
Nutrient removal in an A2O-MBR reactor with sludgereductionABSTRACTIn the present study, an advanced sewage treatment process has been developed by incorporating excess sludge reduction and phosphorous recovery in an A2O-MBR process. The A2O-MBR reactor was operated at a flux of 77 LMH over a period of 270 days. The designed flux was increased stepwise over a period of two weeks. The reactor was operated at two different MLSS range. Thermo chemical digestion of sludge was carried out at a fixed pH (11)and temperature (75℃) for 25% COD solubilisation. The released pbospborous was recovered by precipitation process and the organics was sent back to anoxic tank. The sludge digestion did not have any impact on COD and TP removal efficiency of the reactor. During the 270 days of reactor operation, the MBR maintained relatively constant transmembrane pressure. The results based on the study indicated that the proposed process configuration has potential to reduce the excess sludge production as well as it didn't detonated the treated water quality.Keywords: A2O reactor; MBR; Nutrient removal; TMP1. IntroductionExcess sludge reduction and nutrients removal are the two important problems associated with wastewater treatment plant. MBR process has been known as a process with relatively high decay rate and less sludge production due to much longer sludge age in the reactor (Wenet al., 2004). Sludge production in MBR is reduced by 28-68%, depending on the sludge age used (Xia et al.,2008). However, minimizing the sludge production by increasing sludge age is limited due to the potential adverse effect of high MLSS concentrations on membrane (Yoon et al., 2004). This problem can be solved by introducing sludge disintegration technique in MBR (Young et al., 2007). Sludge disintegration techniques have been reported to enhance the biodegradability of excess sludge (Vlyssides and Karlis, 2004). In overall, the basis for sludge reduction processes is effective combination of the methods for sludge disintegration and biodegradation of treated sludge. Advances in sludge disintegration techniques offer a few promising options including ultrasound (Guo et al., 2008), pulse power (Choi et al.,2006), ozone (Weemaes et al., 2000), thermal (Kim et al., 2003), alkaline (Li et al., 2008) acid (Kim et al., 2003) and thermo chemical(Vlyssides and Karlis, 2004). Among the various disintegration techniques, thermo chemical was reported to be simple and cost effective (Weemaes and Verstraete, 1998). In thermal-chemical hydrolysis, alkali sodium hydroxide was found to be the most effective agent in inducing cell lysis (Rocker et al., 1999). Conventionally, the nutrient removal was carried out in an A2O process. It has advantage of achieving, nutrient removal along with organic compound oxidation in a single sludge configuration using linked reactors in series (Tchobanoglous et al., 2003). The phosphoroes removal happens by subjecting phosphorous accumulating organisms (PAO) bacteria under aerobic and anaerobic conditions (Akin and Ugurlu, 2004). These operating procedures enhance predominance PAO, which are able to uptake phosphorous in excess. During the sludge pretreatment processes the bound phosphorous was solubilised and it increases the phosphorousconcentration in the effluent stream (Nishimura, 2001).So, it is necessary to remove the solubilised phosphorus before it enters into main stream. Besides, there is a growing demand for the sustainable phosphorous resources in the industrialized world. In many developed countries, researches are currently underway to recover the phosphoroes bound in the sludge's of enhanced biological phosphorus removal system (EBPR). The released phosphorous can be recovered in usable products using calcium salts precipitation method. Keeping this fact in mind, in the present study, a new advanced wastewater treatment process is developed by integrating three processes, which are: (a) thermo chemical pretreatment in MBR for excess sludge reduction (b) A2O process for biological nutrient removal (c) P recovery through calcium salt precipitation. The experimental data obtained were then used to evaluate the performance of this integrated system.2. Methods2.1. WastewaterThe synthetic domestic wastewater was used as the experimental influent. It was basically composed of a mixed carbon source, macro nutrients (N and P), an alkalinity control (NaHCO3) and a microelement solution. The composition contained (/L) 210 mg glucose, 200 mg NH4C1, 220 mg NaHCO3, 22一34 mg KH2PO4, microelement solution (0.19 mg MnCl2 4H20, 0.0018 mg ZnCl22H2O,0.022 mg CuCl22H2O, 5.6 mg MgSO47H2O, 0.88 mg FeCl36H2O,1.3 mg CaCl2·2H2O). The synthetic wastewater was prepared three times a week with concentrations of 210±1.5 mg/L chemical oxygen demand (COD), 40±1 mg/L total nitrogen (TN) and 5.5 mg/L total phosphorus (TP).2.2. A2O-MBRThe working volume of the A2O-MBR was 83.4 L. A baffle was placed inside the reactor to divide it into anaerobic (8.4 L) anoxic (25 L) and aerobic basin (50 L). The synthetic wastewater was feed into the reactor at a flow rate of 8.4 L/h (Q) using a feed pump. A liquid level sensor, planted in aerobic basin of A2O-MBR controlled the flow of influent. The HRT of anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic basins were 1, 3 and 6 h, respectively. In order to facilitate nutrient removal, the reactor was provided with two internal recycle (1R). IRl (Q= 1)connects anoxic and anaerobic and IR 2 (Q=3) was between aerobic and anoxic. Anaerobic and anoxic basins were provided with low speed mixer to keep the mixed liquid suspended solids (MLSS) in suspension. In the aerobic zone, diffusers were used to generate air bubbles for oxidation of organics and ammonia. Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in the aerobic basin was maintained at 3.5 mg/1 and was monitored continuously through online DO meter. The solid liquid separation happens inaerobic basin with the help of five flat sheet membranes having a pore size of 0.23 pm. The area of each membrane was 0.1 m2. They were connected together by a common tube. A peristaltic pumpwas connected in the common tube to generate suction pressure. In the common tube provision was made to accommodate pressure gauge to measure transmembrane pressure (TMP) during suction. The suction pump was operated in sequence of timing, which consists of 10 min switch on, and 2 min switch off.2.3. Thermo chemical digestion of sludgeMixed liquor from aerobic basin of MBR was withdrawn at the ratio of 1.5% of Q/day and subjected to thermo chemical digestion. Thermo chemical digestion was carried out at a fixed pH of 11(NaOH) and temperature of 75℃for 3 h. After thermo chemical digestion the supernatant and sludge were separated. The thermo-chemicallydigested sludge was amenable to further anaerobic bio-degradation (Vlyssides and Karlis, 2004), so it was sent to theanaerobic basin of the MBR2.4. Phosphorus recoveryLime was used as a precipitant to recover the phosphorous in the supernatant. After the recovery of precipitant the content was sent back to anoxic tank as a carbon source and alkalinity supelement for denitrification.2.5. Chemical analysisCOD, MLSS, TP, TN of the raw and treated wastewater were analyzed following methods detailed in (APHA, 2003). The influent and effluent ammonia concentration was measured using an ion-selective electrode (Thereto Orion, Model: 95一12). Nitrate in the sample was analyzed using cadmium reduction method (APHA, 2003).3. Results and discussionFig. 1 presents data of MLSS and yield observed during the operational period of the reactor. One of the advantages of MBR reactor was it can be operated in high MLSS concentration. The reactor was seeded with EBPR sludge from the Kiheung, sewage treatment plant, Korea. The reactor was startup with the MLSS concentration of 5700 mg/L. It starts to increase steadily with increase in period of reactor operation and reached a value of 8100 mg/L on day 38. From then onwards, MLSS concentration was maintained in the range of 7500 mg/L by withdrawing excess sludge produced and called run I. The observed yields (Yobs) for experiments without sludge digestion (run I) and with sludge digestion were calculated and given in Fig. 1. The Yobs for run I was found to be 0.12 gMLSS/g COD. It was comparatively lower than a value of 0.4 gMLSS/g CODreported for the conventional activated sludge processes (Tchoba-noglous et al., 2003). The difference in observed yield of these two systems is attributed to their working MLSS concentration. At high MLSS concentration the yield observed was found to be low (Visva-nathan et al., 2000). As a result of that MBR generated less sludge.The presently used MLSS ranges (7.5一10.5 g/L) are selected on the basis of the recommendation by Rosenberger et al. (2002). In their study, they reported that the general trend of MLSS increase on fouling in municipal applications seems to result in no impact at medium MLSS concentrations (7一12 g/L).It is evident from the data that the COD removal efficiency of A2O system remains unaffected before and after the introduction of sludge digestion practices. A test analysis showed that the differences between the period without sludge digestion (run I) and with sludge digestion (run II and III) are not statistically significant.However, it has been reported that, in wastewater treatment processes including disintegration-induced sludge degradation, the effluent water quality is slightly detonated due to the release of nondegradable substances such as soluble microbial products (Ya-sui and Shibata, 1994; Salcai et al., 1997; Yoon et al., 2004). During the study period, COD concentration in the aerobic basin of MBR was in the range of 18-38 mg/L and corresponding organic concentration in the effluent was varied from 4 to 12 mg/L. From this data it can be concluded that the membrane separation played an important role in providing the excellent and stable effluent quality.Phosphorus is the primary nutrient responsible for algal bloom and it is necessary to reduce the concentration of phosphorus in treated wastewater to prevent the algal bloom. Fortunately its growth can be inhibited at the levels of TP well below 1 mg/L (Mer-vat and Logan, 1996).Fig. 2 depicts TP removal efficiency of the A2O-MBR system during the period of study. It is clearly evident from the figure that the TP removal efficiency of A/O system was remains unaffected after the introduction of sludge reduction. In the present study, the solubilised phosphorous was recovered in the form of calcium phosphate before it enters into main stream. So, the possibility of phosphorus increase in the effluent due to sludge reduction practices has been eliminated. The influent TP concentration was in the range of 5.5 mg/L. During thefirst four weeks of operation the TP removal efficiency of the system was not efficient as the TP concentration in the effluent exceeds over 2.5 mg/L. The lower TP removal efficiency during the initial period was due to the slow growing nature of PAO organisms and other operational factors such as anaerobic condition and internal recycling. After the initial period, the TP removal efficiency in the effluent starts to increase with increase in period of operation. TP removal in A2O process is mainly through PAO organisms. These organisms are slow growing in nature and susceptible to various physicochemical factors (Carlos et al., 2008). During the study period TP removal efficiency of the system remains unaffected and was in the range of 74-82%.。

Total Maximum Daily Loads/TMDL 总量控制total capacity control 容量总量控制total target control 目标总量控制industrial control 行业总量控制point pollution 点源污染nonpoint pollution 非点源污染/面源emission permit 排污权emission trade 排污权交易discharge outlets 排污口heuristics 直接推断法change constraint model 概率约束模型Margin of Safety 安全临界值pathogenic bacteria 病原菌hydrology 水文semi-quantitative evaluation 半定量评价proportional relationship 比例关系tentative analysis 假设分析target total content control 目标总量控制capacity measurement 容量测算total content control 容量总量控制administrative region 行政区concentration control 浓度控制runoff 径流量principle of mass conservation 质量守恒原理inflow and effluent 入流和出流advection 平流输移residual content 剩余容量wet cooling 湿冷法BFW 锅炉给水BAT 最佳可行技术Integrated Water Pump Station 集成水泵站water intake 摄入水Heller dry cooling 海勒干冷却RBMP 中国-欧盟流域管理项目MWR 水利部supercritical steam 超临界蒸汽CWTS 化学水处理系统WWTP 工业废水处理系统IWPS 综合水排放泵站FGD 废气去硫化double screw mixer 双螺杆搅拌器natural draft cooling tower 自然通风冷却塔linear programming 线性规划法non-linear programming 非线性规划法integer programming 整数规划法dynamic programming 动态规划法discrete programming 离散规划法grey programming 灰色规划法fuzzy programming 模糊规划法assimilative capacity 纳污能力nominal assimilative capacity 公称纳污能力infiltration 浸渗exfiltratio 露出blow down stream 排空流discharge stream 排放流concentration gradient 浓度梯度Inflow Rate Measured on side 旁测入流量Integrated Pollutant Degradation Coefficient 污染物综合降解系数weighting generalizatio 权重概化法eutrophication 水体富营养化total emission control 污染物总量控制the total emission control of the drainage outlet 排污口总量控制the total emission control of the discharge source of the pollutants 污染物排放源总量控制2D partial differential equations 二维偏微分方程empirical expression 经验表达式linear regression 一元线性回归法CW blow down 化学水排放UF 超滤IX 离子交换RO 反渗透MB regenerate 混床再生SHE institute 苏州热工研究院CT 冷却塔CF 浓缩系数STP(sewage treatment plant)污水处理厂cavitation 穴蚀coal grinder 磨煤机classifier 分类机wet bulb temperature 湿球温度natural draft 自然通风run-off 径流SS(suspended solid)固体悬浮颗粒TKT 托克托MWR 国家水利部assimilative capacity 河流纳污能力BOD 生化需氧量river reach pollution index (RRPI) 河流深水污染指数river basin pollution index (RBPI) 流域污染指数catchment 集水biological contact oxidation 生物接触氧化pH correction/adjustment pH 调节fresh water 清水capacity 容量Geng Qing creek 庚庆沟Maobula creek 毛不拉沟Lama Bay 喇嘛湾ELS(Emission Limited Segments) 排放标准限制河段WQLS (Water Quality Limited Segments) 水质标准限制河段theory of water quality planning 水质规划理论discrete programming 离散规划法pollutant concentration 污染物浓度Integrated Pollutant Degradation Coefficient 污染物综合降解系数Diverting YR to Tianjin 引黄济津Chinese South-to-North Water Diversion Project 中国南水北调项目water balance scheme 水平衡规划ash silo 灰场the National Power Control Allocation Centre 国家电力控制和分配中心YRCC 黄河水利委员会Plate settler 斜板沉淀池EDI 电去离子器target year 水平年current year 现状年flow chart 工艺流程图Heller dry cooling 海勒式干法冷却air fin 散热片state classifier 静态分类机dynamic classifier 动态分类机grinder 碾磨机water intake 取水。
污水处理厂 外文文献

ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGYOne-stage partial nitritation/anammox at15°Con pretreated sewage:feasibility demonstration at lab-scale Haydée De Clippeleir&Siegfried E.Vlaeminck&Fabian De Wilde&Katrien Daeninck&Mariela Mosquera&Pascal Boeckx&Willy Verstraete&Nico BoonReceived:26November2012/Revised:28January2013/Accepted:30January2013#Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2013Abstract Energy-positive sewage treatment can beachieved by implementation of oxygen-limited autotrophicnitrification/denitrification(OLAND)in the main water line,as the latter does not require organic carbon and thereforeallows maximum energy recovery through anaerobic diges-tion of organics.To test the feasibility of mainstreamOLAND,the effect of a gradual temperature decrease from29to15°C and a chemical oxygen demand(COD)/Nincrease from0to2was tested in an OLAND rotatingbiological contactor operating at55–60mg NH4+–NL−1 and a hydraulic retention time of1h.Moreover,the effectof the operational conditions and feeding strategies on thereactor cycle balances,including NO and N2O emissionswere studied in detail.This study showed for the first timethat total nitrogen removal rates of0.5g NL−1day−1can bemaintained when decreasing the temperature from29to15°Cand when low nitrogen concentration and moderate CODlevels are treated.Nitrite accumulation together with elevatedNO and N2O emissions(5%of N load)were needed to favoranammox compared with nitratation at low free ammonia(<0.25mg NL−1),low free nitrous acid(<0.9μg NL−1),and higher DO levels(3–4mg O2L−1).Although the total nitrogen removal rates showed potential,the accumulation of nitrite and nitrate resulted in lower nitrogen removal efficiencies (around40%),which should be improved in the future. Moreover,a balance should be found in the future between the increased NO and N2O emissions and a decreased energy consumption to justify OLAND mainstream treatment. Keywords Energyself-sufficient.Nitrospira.Nitricoxide. Nitrous oxide.DeammonificationIntroductionCurrently,around40full-scale one-stage partial nitrita-tion/anammox plants are implemented to treat highly loaded nitrogen streams devoid in carbon(Vlaeminck et al.2012). This process,known under the acronyms oxygen-limited autotrophic nitrification/denitrification(OLAND)(Kuai and Verstraete1998),deammonification(Wett2006),com-pletely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite(Third et al. 2001),etc.,showed highly efficient and stable performance when treating digestates from sewage sludge treatment plants and industrial wastewaters(Wett2006;Abma et al. 2010;Jeanningros et al.2010).For clarity,one-stage partial nitritiation/anammox processes will be referred to as OLAND in this work.From an energy point of view,the implementation of the OLAND process for the treatment of sewage sludge digestate decreased the net energy consump-tion of a municipal wastewater treatment plant(WWTP)by 50%,with a combination of a lower aeration cost in the side stream and the opportunity to recover more organics from the mainstream(Siegrist et al.2008).Moreover,when co-digestion of kitchen waste was applied,an energyneutral Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article(doi:10.1007/s00253-013-4744-x)contains supplementary material,which is available to authorized users.H.De Clippeleir:S.E.Vlaeminck:F.De Wilde:K.Daeninck:M.Mosquera:W.Verstraete:N.Boon(*)Laboratory for Microbial Ecology and Technology(LabMET),Ghent University,Coupure Links653,9000Gent,Belgiume-mail:Nico.Boon@UGent.beP.BoeckxLaboratory of Applied Physical Chemistry(ISOFYS),Ghent University,Coupure Links653,9000Gent,BelgiumAppl Microbiol BiotechnolDOI10.1007/s00253-013-4744-xWWTP was achieved(Wett et al.2007).To fully recover the potential energy present in wastewater,a first idea of a new sustainable wastewater treatment concept was reported (Jetten et al.1997).Recently,a“ZeroWasteWater”concept was proposed which replaces the conventional activated sludge system by a highly loaded activated sludge step (A-step),bringing as much as organic carbon(chemical oxygen demand(COD))as possible to the solid fraction, and a second biological step(B-step)removing the residual nitrogen and COD with a minimal energy demand (Verstraete and Vlaeminck2011).Subsequently,energy is recovered via anaerobic digestion of the primary and sec-ondary sludge.For the B-step in the main line,OLAND would potentially be the best choice as this process can work at a low COD/N ratio,allowing maximum recovery of COD in the A-step.Moreover,it was calculated that if OLAND is implemented in the main water treatment line and a maximum COD recovery takes place in the A-step,a net energy gain of the WWTP of10Wh inhabitant equivalent (IE)−1day−1is feasible(De Clippeleir et al.2013).To allow this energy-positive sewage treatment,OLAND has to face some challenges compared with the treatment of highly loaded nitrogen streams(>250mg NL−1).A first difference is the lower nitrogen concentration to be removed by OLAND.Domestic wastewater after advanced concen-tration will still contain around30–100mg NL−1and113–300mg CODL−1(Metcalf and Eddy2003;Tchobanoglous et al.2003;Henze et al.2008).High nitrogen conversion rates(around400mg NL−1day−1)by the OLAND process can be obtained at nitrogen concentrations of30–60mg N L−1and at low hydraulic retention times(HRT)of1–2h(De Clippeleir et al.2011).A second challenge is the low tem-perature at which OLAND should be operated(10–15°C compared with34°C).Several studies already described the effect of temperature on the activity of the separate micro-bial groups(Dosta et al.2008;Guo et al.2010;Hendrickx et al.2012).Only a few studies showed the long-term effect of a temperature decrease below20°C on the microbial bal-ances of anoxic and aerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (AnAOB and AerAOB)and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB)at nitrogen concentrations above100mg NL−1 (Vazquez-Padin et al.2011;Winkler et al.2011).However, the combination of low temperature and low nitrogen con-centration was never tested on a co-culture of AerAOB, AnAOB,and NOB before.At temperatures around15°C, maintaining the balance between NOB and AnAOB and the balance between NOB and AerAOB will get more challeng-ing since the growth rate of NOB will become higher than the growth rate of AerAOB(Hellinga et al.1998). Therefore,it will not be possible to wash out NOB based on overall or even selective sludge retention.The third and main challenge in this application will therefore be the suppression of NOB at temperature ranges of10–20°C and at nitrogen concentration ranges of30–60mg NL−1 (low free ammonia and low nitrous acid),which was not shown before.A final fourth challenge will include the higher input of organics at moderate levels of90–240mg biodegradable CODL−1in the wastewater.Depending on the raw sewage strength,COD/N ratios between2and3are expected after the concentration step,which is on the edge of the described limit for successful OLAND(Lackner et al. 2008).The presence of organics could result in an extra competition of heterotrophic denitrifiers with AerAOB for oxygen or with AnAOB for nitrite or organics,since certain AnAOB can denitrify consuming organic acids (Kartal et al.2007).In this study,the challenges2to4,were evaluated in an OLAND rotating biological contactor(RBC).This reactor at 29°C was gradually adapted over24,22,and17to15°C under synthetic wastewater conditions(60mg N L−1, COD/N of0).Additionally,the COD/N ratio of the influent was increased to2by supplementing NH4+to diluted sewage to simulate pretreated sewage.The effect of the operational conditions and feeding strategies on the reactor cycle balan-ces,including gas emissions and microbial activities were studied in detail.An alternative strategy to inhibit NOB activity and as a consequence increase AnAOB activity at low temperatures based on NO production was proposed. Materials and methodsOLAND RBCThe lab-scale RBC described by De Clippeleir et al.(2011) was further optimized at29°C by an increase in the influent nitrogen concentration from30to60mg NL−1and a limitation of the oxygen input through the atmosphere by covering the reactor before this test was started.The reactor was based on an air washer LW14(Venta,Weingarten, Germany)with a rotor consisting of40discs interspaced at 3mm,resulting in a disc contact surface of1.32m2.The reactor had a liquid volume of2.5L,immersing the discs for 55%.The latter was varied over the time of the experiment. The reactor was placed in a temperature-controlled room. The DO concentration was not directly controlled.In this work,continuous rotation was applied at a constant rotation speed of3rpm,which allowed mixing of the water phase. RBC operationThe RBC was fed with synthetic wastewater during phases I to VII.From phase VIII onwards,the COD/N was gradually increased(phases VIII–X)to2(phases XI–XIII).The syn-thetic influent of an OLAND RBC,consisted of(NH4)2SO4 (55–60mg NL−1),NaHCO3(16mg NaHCO3mg−1N),andAppl Microbiol BiotechnolKH2PO4(10mg PL−1).Pretreated sewage was simulated by diluting raw sewage of the communal WWTP of Gent, Belgium(Aquafin).The raw wastewater after storage at 4°C and settlement contained23–46mg NH4+–NL−1, 0.2–0.4mg NO2−–NL−1,0.4–2.7mg NO3−–NL−1,23–46mgKjeldahl–NL−1,3.8–3.9mg PO43−–PL-1,26–27mg SO42−–S L−1,141–303mg COD tot L−1,and74–145mg COD sol L−1.The raw sewage was diluted by factors2–3to obtain COD values around110mg COD tot L−1and by addition of(NH4)2SO4to obtain final COD/N values around2.The reactor was fed in a semi-continuous mode:two periods of around10min/h for phases I–XI and one period of20min/h for phases XII and XIII.The influent flow range varied from47to65Lday−1and the reactor volume from3.7to2.5L(during78and55% submersion,respectively).Corresponding HRTare displayed in Tables1and2.Reactor pH,DO,and temperature were daily monitored and influent and effluent samples were taken at least thrice a week for ammonium,nitrite,nitrate,and COD analyses. Detection of AerAOB,NOB,and AnAOB with FISHand qPCRFor NOB and AnAOB,a first genus screening among the most commonly present organisms was performed by fluo-rescent in-situ hybridization(FISH)on biomass of days1 (high temperature)and435(low temperature and COD presence).A paraformaldehyde(4%)solution was used for biofilm fixation,and FISH was performed according to Amann et al.(1990).The Sca1309and Amx820probes were used for the detection of Cand.Scalindua and Cand. Kuenenia&Brocadia,respectively,and the NIT3and Ntspa662probes and their competitors for Nitrobacter and Nitrospira,respectively(Loy et al.2003).This showed the absence of Nitrobacter and Scalindua(Table S1in the Electronic supplementary material(ESM)).Biomass sam-ples(approximately5g)for nucleic acid analysis were taken from the OLAND RBC at days1,60,174,202,306,385, 399,and413of the operation.DNA was extracted using FastDNA®SPIN Kit for Soil(MP Biomedicals,LLC), according to the manufacturer’s instructions.The obtained DNA was purified with the Wizard®DNA Clean-up System (Promega,USA)and its final concentration was measured spectrophotometrically using a NanoDrop ND-1000spec-trophotometer(Nanodrop Technologies).The SYBR Green assay(Power SyBr Green,Applied Biosystems)was used to quantify the16S rRNA of AnAOB and Nitrospira sp.and the functional amoA gene for AerAOB.The primers for quantitative polymerase chain reactions(qPCR)for detection of AerAOB,NOB,and AnAOB were amoA-1F–amoA-2R (Rotthauwe et al.1997),NSR1113f–NSR1264r(Dionisi et al. 2002),and Amx818f–Amx1066r(Tsushima et al.2007),re-spectively.For bacterial amoA gene,PCR conditions were: 40cycles of94°C for1min,55°C for1min,and60°C for 2min.For the amplification of Nitrospira sp.16S rRNA gene, 40cycles of95°C for1min,50°C for1min,and60°C for 1min were used while for AnAOB16S rRNA the PCR temperature program was performed by40cycles of15s at 94°C and1min at60°C.Plasmid DNAs carrying NitrospiraTable1Effect of temperature decrease on the operational conditions and performance of OLAND RBC reactorPhase I II III IV V VI VIIPeriod(days)1–2122–3536–6162–210210–263263–274275–306 Immersion level(%)78787878557855 Temperature(°C)29±224±122±0.617±1.216±0.915±0.814±0.4 Operational conditionsDO(mg O2L−1) 1.1±0.2 1.3±0.2 1.4±0.1 1.7±0.3 2.8±0.4 2.4±0.2 3.1±0.2 pH(−)7.5±0.17.5±0.17.5±0.17.6±0.17.7±0.17.7±0.17.8±0.1 HRT(h) 1.85±0.04 1.84±0.09 1.73±0.04 1.86±0.11 1.09±0.02 1.57±0.02 1.09±0.02 FA(mg NL−1)0.35±0.180.36±0.180.34±0.140.36±0.130.25±0.160.33±0.170.13±0.04 FNA(μg NL−1)0.3±0.10.3±0.20.4±0.20.4±0.10.9±0.40.6±0.10.9±0.2 PerformanceTotal N removal efficiency(%)54±552±549±934±936±936±942±4 Relative NO3−prod(%of NH4+cons a)7±17±17±114±618±916±321±4 Relative NO2−accum(%of NH4+cons)2±43±45±515±530±826±631±5 AerAOB activity(mg NH4+–NL−1day−1)267±38267±49260±52260±53811±229460±44986±71 NOB activity(mg NO2–NL−1day−1)0±00±00±09±1260±9420±585±25 AnAOB activity(mg N tot L−1day−1)412±38403±37368±76248±67448±117305±74529±75DO dissolved oxygen,HRT hydraulic retention time,F A free ammonia,FNA free nitrous acid,cons consumption,prod production,accum accumulation,tot totala NH4+consumption is corrected for nitrite accumulationAppl Microbiol Biotechnoland AnAOB16S rRNA gene and AerAOB functional AmoA gene,respectively,were used as standards for qPCR.All the amplification reactions had a high correlation coefficient (R2>0.98)and slopes between−3.0and−3.3.Detailed reactor cycle balancesFor the measurements of the total nitrogen balance,including the NO and N2O emissions,the OLAND RBC was placed in a vessel(34L)which had a small opening at the top(5cm2).In this vessel,a constant upward air flow(around1ms−1or0.5L s-1)was generated to allow calculations of emission rates.On the top of the vessel(air outlet),the NO and N2O concentra-tion was measured,off-and online,respectively.NH3emis-sions were negligible in a RBC operated at about2mg NH3–NL−1(Pynaert et al.2003).Since FA levels in the currentstudy are about ten times lower,NH3emissions were not included.In the water phase,ammonium,nitrite,nitrate,hy-droxylamine(NH2OH),N2O,and COD concentrations were measured.Moreover,DO concentration and pH values were monitored.The air flow was measured with Testo425hand probe(Testo,Ternat,Belgium).Chemical analysesAmmonium(Nessler method)was determined according to standard methods(Greenberg et al.1992).Nitrite and nitrate were determined on a761compact ion chromatograph equipped with a conductivity detector(Metrohm,Zofingen, Switzerland).Hydroxylamine was measured spectrophoto-metrically(Frear and Burrell1955).The COD was determined with NANOCOLOR®COD1500en NANOCOLOR®COD 160kits(Macherey-Nagel,Düren,Germany).The volumetric nitrogen conversion rates by AerAOB,NOB,and AnAOB were calculated based on the measured influent and effluent compositions and the described stoichiometries,underestimat-ing the activity of AnAOB by assuming that all COD removed was anoxically converted with nitrate to nitrogen gas (Vlaeminck et al.2012).DO and pH were measured with respectively,a HQ30d DO meter(Hach Lange,Düsseldorf, Germany)and an electrode installed on a C833meter (Consort,Turnhout,Belgium).Gaseous N2O concentrations were measured online at a time interval of3min with a photo-acoustic infrared multi-gas monitor(Brüel&Kjær, Model1302,Nærem,Denmark).Gas grab samples were taken during the detailed cycle balance tests for NO detec-tion using Eco Physics CLD77AM(Eco Physics AG, Duernten,Switzerland),which is based on the principle of chemiluminescence.For dissolved N2O measurements,a1-mL filtered(0.45μm)sample was brought into a7-mL vacutainer(−900hPa)and measured afterwards by pressure adjustment with He and immediate injection at21°C in a gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector (Shimadzu GC-14B,Japan).Table2Effect of COD/N increase on the operational conditions and performance of OLAND RBC reactorPhase VIII IX X XI XII XIIIPeriod(days)355–361362–369370–374375–406407–421422–435 Immersion level(%)555555555555COD/N(-)0.51 1.5222 Feeding regime(pulsesh−1)222211 Operational conditionsDO(mg O2L−1) 2.9±0.3 2.5±0.6 2.4±0.3 3.0±0.7 3.6±0.3 3.2±0.3 pH(−)7.8±0.027.7±0.17.6±0.027.6±0.17.6±0.27.6±0.1 HRT(h) 1.06±0.11 1.03±0.020.92±0.020.94±0.05 1.10±0.05 1.06±0.2 FA(mg NL−1)0.10±0.050.04±0.050.15±0.050.21±0.100.23±0.120.04±0.02 FNA(μg NL−1)0.4±0.10.2±0.20.2±0.010.3±0.10.2±0.10.6±0.2 PerformanceTotal N removal efficiency(%)36±545±1823±328±623±1342±3 Relative NO3−prod(%of NH4+cons a)42±543±1263±250±662±1846±6 Relative NO2−accum(%of NH4+cons)20±410±105±18±37±413±6 AerAOB activity(mg NH4+–NL−1day−1)592±15446±31238±28352±73289±138600±204 NOB activity(mg NO2−–NL−1day−1)257±19294±81465±60352±84427±115394±76 AnAOB activity(mg N tot L−1day−1)385±86452±205262±39355±73281±159481±73COD removal rates were negligible in all phasesDO dissolved oxygen,HRT hydraulic retention time,F A free ammonia,FNA free nitrous acid,cons consumption,prod production,accum accumulation,tot totala NH4+consumption is corrected for nitrite accumulationAppl Microbiol BiotechnolResultsEffect of temperature decreaseDuring the reference period (29°C),a well-balanced OLAND performance (Fig.1;Table 1)was reached with minimal nitrite accumulation (2%)and minimal nitrate production (7%).This was reflected in an AerAOB/AnAOB activity ratio of 0.6(Table 1,phase I).The total nitrogen removal rate was on average 470mg N L −1day −1or 1314mg Nm −2day −1,and the total nitrogen removal efficiency was 54%.Decreasing the temperature from 29to 24°C and further to 22°C over the following 40days,did not result in anysignificant changes of the operational conditions (Table 1;phases I –III),performance of the reactor (Fig.1)or abun-dance of the bacterial groups (qPCR;Fig.S1in the ESM ).However at 17°C,a decrease in total nitrogen removal efficiency was observed (Table 1;phase IV).An imbalance between the AerAOB and the AnAOB was apparent from a stable AerAOB activity yet a declining AnAOB activity.Moreover,NOB activity was for the first time detected in spite of free ammonia (FA)and free nitrous acid (FNA)con-centrations did not change (Table 1;phase IV).Moreover,no significant differences in abundance of NOB,AerAOB,and AnAOB could be detected with qPCR (Fig.S1in the ESM ).However,DO concentrations started to increase during that period from 1.4to 1.7mg O 2L −1.As the availabilityofFig.1Phases I –VII:effect of temperature decrease on the volumetric rates (top )and nitrogen concentrations (bottom )Appl Microbiol Biotechnoloxygen through the liquid phase did not seem to be satisfac-tory to counteract the decrease in ammonium removal effi-ciency,the immersion level was lowered to55%to increase the availability of oxygen through more air-biofilm contact surface.Consequently,the volumetric loading rate increased (factor1.7)due to the decrease in reactor volume(day210, Fig.1).This action allowed higher ammonium removal effi-ciencies due to higher AerAOB activities(factor3).AnAOB activity increased with a similar factor as the volumetric loading rate(1.8compared with1.7)consequently resulting in an increased imbalance between these two groups of bac-teria(Table1;phase V).Moreover,although the FNA in-creased with a factor2,the NOB activity increased with a factor7,resulting in a relative nitrate production of30% (Table1;phase V).As NOB activity prevented good total nitrogen removal efficiencies,the immersion level was in-creased again to78%(day263;Fig.1).This resulted indeed in a lower NOB activity(Table1;phase VI).However,also the AerAOB activity decreased with the same factor,due to the lower availability of atmospheric oxygen.Therefore,the reactor was subsequently operated again at the lower immer-sion level(55%)to allow sufficient aerobic ammonium conversion.The latter allowed a stable removal efficiency of 42%.The AnAOB activity gradually increased to a stable anoxic ammonium conversion rate of529mg NL−1day−1. During the synthetic phase,no changes in AerAOB, AnAOB,and NOB abundance were measured with qPCR (Fig.S1in the ESM).The effluent quality was however not optimal as still high nitrite(around15mg NL−1)and nitrate (around13mg NL−1)levels were detected.Effect of COD/N increaseThe synthetic feed was gradually changed into pretreated sewage by diluting raw sewage and adding additional nitro-gen to obtain a certain COD/N ratio.During the first3weeks of this period(Fig.2),the COD/N ratio was gradually increased from0.5to2.Due to the short adaptation periods (1week per COD/N regime),the performance was unstable (Fig.2;Table2,phases VIII–XI).Compared with the end of the synthetic period(phase VII),operation at a COD/N ratio of2(phase XI)resulted in a sharp decrease in nitrite accu-mulation(Fig.2)and an increase in the ammonium and nitrate levels.This indicated increased NOB activity(factor 4),decreased AerAOB(factor3)and decreased AnAOB (factor2)activity(Tables1and2).To allow higher nitrogen removal rates,the HRT was increased from0.94to1.1h,by decreasing the influent flow rate.Moreover,the feeding regime was changed from two pulses of10min in1h to one period of20min/h.These actions did not significantly decrease the effluent nitrogen concentration(Fig.2)and did not influence the microbial activities(Table2,phase XII). Therefore the loading rate was again increased to the levels before phase XII.However,the single-pulse feeding wasmaintained.This resulted in high ammonium removal effi-ciencies and therefore low ammonium effluent concentra-tion around dischargeable level(4±1mg NH4+–NL−1; Fig.2).Nitrate and nitrite accumulation were not counter-acted by denitrification as only0.02mg CODL−1day−1wasremoved.Therefore,nitrite and nitrate levels were still toohigh to allow effluent discharge.The total nitrogen removalefficiency(42%)and rate(549±83mg NL−1day−1or1,098±106mgNm−2day−1)at COD/N ratios of2wassimilar as during the synthetic period(phase VII).Comparedwith the reference period at29°C,the total nitrogen removalrate did not changed significantly(470±43versus549±83mgNL−1day−1at high and low temperatures,respectively).The22%lowered removal efficiency was merely due to anincreased nitrogen loading rate.Nitratation and NO/N2O emissionsAt the end of the synthetic phase(phase VII)and the end ofthe experiment(phase XIII),the total nitrogen balance of thereactor was measured.A total nitrogen balance was obtainedby measuring all nitrogen species(NH4+,NO2−,NO3−,NH2OH,and N2O)in the liquid phase and N2O and NO inthe gas phase.A constant air flow,diluting the emitted N2Oand NO concentrations was created over the reactor tomeasure gas fluxes over time.The effect of the loading rate,feeding pattern,and concentration of nitrite and ammoniumon the total nitrogen balance in the reactor were tested(Table3).NH2OH measurements showed low concentra-tions(<0.2mg NL−1)in all tests,making it difficult to linkthe profiles with the N2O emission.Lowering the loading rate by increasing the HRT(Table3,test B)increased the DO values and allowed higherDO fluctuations over time at synthetic conditions.Moreover,NOB activity increased significantly resultingin lower total nitrogen removal efficiencies and high levelsof nitrate in the effluent(Table3,test B).The relative N2Oemissions did not change and were relatively high(6%of Nload).However,the concentration of N2O in the liquid andin the gas phase decreased with a factor2(Table3).When pretreated sewage was fed to the reactor,theOLAND RBC was operated at lower nitrite concentration,while similar ammonium and nitrate concentrations wereobtained(Table3,test C).The lower nitrite concentrationshowever did not result in lower N2O emission rates.Whenthe feeding regime was changed to a more continuous-likeoperation(4pulses/h),the N2O emission increased signifi-cantly,while NO emission remained constant(Table3,testD).Due to the lower ammonium removal efficiency(65compared with81%),but similar relative nitrite and nitrateaccumulation rate,the total nitrogen removal efficiencydecreased.Appl Microbiol BiotechnolWhen a nitrite pulse was added just after feeding,about 20mg NO 2−–NL −1was obtained in the reactor.This did increase the NO and N 2O emissions significantly (p <0.05)compared with the same feeding pattern (Table 3,tests C –E).Although similar constant total nitrogen removal efficien-cies were obtained during this operation,a significant (p <0.05)decrease in the relative nitrate production was observed.The latter was mainly caused by a global increase in AnAOB activity.In the last test (F),the influent ammo-nium concentration was doubled,leading to higher ammo-nium and also FA concentrations (1±0.4mg N L −1compared with 0.1±0.4mg NL −1).Due to overloading of the system,the total nitrogen removal efficiency decreased.However,at these conditions a lower relative nitrate pro-duction was obtained;due to a decrease in NOB and in-crease in AnAOB activity (Table 3,test F).Together with this,increased NO and N 2O emissions were observed.As the influence of the nitrogen loading and DO concentration could be considered minor in this test range (Fig.S2in the ESM ),these tests show a relation between increased NO emissions and decreased relative nitrate productions (Table 3).When the activity during the feeding cycle was studied in more detail,it could be concluded that the highest nitrogen conversion rates took place during the feeding period,which was characterized by a high substrate availability and high turbulence (Fig.3).As the HRT is only 1h,the reactor volume is exchanged in 20min.During this phase,ammo-nium increased,while nitrite and nitrate concentrations de-creased due to dilution (Figs.S3,S4,and S5in the ESM ).The NOB/AnAOB ratio was around 1,which means that NOB were able to take twice as much nitrite thanAnAOBFig.2Phases VIII –XIII:effect of COD/N increase on the volumetric rates (top )and nitrogen concentrations (bottom ).Data during the N balance tests (days 424–431)were not incorporated in the figure but are shown in Table 3Appl Microbiol BiotechnolTable 3Operational parameters and nitrogen conversion rates during the six different RBC operations which differ from feeding composition and feeding regime (volume at 2.5L and 50%immersion of the discs,days 307–309for synthetic feed,and days 424–431)Reactor phaseVII (synthetic)XIII (pretreated sewage)Test A a B C a D E -F Additive––––NO 2−NH 4+Feeding regime (pulses/h)221411Total N loading rate (mg NL −1day −1)1,1695851,3401,5541,7372,718Temperature water (°C)15±0.316±0.2*14±0.415±0.1*16±0.1*15±0.4DO (mg O 2L −1) 2.9±0.1 3.7±0.6* 4.0±0.1 3.2±0.1* 3.3±0.1* 3.2±0.1*pH (-)7.6±0.067.6±0.057.6±0.047.6±0.017.6±0.027.8±0.02*Ammonium out (mg NL −1)9±1 1.4±1*11±319±3*12±158±4*Nitrite out (mg NL −1)14±213±16±16±0.418±2*9±0.3*Nitrate out (mg NL −1)17±337±6*18±216±1*18±0.420±0.4NH 4+oxidation rate (mg NL −1day −1)895±22509±2*1,051±73957±891,053±161,285±93*Relative nitrite accumulation (%)25±320±1*14±315±18±4*15±1Relative nitrate production (%)36±876±6*48±147±342±2*34±3*Total efficiency (%)38±417±4*35±328±4*32±227±4*AerAOB activity (mg NH 4+–NL −1day −1)658±88469±17*827±44781±57795±30938±46*NOB activity (mg NO 2−–NL −1day −1)174±59299±28*375±38342±24*362±13277±18*AnAOB activity (mg N tot L −1day −1)205±3849±13*234±20218±29263±15*354±49*N 2O in liquid (μg NL −1)64±4630±22*78±12104±29*61±1374±4NO emission (mg Nday −1)0.53±0.03n.d.0.66±0.060.74±0.08 1.65±0.18*0.82±0.1*N 2O emission (mg Nday −1)151±2893±23*170±19179±6*274±37*202±18*%N 2O emission on loading5.1±1.06.4±1.6*5.0±0.64.5±0.2*6.2±0.8*3.0±0.3*aReference period for synthetic and pretreated sewage*p <0.05,significant differences compared with referenceperiod Fig.3Detailed NO/N 2Omonitoring during the reference test (Table 3,test C)and when nitrite was pulsed (Table 3,test E)and effect on AerAOB,AnAOB,and NOB activity during the different phases of the feeding cycle.Significant differences in AerAOB,AnAOB,NOB,and NO/N 2O concentration compared with the reference period areindicated with asterisks ,circles ,double quotation mark ,and plus sign ,respectivelyAppl Microbiol Biotechnol。

