
《物理学报》论文写作参考1、使用本模板撰写文章时请按照蓝色提示,定稿后请删掉蓝色提示.2、物理量单位用正体,物理量符号用斜体,矢量矩阵符号用黑斜体.3、使用国际标准的缩略词、符号和法定计量单位.符号及计量单位使用时应全文一致,正文中的缩略词在首次出现时应给出中英文全称, 后附缩略词, 并用括号括起,之后直接用缩略词,不再写全称.4、公式、图表和参考文献不采用文件链接.中文标题*(简短明确,基金资助有上标*)张三1)2) 李某四1)†诸葛五2)(通讯作者有上标†)1)(山西大学光电研究所,量子光学与光量子器件国家重点实验室,太原 030006)(全称到院或系)2)(清华大学物理系,北京 100084)摘要中文摘要部分.[300—400字,摘要中不用缩略词,不用第一人称.中英文摘要的结构建议包括:(1)研究背景和目的;(2)方法;(3)主要结果;(4)结论.简明扼要不分段,突出结论、成果]关键词:关键词1,关键词2,关键词3,关键词4(不超过4个,与英文Keywords一一对应)PACS:02.10.Yn, 33.15.Vb, 98.52.Cf, 78.47.dc(不超过4个,首码须与本文所研究的专业领域一致,PACS代码可在期刊网站下载中心下载)基金:国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号:2011CB00000)、国家自然科学基金(批准号:50875132,60573172)和国家高技术研究发展计划(批准号:2011AA06Z228)资助的课题.(基金名称规范请在本刊网站下载参考“相关基金规范全称”)†通讯作者.E-mail: ***********电话:12345678901(通讯作者最好留手机)1 引言(为方便编辑校阅,全文用小四号宋体单栏2倍行距排版)20世纪80年代以来,量子光学发展了若干种方法:冷原子云释放再捕获(release and recapture, 简记为RR)[1]、冷原子云受迫振荡[2]、冷原子光谱分析[3]、非平衡四波混频[4]、飞行时间光谱(time of flight, 简记为TOF )[5]和二维飞行时间吸收成像[6]等.[引言的写作直接影响到读者对文章进一步了解的兴趣,建议包括以下内容:(1)本研究领域背景的综述;(2)其他学者已有研究成果的详细描述;(3)陈述为什么需要进行更多的或进一步的研究;(4)阐述作者本项研究的目的;(5)简述本文开展的研究工作;(6)本项研究结果的意义(可选项).特别指出的是,希望在引言部分介绍和引用国内外物理类期刊中本研究领域的最新、重要研究成果,以帮助读者清楚了解该领域的最新进展及本文的创新点]2 中性原子模型2.1 理论模型中性原子磁光在六维相空间中冷原子云的初始概率分布可近似表示为 [7]000000000{}(,,;,,)()()x y z i i iv i x N x y z v v v g i g v σσ∈=, ⋅, ∏ , (1a )111111000{}(,,;,,)()()x y z i i iv i y N x y z v v v g i g v σσ∈=, ⋅, ∏ , (1b )其中,00(,)i g i σ和0()i iv g v σ,为Gauss 分布函数.[公式插入最好用Mathtype 公式编辑器插入,避免以图片的形式插入] 2.2 实 验******如图1所示.温度T / KM /(e m u /g )图1 Gd 60Fe 30Al 10条带的磁化曲线 (origin 等软件绘制的插图)Fig.1. Magnetization cures of Gd 60Fe 30Al 10 band. [图题要求中英文对照,中文在前,英文在后.] [关于图的具体要求,可详见本刊“对图的要求”.]3 实验系统及测量结果*****如图2所示.图2电场幅值分布 (a) 长轴共线之γ75面;(b) 短轴共线之γ75面;(b) 长短轴共线之γ75面;(d) 长短轴共线之α面Fig. 2. Distribution of the electric field intensity: (a) γ75 plane of the long collinear axis; (b) γ75 plane of the short collinear axis; (c) γ75 plane of the long-short collinear axis; (d) α plane of the long-short collinear axis. [分图题也要求中英文对照]分析计算得到结果如表1所示.表1 不同流体对应的等价毛细管结构参数比较Table 1. Structural parameters of capillary of different kind of fluid.[表题中英文对照,中文在上,英文在下]流体类型直管分形毛细管R /cmL /cm R /cm L 0/cm HB 流体( 1.0=μ,00.1=τ,0.8=n ) 0.097 0.501 0.124 1.0 宾汉姆流体( 1.0=μ,00.1=τ,1n =) 0.112 0.905 0.124 1.0 幂律流体( 1.0=μ,00τ=,0.8n =)0.0970.5010.1241.0(表格要使用如上所示的三线表,注意单位的写法)4 讨论部分(对研究结果进行恰当、充分而深入的物理解释和讨论)5 结论(在研究结果与讨论的基础上总结出本研究得到的重要论点,建议可包括以下内容:(1)解释结果;(2)将结果与之前提出的研究目的或假设相联系,阐明结果的重要性;(3)将结果与其他已有研究工作进行比较;(4)尽可能得出一个很清晰的结论.对每一个结论需要总结证据。


