外包过程作业指导书(ISO9001-2015)1.Purpose目的Establish the instruction to manage subcontract process, including subcontractor selection, assessment, and control. Ensure all subcontract processes in VICTOR within control condition.建立外包过程控制指导书来指导对公司的外包方进行选择,评价与管理控制, 确保外包过程具有满足本公司规定要求的能力。
2.Scope-适用范围This instruction applicable all subcontract process: a.Plastic&Casting Parts Painting Process; b.AM2000:2008 Dental Unit Assembly Process. 适用于公司所有外包过程.本公司的外包过程包括: 塑料件与机加工件的喷漆过程与AM2000:2008牙科治疗机的整机装配过程.3.Responsibility-职责Purchase Department: Research, collect and provided potential qualified subcontractor, conduct subcontractor assessment and audit activities. 采购部:收集,搜寻,提供潜在的合格外包方信息,主导外包商的评价与审核过程.Quality Department: Participating subcontractor audit process, leading subcontractor quality system evaluation and subcontract parts quality inspection and verification.质量部:参与外包商的审核,主导外包商的品质保障评价,外包产品质量的检验与验证.Technical Department: Participating subcontractor audit process, leading subcontractor technical aspect including equipment evaluation. Providing technical support to subcontractor, if necessary.技术部:参与外包商的审核,主导外包商的技术能力与设备的评价.必要时,提供技术支持给予外包商Production Department: Participating subcontractor audit process, leading subcontractor production capability, material management, production management生产部:参与外包商的审核,主导外包商的生产能力评价,包括物料管理,生产管理评定等.Management Representative: Coordinate and planning subcontractor assessment process, summarize audit result and report to GM.管理者代表:协调与策划外包商的评价,汇总评价结果,汇报至总经理4.Terms and Definitions-术语与定义Potential Subcontractor: Subcontractor which have the potential qualify to provided subcontract service to our company, but not do business with us momently候选外包方:欲向本公司提供服务,本企业尚未使用的供方Qualified subcontractor: Subcontractor which with the competence to provided subcontract service to our company via our systematicalinvestigation and evaluation合格外包方:经本公司调查、评价和选择,具有向本企业提供满意服务能力的外包方5.Procedure-程序5.1 Subcontractor selection and evaluation外包方的评价和选择5.1.1 Principle of subcontractor selection外包方的选择原则(a) Have a satisfied performance. Efficient production capability and process capability具有使用满意的历史业绩.充足的生产能力与工艺要求;(b) Solid credit background Including quality management level, service, resources, or quality certification proof etc.良好的企业信用等级.包括质量管理能力、服务、资源配备,或相关的体系认证等;(c) Similar servicing history to other customer对比类似服务的历史情况或对比其他使用者的使用经历.(d) For dental unit subcontractor, must be obtained SFDA license and guarantee follow the SFDA regulations strictly对于整机的外包商,其必需获得国家药监局的相关许可证,并保证严格遵照国家医疗行业相关的法规来运作.5.1.2 Regular evaluation of exist subcontractor。
翻译 包装作业指导书
翻译包装作业指导书Packaging Job Instruction ManualIntroduction:引言:This Packaging Job Instruction Manual will provide you with detailed instructions on how to effectively perform packaging tasks. It includes various packaging techniques, usage guidelines, and bilingual example sentences for reference. By following this manual, you will be able to enhance your packaging skills and ensure the delivery of high-quality products.本《包装作业指导书》将为您提供详细的包装任务执行指南。
