

g, j , g,k:表示g代的两个随机数
在标准的布谷鸟优化算法中,利用莱维飞行随机产生步长,不利于计算。当 步长较小时,会降低搜索速度,但步长较大时,会降低搜索精度,因此提出 了自适应步长的布谷鸟搜索算法,该算法根据不同阶段的搜索结果,自适应 的调整步长的大小。引入公式:
与其他算 法结合
Walton 等人
针对 Levy flights 随机游动中的 Levy 随机步长大小提出 一种改进版本以加强局部搜索
Tuba 等 人
针对偏好随机游动中的步长提出一种基于种群排序的改进版 本
Valian 等 提出了一种自适应步长和自适应发现概率的 CS 算法 人
3 与遗传算法和粒子群算法相比,参数更少,本质上只有 一个P。
xg1,i xg,i L( ) (i 1, 2, n)
பைடு நூலகம்
xg ,i : 表示第i个鸟巢在第g代的鸟巢位置 : 表示点对点乘法 : 表示步长控制量,通常取1
L( ) : 表示莱维随机搜索路径
0 (x g,i xbest )
人工萤火虫优 萤火虫通过通过荧光进行信息交流 化算法
布谷鸟算法 布谷鸟孵育行为
某些种属的布谷鸟将自己的卵偷偷产入宿主巢穴,由于布谷鸟后代 的孵化时间比宿主的幼雏早,孵化的幼雏会本能地破坏同一巢穴中其他 的卵(推出巢穴),并发出比宿主幼雏更响亮的叫声。很多宿主通过后代 的叫声大小判断其健康程度, 而健康后代获得的食物较多, 进而拥有更 高的存活率。在某些情况下, 宿主也会发现巢穴中的陌生卵。这时, 宿 主将遗弃该巢穴, 并选择其他地方重新筑巢。在与宿主不断的生存竞争 中, 布谷鸟的卵和幼雏叫声均朝着模拟宿主的方向发展, 以对抗宿主不 断进化的分辨能力。

改进的布谷鸟算法,布谷鸟算法和粒子群算法改进的布谷鸟算法(Improved Cuckoo Search Algorithm)、布谷鸟算法(Cuckoo Search Algorithm)和粒子群算法(Particle Swarm Optimization)是现代优化算法中常用的三种启发式算法。
一、布谷鸟算法的定义和原理1. 布谷鸟算法的定义布谷鸟算法是一种基于生物学启发的优化算法,模拟了鸟巢寄生行为。
2. 布谷鸟算法的原理布谷鸟算法的原理主要包括布谷鸟的寄生行为、布谷鸟的拾取和布谷鸟的放置。
二、粒子群算法的定义和原理1. 粒子群算法的定义粒子群算法是一种模拟鸟群行为的启发式优化算法,模拟了鸟群中个体间的信息共享和合作搜索过程。
2. 粒子群算法的原理粒子群算法的原理主要包括粒子的更新和群体中最优解的更新两个主要步骤。

今天我要讲的内容是布谷鸟算法,英文叫做Cuckoo search (CS algorithm)。
首先还是同样,介绍一下这个算法的英文含义,Cuckoo是布谷鸟的意思,啥是布谷鸟呢,是一种叫做布谷的鸟,o(∩_∩)o ,这种鸟她妈很懒,自己生蛋自己不养,一般把它的宝宝扔到别的种类鸟的鸟巢去。
现在我们应该清楚它是干嘛的了吧,它就是为了寻找最小值而产生的一种算法,有些好装X的人会说,你傻X啊,最小值不是-2a/b吗,用你找啊? 说的不错,确实是,但是要是我们的函数变成y=sin(x^3+x^2)+e^cos(x^3)+log(tan(x) +10,你怎么办吶?你解不了,就算你求导数,但是你知道怎么解导数等于0吗?所以我们就得引入先进的东西来求最小值。
目标:求x在[0,1]之内的函数y=(x-0.5)^2+1最小值(1)初始化x的位置,随机生成4个x坐标,x1=0.4,x2=0.6,x3=0.8,x4 =0.3 ——> X=[0.4, 0.6 ,0.8, 0.3](2)求出y1~y4,把x1~x4带入函数,求得Y=[1,31, 1.46, 1.69, 1.265],并选取当前最小值ymin= y4=1.265(3)开始定出一个y的最大值为Y_global=INF(无穷大),然后与ymin比较,把Y中最小的位置和值保留,例如Y_global=INF>ymin=1.265,所以令Y _global=1.265(4)记录Y_global的位置,(0.3,1.265)。

布谷鸟算法基本原理1. 前言布谷鸟算法是一种基于鸟类种群行为的启发式优化算法,它模拟了布谷鸟群体在寻找食物的行为过程。
2. 布谷鸟算法基本原理2.1 随机漫步布谷鸟群体中的每只个体都会进行随机漫步,以寻找食物。
2.2 声音吸引当一只布谷鸟能够找到食物时,它会发出声音以吸引其他周围的个体。
2.3 布谷鸟的巢穴选择布谷鸟群体中的个体会选择一个巢穴作为自己的家,用于存放食物和繁殖。
3. 布谷鸟算法在优化问题中的应用3.1 布谷鸟算法在函数优化中的应用布谷鸟算法可以用于求解函数优化问题,通过模拟布谷鸟能够自由地改变位置和移动方向这一特点,可以在搜索空间中寻找到全局最优解。
3.2 布谷鸟能量模型及其应用布谷鳥算法引入了能量概念,在搜索过程中通过能量模型来评估每个解决方案。
3.3 布谷鸟算法在组合优化中的应用布谷鸟算法也可以用于解决组合优化问题,如旅行商问题、背包问题等。

xxx大学毕业论文开题报告题目布谷鸟算法的研究系部计算机科学学院专业计算机科学与技术学生姓名学号指导教师职称毕设地点xxx大学计算机科学学院计算机科学与技术专业本科毕业论文(设计)开题报告X i(t)表示第i个鸟窝在第t代的鸟窝位置,⊕为点对点乘法,α表示步长控制量,L(λ)为 Levy 随机搜索路径,并且 L ~ u = t-λ,(1 <λ ≤ 3)。
通过位置更新后,用随机数 r∈[0,1]与 p a 对比,若r > p a ,则对 Xi(t +1)进行随机改变,反之不变。
最后保留测试值较好的一组鸟窝位置Yi(t +1),此时仍把Yi(t +1)记为Xi(t +1)。
2.GCS 算法在CS算法的第t次迭代后得到了一组较优越的鸟窝位置(t)i2,GCS 算法是:不让 x (i t)直接进在 CS 算法的第 t 次迭代后得到了一组较优的鸟窝i2,入下一次迭代,而是继续进行高斯扰动, x i 得到进一步搜索.首先记 x i , = 1,…n 组成的矩阵为: p t使T= [ 1 t),2 t), x (n t)], x (i t)为 d 维向量, p t 为d × n 阶矩阵,x ( x (…,GCS 算法的具体操作是给 p t 加高斯扰动,设则即p' t = p t + a ε.1) a其中ε是与 p t 同阶的随机矩阵, ij ~ N( 0,,为常数,表示点对点乘法,ε由于ε的随机取值范围较大,容易带动鸟窝位置的活动范围偏离过大,所以,本文取 a = 1 /3 来控制ε的搜索范围,从而适度地增大鸟窝位置的变化活力,得到合理 p' t ,再与 p t 的中的每个鸟窝对比,保留测试值较好的鸟窝位置,从而得到x ( t) x ( t)…,( t) T此时为便于进入下一次迭代,仍将 p" t 记为 p t = [ 1 ,2 , x n ].更好的一组鸟窝位置 p" t ,2x5]例如,对给定的函数f(x)=x2,x∈[-5,5],随机取5个鸟窝进行搜索,为直观地看出轨迹图,维数取为1维,精度最优值达到10-7。

