汇丰银行简称hsbc,全名the hong kong and shanghai banking corporation limited"(香港上海汇丰银行)
2、 what do you expect that you can get from this job?
3、 what do you think is this job about?
4、 tcp和udp有什么区别?
6、 what do you think you will be doing in one or two years, about this job?
HSBC汇丰银行面试求职指南(面试面经笔试待遇公HSBC汇丰银行求职指南【全文共计37918字】1 HSBC汇丰招聘流程2汇丰银行面经:面试程序问题和试题2.1汇丰银行面试程序2.2汇丰面试总结2.3面试问题汇总3 HSBC招聘和BDp介绍和薪酬4网申解析和总结5电面和面经5.1 电面面经一那么(面试问题全记录)6笔试解析和笔经6.1笔试解析6.2汇丰银行笔经二那么7 HR面解析和面经7.1 HR面解析7.2 HR面面经7.2.1 hsbc HR面面经1:流程介绍7.2.1 hsbc HR面面经2:其实我们并不CARE你们的专业背景7.2.1 hsbc HR面面经3:好多学生都这么说7.2.1 hsbc HR面面经4:你领到了什么样的团队?7.2.1 hsbc HR面面经5:为什么觉得它interesting7.2.1 hsbc HR面面经6:10个面试问题还要举例7.2.1 hsbc HR面面经7:只考察一样事情:leadership7.2.1 hsbc HR面面经8:如果承受HSBC的薪酬的话就欢送我参加7.2.1 hsbc HR面面经9:不要吹牛有经验的HR会识破7.2.1 hsbc HR面面经10:我说中文可以么?7.2.1 hsbc HR面面经11:现当代文学专业在bank工作中有啥优势8 二面解析和面经汇总8.1二面解析8.2二面面经汇总8.2.1二面面经1:流程介绍和总结8.2.1二面面经2:开门握手就说“I have no willing to talk to you”8.2.1二面面经3:面试官总能“得意”地challenge你8.2.1二面面经4:所有面试里最最开心的一次8.2.1二面面经5:所有面试里最最开心的一次8.2.1二面面经6:5个小时的面试8.2.1二面面经7:我对户口问题的漠视他们不解到了极点8.2.1二面面经8:感谢HSBC给了我一个愉快的历程【推荐】8.2.1二面面经9:案例是澳门机场跟机场运营商的关系8.2.1二面面经10:关键要做出自己的contribution8.2.1二面面经11:一顿胡扯之后感觉自己有点business sense 8.2.1二面面经11:一听why do we need this talk?我就开始打游击了9汇丰银行面经:实习最终面试超细节补充【推荐】10汇丰银行(HSBC)——“优秀为本”的人才战略11汇丰集团(HSBC)详细介绍详情参见:/a/a.asp?B=965&ID=7582。
汇丰银行笔试题及答案数字推理1: 1,3,15,(c)A 46B 48C 255D 2562: 5 25 6 12 (a)A 8B 11C 37D 72理由是:5,先按平方升到25,然后回落到6(5+1),然后倍增到12,然后回落到8(6+2)3: 3 1 9 12 (c )A 5B 8C 14D 204: 8把144 张卡片平均分成若干盒,每盒在10 张到40 张之间,则共有(b)种不同的分法。
A 4 B 5 C 6 D 75.甲、乙、丙、丁、戊5 人各借了一本小说,约定读完后相互交换。
这5本书的厚度和他们的阅读速度都差不多,因此5 人总是同时换书。
数次交换后,5 人每人都读完了这5 本书。
第五包是紫的)7.住在某个旅馆的同一房间的四个人A ,B ,C ,D 正在听流行音乐,她们当中有一个人在修指甲,一个人在写信,一个人躺在床上,另一个人在看书。
(1)A 不在修指甲,也不在看书。
(2)B 不躺在床上,也不在修指甲。
(3)如果A 不躺在床上,那么D 不在修指甲。
汇丰的面试经历汇丰银行banker development 的筛选过程是我经历的面试里面最严格、最正规的网上大家对此的介绍不多,今天跟大家分享,算是为师弟师妹积累点有益的东西吧汇丰银行今年有两个program,一个management trainee, 一个是banker development 前者是针对数据中心的经理人员培养计划,后者则是培养你成为熟悉全面银行业务的银行家,期限都是2年,后者要在北京、上海、香港等地rotation bd的面试有四轮1st,shl的test, 跟kpmg的一样,只不过全是英文,数学部分的时间有点紧,试题与恒生银行竟然完全一样,因此在大家都做过的前提下必须保证足够的正确率。
2nd, 与hr manager face to face interview,全部问题与个人的soft skills有关,cbeam有详细记载,基本就是让你举例子,如何与team中不同style的人相处,解决冲突,convince对方,体现leadership,以及自己的职业发展目标什么的。
3rd,case study,这是最难的一关,也是shl出的试题,分析一个案例,让你作一个文案工作,给无数人物排列优先级,然后写出memo以及一个计划书,此轮最大的障碍是时间非常紧,比如需要作三个重要决策,而留给你分析问题、解释原因并提出个人最终决策的时间只有8分钟,还要用英文书写出来,可见时间之紧,hr小姐拿一个秒表计时,多一秒时间都不给留。
整个1个半小时始终保持一种高度紧张状态,铅笔机械式的挥动(xiaosu曾提醒大家一定要带自动铅笔,偶也深受其害,两只2b铅笔被磨的没有尖,还要尽量保持卷面的整体整洁工整,这是一个良好的职业态度!)最后,作一个100道选择题的personality测试,考察你的性格是否适合银行家这种职业4th,final assessment center,最tough也最有意思的一轮啦!整整一天,包括三个部分:group discussion,face to face interview, case analysis an presentation.这一轮分两组,每组六个人,先作一个1小时的group discussi on,需要组里的人通例合作,解决一个日程安排的问题,最重要的是每人找到自己的位置,在组中有一个很好的contribution,是不是做leader不是很重要,我们围坐在一个圆桌中,背后被4个考官监视着,一举一动都被记录在案,不过一点也不紧张,还好讨论是用中文。
C:Yes,a little.As you ××mentioned just now,yours is an America-invested company.As far as I know,××Company is a world-famous company which produces cosmetics and skincare products.Your cosmetics and skincare products are very popular with women in all parts of the world.(是的,了解一点点。
【留学生招聘网】从网申到背景调查的HSBC求职心路历程一直很想要写下自己的经历,给那些在奋斗青年的一些经验,虽谈不上精华,但也能代表我一点帮助别人的心意和自我总结的过程,2016.3.17做完今天的daliy work ,静下心来整理思绪,目前我在外企做数据分析师。
在1月的某一天,都下班了,接到突如其来的汇丰电话面试,是FCC AML 职位,接着就是英文自我介绍,HR用英文问我在目前这家实习的内容和学到了什么,还有Why HSBC? 接着就问我是否会粤语,我说能听懂,但是不太会说,HR又开始巴拉巴拉用粤语介绍职位内容,我说听懂了,接着问期望薪资,是否接受轮班等regular 的问题,让我等通知。
约好时间后,1.31 太古汇汇丰面试。
当时我从早上7点深圳赶到广州,因为是open day 真的好多人,大家一起笔试,笔试内容就是反洗黑钱的案例分析。
我被HR 叫到一个房间,有一个面试官,相互寒暄之后就是英文自我介绍,然后就是扣简历上的经历,问的很细致,比如你做这项工作,你会列出内容,但是你是怎么做到的,遇到了什么问题?等等等,很细致。
【优质】汇丰银行英文自我介绍三篇-实用word文档 (19页)
![【优质】汇丰银行英文自我介绍三篇-实用word文档 (19页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f47f37d9aef8941ea76e059c.png)
本文部分内容来自网络整理所得,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑修改文字! ==汇丰银行英文自我介绍三篇汇丰银行英文自我介绍篇一:汇丰银行面试(1)微笑三思后答不置可否1、你理解的外资银行与中资银行的区别先进的经营理念(以客户为中心)和管理方式金融产品创新灵活与品牌优势雄厚的资金实力和盈利情况好服务环境和服务质量好安全性与保密性高端客户2、你应聘柜员岗的优势耐心细心稳重善于和人沟通真诚值得信任缺点自己经验不足~还需要进一步学习3、你的职业规划汇丰提供很多internal transfer的机会,只要先进来,1年后内部转岗甚至跨部门转岗都是很有机会的,所以发展空间还是很广阔的。
Teller之上是Section Head,Counter Officer, Counter Executive, Sub-branch Manager。
4、汇丰柜员要求Bachelor degree or above;Good command of oral English;Good interpersonal skills and strong sense of responsibility;Strong communication skills and problem solving skills;Commitment to service and sales and willingness to work under a flexible timetable;Knowledge of PC and typing skill.面试官关心的是你的soft skill,看你怎么处理问题,看你怎么组织语言等,问题有:1你组织过的活动?2你如何激发组员的动力?曾经看到过这样一个故事:在日本,有很多渔民每天都出海捕鳗鱼,但是因为船舱小,等回到岸边的时候,鳗鱼也基本死的差不多了。
汇丰(HSBC)2014校招网申开放性问题(opening question)
![汇丰(HSBC)2014校招网申开放性问题(opening question)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/aafbbc7327284b73f24250e4.png)
