

[1] 钟喜春,曾德长,魏兴钊,顾正飞. 巨磁电阻材料的研究 与应用[J]. 金属功能材料. 2002(03) [2] 赵燕平,由臣,宁保群. 巨磁电阻材料及应用[J]. 天津理 工学院学报. 2003(03) [3] 于广华,朱逢吾,赖武彦. 巨磁电阻材料及其在汽车传感 技术中的应用[J]. 新材料产业. 2003(08)
所谓巨磁电阻效应,是指材料的电阻率将受磁化状态 的变化而呈现显著改变的现象。一般定义为 GMR=[(P0-PH)/P0]×100% 其中,PH为在磁场H作用下材料的电阻率,P0指无外磁场作 用下材料的电阻率.
1、巨磁电阻传感器 2、巨磁阻磁记录读出磁头 3、巨磁电阻随机存储器(MRAM)
巨磁电阻传感器采用惠斯登 电桥和 磁屏蔽技术,传感器基 片上镀了一层很厚的磁性材料, 这层材料对其下方的巨磁电阻形 成屏蔽,不让任何外加磁场进入 屏蔽的电阻器。惠斯材料上方,受外加磁 场影响是电阻减少,而R2和R4 在磁性材料下方,被屏蔽阻值不 变。
巨磁电阻传感器由于具有巨大的GMR值和较大的磁场 灵敏度,表现出更强的竞争能力。 它大大提高传感器的分辨率,灵敏度、精确性等指标, 特别是在微弱磁场的传感方面,如可用于伪钞识别器等方 面,则显出更大的优势。更广泛的应用是各类运动传感器, 如对位置、速度、加速度、角度、转速等的传感,在机电 自动控制、汽车工业和航天工业等方面有广泛的应用。


高 、可靠性 好 、测量 范 围宽 、抗 恶劣 环境 、体 积 小 等 优 点 ,有 很 好 的应用 前 景 。但 由于 G R 感器 M传
S udy a t nd Applc to fGi n a ne o e i tveSe o i a i n O a tM g t r s si ns r
YUE n M E1J n ZHE G i n— o g ZHU a Yu , u , N Ja y n , Ch o
层 间 耦 合 特 性 钙 钛 矿 氧 化 物 的多层膜 自旋 阀多层膜 颗粒型多层膜 型 多层膜
如今 , 巨磁 电阻效应 传 感器 已广 泛应 用 于非 接 触位 置测 量 、交通速 度 检测 、 生物探 测 、 电力系 统 等 多种 领域 。G R 感器 —— 一类 新 的磁 电阻 传 M传
( co lfEeti l gn eig S uha t nvri, ajn 10 6 C ia S h o lc c ier , o tes iest N nig2 9 , hn ) o r a En n U y 0
Abs r c :I t o uc i n wa d o t e wo k ng p i c p e ha a t rsi s a d p e e tsud i a i n o i n g e O e itV e s r t a t n r d to s ma e t h r i rn i l ,c r c e i t n r s n t y st to fg a tma n t r ss i e s n o . c u Th spa e e c i e o n e lg n t o ss c h tt e g a t a n t r ssi e s n o sa p i d t e s r u a u e , n o o i p rd s rb d s me i t li e tme h d u h t a i n g e o e i t e s r h m V wa p l m a u e b s b rc r n a d s n. e o t


GMR磁场传感器的工作原理巨磁电阻(GMR)效应是1988年发现的一种磁致电阻效应,由于相对于传统的磁电阻效应大一个数量级以上,因此名为巨磁电阻(Giant Magnetoresistanc),简称GMR。
1. 巨磁电阻(GMR)原理,见图一。
2. 巨磁电阻(GMR)传感器原理,见图二。
3. 巨磁电阻(GMR)传感器性能,见图三,表一。
图3巨磁电阻(GMR)传感器在外场下的性能曲线表一各公司巨磁电阻(GMR)传感器性能对照灵敏度(mV/V*Oe)线性范围(Oe)结构及材料偏磁技术IBM 0.8 ±25 SPIN-VALVE 设置电流NVE 0.45 ±135 Co/Cu多层膜外置偏磁铁Honeywell 1 ±6 NiFe film(AMR)EPFL-CH 0.024 ±150 聚磁通霍尔元件INESC 0.6 ±30 SPIN-VALVE 设置电流INESC (库万军)0.21 ±135 NiFe/CoFe/Cu多层膜CoFe/CoPt双层膜INESC (库万军)0.17 ±200 NiFe/CoFe/Cu多层膜CoPt膜(两矫顽力)INESC(库万军)1.3 ±20 SPIN-VALVE 两次沉积INESC(库万军)探测磁场X-Y分量的集成元件INESC(库万军)数字、脉冲型3. 产品使用说明a.巨磁电阻(GMR)传感器作为一种有源器件,其工作必须提供5~20V的直流电源。


gmr传感器工作原理GMR传感器工作原理引言:GMR(Giant Magneto Resistance)传感器是一种基于巨磁电阻效应的传感器,具有高灵敏度、快速响应和低功耗等优点。
四、GMR传感器的应用1. 磁存储器:GMR传感器被广泛应用于硬盘驱动器中,用于读取磁盘上的数据。
2. 磁头:GMR传感器也被用作磁头,用于读取磁带、软盘等磁介质上的数据。
3. 磁传感器:GMR传感器可以用于测量和检测磁场,例如地磁传感器、指南针和磁力计等领域。
4. 生物医学:GMR传感器可以应用于生物医学领域,用于检测生物磁场或监测生物信号。

大量实验表明,巨磁电阻传感器具有以下几方面的优点:1. 灵敏度高。
2. 响应速度快。
3. 可靠性好。

其工作原理为:GMR元件放置在环形铁心的空隙中,让被测电流I所产生的磁通Φ集中穿过GMR元件,由于GMR效应在GMR元件的电压端上产生电压U,此电压再经放大输送到磁芯的补偿线圈,在补偿线圈中即产生磁通Φ,当磁通完全补偿被测电流产生的磁通Φ时,电流I0就能通过取样电阻R上的电压U反映出,而待测电流I也可以通过U 测出。
输入电压恒定时,GMR传感器为电流传感器;当输入电压为被测元件的电压时,GMR传感器可作为功率传感器使用,如图4 所示。
其与传统电磁式电流互感器相比,具有能够测量直流到高频(MHz量级)的电流信号、测量范围宽、灵敏度高和体积小等优点,尤其是GMR能够测量直流电流,这对于直流输电系统中换流站中直流的监测极为有利;与Hall 元件相比,其体积较小,灵敏度高,且具有更好的温度稳定性,能够适应电网环境温度的剧烈变化;与新型光纤电流传感器相比,其结构简单、制造简便且造价低廉,便于大规模推广使用。

• 巨磁阻传感器原理 • 巨磁阻传感器的应用领域 • 巨磁阻传感器的发展趋势 • 巨磁阻传感器的挑战与解决方案 • 巨磁阻传感器的未来展望
01 巨磁阻传感器原理
当电流在某些特殊材料的薄膜中流动时,磁场对电流的影响会变得异常大,这种现象被称 为巨磁阻效应。
04 巨磁阻传感器的挑战与解 决方案
巨磁阻传感器在高温环境下,其磁阻值会发生变化,导致测量结果失真。为了解决这一问题,可以采 用温度补偿技术,通过在传感器中加入温度传感器和温度补偿电路,对温度变化引起的磁阻值变化进 行修正,提高传感器的温度稳定性。
减小巨磁阻传感器的尺寸有助于集成 到更小的设备中,从而推动其在物联 网、智能穿戴等领域的应用。
将多个巨磁阻传感器集成到一个芯片上,可以实现多轴磁场测量,提高测量效 率和精度。
通过与微处理器等智能芯片集成,巨磁阻传感器可以实现自动校准、数据存储 和无线传输等功能,提高其实用性和便利性。
磁性编码器利用磁性材料和巨磁阻传感器的结合,检测旋转或线性运动物体的磁 场变化,并将其转换为电信号。巨磁阻传感器的高灵敏度和稳定性使得磁性编码 器广泛应用于各种运动控制系统,如电机控制、机器人等。
交叉轴效应和线性范围限制是巨磁阻传感器在实际应 用中面临的常见问题。

巨磁电阻(GMR)磁场传感器的工作原理磁电阻(GMR)效应是1988 年发现的一种磁致电阻效应,由于相对于传统的磁电阻效应大一个数量级以上,因此名为巨磁电阻(Giant Magnetoresistanc),简称GMR。
1. 巨磁电阻(GMR)原理,见图一。
反铁磁耦合时(外加磁场为0)处于高阻态的导电输出特性,电阻:R1/2外加磁场使该磁性多层薄膜处于饱和状态时(相邻磁性层磁矩平行分布),而电阻处于低阻态的导电输出特性,电阻:R2*R3/(R2+R3),R2R1R3 图1、利用两流模型来解释GMR 的机制2. 巨磁电阻(GMR)传感器原理,见图二。
图2(1):惠斯凳电桥在磁场传感器应用中的原理图2(2):惠斯凳电桥中R1 和R2 在外加磁场作用下的变化情况3. 巨磁电阻(GMR)传感器性能,见图三,表一。
图3:巨磁电阻(GMR)在外加磁场下的性能曲线表一各公司巨磁电阻(GMR)传感器性能对照4.产品使用说明 a . 巨磁电阻(GMR)传感器作为一种有源器件,其工作必须提供5~20V 的直流电源。
而且该电源的稳定性直接影响传感器的测试精度,因此要求以稳压电源提供;使用中也应避免过电压供电; b .巨磁电阻(GMR)传感器作为一种高精度的磁敏传感器,对使用磁环境也有一定的要求,其型号选用应根据使用环境的磁场大小来决定; c. 巨磁电阻(GMR)传感器对磁场的灵敏度与方向有关。

1. 磁阻传感器磁阻传感器是一种利用巨磁电阻效应测量磁场的传感器。
2. 磁阻隔离器磁阻隔离器是一种利用巨磁电阻效应实现电气隔离的器件。
3. 磁阻存储器磁阻存储器是一种利用巨磁电阻效应实现信息存储的器件。
GMR巨磁电阻传感器 (模拟输出)使用说明 Ver2

地磁场强度大约是0.5高斯,50uT,即 50000nT
备注: 1. 单位A/m,磁场强度H的单位最先是由磁荷理论定义出的导出量,最终化简的单位为A/m
