






1. Atlas - 阿特拉斯阿特拉斯是希腊神话中的一位巨人,被罚持天空。

他的名字即来源于希腊语中的 "atlanto",意为 "支撑" 或 "支持"。

在英语中,我们使用"Atlas" 这个词来形容一本地图册,因为阿特拉斯承担了天空和地球的重任,他的名字也被借用来表示一个抗压能力强的人或物。

2. Echo - 回声回声是希腊神话中的一个山林仙女,她和失恋的公牛仙人 Narcissus 的故事成为了 "Echo" 一词的来源。

回声在试图追求 Narcissus 时遭到了拒绝,绝望之下,她只能回应他的话语。

这个故事解释了 "echo" 在英语中指代某个声音的反馈或重复的含义。

3. Nemesis - 報應希腊神话中的 Nemesis 是众神的复仇女神,她会惩罚那些犯下恶行却未受到应有惩罚的人。

"Nemesis" 这个词在英语中被用来指代报应或复仇。

例如,我们常说 "Karma is a nemesis" (因果报应)。

4. Odyssey - 奥德赛奥德赛是希腊神话中的一部史诗,讲述了英勇的 Odysseus 进行冒险和回家的故事。

"Odyssey" 这个词在英语中被用来形容一段冒险旅程或历险经历。

5. Pandora's Box - 潘多拉的盒子潘多拉是希腊神话中的第一个女人,她被训斥因好奇心而打开了放出疾病、灾难和希望之后只剩下希望的盒子。

“Pandora's Box" 这个习语在英语中用来形容一些毁灭性的行为,或表达一种不可逆转的局面。



基础词根(20个)汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词前before pro- pre- prognosis (预后) / precardiac (心前的)上above hyper-, epi- super- epigastrium(上腹部) /superofrontal (额上的)下below hypo- sub- hypotension(低血压)/ subneural(神经下的) 内inside endo- intra- endocrine(内分泌的)/ intervenous(静脉内的)多many, much poly- multi- polyuria(多尿症)/ multipara (经产妇)同sameness homo- iso- homobody(同体)/ isotope (同位素)异difference allo- hetero- allosome(异染色体)/ heterotopia(异位)半half hemi- semi- hemisection(半切除)/ semicanal (半管)一one mono- uni- monoclonal(单克隆的)/ unicellular (单细胞的)二two di- bi- diarthric(两关节的)/ bidental(双牙的)运动系统(10个)汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词肌肉flesh myo- musculo- myofiber(肌纤维)/ musculotendinous(肌腱的)骨bone osteo- os- osteoporosis(骨质疏松)/ ossa pedis (足骨)关节joint arthro- articulo- a rthritis(关节炎)/ articulation (关节)椎骨vertebra spondylo- vertebro- spondylodynia脊椎痛/ vertebrocostal(椎肋的)脊柱backbone rachio- spino- rachiomyelitis(脊髓炎)/ spinocortical(脊髓皮质的)心血管系统(10个+备用8个)汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词心heart cardio- cor- cardiology(心脏病学)/ cor bovinum (牛心症)心房atrium atrio- aurico- atrium(心房)/ auricula (心房)血blood hemo- hemato- hemoglobin(血红蛋白)/ hematology (血液学)血管vessel angio- vaso- angiofibroma(血管纤维瘤)/ vascular (血管的)静脉vein phlebo- veno- phlebology(静脉学)/ venoclysis (静脉输注)快fast tachy- tachycardia (心动过速)慢slow brady bradycardia (心动过缓)主动脉aorto------- main artery毛细血管capillo------slim vessel血栓thrombo--------clot of blood血清sero-------watery part of blood.淋巴lympho-----colorless fluid from the tissues or organs of the body,containing white-cells.胸腺thymo-----a kind of gland in chest.呼吸系统(6个+ 备用5个)汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词呼吸breath pneumo- spiro- pneumocardiography(呼吸心动描记法)/ spirography(呼吸描记法)鼻nose rhino- naso- rhinoplasty(鼻整形术)/ nasolabial (鼻唇的)肺lung pneumono- pulmo- pneumonia (肺炎)/ pulmonologist (肺脏病学家)咽pharyngo----喉laryngo------the hollow box like part in your throat where you make voice sounds气管tracheo----wind-pipe支气管broncho----slim windpipe胸膜pleuro----delicate membrance of the thorax and the lungs.呼吸-pnea -----breathe消化系统(第一组10个;第二组10个;备用7个)汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词消化digestion pepso- gesto- pepsin(胃蛋白酶)/口mouth stomato- oro- stomatology(口腔医学)/ oronasal(口鼻的)舌tongue glosso- linguo- glossocele(大舌病)/ lingular (小舌的)牙teeth odonto- dento- odontoma(牙瘤)/ dentist(牙医)肝liver hepato- jeco- hepatization(肝样变)/ jecorize (鱼肝油化)胆gall bladder chole- bili- cholecyst(胆囊)/ biligenensis(胆汁生成)肠gut entero- intestino- enterococcin(肠球菌素)/ intestinotoxin(肠毒素)直肠rectum procto- recto- proctectomy (直肠切除术)/ rectum (直肠)肛门anus procto- ano- proctodynia(肛部痛)/ anus (肛门)糖glucose glyco- saccharo- glycogen(糖原)/ saccharose (蔗糖)食道esophago-胃gastro-幽门pyloro-阑尾appendo-胆囊cholecysto-胰腺pancreato-酶-ase泌尿系统(6个+4个= 10个)汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词肾kidney nephro- reno- nephrosis(肾变病)/ renocortical (肾皮质的)肾盂renal pelvis pyelo- pelvi- pyelopathy(肾盂病)/ pelviostpmy(肾盂造口术)膀胱bladder cysto- vesico- cystotome(膀胱刀)/ vesicocolic(膀胱结肠的)尿urine uro- urocyst (膀胱)水water hydro- hydromyelia (脊髓积水)球菌coccus cocco- coccobacillus(球杆菌)结石stone litho- litholysis(结石溶解)皮肤、感觉器官(6个)汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词皮肤skin dermato- cutaneo- dermatitis(皮炎)/ cutaneomucosal(皮粘膜的)眼eye ophthalmo- oculo- ophthalmosurgery(眼外科)/耳ear oto- auri- otology(耳科学)/ auriform(耳状的)药理学(2个)汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词药drug pharmaco- medicine pharmacogenetics(药物遗传学)疗法treatment -therapy remedy chemotherapy(化疗)诊断(7个)汉义英词希腊源例词表,量器measure -meter thermometer (温度计)度量,测量to measure -metry pelvimetry (骨盆测量法)图,像 a mark -gram electrocardiogram (心电图)图-graph electrocardiograph (心动电流描记器)书写,记录to write -graphy electrocardiography (心动电流描记法)镜to examine -scope endoscope (内镜)检查法to examine -scopy endoscopy (内镜检查术)外科学(6个)汉义英词希腊源例词切开cutting -tomy anatomy (解剖)切除cut away -ectomy appendectomy (阑尾切除术)造口opening -stomy gastrostomy (胃造口术)成形shape -plasty cardioplasty (贲门成形术)缝合sew -rrhaphy herniorraphy (疝缝手术)固定术fixation -pexy hepatopexy (肝固定术)典型词素(第一组10个;第二组9个)情况-ia anoxia (缺氧症)瘤-oma carcinoma (癌)炎症-itis hepatitis (肝炎)痛-algia arthralgia (关节痛)痛-dynia osteodynia (骨痛)血症-emia leukemia (白血病)尿-uria oliguria (少尿症)病态,状态-osis sclerosis (硬化症)贫乏,缺少-penia erythropenia (红细胞减少)患病状态,疾病-pathy myopathy (肌病)细胞cell -cyte monocyte (单核细胞)体-some chromosome(染色体)嗜-phil acidophilia (嗜酸性)杀死-cide g ermicide(杀虫剂)溶解-lysis hemolysis (溶血)溢出-(o)rrhea diarrhea(腹泻)恐惧-phobe hydrophobia(恐水症)…学科-iatry/ -iatrics pediatrics (儿科)..状的-form filiform (线形的)成…细胞-blast osteoblast (成骨细胞)。









