Research Proposal 写作步骤
英语研究计划书(Research Proposal)的写作步骤和组成部分先扔一些指导英语研究计划书写作的文章的链接.hk/researchers/rp/wrp/序言:写研究计划书的难处在哪里研究计划书的重要性暂不讨论。
个人认为本科生写研究计划书有这些问题:1. 几乎从未写过研究计划书,接触科研的机会也不多,也没有相关课程教怎么写。
2. 不知如何搜索英文文献、从英文文献中搜寻和提炼自己需要的信息。
3. 用英语写学术文章,在遣词造句、思维方式方面比较生疏。
STEP1 定研究题目的大方向选择标准:与自己的本科专业、相关研究或调研经历、要申请的专业、目标教授有关。
注意:1. 研究的主题最好是当今国际上比较热的,至少别太过时;如果时间充裕,可以浏览国际上相关领域知名期刊近年来发的文章的题目和摘要,归纳总结一下别人都在研究些什么;也可以在有几个兴趣方向后,问问相关专业领域的老师,他们会比较清楚。
2. 一开始没必要把题目定的太细致,有个大方向即可。
STEP2 找文献&阅读文献文献选择的几个标准1. 以英语文献为主。
2. 相关专业具有影响力的期刊(若不知道,可以咨询相关专业的老师,他们比较清楚)上发的文章;3. 相关领域权威泰斗人士发的文章(可以追踪他长期的研究,一一阅读他从早期到现在的论文,这样能了解到这个研究主题发展的脉络);4. 近几年的文章,太久的(比如10年前的)参考价值降低;5. 如果你的目标教授有发表相关的英语文章,也可以找出来看看。
6. 中文有很多垃圾期刊,少看那上面的文章,不如不看7. 硕士和博士学位论文涵盖的内容比较综合,可以看个几篇,用于了解该领域的研究情况,来龙去脉,补充一些基础背景知识之类的。
英文research proposal
英文research proposal一、研究题目研究题目应该能够简洁明了地表达研究的目的和内容。
以上便是一份较为完整的英文research proposal的写作要点。
编写一份高质量的research proposal需要作者全面理解自己的研究内容,并清晰地向读者传达出来。
(二)访学研修的目的1. 获取最新的学术资讯和技术。
2. 学习国外的先进管理经验和工作方式。
3. 开阔自己的国际视野,提高国际交流能力。
4. 促进国际间的学术交流和合作。
5. 增进个人知识、技能和综合素质的提高。
二、访学研修的计划内容和工作方案1. 访学研修地点:选择国际知名的大学或科研机构,如美国斯坦福大学、哈佛大学、英国剑桥大学、德国马克斯-普朗克研究所等。
2. 访学研修时间:根据学校和个人的安排,选择合适的时间段进行访学研修,通常为一个学期或者一年。
3. 访学研修内容:结合自身的研究领域和学术需求,确定访学研修的具体内容和工作安排,包括学习课程、参与实验项目、参加学术会议、撰写论文等。
4. 访学研修费用:根据访学研修地点和时间确定费用预算,包括生活费、学习费、住宿费、交通费等。
5. 访学研修计划书:制定详细的访学研修计划书,包括访学研修的目标、内容、时间安排、费用预算、工作安排等,经学校审批后才能进行访学研修。
三、访学研修的实施和管理1. 访学研修的实施(1)根据访学研修计划书和学校的安排,按时前往访学研修地点,参加相关的学习和实践活动。
2. 访学研修的管理(1)学校成立访学研修管理小组,负责访学研修计划的制定、实施、管理和评估。
Topic:This research proposal suggests research on how the level of self-disclosure effects the degree of relationship satisfaction.Review of Literature:Guerrero & A f i f i (1995) conducted a study to examine topic avoidance and self-disclosure in family relationships. They found that males reported avoiding discussion of relationship issues more than females did. As Martin&Anderson(1995)sought to examine the motives behind self-disclosure in father-young adult relationships and the resulting level of relationship satisfaction, their study found that young adults seem to model their self-disclosure after their fathers' self-disclosure. P e g a l i s, Shaffer, B a z z in i, & Gr e e n i er (1994) examined the generality of the opener effect to males and females across different s i t u a ti on a l contexts. They found that both genders disclosed more and longer to high openers than to low openers across the different contexts, Leaper, Carson, Baker, Ho ll iday, & Myers (1995) used both same- and opposite-sex dyads in order to examine the relationship between listener verbal support and self-disclosure among friends. They found that females tended to be more responsive and supportive than males during discussions in both same- and cross-gender friendships. However, it was also found that men made more disclosing comments than did women, indicating that it is possible for males to disclose as much as females. They also found that imbalances in self-disclosure and verbal support are related to relationship dissatisfaction.Drawing on these findings, it could be possible to anticipate that individuals who have similarpatterns of self-disclosure would have higher degrees of relationship satisfaction. Continued research may further explore what other factors affect the degree of relationship satisfaction.Research Question:What effect does the level of self-disclosure have on the degree of relationship satisfaction?Hypothesis:Individuals who experience similar levels of self-disclosure will be more likely to have higher degrees of relationship satisfaction.Method:In congruence with the previous study conducted by Martin & Anderson (I 995), a design involving approximately 200 undergraduate students, I 00 male and I 00 female will be used. They will complete questionnaires consisting of measures of self-disclosure and communication satisfaction. They will also be given a questionnaire to have their significant others complete. This questionnaire will include the same measures. Participants will be informed that this research study focuses on self-disclosure and levels of relationship satisfaction, participation is voluntary, and their responses will be kept confidential. A self-addressed envelope will be enclosed to assist in confidentiality.Participants will complete the Self-Disclosure Scale (SDS) and the Communication Satisfaction Scale (CSS). Their responses will be compared with those of their partner's in order to assess the similarities between the pair's levels of self-disclosure to each other and their degree of relationship satisfaction.Participants will also be given a second questionnaire, which will ask them to assess what they believe to be their partners' level of self-disclosure and degree of relationship satisfaction.These responses will also be compared to examine whether individuals' self-reports of their levels of disclosure and satisfaction match up with what their partners believe their levels to be.Predictions:In response to the study done by Martin & Anderson (I 995), it should become clear that the amount of self-disclosure that occurs between individuals affects the relational satisfaction that is felt by both parties. Leaper et al. (1995) found that imbalances in self-disclosure and verbal support are related to relationship dissatisfaction. This would seem to indicate that the opposite would be true, as well. So, it may be found that individuals who experience similar levels of self-disclosure will have higher degrees of relationship satisfaction.A possible problem using the methods chosen is that self-report may not be entirely accurate. People may not truthfully portray their levels of self-disclosure and relational satisfaction. However, through the use of confidentiality and the second questionnaire that asks the partners to assess each other's levels, it is hoped that the potential for this problem may be decreased.ReferencesGuerrero, L., & A f if i, W. (Summer 1995). Some things are better left unsaid: Topic avoidance in family relationships. Communication Quarterly, 43, 276-296.Leaper, C., Carson, M., Baker, C., Holliday, H., & Myers, S. (1995). Self-disclosure and listener verbal support in same-gender and cross-gender friends' conversations. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 33. 3 8 7-405.Martin, M., & Anderson, M- (Spring 1995). The father-young adult relationship: Interpersonal motives, self-disclosure, and satisfaction. Communication Quarterly, 43, 119-130.Pegalis, L., Shaffer, D., Bazzini, D., & Greenier, K. (1994). On the ability to elicit selfdisclosure: Are there gender-based and contextual limitations on the opener effect? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 20, 412-420.。
