非联网系统 安装调试手册说明书
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声明注意事项*系统电源必须由公司提供与产品配套使用,系统电源不配套会导致系统无法正常使用、产品内部元件燃烧起火;* 产品安装防太阳直射暴晒、高温、雨水、潮湿、化学腐蚀,强磁场;* 工程布线做好与强电隔离屏蔽措施,远离干扰源,如:电话线、有线电视、互联网及其它设备;*在安装过程中严禁带电操作;*电源外壳做好安全接地;*系统接线线头不可过短及过长,线头剥皮后线芯拧紧再对接防止毛刺造成短路,为确保系统稳定工作,线头必须上焊锡,连接线头做好绝缘工作。
*系统调试通电前先检查电源供电压正常,确保线路无接错,先给主机上电 ,显示正常后再整体上电;*系统通电如有不正常现象,立即切断电源,排除故障后方可继续通电;* 请遵照本公司的安装手册正确安装使用;* 如遇到技术故障未查明原因请与我公司技术人员进行沟通解决。
1产品参数电源参数:产品名称:系统电源输入电压:AC220V 50Hz 输出电压:DC 18V/4A (产品名称:开锁电源输入电压:AC220V 50Hz 输出电压:DC12V/1.5A主机技术参数:1、工作电压:DC 18V;2、工作电流:待机≤25mA,工作≤130mA;3、清晰度:720TV线;4、频率响应:300~3400Hz±3dB;5、音频不失真功率:≥100m W ;6、通话时间:30-120秒(可设置)7、环境温度:-40℃—+65℃;8、相对湿度:10%—95%;9、摄像头:彩色CCD镜头,镜头角度69/92°最低照度1.0LU /F1.210、安装方式:墙体嵌入或铁门安装。
SL-M6000 火灾报警控制器(联动型)调试手册(VER 1.0版本)目录第一节系统简介 (2)第二节单机配置 (4)1、JB-TB-SL-M6000火灾报警控制器单机配置及主要技术指标 (4)2、JB-TG-SL-M6000(G)火灾报警控制器单机配置及主要技术指标 (4)第三节组网说明 (6)1、主要功能特点 (6)2、布线要求 (6)3、控制器组成与系统组网图 (7)第四节开机检测 (9)1、外观检测 (9)2、安装检测 (9)3、开机运行 (9)第五节 M6000控制器的设置 (10)1、主菜单桌面 (10)2、基本设置 (11)3工厂设置 (16)第五节调试软件的使用 (19)1、回路配置 (19)2、专线配置 (22)3、总线配置 (23)4、联动设置 (24)5、保存 (25)第六节工程调试的步骤 (26)附录一本手册适用的对象 (27)适用对象 (27)第一节系统简介概述1.SL-M6000火灾报警控制器(联动型)(1)壁挂式JB-TB-SL-M6000火灾报警控制器(联动型);(2)柜式主型JB-TG-SL-M6000火灾报警控制器(联动型)和分型JB-TG-SL-M6000/G火灾报警控制器(联动型)。
2.与控制器配套的产品(1)SL-M6100 火灾显示盘;(2)SL-M6200 气体灭火控制器;(3)西安盛赛尔电子有限公司的900系列产品,包括JTY-GD-ZM992智能光电感烟火灾探测器、JTW-BD-ZM995智能感温火灾探测器、JSKM-M900D智能输入输出模块、JSM-M900M智能输入模块、JSKM-M900C智能输出模块、J-SAP-M-M900K 手动火灾报警按钮、P2475RLZ火灾声光报警器等。
AH6000 产品介绍
![AH6000 产品介绍](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/de6b9831d4d8d15abf234e1f.png)
AH6-F9系列 AH6-H9系列
AH6000 产品配置及参数
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
高解晰度CCD,图像清晰稳定 LCD液晶显示屏,操作提示、动画图像 接受住户及管理中心命令并执行开锁 ID卡刷卡开锁,并上报管理中心 ID卡刷卡开锁,户主家自动撤防 梯口添加业主卡 支持卡容量10000张 支持密码开锁功能,每户可设置4组密码 存储住户发送的信息,并上传至管理中心 发布中心信息及广告 梯口门状态检测 连接联网控制器,可以实现联网功能
由各种子系统组成,实际操作时,做不同 子系统的厂商可能同时进场施工调试,造 成现场混乱,工程极不方便。
系统实现对家庭内的照明,火灾,安防,煤气感应,远程抄表, 数码家电等器具进行集中控制。
冠林AH6000 系统结构图
AH6000 主要实现功能
1、监视功能 2、来访者确认及遥控开门功能 3、住户间户户可视通话功能 4、留影留言功能 5、免打扰功能 6、个性化铃声功能 7、密码开门功能 8.访客→中心或户内抓拍功能
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ROUND代表电梯运行的次数,SCAN 代表电梯主控制器的扫描周期。
胜利仪器 VICTOR 6000局放测试仪说明书
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目录安全须知 (2)一.简介 (3)二.技术规格 (4)三.产品图 (5)四.操作及原理 (6)1.开关机 (6)2.系统主菜单 (6)3.系统设置 (6)4.基本原理 (7)5.测试 (8)五.电池管理 (10)六.装箱单 (10)安全须知●操作者须经严格培训并获得国家相关电工操作认证才能使用本仪表进行现场测试。
AH1000 楼谢您惠顾冠林科技 AH1000 楼宇对讲系列产品!为了您能够轻松愉快地使用 本产品,安装调试前请仔细阅读本手册。 自您购买冠林产品的那一刻,您将享受我们的全方位跟踪服务。 为福建省冠林科技有限公司所属之商标。 版权所有除非经版权法许可,否则未经事先书面许可不得以任何媒体形式复 制、改编和翻译。 本手册中提及的产品性能及规格,如有变动,恕不另行通知。可及时光临本 公司网站下载最新资料。 所有的图例,仅供参考,以实物为准。
AH1000 楼宇对讲系统安装调试手册
10.9 AH1-H10 系列 ............................................................ 28 11. 电源...................................................................... 29 11.1 电源AH-TY13V1 ........................................................... 29 11.2 电源AH-TY15V1 ........................................................... 29 11.3 电源AH-TY18V1 ........................................................... 30 第四章 系统安装调试 .......................................................... 31 1. 系统设备安装 .............................................................. 31 2. 线缆颜色定义 .............................................................. 32 3. 设备安装整体调试流程 ...................................................... 33 4. 设备安装分部调试流程 ...................................................... 34 4.1. 基本环境准备 ............................................................ 34 4.2. 梯口部分设备安装调试..................................................... 34 4.3. 楼内部分设备安装调试..................................................... 39 4.4. 总平部分设备安装调试..................................................... 41 5. 单机设备调试 .............................................................. 44 5.1. 中心管理机的调试......................................................... 44 5.2. 梯(区)口机的调试....................................................... 44 5.3. 联网控制器的调试......................................................... 45 5.4. 梯口机选择器的调试....................................................... 45 5.5. 分支保护器的调试......................................................... 46 5.6. 室内机的调试 ............................................................ 46 第五章 主要部件使用 .......................................................... 47 1. 中心管理机使用 ............................................................ 47 2. 区口机使用 ................................................................ 47 3. 梯口机使用 ................................................................ 47 4. 室内机使用 ................................................................ 48 第六章 典型案例设计指南 ...................................................... 49 1. 多层典型应用案例 .......................................................... 49 2. 高层少户型应用案例 ........................................................ 51 3. 高层混合型应用案例 ........................................................ 53 第七章 产品问答与事项 ........................................................ 55 1. 常见问题与解答 ............................................................ 55 2. 常见故障处理方法 .......................................................... 55 第八章 产品声明与售后服务 .................................................... 56 1. 产品声明 .................................................................. 56 2. 售后服务 .................................................................. 56
