



初三英语生态平衡单选题50题1. In the forest ecosystem, the _____ is a primary consumer that mainly feeds on plants.A. lionB. deerC. eagleD. snake答案:B。


lion 狮子,是肉食性动物,属于次级消费者或者更高级别的消费者;eagle 鹰,也是肉食性动物;snake蛇,大多为肉食性,它们都不以植物为主要食物来源。


2. Many plants in the rainforest have large leaves to ____ more sunlight for photosynthesis.A. reflectB. absorbC. releaseD. produce答案:B。




3. Which of the following animals is known as a "keystone species" in many ecosystems?A. MouseB. BeeC. RabbitD. Fox答案:B。


mouse 老鼠、rabbit兔子和fox狐狸虽然都是生态系统中的一部分,但它们不是像蜜蜂(bee)那样典型的关键物种。




一、名词解释1.acclimatization (驯化)P15指在自然环境条件下所诱发的生物生理补偿变化,这种变化一般需要较长时间。

2.dormancy (休眠)P16即处于不活动状态,是指动植物抵御暂时不良环境条件的一种十分有效的生理机制。

3.photosynthetic active radiation (PHAR光合作用有效辐射范围)P19(百度)指能被绿色植物用来进行光合作用的那部分太阳辐射。

4.short-day plant (短日照植物)P22植物开花过程需要的日照时间不足8~10小时的植物称为短日照植物。

5.effective accumulative law (有效积温法则)P26P26-27 温度与生物发育关系最普遍的规律,要算有效积温法则。


用公式表述为:K=N(T-C) 其中,K为热常数,即完成某一发育期所需要的总热量,单位用“日度”表示;N为发育历期;T为发育期的平均温度;C为发育起点温度。


6.homeotherm ;(常温动物)P32 ;poikilotherm (变温动物)P32(百度)常温动物:具有完善的体温调节机制,体温受环境影响较小,保持相对稳定的动物)变温动物:变温动物是指体温随着外界温度改变而改变的动物)P267.asetioncation phenomenon (黄化现象)P21黄化现象就是光照因子对植物生长及形态建成发生明显影响的例子,黄化是植物对光照不足的黑暗生境的特殊适应,在种子植物、裸子植物、蕨类植物和苔藓植物中都可发生。

8.phenological phase 物候期phenology 物候学P29发芽生长开花果实成熟落叶休眠等生长发育阶段称为物候期物候学是研究生物的季节性节律活动与环境季节变化关系的科学9.convergent adaption (趋同适应)P19是指亲缘关系很远甚至完全不同的类群,长期生活在相似的环境中,表现出相似的外部特征,具有相同或相近的生态位。



农业生态学名词解释题库English Answer:1. Agroecology is the study of ecological processes in agricultural systems. It is a transdisciplinary field that integrates the principles of ecology, sociology, economics, and other disciplines to understand how agricultural systems interact with the environment and society.2. Ecosystem services are the benefits that humans derive from ecosystems. These services include things like food, water, air purification, and climate regulation. Agroecosystems can provide a variety of ecosystem services, including food production, soil conservation, water filtration, and habitat for wildlife.3. Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. It includes the number of different species, the genetic diversity within species, and the diversity of ecosystems. Agroecosystems can be designed to promote biodiversity byincluding a variety of plant and animal species and by creating habitats that support a variety of species.4. Resilience is the ability of a system to withstand disturbances and continue to function. Agroecosystems canbe designed to be resilient to disturbances such as pests, diseases, droughts, and floods by including a variety of plant and animal species, by diversifying crop rotations, and by using sustainable farming practices.5. Sustainability is the ability of a system to meetthe needs of the present without compromising the abilityof future generations to meet their own needs. Agroecosystems can be designed to be sustainable by using renewable resources, by recycling nutrients, and by minimizing environmental impacts.中文回答:1. 农业生态学是研究农业系统中生态过程的一门学科。



高级英语生态系统相关练习50题1. In a dense forest ecosystem, which of the following animals is known for its ability to climb trees very well?A. LionB. MonkeyC. ElephantD. Kangaroo答案:B。

解析:Lions are mainly ground predators and are not known for their tree-climbing skills. Elephants are too large and not adapted for climbing trees. Kangaroos are found in grasslands and are not proficient climbers. Monkeys have evolved to be excellent climbers with their agile bodies and grasping hands.2. Which plant is often considered a pioneer species in an ecosystem after a natural disaster?A. OrchidB. MossC. RoseD. Sunflower答案:B。

解析:Orchids usually grow in specific conditions and are not pioneer species. Roses require more stable and developed environments. Sunflowers need ample sunlight and fertile soil. Moss can grow on bare rocks or soil and is often one of the first plants to colonizedisturbed areas.3. In a grassland ecosystem, which of the following animals is a herbivore?A. WolfB. DeerC. EagleD. Snake答案:B。



高一英语生态平衡单选题50题1. The _______ of a region includes all the living organisms and their physical environment.A. speciesB. ecosystemC. biodiversityD. population答案:B。