《物理学报》论文写作参考1、使用本模板撰写文章时请按照蓝色提示,定稿后请删掉蓝色提示.2、物理量单位用正体,物理量符号用斜体,矢量矩阵符号用黑斜体.3、使用国际标准的缩略词、符号和法定计量单位.符号及计量单位使用时应全文一致,正文中的缩略词在首次出现时应给出中英文全称, 后附缩略词, 并用括号括起,之后直接用缩略词,不再写全称.4、公式、图表和参考文献不采用文件链接.中文标题*(简短明确,基金资助有上标*)张三1)2) 李某四1)†诸葛五2)(通讯作者有上标†)1)(山西大学光电研究所,量子光学与光量子器件国家重点实验室,太原 030006)(全称到院或系)2)(清华大学物理系,北京 100084)摘要中文摘要部分.[300—400字,摘要中不用缩略词,不用第一人称.中英文摘要的结构建议包括:(1)研究背景和目的;(2)方法;(3)主要结果;(4)结论.简明扼要不分段,突出结论、成果]关键词:关键词1,关键词2,关键词3,关键词4(不超过4个,与英文Keywords一一对应)PACS:02.10.Yn, 33.15.Vb, 98.52.Cf, 78.47.dc(不超过4个,首码须与本文所研究的专业领域一致,PACS代码可在期刊网站下载中心下载)基金:国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号:2011CB00000)、国家自然科学基金(批准号:50875132,60573172)和国家高技术研究发展计划(批准号:2011AA06Z228)资助的课题.(基金名称规范请在本刊网站下载参考“相关基金规范全称”)†通讯作者.E-mail: aaa@c电话:12345678901(通讯作者最好留手机)1 引言(为方便编辑校阅,全文用小四号宋体单栏2倍行距排版)20世纪80年代以来,量子光学发展了若干种方法:冷原子云释放再捕获(release and recapture, 简记为RR)[1]、冷原子云受迫振荡[2]、冷原子光谱分析[3]、非平衡四波混频[4]、飞行时间光谱(time of flight, 简记为TOF )[5]和二维飞行时间吸收成像[6]等.[引言的写作直接影响到读者对文章进一步了解的兴趣,建议包括以下内容:(1)本研究领域背景的综述;(2)其他学者已有研究成果的详细描述;(3)陈述为什么需要进行更多的或进一步的研究;(4)阐述作者本项研究的目的;(5)简述本文开展的研究工作;(6)本项研究结果的意义(可选项).特别指出的是,希望在引言部分介绍和引用国内外物理类期刊中本研究领域的最新、重要研究成果,以帮助读者清楚了解该领域的最新进展及本文的创新点] 2 中性原子模型2.1 理论模型中性原子磁光在六维相空间中冷原子云的初始概率分布可近似表示为 [7]000000000{}(,,;,,)()()x y z i i iv i x N x y z v v v g i g v σσ∈=, ⋅, ∏ , (1a )111111000{}(,,;,,)()()x y z i i iv i y N x y z v v v g i g v σσ∈=, ⋅, ∏ , (1b )其中,00(,)i g i σ和0()i iv g v σ,为Gauss 分布函数.[公式插入最好用Mathtype 公式编辑器插入,避免以图片的形式插入]2.2 实 验******如图1所示.温度T / K M /(e m u /g )图1 Gd 60Fe 30Al 10条带的磁化曲线 (origin 等软件绘制的插图)Fig.1. Magnetization cures of Gd 60Fe 30Al 10 band.[图题要求中英文对照,中文在前,英文在后.][关于图的具体要求,可详见本刊“对图的要求”.]3 实验系统及测量结果*****如图2所示.图2电场幅值分布 (a) 长轴共线之γ75面;(b) 短轴共线之γ75面;(b) 长短轴共线之γ75面;(d) 长短轴共线之α面Fig. 2. Distribution of the electric field intensity: (a) γ75 plane of the long collinear axis; (b) γ75 plane of the short collinear axis; (c) γ75 plane of the long-short collinear axis; (d) α plane of the long-short collinear axis. [分图题也要求中英文对照]分析计算得到结果如表1所示.表1 不同流体对应的等价毛细管结构参数比较Table 1. Structural parameters of capillary of different kind of fluid.[表题中英文对照,中文在上,英文在下]流体类型直管分形毛细管R /cmL /cm R /cm L 0/cm HB 流体( 1.0=μ,00.1=τ,0.8=n )0.097 0.501 0.124 1.0 宾汉姆流体( 1.0=μ,00.1=τ,1n =)0.112 0.905 0.124 1.0 幂律流体( 1.0=μ,00τ=,0.8n =) 0.097 0.501 0.124 1.0 (表格要使用如上所示的三线表,注意单位的写法)4 讨论部分(对研究结果进行恰当、充分而深入的物理解释和讨论)5 结论(在研究结果与讨论的基础上总结出本研究得到的重要论点,建议可包括以下内容:(1)解释结果;(2)将结果与之前提出的研究目的或假设相联系,阐明结果的重要性;(3)将结果与其他已有研究工作进行比较;(4)尽可能得出一个很清晰的结论.对每一个结论需要总结证据。

参考答案任务1.1.2货代真题1-1一、单选题1. D2. A3. B二、多选题1. ABCD三、判断题1. F2. T3. T4. F5. F6. F7. F任务1.2.2参考对话货代真题1-2一、单选题1. A2. B3. C4. C5. B二、多选题1. ABD2. ABC3. ABCD三、判断题1. F2. F任务1.3.11、货代属于代理身份,按照委托人指示办事,只承担因代理的过失给客户造成的损失承担责任以及对第三人的选任和对第三人的指示承担责任。
小王:李姐,是不是一般保险公司都能承保货代责任险啊?李女士:目前中国市场上只有TT Club提供专业运输业经营人责任保险小王:只有一家啊,那我一会儿跟您一起去看看行吗?李女士:行啊。
nature cell biology的投稿须知

nature cell biology的投稿须知
“Nature Cell Biology的投稿须知”是指《Nature Cell Biology》杂志对作者投稿的相关要求和规定。
《Nature Cell Biology》是一本国际知名的细胞生物学学术期刊,由自然研究出版社(Nature Research)出版。
以下是《Nature Cell Biology》的投稿须知中的一些要点:
因此,作者在投稿前应仔细阅读《Nature Cell Biology》的官方网站或联系期刊编辑部,以确保了解最新的投稿要求和规定。

影响Value X 2的10 个正负因素 影响 的
Value X 2
Moment by moment
NO try 神奇燃料 环境因素
I + M =R
企图心+方法= 企图心+方法=成果 如果想产正价值和价值扩大,首 先要有成就非凡的企图心也可以 说是“想赢的决心”,和做事的 方法. 方法.