研究计划 Research roposal
每个学术研究者必须经历的一道关卡,就是Research Proposal的写作。
?How to write a research proposal?能否写出漂亮的proposal,本质上取决于你对研究的思考深度和专业水准。
英文的Research Proposal自有一套“八股”。
对于非英语native speaker的我们,如何理解英文学术世界的规范或曰思维定势,也是写作proposal之前必备的背景知识。
下面这篇流传甚广的Research Proposal写作指南,言简意赅,颇具启发,对我自己的写作有所帮助,也希望能给更多的学界同仁带来便利。
[点击这里,查看更多关于RESEARCH PROPOSAL以及GRANT PROPOSAL、PROJECT PROPOSAL写作的网上资源]?文章作者Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D., C.Psych. (Research Director, Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology. Trinity Western University Langley, BC, Canada). 题为:How to Write a Research Proposal. 全文转载如下:?Most students and beginning researchers do not fully understand what a research proposal means, nor do they understand its importance. To put it bluntly, one’s research is only as a good as one’s proposal. An ill-conceived proposal dooms the project even if it somehowgets through the Thesis Supervisory Committee. A highquality proposal, on the other hand, not only promises success for the project, but also impresses your Thesis Committee about your potential as a researcher.?A research proposal is intended to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the competence and the work-plan to complete it. Generally, a research proposal should contain all the key elements involved in the research process and include sufficient information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study.?Regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose, all research proposals must address the following questions: What you plan to accomplish, why you want to doit and how you are going to do it.?The proposal should have sufficient information to convince your readers that you have an important research idea, that you have a good grasp of the relevant literature and the major issues, and that your methodology is sound.?The quality of your research proposal depends not only onthe quality of your proposed project, but also on thequality of your proposal writing. A good research project may run the risk of rejection simply because the proposal is poorly written. Therefore, it pays if your writing is coherent, clear and compelling.?This paper focuses on proposal writing rather than on the development of research ideas.?TITLE:?It should be concise and descriptive. For example, the phrase, “An investigation of . . .” could be omitted. Often titles are stated in terms of a functional relationship, because such titles clearly indicate the independent and dependent variables. However, if possible, think of an informative but catchy title. An effectivet itle not only pricks the reader’s interest, but also predisposes him/her favourably towards the proposal.?ABSTRACT:?It is a brief summary of approximately 300 words. It should include the research question, the rationale for the study, the hypothesis (if any), the method and the main findings. Descriptions of the method may include the design, procedures, the sample and any instruments that will be used.?INTRODUCTION:?The main purpose of the introduction is to provide the necessary background or context for your research problem. How to frame the research problem is perhaps the biggest problem in proposal writing.?If the research problem is framed in the context of a general, rambling literature review, then the research question may appear trivial and uninteresting. However, if the same question is placed in the context of a very focused and current research area, its significance will become evident.?Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules on how to frame your research question just as there is no prescription on how to write an interesting and informative opening paragraph. A lot depends on your creativity, your ability to think clearly and the depth of your understanding of problem areas.?However, try to place your research question in the context of either a current “hot” area, or an older area that remains viable. Secondly, you need to provide a brief but appropriate historical backdrop. Thirdly, provide the contemporary context in which your proposed research question occupies the central stage. Finally, identify“key players” and refer to the most relevant and representative publications. In short, try to paint your research question in broad brushes and at the same time bring out its significance.?The introduction typically begins with a general statement of the problem area, with a focus on a specific research problem, to be followed by the rational or justificationfor the proposed study. The introduction generally covers the following elements:?1. State the research problem, which is often referred to as the purpose of the study.?2. Provide the context and set the stage for your research question in such a way as to show its necessity and importance.?3. Present the rationale of your proposed study and clearly indicate why it is worth doing.?4. Briefly describe the major issues and sub-problems to be addressed by your research.?5. Identify the key independent and dependent variables of your experiment. Alternatively, specify the phenomenon you want to study.?6. State your hypothesis or theory, if any. For exploratory or phenomenological research, you may not have any hypotheses. (Please do not confuse the hypothesis with the statistical null hypothesis.)?7. Set the delimitation or boundaries of your proposed research in order to provide a clear focus.?8. Provide definitions of key concepts. (This is optional.)