编号: NLT-AM706-SSCN版本号:V120619风向和风速仪 用户手册 型号: AM706***快速使用指南***¾失电报警:一路电源掉电时,主机失电报警,按主机上任意键消除报警。
¾【S】键:m/s, km/h, kts风速单位的切换。
¾休眠:同时按下 两键,仪器进入休眠状态,按任意键恢复显示。
¾说明书封皮拆下可当简易手册使用!目录仪器简介 (1)系统组成 (1)测量原理: (1)功能说明 (2)显示界面介绍 (2)功能介绍 (2)NMEA0183协议 (3)操作说明 (4)性能参数 (5)维护保养 (6)校准说明 (7)安装说明 (8)主机安装 (8)电源适配器安装 (8)传感部件安装 (9)风向标与风杯的安装 (9)整体安装 (10)接线说明 (11)系统组成图: (11)主机外部线图 (12)仪器简介船用风向和风速仪AM706是风速和风向的综合测量仪器,可以测量显示相对于船只的风速(精度±5%,最小0.1m/s),以及相对于船艏的风向(显示精度10°输出精度±1°)。
Met One 010C 风速传感器用户手册说明书
![Met One 010C 风速传感器用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/60da5494bb0d4a7302768e9951e79b89680268c9.png)
MODEL010CWIND SPEED SENSOROPERATION MANUALMet One Instruments, IncCorporate Sales & Service: 1600 NW Washington Blvd. Grants Pass, OR 97526 Tel (541) 471-7111 Fax (541) 471-7116******************1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION1.1 The 010C Wind Speed Sensor uses a durable, three-cup anemometer assembly andsolid-optical link with a 40-slot chopper disk to produce a pulsed output whosefrequency is proportional to wind speed. An internal heater reduces moisture forextended bearing life. This sensor is usually used in conjunction with the 191 Cross arm Assembly. The sensor may be used with a translator module, or used directlywith a variety of data loggers.1.2 The Sensor Cable has a quick-connect connector with vinyl jacketed, shielded cable.Cable length is given in -XX feet on each cable part number. A 1953-XX cable isused with translators having terminal strip connections.Table 1-1Model 010C Wind Speed Sensor SpecificationsPerformance CharacteristicsMaximum Operating Range 0-60 meters/sec or 0-125 mphStarting Speed 0.27 meters/sec or 0.6 mphCalibrated Range 0-50 meters/sec or 0-100 mphAccuracy ±1% or 0.15 mphTemperature Range -50︒C to +85︒CResponse Distance constant less than 5 ft of flow**The distance traveled by the air after a sharp-edged gust has occurred for theanemometer rate to reach 63% of the new speed. Distant constant less than 15ft of flow with optional 010C-1 aluminum cupset.Electrical CharacteristicsPower Requirements 12 VDC at 10 mAOutput Signal 11-volt pulseOutput Impedance 100 ohms maximumHeater Power Requirement 12 VDC at 350 mAStandard Cable Length 300’ maximum (consult factory if longercable is to be used for special requirements) Physical CharacteristicsWeight 1.1 poundsFinish Anodized aluminumMounting Use with 191 CrossarmCabling 1953-XX Cable (XX is cable length in feet)Optional AccessoriesA. External heater and power supply for extreme low temperature operation.B. Ice Skirt for extreme icing environments.C. Aluminum cup assembly.2.0 INSTALLATION2.1 The 010C Wind Speed InstallationA. Mount the cup assembly and secure with the Allen head set screw, check to seethat the cup assembly rotates freely.B. Install the sensor in the end of the Model 191 Crossarm Assembly (the endwithout the bushing).C. Tighten the locking set screw. Do not over-tighten. Apply a small amount ofsilicone grease to set screws to prevent freezing in adverse environments.D. Connect the cable assembly to the keyed sensor receptacle and tape it to themounting arm.2.2 WiringA. The cable assembly contains five wires. Typical wiring hookup is shown inFigure 2-1.No Connection White/Brown ShieldElectrical ConnectorView looking at connector pins. (Pins are also identified on connector).2.3 Lightning ProtectionA. Weather sensors are sensitive to direct or nearby lightning strikes. A well-grounded metal rod or frame should be placed above the sensor installation. Inaddition, the shield on the signal cable leading to the translator must beconnected to a good earth ground at the translator end and the cable routeshould not be vulnerable to lightning.3.0 OPERATIONAL CHECK-OUT AND CALIBRATION3.1 010C Wind Speed Sensor Check-OutA. Spinning the anemometer cup assembly will produce a series of pulses (40pulses per revolution). To verify sensor output, monitor this signal with either thetranslator module, data logger, or an oscilloscope. (Refer to Frequency vs. WindSpeed Table 3-1). Spinning the hub of the wind speed transmitter without thecup assembly mounted and allowing it to coast to a stop will give a goodindication of threshold performance; a jerky or sudden stop indicates damage tobearings, bent drive shaft, or obstruction