2. Many _______ are in danger of extinction because of human activities.A. ecosystemsB. biodiversitiesC. speciesD. populations答案:C。



3. _______ refers to the variety of life on Earth, including plants, animals, and microorganisms.A. SpeciesB. EcosystemC. BiodiversityD. Population答案:C。



4. A healthy _______ can support a large number of different species.A. populationB. biodiversityC. ecosystemD. species答案:C。



高一英语询问生态单选题50题1. In the Amazon rainforest, which is one of the most important ecosystems in the world, plants play a crucial role. Which of the following best describes the role of plants in an ecosystem?A. They only provide shelter for animalsB. They are the primary producersC. They are just for decorationD. They only release carbon dioxide答案:B。



2. Yellowstone National Park is famous for its diverse ecosystem. Among the following components, which one is a biotic factor in Yellowstone's ecosystem?A. Water in the hot springsB. Rocks on the mountainsC. Grizzly bearsD. The sunlight答案:C。






高三英语询问生态单选题50题1. During the scientific research on the wetland ecosystem, we found that ______ play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.A. plants and animalsB. only plantsC. only animalsD. neither plants nor animals答案:A。




2. In the field study of the desert ecosystem, which of the following is an abiotic factor?A. CactusB. ScorpionC. SandD. Lizard答案:C。




3. A group of ecologists are researching a forest ecosystem. They noticed that ______ are the primary producers.A. fungiB. treesC. birdsD. insects答案:B。





九年级英语生态环境问题单选题40题1.There are many wild animals in danger. We should try our best to protect _.A.theyB.themC.theirD.theirs答案:B。


“protect”是动词,后面接人称代词宾格,“wild animals”是复数,所以用“them”。

2.The number of pandas is getting smaller and smaller. We must do something to save _.A.itB.themC.itsD.theirs答案:B。


3.Many people are working hard to protect endangered animals _ extinction.A.fromB.ofC.inD.at答案:A。


4.We should raise people's awareness of protecting wild animals _ organizing activities.A.byB.withC.inD.on答案:A。

“by doing sth”表示“通过做某事”。

5.The government has taken measures to protect wild animals _ being hunted.A.forB.fromC.ofD.with答案:B。

同第3 题,“protect...from...”的用法。

6.We should protect forests because they are important for the environment. Which one is NOT the reason?A.They provide oxygen.B.They are home to many animals.C.They can be used for building houses.D.They help to control climate.答案:C。



名词解释:1、Ecology is the study of interactions between organisms and their environment.2、Physical environment is made up of such things as temperature, water, wind, soil, air.; Physical environment can be natural or man-made. Mostly, it is a mix of the two.3、Biotic environment:Comprising any influences on an organism that are exerted by other organisms, including competition, predation, parasitism, and cooperation.4、urban ecology:the study of interactions between urban organisms (primarily human-beings) and their environment.5、Ecosystem:.A defined space which includes plants, animals (organisms) and physical interactions . The biggest and most complicated study unit of ecology.6、Food chains are the pathways of energy and matter through all organisms in an ecosystem.7、Ecological succession :A fundamental concept ecology, refers to more-or-less predictable and orderly changes in the composition or structure of an ecological community.8、Climax Community :The final or stable community in the process of ecological succession is the climax community or climatic vegetation.9、Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth and the essential interdependence of all living things10、Trophic levels are ranks in the food chain. A food chain represents only one possible route for the transfer of energy in an ecosystem.8、urban ecosystem models are based on the interaction of the social,biological ,and physical components of a city.11、Ecological Footprint:The ecological footprint is a measure of human demand on theEarth's ecosystems. It represents the amount of biologically productive land and sea area necessary to supply the resources a human population consumes, and to mitigate associated waste.12、Ecosystem service function is the capacity of natural processes and components to provide goods and services that satisfy human needs, directly or indirectly.Chapter one1、Ecology is the study of interactions between organisms and their environment.2、Physical environment is made up of such things as temperature, water, wind, soil, air.; Physical environment can be natural or man-made. Mostly, it is a mix of the two.3、Biotic environment:Comprising any influences on an organism that are exerted by other organisms, including competition, predation, parasitism, and cooperation.4、arious Branches of Ecology_ by study objects(研究对象).分子生态学(molecule ecology).个体生态学(autecology).种群生态学(population ecology).群落生态学(community ecology).生态系统生态学(ecosystem ecology).景观生态学(landscape ecology).全球生态学(global ecology)5、Size of your study in ecology.Individuals.Populations.Communities.Ecosystems6、urban ecology:the study of interactions between urban organisms (primarily human-beings) and their environment.Chapter two1、Ecosystem:.A defined space which includes plants, animals (organisms) and physical interactions . The biggest and most complicated study unit of ecology..An ecosystem can be of any size depending on the communities to be studied ..Ecologists tend to think of ecosystem in terms of energy flow, carbon flow or nutrient cycles.2、太阳辐射能无生命成分无机物质有机物质生态系统生产者(绿色植物)生命成分消费者(动物)还原者(微生物)3、Energy Flow生态系统的能量流动主要由三者构成:生产者、消费者、分解者。