Study on Disinfection and Anti –microbial Technologies for Drinking WaterZHU Kun, FU Xiao Yong(Dept. of Environmental Engineering, LAN Zhou Railway University, LAN Zhou 730070, China)Abstract: Disinfection by-products produced by the reaction between chlorine and dissolved organic compounds and other chemicals are considered as a worrying problem in the drinking water treatment process since a series of mutagenic carcinogen substances are formed including trihalomethanes (THMs). Among the tested disinfectants(chlorine , ozone , chlorine dioxide , potassium permanganate , chloramines and hydrogen peroxide etc. ) , chlorine dioxide has proved to be the most feasible and effective oxidant for drinking water treatment and removal of pathogens due to its oxidation efficiency , low cost and simple way of utilization. A series of experiments indicate that chlorine dioxide can significantly restrain production of trihalomethanes (THMs) and control bacteria growth particularly for Cryptosporidium oocysts. The experiments verified that both ozone and chlorine dioxide are absolutely vital to ensure thtion of water storage are destroyed. The paper discusses oxidation capacity of chlorine dioxide, especially for removing petroleum compounds, which is affected by reaction time, gas injection way, and pH of treated water.Key words: disinfection; oxidants; water treatment; pathogens; chlorine dioxideCLC number: X523 Document code: A1 IntroductionChemical and filtration processes are two main methods used in China for treating drinking water meanwhile UV radiation has been used successfully for water treatment with relatively low flow rate. On the individual family level, usually chemical treatment is a feasible alternative. The following guidelines exist for the selection of suitablal of contaminants should be done by decomposition, evaporation or precipitation etc, to eliminate or decrease the toxicity, oxidants or reactionby-products should not be harmful to human health, and the purification processes should be practical and economical. The objective of this paper is to evaluate and discuss available disinfectants for drinking water treatment. The different disinfectants are compared regarding purification efficiencies and application approaches.2 Comparison ofO3 > ClO2 > HOCl > OCl - > NHCl2 > NH2ClReferring to Fiessinger′s [2] suggestion, the properties of these disinfectants are compared in Tab. 1. Chlorine is shown to be an excellent disinfectant to prevent waterborne diseases such as typhoid fever over long periods. Chlorine reacts not only within oxidation, but also by electrophilic substitution to produce a variety of chlorinated organic by - products, particularly trihalomethanes (THMs) and other mutagens. Here THMs mainly refer to chloroform, bromoform, dibromochloromathane and bromodichloromathane etc. Since the 1970`s, the usage of Cl2 in drinking water disinfection has been questioned with ozone being substituted as the preferred disinfectant in the water supply plants. But , ozone could not be introduced to the rural farmer community due to its high costs and short half - life (15~20 min. ) . As with other disinfectants, ozonation also leads to formation of organic by - product s such as aldehyde, ketones, and carboxylic acids, and also mutagenicity may be induced if bromic anion exists.Tab. 1 Comparison of various oxidants- no effect ; + little effect ; + + effect ; + + + largest effectMany studies have pointed out that disinfection is absolutely vital to ensure that any microorganisms arising from fecal contamination of water storage are destroyed. The selection of the available disinfectant s must concern to reduce risk from microbial contamination of drinking water and the potential increase in risk from chemical contamination that result from using any of the disinfectant s. The biocidal efficiency of commonly used disinfectants - ozone, chlorine dioxide, chlorine and chloramines are ranked almost with the same order as the oxidizing capacity, but the stability of those are following the order as [3]:Chloramines > Chlorine dioxide > Chlorine > Ozone3 Purification of organic pollutants by chlorine dioxideAccording to WHO guideline for drinking water quality, much consideration should be paid to benzene homologous compounds; therefore, the study on purification effect s of chlorine dioxide is focused on petrochemical pollutants. A series of experiment s were carried out to simulate the oxidation processes of contaminated water. The polluted solutions were prepared in a dark barrel (10L capacity) of seven kinds of benzene homologous compounds-Benzene , toluene , ethyl benzene , p-phenylmethane, o-phenylmethane, m-phenylmethane and styrene. Samples were taken to determine the initial concentration of the compounds prior to the test s. Standard chlorine dioxide solution was produced from sodium chlorite reacted with HCl solution of 10% [4]. The GR - 16A Gas - chromatograph with FID detector Shenyang LZ-2000 was used for measurement of Cl2, ClO2, ClO-2 and ClO-3[5]. Oil concentrations were determined with an UV -120-20 spectrophotometer (Shimadzu) following the procedure described by APHA [4]. Organic compounds in the water samples were measured with a GC-MS (QP-1000A). ClO2and O3were standardized by iodimetric titration at pH7.For the purpose of chemical disinfection for drinking water, chlorine was instantaneously ignored due to the formation of THMs and other mutagenic substances. The results indicated that potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide did not have enough oxidation capability to decompose petroleum contaminant s achieving only 46 %, and 5.7% decomposition of styrene, respectively. Ozone could not be selected due to it s high cost, complex operation and short half-life although it is an excellent oxidant for water treatment. Chlorine dioxide was the next most successful alternative for disinfection. The benefit s include-effective oxidation capacity, algicidal effect and negligible formation of halogenated by-products. Based on economic and operational requirement, the mixing gas method is easily used. The results obtained suggest that disinfection of drinking water with ozone and or chlorine dioxide seems to be a suitable alternatives to the use of NaClO for cont rolling the formation of non-volatile mutagens[6].In the laboratory experiments, the oxidants ozone, chlorine dioxide, potassium permanganate and the mixing gas (mainly contained ClO2 and a certain amount of Cl2, O3 and H2O2) were tested for removal of the petroleum compounds, and results are shown in Tab. 2.Tab. 2 Comparison of oxidation capacity for the various oxidantsA study was conducted to elucidate the decay pathway of monochloramine in thepresence and absence of natural organic matter (NOM) [7]. It was found that natural organic matter acted primarily as a reductant rather than catalyst. This conclusion was verified using a redox balance, and much of oxidizing capacity of monochloramine goes towards NOM oxidation. Cleaning agents and disinfectants from house keeping, hospitals, kitchens are sources of absorbable halogenated organic compounds (AOX) in municipal wastewater. The amount of AOX generated strongly depends on the nature and concentrations of dissolved and solid organic compounds, the concentration of active substances, temperature, pH and reaction time [8] When the mixing gases react with water molecules and organic micro-pollutants, hypochlorous acid is formed by chlorine, chlorite and chlorate ions are produced from chlorine dioxide in a series of redox reactions. The principal reactions are summarized as follows:ClO2+ organic →ClO -² + oxidized organic (1)2ClO -² + Cl2 = 2ClO2 + 2Cl - (2)2ClO -²+ HOCl = 2ClO2 + 2Cl - + OH- (3)2ClO2 + HOCl + H2O = 2ClO - ³ + HCl + 2H+ (4)The rate of chlorate yield can be described by Equation (5):d [ClO3]/ d t = 2 k [ClO2] [HOCl] (5)in which k = 1.28 M/ min at 25 ℃ [9].The stoichiometry of the undesirable reactions that form chlorate in low concentration of chlorite or presents of excess chlorine is given as:ClO -² + Cl2 + H2O = ClO - ³ + 2Cl - + 2H+ (6)ClO - ² + HOCl = ClO - ³ + Cl - + H+ (7)At alkaline conditions:ClO -² + HOCl + OH- = ClO - ³ + Cl - + H2O (8)Typically, chlorine dioxide is used in drinking water treatment and the concentrations are ranging from 0.1 to 2.0 mg/L [10]. However, the relevant by - products of chlorine dioxide treatment-chlorite and chlorate have been found to induce methemoglobinemia in the human body when concentrations are more than 100 mg/L [11]. The oxidation results of the organic contaminants were affected byreaction time. The initial concentrations and removal rate at different times are listed in Tab. 3. It is shown that chlorine dioxide has a very strong oxidation capability including the break down of the benzene ring. There are no other commonly used oxidants to do like this except for ozone.Tab. 3 Removal rate of tested organic compounds at different operating time (at pH7)The injecting method for chlorine dioxide gas into the solution also has an apparent influence on the removal rate. With the indirect method, the gas firstly was dissolved in a certain amount of distilled water, and then added to the tested organic solutions, as a result, removal rates appear lower than for the direct blowing method. The main reason for the difference is due to the conversion and decomposition of chlorine dioxide in the dissolving process before the reaction. It is confirmed from Tab. 3 that the removal rate was proportional to operating time. Since chlorine dioxide showed very strong oxidation capability for organic chemicals but was reduced to chlorite anion according to Equation (4), and the removal rate initially appeared quite high. Then, chlorite keeps the oxidation capacity at a level, which allows decomposition of the organic compounds to continue even though the oxidation reaction gradually became weaker with reaction time. The experiment indicated that pH values significantly influenced the removal rate of the organic compounds. The differences of degradation rates in a variety of pH through indirect input way areshown in Tab. 4.Tab. 4 Degradation rate of benzene homologous compounds with indirect method at different pH (after 15 min)There are, however, some disadvantages with ClO2, such as easy loss from solution due to volatilization, and disproportionation above pH 10 into chlorate and chlorite ions that are of certain oxidation capacity, but reported to be harmful to health if the concentration is too high. Chlorine dioxide was unstable in the solution even though it has a stronger oxidation capability than chlorite and chlorate as the two resulted in anions being dominant in the oxidation processes. The actual concentration of chlorine dioxide depended on the existence of chlorine, chlorite and chlorate whose concentrations were determined by pH values of the solution according to Equations (6) and (8) respectively. Consequently, the pH is the critical controlling factor in the concentrations of chlorine dioxide, chlorite and chlorate. The latter two harmful ions can be removed quite quickly by treatment with a reducing agent such as sulfur dioxide - sulfite ion at pH values of 5~7[10 ,12]. Fe (II) can be used to eliminate chlorite from the water , and the redox reaction is kinetically more rapid at pH 5~7 as well[13]. It was evident that the decomposition in acidic conditions was much better than that in alkaline conditions because a disproportional amount of chlorine dioxide was consumed by the reactions under alkaline conditions. For drinking water treatment, it has been suggested that the mixture of chlorine 0.8 mg/L and chlorinedioxide 0.5 mg/L will achieve disinfection and control THMs formation in preference to use of pure chlorine dioxide[14]. According to USEPA drinking water standard, the residue of ClO2 is limited as 0.8 mg/L that tends to the goal of 0.4 mg/L.4 Control of pathogens with disinfectantsHuman pathogens that are transmitted by water including bacteria, viruses and protozoa. Organisms transmitted by water usually grow in the intestinal tract and leave the body in the feces. Thus, they are infections. Fecal pollution of water supplies may then occur, and if the water is not properly treated, the pathogens enter a new host when the water is consumed, therefore, it may be infectious even if it contains only a small number of pathogenic organisms. Most outbreaks of waterborne diseases are due to breakdowns in treatment systems or are a result of post contamination in pipelines.The microorganisms of concern are those which can cause human discomfort, illness or diseases. These microbes are comprised of numerous pathogenic bacteria, viruses, certain algae and protozoa etc. The disinfection efficiency is typically measured as a specific level of cyst inactivation. Protozoan cysts are the most difficult to destroy. Bacteria and viral inactivation are considered adequate if the requirement for cyst inactivation is met. Therefore, water quality standard for the disinfection of water have been set at microorganisms, usually take the protozoan cysts as indicator, so viruses will be adequately controlled under the same operation conditions required for inactivation of protozoan cysts. The widely found drinking water contamination is caused by protozoan that is a significant intestinal pathogens in diary cattle, likely a source of this outbreak.There are two of the most important protozoa - Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts those are known to outbreak diseases, frequently are found in nature and drinking water storage ponds. Protozoa form protective stages like oocysts that allow them to survive for long periods in water while waiting to be ingested by a host. Protozoa cysts are not effectively removed by storing water because of their small size and density. Cryptosporidium oocysts have a setting velocity of 0.5 um/s. Therefore, if the water tank is 2 m deep, it will take the oocyst 46 days to settle to thebottom. Giardia cysts are much large and have a great settling velocity of 5.5um/s. It was evident that chlorine and chloramines were ineffective against Cryptosporidium oocysts, which was discovered to be amazingly resistant to chlorine, and only ozone and chlorine dioxide may be suitable disinfectants [15]. The investigations have verified that Cryptosporidium is highly resistant to chorine, even up 14 times as resistant as the chlorine resistant Giardia, therefore methods for removing it in past rely on sedimentation and filtration. Watson′s Law to study protozoan disinfection, reads as follows:K = Cηt (9)In the formula:K ——constant for a given microorganism exposed to a disinfectant under a fixed set of pH and temperature conditions;C ——disinfectant concentration (mg/ L);η——empirical coefficient of dilution ;t ——time required to achieve the fixed percentage inactivation.For the preoxidation and reduction of organic pollutants , the recommended dosages are between 0. 5~2. 0 mg/ L with contact time as 15~30 min depending on the pollutants characteristics in the water. In the case of post - disinfection , the safe dosages of ClO2 are 0. 2~0.4 mg/L. At these dosages, the potential by - products chlorite and chlorate do not constitute any health hazard [16]. The relation between disinfectant concentration and contact time can be established by using Ct products based on the experimental data. From this the effectiveness of disinfectants can be evaluated based on temperature, pH value and contact time. Since Cryptosporidium has become a focus of regulatory agencies in the United States and United Kingdom, the prospects of controlling this pathogen show more considerable. The comparison of the Ct values by using ozone , chlorine dioxide , chlorine and chloramines for Giardia and Cryptosporidium cyst s are listed in Tab. 5[17 ,18 ] , and for some microorganisms disinfection are displayed in Tab. 6[19 ] .Tab. 5 Ct values (mg·min/ L.) for disinfection of Giardia and Cryptosporidium cysts by using 4 disinfectantsTab. 6 Comparison of value intervals for the product Ct (mg·min/ L) for the inactivation of various microorganisms by using 4 disinfectantsThe mean Ct value for ClO2 at pH 7 and 5 ℃was 11. 9 mg·min/ L, and dropped to 5.2 at pH 7 and 25 ℃. High temperatures normally enhance the efficiency of disinfectants while lower temperatures have opposite effects requiring additional contact time or extra quantity of disinfectants. The best performance for ClO2 is at pH 9 and 25 ℃, which yields a Ct product of 2.8 mg·min/ L [20]. Chlorine dioxide appears to be more efficient for Cryptosporidium oocysts than either chlorine or monochloramine. Exposure of oocysts to 1.3 mg·min/ L at pH 7 reduces excystation from 87 % to 5 % in a hour at 25 ℃. Based on this result, Ct product of 78 mg·min/ L was calculated. However, the Ct product for ozone to do this work was examined as 5 - 10 mg·min/ L from observation that excystation decreased from 84 % to 0 % after 5 minutes with the ozone concentration of 1 mg/ L [15]. As with other disinfectants, increasing temperature decreased the Ct values and improved the cysticidal action. Increasing temperature unexpectedly reduced the Ct values from a high of 6.35 mg·min/ L at pH5 to a low of 2.91 mg·min/ L at pH 9[20]. It is generally the rule, that for protozoa ozone is the best cysticide, chlorine dioxide is superior to chlorine andiodine, but chlorine, in overall, is much superior to chloramines [21].Although disinfection efficiency of ozone is higher than chlorine dioxide, this difference can be compensated by the contact time. The experiment indicated that chlorine dioxide could reach the same results for disinfection of coliform bacteria as ozone did if time lasted long enough, which can be seen in Fig. 1. The added concentrations of both of ozone and chlorine dioxide were 2 mg/ L.Control of Cryptosporidium oocysts in potable water requires an integrated multiple barrier approach. Coagulation is critical in the effective control of Cryptosporidium by clarification and filtration. Dissolved air floatation can achieve oocysts removal of 3 logs compared to about 1 log by sedimentation. Dissolved air floatation and filtration provide two effective barriers to Cryptosporidium oocysts with cumulative log removal of 4 to 5 compared to log removals of 3 to 4 by sedimentation and filtration [22].Fig. 1 Comparison of disinfection efficiency between ozone and chlorine dioxide on coliform bacteria5 Tendency of disinfection for drinking waterIn the future, the burden of producing water with low pathogen level and low tastes and odor will be allocated to a combination of steps, including source water protection, coagulation - flocculation - sedimentation, filtration, floatation, membrane processes and adsorption. Some form of terminal treatment with chlorine, chlorine dioxide, ozone, UV, or other agents will also be required. No single step can or should be expected to shoulder the entire burden to controlling a given contaminant. With the development of techniques, new chemical and physical agents will meet tests of practicability for use in water treatment and will reduce pathogens. These may include electromagnetic fields and other forms of treatment with light or sonic energy [23].In light of availability, efficacy, operability and costs, the priority should be given to ultraviolet method among all of the currently utilized disinfection technologies, particularly in developing countries. The medium and low - pressure UV extends tremendous potential promise for adaptation into various scale water supply plants. The researches have validated that extremely low dosage of UV can behighly effective for inactivate oocysts [24]. Furthermore, comparison of medium and low - pressure lamps demonstrated no significant differences. By using low - pressure UV at the dosage of 3 , 6 and 9 mJ/ cm2 , oocyst inactivation levels were yielded between 3.4 and 3.7 log. In the trials of UV in water with turbidity of more than 1 NTU, the ability of medium –pressure was not affected, and high level of oocysts inactivation could still be achieved.6 ConclusionsTo purify drinking water, chlorine dioxide can be chosen instead of chlorine, ozone and other disinfectants because of it s advantages of high efficiency of disinfection, competent stability, low cost and simple utilizing way etc. Both ozone and ClO2 are absolutely vital to ensure that any microorganisms arising from fecal contamination of water storage are destroyed. The utilization of chlorine dioxide has been found to efficiently restrict protozoa growth, to disinfect from bacteria and viruses. Taking the protozoan cysts as indicator in which Cryptosporidium oocysts were solidly resistant to chlorine, but chlorine dioxide may be suitable disinfectants to mutilate. Thus, viruses will be adequately controlled by chlorine dioxide under the same operation conditions required for inactivation of protozoan cysts. The experiment indicated that chlorine dioxide could reach the same results for disinfection of coliform bacteria as ozone did if time lasted long enough although disinfection efficiency of ozone is higher than chlorine dioxide.It is an obvious preference for chlorine dioxide to pragmatically remove oil and benzene homologous compounds in water treatment meanwhile the formation of mutagenic and toxic substances is limited. The degradation rate was proportional to input amount of oxidants and increase of operating time. The dosage input , in overall , is suggested to range between 0. 5~2.0 mg/ L. The effective pH at which reactions occur is in the slightly acid range of 5 to 7 at which formation of chlorite and chlorate is minimized. The chlorine dioxide gas should be injected directly into the treated water body, so that high concentrations of ClO2 can be kept in the solution. Under these conditions, the elimination rate for organic pollutants will be much higher. For the storage system, input dosage of chlorine dioxide concentration should be higherthan that in laboratory studies due to complex pollutants in treated water. References:[1 ] Katz J . Ozone and chlorine dioxide technology for disinfection of drinking water [M]. Noyes New Jersey: Data Corporation, 1980.[2] Fiessinger F. Organic micropollutants in drinking water and health [M] . Publisher, N. Y., U. S. A: Elsevier Sci., 1985.[3 ] Hoff J C , Geldreich E E. Comparison of the biocidal efficiency of alternative disinfectants [C] . In Proceedings AWWA seminar, Atlanta, Georgia, 1980.[4 ] APHA , American Public Health Association. American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation. 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污水处理英文词汇资料污水sewage污水处理 sewage treatment一级处理 primary treatment二级处理 secondary treatment生物处理 biological treatment活性污泥法 activated sludge process曝气池 aeration tank曝气 aeration充氧oxygenation好氧消化 aerobic digestion厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion缺氧 anoxic溶解氧dissolved oxygen沉淀 sedimentation搅拌agitation氯化 chlorination余氯 residual chlorine污泥 sludge泥龄sludge age回流污泥 returned sludge剩余污泥 surplus sludge消化污泥 digested sludge活性污泥 activated sludge污泥浓缩 sludge thickening污泥脱水 sludge dehydrating絮凝 flocculation水头Flood peak水头损失 head loss液面负荷 surface load、工艺参数类设计流量 Design flow泵流量pump flow栅前水深 water depth of ahead grille过栅流速Crosses the grille speed of flow栅条间隙Grille gap过栅水头损失head loss of crosses the grille格栅倾角 Grille inclination angle过栅流量 flow of grille齿耙运行速度 rake speed有效水深Effective water depth水力停留时间HRT hydraulic residence time水力表面负荷Hydraulic load surface污泥浓度sludge concentration污泥回流比sludge reflux ratio机械设备类粗格栅 coarse screen回转格栅除污机grille decontaminating equipment 无轴螺旋输送机shaftless screw conveyor无轴螺旋压榨机 shaftless screw compressor潜污泵submersible sewage pump细格栅fine screen旋流沉砂器rotational sand processor砂水分离器 grit-water separator潜水搅拌器submersible agitator潜水推流器 submersible water impeller可调堰门adjustable weir曝气转刷aeration brushes吸刮泥机aspiration sludge scraper离心脱水机Decanter Centrifuge切碎机Macerator转鼓浓缩机Drum thickener絮凝剂投配单元polymer make-up & dosing unit圆形闸门Circular gate蝶阀 butterfly valve闸阀 gate valve球阀 Ball valve止回阀 Check Valve放空阀 Emptying valve微阻缓闭止回阀 Tiny Drag Slow Shut Check Valves 电磁阀 Mgnetic valve电动阀 Mortor operated valve法兰 Flange主轴承main bearing减速机gearbox超声波流量计supersonic flow meter电磁流量计electromagnetic flow meter。

污水处理英语词汇 AA/A/O 法anaerobic-anoxic-oxicprocess(厌氧-缺氧-好氧法)A-A-O 生物脱氮除磷工艺 A-A-O biological nitrogen andphosphorus removal process A-O 脱氮工艺 A-Onitrogen removal process A-O 除磷工艺 A-Ophosphorus removal process AB 法 Adsorption Biodegradation process(吸附生物降解法)总a 放射线 Total a radioactivity氨氮 ammonia-nitrogen 氨基酸 amino acid氨化反应 Nitragen铵盐 ammonium saltA/O 法(厌氧-好氧法)anaerobic-oxic process奥贝尔(Orbal)型氧化沟Orbal oxidation ditchB巴登福脱氮除磷工艺Bardenpho nitrogen and phosphorus removal process白水(漂洗废水) whitewater(bleaching water) 板框压滤 plate pressure filtration离心机 centrifugal machine半渗透膜semi-permeable membrane棒状杆菌属corynebacterium薄膜式淋水填料 filmpacking饱和常数(Ks) saturationconstant 暴雨公式 storm flowformula 暴雨径流 storm runoff溢流井 overflow well苯 benzene苯胺 aniline总B 放射性 Total Bradioactivity泵型叶轮暴气器 paddleimpeller aerator泵站 pumping stationBMTS 型一体化氧化沟BMTS intrachannel clarifieroxidation ditch 闭路循环 closed loop表面冲洗 surfacewashing表面负荷 surface load表面过滤 surfacefiltration 表面活性剂 surfactant表面活性物质 surface active additive agent表面曝气 surface aeration表面曝气器 surface aerator表面淹灌 surface flood irrigation表面冲洗装置 surface washing facility丙烯酸 acrylic acid 丙烯腈 acrylonitrile病毒 virus病原菌(致病菌) pathogen 病原微生物 pathogen microorganismBOD-污泥负荷BOD-sludge load补充水 make-up water 布朗运动 Brownian movement C财务评价 financial evaluation配水系统 distribution system侧渠型一体化氧化沟 integrated oxidation ditchwith side ditch产氢气乙酸菌 Rydrogenes and acetic aidgenes产甲烷细菌methanogenes产率系数 yield coefficient常规给水处理工艺 conventional water treatmentprocesses敞开式循环冷却水系统 opened recirculating coolingwater system超高纯水ultra-high-purify water超过滤 ultrafiltration超过滤膜法ultrafiltration membrane process沉淀 precipitation, sedimentation沉淀池 sedimentationtank沉砂池 grit chamber城市废水 municipalwastewater城市废水处理 municipal wastewater treatment澄清 clalification可持续发展 sustainable development充满度 degree of fullness重现期 exceedion interval, period of recurrence抽风式机械通风冷却塔 induced draft mechanical cooling tower臭氧发生器 ozone generator臭氧法 ozonation process臭氧消毒 ozonedisinfection 初次(级)沉淀池 primary clarifier, primarysedimentation tank除水器 drift eliminator除铁除锰 iron and manganese removal 除盐水(脱盐水) desalted water,demineralized water 除渣 desilication, silica removal除藻 algal removal 除氟 algal fluorine穿透曲线 penetration curve活性污泥法 activatedsludge process 生物脱氮工艺 biological nitrogen remo process船型一体化氧化沟 BoatType in intrachannelclarifier oxidation ditc纯(富)氧曝气法pure-oxygen aeration pro磁凝结 magnetic coagulation磁盘法 magnetic diskprocess 磁过滤法 magneticfierration process萃取 extraction萃取剂 extractant D 达西定律 Darcy ’s law大肠菌群Coliform-group bacteria大气泡曝气装置 large bubble aerator代谢 metabolism带式过滤 belt press filtration]单级传统消化池 single-stage conventional digester单螺旋式曝气装置single spiral aerator 氮 nitrogen氮循环 nitrogen cycle 蛋白质 protein倒虹管 inverted siphon 低放射性废物 low-level radio active waste 制浆废水 kraft mill wastewater敌百虫 dipterex敌敌畏 dichlorvos 涤纶纤维 polyester fiber地表漫流系统 overland flow system(OF)地表水 surface water地面(表)水环境质量标准 environmental quality standard for surface water地下滤场 underground filtration field地下渗漏 underground percolation地下渗滤系统 subsurface infiltrationsystem地下水 groundwater人工湿地系统artificial(constructed)wetland再生水回流地下水质标准water quality standard forrecharging parifiedwastewater water into groundwateraquifer地下水位 underground water level淀粉生产废水 starch producing wastewater点滴-薄膜式淋水填料splash-film packing点滴式淋水填料 splash packing 点污染源 pointpollufion source 电动电位electromotance potential电镀废水electroplating wastewater电极 electrode电解法 electrolyticalprocess电流密度 eletronic density电渗析 electrodialysis 电渗析器electrodialyzer电晕放电 brush discharge动态年成本 dynamic annual cost动植物油 oil and grease 对硫磷 parathion 多层床 multibed 多环芳烃 polycyclichydracarban 多氯联苯polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) E二次(级)沉淀池secondary clarifier, secondary sedimentation 二级处理 secondarytratament F 乏燃料 spent fuel 反冲洗 black washing反渗透(逆渗透)reverse osmosis 反渗透法 reverseosmosis process反渗透膜 reverse osmosis membrane反硝化,脱氮denitrification防止腐蚀 corrosion prevention纺丝 spining 纺织废水 textile wastewater放射性半衰期radioactive half-life放射性废水处理 radioactive wastewatertreatment放射性排出物radioactive effluent非点源污染(面源污染)non-point source pollution非离子氨 non-ionic ammonia废水处理 wastewater treatment废水中和neutralization of wastewaters分离 separation分流制 separate system分流排水系统separated sewer system酚 phenol焚烧 incineration 风吹损失 windageloss风筒式冷却塔chimmey cooling tower封闭循环系统 closedrecirculation system氟化物 fluoride辐射流沉淀池 radial flow sedimentation tank浮盖式消化池floating-cover digester气浮 flotation 福斯特利帕除磷工艺 Phostrip phosphorus removal process福列德克斯脱氮除磷工艺 Phoredox nitrogen and phosphorus removal process 腐蚀 corrosion富营养化eutrophication富营养化湖泊、水库 eutrophic lake,eutrophicreservoirGr 射线 gamma rays 甘蔗废水 sugarcanewastewater 干化 drying干化床 drying bed冷却塔 cooling tower钢铁工业废水 iron and steel mill wastewater高纯水 ultrapure water 高放废物 high-level radio active wastes高份子电解质polymolecular electrolye高份子絮凝剂polymolecular floc高负荷活性污泥法 high-loading activatedsludge method高负荷生物滤池 high loading biological filte高炉煤气洗涤水wastewater produced fromscrubbing blast furnacegas高锰酸盐指数 potassium permanganate index高速消化池 high-rate digester高梯度磁分离器(HGMS) high grade magnegic separator高浊度水 high turbiditywater 格栅 bar screen 隔板反应池 bafflereaction tank隔板式混合槽 baffle mixer隔油池 oil separator 镉 cadmium铬 chromium给水泵站 water pumping station给水处理 water treatment给水网管系统 water supply system工业水处理与循环系统industrial water treatment and recirculation system工业废水 industrial wastewater汞 mercury鼓风曝气 blast aeration 鼓风式机械通风冷却塔 forced draft mechanicalcooling tower固定螺旋式曝气装置fixed spiral aerator景观、娱乐水体landscape and recreation waterbody管道接口 conduit joint 给水配水系统 watersupply piping distribution system网管平差 balancingnetwok 罐头生产废水 Cannerywastewater硅藻土 cilicious mar H海水淡化demineralization of sea water含酚废水 phenol contained wastewater含水量 moisture content含盐量 saline capacity 含油废水 oily wastewater旱流污水量(DWF)dry-weather flow 好氧生物处理 aerobicbiological treatment 好氧塘 aerobic pond 好氧稳定 aerobic stabilization合成洗涤剂 synthetic detergent合成纤维 synthetic fiber合成纤维废水 synthetic fiber wastewater 合成橡胶 synthetic rubber合流城市废水 combinedmunicipal wastewater合流制排水系统combined sewer system水体功能分类 waterbodyfunction classification核能工厂 nuclear power station核燃料循环 nuclear fuel cycle核素 nuclide冶金工业废水metallurgical industrywastewater黑液 black liquor 黑液除硅sillica-elimination fromblack liquid虹吸滤池 siphon filter 化学处理 chemicaltreatment化学工业 chemicalindustry化学吸附 chemicaladsorption 化学纤维 chemical fiber化学需氧量 chemicaloxygen demand (COD)环状管网系统 grid pipe network system缓蚀 corrosion inhibition缓蚀剂 corrosion inhibitor磺化煤 sulfonated coal 挥发酚 volatile phenol 回流比 recycle ratio 回流污泥率 return sludge ratio汇水面积 catchment area, collection area混合 mixing混合床 miced bed 混合液挥发性悬浮固体mixed liquor volatile suspended solids(MLVSS) 混合液悬浮固体 mixed liquor suspended solids(MLSS)混凝 coagulation 混凝沉淀coagulation-sedimentation 混凝剂 coagulant 浑浊度 tubidity活化产物 activation products硅酸钠 sodium silicate 活性剂 activator活性染料 active dye 活性炭 activated carbon活性炭的再生re-generation of activated carbon活性炭吸附 activecarbon adsorption活性污泥 activated sludge 活性污泥法 activatedsludge process 活性污泥负荷 activatedsludge loading活性污泥驯化acclimation of activatedsludge J机械反应池 mechanicalreactor机械剪切曝气装置mechanical shearing aerator机械搅拌 mechanicalmixing机械搅拌澄清池accelerator机械曝气 mechanicalaeration机械通风冷却塔mechanical draft cooling tower 机械脱水 mechanicaldewatering极化现象 polarization级配 granularcomposition集水池 collection well集中处理(合并处理)joint treatment计算机 computer 计算机辅助设计computer aid design加速过滤器accelo-filter加压气化 pressure-gasification甲基对硫磷 parathion methyl甲醛 formaldehyde甲烷 methane甲烷发酵 methane fermentation 甲烷气体 methane gas间歇式活性污泥系统sequencing batch reactoractivated sludge system(蒹性塘 facultative pond检查井 manhole 减压薄膜蒸发法decreasing pressure andthin-film evaporation process碱法制浆 soda pulping process浆粕 pulp降雨历时 duration of rainfall降雨量,降水precipitation浇洒道路用水 street flushing water焦化废水 coking wastewater交替工作式氧化沟alternative operating oxidation ditch交替运行的生物滤池alternative operating trickling filter胶体 colloid阶段曝气 step aeration 接触池 contact chamber 接触氧化法 contactoxidation process 结垢 scale节水 water saving 锦纶纤维 polyamide fiber腈纶纤维 acrylic fiber 精制塘(深度处理塘) polishing pond经济效益 economic benefit径流系数 runoff coefficent静态年成本 static annuity cost景观娱乐用水水质标准 water quality standard forlandscape and recreation area酒精工业 alcoholdistilery就地处理系统(小型处理)on-site treatment systems(small scale facilities)聚丙烯酰胺polyacrylamide聚丙烯酰胺水解体polyacrylamide hydrolysis product聚合 polymerize聚合度 polymerizingdegree聚合氯化铝polyaluminum chloride均衡池(塘) equalizaliontank(basin,lagoon)K卡罗塞式氧化沟Corrousel oxidation ditchK 型叶轮曝气机 K type impeller aerator凯式氮 kjeldahlnitrogen空气驱动式生物转盘aero biological disks孔隙率 porosity快滤池 rapid filter快速渗滤系统 rapid infiltration system(RI) 矿井 shaft(mine)矿区 mining area 矿区环境 mining area environment 矿山废水 minery wasterwater矿山酸性废水 acid minewastewater 扩散板 diffusion plate扩散管 diffusion tube扩散盘(罩) diffusion disc(cover) L乐果 dimethoate冷凝 condensation 冷凝水 condensate water 冷却 cooling冷却池 cooling pond 冷却塔 cooling tower 冷却塔配水系统 coolingtower distribution system 冷却循环水 circulated cooling water冷轧 cold steel -rolling离心泵 centrifugal pump 离心 centrifugation force离心机 centrifugal machine离心脱水 centrifugal dewatering离心作用centrifugation离子交换 ion exchange离子交换剂 ion exchanger离子交换膜 ion exchangemembrane离子交换树脂 ion exchange resin粒径 grain size砾石承托层 gravel support炼钢厂废水steel-making process wastewater炼铁 iron-smelting 炼铁(高炉)废水 blast furnace wastewater炼油厂废水 refineryprocessing waserwater淋滤 leaching淋水密度 waterdrenching density淋水面积 waterdrenching aera淋水填料 packing磷 phosphorus 磷酸盐 phosphate生物流化床 Biologicalfluidized bed硫化物 sulphide硫化物沉淀法 precipitation with sulphide硫酸铵 ammonium sulfate硫酸钙 Calcium sulfate 硫酸铝 aluminum sulfate 硫酸镁 magnesiumsulfate硫酸铁 ferric sulfate 硫酸亚铁 ferrous sulfate硫酸盐 sulfate 硫循环 sulphur cycle 铝酸钠 sodium aluminate 滤层 filter layer滤池冲洗水量 filter washing water consumptio滤池配水系统 filterunderdrain system滤池运行周期 filtercycle time滤床 filter bed 滤料 filtering medium滤速 filtration rate 滤液 filtrate 氯 chlorine氯-氨法chlorine-ammonia process氯化,加氯处理 chlorination氯化物 Chlorides螺旋桨式快速搅拌机 propeller-type high speeagitatorM马拉硫磷 malathion脉冲澄清池 pulsator慢滤池 slowfilter慢速渗滤系统 slow rate infiltration system (SR) 煤气 coal gas 煤气厂 gas work煤气发生器 coal gas generator煤气发生站 gasgeneration station 煤气净化 coal gas purification煤炭 coal 锰 manganse米门公式 Michaelis - Menten equation莫诺德公式 Monod equation密闭式循环冷却水系统closed recirculating cooling water system密集多喷嘴曝气装置compact multinozzle aerator 面污染源 non-point pollution source敏感性分析 sensitivity analysis膜分离装置 membrane seperator膜选择性 membrane selectivity膜污染 membrane foulting膜中毒 membrane poisoningN难生物降解有机物nonbiodegradable organies 尼龙 nylon逆流漂洗counter-current washing 逆流式冷却塔counterflow cooling tower逆流再生counter-current regeneration粘胶 rayon酿酒废水 winery wastewater酿造与发酵工业废水 brewery and fermentation industrial wastewater凝结 coagulation凝结剂 coagulant牛奶生产废水 dairywastewater 浓缩 concentration浓缩倍数 cycle of concentration浓缩池 thickening tank浓缩污泥 concentrated sludge农田灌溉水质标准 standards for irrigationwater quality农用污泥中污染物控制标准 contaminants controlstandard for sludge farm农药 pesticide 农药厂废水 pesticideplant wastewaterP排泥系统 sludge - discharge system排水量 discharge排水管 drain pipe排水口 outlet排水系统 sewer system排污 blowdown泡沫分离 foam phaseseparation配水网管 distributionsystem ,pipe system 喷灌 spray irrigation喷水池 spray pond 皮革 leather 啤酒废水 brewery wastewater啤酒废水处理 brewery wastewater treatment漂白 bleaching平板式膜 plate membrane平板式叶轮曝气器 plate impellar aerator平衡吸附容量equilibrium adsorption capacity平流式沉砂池 horizontal flow grlt removal tank平流式沉淀池horizontal flow sedimentation tank 普通生物滤池biological filter,trickling filter曝气 aeration曝气沉砂池 aerationgrit chamber曝气池 aeration tank曝气栅 aeration boom曝气设备 aerationequipment曝气时间 aeration time曝气装置,曝气机aerator居民生活垃圾 HouseholdWaste庫底平整線 bottom flattingline of the site庫區填埋邊線 landfill sideline of the site庫容 Storage capacity垃圾 Waste ,Solid Waste 垃圾壩 waste dam 垃圾殘渣 residue垃圾槽 waste chute 垃圾層 waste layer 垃圾產量 Waste output垃圾堆肥場 waste compostingfield 垃圾堆體 waste pile 垃圾副壩 secondary waste dam 垃圾揀選場 Waste Sorting Site垃圾氣化 waste gasification垃圾采集車 waste collector垃圾桶 garbage ,rubbishbarrel垃圾箱 garbage container 垃圾壓實系統 wastecompactor system垃圾衍生燃料 Refuse-derivedfuel (RDF)垃圾衍生燃料 waste derivedfuel垃圾轉運車 waste transfer truck垃圾轉運站 waste transferstation垃圾裝卸坡 waste loadingramp離心脫水機 centrifugaldewaterer鈉基膨潤土 sodium bentonite農業廢棄物 AgriculturalWaste 濃縮池 thickening tank 排放 discharge排泥閥 sludge valve排水口 Drain Outlet 膨潤土 bentonite熱解 Pyrolysis 溶解氧測定儀(DO 計) dissolved oxygen meter (DO meter ) 砂水分離機 grit-water splitter 商業垃圾 Commercial Waste 上橫沖填埋場 ShanghengchongLandfill Site上清液 supernatant liquor設備選型 Type selection of equipment 滲濾液(垃圾滲濾液) leachate 滲濾液處理 leachatetreatment滲濾液處理站 Leachate Treatment Station滲濾液采集及導排氣系統平面圖 Plan of Leachate Collection and Guiding a Exhaust System 滲濾液采集盲溝 blind drain for leachate collection精品文档精品文档 生活垃圾 Domestic waste 生活垃圾焚燒污染控制標准 Standard for Pollution Control on the Municipal Solid Waste Incineration 剩余污泥 excess sludge 剩余污泥泵 excess sludge pump 輸渣機 clinker conveyer 豎向石籠 vertical stone cage雙層防滲結構 double-linersystem水位 water level提升泵站 lift pumpingstation填埋(垃圾) Landfill填埋場 Landfill site填埋場封場 seal of landfillsite填埋場總體布置圖 GeneralLayout of Landfill Site填埋場縱斷面示意圖 SketchMap of Landfill Site VerticalSection填埋庫區 Landfill Area填埋庫區平面布置圖 PlaneLayout of Landfill Area1:1000填埋氣 Landfill gas砼 concrete圖例 legend土工合成材料黏土墊層Geosynthetics Clay Liner(GCL)土工膜 geomembrane脫水機 dewaterer脫水機房 dewatering house衛生填埋 sanitary landfill渦流沉砂池(旋流沉砂池)vortex grit tank污泥泵房 sludge pumping room污泥處理 sludge treatment污泥處理流程示意圖 FlowChart of Sewage TreatmentProcess污泥管線 sludge pipeline 污泥濃度計(MLSS 計) sludge concentration meter (MLSS meter ) 污泥濃縮及脫水機房 Sludge Thickening & Dewatering House污泥脫水車間 sludge dewatering workshop 污水泵 sewage pump 污水處理 sewage treatment 污水處理厂 Wastewater Treatment Plant 污水處理流程示意圖 Sewage Treatment Process Sketch Map 污水管線 sewage pipeline 污水水面 wastewater surface 無線傳輸 wireless transmission 吸水井 suction well 消毒池 disinfecting tank 新聯村熊家窯 Xiongjiayao, Xinliancun 序批式活性污泥法(SBR 法) Sequence Batch Reactor 選型 Type selection 壓縮式垃圾車 waste compactors 厭氧、缺氧、好氧 Anaerobic, Anoxic, Aerobic Underwater Blender 厭氧堆肥 anaerobic composting 厭氧發酵 methane fermentation; anaerobic fermentation 厭氧流化床反應器 anaerobic fluidized bed 厭氧流化床反應器 anaerobic fluidized bed 氧化溝 oxidation ditch 氧化溝 oxidation ditch 葉輪曝氣機 impeller aerator 一級發酵(初級發酵) primary fermentation醫院垃圾 Hospital Waste 營養土層 nutritious soil layer預留垃圾綜合利用生產用地Reserved Waste Comprehensive Utility and Production L再生 reclamation 柵渣 sediment 黏土層 clay layer 支盲溝 blind sub-drain 至垃圾填埋場 to the waste landfill site 終期覆土 terminal earth covering 主盲溝 main blind drain 自控系統 autonomous system 自然土層 natural soil layer。

