass: gSTYLI M2STYLI M2Stylus for 5-way stylusbase: stainless steel stem: tungsten carbide ball: rubyTip stylus: steelsteel, hardenedTip stylus: steelsteel, hardenedTip stylus: tungsten carbidebase: stainless steelstem: tungsten carbideUnit: mm Mass: gKnuckle jointstainless steelDisk stylus: rubybase: stainless steel stem: tungsten carbide disk: rubyDisk stylus: steelbase: stainless steel disk: hardened steelDisk stylus: rubybase: stainless steeldisk: rubyStyli M2Unit: mm Mass: gKnuckle/swivel jointstainless steelSTYLI M2STYLI M2Extension steelstainless steelExtension ceramicend pieces: stainless steel stem: ceramicUnit: mm Mass: gComponents for measuring heads WITH M3 THREAD TP8 SP25MWITH M3 THREADStylus: tungsten carbidebase: stainless steel stem: tungsten carbideball: rubySTYLI M3STYLI M3Unit: mm Mass: gStyli M3Stylus: tungsten carbidebase: stainless steel stem: tungsten carbide ball: rubyStylus: ceramicbase: stainless steel stem: ceramicball: rubyStylus: carbon fiberbase: stainless steel stem: carbon fiberball: silicon nitrideUnit: mm Mass: gStylus: steelbase: stainless steelball: rubyStylus: steelbase: stainless steelball: rubyStylus: carbon fiberbase: stainless steel stem: carbon fiberball: rubySTYLI M3STYLI M3Unit: mm Mass: gStyli M35-way stylus holderstainless steel, fixedCylinder stylus: steelstainless steelCylinder stylus: rubybase: stainless steel stem: tungsten carbidetip: ruby5-way stylus holderstainless steel, rotatableUnit: mm Mass: gDisk stylus: steelbase: stainless steel stem: tungsten carbide disk: hardened steelKnuckle jointstainless steel5-way stylus holderstainless steel, rotatableAdaptorstainless steelSTYLI M3STYLI M3Unit: mm Mass: gStyli M3Stylus formulti-way stylusbase: stainless steelball: ruby4-way stylusbase: stainless steel stem: tungsten carbide stainless steelball: rubyUnit: mm Mass: gExtension: ceramicend pieces: stainless steelstem: ceramicExtension: steelstainless steelSTYLI M3STYLI M3Unit: mm Mass: gComponents for measuring heads WITH M4 THREAD TP7 SP600MPP310 MTP2000WITH M4 THREADStylus: ceramicbase: stainless steel stem: ceramicball: rubyStylus: steelbase: stainless steel ball: rubyStylus: steelbase: stainless steelball: rubySTYLI M4STYLI M4Unit: mm Mass: gStyli M4Extension: steelstainless steelExtension: ceramicend pieces: stainless steel stem: ceramic5-way stylus holderstainless steel, rotatableAdaptorstainless steelUnit: mm Mass: gAdaptorstainless steelAdaptorstainless steelAdaptor ceramicend pieces: stainless steelstem: ceramicSTYLI M4STYLI M4Unit: mm Mass: gAccessoriesPin spannerstainless steel orhardened steelBase plate forcalibration spherestainless steelMaster ballBase: Stainless Steel Tip: Ruby (ø 10 mm) Ceramic (ø 20 mm)Unit: mm Mass: gSensor Systems Test Equipmentand Seismometers Digital Scale and DRO SystemsSmall Tool Instrumentsand Data ManagementMitutoyo America CorporationOne Number to Serve You Better1-888-MITUTOYO (1-888-648-8869)M3 Solution Centers:Aurora, Illinois (Headquarters)Boston, MassachusettsHuntersville, North CarolinaMason, OhioPlymouth, MichiganCity of Industry, CaliforniaBirmingham, AlabamaRenton, WashingtonHouston, Texas1M 1116-03 • Printed in USA • Nov. 2016©216MitutoyoAmericaCorporationFind additional product literatureand our product catalogNote: All inform ation regarding our products, and in particular the illustrations, drawings, dim ensional and perform ancedata contained in this printed matter as well as other technical data are to be regarded as approximate average values. Wetherefore reserve the right to make changes to the corresponding designs. The stated standards, similar technical regulations,descriptions and illustrations of the products were valid at the time of printing. In addition, the latest applicable version of ourGeneral Trading Conditions will apply. Only quotations submitted by ourselves may be regarded as definitive. Specificationsare subject to change without notice.Mitutoyo products are subject to US Export Administration Regulations (EAR). Re-export or relocation of our products mayrequire prior approval by an appropriate governing authority.Trademarks and RegistrationsDesignations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. In all instances where MitutoyoAm erica Corporation is aware of a claim, the product nam es appear in initial capital or all capital letters. The appropriatecompanies should be contacted for more complete trademark and registration information.。
Mitutoyo 178系列SJ-500, SV-2100(表面粗糙度测量仪) 说明书
![Mitutoyo 178系列SJ-500, SV-2100(表面粗糙度测量仪) 说明书](
型号 货号 * (mm) 货号 * (inch) 检测器测力 X 轴测量范围 垂直移动 花岗岩基座尺寸 (WxD) 尺寸 (主机、WxDxH) 重量
型号 货号 * (mm) 货号 * (inch) 检测器测力 X 轴测量范围 垂直移动 花岗岩基座尺寸 (WxD) 尺寸 (主机、WxDxH) 重量
¬¬¬¬ ¬针尖半径
¬¬¬¬ ¬针尖半径
ªª 细节 ! 3
ªª 细节 ! 3
ªª 细节 ! 3
三倍长测针 !!#¬«M
¬¬¬¬ ¬针尖半径
细节 !
细节 !
细节 !