高一英语生态循环单选题50题1. In an ecosystem, plants are considered as ______ because they can produce their own food.A. consumersB. decomposersC. producersD. scavengers答案:C。





2. Which of the following is an example of a consumer in an ecosystem?A. A mushroomB. A grassC. A rabbitD. A bacterium that decomposes dead leaves答案:C。





分解落叶的细菌(bacterium that decomposes dead leaves)是分解者,D选项错误。

3. Decomposers play an important role in an ecosystem by ______.A. producing food for other organismsB. eating plants onlyC. breaking down dead organisms and recycling nutrientsD. hunting other animals答案:C。



高一英语生态位单选题50题1. In an ecosystem, the ______ of a species refers to the role it plays and the resources it uses.A. habitatB. populationC. nicheD. community答案:C。


2. A certain kind of bird mainly feeds on insects in the forest. This behavior is related to its ______.A. preyB. predatorC. nicheD. range答案:C。


3. The niche of a plant includes all of the following EXCEPT ______.A. the amount of sunlight it needsB. the type of soil it grows inC. the animals that eat itD. the color of its flowers答案:D。





1. Definitions:Community(群落):在特定空间下彼此相互作用的不同物种的集合体。

minimum area(最小面积):是指包含了群落大多数种类的最小空间,在该面积内群落的种类组成和一般结构特征得以充分的表现。

constructive species(建群种):对群落结构和群落环境的形成有明显控制作用的植物种称为优势种。


important value(重要值):用来表示某个种在群落中的地位和作用的综合数量指标。




b i o m e(生物群系):有明显生物体和盛行气候特点的区域生物集合。

2. Define and rank the levels of ecological organization.定义和划分生态组织的层级。


Population 种群:是特定时间占据一定空间的同种生物的集合群。

种群(population): Group of interbreeding individuals of same species occupying the same location.群落(community) : Assemblages of the populations of all of the species in the samelocation.生态系统(ecosystem)指生物群落与其生活环境间由于相互作用而形成的一种稳定的自然系统。

景观(landscape):Includes exchange of materials & organisms between ecosystems. (《生态学概论》):景观是以相似的形式在一定面积上重复出现的具相互作用的生态系统的聚合所组成的区域,是反映内陆地形、地貌或景色(如草原、森林、山脉、湖泊等)的景象区域(生物群系,biome):用某项指标或某几个特定指标的结合,在地球表面划分出具有一定范围的连续而不分离的单位。



高一英语生态功能单选题50题1. In a forest ecosystem, plants are the producers. They can make their own food through photosynthesis. Which of the following is also a characteristic of producers?A. They are always greenB. They depend on other organisms for foodC. They release oxygen into the atmosphereD. They only live in water答案:C。






2. In an ocean ecosystem, small fish eat plankton. These small fish are _.A. producersB. consumersC. decomposersD. scavengers答案:B。







初一英语生态系统单选题30题1.In the forest ecosystem, which of the following is a producer?A.tigerB.deerC.treeD.snake答案:C。



2.In the grassland ecosystem, which animal is a herbivore?A.lionB.wolfC.zebraD.fox答案:C。




3.In the ocean ecosystem, which one is a plankton?A.sharkB.dolphinC.krill答案:C。




4.In the forest ecosystem, which creature is a decomposer?A.rabbitB.bearC.mushroomD.squirrel答案:C。




5.In the grassland ecosystem, which animal is known for its speed?A.elephantB.giraffeC.cheetahD.hippo答案:C。



6.In the ocean ecosystem, which is a large mammal?A.jellyfishB.coralD.sea star答案:C。



五年级生态学英语阅读理解25题1<背景文章>A forest ecosystem is a complex community of living organisms and their non - living environment. It mainly consists of three parts: plants, animals, and microorganisms.Plants in the forest, such as tall trees, bushes, and grasses, play a very important role. They are the producers in the ecosystem. Through photosynthesis, they can convert sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into organic matter and oxygen. This not only provides food for animals but also helps to regulate the global climate.Animals in the forest are consumers. There are herbivores like deer that eat plants, and carnivores like wolves that hunt other animals. They form a complex food chain, which keeps the ecological balance in the forest.Microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, are decomposers. They break down dead plants and animals into simple substances, which can be reused by plants.However, forest ecosystems are facing many threats today. Deforestation is a major problem. People cut down trees for various reasons, such as building houses, making furniture, and getting more landfor farming. This destroys the habitats of many animals and plants, and also reduces the ability of the forest to purify the air and water. Another threat is forest fires, which can quickly destroy large areas of the forest. Pollution also has a negative impact on forest ecosystems.1. What are the main parts of a forest ecosystem?A. Only plantsB. Plants, animals and microorganismsC. Only animalsD. Only microorganisms答案:B。