污水处理流程英文版English:The wastewater treatment process involves several stages to remove impurities and contaminants from the sewage before it is released back into the environment. The first stage is screening, where large objects like sticks, rags, and debris are removed from the sewage using bar screens or fine screens. Then, the sewage goes through the primary treatment stage, where solid materials are settled and removed from the water. After that, the sewage undergoes secondary treatment, which uses biological processes to break down organic matter and remove pathogens. The final stage is disinfection, where chemicals or physical methods like UV radiation are used tokill any remaining bacteria and microorganisms in the water. Oncethe wastewater has gone through all these stages, it can be safely discharged into rivers, lakes, or oceans.中文翻译:污水处理过程包括几个阶段,以在将其排放回环境之前从污水中去除杂质和污染物。

污水处理专业英语翻译大全专有名词病毒细菌Campylobacteria Jejuni 弯曲菌Coliform-group bacteria 大肠菌群Corynebacterium 棒状杆菌属Cryptosporidium 隐孢子虫Escherichia Coli 大肠杆菌Dipterex 敌百虫Giardia 贾第鞭毛虫Legionella 军团菌Methanogenes 产甲烷细菌Norovirus 诺罗病毒Pathogen 病原菌(致病菌)Rydrogenes and acetic aid genes 产氢气乙酸菌自建字库A/A/O法 anaerobic-anoxic-oxic process (厌氧-缺氧-好氧法)A-A-O生物脱氮除磷工艺 A-A-O biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal process Activated sludge process 活性污泥法Adsorption 吸附Aeration 曝气Aerobinen bakteeri 需氧微生物A-O脱氮工艺 A-O nitrogen removal processA-O除磷工艺 A-O phosphorus removal processAB法Adsorption Biodegradation process (吸附生物降解法)ammonia-nitrogen 氨氮ammonium salt 铵盐amino acid 氨基酸Anaerobinen bakteeri 厌氧微生物A/O法(厌氧-好氧法) anaerobic-oxic processBackwater 回用水Biofilm 生物膜法Biological aerated 生物曝气BOD (Biochemical oxygen demand) 生物需氧量Campylobacteria Jejuni 弯曲菌Carrousel Oxidation ditch 卡鲁塞尔氧化沟(荷兰DHV1967研制)CAST回圈式活性污泥法(Cyclic Activated Sludge T echnology,简称CAST) Cesspool 污水池COD(chemical oxygen demand)化学需氧量Colloid 胶体Corrosion腐蚀Cryptosporidium 隐孢子虫Giardia 贾第鞭毛虫Escherichia Coli 大肠杆菌Eutrophication 富营养化Flocculation 絮凝Flotation 悬浮法= flotaatioHBR (high compound biological reactor)高效复合生物反应器Hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢= rikkivetykaasuICEAS间歇循环延时曝气系统(Intermittent Cycle Extended Aeration System)Ion Exchange 离子交换Legionella 军团菌Microbiology 微生物Nitragen氨化反应Norovirus 诺罗病毒Nutrients 营养物Orbal oxidation ditch奥贝尔(Orbal)型氧化沟ozone generator臭氧发生器ozonation process臭氧法ozone disinfection臭氧消毒Pathogen病原菌(致病菌)pathogen microorganism病原微生物primary treatment, 一级处理SBR序列间歇式活性污泥法(Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Process)secondary treatment 二级处理Sedimentation tank 沉淀池Sewage 污水Sewage treatment 污水处理sewage treatment rate 污水处理率Suspended solids 悬浮物Tertiary treatment 三级处理Total a radioactivity总a放射线Unitank好氧生物污水处理法Wastewater 污水B巴登福脱氮除磷工艺Bardenpho nitrogen and phosphorus removal process白水(漂洗废水) white water(bleaching water)板框压滤 plate pressure filtration离心机 centrifugal machine半渗透膜 semi-permeable membrane棒状杆菌属 corynebacterium薄膜式淋水填料 film packing饱和常数(Ks) saturation constant暴雨公式 storm flow formula暴雨径流 storm runoff溢流井 overflow well苯 benzene苯胺 aniline总B放射性 Total B radioactivity泵型叶轮暴气器paddle impeller aerator泵站 pumping stationBMTS型一体化氧化沟 BMTS intrachannel clarifier oxidation ditch 闭路循环closed loop表面冲洗surface washing表面负荷surface load表面过滤surface filtration表面活性剂 surfactant表面活性物质 surface active additive agent表面曝气 surface aeration表面曝气器surface aerator表面淹灌 surface flood irrigation表面冲洗装置 surface washing facility丙烯酸acrylic acid丙烯腈acrylonitrile病毒virus病原菌(致病菌) pathogen病原微生物pathogen microorganismBOD-污泥负荷 BOD-sludge load补充水 make-up water布朗运动 Brownian movementBOD (Biochemical oxygen demand) 生物需氧量Campylobacteria Jejuni 弯曲菌Carrousel Oxidation ditch 卡鲁塞尔氧化沟(荷兰DHV1967研制)Cast活性污泥法之一Cintinuous Loop Reator,简称CLR连续环式反应池COD(chemicaloxygendemand)化学需氧量C财务评价 financial evaluation配水系统 distribution system侧渠型一体化氧化沟 integrated oxidation ditch with side ditch产氢气乙酸菌 Rydrogenes and acetic aid genes产甲烷细菌 methanogenes产率系数 yield coefficient常规给水处理工艺 conventional water treatment processes敞开式循环冷却水系统 opened recirculating cooling water system 超高纯水ultra-high-purify water超过滤 ultrafiltration超过滤膜法ultrafiltration membrane process沉淀 precipitation, sedimentation沉淀池 sedimentation tank沉砂池 grit chamber城市废水 municipal wastewater城市废水处理 municipal wastewater treatment澄清clalification可持续发展sustainable development充满度 degree of fullness重现期 exceedion interval, period of recurrence抽风式机械通风冷却塔 induced draft mechanical cooling tower臭氧发生器 ozone generator臭氧法 ozonation process臭氧消毒 ozone disinfection初次(级)沉淀池 primary clarifier, primary sedimentation tank除水器 drift eliminator除铁除锰 iron and manganese removal除盐水(脱盐水) desalted water,demineralized water除渣 desilication, silica removal除藻 algal removal除氟 algal fluorine穿透曲线 penetration curve活性污泥法 activated sludge process生物脱氮工艺 biological nitrogen removal process船型一体化氧化沟 Boat Type in intrachannel clarifier oxidation ditch 纯(富)氧曝气法 pure-oxygen aeration process磁凝聚 magnetic coagulation磁盘法 magnetic disk process磁过滤法 magnetic fierration process萃取extraction萃取剂 extractantD达西定律Darcy’s law大肠菌群 Coliform-group bacteria大气泡曝气装置 large bubble aerator代谢 metabolism带式过滤 belt press filtration]单级传统消化池 single-stage conventional digester单螺旋式曝气装置 single spiral aerator氮 nitrogen氮循环 nitrogen cycle蛋白质 protein倒虹管 inverted siphon低放射性废物 low-level radio active waste制浆废水 kraft mill wastewater敌百虫dipterex敌敌畏dichlorvos涤纶纤维 polyester fiber地表漫流系统 overland flow system(OF)地表水 surface water地面(表)水环境质量标准 environmental quality standard for surface water 地下滤场 underground filtration field地下渗漏 underground percolation地下渗滤系统 subsurface infiltration system地下水 groundwater人工湿地系统artificial(constructed) wetland再生水回流地下水质标准 water quality standard for recharging parified wastewater water into groundwater aquifer地下水位 underground water level淀粉生产废水starch producing wastewater点滴-薄膜式淋水填料splash-film packing点滴式淋水填料splash packing点污染源 point pollufion source电动电位 electromotance potential电镀废水 electroplating wastewater电极 electrode电解法 electrolytical process电流密度 eletronic density电渗析 electrodialysis电渗析器 electrodialyzer电晕放电 brush discharge动态年成本 dynamic annual cost动植物油 oil and grease对硫磷parathion多层床 multibed多环芳烃 polycyclic hydracarban多氯联苯 polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs)Dat-Ita 活性污泥法之一Decant 排水E二次(级)沉淀池secondary clarifier, secondary sedimentation tank二级处理secondary tratamentEceas 活性污泥法之一Escherichia Coli 大肠杆菌F乏燃料spent fuel反冲洗black washing反渗透(逆渗透)reverse osmosis反渗透法reverse osmosis process反渗透膜reverse osmosis membrane反硝化,脱氮denitrification防止腐蚀corrosion prevention纺丝spining纺织废水textile wastewater放射性半衰期radioactive half-life放射性废水处理radioactive wastewater treatment放射性排出物radioactive effluent非点源污染(面源污染)non-point source pollution非离子氨non-ionic ammonia废水处理wastewater treatment废水中和neutralization of wastewaters分离separation分流制separate system分流排水系统separated sewer system酚phenol焚烧incineration风吹损失windage loss风筒式冷却塔chimmey cooling tower封闭循环系统closed recirculation system氟化物fluoride辐射流沉淀池radial flow sedimentation tank浮盖式消化池floating-cover digester气浮flotation福斯特利帕除磷工艺Phostrip phosphorus removal process福列德克斯脱氮除磷工艺Phoredox nitrogen and phosphorus removal process 腐蚀corrosion富营养化eutrophication富营养化湖泊、水库eutrophic lake,eutrophic reservoirFlocculant 絮凝Gr射线 gamma rays甘蔗废水 sugarcane wastewater干化 drying干化床 drying bed冷却塔 cooling tower钢铁工业废水 iron and steel mill wastewater高纯水 ultrapure water高放废物 high-level radio active wastes高分子电解质 polymolecular electrolye高分子絮凝剂 polymolecular floc高负荷活性污泥法 high-loading activated sludge method高负荷生物滤池 high loading biological filter高炉煤气洗涤水 wastewater produced from scrubbing blast furnace top gas 高锰酸盐指数 potassium permanganate index高速消化池 high-rate digester高梯度磁分离器(HGMS) high grade magnegic separator高浊度水 high turbidity water格栅 bar screen隔板反应池 baffle reaction tank隔板式混合槽 baffle mixer隔油池 oil separator镉cadmium铬chromium给水泵站 water pumping station给水处理 water treatment给水网管系统 water supply system工业水处理与循环系统industrial water treatment and recirculation system 工业废水 industrial wastewater汞 mercury鼓风曝气 blast aeration鼓风式机械通风冷却塔 forced draft mechanical cooling tower固定螺旋式曝气装置 fixed spiral aerator景观、娱乐水体landscape and recreation waterbody管道接口 conduit joint给水配水系统 water supply piping distribution system 网管平差 balancing netwok罐头生产废水 Cannery wastewater硅藻土 cilicious marH海水淡化 demineralization of sea water含酚废水 phenol contained wastewater含水量moisture content含盐量saline capacity含油废水 oily wastewater旱流污水量(DWF) dry-weather flow好氧生物处理 aerobic biological treatment好氧塘aerobic pond好氧稳定 aerobic stabilization合成洗涤剂 synthetic detergent合成纤维 synthetic fiber合成纤维废水 synthetic fiber wastewater合成橡胶 synthetic rubber合流城市废水 combined municipal wastewater合流制排水系统 combined sewer system水体功能分类 waterbody function classification核能工厂 nuclear power station核燃料循环 nuclear fuel cycle核素nuclide冶金工业废水 metallurgical industry wastewater黑液 black liquor黑液除硅 sillica-elimination from black liquid虹吸滤池 siphon filter化学处理 chemical treatment化学工业 chemical industry化学吸附 chemical adsorption化学纤维 chemical fiber化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand (COD)环状管网系统 grid pipe network system缓蚀 corrosion inhibition缓蚀剂corrosion inhibitor磺化煤sulfonated coal挥发酚volatile phenol回流比recycle ratio回流污泥率 return sludge ratio汇水面积 catchment area, collection area混合 mixing混合床 miced bed混合液挥发性悬浮固体 mixed liquor volatile suspended solids(MLVSS)混合液悬浮固体 mixed liquor suspended solids(MLSS)混凝 coagulation混凝沉淀 coagulation-sedimentation混凝剂 coagulant浑浊度 tubidity活化产物 activation products硅酸钠 sodium silicate活性剂 activator活性染料 active dye活性炭 activated carbon活性炭的再生 re-generation of activated carbon活性炭吸附 active carbon adsorption活性污泥activated sludge活性污泥法 activated sludge process活性污泥负荷 activated sludge loading活性污泥驯化 acclimation of activated sludgeIdle 闲置Legionella 军团杆菌Oxidation ditch 氧化沟, 又名连续循环曝气池(Continuous loop reactor)Ritilä格栅?SBR(Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Process) 序列间歇式活性污泥法Settle 沉淀Unitank活性污泥法之一污水处理技术知识目前,国内外城市污水处理厂处理工艺大都采用一级处理和二级处理。

污水处理流程英语介绍Wastewater treatment is a crucial process for protecting the environment and public health by removing contaminants from sewage or industrial wastewater before it is released back into the environment. The wastewater treatment process typically involves several key steps:1. Preliminary Treatment: During this stage, large debris, such as sticks, leaves, and plastics, are removed from the wastewater through physical processes like screening and sedimentation.2. Primary Treatment: In the primary treatment stage, solids and organic matter are settled out of the wastewater through sedimentation. This process helps to remove a significant portion of the suspended solids and pollutants.3. Secondary Treatment: The secondary treatment stage involves biological processes where microorganisms break down organic matter in the wastewater. This step further reduces the concentration of organic pollutants and nutrients in the water.4. Tertiary Treatment: Tertiary treatment is the final stage of the wastewater treatment process, whereadditional treatment methods, such as filtration, disinfection, and nutrient removal, are employed to further improve the quality of the treated water.5. Discharge or Reuse: After undergoing the treatment process, the treated wastewater can be discharged into surface water bodies or reused for non-potable purposes like irrigation or industrial processes.Overall, the wastewater treatment process is essential for maintaining environmental sustainability and ensuring the safety of water resources. By effectively treating wastewater, we can protect ecosystems, prevent water pollution, and promote a healthier and cleaner environment.中文翻译:污水处理是一项关键的过程,通过将污水或工业废水中的污染物去除后再排放回环境中,以保护环境和公共卫生。

