



马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛算法并行化及其应用屈志勇;陈亭;王铁强;孙辰军;周纯葆【摘要】为使高性能计算助力群体遗传学和系统地理学研究,提出一种基于 MPI (message passing interface)的群体遗传学分析软件,利用集群中多个CPU核心的计算能力加速群体遗传学分析。

进行正确性验证,对并行加速比和并行效率进行评估,在保证计算结果正确性前提下,利用256个 CPU 核心时可以得到最好的并行加速比(185.16),在利用128个CPU核心时可以得到最好的并行效率(93.68%)。


%To accelerate the research of population genetics and phylogeography based on high performance computing (HPC),a parallel implementation of the IM program using the message passing interface (MPI)on multiple CPU cores was proposed.The validity,parallel speed and parallel efficiency were evaluated.Best parallel speedup (185.16)when using 256 CPU cores and best parallel efficiency (93.68%)when using 128 CPU cores were obtained.The results demonstrate that the divergence popula-tion genetics analysis can be done effectively and rapidly based on HPC.【期刊名称】《计算机工程与设计》【年(卷),期】2016(037)007【总页数】7页(P1811-1816,1826)【关键词】群体遗传学;系统地理学;IM模型;高性能计算;消息传递接口【作者】屈志勇;陈亭;王铁强;孙辰军;周纯葆【作者单位】山西省气象信息中心,山西太原 030006;北京计算机技术及应用研究所,北京 100854;国网河北省电力公司,河北石家庄 050021;国网河北省电力公司,河北石家庄 050021;中国科学院计算机网络信息中心超级计算中心,北京100190【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP39IM(isolation with migration)模型是进行群体遗传学研究的一种重要模型。






1. 理解马尔可夫链蒙特卡洛方法MCMC方法是一种用于从复杂概率分布中抽样的技术,其核心思想是通过构造一个马尔可夫链,在该链上进行随机抽样,最终得到概率分布的近似值。



2. 并行化实现技巧在实现MCMC方法的并行化时,通常需要考虑以下几个关键技巧:(1)任务划分:MCMC方法通常涉及大量的随机抽样和计算操作,因此在并行化实现时需要合理地划分计算任务,确保各个处理器能够充分利用计算资源。






3. 实际案例在实际应用中,MCMC方法的并行化实现已经得到了广泛的应用。






每台 计算机进 应的网 置, 置网 行相 络设 设 关和I地 P
址, 然后加人同一个工作组W R G O P每ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้节 OK RU , 点上计算机名称可以任意。在每台计算机下建立一 个统一的帐号和密码, 使得网络上其他计算机可以
均匀分布中 抽样然后进行适当 变换得到。 的 随机数 的产生方法有很多种, 而计算机模拟中常用的随机 登录, 而帐号的权限 设置为“ 可以 受限”以免网 , 络 数是伪随机数。 一般采用线性乘同余法发生器计算 上的误操作造 成不必要的麻烦。 然后在工作计算机 机实现, 1 8 emr 这是 9 年Lh e提出的一种产生伪随 4 上建立 共享工 录, 作目 本文在以台 式机为 工作计算 机数的方法。 机, 计算机名为E W R , D A D 在C盘根目 录建立C : S =gk )o 沙 () S SM I k ( + md Sc 1 T T P 作为工作目 将该目 E 录。 录属性设为共享属 y .洲 k d , 1 =k () 性后, 2 在每台计算机上都把该目 录映射为网络驱动 。 其中g + 整 以M比 度 为 数 ( ,s ck 特长 存放)而 器Z 并行计算编程环境采用目前最流行的分布存 ,
中 人u Mrd n b , 执行 加 a e m e 然后 语句。l e a o u r sn m a l
p a l o (n, al r d rkn) rl a m p进行初始化, a 为 e n a 其中rk n 进程号, 为 n 进程数。 p 产生随 机数只 需要调 用御9 ( ) 对于非并行计算情况下, 即可, 只需要把初始化参 数rk a 设为0n 设定为 1 n , p 即可。
te mo s ai . h d nt t n e r o