八年级生态学英语阅读理解25题1<背景文章>Ecosystem balance, also known as ecological balance, is a delicate and crucial state in nature. It refers to the stable and harmonious co - existence of all living organisms and their non - living environment within an ecosystem.The importance of ecological balance cannot be overstated. For one thing, a balanced ecosystem provides a stable habitat for countless species. All living things, from the tiniest microorganisms to the largest mammals, rely on this balance to survive. For example, plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis, which is essential for the respiration of animals. At the same time, animals play a role in pollination and seed dispersal for plants.However, there are many factors that can disrupt ecological balance. Human activities are among the most significant ones. Deforestation, for instance, is a major problem. When humans cut down large areas of forests, many animals lose their homes. Also, it can lead to soil erosion and a decrease in the amount of oxygen produced. Another human - related factor is pollution. Industrial waste, agricultural chemicals, and domestic garbage all pollute the environment. This pollution can harm or even kill manyorganisms in the ecosystem.Climate change is also a factor affecting ecological balance. Rising temperatures can cause the melting of polar ice caps, which in turn can raise sea levels. This can flood low - lying islands and coastal areas, threatening the habitats of many species. Moreover, changes in temperature and precipitation patterns can disrupt the life cycles of plants and animals.In conclusion, ecological balance is of vital importance, and we need to be aware of the factors that can disrupt it and take measures to protect it.1. <问题1>What is ecological balance?A. It is the state where only animals live in harmony.B. It is the stable and harmonious co - existence of all living organisms and their non - living environment within an ecosystem.C. It is a state where plants can grow without any restrictions.D. It is a state where humans can do whatever they want in nature.答案:B。



七年级生物生态英语阅读理解20题1. In an ecosystem, which of the following is a producer?A. RabbitB. GrassC. FoxD. Eagle答案:B。


2. What do plants need most to grow?A. Water and sunlightB. Meat and waterC. Air and meatD. Sunlight and air答案:A。


3. Which animal is a herbivore in the ecosystem?A. LionB. DeerC. WolfD. Snake答案:B。


4. The relationship between bees and flowers is _.A. ParasiticB. CompetitiveC. MutualisticD. Predatory答案:C。


5. Which of the following is not a part of a forest ecosystem?A. TreesB. FishesC. BirdsD. Squirrels答案:B。


6. What will happen if all the plants die in an ecosystem?A. Animals will be healthierB. There will be more space for animalsC. Animals will die graduallyD. There will be no change答案:C。