目录一、设备就位 (4)二、设备固定 (5)三、设备连接 (7)四、设备调试 (16)五、设备验收 (21)一、设备就位设备就位是指在设备运输进入工厂卸货后到安装到搬运至现场生产所规定位置的过程,在设备就位时,通常需注意以下一些重要事项:A.设备就位前应对设备的重量和外形尺寸及设备移动的通道进行评估,确定合适的起重设备和装置,并准备好相应的调整铁,水平仪等材料和工具。
回馈式源载系统 IT6000B系列 用户手册说明书
![回馈式源载系统 IT6000B系列 用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0a57a1d4dbef5ef7ba0d4a7302768e9951e76ebd.png)
回馈式源载系统IT6000B系列用户手册型号:IT6000B系列版本:V1.3/06,2020声明©Itech Electronic,Co.,Ltd. 2020根据国际版权法,未经Itech Electronic,Co.,Ltd.事先允许和书面同意,不得以任何形式(包括电子存储和检索或翻译为其他国家或地区语言)复制本手册中的任何内容。
手册部件号商标声明Pentium是Intel Corporation 在美国的注册商标。
Microsoft、Visual Studio、Windows和MS Windows是Microsoft Corporation在美国和/或其他国家/地区的商标。
1前言 2危险! ◆ 本设备带有危险电压,与警告不符的或违反本手册的操作可能带来生命危险和人身伤害。
◆ 实施配线、检查等作业,必须关闭电源。
◆ 绝不可将交流电源接至变频器输出端子U、V、W。
使用时,变频器的接地端子请依照IEC 电气安全规程或其它类似标准,正确可靠接地。
警告!◆ 未经授权的更改机内连线和使用非法厂商销售或推荐的附件,可能引起火灾、电击和人身伤害。
◆ 因人体静电会严重损坏内部MOSFET 等静电敏感器件,所以未采取防静电措施时,请勿用手触摸印刷电路板及IGBT 模块等内部器件,否则可能引起故障。
Alcatel 6000 风扇支架组件安装说明说明书
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OmniAccess 6000 200W PSU Installation Notes: Installation Guide2Part 031656-00May 2005These captive screws are used for securing the module into the switch fan tray slot.Module HandleThis handle is used for removing or inserting the module into the switch chassis.Fan Status LEDDuring operation, the Fan Status LED provides the following information:Slot LabelsWhen the fan tray is installed in the Aruba WLAN Switch, these labels name the module slots to the immediate right of the fan tray (see figure above).Fans (on side)Three independent fans provide redundancy for cooling the Aruba WLAN Switch cards.Three fans are provided in the fan tray. The module is designed to provide for cooling, even if one fan fails. Any two operating fans will provide enough airflow for proper cooling until the fan tray can be replaced.Hot-swapping is supported but should be performed only by a trainedtechnician. Hot-swapping allows you to replace the fan tray without having to shut down the system. During the replacement operation, the switch willcontinue to function without fans, though the procedure must be completedwithin about one minute to resume proper cooling.C AUTION —Do not use the fan tray handle to lift or move the ArubaWLAN Switch. Serious damage could result.T ABLE 1 Fan Status LEDStatusDescription OffThe fan tray is not operating.GreenThe fan tray is receiving power and all three fans are operating properly.AmberOne fan has failed, but the remaining two can provide proper cooling until the fan tray can be conveniently replaced.Red Two or more fans have failed. Replace the fan tray immediately.2345Alcatel 6000 Fan Tray Assembly Installation Instructions 3Replacing a Fan T rayIf hot-swapping the fan tray, please be aware that there are time-criticalaspects to parts of the procedure. T o ensure proper preparation, please read through all the steps in the procedure before attempting the replacement.Also, make sure you understand all the precautions in this guide.Prepare the New Fan T ray1.Unpack the new fan tray.2.Inspect the new fan tray to make sure that it is undamaged.3.Place the new fan tray in a safe, accessible place near the switch, ready for prompt insertion.4.You will need a #2 Phillips or cross-head screwdriver.Remove the Old Fan T ray1.Loosen the fan tray’s fastening screws.At the front of the Aruba WLAN Switch, use the screwdriver to loosen both of the fastening screws on the faceplate of the installed fan tray. The screws loosen with counter-clockwise rotation, but are captive and cannot be fully removed.2.Disengage the fan tray.Grasp the module handle firmly and draw the fan tray forward from its slot. There may be moderate resistance as the module comes free from itsconnections with the chassis backplane, but do not use excessive force.When the module is fully disengaged from the backplane, power to theworking fans is lost and they will gradually stop spinningC AUTION —This procedure should be performed only by a trainedtechnician.C AUTION —Be sure to exercise proper Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) pre-cautions when handling components.OmniAccess 6000 200W PSU Installation Notes: Installation Guide4Part 031656-00May 20053.Disengage the fan tray.Grasp the module handle firmly and draw the fan tray forward from its slot. There may be moderate resistance as the module comes free from itsconnections with the chassis backplane, but do not use excessive force.When the module is fully disengaged from the backplane, power to the working fans is lost and they will gradually stop spinning.4.Fully remove the fan tray and place it safely aside.Once disengaged, the fan tray should easily slide out the switch chassis.Insert the New Fan T ray1.Pick up the new fan tray by the handle provided on its front panel.2.Carefully insert the fan tray into the chassis fan tray slot.Align the rear of the fan tray with the guide rails in the switch fan tray slot and slide it gently toward the backplane.The module should slide in easily most of the way.3.Engage the fan tray.As the fan tray reaches the back of the chassis, moderate resistance may be felt. Press firmly so the connectors at the back of the module engage with the backplane, but