Monte Carlo Methods in Parallel ComputingChuanyi Ding ding@Eric Haskin haskin@Copyright by UNM/ARCNovember 1995OutlineWhat Is Monte Carlo?Example 1 - Monte Carlo Integration To Estimate PiExample 2 - Monte Carlo solutions of Poisson's EquationExample 3 - Monte Carlo Estimates of ThermodynamicPropertiesGeneral Remarks on Parallel Monte CarloWhat is Monte Carlo?• A powerful method that can be applied to otherwise intractable problems• A game of chance devised so that the outcome from a large number of plays is the value of the quantity sought•On computers random number generators let us play the game•The game of chance can be a direct analog of the process being studied or artificial•Different games can often be devised to solve the same problem •The art of Monte Carlo is in devising a suitably efficient game.Different Monte Carlo ApplicationsRadiation transportOperations researchNuclear criticalityDesign of nuclear reactorsDesign of nuclear weaponsStatistical physicsPhase transitionsWetting and growth of thin films Atomic wave functions and eigenvalues Intranuclear cascade reactions Thermodynamic propertiesLong chain coiling polymersReaction kineticsPartial differential equationsLarge sets of linear equations Numerical integrationUncertainty analysisDevelopment of statistical testsCell population studiesCombinatorial problemsSearch and optimizationSignal detectionWarGamesProbability Theory•Probability Density Function•Expection Value (Mean)•Variance and Standard DeviationSampling a Cumulative Distribution FunctionFundamental Theorem•Sample Mean, a Monte Carlo estimator of the expection value•Fundamental theorem of Monte CarloStatistical Error in MC Estimator•Variance and Standard Deviation of Estimator•Central Limit TheoremExample 1 - Monte Carlo Integration to Estimate Pi • A simple example to illustrate Monte Carlo principals•Accelerate convergence using variance reduction techniques o Use if expectation valueso Importance sampling•Adapt to a parallel environmentMonte Carlo Estimate of PiWhen to Consider Monte Carlo Integration•Time required for Monte Carlo Integration to a standard error epsilon•Time required for numerical integration in n dimensions with trunction error of order h to the power k. (Note: k for Simpson's 1/3 rule is 4)•Rule of ThumbSerial Monte Carlo Algoritm for PiRead NSet SumG = 0.0Do While i < NPick two random numbers xi and yiIf (xi*xi + yi*yi £ 1) thenSumG = SumG + 1EndifEnddoGbar = SumG / NSigGbar = Sqrt(Gbar - Gbar2)Print N, Gbar, SigGbarParallelization of Monte Carlo Integration•If message passing time is negligibleo For same run time, error decreases by factor of Sqrt(p)o For same accuracy, run time improves by a factor of p •Should use same random number generator on each node (easy for homogeneous architecture)Monte Carlo Estimates of PiNumber of Batch CPU Standard True Processors Size Time(sec) Deviation Error--------------------------------------------------------1 100,000 0.625 0.0050.00182 50,000 0.25 0.0050.00374 25,000 0.81 0.0050.0061--------------------------------------------------------•To try this problem, run MCPI by :% cd% cp -r /usr/local/mc .% cd mc/mcpi% run•Parallel MC Estimate of Pi, mcpi.C1. Creating the random number generatorsfor ( int i=0; i < num_dimension; i++) { // create r.n. generator// the seeds are different for the processorsseed = (myRank + 1) * 100 + i * 10 + 1;if ( seed == 0 )rand[i] = new RandomStream(RANDOMIZE);elserand[i] = new RandomStream( seed );}2. Each processors will run num_random / numProcs random walksfor ( i=myRank; i < num_random; i+=numProcs ) { // N random walks2a. Generating random numbersfor ( int i1=0; i1 < num_dimension; i1++) {ran[i1] = rand[i1]- > next();}2b. Calculating for integrationif ( inBoundary( ran, num_dimension ) ) {myPi += f( ran, num_dimension ) * pdf( ran, num_dimension ); count++;}}3. Calculating Pi from each processormyPi = 4 * myPi / num_random;MPI_Reduce(&myPi, &pi, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);4. Output the results and standard deviation, sigmaif (myRank == 0) {cout << "pi is = " << pi<< " sigma = " << 4 * sqrt( (pi/4 - (pi/4)*(pi/4)) / num_random)<< " Error = " << abs(pi - PI25DT) << endl;}Variance Reduction by Use of Expectation Values •For original sampling•Carry out integrations from 0 to 1/Sqrt(2) analytically •Sample from 1/Sqrt(2) to 1•Variance = 0.0368•Speedup by (0.168/0.0368) > 4.5 for same accuracy.•Carry out integration over one coordinate analytically.Variance Reduction by Important Sampling•Say•Can use a different pdf•Greatest reduction in variance whenA Product h(x)f(x) and a possible f~(x)Using Qualitative Information•Smaller values of x contribute more to integral•Indicated change in pdf reduces varianceo from 0.0498o to 0.00988•Speedup > 5Omniscience Yields Zero Variance•Choose lambda by requiring integral to be oneletthen•For h(x) = Sqrt(1-x**2), the variance is reduced to zero.•Boils down to finding a simple function that approximates that to be integrated.Example 2 - Solving a Partial Differential Equation by Monte Carlo •Poisson's equation•Geometry•Source:•Boundary condition: u(x,y) = 0 on boundaryPoisson's Equation As a Fixed Random Walk Model•Using a finite difference approximation,•SolvingFixed Random Walk Solution Algorithm•From point (i,j), start a random walk. Probability of moving to each of the adjacent nodes is 1/4.•Generate a random number to determine which way to move•Add g(x,y) at the new position•Repeat this until a boundary is reached•After N random walks, the estimate of u at (i,j) isParallel Strategies for Fixed Random Walk•When solving at all grid pointso Start from boundaryOutside to insideRow by rowBoundary updating depends on relative message passingtimeUpdate only within each processor (poisson4.C)Update globally when any processor finishes a point(poisson5.C)May help to decompose problem (poisson.C) •When solving at only a few point(s) may want to split walks for point between processorsResults for Fixed Random Walk in Solid SlabNumber of Walks/ CPU StandardProcessors Point Time u(20,20) Deviation-----------------------------------------------------1 1000 400 0.0483 0.000162a 1000 270 0.0480 0.000204a 1000 165 0.0485 0.00020=====================================================2b 1000 313 0.0477 0.000204b 1000 234 0.0480 0.00029----------------------------------------------------a - Update all processors at same timeb - Only update whthin individual processor•To apply Monte Carlo to a 1x1 slab with a 0.5x0.5 center hole, run poisson4.C and poisson5.C by :% cd% cd mc/poisson4% run•The Structure of poisson.C1. // Set boundary conditionboundary(nx, ny);2. Devide the initial region into 4 sub-region if necessary2.a Evaluate the virtual parallel inner boundary line2.b Evaluate the virtual vertical inner boundary line2.c Initialize boundary for each sub-region3. // Calcalute u for (ix,iy) of each regionwhile ( 1 ) {3.a // Calculate u[ix][iy] for a point (ix,iy), and send it to otherssendU( rand, ix, iy, delta );3.b // Receives u[iix][iiy] from the other processorsfor ( int i = 0; i < numProcs; i++) {if (i != myRank) {MPI_Recv(&uRec, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 99,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);if (uRec <= -1000) flag = 1;else {ixp = ix + (i - myRank); // the index of inner boundary,iyp = iy; // u at this cell received from// another processor if ( ixp > (nx2[iRegion] - 1) ) {ixp = nx1[iRegion] + (ixp - nx2[iRegion]) + 1; iyp = iy + 1;}3.c // Set this point as a boundaryu[ixp][iyp] = uRec;onBoundary[ixp][iyp] = 1;}}3.d // Set ix, iy of next node for the processorix += numProcs;if ( ix > (nx2[iRegion] - 1) ) {ix = nx1[iRegion] + (ix - nx2[iRegion]) + 1;iy++;}assert( ((ix < nx) && (iy < ny)), " out of given domain");}Floating Random Walk Solution Algorithm (point.C) •The potential at the center of a circle of radius r, which liesentirely within the region is•Start a walk at point (i,j).