¬¬¬¬ ¬针尖半径
178-685-01 178-385-02
550mm 电动立柱
1000 x 450mm
4.2 调整校准和测量如果在建立样本或工件的校准或测量前SJ-400已经安装了,必须实行“向上/向下测量(调整驱动/探测单元的高度)以及”水平测量(调整驱动/探测单元的斜度)。
4.2.1 向上/向下测量实行向上/向下测量时,使用高度/倾斜调整单位和简单的立柱(可选).■用高度/倾斜调整单位进行向上/向下测量通过旋转在高度//倾斜调整单位上的向上/向下旋钮,调节驱动/探测装置的高度以便触头适当地接触样品或工件测量表面。
4.2.2 零点校准■校零程序第二个主屏幕或DAT measure屏幕二者中任一个都可以实行校零。
4.2.3 水平测量针对水平测量驱动/探测装置,DA T功能调整程序和目视调整程序均是有效的。
DA T功能是一个“水平测量支持功能”。
■DA T功能水平测量运行,视觉上做到精细调节可能有困难如驱动/探测装置极um向上/向下的移动。
因此,SJ-400配置DA T功能,它将显示带数字触摸屏上向上/向下移动。
三丰surftest sj-301便携式粗糙度测试仪使用手册说明书
![三丰surftest sj-301便携式粗糙度测试仪使用手册说明书](
•The large LCD window makes it easy to readmeasurement resultand analysis graph at a glance. The profile-speed thermal printer prints out clear and fast.•Designed to increaseoperability – the large keypads are used for measuringoperations, while the touch panelLCD is used for setting various measurement conditions.•Measured data can be downloaded to a PC. Various analyses can be made by using Surfpak-SJ, dedicated software for surface texture analysis.A portable surface roughness testerwith a touch-panel LCD and a built-in printer.Surftest SJ-301Conforming to various standards•Conforming to the JIS (1994/1982),ISO, DIN, and ANSI standards.•Additionally, the horizontal roughness parameters S, Sm, tp (mr) can be reported. The SJ-301 also performs such special parameters as plateau rate and RK-related parameters.Storing measurement conditions and data•The SJ-301 main unit can store a maximum of 5 sets of measuring conditions. Individual measuring conditions can be selected for each workpiece.•The measuring conditions stored in the SJ-301 can be recalled and switched by direct key operations.•Measured data can be saved at the measurement site and be printed out or recalculated later.•By using an optional memory card, a maximum of 20 sets of measuring conditions, measured data, and statistical results can be stored.High-speed thermal printer•Equipped with a highly sophisticated,high-speed thermal printer.•Selectable orientation for printout –Choose the portrait for conventional printout or the landscape for printing out the image as it is displayed.•BAC (Bearing Area Curve) and ADC (Amplitude Distribution Curve) can be printed out.Key-masking function•This function limits touch panel operation to prevent the detector calibration data and measuring conditions from being altered or deleted.•Measuring conditions can be easily controlled among multiple users.Landscape printoutPortrait printoutResistance to environment•The SJ-301 keypads have excellentdurability -- No need to worry about oil stains from the user's hand.Reading profiles in the LCD window•Measurement results and analysis profiles can be read in the LCD window.•Signal waves can be scrolled smaller or larger, enabling the operator to read fine details.Customization function•The user can select only theparameters needed from a variety of surface roughness parameters provided.Mobility•A built-in buttery in the SJ-301 makes it possible to inspect surface roughness even at a site where there is no electrical outlet available.•Portable and convenient – the drive unit and the detector can be stored in the display unit. (Carrying case is a standard accessory.)•Measurement can be performed while the display unit is in the carrying case.The carrying case can be used to protect the display unit.Auto calibration•Calibration can be easily performed by simply inputting and measuring the Ra value inscribed on the roughness reference specimen.•No adjustment with a tool, such as a volume adjustment, etc. is required.Statistical analysis functions•Statistical analysis of one parameter is possible.•Displays and prints frequency histograms as well as statisticalcalculation results (average, standard deviation, maximum value, minimum value, pass ratio).GO/NG judgement function•Tolerance values in three-steps can be set for the surface roughness parameters.•Judgment symbol is displayed in the result display for a quick judgment of GO/NG.Selectable language for display/printoutDisplay/printout language is selectable from among English, German, French,Italy, Spanish and Japanese.Surftest SJ-301 Arbitrary evaluationlength•An arbitrary evaluation length withinthe range of 0.3 mm - 12.5 mm (Unit:0.1 mm) can be set.•Measurement in a limited space, wheremeasurement is difficult under themeasuring conditions in accordancewith JIS standards, is made possible byusing the start-up OFF function.One-step detectorreplacement•Special detectors are available formeasurements that cannot beperformed with a standard detector -such as measurement of small-diameters and deep-grooves.•No tool is required for replacing thedetector. Simply pull out and insert adetector.•Just one SJ-301 can performmeasurement on a variety ofworkpieces, since various types ofdetectors, depending on theworkpiece, can be used.25.2mm (.99")Approx. 21mm (.83")horizontallyApprox. 2mm (.08")verticallyHigh-accuracy detector•SJ-301 employs a differentialinductance method, which is used inhigh-end models.•Measurement with a high-accuracyand a wide measuring range of350µm.•Parameters that require high-accuracyfeed such as Sm and S can bemeasured with the SJ-301.•The detector can be retracted into thedrive unit when the SJ-301 is notperforming a to build a highly expandable desktop evaluation system.Surftest SJ-301Specifications**Evaluation length can be specified arbitrary in the range from 0.3mm (.01”) to 12.5mm (.49”).Roughness specimenSurftest SJ-301MichiganPhone: (734) 459-2810IllinoisPhone: (630) 978-5385CaliforniaPhone: (626) 961-9661MassachusettsPhone: (978) 692-8765IndianaPhone: (317) 577-6070North CarolinaPhone: (704) 875-8332Coordinate Measuring Machines Small Tool Instruments and Data ManagementHardness Measuring Sensor Systems Optical Measuring Digital Scale and DRO Systems Surface-, Form- and Contour MeasurementVision Measuring Systems Note: All information regarding our products, and in particular the illustrations, drawings, dimensional and performance data contained in this pamphlet, as well as other technical data are to be regarded as approximate average values. We therefore reserve the right to make changes to the corresponding designs, dimensions and weights. The stated standards, similar technical regulations, descriptions and illustrations of the products were valid at the time of printing. In addition, the latest applicable version of our General Trading Conditions will apply. Only quotations submitted by ourselves may be regarded as definitive.Job No.11B-7。