每个人身上都有一个燃点,或者 说是兴奋点,要找到自己的燃点, 或找到自我激发的方法,让自己 处于激昂的状态
No try
不要试一试 做事情要全力以赴,认认真真, 不能抱着试一试的态度
决心有多大,成功的机会就有多 大 展现你决心有以下阶段 Say ---write---tell--- hear ---write---tell--说说—写下—公开讲— 说说—写下—公开讲—聆听别人的建议
Unintentionl judying
无意识地批判 我们往往拿自己的价值观主观判断 一个事物,或者用过往的经验告 诉自己:这个做不到。 当别人提出目标的时候,我们又会 首先就认为做不到而去做种种反 驳,而不是首先思考我该做些什 么才能达到?
Inner voice
内心的声音 对于目标能否做到,正面与负面想 法在内心里作斗争,往往让负面 信息占据上风,从而气馁。
1、要求“全脑思考” 左脑:倾向于逻辑性思维 右脑:倾向于抽象思考 2、choose prowerfull mindset 选择强有力的思维心态、态度想法 3、选择态度的三个难处: A、容易选择有限的心态 认为我是对的,不愿意改变,不能看大看远 B、容易选择支持者的论据 别人说的东西符合自己的心理想法,就去选 择做为自己的论据;随波逐流; C、容易形成不清楚的心态 什么多不是很明白



《物理学报》论文写作参考1、使用本模板撰写文章时请按照蓝色提示,定稿后请删掉蓝色提示.2、物理量单位用正体,物理量符号用斜体,矢量矩阵符号用黑斜体.3、使用国际标准的缩略词、符号和法定计量单位.符号及计量单位使用时应全文一致,正文中的缩略词在首次出现时应给出中英文全称, 后附缩略词, 并用括号括起,之后直接用缩略词,不再写全称.4、公式、图表和参考文献不采用文件链接.中文标题*(简短明确,基金资助有上标*)张三1)2)李某四1)†诸葛五2)(通讯作者有上标†)1)(山西大学光电研究所,量子光学与光量子器件国家重点实验室,太原 030006)(全称到院或系)2)(清华大学物理系,北京 100084)摘要中文摘要部分.[300—400字,摘要中不用缩略词,不用第一人称.中英文摘要的结构建议包括:(1)研究背景和目的;(2)方法;(3)主要结果;(4)结论.简明扼要不分段,突出结论、成果]关键词:关键词1,关键词2,关键词3,关键词4(不超过4个,与英文Keywords一一对应)PACS:02.10.Yn, 33.15.Vb, 98.52.Cf, 78.47.dc(不超过4个,首码须与本文所研究的专业领域一致,PACS代码可在期刊网站下载中心下载)基金:国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号:2011CB00000)、国家自然科学基金(批准号:50875132,60573172)和国家高技术研究发展计划(批准号:2011AA06Z228)资助的课题.(基金名称规范请在本刊网站下载参考“相关基金规范全称”)†通讯作者.E-mail:aaa@c电话:12345678901(通讯作者最好留手机)1 引言(为方便编辑校阅,全文用小四号宋体单栏2倍行距排版)20世纪80年代以来,量子光学发展了若干种方法:冷原子云释放再捕获(release andrecapture, 简记为RR)[1]、冷原子云受迫振荡[2]、冷原子光谱分析[3]、非平衡四波混频[4]、飞行时间光谱(time of flight,简记为TOF )[5]和二维飞行时间吸收成像[6]等.[引言的写作直接影响到读者对文章进一步了解的兴趣,建议包括以下内容:(1)本研究领域背景的综述;(2)其他学者已有研究成果的详细描述;(3)陈述为什么需要进行更多的或进一步的研究;(4)阐述作者本项研究的目的;(5)简述本文开展的研究工作;(6)本项研究结果的意义(可选项).特别指出的是,希望在引言部分介绍和引用国内外物理类期刊中本研究领域的最新研究成果,以帮助读者清楚了解该领域的最新进展及本文的创新点]2 中性原子模型2.1 理论模型中性原子磁光在六维相空间中冷原子云的初始概率分布可近似表示为 [7]000000000{}(,,;,,)()()x y z i i iv i x N x y z v v v g i g v σσ∈=, ⋅, ∏ , (1a )111111000{}(,,;,,)()()x y z i i iv i y N x y z v v v g i g v σσ∈=, ⋅, ∏ , (1b )其中,00(,)i g i σ和0()i iv g v σ,为Gauss 分布函数.[公式插入最好用Mathtype 公式编辑器插入,避免以图片的形式插入]2.2 实 验******如图1所示.温度T / K M /(e m u /g )图1 Gd 60Fe 30Al 10条带的磁化曲线(origin 等软件绘制的插图)Fig.1. Magnetization cures ofGd 60Fe 30Al 10 band.[图题要求中英文对照,中文在前,英文在后.][关于图的具体要求,可详见本刊“对图的要求”.]3 实验系统及测量结果*****如图2所示.图2电场幅值分布(a)长轴共线之γ75面;(b)短轴共线之γ75面;(b)长短轴共线之γ75面;(d)长短轴共线之α面Fig. 2. Distribution of the electric field intensity: (a) γ75 plane of the long collinear axis; (b) γ75 plane of the short collinear axis; (c) γ75 plane of the long-short collinear axis;(d) α plane of the long-short collinear axis. [分图题也要求中英文对照]分析计算得到结果如表1所示.表1不同流体对应的等价毛细管结构参数比较Table 1.Structural parameters of capillary of different kind of fluid.[表题中英文对照,中文在上,英文在下]流体类型直管分形毛细管R /cmL /cm R /cm L 0/cm HB 流体( 1.0=μ,00.1=τ,0.8=n )0.097 0.501 0.124 1.0 宾汉姆流体( 1.0=μ,00.1=τ,1n =)0.112 0.905 0.124 1.0 幂律流体( 1.0=μ,00τ=,0.8n =) 0.097 0.501 0.124 1.0 (表格要使用如上所示的三线表,注意单位的写法)4 讨论部分(对研究结果进行恰当、充分而深入的物理解释和讨论)5 结论(在研究结果与讨论的基础上总结出本研究得到的重要论点,建议可包括以下内容:(1)解释结果;(2)将结果与之前提出的研究目的或假设相联系,阐明结果的重要性;(3)将结果与其他已有研究工作进行比较;(4)尽可能得出一个很清晰的结论.对每一个结论需要总结证据。

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犀角杯——“这一坛关外白酒,酒味是极好的, 这一坛关外白酒,酒味是极好的, 犀角杯 这一坛关外白酒 只可惜少了一股芳冽之气, 只可惜少了一股芳冽之气,最好是用犀角杯 盛之而饮,那就醇美无比, 盛之而饮,那就醇美无比,须知玉杯增酒之 犀角杯增酒之香,古人诚不我欺。 色,犀角杯增酒之香,古人诚不我欺。” 古藤杯——“这百草美酒,乃采集百草,浸入 这百草美酒, 古藤杯 这百草美酒 乃采集百草, 美酒,故酒气清香,如行春郊, 美酒,故酒气清香,如行春郊,令人未饮先 饮这百草酒须用古藤杯。 醉。饮这百草酒须用古藤杯。百年古藤雕而 成杯,以饮百草酒则大增芳香之气。 成杯,以饮百草酒则大增芳香之气。”
背景 新石器时期的文化:仰韶文化、龙山文化、 红山文化、良渚文化、几何印陶文化 酿酒的历史可能产生与距今5300~4500年的良 渚文化时期,良渚文化是我国长江下游太湖 流域一支重要的古文化 。
一 原始时期陶制酒器文化
黑陶双鼻壶: 猪形陶器
一 原始时期陶制酒器文化
船型彩陶壶 龙山蛋壳高柄杯
二 商周与春秋战国时期青铜酒器
青铜爵——“至于这高粱美酒,乃是最古之酒。 至于这高粱美酒,乃是最古之酒。 青铜爵 至于这高粱美酒 夏禹时仪狄作酒,禹饮而甘之, 夏禹时仪狄作酒,禹饮而甘之,那便是高粱 酒了。令狐兄,世人眼光短浅, 酒了。令狐兄,世人眼光短浅,只道大禹治 造福后世,殊不知治水甚么的, 水,造福后世,殊不知治水甚么的,那也罢 大禹真正的大功,你可知道么? 了,大禹真正的大功,你可知道么?”令狐 冲和桃谷六仙齐声道:“造酒!”祖千秋道: 冲和桃谷六仙齐声道: 造酒! 祖千秋道: 正是! 八人一齐大笑。祖千秋又道: “正是!”八人一齐大笑。祖千秋又道: 饮这高粱酒,须用青铜酒爵,始有古意。 “饮这高粱酒,须用青铜酒爵,始有古意。 至于那米酒呢,上佳米酒,其味虽美, 至于那米酒呢,上佳米酒,其味虽美,失之 于甘,略稍淡薄,当用大斗饮之, 于甘,略稍淡薄,当用大斗饮之,方显气 概。”

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在科学论文出版中,规范表达历来备受重视。学会、协会专门 编著自己的体例指南,以规定其优先选择的文体。 不同领域的代表性体例指南几乎必不可少的内容大致有:缩写、 数字表达、参考文献著录、单词拼写、标点符号、图表的准备、 校样的检查等。另外,还对稿件的准备与投寄、语法、电子版 本、版权等做专门的规定。
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人文科学文体指南 [MLA]Gibaldi J. MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing. 2nd ed. New York:The Modern Language Association of America, 1998 ISBN: 0-87352-699-6 MLA文体手册和学术出版指南(第二版)美国现代语 言学会编辑、出版。全书包括8章和4个附录,其中对 版权问题、文献注释和学位论文的准备介绍得比较详 细。该体例的中译本已经出版。 MLA文体手册和学术 出版指南(第二版),北京大学出版社,2002年 相关的指南还有伦敦现代人类学研究协会(MHRA)编 辑的MHRA 文体指南,Modern Humanities Research Association. MHRA Style Book:Notes for Authors, Editors and Writers of Theses.5th ed. Leeds:W.S. Maney & Son Ltd,1996