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CHAPTER 7 Evolution and AdaptationThe process of evolution depends on genetic variation.MULTIPLE CHOICE1.Topic: The process of evolution depends on genetic variation.Level: easyDifferent forms of a particular gene are known asa. chromosomes.b. alleles.c. polygenic.d. pleiotropic.Answer: b2.Topic: The process of evolution depends on genetic variation.Level: easyA trait that is determined by multiple genes is referred to asa. polygenic.b. pleiotropic.c. homozygous.d. heterozygous.Answer: a3.Topic: The process of evolution depends on genetic variation.Level: mediumChickens with the dominant allele at the frizzle gene produce curly feathers, have very high body temperature, and lay few eggs.This is an example ofa. polygenic traits.b. pleiotropy.c. epistasis.d. random assortment.Answer: b4. Topic: The process of evolution depends on genetic variation.Level: mediumTwo of the genes that affect coat color in horses are the extension gene and the cream dilution gene. The dominant E allele at the extension gene generates black coats, while the recessive e allele produces red coats.The coat color caused by the extension gene is not altered if the horse is a homozygote for the C allele at the cream dilution gene.However, if the horse is a homozygote for the C Cr allele at the cream dilution gene, it will have a white coat regardless of the extension genotype.This interaction between the extension and the cream dilution gene is an example ofa. pleiotropy.b. epistasis.c. codominance.d. random assortment.Answer: b5. Topic: The process of evolution depends on genetic variation.Level: difficultWhich of the following types of allele would we expect to have the lowest frequency in a population?a. beneficial recessive alleleb. beneficial dominant allelec. harmful recessive alleled. harmful dominant alleleAnswer: d6. Topic: The process of evolution depends on genetic variation.Level: mediumConsider a gene that affects fur color in mice.This gene has two alleles, A and a.If AA mice have white fur, Aa mice have gray fur, and aa mice have black fur, how would we describe the effect of these alleles?a. A is dominant and a is recessive.b. A is recessive and a is dominant.c. A and a are codominant.d. A and a are epistatic.Answer: c7. Topic:The process of evolution depends on genetic variation.Level: mediumConsider a gene that affects number of seeds in a plant.This gene has two alleles, G and g.If GG plants produce 50 seeds, Gg plants produce 50 seeds, and gg plants produce 25 seeds, how would we describe the effect of these alleles?a. G is dominant and g is recessive.b. G is recessive and g is dominant.c. G and g are codominant.d. G and g are polygenic.Answer: a8. Topic:The process of evolution depends on genetic variation.Level: easyWhat term refers to the alleles of all of the genes of every individual in a population?a. polygenicb. heterozygousc. gene poold. random assortmentAnswer: c9. Topic:The process of evolution depends on genetic variation.Level: easyWhat process creates new alleles in a population?a. random assortmentb. mutationc. recombinationd. epistasisAnswer: b10. Topic:The process of evolution depends on genetic variation.Level: difficultFor mutations that enter a population of a diploid organism, which type of mutation is most likely to be affected by natural selection when it first appears?a. synonymous mutationb. nonsynonymous recessive mutationc. nonsynonymous dominant mutationd. All are equally likely to be affected by natural selection.Answer: c11. Topic:The process of evolution depends on genetic variation.Level: easyThe shuffling of genes that occurs when DNA is copied during meiosis is known asa. recombination.b. mutation.c. random assortment.d. epistasis.Answer: a12. Topic:The process of evolution depends on genetic variation.Level: easyWhat term describes makingnew combinations of alleles using existing genetic variation across many chromosomes?a. pleiotropyb. epistasisc. random assortmentd. mutationAnswer: cSHORT ANSWER13. Topic:The process of evolution depends on genetic variation.Level: mediumClonal animals do not reshuffle their genes throughgenetic recombination, whereas sexually reproducing animals do.Explain how this difference could affect how pathogens interact with clonal animals and how they interactwith sexually reproducing animals.Answer:Since recombination creates new genotypes every generation, pathogens cannot become fully adapted to the genotypes of sexually reproducing animals.Because recombination does not occur in clonal animals, they gain new genetic variationonly through mutation, which is a very rare process. Thus pathogens can more easily adapt to the genetic variation in clonal animals.14. Topic:The process of evolution depends on genetic variation.Level: difficultDescribe the difference between synonymous and nonsynonymous mutation.Which type is morelikely to be affected by natural selection, and why?Answer:A synonymous mutat ion does not affect an organism’s phenotype, whereas a nonsynonymous mutation does affect phenotype.Natural selection acts on variation among phenotypes, and so natural selection will act only on nonsynonymous mutations, because they are the only mutations that affect an organism’s phenotype.15. Topic:The process of evolution depends on genetic variation.Level: difficultMany genetic diseases have severe or lethal effects in the homozygous form, yet alleles for these diseases arenot entirely removed by natural selection.Explain how dominance relationships among alleles allow deleterious mutations to remain in a population.Answer:When genetic diseases are caused by recessive alleles,they do harmtothe carrieronly in the homozygous form.The heterozygotes do not express the deleterious phenotype, and thus heterozygotes do not havereduced fitness. Deleterious genetic diseases thus can remain in the population because they are not selected against in the heterozygous form.Evolution can occur through random processes or through selection. MULTIPLE CHOICE16. Topic:Evolution can occur through random processes or through selection.Level: easyA process that occurs when genetic variation is lost because of random variation in mating, mortality, fecundity, and inheritance isknown asa. mutation.b. genetic drift.c. stabilizing selection.d. disruptive selection.Answer: b17. Topic:Evolution can occur through random processes or through selection.Level: mediumThe rate at which allele frequencies change because of genetic drift isa. highest in large populations.b. the same regardless of population size.c. highest in intermediate-sized populations.d. highest in small