? LITERATURE REVIEW:?Sometimes the literature review is incorporated into the introduction section. However, most professors prefer a separate section, which allows a more thorough review ofthe literature.?The literature review serves several important functions:?1. Ensures that you are not “reinventing the wheel”.?2. Gives credits to those who have laid the groundwork for your research.?3. Demonstrates your knowledge of the research problem.?4. Demonstrates your understanding of the theoretical and research issues related to your research question.?5. Shows your ability to critically evaluate relevant literature information.?6. Indicates your ability to integrate and synthesize the existing literature.?7. Provides new theoretical insights or develops a new model as the conceptual framework for your research.?8. Convinces your reader that your proposed research will make a significant and substantial contribution to the literature (i.e., resolving an important theoretical issue or filling a major gap in the literature).?Most students’ literature reviews suffer from thefollowing problems:?* Lacking organization and structure?* Lacking focus, unity and coherence?* Being repetitive and verbose?* Failing to cite influential papers?* Failing to keep up with recent developments?* Failing to critically evaluate cited papers?* Citing irrelevant or trivial references?* Depending too much on secondary sources?Your scholarship and research competence will be questioned if any of the above applies to your proposal.?There are different ways to organize your literature review. Make use of subheadings to bring order and coherence toyour review. For example, having established the importance of your research area and its current state of development, you may devote several subsections on related issues as: theoretical models, measuring instruments, cross-cultural and gender differences, etc.?It is also helpful to keep in mind that you are telling a story to an audience. Try to tell it in a stimulating and engaging manner. Do not bore them, because it may lead to rejection of your worthy proposal. (Remember: Professorsand scientists are human beings too.)?METHODS:?The Method section is very important because it tells your Research Committee how you plan to tackle your research problem. It will provide your work plan and describe the activities necessary for the completion of your project.?The guiding principle for writing the Method section isthat it should contain sufficient information for thereader to determine whether methodology is sound. Some even argue that a good proposal should contain sufficientdetails for another qualified researcher to implement the study.?You need to demonstrate your knowledge of alternative methods and make the case that your approach is the most appropriate and most valid way to address your research question.?Please note that your research question may be best answered by qualitative research. However, since most mainstream psychologists are still biased against qualitative research, especially the phenomenological variety, you may need to justify your qualitative method.?Furthermore, since there are no well-established and widely accepted canons in qualitative analysis, your method section needs to be more elaborate than what is requiredfor traditional quantitative research. More importantly, the data collection process in qualitative research has a far greater impact on the results as compared to quantitative research. That is another reason for greater care in describing how you will collect and analyze your data. (How to write the Method section for qualitative research is a topic for another paper.)?For quantitative studies, the method section typically consists of the following sections:?1. Design -Is it a questionnaire study or a laboratory experiment What kind of design do you choose?2. Subjects or participants – Who will take part in your study What kind of sampling procedure do you use?3. Instruments – What kind of measuring instruments or questionnaires do you use Why do you choose them Are they valid and reliable?4. Procedure – How do you plan to carry out your study What activities are involved How long does it take?RESULTS:?Obviously you do not have results at the proposal stage. However, you need to have some idea about what kind of data you will be collecting, and what statistical procedureswill be used in order to answer your research question or test you hypothesis.?DISCUSSION:?It is important to convince your reader of the potential impact of your proposed research. You need to communicate a sense of enthusiasm and confidence without exaggerating the merits of your proposal. That is why you also need to mention the limitations and weaknesses of the proposed research, which may be justified by time and financial constraints as well as by the early developmental stage of your research area.?Common Mistakes in Proposal Writing?1. Failure to provide the proper context to frame the research question.?2. Failure to delimit the boundary conditions for your research.?3. Failure to cite landmark studies.?4. Failure to accurately present the theoretical and empirical contributions by other researchers.?5. Failure to stay focused on the research question.?6. Failure to develop a coherent and persuasive argument for the proposed research.?7. Too much detail on minor issues, but not enough detail on major issues.?8. Too much rambling — goin g “all over the map” withouta clear sense of direction. (The best proposals move forward with ease and grace like a seamless river.)?9. Too many citation lapses and incorrect references.?10. Too long or too short.?11. Failing to follow the APA style.?12. Slopping writing.?大多数学生和刚起步的研究者都不了解什么是研究计划,也不知道其重要性。
怎样写英国访问学者研究计划-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述英国访问学者研究计划是一项重要的学术交流项目,旨在促进国际学术界之间的合作与交流。
下面是对文章1.2文章结构部分的内容的建议:1.2 文章结构(Article Structure)本文将按照以下结构组织:引言部分(Introduction):首先,我们将介绍英国访问学者研究计划的背景和重要性。
研究计划research proposal 模板