例如,特洛伊战争(Trojan War)是希腊神话中最著名的战争之一,这场战争的名字成为了英语中“trojan”(特洛伊的)和“trojan horse”(特洛伊木马)等单词的词根。



例如,奥林匹斯山(Mount Olympus)是希腊神话中众神的家园,这个名字成为了英语中“olympic”(奥林匹克的)和“olympiad”(奥林匹克运动会)等单词的词根。

另一个例子是达尔达尼厄斯(Troy),这是特洛伊战争的发生地,这个名字成为了英语中“trojan”(特洛伊的)和“troy weight”(特洛伊重量)等单词的词根。





Helen of Troy(红颜祸水)
特洛伊战争的最后一年,希腊人采用了“木马计”(the Trojan Horse),在Hera和Athene的帮助下,攻陷了特洛伊城。由于Helen导致了特洛伊城的沦陷,因此Helen of Troy就成了“红颜祸水,倾国尤物”的代名词。
the sword of Damocles(达摩克利斯之剑)
11、Morpheus:希腊神话中的梦神。梦神是睡神Hypnos的儿子,),marijuana(大麻), 两者都是opium(鸦片)的提取物。morphine有麻醉镇定的作用。
二 源于希腊神话的英语习语
1、Pandora’s box(潘朵拉的盒子) :普罗米修斯(Prometheus)为人类盗来了天火,激怒了宙斯(Zeus)。Zeus决定惩罚人类,于是他命令火神造出一个美貌的女人 Pandora,让她去勾引Prometheus的弟弟埃比米修斯(Epimetheus)。结果Epimetheus上当,接近了 Pandora,Pandora于是就将手中的盒子打开,放出了里面的罪恶、灾难、疾病、不幸,只留下了“希望”在盒子里。于是Pandora’s box就成了“灾难的根源”的代名词。
Electra Complex(恋父情结)
Achilles' heel(致命的弱点)
阿基里斯(Achilles)幼年时,他母亲为了使他有不死之身,提着他的脚在冥河中将他全身浸过,使刀枪不能伤害他,唯独脚跟没有浸过冥河水,结果在同Paris作战时,被Paris用毒箭射中脚跟而死,因此Achilles' heel(阿基里斯之踵)就成了“致命的弱点”的同义语。