in the light chopper.B. Inspect the cup assembly for loose cup arms or other damage. The cupassembly cannot change calibration unless a mechanical part has come loose orhas been broken. If a cup arm is loose or broken the calibration of the sensormay be affected.C. If the sensor heater is used, check internal heater operation by sliding sensorcover down and touching the housing behind the printed circuit board. Thehousing should feel warmer than the adjoining metal parts. The sensor has abuilt-in heater that is designed to provide a raise in the internal temperature,providing a small amount of positive pressure. This heater requires as external12 V (@500ma) power supply.FREQUENCY vs WIND SPEED FOR 010 SENSORTABLE 3-1Transfer FunctionsMiles per hour: Meters per second:rpm = 16.767 * (V mph - 0.6) rpm = 37.522 * (V m/s - 0.27) V mph = (rpm / 16.767) + 0.6 V m/s = (rpm / 37.522) + 0.27 f Hz = (V mph - 0.6) / .08946 f Hz = (V m/s - 0.27) / 0.039976 V mph = V m/s * 0.44704 V m/s = V mph / 0.447044.0 MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING4.1 General Maintenance Schedule*6 – 12 Month Intervals:A. Inspect sensor for proper operation per Section 4.2.B. Replace wind speed sensor bearings in extremely adverse environments perSection 4.5.12 – 24 Month Intervals:A. Recommended complete factory overhaul of sensor.*Schedule is based on average to adverse environments.Table 4-1010C Wind Speed Sensor TroubleshootingSymptom Probable Cause Solution Refer toNo wind speed output Loss of supplyvoltage Check translator +12supply & connectingcablesFigure 2-1Faulty integratedamplifierReplace circuit board Section 4.5Faulty diodes,D1, D2Replace circuit board Section 4.5Faulty detector Replace detector Section 4.6No wind speed outputbelow 2-5 mphBad bearing(s) Replace bearing(s) Section 4.4Faulty detector Replace detector Section 4.6Wind speed signal drops ouas speed increasesFaulty detector Replace detector Section 4.64.2 010C Wind Speed Sensor: 6 – 12 Month Periodic ServiceA. At the crossarm assembly, disconnect the quick disconnect plug from the sensor(leave the cable secured to the crossarm) and remove the sensor from thecrossarm assembly.B. Loosen the set screw holding the cup assembly. Support the rotating hub of thesensor with one hand and pull the anemometer cup assembly free.C. Visually inspect the anemometer cups for cracks and breaks. Also, make surethat each arm is securely attached to the cup assembly hub.D. Slide the sensor cover down to expose the light-chopper disc assembly, lightsource, detector, and circuit board.E. Inspect the interior of the sensor for any signs of corrosion and/or dust buildup.F. Inspect the light-chopper for cracks, and make sure that all slots are free ofcorrosion.G. Inspect the signal-conditioning module for cracks and corrosion around solderedconnections.H. Rotate the sensor hub assembly to ensure that it turns freely and that the sensorbearings are not damaged. Make sure the light-chopper assembly is notcontacting the light source and detector.I. Apply a small amount of silicone lubricant. (Dow-Corning DC-33 or equivalent) tothe sensor O-ring seals; slide the cover up over the sensor and wipe off anyexcess lubricant.J. A moisture vent is located on the base of the sensor; make sure that this vent is clear.K. Re-install sensor according to installation procedure (Section 2.0); verify proper operation using procedures in Section 010C Wind Speed Sensor Maintenance (Refer to 010C Sensor Assembly Drawing)The following procedures require a relatively clean, dry work area, a source of 12VDC power at approximately 20 mA, and an oscilloscope (DC to 10 KHz minimumrange required.4.4 Sensor Bearing Replacement. (Refer to 010C Sensor Assembly Drawing)A. Remove sensor from tower and remove cup assembly (1). Refer to Section 4.2.B. Disassemble sensor and remove old bearings (6).1. Slide the sensor cover (16) down to expose the light-chopper discassembly (10), detector assembly (12) and circuit board (18).2. Loosen both special set screws on the shaft of the light chopper assembly(11).3. Support the light-chopper assembly (10) with one hand and slowly pullthe rotating hub/shaft assembly (2) out of the column (8).4. Remove the shield (4) and slinger (5) from the column (8).5. Remove the