装置滑行全部要求测量长度前,探测范 标,进入测量开始位置(驱动范围的开始)以便能达
开始测量前,就工件而言,探测器不在 探测器装置。
错误位ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ:探测器
在测量时,就工件而言,探测器超过探 探测器装置。
条件错误1 在评价标准(测量条件1/3和2/3)和测 检查评价标准。 量数据之间关系不相称
条件错误2 在评价标准(测量条件1/3和2/3)和测 检查测量条件。 量数据之间关系不相称
条件错误3 不能计算 R 面补偿
测量数据不能实行 R 面补偿。关掉 R 面补偿。
不能设定 Ry
表面粗糙标准已经设定为 JIS01, ISO97,ANSI 或 VDA。
特征/错误 信息
电池不能 ●SJ-400用交流适配器连接电流时忘了 ●打开 SJ-400,检果电池图标以确保显示图标指明
标准(JIS:2001,ISO:1997)修订时,参数符号的 含义也修改了。旧的标准版本的 Ry 改为 Rz,避免使 用 Ry。因此,根据标准(JIS:2001,ISO:1997), 仪器不能设定 Ry 或 Py 参数。 如果有需要 Ry,那么把标准改回“JIS‘82”或 “JIS‘94”任一版本才开始实行测量。 修改标准,请参考“5.1 改变粗糙度标准。” 关于参数设定的资料,请参考“5.6 定义显示参数“
SURFTEST SJ-410系列移动表面粗糙度测试仪说明书
![SURFTEST SJ-410系列移动表面粗糙度测试仪说明书](
Form MeasurementBulletin No. 2080Portable surface roughness tester evolutionRich choice of options provide easier, smoother and more accurate measurements1981Color-graphic LCDThe color-graphic LCD with excellent visibility The display interface supports 16 languages.Backlight providedA backlight improves usability in dim testing Easy to use and highly functionalThis portable surface roughness tester is equipped with analysis functionality rivaling that of benchtop surface roughness testers.Complies with many industry standardsThe Surftest SJ-410 complies with the Applicable standardsEnhanced power for making measurements on siteMultilingual supportIcon display Data compensationSimple contour analysis functionText displayA wide range, high-resolution detectorMeasuring range/ resolution 800µm/0.01µm 80µm/0.001µm 8µm/0.0001µmHigh straightness drive unitStraightness/ traverse length 0.3µm/25mm (SJ-411)0.5µm/50mm (SJ-412)High accuracy measuringSJ-412SJ-411Memory card (optional) is supportedThe measurement conditions and data can be stored in a memory cardA variety of interfaces supplied as standardThe external device interfaces that come as standard include USB, RS-Access to functions can be restricted by a passwordA pre-registered password can limit use of measurement conditionsThe unit is easily transported in a dedicated carrying casewhich includes holders for the accessories as well as thetester itself. (Standard accessory.) Interfaces Data storagePassword protectionCarrying case→High-speed printer prints out measurement results on siteA high-quality, high-speed thermal printer prints out measurement results.It can also print a BAC curve or an ADC curve as well as calculatedresults and assessed profiles. These results and profiles are printed outin landscape format, just as they appear on the color-graphic LCD.PrinterA sturdy key-sheet-button panel with superior durability in any en-vironment is provided. For repeat measurement of the same work,Key-sheet buttonsS ur f test4Enhanced measuring functions•Height/tilt adjustment unit (Standard accessory)The height/tilt adjustment unit comes as standard for leveling the drive unit prior to making skidless measurements and, supported by guidance from the unique D.A.T. function, makes it easy to achieve highly accurate alignment.leveling: leveling table*1, 3-axis alignment table*1 or tilt adjustment unit*1. *1: For details about optional products, see P6-7.Powerful support for levelingPatent registered in Japan, U.S.A.. Patent pending in GermanyYour choice of skidless or skidded measurementPatent registered in Japan, U.S.A.. Patent pending in GermanyHeight adjustment knob•Skidded measurementIn skidded measurements, surface features are measured with reference to a skid following close behind the stylus. This cannot measure waviness and stepped features exactly but the range of movement within which measurement can be made is greater because the skid tracks the workpiece surface contour.•Skidless measurementSkidless measurement is where surface features are measured relative to the drive unit reference surface. This measures waviness and finely stepped features accurately, in addition to surface roughnness, but range is limited to the stylus travel available. The SJ-410 series supports a variety of surface feature measurements simply by replacing the stylus.Fulcrum point of StylusStylus Traverse directionfeatures: SkidlessUsually, a spherical or cylindrical surface (R-surface) cannot be evaluated, but, by removing the radius with a filter, R-surface data is processed as if taken from a flat surface.Step Dimensions Step volumeCoordinate differenceMore measuring functions than expected from a compact testerPreviously measured data can be recalculated for use in other evaluations by changing the current standard, assessed profile and roughness parameters.A single measurement enables simultaneous analysis under twodifferent evaluation conditions. A single measurement allows calculation of parameters and analysis of assessed profiles without the need for recalculation after saving data, contributing to higher work efficiency.Point group data collected for surface roughness evaluation is used to perform simplified contour analysis (step, step height, area and coordinate variation). It assesses minute forms that cannot be assessed by a contour measurer.This function allows a sampling length to be arbitrarily set in 0.01mm increments (SJ-411: 0.1mm to 25mm, SJ-412: 0.1mm to 50mm). It also allows the SJ-410 series to make both narrow and wide range measurements.The “OK” symbol means the measurement is within the limits set; “NG” means it is not, in which case an arrow points to either the upper or lower limit in the printout.An “OK/NG” judgment symbol is displayed when limits are set for the roughness parameter. In case of “NG,” the calculated result is highlighted. The calculated result can also be printed