do not use excessive force.If hot-swapping the fan tray, when the connectors are properly engaged, powerto the fans should be restored and they should start spinning.C AUTION —The fans will continue to spin for a short while, even though there is no power to them. Wait for the fans to stop spinning before removing the fan tray.Also, when hot-swapping, once the fans stop spinning, the ArubaWLAN Switch will continue to operate, though heat will begin to build in the operational components. From this point, there is a limited time (approximately one minute) before installation of the new fan traymust be complete.Alcatel 6000 Fan Tray Assembly Installation Instructions 54.Check the fans to make sure all of them are working.Once power has been restored to the fan tray, either by engaging the module to the backplane during hot-swap or by turning on system power after acold-swap, the Fan Status LED should be green and you should be able to feel significant airflow blowing from the chassis vents at each fan position.If the fans are all working, this ends the time critical portion of the hot-swap procedure.If one of the fans in a newly hot-swapped fan tray does not work (yellow Fan Status LED), allow at least three minutes for the remaining fans to cool the switch before attempting another hot-swap replacement.5.Secure the fan tray.Use the screwdriver to push in and tighten both of the fastening screws on the faceplate of the newly installed fan tray. Rotate the screws clockwise until moderate resistance is felt, but do not over-tighten.Contacting AlcatelWeb SiteTelephone NumbersC AUTION —If two or more fans in the newly hot-swapped fan tray do not work (the Fan Status LED is red or off), shut down the Aruba WLAN Switch, replace the fan tray, and allow the switch at least five minutes to cool before turning it back on.z Main Site z Support /enterprisez Main US/Canada(800) 995-2612z Main Outside US (818) 880-3500OmniAccess 6000 200W PSU Installation Notes: Installation Guide6Part 031656-00May 2005。
目录第1章系统的安装与登录 (5)安装程序 (5)登录系统 (6)切换用户登录 (7)退出系统 (8)第2章系统界面介绍与设置 (9)标题栏 (10)第3章系统基础设置 (18)操作员设置 (18)连接设置 (20)菜单设置 (21)权限设置 (25)快捷键设置 (31)第4章基础设置 (33)材料、配件编码库 (33)小区名称 (34)部门 (35)维保机构 (35)岗位 (36)人员档案参数 (37)班组 (38)车辆 (39)计量单位 (40)供应商管理 (40)客户 (41)人员状态 (42)第5章电梯管理 (43)电梯基本信息 (43)电梯档案管理 (44)电梯保养计划 (44)电梯保养情况查询 (46)电梯报修单 (47)电梯维修单 (49)电梯保养单 (50)电梯自检报告单 (51)电梯年检报告单 (53)第6章消防、监控管理 (56)消防、监控基本信息 (56)监控报修单 (58)监控维修单 (60)消防保养报告单 (62)第7章材料、配件管理 (64)材料、配件账簿 (64)材料、包装物入库单 (65)材料、配件出库单 (66)材料、配件入库明细表 (67)材料、配件出库情况表 (68)材料、配件实时库存查询 (69)第8章计划管理 (70)采购计划 (70)采购计划查询 (72)比价查询 (73)第9章销售管理 (73)合同目录 (73)发票管理 (79)收款单 (80)销售发票结算情况表 (81)客户应收账款 (82)应收款明细账 (82)第10章工资管理 (83)基础设置 (83)人员档案管理 (85)工资发放明细表 (86)第11章报表编辑 (87)增加记录 (87)修改 (87)删除 (88)编码定位 (88)报表的其他操作 (89)第12章基本维护 (107)网络 (107)备份 (108)第1章系统的安装与登录本章重点系统的安装数据源的配置账套的设置本章介绍本章要紧介绍林木森第四代全面信息化系统的安装、数据源的配置、登录系统、退出系统、切换用户登录等。
EXTender 6000系列产品安装手册说明书
![EXTender 6000系列产品安装手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/71aa1e3f7ed5360cba1aa8114431b90d6c85890b.png)
Installation Procedure and Pre-Installation Checklistfor the EXTender 6000The Branch Office EXTender 6000 & the PBXGateway EXTender 6000 are simple to install once you have all the requisite cabling, hardware and network capacity in place. To make sure your installation goes smoothly, you should complete the following checklist prior to installing the units. This will be helpful whether you contract out the installation to your equipment provider or a third-party service organization or install the units yourself.This checklist can be used for:•Planning and engineering•Configuration of the Branch Office EXTenderOnce you have completed the checklist, you can give it to the technician who will install and configure your EXTender 6000 units to ensure all the requirements for a successful installation have been met.The basic installation process consists of the following steps:Pre-Installation Steps:1.Determine network type and acquire appropriate network termination devices2.Calculate bandwidth requirements based on number of users and voice compression3.Provision or increase network capacity (if not already present)4.Make sure that PBX/KTS and messaging systems have port capacity for branch users5.Wire remote and switch sites for phones and extended digital ports6.Acquire appropriate cabling from Branch Office EXTenders to network termination devicesInstallation Steps:7.Install and configure units with network termination devices8.Connect the units to phones and switch9.Power on units and let the calling begin!10.Customize user configurations through management interface as desiredBranch Office EXTender 6000 Pre-Installation Checklist Section A: Account ProfileProgram Manager Contact InformationCompany Name:Address:City:Prov./State:Postal/Zip Code: Contact Name:Title:Contact Telephone:Contact Fax:Contact E-mail:Contact Pager/Cell:Switch Site Installation InformationContact:Address:City:Prov./State:Postal/Zip Code: Contact Telephone:Contact Fax:Contact E-mail:Contact Pager/Cell:Remote Site Installation InformationContact:Address:City:Prov./State:Postal/Zip Code: Contact Telephone:Contact Fax:Contact E-mail:Contact Pager/Cell:Installation InformationTarget Installation Date: Lab/Existing Telephone: Technician:Type Of Installation:G Technician-installed G Self-installationSales Contact Information (from whom did you purchase your EXTender 6000?) Company:Location:Sales Rep:Telephone:Sales Engineer:Telephone:Central Office Information (providing your network connectivity)Company:Location:System Engineer Name:Telephone:Account Manager Name:Telephone:Step 1: Network Type and Termination DeviceType of Network:G T1 or Fractional T1 (Complete Section 3.A & 3.1)G ISDN (Complete Section 3.B & 3.1)G Frame Relay (Complete Section 3.A & 3.1)G56/64K Digital Data Service (leased line) (Complete Section 3.C & 3.1)G Ethernet IPG Other: _____________________________Type Of Network Termination Device:G Branch location:Make/Model Number: ____________________G Switch location:Make/Model Number: ____________________G Network is already installedG Network will be installed on: ______________ G Network provider: _______________________ G Network has been tested by: _______________ G Date:__________________________________Network Termination Device providesG Synchronous clear channel connection withG V.35 Interface “or”G RS-232 Interface “or”G V.530 InterfaceG10BaseT Ethernet IP connectionStep 2: Bandwidth RequirementsOne of the most important factors in the success of your EXTender 6000 is to determine the necessary network bandwidth needed for your application. This section will explain how to determine the size of the required bandwidth that will be used in your application of the EXTender 6000 units. Determining the appropriate bandwidth is a function of two factors:G Number of Users (Phones)G Voice Compression for Each UserNumber of UsersThe number of users is the number of simultaneous users (digital PBX phones) that will be extended at any given branch location. Physically, there could be up to eight simultaneous users for one EXTender pair. Statistically, not all users will be on the phones at the same, so you may be able to decrease bandwidth and still maintain high performance.Switch/Remote Bandwidth RequirementsVoice CompressionThe EXTender 6000 deploys voice compression in order to extend multiple users across fewer data channels. The EXTender 6000 supports the following voice compression algorithms: G.711, 32 Kbps ADPCM, 24 Kbps ADPCM and G.729A. Depending on the voice compression algorithm selected, you may need anywhere from 16 Kbps (G.729A), 40 Kbps (ADPCM32) or 72Kbps (G.711) per user.Compression Algorithms and the Corresponding Bandwidth SizeG711ADPCM32ADPCM24G.729ANo Compression32 (40 w/signaling) Kbps24 (32 w/signaling) Kbps8 (16 w/signaling) KbpsUsing the bandwidth management chart below, you can determine the total bandwidth necessary to support your application. If you have excess bandwidth on your network circuit, your network terminating devices could allow you to use that bandwidth to connect to a router or even another EXTender 6000. In order to accomplish this, you must have the multi-port capability on your network service terminating device. For more information on your network terminating devices, please see the Network Terminating Equipment section of the System Administrator’s Guide.Selecting the Proper Voice CompressionThe best voice quality is achieved by using the ADPCM32 compression. However, the maximum quality comes at the expense of the highest utilized bandwidth. The highest degree of voice compression isachieved by using the G.729A. If you are using this algorithm, you will significantly save on the bandwidth and still achieve voice quality that is regarded as near toll. If absolute conversation quality is your goal and bandwidth is not a constraint, you probably want to select ADPCM32. If you are conserving bandwidth, you might employ the G.729A.You can also vary the compression per user. If you have support reps handling sensitive customer calls or people who use the conferencing feature often, you might want to assign the highest quality, ADPCM 32 to those users. Others in the organization, perhaps engineers or accountants, may use the phone much less often and can be assigned G.729A (which is near-toll quality) to conserve bandwidth.If you are using different compression algorithms for each individual user (port), use the following formula to establish your aggregate data bandwidth needs.Number of ports at G.711Number ofports atG.729ANumber ofports atADPCM 24Number ofports atADPCM 32x 72x 16x 32x 40BandwidthRequiredNumber ofDS0’sA+B+C+D= X(Divide by 56or 64 todeterminenumber ofDS0 channelsneeded)* N OTE: If your DS0s on your CSU/DSUs are set up for 56Kbps, use 56 and if they are set up for64Kbps DS0s, use 64.Step 3: Provision or Increase Network CapacityBased on the bandwidth requirements you calculated in Step 2, make sure your network has adequate bandwidth provisioned. You may also want to consider a back-up plan when you calculate your bandwidth and network types. For example, if you are using T1 as your primary network connection on WAN1, you might want to provision an ISDN line for redundancy on WAN2.Line InformationTo assist you in setting up your network termination device (CSU/DSU, MUX, etc.), it will be helpful to record the following information from your service provider and network