(由基本单位A和m来表示的导出单位),国际单位制SI有七个基本单位(长度m、质量 Kg、时间s、电流A、热力学温度K、物质的量mol以及发光强度单位cd),除此之外其它 物理量的单位由七个基本单位导出。 2. 单位Oe(奥斯特)--纪念物理学家奥斯特而给出的别名1Oe=12.56kA/m Oe是磁场 强度单位,G(Gauss)是磁感应强度单位, 在空气中,1 Oe=1Gs (等价关系),1 Oe产生 的磁感应强度即为1 Gs,即空气的磁导率是1,磁导率的定义是B/H,因此在空气中, B/H=1,其他介质则不是 3. 单位T 磁感应强度B的单位属于导出单位,本应由基本单位表示,但用T来表示,是为了 纪念物理学家Tesla(特斯拉)给出的“别名”。
图 3 示意图
图 4 两种取向电子在多层膜中不同散射对磁电阻的影响 当加入外磁场 H 后,与外磁场反向的磁矩将趋向外磁场方向,当外场达到一定值时,所有铁磁 层中的磁矩方向变得基本一致(图 3b)。则自旋方向与磁矩方向相同的电子受到的电阻很小
(为 2R0 ) , 反之电阻很大(为 2R) ,并联结果如图 4b 所示,总电阻为 R 总=2 R R0 /(R+R0) 此时的总电阻比上述 H=0 时的要小得多,于是在外磁场下,产生了巨磁阻效应。
4.80 5.00
3.80 4.00
、 Peter 和 Albert 因发现巨磁阻现象而获得 2007 年诺贝尔奖
Fe/Cr 多层膜磁电阻变化曲线 巨磁阻效应是由于金属多层膜中电子自旋相关散射造成的。来自于载流电子的不同自旋 状态与磁场的作用不同,因而导致电阻值的变化。在不加磁场( H= 0) 情况下的多层膜( Fe/ Cr) N 中,当非磁层厚度合适时,两个相邻铁磁层会产生反铁磁耦合,即一层中原子磁矩基本沿同一 方向排列,而相邻层原子的磁矩反平行排列,如图 3(a)所示。两种电子所受到的总电阻,是如 图 4(a)所示的并联电阻情况。R 是自旋取向电子在受到相同方向磁矩散射时的电阻总和, R0 是受到反方向磁矩散射时的电阻总和,两种电子的总电阻是它们的关联结果 R 总= (R+R0)/2

巨磁电阻角度传感器的研制陈家新(安徽大学物理与材料科学学院,安徽合肥 230039)摘要:传感器是一种技术密集,多学交叉的产品,传感器技术的发展水平标志着现在化工业技术和生产力发展的高低,并直接影响着世界各国在科技,经济,工业生产以及军事等领域中的竞争力。
Preparation of giant magnetoresistance angular sensorChen Jia-xin(School of Physics & Material Science, Anhui University, Hefei 230039, China)Abstract Introduction discovery of giant magnetoresistance, giant magnetoresistance effect and the application of the principles and priorities of the original principle of the GMR angle sensor and the development will be described.Keywords giant magnetoresistance;angle sensor;spin valve;magnetic field1 背景随着工业化的迈进,传感器因为自身具有鲁棒性能高,非接触式测量,能在恶劣的环境下工作的特点而备受欢迎,21世纪是信息的时代,信息技术对科技和社会的发展的推动作用越来越大,而传感器则是获取自然和生产领域中信息的主要途径。

所谓磁电阻是指导体在磁场中电阻的变化,通常用电阻变化率Δr/r 描述。
1988年法国的M.N.Baibich等人首次在纳米级的Fe/Cr多层膜中发现其Δr/r在4.2K低温下可达50%以上,由此提出了GMR 效应的概念,在学术界引起了很大的反响。
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The magnetoresistance is the change of electrical resistance of a conductor when subjected to an external magnetic field. In bulk ferromagnetic conductors, the leading contribution to the magnetoresistance is due to the anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) discovered in 1857 by W. Thomson (Lord Kelvin) (Proc. R. Soc. London A8, 546 (1857)). This originates from the spin-orbit interaction, which leads to a different electrical resistivity for a current direction parallel or perpendicular to the magnetization direction. As a magnetic field is applied, misoriented magnetic domains tend to align their magnetization along the field direction, giving rise to a resistance change of the order of a few percent. Magnetoresistive effects are of great interest for industrial applications, and the AMR has been applied for making magnetic sensors and read-out heads for magnetic disks. Until 1988, the 130 years old AMR remained the most important contribution to the magnetoresistance of ferromagnets. The situation at that time is best summarized by the following pessimistic quotation, taken from an authorative treatise on magnetic sensor technology written in 1988: “More t han t wo decades of research and development have established the principle of magnetoresistive sensors. (...). It is doubtful, however, whether magnet oresist ive layers t hemselves will be improved considerably in t he coming years.”(From“Sensors, A Comprehensive Survey, Vol. 5: Magnetic Sensors”, VCH (1989)).It was therefore a great sensation when, in 1988, Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg independently discovered that a much greater magnetoresistive effect (hence dubbed “giant magnetoresistance” or GMR) can be obtained in magnetic multilayers. These systems essentially consist of an alternate stack of ferromagnetic (e.g., Fe, Co, Ni, and their alloys) and non-ferromagnetic (e.g., Cr, Cu, Ru, etc.) metallic layers. Each individual layer in these multilayers is only a few atomic layers thick. Fert and Grünberg discovered that when the relative orientation of the magnetization of the successive ferromagnetic layers is changed from antiparallel to parallel by applying an external magnetic field, the electrical resistance of the multilayers is reduced by as much as 50% as shown schematically in Figure 1.Fig. 1. Schematic description of the giant magnetoresistance effect. Blue curve:magnetization of the multilayer versus applied magnetic field. Red curve:electricalresistance of the multilayer. The insets indicate the magnetic configuration of