out.Surface roughness measurement requires a run-up distance before starting the measurement (or retrieving data). When the SJ-410 Series measures, its run-up distance is normally set to 0.5mm. This distance, however, can be shortened to 0.15mm using the narrow part measurement function (starting from the origin point of the drive unit). The function extends the possibility of measurement of narrow locations such as grooves in piston ring / O-ring mounts.This function samples stylus displacement for a specified time without engaging detector traverse, which enables use as a simplified vibration meter or displacement gage incorporated in another system.RecalculatingAssessing a single measurement result under two different evaluation conditionsSimple contour analysis functionArbitrary sampling length settingGO/NG judgement functionNarrow space measuring function Patent pending in JapanReal sampling3.52.5Example: surface roughness measuring Example: surface roughness measuringof mounting groove for O-ring Overruns surface using 0.5mm run-upthe measurementc=0.8mmThe run-up distance can be shortened to 0.15mm by measuring from the origin point.•Narrow space measuring Typical applications6Optional AccessoriesThree new optional products are available to be attached to the manual column stand (No.178-039). You can choose the unit that suits your application.Or, you can also use the three products in any combination. Using the optional units makes SJ-411/412 more convenient and easier to use to ensure accurate measurements.Can be adjusted to match the height of the item to be measured.Options for simple column standSimple column standNo.178-039Vertical adjustment range: 250mm Dimensions: 400×250×578mm Mass: 20kg* C annot be used when the tester’s main unit is an older model (SJ-401/402).•Auto-set unit (178-010)*This unit enables the vertical (Z axis) direction to be positioned automatically (auto-set function).A single button operation completes a series of operations from measurement, saving and auto-return (saving and auto-return can be switched on and off by operating the drive unit).•Tilting adjustment unit (178-030)*This unit is used for aligning the workpiece surface with the detector reference plane. It supports the DAT function to make the leveling of workpiece surfaces easier.•X-axis adjustment unit (178-020)*This unit helps fine-tune the horizontal (X axis) direction.Preliminary measurementTilt adjustmentComplete set of optional units for the manual column standAuto-set unit10m m12.5mm 12.5mm±1.5°7The tester includes X- and Y-axes micrometer heads. This makes axis alignment much easier because the tilt adjustment center is the same as the rotation center of the table.(Code No.178-042-1/178-043-1)This table helps make the alignment adjustments required when measuring cylindrical surfaces. The corrections for the pitch angle and the swivel angle are determined from a preliminary measurement and the Digimatic micrometers are adjusted accordingly. A flat-surfaced workpiece can also be leveled with this table.The levelling table can be used to align the surface to be tested with the detector reference plane. The operator is guided through the procedure byscreen prompts.XY leveling tablesPrecision viseCylinder attachmentReference step specimen3-axis Adjustment Table: 178-047Patent registered in Japan, U.S.A.. Patent pending in GermanyDAT Function for the optional leveling tablePatent registered in Japan, U.S.A.. Patent pending in GermanyDAT screen guides the user when levelingDigimatic micrometer No.178-048Inclination adjustment angle: ±1.5°Table dimensions: 130×100mmMaximum load: 15kg•Fits on the stand.This block can be positioned on top of cylindrical objects to perform measurements.No.12AAB358Diameter: ø15~60mm Configuration:•Cylindrical measurement block •Auxiliary block•ClampUsed to calibrate detector sensitivity.No.178-611Step nominal values: 2µm/10µm•T-groove dimensions•Movement is in X- and Y-axes only.Application178-042-1178-049Unit: mm*Drive unit not included.8Optional Accessories: Detectors / StyliStandard stylusDouble-length for deep hole *2*1: Tip angle 60°*2: For downward-facing measurement only.*3 :44.7DetectorsUnit: mmExtension rodsStyliUnit: mm14601011.5• 12AAG202 Extension rod 50mm• 12AAG203 Extension rod 100mm* No more than one extension rod can be connected.Styli Unit: mm For deep groove (10mm)For deep groove *2 (20mm)Please contact any Mitutoyo office for more information.10Optional Accessories: For External Output• OS: Windows XP-SP3 Windows Vista Windows 7• Spreadsheet software: Microsoft Excel 2002 Microsoft Excel 2003 Microsoft Excel 2007 Microsoft Excel 2010Required environment*This program can be downloaded free of charge from the Mitutoyo website. The optional USB cable is also required.• USB cable for SJ-410 series No.12AAD510*Windows OS and Microsoft Excel are products of Microsoft Corporation.• Printer paper (5 rolls)No.270732• Durable printer paper (5 rolls)No.12AAA876• Touch-screen protector sheet (10 sheets) No.12AAN040• Memory card (2GB) *No.12AAL069• Connecting cable (for RS-232C) No.12AAA882* m icro SD card (with a conversion adapter to SD card)Contour / Roughness analysis software FORMTRACEPAKSimplified communication program for SURFTEST SJ seriesOptional accessories, consumables, and others for SJ-410More advanced analysis can be performed by loading SJ-410 series measurement data to software program FORMTRACEPAK via a memory card (option) for processing back at base.The Surftest SJ-410 series has a USB interface, enabling data to be transferred to a spreadsheet or other software.We also provide a program that lets you create inspection record tables using a Microsoft Excel* macro.By connecting this printer to the Surftest SJ-410's digimatic output,you can print calculation results, perform a variety of statistical analyses, draw a histogram or D chart, and also perform complicated operations for X-R control charts.This unit allows you to load Surftest SJ-410 calculation results (SPC output) into commercial spreadsheet