configuration.Please complete appropriate section in reference to network service being implemented with the Branch Office EXTender and Branch Office Configuration Hardware (section 3.1).3.A T1/FT1 Line Provisioning & Misc. Information3.B ISDN Line Provisioning & Misc. InformationNote: If X from Step 2 is greater than 128Kbps, ISDN service will not provide adequate bandwidth for 8 digital sets functional concurrently. One ISDN 2B+D Circuit can support up to eight (8) digital sets fully functional concurrently with G.729a compression selected for all ports. Or one ISDN 2B+D Circuit could support two (2) Branch Office EXTenders with a total of 16 digital sets but of which only 4 could be concurrently active per BOE on the respective B Channel for a total of 8 sets active concurrently. For this to occur, network service terminating equipment (TA) must have the capacity of two data ports.Port 1:G BOE DataG LAN/WAN Data Physical Interface:G Winchester Female G DB-25 Female Port 2:G BOE DataG LAN/WAN Data Physical Interface:G Winchester Female G DB-25 FemaleISDN Line Provisioning G Both Channels Circuit Switch Voice & Data (CSVD)Switch PBX/KSU Digital Port Cross Connect Date:______ / ______ / ______Remote Digital Station Port Runs & Cross Connect Date:______ / ______ / ______Switch ISDN Network Service Circuit ID:Remote ISDN Network Service Circuit ID:3.C Leased Line Provisioning & Misc. InformationNote: If X from Step 2 is greater than 128Kbps, 56/64K Digital Data Service (DDS) Leased Line will not provide adequate bandwidth for digital set functionality. One DDS Circuit can support up to eight (8) digital sets at the remote location, of which four (4) can be fully functional concurrently with G.729a compression selected for all ports. Two DDS circuits can be provided to the BOE for bandwidth to support the 8 sets concurrently.Port 1:G BOE DataPhysical Interface:G Winchester FemaleG DB-25 FemaleSwitch PBX/KSU Digital Port Cross Connect Date:______ / ______ / ______Remote Digital Station Port Runs & Cross Connect Date:______ / ______ / ______DDS Network Service Circuit ID:3.1 Branch Hardware Configuration InformationSwitch EXTender Name (Optional):Up To 16 Characters BOE #1 _____________________________BOE #2 _____________________________BOE #3 _____________________________BOE #4 _____________________________BOE #5 _____________________________BOE #6 _____________________________BOE #7 _____________________________BOE #8 _____________________________Switch EXTender IP Address (Optional):BOE # 1 ______ . ______ . ______ . ______BOE # 2 ______ . ______ . ______ . ______BOE # 3 ______ . ______ . ______ . ______BOE # 4 ______ . ______ . ______ . ______BOE # 5 ______ . ______ . ______ . ______BOE # 6 ______ . ______ . ______ . ______BOE # 7 ______ . ______ . ______ . ______BOE # 8 ______ . ______ . ______ . ______Switch EXTender IP Address Default Router (Optional):______ . ______ . ______ . ______Switch EXTender IP Subnet Mask (Optional):______ . ______ . ______ . ______IP Address Switch Network Terminating Device (Optional):______ . ______ . ______ . ______Remote EXTender Name (Optional):Up to 16 Characters BOE #1 _____________________________BOE #2 _____________________________BOE #3 _____________________________BOE #4 _____________________________BOE #5 _____________________________BOE #6 _____________________________BOE #7 _____________________________BOE #8 _____________________________Remote EXTender IP Address (Optional):BOE # 1 ______ . ______ . ______ . ______BOE # 2 ______ . ______ . ______ . ______BOE # 3 ______ . ______ . ______ . ______BOE # 4 ______ . ______ . ______ . ______BOE # 5 ______ . ______ . ______ . ______BOE # 6 ______ . ______ . ______ . ______BOE # 7 ______ . ______ . ______ . ______BOE # 8 ______ . ______ . ______ . ______Remote EXTender IP Address Default Router (Optional):______ . ______ . ______ . ______Remote EXTender IP Subnet Mask (Optional):______ . ______ . ______ . ______IP Address Remote Network Terminating Device (Optional):______ . ______ . ______ . ______Step 4: Wire Remote Site for PhonesMake sure that your branch office has been wired for your digital sets, and that you have phones available. We also recommend that you have an analog phone somewhere in your branch for emergencies or back-up (this could be your fax machine).Remote – Block PunchdownG Remote RJ21 (Male) port to punch down block – 110 or 66 (marked)Remote Punchdown1)____ ____2)____ ____3)____ ____4)____ ____5)____ ____6)____ ____7)____ ____8)____ ____Extension (DN) Assigned1)__________2)__________3)__________4)__________5)__________6)__________7)__________8)__________Step 5: Check PBX/KTS Configuration, CapacityMake sure that you have digital ports available on your PBX for each user at the branch office, the ports are programmed in the PBX and punched down to the block, and that your voicemail, unified messaging, ACD and accounting systems have adequate capacity to support your branch users.Switch – PBX Programming – Block PunchdownG Switch digital port setup/functional and RJ21 (Male) port to punch down block – 110 or 66(marked)Switch Digital Shelf/Card/Slot/Port1)____ ____ ____ ____2)____ ____ ____ ____3)____ ____ ____ ____4)____ ____ ____ ____5)____ ____ ____ ____6)____ ____ ____ ____7)____ ____ ____ ____8)____ ____ ____ ____Extension (DN) Assigned1)__________2)__________3)__________4)__________5)__________6)__________7)__________8)__________Step 6: CablingReview this section carefully and make sure that you have the necessary cables before you begin installation. Note: The cables that are included with the EXTender units are the power & RS530 (DB25 male à DB25 female) for both units & the serial cable with remote unit. Other cables and accessories are readily available through a computer supply source or through MCK. Call Sales at 1-888-454-7979 to order your cables.EXTender Cabling & Other InformationSwitch (PBX / KSU Location)G Serial cable for / to management station (Female DB-9 port on BOE)G Ethernet Cable (Optional) – twisted pair (10BaseT) for connectivity to TCP/IP data network hub formanagement capabilities (TelNet)G Cable for connectivity EXTender 6000 (BOE) to Network Terminating Equipment (NTE)G M34 Winchester Male (NTE) à DB25 Female (BOE) “or”G DB25 Male (NTE) à DB25 Female (BOE) “or”G DB25 Male and M34 Adapter à DB25 Female to Winchester MaleG Switch digital line card port punch down to block for cross connect to RJ-21 port on Switch BranchOffice EXTender for digital station ports being extended.Note: MCK recommends that cross connects for digital ports being extended be done to a separate block.DB25 Male to Female cable is included with each Branch EXTender Unit.Remote Branch Site:G Serial cable for / to management stationG Ethernet Cable (Optional) – twisted pair (10BaseT) for connectivity to TCP/IP data network hub formanagement capabilities (TelNet)G Cable for connectivity EXTender 6000 (BOE) to Network Terminating Equipment (NTE)G M34 Winchester Male (NTE) à DB25 Female (BOE) “or”G DB25 Male (NTE) à DB25 Female (BOE) “or”G DB25 Male and M34 Adapter à DB25 Female to Winchester MaleG Station runs to punch down block for cross connect to RJ-21 port on Remote Branch Office EXTenderfor digital station ports being extended.DB25 Male to Female cable is included with each Branch EXTender Unit.Introduction Wiring Info The EXTender 6000 connects to network devices via one or two male DB-25connectors, labeled WAN1 and WAN2.The WAN ports recognize three synchronous protocols;GRS-232 (see figure A for pinouts)GV.35 (see figure B for pinouts)G RS-530 (see figure C for pinouts)Note: The data port of the network terminating device must support one of aboveprotocols operating in a synchronous manner.Figure A through C , lists each pin within the DB-25 connector with the signaldescription and signal/voltage source, using the Electronics Industry Association (EIA)standard.Note: The WAN ports on the back of the EXTender 6000 are DB-25 Male.RJ21 port on the back of the EXTender 6000 is 50-Pin Male.Cables Available From MCKDB-25 Male to DB-25 FemaleG MCK # A-CDB25MF-1M34 Adapters – DB-25 Female to Winchester MaleG MCK # A-ADB25M34Cables Available From Black BoxTelephone: 724-746-5500DB-25 Male to FemaleG Black Box # EVN530-005-MF M34 Adapters – DB-25 Female to Winchester MaleG Black Box # FA059Connector Pinout InformationFigure A . RS-232 Cable PinoutsFigure B. V.35 Cable PinoutsFigure C. RS-530 Cable PinoutsStep 7: Branch Office EXTender 6000 InstallationComplete, step-by-step instructions are available in the System Administrator’s Guide (included with switch unit(s)) and the Quick Installation Guide (included with remote unit(s)). Once all the components are in place, cabling is a simple process.Step 8: Power On!Once the units are cabled to the network device and to the phones and switch and the network is up and running, you are ready to power on. Since the units come pre-configured with default settings (G.729a compression / 384k bandwidth / V.35 protocol), you should be able to place and receive calls immediately.Step 9: Customize ConfigurationMost likely, you will want to customize the configuration to reflect your company’s needs. For example, you can change compression options per user, assign passwords, increase or decrease bandwidth, and customize many other functions. Again, complete instructions for using the management interface are included in the System Administrator’s Guide.。
目录AS-6000变电站综合自动化系统综述 (2)AS-6010系列线路保护测控装置 (14)AS-6021变压器差动保护测控装置 (30)AS-6031/6032 变压器后备保护测控装置 (36)AS-6034 变压器保护保护测控装置 (41)AS-6041电容器保护测控装置 (47)AS-6051电动机保护测控装置 (53)AS-6070 系列备用电源自投保护测控装置 (60)AS-6081公用测控装置 (72)AS-6086 在线谐波监测装置 (74)AS-6091电压自动并列装置 (78)AS-6093 PT并列监测装置 (80)AS-6001变电站管理单元 (83)附录1:AS-6000变电站综合自动化系统拓扑图 (90)附录2:AS-6000变电站综合自动化系统拓扑图.............91AS-6000变电站综合自动化系统综述0 引言AS-6000变电站综合自动化系统是由AS-6000系列保护测控装臵及相关电气化设备组成,其主要典型配臵、特点、技术数据、通信接口、菜单操作等说明如下。
1 AS-6000系列保护测控装臵的分类及适用范围AS-6000系列保护测控装臵是将保护功能及远动功能综合在一个装臵中,可完成保护、录波、遥测、遥控、遥信、遥调、通讯、电度计量采集、故障录波、谐波分析、低频减载保护、小电流接地选线、开关事故分合次数统计等复杂的功能。
针对变电站中不同的保护测控对象,AS-6000系列的装臵型号分类及适用范围如下:AS-6011 适用于110KV 以下电压等级的馈线保护及测控装置。
AS-6012 适用于110KV 及以下电压等级不需要距离保护的的线路保护测控装置。
AS-6013 适用于110KV 及以下电压等级的母线分段保护及测控装置。
AS-6014 适用于110KV 以下电压等级的馈线保护及测控装置。
AS-6015 适用于110KV 以下电压等级的馈线保护及测控装置。
港湾网络 IONE AX6000 硬件安装手册
![港湾网络 IONE AX6000 硬件安装手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/67766aff7c1cfad6195fa7ad.png)
IONE AX6000 硬件安装手册IONE AX6000 硬件安装手册资料编号P-18010121-20040728-111产品版本V02R00资料状态发行版权声明© 港湾网络有限公司版权所有,并保留对本手册及本声明的最终解释权和修改权。