Words‎deriv‎e d from Greek‎mytho‎l ogyAchil‎l es’ heel: a vulne‎r able‎point‎[fr. L, fr. Gk Achil‎l eus Achil‎l es, the great‎e st Greek‎warri‎o r at Troy, slaye‎r of Hecto‎r]Argus‎-eyed: vigil‎a ntly‎obser‎v ant [L, fr. Gk Argos‎, a hundr‎e d-eyed monst‎e r of Greek‎mytho‎l ogy] Atlas‎: A book conta‎i ning‎maps of vario‎u s locat‎i ons. Atlas‎was a titan‎conde‎m ned to hold up the sky on his shoul‎d ers.Augea‎n stabl‎e: a condi‎t ion or place‎marke‎d by great‎accum‎u lati‎o n of filth‎or corru‎p tion‎[L Augea‎s, king of Elis, fr. Gk Augei‎a s; fr. the legen‎d that his stabl‎e, left negle‎c ted for 30 years‎, wasfinal‎l y clean‎e d by Hercu‎l es]Cerea‎l: Any grain‎,such as wheat‎,oats, barle‎y, etc. Named‎after‎Ceres‎,godde‎s s of farmi‎n g and agric‎u ltur‎e.Chron‎i cle: A list of event‎s in the order‎they happe‎n ed. Named‎for Cronu‎s (Satur‎n), fathe‎r of Jupit‎e r and leade‎r of the titan‎s.Cloth‎: any type of natur‎a l fabri‎c. Cloth‎o, one of the Fates‎, gave her name to this mater‎i al.Delph‎i c utter‎a nce: a comme‎n t or respo‎n se to a quest‎i on that is ambig‎u ous and there‎f ore diffi‎c ult to under‎s tand‎[fr. Delph‎i, the site of the oracl‎e of Apoll‎o]Echo: The refle‎c tion‎of a sound‎wave. Echo was a wood nymph‎whose‎voice‎was taken‎from her by Juno, and she was there‎a fter‎only capab‎l e of repea‎t ing other‎s.Hercu‎l ean: a seemi‎n gly impos‎s ible‎task, such as the twelv‎e labor‎s Hercu‎l es had to perfo‎r m to win his freed‎o mJovia‎l: good-humor‎e d. When he wasn?t tossi‎n g aroun‎d light‎n ing bolts‎, Jupit‎e r (also known‎as Jove) would‎proba‎b ly be in this mood.Labyr‎i nth: eithe‎r a maze with many twist‎s and passa‎g es or a tortu‎o us proce‎d ure. Comes‎from the name of the maze Daeda‎l us built‎for King Minos‎of Crete‎.Marti‎a l: relat‎i ng to or sugge‎s tive‎of war. Named‎for Mars, god of war.Midas‎touch‎: an uncan‎n y abili‎t y for makin‎g money‎in every‎ventu‎r e [L, fr. Gk legen‎d of the Phryg‎i an king Midas‎who is given‎the power‎to turn every‎t hing‎he touch‎e d into gold]Music‎:harmo‎n ious‎and rhyth‎m ic arrai‎g nmen‎t s of sound‎. Named‎after‎the Muses‎,godde‎s ses of the arts and scien‎c es.Narci‎s sist‎i c: exces‎s ive self-admir‎a tion‎. Narci‎s sus was a man who fell in love with his refle‎c tion‎. Olymp‎i an feat: a lofty‎task, as one befit‎t ing the immor‎t als [fr. Gk Olymp‎o s, the mount‎a in in Greek‎mytho‎l ogy that is the home of the gods]Orato‎r: one who speak‎s in publi‎c. Deriv‎e s from oracl‎e, place‎s where‎the gods and morta‎l s would‎go for help.Pando‎r a’s box: a proli‎f ic sourc‎e of troub‎l es [fr. the myth surro‎u ndin‎g the box sent by the gods to Pando‎r a]Panic‎: a sudde‎n, inten‎s e, conta‎g ious‎fear. The god Pan was known‎for causi‎n g such fear in peopl‎e. Pluto‎c rat: gover‎n ment‎of rich peopl‎e. Pluto‎lived‎in the under‎w orld‎, surro‎u nded‎by miner‎a l wealt‎h. procr‎u stea‎n bed: a schem‎e or patte‎r n into which‎someo‎n e or somet‎h ing is arbit‎r aril‎y force‎d [L, fr.Gk Prokr‎o uste‎s Procr‎u stes‎, a villa‎i nous‎son of Posei‎d on in Greek‎mytho‎l ogy who force‎strave‎l ers to fit into his bed by stret‎c hing‎their‎bodie‎s or cutti‎n g off their‎legs]Psych‎e: The soul or mind, named‎for Psych‎e, the wife of Cupid‎.Pytho‎n: a massi‎v e snake‎that kills‎its prey by const‎r icti‎o n. Named‎after‎Pytho‎n, a monst‎e r that lived‎in a cave near Delph‎i and was kille‎d by Apoll‎o.siren‎song: an allur‎i ng utter‎a nce or appea‎l, espec‎i ally‎one that is seduc‎t ive or decep‎t ive [ME serey‎n, fr. OF serei‎n e, fr. L Siren‎, fr. Gk Serei‎n Siren‎, one of sever‎a l mytho‎l ogic‎a l Greek‎sea nymph‎s, part woman‎and part bird, suppo‎s ed to lure sailo‎r s to their‎destr‎u ctio‎n by their‎seduc‎t ivesingi‎n g]Struc‎k by Cupid‎’s arrow‎: smitt‎e n, in love [L Cupid‎o, the Roman‎god of eroti‎c love]Titan‎i c: of massi‎v e size, like the titan‎s, the gigan‎t ic sons of Uranu‎s and Gaia.。

童理民 说文解字 细说英语词根词源

童理民 说文解字 细说英语词根词源






3.词根:geo-词源:希腊语,意为“地球”相关词汇:geography(地理学)、geology(地质学)、geometry (几何学)解释:这些词都与“地球”有关,geography研究地球的地形和土地利用, geology研究地球的结构和成分,geometry研究平面和立体图形的性质。

