software on a PC via a USB connector. You can essentially use a one-touch operation to enter the calculation results (values) into the cells in the spreadsheet software.USB keyboard signal conversion type*IT-012UNo.264-012-10* R equires the optional Surftest SJ-410 connection cable.1m: No.936937 2m: No.965014USB-ITN-DNo.06ADV380DDigimatic mini processor DP-1VRCalculation results input unit INPUT TOOLNo.264-504 -5ASJ-410→DP-1VR Connecting cable 1m: No.936937 2m: No.965014This unit allows you to remotely load Surftest SJ-410 calculation results (SPC output) into commercial spreadsheet software on a PC.You can essentially use a one-touch operation to enter the calculation results (values) into the cells in the spreadsheet software.Measurement Data Wireless Communication System U-WAVEU-WAVE-T *(Connects to the SJ-410)No.02AZD880D* R equires the optional Surftest SJ-410 connection cable.No.02AZD790DU-WAVE-R(Connects to the PC)No.02AZD810DSpecifications*2: Only for JIS'97 standard.*3: Only for JIS'01 standard.*4: Only for ANSI standard.*5: λs may not be switchable depending on standard selected.*6: Standard deviation only can be selected in ANSI.16% rule cannot be selected in VDA.*7: Either No.178-396-2 or No.178-397-2 is supplied as a standard accessory depending on the Order No. of the main unit for SJ-410 Series.*8: The standard stylus (No.12AAC731 or No.12AAB403), which is compatible with the detector supplied, is a standard accessory.11。
Mitutoyo 三丰 形状测量系统 产品型录 2017-2018说明书
![Mitutoyo 三丰 形状测量系统 产品型录 2017-2018说明书](
Surftest (表面粗糙度测量仪)SJ-310详细信息参见 L-4 页Surftest (表面粗糙度测量仪)SJ-410详细信息参见 L-7 页产品Contracer (轮廓测量仪)CV-3200/4500详细信息参见 L-21 页Formtracer (表面粗糙度/轮廓测量系统) SV-C3200/4500详细信息参见 L-25 页形状测量系统LLL目录Surftest (表面粗糙度测量仪)SJ-210 L-3SJ-310L-4用于 SJ-210/310选件L-5SJ-410L-7SJ-500, SV-2100L-8SJ-500P , SV-2100M4 L-9SV-3100L-10Surftest Extreme 超级表面粗糙度测量仪(CNC 表面粗糙度测量仪)SV-3000CNC/SV-M3000CNCL-11选件L-12精密量仪·量具的小知识L-17Contracer (轮廓测量仪)CV-2100L-19CV-3200 / CV-4500L-21Contracer Extreme(CNC 轮廓测量仪)选件L-23Formtracer(表面粗糙度和轮廓测量系统)SV-C3200 / SV-C4500L-25CS-3200S4L-26Formtracer Extreme(CNC 表面粗糙度和轮廓测量系统)SV-C4500CNCL-27CS-5000CNC/CS-H5000CNC L-28精密量仪·量具的小知识L-29Roundtest(圆度、圆柱形状测量仪)RA-10L-31RA-120/120P L-32RA-1600L-33RA-2200L-34RA-H5200L-35Roundtest Extreme(CNC 圆度、圆柱形状测量仪)RA-2200CNC L-36RA-H5200CNCL-37选件L-38精密量仪·量具的小知识L-41Surftest FormtracerContracerRoundtestL便携式表面粗糙度测量仪测量开始粗糙度参数选择L 轮廓显示: 一个参数的测量结果和测量轮廓Surftest SJ-310No.12AAA217**No.12AAA216No.12AAA222No.12AAA218 *退避型标准配件*配件不适于横向移动驱动器。
Bulletin No. 1795•Large characters are displayed on the large easy-to-view LCD.•Portable for easy measurement anywhere necessary.•The detector/drive unit can be detached from the display unit for effortless measurement of awkwardly oriented workpieces.•Wide 350µm (-200µm to +150µm) measurement range.•DIN,ANSI,and JIS.•including the basic Ra,Rq,Rz,•Customize function allows hiding of unnecessary parameters.••••••external device.•2-way power system (AC adapter/rechargeable built-in battery).Setting Modification Keys:SPC Data Output and Communication:The SJ-201P is provided with functions to output SPC data and communicate with external devices via the RS-232C interface.Portable Surface Roughness Tester•A dedicated carrying case is included for safe transport.•A precision roughness specimen is supplied.•A hard copy of the measurement data is available with the optional printer (64AAA779).Various optional accessories widen the application range of measurements.DimensionsMeasurement with the detector facing upward.Measurement in the vertical direction.The bottom of the detector has V-grooves for stable measurement of cylindrical workpieces.Measurement in the horizontal direction.Support foot set (pair) 12AAA216Detectors•Adjustable height:1.1" (28mm)Select a detector appropriate for the material and shape of the workpiece to be measured.Ra ,Rq ,Ry ,Rz ,S ,Sm ,Pc ,R 3z ,mr ,Rt ,Rp ,Rk ,Rpk ,Rvk ,Mr1,Mr2,A1,A2,VoCalibration Mode:Pressing the [CAL/STD/RANGE]key in the measurement mode,the calibration mode is entered allowing the detector to be calibrated to the precision roughness specimen with simple key operation.Parameter Ra value being displayedMeasurement:Pressing the [START/STOP] key in the measurement mode starts the detector measurement traversing.Measurement traversing indicator “- - - -” on the LCD turns out into the parameter value display if measurement is complete.Measurement traversing length can be set according to anational/international standard or to an arbitrary length.MeasuringParameter Reduction:Parameter calculations and resultant display can be limited only to those actually required.Reducing the parameters simplifies the key operation and parameter calculations.Ra,Rq,Ry,and Rz Plus Eleven More Parameters:Seven more analysis/display parameters can be set up in addition to the factory default parameters Ra, Rq, Ry, and Rz.After measurement, press the [PARAMETER] key repeatedly until the desired one is displayed on the LCD.GO/NG judgment19 Surface RoughnessParameters...Compatible with ISO / DIN / ANSI / JISSJ-201P SpecificationsOrder No.178-923A Typeinch (mm)Drive Unit Drive speedMeasuring: .01"/s (0.25mm/s), .02"/s ( 0.5mm/s), Returning: .03"/s (0.8mm/s)Evaluation length*1.49" (12.5mm)Mass.42 lbs. (190g)Detector provided 178-390Detecting method Differential inductanceMeasuring range 13780µin (350µm) (-7880µin/-200µm to +5900µin/+150µm)Material of stylusDiamond Radius of skid curvature 1.57" (40mm)Mass.04 lbs. (18g)Stylus tip radius 200µin (5µm)Measuring force 4mN Display UnitAssessed profilePrimary profile (P), Roughness profile (R), DIN4776 profile Roughness parameterRa, Ry, Rz, Rq, S, Sm, Pc, R3z, mr, Rt, Rp, Rk, Rpk, Rvk,Mr1, Mr2, A1, A2, Vo (can be customized)Roughness standard JIS, DIN, ISO, ANSISampling length (L).01", .03", .1" (0.25mm, 0.8mm, 2.5mm)Number of sampling spans x1, x3, x5, xL*1Digital filter 2CR-75% (without phase compensation), PC-75%, PC50% (Gaussian)Cut-off lc .01", .03", .1" (0.25mm, 0.8mm, 2.5mm)Length ls 100µin, 320µin (2.5µm, 8µm)Resolution/rangeAuto/depending