Users’ Manual Copyright and DisclaimerCopyright© Copyright Harbour Networks Limited. All rights reserved.The copyright of this document is owned by Harbour Networks Limited. Without the prior written permission obtained from Harbour Networks Limited, this document shall not be reproduced and excerpted in any form or by any means, stored in a retrieval system, modified, distributed and translated into other languages, applied for a commercial purpose in whole or in part.DisclaimerThis document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis. Harbour Networks Limited may make improvement or changes in this document, at any time and without notice and as it sees fit. The information in this document was prepared by Harbour Networks Limited with reasonable care and is believed to be accurate. However, Harbour Networks Limited shall not assume responsibility for losses or damages resulting from any omissions, inaccuracies, or errors contained herein.FCC警示This device has been tested and confirmed to meet the limits for a Class Adevice, complying with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are placed toprovide appropriate protection against harmful interference when theequipment is used in a commercial environment. This equipment generates,uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with this user’s guide, may cause interference to radiocommunications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely tocause harmful interference, and you will be required to correct the interferenceat your own expense.Modifying the device not authorized by Harbour Networks Limited may result inthe equipment no longer meeting FCC requirements for Class A devices.Therefore, your right to use the equipment may be impaired by FCCregulations, and you may be required to remove any interference to radio ortelevision communications at your own expense.You can determine whether your equipment is causing interference by turningit off. If the interference stops, it was probably caused by the HarbourNetworks Limited equipment. Take appropriate measures to remove theinterference if it happens.Modifications to this product without Harbour Networks Limited’s writtenauthorization could void the FCC approval and disqualify you to use theproduct.VCCI警示UL标记警示1. The OE units are intended to use with the listed transceivers rated Class 1,and should comply with CDRH.2. The signal interface circuits are TNV-1 circuits.手册使用说明读者对象本手册主要针对如何安装IONE AX6000综合接入设备(以下简称AX6000)进行论述,包括AX6000的基本特性,AX6000的构成组件,以及各个组件所完成的功能。
6000交换机配置维护手册(Native IOS)中望商业机器有限公司© 1992, 2002 Chinaweal Business Machinery Co., Ltd.All Rights Reserve目录1. 连接设备 (3)1.1.从CONSOLE连接 (3)1.2.远程TELNET连接 (5)2. 基本信息配置 (5)2.1.配置机器名、TELNET、密码 (5)2.2.配置SNMP网管串 (5)3. 冗余及系统高可用性配置 (6)3.1.同步S UPERVISOR E NGINE配置 (6)3.2.查看S UPERVISOR E NGINE冗余 (7)3.3.向冗余S UPERVISOR E NGINE拷贝IOS文件 (8)4. 端口设置 (9)4.1.基本设置 (9)4.2.配置三层端口 (10)5. 配置二层端口 (10)5.1.配置T RUNK: (10)6. 配置HSRP (11)6.1.配置二层普通交换接口 (12)6.2.清除二层接口配置 (12)7. 配置VLAN (12)8. 动态路由协议--OSPF配置 (13)8.1.启用OSPF动态路由协议 (14)8.2.定义参与OSPF的子网 (14)8.3.OSPF区域间的路由信息汇总 (14)8.4.配置密码验证 (15)8.5.设置产生缺省路由 (15)9. 交换机维护 (16)9.1.交换机IOS保存和升级 (16)9.2.交换机密码恢复 (16)1. 连接设备1.1. 从console连接第一次对6000交换机进行配置,必须从console进入。
首先先将机器上架,按要求接好电源,然后用随机附带的Console线和转接头将交换机的console口与PC的串口相联,如下:Com口设置如下:∙9600 baud∙8 data bits∙No parity∙ 2 stop bits检查电源无误后,开电,可能会出现类似下面的显示,按黑粗体字回答:System Bootstrap, Version 6.1(2)Copyright (c) 1994-2000 by cisco Systems, Inc.c6k_sup2 processor with 131072 Kbytes of main memoryrommon 1 > boot slot0:c6sup22-jsv-mz.121-5c.EX.binSelf decompressing the image : ################################################################################################################################ ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ############################################################################### [OK]Restricted Rights LegendUse, duplication, or disclosure by the Government issubject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph(c) of the Commercial Computer Software - RestrictedRights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and ComputerSoftware clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.cisco Systems, Inc.170 West Tasman DriveSan Jose, California 95134-1706Cisco Internetwork Operating System SoftwareIOS (tm) MSFC2 Software (C6MSFC2-BOOT-M), Version 12.1(3a)E4, EARLY DEPLOYMENT R ELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)Copyright (c) 1986-2000 by cisco Systems, Inc.Compiled Sat 14-Oct-00 05:33 by eaarmasImage text-base: 0x30008980, data-base: 0x303B6000cisco Cat6k-MSFC2 (R7000) processor with 114688K/16384K bytes of memory.Processor board ID SAD04430J9KR7000 CPU at 300Mhz, Implementation 39, Rev 2.1, 256KB L2, 1024KB L3 CacheLast reset from power-onX.25 software, Version bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.16384K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 512K).Press RETURN to get started!--- System Configuration Dialog ---Would you like to enter the initial dialog? [yes]: no回答:NO,进入手工配置,在router>下,输入enable回车,进入全局模式1.2. 远程telnet连接当完成交换机配置,并起给交换机配置了管理地址,就可以直接采用远程telnet 登陆进入交换机了,但是必须先配置line vty的密码和enable密码才能允许远程登陆。