采用搜索趋化策略的布谷鸟全局优化算法马卫;孙正兴【摘要】布谷鸟搜索算法是一种基于莱维飞行搜索策略的新型智能优化算法.单一的莱维飞行随机搜索更新策略存在全局搜索性能不足和寻优精度不高等缺陷.为了解决这一问题,本文提出了一种改进的布谷鸟全局优化算法.该算法的主要特点在于以下三个方面:首先,采用全局探测和模式移动交替进行的模式搜索趋化策略,实现了布谷鸟莱维飞行的全局探测与模式搜索的局部优化的有机结合,从而避免盲目搜索,加强算法的局部开采能力;其次,采取自适应竞争机制动态选择最优解数量,实现了迭代过程搜索速度和解的多样性间的有效平衡;最后,采用优势集搜索机制,实现了最优解的有效合作分享,强化了优势经验的学习.对52个典型测试函数实验结果表明,本文算法不仅寻优精度和寻优率显著提高,鲁棒性强,且适合于多峰及复杂高维空间全局优化问题.本文算法与最新提出的改进的布谷鸟优化算法以及其它智能优化策略相比,其全局搜索性能与寻优精度更具优势,效果更好.【期刊名称】《电子学报》【年(卷),期】2015(043)012【总页数】11页(P2429-2439)【关键词】布谷鸟算法;趋化搜索;Hooke-Jeeves模式搜索;合作分享;自适应竞争;全局优化【作者】马卫;孙正兴【作者单位】南京大学计算机软件新技术国家重点实验室,江苏南京210093;南京旅游职业学院酒店管理学院,江苏南京211100;南京大学计算机软件新技术国家重点实验室,江苏南京210093【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP18在日常生产生活中的诸多问题都可归结为全局最优化问题,采用传统的方法来解决此类问题效果不太理想,因此许多学者从模拟生物生活的习性角度出发解决此类问题,并受到了较好的效果.其中,布谷鸟搜索算法(Cuckoo Search,CS)则是近年来提出的一种新颖的元启发式全局优化方法[1].该方法模拟布谷鸟的寻窝产卵行为而设计出的一种基于莱维飞行(Lévy flights)机制的全空间的搜索策略.在求解全局优化问题中表现出较好地性能.该算法具有选用参数少,全局搜索能力强,计算速度快和易于实现等优点,与粒子群优化算法和差分演化算法相比具有一定的竞争力[2].并在工程设计[3,4]、神经网络训练[5]、结构优化[6]、多目标优化[7]以及全局最优化[8~17]等领域取得了应用.然而,CS算法作为一种新的全局优化方法,搜索性能还有待提高.为此一些学者对该算法的全局寻优性能进行了改进,如Valian等学者提出利用参数自适应机制改进搜索步长与发现概率的ICS(Improved Cuckoo Search algorithm)算法[8],从而提高了函数优化质量.此外,还有一些学者提出改进搜索机制中的步长[9,10]、动态自适应[11,12]、逐维改进机制[13]以及合作协同进化策略[14]等.这类改进算法在一定程度上提高了算法的搜索性能,取得了很好的寻优效果.然而单一的搜索策略在解决复杂的多维空间优化问题时,往往难以兼顾全局搜索与局部寻优的能力.另外,一些学者提出了与其他算法的杂交混合[15~18]的策略,如文献[16]提出了一种CSPSO(Cuckoo Search algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimizationalgorithm)算法,利用PSO算法与CS莱维飞行策略杂交混合,达到一定的搜索性能.文献[17,18]提出了OLCS(Orthogonal Learning Cuckoo Search algorithm)算法,在莱维飞行随机游动之后结合正交学习机制进行搜索从而增强了算法策略的寻优性能.这类算法加强了算法的搜索机制,可以取得更好的效果,但会增加算法的复杂性,并且在解决复杂问题及高维空间优化时,适应能力与鲁棒性不够,使得搜索效果不够理想等.其原因是目前的进化算法面对欺骗问题、多峰问题和孤立点等因素导致全局优化困难[19].因此,有必要继续探索新的改进方法与求解策略.虽然CS算法全局探测能力优异,但是其局部搜索性能相对不足,特别是多模复杂函数的全局寻优时存在收敛速度慢、求解精度不高等问题,为了克服CS算法的缺点,提高其搜索性能,本文提出了一种基于模式搜索策略的布谷鸟搜索算法(strategy-Pattern Search based Cuckoo Search,PSCS).该算法基于模式搜索具有高效的局部趋化能力这一特点,在CS算法的框架下,嵌入模式搜索机制加强局部求解能力,利用CS算法较强地莱维飞行全局搜索能力和模式搜索的局部寻优性能,两者互为补充,兼顾均衡,从而避免搜索过程陷入局部最优.标准CS算法是模拟布谷鸟寻窝产卵的特点形成理论,从而设计出基于莱维飞行搜索机制的随机优化算法,该算法及其参数见文献[1].在莱维飞行随机游动搜索策略中,布谷鸟i根据式(1)进行寻窝搜索路径和位置的更新,并通过新的搜索位置生成适应度值Fi:在偏好随机游动搜索策略中,算法以混合变异和交叉操作的方式重新生成若干个新解,如式(2)所示:在CS算法中,莱维飞行搜索机制利用随机游动进行全局探测,根据偏好随机游动搜索策略指导局部寻优.复杂的全局优化问题由于多极值且变量间相互独立等特点,需要算法尽可能搜索到全局较好解的分布范围,扩大精细搜索力度.而基本的CS算法全局优化却存在以下局限性:(1)在迭代过程中,布谷鸟在当前位置的基础上以随机游动方式产生新的位置,单一的随机游动策略的搜索方式在搜索过程中具有很强的盲目性,导致难以快速地搜索到全局最优值,开发性能不足,搜索精度不高;(2)搜索到的位置评价后算法总是以贪婪方式选择较好的解,保存全局最优位置,而全局优化问题多极值使得布谷鸟易陷入对先前环境的局部寻优,导致早熟收敛;(3)CS算法是以概率Pa放弃部分解而采用偏好随机游动方式重新生成新解来增加搜索位置的多样性,却忽视了学习与继承种群内优势群体的优良经验,增加了搜索空间的计算量与时间复杂度.基于莱维飞行的随机游动和偏好随机游动是CS算法中两个重要的搜索策略,由于莱维飞行其自身的特性使得搜索性能具有较好的随机性与全局探测能力,但是面对复杂的全局优化问题的求解时,其局限性就显露出来.针对上述3点不足,本文分别提出模式搜索趋化策略、自适应竞争排名机制与合作分享策略来弥补该算法在复杂的全局优化问题中的局限性.以期达到全局搜索和局部开发的平衡,使得算法的搜索性能更加优越.基于模式搜索局部趋化的布谷鸟算法的策略是以CS算法为基本框架,将模式搜索方法作为一种局部趋化搜索算子,嵌入到CS算法中,以加强求解精度.模式搜索(Pattern Search,PS)也叫Hooke-Jeeves算法[20],是由Hooke和Jeeves提出的一种基于坐标搜索法改进的搜索方法.该方法的原理是若要寻找搜索区域的最低点,可以先确定一条通往区域中心的山谷,然后沿着该山谷线方向前进搜索.探测移动(exploratory move)和模式移动(pattern move)是这种趋化策略的两个重要步骤,在迭代过程中交替进行,最终到达理想的求解精度.其中,探测移动的目的是探寻有利的趋化方向,而模式移动则沿着有利的方向快速搜索.其计算步骤如算法1所示.给定趋化策略的起始位置x1,步长δ,分别设置加速、减速因子α,β,步长计算精度ε,k和j为1;确定初始位置y1=xk;While (δ≤ε && j≤D)采用探测移动:从参考点出发,依次沿坐标轴方向dj(j=1,2,…,D)进行2个方向的探测;沿正轴方向:若目标函数值f(yj+δdj)<f(yj),设置yj+1=yj+δdj,否则沿负轴方向探测; 沿负轴方向:若目标函数值f(yj-δdj)<f(yj),设置yj+1=yj-δdj,否则沿正轴方向探测; 得到新的位置yj+1,设置xk+1=yj+1;进行模式移动:沿着理想的目标函数值下降方向进行加速搜索;若f(xk+1)<f(xk),设置y1=xk+1+α(xk+1-xk),k=k+1;否则,缩短轴向移动步长δ=δβ;保留最好解;End whilePS趋化策略的本质是通过不断地成功的迭代,实现搜索步长的模式改进,从而加速算法的收敛.通过对当前搜索位置的探测与模式移动,达到趋化于更优值的直接搜索.在迭代过程中若找到相对于当前位置的更优点,则步长递增,并从该点位置进行下一次迭代;否则步长递减,继续搜索于当前位置.以图1为例,若xk迭代成功,则下次迭代从待定位置x′=xk+α(xk-xk-1)开始探测,其中xk-xk-1为模式步长,沿着模式步长方向搜寻优于位置xk更好的解.无论是否存在f(x′)≤f(xk),都将以x′为基准位置进行坐标搜索.若x′坐标搜索成功,则令xk+1=x′,并从xk+1位置开始新的迭代搜索;否则,坐标搜索在xk展开.若在位置xk坐标搜索失败,则新一轮的坐标搜索步长减半在xk-1处展开.若在xk-1搜索仍然失败,回溯并重复上述过程.模式搜索趋化策略是在算法的迭代过程中,如果满足mod(gen,T)的整除条件,gen表示当前迭代次数,T=2*D为与维数相关的模式搜索参数.这样在搜索的过程中,先由CS算法执行全局搜索得到新的群体,采用自适应竞争排名构建优势巢穴集,如果满足模式搜索条件,根据合作分享策略利用优势巢穴集生成新的模式搜索起始位置.从而利用PS搜索策略对该位置进行局部趋化,并评价优化后的结果,加强求解精度.为了有效求解复杂多极值全局优化问题,避免算法陷入局部最优,本文提出了一种自适应竞争排名构建方法,该方法根据适应度值进行自适应竞争排名,排在前面的构成优势巢穴集.该方法可使迭代初期强化竞争,减少排名数量,加快搜索;而迭代后期放宽名次数量,优势巢穴集扩大,便于合作分享信息,避免早熟.构建优势巢穴集N的具体实施方法如下:根据排名机制保存多个优质巢穴,这些巢穴对应多个全局最好位置解,用这些解来指导模式搜索及位置更新,然后从更新后的n个巢穴中选取排名前R的优势巢穴进行保存.R的定义如式(3)所示:通过这种自适应竞争排名机制构建优势巢穴集,使得迭代初期优势巢穴集较小,有利于快速搜索到全局较优解并能增强模式搜索的局部趋化能力,加速算法收敛.迭代中后期,该策略利用自适应排名机制的巢穴集,扩大了搜索范围,抑制过快早熟,从而使得算法不易陷入局部最优,保持了种群的多样性.基本的CS算法中采用的是偏好随机游动搜索策略,该策略存在启发信息不足,搜索慢的问题,为此,本文提出了一种合作分享策略.该策略利用合作分享优势集搜索机制,代替混合变异和交叉操作方式生成若干新解,有利于强化优势经验的学习.具体实施方法为:布谷鸟在位置更新时,随机选择优势巢穴集中的一个优势巢穴位置供当前模式搜索信息分享,该优势巢穴作为新的局部搜索的起始位置,指导模式搜索趋化寻优,从而避免过早收敛,防止陷入局部最优.合作分享策略引入线性惯性权重,以加强全局指导能力.利用合作分享策略选择模式搜索的起始位置,其分享策略如式(4)所示:对于全局优化问题其目标函数值无限接近0时,对应的适应度值也非常小,当适应度值小于一定数量级时,很难区分适应度值的大小,为了解决这一问题,算法在实施过程中直接采用目标函数值来代替适应度值.PSCS算法步骤算法2所示.初始化n个布谷鸟巢穴Xi(i=1,2,…,n),迭代次数gen初始值设为1;计算各个巢穴位置Xi=(xi1,xi2,…,xiD)T的适应度值Fi=f(Xi);While (nFE<maxNFES)或(满足求解精度条件)(全局探测阶段)采用莱维飞行随机游动机制产生新的巢穴位置Xi;评价新的巢穴位置Xi的适应度值f(Xi);随机选择一个候选巢穴位置Xj;If(f(Xi)<f(Xj))用新的巢穴位置Xi替代候选巢穴Xj;End if按一定发现概率Pa丢弃差的巢穴;(局部开发阶段)自适应竞争排名构建机制:利用式(3)选取排名前R的优势巢穴进行保存为N;合作分享策略:利用式(4)产生新的巢穴位置Vk替代丢弃位置并保留最好解;If (mod(gen,T)==0)模式搜索趋化策略:将巢穴位置Vk作为模式搜索的起始位置进行局部趋化于;用新的巢穴位置替代候选巢穴Xi;End ifgen=gen+1并保存最好解;End ifEnd while (nFE==maxNFES)对这类优化算法的测评,有一些经典的测试函数.为了全面验证本文提出的PSCS 算法的有效性和先进性,共选用了52个具有代表性的且为不同类型的典型测试函数对算法进行全面测试.测试函数主要分为三类.