•Construct a circle centered at point (i,j) with radius equal to the shortest distance to a boundary.•Select an angle from the x-direction randomly between 0 and 2 Pi.•Follow this direction to a new location on the circle•When the new position is within epsilon of a boundary add the boundary potential and begin a new walk.Sample Results for Floating Random Walk in Solid SlabNumber of CPU Time CPU TimeProcessors 1000 Walks 100,000 walks------------------------------------------1 0.44 3.062 0.5 2.54 0.5 1.4------------------------------------------•To try the floating random walk method, run the code point.C by :% cd% cd mc/point% run•The structure of point.C1. // Set boundary condition2. // Set the points which are evaluated.for (int i=0; i < numPoint; i++) {x[i] = (i + 1.) / ( numPoint + 1. );y[i] = (i + 1.) / ( numPoint + 1. );}3. Evaluate each pointfor ( i=0; i < numPoint; i++ ) {... ...3.a All processors run for one same pointfor ( int ir=myRank; ir < num_random; ir+=numProcs ) {// initilaizing the position of the point for each random walkxx = x[i];yy = y[i];while (1) {// calculating the minimum distance of selected point// to the boundaryminDist = MinDist(xx, yy, side);if ( minDist < acceptDist ) break;// each processor generates a random number, and make a random// move, the point moves randomly to any point at the circle// with a radius of minDist, and centered at (xx, yy) double ran = rand->next();xx += minDist * sin(2*pi*ran);yy += minDist * cos(2*pi*ran);}// sumtempU = EvalPoint( xx, yy, side );myU += tempU;mysqU += tempU * tempU;} // end of a ramdom walkmyU /= num_random;mysqU /= num_random;3.b // Sum the results from all processorsMPI_Reduce(&myU, &u, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);MPI_Reduce(&mysqU, &sqU, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);3.c // print outif ( myRank == 0 )cout << "At the point of " << x[0] << ", " << y[0] << " , u is = " << u<< " , sigma = " << sqrt( (sqU - u*u) / num_random);Example 3 - Monte Carlo Estimate of Thermodynamic Properties •Consider a system of atoms with a finite number of configurations.•Let En denote energy of the n-th configuration•The probability that the system is in the n-th configuration is•The expectation value of observable property A isWhy not determine such expectation values exactly?•Consider a 10x10x10 cubic crystal of atoms in which each atom has only two possible states.Number of Possible Configurations = 2**1000 •Summing at a rate of one million configurations per second, Time Required for Exact Calculation = 10**288 years •In contrast, to achieve 1% accuracy, using the Monte Carlo method, about 10,000 terms must be summed.Metropolis Algorithm•Follows a sequence of configurations•Pn(C) is probability of the n-th observation in configuration C •T(C->C') is probability of making a transition from state C to state C'•Probability of remaining in state C is•Master equation for this Markov process is•Rearranging master equation•In steady state, transition probability must be independent of time and must goto zero; that is Pn(C) must be the steady state function P(C) and P(C)T(C->C') = P(C')T(C'->C) •Since P(C) is proportional to Exp(-Ec/kT), this means•What transition probability will give the correct probability function P(C)?•The answer is not unique•All we need is a function T(C->C') that satisfies the detailed balance P(C)T(C->C') = P(C')T(C'->C)•One transition function that is often used is:Example 3 - 2D Ising Model•Simplify to a square lattice of N=LxL atoms. Each atom has only a spin degree of freedom,spin = +1 (up),spin = -1 (down)•The energy of the n-th given configuration is•For a given temperature T, the specific heat C and magnetic x susceptability per site can be estimated as2D Ising Metropolis Algorithm•Let n = 0, and start with an arbitrary configuration, for example, all spins up.•Pick two random integers x and y between 1 and L. Let DelE be the change in energy caused by changing the value of the spin at (x,y).•Increase n by 1. If DelE < 0, accept the change. If DelE > 0 accept the new configuration with probability Exp(-DelE/kT). Go to step2.2D Ising - Metropolis Algorithm (Cont.)•The Metropolis algorithm produces a series of configurations that eventually approaches a sampling sequence for the discreteprobability function•It is difficult to predict how long it will take for the Metropolis algorithm to reach this asymptotic state.•This is usually determined empirically by seeing whether the average over a large number of configurations converges.•Note: The algorithm requires DelE not E be calculated for each trial change. DelE is generally much easier to calculate.Example 3 - Monte Carlo Estimates of Thermodynamic Properties •Estimate heat capacity and magnetic susceptibility as functions oftemperature.•Have each processor handle a separate temperature calculation.•INSERT PARALLEL FLOW FIGURE HEREResults for 2D Ising Problem•INSERT RESULTS FIGURE HERE•To run this problem, use the code ising.C by :% cd% cd mc/ising% run•The structure of ising.C1. // Set the parameters and initializeinitialize( l, h, v );2. // Each processor evaluates the properties of system at atemperaturefor (int i=myRank; i < num_runs; i += numProcs) {double tau = tauMin + i * delTau;2.a // Make the atoms of system random distributedfor (int j=0; j < 100*l*l; j++ ) {ran1 = rand1->next();ran2 = rand2->next();makeMove( l, h, v, ran1, ran2, tau );}2.b // Go to random walks, and add the energy of each statefor ( int i1=0; i1 < num_random; i1++ ) {ran1 = rand1->next();ran2 = rand2->next();makeMove( l, h, v, ran1, ran2, tau );sumM += abs(m);sumM2 += m * m;sumE += e;sumE2 += e * e;}2.c Calculate the thermal propertiesdouble aveM = sumM / num_random;double aveM2 = sumM2 / num_random;double aveE = sumE / num_random;double aveE2 = sumE2 / num_random;double delSqM = aveM2 - aveM * aveM;double delSqE = aveE2 - aveE * aveE;aveM /= l * l;aveE /= l * l;double temp = tau * tau * l * l;double chi = delSqM / temp;double specHeat = delSqE / temp;General Observations Regarding Paralle Monte Carlo •Applicability of Parallel Monte Carloo Most serial Monte Carlo codes are readily adaptable to a parallel environmento Strengths are still forMulti-dimensional problemsComplex geometrieso Variance reduction techniques must still be tailored to the specific problem (possible exception - stratified samplingfor numerical integration) inherently serial must bemodified for effective parallelizationo Care must be taken to assure reproducible results •Pseudorandom Number Generation on Parallel Computerso Fast RNGs with long periods requiredCongruentialxnew = (a xold + c) mod m,fast, typically repeats after a few billionnumbersMarsagliaFaster, a million numbers per second on a laptopperiod of 2**1492 for 32 bit numbers o Reproducibility highly desirableo Must assure calculations on different processors are independentLehmer Tree•Amdahl's Lawo T1 = task execution time for a single processoro Tm = execution time for the multiprocessing portiono To = execution time of the sequential and communications portion (overhead)Speedup = T1/(Tm+To)o For many Monte Carlo applications Tm is approximately T1/P where P is the number of processorsEfficiency = Speedup/P = 1/(1+F)o F = P*To/T1 is the overhead factor.•Efficiency versus Number of Processors•Overhead Timeo Initialization timeo Message passing timeTends to increase nonlinearly with PTends to increase with size of problem (information passed)o Sleep timeProcessor to processor variations resulting fromrandomnessCan't aggregate results until all processors doneLoad balancing required in heterogeneous systems。