PhD PROJECT SPECIFICATIONYear 2013-2016Student name: XXXContact telephone number: XXXProject Title as submitted: Smart Mobility Profiling and GamificationBackground and MotivationIn many countries, the proportion of urban population has increased in recent decades. For instance, China’s total urban population is currently just over a half of its total population, rising from 26% in 1990. This mirrors a trend in most other developed countries. Urbanization[1], regarded as a strategy for accelerating development by some city governors, has also resulted in many challenges to urban public services. One of the main urban public services is transportation, which is in part governed by strategic transport policies in terms of both sustainability (CO2, air pollution) and competitiveness (congestion) and by incentives (e.g., cheaper off-peak private transport travel). A key challenge to all major cities is how to configure travel demand management (TDM), often referred to as mobility management policies and incentives to reduce congestion, accidents and pollution.Smarter transportation profiling both at an individual level to inform the individual and at a (spatial-temporal) group/public level to inform authorities, can lead to beneficial shifts in mobility to help address these challenges. TDM includes any policy to encourage better ways to use transport resource, for instance by offering people incentives to reduce their car use. The use of Gamification is investigated to set incentives and improve the engagement of target-specific app users [2]. Gamification is the use of game theory and game design techniques in non-game contexts, in this case in urban travel, in order to encourage people to adopt , or to influence how they use transportation. An example of an urban travel game consist of travelers being awarded different levels of points for use of different travel modes.PROJECT (RESEARCH) AIMSThe main objective of this project is to use both smart mobility profiling and gamification of urban travel to research and develop (R&D) better models of individual and aggregated urban mobility in order to better understand and aid shifts in mobility to meet strategic TDM goals. In order to achieve this overall R&D objective, three specific sub-objectives and methods are planned: First, to R&D two apps to acquire mobility data from both mobile sensors (e.g., phones) and fixed infrastructure (e.g., traffic sensors) in two cities Beijing and London; Second, to generate individual mobility profiles and to data mine aggregates of mobility data to model mobility patterns; Third, to correlate the mobility patterns of actual sensed data combined with gamification simulations of urban mobility to evaluate the effect of what-if scenarios of different transportation policies and incentives.NOVELTYThe novelty for this study is mainly reflected by the exploitation of both smart mobility profiling and gamification. Nowadays, almost all people have one or more mobile devices such as smart phones, which give us a facility for developing some mobile applications to collect mobility data from mobile devices. Making full use of individual mobile devices and existing fixed infrastructure is quite important in terms of the cost efficiency of deployment and maintenance. However, the proliferation of most mobile applications relies on the users’ engagement. Gamification can be applied to the apps to motivate more people to use and keep them.METHODOLOGYThe methodology for the study involves mobility data collection, mobility profiling, data mining and modeling, gamification.Considering its good cross-platform ability and portability, we will use Java language to develop two apps: One runs on Android (or other mobile platforms) smartphones to collect mobility data from mobile users, with some game motivation strategies to encourage users try to use it and keep it; Another runs on a PC or laptop to collect data from fixed infrastructure and to conduct some necessary data processing.After acquiring mobility data required, methods (e.g. mobility path construction, topology construction, pattern discovery) described in [3] will be used to generate individual mobility profiles. According to [3], there are several algorithms for the pattern mining such as GSP, SPADE, AprioriAll. It is recommended to contain time-context information when representing mobility profiles.Gamification methodology is used to set incentives and improve the engagement of target-specific app users in this research. Gamification generally use six strategies [4]: scores, levels, challenges, leaderboards, achievements and rewards. For this study, these strategies can be used not only to collect mobility data, but also to encourage people to adopt, or to influence how they use transportation.EXPECTED OUTCOMESThe expected outcomes for this study as follows:Two apps, which support common communication techniques (e.g., cellular networks, bluetooth, WiFi) to send and receive mobility data required. The app used to collect to mobility data from mobile users will integrate some game techniques to improve the engagement of users and can determine the location of users and enable users to report some events (e.g., accident) only by taking a photo or other simple operations.A mobility profiling framework. According to data collected, mobility profiles can be acquired by using this framework. This means that the framework will implement functions necessary such as mobility paths construction, topology construction, pattern discovery.An evaluation report. According to the evaluation result about the effect of what-if scenarios of different transportation policies and incentives, suggestions will be given toaid traffic departments to make policies that encourage people use transport resource more efficient and environmental-friendly.Three papers, which are published in highly ranked journals or conferences. PROJECT MILESTONESREQUIRED SKILLS/TOOLSAccording to the objectives and methodology for this study, the following skills / tools are required:Programming skills –the researcher should be proficient in common programming languages such as C++, C, Java. Particularly, Java is most likely used to this study for its good portability and cross-platform ability.Software design and development skills –such as OO design, design pattern, RUP. A good system is generally developed based on some excellent ideas and practices. Mathematical modeling skills –the researcher should also have strong mathematical background and modeling skills. Both are necessary to model mobility patterns and to correlate the mobility patterns of actual sensed data combined with gamification simulations of urban mobility to evaluate the effect of what-if scenarios of different transportation policies and incentives.Data mining – common pattern mining methods such as GSP, SPADE, AprioriAll should be grasped. If possible, some improvements in some of them will be better.Mobile devices (e.g. smartphones) –the researcher should be familiar with at least a mobile operating system (e.g. Android, iOS, Symbian, Windows Phone).Matlab and SPSS - they both are effective tools to evaluate the effect of what-if scenarios of different transportation policies and incentives.In conclusion, what I will have to learn is mainly about data mining. With good mathematical skills, I think it is not difficult to learn for me.REFERENCES[1] Li, Y., Y. Li, et al. (2012). Investigation of a coupling model of coordination betweenurbanization and the environment. Journal of Environmental Management 98(0), pp.127-133.