第一类是典型常用的16个高维测试函数[21],Ackley(AC)、Griewank(GR)、Penalized1(P1)、Penalized2(P2)、Quartic Noise(QN)、Rastrigin(RA)、NC-Rastrigin(NR)、Rosenbrock(RO)、Schwefel1.2(S12)、Sphere Model(SM)、Step(ST)、Schwefel2.21(S21)、Schwefel2.22(S22)、Schwefel2.26(S26)、Weierstrass(WE)和Zakharov(ZA).所有函数的理论最优值都为0.其中,对S26函数进行修正为求解全局最小值.这些测试函数固定维度为30,求解困难,对于算法的全局优化性能要求较高.以全局优化复杂单模态的高维RO香蕉型函数问题为例,其内部是一个长而狭窄、形如抛物线的平坦山谷地带,变量间相互关联,很难收敛于全局最优.目前已有的算法迭代后期基本停止进化,求解精度不高.第二类选用了26个固定维数的测试函数[21],BOhachevsky1(BO1)、BOhachevsky2(BO2)、BRanin(BR)、EaSom(ES)、GoldsteinPrice(GP)、Shekel′s Foxholes(SF)、SixhumpcamelBack(SB)、SHubert(SH)、SChaffer(SC)、Hartman3(H3,4)、Helical Valley(HV)、COlville(CO)、KOwalik(KO)、PErm(PE)、Power Sum(PS)、Shekel5(S4,5)、Shekel7(S4,7)、Shekel10(S4,10)、Hartman6(H6,4)、MIchalewicz(MI)、WhItley(WI)、Fletcher Powell(FP)、Modified Langerman(ML)、Modified Shekel′s Foxholes(MS)、POwell(PO)、Expansion F10(EF).其维数为指定的固定值,从2维至25维不等,部分函数搜索难度极高,如FP,S4,10和ML等复杂多模态函数.这些函数表现为非对称,局部最优解随机分布,选择这些复杂的函数可以更好地测试本文算法的通用性.第三类为具有扰动的测试函数,以进一步验证PSCS算法求解连续全局优化问题的适应性与鲁棒性.选用了文献[12]中的前10个复杂变换后的测试函数F1~F10以便于与近年来新提出的CS改进算法进行比较.这些复杂的测试函数中包括变换和旋转的单峰和多峰函数,且变量间存在相互独立与相互关联的特征;所以,这些函数在算法的求解过程中难度较高.本文采用上述测试函数对PSCS算法进行了测试,并与传统的CS算法、近年来提出的改进的CS算法以及其他智能优化算法进行了实验比较.实验设备为一般笔记本电脑,CPU为Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo CPU T6500 2.10GHz,4GB内存,实验仿真软件是Matlab 7.0.为了更好地评估算法的性能,本文采用如下评价准则.(1)适应度值误差Error.如式(6)所示:(2)函数成功运行评价次数NFEs.当算法在每次运行时,在当前函数评价次数没有达到最大评价次数且最优解的适应度值误差达到指定的求解精度(小于一定阈值)时的函数评价次数.实验中,本文算法将最大评价次数分别设置为100000和300000,根据式(7)定义的误差容许范围,测试结果是否成功.(3)函数寻优成功率SR.算法独立运行30次,达到误差阈值精度累计成功的实验次数与总实验运行30次的比值.(4)算法收敛加速率AR.为了测试算法的收敛速度,本文使用加速率来比较本文算法与CS算法的收敛速度,其公式定义如式(8)所示.其中NFECS和NFEPSCS分别表示算法CS和PSCS关于函数的成功评价次数.(5)算法的复杂性AC.为定量评价算法的复杂性,采用式(9)度量算法的复杂性[22] 本文算法中基本的参数设置与CS算法设置相同,为了便于算法的比较,种群规模数定为30,固定维数为30,发现概率Pa=0.25.实验数据是在指定最大评价次数独立运行30次的情况下,取平均值Mean,最好值Best,最坏值Worst,标准方差SD(Standard Deviation)以及平均成功评价次数NFEs.其中,平均成功评价次数是在30次独立运行下其收敛精度误差值小于指定阈值的平均成功评价次数.Rmax和Rmin分别取0.5和0.05.wmin和wmax分别设置为1和0.2.模式搜索中的δ=0.2,α=为了测试模式搜索最大迭代次数nPS值的不同选择对算法的影响,防止局部信息权重过高,可能会使算法搜索陷入局部最优解.本文选用了16个高维复杂测试函数来评测模式搜索次数对算法性能的影响,其中包括8个单模和8个多模复杂函数.16个测试函数全局最优值都为0,30维最大评价次数为100000情况下的测试结果如图2所示.测试方法是固定其余的参数的情况下,变化模式搜索nPS的范围取值为[20,400].从图2(a)的实验结果来看,除了单模函数QN外,nPS参数设置不同会对单模函数的收敛效果产生了明显的影响,随着nPS设置数值的增大,实验效果会趋于更优.而对于图2(c)关于8个多模函数的测试结果来看则不同,当nPS数值达到100次后,取得了较好的求解值,随后,收敛效果趋于稳定.另外,图2(b)、(d)实验的成功评价次数也进一步验证上述结论.所以,综上所述,为了达到PSCS算法全局搜索与局部趋化能力的平衡,nPS设置值控制在[100,200]之间为宜,在150附近取值对算法的整体性能相对较好.所以,实验中nPS取为150,有利于提高算法对不同类型函数优化的求解精度.表1和表2为本文PSCS算法与标准CS算法优化52个函数的适应值平均误差与标准差的实验结果.最大函数评价次数maxNFES=100000,其中,“≈”表示CS 算法与PSCS算法的平均误差在0.05水平下的双侧t-检验是不显著的;“☆”和“◎”表示标准CS算法与PSCS算法的平均误差在0.05水平下的双侧t-检验是显著的,“☆”表示CS算法求解质量比PSCS算法差,而“◎”则代表求解精度比PSCS算法好.表中最好的实验结果为加粗显示.Sy(Symbol)表示函数简称.从表1中可以看出,对于固定低维的函数而言,除了ES、H3,4、S4,5、S4,7和S4,10这5个函数虽然CS算法比PSCS算法评价次数略少,但是PSCS在保证求解精度的前提下,对于H3,4、S4,5、S4,7和S4,10这4个函数的求解标准偏差SD却更小,说明PSCS算法性能有较强的健壮性.然而,其他优化函数PSCS算法不仅表现出寻优精度显著提高,而且平均成功评价次数也明显减少,PSCS算法的成功率从CS算法的0.55提高到0.65,平均加速率AR为15.93.整体上,显示出PSCS算法较好的寻优性能与求解速度.对于高维复杂函数的全局寻优,PSCS算法比标准CS算法更加优越,从表2中明显看出,PSCS算法有6个函数(GR、SM、ST、S22、S26和F1)直接搜索到全局最优值,在相同条件下PSCS算法测试的平均误差都优于CS算法.根据平均误差在0.05水平下的双侧t-检验结果显示,在26个标准测试函数中PSCS算法有20个测试函数优于CS算法.显示出其优越的搜索性能.对于复杂变换旋转的F1~F10中的单峰函数而言,PSCS算法在F1~F5函数上的平均误差都明显优于CS算法,其中F1函数,本文算法在有限的评价次数内直接搜索到全局最优值,显示出其优越的性能;对于F1~F10中的多峰函数而言,除了在F8函数上,PSCS算法的平均误差近似且略优于CS算法,搜索精度优势不够明显外,但在F6~F7和F9~F10函数上的平均误差都明显优于CS算法.不管对于具有变换特点的函数、还是变换且旋转的函数而言,PSCS算法都显示出其优越的全局寻优能力,尤其对于F1、F2、F6和F7函数的测试,本文算法相比于CS 算法的求解精度大幅提高.表3和表4为本文进一步测试PSCS算法和CS算法在评价次数为300000的情况下,平均误差、平均成功评价次数等结果.从结果上来看,表4中的平均寻优率SR 从0.51提高到0.98,说明随着评价次数的提高,PSCS算法性能更具优势.进一步验证了PSCS算法不仅寻优率高,求解速度也相比CS算法显著提高的上述结论.另外,图3为CS和PSCS算法关于不同测试问题在最大评价次数为300000次的情况下函数评价次数百分比堆积柱形图,图中CS算法若评价次数达到最高评价次数仍未能成功评价,则以最高评价次数绘图.图中结果有效地说明本文PSCS算法相比传统CS算法寻优率高,评价次数少.为分析PSCS算法与其他改进CS算法的性能差异,表5列出本文PSCS算法与ICS算法[8]、CSPSO算法[16]和OLCS算法[17,18]在D=30维空间上的性能比较结果.分析表5可知,针对单峰函数,各算法的性能各异.在F1函数上,PSCS算法和ICS算法性能相当,都能收敛到全局最好解,但明显优于CSPSO算法和OLCS算法的全局搜索性能;在F2和F4函数实验上,CSPSO算法性能最优,其次是PSCS算法.而在F3和F5函数上,PSCS算法的性能最优.针对复杂多峰函数而言,除了F10函数上,本文算法性能弱于ICS算法,其余F6~F9函数PSCS算法的性能都是最优,尤其F7和F9函数,本文算法求解精度提高显著.根据表5中针对平均误差检验统计结果,10个复杂函数测试中PSCS算法有7个函数达到了最优,另外3个函数的测试结果也具有很好的竞争优势.另外,表6和图4为PSCS算法与其他改进的CS的平均函数成功评价次数的实验比对,进一步说明了本文策略的优越性.总体看来,PSCS算法明显优于其它改进的CS算法.在表7中,本文还将PSCS算法与近年来发表的其他智能优化算法[23](OEA,HPSO-TVAC,CLPSO,APSO)进行了比较,实验数据来自文献[23].表7中OEA 算法的评价次数为3.0*105,其他算法的评价次数均为2.0*105.从表7可以看出,本文算法对于SM,GR,S22以及ST函数都能搜索到全局最优值,与OEA,HPSO-TVAC,CLPSO和APSO算法相比求解精度更高,搜索能力更强.在表8中,本文算法LFABC与其他改进的差分进化算法[23](SaDE,jDE,JADE)进行了比较.算法中的实验参数同文献[23],实验比较的结果如表8所示.从表中的实验结果来看,对于大都数实验函数PSCS算法相比于改进的DE算法都有更好的搜索性能.在智能算法全局优化过程中,计算量主要集中在目标函数的评估阶段,其复杂性往往表现为对目标函数的评价次数.如果最大迭代次数为M,标准的CS算法和PSCS 算法的时间复杂度分别为O(M*N)和O(M*(N+nPS)).如果固定最大迭代次数进行评测,PSCS算法函数评价次数与CS算法的评价次数近似相等.如果设置相同的最大评价次数,PSCS算法与CS算法的复杂度O(maxNFES)即相同.所以,可以看出本文的实验结果是基于各算法相同的时间复杂度的前提下测得,与标准CS算法及改进的CS算法相比并未增加时间复杂度,体现出实验的公平性.为了更好地定量评价算法的复杂性,本文采用式(9)度量算法的复杂性.表9为CS 算法和PSCS算法在不同搜索空间上的计算复杂性.从表9可知,PSCS算法的计算复杂度并未提高,主要由于PSCS 算法利用自适应竞争排名构建机制与合作分享策略指导模式搜索的局部趋化,提高了算法的搜索性能.同时模式搜索的最大迭代次数150并未消耗太多的评价时间,由于竞争排名与合作机制对局部趋化的指导作用提高了求解精度反而使得总的评价次数减少.此外,我们进一步发现,随着维数增加,算法的时间消耗将逐步弱化,以致PSCS算法的复杂度与CS算法的复杂度差距缩小,并在维数增大到50的情况下PSCS的复杂度0.10优于CS算法的复杂度值0.27,这也再一次验证了本文算法有较强的高维收敛速度与全局搜索性能的结论.综合平均误差、平均函数评价次数、寻优率与加速率等的比较结果,PSCS算法整体性能优异.以复杂高维的香蕉型RO函数求解问题为例,目前已有的算法迭代后期基本停止进化,而本文算法表现出较好的全局搜索性能,其原因为算法在全局寻优中有效地结合了模式搜索的局部趋化提供了全局寻优的有效信息,使得算法能有效地辨识搜索方向,从而达到了很好的全局探测能力与较高的寻优精度.PSCS算法对于复杂变换的F1和F9函数的优化,都能搜索到全局最优值,取得了很好的搜索性能.虽然两个函数变量间相互独立,复杂多变,但PSCS算法结合优。