1.Please state why you chose to follow these activities and how they have contributed to yourpersonal development. You may wish to give details of your role, whether anyone else was involved and any difficulties you encountered.I want to introduce the activity that make me proud. It is how I manage to create a dailyactivity called Morning ReaderI became the vice president of English League, a community that focused on improvingstudents’ English learning, when I was a sophomore. After the first year I had my own understanding of what the League needed. So I began to create what I have been always thinking of, a daily activity. Before, there was no daily things because everyone thought it was not easy to run. But I believe I can make it and the League is in need of a dailyactivity to strengthening its presence on campus. I formed a team of 11 and told myideas to my teammates and we brainstormed to a conclusion that we are going to hold an activities every morning and name it Morning Readers. I divided the preparation into three parts and distributed all the missions to three groups, which respectively are in charge of reading material, propagation and activity flow design. I was in the material group and I needed to make sure the material is in accordance with the flow. So there were some disagreement between both groups. In order to reach an agreement Igathered the two groups and held four meetings within three days, to those whoseopinions are too sharp or unrealistic, I talked with them and tried to convince them with the major ideas. 5 days later we came to a conclusion that satisfied the both.After a month of preparation, the Morning Readers launched and at the very first week we successfully attracted more than 600 Readers in total. Up to now, this activity is still running and helping a lot of students to speak English.Back to the question, how has it contributed to my personal development? From the idea of creating the Morning Readers, I find the way to understand what an organization needs and how to accord myself with the development of company. From themanagement of the team, I see how important teamwork is and I know how to settle the conflicts. Last but not least, efficiency is of great significance.2.Other than academic success, what has been your greatest achievement to date? What doyou see as your personal strength and why?When it comes to personal achievements, what makes me proud most is the experience of my internship in Ruihua, one of the largest China CPA firms. After that I dare to meet every challenge in the future.During the 3-month internship, I felt my growth. At the very beginning I was zero in auditing and when the internship ended, I could independently finish more than 20 kinds of audit paper and I had taken part in the audit of 19 state-owned enterprises such as State Grid and Xiamen Trading Group. And I often received nice review from project managers due to growing efficiency and accuracy. I really appreciate this 3-month experience.I’d like to emphasize two strength of mine. First one is strong learning capacity. I was selected into the accounting experimental class to study accounting theory in more international vision when I began my college life. Another example is that two years ago I, out of interest,started to teach myself Japanese. Without any professional courses or training, now I can understand most Japanese daily dialogues and speak some of them. Second one is high ability in organization and coordination. I was in charge of organization of class services and activities since I began my college life. I was the vice president of English League, an English community, and I was in charge of the management of the League’s daily business. I also participate in the planning, organization and supervision of the L eague’s big events.Please state: why the position you have applied for is appropriate for you, why you have selected HSBC, and what your career objectives are.Firstly I will answer why BDP is suitable for me. I have three reason. First, I major inaccounting so it is a must of an accountant to focus on the development of globaleconomic especially finance. I believe I have accumulated rich knowledge of banking during the four years. Second I am keen on the trying different working sessions while BDP provides chances to experience and learn different part of banking. Third, I have strong interest in global and international things while HSBC is a mature global overall platform. In conclusion, I think BDP is appropriate for me.Secondly, why I selected HSBC. Comparing to local bank such as ICBC and CCB, HSBC has more experienced management and globally recognized credit. While comparing toother international banks such as Deutsche Bank and Citibank, HSBC has larger scale. So I selected HSBC.Thirdly, what my career objectives are. I’d like to be proficient at my position and befamiliar with HSBC overall business 1 or 2 years into my tenure. I’d like to be a leader of a small team and be able to complete small projects or in charge of a certain part of a big project after 3 years. I’d like to be a department manager or a leader of a big team after I enter the company for 5 years. No matter for how many years I have entered thecompany I will spare no effort to do my best.。
