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that a bank may suffer as a result of its failure to comply with relevant laws, regulations, principles and rules, standards and codes of conduct applicable to its activities, in letter and in spirit. 合规风险是指,由于未遵照适用于公司活动的相关法律、法规、原则、 法则、行为规范与准则,公司可能会遭受法律或法规的制裁,物质 上的财务损失,或者使声誉受损的风险。
Risk Management and Regulatory Compliance
June 19, 2008
Compliance advises on compliance risk
Compliance risk is the risk of: legal or regulatory sanctions, material financial loss, or harm to reputation
Sanctions 制裁
• Two major financial markets, the EU and the US, apply economic sanctions in certain cases against particular countries to support their foreign policy objectives. 在某些情况下,欧盟和美国两大金融市场对特 定国家实施经济制裁来支持其外交政策 • Violating EU or US sanction laws can put a bank’s customers at risk of incomplete transactions, frozen assets or criminal and civil penalties and expose our bank / employees to liability. 违反欧盟或美国的制裁法会将一家银行的客户置于不完全交易、冻结资 产或者刑事和民事处罚的风险之中,使银行/雇员承受债务 • Particular vigilance is needed when a transaction contains a so called CSI (Cuban Sudanese or Iranian) element. 当一个交易牵涉所谓的CSI(古巴、苏丹或伊朗)时,需要特别警惕 • Vigilance is also needed when dealing with Myanmar. 和缅甸打交道时也要非常注意
Compliance provides a central role in monitoring delivery and minimising risk 合规在监控公司行为和使风险最小化上扮演着重要作用
Assist management in managing risk to the business 协助管理层管 理业务风险
1 关 系 考 察 风 险 再 评 估 3
Periodical Risk Reassessment (or change in client profile / incidental) 风险 评估 / 客户 的2 化
Exit? 退出? 退出?
核 实
Initial Risk Assessment: Client Acceptance And Know Your Customer 初始风险评估: 初始风险评估:客户接受 度,了解你的客户
Know Your Customer: 了解你的客户: 了解你的客户: • Customer Identification allows the bank to have confidence in the integrity of the persons with whom they transact business • 客户鉴别使得银行能相信与他们进行交易的人的诚信度 – Requires employees to obtain information identifying their customers 要求员工获取鉴别客户的信息 – Requires employees to verify that customers are who they say they are 要求员工核实客户资料的可靠度 • These responsibilities continue throughout the life of our relationship with a customer and apply to every transaction • 这些职责贯穿于我们与客户打交道的整个过程,适用于每次交易
Examples of other sources for Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing 洗钱及恐怖分子筹资的其他来源举例 • Drugs 毒品 • Prostitution 卖淫 • Illegal Workers (Human trafficking) 非法劳工(贩卖人口) • Fraud 欺骗 • Theft 偷窃 • Smuggling goods and/or arms 走私 商品/武器 • Tax Fraud 税务行骗 • Counterfeiting Currency 伪钞 • Kidnapping 绑架 • Extortion 敲诈勒索 • Illegal Gambling 非法赌博 • Environmental Crimes 环境犯罪
• Business is firstly responsible 来自百度文库务部应负首要责任 • Compliance is intended for support 合规意在为公司运营提供支持
Key Compliance Areas: 关键的合规领域: 关键的合规领域:
I. Client Acceptance and Anti-Money Laundering Policy 客户接受度与反洗钱政 策(CAAML) II. Dealing with Customers 与客户打交道 Confidentiality 机密性 Communication & Marketing 沟通与营销 Client Classification 客户分类 Conflicts of Interest 利益冲突 Chinese Walls 中国墙 Market Abuse 市场滥用 Personal Account Dealing Policy 个人账户处理政策 Gift Policy/ Bribery and Corruption 送礼政策/贿赂与腐败 送礼政策 贿赂与腐败 Whistleblowing 揭发 When you need to Notify Compliance 何时需注意合规 Suitability 适宜 Appropriateness 得当 Record keeping 档案保管 Client Acceptance and Anti-Money Laundering 客户接受度与反洗钱 Sanctions 制裁
III. Market Conduct 市场行为 IV. Other Compliance topics 其他合规话题
I. Client Acceptance and Anti-Money Laundering (CAAML) Policy 客户接受度与反洗钱政策
• • • • KYC Know Your Customer 了解你的客户 Client Acceptance/Due Diligence 客户接受度/尽职调查 Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing 洗钱与恐怖份子筹资活动 Sanction 制裁
• Assist Management in identifying, measuring and mitigating compliance related risk 协助管理层发现、测量并减少合规风险 • Partner with the business in monitoring level of risks to help achieve successful implementation of strategic initiatives 和业务一起监控风 险水平,帮助公司成功实施战略倡议 • Align with the business and help provide independent view and advice on the execution of strategy and on case-specific issues 根据公司业务,提供 有关战略执行和具体案例方面的独立观点和建议 • Understand strategy and business and apply this understanding in its riskbased approach to ensure that proportionate measures are taken to compliance issues and risk 理解公司战略和业务,并将这一理解应用于基 于风险的方法,以此确保对合规问题和合规风险已采取了适当的措施 • Provide guidance and support on issues related to laws and regulations 对与法律法规相关的问题提供指导与支持 • Monitor the execution of initiatives and ensure all activities are compliant with relevant policies and procedures 监控倡议的执行情 况,确保所有活动都遵照相关政策和程序
Client life Cycle 客户的
风 险 评 估
AML RISK • Geography • Industry • Product 风险
Ongoing Risk Assessment: 的风险评估: 的风险评估: Anti-Money Laundering CAAML/Sanctions
/制 制
Provide advisory and objective support 提供咨 询和客观支持
Implement business specific laws and regulations 实施与业务 相关的法律法规
Who is responsible for Compliance
谁该负责合规工作? 谁该负责合规工作?
Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing 洗钱及恐怖分子筹资活动
“Money Laundering” is the introduction of illegally gained assets into the legal financial system with the aim of concealing or disguising their true origin. “洗钱”是将非法获得的资产融入合法的 洗钱” 洗钱 金融体系中,目的在于隐瞒或者掩饰它们的真实来源。 金融体系中,目的在于隐瞒或者掩饰它们的真实来源。 Money Laundering generally takes place in 3 steps: 洗钱活动一般分三步进行: 洗钱活动一般分三步进行: Placement 放置 “the introduction of illegally gained assets into the legal financial system with the aim of concealing or disguising their true origin.” 将非法获得的 资产融入合法的金融体系中,目的在于隐瞒或者掩饰它们的真实来源 Layering 移转 “the source of the illegally obtained funds is obscured through a succession of transfers and transactions to give them appearance of legitimacy” 通过连续转移和交易将非法获得的资金的来源模糊化,使它 们看起来合法 Integration 整合 “In order that those same funds can eventually be made to re-appear as legitimate income.” 使这些资金最终以合法收入的身份再次出现