布谷鸟搜索算法维基百科,自由的百科全书布谷鸟搜索(Cuckoo Search,缩写 CS),也叫杜鹃搜索,是由剑桥大学杨新社(音译自:Xin-She Yang)教授和S.戴布(S.Deb)于2009年提出的一种新兴启发算法[1]。
CS算法是通过模拟某些种属布谷鸟的寄生育雏(Brood Parasitism),来有效地求解最优化问题的算法。
瓦尔顿(Walton)等提出了修正布谷鸟搜索(Modified Cuckoo Search,缩写 MCS);伐立安(Valian)等提出了一种可变参数的改进CS算法,提高了收敛速度,并将改进算法应用于前馈神经网络训练中;马里切尔凡姆(Marichelvam)将一种混合CS算法应用于流水车间调度问题求解中;钱德拉塞卡兰(Chandrasekaran)等将集成了模糊系统的混合CS算法应用于机组组合问题。
杨(Yang)和戴布(Deb)提出多目标布谷鸟搜索(Multiobjective Cuckoo Search,缩写 MOCS),应用到工程优化并取得很好的效果;詹(Zhang)等通过对种群分组,并根据搜索的不同阶段对搜索步长进行预先设置,提出了修正调适布谷鸟搜索(Modified Adaptive Cuckoo Search,缩写 MACS),提高了CS的性能。