[2] Foong Li, L., Z. M. Kasirun, et al. (2011). Gamification towards sustainable mobileapplication. In the 5th Malaysian Conference in Software Engineering (MySEC), 2011, pp.349-353.[3] Bayir, M. A. (2010). Enabling location aware smartphone applications via mobilityprofiling. State University of New York at Buffalo, pp.19-50.[4] Oja, M. and J. Riekki (2012). Ubiquitous Framework for Creating and EvaluatingPersuasive Applications and Games. Grid and Pervasive Computing Workshops. M.Rautiainen, T. Korhonen, E. Mutafungwaet al, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. LNCS 7096, pp. 133-140.。
如何写好研究计划(ResearchProposal)?Research Proposal⼀般指研究计划,有过申请国外博⼠学习机会经历的⼩伙伴可能会⽐较熟悉。
那么,如何才能写好研究计划呢?1、如何确定研究问题?写研究计划之前需要确定研究问题,包括以下关键步骤:01.Start your proposal by drawing up a shortlist of topics that might be worth investigating.02.Take this list to someone who has had experience in carrying out research ( such as a colleague or potential mentor) to get advice on which topic, in their view, is the best one to proceed with.03.Formulate a general question that the research will answer and, from here, focus the question.04.Make decisions about what data needs to be collected to answer the question, where and how it might be collected, and how the data might be analysed.05.Draw up an initial research plan. It is important, at the same time, to read enough in order to decide whether the proposed project is on the right track.06.Think about the ethical implications of the research in terms of what permissions need to be obtained to carry out the research, and what guarantees of anonymity can be given to the people involved in the research.这其中通常对研究新⼿来说最为棘⼿的,是第3点,提出问题和聚焦问题。
姓/Surname:名/First name: 出生日期/Date of birth (yy/mm/dd)
留学国别/ Hosting country 留学院系/Hosting faculty or department
研究领域/ Research area
申请人科研准备工作概述 / Scientific preparations of the applicant : 1h
GB6017.1-20 起重机械安全规程-第 1 部分
出国学习预期目标/Expectedgoal: 科研方法/The Experimental Methods: 科研工作时间安排/Time Plan: 回国后续工作介绍/Work introduction after returning to China
GB6017.1-20 起重机械安全规程-第 1 部分 国内导师签字 Signature of domestic supervisor: Date(yy/mm/dd): 国外导师签字 Signatureofhostingsupervisor: Date((yy/mm/dd):
月份:11 月份
G划 Research Proposal
所在院系/School/ Department 国内导师/
Domestic supervisor 留学国外大学/
Hosting university 国外导师/
Hosting supervisor 学习期限/Duration of study 研究课题名称/Research title
Designoftheresearchproposal留学学习计划书(英文版哦!)第一篇:Design of the research proposal留学学习计划书(英文版哦!)There are key elements when designing a research proposal.A suggested template, written by the Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust is outlined below.1.Title Clearly identifying the study and may contain a description of the study design as well as the objectives.2.Investigators The named investigators on the research proposals, ie.all those with valuable contribution to the work.3.Background The background of the project including a critical review of the currentknowledge, published and unpublished work, gaps in the evidence and the potential value of furthering knowledge in this field.The researchhypothesis should also be included in this section, with the explanation of reasons for undertaking the work.4.Aims Expressed as a small number, i.e.1-4.Concise and precise objectives that should follow logically, from the rationale hypothesis for a quantitative study and toward the hypothesis for a qualitative study.5.Study DesignDescription of the important elements of the methodology.It may include some or all of the following:o The process by which subjects will be sampledo The number of groups studiedo Whether subjects/investigators will be aware of which intervention is being administeredo Whether patients will receive all or only one interventiono Whether past or current data are collectedo Methods to reduce biaso The tools used for sampling6.Subjects/PatientsAll the following information about the study groups should be included:o A description of the study population, including a rationale o The methods by which they will be found and recruitedo Inclusion/exclusion criteriao Sample size7.InterventionsA full description of the study intervention should be provided:o Treatment or investigation;the dose, timing, method of providing,administering and receiving the treatment should be detailed.Questionnaire or interview;reasons for method and possiblecontamination should be discussed.o Necessary safeguards and potential risks should be madeapparent, including the methods by which intervention will bemonitored.8.End-PointsMeasurement outcomes used to confirm/reject or generate the hypothesis.They should be separated into primary and secondary:o Primary end-points: those most important to the hypothesis,there should only be 1 or 2.o Secondary end-points: provide some support to the hypothesis,but without the expected primary outcome would not prove thetheory.o The number of end-points should be kept to aminimum, theinclusion of many variables may hinder the interpretation of thefindings.o The expected effect of the end-points should be described.9.MeasurementsAll relevant measurements, investigations and techniques should be clearly and fully described.When there are a variety of acceptedtechniques possible for use, the exact procedure should be defined.A detailed list of any equipment used should also be included and the reliability of the measurements must be taken into account.10.Study PlanDetails of the order, site and timing of all study procedures.Anyinformation, equipment, treatment and documentation to be given to the patient or to be collected by the investigator, must be detailed.11.AnalysisThe method of the data analysis should be specified within the protocol and should include:o timing of data collection, entry and statistical analysiso method of data entryo data analysis packageo presentation of demographic and outcome data summarieso the arithmetic, graphical and statistical manipulation of the data o criteria for statistical and clinical significance of data12.Ethical IssuesThese are matters relevant to and the methods by which the patient/subject’s interests will be safeguarded.They include risk limitation, patient study information and confidentiality,methods of monitoring and possible adverse side effects.