on the measurement range16.4µin/14000µin (0.4µm/350µm)4.1µin/4000µin (0.1µm/100µm)2.0µin/2000µin (0.05µm/50µm).5µin/400µin (0.01µm/10µm)Displaying range Ra, Rq.4µin - 4000µin (0.01µm - 100µm)Rz, Ry, Rp, Rt,.8µin - 13780µin R 3z,Rk, Rpk, Rvk (0.02µm - 350µm)Pc 6.35 - 12700/inch (2.5 - 5000/cm)mr 1 - 100%Sm, S 80µin - .16" (2 - 4000µm)Mr1, Mr20 - 100%A1, A20 - 15000Vo0.000 - 10.00(mm 3/cm 2)GO/NO-GO judgment Upper and lower limit values can be specified.Power supplyVia AC adapter/built-in rechargeable battery Rechargeable battery Charging time: 12 hours (for 500 measurements)Auto-sleep (turning off)After 30 seconds without operationData output Via RS-232C interface unit, SPC output, PC output, Printer outputMass.64 lbs. (290g)*1Evaluation length can be specified arbitrarily in the range from .01" (0.3mm) to .49" (12.5mm).Standard Accessories12BAA303Connecting cable (1m)178-602Roughness specimen (inch/mm)**Either of them supplied.353134Calibration stand 538612Phillips screwdriver 12BAA304Carrying case99MBB079A User's manual (for SJ-201P)99MBB081A One-sheet manual 526688AC adapterOptional Accessories178-391Detector for soft materials (Stylus tip radius:10µm)178-392Small hole detector (ø4.5mm)178-393Small hole detector (ø2.8mm)178-394Deep groove detector 178-395Detector for low pressure type (Stylus tip radius:2µm,Measuring force:0.75mN)936937SPC cable (1m)965014SPC cable (2m)12AAA208RS-232C connecting cable 12AAA216Support foot set (pair)12AAA217Nosepiece for flat surface 12AAA218Nosepiece for cylindrical sur-face12AAA219Vertical positioning adapter 12AAA220Magnetic stand adapter(3/8" DIA.stem)12AAA221Magnetic stand adapter(Ø8mm stem)12AAA222Height gage adapter (mm)12AAA233Height gage adapter (inch)12AAA210Extension rod (50mm)178-033Setting attachment:V type 178-034Setting attachment:Slider type 178-035Setting attachment:Inside diameter type178-241-2A Display unit for SJ-301Roughness specimen© 2004 Mitutoyo America Corporation, Aurora ILWe reserve the right to change specifications and prices without notice.1004-08 • Printed in USA • October 2004。
苏州市吴中区欣鑫开关配件厂粗糙度仪操作规范编号: WI713-02页数:3日期: 2013.04.12版本: B11 目的本章程用于粗糙度仪的正确操作和维护,以保证仪器的完好及测量的正确、可靠。
2 工作条件2.1.1室温23±5º之间;2.1.2室内的相对温度不大于65%2.1.2在无振动的环境中2.1.3周围无腐蚀性介质2.1.4电源电压:AC220/50HZ3 操作步骤4.1 进行测试时的安装要点4.1.1 正确的固定驱动检测部分和工件测量过程中需要确保驱动检测部分和测量面不出现偏移。
4.2校正测量(增益调整)的顺序4.2.1 放置好粗糙度标准片之后,按起始画面的[校正]键。
.SJ-301的校正条件的初始设定值截取值:2.5mm区间数:5测量曲线:R曲线滤波:高斯(GAUSS)4.2.2 为了另显示出的校正值与粗糙度标准片的值达成一致,请按标准片粗糙度的按键。
4.2.3 校正值更改后,按下[START/STOP]键4.2.4 进行校正测量。
4.2.5 按[回车]键。
4.3 测量的顺序4.3.1正确放置好测量物之后,按下[START/STOP]键。
.SJ-301的测量条件的初始设置值规格:JIS2001截取值:0.8mm区间数:5测量曲线:R曲线滤波:高斯(GAUSS)4.3.2 进行测量4.3.3 测量后,将进行运算处理。
苏州市吴中区欣鑫开关配件厂粗糙度仪操作规范编号: WI713-02 页数:3日期: 2013.04.12 版本: B24.3.4 运算处理后,将显示测量值。
Surftest SJ-310系列可移动表面粗糙度测试仪商品说明书
![Surftest SJ-310系列可移动表面粗糙度测试仪商品说明书](
F O R M M E A S U R E M PORTABLE SURFACE ROUGHNESS TESTERThe Surftest SJ-310 is a compact, portable, easy-to-use surface roughness measurement instrument equipped with extensive measurement and analysis features.Complies with many industry standardsThe Surftest SJ-310 complies with the following standards: JIS (JIS-B0601-2001, JIS-B0601-1994, JIS B0601-1982), VDA, ISO-1997, and ANSI.Displays assessed profiles and graphical dataIn addition to calculation results, the Surftest SJ-310 can display sectional calculation results and assessed profiles, load curves, and amplitude distribution curves.Highly functionalExtensive analysis and display featuresDespite its reduced charging time — approximately 1/4 that required for conventional models, the Surftest SJ-310 is capable of making approximately 2.5 times the number of measurements when fully charged. The detector supports a variety of measurement orientations and can make measurements up against a wall surface or while facing upward. When combined with optional accessories such as a height gauge adapter, the detector can make measurements in various orientations and settings.Large color graphic LCDThe color touch-screen provides excellent readability and an intuitive display that is easy to negotiate. The LCD also includes a backlight for improved visibility in dark environments. The integrated printer allows you to print measurement results on the spot.Easy to useEnhanced power for making measurements on siteInternal memoryUp to 10 measurement conditions and one measured profile can be stored in the internal memory.Optional memory cardThe optional memory card can be used as an extended memory to store large quantities of measured profiles and conditions and adds the convenience of automatically saving data from the 10 most recent measurements (Trace 10).Password protectionAccess to each feature can be password-protected, which prevents unintended operations and allows protection of your settings.Multilingual supportThe display interface supports 16 languages, which can be freely switched.Stylus alarm (patent pending in Japan, U.S.A., EU)An alarm warns you when the cumulative measurement distance exceeds a preset limit.The large 5.7-inch color graphic touch-screen LCD provides excellent readability. Furthermore, selecting icons from the touch panel display*1 provides intuitive and easy operation. The integrated high-speed printer also allows the user to perform the entire process from makingmeasurements to printing the results with the push of a single button (START button). *1 Text display can also be selected.Detector suppliedas standardOne of two types may be selected:•Measuring force: 0.75mNStylus form: Tip radius 2µmTip angle 60°•Measuring force: 4mNStylus form: Tip radius 5µmTip angle 90°Drive units•Standard drive unit• P opular standard drive unit•Transverse tracing drive unit• B est suited for measurementof narrow, shrouded workpiecefeatures such as crankshaftbearings, EDM parts, etc.