1,Regulating Pool 调节池2, Pumping Station 提升泵房3, Anaerobic Tank 厌氧池4, Facultative Tank 兼氧池(翻译把兼氧好氧池分开了) 5, Aerobic Tank 好氧池6, Biochemical Sedimentation Tank 生化沉淀池7, Reaction Tank 反应池8, Physical and Chemical Sedimentation Tank 物化沉淀池9, Fan Room 风机房10, Sludge Pool 污泥池11, The Sludge Concentration Pool 污泥浓缩池12, Sludge Dewatering Room 污泥脱水间Cids 酸Process Flow Chart 工艺流程图Wastewater 废水Emission On Standard 达标排放Overflow Into The Regulating Pool 溢液进调节池Sludge transport污泥外运Biogas 沼气Agent 药剂Bar Screen格栅Returned Slude污泥回流Boiler Room 锅炉房Switching Room 配电室Add The Pharmacy 配药间Office Lab 办公化验室Legend 图例Filter Press 板框压滤机Temperature(温度)pH(pH值)BOD5 at 20°C(五日生化需氧量)Total nitrogen (as N)(总氮)COD (mg O2 /l)(化学需氧量)Total phosphorus (as P)(总磷)Suspended solids (悬浮物SS)Total ammonia (as N) (总氨氮)Oils, fats & grease (动植物油类)Phenols (酚类)Mercury (as Hg)(汞)Nickel (as Ni)(镍)Cobalt (as Co)(钴)Lead (as Pb)(铅)Antimony (as Sb)(锑)Tin (as Sn)(锡)Chromium (as Cr VI)(六价铬)Chromium (as total Cr) (总铬)Arsenic (as As)(砷)Cadmium (as Cd)(镉)Zinc (as Zn)(锌)Copper (as Cu)(铜)"Mineral oils (Interceptors)(物理处理出水矿物油)" "Benzene, toluene & xylene (combined)(苯、甲苯、二甲苯总量)"Mineral oils (Biological Treatment)(生物处理出水矿物油)""Organochlorine pesticides (as Cl) (有机氯农药)" "Mothproofing agents (as Cl) (防蛀剂)""Organophosphorus pesticides (as P) (有机磷农药)" Adsorbable organic halogen compounds (AOX)(可吸附有机卤化物Sulphide(asS)(硫化物)Color (dilution ratio)(色度稀释倍数)Particulate matter(粉尘)Volatile organic carbons (as C) (excluding formaldehyde)(挥发性有机碳,不包含甲醛)Formaldehyde(甲醛)Isocyanates (as NCO)(异氰酸酯)Cyanide(氰化物)Silver总银Manganese总锰Selenium总硒Benzopyrene苯并芘Aniline苯胺类Nitrocompound总硝基化合物Malathion马拉硫磷Dimethoate乐果Parathion对硫磷Parathion-methyl甲基对硫磷Pentachlorophenol五氯酚Trichloromethane三氯甲烷Tetrachloromethane四氯甲烷Trichloro ethylene三氯乙烯Tetrachloroethylene四氯乙烯Close Xylene邻–二甲苯Face Xylene对–二甲苯Space Xylene间–二甲苯Ethylbenzene乙苯Chlorobenzene氯苯1,4-Dichlorobenzene1,4–二氯苯P-nitrchlorobenzene对硝基氯苯"2,4-Dinitrochlorobenzene2,4–二硝基氯苯"Phenol苯酚Space Cresol间–甲酚2,4-Dichlorophen2,4–二氯酚"2,4,6-Trichlorophenol2,4,6–三氯酚""Phthalic acid Dibutyl ester邻苯二甲酸二丁酯""Phthalic acid Dioctyl phthalate邻苯二甲酸二辛酯"Acrylonitrile丙烯晴给排水常用名词中英文对照1、给水工程water supply engineering 原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程。

污水处理英语词汇AA/A/O法anaerobic-anoxic-oxic process(厌氧-缺氧-好氧法)A-A-O生物脱氮除磷工艺A-A-O biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal processA-O脱氮工艺 A-O nitrogen removal processA-O除磷工艺 A-O phosphorus removal processAB法 Adsorption Biodegradation process(吸附生物降解法)总a放射线 Total a radioactivity氨氮 ammonia-nitrogen氨基酸 amino acid氨化反应 Nitragen铵盐 ammonium saltA/O法(厌氧-好氧法) anaerobic-oxic process奥贝尔(Orbal)型氧化沟Orbal oxidation ditchB巴登福脱氮除磷工艺Bardenpho nitrogen and phosphorus removal process白水(漂洗废水) whitewater(bleaching water)板框压滤 plate pressurefiltration离心机 centrifugalmachine半渗透膜semi-permeable membrane棒状杆菌属corynebacterium薄膜式淋水填料 filmpacking饱和常数(Ks) saturationconstant暴雨公式 storm flowformula暴雨径流 storm runoff溢流井 overflow well苯 benzene苯胺 aniline总B放射性 Total Bradioactivity泵型叶轮暴气器 paddleimpeller aerator泵站 pumping stationBMTS型一体化氧化沟BMTS intrachannel clarifieroxidation ditch闭路循环 closed loop表面冲洗 surfacewashing表面负荷 surface load表面过滤 surfacefiltration表面活性剂 surfactant表面活性物质 surfaceactive additive agent表面曝气 surfaceaeration表面曝气器 surfaceaerator表面淹灌 surface floodirrigation表面冲洗装置 surfacewashing facility丙烯酸 acrylic acid丙烯腈 acrylonitrile病毒 virus病原菌(致病菌) pathogen病原微生物 pathogenmicroorganismBOD-污泥负荷BOD-sludge load补充水 make-up water布朗运动 BrownianmovementC财务评价 financial evaluation配水系统 distribution system侧渠型一体化氧化沟integrated oxidation ditch with side ditch产氢气乙酸菌Rydrogenes and acetic aid genes产甲烷细菌methanogenes产率系数 yield coefficient常规给水处理工艺conventional water treatment processes敞开式循环冷却水系统opened recirculating cooling water system超高纯水ultra-high-purify water超过滤 ultrafiltration超过滤膜法ultrafiltration membrane process沉淀 precipitation, sedimentation沉淀池 sedimentation tank沉砂池 grit chamber城市废水 municipalwastewater城市废水处理 municipalwastewater treatment澄清 clalification可持续发展 sustainabledevelopment充满度 degree offullness重现期 exceedioninterval, period ofrecurrence抽风式机械通风冷却塔induced draft mechanicalcooling tower臭氧发生器 ozonegenerator臭氧法 ozonationprocess臭氧消毒 ozonedisinfection初次(级)沉淀池 primaryclarifier, primarysedimentation tank除水器 drift eliminator除铁除锰 iron andmanganese removal除盐水(脱盐水) desaltedwater,demineralized water除渣 desilication,silica removal除藻 algal removal除氟 algal fluorine穿透曲线 penetrationcurve活性污泥法 activatedsludge process生物脱氮工艺biological nitrogen removalprocess船型一体化氧化沟 BoatType in intrachannelclarifier oxidation ditch纯(富)氧曝气法pure-oxygen aeration process磁凝聚 magneticcoagulation磁盘法 magnetic diskprocess磁过滤法 magneticfierration process萃取 extraction萃取剂 extractantD达西定律 Darcy’s law大肠菌群Coliform-group bacteria大气泡曝气装置 largebubble aerator代谢 metabolism带式过滤 belt press filtration]单级传统消化池single-stage conventional digester单螺旋式曝气装置single spiral aerator氮 nitrogen氮循环 nitrogen cycle蛋白质 protein倒虹管 inverted siphon低放射性废物 low-level radio active waste制浆废水 kraft mill wastewater敌百虫 dipterex敌敌畏 dichlorvos涤纶纤维 polyester fiber地表漫流系统 overland flow system(OF)地表水 surface water地面(表)水环境质量标准 environmental quality standard for surface water地下滤场 underground filtration field地下渗漏 underground percolation地下渗滤系统subsurface infiltrationsystem地下水 groundwater人工湿地系统artificial(constructed)wetland再生水回流地下水质标准water quality standard forrecharging parifiedwastewaterwater into groundwateraquifer地下水位 undergroundwater level淀粉生产废水 starchproducing wastewater点滴-薄膜式淋水填料splash-film packing点滴式淋水填料 splashpacking点污染源 pointpollufion source电动电位electromotance potential电镀废水electroplating wastewater电极 electrode电解法 electrolyticalprocess电流密度 eletronicdensity电渗析 electrodialysis电渗析器electrodialyzer电晕放电 brushdischarge动态年成本 dynamicannual cost动植物油 oil and grease对硫磷 parathion多层床 multibed多环芳烃 polycyclichydracarban多氯联苯polychlorinatedbiphenyls(PCBs)E二次(级)沉淀池secondary clarifier,secondary sedimentation tank二级处理 secondarytratamentF乏燃料spent fuel反冲洗black washing反渗透(逆渗透)reverse osmosis反渗透法reverseosmosis process反渗透膜reverse osmosis membrane反硝化,脱氮denitrification防止腐蚀corrosion prevention纺丝spining纺织废水textile wastewater放射性半衰期radioactive half-life放射性废水处理radioactive wastewater treatment放射性排出物radioactive effluent非点源污染(面源污染)non-point source pollution非离子氨non-ionic ammonia废水处理wastewater treatment废水中和neutralization of wastewaters分离separation分流制separate system分流排水系统separated sewer system酚phenol焚烧incineration风吹损失windageloss风筒式冷却塔chimmey cooling tower封闭循环系统closedrecirculation system氟化物fluoride辐射流沉淀池radialflow sedimentation tank浮盖式消化池floating-cover digester气浮flotation福斯特利帕除磷工艺Phostrip phosphorus removalprocess福列德克斯脱氮除磷工艺Phoredox nitrogen andphosphorus removal process腐蚀corrosion富营养化eutrophication富营养化湖泊、水库eutrophic lake,eutrophicreservoirGr射线 gamma rays甘蔗废水 sugarcanewastewater干化 drying干化床 drying bed冷却塔 cooling tower钢铁工业废水 iron andsteel mill wastewater高纯水 ultrapure water高放废物 high-levelradio active wastes高分子电解质polymolecular electrolye高分子絮凝剂polymolecular floc高负荷活性污泥法high-loading activatedsludge method高负荷生物滤池 highloading biological filter高炉煤气洗涤水wastewater produced fromscrubbing blast furnace topgas高锰酸盐指数 potassiumpermanganate index高速消化池 high-ratedigester高梯度磁分离器(HGMS)high grade magnegic separator高浊度水 high turbiditywater格栅 bar screen隔板反应池 bafflereaction tank隔板式混合槽 baffle mixer隔油池 oil separator镉 cadmium铬 chromium给水泵站 water pumping station给水处理 water treatment给水网管系统 water supply system工业水处理与循环系统industrial water treatment and recirculation system工业废水 industrial wastewater汞 mercury鼓风曝气 blast aeration鼓风式机械通风冷却塔forced draft mechanical cooling tower固定螺旋式曝气装置fixed spiral aerator景观、娱乐水体landscape and recreation waterbody管道接口 conduit joint给水配水系统 water supply piping distribution system网管平差 balancingnetwok罐头生产废水 Cannerywastewater硅藻土 cilicious marH海水淡化demineralization of sea water含酚废水 phenolcontained wastewater含水量 moisture content含盐量 saline capacity含油废水 oilywastewater旱流污水量(DWF)dry-weather flow好氧生物处理 aerobicbiological treatment好氧塘 aerobic pond好氧稳定 aerobicstabilization合成洗涤剂 syntheticdetergent合成纤维 syntheticfiber合成纤维废水 syntheticfiber wastewater合成橡胶 syntheticrubber合流城市废水 combinedmunicipal wastewater合流制排水系统combined sewer system水体功能分类 waterbodyfunction classification核能工厂 nuclear powerstation核燃料循环 nuclear fuelcycle核素 nuclide冶金工业废水metallurgical industrywastewater黑液 black liquor黑液除硅sillica-elimination fromblack liquid虹吸滤池 siphon filter化学处理 chemicaltreatment化学工业 chemicalindustry化学吸附 chemicaladsorption化学纤维 chemical fiber化学需氧量 chemicaloxygen demand (COD)环状管网系统 grid pipenetwork system缓蚀 corrosioninhibition缓蚀剂 corrosion inhibitor磺化煤 sulfonated coal挥发酚 volatile phenol回流比 recycle ratio回流污泥率 returnsludge ratio汇水面积 catchment area, collection area混合 mixing混合床 miced bed混合液挥发性悬浮固体mixed liquor volatile suspended solids(MLVSS)混合液悬浮固体 mixed liquor suspendedsolids(MLSS)混凝 coagulation混凝沉淀coagulation-sedimentation混凝剂 coagulant浑浊度 tubidity活化产物 activation products硅酸钠 sodium silicate活性剂 activator活性染料 active dye活性炭 activated carbon活性炭的再生re-generation of activatedcarbon活性炭吸附 activecarbon adsorption活性污泥 activatedsludge活性污泥法 activatedsludge process活性污泥负荷 activatedsludge loading活性污泥驯化acclimation of activatedsludgeJ机械反应池 mechanicalreactor机械剪切曝气装置mechanical shearing aerator机械搅拌 mechanicalmixing机械搅拌澄清池accelerator机械曝气 mechanicalaeration机械通风冷却塔mechanical draft coolingtower机械脱水 mechanicaldewatering极化现象 polarization级配 granularcomposition集水池 collection well集中处理(合并处理)joint treatment计算机 computer计算机辅助设计computer aid design加速过滤器accelo-filter加压气化pressure-gasification甲基对硫磷 parathionmethyl甲醛 formaldehyde甲烷 methane甲烷发酵 methanefermentation甲烷气体 methane gas间歇式活性污泥系统sequencing batch reactoractivated sludge system(SBR)蒹性塘 facultative pond检查井 manhole减压薄膜蒸发法decreasing pressure andthin-film evaporation process碱法制浆 soda pulping process浆粕 pulp降雨历时 duration of rainfall降雨量,降水precipitation浇洒道路用水 street flushing water焦化废水 coking wastewater交替工作式氧化沟alternative operating oxidation ditch交替运行的生物滤池alternative operating trickling filter胶体 colloid阶段曝气 step aeration接触池 contact chamber接触氧化法 contact oxidation process结垢 scale节水 water saving锦纶纤维 polyamide fiber腈纶纤维 acrylic fiber精制塘(深度处理塘)polishing pond经济效益 economicbenefit径流系数 runoffcoefficent静态年成本 staticannuity cost景观娱乐用水水质标准water quality standard forlandscape and recreation area酒精工业 alcoholdistilery就地处理系统(小型处理)on-site treatment systems(small scale facilities)聚丙烯酰胺polyacrylamide聚丙烯酰胺水解体polyacrylamide hydrolysisproduct聚合 polymerize聚合度 polymerizingdegree聚合氯化铝polyaluminum chloride均衡池(塘) equalizaliontank(basin,lagoon)K卡罗塞式氧化沟Corrousel oxidation ditchK型叶轮曝气机 K typeimpeller aerator凯式氮 kjeldahlnitrogen空气驱动式生物转盘aero biological disks孔隙率 porosity快滤池 rapid filter快速渗滤系统 rapidinfiltration system(RI)矿井 shaft(mine)矿区 mining area矿区环境 mining areaenvironment矿山废水 minerywasterwater矿山酸性废水 acid minewastewater扩散板 diffusion plate扩散管 diffusion tube扩散盘(罩) diffusiondisc(cover)L乐果 dimethoate冷凝 condensation冷凝水 condensate water冷却 cooling冷却池 cooling pond冷却塔 cooling tower冷却塔配水系统 cooling tower distribution system冷却循环水 circulated cooling water冷轧 cold steel-rolling离心泵 centrifugal pump离心 centrifugation force离心机 centrifugal machine离心脱水 centrifugal dewatering离心作用centrifugation离子交换 ion exchange离子交换剂 ion exchanger离子交换膜 ion exchange membrane离子交换树脂 ion exchange resin粒径 grain size砾石承托层 gravel support炼钢厂废水steel-making process wastewater炼铁 iron-smelting炼铁(高炉)废水 blastfurnace wastewater炼油厂废水 refineryprocessing waserwater淋滤 leaching淋水密度 waterdrenching density淋水面积 waterdrenching aera淋水填料 packing磷 phosphorus磷酸盐 phosphate生物流化床 Biologicalfluidized bed硫化物 sulphide硫化物沉淀法precipitation with sulphide硫酸铵 ammonium sulfate硫酸钙 Calcium sulfate硫酸铝 aluminum sulfate硫酸镁 magnesiumsulfate硫酸铁 ferric sulfate硫酸亚铁 ferroussulfate硫酸盐 sulfate硫循环 sulphur cycle铝酸钠 sodium aluminate滤层 filter layer滤池冲洗水量 filterwashing water consumption滤池配水系统 filterunderdrain system滤池运行周期 filtercycle time滤床 filter bed滤料 filtering medium滤速 filtration rate滤液 filtrate氯 chlorine氯-氨法chlorine-ammonia process氯化,加氯处理chlorination氯化物 Chlorides螺旋桨式快速搅拌机propeller-type high speedagitatorM马拉硫磷 malathion脉冲澄清池 pulsator慢滤池 slowfilter慢速渗滤系统 slow rate infiltration system (SR)煤气 coal gas煤气厂 gas work煤气发生器 coal gas generator煤气发生站 gas generation station煤气净化 coal gas purification煤炭 coal锰 manganse米门公式 Michaelis - Menten equation莫诺德公式 Monod equation密闭式循环冷却水系统closed recirculating cooling water system密集多喷嘴曝气装置compact multinozzle aerator面污染源 non-point pollution source敏感性分析 sensitivity analysis膜分离装置 membrane seperator膜选择性 membrane selectivity膜污染 membranefoulting膜中毒 membranepoisoningN难生物降解有机物nonbiodegradable organies尼龙 nylon逆流漂洗counter-current washing逆流式冷却塔counterflow cooling tower逆流再生counter-current regeneration粘胶 rayon酿酒废水 winerywastewater酿造与发酵工业废水brewery and fermentationindustrial wastewater凝聚 coagulation凝聚剂 coagulant牛奶生产废水 dairywastewater浓缩 concentration浓缩倍数 cycle ofconcentration浓缩池 thickening tank浓缩污泥 concentratedsludge农田灌溉水质标准standards for irrigationwater quality农用污泥中污染物控制标准 contaminants controlstandard for sludge farming农药 pesticide农药厂废水 pesticideplant wastewaterP排泥系统 sludge -discharge system排水量 discharge排水管 drain pipe排水口 outlet排水系统 sewer system排污 blowdown泡沫分离 foam phaseseparation配水网管 distributionsystem ,pipe system喷灌 spray irrigation喷水池 spray pond皮革 leather啤酒废水 brewerywastewater啤酒废水处理 brewery wastewater treatment漂白 bleaching平板式膜 plate membrane平板式叶轮曝气器 plate impellar aerator平衡吸附容量equilibrium adsorption capacity平流式沉砂池horizontal flow grlt removal tank平流式沉淀池horizontal flow sedimentation tank普通生物滤池biological filter,trickling filter曝气 aeration曝气沉砂池 aerationgrit chamber曝气池 aeration tank曝气栅 aeration boom曝气设备 aeration equipment曝气时间 aeration time曝气装置,曝气机aerator居民生活垃圾 HouseholdWaste庫底平整線 bottom flattingline of the site庫區填埋邊線 landfill sideline of the site庫容 Storage capacity垃圾 Waste ,Solid Waste垃圾壩 waste dam垃圾殘渣 residue垃圾槽 waste chute垃圾層 waste layer垃圾產量 Waste output垃圾堆肥場 waste compostingfield垃圾堆體 waste pile垃圾副壩 secondary waste dam垃圾揀選場 Waste SortingSite垃圾氣化 waste gasification垃圾收集車 waste collector垃圾桶 garbage ,rubbishbarrel垃圾箱 garbage container垃圾壓實系統 wastecompactor system垃圾衍生燃料 Refuse-derivedfuel (RDF)垃圾衍生燃料 waste derivedfuel垃圾轉運車 waste transfertruck垃圾轉運站 waste transferstation垃圾裝卸坡 waste loadingramp離心脫水機 centrifugaldewaterer鈉基膨潤土 sodium bentonite農業廢棄物 AgriculturalWaste濃縮池 thickening tank排放 discharge排泥閥 sludge valve排水口 Drain Outlet膨潤土 bentonite熱解 Pyrolysis溶解氧測定儀(DO計)dissolved oxygen meter(DOmeter)砂水分離機 grit-watersplitter商業垃圾 Commercial Waste上橫沖填埋場 ShanghengchongLandfill Site上清液 supernatant liquor設備選型 Type selection ofequipment滲濾液(垃圾滲濾液) leachate滲濾液處理 leachatetreatment滲濾液處理站 LeachateTreatment Station滲濾液收集及導排氣系統平面圖 Plan of LeachateCollection and Guiding andExhaust System滲濾液收集盲溝 blind drainfor leachate collection生活垃圾 Domestic waste生活垃圾焚燒污染控制標准Standard for PollutionControl on the MunicipalSolid Waste Incineration剩余污泥 excess sludge剩余污泥泵 excess sludgepump輸渣機 clinker conveyer豎向石籠 vertical stone cage雙層防滲結構 double-linersystem水位 water level提升泵站 lift pumpingstation填埋(垃圾) Landfill填埋場 Landfill site填埋場封場 seal of landfillsite填埋場總體布置圖 General Layout of Landfill Site填埋場縱斷面示意圖 Sketch Map of Landfill Site Vertical Section填埋庫區 Landfill Area填埋庫區平面布置圖 Plane Layout of Landfill Area1:1000填埋氣 Landfill gas砼 concrete圖例 legend土工合成材料粘土墊層Geosynthetics Clay Liner (GCL)土工膜 geomembrane脫水機 dewaterer脫水機房 dewatering house衛生填埋 sanitary landfill 渦流沉砂池(旋流沉砂池)vortex grit tank污泥泵房 sludge pumping room 污泥處理 sludge treatment污泥處理流程示意圖 Flow Chart of Sewage Treatment Process污泥管線 sludge pipeline污泥濃度計(MLSS計) sludge concentration meter(MLSS meter)污泥濃縮及脫水機房 Sludge Thickening & Dewatering House污泥脫水車間 sludge dewatering workshop污水泵 sewage pump污水處理 sewage treatment污水處理厂 Wastewater Treatment Plant污水處理流程示意圖 Sewage Treatment Process Sketch Map 污水管線 sewage pipeline污水水面 wastewater surface 無線傳輸 wireless transmission吸水井 suction well消毒池 disinfecting tank新聯村熊家窯 Xiongjiayao, Xinliancun序批式活性污泥法(SBR法)Sequence Batch Reactor選型 Type selection壓縮式垃圾車 waste compactors厭氧、缺氧、好氧 Anaerobic, Anoxic, Aerobic Underwater Blender厭氧堆肥 anaerobic composting厭氧發酵 methane fermentation; anaerobic fermentation厭氧流化床反應器 anaerobic fluidized bed厭氧流化床反應器 anaerobic fluidized bed氧化溝 oxidation ditch氧化溝 oxidation ditch葉輪曝氣機 impeller aerator 一級發酵(初級發酵) primary fermentation醫院垃圾 Hospital Waste營養土層 nutritious soil layer預留垃圾綜合利用生產用地Reserved Waste Comprehensive Utility and Production Land 再生 reclamation柵渣 sediment粘土層 clay layer支盲溝 blind sub-drain至垃圾填埋場 to the waste landfill site終期覆土 terminal earth covering主盲溝 main blind drain自控系統 autonomous system 自然土層 natural soil layer。

1. Introduction污水处理技术术语英语共18页word资料旨在帮助读者了解污水处理领域中常用的术语及其英语翻译。
2. Terminology下面是一些常见的污水处理技术术语及其英语翻译:2.1 Primary Treatment初级处理Primary treatment is the first stage of wastewater treatment, which involves the removal of large solids and floating materials from the wastewater through physical processes such as screening and sedimentation.2.2 Secondary Treatment二级处理Secondary treatment follows primary treatment and aims to remove organic matter and suspended solids from the wastewater. This is typically achieved through biological processes such as activated sludge or trickling filter systems.2.3 Tertiary Treatment三级处理Tertiary treatment is the final stage of wastewater treatment, where the effluent from secondary treatment is further purified to meet specific water quality standards. This may involve advanced processes such as filtration, disinfection, and nutrient removal.2.4 Anaerobic Digestion厌氧消化Anaerobic digestion is a biological process that breaks down organic matter in the absence of oxygen. It produces biogas, a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, which can be used as a renewable energy source.2.5 Sludge Dewatering污泥脱水Sludge dewatering is the process of removing water from sludge, resulting in a more concentrated and manageable solid waste. Common methods include mechanical dewatering techniques like centrifuges and belt presses.2.6 Effluent出水Effluent refers to the treated wastewater that is discharged from a treatment plant into the environment. It should meet specific quality standards to ensure minimal impact on receiving water bodies.2.7 Nutrient Removal营养物质去除Nutrient removal is the process of reducing excessive levels of nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, in wastewater. This is important to prevent eutrophication and maintain the ecological balance of water bodies.2.8 Disinfection消毒Disinfection is the process of killing or inactivating disease-causing microorganisms in wastewater. Common disinfection methods include chlorination, ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, and ozonation.3. Examples以下是一些示例,展示了如何使用污水处理技术术语的英语翻译:3.1 The wastewater undergoes primary treatment, where large solids are removed through screening and sedimentation.污水经过初级处理,通过筛分和沉淀去除大颗粒物质。

1) oilfield wastewater采油废水1.By samples experiment of different batches of microbiological preparations to verifying the effect of the removal rate of CODCr and petroleum hydrocarbon degradation of oilfield wastewater treatment, a method using Victory Blue B1 for detecting the quality of the microbiological preparations of oilfield wastewater treatment was proposed.通过不同批次制剂样品对采油废水的CODCr去除率和石油烃降解效果的检测实验,提出了以维多利亚蓝BI来检测油田废水微生物制剂质量的检测方法。
2.The photoelectrocatalytic degradation of oilfield wastewater containing high content of chlorine was studied in TiO_2 aqueous suspensions.以高压汞灯为光源,考察了在光催化、电氧化、光电催化及光电催化/H2O2体系中降解实际油田采油废水的效率。
3.A catalytic advanced oxidation process based on copper charging activated carbon and DO in wastewater has been studied for polishing oilfield wastewater treated by coagulation sedimentation of which COD could not meet the discharge standard.采用载铜活性炭和废水中溶解氧体系,用催化氧化法深度去除采油废水中的COD。