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生物学 [CBE] CBE (Council of Biology Editors) Style Manual Committee. Scientific Style and Format: The CBE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers. 6th ed. Cambridge University Press,1994 科技文体与格式:作者、编辑和出版者 手册(第6版),全书33章和3个附录, 不仅对通用的文体作介绍,还分章节对 化学、药学、植物学、地球科学等专业 领域的文体进行系统的介绍。

1. 内容准确性和权威性:文摘的作者应确保所提供的信息准确无误,并且有一定的权威性。
2. 简明扼要:文摘的长度通常要求在100-500字之间,因此作者需要在有限的篇幅内简明扼要地表达自己的观点,并提供关键信息。
3. 语言规范和流畅:作者应使用准确、地道的英语表达,避免语法错误、拼写错误和措辞不当的问题。
4. 突出亮点:在文摘中,作者可以选择突出文章的亮点或关键观点,以引起读者的关注。
5. 阅读价值:文摘应具有一定的阅读价值,让读者能够从中获取到一定的知识、启示或见解。
6. 格式要求:根据不同的发布平台和要求,可能还需要注意一些格式方面的细节,比如字数限制、标题格式、引用格式等。
international journal of pavement engineering 稿件要求

international journal of pavement engineering 稿件要求
1. 稿件必须是关于道路铺设工程的研究成果。
2. 稿件必须包含明确的研究目的、背景和方法。
3. 稿件必须具有创新性和原创性,不能抄袭或剽窃他人的研究成果。
4. 稿件必须有清晰的实验设计和数据分析。
5. 稿件应包含详细的结果和讨论,以及结论和对进一步研究的展望。
6. 稿件应具有逻辑性和条理性,各部分之间应有明确的联系和连贯性。
7. 稿件应以英文撰写,并符合国际学术写作规范。
8. 稿件长度应在期刊规定的范围内,一般不超过10,000字。
9. 稿件应具有一定的实践意义和应用价值,能够为道路铺设工程领域的实践工作提供参考和指导。
10. 稿件必须具备良好的图表和图像质量,并与正文内容相互配合。
11. 稿件应具备一定的文献综述和引用,对已有研究进行适当的评价和批判。
12. 稿件投稿前,应先进行严格的语法和拼写检查,以确保文章的语言表达清晰准确无误。
13. 稿件要经过同行评审,确保其学术质量和科研水平。
14. 须注明作者的所有相关信息,包括姓名、职称、所在单位和联系方式。

YBH是”Your Best Heart”的缩写,寓意着创作者在创作过程中要发挥出最佳水平,将内心最真实的部分展现给读者。

投稿指南(中文版)Journal Publishing Agreement每篇手稿在提交时都必须正确填写并签署期刊出版协议。
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apsb 审稿流程

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Instructions to AuthorsGeneral rules1.Bioscience,Biotechnology,and Biochemistry(Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem.)publishes previously unpublished papers in the variousfields mentioned in its name.2.Manuscripts will be dated as‘‘received’’on the dayof their receipt by the Society and as‘‘accepted’’on the day when they are accepted for publication.The manuscripts that do not conform to the journal instructions would not be accepted.3.The copyright of the material published in thejournal is held by the Society.4.Manuscripts must be in English.5.All authors of a manuscript must have agreed to itssubmission and are responsible for its content.They must also have agreed that the corresponding author has the authority to act on their behalf in all matters pertaining to the publication of the manuscript. 6.With the initial submission,authors must submit astatement confirming that the paper has not been previously published elsewhere in any language and is not currently under consideration by any other publication.7.By publishing,the authors agree that any materialnewly described in the paper will be made available for noncommercial purposes in a timely fashion and at a reasonable cost to members of the scientific community.8.In manuscripts describing research on humans,itshould be stated whether the study complied with the code of ethics of the World Medical Association (Helsinki Declaration of1964,as revised in2002).Reports of research on animals should state whether the protocol was approved by the appropriate com-mittee of the institute where the research was carried out in line with the guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals.Manuscripts that do not conform to the specifications of the guidelines will not be accepted for publication by the Society. Categories of papersThe Journal publishes papers in the categories of Regular Papers,Notes,and Reviews.All papers must be original.Regular PapersRegular Papers should describe valuable new informa-tion and should be submitted in theirfinal complete form. NotesNotes can describe afinding in a specializedfield,a new experimental method,or something similar,which might not be suitable for publication as a Regular Paper but needs to be published.Notes should not exceed three printed pages.ReviewA Review should be on a topic of any subject that is within the scope of the journal.The publication of Reviews is by invitation only;a potential author for Reviews is contacted by one of the Editors.The submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by an Editor and reviewers.Reviewing process1.An editor is assigned to manage the reviewingprocess of each manuscript and is chosen on the basis of the researchfield to which the paper is a contribution.The editor then selects two or more referees to evaluate the manuscript,and subsequent-ly,makes afinal decision on the suitability of the paper based on the opinions of the referees.Manu-scripts will be immediately returned if the English