themultilayer in zero field and at positive and negative saturation fields.The phenomenon of GMR results from a combination of two physically distinct new effects. The first one is the very fact that the electrical resistance of the multilayer varies considerably as the configuration is switched from parallel (P) to antiparallel (AP). This effect arises as a consequence of the spin-dependent scattering of electrons in ferromagnetic layers, which in the 70’s has been intensively studied by Albert Fert in bulk ferromagnets and ferromagnetic alloys. This effect is shown schematically in Figure 2.The second important new effect is the antiferromagnetic interlayer exchange coupling (discovered by Peter Grünberg in 1986), which leads to an antiparallel orientation of the magnetizations of successive ferromagnetic layers in absence of an external field; this effect allows one (by applying an external magnetic field) to effectively switch from the AP configuration to the P configuration, and thus to reveal the GMR phenomenon.Fig. 2. Schematic description of the spin-dependent scattering mechanism for thegiant magnetoresistance. Electrons are strongly scattered in magnetic layers withmagnetizations (white arrows) antiparallel to their spin (black arrows), and weaklyscattered in magnetic layers with magnetizations parallel to their spin. This results ina short-circuit effect in the P configuration, where half of the electrons are seldomscattered, yielding a lower net resistance.The GMR has originally been discovered in the “current-in-plane” (CIP) configuration, which is the easiest to study experimentally. Later, it was shown that an even larger effect takes place in the “current-perpendicular-to-plane” (CPP) configuration.3. Scientific contributions of Albert FertLong before the discovery of giant magnetoresistance, the study of spin-polarized electronic transport in magnetic materials has been a major research topic of Albert Fert. In the 70’s, together with I.A. Campbell, he performed pioneering studies on the resistivity of ferromagnetic alloys (Phys. Rev. Lett. 21, 1190 (1968)∗; J. de Physique C1-32, 1 (1971); J. Phys. F 6, 849 (1976)). In these studies, he developed the concepts of spin-dependent currents (originally suggested by Mott), of spin-dependent resistivity and spin-dependent scattering, which later became the key conceptual ingredients of the GMR effect.∗The references marked in blue are linked via internet to the corresponding paper. Depending on the online subscription of your institution, you may either have access to the full text or only to the abstract.In the mid-80’s, Albert Fert started working on magnetic multilayers, and his experience with spin-polarized transport in magnetic alloys prompted him to focus on their electronic transport properties. He soon realized that the effect of spin-dependent scattering would give rise to magnetoresistance effects of unprecedented magnitude, provided one finds a mean to switch the relative orientation of the magnetization of successive magnetic layers in a multilayer from parallel to antiparallel. That this idea was indeed correct was further suggested by observations of J.-P. Renard’s group who reported small but striking anomalies in the resistivity of uncoupled Co/Au magnetic multilayers at the coercive field (Physica Scripta T19, 405 (1987); Phys. Rev. B 37, 668 (1988)). The missing link for obtaining a strong magnetoresistance was provided by exploiting Grünberg’s discovery of antiferromagnetic exchange coupling in magnetic multilayers (Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 2442 (1986)).In 1988, Albert Fert and his coworkers discovered a giant magnetoresistance effect (about 50% change in resistance) in Fe/Cr multilayers (see Figure 3) (Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2472 (1988)). Fert’s article reporting the discovery of the giant magnetoresistance has been cited about 2500 times in the literature. The same effect was also discovered independently and simultaneously by Peter Grünberg (Phys. Rev. B 39, 4828 (1989)) (see next Section). Later on, by using more complex multilayers comprising materials of suitable spin-asymmetric scattering, Fert and his coworkers were able to produce an inverse GMR