I. Packaging Techniques:一、包装技巧:1. Wrapping Technique:1. 包裹技巧:- Use appropriate wrapping material, such as bubble wrap or foam, to protect fragile items during transportation.适用合适的包装材料,如气泡膜或泡沫,以保护在运输过程中易碎物品。
- Make sure the item is completely wrapped and secure the wrapping material with tape or adhesive.确保物品被完全包裹,并使用胶带或粘合剂固定包装材料。
三、作业流程1. 接收定单- 外协加工部门接收来自客户的定单,并进行详细记录。
- 确认定单的要求,包括产品规格、数量、交货期等。
2. 材料准备- 根据定单要求,准备所需材料。
- 确保材料的质量和数量符合要求,并进行记录。
3. 工艺制定- 根据定单要求,制定相应的工艺流程。
- 确定加工工序、工艺参数、加工设备等,并进行记录。
4. 加工作业- 根据工艺流程,进行加工作业。
- 操作人员需按照规定的工艺参数进行操作,确保加工的准确性和质量。
5. 检验- 对加工后的产品进行检验。
- 确保产品符合规定的质量标准,并进行记录。
6. 组装(如适合)- 根据定单要求,进行产品组装。
- 确保组装的准确性和质量,并进行记录。
7. 包装- 对加工或者组装完成的产品进行包装。
- 确保包装符合定单要求,并进行记录。
8. 发货- 按照定单要求,安排发货。
- 确保产品的准时交付,并进行记录。
四、作业要求1. 严格按照作业流程进行操作,不得随意更改。
2. 操作人员需具备相关的技术知识和操作经验,确保作业的准确性和质量。
3. 加工设备需保持良好的工作状态,定期进行维护和保养。
4. 严格按照质量标准进行检验,确保产品质量符合要求。
5. 包装需符合定单要求,确保产品在运输过程中不受损。
6. 严格按照交货期要求进行发货,确保准时交付。
五、作业记录1. 外协加工部门需对每一个定单进行详细记录,包括定单信息、材料准备、工艺制定、加工作业、检验结果、组装情况、包装方式、发货记录等。
2. 作业记录需保存至少一年,以备查阅和追溯。
六、作业风险控制1. 外协加工部门需定期进行作业风险评估,识别潜在的作业风险,并采取相应的控制措施。
文件制修订记录1.0外包流程及范围1.1 流程:领取当班所用物料、接收上一岗位流转物料→核实所用物料品种、数量、产品质量符合要求;所用产品→印刷文字与所生产产品品种一致→结束后将不用包材退库→打扫好本岗位全面卫生;生产过程中做好各种记录。
1.2 范围:区域范围:电梯间、卷闸门(毛肚与外包间)以南、鸭血出料物流通道以南、整条速冻隧道、外包储物间、以及外包大厅等;所有区域的设备(含封存设备)、工作台、地面等。
2.0生产操作前注意事项2.1首先检查各设备上面有无异物、清除掉异物;2.2检查各设备紧固件、防护限位装置、防护罩是否有效;仪表仪器是否运转显示正常;2.3 检查相关设备接地是否正常,确保相关人员及设备安全有效;2.4 检查电力电压是否正常、是否缺项,电力正常后点动试开机,确保运转方向正常;2.5遇到异常情况解决不了及时请维修人员到场进行维修解决。
3.0包装过程3.1 包装的要求:具有完整图案的包装(标签)为合格包装,凡是图案偏移、色泽不正、污染、印刷不清楚、剪切不平整、袋子(标签)表面有皱褶、封边不均(左右上下白边超过0.2CM);3.2液体料(油)瓶子缺口、不圆、有污点、有明显气泡(较多)、裂纹裂痕、有明显影响外观的其他原因等均为不合格原料,及时挑出来,禁止使用;3.3袋装:封口严密、封口无倾斜、无夹料、图案完整,外表无污染;3.4包装有真空要求的产品,真空是否达到要求;3.5 日期打印按照生产日期打印规范进行;3.6 贴标:按照规范正确位置;要求无倾斜、粘贴牢固无气泡<0.2cm2;无翘角、无错位<0.2cm;4.0装箱入库4.1装箱:根据规格要求装箱;纸箱封箱两片盒盖要左右对齐,胶带安装要求进行缠绕。
生效日期:2020/3/20品 号:包装版本变更日期制作人/日期:审核人/日期:批准人/日期:T0初版发行2019/8/27T1出货吸塑盘与纸箱规格更新2020/3/201.将产品顶面朝上放入透明色出货吸塑盘。
1.Put the product with the top side facing up into the transparent blister tray.二、装袋Bagging4.每21盘(20盘产品+1空盘),装1个真空袋,待真空作业封口。
4. For every 21 trays (20 trays + 1 empty tray), install a vacuum bag and wait for the vacuum operation to seal.三、封口Sealing5.真空作业(图二)。
5. Vacuum operation (Figure 2). Vacuum gauge air pressure value: 0.02 ±四、装箱Packing7.2袋/箱,1440pcs/箱。
8.用封箱胶带封好外箱,外箱贴外箱标签,贴RoHS、及盖QA的PASS章,产品未装满,在外箱标签左上角贴一个"尾"标签 (图四)。
翻译 包装作业指导书
翻译包装作业指导书Packaging Job Guidelines包装作业指导书Introduction介绍This packaging job guideline aims to provide instructions and guidance to employees involved in packaging activities. It covers important aspects such as handling materials, using packaging equipment, and maintaining quality standards. By following these guidelines, we can ensure efficient and effective packaging processes that meet customer requirements.这份包装工作指导书旨在为从事包装工作的员工提供指导和说明。