(Patent Registered in Japan)•Retractable drive unit• T he detector is in the retractedposition at rest so it is immunefrom damage when inserted intoa feature whose shape cannot beeasily seen, such as a blind hole, etc.A wide range of optional detectorsis available, including detectors forsmall holes, extra small holes, geartooth surfaces, and deep grooves.BAC and ADC curves can be printed in additionto calculation results (including pass/fail results)and assessed profiles. The printer offers aneasy-to-understand layout and can also printhorizontally to match the content displayed on theLCD. Furthermore, printing speed is approximately50% faster than conventional models.With drastically enhanced power comparedto conventional models, the Surftest SJ-310can make 1,500 continuous measurementson a full charge achieved in 4 hours.Frequently used functions, such as the measurement start button,are provided as rugged sheet buttons with excellent durability.Measurement ResultMeasured profile←→One-touchswitchingBAC curveADC curve User friendly, high-functionality display unit with integrated high-speed printerLinks to a wide variety of external instrumentsHighly functional detectors and drive unitsPrinterDP-1VR *Input ToolU-WAVE-T *2U-WAVE-R *2USB Input ToolMeasurement assistance and analysis features offering the ultimate in ease of useThe display can be switched between icon and text, providing easy, user-friendly operation.Additionally, the guidance feature provides detailed explanations of touch-screen buttons.You can not onlymagnify or shrink waveforms, but alsocalculate the coordinate difference between two points using a ruler operation.You can quickly check the irregularity status without waiting for a printout.With the SurftestSJ-310, you can delete portions of measurement data. This feature allows you to make newcalculations by deleting data that should not be included in parameter calculation, such as data on a scratch.Setting assessment conditions is simple because you can select the desired condition from a displayed list (e.g., standard, parameter).Icon TextYou can enter assessment conditions using ISO/JIS surface texture symbols.(Patent registered in Japan, U.S.A., Germany, UK, France)(Patent pending in China)By specifying a tolerance in advance, you can display pass/fail results in color.Switches between icon and text displayZooming waveforms and analyzing coordinate differencesDeleting unnecessary dataEasy specification of assessment conditions from a listDisplaying pass/fail resultsOK +NG -NGSurface texture symbol entryUsing the result of a single measurement, you can make calculations or analyze assessment profiles under two different assessment conditions (standard, profile, filter, etc.) without using the recalculation feature.Displayed settings can be easily changed by pressing the left and right arrow keys under the sliding cover. For example, these keys can be used to switch the cut-off value(λc) and the number of sampling lengths (N)on the measurement screen. (Patent pending in Japan.)You can make a maximum of 300 statistical measurements using up to three parameters to obtain averages, standard deviations, maximums, minimums, passing rates, and histograms (upper and lower limits can be displayed).This feature is ideal for day-to-day data management.1-parameter display: one parametermeasurement resultProfile display: one parameter measurementresult and the measured profile 4-parameter display: four parametermeasurement resultsTrace display: the ten latest measurementresults using the same parameterAfter completing measurement, you can modify the assessment conditions (standard, profile, and parameter) and easily recalculate the results using the new condition.* *Not possible with all measurement conditions.Recalculation functionPositive stylus contact indicationDual assessment of a single measurementStylus alarm functionExtensive statistical processing featuresMeasurement results can be displayed in several waysNo contact ContactStylus contact with the workpiece is indicated by color coding in the display. This is helpful when visibility of the surface to be measured is restricted (e.g. when measuring within a shrouded feature or groove).Measurement results can be presented in the form of a 1-parameter, profile, 4-parameter or trace display.SpecificationsSpecifications*3: Only for JIS’01 standard.*4: Only for ANSI standard.*5: λs may not be switchable depending on a standard selected.*6: Standard deviation only can be selected in ANSI.16% rule cannot be selected in VDA.*7: Auto-sleep function is invalid when AC adapter is used.*8: For connecting the calculation display unit and drive unit.Drive unit typeDrive unit external viewDimensions: Display Unit and Drive UnitDrive unit, Display unitUnit: inch(mm)DetectorsUnit: mmDimensions: DetectorsStandard detectorsExtra small hole detectorsDeep groove detectorsGear-tooth surface detectorsSetting attachmentsDrive unit, Display unit(Note: Not available for the transverse tracing drive unit) Dimensions: Display Unit and Drive UnitNosepiece for flat surfacesSJ-310/310R standard accessoriesNot available for the transverseNosepiece for cylindrical surfacesSJ-310/310R standard accessoriesNot available for the transverse• SJ-310S standard accessories• Dedicated to the transverse tracingdrive unit.Dedicated to the transverseExtension rod (50 mm)No.12AAA210• Not available for the transversetracing drive unit.No.12BAA303• For connecting calculation display unit and drive unit.Support feet setNo.12AAA216• SJ-310 standardaccessory• Not attachable tothe detector sideof the transversetracing drive unit.Vertical positioning adapterNo.12AAA219• Not available for thetransverse tracing drive unit(1/4inx1/2in)Enhances measurement efficiency by facilitating the measurement setup of multiple workpieces of the same type and of the hard-to-access sections of a workpiece.V-type for measuring axially Slider type Inside diameter typeNo.178-033The V-width is adjustableto the cylindrical workpiecediameter, facilitating axialmeasurement of a widerange workpiece sizes.• Adjustable range:ø 5 ~ 150 mmNo.178-035Greatly facilitates measurementof internal wall surfaces of, forexample, a cylinder block.