它是由Iranian mathematician Mehrdad Khonsari和他的团队于2012年提出,主要用于解决多维非线性优化问题。
算法的流程可以分为四个步骤:1. 初始化随机生成一群鸟的位置和速度,每个位置表示一个解,每个速度表示解向全局最优解的方向移动。
2. 跟新速度和位置根据当前位置和历史最佳位置、当前最佳位置和全局最佳位置,计算出每只鸟的新速度和新位置,并记录新的历史最佳位置和当前最佳位置。
3. 更新全局最佳解比较当前最佳位置和全局最佳位置,更新全局最佳位置。
4. 收敛与迭代不断迭代更新,直到算法收敛到全局最优解或达到设定的迭代次数。

1. 函数优化:布谷鸟算法可以用于优化各种函数,如多峰值函数、约束优化函数等。
2. 组合优化:布谷鸟算法可以应用于各种组合优化问题,如旅行商问题、背包问题、图着色问题等。
3. 机器学习:布谷鸟算法可以应用于机器学习领域,如分类、聚类、特征选择等。
4. 电力系统:布谷鸟算法可以应用于电力系统的优化问题,如电力网络的可靠性评估、负荷均衡、优化调度等。
5. 通信网络:布谷鸟算法可以应用于通信网络的优化问题,如路由选择、流量均衡、信道分配等。

在自然界中,动物寻找食物采用随机的方式。一般情况下, 动物觅食路径实际上是一个随机游走,因为下一步的行动是取决 于两个因素,一个是当前的位置/状态,另一个是过渡到下一个 位置的概率。
莱维飞行行走的步长满足一个重尾( heavy-tailed)的稳定分 布, 在这种形式的行走中, 短距离的探索与偶尔较长距离的行走 相间。在智能优化算法中采用莱维飞行, 能扩大搜索范围、增加 种群多样性, 更容易跳出局部最优点。
人工萤火虫优 萤火虫通过通过荧光进行信息交流 化算法
布谷鸟算法 布谷鸟孵育行为
某些种属的布谷鸟将自己的卵偷偷产入宿主巢穴,由于布谷鸟后代 的孵化时间比宿主的幼雏早,孵化的幼雏会本能地破坏同一巢穴中其他 的卵(推出巢穴),并发出比宿主幼雏更响亮的叫声。很多宿主通过后代 的叫声大小判断其健康程度, 而健康后代获得的食物较多, 进而拥有更 高的存活率。在某些情况下, 宿主也会发现巢穴中的陌生卵。这时, 宿 主将遗弃该巢穴, 并选择其他地方重新筑巢。在与宿主不断的生存竞争 中, 布谷鸟的卵和幼雏叫声均朝着模拟宿主的方向发展, 以对抗宿主不 断进化的分辨能力。
4 A
与其他算 法结合
Walton 等人
Tuba 等 人
Valian 等 人
Layeb等 人
Ghodrati 等人
Wang 等 人
针对 Levy flights 随机游动中的 Levy 随机步长大小提出 一种改进版本以加强局部搜索
针对偏好随机游动中的步长提出一种基于种群排序的改进版 本

求解车辆路径问题的改进布谷鸟算法将一种新型的智能优化算法——布谷鸟算法(Cuckoo Search Algorithm,CS)用于车辆路径问题的求解。
标签:车辆路径问题;布谷鸟算法;动态交叉0 引言车辆路径问题(the vehicle routing problem,VRP)源于旅行商问题(TSP),最初由Dangzig等于1959年提出,用于解决运输车队在一个炼油厂和多个加油站之间最优路径问题,后来逐渐演化成经典的VRP问题,又叫基本VRP问题或有容量约束的VRP(CVRP)。

杜鹃科中的犀鹃(Ani Cuckoo)和圭拉鹃(Guira Cuckoo),将它们的蛋放在其他鸟的巢中,从此杜鹃鸟的蛋完全依赖于寄主鸟的照料,这就是巢寄生。
6.2人工布谷鸟搜索布谷鸟搜索受布谷鸟的巢寄生行为和一些鸟类和果蝇的莱维(Lévy Flight)行为的启发,是由Xin-She Yang和Suash Deb (2009)[2]提出的一种新型的基于群体的优化技术。
6.2.1 随机变量任何随机现象的输出都是随机变量,并用X 表示。

【关键词】布谷鸟算法、含水层参数求解、原理、方法、实验结果分析、优势、局限性、改进、展望、总结、未来研究方向建议1. 引言1.1 布谷鸟算法概述布谷鸟算法是一种基于自然界中布谷鸟种群觅食行为的优化算法,由杨小桃等人于2005年提出。
1.2 含水层参数求解意义含水层参数求解是地球科学领域中一个重要的研究课题,其意义在于揭示地下水资源分布情况、水文地质特征以及地下水运移规律,为地下水资源的合理开发利用提供了重要依据。
布谷鸟搜索寻优算法Cuckoo search Optimization Algorithm