Safety Precautions安全注意事项1. Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when working in the packaging area. This includes gloves, safety glasses, and safety shoes.2. Be aware of the location and proper use of emergency exits, fire extinguishers, and first aid kits.3. Follow proper manual lifting techniques to avoid strains and injuries. When lifting heavy objects, use mechanical aids such as forklifts or pallet jacks.4. Report any safety concerns or accidents to your supervisor immediately.Materials Handling材料处理1. Carefully inspect all materials before using them for packaging. Check for any damages, defects, or contamination that could affect the quality or integrity of the packaging.2. Store materials in designated areas to maintain organization and accessibility. Keep them away from harsh weather conditions, direct sunlight, and chemicals that could cause damage.3. When handling fragile or delicate materials, use appropriate measures to prevent breakage. This may include using protective wrapping or taking extra care when stacking boxes.Packaging Equipment包装设备1. Familiarize yourself with the operation of all packaging equipment that you will be using. Follow equipment manuals, safety instructions, and training provided by the manufacturer or supervisor.2. Conduct regular maintenance checks on the equipment to ensure proper functioning. Report any malfunctions or defects immediately.3. Use the equipment correctly and safely. Do not attempt to operate a machine unless you have been trained to do so.Quality Control质量控制1. Inspect packaging materials, products, and labels to ensure they meet the required quality standards. This includes checking for accurate labeling, proper sealing, and absence of damages or defects.2. Properly record and document any deviations or non-conformities. Report them to the supervisor or quality control department as necessary.3. Follow quality control procedures for sampling, testing, and inspection as outlined by the company.Conclusion结论By following these packaging job guidelines, we can create a safe and efficient working environment while maintaining high-quality packaging standards. It is essential to continuously improve our packaging processes by identifying areas of improvement and implementing necessary changes. If you have any questions or need further clarification, contact your supervisor or the packaging department.。
生效日期:2020/3/20品 号:包装版本变更日期制作人/日期:审核人/日期:批准人/日期:T0初版发行2019/8/27T1出货吸塑盘与纸箱规格更新2020/3/201.将产品顶面朝上放入透明色出货吸塑盘。
1.Put the product with the top side facing up into the transparent blister tray.二、装袋Bagging4.每21盘(20盘产品+1空盘),装1个真空袋,待真空作业封口。
4. For every 21 trays (20 trays + 1 empty tray), install a vacuum bag and wait for the vacuum operation to seal.三、封口Sealing5.真空作业(图二)。
5. Vacuum operation (Figure 2). Vacuum gauge air pressure value: 0.02 ±四、装箱Packing7.2袋/箱,1440pcs/箱。
8.用封箱胶带封好外箱,外箱贴外箱标签,贴RoHS、及盖QA的PASS章,产品未装满,在外箱标签左上角贴一个"尾"标签 (图四)。
作业指导书 (中英文)范本
1)产品外形与样品一致,整批产品颜色一致,color:black RAL 9017 。
2)产品不允许变形、走胶不齐、开裂等不良现象。 3)产品美观面不允许划痕,披锋,缩水,混色等不良;其他面不影响装配效果即可。
Sampling level/抽样水平
1).制程巡检:每间隔4小时,外观检验level II AQL 0.4/ 1.5;尺寸检测1模腔,允收0/1. 2).成品检验:外观检验ISO 2859-1 level II AQL 1.0;尺寸检测S-1,允收0/1(前三批加严检测).