populations.Answer: d18. Topic:Evolution can occur through random processes or through selection.Level: mediumConsider three populations of a plant species, each isolated from other populations of the same species.Population X has contained approximately 100 individuals in each generation for the past 200 generations. Population Y has contained approximately 10,000 individuals in each generation for the past 200 generations.Population Z has contained approximately 1 million individuals in each generation for the past 200 generations.If genetic drift is the only evolutionary process acting on these populations, howcanwe expect the amount of genetic variation to differ among these populations?a. X will have thehighest variation, Y will have intermediate variation, and Z will have thelowest variation.b. X will have thelowest variation, Ywill have intermediate variation, and Zwill have thehighest variation.c. X and Z will have high variation, while Z will havelow variation.d. All three populations willhave the sameamount of genetic variation.Answer: b19. Topic:Evolution can occur through random processes or through selection.Level: mediumWhich is (are) correctabout founder effect?I.Founder effect occurs when individuals are transplanted to a new location.II. Founder effect producesnew alleles.III. Founder effect reduces genetic variation.a. Ionlyb. IIonlyc. IIIonlyd. I and IIe. I and IIIAnswer: e20. Topic:Evolution can occur through random processes or through selection.Level: mediumConsider a situation in which overharvesting causes the number of fish in a population to become drastically smaller, which causes genetic variation in that fish to decrease over a few generations. This is an example ofa. bottleneck effect.b. founder effect.c. directional selection.d. recombination.Answer: a21. Topic:Evolution can occur through random processes or through selection.Level: mediumThe four plots in the figureshow possible relationships between the survival and beak length in an island population of birds.Which plot is an example of disruptive selection?a. plot ab. plot bc. plot cd. plot dAnswer: c22. Topic:Evolution can occur through random processes or through selection.Level: mediumStickleback fish exhibit variation in a morphological trait known as gill rakers.Fish with long gill rakers are very good at eating plankton, and fish with short gill rakers are good at eating deep-water invertebrates.However, fish with intermediate-length gill rakers are poor at eating either type of food. Fish that are better at consuming food have higher survival and reproductionratesthan poorer consumers.Based on this information, what type of selection is likely acting on stickleback gill raker length?a. no natural selectionb. stabilizing selectionc. disruptive selectiond. directional selectionAnswer: c23. Topic:Evolution can occur through random processes or through selection.Level: difficultWhen a parental generationundergoesstabilizing selection, how willthe distribution of phenotypes in the population change between the parental generation and their progeny?a. Mean phenotype increases, but variability decreases.b. Mean phenotype stays the same, but variability decreases.c. Mean phenotype stays the same, but variability increases.d. Mean phenotype and variability both increase.Answer: b24. Topic:Evolution can occur through random processes or through selection.Level: easyWhen an extreme phenotype hashigher fitness than anaverage phenotype in a population, it is an example ofa. stabilizing selection.b. directional selection.c. disruptive selection.d. genetic drift.Answer: b25. Topic:Evolution can occur through random processes or through selection.Level: difficultIf a population of butterflies is under strong natural selection favoring large wings but there is no genetic variation for wing size, what dowe expect to occur in the next generation?a. Wings will evolve to be smaller.b. There will be no evolutionary change in wing size.c. Wings will evolve to be larger.d. Wings will evolve to be more variable.Answer: b26. Topic:Evolution can occur through random processes or through selection.Level: easyWhen a phenotype is under disruptive selection, which parts of the phenotypic distribution are expected to have the highest fitness?a. individuals with the extreme largest values of the phenotypeb. individuals with the extreme smallest values of the phenotypec. individuals with both extreme large and extreme small values of the phenotyped. individuals with the intermediate phenotypeAnswer: c27. Topic:Evolution can occur through random processes or through selection.Level: difficultConsider three populations of a plant species, each of which is isolated from other populations of the same species.Population X has hadapproximately 100 individuals in each generation for the past 200 generations. Population Y has hadapproximately 10,000 individuals in each generation for the past 200 generations.Population Z has hadapproximately 1 million individuals in each generation for the past 200 generations.If the environment changed and a new environmental condition exerted the exact same strength of directional selection on all three populations, which population would we expect to evolve most rapidly?a. Population Xb. Population Yc. Population Zd. All three populations would evolve at the same rate.Answer: cSHORT ANSWER28. Topic:Evolution can occur through random processes or through selection.Level: difficultYou conduct an experiment in which you raise sixreplicated lines of fruit flies for eightgenerations.You keep population size constant at 20 adults per generation.You are interested in a gene,bw,that affects eye color. This gene has two alleles,bw-1 and bw-2.You starteach replicated line with the frequency of the bw-1 allele at50%.Do thedata in the graph better match the prediction for the bw alleles evolving by genetic drift or by directional selection?Be sure to define directional selection and genetic drift and describe the prediction of both hypotheses.Answer:Thesedata better match the bw alleles evolving by genetic drift. Genetic drift is random changes in allele frequencies, while evolution by directional selection would consistently favor one allele over another. Withgenetic drift, we would predict some lines to show an increase inbw-1 allele frequency, some lines to decrease, and some to stay roughly the same.However, under directional selection, we would expect all six lines to consistently change in the same direction.For example, if bw-1werefavored by directional selection, we would expect bw-1 to increase in frequency in all six lines each generation.29. Topic:Evolution can