武汉理工 材料科学基础 课后答案 _第七章

二、ZnS的种结构为闪锌矿型结构,已知锌离子和硫离子半径分别为2+Zn 0.068nmr=2 S 0.156nmr−=,原子质量分别为65.38和32.06。
第七章答案 武汉理工大学 陆佩文 课后答案

第七章答案7-1 略7-2 浓度差会引起扩散,扩散是否总是从高浓度处向低浓度处进行?为什么? 解:扩散是由于梯度差所引起的,而浓度差只是梯度差的一种。
7-3 欲使Ca2+在CaO中的扩散直至CaO的熔点(2600℃)时都是非本质扩散,要求三价离子有什么样的浓度?试对你在计算中所做的各种特性值的估计作充分说明。
解:掺杂M3+引起V’’Ca的缺陷反应如下:M2O32M C a·+3Oo+V Ca〞当CaO在熔点时,肖特基缺陷的浓度为:【V Ca〞】=5.452×10-6欲使Ca2+在CaO中的扩散直至CaO的熔点(2600℃)时都是非本质扩散,M3+的浓度为【M3+】=【M Ca·】=X,则由【V Ca〞】=1/2X,1/2X﹥5.452×10-6得X=1.09×10-5,即【M3+】=1.09×10-57-4 Zn2+在ZnS中扩散时,563℃时的扩散系数为3×10-4cm2/s;450℃时的扩散系数为 1.0×10-4cm2/s,求:(1)扩散活化能和D0;(2)750℃时的扩散系数;(3)根据你对结构的了解,请从运动的观点和缺陷的产生来推断活化能的含义;(4)根据ZnS和ZnO相互类似,预测D随硫的分压而变化的关系。
解:(1)由D=D0exp(-Q/RT)得Q=48856J/mol,D0=3×10-15cm2/s;(2)把T=1023K代入中可得D0=9.6×10-4cm2/s;7-5 在某种材料中,某种粒子的晶界扩散系数与体积扩散系数分别为Dgb=2.00×10-10exp (-19100/RT)cm2/s和Dv=1.00×10-4exp(-38200/RT)cm2/s,试求晶界扩散系数和体积扩散系数分别在什么温度范围内占优势?解:当晶界扩散系数占优势时有Dgb>Dv,即2.00×10-10 exp(-19100/RT)>1.00×10-4exp(-38200/RT),所以有T<1455.6K;当T>1455.6K时体积扩散系数占优势。

《材料科学基础》课后习题答案第一章材料结构的基本知识4. 简述一次键和二次键区别答:根据结合力的强弱可把结合键分成一次键和二次键两大类。
6. 为什么金属键结合的固体材料的密度比离子键或共价键固体为高?答:材料的密度与结合键类型有关。
9. 什么是单相组织?什么是两相组织?以它们为例说明显微组织的含义以及显微组织对性能的影响。

SOLUTION FOR CHAPTER 71. FIND: Label the phase fields in Figure HP7-1.SOLUTION: There are two regions of single phase equilibrium separated by a region of two-phase equilibrium. The line separating the single phase liquid from the two phaseliquid and solid region is called the liquidus, and the line separating the two phase liquid and solid from the single phase solid is called the solidus.SKETCH:2. FIND: The name given to the type of equilibrium diagram shown in Fig. HP7-1.SOLUTION: The diagram is termed isomorphous. Above the liquidus there is only one phase, namely the liquid, and it has the same structure regardless of composition. Below the solidus is the solid phase, and as well it has the same structure regardless ofcomposition.3. FIND: What is the crystal structure of component B, why?SOLUTION: There are no phase boundaries below the solidus consequently the phase and therefore the structure must be the same. If A is FCC, then B and all compositionsbetween A and B must be the same phase and hence same structure. If A is FCC, then B must also be FCC.4. FIND: Sketch equilibrium cooling curves for alloy X o and pure component B. Explainwhy they have different shapes.SOLUTION: The slope of the temperature versus time behavior for the alloy in thesingle phase region is controlled by the cooling rate and the heat transferred from theliquid. At the liquidus temperature a small amount of solid is formed, releasing anamount of latent heat of fusion related to the volume of solid transformed. Hence, at the liquidus temperature there will be a change in slope. Since heat is being generated theslope will be less than that above the liquidus. As the temperature is reduced through the two-phase region a small amount of solid is formed and a corresponding heat released;once the solidus temperature is reached no additional transformation takes place and there is again a change in slope. The slope is greater as the solid cools than as the liquid andsolid cooled. For the pure component, solid and liquid are in equilibrium at T B, and hence,a horizontal line when liquid transforms to solid at T B.SKETCH:5. FIND: The liquidus temperature and the solidus temperature of alloy X oSOLUTION: From figure HP7-1 the liquidus temperature is approximately 1110o C and the solidus temperature is approximately 1070o C.6. FIND: Determine compositions and phase fractions of each phase in equilibrium at1100o C for alloy X o.SOLUTION: At equilibrium, the temperature of two phases must be the same, and thecomposition of the solid is found where the tie line intersects the solidus and the liquid is at the intersection of the tie line with the liquidus. From the phase diagram thecomposition of solid is 0.35B and that of the liquid is 0.55B. Using the lever rule thefraction of liquid, f L, and fraction of solid, f s is determined.7. FIND: Sketch f L and f S for alloy X o as the alloy is cooled under equilibrium conditionsfrom 1200o C to room temperature.SOLUTION: At the liquidus temperature the amount of liquid is almost 100% with onlya very small amount of solid. Conversely at the solidus temperature, the amount of solidis almost 100% with only a very small amount of liquid. In a two-phase field:f L + f s = 1.8. FIND: Changes in the compositions of the liquid and solid phases during quilibriumcooling of alloy X o through the two-phase field.SOLUTION: At the liquidus temperature, the composition of the solid is approximately0.30B. As equilibrium solidification progresses, the composition of the solid increases to0.5 B, the maximum value it can reach. The liquid on the other hand is initially thecomposition of the alloy X o, and as equilibrium solidification progresses the composition increases in B