希腊神话英语词源English: The English words derived from Greek mythology are numerous and can be found in various fields such as medicine, astronomy, and psychology. For example, the word "atlas" comes from the Greek titan Atlas, who was condemned to hold up the heavens for eternity. The word "narcissism" originates from the story of Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection. The word "echo" comes from the story of Echo, a nymph who could only repeat the last words spoken to her. The term "herculean" is derived from the demigod Hercules, known for his incredible strength and bravery. The word "muse" refers to the nine goddesses of the arts and sciences in Greek mythology, who were believed to inspire creativity in humans. Additionally, many constellations in astronomy have names rooted in Greek mythology, such as Orion, Cygnus, and Andromeda.中文翻译: 英语中源自希腊神话的词汇数不胜数,在医学、天文学和心理学等各个领域都能找到。


ornithopter(扑翼机:ornitho-“鸟”+ -pter“翼”),字面义是“鸟翼”, 这是一种简易的航空器,模仿鸟类翅膀上下扑动,借此爬升、前进。后面 的成分 -pter(翼)以前介绍过,最常见的例子是 helicopter(直升机:helico“螺旋”+ -pter“翼”),字面义是“螺旋翼”。
100 词林漫步
ornithomancy(鸟占:ornitho-“鸟”+ -mancy“占卜”),通过观察鸟的 飞行和鸣叫来占卜,借此预知未来的吉凶。这是个有希腊血统的字眼,现 在少用了,经常对应到有拉丁血统的 augury(占卜;预兆)。augury 最初是 观鸟、观天象,用以断祸福、定吉凶,领域专家是 augur(占卜官;预言者), 这个 augur 也转作动词,义为“预示着;是……的兆头”。类似以 -mancy(占 卜)结尾的占卜词之前看过不少,这里就不再重复了。
稍微岔个题。读者朋友看到“坐骨”,心中可能会浮现坐骨神经痛,因 为坐骨神经痛影响了许多人的生活。那么“坐骨神经痛”的英文怎么说呢? 选择一,可以说 ischialgia(ischi- = ischium“坐骨”+ -alg-“痛”+ -ia“名 词后缀,表疾病”),这是罕见的医学术语,不建议使用。选择二,可以说 sciatica(sci- = ischi- = ischium“坐骨”+ -atic“形容词后缀”+ -a“阴性名 词后缀”),这是标准的医学术语,很常见,建议使用。选择三,sciatic pain (坐骨痛),是 sciatica 的展开版,可与 sciatica 互换。选择四,可以用大白话, 笼统含糊地说 pain in the hip(臀部痛)。“坐骨神经”是 sciatic nerve(字面“髋 部的神经”)。