并行fortran蒙特卡罗编程摘要:一、并行Fortran 编程简介二、蒙特卡罗方法概述三、并行Fortran 蒙特卡罗编程的优势四、并行Fortran 蒙特卡罗编程的实践与应用五、未来发展趋势与挑战正文:一、并行Fortran 编程简介并行Fortran 编程是一种利用多核处理器和计算机集群进行高性能计算的方法。

Fortran(Formula Translation)是一种高级编程语言,广泛应用于数值计算、科学计算和工程计算等领域。

并行Fortran 编程通过将程序分解为多个可独立执行的任务,从而实现任务的同时执行,以提高计算效率。




三、并行Fortran 蒙特卡罗编程的优势并行Fortran 蒙特卡罗编程将并行计算技术与蒙特卡罗方法相结合,具有以下优势:1.高性能计算:通过多核处理器和计算机集群的并行处理能力,实现大规模数据的快速计算。

2.易于并行化:Fortran 语言具有较好的并行性能,可以方便地将程序并行化,提高计算效率。

3.适用性广泛:并行Fortran 蒙特卡罗编程可以应用于各种数值计算、科学计算和工程计算问题,特别是在需要大量模拟实验的蒙特卡罗方法中具有明显优势。

四、并行Fortran 蒙特卡罗编程的实践与应用在实际应用中,并行Fortran 蒙特卡罗编程可以通过以下步骤实现:1.划分任务:将问题分解为多个可独立执行的任务,这些任务可以同时进行计算。

2.编写并行程序:利用Fortran 语言编写并行程序,实现任务的同时执行。


4.应用实践:在实际问题中应用并行Fortran 蒙特卡罗编程,如在物理、化学、生物等领域进行高性能计算。




















2 0 c l k。
3结果 与讨 论
2 . I 随机 数 存 储 模 块 ( r o m— X 、 r o m. y )
3 . 1结 果分析
将各个模 块进行连接 , 得到顶层模块 。 顶层模块的时序仿真图 如 图7 。 时序仿真 的时间是 1 2 ms , 当o v e r _ l f o w输出高 电平时 , 表示 6 0 0 0 组数据都 已经从RO M 中输 出完毕 , 此时得到 的计算 结果是 2
该模块 的功能是存储上位机给定的随机数( 本实验当中随机数 由l a b v i e w编程软件产生) , 并通 过地 址的 自加完成数据 的读出。 数 据 全部输出之后给 出o v e r _ l f o w信号 , 表示计算结束 。 在这个模块中以十进制整数的形式存储 了随机数 , 通过地址变 量 的 自加实现数据 的依次输 出。 在这 个模块 中调用了RO M的I P 核, I P 核与d 触发器相连。 变量C O u n n 十 数到1 9 , e n 信号 输出高 电平 , 作为 e L发器的触 发信号 , 将变量 输出。 模块的原理 图和时序仿真图如 图 3 , 由仿真 图可 以看 出经过2 0 c l k 之后数据从r e s u l t 输出。 2 . 2整数 与浮点数转 化模块 ( c o n _ 2 、 C O n 一 3 ) 该模块实现将二进制整数转化成单精度浮点数的过程 。 模块设 计 中采用 了整数与浮点数 的转 化I P 核, 同时连接d 触发器 , 进行打 包, 实现了2 0 c l k 的处理周期 。 打包过程与随机数存储模块类似 。 2 . 3小数点移动模块( d i v _ x、 d i v — Y ) 该模块 的功能是将得 到的单精度浮点数的小数点移动相应的 位数。 由于之前在存储模块 中使用 了I P 核 的设计, R O M中仅可以存 储 十进制整数 , 所 以需要将l a b v i e w生成的单精度浮 点数 扩大相应 的倍数变为整数。 考虑到后面的计 算, 需要在这个单元中将小数点 恢复到原来 的位置 。 模块设计 中采用 了浮点数除法I P 核, 同时连接 d 触发器 , 进行打包, 实现 了2 0 c l k 的处理周期。 打包过程与随机数存