to the maximum composition in the liquid of approximately 0.7 B.9. FIND:From the following data construct a plausible equilibrium phase diagram.Component A melts at 800︒C and B melts at 1000︒C; A and B are completely soluble in one another at room temperature; and if solid α containing 0.3 B is heated underequilibrium conditions, the solid transforms to liquid having the same composition at500︒C.GIVEN: Melting temperatures for the two components, congruent melting temperature and composition.SOLUTION: The sketch shown below satisfies all of the requirements stated in theproblem. The melting temperature of pure A is 800︒C and that for pure B is 1000︒C. The congruent melting temperature is at 500︒C at a composition containing 0.3 B. Below the congruent melting temperature there is a continuous α solid solution.10. FIND: For alloys containing 10, 22, 25, 27, and 40 wt% Ni, determine the number ofphases present and the composition of the phases in equilibrium at 1200o C.11. FIND: Beginning with a statement of mass balance, derive the lever rule in a two-phasesystem.SOLUTION: In a two phase field for an alloy of some over all composition X o, thesolute is distributed in the two phases: x o = fα xα + fβ xβ where the compositions areexpressed in terms of one of the components, fα + fβ = 1. Then, fα= 1 - fβ. Substituting:x o = (1 - fβ) xα + fβ xβx o = xα - xα fβ + xβfβx o - xα = (xβ - xα) fβ12. FIND: Discuss each of the factors that permit the Cu-Ni system to be isomorphous overthe temperature range 350-1000o C.SOLUTION: The empirical rules of Hume-Rothery identify the characteristics that two elements must have in common for extensive solubility. This should require thata. the two components must have the same crystal structureb. the atomic radii of the two atoms must be similarc. the two components have the comparable electro negativities, andd. the two components have the similar valence.13. FIND: What does the temperature 322O C represent in Figure HP7-2?SOLUTION: 322o C is called the critical temperature. At the critical temperature there is a corresponding critical composition. For an alloy of this composition, cooling under equilibrium conditions from above the critical temperature to below this temperatureresults in the formation of two phases from one phase of the critical composition. Ascooling continues the two phases that form have different compositions.14. FIND: In Figure HP7-2, are α1 and α2 different crystal structures?SOLUTION: α1 and α2 are two phases having the same structure but differentcompositions. The composition of the two phases are determined as in any two phasesystem by using the tie-line. Where the tie-line at the equilibrium temperature intersects the phase boundaries determines the composition of the two phase in equilibrium.15. FIND: Location of the equilibrium phase boundary at temperature T.GIVEN: Alloy 1 containing 30%B and alloy 2 containing 50% B, when equilibrated at temperature T are in the same two-phase (L + S) region. The fraction of liquid in alloy 1 is 0.8 and the fraction of liquid in alloy 2 is 0.4.SKETCH:SOLUTION: Since the fraction of liquid in alloy 1 is greater than that of solid, theliquidus is to the left of 0.3, and since the fraction of solid in alloy 2 is greater than that of liquid, the solidus must lie to the right of alloy 2. Using the lever rule:for alloy 1for alloy 20.8X L - 0.8X s = X s - 0.30.4X L - 0.4X s = X s - 0.5Solve for X s and X L,0.8X s - 0.8X L = X s - 0.30.8X s - 0.8X L = 2X s - 1.0____________________0 = -X s + 0.7, orX s = 0.7BTo find X L, substitute X s into one of the equations:0.4 - 0.56 = -0.8X L-0.16 = -0.8X L, orX L = 0.2BAs a check, use the other equation to calculate the fraction of liquid from thecompositions.16. FIND: Label all regions of the phase diagram and the boundaries of monovariantequilibrium for the diagram shown in Figure HP7-3.SKETCH/SOLUTION:17. FIND: Sketch an equilibrium cooling curve from above the eutectic to roomtemperature for an alloy of eutectic composition.SKETCH/SOLUTION:18. FIND: Explain why the equilibrium cooling curves for alloys on either side of theeutectic composition will be different than the equilibrium cooling curve for a eutecticalloy.SOLUTION: At the eutectic temperature, liquid of composition X E is in equilibriumwith two solids, Xα and Xβ . For a hypoeutectic alloy (composition to the left of theeutectic), the first phase to form at the liquidus temperature of the alloy is α. When the eutectic temperature is reached the liquid of the eutectic composition is in equilibriumwith the two solids, one of composition Xα and the other Xβ. Consequently, depending upon composition, the closer the overall composition of the alloy is to X E, the lessproeutectic α and the more eutectic. Similarly, for alloys to the right, proeutectic β will form. In terms of the phase rule at