1.ACHILLES’ HEELMeaning: The weakness of an individual which leads to his downfall.Greek Myth: Achilles was a Greek warrior who later became the hero of the Trojan War. When he was an infant, it was prophesized that he would dieyoung. His mother Thetis who was a Nereid (sea goddess) did not desire this and hence she dipped him into the river Styx. The Styx had powers by which any part of the body that made contact with the river became invincible.However, she had held him by the heel when dipping him, thus leaving avulnerable area. He would later die, as prophesized, by a poisoned arrow to his heel.“His love for fast food is one day going to prove to be his achilles’ heel.”2.CAUGHT BETWEEN SCYLLA & CHARYBDISMeaning: A difficult choice where either decision could end in disaster; more familiar as ‘between the devil and the deep blue sea’.Greek Myth: The hero Odysseus spent nine years returning home after theTrojan War. Along his voyage by sea, he came upon Scylla and Charybdis.Scylla was an enormous sea monster with numerous hands and six dog heads sprouting from her body; she ate men alive. Charybdis was a tremendouswhirlpool that digested ships whole. Since the only way to get home was to choose either route, Odysseus had to decide on one horror or the other. He chose Scylla, losing six crewmen to Scylla's hunger.“If I do my mathematics homework, I won’t have time to study for the History test tomorrow, and both teachers are so strict! I’m caught between Scylla and Charybdis!3.DOG AS MAN’S BEST FRIEND OR FAITHFUL COMPANIONMeaning: Self-explanatoryGreek Myth: When Odysseus returned home in disguise after many years, only his faithful dog who had patiently awaited his return recognized him. Hisfamily did not recognize him. Even on its deathbed, the dog managed to look up at its master and wag its tail in appreciation.“He won’t do something so cruel to her; he’s as faithful as a dog.”4.ELYSIUM FIELDSMeaning: ParadiseGreek Myth: The Greeks did not believe in a heaven and hell; instead, theexceptionally good people were sent to Elysium, also known as the ‘Isle of the Blessed’. This was equivalent to Christianity’s paradise.“The party was on a beautiful beach, with wonderful food and drinks; Ithought I had stumbled upon the Elysium fields!”5.THE FACE THAT LAUNCHED A THOUSAND SHIPSMeaning: Any one person causing disaster, especially war.Greek Myth: This is a direct reference to Helen of Troy, who was considered to be the most beautiful woman in the world. The abduction of her by theTrojan prince Paris caused Menelaus, her husband, to declare war on Troy.Because of prior alliances, eventually all of the Greeks got involved; thus, Helen's beauty had ‘launched a thousand ships’ into war.6.FOOD OF THE GODSMeaning: unbelievably delicious delicacies.Greek Myth: Nector and ambrosia were what the gods normally ate – this was the food of the gods. If a mortal were to eat ambrosia, he or she would berendered immortal.“This spread looks like the food of the gods!”7.TITANMeaning: one of great size, strength or achievementGreek Myth: The titans were part of a family of giants, the children of Uranus and Gaea. They tried to rule heaven but were overthrown and supplanted by the family of Zeus. They were very large creatures of enormous strength.“Ratan Tata is one of the titans of Indian enterprise.”8.GORDIAN KNOTMeaning: An extremely perplexing puzzle or problem.Greek Myth: Legend mixes with mythology with respect to this term. King Gordius of Phrygia tied a knot and it was destined that whoever could untie it revealed himself as the future lord of Asia. After many frustrating attempts to untie it, Alexander the Great finally sliced the knot with his sword, proving it would take brute force to eventually capture Asia. Thus, to ‘cut the Gordian knot’ means to solve a puzzle in a powerful, decisive manner.“This week’s crossword in the paper is a Gordian knot!”9.HERCULEAN EFFORTMeaning: A mighty tryGreek Myth: Heracles, (not Hercules) was the son of Zeus and a mortalwoman. Heracles was obligated to fulfill twelve very difficult tasks, called the Labours of Heracles. Any effort we nowadays may deem as tremendous canb e attributed as ‘Herculean’, and is associated with the labours.“Setting up a new house takes Herculean effort.”10.HOT AS HADESMeaning: Sweltering heatGreek Myth: Hades was the ruler of the underworld, called Tartarus. This was where evil people went after death, according to Greek mythology. The place was supposed to be very hot, and severe punishments were constantly meted out. It might be deduced that perhaps the real saying was ‘hot as Tartarus’, but over the years, it has become more popular as ‘hot as Hades’.“In the summers, Mumbai becomes hot as Hades.”11.THE HOUNDS OF HELLMeaning: Allegory for evil, or the pursuit by evilGreek Myth: Again, in reference to Hades's kingdom, Cerberus was a dog who guarded the entrance to the netherworld. There weren't really any‘hounds’, but Cerberus is often depicted with many heads. He was referred to as the hound of hell, and is generally associated with evil.“The gunmen attached the crowds like hounds of hell.”12.MIDAS TOUCHMeaning: A person who always is lucky is said to have the Midas touch.Greek Myth: Perhaps one of mythology's most famous tales is that of King Midas, who was granted the wish that everything he touched would turn into gold. However, he soon realized that he could not eat, or drink, or even hug his daughter. Wisely, he retracted his wish, and by immersing himself in the river Pactolus, lost the ‘golden touch’ or the ‘Midas touch’.“I always involve Ravi in any new venture; he has the Midas touch andensures that things go smoothly.”13. ODYSSEYMeaning: A long adventure, journeyGreek Myth: This term derives from the classical epic by Homer, ‘Odyssey’.The hero Odysseus takes nine long years to return from the Trojan War. Along the way, he has a multitude of adventures.“My odyssey through Rajasthan last month was tiring but very exciting!”14. ELECTRA COMPLEXMeaning:A daughter’s attachment to her fatherGreek Myth:Electra was the daughter of Agamemnon. When her mother Clytemnestra murdered Agamemnon, Electra swore vengeance in Agamemnon's honor.Her relentless obsession was ultimately the cause of Clytemnestra's death. Both Sophocles and Euripedes wrote plays that bear her name.15.PAND ORA’S BOXMeaning: To ‘open a Pandora's Box’ means to invite trouble.Greek Myth: Zeus was disgusted with man and decided to inflict him with theworst trouble imaginable. A woman, Pandora was molded from clay and wasbestowed with gifts of charm and beauty. Zeus then gave her to Epimetheus(whose name means ‘afterthought’) to marry, with a beautiful box of evils asher dowry. Although told not to open it, she inevitably did, and all the evilswere released.“Don’t let mummy see my test results or the Pandora’s Box will be opened!”16.TROJAN HORSEMeaning: destruction by a seemingly benign person or object, on the slyGreek Myth: During the Trojan War, the Trojans were within their city wallswhile the Achaeans (Greeks) lay in wait outside. The Greeks decided to trickthe Trojans. An enormous wooden horse was placed outside their gates. TheTrojans thought that this was a peace-offering or a gift from the gods. Despitewarnings from the princess Cassandra and the priest Laocoon, they broughtthe horse within the city. During the night, hidden soldiers from the horse'sbelly emerged and destroyed the city.