occur through random processes or through selection.Level: mediumA small species of fly lays its eggs in plant stems.The developing fly larvae cause a gall, or large round structure, to form in the stem.Genetic differences among flies cause variation in the size of the galls they produce.Both birds and wasps feed on the larvae in the galls.The proportions of small, medium, and large galls able to survive attacks by either birds or wasps are shown in the table.If a population of flies lives in a field with equal abundance of birds and wasps, willgall size be bydirectional, stabilizing, or disruptive selection? Explain your answer.Answer: The galls would be under stabilizing selection, because the intermediate-sized galls are not attacked by either predator, but both large (25 mm) and small (15 mm) galls are attacked by predators.This meets the definition of stabilizing selection: that intermediate phenotypes have highest fitness, while the two extreme phenotypes have low fitness.30. Topic:analyzing ecology:strength of selection, heritability, and response to selectionLevel: mediumA group of island birds have beaks that are on average 20 mm long with a standard deviation of1 mm. Beak length is a geneticallybased trait with a heritability of 0.5. Only small seeds are available for these birds to consume, and some of the large-beaked birds are unable to reproduce.The group of birds that successfully reproduces has an average beak size of 16mm.Based on this information, predict how much the beak size is expected to change in the next generation.Answer:Use the equation R = h2S.h2 is the heritability 0.5. (Notethat we do not square the heritability.)S is the selection differential, (16 − 20) ÷1.We divide by 1for the standard deviation.R=0.5 ×−4 = −2.We thus predict the bird beak size will decrease by twostandard deviations in the next generation. Microevolution operates at the population level.MULTIPLE CHOICE31: Topic:Microevolution operates at the population level.Level: easyWhat is the term for evolution acting at the level of populations?a. microevolutionb. macroevolutionc. speciationd. key innovationsAnswer: a32. Topic:Microevolution operates at the population level.Level:easyThe human activity of controlling the survival and reproduction of organisms to produce offspring with specific sets of traits is known asa. artificial selection.b. natural selection.c. industrial melanism.d. speciation.Answer: a33. Topic:Microevolution operates at the population level.Level: easyThe drastic phenotypic differences between large dogs,such as bloodhounds, and small dogs,such as Chihuahuas,are a result ofa. genetic drift.b. founder effect.c. artificial selection.d. natural selection.Answer: c34. Topic:Microevolution operates at the population level.Level: mediumEvolution by artificial selection is similar to evolution by natural selection becauseI. both require traits to be heritable.II. both incorporate founder effects.III. both generate differences in fitness between individuals.a. I onlyb. II onlyc. III onlyd. I and III onlye. I, II, and IIIAnswer: d35. Topic:Microevolution operates at the population level.Level: mediumWhich is a prediction of the hypothesis that predation caused industrial melanism?a. Dark moths seek out dark trees to rest on.b. Birds more frequently capture dark moths on dark trees than those on light trees.cBirds more frequently capture dark moths on light treesthan those on dark trees.d. Industrial pollution led to higher mortality of light moths.Answer: c36. Topic:Microevolution operates at the population level.Level:easyThe phenomenon by which moths in England evolved from light-colored forms to dark-colored forms over several decades is known asa. speciation.b. epistasis.c. genetic drift.d. industrial melanism.Answer: d37. Topic:Microevolution operates at the population level.Level:easyWhich of the following insights about microevolution is demonstrated by industrial melanism?a. Artificial selection cannot be reversed.b. Microevolution is primarily caused by genetic drift.c. Humans affect the evolution only of domestic animals.d. Microevolution can occur in a very short time.Answer: d38. Topic:Microevolution operates at the population level.Level: mediumBody size is a heritable trait in the amphipod, an aquatic crustacean. Fish preferentially consume large amphipods, leaving primarily small amphipods to breed.Based on these observations, how would we expect evolution to affect ponds with and without fish?a. Ponds with fish should have larger amphipods.b. Ponds with fish should have smaller amphipods.c. Amphipod body size should not differ between ponds with and without fish.d. Ponds with fish should have amphipods that are either very large or very small.Answer: b.39. Topic:Microevolution operates at the population level.Level: mediumWhich of the following statements about evolution by artificial selection is correct?a. It occurs very slowly.b. It was discovered only in the 1900s.c. It can have negative effects on humans.d. It does not require genetic variation.Answer: c39. Topic:Microevolution operates at the population level.Level: easyThe evolution of pesticide resistance in insects is an example ofa.microevolution.b. industrial melanism.c. selective predation.d. macroevolution.Answer: a40. Topic:Microevolution operates at the population level.Level: easyMicroevolution includesa. speciation.b. key innovation.c. genetic drift.d. polyploidy.Answer: c41. Topic:Microevolution operates at the population level.Level: easyArtificial selection can cause evolutionary change when there isa. genetic variation in traits.b. geographic separation.c. a founder effect.d. key innovation.Answer: a42. Topic:Microevolution operates at the population level.Level: easyDarwin supported his argument for evolution by natural selection with the observation that artificial selection caused large changes in a short period becausea. natural selection had millions of years to operate.b. genetic drift could not cause the same rate of change.c. natural selection had to have occurred in only a few generations.d. allopatric speciation requires geographic barriers.Answer: aSHORT ANSWER43. Topic:Microevolution operates at the population level.Level: mediumIf climate change were to cause a tree with very dark bark to become common in England, what would we expect to happen to the color patterns of the peppered moth¸and why would we expect it to happen?Answer:Color pattern is genetically controlled in the peppered moth, and it also affects the survival of moths.Dark-colored moths resting on dark trees are less likely to be eaten by birds than dark moths on light trees.The