does not meet the required standard.2.The authors should provide clear responses to anycomments or questions of the editor.The revised manuscript and the authors’responses should be sent directly to the editor-in-charge.If a manuscript is not returned to the editor within three weeks(except for reasons accepted by the editor),it will be assumed that the paper has been withdrawn by the authors.If the authors decide to withdraw their paper from consideration for publication,they should inform the editor of the same.Preparation of manuscripts1.General1.1Manuscripts should contain clear and accurateaccounts of research.Unnecessary repetition(byduplicating the results infigures and tables or datain the text and a table)should be avoided.Timesfont is preferred.Do not use boldface print forsentences.1.2If the manuscript has not been prepared in thecorrect format,it may be returned for revision.Refer to the recent issues of this journal whilepreparing manuscripts and follow the same or-ganization and style.1.3The manuscript should be prepared on a wordprocessor using the A4(210Â297mm)pagesetting.1.4The manuscript should be typed with margins notless than3cm wide on all sides.A page should betyped such that it contains60characters,includingspaces,on each line,with28lines on a page.Inthis format,four pages of a manuscript will beequivalent to one printed page in the journal.Themanuscript should be typed in a font not smallerthan12points.1.5Manuscripts should be typed only on one side ofthe paper.1.6Do not justify the margins(do not make a straightright margin).Start each paragraph with anindentation offive spaces.1.7Do not divide words at the right margin.1.8Mark the desired position of tables andfigureswith a note in red ink at the right margin using afunction of word processor.Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem.,2013(1)1.9Use word processor’s functions to apply italics,boldface,and small capitals.(However,do not useboldface for the abstract.)If this is not possible,indicate italics with a single underline,boldfacewith a wavy underline,and small capitals witha double underline.Do not italicize a word andunderline it.1.10All pages must be numbered at the center of thebottom margin,starting with the title page.1.11Add line numbering throughout the document,beginning with the number1on each page.1.12Supplemental information(Figures,Tables,etc.)can be added as Supplementary Materials.TheSupplemental of an accepted manuscript shouldbasically be made public through the Internet. 1)Existence of data(example:Supplemental Fig.1;see Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem.Website)isshown in this text.2)Supplemental Material and its introduction(titleand comment on web site)should be placed afterthe main document.3)Restrictions on movies:the platform must beavailable for use in either a Windows OS or a MacOS.As far as possible,the software should beavailable for free download;thefile must beviewable.4)Supplemental Materials cannot be withdrawn. 2.Form of papers2.1Regular Papers must be divided into sections inthe following order:(1)Abstract:Use no more than150words,(2)Key words:Write up tofive key words following the abstract,using words or phrases that best define the contents of the paper.Avoid words of broad application that would not be useful in information retrieval,(3)Introduc-tion,(4)Materials and Methods,(5)Results,(6) Discussion:Alternatively,a combined Results and Discussion section may be prepared,(7)Refer-ences,(8)Tables,(9)Figure legends,and(10) Figures.Materials and Methods may be placed before References as Experimental.2.2Notes should not be divided into sections.Theabstract should not exceed60words,and up tofive key words should be provided.The manuscript, including tables andfigures(which should not number more than three,taken together),should not exceed6pages(not more than three printed pages).3.Title page and key words3.1The order and contents of the title page,numberedpage1,should be as follows:1)A running title;2)Title of the article;3)Full names of the authors;4)Names and complete addresses of Institution wherethe research was carried out.5)Footnote containing the phrase‘‘y To whomcorrespondence should be addressed(use the dagger mark)’’along with fax and e-mail address of the corresponding author.If the affiliation(s) where the work was carried out differ from the present affiliation(s)of the author(s),provide the present address of the author for mailing purposes.6)Complete list of abbreviations in an