“The drink was actually a Trojan horse; she had poisoned it before offeringit.”17 APPLE OF DISCORD- This expression comes from Greek mythology. "This story begins at the wedding of the hero Peleus and the water-nymph Thetis, parents of the famous Achilles. All the gods are invited to the party, saving one: Eris, goddess of discord - an understandable omission. Eris, didn't see it that way and resolved to get revenge." She stole one of Hera's golden apples and inscribed it "Property of the Fairest" and tossed it onto a banquet table "where it was squabbled over by every goddess on hand." From "Brush Up on Your Classics!" By Michael Macrone (Gramercy Books, New York, 1999). Page 178.18TO FIGHT LIKE A TROJAN –This comes from the Trojan War, the "legendary war sung by Homer in the 'Iliad' as having been waged for ten years by the confederated Greeks against the men of Troy and their allies." From "Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable"revised by Adrian Room (HarperCollinsPublishers, New York, 1999, Sixteenth Edition). Page 120319 A SINON –- The Greeks built a hollow horse, the Trojan Horse, and "fill it with their top warriors." The Trojans "drag this 'gift' into their city.When all is safe, the Greeks jump out of the horse and, without pity, destroy the town." From "Brush Up on Your Classics!" By Michael Macrone (Gramercy Books, New York, 1999). Page 13. "Sinon, a great liar, is the man who was in charge of staying by the wooden horse and lighting a beacon lamp as a signal to the Achaeans for their final assault against Troy." /cparada/GML/Sinon.html Retrieved on October 5, 2002. Sinon, left behind by the Greeks -- he claimed it was because Odysseus is his enemy -- told the Trojans the horse was a sacrifice to Athena./academic/english/canary/trojans.html#cassandra Retrieved on October 5, 2002.20 A TRITON AMONG THE MINNOWS- Triton was the son of . "Poseidon and Amphitrite, represented as a fish with a human head. It is this sea-god that makes the roaring of the ocean by blowing through his shell." The expression means: "A great man among a host of inferiors." From "Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable" revised by Adrian Room (HarperCollinsPublishers, New York, 1999, Sixteenth Edition). Page 1202.21 Oedipus ComplexSigmund Freud believed that all men want to kill their fathers so that they can marry their mothers. So today, whenever we see a guy who is just a bit too close to his mom, we might say that he has an Oedipus complex.The term originated from this Greek story: there was this guy named Oedipus who, at birth, was destined by fate to kill his father (who also happened to be the King of Thebes) and marry his mother. The people in Thebes thought that this was a pretty big deal, so when Oedipus was an infant, he was sent away. As an adult, Oedipus returns to Thebes only to - you guessed it - kill his dad and marry his mom (he didn't know theywere his parents. By the way, the reverse condition (women who seek to kill their mother and marry their father) is called the Elektra complex.22 Herculean taskHercules is actually the Roman name of the Greek hero, Heracles.Heracles is famous for his unbelievable strength. Throughout his life,Heracles was also challenged to many physical tasks (such as defeatingthe many-headed Hydra). Each and every time, Heracles successfullyaccomplished his "labors," all because of his god-like strength. T oday, weuse the term "Herculean task" to refer to a challenge that is so difficult,that only Heracles, with his god-like strength, could accomplish it. Itdoesn't mean that something is impossible, but it means that it'soverwhelmingly large and should require more than one person23o Pandora's boxo The only thing left inside the jar was Hope.24 Arachne, arachnida, arachnoideaIn Greek mythology, the most skillful weaver of Lydia who challenged the goddess Athena to a weaving contest.Athena wove into her web the stories of those who had aroused the anger of the gods, while Arachne chose stories of the errors of the gods.Enraged at the excellence of the work, Athena tore Arachne's web into pieces. Arachne hanged herself in grief and was transformed by Athena into a spider.This was adopted as the spider family in science which includes scorpions, mites, and ticks.The term arachnoid refers to anything that resembles a spider's web.25 Athene, Pallas AthenePallas signifies "brandisher" (someone who waves, flourishes, or exhibits menacingly), that is, as a spear.An asteroid was named Pallas as well as a very rare metallic element called palladiium which was named after the asteroid.Because a statue of Pallas Athene , which stood in front of the city of Troy was supposed to have helped preserve the city from danger, the word palladium also has come to mean "a potent safeguard".26 CalliopeThe name of a musical instrument.The mother of Orpheus was named Calliope because she was the Muse of Eloquence and Heroic Poetry. The name comes from two words meaning "beauty" and "voice".27 CronosThe god of time.From this word, we have the noun chronology which describes an arrangement of events in order of occurrence. Chronic describes something that continues over a long period of time.A chronicler is someone who records a historical account of events in the order of time. A time piece of great accuracy is called a chronometer28 Cyclops (s), Cyclopes (pl)1. Any of the three one-eyed Titans who forged thunderbolts for Zeus.2. Any of a race of one-eyed giants, reputedly descended from these Titans, inhabiting the island of Sicily.3. Etymology: derived from two Greek words meaning "circle" and "eye".We have adopted cyclops in the field of biology to describe the group of tiny, free-swimming crustaceans which have a single eye.Cyclopie is an adjective meaning "monstrous". Cyclopia is a noun used for a massive abnormality in which the eyes are partly or completely fused.The word has been used as a root to describe a wheel in such words as tricycle, bicycle, and motorcycle. It is also used to describe a violent storm which moves in a circle; such as, a cyclone.It also appears in the word encyclopedia to describe circular (or complete) learning. A cyclotron is a large apparatus used for the multiple acceleration of ions to very high speeds.29 Erinyes, Eumenides; the Furies;In Greek mythology, three terrifying snake-haired winged goddesses, named Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, who mercilessly punished wrongdoing, especially when committed within families.Eumenides meant "the kindly ones". We now use the word "euphemism" to describe words which do not say the unpleasant idea intended.From Greek euphemismos, "use of a favorable word in place of an inauspicious one"; from euphemizein "to speak with fair words", from eu-, "good" + pheme, "speaking", from phanai, "to speak".In ancient Greece, the superstitious avoidance of words ofill-omen during religious ceremonies, or substitutions; such as, Eumenides, "the Gracious Ones" with reference to the Furies.In English, a rhetorical term at first; broader sense of "choosing a less distasteful word or phrase than the one meant" was first established or documented in 1793.30 Elysian FieldsA "place of great happiness; blissful, delightful", which inspired the French to call their famous boulevard in Paris the Champs 蒷ys閑.A tree-lined thoroughfare of Paris, France, leading from the Place de la Concorde to the Arc de Triomphe.。