Aerobic treatment of dairy wastewater with sequencing batch reactor systemsXiujin Li,Ruihong ZhangAbstract Performances of single-stage and two-stage se-quencing batch reactor(SBR)systems were investigated for treating dairy wastewater.A single-stage SBR system was tested with10,000mg/l chemical oxygen demand (COD)influent at three hydraulic retention times(HRTs) of1,2,and3days and20,000mg/l COD influent at four HRTs of1,2,3,and4days.A1-day HRT was foundsufficient for treating10,000-mg/l COD wastewater,with the removal efficiency of80.2%COD,63.4%total solids, 66.2%volatile solids,75%total Kjeldahl nitrogen,and 38.3%total nitrogen from the liquid effluent.Two-day HRT was believed sufficient for treating20,000-mg/l COD dairy wastewater if complete ammonia oxidation is not desired.However,4-day HRT needs to be used for achieving complete ammonia oxidation.A two-stage sys-tem consisting of an SBR and a complete-mix biofilm re-actor was capable of achieving complete ammonia oxidation and comparable carbon,solids,and nitrogen removal while using at least1/3less HRT as compared to the single SBR system.Keywords Aerobic,dairy,wastewater,sequencing batch reactor1IntroductionDairy wastewater is currently disposed of mainly through land application with little or no pretreatment in Califor-nia in the United States.Due to increasing awareness of the general public about potential adverse impact of ani-mal wastes on environmental quality and recent develop-ments in environmental regulations for gaseous-emission control and nutrient management,alternative wastewater treatment methods become attractive options for dairy producers.A sequencing batch reactor(SBR)is a biolog-ical treatment reactor that uses aerobic bacteria to degrade organic carbon and remove nitrogen present in the wastewater.If designed and operated properly,it maybecome a promising alternative for treating animal wastewater to control odors and reduce solids and nutrient contents.The SBR treats wastewater in small batches andfits wellwith most animal wastewater collection systems.It is atime-oriented system and operates over repeated cycles offive phases–fill,react,settle,decant,and idle.The major factors that control the performance of SBRs include or-ganic loading rate,hydraulic retention time(HRT),solids retention time(SRT),dissolved oxygen(DO),and influent characteristics such as chemical oxygen demand(COD),solids content,and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio(C/N),etc. Depending on how these parameters are controlled,theSBR can be designed to have one or more of these func-tions:carbon oxidation,nitrification,and denitrification[1,2].Carbon oxidation and denitrification are carried outby heterotrophic bacteria and nitrification is by auto-trophic bacteria.The SBR has been successfully used in the treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater,wherethe high treatment performance resulted in excellent ef-fluent quality[3,4].It is considered to be a suitable systemfor wastewater treatment applications in small communi-ties[5].The SBR is a relatively new technology for agri-cultural applications.Previous research on the SBR foranimal waste was primarily concentrated on swine wastewater treatment.Several researchers[6,7,8]re-ported the performance of SBR in treating swine waste-water with COD and suspended solids(SS)in the range of1,614–2,826mg/l and175–3,824mg/l,respectively.Satis-factory removal of COD and SS from the wastewater was achieved with HRTs of22–30h.Fernades et al.[9]studiedthe SBR for treating highly concentrated swine manurewith about4%total solids(TS).The influent COD,NH3-N,and total Kjeldahl nitrogen(TKN)were as high as31,175mg/l,1,265mg/l,and2,580mg/l,respectively.Their results indicated that above97%COD,99%NH3-N,and93%TKN removal efficiencies were achieved in theliquid effluent at HRTs of6and9days and SRT of over20days.Tam et al.[10]researched SBR for treatment of wastewater from a milking center and reported that the wastewater with919–1,330mg/l COD and15–37mg/lNH3-N could be successfully treated with a HRT of20h. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng25(2002)103–109DOI10.1007/s00449-002-0286-9103Received:2October2001/Accepted:6February2002 Published online:5April2002ÓSpringer-Verlag2002X.Li(&)Department of Environmental Engineering,Beijing University of Chemical Technology,100029,Beijing,ChinaE-mail:lxiujin@Tel.:+86-010-********Fax:+86-010-********R.ZhangBiological and Agricultural Engineering Department, University of California at Davis,CA95616,USAThis research was supported in part by the California Energy Commission and the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of California,Davis,USA.Studies on the SBR for treating dairy manure are not well documented in the literature.Previous researchfindings about the SBR for treatment of swine manure and other types of wastewater provide valuable references for the treatment of dairy wastewater.However,due to the dif-ferences in the characteristics of dairy wastewater from other types of wastewater,research is needed to develop design and operational guidelines for the SBR in treating dairy wastewater of various characteristics.The objectives of this study are to investigate the effects of wastewater characteristics,HRT,SRT,and organic loading rate on the performance of the SBR system in treating dairy wastewater for carbon and solids removal and nitrogen conversion,and develop design and opera-tional guidelines for the SBR system in single-and mul-tiple-stage configurations.2Materials and methods2.1Dairy manure collection and preparationDairy manure was collected on the Dairy Research Farm of the University of California at Davis.Due to runoff of urine on the feedlot,the collected manure was mainly feces and contained a relatively low content of ammonia nitro-gen.The manure was slurried with addition of water and then screened twice with two sieves with openings of4·4 and2·2mm,respectively,to remove large particles.The screened manure was transported immediately to the laboratory and stored in a freezer at–20°C until use.The TS and COD of the screened manure were30,000–40,000mg/l and35,000–50,000mg/l,respectively.When needed,the stored manure was thawed and then diluted with tap water to obtain a desired COD concentration.Due to relatively low ammonia content of the raw manure as compared to typical levels in the manure collected on dairy farms,urea was added to increase the NH3-N in the prepared manure from100–125mg/l to500–550mg/l.The prepared manure was then put into a50-l feeding tank housed in a refrigerator at4°C for daily use.The feeding tank had an agitator to mix the wastewater during the feeding of the reactors.2.2Experimental setup and operationBoth single-stage and two-stage treatment systems were tested.The single-stage SBR system consisted of an SBR and a solids-settling tank in series.The wastewater wasfirst fed into the SBR for treatment and the effluent of the SBR, including both sludge and liquid,was then discharged into a settling tank,where liquid was separated from sludge by gravity settling and characterized as liquid effluent of the system.The two-stage system consisted of an SBR(first-stage reactor),a solids-settling tank,and a complete-mix biofilm reactor(CMBR)(second-stage reactor)connected in series.The liquid effluent obtained from the solids-set-tling tank was used as influent of CMBR and further treated in the CMBR for achieving complete nitrification.The two-stage SBR-CMBR system is shown in Fig.1.Each system was fed and decanted twice a day for12h in each treatment cycle.All the peristaltic pumps used for feeding and decanting were operated automatically with a digital time controller.The time sequence for different operations during each treatment cycle of the SBR was1–3minfill,11h and4–8min react,40min settle,1–3min decant,and10min idle.The CMBR was operated as a complete-mix reactor and had long SRT provided by the attached growth on the polyethylene pellets placed in the reactor.The plastic pellets had light density(920kg/ m3)and were keptfluidized with the airflow.Each pellet was10mm in diameter and10mm in height,with a cross inside the cylinder and longitudinalfins on the outside, providing a large surface area for bacterial attachment. Thefilling volume of the pellets in total occupied ap-proximately18%of liquid volume(3l)in the reactor.The SBR and CMBR reactors were made from trans-parent acrylic and had a total volume of6l each,with51cm height and12cm diameter.During testing,the liquid vol-ume of each reactor was3l.Each reactor was aerated using pressurized air at a controlledflow rate.In order to mini-mize the water evaporation in the reactor,the air was hu-midified by traveling through water contained in a15-l jar prior to entering the reactor.The air was evenly distributed into the wastewater through four air stone diffusers in-stalled near the bottom of the reactor.All the reactors were initially seeded with the activated sludge obtained from the UC Davis Wastewater Treatment Plant and allowed to ac-climate for about2months before formal experiments were started.It normally took about4weeks for each SBR re-actor to reach a steady state when a new operating condi-tion was introduced.The steady state was defined to be a state when the weekly variations of effluent COD,TS,NH3-N,and pH were less than5%.These parameters were monitored twice a week.The CMBR had been fully accli-mated with dilute dairy wastewater for about6months and had nitrification bacteria well established before being connected with the SBR.The mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS)in the CMBR was about10,000mg/l,which was calculated from both suspended growth and attached growth solids.In order to determine the ammonia emission from SBR due to aeration,ammonia in the exiting air of SBR was collected by absorbing it in0.3N boric acid solution for 24h under each testing condition.2.3Experimental plan and system performance evaluation The experiment was carried out in two phases.Thefirst phase was for studying the effects of influent characteris-tics,HRT,and corresponding SRT and loading rate on the performance of the single-stage SBR system.The second phase was to evaluate the performance of a two-stage SBR-CMBR system.The two systems were then compared in terms of carbon and solids removal and nitrogen conver-sion efficiencies.With the single-stage SBR system,three HRTs(1,2and 3days)were tested for wastewater of10,000mg/l COD and four HRTs(1,2,3and4days)for wastewater of20,000mg/l COD.For the wastewater of10,000mg/l COD, the corresponding loading rate and SRT for the three HRTs were10,5,and3.3g COD/l/day and8,12,andBioprocess Biosyst Eng25(2002) 10415days,respectively.For the wastewater of 20,000mg/l COD,the corresponding loading rate and SRT for the four HRTs were 20,10,6.7,and 5g COD/l/day and 1.5,3,4,and 6days,respectively.With the two-stage SBR system,2days was used first as the system HRT,with 1day for the first-stage and 1day for the second-stage for both in flu-ents,and then 2.5days was used with 2days for the first stage and 0.5days for the second stage.An air flow rate of 4l/min was applied for all runs,which was able to main-tain dissolved oxygen (DO)in the SBR and CMBR above 3mg/l.The performance of the treatment systems was evalu-ated in terms of carbon and solids removal and nitrogen conversion ef ficiencies.The parameters analyzed included TS,volatile solids (VS),COD,SCOD (soluble COD),TKN,NH 3-N,NO 2-N,and NO 3-N.Two kinds of removal/con-version ef ficiencies were used to interpret the results for carbon and solids removal and nitrogen oxidation.One ef ficiency,E t ,is based on the removal from total ef fluent (including both sludge and liquid ef fluent generated),re-flecting the removal ef ficiency through biological process alone.The other ef ficiency,E l ,was based on the removal from liquid ef fluent,i.e.,supernatant,representing the removal ef ficiency through both biological process and sludge separation.For the single-stage SBR system,the total ef fluent was the ef fluent from the SBR and the liquid ef fluent was the supernatant decanted from the solids settling tank.For the two-stage SBR-CMBR system,the total ef fluent was the combination of sludge from the settling tank and the final ef fluent from CMBR,and the liquid ef fluent was the liquid ef fluent of CMBR.Most of previous research only reports removal ef ficiency from liquid ef fluent (E l ).Actually,E l does not re flect the real capability of a system for removing various constituents from wastewater,because part of these constituents are contained in the sludge that is separated from the liquid ef fluent and discharged as a separate sludge stream.Therefore,E t needs to be used in order to assess the real capability of a system for removing various constituents from wastewater.2.4Sampling and analytical methodsAfter each reactor reached steady state under testing conditions,samples were taken from the in fluent,mixed liquor,total ef fluent,and liquid ef fluent of the reactor three times a week (every other day)for analyses of COD,SCOD,TS,VS,NH 3-N,NO 2-N,NO 3-N,and TKN.The re-moval ef ficiencies,E l and E t ,were calculated based on the data from in fluent,liquid ef fluent,and total ef fluent of the systems.The separation of sludge and liquid in the total ef fluent of the SBR was performed by settling the ef fluent in a 1-l graduated cylinder for 2h and then decanting the liquid fraction above the sludge-liquid interface line.The COD,SCOD,TS,VS,and TKN were measured according to APHA standard methods [11].The COD measured in this study was COD Cr .The pH was measured with an Accumet pH meter (Fisher Scienti fic,Pittsburgh,Pa.).The NH 3-N was measured with a gas-sensing elec-trode and the pH meter.The DO in the reactors wasmonitored on a daily basis with a DO meter (YSI Mode158,Fisher Scienti fic,Pittsburgh,Pa.).The NO 2-N was analyzed with the HACH method,using a DR/2000spectropho-tometer [12].The NO 3-N was measured with a diffusion –conductivity analyzer [13].3Results and discussion3.1Performance of the single-stage SBR system3.1.1Removal of carbon and solidsThe performance data of the SBR for 10,000mg/l COD in fluent COD of 10,000are shown in Table 1.With the increase of HRT from 1to 3days,the COD,SCOD,TS,and VS in the liquid ef fluent became lower,yielding better ef fluent quality due to increased biological conversion and improved sludge settleability,as indicated by the increased removal ef ficiencies (E l and E t ).However,there wasnoboratory setup for a two-stage SBR-CMBR system for dairy wastewater treatmentX.Li,R.Zhang:Aerobic treatment of dairy wastewater with sequencing batch reactor systems105signi ficant difference in terms of carbon and solids rem-ovals and liquid ef fluent quality for the three HRTs.For example,the increase of COD and TS removal ef ficiency E l was 5.1%and 0.3%,and E t was 5.7%and 2.0%,respec-tively,when HRT increased from 1to 3days.Therefore,1-day HRT was believed to be suf ficient for treating the dairy wastewater with 10,000mg/l COD for its satisfactory removal ef ficiency and relatively short HRT.At 1-day HRT,the removal ef ficiency from the liquid ef fluent (E l )was 80.2%for COD,63.4%for TS,and 66.2%for VS.These removals were due to both biological conversion in the SBR and sludge separation in the solids-settling tank.The removal due to biological conversion alone in the SBR,as measured by E t ,was 45.0%for COD,21.4%for TS,and 34.2%for VS.E t was signi ficantly greater than E l ,sug-gesting that the sludge separation after SBR treatment is necessary for achieving signi ficant carbon and solids re-moval from the dairy wastewater.It was found that aerobic treatment greatly enhanced the flocculation and settlea-bility of the solids in the wastewater.Good settleability of sludge was important for achieving high carbon and solids removal ef ficiency.The performance data of the SBR for 20,000mg/l COD in fluent are shown in Table 2.The 1-day HRT was tested first.It was found that it was impossible to control the SRT at a desired level due to fast solids buildup in the reactor and poor solids settleability.When the HRT was increased to 2days,there was signi ficant improvement in the ef fluent quality and increase of removal ef ficiencies.However,when the HRT was further increased to 3days,the changes in the ef fluent quality,COD,and solids removals were not signif-icant.Therefore,2-day HRT was considered enough for COD and solids removal for 20,000mg/l COD in fluent due to its relatively short retention time and high removal ef fi-ciency.At 2-day HRT,the removal ef ficiency E l of COD,SCOD,TS,and VS was 85.7%,67.1%,71.0%,and 70.6%,respectively,and E t was 35.9%,67.1%,22.8%,and 25.6%,respectively.The 4-day HRT was tested for achieving com-plete ammonia conversion.Since ammonia was not com-pletely converted at 2-day and 3-day HRT,longer HRT was needed when complete nitri fication was desired.This will be further discussed in the following nitrogen removal section.The sludge separated from the ef fluent of the SBR contained 4.1–5.9%TS.The lower in fluent COD(10,000mg/l)resulted in better sludge settleability than the higher in fluent COD (20,000mg/l).The sludge volume as the fraction of total ef fluent volume was 5–6%and 13–16%for the lower and higher levels of in fluent COD,respectively.The sludge was composed of not-degraded solids in the wastewater and newly formed bacterial cells.It can be further processed into organic soil amendment through dewatering and composting.Table 1.Ef fluent quality and treatment ef ficiencies of SBR for 10,000mg/l COD in fluentParametersIn fluent (mg/l)1-day HRT 2-day HRT3-day HRT Liquid ef fluent Total ef fluent E l (%)E t (%)Liquid ef fluent Total ef fluent E l (%)E t (%)Liquid ef fluent Total ef fluent E l (%)E t (%)(mg/l)(mg/l)(mg/l)(mg/l)(mg/l)(mg/l)COD 10,0001,9806,50080.245.01,5805,13084.248.71,4704,93085.350.7SCOD 2,9141,4571,45750.050.01,4511,45150.250.21,4281,42851.051.0TS 6,6562,4365,23263.421.42,4765,07962.823.72,4165,09863.723.4VS 5,1081,7243,36166.234.21,5323,24970.036.41,4003,16772.638.0TKN 7801953657553.218535476.354.616533878.856.7TN 78048160738.322.248059838.523.447459639.223.6NH 3-N 51012012076.576.510510579.479.4707086.386.3NO 3-N 0375545NO 2-N 024*******pH8. 2.Ef fluent quality and treatment ef ficiencies of SBR for 20,000mg/l COD in fluentPara-meters In fluent (mg/l)1-day HRT 2-day HRT 3-day HRT 4-day HRTLiquid ef fluent Total ef fluent E l (%)E t (%)Liquid ef fluent Total ef fluent E l (%)E t (%)Liquid ef fluent Total ef fluent E l (%)E t (%)Liquid ef fluent Total ef fluent E l (%)E t (%)(mg/l)(mg/l)(mg/l)(mg/l)(mg/l)(mg/l)(mg/l)(mg/l)COD 20,0004,30013,92078.530.42,87012,82085.735.92,66012,32086.738.4167010,90091.743.3SCOD 6,6603,1973,19752.052.02,1902,19067.167.12,0052,00569.969.912151,21581.881.8TS 12,4424,36710,11564.918.73,6129,60571.022.83,4989,58071.923.033509,19573.124.3VS 10,1043,1427,92268.921.62,9727,51770.625.62,8097,33672.227.424607,05375.729.5TKN 1,14054089952.621.118063884.244.017060085.147.48550092.552.3TN 1,14057393349.718.248491857.519.548891857.219.538888863.020.5NH 3-N 54031031042.642.6828284.884.8808085.285.200100100NO 3-N 020*********NO 2-N 01314013010pH8. Biosyst Eng 25(2002)1063.1.2Nitrogen conversionWith the influent of10,000mg/l COD and1-to3-day HRT,22.2–23.6%of total nitrogen(TN)was lost in the treatment process as indicated by the E t.The losses of TN for the three HRTs were not significantly different.The ammonia collection results showed that the amount of NH3-N volatilized accounted for only2–3%of TN,indi-cating that the ammonia loss through volatilization was small under these operating conditions.The rest of TN loss (approximately20%)might be due to the emission of other nitrogenous gases,such as nitrous oxides(NO and NO2)formed in the nitrification process,and nitrogen gas (N2)formed in the denitrification process.The TKN removal was53.2–56.7%from the total effluent and75–78.8%from the liquid effluent,respectively.The TKN removal mainly resulted from ammonia oxidation.With the influent of20,000mg/l COD and1-to4-day HRTs,the loss of TN was18.2–20.5%.For the1-day HRT, the ammonia collection results showed that ammonia volatilization accounted for16%of TN,indicating that most of TN loss was due to ammonia volatilization.This occurred with the low nitrification rate in the SBR.But ammonia volatilization was insignificant at2-to4-day HRTs,at which the SBR had high nitrification activities. These results might imply that ammonia volatilization could be related to nitrification activity.Little nitrification occurrence at1-day HRT was due to the short SRT of 1.5days.This agrees with thefindings of Prakasam and Loehr[14],who stated that2-day SRT was the minimum for nitrification of poultry wastes.Therefore,HRT was increased to2days and3days,and corresponding SRT were3days and4days.It was found that nitrification was able to sustain in the SBR at both HRTs.At2-day and3-day HRT,the TN and TKN removals were19.5%and44.0–47.4%from the total effluent,and57.5–57.2%and84.2–85.1%from the liquid effluent,respectively.Significant NH3-N was removed,as indicated by removal efficiency of 84.8%for2-day HRT and85.2%for3-day HRT,although there was still80–82mg/l residual NH3-N present in the effluent.It can be seen that there was no significant dif-ference between two HRTs in terms of TN,TKN,and NH3-N removal.Therefore,if complete ammonia oxidation is not required,2-day HRT would be considered efficient for treating20,000mg/l COD influent in terms of both nitrogen removal discussed here and COD and solids removal as mentioned in Sect.3.1.1.Certain amounts of residual ammonia were present in the effluent from20,000mg/l COD influent at2-day and 3-day HRT.This indicates that the nitrification process might have been inhibited in both operation conditions. Nitrification inhibition might be due to possible inhibitions of nitrification bacteria by free ammonia(FA)and free nitrous acids(FNA)and suppression of nitrification bac-teria by more competitive heterotrophic bacteria[15].NH3 was undesirable because of its odor and toxicity to aquatic lives;thus,it needed to be removed from the wastewater. Shammas[16]studied the interaction of temperature,pH, and biomass on the nitrification process and concluded that high nitrification efficiency can only be obtained with either very long detention time or a combination of highsolids concentration and elevated temperature.Therefore,HRT was further increased to4days in order to obtain complete ammonia conversion.It was found that4-dayHRT,corresponding6-day SRT,was enough for complete ammonia conversion,as indicated by zero ammonia pre-sent in the effluent(see Table2).Therefore,it could be concluded that if complete ammonia conversion is desired,4-day HRT would be needed for treating20,000mg/l COD wastewater with540mg/l NH3-N.A track study was conducted in order to further un-derstand the nitrification process in the SBR.The varia-tions of NH3-N,NO2-N,and NO3-N in the SBR during a12-h operating cycle in treating the wastewater of10,000mg/l COD at2-day HRT are shown in Fig.2.Am-monia oxidation mostly occurred in thefirst5h,as indi-cated by the increase of NO2-N and decrease of NH3-N.Since a large amount of ammonia was oxidized in the earlystage of one cycle with high nitrification,the amount of ammonia volatilization may be decreased in contrast tothe condition when nitrification is small as mentionedabove.The relationship between ammonia volatilizationand nitrification activity needs to be further investigated infuture study.The pH could be another factor related to ammonia volatilization.Since higher medium pH in-creased the gas fraction of total ammonia dissolved in the medium,ammonia volatilization could have been highwhen there was little nitrification and pH maintained rel-atively high(approximately8.0),but small when there wasgood nitrification and the pH was decreased(Fig.2).TheNO2-N increased to the peak value about5h later after feeding and then started to decrease,while NO3-N startedto increase slightly.Generally speaking,the variations ofNH3-N,NO2-N,NO3-N,and pH in the SBR during the operating cycle depends on the bioconversion dynamics inthe reactor,initial ammonia concentration,and alkalinityin the wastewater.3.2Performance of the two-stage SBR-CMBR systemAs stated above,a4-day HRT is needed for achieving complete oxidation of ammonia in the dairy wastewaterin107the single-stage SBR.It appears that increasing HRT to achieve complete nitri fication is not cost effective.This led us to explore a two-stage treatment system.Research showed that nitrifying in a separate second-stage aeration system would increase nitri fication rate,due to the more suitable environment provided by a two-stage system than a single-stage system [17].In aerobic treatment,carbon oxidation is carried out by heterotrophic bacteria,while nitri fication is carried out by autotrophic bacteria.The two groups of bacteria are signi ficantly different in physiology,substrate requirement,metabolic characteristics,and growth kinetics.In a single-stage system,both carbon oxidation and nitri fication proceed in one reactor.This forces two groups of bacteria to coexist within the same physical and chemical environment,which is not optimal for either autotrophic or heterotrophic bacteria and makes it dif ficult to achieve optimum carbon and ammonia ually,longer HRT is applied in a single-stage system to balance the slow-growing autotrophic bacteria responsible for nitri fication and fast-growing he-terotrophic bacteria for carbon oxidation.But this is not economical,as mentioned above.A two-stage system could separate carbon oxidation and the nitri fication process and make each process proceed in a separate re-actor.The first-stage reactor is intended mainly for carbon oxidation and enhancement of solids settleability,and the second-stage reactor for providing suitable conditions fornitri fication.Since carbon could be oxidized quickly by fast-growing heterotrophic bacteria,the first-stage reactorcould use a relatively shorter HRT.After the first-stage SBR treatment,the solids settleability is improved as well,the sludge generated is separated and the liquid ef fluent is used as in fluent for the second-stage reactor.Sludge sep-aration would signi ficantly increase the system removal ef ficiency and reduce concentrations of constituents such as COD,TS,and NH 3-N in the in fluent,making it possible to use a shorter HRT,while maintaining a longer SRT for nitri fication in the second-stage reactor.With the opti-mization of environmental conditions and substratecharacteristics for heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria in separate stages as mentioned above,the overall per-formance of the two-stage system can be improved and overall HRT reduced,as indicated from the performance data presented below.The two-stage system consisted of one SBR as the first stage and one CMBR as the second stage.The CMBR was selected to be the second-stage reactor,because the at-tached bacteria growth supported by the polyethylene pellets were believed to be favorable for nitri fication bac-teria by providing a long SRT.The CMBR was used to treat the liquid ef fluent from the SBR.Both SBR and CMBR were first operated at 1-day HRT,with the system HRT being 2days for treating 10,000mg COD/l and 20,000mg COD/l in fluent,respectively.The 1-day HRT in the CMBR was determined to be the appropriate level,based on preliminary test results.The performance data of the two-stage system are shown in Tables 3and 4.It can be seen that the liquid ef fluent quality and removal ef ficiencies of carbon,solids,and nitrogen from the two-stage system at 2-day HRT were comparable to those from the single-stage SBR at 3-day HRT for both in fluents.This suggests that,based on the HRT,the two-stage system would require 1/3less reactor volume than the single-stage system and therefore appears to have more favorable economics.In addition,the two-stage system allows complete ammonia oxidation in the wastewater as indicated by zero NH 3-N present in the two-stage system ef fluent at 2-day HRT as compared to 70mg/l NH 3-N in the one-stage ef fluent at 3-day HRT.Because with the in fluent of 20,000mg/l COD ammonia volatilization was high in the first-stage SBR at 1-day HRT,Table 3.Performance of two-stage SBR-CMBR system for 10,000mg/l COD in fluent In fluent (mg/l)Stage I:SBR(1-day HRT)Stage II:CMBR (1-day HRT)E l (%)E t (%)Liquid ef fluent Liquid ef fluent (mg/l)(mg/l)COD 10,0001,9801,37486.351.1SCOD 2,9141,4571,01465.265.2TS 6,6562,4362,07668.824.8VS 5,1081,7241,47271.239.1TKN 7801956092.358.0TN 78048143544.224.7NH 3-N 510120 2.599.599.5NO 3-N 037195NO 2-N 0249180pH 4.Performance of the two-stage SBR-CMBR system for 20,000mg/l COD in fluentIn fluent (mg/l)stage I:SBR (1-day HRT)stage II:CMBR (1-day HRT)E l (%)E t (%)stage I:SBR (2-day HRT)stage II:CMBR (0.5-day HRT)E l (%)E t (%)Liquid ef fluent Liquid ef fluent Liquid ef fluent Liquid ef fluent (mg/l)(mg/l)(mg/l)(mg/l)COD 20,0004,3002,67686.637.028********.543.8SCOD 6,6603,1972,02069.769.7219089086.686.6TS 12,4424,3673,43272.421.83612267078.526.4VS 10,1043,1422,15278.727.029********.532.5TKN 1,14054018084.246.11804096.556.2TN 1,14057350455.823.248443062.321.5NH 3-N 540310 3.099.499.4820100100NO 3-N 020*********NO 2-N 0131341400pH Biosyst Eng 25(2002)108。