XMT —6000 系列仪表使用说明书目录一、概述(1)、主要特点(2)、型号定义二、技术规格三、面板说明及操作说明(1)、面板说明(2)、操作说明1 、上电过程2、给定值/ 手动输出值设置3 、启动自整定4 、参数设置四、参数功能及设置(1)、参数速查表(2)、参数详细说明1、软件参数锁Loc2、与仪表输入有关的参数(SN、DIP、DIL 、DIH、DL、SC)3、与仪表报警输出有关的参数(HIAL、LOAL、DHAL、DLAL、DF、ALP)4、与控制输出有关的参数(CF、OP1、OPL、OPH、CTRL、RUN)5、与自整定有关的PID 控制参数(M50、P、T)6、与仪表通讯/ 变送输出有关的参数(CF、ADDR、BAUD、DIL 、DIH)7、现场参数(EP1—EP8)五、仪表接线六、典型应用XM—6000D系列仪表使用说明书目一、概述(1)、功能简述( 2 )、型号定义二、面板说明及操作说明1)、面板说明2)、操作说明1、设置程序2、设置参数3、显示及修改程序运行段号4、显示运行时间5、运行时修改程序曲线6、运行/ 暂停(run/HoLd)7、停止(StoP)8、自整定(AT)三、概念解释四、程序编排与操作(1)、时间设置(2)、给定值设置(3)、程序的输入操作(4)、运行多条曲线时程序的编排方法(5)、外部事件输入接口五、停电处理六、与XMT —6000 系列仪表的不同之处1、系统运行参数2、参数设置权限选择Loc3、输出定义参数oP14、功能参数CF5、现场定义参数(EP1—EP8)6、仪表与计算机通讯XMT6000系列仪表使用说明书一、概述(一)主要特点:采用先进的微电脑芯片及技术,减小了体积,并提高了可靠性及抗干扰性能。
当然,调试工作的时间长短与准备工作做得怎样,对epro MMS6000系统的掌握程度,调试中碰到的问题难易而不同,在调试中应充分留有余地,以免赶进度而影响调试质量。
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1. 楼内部份调试流程 ....................................................................................................................... 27 2. 总平部份调试流程 ....................................................................................................................... 28
第二章 系统配置........................................................ 5
1. 设备选型 ........................................................................................................................................ 5 2. 系统配置 ........................................................................................................................................ 7
第五章 系统设备安装 ................................................... 12
1. 设备规格 ...................................................................................................................................... 12 2. 安装指南 ...................................................................................................................................... 14 3. 安装方式 ...................................................................................................................................... 15 4. 安装注意事项 ............................................................................................................................... 17
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版本:V1.3 版本日期:2009-01-21
第一章 系统概述........................................................ 3
AH6000 小区智能化管理系统 安装调试手册
感谢您惠顾冠林科技 AH6000 系列产品!为了您能够轻松愉快地使用本产品,安装 调试前请仔细阅读本手册。
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第四章 管线施工要求 ................................................... 12
1. 管道敷设要求 ............................................................................................................................... 12 2. 线材敷设要求 ............................................................................................................................... 12 3. 系统环境要求 ............................................................................................................................... 12
1. 系统说明 ........................................................................................................................................ 3 2. 系统功能 ........................................................................................................................................ 3 3. 系统特点 ........................................................................................................................................ 4
第七章 设备连接图..................................................... 19
1. 室内机与防区探头连接图 ............................................................................................................ 19 2. 一户多机式带门前机连接图 ........................................................................................................ 19 3. 多台梯口机和楼栋管理机与联网控制器连接图 .......................................................................... 20 4. 楼栋查看器和楼栋管理机与联网控制器连接图 .......................................................................... 20 5. AH6000 型楼内设备连接图 ........................................................................................................... 21 6. AH6000―Ⅰ型楼内设备连接图 .................................................................................................... 23 7. AH6000―Ⅲ型楼内设备连接图 .................................................................................................... 24 8. 总平联网设备接线图.................................................................................................................... 26 9. 通用梯口机与电锁之间的连接图................................................................................................. 26
第九章 设备工程设置 ................................................... 29
1. AH6000 型室内机调试................................................................................................................... 29 2. AH3000 型室内机调试....................................................................................... 32
第三章 系统典型应用 .................................................... 9
1. AH6000 应用系统图 ........................................................................................................................ 9 2. AH6000―Ⅰ应用系统图................................................................................................................ 10 3. AH6000―Ⅲ应用系统图................................................................................................................ 11