HSBC笔试经历文档HSBC written test experience documentHSBC笔试经历文档前言:个人简历是求职者给招聘单位发的一份简要介绍,包括个人的基本信息、过往实习工作经验以及求职目标对应聘工作的简要理解,在编写简历时,要强调工作目标和重点,语言精简,避免可能会使你被淘汰的不相关信息。
激动的去找妈妈说她问我啥时候完成…我脱口而出4月11日…我妈说那不就是今天么…当时我们都认为hsbc这就是要考验你真实水平不给你准备时间,然后准备了一会就感觉自己由于太久没看英语,挺力不从心的,睡了会觉十一点起来做了,做的时候当然是备受打击…首先凡是下载下来的那种只有8道verbal 或8道数学的其实都是里面的practice test不计分不计时的…因为有jj.所以我都直接搬上去的现在想想也是错的应该借这机会找找感觉的。
现在越来越多的外资企业(包括若干投行、商业银行、industry的MT program等)已经把笔试(online test或者现场笔试)纳入应聘程序,其中很多公司的test用题源于一家名为SHL的机构。
偶曾经参加过一些投行(UBS,ML, HSBC IB),HSBC BDP program, 渣打等笔试,积累了一定的经验(感觉总体来说投行online test难度相对较高,其他稍低),借此机会和大家分享一下,希望从来没有接触过这种类型test的同学能对此有个感性认识,也希望参加过该类test的同学能获得有用的信息,结合自己的特点加以改进。
SHL类型test的一般分两部分,numerical test和verbal test。
一,numerical testnumerical test就是给出一张图或表,然后让你根据题干,提取有用的信息进行简单或复杂的计算,主要目的(个人以为)是考察你的基本运算,经济学常识和sense,以及迅速从纷繁复杂的大量信息里提取有价值信息的能力(换句话说,就是眼睛要快,手要快,脑子更要快)。
印象中,online test的numerical test大概25道题左右,25分钟,现场笔试平均每题时间类似,如果要全做完的话,最好能保证一分钟一题的速度。
答案选项有的时候会有个none of these的选项,就是说不是上面的其他选项给出的答案。
做过numerical test 的同学可能都有过这样的经历:算出答案后,找来找去没有对应的选项,然后怀疑自己是不是算错了,其实很可能就是因为以上选项都是错的,所以应该选择none of these。
另外,作numerical test往往涉及到一些运算,因此有必要配备计算器、笔和草稿纸(现场笔试除计算器一般都会发)。
最新HSBC Interview - 汇丰银行面试问题
![最新HSBC Interview - 汇丰银行面试问题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/27442787ddccda38366baf4b.png)
H S B C I n t e r v i e w-汇丰银行面试问题36 Behavior questions1.Why do you want to work for the position?Tips: -Say it fits your skillsets: analytical, problem solving, great communicator-Say you spoke to______, who’s in this position, loved his experience2.Why do you want to work for the company?3.What differentiate you from other candidate?4. Tell me about yourself: Tell your life stories in 3 mins, more laid backWalk me through your resume: more formal, pick top experiencesTips: Prep for the two versions5. Tell me what you enjoy the most about your school experience.Tips: talk about academic, extracurricular activities and professional development6. Favourite course and least favourite course7. 5-10 YEAR Career GOAL8. How would working for our company help you achieve your long term goal?9. Hobbies outside class?Tips: Not just any hobbies. Try to tie the hobbies into the positionIf it is an analytical role that requires market knowledge, say you spent 3 hours a day to follow the newsIf its people type of role, say football experience, and tie it back to the position, say you learned to work with ppl through football, you are used to work with people, its part of you. So you want this role.10. Tell me about your previous work experience?11. Tell me about the skills you have acquired through your eduction, employment and other activities that you believe will help you in this job at our job?Tips: Break down to academic experience including CFA, your work and extracurricular experiences12. Do you like working with others or working along.Tips: Say both depending on the nature of the work. Experienced working independently and working with a team in your role as a student ambassador for TMX( Work solo at U of T, work collaboratively with other ambassadors from other schools)13. Major accomplishment to date?14. Why do you think you will be the most successful candidate at this role.Tips: “ read job description, see your company is looking for people with skill 1, skill 2, skill3”. Then elaborate the 3 skills you have that match with the job description.15. Do you work well under stress?16. . If someone you worked with was unable to carry out their responsibilities, would you assist them and how would you go about it?17. Tell me a time when you came up with a creative idea18.Talk about your best project19. Tell me about a time you displayed leadership20. Tell me about a time when you had to deal with an unsatisfied coworkers/ boss?21. There are times when we are faced with problems. Describe a time when you had to deal with a small problem before it became a huge problem.22. Describe a time where you failed in one of your job assignments23. Give me an example of how you suggested an idea to your boss and how you sold the idea to him.24. What was your best written achievement? How do you do research for the written piece? 25. describe a presentation you had to do26. When taking high risks, sometimes it is possible to have a failure. Have you taken a high risk, which has later worked fine, but initially you have questioned yourself whether it was worth to take therisk? /How you convince, what strategy you use to convince team to choose your solutions.27. tell me about a time when you proposed improvements to the company (or your boss)28. .tell me about a new transition that you had to me make and how you adjusted29. . 