污水处理站英语_污水处理英语污水sewage污水处理 sewage treatment一级处理 primary treatment二级处理 secondary treatment生物处理 biological treatment活性污泥法 activated sludge process曝气池 aeration tank曝气 aeration充氧oxygenation好氧消化 aerobic digestion厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion溶解氧dissolved oxygen沉淀 sedimentation搅拌agitation氯化 chlorination余氯 residual chlorine污泥 sludge泥龄sludge age回流污泥 returned sludge剩余污泥 surplus sludge消化污泥 digested sludge活性污泥 activated sludge污泥浓缩 sludge thickening污泥脱水 sludge dehydrating絮凝 flocculation水头Flood peak水头损失 head loss液面负荷 surface load、工艺参数类设计流量 Design flow泵流量pump flow栅前水深 water depth of ahead grille过栅流速Crosses the grille speed of flow 栅条间隙Grille gap过栅水头损失head loss of crosses the grille 格栅倾角Grille inclination angle过栅流量 flow of grille齿耙运行速度 rake speed有效水深Effective water depth水力停留时间HRT hydraulic residence time 水力表面负荷Hydraulic load surface污泥浓度sludge concentration污泥回流比sludge reflux ratio机械设备类粗格栅 coarse screen回转格栅除污机grille decontaminating equipment 无轴螺旋输送机shaftless screw conveyor 无轴螺旋压榨机shaftless screw compressor 潜污泵submersible sewagepump细格栅fine screen旋流沉砂器rotational sand processor砂水分离器 grit-water separator潜水搅拌器submersible agitator潜水推流器 submersible water impeller可调堰门adjustable weir曝气转刷aeration pushes吸刮泥机aspiration sludge scraper离心脱水机Decanter Centrifuge切碎机Macerator转鼓浓缩机Drum thickener絮凝剂投配单元polymer make-up & dosing unit 圆形闸门Circular gate蝶阀 butterfly valve闸阀 gate valve球阀 Ball valve止回阀 Check Valve放空阀 Emptying valve微阻缓闭止回阀 Tiny Drag Slow Shut Check Valves 电磁阀 Mgnetic valve电动阀 Mortor operated valve法兰 Flange主轴承main bearing减速机gearbox超声波流量计supersonic flow meter电磁流量计electromagnetic flow meter。

Nutrient removal in an A2O-MBR reactor with sludgereductionABSTRACTIn the present study, an advanced sewage treatment process has been developed by incorporating excess sludge reduction and phosphorous recovery in an A2O-MBR process. The A2O-MBR reactor was operated at a flux of 77 LMH over a period of 270 days. The designed flux was increased stepwise over a period of two weeks. The reactor was operated at two different MLSS range. Thermo chemical digestion of sludge was carried out at a fixed pH (11)and temperature (75℃) for 25% COD solubilisation. The released pbospborous was recovered by precipitation process and the organics was sent back to anoxic tank. The sludge digestion did not have any impact on COD and TP removal efficiency of the reactor. During the 270 days of reactor operation, the MBR maintained relatively constant transmembrane pressure. The results based on the study indicated that the proposed process configuration has potential to reduce the excess sludge production as well as it didn't detonated the treated water quality.Keywords: A2O reactor; MBR; Nutrient removal; TMP1. IntroductionExcess sludge reduction and nutrients removal are the two important problems associated with wastewater treatment plant. MBR process has been known as a process with relatively high decay rate and less sludge production due to much longer sludge age in the reactor (Wenet al., 2004). Sludge production in MBR is reduced by 28-68%, depending on the sludge age used (Xia et al.,2008). However, minimizing the sludge production by increasing sludge age is limited due to the potential adverse effect of high MLSS concentrations on membrane (Yoon et al., 2004). This problem can be solved by introducing sludge disintegration technique in MBR (Young et al., 2007). Sludge disintegration techniques have been reported to enhance the biodegradability of excess sludge (Vlyssides and Karlis, 2004). In overall, the basis for sludge reduction processes is effective combination of the methods for sludge disintegration and biodegradation of treated sludge. Advances in sludge disintegration techniques offer a few promising options including ultrasound (Guo et al., 2008), pulse power (Choi et al.,2006), ozone (Weemaes et al., 2000), thermal (Kim et al., 2003), alkaline (Li et al., 2008) acid (Kim et al., 2003) and thermo chemical(Vlyssides and Karlis, 2004). Among the various disintegration techniques, thermo chemical was reported to be simple and cost effective (Weemaes and Verstraete, 1998). In thermal-chemical hydrolysis, alkali sodium hydroxide was found to be the most effective agent in inducing cell lysis (Rocker et al., 1999). Conventionally, the nutrient removal was carried out in an A2O process. It has advantage of achieving, nutrient removal along with organic compound oxidation in a single sludge configuration using linked reactors in series (Tchobanoglous et al., 2003). The phosphoroes removal happens by subjecting phosphorous accumulating organisms (PAO) bacteria under aerobic and anaerobic conditions (Akin and Ugurlu, 2004). These operating procedures enhance predominance PAO, which are able to uptake phosphorous in excess. During the sludge pretreatment processes the bound phosphorous was solubilised and it increases the phosphorousconcentration in the effluent stream (Nishimura, 2001).So, it is necessary to remove the solubilised phosphorus before it enters into main stream. Besides, there is a growing demand for the sustainable phosphorous resources in the industrialized world. In many developed countries, researches are currently underway to recover the phosphoroes bound in the sludge's of enhanced biological phosphorus removal system (EBPR). The released phosphorous can be recovered in usable products using calcium salts precipitation method. Keeping this fact in mind, in the present study, a new advanced wastewater treatment process is developed by integrating three processes, which are: (a) thermo chemical pretreatment in MBR for excess sludge reduction (b) A2O process for biological nutrient removal (c) P recovery through calcium salt precipitation. The experimental data obtained were then used to evaluate the performance of this integrated system.2. Methods2.1. WastewaterThe synthetic domestic wastewater was used as the experimental influent. It was basically composed of a mixed carbon source, macro nutrients (N and P), an alkalinity control (NaHCO3) and a microelement solution. The composition contained (/L) 210 mg glucose, 200 mg NH4C1, 220 mg NaHCO3, 22一34 mg KH2PO4, microelement solution (0.19 mg MnCl2 4H20, 0.0018 mg ZnCl22H2O,0.022 mg CuCl22H2O, 5.6 mg MgSO47H2O, 0.88 mg FeCl36H2O,1.3 mg CaCl2·2H2O). The synthetic wastewater was prepared three times a week with concentrations of 210±1.5 mg/L chemical oxygen demand (COD), 40±1 mg/L total nitrogen (TN) and 5.5 mg/L total phosphorus (TP).2.2. A2O-MBRThe working volume of the A2O-MBR was 83.4 L. A baffle was placed inside the reactor to divide it into anaerobic (8.4 L) anoxic (25 L) and aerobic basin (50 L). The synthetic wastewater was feed into the reactor at a flow rate of 8.4 L/h (Q) using a feed pump. A liquid level sensor, planted in aerobic basin of A2O-MBR controlled the flow of influent. The HRT of anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic basins were 1, 3 and 6 h, respectively. In order to facilitate nutrient removal, the reactor was provided with two internal recycle (1R). IRl (Q= 1)connects anoxic and anaerobic and IR 2 (Q=3) was between aerobic and anoxic. Anaerobic and anoxic basins were provided with low speed mixer to keep the mixed liquid suspended solids (MLSS) in suspension. In the aerobic zone, diffusers were used to generate air bubbles for oxidation of organics and ammonia. Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in the aerobic basin was maintained at 3.5 mg/1 and was monitored continuously through online DO meter. The solid liquid separation happens inaerobic basin with the help of five flat sheet membranes having a pore size of 0.23 pm. The area of each membrane was 0.1 m2. They were connected together by a common tube. A peristaltic pumpwas connected in the common tube to generate suction pressure. In the common tube provision was made to accommodate pressure gauge to measure transmembrane pressure (TMP) during suction. The suction pump was operated in sequence of timing, which consists of 10 min switch on, and 2 min switch off.2.3. Thermo chemical digestion of sludgeMixed liquor from aerobic basin of MBR was withdrawn at the ratio of 1.5% of Q/day and subjected to thermo chemical digestion. Thermo chemical digestion was carried out at a fixed pH of 11(NaOH) and temperature of 75℃for 3 h. After thermo chemical digestion the supernatant and sludge were separated. The thermo-chemicallydigested sludge was amenable to further anaerobic bio-degradation (Vlyssides and Karlis, 2004), so it was sent to theanaerobic basin of the MBR2.4. Phosphorus recoveryLime was used as a precipitant to recover the phosphorous in the supernatant. After the recovery of precipitant the content was sent back to anoxic tank as a carbon source and alkalinity supelement for denitrification.2.5. Chemical analysisCOD, MLSS, TP, TN of the raw and treated wastewater were analyzed following methods detailed in (APHA, 2003). The influent and effluent ammonia concentration was measured using an ion-selective electrode (Thereto Orion, Model: 95一12). Nitrate in the sample was analyzed using cadmium reduction method (APHA, 2003).3. Results and discussionFig. 1 presents data of MLSS and yield observed during the operational period of the reactor. One of the advantages of MBR reactor was it can be operated in high MLSS concentration. The reactor was seeded with EBPR sludge from the Kiheung, sewage treatment plant, Korea. The reactor was startup with the MLSS concentration of 5700 mg/L. It starts to increase steadily with increase in period of reactor operation and reached a value of 8100 mg/L on day 38. From then onwards, MLSS concentration was maintained in the range of 7500 mg/L by withdrawing excess sludge produced and called run I. The observed yields (Yobs) for experiments without sludge digestion (run I) and with sludge digestion were calculated and given in Fig. 1. The Yobs for run I was found to be 0.12 gMLSS/g COD. It was comparatively lower than a value of 0.4 gMLSS/g CODreported for the conventional activated sludge processes (Tchoba-noglous et al., 2003). The difference in observed yield of these two systems is attributed to their working MLSS concentration. At high MLSS concentration the yield observed was found to be low (Visva-nathan et al., 2000). As a result of that MBR generated less sludge.The presently used MLSS ranges (7.5一10.5 g/L) are selected on the basis of the recommendation by Rosenberger et al. (2002). In their study, they reported that the general trend of MLSS increase on fouling in municipal applications seems to result in no impact at medium MLSS concentrations (7一12 g/L).It is evident from the data that the COD removal efficiency of A2O system remains unaffected before and after the introduction of sludge digestion practices. A test analysis showed that the differences between the period without sludge digestion (run I) and with sludge digestion (run II and III) are not statistically significant.However, it has been reported that, in wastewater treatment processes including disintegration-induced sludge degradation, the effluent water quality is slightly detonated due to the release of nondegradable substances such as soluble microbial products (Ya-sui and Shibata, 1994; Salcai et al., 1997; Yoon et al., 2004). During the study period, COD concentration in the aerobic basin of MBR was in the range of 18-38 mg/L and corresponding organic concentration in the effluent was varied from 4 to 12 mg/L. From this data it can be concluded that the membrane separation played an important role in providing the excellent and stable effluent quality.Phosphorus is the primary nutrient responsible for algal bloom and it is necessary to reduce the concentration of phosphorus in treated wastewater to prevent the algal bloom. Fortunately its growth can be inhibited at the levels of TP well below 1 mg/L (Mer-vat and Logan, 1996).Fig. 2 depicts TP removal efficiency of the A2O-MBR system during the period of study. It is clearly evident from the figure that the TP removal efficiency of A/O system was remains unaffected after the introduction of sludge reduction. In the present study, the solubilised phosphorous was recovered in the form of calcium phosphate before it enters into main stream. So, the possibility of phosphorus increase in the effluent due to sludge reduction practices has been eliminated. The influent TP concentration was in the range of 5.5 mg/L. During thefirst four weeks of operation the TP removal efficiency of the system was not efficient as the TP concentration in the effluent exceeds over 2.5 mg/L. The lower TP removal efficiency during the initial period was due to the slow growing nature of PAO organisms and other operational factors such as anaerobic condition and internal recycling. After the initial period, the TP removal efficiency in the effluent starts to increase with increase in period of operation. TP removal in A2O process is mainly through PAO organisms. These organisms are slow growing in nature and susceptible to various physicochemical factors (Carlos et al., 2008). During the study period TP removal efficiency of the system remains unaffected and was in the range of 74-82%.。

污水处理英语词汇AA/A/O法anaerobic-anoxic-oxic process(厌氧-缺氧-好氧法)A-A-O生物脱氮除磷工艺A-A-O biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal processA-O脱氮工艺 A-O nitrogen removal processA-O除磷工艺 A-O phosphorus removal processAB法 Adsorption Biodegradation process(吸附生物降解法)总a放射线 Total a radioactivity氨氮 ammonia-nitrogen氨基酸 amino acid氨化反应 Nitragen铵盐 ammonium saltA/O法(厌氧-好氧法) anaerobic-oxic process奥贝尔(Orbal)型氧化沟Orbal oxidation ditchB巴登福脱氮除磷工艺Bardenpho nitrogen and phosphorus removal process白水(漂洗废水) white water(bleaching water)板框压滤 plate pressure filtration离心机 centrifugalmachine半渗透膜semi-permeable membrane棒状杆菌属corynebacterium薄膜式淋水填料 filmpacking饱和常数(Ks) saturationconstant暴雨公式 storm flowformula暴雨径流 storm runoff溢流井 overflow well苯 benzene苯胺 aniline总B放射性 Total Bradioactivity泵型叶轮暴气器 paddleimpeller aerator泵站 pumping stationBMTS型一体化氧化沟BMTS intrachannel clarifieroxidation ditch闭路循环 closed loop表面冲洗 surfacewashing表面负荷 surface load表面过滤 surfacefiltration表面活性剂 surfactant表面活性物质 surfaceactive additive agent表面曝气 surfaceaeration表面曝气器 surfaceaerator表面淹灌 surface floodirrigation表面冲洗装置 surfacewashing facility丙烯酸 acrylic acid丙烯腈 acrylonitrile病毒 virus病原菌(致病菌) pathogen病原微生物 pathogenmicroorganismBOD-污泥负荷BOD-sludge load补充水 make-up water布朗运动 BrownianmovementC财务评价 financialevaluation配水系统 distributionsystem侧渠型一体化氧化沟integrated oxidation ditchwith side ditch产氢气乙酸菌Rydrogenes and acetic aidgenes产甲烷细菌methanogenes产率系数 yield coefficient常规给水处理工艺conventional water treatment processes敞开式循环冷却水系统opened recirculating cooling water system超高纯水ultra-high-purify water超过滤 ultrafiltration超过滤膜法ultrafiltration membrane process沉淀 precipitation, sedimentation沉淀池 sedimentation tank沉砂池 grit chamber城市废水 municipal wastewater城市废水处理 municipal wastewater treatment澄清 clalification可持续发展 sustainable development充满度 degree of fullness重现期 exceedion interval, period of recurrence抽风式机械通风冷却塔induced draft mechanicalcooling tower臭氧发生器 ozonegenerator臭氧法 ozonationprocess臭氧消毒 ozonedisinfection初次(级)沉淀池 primaryclarifier, primarysedimentation tank除水器 drift eliminator除铁除锰 iron andmanganese removal除盐水(脱盐水) desaltedwater,demineralized water除渣 desilication,silica removal除藻 algal removal除氟 algal fluorine穿透曲线 penetrationcurve活性污泥法 activatedsludge process生物脱氮工艺biological nitrogen removalprocess船型一体化氧化沟 BoatType in intrachannelclarifier oxidation ditch纯(富)氧曝气法pure-oxygen aeration process磁凝聚 magneticcoagulation磁盘法 magnetic diskprocess磁过滤法 magneticfierration process萃取 extraction萃取剂 extractantD达西定律 Darcy’s law大肠菌群Coliform-group bacteria大气泡曝气装置 largebubble aerator代谢 metabolism带式过滤 belt pressfiltration]单级传统消化池single-stage conventionaldigester单螺旋式曝气装置single spiral aerator氮 nitrogen氮循环 nitrogen cycle蛋白质 protein倒虹管 inverted siphon低放射性废物 low-levelradio active waste制浆废水 kraft millwastewater敌百虫 dipterex敌敌畏 dichlorvos涤纶纤维 polyester fiber地表漫流系统 overland flow system(OF)地表水 surface water地面(表)水环境质量标准 environmental quality standard for surface water地下滤场 underground filtration field地下渗漏 underground percolation地下渗滤系统subsurface infiltration system地下水 groundwater人工湿地系统artificial(constructed) wetland再生水回流地下水质标准water quality standard for recharging parified wastewaterwater into groundwater aquifer地下水位 underground water level淀粉生产废水 starch producing wastewater点滴-薄膜式淋水填料splash-film packing点滴式淋水填料 splash packing点污染源 pointpollufion source电动电位electromotance potential电镀废水electroplating wastewater电极 electrode电解法 electrolyticalprocess电流密度 eletronicdensity电渗析 electrodialysis电渗析器electrodialyzer电晕放电 brushdischarge动态年成本 dynamicannual cost动植物油 oil and grease对硫磷 parathion多层床 multibed多环芳烃 polycyclichydracarban多氯联苯polychlorinatedbiphenyls(PCBs)E二次(级)沉淀池secondary clarifier,secondary sedimentation tank二级处理 secondarytratamentF乏燃料spent fuel反冲洗black washing反渗透(逆渗透)reverse osmosis反渗透法reverseosmosis process反渗透膜reverseosmosis membrane反硝化,脱氮denitrification防止腐蚀corrosionprevention纺丝spining纺织废水textilewastewater放射性半衰期radioactive half-life放射性废水处理radioactive wastewatertreatment放射性排出物radioactive effluent非点源污染(面源污染)non-point source pollution非离子氨non-ionicammonia废水处理wastewatertreatment废水中和neutralization ofwastewaters分离separation分流制separate system分流排水系统separated sewer system酚phenol焚烧incineration风吹损失windage loss风筒式冷却塔chimmey cooling tower封闭循环系统closed recirculation system氟化物fluoride辐射流沉淀池radial flow sedimentation tank浮盖式消化池floating-cover digester气浮flotation福斯特利帕除磷工艺Phostrip phosphorus removal process福列德克斯脱氮除磷工艺Phoredox nitrogen and phosphorus removal process腐蚀corrosion富营养化eutrophication富营养化湖泊、水库eutrophic lake,eutrophic reservoirGr射线 gamma rays甘蔗废水 sugarcanewastewater干化 drying干化床 drying bed冷却塔 cooling tower钢铁工业废水 iron andsteel mill wastewater高纯水 ultrapure water高放废物 high-levelradio active wastes高分子电解质polymolecular electrolye高分子絮凝剂polymolecular floc高负荷活性污泥法high-loading activatedsludge method高负荷生物滤池 highloading biological filter高炉煤气洗涤水wastewater produced fromscrubbing blast furnace topgas高锰酸盐指数 potassiumpermanganate index高速消化池 high-ratedigester高梯度磁分离器(HGMS)high grade magnegic separator高浊度水 high turbiditywater格栅 bar screen隔板反应池 bafflereaction tank隔板式混合槽 bafflemixer隔油池 oil separator镉 cadmium铬 chromium给水泵站 water pumpingstation给水处理 watertreatment给水网管系统 watersupply system工业水处理与循环系统industrial water treatmentand recirculation system工业废水 industrialwastewater汞 mercury鼓风曝气 blast aeration鼓风式机械通风冷却塔forced draft mechanicalcooling tower固定螺旋式曝气装置fixed spiral aerator景观、娱乐水体landscape and recreationwaterbody管道接口 conduit joint给水配水系统 watersupply piping distributionsystem网管平差 balancing netwok罐头生产废水 Cannery wastewater硅藻土 cilicious marH海水淡化demineralization of sea water含酚废水 phenol contained wastewater含水量 moisture content含盐量 saline capacity含油废水 oily wastewater旱流污水量(DWF)dry-weather flow好氧生物处理 aerobic biological treatment好氧塘 aerobic pond好氧稳定 aerobic stabilization合成洗涤剂 synthetic detergent合成纤维 syntheticfiber合成纤维废水 synthetic fiber wastewater合成橡胶 synthetic rubber合流城市废水 combined municipal wastewater合流制排水系统combined sewer system水体功能分类 waterbodyfunction classification核能工厂 nuclear powerstation核燃料循环 nuclear fuelcycle核素 nuclide冶金工业废水metallurgical industrywastewater黑液 black liquor黑液除硅sillica-elimination fromblack liquid虹吸滤池 siphon filter化学处理 chemicaltreatment化学工业 chemicalindustry化学吸附 chemicaladsorption化学纤维 chemical fiber化学需氧量 chemicaloxygen demand (COD)环状管网系统 grid pipenetwork system缓蚀 corrosioninhibition缓蚀剂 corrosioninhibitor磺化煤 sulfonated coal挥发酚 volatile phenol回流比 recycle ratio回流污泥率 returnsludge ratio汇水面积 catchment area,collection area混合 mixing混合床 miced bed混合液挥发性悬浮固体mixed liquor volatilesuspended solids(MLVSS)混合液悬浮固体 mixedliquor suspendedsolids(MLSS)混凝 coagulation混凝沉淀coagulation-sedimentation混凝剂 coagulant浑浊度 tubidity活化产物 activationproducts硅酸钠 sodium silicate活性剂 activator活性染料 active dye活性炭 activated carbon活性炭的再生re-generation of activatedcarbon活性炭吸附 activecarbon adsorption活性污泥 activated sludge活性污泥法 activated sludge process活性污泥负荷 activated sludge loading活性污泥驯化acclimation of activated sludgeJ机械反应池 mechanical reactor机械剪切曝气装置mechanical shearing aerator机械搅拌 mechanical mixing机械搅拌澄清池accelerator机械曝气 mechanical aeration机械通风冷却塔mechanical draft cooling tower机械脱水 mechanical dewatering极化现象 polarization级配 granular composition集水池 collection well集中处理(合并处理)joint treatment计算机 computer计算机辅助设计computer aid design加速过滤器accelo-filter加压气化pressure-gasification甲基对硫磷 parathionmethyl甲醛 formaldehyde甲烷 methane甲烷发酵 methanefermentation甲烷气体 methane gas间歇式活性污泥系统sequencing batch reactoractivated sludge system(SBR)蒹性塘 facultative pond检查井 manhole减压薄膜蒸发法decreasing pressure andthin-film evaporationprocess碱法制浆 soda pulpingprocess浆粕 pulp降雨历时 duration ofrainfall降雨量,降水precipitation浇洒道路用水 streetflushing water焦化废水 cokingwastewater交替工作式氧化沟alternative operatingoxidation ditch交替运行的生物滤池alternative operatingtrickling filter胶体 colloid阶段曝气 step aeration接触池 contact chamber接触氧化法 contactoxidation process结垢 scale节水 water saving锦纶纤维 polyamidefiber腈纶纤维 acrylic fiber精制塘(深度处理塘)polishing pond经济效益 economicbenefit径流系数 runoffcoefficent静态年成本 staticannuity cost景观娱乐用水水质标准water quality standard forlandscape and recreation area酒精工业 alcoholdistilery就地处理系统(小型处理)on-site treatment systems(small scale facilities)聚丙烯酰胺polyacrylamide聚丙烯酰胺水解体polyacrylamide hydrolysis product聚合 polymerize聚合度 polymerizing degree聚合氯化铝polyaluminum chloride均衡池(塘) equalizalion tank(basin,lagoon)K卡罗塞式氧化沟Corrousel oxidation ditchK型叶轮曝气机 K type impeller aerator凯式氮 kjeldahl nitrogen空气驱动式生物转盘aero biological disks孔隙率 porosity快滤池 rapid filter快速渗滤系统 rapid infiltration system(RI)矿井 shaft(mine)矿区 mining area矿区环境 mining area environment矿山废水 minery wasterwater矿山酸性废水 acid minewastewater扩散板 diffusion plate扩散管 diffusion tube扩散盘(罩) diffusiondisc(cover)L乐果 dimethoate冷凝 condensation冷凝水 condensate water冷却 cooling冷却池 cooling pond冷却塔 cooling tower冷却塔配水系统 coolingtower distribution system冷却循环水 circulatedcooling water冷轧 cold steel-rolling离心泵 centrifugal pump离心 centrifugationforce离心机 centrifugalmachine离心脱水 centrifugaldewatering离心作用centrifugation离子交换 ion exchange离子交换剂 ionexchanger离子交换膜 ion exchangemembrane离子交换树脂 ionexchange resin粒径 grain size砾石承托层 gravelsupport炼钢厂废水steel-making processwastewater炼铁 iron-smelting炼铁(高炉)废水 blastfurnace wastewater炼油厂废水 refineryprocessing waserwater淋滤 leaching淋水密度 waterdrenching density淋水面积 waterdrenching aera淋水填料 packing磷 phosphorus磷酸盐 phosphate生物流化床 Biologicalfluidized bed硫化物 sulphide硫化物沉淀法precipitation with sulphide硫酸铵 ammonium sulfate硫酸钙 Calcium sulfate硫酸铝 aluminum sulfate硫酸镁 magnesiumsulfate硫酸铁 ferric sulfate硫酸亚铁 ferroussulfate硫酸盐 sulfate硫循环 sulphur cycle铝酸钠 sodium aluminate滤层 filter layer滤池冲洗水量 filter washing water consumption滤池配水系统 filter underdrain system滤池运行周期 filter cycle time滤床 filter bed滤料 filtering medium滤速 filtration rate滤液 filtrate氯 chlorine氯-氨法chlorine-ammonia process氯化,加氯处理chlorination氯化物 Chlorides螺旋桨式快速搅拌机propeller-type high speed agitatorM马拉硫磷 malathion脉冲澄清池 pulsator慢滤池 slowfilter慢速渗滤系统 slow rateinfiltration system (SR)煤气 coal gas煤气厂 gas work煤气发生器 coal gasgenerator煤气发生站 gasgeneration station煤气净化 coal gaspurification煤炭 coal锰 manganse米门公式 Michaelis -Menten equation莫诺德公式 Monodequation密闭式循环冷却水系统closed recirculating coolingwater system密集多喷嘴曝气装置compact multinozzle aerator面污染源 non-pointpollution source敏感性分析 sensitivityanalysis膜分离装置 membraneseperator膜选择性 membraneselectivity膜污染 membranefoulting膜中毒 membranepoisoningN难生物降解有机物nonbiodegradable organies尼龙 nylon逆流漂洗counter-current washing逆流式冷却塔counterflow cooling tower逆流再生counter-current regeneration粘胶 rayon酿酒废水 winerywastewater酿造与发酵工业废水brewery and fermentationindustrial wastewater凝聚 coagulation凝聚剂 coagulant牛奶生产废水 dairywastewater浓缩 concentration浓缩倍数 cycle ofconcentration浓缩池 thickening tank浓缩污泥 concentratedsludge农田灌溉水质标准standards for irrigation water quality农用污泥中污染物控制标准 contaminants control standard for sludge farming农药 pesticide农药厂废水 pesticide plant wastewaterP排泥系统 sludge - discharge system排水量 discharge排水管 drain pipe排水口 outlet排水系统 sewer system排污 blowdown泡沫分离 foam phase separation配水网管 distribution system ,pipe system喷灌 spray irrigation喷水池 spray pond皮革 leather啤酒废水 brewery wastewater啤酒废水处理 brewery wastewater treatment漂白 bleaching平板式膜 plate membrane平板式叶轮曝气器 plateimpellar aerator平衡吸附容量equilibrium adsorptioncapacity平流式沉砂池horizontal flow grlt removaltank平流式沉淀池horizontal flowsedimentation tank普通生物滤池biological filter,tricklingfilter曝气 aeration曝气沉砂池 aerationgrit chamber曝气池 aeration tank曝气栅 aeration boom曝气设备 aerationequipment曝气时间 aeration time曝气装置,曝气机aerator居民生活垃圾 HouseholdWaste庫底平整線 bottomflatting line of the site庫區填埋邊線 landfillside line of the site庫容 Storage capacity垃圾 Waste ,Solid Waste垃圾壩 waste dam垃圾殘渣 residue垃圾槽 waste chute垃圾層 waste layer垃圾產量 Waste output垃圾堆肥場 wastecomposting field垃圾堆體 waste pile垃圾副壩 secondarywaste dam垃圾揀選場 WasteSorting Site垃圾氣化 wastegasification垃圾收集車 wastecollector垃圾桶 garbage ,rubbish barrel垃圾箱 garbagecontainer垃圾壓實系統 wastecompactor system垃圾衍生燃料Refuse-derived fuel (RDF)垃圾衍生燃料 wastederived fuel垃圾轉運車 wastetransfer truck垃圾轉運站 wastetransfer station垃圾裝卸坡 wasteloading ramp離心脫水機 centrifugal dewaterer鈉基膨潤土 sodium bentonite農業廢棄物Agricultural Waste濃縮池 thickening tank排放 discharge排泥閥 sludge valve排水口 Drain Outlet膨潤土 bentonite熱解 Pyrolysis溶解氧測定儀(DO計)dissolved oxygen meter(DO meter)砂水分離機 grit-water splitter商業垃圾 Commercial Waste上橫沖填埋場Shanghengchong Landfill Site上清液 supernatant liquor設備選型 Type selection of equipment滲濾液(垃圾滲濾液)leachate滲濾液處理 leachate treatment滲濾液處理站 Leachate Treatment Station滲濾液收集及導排氣系統平面圖 Plan of LeachateCollection and Guiding andExhaust System滲濾液收集盲溝 blinddrain for leachatecollection生活垃圾 Domestic waste生活垃圾焚燒污染控制標准 Standard for PollutionControl on the MunicipalSolid Waste Incineration剩余污泥 excess sludge剩余污泥泵 excesssludge pump輸渣機 clinker conveyer豎向石籠 vertical stonecage雙層防滲結構double-liner system水位 water level提升泵站 lift pumpingstation填埋(垃圾) Landfill填埋場 Landfill site填埋場封場 seal oflandfill site填埋場總體布置圖General Layout of LandfillSite填埋場縱斷面示意圖Sketch Map of Landfill SiteVertical Section填埋庫區 Landfill Area填埋庫區平面布置圖Plane Layout of Landfill Area1:1000填埋氣 Landfill gas砼 concrete圖例 legend土工合成材料粘土墊層Geosynthetics Clay Liner(GCL)土工膜 geomembrane脫水機 dewaterer脫水機房 dewateringhouse衛生填埋 sanitarylandfill渦流沉砂池(旋流沉砂池)vortex grit tank污泥泵房 sludge pumpingroom污泥處理 sludgetreatment污泥處理流程示意圖Flow Chart of SewageTreatment Process污泥管線 sludgepipeline污泥濃度計(MLSS計)sludge concentration meter(MLSS meter)污泥濃縮及脫水機房Sludge Thickening &Dewatering House污泥脫水車間 sludgedewatering workshop污水泵 sewage pump污水處理 sewage treatment污水處理厂 Wastewater Treatment Plant污水處理流程示意圖Sewage Treatment Process Sketch Map污水管線 sewage pipeline污水水面 wastewater surface無線傳輸 wireless transmission吸水井 suction well消毒池 disinfecting tank新聯村熊家窯Xiongjiayao, Xinliancun序批式活性污泥法(SBR 法) Sequence Batch Reactor選型 Type selection壓縮式垃圾車 waste compactors厭氧、缺氧、好氧Anaerobic, Anoxic, Aerobic Underwater Blender厭氧堆肥 anaerobic composting厭氧發酵 methane fermentation; anaerobic fermentation厭氧流化床反應器anaerobic fluidized bed厭氧流化床反應器anaerobic fluidized bed氧化溝 oxidation ditch氧化溝 oxidation ditch葉輪曝氣機 impeller aerator一級發酵(初級發酵)primary fermentation醫院垃圾 Hospital Waste營養土層 nutritioussoil layer預留垃圾綜合利用生產用地 Reserved Waste Comprehensive Utility and Production Land再生 reclamation柵渣 sediment粘土層 clay layer支盲溝 blind sub-drain至垃圾填埋場 to the waste landfill site終期覆土 terminal earth covering主盲溝 main blind drain自控系統 autonomous system自然土層 natural soil layer。