(1. 山西省 气象 信 息 中心 ,山西 太原 030006;2. 北 京计算 机技 术及 应 用研 究所 ,北 京 100854; 3. 国网河 北省 电力公 司 ,河北 石 家庄 050021;4. 中 国科 学 院计算机 网络 信 息 中心超 级 计算 中心 ,北京 1OO19O)
摘 要 :为使 高性 能计 算助 力群 体遗传学和 系统地 理 学研 究 ,提 出一种基 于 MPI(message passing interface)的群体 遗传 学分析软件 ,利 用集群 中多个 CPU核 心的计 算能力加速 群体 遗传 学分析 。进 行正 确性验证 ,对并行 加速 比和 并行效 率进 行 评估 ,在保证计算结 果正确性 前提 下 ,利 用 256个 CPU 核 心 时可 以得 到 最好 的并行 加速 比 (】85.16),在利 用 128个 CPU核心 时可以得 到最好的并行效率 (93.68 )。实验 结果表 明 ,利用 高性能计算能够进行快速有 效的群体遗传 学分析 。 关键词 :群 体遗传 学;系统地理 学;IM 模型 ;高性能计算 ;消息传 递接 口 中 图法 分 类 号 :TP39 文 献 标 识 号 :A 文 章 编 号 :1000—7024 (2016)07—1811—06 doi:10.16208/j.issnl000—7024.2016.07.021
2016年 7月 第 37卷 第 7期
计 算机 工程与设计
July 2016 Vo1.37 No.7
z z z PsgiolePfrp
马尔科夫链蒙特 卡洛 算法并行化及其应用
屈 志 勇 ,陈 亭 ,王铁 强。,孙 辰 军 。,周 纯 葆 +













蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo)方法是一种统计技术,主要用于估算复杂系统的各种数值解。




1. 随机抽样:根据某个分布(通常是均匀分布)生成大量随机样本。

2. 评估函数:对每个随机样本评估一个函数或模型。

3. 分析结果:基于评估的结果,计算所需的统计量(如均值、方差等)。

1. 金融:用于估算金融衍生品的价格和风险。

2. 物理:模拟复杂的物理过程,如核反应。

3. 工程:进行可靠性分析和风险评估。

4. 计算生物学:模拟生物分子的动力学。

5. 优化:搜索复杂的解空间以找到最优解。

1. 灵活性:可以应用于各种复杂的数学问题和模型。

2. 并行性:由于每个样本的评估是独立的,所以蒙特卡洛模拟非常适合并行计算。

1. 收敛速度:需要大量的样本才能得到精确的估计。

2. 计算成本:可能需要大量的计算资源。




























光子传输的蒙特卡罗方法在GPU 上的实现L´ aszl ´o Szirmay-Kalos 等翻译:吴涛这篇文章提出一个快速的蒙特卡罗方法来解决激光和gamma 射线光子在不均匀媒介中辐射传输方程问题。

激光传输在计算机图表算法中起着重大作用,比如高能gamma 射线就在医疗与物理中扮演重要角色。






光子与媒介粒子在该点碰撞的条件概率密度由消光系数(,)t x σν 定义,如果粒子密度不均匀,它则由光子频率ν以及位置x 来确定。

消光系数通常可以用材料密度()C x 和一个仅与频率有关的因子的乘积来表达。


反射的概率称为反照率,用()a ν表示。


源点与新的方向的散射角θ的概率密度可能与频率有关故用物理模型来描述(我们用瑞利散射【12】模型来模拟激光光子,用Klein-Nishina 公式【11】【13】来计算gamma 光子)。



能量为0E 的入射光子与材料的粒子碰撞。



新的光子能量E 由入射光子能量和散射角确定。



基于gpu并行计算的蒙特卡洛方法计算圆周率1. 引言1.1 概述蒙特卡洛方法是一种通过随机模拟的方式解决问题的数学计算方法。





1.2 文章结构本文包含以下几个部分:引言、GPU并行计算简介、蒙特卡洛方法简介、基于GPU的蒙特卡洛方法计算圆周率以及结论和展望。


其次,在"2. GPU并行计算简介"部分将对GPU并行计算进行详细阐述,包括其基本原理、并行计算优势以及在科学计算中的应用。

然后,在"3. 蒙特卡洛方法简介"部分将对蒙特卡洛方法的原理进行概述,并介绍其在不同领域的应用。


接下来,在"4. 基于GPU的蒙特卡洛方法计算圆周率"部分将重点讨论基于GPU 并行计算实现的蒙特卡洛方法用于计算圆周率的具体步骤。

这一部分将解释圆周率相关概念、Monte Carlo模拟过程分析,并详细描述使用GPU并行计算实现这一过程所需的步骤和技术。

最后,在"5. 结论和展望"部分总结全文并发现主要内容。


1.3 目的本文旨在介绍利用GPU并行计算加速蒙特卡洛方法计算圆周率的原理和实践,探讨其在提高效率和精度方面的优势。











蒙洛卡特算法有以下几个特点:1. 独立性。


2. 随机性。


3. 代表性。


4. 收敛性。


二、蒙洛卡特算法应用1. 风险评估。


2. 金融衍生产品定价。


3. 物理模拟。


4. 优化模型。


三、蒙洛卡特算法优势1. 可分布计算。


2. 适应高维数据。


3. 不要求导数。




并行蒙特卡罗方法的应用作者:申杰王文凡来源:《电脑知识与技术(学术交流)》2009年第22期摘要:本文采用蒙特卡罗方法对欧式期权定价问题进行模拟,并用可移植消息传递标准MPI 在分布式存储结构的机群系统上设计并实现了并行算法。