alphabeticalorder and the words or phrases they represent.Do not list the approved abbreviations(see below).The content of the cover page can extend to page2.However,in this case,the text will begin on page3.3.2The title should be a concise statement of thearticle’s major contents.It should not include abbreviations(with the exception of those listed below in sections10and11and in the tables)or chemical formulae.3.3A running title,which must be an abbreviatedversion of the title,should appear at the top of every printed page.It should not exceed60 characters,including monly used abbreviations(such as‘‘ATP’’),simple chemical structures(such as‘‘O2’’),and the short form of binomial Latin names for organisms(such as ‘‘E.coli’’)may be used(see sections10and11and the tables below).3.4All tables andfigures should be numbered in theorder of their appearance,e.g.,Table2and Fig.4.However,the word‘‘Figure’’should not be abbreviated at the start of a sentence.3.5References in the text.The references should benumbered in the order of their appearance in the text,and the numbers in the text should be superscripted(e.g.,1Þor1{3Þ)after a mention of the contents or author(s).3.6References not(yet)available.References toarticles submitted for publication but not accepted, unpublished articles,or personal communications should not be included in the reference list.Such citations should be inserted in parentheses at appropriate places in the text.Examples:(Kornberg A,personal communication)(Kaneko R and Sueoka N,unpublishedresults)3.7In the text,only the family names of the authorsmust be used,unless initials are required in order to avoid confusion among authors sharing same family names.If a reference includes two authors, both the authors’names should be mentioned.If there are three or more authors,use‘‘et al.’’after thefirst author’s name.3.8Abbreviations and symbols that require explana-tion should be used as sparingly as possible(see sections10and11below).Define such abbrevia-tions at theirfirst occurrence in the text,and provide the abbreviation or symbol in parentheses.List all such abbreviations on the title page under the heading‘‘Abbreviation’’or‘‘Abbreviations.’’Do not use the nonstandard abbreviations(those not listed in sections10and11and tables below) in the title,running title,or abstract.3.9In the case of a footnote,mark the relevant part inthe text with an asterisk,and type an unbroken line after the last line of the text on that page.Type the footnote below that line.In case more than one footnote appears on a page,use different numbers of asterisks to indicate different footnotes.4.References4.1All references cited should have individual refer-ence numbers.(2)4.2References should be numbered in the order oftheir appearance in the text.4.3With regard to authors’names,the family namefollowed by the initial(s)should be provided in the reference list.List all authors.List thefirst and last pages,and the year of publication in parentheses.When a cited reference is authored by ten or more persons,mention only thefirstfive names;any mention of other authors is expressed as‘‘et al.’’See examples.a)References to journal articlesProvide the name of the journal,the volumenumber,thefirst and last pages of the article,andthe year of publication(see examples below).Abbreviate journal names as in Biological Ab-stracts(BIOSIS)or Chemical Abstracts.Italicizethe journal name,and provide the volume numberin boldface type.For reference to a journalpublished in Japanese,write the full name of thejournal in italicized letters,and mention‘‘inJapanese’’in parentheses after the journal name.When an article has been accepted,give the nameof the journal in which it will appear,followed by‘‘in press.’’If the volume number,pages,and theyear of publication are available later,add thisinformation during the revision of the manuscriptor galley proof.1)Hoshino T,Kobayashi K,Ishibashi E,and HashimotoS,Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem.,59,602–609(1995).2)Sasaki K,Iwanaga C,Watanabe M,Suzuki K,Hamaoka T,and Kondo S,Nippon No¯geikagakuKaishi(in Japanese),70,1103–1116(1996).3)Sue M,Miyoshi H,and Iwamura H,Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem.,in press.b)References to books4)Lenton JR and Appleford NEJ,‘‘Gibberellins,’’eds.Takahashi N,Phinney BO,and MacMillan J,Springer-Verlag,New York,pp.125–135(1990).c)References to patents5)Kunstman MP and Prote JN,U.S.Patent,3803306(Apr.9,1974).6)Yamaguchi H,Sato S,and Takada K,Japan KokaiTokkyo