constant pressure, for the eutectic reactionF = C - P + 1 = 2 - 3 + 1 = 0. The eutectic is invariant, and solidifies under equilibriumconditions at one temperature, T E. For alloys on either side of the eutectic composition but between Xα and Xβ, the proeutectic phase forms and cooling occurs as it does in any two-phase s-l region. Once the eutectic isotherm is reached, the remaining liquid ofeutectic composition solidifies isothermally.19. FIND: The maximum solid solubility of B in A and of A in B in Figure HP7-3.SOLUTION: The maximum solubility of B in A occurs at 0.15 B and the maximumsolubility of A in B is 0.1 A.20. FIND: For an alloy of eutectic composition in Figure HP7-3, determine the compositionof the solid phases in equilibrium with the liquid.SOLUTION: The composition of the two solid phase α and β in equilibrium with liquid at T_ occurs at 0.15 B and 0.9 B.21. FIND: Plot f L, fα, and fβ as a function of temperature for the equilibrium cooling of analloy of eutectic composition.SOLUTION: At just above the eutectic temperature, the microstructure consists of allliquid of composition X E. (Determined from the phase diagram to be approximately0.63B.) Just below the eutectic temperature, the microstructure is a mixture of twophases, α and β. From the phase diagram, Xα ~ 0.15B and Xβ ~ 0.9B. To determine the fractions of α and β at temperatures below T E, use the lever-rule. Tabulated below arecompositions of the phases in equilibrium at several temperatures estimated from thephase diagram. These compositions are then used to calculate the amount of each phase present.Fraction of phases:At 600: f L = 1.0, fα = fβ = 0At 500: f L = 0Instal l Equa tion E ditor a nd do uble-click h ere to view equat ion.Instal l Equa tion E ditor a nd do uble-click h ere to view equat ion.At 400: f L = 0Instal l Equa tion E ditor a nd do uble-click h ere to view equat ion.Instal l Equa tion E ditor a nd do uble-click h ere to view equat ion.At 300: f L = 0Instal l Equa tion E ditor a nd do uble-click h ere to view equat ion.Instal l Equa tion E ditor a nd do uble-click h ere to view equat ion.22. FIND: For alloy X o (in Figure HP7-3), calculate the fraction of α that forms as primary αand the fraction of α that forms by eutectic decomposition when the alloy is cooled from 850o C to room temperature under equilibrium conditions.SOLUTIONS: The fraction of proeutectic α that forms under equilibrium conditionspresent in alloy X o cooled from 850o C to just above the eutectic is:Then the fraction of liquid which is of eutectic composition is:f L = 1 - fα = 1. - 0.69 = 0.31.The fraction of α that forms from liquid of eutectic composition, fα,E is :fα,E = (fraction of α formed from eutectic) (0.31)To check these results, the sum of proeutectic α plus that which forms from the eutectic =0.69 + 0.11 = 0.8. That amount should be the same as if we calculated directly fα that would be present just below the eutectic for alloy of composition X o.23. FIND: The total fraction of α at room temperature for alloy X o in Figure HP7-3.SOLUTION: Solubility of B in α at room temperature is approximately 0.02 A and the solubility of A in β is approximately 0.04 A (in terms of B 0.96 B).24. FIND: Equilibrium phase diagram given the information below.GIVEN: Component A melts at 900o C; component B melts at 1000o C; and there is aninvariant reaction at 600o C. The solubility of B in α is known to increase from almost nil at room temperature to a maximum of 10%. When an alloy containing 30% B is cooled under equilibrium conditions just above 600o C, a two-phase mixture is present, 50% αand 50% liquid. When the alloy is cooled just below 600o C, the alloy contains two solid phases, α and β. The fraction of α is 0.75. After cooling under equilibrium conditions to room temperature, the amount of α in the α + β mixture decreases to 68%.SOLUTION: At just above the invariant temperature there is a region of two phaseequilibrium, a mixture of 50% α and 50% L. Consequently if the overall composition is 50%β, and α is located at 10%β, then the liquid must be at ˜50% B. Just below theinvariant reaction, two solid phases are present, αat ˜10%B and β at some composition, Xβ. If fα = 0.75, then:At room temperature, if fα = 0.68, and the solubility of B in α is nil, thenThe invariant reaction is L _ α + β, a eutectic, hence the diagram shown below fits allconditions.25. FIND: A binary phase diagram consistent with the information given below.GIVEN: The binary system A-B with T B > T A is known to contain two invariantreactions of the type: L _ α + β at T1, and L _ β + γ at T2 where T1 < T A and T2 > T A ,and β (0.5 B) is a congruently melting phase at a temperature higher than T B.SKETCH/SOLUTION: Given T B > T A, and T1 < T2 and T2 > T A, then at the congruent temperature, solid transforms to liquid at the same composition, hence