希腊神话人物所演变出来的单词西方文化有两个源头:一为希腊(Hellenic) 文化 ,一为希伯莱(Hebrew) 文化 ,而希腊文化中的希腊神话(Greek mythology) 对英语影响非常广泛。

现代英语中 ,很多词汇来源于希腊罗马神话中众神的名字 ,至今仍起着重要的作用。


1、Flora :古希腊罗马神话中的花神。

她嫁给了西风之神Zephyr ,丈夫送给她一座满是奇花异草的园子。

春天时 ,Flora和丈夫 Zephyr 手挽手在园子里漫步 ,他们一路走过的地方百花齐放。

Flora 在现代英语里指代“植物”。

衍生词:flower ,flour , flourish , floral , florist。

2、The Muses(缪斯) :希腊神话中掌管艺术的诸神。

共九位 ,分别是历史、抒情诗、喜剧 (牧歌、田园诗) 、悲剧、歌舞、爱情诗、颂歌、天文、史诗。

Muses 的艺术衍生出单词 music ,Muses 收藏艺术品的地方就是museum。

艺术带来的快乐便是muse ,amusement。

3、Pan(潘) :牧神和森林之神 ,受打扰时会大声吼叫。

衍生词:panic(惊慌 ,恐慌)。

4、Titan(泰坦) :曾统治世界的巨人族的一员。

Titan 在现代英语里指代高大强壮的人 ,重要人物。

衍生词 titanic 意指巨大的 ,极大的。


5、Zephyrus(泽费罗斯) :西风之神。

衍生词:zephyr (西风 ,和风 ,微风)。

6、Atlas :阿特拉斯,希腊神话中 Titans (泰坦) 巨神之一 ,因背叛Zeus(宙斯) 被罚在世界的西边尽头以双肩扛天。


7、Ceres :庄稼保护神。

古罗马遭受大旱 ,教士们求助女巫占卜 ,占卜的结果是要立一位新的女神 Ceres ,向她供奉 ,这样她就会给大地带来雨水。






1. 学术领域:在学术领域,许多专业术语都源自古希腊语。


2. 科学领域:在科学领域,许多单词也源自古希腊语。


3. 日常生活:在日常生活中,许多常见的单词也源自古希腊语。


4. 体育领域:在体育领域,许多单词也源自古希腊语。






同前五期一样,我们重点回顾一下至今为止学过的希腊词根,温故知新:(1) cardio-(心)【cardiovascular(心血管的)】(2) cephalo-(头)【cephalopod(头足类动物)】(3) encephalo-(脑)【encephalitis(脑炎)】(4) cranio-(颅骨)【cranium(颅骨)】(5) arterio-(动脉)【arteriosclerosis(动脉硬化)】(6) ven-(静脉)【intravenous injection(静脉注射)】(注:源自拉丁文)(7) hemo-/hemato-/-emia(血)【hemorrhage(出血),hematology(血液科),anemia (贫血)】(8) dermato-/-derm(皮肤)【dermatology(皮肤科),pachyderm(厚皮动物)】(9) sarco-(肉)【sarcoma(肉瘤)】(10) myo-(肌肉)【myasthenia(肌无力)】(11) neuro-(神经)【neurosurgery(神经外科)】(12) osteo-(骨头)【osteoporosis(骨质疏松症)】(13) arthro-(关节)【arthropod(节肢动物)】(14) -opia/-opsy/opto-/ophthalmo-(眼睛;视力;看;检验)【myopia(近视),biopsy(活组织检查),optometry(验光),ophthalmology(眼科)】(15) rhino-(鼻子)【rhinoceros(犀牛)】(16) stomato-(嘴巴)【stomatitis(口腔炎)】(17) oto-(耳朵)【otitis media(中耳炎)】(18) odonto-(牙齿)【orthodontics(口腔正畸学)】(19) glosso-/glotto-(舌头;语言)【glossectomy(舌切除),polyglot(多语的;多语人)】这一期我们不多废话,马上进入主题。



希腊字母表大写小写国际音标大写小写国际音标[nju:][ksai][ou`maik En][pai][rou][`sigm E][t R:][fai][kai][jU:p`sail En][psai][`oumig E]罗马字的产生(1)从公元前3000年左右开始,古埃及的人们就在使用文字(象形文字)表示神,人,动植物,自然界的形态(山,河等),来表示装饰品,武器,农具,日用品等的形状了。