Test Tool 测试工具 2D 卡尺 深度尺 高度尺 深度尺 大理石平台and 深度尺 卡尺
Test Means 测试方法 用2D影像测量仪"圆组合“测量该尺寸 用卡尺内测量该才尺寸(8个对称点测4次,取均值) 用深度尺测量该尺寸 用高度尺测量该尺寸 用深度尺测量该尺寸 以一个点为基准然后在测量面上多点取样测量,取最大值 用卡尺内测量面测量该尺寸
zytel HTNFE8200 BK431
Evolution 修改 创建
Certified 批准
Version 版本 A/0
Date 日期 2016/9/6
Responsible 责任 柴彬彬
Dimension control/尺寸控制:
Aesthetic surfaces are textured YS1283B
Specification Control/规格控制
CUSTOMER 客户 Drawing/Rvr 图纸/版本 MOLD NO. 模具 Part No 产品编号 Designation 名称 Material 原材料
Report No: OSSOU/WI04-F17 Model:
流程作业指导书英文Here's a draft of a process operation instruction manual in English, following the given requirements:Alright, let's get started. First up, make sure you've got all the tools you need. You don't want to be searching for a screwdriver halfway through the job.Now, once you've got your stuff together, take a moment to inspect the item you're working on. Check for anyvisible damage or loose parts. It's always better to catch things early.Alright, time to get your hands dirty. Start by disconnecting any wires or cables that might be in the way. Remember, safety first! Don't want to electrocute yourself.Okay, next step is the trickiest part. You've got to carefully remove this small piece. Use the right tool for the job, and don't force it. Take your time.After that's done, you're ready to install the new part. Make sure it fits snugly and all the connections are secure. Don't skip this step, or you'll be back here again soon.Alright, almost there. Now it's time to reconnect those wires and cables. Double-check your connections to makesure they're tight and won't come loose.Finally, give the whole thing a once-over. Make sure everything looks good and is working as it should. Ifyou're happy with it, you're done!Remember, if you run into any issues or have questions, don't hesitate to ask. It's better to get it right thefirst time than to have to fix it later.。
工厂外包作业流程英文版:Factory Outsourcing Process1. Define Outsourcing NeedsFirstly, the factory needs to determine which operations require outsourcing. This is typically based on production capacity, technical bottlenecks, cost control, and other factors. Once the outsourcing needs are identified, the specific requirements, scale, and timeline of the operations should be clarified.2. Identify Suitable ContractorsThrough market research, online searches, industry recommendations, and other methods, search for contractors with the necessary technical expertise, management experience, and good reputation. Conduct an initial assessment of the candidate contractors to ensure they can meet the factory's operational requirements.3. Contract SigningNegotiate with the selected contractor to agree on the specific details of the operation, including quality standards, timeframes, and costs. Once both parties reach a consensus, sign a formal outsourcing contract.4. Submit Work RequirementsThe factory provides detailed operation requirements to the contractor, including the specific content, technical standards, quality requirements, and timeline. Ensure that the contractor clearly understands the requirements to avoid misunderstandings or disputes later.5. Execution & MonitoringThe contractor carries out the operations according to the factory's requirements. The factory should monitor