for the threephases, α, β and γ with some solubility, is shown below along with a similar phasediagram in which there is limited solubility of B in A and A in B and the congruent phase appears as a line compound.26. FIND: Which phase diagram in Figure HP7-4 is MgO-NiO and which is NiO-CaO?Label the regions on the diagram and identify the invariant reaction.SOLUTION: To determine whether the isomorphous system is NiO-MgO or NiO-CaO, one needs to know the ionic radii of the three cations. r(Ni2+) = 0.078 nm, r(Mg2+) =0.078 nm, and r(Ca2+) = 0.106 nm. Therefore, based upon size of the ions occupying thecation sublattice we would expect the NiO-MgO system to be the isomorphous system.27. FIND: What is the maximum solid solubility of Ag in Pt?GIVEN: Phase diagram in Figure HP7-5.SOLUTION: Maximum solid solubility of Ag in Pt is 10.5 wt% Ag.28. FIND: For an alloy of peritectic composition, what is the composition of the last liquidto solidify at 1186o C?SOLUTION: The composition of the last liquid to solidify is 66.3% Ag (the peritiectic composition is 42.4% Ag).29. FIND: What is the range of alloy compositions that will peritectically transform duringequilibrium cooling?SOLUTION: Compositions between 10.5 and 66.3 wt % Ag.30. FIND: Plot the fraction of liquid, f L, the fraction of α, fα, and the fraction of β, fβ, as afunction of temperature during equilibrium cooling from 1800 to 400o C. For an alloy of peritectic composition.SOLUTION: First, you must determine the compositions of the phase(s) that is (are) in equilibrium. If, at a particular temperature the alloy is in a single phase then thecomposition of the phase is the composition of the alloy and the microstructure contains 100% of that phase. When the alloy is in a two phase field, the compositions aredetermined in using the tie-lines, and the phase fractions are determined using the lever.If, however, the microstructure is equilibrated at an invariant temperature and thecomposition lies along the invariant line, then only the composition of the phases can be determined, not their relative amounts. For an alloy of 42.4% Ag cooled underequilibrium conditions the approximate compositions of the phases in equilibrium atseveral temperatures are summarized in the following table.Fractions of phases at 1400:At 1300:At 1200At 1100At 1000At 900At 800At 700 At 600At 500At 400Fraction of phases as a function of temperature are plotted below.31. FIND: Sketch a possible diagram given the information below.GIVEN: The two component system A-B with T A > T B contains two invariant reactions of the type L + α _ β at T1, and L _ β + γ at T2 (<T1).SKETCH/SOLUTION: Reaction at T1 is a peritectic, reaction at T2 a eutectic, T A > T B and T1 > T2.In the above figure some B is soluble in A and likewise some A is soluble in B. Thephase that melts incongruently at T1 has a change in solubility with temperature.Alternatively, we can construct a diagram where the solubility of the end members are nil and the incongruently melting phase, X, is a line compound. That diagram wouldresemble the diagram shown below.32. FIND: Label all phase fields and identify the invariant reactions in the Ag-Al Phasediagram shown in figure HP7-6.SKETCH/SOLUTION:33. FIND: Label the phase fields and identify the invariant reactions in the V2O5 - NiOphase diagram.SKETCH/SOLUTION:34. FIND: Apply the 1-2-1...rule to the V2O5 - NiO diagram at 600o C.SOLUTION: At 600o C the single-phase regions are V2O5, N-V, 2N-V, 3N-V and NiO.These narrow single-phase fields define the regions of two-phase equilibrium. Also, itshould be recalled that at a fixed temperature the composition of each phase in a two-phase field is constant. All that varies is the relative amount of each phase (i.e. the lever-rule).35. FIND: Label all phase fields and identify the invariant reactions in the V2O5 - Cr2O3system.SKETCH/SOLUTION:36. FIND: For compositions X and Y, plot the fraction of phases present as a function oftemperature.SOLUTION: From the phase diagram in Figure HP7-8 the relevant we find:Composition of alloy X ~ 0.47BComposition of alloy Y ~ 0.55BComposition of the liquid at the peritectic isotherm ~ 0.44BComposition of the eutectic ~ 0.21BLiquidus temperature of X ~ 1100o CLiquidus temperature of Y ~ 1400o CPeritectic temperature ~ 900o CEutectic temperature ~ 700o CFor alloy X, in the temperature range from the liquidus (1100o C) to just above theperitectic isotherm, f L , decreases from 1.0 to:while the fraction of the oxide increases from 0 to (1 - 0.95) = 0.05. In the temperature range just below the peritectic isotherm to just above the eutectic isotherm, the phase fractions change from:andtoandjust above the eutectic temperature.In the temperature range below the eutectic isotherm, the Instal l Equa tion E ditor a nd do uble -click h ere to view equat ion.areconstant and from the lever