Koho,85259190(Dec.21,1975).5.Tables5.1Tables should be numbered consecutively withArabic numerals as Table1,Table2,and so on.Each table should appear on a separate page of the manuscript.5.2The title of the table should explain its contents.Tables should be self-explanatory.Further,the data provided in Materials and Methods or tables orfigures should not be repeated;instead,the reader should be referred there.5.3Use abbreviations(those used in Chemical Ab-stracts)and words or short phrases to label each column and row in the table.5.4The width of the table should be in considerationwith the width of a full page of the journal,i.e., 120spaces or the width of a column,i.e.,60 spaces.6.Figures6.1Original artwork or a clear copy of the originalartwork of the authors will be used for printing.Unsuitablefigures will be returned to the authors for revision.6.2Eachfigure should appear on a separate page of themanuscript.Allfigures should be numbered(e.g., Fig.1)near the bottom edge along with the name of thefirst author.The top of thefigure should be marked,if necessary.6.3Allfigure legends should be provided on a separatepage,not on the page with thefigure.The legends should be numbered and self-explanatory.Further, data provided in Materials and Methods or in the otherfigure legends should not be repeated but merely referred to.Leave a line space between the caption and the explanation of eachfigure,and two line spaces between the legends of differentfigures.6.4Use white paper measuring210Â297mm for thefigures.However,thefinal size of thefigures will be decided by the Society.6.5Leave at least a3-cm margin on all sides of thefigure.6.6Both the x-and y-axes offigures should be markedwith scale and numbers.Letters and numerals should be of a size such that it would permit reduction without loss of legibility.6.7ThesymbolsÂcan be used in this order infigures to plot the results of measurements.Lines such as——,ÁÁÁÁÁÁ,——,and can also be used.Do not draw a smoothed line without plots of the actual results.7.Photographs7.1All photographs should be numbered and treated asfigures.7.2The size of the photographs may be reduced forprinting,similar tofigures(see section6.4above).However,on the request of the authors,electron micrographs will not be reduced in size,provided they can be printed on one page.A bar should be included to show the scale for all photomicro-graphs.7.3If a color photograph is to be printed in black andwhite,please provide a black-and-white print. 8.Structural formulae8.1For the representation of structural formulae,referto the directions provided for the preparation of figures(sections6.1and6.4).8.2If a structural formula is provided to show simplythe structure of a compound,which is the subject of the paper,no numbers or legends are required;however,if it explains the steps in a reaction,the formulae should be numbered asfigures or Scheme 1,Scheme2,etc.,and otherwise treated asfigures (see section6).8.3The size of a structural formula is decided in thesame manner as that of afigure.9.EquationsWrite equations as follows.(a)i a¼650nD1=2cm2=3t1=6(for an equation on a single line)(b)E a¼E0ÀðRT=nFÞlnða=a0Þ(3)10.UnitsThe Syste´me International d’Unite´s(SI)shouldbe used for physical quantities,but non-SI units(e.g.,liter,h)can also be e unitsaccording to the list provided in Table1.Differentsystems of units should not be used in the samemanuscript(e.g.,‘‘kg/cm2’’and‘‘bar’’).11.Abbreviations and symbols for chemical com-pounds11.1The common abbreviations provided in the listbelow,as decided by an international agreement,need not be defined at theirfirst occurrence.TheSociety accepts the use of the abbreviationsprovided in Table2without any definition.11.2Follow the rules and recommendations of theIUPAC-IUB Commission*for the abbreviation ofcompound names in thefield of biochemistry.Inaddition to the common name of an enzyme,thename recommended by the International Union ofBiochemistry**should be provided.The EnzymeCommission(EC)number should be provided atthefirst occurrence of the enzyme in the text. 11.3The authors should select unambiguous abbrevia-tions or use atomic symbols for chemical com-pounds mentioned in the description of the ex-periments,including reagents,solvents,and sim-ple functional groups,in order to prevent mis-understanding.In the name of a single compound,symbols,abbreviations,and chemical namesshould not be mixed.Correct examples:Me,Et,Pr,Bu,Ph,AcOH,Bz,Ar,X,CO2H,iso-BuOH 11.4Follow the rules of IUPAC for the nomenclatureof organic and inorganic compounds.