the operation process in real-time to ensure it is carried out as agreed. Timely communicate and urge rectification for any issues identified.6. Quality InspectionAfter the completion of the operations, the factory inspects the results according to the agreed quality standards in the contract. If any quality issues are found, require the contractor to make timely rectifications until the requirements are met.7. Payment for ServicesUpon confirmation of satisfactory quality, the factory shall make payment to the contractor according to the agreed terms and payment schedule. Ensure accurate and timely payment to avoid unnecessary economic disputes.8. Delivery & AcceptanceThe contractor delivers the operational results to the factory for acceptance. Once the acceptance is successful, both parties sign an acceptance report confirming the completion of the operations. The factory integrates the operational results into its normal production process to ensure smooth production.中文版:1. 确定外包需求首先,工厂需要明确哪些作业需要外包。
外包过程控制作业指导书文件编号:Q/KV-WD-28编制:日期:审核:日期:批准:日期:颁布日期:2012.10.15 实施日期:2012.10.301.0目的确保外包供方提供的产品符合规范规定,符合产品的要求。
3.0职责3.1 质量部负责对外包过程的控制。
3.2 质量部与外包供方签订各项公司规定协议,明确双方的责任。
4.2零件加工4.2.1 外包供方按程序《采购控制程序》进行选择和考核,评定合格列入《合格供方名录》;4.2.2 质量部和外包供方在采购合同签订之前,双方应签订技术协议,明确双方的职责;4.2.3 生产制造部根据技术要求,向供方发放图纸及工艺文件,填写签收记录;4.2.4若工艺文件由外包供方提供,本公司设计开发部应给予评审和确认,在工艺文件封面上盖上确认章,评审人员签上姓名和日期;4.2.5 若由于保密原因,供方不能提供相应地工艺文件,质量部应和外包供方共同完成技术工艺文件确认单,双方签字,各自保留一份;4.2.6 若是重要件的加工,外包供方应按公司提供的质量记录填写,对每个重要零件进行质量跟踪,同时提供材质报告;4.2.7 对一般件的加工,公司质量部按进货检验规范进行检验,保存进货检验记录;4.2.8 对重要件的加工,公司根据需要,派谴检验人员到现场进行质量跟踪,完成加工记录,记录生产情况,包括人员、设备、生产、检验等情况;4.3 热处理4.3.1 提供热处理的厂家必须是在合格供方名单中,且按《采购控制程序》进行评定考核合格;4.3.2 公司提供热处理工艺文件,填写签收记录;4.3.3 若工艺由外包供方提供则执行4.2.4,4.2.5条款;4.3.4 公司设计开发部组织外包供方对工艺进行评定,只有评定合格才能进行正式批量生产;4.3.5 热处理操作人员必须经过培训合格,公司保留热处理工的培训证书;4.3.6 热处理设备必须进行设备鉴定,按公司提供的《热处理设备鉴定规定》进行,外包供方提供设备鉴定记录,一旦设备发生修理,应重新进行设备鉴定,日常鉴定周期为一年;4.3.7 热处理设备上的计量器具必须进行鉴定,外包供方提供计量器具的检定证书;4.3.8 每次热处理完成,外包供方应提供圆盘记录纸,注明产品名称、型号规格、材料、炉批号,操作人员,日期,并附上热处理报告(报告格式公司提供,质2012.10.15发布第1页共2页 2012.10.30实施量部检验员进行核对,以确保记录的正确性。
酒店外包服务标准操作规程G UEST E XPECTATION 客人期望:It may happen that I need other Business Services which can not be delivered by the Hotel. I think it is great if the Hotel can offer contracted Business Services.也许我需要的服务不能由酒店直接提供,希望酒店能提供外包商务服务。
Why is this task important for you and our guests?为什么该任务对你和我们的客人都很重要?Answers回答:1.I understand the guest expectation. 我了解客人的期望。
2.Many of our guests are Business people and have high expectations. 很多客人是商务客人,有很高的期望。
3.We are able to show our professionalism. 我们能够展示职业化水准。
4.We are able to increase our GSTS score. 我们要提高客人满意度。
Summary questions问题小结:1.What are contracted services? Why might a guest request them? 什么是外包服务?为什么客人需要这样的服务?2.What is the first thing I should do when I get such a request? 当我接到一项请求时,我首先该做什么?3.How do I find out about the charges of such requests? 我如何弄清关于这些要求的收费标准?4.What Services are available? Can you think of any others which you may be requested to provide? 提供哪些服务项目?可能客人还会要求哪些服务?5.If a Temporary Secretary is requested, how much notice would they need and how will they meet the guest? 如果需要提供临时秘书服务,秘书需要了解哪些信息?如何引见给客人?6.Are Contracted Services also required to be logged? 需要登记外包服务吗?7.How do I charge an outside guest? 如何对店外客人收费?8.When do I need to request the guest’s Signature?何时适合请客人签字?9.Why do I have to Bid Farewell and thank the guest to use our Services even though they are Contracted Services? 为什么提供外包服务也须要向客人告别并感谢客人使用我们的服务?。