rule are:Similarly for alloy Y:In the temperature range from the liquidus temperature (1400o C) to just above theperitectic isotherm the fraction of liquid decreases from f L = 1 towhile the fraction of Cr 2O 3 increasing from 0 toBelow the eutectic isotherm the amount of Cr 2O 3⋅V 2O 5 and Cr 2O 3 are constant.37.FIND: Identify the invariant reactions occurring in the Cu-Pb system.SOLUTION: There are two invariant reactions in the Cu - Pb system, a monotectic at 955o C and a eutectic at 326o C. For a complete illustration examine how the reduction in solubility of the components in each other effect the monotectic systems shown in Figure 7.6-1.38.FIND: Phase diagram HP7-9 indicates no mutual solid solubility of Cu in Pb or Pb in Cu. Explain why this is not strictly true.SOLUTION: Although the phase diagram appears to indicate no solubility of Cu in Pb or Pb in Cu, as pointed out on page 274 of the text, the free energy of a pure component can always be reduced by small additions of a second component since the presence of the second component increases the randomness of the system. It then is a competition between the enthalpy and the entropy terms as to how much is added, since:∆G = ∆H - T ∆S39.FIND: If an alloy containing 63 wt% Pb is cooled under equilibrium conditions from 1100o C to room temperature, plot the fraction of phases present as a function of temperature.SKETCH/SOLUTION: When an alloy containing 63% Pb, is cooled from 1100o C to room temperature under equilibrium conditions the following phases form. Below 991o C and just above the monotectic isotherm, liquid phase separation occurs. The composition of the two liquids follow the liquidus boundary, and the amount is calculated by the lever-rule. Below the monotectic isotherm to just above the eutectic isotherm two phases are present, Cu with essentially no soluble Pb and liquid rich in Pb, the composition of which follows the liquidus. Below the eutectic isotherm there is a two-phase mixture of essentially pure Cu and pure Pb. At 991o C the microstructure is essentially all liquid containing 63% Pb. At 975o C the microstructure has separated into two liquids, one (L I ) containing approximately 80% Pb and the second (L II ) containing approximately 43% Pb.Just above the monotectic isotherm.Below the monotectic isotherm, the fraction of liquid decreases, while the fraction ofsolid Cu increases. Just below 955o CAt 900o CAt 800o CThere is so little solubility of Cu in the liquid that once the temperature drops below 600o C, the system is essentially solid Cu with liquid essentially composed of Pb. Below 326o C the microstructure is a mixture of solid copper and lead. The phase diagramsuggests that there is no measurable change in solubility of the components. Then,40. FIND: Most alloying elements used in commercial titanium alloys can be classified aseither alpha stabilizers or beta stabilizers. Figure HP7.10 contains the Ti-Al and Ti-Vequilibrium phase diagrams. Which alloying element would most likely be consideredthe alpha stabilizer? Explain.GIVEN: The Ti-Al and Ti-V phase diagrams.SOLUTION: Solid titanium exists in two crystal forms. β, the high temperatureallotrope which is bcc, and α, the low temperature form which is hcp. At 882 ︒C thesetwo phases are in equilibrium at 1 atm pressure for pure titanium. When alloyingelements are added the relative stability of the phases may change. For the Ti-Al system, adding aluminum to pure titanium increases the temperature at which α begins to form.Thus, aluminum is said toIn the Ti-V system, thetemperature at which the αphases formsdecrease with increasing V,said to be a βthus V is41. FIND: In the Ti-Al system, identify a phase and its composition that melts congruently.Estimate the congruent melting temperature from the phase diagram.GIVEN: The Ti-Al phase diagram and the definition of a congruently melting phase. A phase melts congruently, when the composition of the solid and the composition of theliquid for an alloy are the same.SOLUTION: Examination of the Ti-Al phase diagram shows that the composition near5 weight % ( ~ 10 atomic %) melts congruently at approximately 1730 ︒C.42.FIND: Label all the two-phase fields on the Ti-Al phase diagram.GIVEN: The Ti-Al phase diagram with all the single phase fields labeled.SOLUTION: To complete this problem, we need only recognize that in a binary system, phases appear across the diagram alternating 1-2-1-2-...-1. Included below is the Al-Ti phase diagram with all phase fields labeled.