effect (Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 408 (1994)).Besides the experimental discovery of the GMR, Albert Fert was also very active in developing theoretical concepts to explain the GMR effect. Together with P.M. Levy and S.F. Zhang, he worked out the first quantum mechanical theory of the GMR (Phys. Rev. Lett.65, 1643 (1990)). He also proposed a theory of the CPP-GMR (Phys. Rev. B 48, 7099 (1993)) (now a classic known as the Valet-Fert model), in which he pointed out the importance of spin-flip processes and of the concept of spin accumulation. Those ideas were confirmed experimentally by investigating the magnetoresistance of multilayered nanowires in collaboration with L. Piraux (Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 2484 (1994)).Albert Fert and his coworkers also made important contributions on the topic of tunneling magnetoresistance: they were the first to show that the tunneling magnetoresistance can reach huge values when the electrodes consist of half-metallic materials (J. Magn. Magn. Mater.199,1 (1999)) and that the sign and amplitude of the tunneling magnetoresistanceratio do not only depend on the electrodes, but also on the barrier material (Science286, 507 (1999)).From the theoretical point of view, Albert Fert (together with J. Barnas) considered the interplay between tunneling magnetoresistance and the Coulomb blockade in magnetic nanostructures and predicted striking new effects (Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1058 (1998)), thereby opening a new direction of development for single electron transistors (SET).Fig.3.Giant magnetoresistance of Fe/Cr multilayers, reported by Albert Fert’s group(Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2472 (1988)).Most recently, Albert Fert’s group addressed the problem spin-current-induced magnetic switching (Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 3663 (2001)), one of the new hot topics in spin-electronics.4. Scientific Contributions of Peter GrünbergPrior to 1986 Peter Grünberg had a long-standing record of improving the growth and of characterizing the properties of magnetic layers. In particular he developed the Brillouin scattering technique to such a precision, that he could detect surface magnons and standing spinwaves down to monolayer thicknesses. Based on this experience, he started studying the exchange coupling of two ferromagnetic iron layers separated by non-magnetic metallic interlayers. This culminated 1986 in the pioneering letter (Phys. Rev. Lett.57, 2442 (1986)) reporting the discovery of interlayer exchange coupling in transitionmetal systems. Using Brillouin scattering he could unambiguously show that two Fe layers separated by a Cr interlayer couple for certain Cr thicknesses antiparallel to each other and can be aligned parallel to each other by applying an external magnetic field. All previous experiments had obtained only ferromagnetic coupling due to Fe “pinholes” penetrating the Cr layers.Fig. 4. Giant magnetoresistance of Fe/Cr/Fe bilayers, reported by Peter Grünberg’sgroup (Phys. Rev. B 39, 4828 (1989)). Upper panel: Magnetization curve (theBrillouin spectra in inset show the AP configuration of Fe layers in zero field). Lowerpanel:Electrical resistance (the lower curve shows the much smaller AMR of a singleFe layer).This discovery initiated substantial experimental and theoretical studies. Two years later, Peter Grünberg and his co-workers discovered, independently and simultaneously with the Fert group, the Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) effect in Fe/Cr layers (Phys. Rev. B 39, 4828 (1 March 1989), received there already 31 May, 1988). Contrary to Fert, who studied an Fe/Cr multilayer, Grünberg investigated an Fe/Cr/Fe trilayer and obtained therefore a smaller GMR value of 1.5 % at room temperature (see Figure 4). Grünberg’spapers reporting the discoveries of the antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling (1986) and of the giant magnetoresistance (1989) have received more than 800 and 650 citations, respectively.While Albert Fert directly offered in his publication the correct explanation of the GMR effect in terms of spin-dependent scattering, Peter Grünberg immediately realized the prospect