污水处理名词常用40个英语翻译汇总下面是40个水处理领域内常用的名词对应的英文翻译写法,很是便利大家日后查阅英文文献时的便捷性和专业性,或许你现在用不到,但是谁知道啥时候就能用到了呢?所以水处理专业的小伙伴们赶快保藏吧!财务评价 financial evaluation配水系统 distribution system侧渠型一体化氧化沟 integrated oxidation ditch with side ditch产氢气乙酸菌 Rydrogenes and acetic aid genes产甲烷细菌 methanogenes产率系数 yield coefficient常规给水处理工艺 conventional water treatment processes放开式循环冷却水系统 opened recirculating cooling water system超高纯水 ultra-high-purify water超过滤 ultrafiltration超过滤膜法 ultrafiltration membrane process沉淀 precipitation, sedimentation沉淀池 sedimentation tank沉砂池 grit chamber城市废水 municipal wastewater城市废水处理 municipal wastewater treatment澄清 clalification可持续进展 sustainable development布满度 degree of fullness重现期 exceedion interval, period of recurrence抽风式机械通风冷却塔 induced draft mechanical cooling tower 臭氧发生器 ozone generator臭氧法 ozonation process臭氧消毒 ozone disinfection初次(级)沉淀池 primary clarifier, primary sedimentation tank除水器 drift eliminator除铁除锰 iron and manganese removal除盐水(脱盐水) desalted water,demineralized water除渣 desilication, silica removal除藻 algal removal除氟 algal fluorine穿透曲线 penetration curve活性污泥法 activated sludge process生物脱氮工艺 biological nitrogen removal process船型一体化氧化沟Boat Type in intrachannel clarifier oxidation ditch纯(富)氧曝气法 pure-oxygen aeration process磁分散 magnetic coagulation磁盘法 magnetic disk process磁过滤法 magnetic fierration process萃取 extraction萃取剂 extractant下面是40个水处理领域内常用的名词对应的英文翻译写法,很是便利大家日后查阅英文文献时的便捷性和专业性,或许你现在用不到,但是谁知道啥时候就能用到了呢?所以水处理专业的小伙伴们赶快保藏吧!财务评价 financial evaluation配水系统 distribution system侧渠型一体化氧化沟 integrated oxidation ditch with side ditch产氢气乙酸菌 Rydrogenes and acetic aid genes产甲烷细菌 methanogenes产率系数 yield coefficient常规给水处理工艺 conventional water treatment processes放开式循环冷却水系统 opened recirculating cooling water system超高纯水 ultra-high-purify water超过滤 ultrafiltration超过滤膜法 ultrafiltration membrane process沉淀 precipitation, sedimentation沉淀池 sedimentation tank沉砂池 grit chamber城市废水 municipal wastewater城市废水处理 municipal wastewater treatment澄清 clalification可持续进展 sustainable development布满度 degree of fullness重现期 exceedion interval, period of recurrence抽风式机械通风冷却塔 induced draft mechanical cooling tower 臭氧发生器 ozone generator臭氧法 ozonation process臭氧消毒 ozone disinfection初次(级)沉淀池 primary clarifier, primary sedimentation tank除水器 drift eliminator除铁除锰 iron and manganese removal除盐水(脱盐水) desalted water,demineralized water除渣 desilication, silica removal除藻 algal removal除氟 algal fluorine穿透曲线 penetration curve活性污泥法 activated sludge process生物脱氮工艺 biological nitrogen removal process船型一体化氧化沟Boat Type in intrachannel clarifier oxidation ditch纯(富)氧曝气法 pure-oxygen aeration process磁分散 magnetic coagulation磁盘法 magnetic disk process磁过滤法 magnetic fierration process萃取 extraction萃取剂 extractant。
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河流污水处理的相关论述1 前言随着工业化和城市化的发展,水环境污染、水资源紧缺日益严重,水污染控制、水环境保护已刻不容缓。
合流污水的一大特点是旱季和雨季的水质、水量变化大,雨季污水BOD 浓度低,不利于生化处理。
国家提出2010 的我国城市污水处理率要求达到40%, 因此研究有效的合流污水处理方法对加快城市污水处理步伐具有重要的意义。
2 污水处理工艺要求我国目前不少城市,新城区与老城区并存,合流制与分流制并存。
因此,新建或扩建的污水处理厂,在满足城市总体规划和排水规划需要的同时,还应能达到如下要求:1. 具备接纳旧城区合流污水的能力,具有较强的适应冲击负荷的能力。
2. 具有可靠的BOD、COD、SS 去除功能及氮磷去除功能,保证最终出水水质稳定。
通常情况下,城市污水中难降解有机物较少,BOD、COD 去除比较容易实现,而氮磷去除则较复杂。
在现行城市污水脱氮除磷工艺中,A2/0 采用较为广泛。
针对A2/0 工艺存在的问题目前出现了许多改进工艺,每种工艺又都存在各自的特点和局限。
由于合流污水引起的水质、水量波动较大,对污水厂各处理单元产生冲击,为了适应受纳水体的要求,为使BOD、COD 等指标进一步降低,进一步去除污水中的细菌及氮、磷等植物性营养物质,在污水厂与受纳水体之间可设氧化塘。
3. 具有灵活多变的运行方式,可根据收集的污水量、进水水质以及季节变化调整运行方式。
常规A2/0 工艺,很难做到灵活方便地调整运行方式。
3 工艺流程选择和特点说明根据污水合流制与分流制并存的特点及处理后污水排放水体的要求: 来自新城区的分流污水,经格栅处理后进入后续污水处理构筑物; 来自老城区的合流污水平时直接进入污水处理系统。
初沉池主要用以去除SS,在初沉池中,根据进水水质情况,可适时外加碳源和氨氮,以保证有足够量和适当比例的C、N、P 来源,为后续生化反应正常运行创造条件。
由于沟渠溶解氧浓度的递减变化规律,通过适当安排进水口、出水口、回流污泥入口位置,氧化沟可形成一个倒置A2/0 工艺。
根据硝化、反硝化、生物除磷及好氧活性污泥微生物的代特在缺氧段,主要功能是脱氮,回流污泥中反硝化菌以原水中有机物为碳源,以来自好氧段的硝化液中的硝酸盐为电子受体,将硝态氮NO-3-N 还原为气态氮N2。
在厌氧段,主要功能是释磷,回流污泥中聚磷菌分解释放体聚磷酸盐,同时摄入污水中的有机物,以PHB 及糖原等形式储存于细胞。
在好氧段,功能有三: 1、好氧活性污泥中微生物,使污水中有机物得到降解、去除,好氧微生物本身得以增殖,活性污泥得以增长;2、在亚硝化菌和硝化菌作用下,将污水中氨氮NH+4-N 氧化成硝态氮,主要为NO-3-N; 3、聚磷菌体PHB 氧化产生大量能量一部分用于从污水中过量吸收磷酸盐,并以聚磷的形式贮存于体,一部分供给细菌合成和维持生命。
通过对曝气器的控制,沟渠可形成区域大小适宜的缺氧段、厌氧段、曝气段,在去除BOD 的同时进行生物脱氮除磷,能取得较好的氮磷去除效果。
4 结语1. 合流制污水水质、水量波动幅度大, 技术工艺必须满足缓和冲击负荷的要求,设置缓冲池均质、储存水量比较适宜。
2. 通过多个氧化沟构成若干个串、并联运行方式,在适应进水水质、水量、季节性变化方面能够发挥重要作用。
3. 通过安排适当的进出水口位置、回流污泥入口位置,氧化沟可形式一个倒置A2/0 工艺,在去除BOD 的同时,能取得较好的氮磷去除效果4. 熟化塘的应用,为处理水安全排放水体,能够提供可靠的技术保证。
Combined sewage treatment related discussion1 PrefaceWith the industrialization and urbanization development, water pollution, worsening water shortage, water pollution control, environmental protection has urgent need of water. China is now adopting a new city or urban stormwater sewage diversion system, but the old city or the old city is still mostly combined sewage stormwater drainage system, a number of combined sewage is directly discharged into thewater body. The confluence of the old system to a triage system, the status quo conditions, and many of the old city built during the long, underground pipeline basic shape, the ground construction crowded, narrow roads, the old Combined triage system more difficult to change. Combined sewage is a major feature of the water quality of the dry and wet seasons, water changes, low BOD effluent concentration during the rainy season is not conducive to biochemical treatment. Countries, 2010 China's urban sewage treatment rate of 40 percent required, and therefore the study of the convergence of effective methods of sewage treatment, sewage treatment to accelerate the pace of the city is of great significance. In this paper, the convergence of the sewage treatment situation, some personal views.2 Requirements of the sewage treatment processMany cities in China, the new city with the coexistence of the old city, Combined with the streaming system co-exist. Therefore, new or expanded sewage treatment plant to meet the overall urban planning and drainage planning requirements should be able to meet the following requirements:(1) Have to accept merging the old city sewage capabilities, a strong ability to adapt to the impact load. Source of the sewage treatment plant effluent is composed of two parts: First, the new urban sewage diversion; Second, merging the old city sewage. Compared with the combinedsewage, sewage diversion of water quality, water, a much smaller range of sewage treatment plants require much less adjustment buffer. The confluence of sewage and rain red rain due to pre-rinse blocks, merging more dirty water, but water is relatively small; rain water, the larger the latter, but the concentration of organic compounds in water is relatively small. Therefore, pre-confluence rain water,could be considered together with the diversion of sewage by pre-treated sewage into the structure. Combined sewage late rainfall, with the exception of part of the sewage, together with the diversion of sewage by pre-treatment structures into the sewage treatment structures, and the other part to consider the adoption of stormwater pollution entering the storm sewage overflow structures Shen overflow pool set into the nearby water body after. In order to enter the structure of the combined sewage effluent peak flow, water quality buffer fluctuations conditioning, sewage treatment structures regulating the front-end buffer pool can be installed in order to balance water quality, storage of water.(2) Reliable BOD, COD, SS removal of nitrogen and phosphorus removal function and features to ensure the stability of the final effluent quality. Under normal circumstances, urban sewage in less refractory organic matter, BOD, COD removal is easier to achieve, rather than the complexity of nitrogen and phosphorus removal. The current effluent standards for sewage treatment plant effluent nitrogen and phosphorusindicators have strict requirements, it must be of urban sewage treatment to achieve the effective removal of nitrogen and phosphorus. Under the existing urban sewage nitrogen and phosphorus removal process, A2 / 0 used more widely. For the A2 / 0 process problems, the present situation of a number of improvements in technology, technology also exists for each of the characteristics and limitations of each. As a result of merging the water quality caused by sewage, water, volatile, wastewater treatment plant on the impact of the processing units, in order to adapt to the receiving water requirements, in order to BOD, COD and other indicators of a further drop low, further removal of sewage bacteria and nitrogen, phosphorus and other plant nutrients in the wastewater treatment plant and receiving water can be established between the oxidation pond.(3) With flexible operation mode, according to the quantity of sewage collection, water quality and seasonal variation of the adjustment operation. Conventional A2 / 0 process, it is difficult to do adjust the flexible operation mode. However, A2 / 0 process from the principle constitutes a sense, before the paragraph in the aeration and anoxic plus anaerobic paragraph. This principle for the oxidation ditch technology can be adapted to the formation of a variety of different water quality, quantity, seasonal changes in the operating mode. Wastewater treatment plant can be established according to the actual situation of the oxidation ditch more than two, each for a certain amount of ditch water propeller,bottom uniform microporous gas explosion device.3 Selection and characteristics of that processOxidation ditch is a simple, efficient and economical municipal wastewater treatment technology, has developed rapidly in recent decades. In the flow pattern, it is completely mixed, but also has push-flow characteristics. As a result of the decreasing concentration of dissolved oxygen ditches changes and appropriate arrangements through the inlet, outlet, back to the entrance of the location of the sludge, oxidation ditch can be inverted to form a A2 / 0 process:Combined sewage system in accordance with the characteristics of both a triage system, and treated water discharge requirements.Grille to remove the effluent suspended solids in the large, floating debris such as dirt, to remove large pieces of dirt on the follow-up to the adverse effects of treatment systems. Aerated grit chamber to remove large sand particles and other inorganic pollutants in order to improve Active organic component content in the sludge, reducing wear and tear on the plumbing, the follow-up sedimentation tanks to reduce load and improve the system operating conditions. Primary sedimentation tank for removal of the main SS, Shen pool in the beginning, according to the influent water quality can be a timely addition to carbon and nitrogen in order to ensure adequate and proper proportion of C, N, P sources, in order to follow-up biological and chemical response to create theconditions for normal operation. The main role of a buffer pool of sewage in the combined balance of the water quality peak flow, storage of water.And A2 / 0 process, the pre-hypoxic paragraph priority not only to obtain carbon from the wastewater, and strengthen the process of denitrification. At the same time, by first going through the process of denitrification, nitrate eliminated the existence of a large number of PAOs anaerobic phosphorus release the adverse effects of the process.City of diversion from new sewage treatment by the grating into the sewage treatment follow-up structures; from the merging of the old city sewage, usually directly into the sewage treatment system. Rainfall, the pre-than dirt, water, the merging of smaller sewage, together with the diversion of sewage into the follow-up by the grating structures sewage treatment; the merging of the late rains the sewage water, largely with silt, some through stormwater pollution overflow structures, in the sedimentation tank for a short stay, after the removal of some sediment, direct discharge of water bodies, the other part, together with the diversion of sewage into the follow-up by the grating structures to deal with.In accordance with nitrification, denitrification, biological phosphorus removal activated sludge and aerobic metabolism of microorganisms in the anoxic paragraph, the main function is to denitrification, sludge return to denitrifying bacteria as a carbon source oforganic matter in raw water, from the aerobic paragraph nitrification of nitrate solution for the electron acceptor, the nitrate (NO-3-N) back into gaseous nitrogen (N2). Anaerobic paragraph, the main function is to address the phosphorus, the return sludge in the decomposition of phosphate accumulating bacteria in vivo release of polyphosphate, while intake of organic matter in wastewater to the form of PHB and glycogen stored in the cells. Hypoxic anaerobic paragraph for paragraph and the transition over the region, neither strictly anaerobic state,And the concentration of dissolved oxygen above and below the anoxic, denitrification and phosphorus release process will exist, but are not easy to gain a competitive edge. In aerobic, functions There are three: first, Aerobic activated sludge micro-organisms, so that has been the degradation of organic matter in wastewater, removed themselves to the proliferation of aerobic micro-organisms, activated sludge to growth; Second, Nitrosation nitrification bacteria and fungi Under the effect of ammonia nitrogen in the wastewater (NH +4- N) oxidized to nitrate (mainly NO-3-N); III PAOs PHB in vivo oxidation of a large amount of energy, part of the sewage from excessive absorption of phosphorus salts, and the form of poly-P stored in the body, part of the supply and maintenance of bacterial synthesis4 ConclusionBy Aerator control ditches can be suitable for the formation of thesize of the hypoxic region paragraph, paragraph anaerobic, aeration paragraph, at the same time in the BOD removal of biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal to obtain a better removal of nitrogen and phosphorus effect. In particular to Aeration through the pipes into and out of the region and the size of the control valve to form a flexible operation mode, to adapt to water, sewage, water quality, seasonal changes, there are broad prospects for development of applications.。