α + Ti Al 33Ti Al + TiAl TiAl + TiAl 2α + Ti Al 3β + TiAlβ + Lα + TiAlTiAl + LTiAl + δTiAl + δ2α700900110013001500T e m p e r a t u r e , °C23TiAl + βTiAl 23TiAl + αTiAl 3αTiAl + Al 3βTiAl + Al Allotropic phaseL + δα + β3δ + βTiAl 3βTiAl + L 170043. FIND: Label all the invariant reactions occurring in the Ti-Al system.GIVEN: The Ti-Al phase diagram.SOLUTION:See the sketch of the Ti-Al diagram below.44. FIND: From the phase diagram, estimate the temperature at which Ti3Al congruentlytransforms to α Ti.GIVEN: The Ti-Al phase diagram.SOLUTION: The phase Ti3Al transforms the α Ti of the same composition atapproximately 1200︒C and a composition of approximately 21 wt % Al (33 atomic % Al).45. FIND: When the line compound β TiAl3 is heated, what is the composition of the firstliquid that forms in equilibrium with β TiAl3? Does this compound melt congruently?Explain.GIVEN: The Ti-Al phase diagram.SOLUTION: TiAl3 appears as a line compound on the phase diagram. Atapproximately 1375︒C TiAl3 undergoes a peritectic reaction on heating underequilibrium conditions. The composition of the liquid in equilibrium with TiAl3 is notthe composition of TiAl3 and hence the phase does not melt congruently, but meltsincongruently. The composition of the liquid is approximately 63 wt % Al. Theperitectic reaction written on heating is:TiAl3→ liquid (63 wt % Al) + δ Ti.46. FIND: The presence of Ti3Al in Ti-Al alloys has a detrimental effect on the ductility. Tocontrol this problem, the amount of aluminum needs to be less than 6 wt. %.Consequently, all of the products that you are producing contain a maximum of 6 wt. %of aluminum. You have been told that additions of tin, zirconium, and oxygen (oftenpresent as an impurity) are all known to be alpha stabilizers. If there is a possibility thatsmall additions of oxygen may enter the system as your alloy is melted, should youreduce the amount of aluminum in your alloy or not worry about it if ductility is animportant property for your product? Explain your reasoning.GIVEN: The Ti-Al phase diagram.SOLUTION: Since both aluminum and oxygen are α stabilizers, a judicious choicewould be to reduce the amount of aluminum in your alloy. This would be a particularlywise choice since the critical amount is just at 6 % Al, the addition of any alloyingelement that might affect the amount of Ti3Al should be avoided. Therefore reducing the amount of Al should be reduced.47. FIND: Label all the two-phase fields in the Ti-V system.GIVEN: The Ti-V phase diagram with all the single phase fields labeled.SOLUTION: To complete this problem, we need only recognize that in a binary system, phase fields appear across the diagram alternating 1-2-1-2-...-1. Included below is asketch of the Al-V phase diagram with all phase fields labeled.48. FIND: Identify the invariant reaction that is occurring at 675︒C in the Ti-V system.GIVEN: The Ti-V phase diagram.SOLUTION: The invariant reaction that is occurring at 675︒C is a monotectoid reaction and can be written symbolically as:β1→α + β2.from 900︒C down to 500︒C, plot the fraction of phases present as a function of temperature.GIVEN: The Ti-V phase diagram.SOLUTION: The compositions and the fraction of each phase from the phase diagram are shown in the table below. From the table the sketch given below illustrates the relative fraction of phases present as a function of temperature.50.FIND: Consider an alloy containing 52 wt. % V. Describe the phases present and their compositions as the alloy is cooled under equilibrium conditions from 900︒C to 500︒C. GIVEN: The Al-V phase diagram.SOLUTION: An alloy containing 52 wt. % V at 900︒C is in the β Ti,V single phase field. When the alloy is cooled it passes through the critical temperature of a monotectoid at 850︒C. Cooling below this temperature results in the formation of a two phase mixture of V-poor and V-rich solids that have the β Ti,V structure. Decreasing the temperature results in two solid phases whose compositions continuously change. The composition of the two solids follow the solid-solid miscibility boundary as shown in the sketch below. Cooling to 675︒C results in the invariant monotectoid reaction at that temperature. Symbolically that reaction can be written as β1 → α + β2. Cooling below themonotectoid temperature results in the disappearance of the β1 phase. Since the relative solubilities of V in Ti and Ti in V decrease with temperature, cooling to 500︒C changes the compositions of the α and β2 phases following the solvus boundaries as shown in the sketch.51.FIND: If a titanium alloy containing 5 wt. % V is cooled under equilibrium conditions from 900︒C down to 500︒C, plot the fraction of phases present as a function of temperature. Which phase is richer in vanadium, α or β? GIVEN: The Ti-V phase diagram.SOLUTION: The β phase is richer in vanadium than the α phase.L + β ( Ti, V )β ( Ti, V ) + α ( Ti )β1β2+Comp. of β decreases in V along phase boundary12Comp. of β increases in V along phase boundaryMonotectoid isotherm。

(4) Si4+和Mg2+所占的四面体空隙和八面体空隙的分数是多少?
ro2-=0.132nm ?? rSi4+=0.039nm ?? rK+=0.133nm ?? rAl3+=0.057nm ?? rMg2+=0.078nm
7、从理论计算公式计算NaC1与MgO的晶格能。MgO的熔点为2800℃,NaC1为80l℃, 请说明这种差别的原因。
10.什么是硼反常现象? 为什么会产生这些现象?