of interesting technological applications and applied for a patent, firstly (1988) in Germany (DE 3820475), then in Europe (0346817) and the USA (4,949,039). It turned out to be a very comprehensive patent, which has been acknowledged worldwide by all major companies, and which is now seen as the key patent for Magnetoelectronics. How farsighted Grünberg’s ideas were, shows up by the long time span of seven years, before first license fees came in. How important the patent is, shows up in the strong increase of license fees, which up to 2001 amounted to a total of 10.5 million $. At present there exist worldwide about thousand patents in the field of Magnetoelectronics/Spin-electronics. This best characterizes the rich technological harvest expected in this field, all originating from the discovery of the GMR effect.The antiparallel arrangement of the two ferromagnetic layers, which is essential for the GMR effect, can also be realized in the non-coupling case, as was demonstrated by Grünberg and co-workers (Phys. Rev. B 42, 8110 (1990)) as well as C. Dupas et al. (J. Appl. Phys. 67, 5680 (1990)) and T. Shinjo et al. (J. Phys. Soc. Japan 59, 3061 (1990)) by using hard and soft magnetic layers. Another realization consists in using an antiferromagnet in direct contact, known as “exchange biasing”. In the literature these systems are referred to as “spin valve systems”, although there is no difference with respect to the GMR effect.Another important contribution of Grünberg, this time achieved in collaboration with the group of A. Hubert, was the discovery of the bi-quadratic coupling (phys. stat. sol. (a) 125, 635 (1991)). This is an anharmonic exchange interaction being quadratic in the scalar product M1.M2 of the two moments and is particularly important for layered systems. It can favor a 90° alignment of the magnetic layers and shows up in a region of spacer thicknesses between the ferro- and antiferromagnetic coupling. There are several other important contributions by Peter Grünberg. For instance, he was one of the firsts toobserve the short period of interlayer coupling in Fe/Cr and first reported multiperiodic oscillatory coupling in Fe/Au/Fe systems.Present work of Grünberg includes silicon and silicide interlayers (Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 157202 (2001)) which can mediate surprisingly strong antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling.5. Emergence of a new field: Spin ElectronicsIn the aftermath of the discovery of the giant magnetoresistance, a tremendous research activity has been initiated, both in academic and industry institutes, involving several thousands of researchers worldwide, in order to exploit the potential revealed by Fert and Grünberg. A number of important discoveries, which will be briefly reviewed below, followed rapidly. This new field of research has been named spin electronics (also magnetoelectronics, or spintronics). In its most precise definition, spin electronics refers to new phenomena of electronic transport, in which the spin of the electron plays a central active role (in contrast to conventional electronics, for which the electron spin is essentially irrelevant). In practice, a somehow looser definition is frequently accepted (including new phenomena not directly related to transport). While it is fair to mention that some of the topics listed below already started before 1988, the discovery of the GMR undoubtedly contributed in a decisive manner to reveal their great potential and to reach their full impact.Oscillatory interlayer exchange couplingThe most spectacular development in the field of interlayer exchange coupling is due to S.S.P. Parkin who discovered that the interlayer coupling exhibits a remarkable oscillatory behavior as a function of the interlayer thickness (Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 2304 (1990);Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 3598 (1991)). This discovery stimulated an important experimental and theoretical activity. It culminated with impressive experiments by J. Unguris et al.(Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 140 (1991);Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 2734 (1997)). Theoretically, this effect, which is related to the Ruderman-K ittel-K asuya-Yosida (RK K Y) interaction between magnetic impurities in a non-magnetic metal, could be successfully interpreted as a quantum size effect due to spin-dependent electron confinement, and excellentquantitative agreement between theoretical predictions and experimental observations was obtained. From the practical point of view, the oscillatory interlayer coupling provides an outstanding tool for the quantum engineering of the magnetic properties of multilayers.Tunneling magnetoresistanceGiant magnetoresistance effects have also been found in systems comprising an insulating tunneling junction sandwiched between two ferromagnetic metallic electrodes. Early pioneering investigations on the problem of spin-dependent tunneling were performed in the 70’s by P.M. Tedrow and R. Meservey (Phys. Rev. B 7, 318 (1973)), by M. Jullière (Phys. Lett. 54A, 225(1975)), and by S. Maekawa and U. Gäfvert (IEEE Trans. Magn.18, 707 (1982)). However, they attracted little attention for more almost 20 years. Renewed interest was triggered recently, on one hand by the progress in technology (allowing to fabricate reliable and reproducible tunnel junctions without pinholes), and on the other hand by the discovery of GMR in metallic multilayers. Large magnetoresistance in magnetic tunnel junctions were observed at room temperature by J.S. Moodera (Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 3273 (1995)) and T. Miyazaki (J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 139, L231 (1995)), followed by many other groups. On the theoretical point of view, the mechanism was explained on the basis of a simple model originally proposed by Jullière, and later developed by other authors. Modern theoretical approaches, based upon sophisticated ab initio methods now allow accurate quantitative predictions. The industrial potential of the tunneling magnetoresistance will be presented in the next Section below.Colossal magnetoresistanceIn 1994, S. Jin et al. discovered an even larger magnetoresistive effect in mixed valence manganese perovskites (Science264, 413 (1994)). The change of resistance under magnetic field reaches several orders of magnitudes in this class of materials, so that the effect was dubbed colossal magne oresis ance (CMR). Although the materials were known since the 50’s, and in spite of important pioneering contributions by Zener and de Gennes, their extraordinary magnetoresistive property remained elusive for almost half a century. The discovery of the CMR attracted a considerable attention, and a large part of the scientific community working on high-temperature superconductivity moved to this newfield. This class of materials reveals an exceptionally rich variety of physical properties, in which electronic correlations, spin and orbital ordering play an essential role.Half-metallic materialsThe efficiency of spin electronic effects depend strongly on the degree of spin-polarization of the density of states of the magnetic materials at the Fermi energy: the higher the spin-polarization, the stronger the magneto-electronic effects. It is therefore of great interest to find materials with a high spin-polarization. In 1983, de Groot et al. theoretically predicted the existence of a new class of materials, called half-metallic ferromagnets, in which one spin-subband is metallic and the other spin-subband is insulating (Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 2024 (1983)). Those materials therefore have 100% spin-polarization at Fermi energy. Soon after the discovery of the GMR, the interest of half-metallic ferromagnets for spin-electronics became obvious. Half-metallic character was first confirmed experimentally for CrO2(Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 2788 (1987);Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5585 (2001)). Enhanced magnetoresistance was indeed reported for half-metallic CrO2 (Science278, 1607 (1997)).Magnetic semiconductorsIn order to fully exploit the potential of spin electronics, it is desirable to have some materials that are simultaneously semiconducting and magnetic. As soon as this was realized, people started to search actively for magnetic semiconductors with high Curie temperature (ideally, the latter should be well above 300 K). Major progress in this field was achieved by the group of H. Ohno, who reached a Curie temperature of 110 K in (Ga,Mn)As (Science281, 951 (1998)) and proved the possibility of an electric control of the Curie temperature by means of a gate voltage (Nature408, 944 (2000)). Intense research (both experimental and theoretical) on this problem, which is considered to be of major importance, is currently going on.Spin injectionWhen electrons are injected from a ferromagnet into a non-magnetic material they can retain their spin polarization over a certain distance. This effect is called spin-injection and can be used to create new electronic devices. This was first demonstrated by M. Johnsonwho, after some pioneering work in the mid-80’s (Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 1790 (1985)), succeeded in operating an all-metal bipolar spin t ransist or(Science260, 320 (1993)). Later on, a great effort was devoted to performing spin injection from a metallic ferromagnet into a semiconductor. This turned out to be extremely difficult, and an important obstacle was indicated; nevertheless, very recently, H.J. Zhu et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett.87, 016601 (2001)) and A.T. Hanbicki et al. (Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 1240 (2002)) could overcome this problem and demonstrated successful spin-injection from Fe into GaAs.Spin injection into a semiconductor from a magnet ic semiconductor was alsodemonstrated by R. Fiederling et al. (Nature402, 787 (1999)) and by Y. Ohno et al. (Nature402, 790 (1999)), but this requires very low temperatures and/or an external magnetic field.Spin transport in semiconductorsA further aspect of great importance is whether spin-polarized electrons can be transported through semiconductors without losing their spin polarization. Major progress on this problem was achieved in particular by the group of D.D. Awshalom who demonstrated that electrons can retain their spin polarization over unexpectedly long times and distances (Science277, 1284 (1997);Nature411, 770 (2001);Science292, 2458 (2001)).Magnetic switching induced by spin-currentIn 1996, J.C. Slonczewski (J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 159, L1 (1996)) and L. Berger (Phys. Rev. B 54, 9353 (1996)) theoretically pointed out that a spin-polarized current driven through a magnetic multilayer creates a torque on the magnetic layers, which can lead to a magnetization reversal. This provides a completely new method for writing information in a magnetic memory. The prediction was first confirmed experimentally by E.B. Myers et al. (Science285, 867 (1999)), J.A. Katine et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 3149 (2000)), and F.J. Albert et al. (Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 3809 (2000)).6. Industrial ApplicationsIt is unusual that a basic effect like GMR leads in less than a decade after discovery to commercial applications. A decisive step for applications was Parkin’s discovery that GMR with a large magnetoresistance ratio at room temperature can be obtained in multilayers prepared by sputtering (Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 2152 (1991);Appl. Phys. Lett. 58, 2710 (1991)). Magnetic field sensors based on GMR were already introduced as soon as 1996 by Non-Volatile Electronics and in 1997 by Siemens, aiming at applications in mechanical and automotive industries for monitoring machinery operations. For instance, if a GMR-sensor is placed close to a rotating ferrous gear, the moment direction of the soft magnetic sensor layer can switch every time a gear tooth passes the sensor, if the field induced by the gear exceeds a critical value. Such sensors can be used as a contactless potentiometer or to measure angles or distances. There are many other interesting applications of GMR sensors, e.g. in connection with a highly magnetostrictive layer as strain sensor or as actuator, or as magnetocouplers for the galvanic separation of signals, presently the domain of optocouplers. A particular interesting application is the use in biochips. Here magnetic particles are coated with a suitable antibody that will only bind to a specific analyte (virus, bacteria, etc.). By using an array of GMR sensors individually coated with the specific antibody of interest, the analyte will bind to the sensor, carrying with it the magnetic particle, the magnetic fringing field of which will rotate the magnetization of the sensor layer and thus change the resistance.The most important application of GMR sensors is the use as read-out heads in computer hard-disk drives (see Figure 5), being introduced in 1997 by IBM. These sensors have now replaced the AMR (Anisotropic Magnetoresistance) - based heads, because the GMR effect is larger and moreover scales better. At present they have a storage density of more than 50 Gbit/in2 (see Figure 6) and a total market volume of around $ 1 billion per year. Another fascinating invention of IBM is the Microdrive. The latest model packs 1 Gbyte of storage capacity on a disk the size of an U.S. quarter (see Fig. 7). These miniature devices aim at another mass market, i.e. handheld electronic products like digital cameras, video cameras, personal digital assistants (PDAs), etc.Fig. 5. Schematic description of a GMR read head for magnetic disks.Fig. 6. Recent evolution of the storage density of magnetic disks.Fig. 7. IBM’s ``quarter dollar´´ 1 GB Microdrive.At present the most ambitious project with potentially large economic impact is the use of magnetic tunnel junctions as non-volatile magnetic random access memories (MRAM). The present semiconductor-based memories (DRAM, SRAM, ...) are nonpermanent (volatile) and the information is lost, when the computer is switched off. An MRAM consists of two perpendicular arrays of conducting wires being connected by a tunnel junction at the crossing points (see Figure 8). The wires allow both to read the information stored in the junctions by the TMR effect as well as to switch the magnetization by the magnetic field induced by the currents. In addition to being non-volatile, MRAMs have some further advantages with respect to DRAMS, such as lower energy consumption and higher scalability, which make them particularly well suited for computers and mobile phones. The total market, at which the MRAM development aims, is huge; alone the volume of DRAM was $ 29 billion in 2000. Industrial MRAM projects exist in the USA, in Europe (Infineon in collaboration with IBM) and Japan (Hitachi, Toshiba and NEC).The two leading companies, IBM/Infineon and Motorola, plan to introduce first commercial MRAM products in 2004. In parallel to these projects also GMR-based MRAMs have been developed for aerospace applications, primarily because of their radiation hardness. Also high-density GMR-MRAM for computer applications are in development, but the TMR-based MRAMs seem to be more promising.Fig. 8. Schematic description of a magnetic random access memory (MRAM).With GMR read-out heads in widespread use and MRAM devices soon to reach the market, there are many more visionary projects, which could have a strong impact on our future electronics. The TMR or GMR sensor is already a simple logic gate, where the two magnetizations can be used to define its function as an AND, OR, NAND or NOR gate. For a set of such magnetoresistive elements, these functions can then be altered, ``on the fly´´, by merely resetting the magnetization on the appropriate elements, which could form the basis of a reprogrammable logic technology. This would basically result in a universal processor, which can be optimized for any calculational step. There are even more visionary ideas, e.g. for quantum computing. Only time can show how these visions can be transformed into real products, leading to a true spin electronics industry.SummaryThe Giant Magnetoresistance effect found independently by Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg represents the most important achievement in the field of magnetism during the last decades. It has led to a whole series of important discoveries and opened the door for a new field: spin electronics. Within the unusually short time of seven years, the fundamental discovery turned into commercially available products with huge market share. Without doubt spin electronics will be a major topic in the physics of the 21st century and will have a strong impact on information technology.。