(for more detail see section on Ethical Approval)13.Resource RequirementsThe resource implications to the host organisation and any other involved departments should be defined in this section.If the study involves co-operation by individuals other than the researchers, or use of equipment or any other resource, then permission for the use of these services must be obtained form the relevant person.In addition the following must be displayed if not stated explicitly on the Resources form:o Timetable/schedule of the researcho Names of the staffo Staff involved peripherally, such as outpatient/ward staff o All costs(both fixed and semi-fixed)14.SupervisionThe proposal should name the individual(s)who will supervise theresearch project and the intended arrangements for the supervision.Also any details of a steering group, for example, the role, frequency of meetings, monitoring arrangements and the membership of the group.15.Dissemination and Outcome The intended route for internal and external publication should be specified.Any implications for future practice and patient care should also be suggested.Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Research Study Pack第二篇:留学学习计划书留学学习计划书范文一般来说留学学习计划书可以按照提交目的分成两类,既给大使馆申请签证用的,或是给学校申请录取用的,留学学习计划书范文。
研究计划报告书英语作文Research Plan Proposal。
The purpose of this research plan is to investigate the impact of social media on mental health among teenagers. The study will focus on the use of social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, and their influence on teenagers' self-esteem and emotional well-being.Methodology。
The research will be conducted through a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Surveys will be distributed to teenagers to gather data on their social media usage and its effects on their mental health. In addition, in-depth interviews will be conducted with a select group of teenagers to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences with social media.Significance。
The findings of this study will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the relationship between social media and mental health. It will provide valuable insights into the ways in which social media can impact teenagers' self-perception and emotional health, and will inform the development of interventions to support teenagers in navigating the challenges of social media use.Potential Challenges。
研究计划书(research proposal)写作指导!一份正式的研究计划书是申请研究型学位的必要文件。
一份详尽的研究计划书能展现你对研究的了解情况,将你的“研究想法”(research thinking)和其他人交流。
1. 主题和问题研究课题规划出研究问题的价值。
2. 背景和语境你的研究主题需要在一定的语境和背景之中。
这些分析能让你质问自己的假设:研究这个问题的意义在哪里?(另外,)你还需要问自己: 驱使这个研究的动力是什么?从谁的角度来看研究是有意义的?3 框架的概念化、相关文献概念的框架化是对相关文献中研究问题的详尽描述。
金东方访问学者项目咨询顾问周雅淇老师在此分享一篇关于访问学者研究计划写作要领的文章,供准备出国做访问学者的申请者参考!Research Proposal就是我们通常说的研究计划,申请者一般简称为RP。
研究计划(Research Proposal)是纯学术的,无须加入诸如个人经历、感情这些东西。
研究计划一般包括以下几点:1) 研究对象(Topic),即你想要解决的问题2) 研究此问题的意义3) 前人的研究状况即遗留的问题4) 你的研究方法(Methodology)5) 参考文献(Bibliography)具体的要求每个大学都略有不同,但基本上是依照这个格式。
Research Plan for Joint Ph. D. Program Name Surname First nameGender Date of birth (yy/mm/dd)College MajorDomestic supervisor Hosting foreign countryHostingforeign institution Hosting faculty or departmentHostingforeignsupervisorArea of research Duration of study months (from to )RESEARCH PROJECTTITLE : Catalytic conversion of biomass to biochemicalsBACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION OF THE RESEARCH PROJECT: The 21st century is an era with a rapidly declining supply of petroleum and chemical resources. The economic growth around the globe is increasingly driving more need for energy and chemicals.《The Statistics of BP energy of the world》provides an authritive analysis of the situation of current resources in petroleum and chemicals. The petroleum reserves on the Earth can only sustain its production for about another 40 years; and those of coal and natural gas can sustain for another, respectively, 65 and 155 years. Currently, most countries in the world suffer from a shortage of energy resources. Renewable energy are especially attractive alternative. The utilization of fossil fuel results in green house effect and environmental pollution. Therefore, the exploitation of renewable energy in a large scale has already become a crucial part of energy strategies of every nation for future use. The conference of environment and development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 made the sustainable development one of agendas in the 21st century. To the question in Rio declaration, the US Chemical Industry made plans for from the time being to the year 2020. Reports about catalysis propose that renewable biochemical matters can be used as feeds, especially sugar, cellulose and other carbohydrates that can be used in the production of chemicals with high added value. Biochemical matters are abundant. For example, glucose, fructose, cellulose and etc, are renewable and, as feed, as carbon neutral in green house gas emission. They are potential alternative resources and are expected to play an important role in chemical production in the future.In recent years, investigation in this field has gradually become a hot topic in all major research institutions, but the need for new technologies and the cost of production are still unresolved for broad utilization of biochemical resources. Chemical processing can potentially address these issues. Biochemical raw materials undergo conversion by catalysis, which can decrease the cost of production and make the utilization of resources more energy efficient.REVIEW OF THE CURRENT RESEARCHES IN CHINA AND ABROAD:In China, in the field of catalytic transformations of biomass, KouYuan’s group of Beijing University is famous for their study on catalytic conversion of cellulose to C6-alcohol. Their work was published in J.A.C.S. in 2006[1]. Li Hexing’s group of Shanghai Normal University has also done some excellent researches on hydrogenation of glucose. They found a series of high activity amorphous alloy catalysts, and some papers have been published in the journals such as J. Catal, Appl.Catal, and