1 蒙特卡罗方法的基本原理蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)方法是与一般数值计算方法有很大区别的一种特殊计算方法。






【摘要】当今经济全球化、金融全球化进程加快,市场竞争愈演愈烈.建立一个良好的风险管理系统已成为各金融单位面临的重要问题.在众多的风险管理方法中最具代表性的是Value at Risk(VAR)方法.而计算VAR常见的三种方法中,Monte Carlo模拟最为有效.由于蒙特卡罗模拟需要大量数据,所以并行计算在计算VAR中非常重要.笔者基于Monte Carlo方法计算VAR的原理构造C++算法,并用基于API、OpenMP、MPI三种多核并行算法,比较分析出了适合科学计算研究的并行算法.
【作者单位】中国石油大学(华东) 理学院,山东青岛 266580
1.合成孔径雷达并行成像算法研究及在曙光3000并行计算机上的实现 [J], 龙卉;皮亦鸣;黄顺吉
2.蒙特卡罗方法模拟计算圆周率--基于R语言的实现方法 [J], 彭滔;魏雷阳
3.基于多态并行处理器的生物计算并行实现 [J], 刘玉荣;李涛
4.利用蒙特卡罗方法与拟蒙特卡罗方法计算定积分 [J], 韩俊林;任薇
5.并行计算平台的模拟与并行算法的实现 [J], 熊仕勇








此外,还可以使用一些并行数值计算库如MPI(Message Passing Interface)来实现分布式内存并行计算,使得多个计算节点能够协同工作,加速计算过程。


