5 strengths & 3 weakness30. success story about demonstrating technical skills. Tell me a time when had to communicate something technical to someone with a non-technical background, in writing31. how have you dealt with a situation that was bound to fail32. Has anyone ever asked you or put you into a situation where your ethical decision making is jeopardized? How have you dealt with it? How did you handle difficult people at workplace33. Why choose the finance major?34. . Tell me about time you gave idea to another person? Coaching/ showing compassion / Use your knowledge to help someone/ Ask the right question/give a suggestion/helped someone?35. What was a situation where you failed to achieve your stated goal?/ Work below expectation.36. Do you make your opinions known when you disagree with the views of your supervisor?。
Who is HSBC?We are the world's local bank.Headquartered in London, HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial services organisations in the world. HSBC's international network comprises around 9,500 offices in 85 countries and territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa.With listings on the London, Hong Kong, New York, Paris and Bermuda stock exchanges, shares in HSBC Holdings plc are held by around 200,000 shareholders in some 100 countries and territories. The shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange in the form of American Depositary Receipts.Through an international network linked by advanced technology, including a rapidly growing e-commerce capability, HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services: personal financial services; commercial banking; corporate, investment banking and markets; private banking; and other activities.Business principles and valuesThe HSBC corporate character defines the values and principles inherent in all our everyday dealings.Group HistoryThe HSBC Group has an international pedigree which is unique. Many of its principal companies opened for business over a century ago and they have a history which is rich in variety and achievement. The HSBCGroup is named after its founding member, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, which was established in 1865 to finance the growing trade between China and Europe.The Board of Directors of HSBC Holdings plcS K Green, Group ChairmanAge 59. An executive Director since 1998; Group Chief Executive from 2003 to May 2006. Joined HSBC in 1982. Chairman of HSBC Bank plc, HSBC North America Holdings Inc. and HSBC Private Banking Holdings (Suisse) SA. A Director of HSBC France and The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. Group Treasurer from 1992 to 1998. Executive Director, Corporate, Investment Banking and Markets from 1998 to 2003. Chairman of The British Bankers' Association.M F Geoghegan, CBE, Group Chief ExecutiveAge 54. An executive Director since 2004. Joined HSBC in 1973. Chairman of the Group Management Board.Chairman of HSBC Bank USA, N.A., HSBC USA Inc. and HSBC Bank Canada. Deputy Chairman of HSBC Bank plc. A Director of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, HSBC France, HSBC North America Holdings Inc. and HSBC National Bank USA. President of HSBC Bank Brasil S.A.-Banco Múltiplo from 1997 to 2003 andresponsible for all of HSBC's business throughout South America from 2000 to 2003. Chief Executive of HSBC Bank plc from 2004 to March 2006.A non-executive Director and Chairman of Young Enterprise.S A CatzAge 46. A non-executive Director since 1 May 2008. President and Chief Financial Officer of Oracle Corporation. Managing Director of Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette from 1997 to 1999. Joined Oracle in 1999 and appointed to the Board of Directors in 2001.V H C Cheng, OBE, Chairman of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation LimitedAge 59. An executive Director since 1 February 2008. Chairman of HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited and HSBC Investments (Hong Kong) Limited and a Director of HSBC Bank Australia Limited. Joined HSBC in 1978. Appointed a Group General Manager in 1995 and a Group Managing Director in 2005. A Director of Great Eagle Holdings Limited and a Member of the Exchange Fund Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Vice Chairman of the China Banking Association from 10 December 2007. Appointed a member of the 11th Chinese People's Political ConsultativeConference ('CPPCC') and a senior advisor to the 11th Beijing Municipal Committee of the CPPCC. Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Hang Seng Bank Limited from 1998 to 2005. A Director of Swire Pacific Limited from 2005 to January 2008.J D CoombeAge 63. Chairman of Hogg Robinson plc. A non-executive Director since 2005. A member of the Group Audit Committee and of the Remuneration Committee. A non-executive Director of Home Retail Group plc. A trustee of the Royal Academy Trust. Former executive Director and Chief Financial Officer of GlaxoSmithKline plc and a former member of the Supervisory Board of Siemens AG. A former Chairman of The Hundred Group of Finance Directors and a former member of the Accounting Standards Board.J L D uránAge 43. Chief Executive of Carrefour SA and Chairman of its Management Board of Directors. A non-executive Director since 1 January 2008. Joined Carrefour SA in 1991. Chief Financial Officer and Managing Director, Organisation and Systems of Carrefour SA from 2001 to 2005.R A FairheadAge 46. Chief Executive Officer and Director of the Financial Times Group Limited and a Director of Pearson plc. Chairman of Interactive Data Corporation. A non-executive Director since 2004. Chairman of the Group Audit Committee. A non-executive Director of The Economist Newspaper Limited. Finance Director of Pearson plc from 2002 to June 2006. Former Executive Vice President, Strategy and Group Control of Imperial Chemical Industries plc.D J Flint, CBE, Group Finance DirectorAge 52. Joined HSBC as an executive Director in 1995. Non-executive Chairman of HSBC Finance Corporation. A non-executive Director of BPp.l.c. and a member of the Consultative Committee of the Large Business Advisory Board of HM Revenue & Customs. Chaired the Financial Reporting Council's review of the Turnbull Guidance on Internal Control. Served on the Accounting Standards Board and the Standards Advisory Council of the International Accounting Standards Board from 2001 to 2004. A former partner in KPMG.A A Flockhart, CBEAge 56. Chief Executive Officer of The Hongkong and ShanghaiBanking Corporation Limited and Global Head of Commercial Banking. An executive Director since 1 May 2008. Joined HSBC in 1974. A Director of Hang Seng Limited, HSBC Bank Australia Limited, HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited, and Chairman of HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad. Managing Director of The Saudi British Bank from 1997 to 1999 and SeniorExecutive Vice-President, Commercial Banking, HSBC USA, N.A. from 1999to 2002. Chief Executive Officer, Mexico from 2002 to October 2006. President and Group Managing Director Latin America and the Caribbean from October 2006 to 20 July 2007. Appointed a Group General Manager in 2002 and a Group Managing Director in 2006.*W K L Fung, OBEAge 59. Group Managing Director of Li & Fung Limited. A non-executive Director since 1998. A member of the Corporate Sustainability Committee. Deputy Chairman of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.A Director of King Lun Management Limited. A non-executive Director of CLP Holdings Limited, Integrated Distribution Services Group Limited, Convenience Retail Asia Limited, Shui On Land Limited and VTech HoldingsLimited. A member of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. A former non-executive Director of Bank of Communications Co. Ltd. Former Chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, the Hong Kong Exporters' Association and the Pacific Economic Co-operation Committee.S T GulliverAge 49. Head of Global Banking and Markets and HSBC Global Asset Management. An executive Director since 1 May 2008. Joined HSBC in 1980.A Director of HSBC Bank plc, HSBC Private Banking Holdings (Suisse) SA, HSBC USA Inc. and The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.A member of the Supervisory Board of HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt AG. Head of Treasury and Capital Markets in Asia-Pacific from 1996 to 2002. Head of Global Banking and Markets from 2003 to May 2006. Appointed a Group General Manager in 2000 and a Group Managing Director in 2004.J W J Hughes-HallettAge 58. Chairman of John Swire & Sons Limited. A non-executive Director since 2005. A member of the Group Audit Committee and of the Nomination Committee. A non-executive Director of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited from 1999 to 2004. A non-executive Director and formerly Chairman of Cathay Pacific Airways Limited and Swire PacificLimited. A Director of China Festival 2008. A trustee of the Dulwich Picture Gallery and the Esmée F airbairn Foundation. A member of The Hong Kong Association and of the Governing Body of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.W S H LaidlawAge 52. Chief Executive Officer of Centrica plc. A non-executiveDirector since 1 January 2008. A Trustee of RAFT, a medical charity for burns and reconstructive surgery. A member of the Business Council for International Understanding. President and Chief Operating Officer of Amerada Hess Corporation from 1995 to 2001. Chief Executive Officer of Enterprise Oil plc from 2001 to 2002. Executive Vice President of Chevron Corporation from 2003 to 2006, and a non-executive Director of Hanson PLC from 2003 to 24 August 2007.Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, KCMGAge 67. Chairman of Anglo American plc. A non-executive Director since 2001. Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and a member of the Corporate Sustainability Committee. A non-executive Director of Accenture Limited, Saudi Aramco, a Governor of Nuffield Hospitals and President of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Chairman of theGlobal Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS and the Global Compact Foundation.A former Director and Chairman of The ‘Shell' Transport and Trading Company, plc and former Chairman of the Committee of Managing Directors of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Companies.G MorganAge 62. A non-executive Director since October 2006. A member of the Remuneration Committee. Non-executive Chairman of SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.A member of the Board of Trustees of The Fraser Institute and the Energy Advisory Board of Accenture Limited. A non-executive Director of HSBC Bank Canada from 1996 to April 2006. Former founding President and Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chairman of EnCana Corporation. A former Director of Alcan Inc.N R N MurthyAge 61. A non-executive Director since 1 May 2008. Chairman and Chief Mentor and former Chief Executive Officer of Infosys Technologies Limited. An independent non-executive Director of Unilever plc and New Delhi Television Limited and a Director of the United Nations Foundation. An independent non-executive Director of DBS Bank Limited until 2 April 2008.S M Robertson Senior independent non-executive DirectorAge 67. Non-executive Chairman of Rolls-Royce Group plc and the founder member of Simon Robertson Associates LLP. A non-executive Director since January 2006 and senior independent non-executive Director since 25 May 2007. A Member of the Nomination Committee. A non-executive Director of Berry Bros. & Rudd Limited, The Economist Newspaper Limited and The Royal Opera House Covent Garden Limited. Chairman of Trustees of the Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust. A trustee of the Eden Project and of the Royal Opera House Endowment Fund. A former Managing Director of Goldman Sachs International. Former Chairman of Dresdner Kleinwort Benson and a former non-executive Director of Inchcape plc, Invensys plc and the London Stock Exchange.Sir Brian Williamson, CBEAge 63. Chairman of Electra Private Equity plc. A non-executive Director since 2002. Chairman of the Nomination Committee. A non-executive Director of Resolution plc. A member of the supervisory Board of Euronext NV. A Director of Climate Exchange plc. A senior adviser to Fleming Family and Partners. Former Chairman of London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange, Gerrard Group plc and ResolutionLife Group Limited. A former non-executive Director of the Financial Services Authority and of the Court of The Bank of Ireland.* Non-executive DirectorIndependent non-executive DirectorD J Shaw, Adviser to the BoardAge 61. An Adviser to the Board since 1998. Solicitor. A partner in Norton Rose from 1973 to 1998. A Director of The Bank of Bermuda Limited and HSBC Private Banking Holdings (Suisse) SA. A non-executive Director of Kowloon Development Company Limited and Shui On Land Limited.R G Barber, SecretaryAge 57. Group Company Secretary. Appointed a Group General Manager in October 2006. Joined HSBC in 1980. Company Secretary of HSBC Holdings plc since 1990. Chairman of the Disclosure Committee. A Member of the Listing Authority Advisory Committee of the Financial Services Authority and of the Primary Markets Group of the London Stock Exchange. Corporation Secretary of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited from 1986 to 1992 and Company Secretary of HSBC Bank plc from 1994 to 1996.HSBC PremierA new way of banking that provides the exclusive service, global insight and financial tools you need to explore a wealth of opportunities worldwide.A Premier bank, providing a premier experience.HSBC Premier is an individually tailored package of exclusive premier banking services that can be accessed from anywhere you choose to live or work and offers you the following benefits:● International recognition and emergency support across more than 300 international Premier centres across 40 countries and territories.● Overseas bank account opening and mortgage arrangements so that your life in a new country is up and running before you get there.● Worldwide online premier banking so that you can view all your HSBC accounts in one place● The only credit card you and your family need when travelling● Local experiences worldwide that earn you rewards and save you money● Access banking and investment specialists with both global and local knowledge who will help you make the right decision for you and your family’s future.● Offshore banking services in centres in Jersey, Dubai, Hong-Kong, Singapore and Miami.如何可晋身为汇丰卓越理财客户?●您只需维持账户总余额于人民币500,000元/等值外币或以上,即可晋身汇丰卓越理财客户行列。
What's in the archives?