第一章 结晶学基础 第二章 晶体结构与晶体中的缺陷1 名词解释:配位数与配位体,同质多晶、类质同晶与多晶转变,位移性转变与重建性转变,晶体场理论与配位场理论。
同质多晶:同一化学组成在不同外界条件下(温度、压力、pH 值等),结晶成为两种以上不同结构晶体的现象。
配位场理论:除了考虑到由配位体所引起的纯静电效应以外,还考虑了共价成键的效应的理论图2-1 MgO 晶体中不同晶面的氧离子排布示意图2 面排列密度的定义为:在平面上球体所占的面积分数。
(a )画出MgO (NaCl 型)晶体(111)、(110)和(100)晶面上的原子排布图;(b )计算这三个晶面的面排列密度。
解:MgO 晶体中O2-做紧密堆积,Mg2+填充在八面体空隙中。
(a )(111)、(110)和(100)晶面上的氧离子排布情况如图2-1所示。
(b )在面心立方紧密堆积的单位晶胞中,r a 220=(111)面:面排列密度= ()[]907.032/2/2/34/222==∙ππr r(110)面:面排列密度=()[]555.024/224/22==∙ππr r r(100)面:面排列密度=()785.04/22/222==⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡ππr r 3、已知Mg 2+半径为0.072nm ,O 2-半径为0.140nm ,计算MgO 晶体结构的堆积系数与密度。


材料科学基础(武汉理工大学,张联盟版)课后习题及答案 第七章

第一章 结晶学基础 第二章 晶体结构与晶体中的缺陷1 名词解释:配位数与配位体,同质多晶、类质同晶与多晶转变,位移性转变与重建性转变,晶体场理论与配位场理论。
晶系、晶胞、晶胞参数、空间点阵、米勒指数(晶面指数)、离子晶体的晶格能、原子半径与离子半径、离子极化、正尖晶石与反正尖晶石、反萤石结构、铁电效应、压电效应. 答:配位数:晶体结构中与一个离子直接相邻的异号离子数。
同质多晶:同一化学组成在不同外界条件下(温度、压力、pH 值等),结晶成为两种以上不同结构晶体的现象。
配位场理论:除了考虑到由配位体所引起的纯静电效应以外,还考虑了共价成键的效应的理论图2-1 MgO 晶体中不同晶面的氧离子排布示意图2 面排列密度的定义为:在平面上球体所占的面积分数。
(a )画出MgO (NaCl 型)晶体(111)、(110)和(100)晶面上的原子排布图; (b )计算这三个晶面的面排列密度。
解:MgO 晶体中O2-做紧密堆积,Mg2+填充在八面体空隙中。
(a )(111)、(110)和(100)晶面上的氧离子排布情况如图2-1所示。
(b )在面心立方紧密堆积的单位晶胞中,r a 220=(111)面:面排列密度= ()[]907.032/2/2/34/222==∙ππr r (110)面:面排列密度=()[]555.024/224/22==∙ππr r r(100)面:面排列密度=()785.04/22/222==⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡ππr r3、已知Mg 2+半径为0.072nm ,O 2-半径为0.140nm ,计算MgO 晶体结构的堆积系数与密度。

【例2-2】 NaCl和MgO晶体同属于NaCl型结构,但MgO的熔点为2800℃, NaC1仅为80l℃,请通过晶格能计算说明这种差别的原因。
【解】根据:晶格能(1)NaCl晶体:N0=6.023×1023 个/mol,A=1.7476,z1=z2=1,e=1.6×10-19 库仑,,r0===0.110+0.172=0.282nm=2.82×10-10 m,m/F,计算,得:EL=752.48 kJ/mol (2)MgO晶体:N0=6.023×1023 个/mol,A=1.7476,z1=z2=2,e=1.6×10-19库仑,r0==0.080+0.132=0.212 nm=2.12×10-10 m,m/F,计算,得:EL=3922.06 kJ/mol则:MgO晶体的晶格能远大于NaC1晶体的晶格能,即相应MgO的熔点也远高于NaC1的熔点。

MgO的熔点为2800℃,NaC1为80l℃, 请说明这种差别的原因。
8、根据最密堆积原理,空间利用率越高,结构越稳定,金钢石结构的空间利用率很低(只有%),为什么它也很稳定? 9、证明等径圆球面心立方最密堆积的空隙率为25.9%;10、金属镁原子作六方密堆积,测得它的密度为克/厘米3,求它的晶胞体积。

8、试将下列材料按金属、陶瓷、聚合物或复合材料进行分类:黄铜钢筋混凝土橡胶氯化钠铅-锡焊料沥青环氧树脂镁合金碳化硅混凝土石墨玻璃钢9、Al2O3陶瓷既牢固又坚硬且耐磨,为什么不用Al2O3制造铁锤?第二章晶体结构1、解释下列概念晶系、晶胞、晶胞参数、空间点阵、米勒指数(晶面指数)、离子晶体的晶格能、原子半径与离子半径、配位数、离子极化、同质多晶与类质同晶、正尖晶石与反正尖晶石、反萤石结构、铁电效应、压电效应.2、(1)一晶面在x、y、z轴上的截距分别为2a、3b、6c,求出该晶面的米勒指数;(2)一晶面在x、y、z 轴上的截距分别为a/3、b/2、c,求出该晶面的米勒指数。
MgO的熔点为2800℃,NaC1为80l℃, 请说明这种差别的原因。