Applied Soft Computing 11(2011)5508–5518Contents lists available at ScienceDirectApplied SoftComputingj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /a s ocCuckoo Optimization AlgorithmRamin Rajabioun ∗Control and Intelligent Processing Centre of Excellence (CIPCE),School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Tehran,Tehran,Irana r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 17September 2009Received in revised form 28August 2010Accepted 1May 2011Available online 13May 2011Keywords:Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm (COA)Evolutionary algorithms Nonlinear optimizationa b s t r a c tIn this paper a novel evolutionary algorithm,suitable for continuous nonlinear optimization problems,is introduced.This optimization algorithm is inspired by the life of a bird family,called Cuckoo.Special lifestyle of these birds and their characteristics in egg laying and breeding has been the basic motivation for development of this new evolutionary optimization algorithm.Similar to other evolutionary methods,Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm (COA)starts with an initial population.The cuckoo population,in differ-ent societies,is in two types:mature cuckoos and eggs.The effort to survive among cuckoos constitutes the basis of Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm.During the survival competition some of the cuckoos or their eggs,demise.The survived cuckoo societies immigrate to a better environment and start reproducing and laying eggs.Cuckoos’survival effort hopefully converges to a state that there is only one cuckoo society,all with the same profit values.Application of the proposed algorithm to some benchmark functions and a real problem has proven its capability to deal with difficult optimization problems.©2011Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionOptimization is the process of making something better.In other words,optimization is the process of adjusting the inputs to or char-acteristics of a device,mathematical process,or experiment to find the minimum or maximum output or result.The input consists of variables:the process or function is known as the cost function,objective function,or fitness function;and the output is the cost or fitness [1].There are different methods for solving an optimiza-tion problem.Some of these methods are inspired from natural processes.These methods usually start with an initial set of vari-ables and then evolve to obtain the global minimum or maximum of the objective function.Genetic Algorithm (GA)has been the most popular technique in evolutionary computation research.Genetic Algorithm uses operators inspired by natural genetic variation and natural selection [2,3].Another example is Particle Swarm Opti-mization (PSO)which was developed by Eberhart and Kennedy in 1995.This stochastic optimization algorithm is inspired by social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling [3–5].Ant Colony Opti-mization (ACO)is another evolutionary optimization algorithm which is inspired by the pheromone trail laying behavior of real ant colonies [3,6,7].On the other hand Simulated Annealing sim-ulates the annealing process in which a substance is heated above its melting temperature and then gradually cools to produce the crystalline lattice,which minimizes its energy probability distribu-∗Correspondence address:Faculty of Engineering,Campus #2,University of Tehran,Kargar Shomali St.,P.O.Box 14395-515,Tehran,Iran.Tel.:+989144045713.E-mail addresses:r.rajabioun@ece.ut.ac.ir ,ramin4251@tion [1,8,9].Besides these well known methods,the investigations on nature inspired optimization algorithms are still being done and new methods are being developed to continually solve some sort of nonlinear problems.In [10],making use of the ergodicity and internal randomness of chaos iterations,a novel immune evolu-tionary algorithm based on the chaos optimization algorithm and immune evolutionary algorithm is presented to improve the con-vergence performance of the immune evolutionary algorithm.The novel algorithm integrates advantages of the immune evolution-ary algorithm and chaos optimization algorithm.[11]introduces a new optimization technique called Grenade Explosion Method (GEM)and its underlying ideas,including the concept of Optimal Search Direction (OSD),are elaborated.In [12]a new particle swarm optimization method based on the clonal selection algorithm is pro-posed to avoid premature convergence and guarantee the diversity of the population.The main advantages of evolutionary algorithms are [3]:(1)Being robust to dynamic changes :Traditional methods of opti-mization are not robust to dynamic changes in the environment and they require a complete restart for providing a solution.In contrary,evolutionary computation can be used to adapt solutions to changing circumstances.(2)Broad applicability :Evolutionary algorithms can be applied toany problems that can be formulated as function optimization problems.(3)Hybridization with other methods :Evolutionary algorithms canbe combined with more traditional optimization techniques.(4)Solves problems that have no solutions :The advantage of evolu-tionary algorithms includes the ability to address problems for1568-4946/$–see front matter ©2011Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2011.05.008R.Rajabioun/Applied Soft Computing11(2011)5508–55185509Fig.1.Flowchart of Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm.which there is no human expertise.Even though human exper-tise should be used when it is needed and available;it often proves less adequate for automated problem-solving routines.Considering these features,evolutionary algorithms can be applied to various applications including:Power Systems oper-ations and control[13,19,20],NP-Hard combinatorial problems [14,15],Chemical Processes[16],Job Scheduling problems[17], Vehicle Routing Problems,Mobile Networking,Batch process scheduling,Multi-objective optimization problems[18],Modeling optimized parameters[21],Image processing and Pattern recogni-tion problems.In this paper we introduce a new evolutionary optimization algorithm which is inspired by lifestyle of a bird family called cuckoo.Specific egg laying and breeding of cuckoos is the basis of this novel optimization algorithm.Cuckoos used in this model-ing exist in two forms:mature cuckoos and eggs.Mature cuckoos lay eggs in some other birds’nest and if these eggs are not recog-nized and not killed by host birds,they grow and become a mature cuckoo.Environmental features and the immigration of societies (groups)of cuckoos hopefully lead them to converge andfind the best environment for breeding and reproduction.This best envi-ronment is the global maximum of objective functions.This paper illustrates how the life method of cuckoos is modeled and imple-mented.Section2investigates the birds called cuckoo and reviews their amazing life characteristics.In Section3,the Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm(COA)is proposed and its different parts are studied in details.The proposed algorithm is tested with some benchmark functions and also with a controller design of a Multi-Input Multi-Output(MIMO)process as a real case study in Section4.Finally the conclusions are presented in Section5.2.Cuckoos and their special lifestyle for reproductionAll9000species of birds have the same approach to mother-hood:every one lays eggs.No bird gives birth to live young.Birds quickly form and lay an egg covered in a protective shell that is then incubated outside the body.The large size of an egg makes it difficult for the female to retain more than a single one egg at a time–carrying eggs would makeflying harder and require more energy.And because the egg is such a protein-rich high-nutrition prize to all sorts of predators,birds mustfind a secure place to hatch their eggs.Finding a place to safely place and hatch their eggs,and raise their young to the point of independence,is a challenge birds have solved in many clever ways.They use artistry,intricate design and complex engineering.The diversity of nest architecture has no equal in the animal kingdom.Many birds build isolated,inconspic-uous nests,hidden away inside the vegetation to avoid detection by predators.Some of them are so successful at hiding their nests that even the all-seeing eyes of man has hardly ever looked on them.There are other birds that dispense with every convention of home making and parenthood,and resort to cunning to raise their families.These are the“brood parasites,”birds which never build their own nests and instead lay their eggs in the nest of another species,leaving those parents to care for its young.The cuckoo is the best known brood parasite,an expert in the art of cruel decep-tion.Its strategy involves stealth,surprise and speed.The mother removes one egg laid by the host mother,lays her own andflies off with the host egg in her bill.The whole process takes barely ten seconds.Cuckoos parasitize the nests of a large variety of bird species and carefully mimic the color and pattern of their own eggs to match that of their hosts.Each female cuckoo specializes on one particular host species.How the cuckoo manages to lay eggs to imi-tate each host’s eggs so accurately is one of nature’s main mysteries. Many bird species learn to recognize a cuckoo egg dumped in their own nest and either throw out the strange egg or desert the nest to start afresh.So the cuckoo constantly tries to improve its mimicry of its hosts’eggs,while the hosts try tofind ways of detecting the parasitic egg.The struggle between host and parasite is akin to an arms race,each trying to out-survive the other[22].For the cuckoos suitable habitat provides a source of food(prin-cipally insects and especially caterpillars)and a place to breed,for brood parasites the need is for suitable habitat for the host species. Cuckoos occur in a wide variety of habitats.The majority of species occur in forests and woodland,principally in the evergreen rain-forests of the tropics.In addition to forests some species of cuckoo occupy more open environments;this can include even arid areas like deserts.Temperate migratory species like the Common Cuckoo inhabit a wide range of habitats in order to make maximum use of the potential brood hosts,from reed beds to treeless moors.Most species of cuckoo are sedentary,but several species of cuckoo undertake regular seasonal migrations,and several more undertake partial migrations over part of their range.The migration may be Diurnal,as in the Channel-billed Cuckoo,or nocturnal,as in the Yellow-billed Cuckoo.For species breeding at higher latitudes food availability dictates that they migrate to warmer climates dur-ing the winter,and all do so.The Long-tailed Koel which breeds in New Zealandflies migrates to its wintering grounds in Poly-nesia,Micronesia and Melanesia,a feat described as“perhaps the most remarkable over water migration of any land bird”[23];and the Yellow-billed Cuckoo and Black-billed Cuckoo breed in North America andfly across the Caribbean Sea,a non-stopflight of 4000km.Other long migrationflights include the Lesser Cuckoo,5510R.Rajabioun/Applied Soft Computing11(2011)5508–5518whichflies from India to Kenya across the Indian Ocean(3000km) and the Common Cuckoos of Europe whichfly non-stop over the Mediterranean Sea and Sahara Desert on their voyage to south-ern Africa.Within Africa10species make regular intra-continental migrations that are described as polarized,that is they spend the non-breeding season in the tropical centre of the continent and move north and south to breed in the more arid and open savannah and deserts[24].About56of the Old World species and3of the New World species are brood parasites,laying their eggs in the nests of other birds[25].These species are obligate brood parasites,meaning that they only reproduce in this fashion.The cuckoo egg hatches earlier than the host’s,and the cuckoo chick grows faster;in most cases the chick evicts the eggs or young of the host species.The chick has no time to learn this behavior,so it must be an instinct passed on genetically.The chick encourages the host to keep pace with its high growth rate with its rapid begging call[26]and the chick’s open mouth which serves as a sign stimulus[27].Female para-sitic cuckoos specialize and lay eggs that closely resemble the eggs of their chosen host.This has been produced by natural selection, as some birds are able to distinguish cuckoo eggs from their own, leading to those eggs least like the host’s being thrown out of the nest[27].Host species may engage in more direct action to prevent cuckoos laying eggs in their nest in thefirst place–birds whose nests are at high risk of cuckoo-contamination are known to mob cuckoos to drive them out of the area[28].Parasitic cuckoos are grouped into gents,with each gent specializing in a particular host. There is some evidence that the gents are genetically different from one another.Host specificity is enhanced by the need to imitate the eggs of the host.3.The proposed Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm(COA)Fig.1shows aflowchart of the proposed algorithm.Like other evolutionary algorithms,the proposed algorithm starts with an ini-tial population of cuckoos.These initial cuckoos have some eggs to lay in some host birds’nests.Some of these eggs which are more similar to the host bird’s eggs have the opportunity to grow up and become a mature cuckoo.Other eggs are detected by host birds and are killed.The grown eggs reveal the suitability of the nests in that area.The more eggs survive in an area,the more profit is gained in that area.So the position in which more eggs survive will be the term that COA is going to optimize.Cuckoos search for the most suitable area to lay eggs in order to maximize their eggs survival rate.After remained eggs grow and turn into a mature cuckoo,they make some societies.Each soci-ety has its habitat region to live in.The best habitat of all societies will be the destination for the cuckoos in other societies.Then they immigrate toward this best habitat.They will inhabit somewhere near the best habitat.Considering the number of eggs each cuckoo has and also the cuckoo’s distance to the goal point(best habitat), some egg laying radii is dedicated to it.Then,cuckoo starts to lay eggs in some random nests inside her egg laying radius.This pro-cess continues until the best position with maximum profit value is obtained and most of the cuckoo population is gathered around the same position.3.1.Generating initial cuckoo habitatIn order to solve an optimization problem,it’s necessary that the values of problem variables be formed as an array.In GA and PSO