Paper(纸)这个词便是源于papyrus. (2)公元前2000—前800年间,海上贸易十分繁荣的腓尼基人,以埃及象形文字为基础,创造了腓尼基语的字母表。


Alphabet 的词源即为希腊语的alpha(a)beta(B).(4)罗马字字母表的确立得力于公元前800—500年间十分活跃的伊特拉斯坎人。





关于英文字母起源世界上存在着许多讲法,但比较常见的讲法(根据Funk《Word origins》一书)是起源于希伯来语。











1. Democracy(民主主义)- 源于古希腊语“dēmokratia”,由“dēmos”(人民)和“kratos”(统治)组成,意为“人民统治”。

2. Computer(计算机)- 词源于拉丁语“computare”,意为“计算”。

3. Bicycle(自行车)- 源于希腊语“bi”(两个)和“kyklos”(圆形),意为“两个圆形”。

4. Telephone(电话)- 由希腊语“tele”(远程)和拉丁语“phonus”(声音)组成而成,意为“远程声音”。

5. Chocolate(巧克力)- 源于阿兹特克语“xocolātl”,意为“苦水”。












在英语中,"Herculean task"(赫拉克勒斯式的任务)被用来形容一项非常艰巨的任务。

同样,"Pandora"s box"(潘多拉的盒子)也是源自希腊神话,被用来形容一个一旦打开就会带来无尽灾难的事物。






1. Democracy (民主)- 源自希腊语"demokratia"(δημοκρατία)
2. Philosophy(哲学)- 源自希腊语"philosophia"(φιλοσοφία)
3. Biology(生物学)- 源自希腊语"bios"(βίος)和"logos"(λόγος)
4. Psychology(心理学)- 源自希腊语"psyche"(ψυχή)和"logos"(λόγος)
5. Geography(地理学)- 源自希腊语"geo"(γη)和"graphia"(γραφία)
6. Theatre(戏剧)- 源自希腊语"theatron"(θέατρον)
7. Sociology(社会学)- 源自希腊语"socius"(συνοικία)和"logos"(λόγος)
8. Mathematics(数学)- 源自希腊语"mathema"(μάθημα)和"tikos"(τικός)
9. Physics(物理学)- 源自希腊语"physika"(φυσικά)
10. Music(音乐)- 源自希腊语"mousike"(μουσική)



英语词汇:起源于希腊的英语单词你知道多少?背了这么多单词,你知不知道原来英语中有150000个单词是起源于希腊的,今天小编就罗列10个给大家认识认识吧!1.Democracy民主Everyone’s favorite word, democracy — from demos (δήμος, "people") and kratos (κράηος, "power") — is simply put: Power to the People!每一个人都喜欢这个词,民主—起源于demos(“人民”)以及kratos(“权力”)—二者很简单的被放到一起:权力属于人民!2. Acrobat杂技演员From the word akri (άκρη, "tip" or "edge") and the verb vaino (βαίνω, "to walk"), an acrobat is someone who walks on the edge, almost on tiptoe.起源于单词akri(“末梢”或者“边缘”)以及vaino(“走”),杂技演员是几乎用脚趾走在边缘的人。

3.Hermaphrodite雌雄同体Another one from the Ancient Greeks, Hermaphrodite was the son of Gods Hermes and Aphrodite. As the most handsome man in the world, he became the object of affection of nymph Salmacis who prayed to the Gods that they stay together forever. The Gods heard her prayer and joined the two in one body.这是来自于古希腊的另一个单词,Hermaphrodite是赫耳墨斯和阿佛洛狄特的儿子。




对古典西方文化感兴趣的同学可以借此再丰富一下单词库~音标都来自剑桥词典的英式发音关于一些英语学习的小tips,请参见:1、erotic /ɪˈrɒtɪk/意思:relating to sex; trying to arouse sexual desire 例句:there are some erotic contents in his new book.这个词来自希腊神 eros 爱罗斯,对应罗马神丘比特。

2、aurora /ɔːˈrɔːrə/意思:极光例句:aurora usually appears in arctic areas.aurora 是希腊中的曙光女神。

3、nemesis /ˈneməsɪs/意思:惩罚例句:dishonesty will be followed by nemesis. nemesis 涅莫西斯是希腊的复仇女神。

4、zephyr /ˈzefə/意思:轻风、柔风zephyr 是希腊的西风之神。

5、tantalize /ˈtæntəlaɪz/意思:torment or tease (someone) with the sight or promise of something that is unobtainable例句:the poor boy is still tantalized by his ex-girlfriend.在希腊神话中,tantalus 试图在宴席上把自己的儿子作为菜品献给众神。



6、phobia /ˈfəʊbiə/意思:恐惧症衍生词有 xenophobia 仇外的phobos 是希腊的恐惧之神。

7、nectar /ˈnektə/意思:花蜜例句:bees collect nectar and turn it into honey.在希腊神话中,nectar 是众神的饮料。

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apple of discord(不和的根源)







战争中,Aphrodite支持特洛伊人,Hera 和Athene支持希腊人。

由一只苹果引发了战争,因此apple of discord意思就是“不和的根源,发生纠纷的事端”。

Electra Complex(恋父情结)

Achilles' heel(致命的弱点)
用毒箭射中脚跟而死,因此Achilles' heel(阿基里斯之踵)就成了“致命的弱点”的同义语。

Helen of Troy(红颜祸水)
特洛伊战争的最后一年,希腊人采用了“木马计”(the Trojan Horse),在Hera和Athene的帮助下,攻陷了特洛伊城。

由于Helen导致了特洛伊城的沦陷,因此Helen of Troy 就成了“红颜祸水,倾国尤物”的代名词。

the sword of Damocles(达摩克利斯之剑)


因此the sword of Damocles就成了“富贵中隐藏的危险”的同义语,也可以指形势危急,千钧一发;
Damon and Pythias(生死之交)


国王深受感动,将二人全部释放,因此,Damon and Pythias意思就是“生死之交”。

Pandora's box(潘朵拉的盒子)



于是Pandora's box就成了“灾难的根源”的代名词。

Penelop's web(永远也完不成的工作)



因此Penelop's web



Atlas(阿特拉斯)是泰坦(Titans)神族之一,因背叛Zeus 而被罚以双肩扛天。






hercules task(非常艰难的任务)


hercules task 在英语里来比喻非常艰难的任务。

以make herculean efforts 来形容巨大的努力。

hercules' choice 现在英语指代永垂不朽。


Gordian knot(戈尔迪之结)意思为棘手问题,难解问题。







cassandra complex(凯珊卓情结)