Catal. Today [2,3,4].At present, there are several research teams engage in the study on the catalytic conversion of biomass all over the world, of which, two research groups in this field have done outstanding work, including JamesA. Dumesic’s Group of American University of Wisconsin and Claude Moreau’s Group of the Organic catalysis and Catalytic materials Laboratory in Montpellier, France.5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) is an important biochemical and petrochemical intermediates. HMF and its ensuing 2,5- disubstituted furan derivatives have great potential to be substitutes for the petrochemical materials. They can be used in the production of plastics, fine chemicals, antifungal agents,pharmaceuticals and even can be utilized to produce liquid alkanes and liquid fuels. The PNNL uses ionic liquids as a new type of sugar-soluble solvent to provide a new reaction system for the catalytic conversion of sugars. Through a series of tests on inorganic salts, they find an important catalyst (chromium(Ⅱ) chloride) that can catalyze the conversion of fructose and glucose to HMF with high yield. Through modification and modulation of the reaction phases, James A. Dumesic’s Group designed a biphase reaction syst em. Through the modulation ratio of DMSO, MIBK, PVP, and water, they obtain a high yield of HMF from fructose, glucose and even some polysaccharides such as sucrose and inulin. They are also trying to industrialize their product. Claude Moreau’s group, using different types of ionic liquids and cation exchange resin as catalysts, also find a high yield of HMF[9,10].Some other labs also do their utmost to facilitate the utilization of biomass, for instance, Carlo Carlini’s group of Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry in Italy. They have done researches on the dehydration of fructose over vanadium which has good activity [11].CURRENT RESEARCH STAGE OF THE APPLICANT’S PROJECT IN CHINA:THE OBJECTIVES AND EXPECTED OUTCOMES OF THE PROJECT:Due to energy shortage, the development of new energy source has been one of the hottest research fields. The biomass-derived carbohydrates are abundant in China. However, little of them has been exploited. The objective of this study is to contribute to the development that besides the traditional use of combustion, renewable biomass resources will be also used in chemical engineering. It is very important to find high efficient catalytic systems and to convert carbohydrates and cellulose into high added value fine chemical products. In China, few researchers are working on this topic. We will explore new catalysts to promote biomass production.METHODOLOGIES :Firstly in the experiments, we need to synthesize some ionic liquids with special properties. The imidazolium ionic liquids are preferred so far. Compared with alkylamine or pyridine, they have lower melting point and viscosity, which can support mild reaction conditions. Because sugarscould form hydrogen bonds with the organic nitrogen oxide group or electronegative anion, sugars can dissolve more easily. By using the solid carrier or heterogeneous catalyst (mineral salts or zeolites) in the ionic liquids, high-efficiency conversion can be realized.Data will be collected and analyzed with HPLC. The NMR and MAS NMR are also needed for the structural analysis of the product and intermediate products, which may explain the mechanism of the reaction.THE BACKGROUND OF THE HOSTING FOREIGN INSTITUTE ON THIS PROJECT:THE TIMELINE OF THE PROJECTSep.1, 2008-Dec.31, 20081. Synthesis and characterization of conventional 1-alkyl-3-alkylimidazolium halides ionic liquids.2. Synthesis and characterization of new designed ionic liquids with the organic nitrogen oxide functional group.3. Synthesis and characterization of nanosize and microsize particle zeolites.Jan.1, 2009-Apr.30, 20091. Investigation on the production of HMF from fructose in conventional ionic liquids, the influence of different transition metal catalysts, and the characterization of the production.2. Investigation on the production of HMF from fructose in new designed ionic liquids, the influence of different transition metal catalysts and the characterization of the production.3. To modify the catalytic system and optimize of reaction conditions to improve the yield of object production.4. To support the proper metal on the zeolite and study the catalytic performance.5. To study the influence on the structure and mutarotation of fructose and the stability of the production over the optimalizing catalyst. May.1, 2009-Aug.31, 20091. Investigation on the production of HMF from glucose in ionic liquids, the influence of different transition metal catalysts, and the characterization of the production.2. Investigation on the production of HMF from glucose in new designed ionic liquids, the influence of different transition metal catalysts and the characterization of the production.3. Discussion possible mechanism by the comparation with the reactions from fructose.4. To improve the purification processes of production.5. To study the recycle of the catalysts.THE STUDY/WORK PLAN AFTER RETURNING TO CHINA:Continue to study on dehydration of fructose, glucose. Improve the yield of HMF by optimizing the reaction conditions.Design new catalysts and study possible reaction mechanism through experiments and quantum chemical calculations.Synthesize zeolites for the conversion of carbohydrates and characterize the three dimensional structure of the zeolites.Study on the isomerization of glucose and fructose to find a suitable catalyst that makes it possible to converse glucose into high value-added fine chemicals through one-pot reaction .Study on the reactions of cellulose in ionic liquids to find a suitable catalyst for the conversion of cellulose.REFERENCE:SIGNATURE OF CHINESE SUPERVISOR:Date(yy/mm/dd): SIGNATURE OF HOSTING US SUPERVISOR:Date(yy/mm/dd):。
第二部分:访学研修工作计划1. 访学研修的时间安排本人计划在国外进行为期半年的访学研修,时间为2023年1月至6月。
2. 访学研修的地点选择本人计划申请去美国某一高校或科研机构进行访学研修,具体地点和机构将在后续的申请过程中确定。
3. 访学研修的内容和目标(1)深入学习国外先进的教育理念和教学方法,尤其是与本人所学专业相关的教育科学知识,如课程设计、教学评价、学习心理学等领域;(2)参与国外高校或科研机构的科研项目,并结合自己的研究方向,开展一定的科研工作;(3)参加相关学术会议和研讨会,与国外学者和专家进行深入交流,了解国外最新的学术成果和研究动态;(4)拜访相关教育机构和学校,深入了解国外教育体系和教育管理模式。