The team in Hong Kong is responsible for the modern records of HSBC in the Asia Pacific Region and also for some historic records relating specifically to Hong Kong. The archives teams in France and the US are responsible for the historic records of HSBC in those countries.
汇丰银行总部设于伦敦,其在五个地区经营 业务,欧洲,香港,亚太其他地区,包括中 东和非洲,北美以及南美。
业 务 范 围
HSBC for personal, commercial, corporate, institutional and private banking clients provide a full range of fienancial services.On 1999, HSBC integrated Global business , and established a unified global brand name.In 2002, through the implementation of 'global finance, local wisdom' HSBC will own distinctive brand, unique. 汇丰为个人,商业,公司,机构和私人银行 客户提供全面的金融服务。1999年,汇丰对 全球业务进行整合,并建立了全球统一的品 牌名称。2002年,通过实施‘环球金融,地 方智慧’汇丰银行将自己品牌鲜明化,独特 化。
金融服务 金融服务
电信、计算机和信息服务 电信服务 计算机服务 信息服务
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229010 229020 229030 229990
231010 231020 231030 231040 231990
322011 322012 322013 322014
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区域□ 6、汇路引起出口项下的跨境收入□ 7、出口信用保险理赔□ 8、出口货物保 存
险理赔□ 9、买方信贷□ 10、转让信用证□ 11、背对背信用证□ 12、其他□
本笔款项是否为保税货物项下收入: □是 □否
□□□□□□ □□□□□□
金字母型代码填写。 7. 结汇汇率:指该笔收入结汇成人民币时所使用的汇率。 8. 结汇金额:指该笔收入结汇成人民币的金额。按原币金额填写。 9. 现汇金额:指该笔收入以外汇方式保留的金额。按原币金额填写。 10. 其他金额:指该笔收入除结汇和现汇以外的方式保留的金额。按原币金额填写。 11. 账号/银行卡号:如该笔收入结汇后进入收款人的人民币账户/银行卡号,则填写该人民币账户的账号/银行卡号;
【最新2018】汇丰银行境外汇款申请书填写-推荐word版 (12页)
![【最新2018】汇丰银行境外汇款申请书填写-推荐word版 (12页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/83c285f8240c844769eaeed6.png)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==汇丰银行境外汇款申请书填写篇一:国际汇款业务国际汇款业务一、单选题1. 我行目前可以向客户提供的国际汇款业务种类不包括 D 。
A.西联汇款B.银邮汇款C.邮政实物汇款D.速汇金2. 我行目前可以向客户提供的国际汇款业务种类有C。
A.VISA全球转账B.银星速汇C.银邮汇款D.速汇金3. 我行国际汇款业务品种主要有代理西联汇款业务、银邮汇款业务、邮政国际汇款业务,整体品牌为 B 。
A.VISA全球转账B. 一汇通C.储汇聚财D.速汇金4. 我行受理西联汇款发汇业务的币种为 A 。
A.美元B.欧元C.日元D.英镑5. 客户拟在我行办理西联汇款收汇业务,收汇币种可为 B。
A.港币B.欧元C.日元D.英镑6. 客户在我行办理银邮汇款发汇业务,可供客户选择的币种不包括C 。
A.美元B.欧元C.卢布D.日元7. 客户在我行办理银邮汇款发汇业务,可供客户选择的币种有 B。
A.法郎B.欧元C.卢布D.泰铢8. 银邮发汇自柜台受理业务起一般 C内可到达收款人银行帐户。
A.十几分钟B.半个月C.1-2个工作日D.一周9. 客户拟在我行办理邮政实物汇款发汇,下列选项中必须要客户提供的汇款信息有B 。
A.收汇人账号B.收汇人地址C.收汇银行分行号D.BIC码10. 客户拟在我行办理邮政实物汇款发汇,下列选项中必须要客户提供的汇款信息有 D。
A.BIC码B.收汇人账号C.收汇银行分行号D.收汇人姓名11. 客户采用西联汇款方式发汇后,收汇方于 C可收到此笔汇款。
A.1天B.2个工作日C.西联发汇后15-20分钟D.不确定,根据当地西联收汇时间而定12. 西联汇款发汇、收汇的单笔最高限额 B ;银邮汇款现金发汇的单笔最高限额;银邮汇款账户发汇的日累计最高限额为。
A.10000美元(含);10000美元(含);50000美元(不含)B.10000美元(含);10000美元(含);50000美元(含)C.10000美元(不含);10000美元(含);50000美元(含)D.10000美元(含);10000美元(不含);50000美元(含)13. 下列哪种外汇业务不得代办 B。
根据《国际收支统计申报办法》(1995 年 8 月 30 日经国务院批准),特制发本申报单。 This Reporting Form is Distributed According to The Regulations on Reporting of Balance of Payments Statistics (Approved by The State Council on Aug.30,1995) 国家外汇管理局和有关银行将为您的具体申报内容保密。 The State Administration of Foreign Exchange (The SAFE) and The Banks Concerned Would Keep What You Reported Confidential.
收款人章 Stamp of Payee
填报人电话 Phone No. of Reporter
银行经办人签章 Signature of Bank Teller
Member HSBC Group 汇丰集团成员
银行业务编号 Bank Transaction Ref.No.