terminologies this array is called“Chromosome”and“Particle Position”,respectively.But here in Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm (COA)it is called“habitat”.In a N var-dimensionaloptimization Fig.2.Random egg laying in ELR,central red star is the initial habitat of the cuckoo with5eggs;pink stars are the eggs’new nest.problem,a habitat is an array of1×N var,representing current living position of cuckoo.This array is defined as follows:habitat=[x1,x2,...,x Nvar](1)Each of the variable values(x1,x2,...,x Nvar)isfloating point num-ber.The profit of a habitat is obtained by evaluation of profitfunction f p at a habitat of(x1,x2,...,x Nvar).SoProfit=f p(habitat)=f p(x1,x2,...,x Nvar)(2) As it is seen COA is an algorithm that maximizes a profit function.To use COA in cost minimization problems,one can easily maximize the following profit function:Profit=−Cost(habitat)=−f c(x1,x2,...,x Nvar)(3) To start the optimization algorithm,a candidate habitat matrix of size N pop×N var is generated.Then some randomly produced num-ber of eggs is supposed for each of these initial cuckoo habitats.In nature,each cuckoo lays from5to20eggs.These values are used as the upper and lower limits of egg dedication to each cuckoo at different iterations.Another habit of real cuckoos is that they lay eggs within a maximum distance from their habitat.From now on, this maximum range will be called“Egg Laying Radius(ELR)”.In an optimization problem with upper limit of var hi and lower limit of var low for variables,each cuckoo has an egg laying radius(ELR) which is proportional to the total number of eggs,number of cur-rent cuckoo’s eggs and also variable limits of var hi and var low.So ELR is defined as:ELR=˛×Number of current cuckoo’s eggsTotal number of eggs×(var hi−var low)(4)where˛is an integer,supposed to handle the maximum value of ELR.3.2.Cuckoos’style for egg layingEach cuckoo starts laying eggs randomly in some other host birds’nests within her ELR.Fig.2gives a clear view of this concept.After all cuckoos’eggs are laid in host birds’nests,some of them that are less similar to host birds’own eggs,are detected by host birds and though are thrown out of the nest.So after egg laying process,p%of all eggs(usually10%),with less profit values,will beR.Rajabioun/Applied Soft Computing11(2011)5508–55185511Fig.3.Immigration of a sample cuckoo toward goal habitat.killed.These eggs have no chance to grow.Rest of the eggs grow in host nests,hatch and are fed by host birds.Another interesting point about laid cuckoo eggs is that only one egg in a nest has the chance to grow.This is because when cuckoo egg hatches and the chicks come out,she throws the host bird’s own eggs out of the nest. In case that host bird’s eggs hatch earlier and cuckoo egg hatches later,cuckoo’s chick eats most of the food host bird brings to the nest(because of her3times bigger body,she pushes other chicks and eats more).After couple of days the host bird’s own chicks die from hunger and only cuckoo chick remains in the nest.3.3.Immigration of cuckoosWhen young cuckoos grow and become mature,they live in their own area and society for sometime.But when the time for egg laying approaches they immigrate to new and better habitats with more similarity of eggs to host birds and also with more food for new youngsters.After the cuckoo groups are formed in differ-ent areas,the society with best profit value is selected as the goal point for other cuckoos to immigrate.When mature cuckoos live in all over the environment it’s difficult to recognize which cuckoo belongs to which group.To solve this problem,the grouping of cuckoos is done with K-means clustering method(a k of3–5seems to be sufficient in simulations).Now that the cuckoo groups are con-stituted their mean profit value is calculated.Then the maximum value of these mean profits determines the goal group and conse-quently that group’s best habitat is the new destination habitat for immigrant cuckoos.When moving toward goal point,the cuckoos do notfly all the way to the destination habitat.They onlyfly a part of the way and also have a deviation.This movement is clearly shown in Fig.3.As it is seen in Fig.3,each cuckoo onlyflies %of all distance toward goal habitat and also has a deviation ofϕradians.These two parameters, andϕ,help cuckoos search much more positions in all environment.For each cuckoo, andϕare defined as follows: ∼U(0,1)ϕ∼U(−ω,ω)(5)where ∼U(0,1)means that is a random number(uniformly dis-tributed)between0and1.ωis a parameter that constrains the deviation from goal habitat.Anωof /6(rad)seems to beenough Fig.4.Pseudo-code for Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm.5512R.Rajabioun/Applied Soft Computing11(2011)5508–5518 for good convergence of the cuckoo population to global maximumprofit.When all cuckoos immigrated toward goal point and new habi-tats were specified,each mature cuckoo is given some eggs.Thenconsidering the number of eggs dedicated to each bird,an ELRis calculated for each cuckoo.Afterward new egg laying processrestarts.3.4.Eliminating cuckoos in worst habitatsDue to the fact that there is always equilibrium in birds’pop-ulation so a number of N max controls and limits the maximumnumber of live cuckoos in the environment.This balance is becauseof food limitations,being killed by predators and also inability tofind proper nest for eggs.In the modeling proposed here in thispaper,only those N max number of cuckoos survive that have betterprofit values,others demise.3.5.ConvergenceAfter some iterations,all the cuckoo population moves to onebest habitat with maximum similarity of eggs to the host birds andalso with the maximum food resources.This habitat will producethe maximum profit ever.There will be least egg losses in this besthabitat.Convergence of more than95%of all cuckoos to the samehabitat puts an end to Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm(COA).Themain steps of COA are presented in Fig.4as a pseudo-code.In thenext part,COA is applied to some benchmark optimization prob-lems.Theoretical proofs for convergence to asymptotic probabilitylaws in all stochastic optimization algorithms,considering theMarkovian nature of the underlying processes,require some sort ofdetailed balance or reversibility condition which means the algo-rithm loses much of its efficiency.Furthermore,if one insists oneventual convergence to the global optima in the strong or evenweak sense,very slow annealing is also called for.The strength ofstochastic algorithms stem from the fact that their very probabilis-tic nature ensures that the algorithms will not necessarily get stuckat local optima,and there is no need for using any information onobjective gradients,further requiring differentiability conditions.4.Benchmarks on Cuckoo Optimization AlgorithmIn this section the proposed Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm(COA)is tested with4benchmark functions from Ref.[1],one10-dimensional Rastrigin function and a real case study.4.1.Test cost functionsAll the benchmark functions are minimization problems.Thesefunctions are listed below:Function F1:f=x×sin(4x)+1.1y×sin(2y)0<x,y<0,minimum:f(9.039,8.668)=−8.5547(6)Function F2:f=0.5+sin2x2+y2−0.51+0.1(x2+y2)0<x,y<2,minimum:f(0,0.5)=0.5(7)Function F3:f=(x2+y2)0.25×sin{30[(x+0.5)2+y2]0.1}+|x|+|y|−∞<x,y<+∞,minimum:f(−0.2,0)=−0.2471(8)Fig.5.A3D plot of cost function F1.Function F4:f=J0(x2+y2)+0.11−x+0.11−y−∞<x,y<+∞,minimum:f(1,1.6606)=−0.3356(9)Function F5(10-dimensional Rastrigin function):f=10n+ni=1(x i2−10cos(2 x i)),n=9−5.12≤x i≤5.12,f(0,0,...,0)=0(10)First function F1is studied.This function has the global minimum of−18.5547at(x,y)=(9.039,8.668)in interval0<x,y<10.Fig.5 shows the3D plot of this function.The initial number of cuckoos is set only to20.Each cuckoo can lay between5and10eggs.Fig.6shows initial distribution of cuckoos in problem environment.Figs.7–12show the cuckoo population habitats in consequent iterations.Convergence is gained at iteration7.The COA has obtained the global minimum just in7iterations.As it is seen in Figs.7–12,cuckoos have found2minima at iter-ation4.Then in iteration5it is seen that one group of cuckoos is immigrating toward the global minimum.In iteration6most of cuckoos are in global minimum.Andfinally at iteration7nearly all of cuckoos are on the best habitat,which is the global minimum of the problem.This habitat is(9.0396,8.6706)with the cost value −18.5543.Fig.13depicts the cost minimization for test functionF1.Fig.6.Initial habitats of cuckoos.R.Rajabioun /Applied Soft Computing 11(2011)5508–55185513Fig.7.Habitats of cuckoos in 2nditeration.Fig.8.Habitats of cuckoos in 3rd iteration.In order to do a comparison,PSO and continuous GA with Roulette wheel selection,uniform cross-over are applied to this function too.The initial population of GA is also set to 20,muta-tion and selection rates are set to 0.2and 0.5,respectively.ForPSOFig.9.Habitats of cuckoos in 4thiteration.Fig.10.Habitats of cuckoos in 5thiteration.Fig.11.Habitats of cuckoos in 6th iteration.cognitive and social parameters are both set to 2.Due to the fact that different initial populations of each method affect directly to the final result and the speed of algorithm,a series of test runs is done to have a mean expectance of performance for eachmethod.Fig.12.Habitats of cuckoos in 7th iteration.5514R.Rajabioun /Applied Soft Computing 11(2011)5508–5518Fig.13.Cost minimization for test functionF1.Fig.14.Cost minimization using GA.Running the simulations for 30times produces a mean of 45.9,38.7and 6.8stopping iterations for GA,PSO and COA.Fig.14shows a sample cost minimization plot of function F1for GA in 100iterations.As it is seen from Fig.14,GA has reached to global minimum at 24th iteration.Best chromosome is (9.0434,8.6785)and the cost value is −18.5513.Fig.15depicts cost minimization of function F1using PSO.As it is seen from Fig.15,PSO has reached to global minimum at 19th iteration.Best particle position is (9.0390,8.6682)and thecostFig.15.Cost minimization using PSO.Table 1Mean stopping iterations of GA,PSO and COA in 30runs.F2F3F4GA 12.652.244.1PSO 10.324.838.6COA5.26.96.3Fig.16.Cost minimization plot of functionF2.Fig.17.Cost minimization plot of function F3.value is −18.5547.Considering Table 1it can be seen that while GA and PSO need a mean of 46.8and 39.1iterations,COA reaches to the goal point in a mean of 6.9(approximately 7)iterations.Until now it can be concluded that COA has out performed GA and PSO.For more test we apply these three optimization algorithms on test functions F2,F3and F4.Figs.16–18show the cost minimization plot of all three algo-rithms for test functions F2,F3and F4in a random run.Table1Fig.18.Cost minimization plot of function F4.R.Rajabioun/Applied Soft Computing11(2011)5508–55185515Fig.19.3D plot of Rastrigin function.shows the mean stopping iterations for aforementioned test func-tions.The most interesting point seen in Figs.16–18and also in Table1, is faster convergence of Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm.Considering the results obtained for test functions F1,F2,F3and F4it can be seen that all three methods have been able tofind the global minimum.The only interesting point of Cuckoo Optimiza-tion Algorithm(COA)might be its faster convergence.But to show the superiority of COA over GA and PSO,the10-dimensional Ras-trigin function is chosen as test function F5.This function has lots of local minima and is one of the difficult problems to solve,even in3-dimensional case.Fig.19shows the3-dimensional Rastrigin function.As it is seen even in3-dimensional case,the Rastrigin func-tion is a really challenging optimization problem.But to see the real performance of COA,GA and PSO the10-dimensional Rastri-gin function is selected as last benchmark function.Fig.20depicts the cost minimization results for all three algorithms.For all three methods,the initial population size and the maximum number of iterations are set to20and100,respectively.Now it is clearly seen that GA and PSO have not been able to find the global minimum in100iterations,but COA has converged in only66iterations to almost the global minimum of f(x*)=0.In this benchmark function,COA has stunningly out performed and has found a very good estimation of the real global minimum.After that the great performance of COA is proven in test cost functions it is needed to investigate its performance in real prob-lems.For this,a Multi-Input Multi-Output(MIMO)distillation column process is chosen in order to be controlled by means ofmultivariable PID controller.The parameters of PID controllerareFig.20.Cost minimization for10-dimensional Rastrigin function.designed using COA,GA and the method proposed in[29].Before illustrating the design process a brief description is given about multivariable controller design.4.2.Multivariable controller design4.2.1.PID controller for MIMO processesConsider the multivariable PID control loop in Fig.21.In Fig.21,multivariable process P(s)could be demonstrated as follows:P(s)=⎡⎣p11(s)...p1n(s).........p n1(s)...p nn(s)⎤⎦(11)where p ij(s)is the transfers function between y i and u j.In Fig.21, vectors Y d,Y,U and E are in following form:Y d=[y d1y d2···y dn]TY=[y1y2···y n]TU=[u1u2···u n]TE=Y d−Y=[e11e22···e nn]TMultivariable PID controller C(s)in Fig.21,is in the following form: C(s)=⎡⎣c11(s)...c1n(s).........c n1(s)...c nn(s)⎤⎦(12) where c ij(s)that i,j∈{1,2,...,n}is as follows:c ij(s)=K Pij+K Iij1s+K Dij s(13)where K Pij is the proportional,K Iij is the integral and K Dij is the derivative gains of the PID controller c ij(s).4.2.2.Evolutionary PID designIn designing PID controllers,the goal is to tune proper coef-ficients K P,K I and K d so that the output has some desired ually in time domain,these characteristics are given in terms of overshoot,rise time,settling time and steady state error.Two kinds of performance criteria in output tracking,usu-ally considered in the controller designing,are the integral squared error(ISE)and integral absolute error(IAE)of the desired output.In design of a multivariable controller,one of the major aims is diagonally domination of the control process.That is the controller be designed in such a way that y i(t)be able to track the desired input y di(t)and to reject the response of other inputs y dj(t),for i, j∈{1,2,...,n|i/=j}.Considering the decupling aim,IAE is defined in the following form:IAEni=1nj=1IAE ijni=1nj=1∞e ij(t)dt(14)where|e ii(t)|is absolute error of the output y i(t)when tracking input y di(t)and|e ij(t)|is the absolute error caused by the effect of the input y dj(t),on the output y i(t),(i/=j).Also IAE ij is defined as integral of absolute error e ij(t)over time.The source of|e ij(t)|is the coupling problem.。