4. 访学研修的具体计划和安排(1)在访学研修期间,每周参与所在学校或科研机构的教学和科研活动,与导师和同事进行深入交流,了解他们的教学和科研经验;(2)参与本校或科研机构的科研项目,结合自己的研究方向,开展一定的科研工作,争取在国外同行中取得一定的研究成果;(3)参加学术会议和研讨会,与国外学者和专家进行深入交流,了解他们的研究成果和学术动态;(4)拜访相关教育机构和学校,深入了解国外教育体系和教育管理模式,了解国外教育的先进经验和管理理念,为今后国内的教育改革工作提供参考。
第三部分:访学研修的预期成果1. 提高学术水平和科研能力通过国外先进的学术资源和学术交流,提高自己的学术水平和科研能力,了解国外最先进的教育理念和科研方法,为今后的研究工作打下坚实的基础。
to correlate the mobility patterns of actual sensed data combined with gamification simulations of urban mobility to evaluate the effect of what-if scenarios of different transportation policies and incentives.NOVELTYThe novelty for this study is mainly reflected by the exploitation of both smart mobility profiling and gamification. Nowadays, almost all people have one or more mobile devices such as smart phones, which give us a facility for developing some mobile applications to collect mobility data from mobile devices. Making full use of individual mobile devices and existing fixed infrastructure is quite important in terms of the cost efficiency of deployment and maintenance. However, the proliferation of most mobile applications relies on the users’ engagement. Gamification can be applied to the apps to motivate more people to use and keep them.METHODOLOGYThe methodology for the study involves mobility data collection, mobility profiling, data mining and modeling, gamification.Considering its good cross-platform ability and portability, we will use Java language to develop two apps: One runs on Android (or other mobile platforms) smartphones to collect mobility data from mobile users, with some game motivation strategies to encourage users try to use it and keep it; Another runs on a PC or laptop to collect data from fixed infrastructure and to conduct some necessary data processing.After acquiring mobility data required, methods (e.g. mobility path construction, topology construction, pattern discovery) described in [3] will be used to generate individual mobility profiles. According to [3], there are several algorithms for the pattern mining such as GSP, SPADE, AprioriAll. It is recommended to contain time-context information when representing mobility profiles.Gamification methodology is used to set incentives and improve the engagement of target-specific app users in this research. Gamification generally use six strategies [4]: scores, levels, challenges, leaderboards, achievements and rewards. For this study, these strategies can be used not only to collect mobility data, but also to encourage people to adopt, or to influence how they use transportation.EXPECTED OUTCOMESThe expected outcomes for this study as follows:Two apps, which support common communication techniques (e.g., cellular networks, bluetooth, WiFi) to send and receive mobility data required. The app used to collect to mobility data from mobile users will integrate some game techniques to improve the engagement of users and can determine the location of users and enable users to report some events (e.g., accident) only by taking a photo or other simple operations.A mobility profiling framework. According to data collected, mobility profiles can be acquired by using this framework. This means that the framework will implementfunctions necessary such as mobility paths construction, topology construction, pattern discovery.An evaluation report. According to the evaluation result about the effect of what-if scenarios of different transportation policies and incentives, suggestions will be given to aid traffic departments to make policies that encourage people use transport resource more efficient and environmental-friendly.Three papers, which are published in highly ranked journals or conferences. PROJECT MILESTONESREQUIRED SKILLS/TOOLSAccording to the objectives and methodology for this study, the following skills / tools are required:Programming skills –the researcher should be proficient in common programming languages such as C++, C, Java. Particularly, Java is most likely used to this study for its good portability and cross-platform ability.Software design and development skills –such as OO design, design pattern, RUP. A good system is generally developed based on some excellent ideas and practices. Mathematical modeling skills –the researcher should also have strong mathematical background and modeling skills. Both are necessary to model mobility patterns and to correlate the mobility patterns of actual sensed data combined with gamification simulations of urban mobility to evaluate the effect of what-if scenarios of different transportation policies and incentives.Data mining – common pattern mining methods such as GSP, SPADE, AprioriAll should be grasped. If possible, some improvements in some of them will be better.Mobile devices (e.g. smartphones) –the researcher should be familiar with at least a mobile operating system (e.g. Android, iOS, Symbian, Windows Phone).Matlab and SPSS - they both are effective tools to evaluate the effect of what-if scenarios of different transportation policies and incentives.In conclusion, what I will have to learn is mainly about data mining. With good mathematical skills, I think it is not difficult to learn for me.REFERENCES[1] Li, Y., Y. Li, et al. (2021). Investigation of a coupling model of coordination betweenurbanization and the environment. Journal of Environmental Management 98(0), pp.127-133.[2] Foong Li, L., Z. M. Kasirun, et al. (2021). Gamification towards sustainable mobileapplication. In the 5th Malaysian Conference in Software Engineering (MySEC), 2021, pp.349-353.[3] Bayir, M. A. (2021). Enabling location aware smartphone applications via mobilityprofiling. State University of New York at Buffalo, pp.19-50.[4] Oja, M. and J. Riekki (2021). Ubiquitous Framework for Creating and EvaluatingPersuasive Applications and Games. Grid and Pervasive Computing Workshops. M.Rautiainen, T. Korhonen, E. Mutafungwaet al, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. LNCS 7096, pp. 133-140.。
在访问期间,我计划着重开展以下研究工作:1. 探索XXX领域的新研究方向。
2. 深入研究和解决XXX领域中的难点问题。
3. 组织学术讲座和研讨会。
三、研究方法与步骤1. 文献调研:首先,通过对该领域的相关文献进行梳理和分析,了解该领域的研究现状和存在的问题。
2. 实地调研:其次,安排相关人员前往国内外相关单位进行实地调研,深入了解该领域的最新发展动态。
3. 学术交流:在实地调研的基础上,组织相关学术交流活动,邀请该领域的专家学者进行讲座和交流,促进学术交流。
4. 撰写研究报告:最后,整理调研资料,撰写研究报告并提交相关学术期刊,以分享研究成果。
六、研究经费预算本次访学课题研究所需经费预算如下:1. 实地调研费用:XXX元。
2. 学术交流费用:XXX元。
3. 研究报告撰写费用:XXX元。
七、研究风险与对策1. 实地调研可能受到时间和地点限制,因此需要提前做好调研计划,确保调研的顺利进行。
2. 学术交流可能受到专家学者的时间安排影响,需要提前邀请并协调好时间。
3. 研究报告撰写可能受到资料收集不全和整理不当等问题影响,需要加强团队合作,确保研究报告的质量。