3. 金融风险评估:蒙特卡罗方法可以用来评估金融产品的风险。










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Monte Carlo Methods in Parallel ComputingChuanyi Ding ding@Eric Haskin haskin@Copyright by UNM/ARCNovember 1995OutlineWhat Is Monte Carlo?Example 1 - Monte Carlo Integration To Estimate PiExample 2 - Monte Carlo solutions of Poisson's EquationExample 3 - Monte Carlo Estimates of ThermodynamicPropertiesGeneral Remarks on Parallel Monte CarloWhat is Monte Carlo?• A powerful method that can be applied to otherwise intractable problems• A game of chance devised so that the outcome from a large number of plays is the value of the quantity sought•On computers random number generators let us play the game•The game of chance can be a direct analog of the process being studied or artificial•Different games can often be devised to solve the same problem •The art of Monte Carlo is in devising a suitably efficient game.Different Monte Carlo ApplicationsRadiation transportOperations researchNuclear criticalityDesign of nuclear reactorsDesign of nuclear weaponsStatistical physicsPhase transitionsWetting and growth of thin films Atomic wave functions and eigenvalues Intranuclear cascade reactions Thermodynamic propertiesLong chain coiling polymersReaction kineticsPartial differential equationsLarge sets of linear equations Numerical integrationUncertainty analysisDevelopment of statistical testsCell population studiesCombinatorial problemsSearch and optimizationSignal detectionWarGamesProbability Theory•Probability Density Function•Expection Value (Mean)•Variance and Standard DeviationSampling a Cumulative Distribution FunctionFundamental Theorem•Sample Mean, a Monte Carlo estimator of the expection value•Fundamental theorem of Monte CarloStatistical Error in MC Estimator•Variance and Standard Deviation of Estimator•Central Limit TheoremExample 1 - Monte Carlo Integration to Estimate Pi • A simple example to illustrate Monte Carlo principals•Accelerate convergence using variance reduction techniques o Use if expectation valueso Importance sampling•Adapt to a parallel environmentMonte Carlo Estimate of PiWhen to Consider Monte Carlo Integration•Time required for Monte Carlo Integration to a standard error epsilon•Time required for numerical integration in n dimensions with trunction error of order h to the power k. (Note: k for Simpson's 1/3 rule is 4)•Rule of ThumbSerial Monte Carlo Algoritm for PiRead NSet SumG = 0.0Do While i < NPick two random numbers xi and yiIf (xi*xi + yi*yi £ 1) thenSumG = SumG + 1EndifEnddoGbar = SumG / NSigGbar = Sqrt(Gbar - Gbar2)Print N, Gbar, SigGbarParallelization of Monte Carlo Integration•If message passing time is negligibleo For same run time, error decreases by factor of Sqrt(p)o For same accuracy, run time improves by a factor of p •Should use same random number generator on each node (easy for homogeneous architecture)Monte Carlo Estimates of PiNumber of Batch CPU Standard True Processors Size Time(sec) Deviation Error--------------------------------------------------------1 100,000 0.625 0.0050.00182 50,000 0.25 0.0050.00374 25,000 0.81 0.0050.0061--------------------------------------------------------•To try this problem, run MCPI by :% cd% cp -r /usr/local/mc .% cd mc/mcpi% run•Parallel MC Estimate of Pi, mcpi.C1. Creating the random number generatorsfor ( int i=0; i < num_dimension; i++) { // create r.n. generator// the seeds are different for the processorsseed = (myRank + 1) * 100 + i * 10 + 1;if ( seed == 0 )rand[i] = new RandomStream(RANDOMIZE);elserand[i] = new RandomStream( seed );}2. Each processors will run num_random / numProcs random walksfor ( i=myRank; i < num_random; i+=numProcs ) { // N random walks2a. Generating random numbersfor ( int i1=0; i1 < num_dimension; i1++) {ran[i1] = rand[i1]- > next();}2b. Calculating for integrationif ( inBoundary( ran, num_dimension ) ) {myPi += f( ran, num_dimension ) * pdf( ran, num_dimension ); count++;}}3. Calculating Pi from each processormyPi = 4 * myPi / num_random;MPI_Reduce(&myPi, &pi, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);4. Output the results and standard deviation, sigmaif (myRank == 0) {cout << "pi is = " << pi<< " sigma = " << 4 * sqrt( (pi/4 - (pi/4)*(pi/4)) / num_random)<< " Error = " << abs(pi - PI25DT) << endl;}Variance Reduction by Use of Expectation Values •For original sampling•Carry out integrations from 0 to 1/Sqrt(2) analytically •Sample from 1/Sqrt(2) to 1•Variance = 0.0368•Speedup by (0.168/0.0368) > 4.5 for same accuracy.•Carry out integration over one coordinate analytically.Variance Reduction by Important Sampling•Say•Can use a different pdf•Greatest reduction in variance whenA Product h(x)f(x) and a possible f~(x)Using Qualitative Information•Smaller values of x contribute more to integral•Indicated change in pdf reduces varianceo from 0.0498o to 0.00988•Speedup > 5Omniscience Yields Zero Variance•Choose lambda by requiring integral to be oneletthen•For h(x) = Sqrt(1-x**2), the variance is reduced to zero.•Boils down to finding a simple function that approximates that to be integrated.Example 2 - Solving a Partial Differential Equation by Monte Carlo •Poisson's equation•Geometry•Source:•Boundary condition: u(x,y) = 0 on boundaryPoisson's Equation As a Fixed Random Walk Model•Using a finite difference approximation,•SolvingFixed Random Walk Solution Algorithm•From point (i,j), start a random walk. Probability of moving to each of the adjacent nodes is 1/4.•Generate a random number to determine which way to move•Add g(x,y) at the new position•Repeat this until a boundary is reached•After N random walks, the estimate of u at (i,j) isParallel Strategies for Fixed Random Walk•When solving at all grid pointso Start from boundaryOutside to insideRow by rowBoundary updating depends on relative message passingtimeUpdate only within each processor (poisson4.C)Update globally when any processor finishes a point(poisson5.C)May help to decompose problem (poisson.C) •When solving at only a few point(s) may want to split walks for point between processorsResults for Fixed Random Walk in Solid SlabNumber of Walks/ CPU StandardProcessors Point Time u(20,20) Deviation-----------------------------------------------------1 1000 400 0.0483 0.000162a 1000 270 0.0480 0.000204a 1000 165 0.0485 0.00020=====================================================2b 1000 313 0.0477 0.000204b 1000 234 0.0480 0.00029----------------------------------------------------a - Update all processors at same timeb - Only update whthin individual processor•To apply Monte Carlo to a 1x1 slab with a 0.5x0.5 center hole, run poisson4.C and poisson5.C by :% cd% cd mc/poisson4% run•The Structure of poisson.C1. // Set boundary conditionboundary(nx, ny);2. Devide the initial region into 4 sub-region if necessary2.a Evaluate the virtual parallel inner boundary line2.b Evaluate the virtual vertical inner boundary line2.c Initialize boundary for each sub-region3. // Calcalute u for (ix,iy) of each regionwhile ( 1 ) {3.a // Calculate u[ix][iy] for a point (ix,iy), and send it to otherssendU( rand, ix, iy, delta );3.b // Receives u[iix][iiy] from the other processorsfor ( int i = 0; i < numProcs; i++) {if (i != myRank) {MPI_Recv(&uRec, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 99,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);if (uRec <= -1000) flag = 1;else {ixp = ix + (i - myRank); // the index of inner boundary,iyp = iy; // u at this cell received from// another processor if ( ixp > (nx2[iRegion] - 1) ) {ixp = nx1[iRegion] + (ixp - nx2[iRegion]) + 1; iyp = iy + 1;}3.c // Set this point as a boundaryu[ixp][iyp] = uRec;onBoundary[ixp][iyp] = 1;}}3.d // Set ix, iy of next node for the processorix += numProcs;if ( ix > (nx2[iRegion] - 1) ) {ix = nx1[iRegion] + (ix - nx2[iRegion]) + 1;iy++;}assert( ((ix < nx) && (iy < ny)), " out of given domain");}Floating Random Walk Solution Algorithm (point.C) •The potential at the center of a circle of radius r, which liesentirely within the region is•Start a walk at point (i,j).