杜鹃科中的犀鹃(Ani Cuckoo)和圭拉鹃(Guira Cuckoo),将它们的蛋放在其他鸟的巢中,从此杜鹃鸟的蛋完全依赖于寄主鸟的照料,这就是巢寄生。
6.2人工布谷鸟搜索布谷鸟搜索受布谷鸟的巢寄生行为和一些鸟类和果蝇的莱维(Lévy Flight)行为的启发,是由Xin-She Yang和Suash Deb (2009)[2]提出的一种新型的基于群体的优化技术。
6.2.1 随机变量任何随机现象的输出都是随机变量,并用X 表示。

布谷鸟搜索(Cuckoo Search,CS)是由Xin-She Yang 和Suash Deb 于2009 年开发的自然启发式算法。
CS 基于布谷鸟的寄生性育雏(brood parasitism,又巢寄生)行为。
该算法可以通过所谓的Levy 飞行来增强,而不是简单的各向同性随机游走。
研究表明,该算法可能比遗传算法、PSO 以及其他算法更有效。
1 关于鸟类的育雏行为布谷鸟(杜鹃)是一种神奇的鸟,不仅因为它们动听的啼鸣,还因它们的积极的繁殖策略。
杜鹃科中的犀鹃(Ani Cuckoo)和圭拉鹃(Guira Cuckoo),将它们的蛋放在其他鸟的巢中,通过去除其他鸟(寄主)的蛋来增加自己蛋的孵化几率。
这种方法使得一些科学家突发奇想,于是就有了现在的布谷鸟算法寄生性育雏分为三种:种内寄生(intraspecific brood parasitism)、合作养育(cooperative breeding)和巢占据(nest takeover)。
一些布谷鸟,例如New World brood-parasitic Tapera,已经进化成这样一种方式,雌杜鹃通常非常善于模仿几种特定寄主的卵的颜色和纹理。

多目标布谷鸟算法 Matlab 程序引言多目标优化是一个复杂且具有挑战性的问题,它涉及到在多个目标函数之间寻找最佳的解决方案。
布谷鸟算法(Cuckoo Search Algorithm)是一种基于自然界中布谷鸟寄生行为的启发式优化算法,用于解决多目标优化问题。
本文将介绍如何使用Matlab 实现多目标布谷鸟算法。
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Web服务组合流程, Bhargava等人在求解复杂相平衡问题中,用布谷鸟算法获得了可靠的热力学计算。
4.2 项目调度
ICS 算法设计如下:在解空间表示方面提出一种适应莱维飞行特点的任务调度顺序优先级编码方案,并采用串行调度求解该问题。
为提高算法收敛速度、避免陷入局部最优解,对CS 的局部搜索机制进行改进,即引入对精英个体的局部搜索策略及对首领的寿命衰老机制。
4.3 云计算中资源调度