材料科学基础 第二版(张联盟 著)课后习题答案武汉理工大学出版


1页 1.已知某二元合金的共晶反应为:(1) 试求含50%B 的合金完全结晶后,初晶α与共晶(α+β)的重量%,α相与β相的重量%;共晶体中α相与β相的重量%。
(2) 若测出显微组织中β初晶与(α+β)共晶各占一半时,试求该合金成分。
2. 已知在A-B 二元合金中,A (熔点600℃)与B (熔点500℃)在液态无限互溶,固态时A 在B 中的最大固溶度(质量分数)为w A =0.30,室温时为w A =0.10;但B 在固态和室温时均不溶于A 。
在300℃时,含w B =0.40的液态合金发生共晶反应。
试绘出A-B 合金相图;并分析w A =0.20,w A =0.45,w A =0.80的合金在室温下组织组成物和相组成物的相对量。
3. 试根据含碳量3.5%亚共晶白口铁的平衡组织,计算其中各组织组成物的相对含量。
答案1. 解:(1)根据杠杆定律可得(2) 设该合金中B 的重量%为wB ,则 2. 解:(1)A -B 合金相图如下图所示(2)合金为0.2A -0.8B 时,室温下相组成物为A 和β相,其相对量为室温下组织组成物为β+A Ⅱ,其相对量与相组成物相同,即(3)合金为0.45A -0.55B 时,室温下相组成物为A 和β相,其相对量为 室温下组织组成物为β初+(A+β)共晶+A Ⅱ,在共晶反应刚完成时,冷却至室温时,将由β初’和(A+β)共晶的β中析出A Ⅱ。
由于共晶β中析出的A Ⅱ与共晶A 连接在一起,故略去不计。
由β初’中析出的A Ⅱ的相对量为%所以,室温下β初的相对量为 '%%%50%11.11%38.89%A ββ=-=-=Ⅱ初初该合金室温下组织组成物的相对量为(4)合金为0.8A -0.2B 时,室温下相组成物为A 和β相,其相对量为 室温下组织组成物为A+(A+β)共晶,其相对量为3. 解:含碳量3.5%的亚共晶白口铁的平衡组织为P+Fe3C Ⅱ+Ld’。
共晶反应刚完成时,室温下组织组成物的相对量为 4. 解:(1) 冷却曲线如图所示。

第一章8.计算下列晶体的离于键与共价键的相对比例(1)NaF (2)CaO (3)ZnS解:1、查表得:X Na =0.93,X F =3.98根据鲍林公式可得NaF 中离子键比例为:21(0.93 3.98)4[1]100%90.2%e ---⨯=共价键比例为:1-90.2%=9.8% 2、同理,CaO 中离子键比例为:21(1.00 3.44)4[1]100%77.4%e---⨯=共价键比例为:1-77.4%=22.6%3、ZnS 中离子键比例为:21/4(2.581.65)[1]100%19.44%ZnS e --=-⨯=中离子键含量共价键比例为:1-19.44%=80.56%10说明结构转变的热力学条件与动力学条件的意义.说明稳态结构与亚稳态结构之间的关系。
第二章1.回答下列问题:(1)在立方晶系的晶胞内画出具有下列密勒指数的晶面和晶向:(001)与[210],(111)与[112],(110)与 [111],(132)与[123],(322)与[236](2)在立方晶系的一个晶胞中画出(111)和 (112)晶面,并写出两晶面交线的晶向指数。
(3)在立方晶系的一个晶胞中画出同时位于(101). (011)和(112)晶面上的[111]晶向。
解:1、2.有一正交点阵的 a=b, c=a/2。
某晶面在三个晶轴上的截距分别为 6个、2个和4个原子间距,求该晶面的密勒指数。

试题一答案一、1:4;2:O2-离子做面心立方密堆积,Na+填全部四面体空隙;3:=4CN O2-=8 [NaO4][ONa8];4:O2-电价饱和,因为O2-的电价=(Na+的电价/Na+的配位数)×O2的配位数;5:二、1:Al4[Si4O10](OH)8;2:单网层状结构;3:一层硅氧层一层水铝石层且沿C轴方向堆积;4:层内是共价键,层间是氢键;5:片状微晶解理。
四、 1:O←→VNa ′+VCl˙2:AgAg→Agi˙+VAg′3:3TiO23TiNb˙+VNb˙+6OO2TiO22TiNb˙+Oi′′+3ONb2-x Ti3xO3可能成立Nb2-2xTi2xO3+x4:NaCl NaCa′+ClCl+VCl˙五、一是通过表面质点的极化、变形、重排来降低表面能,二是通过吸附来降低表面能。
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7-4试根据图 7-32查取:(1)CaO在1145℃和1650℃的扩散系数值;(2)Al2O3在1393℃和1716℃的扩散系数值;并计算CaO和Al2O3中Ca2+和Al3+的扩散活化能和D0值。
7-7 Zn2+在ZnS中扩散时,563℃时的扩散系数为3×10-4cm2/s;450℃时的扩散系数为
7-9在某种材料中,某种粒子的晶界扩散系数与体积扩散系数分别为D gb=2.00×10-10exp(-19100/RT)cm2/s和D v=1.00×10-4exp(-38200/RT)cm2/s,试求晶界扩散系数和体积扩散系数分别在什么温度范围内占优势?
解:当晶界扩散系数占优势时有D gb>D v,即
>,所以有T<1455.6K;当T>1455.6K 时体积扩散系数占优势。
解:将T=1073K代入题中两式分别得Dα1073=cm2/s Dγ1073=cm2/s。