WI-PRD-025 包装作业指导书
包装作业指导书英文English:A packaging operation manual serves as a comprehensive guide detailing the procedures and best practices for packaging tasks within a specific context or industry. It typically includes instructions on handling various packaging materials, using packaging equipment effectively and safely, and following quality control measures to ensure the consistency and integrity of packaged products. Additionally, it may outline protocols for labeling, sealing, and storing packaged items, as well as guidelines for troubleshooting common packaging issues and maintaining equipment functionality. The manual aims to standardize packaging processes, enhance efficiency, and minimize errors or damages during packaging operations, ultimately contributing to the overall success and reputation of the organization in delivering high-quality products to customers.中文翻译:包装作业指导书是一份全面的指南,详细说明了特定背景或行业内的包装任务的程序和最佳实践。
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外包过程作业指导书1.Purpose目的Establish the instruction to manage subcontract process, including subcontractor selection, assessment, and control. Ensure all subcontract processes in VICTOR within control condition.建立外包过程控制指导书来指导对公司的外包方进行选择,评价与管理控制, 确保外包过程具有满足本公司规定要求的能力。
2.Scope-适用范围This instruction applicable all subcontract process: a.Plastic&Casting Parts Painting Process; b.AM2000:2008 Dental Unit Assembly Process.适用于公司所有外包过程.本公司的外包过程包括: 塑料件与机加工件的喷漆过程与AM2000:2008牙科治疗机的整机装配过程.3.Responsibility-职责Purchase Department: Research, collect and provided potential qualified subcontractor, conduct subcontractor assessment and audit activities.采购部:收集,搜寻,提供潜在的合格外包方信息,主导外包商的评价与审核过程. Quality Department: Participating subcontractor audit process, leading subcontractor quality system evaluation and subcontract parts quality inspection and verification. 质量部:参与外包商的审核,主导外包商的品质保障评价,外包产品质量的检验与验证.Technical Department: Participating subcontractor audit process, leading subcontractor technical aspect including equipment evaluation. Providing technical support to subcontractor, if necessary.技术部:参与外包商的审核,主导外包商的技术能力与设备的评价.必要时,提供技术支持给予外包商Production Department: Participating subcontractor audit process, leading subcontractor production capability, material management, production management 生产部:参与外包商的审核,主导外包商的生产能力评价,包括物料管理,生产管理评定等.Management Representative: Coordinate and planning subcontractor assessment process, summarize audit result and report to GM.管理者代表:协调与策划外包商的评价,汇总评价结果,汇报至总经理4.Terms and Definitions-术语与定义Potential Subcontractor: Subcontractor which have the potential qualify to provided subcontract service to our company, but not do business with us momently候选外包方:欲向本公司提供服务,本企业尚未使用的供方Qualified subcontractor: Subcontractor which with the competence to provided subcontract service to our company via our systematical investigation and evaluation 合格外包方:经本公司调查、评价和选择,具有向本企业提供满意服务能力的外包方5.Procedure-程序5.1 Subcontractor selection and evaluation外包方的评价和选择5.1.1 Principle of subcontractor selection外包方的选择原则(a) Have a satisfied performance. Efficient production capability and processcapability具有使用满意的历史业绩.