•Construct a circle centered at point (i,j) with radius equal to the shortest distance to a boundary.•Select an angle from the x-direction randomly between 0 and 2 Pi.•Follow this direction to a new location on the circle•When the new position is within epsilon of a boundary add the boundary potential and begin a new walk.Sample Results for Floating Random Walk in Solid SlabNumber of CPU Time CPU TimeProcessors 1000 Walks 100,000 walks------------------------------------------1 0.44 3.062 0.5 2.54 0.5 1.4------------------------------------------•To try the floating random walk method, run the code point.C by :% cd% cd mc/point% run•The structure of point.C1. // Set boundary condition2. // Set the points which are evaluated.for (int i=0; i < numPoint; i++) {x[i] = (i + 1.) / ( numPoint + 1. );y[i] = (i + 1.) / ( numPoint + 1. );}3. Evaluate each pointfor ( i=0; i < numPoint; i++ ) {... ...3.a All processors run for one same pointfor ( int ir=myRank; ir < num_random; ir+=numProcs ) {// initilaizing the position of the point for each random walkxx = x[i];yy = y[i];while (1) {// calculating the minimum distance of selected point// to the boundaryminDist = MinDist(xx, yy, side);if ( minDist < acceptDist ) break;// each processor generates a random number, and make a random// move, the point moves randomly to any point at the circle// with a radius of minDist, and centered at (xx, yy) double ran = rand->next();xx += minDist * sin(2*pi*ran);yy += minDist * cos(2*pi*ran);}// sumtempU = EvalPoint( xx, yy, side );myU += tempU;mysqU += tempU * tempU;} // end of a ramdom walkmyU /= num_random;mysqU /= num_random;3.b // Sum the results from all processorsMPI_Reduce(&myU, &u, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);MPI_Reduce(&mysqU, &sqU, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);3.c // print outif ( myRank == 0 )cout << "At the point of " << x[0] << ", " << y[0] << " , u is = " << u<< " , sigma = " << sqrt( (sqU - u*u) / num_random);Example 3 - Monte Carlo Estimate of Thermodynamic Properties •Consider a system of atoms with a finite number of configurations.•Let En denote energy of the n-th configuration•The probability that the system is in the n-th configuration is•The expectation value of observable property A isWhy not determine such expectation values exactly?•Consider a 10x10x10 cubic crystal of atoms in which each atom has only two possible states.Number of Possible Configurations = 2**1000 •Summing at a rate of one million configurations per second, Time Required for Exact Calculation = 10**288 years •In contrast, to achieve 1% accuracy, using the Monte Carlo method, about 10,000 terms must be summed.Metropolis Algorithm•Follows a sequence of configurations•Pn(C) is probability of the n-th observation in configuration C •T(C->C') is probability of making a transition from state C to state C'•Probability of remaining in state C is•Master equation for this Markov process is•Rearranging master equation•In steady state, transition probability must be independent of time and must goto zero; that is Pn(C) must be the steady state function P(C) and P(C)T(C->C') = P(C')T(C'->C) •Since P(C) is proportional to Exp(-Ec/kT), this means•What transition probability will give the correct probability function P(C)?•The answer is not unique•All we need is a function T(C->C') that satisfies the detailed balance P(C)T(C->C') = P(C')T(C'->C)•One transition function that is often used is:Example 3 - 2D Ising Model•Simplify to a square lattice of N=LxL atoms. Each atom has only a spin degree of freedom,spin = +1 (up),spin = -1 (down)•The energy of the n-th given configuration is•For a given temperature T, the specific heat C and magnetic x susceptability per site can be estimated as2D Ising Metropolis Algorithm•Let n = 0, and start with an arbitrary configuration, for example, all spins up.•Pick two random integers x and y between 1 and L. Let DelE be the change in energy caused by changing the value of the spin at (x,y).•Increase n by 1. If DelE < 0, accept the change. If DelE > 0 accept the new configuration with probability Exp(-DelE/kT). Go to step2.2D Ising - Metropolis Algorithm (Cont.)•The Metropolis algorithm produces a series of configurations that eventually approaches a sampling sequence for the discreteprobability function•It is difficult to predict how long it will take for the Metropolis algorithm to reach this asymptotic state.•This is usually determined empirically by seeing whether the average over a large number of configurations converges.•Note: The algorithm requires DelE not E be calculated for each trial change. DelE is generally much easier to calculate.Example 3 - Monte Carlo Estimates of Thermodynamic Properties •Estimate heat capacity and magnetic susceptibility as functions oftemperature.•Have each processor handle a separate temperature calculation.•INSERT PARALLEL FLOW FIGURE HEREResults for 2D Ising Problem•INSERT RESULTS FIGURE HERE•To run this problem, use the code ising.C by :% cd% cd mc/ising% run•The structure of ising.C1. // Set the parameters and initializeinitialize( l, h, v );2. // Each processor evaluates the properties of system at atemperaturefor (int i=myRank; i < num_runs; i += numProcs) {double tau = tauMin + i * delTau;2.a // Make the atoms of system random distributedfor (int j=0; j < 100*l*l; j++ ) {ran1 = rand1->next();ran2 = rand2->next();makeMove( l, h, v, ran1, ran2, tau );}2.b // Go to random walks, and add the energy of each statefor ( int i1=0; i1 < num_random; i1++ ) {ran1 = rand1->next();ran2 = rand2->next();makeMove( l, h, v, ran1, ran2, tau );sumM += abs(m);sumM2 += m * m;sumE += e;sumE2 += e * e;}2.c Calculate the thermal propertiesdouble aveM = sumM / num_random;double aveM2 = sumM2 / num_random;double aveE = sumE / num_random;double aveE2 = sumE2 / num_random;double delSqM = aveM2 - aveM * aveM;double delSqE = aveE2 - aveE * aveE;aveM /= l * l;aveE /= l * l;double temp = tau * tau * l * l;double chi = delSqM / temp;double specHeat = delSqE / temp;General Observations Regarding Paralle Monte Carlo •Applicability of Parallel Monte Carloo Most serial Monte Carlo codes are readily adaptable to a parallel environmento Strengths are still forMulti-dimensional problemsComplex geometrieso Variance reduction techniques must still be tailored to the specific problem (possible exception - stratified samplingfor numerical integration) inherently serial must bemodified for effective parallelizationo Care must be taken to assure reproducible results •Pseudorandom Number Generation on Parallel Computerso Fast RNGs with long periods requiredCongruentialxnew = (a xold + c) mod m,fast, typically repeats after a few billionnumbersMarsagliaFaster, a million numbers per second on a laptopperiod of 2**1492 for 32 bit numbers o Reproducibility highly desirableo Must assure calculations on different processors are independentLehmer Tree•Amdahl's Lawo T1 = task execution time for a single processoro Tm = execution time for the multiprocessing portiono To = execution time of the sequential and communications portion (overhead)Speedup = T1/(Tm+To)o For many Monte Carlo applications Tm is approximately T1/P where P is the number of processorsEfficiency = Speedup/P = 1/(1+F)o F = P*To/T1 is the overhead factor.•Efficiency versus Number of Processors•Overhead Timeo Initialization timeo Message passing timeTends to increase nonlinearly with PTends to increase with size of problem (information passed)o Sleep timeProcessor to processor variations resulting fromrandomnessCan't aggregate results until all processors doneLoad balancing required in heterogeneous systems。
