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Recent years, logistics, taken as "third profit resource”, has been developing rapidly. In the developed commercial society, traditional VSP algorithm have been unable to meet the requirement that Quick Response to customer demand had brought forth, then the conception of Time Window has come into being. The vehicle-scheduling problem with time window is also a NP-hard problem being more complicated than VSP.

This text has been researched to the vehicle-scheduling problem with time window on the basis of researched to logistic vehicle scheduling problem. And it has explained the basic theory of genetic algorithm.

On the VSP with time window, while the restraints of capacity and time windows are changed into object restraints, a mathematic model is established. We use technique such as maximum preserved crossover and design genetic algorithm on nature number, which can deal with soft time windows through experimental analysis, have made better result. Because this problem was studied together for group members, this text has expounded the part about fitness function and mutation operator that I finished.

Key words:logistic distribution vehicle scheduling problem genetic algorithm time windows


摘要........................................................................................................... I Abstract ...................................................................................................... II 目录......................................................................................................... I II 引言.. (1)

第1章概述 (2)

1.1研究背景 (2)

1.2物流配送车辆优化调度的研究动态和水平 (4)

1.2.1 问题的提出 (4)

1.2.2 分类 (5)

1.2.3 基本问题与基本方法 (6)

1.2.4 算法 (6)

1.2.5 货运车辆优化调度问题的分类 (8)

1.3 研究的意义 (9)

1.4 研究的范围 (10)

第2章有时间窗的车辆优化调度问题(VSPTW) (11)

2.1 时间窗的定义 (11)

2.2 VSPTW问题的结构 (13)

第3章遗传算法基本理论 (14)

3.1 遗传算法的基本原理 (14)

3.1.1 遗传算法的特点 (14)

3.1.2 遗传算法的基本步骤和处理流程 (15)

3.1.3 遗传算法的应用 (16)

3.2 编码 (17)

3.2.1二进制编码 (18)

3.2.2Gray编码 (18)

3.2.3实数向量编码 (18)

3.2.4排列编码 (19)

3.3 适应度函数 (19)

3.3.1 目标函数映射成适应度函数 (19)

3.3.2 适应度定标 (20)

3.4 遗传算法的基因操作 (21)

3.4.1 选择算子 (21)

3.4.2 交叉算子 (22)

3.4.3 变异算子 (25)

3.5 遗传算法控制参数设定 (28)

第4章遗传算法求解有时间窗非满载VSP (30)

4.1 问题描述 (30)

4.2 数学模型 (31)

4.2.1 一般VSP模型 (31)

4.2.2 有时间窗VSP模型 (32)

4.3 算法设计 (33)

4.3.1 算法流程图 (33)

4.3.2 染色体结构 (33)

4.3.3 约束处理 (35)

4.3.4 适应度函数 (36)

4.3.5 初始种群 (36)

4.3.6 遗传算子 (36)

4.3.7 控制参数和终止条件 (37)

4.4 算法实现 (39)

4.5 实验及结果分析 (39)

4.5.1控制参数选定 (39)

4.5.2实例实验 (43)

4.5.3实例数据 (44)

4.5.4实例数据分析 (44)

结论 (45)

参考文献 (47)

谢辞 (48)