充足的生产能力与工艺要求;(b) Solid credit background Including quality management level, service, resources, or quality certification proof etc.良好的企业信用等级.包括质量管理能力、服务、资源配备,或相关的体系认证等;(c) Similar servicing history to other customer对比类似服务的历史情况或对比其他使用者的使用经历.(d) For dental unit subcontractor, must be obtained SFDA license and guarantee follow the SFDA regulations strictly对于整机的外包商,其必需获得国家药监局的相关许可证,并保证严格遵照国家医疗行业相关的法规来运作.5.1.2 Regular evaluation of exist subcontractor现有外包商定期评价和确认(a) In principle, VICTOR should do regular assessment of exist subcontractor once a year.原则上,每年应进行至少一次对现有外包商的整体评价(b) Purchase department evaluate the service aspect of thesubcontractor, give a score base its on time delivery,(total 40’) cost down performance etc.Fill in “Supplier Regular Assessment Record”.采购部负责对外包商的服务业绩及配合度进行评价,并根据其到料准时,价格因素等方面赋予分值,总分40分,填入《供方定期评定表》(c) QC department evaluate the quality aspect of the subcontractor, give a score baseon its qu ality performance and complaints responding (total 60’ Fill in “Supplier Regular Assessment Record”:质检部根据外包商的质量业绩及市场反馈,整改回复进行评价,总分60分,填入《供方定期评定表》(d) W ARNING subcontractor if the regular appraisal score lower than 75;STOP order to subcontractor immediately if the regular appraisal score low than 70.当年度评定总分值小于75分时,警告该外包商,并提出整改要求;当年度评定总分值小于70分时,停止与该外包商合作.(e)After complete the evaluation, pass the records to Operational Director or Management Representative to give approval comments. Purchase department shall keep the record for traceability.评价完成后,将《供方定期评定表》传至运营总监或管理者代表提出审批意见.采购部应保存该文档,以便追溯.5.1.3 Evaluation of potential subcontractor候选外包商评价和纳入(a) Purchase department supervise the questionnaires or onsite evaluation of potential subcontractor, get the roughly information of the subcontractor and complete an “supplier evaluation record” or “supplier onsite audit record”由采购部负责进行书面问卷调查或组织现场考查,对该候选外包商作概略性的了解,完成《供应商评审记录》或《供应商现场考察表》.(b) QC department verify the first article and give a conclusion in “FIRS T ATRTICAL INSPECTION SUMMARY”.质检部对候选外包商首次加工进行样件确认,完成《供应商样件评价表》,以确保产品质量符合公司要求.(C) If necessary, sign a “Quality Contract” with the subcontractor. The contract usually including:必要时,与其签订质量保证协议,协议一般可以包括以下内容:(1) Quality assurance system requirements;对外包商质量保障体系提出要求;(2) Product quality and inspection criteria对外包商加工产品质量和检验标准提出要求;(3) Quality information communicates or conflict solution.质量信息交换处理和争端处理办法5.2 Subcontract Process Control外协加工控制5.2.1 Technical department prepare technical specification of subcontract process including criteria and processing requirements.技术部制订外包加工所需的技术文件,如产品标准、技术要求等5.2.2 Subcontract shall provide evidence to proof its comply with the quality assurance system; aperiodicity onsite audit should be conducted to ensure its processing under control.外包商应能提供符合质量保证体系要求的证据,必要时不定期至外包工厂现场进行检查,以确认外包过程是在协议规定的条件下进行5.3 Verification of subcontract外协加工验证5.3.1 QC inspector check the product according our inspection instruction, or verifythe quality report attached.Document Type :Working Instruction由检验员按照《产品检验指导书》、对照相应检验标准对外协加工产品进行检验或对产品的附属检验报告进行验证;5.3.2 If we need do inspection in subcontract’s site, shall indicate in purchase order or quality contract, verification in subcontract do not means relieve the quality responsibility of subcontract.当需要对某些产品在供方处验证时,须采购合同中对验证活动(标准和方法)明确;但顾客验证不免除本企业向顾客提供合格产品的责任。