opposite pattern is true for light-colored moths.Thus, if dark trees became common, the light moths would be more likely to be killed than the dark moths.In each generation the selective consumption of light moths would lead to an increase in the proportion of dark-colored genotypes in the moth population.Eventually the light-colored moths would be rare or absent.44. Topic:Microevolution operates at the population level.Level: mediumHow might understanding microevolutionhave a direct benefit to humans in the fight against diseases?Answer: A major danger to humans is the evolution of drug-resistant pathogens such as drug-resistant tuberculosis.Onereason drug-resistant pathogens evolve is inefficient application of drugs.Understanding the evolutionary processes that increase the rate of the evolution of drug resistance can help us develop strategies to limit or prevent it.45. Topic:Microevolution operates at the population level.Level:difficultThe drug chloroquine has been widely used to treat the human parasite malaria.Mutations in the malaria gene pfcrt confer resistance to chloroquine.In some countries, more than 90% of malaria parasites had the pfcrt resistance alleles.When these countries stopped using chloroquine, the frequency of the pfcrt resistance alleles rapidly declined.Provide an evolutionary explanation for the decline in pfcrt resistance alleles after chloroquine was discontinued.Answer:Although the pfcrt resistance alleles had the highest fitness when chloroquine was used, it is likely that the pfcrt resistance alleles had lower fitness than other alleles in the absence of chloroquine.Thus, in the absence of chloroquine, natural selection removed the pfcrt resistance alleles from the population.Macroevolution operates at the species level and higher levels of taxonomic organization.MULTIPLE CHOICEUse the following figure to answer questions 46 and 47.46. Topic:Macroevolution operates at the species level and higher levels of taxonomic organization.Level: easyBased on the phylogeny in the figure, which traits are shared by bony fishes and amphibians?a. jaws and lungsb. bony skeleton and lungsc. jaws and bony skeletond. legs and lungsAnswer: c47.Topic:Macroevolution operates at the species level and higher levels of taxonomic organization.Level: mediumBased on the phylogeny in the figure, which group is most closely related to the reptiles?a. lampreysb. lungfishesc. amphibiansd. mammalsAnswer: dorganization.Level: easyWhat is the term for evolution that acts at the level of species, genera, and higher levels of organization?a. microevolutionb. macroevolutionc. genetic driftd. epistasisAnswer: b49. Topic:Macroevolution operates at the species level and higher levels of taxonomic organization.Level: easyWhich of the following is a component of macroevolution?a. artificial selectionb. epistasisc. founder effectd. sympatric speciationAnswer: d50. Topic:Macroevolution operates at the species level and higher levels of taxonomic organization.Level: mediumWhich of the following three statements is (are) correct?I. Speciation through polyploidy can occur through hybridization.II. Speciation through polyploidy never occurs in vertebrates; it occursonly in plants.III. Speciation through polyploidy generates phenotypic differences among the resulting species.a. I onlyb. IIonlyc. IIIonlyd. I and IIe. I and IIIAnswer: e51. Topic:Macroevolution operates at the species level and higher levels of taxonomic organization.Level: easyWhich of the following is a necessary component of allopatric speciation?a. hybridizationb. polyploidyc. a geographic barrierd. key innovationsAnswer: corganization.Level: easyAn evolutionary novel trait that allows a species to use new niches and undergo a high rate of speciation isa. a key innovation.b. a polyploid species.c. pleiotropy.d. a phylogenetic tree.Answer: a53. Topic:Macroevolution operates at the species level and higher levels of taxonomic organization.Level: mediumAngiosperms, the flowering plants, are much more diverse than other groups of plants.One reason for this is the evolution of flowers, which increased plant interactions with pollinators and drastically increased speciation rates.This is an example ofa. microevolution.b. key innovation.c. pleiotropy.d. disruptive selection.Answer:b54. Topic:Macroevolution operates at the species level and higher levels of taxonomic organization.Level: easyWhen an error in meiosis causes sexually reproducing species to generate zygotes with three or more sets of chromosomes, this is known asa. pleiotropy.b. epistasis.c. polyploidy.d. genetic drift.Answer: c55. Topic:Macroevolution operates at the species level and higher levels of taxonomic organization.Level: mediumWhich of the following is (are) correct?I. Allopatric speciation can occur without geographic barriers.II. Allopatric speciation is the most common form of speciation.III. Allopatric speciation can be facilitated through genetic drift.a. I onlyb. II onlyc. III onlyd. I and IIIe. II and IIIAnswer: e56. Topic:Macroevolution operates at the species level and higher levels of taxonomic organization.Level: mediumWhich of the following is(are) correct?I. Sympatric speciation occurs without geographic barriers.II. Sympatric speciation can occur through polyploidy.III. Sympatric speciation is less common than allopatric speciation.a. I onlyb. II onlyc. III onlyd. I and IIIe. I, II, and IIIAnswer: e57. Topic:Macroevolution operates at the species level and higher levels of taxonomic organization.Level: mediumBased on the phylogeny of the Galapagos finches, which statement is correct?a. Eating insects is a key innovation.b. The ancestor of the small tree finch and large tree finch probably ate insects.c. The ancestor of the large cactus finch and common cactus finch likely ate insects.d. The small tree finch is most closely related to the sharp-beaked finch.Answer: bSHORT ANSWER58. Topic:Macroevolution operates at the species level and higher levels of taxonomic organization.Level: mediumDescribe how genetic drift and natural selection can play a role in allopatric speciation. Answer:After an original population has been split into two populations by a geographic barrier, genetic drift and natural selection can change the allele frequencies and the resulting phenotypes such that the two populations are no longer capable of breeding with one another.This can occur through genetic drift if the populations are small enough to allow large changes in allele frequencies in each population.It can occur through natural selection if different alleles are favored by different environments on either side of the geographic barrier.。