• Applicable diameter:ø 75 ~ ø 95 mm• Accessible depth:30 ~ 135 mmNo.178-034This attachment is ideal for measuringa flat area of a workpiece that hasan indentation or step that makes itdifficult to attach the drive unit. Youcan further improve the ease of useby using this attachment with themagnetic installation base (option:No. 12AAA910).Optional Accessories: For External OutputSimplified communication program for SURFTEST SJ seriesContour / Roughness analysis software FORMTRACEPAKMore advanced analysis can be performed by loading SJ-310 series measurement data to software program FORMTRACEPAK via a memory card (option) for processing back at base.The Surftest SJ-310 series has a USB interface, enabling data to be transferred to a spreadsheet or other software.We also provide a program that lets you create inspection record tables using a Microsoft Excel* macro.Required environment*:•USB cable for SJ-310 seriesNo. 12AAD510*Windows OS and Microsoft Excel are products ofMicrosoft Corporation.Required environment*:•OS:Windows XP-SP3Windows VistaWindows 7/8/10•Spreadsheet software:Microsoft Excel 2000/2002/2003/2007/2010/2013/2016Optional Accessories: For External EquipmentBy connecting this printer to the Surftest SJ-310's digimatic output, you can print calculation results, perform a variety of statistical analyses, draw a histogram or D chart, and also perform complicated operations for X-R control charts.A footswitch is used to trigger measurement. This tool is very useful in cases where you need to measure the same workpiece multiple times using jigs and other fixtures.This unit allows you to load Surftest SJ -310 calculation results (SPC output) into commercial spreadsheet software on a PC via a USB connector. You can essentially use a one-touch operation to enter the calculation results (values) into the cells in the spreadsheet software.USB keyboard signal conversion type*IT-012UNo.264-016-10* R equires the optional Surftest SJ-310 connection cable.1m: No.936937 2m: No.965014USB Input Tool Direct USB-ITN-DNo.06AFM380DOptional accessories and consumables for SJ-310Digimatic mini processor DP-1VAFootswitchCalculation results input unit INPUT TOOLThis unit allows you to remotely load Surftest SJ -310 calculation results (SPC output) into commercial spreadsheet software on a PC.You can essentially use a one-touch operation to enter the calculation results (values) into the cells in the spreadsheetsoftware.Measurement Data Wireless Communication System U-WAVEU-WAVE-T *(Connects to the SJ-310)No.02AZD880G* R equires the optional Surftest SJ-310 connection cable.No.02AZD790DU-WAVE-R(Connects to the PC)No.02AZD810D No.12AAJ088• Printer paper (5 rolls)No.270732• Durable printer paper (5 rolls)No.12AAA876• Touch-screen protector sheet (10 sheets) No.12AAN040• Memory card (2GB) *No.12AAL069• Connecting cable (for RS-232C)No.12AAA882* m icro SD card (with a conversion adapter to SD card)No.264-505ASJ-310→DP-1VA Connecting cable 1m: No.936937 2m:No.965014Sensor Systems Test Equipmentand Seismometers Digital Scale and DRO SystemsSmall Tool Instrumentsand Data Management©218MitutoyoAmericaCorporationNote: All inform ation regarding our products, and in particular the illustrations, drawings, dimdata contained in this printed matter as well as other technical data are to be regarded as approximate average values. We。
三丰表面粗糙度测量仪SJ-411Surftest(表面粗糙度测量仪)SJ-400 178系列—便携式表面粗糙度测量仪配备有符合最新ISO,DIN,ANSI,和JIS标准的36种粗糙度评价参数。
技术参数(三丰粗糙度仪SJ-411技术参数):一、X轴(驱动部)1、测量范围:25mm(SJ-401),50mm(SJ-402)2、测量速度:0.05,0.1,0.5,1.0mm/s3、返回速度:0.5,1.0,2.0mm/s4、移动方向:向后5、直线度:0.3μm/25mm(SJ-401), 0.5μm/50mm(SJ-402)6、定位:±1.5°(倾角),10mm(向上/向下)二、检测器1、范围/分辨率:800μm/0.01μm,80μm/0.001μm, 8μm/0.0001μm(使用测头选件时,最大可达2400μm)2、检测方法:无轨/有轨测量3、测力:4mN或0.75mN(低测力型)4、测针针尖:金刚石、90o/5μmR (60o/2μmR:低测力型)5、导头曲率半径:40mm6、检测方法:差动电感式7、电源:通过AC适配器/可充电镍氢电池8、电池寿命:最多可测量600次(不带打印)9、充电时间:15个小时10、数据输出通过RS-232C端口/SPC输出11、尺寸(WxDxH)12、控制器:307x165x94mm13、高度-倾角调整装置:131x63x99mm14、驱动部:128x36x47mm(SJ-401), 155x36x47mm(SJ-402)三、重量1、控制器:大约1.2kg2、高度-倾角调整装置:大约0.4kg3、驱动部:0.6kg(SJ-401),0.7kg(SJ-402)三丰粗糙度仪SJ-411评估能力评估轮廓:P(主轮廓),R(表面粗糙度轮廓),W(滤波波度轮廓), DIN4776、粗糙度motif、波形motif评估参数:Ra,Ry,Rz,Rq,Pc,R3z,mr,Rt,Rp,Rv,Sm,S,?c,Rk,Rpk,Rvk,Mr1, Mr2,A1,A2,Lo,Ppi,R,AR,Rx,Da,Dq,Ku,HSC,mrd,Sk,W,AW, Wte,Wx,Vo三丰粗糙度仪SJ-411功能1、客户化:显示/评价参数的选择2、数据补偿:R表面、倾斜补偿3、标尺功能:显示任意两点间的坐标差4、数字调整工作台功能:无轨测量时、协助调水平5、移动检测模式:驱动部停止时输入测头移动6、统计过程:最大值、最小值、均值、标准差、合格率、直方图7、公差判断:可确定三个参数的上、下极值。
6μm高抗拉强度锂电池铜箔的工艺研究何铁帅;樊斌锋;何晨曦【摘要】通过采用聚乙二醇、胶原蛋白、SP等添加剂进行6μm高抗拉强度锂电池铜箔的生产.结果表明,当系统溶液洁净度≤0.04 ppm、聚乙二醇的加入量为0.07 ppm、胶原蛋白的加入量为0.013 ppm、SP的加入量为0.01 ppm时,电解铜箔的常温和高温抗拉强度≥400 MPa.【期刊名称】《有色金属加工》【年(卷),期】2019(048)003【总页数】5页(P33-36,41)【关键词】6μm锂电池铜箔;高抗拉强度;工艺研究【作者】何铁帅;樊斌锋;何晨曦【作者单位】灵宝华鑫铜箔有限责任公司,河南灵宝472500;灵宝华鑫铜箔有限责任公司,河南灵宝472500;灵宝华鑫铜箔有限责任公司,河南灵宝472500【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG146.1+12016年,锂电铜箔在动力电池上的应用主要以9μm~12μm的产品为主,加工费由3万元/t上涨至4万元/t;2017年8μm锂电铜箔炙手可热,加工费也水涨船高,一度突破至7万元/t~8万元/t,且从2017年下半年开始,6μm产品的市场春风吹来,来自市场的报价已经超过13.5万元/t。
单从价格来看,8μm及其以上厚度的锂电铜箔渐渐式微,沦为一片红海,而6μm 产品囿于动力电池企业需求的逐渐增长和高难度的量产门槛,仍然保持着较好的利润率。
产品型号:SJ-201P所在地:北京海淀区产品描述:Mitutoyo三丰粗糙度仪SJ-201P|日本三丰表面粗糙度仪Mitutoyo SJ-201P三丰表面粗糙度测量仪 SJ-201PSurftest SJ-201P/SJ-201M便携式表面粗糙度测量仪用于生产现场的智能化工具大型LCD液晶显示器,使您的观测更加方便。
三丰粗糙度仪SJ-301说明书 (2)
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带超薄按键和轻触面板的SJ-301SJ-301 超薄按键显示和轻触面板。
2.1 超薄按键功能测量开始/停止,打印,测量情况通知,数据输出,和另一些SJ-301超薄按键的操作功能。
提示:打印相关信息,请参阅4.5“ PrintingMeasuredResults ”。
[FEED] key送打印纸[CONDITION READ] key调用测量条件存储器当中的记忆内容会显示到显示器上。
提示强制转换的详细资料,请参阅11.3电池充电强制转换2-22. 超薄按键和轻触面板设计的SJ-301[DATA]key输出SPC数据到一个数据处理器等等,和存储在一个记忆卡。
•SPC 数据输出SJ-301预先连接到数据处理器。
(按压[DATA]键输出SPC 数据Ra值。
标准的轮廓数据存储记忆卡预先在 SJ-301 中插入一张记忆卡片。
2.1 超薄按键功能测量开始/停止,打印,测量情况通知,数据输出,和另一些SJ-301超薄按键的操作功能。
提示:打印相关信息,请参阅4.5“Printing Measured Results ”。
[FEED] key送打印纸[CONDITION READ] key调用测量条件存储器当中的记忆内容会显示到显示器上。
• 测量情况通知按压该键显示选择文件窗口在轻触面板上。
• 强制转换强制转换是当按压[POWER]键的时候一会儿为[COONDITIONREAD]键。
提示强制转换的详细资料,请参阅11.3电池充电强制转换2. 超薄按键和轻触面板设计的SJ -301[DATA]key输出SPC 数据到一个数据处理器等等,和存储在一个记忆卡。
• SPC 数据输出SJ-301预先连接到数据处理器。
因此,设置功能[DATA]键为SPC 数据输出。
如果按压[DATA]键后,SPC 数据输出被运行参数输出到显示器上,屏幕上缺少部分数据。
提示 关于SPC 数据输出请参阅9.1“SPC 输出” 。
标准的轮廓数据存储记忆卡预先在 SJ-301 中插入一张记忆卡片。