国 家(地 区)名 称 代 码 表
组 织 机 构 代 码 Unit Code □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□
个人身份证件号码 ID Number
□ 中国居民个人 Resident Individual
□ 中国非居民个人 Non-resident Individual
4,Describe a case you have to make a quick decisionn(因为我是说
今日由于去笔 MoganStanley,就关了手机,下午也许 14:00 左右我 了一个关于我做小组项目的.事,然后个人觉得说的有点模糊,于是他就
走在路上,接到一个电话,对方是一个男士,挺友好的,他说他是 HSBC 问我要 MORE DETAILS,我就跟他说我从中遇到的困难,意见不合,之后
5 分钟后电话响起,他先用中文说开始电面什么的,然后就是全英文的
过程了。但是我觉得这个 GG 很好,念问题都把关键字说得很清晰,所以 不会碰到说他问出来问题听不懂之类的现象。接下来我就把也许问得问题
1 Which business area have you selected? How do you understand this
business function?〔我觉得这也算是个小陷阱,因为大家海投了那么多,
之的,上午打我电话没有接,还打到我家去了,我说不好意思,我有个笔 就引申到 How did you persuade others? 上面去了
试。于是他似乎是说恭喜我过了 SHL 之类的,说如今要有个电面。我当
5.Describe a case that you have make a detailed plan
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ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
2 Why do you choose this business area? 3.Describe a situation you have communicated with others.
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*1.At HSBC we are looking for graduates and interns who are passionate about working for us and have a real interest in our industry.我们希望吸纳忠诚和真正对行业感兴趣的全职和实习生。
QuestionPlease tell us about your interest in the role that you have applied for and HSBC. Please address the following questions in your response:-Why are you interested in the role at HSBC?-Why are you interested in the role at HSBC?--The reasons why I'm interested in the role in the intern I applied:(1) Educational background:I major in international finance and have well finished all my school curriculum, I would like to have myself improved and transfer the words into practice with my great exertion.(2) Intern experience in BOC and my future career plan:I once did my intern in Bank of China last summer, therefore I have been installed with the basic qualification of being a member in the bank. Compared to local banks in China, HSBC has more experienced management and globally recognized credit. In order to fully expereince banking system and chase after my dream in commercial banks, I chose to spend my 2016 summer time in HSBC.(3) Interpersonal purpose:In HSBC I will be showered with great people and brilliant minds which will be cherished and stored , serving as secret weapons to my future career in banking system.--The reasons why I am interested in HSBC:(1) Invisible connection before we met: In the class of Human Resource Management during my exchange program in 2015 in Canada ,I was shown several episodes of inspiring ads from HSBC and saved this memory and great motivation to join this creative family till I got this chance of internship.(2) My everlasting devotion of teamwork : I am an outgoing and process-driven leader in my association (SHFC Model United Nations Association )in our university.Objectively I exert myself and my team to get to the ideal position efficiently; On the subjective side I always try my best to keep the balance and make every member satisfied based on what they have achieved. I focus on the give-and-take within the team and the trust between members as well as set detailed terms and conditions to ensure the efficiency.Therefore, I would like to continue this teamwork and length the sense of belonging in HSBC and do my own contribution.*2. We want our graduates and interns to have successful careers at HSBC and, therefore, we want to ensure that you have the relevant skills for your programme. We are equally interested in recruiting graduates and interns from finance and non-finance degrees. We are particularly interested in the transferable skills that you have gained from the variety of experiences that you have had.我们希望我们的毕业生和实习生在汇丰银行拥有成功的职业生涯,因此,我们希望确保您拥有与课程相关的技能。
QuestionWhat skills do you believe are important to be successful on the HSBC graduate or intern programme for which you are applying? Please give specific examples of how you have demonstrated some of these skills.1. Team spirit and communication skills(1) Teamwork serves as a connection to smooth the process and improve efficiency. When I was in the social practice department in our university as the president assistant, we held certain activity to recollect used clothes to people in poverty. I was in charge of 10 fellows to make it finished. So firstly I set a target for collecting 5 bags of clothes within 3 hours, then I discussed with fellow about the places with the highest students flow as well as dispatch each individual to different spots, they would be allowed to help each other with their own work done. When it approached the end, we reached the target successfully thanks to our exertion to this team.(2)Communication skills help you better serve your customers. During my intern in BOC, I was assigned as lobby manager and dealt with different types of customers, therefore , the acquisition of communication skills is needed , as well as the ability to cover urgencies.2. Fast learning and learning by practicingThe awareness and ability to learn can decide one’s ability to adjust to a new environment. For example when I was in BOC, I always learn from my superiors and follow their exemplary manners so as to fully improve myself.When I was in my university I always grab the methodologies from professors and their package of solutions to certain problems, and apply these to my job fields.3. Profound acquisition of professional knowledge and problem solving:In order to better understand the operation in the job, the candidate has to be installed with the basic understanding of commercial bank. Even the non-finance candidates should get prepared for certain amount of knowledge and skills needed .In spite of the knowledge pool required, one has to be efficient in problem solving and cultivate the ability to cover the uncertainties.*3. At HSBC our objective is to be the world’s leading international bank. In all that we do, we also must consider the potential risks.HSBC的目标是成为国际领先银行。