*11.5Use names,not chemical formulae,when writingthe name of a chemical in the text.11.6Radioactive compounds.The isotopic prefix inthe name of an isotopically labeled compoundshould be provided in square brackets immedi-ately before the part of the name to which it refers.Example:sodium[14C]formate.When the posi-tion(s)of a radioactive label is known,representthe compound as[2,3-3H]alanine.In case ofuniform labeling,represent the compound as[U-14C]glucose.When the labeled material is nota chemical compound,represent the compoundwithout square brackets,e.g.,14C-ribosomes or32P-labeled.11.7Naming of chemical compoundsa)Italics should be used for o-(ortho),m-(meta),p-(para),n-(normal),sec-(secondary),tert-(tertiary),cis-,trans-,gauche-,erythro-,threo-,syn-,and anti-.Italics should also be used for thespecification of optical activity or inactivity suchas d-(dextro),l-(laevo),dl-(racemic),and i-(inactive),and for substituted atoms such as N-,O-,and C-.b)Small capitals D-,L-,and DL-are used to expressthe configuration of sugars and amino acids.Absolute configurations of asymmetric centersare written as(R)and(S)or as(E)and(Z)forgeometric isomers.For the description of therelative configuration in ring compounds,cis andtrans are used.12.Scientific names of organismsThe binomial Latin names for organisms shouldbe written in italics.13.Numbers13.1Numbers should be written as Arabic numerals.In sentences,write‘‘zero’’not‘‘0.’’13.2When a number begins a sentence,it should bespelled out along with its unit of measurement(e.g.,Five grams).Units that are not immediatelypreceded by a numeral(e.g.,per milliliter)shouldbe spelled out.Decimal numbers should berepresented as‘‘0.1234.’’A multiplication symbol‘‘Â’’should be used, e.g.,‘‘6:02Â1023’’not‘‘6:02Á1023.’’Numbers greater than four-digitnumbers should be separated by commas everythree places.However,four-digit numbers neednot be separated by commas(e.g.,IR wavenumber as given in section14).14.Description of the results of analytical testsThe results of analytical tests should appear inthe Materials and Methods section.Write in asimple form,using abbreviations for the names ofmethods,units,values,and assignments.½ 20DÀ35 (c1.0,CHCl3)Uv max(EtOH)nm ("):238(10,050),288(9880)IR max(nujol)cmÀ1:1762(O–C=O),1640(C=O)NMR H(CDCl3):2.25(2H,quartet,J¼7Hz,O–C H2–Me),4.28(2H,N H2).When the chemical shifts are shown with d,show the nuclei measured as H, c etc.Whenthere is no chance of misunderstanding,d alonecan be used.ORD(c0.118,MeOH)½ 31(nm):À21 (589),À38 (400)X-ray2 Cu-K :18.8 (d¼4:72A˚),20.5 (d¼3:65A˚)MS m=z:154(Mþ),139(MþÀCH3).Give the ionization conditions for CIMS,EIMS,FABMS,etc.HRMS m=z(Mþ)Calcd.for C29H26O10:534.151.Found:534.150.Elemental analysis:Write as‘‘Found:C,70.01;H,8.83;N, 3.68.Calcd.For C22H23O4N:C,70.36;H,8.86;N,3.73.’’In the descriptions of organic chemistry,pro-vide either the results of elemental analysis of allnovel compounds or high-resolution mass spectraldata.In the descriptions of structural analysis,include the data on which the identification ofthe molecular structure was based(the results ofelemental analysis and high-resolution mass spec-tral data).In the case of compounds for which ahigh-resolution mass spectrum cannot be created,*‘‘Biochemical Nomenclature and Related Documents,’’2nd ed,Portland Press,London,1992.Also http://www.chem. /iupacWbibliog/white.html(December2002)**‘‘Enzyme Nomenclature1992:Recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,’’Academic Press,New York,1992.Also .iubmb/enzyme/ (December2002)(4)include the data used for the calculation of themolecular weight.15.Superscript and subscriptFor superscripts and subscripts,use the wordprocessor’s functions.16.DNA sequencesIn papers describing newly sequenced DNA,the accession number and the database name(DDBJ,etc.)in which the sequence has beendeposited must be provided.This informationshould be placed in parentheses at thefirstmention of the sequence in the abstract and text.Similarly,mention databases such as the PDB andCCDC in which new crystallographic data ofatomic coordinates have been deposited.Submission of manuscriptsProcedure for electronic submission to Biosci.Biotech-nol.Biochem.1.Preparefiles and requisite information in advance.Thefiles of the manuscript and information of authors.For preparation,follow the instructions provided in‘‘User Tutorials(for Author).’’Because the manner of using Electric Submission changes properly,it would 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