light-chopper assembly (10) from the sensor housing, beingcareful not to damage the slots located between the light-chopper holderand the lower bearing.6. Insert the lower end of the rotating hub/shaft assembly into the upperbearing, cock it slightly to one side and push out the lower bearing.7. Insert a right-angle type of tool, such as an Allen wrench, into the upperbearing; cock it slightly to one side and remove the bearing.8. Clean dirt from bearing bores, using a cotton swab and alcohol.C. Install the new bearings and assemble the sensor.1. Install new upper and lower bearings in the column (8). Bearings shouldslide easily into bearing bores.2. Install a slinger and shield (4, 5) on the column assembly. Use new partsif old ones are damaged or corroded.3. Insert the rotating hub shaft (2) into the column assembly (8), through theshield (4), slinger, and upper bearing, until it starts to protrude through thelower bearing.4. Support the light-chopper assembly (10) with one hand and slowly pushthe rotating hub shaft into it until the shaft almost touches the bottom.5. Tighten both special set screws on the light-chopper assembly; do notover tighten as the set screw tips will damage the shaft.6. Rotate the sensor hub assembly (2) to ensure that it turns freely and thatan endplay of about .005” exis ts.7. Hold sensor vertically and make sure that the light-chopper assembly (10)is not contacting the detector assembly (12).8. Apply small amount of silicone lubricant (Dow-Corning DC-33 orequivalent) to the sensor O-rings (9); slide the cover (16) up over thesensor and wipe off any excess lubricant.D. Replace cup assembly and re-install (refer to Section 2.0)4.5 1200-1 Circuit Board Assembly Replacement (Refer to 010C Assembly Schematic)A. Remove sensor from tower and remove cup assembly (refer to Section 4.2).B. Slide the sensor cover (16) down to expose the light-chopper disc assembly (10),detector assembly (12), and circuit board (18).C. Remove two screws (17) holding circuit board assembly (18) and lift circuit boardaway from sensor housing.D. Note color of wires and then unsolder wires to detector assembly from circuitboard and three wires from connector (19).E. Install new circuit board assembly by reversing above procedure.4.6 Detector Assembly Replacement Refer to 010C Assembly Schematic)NOTE: 010C sensors SN M10560 and later use 520253 photodetector. Oldersensors use 1074 photodetector assemblies.A. Remove sensor from tower and remove cup assembly. Refer to Section 4.2.B. Slide the sensor cover (16) down to expose the light-chopper disc assembly (10),detector assembly (12) and circuit board (18).C. Remove two screws (17) holding circuit board assembly (18) and lift circuit boardaway from sensor housing.D. Note color of wires and then unsolder wires to detector assembly from circuitboard (18).E. Remove two screws (20) holding detector assembly (12) and remove assembly.F. Install new detector assembly by reversing above procedures.4.7 010C Wind Speed Sensor Repair and Recalibration ServiceThe factory provides fast, economical service for the user. This repair andcalibration service includes disassembly and detailed inspection of all movingmechanical parts and electronic components.Service includes replacement of bearings, regardless of apparent condition, andfunctional test of sensor. Replacement of the following items is also included: O-rings, shield and slinger, shaft, set screws. Other components will be replaced as required. Only charges for additional materials will be added to the basic service charge.Table 4-2Replacement 010C Parts ListRef No.U Description Part No.1 Cup Assembly Lexan - 2672Aluminum – 2672-1 2 Hub/Shaft Assy. 26584 Shield 10095 Slinger 10106 Bearing 10559 O-ring 72012010 Chopper Wheel Assembly 220211 Set Screw 60125012 Photo Detector 520253*13 Heater Clamp 48010014 Heater 80508016 Sensor Cover 267517 PCBA Mounting Screws 60124018 PCBA 1200-120 Detector Assembly Mounting Screws 60127022 Standoff 86005023 Integrated Amplifier 62030024 Nut, Hex, Kep 4-40 60040025 Screw FH 82︒ 4-40 x 3/8 60133026 Screw FH 82︒ 4-40 x ¼ 601240NOTE: 010C sensors SN M10560 and later use the black 520253 photodetector. Earlier sensors use the white 1074 photodetector assemblies.。
终端电阻法: 在最后一台485设备的485+和485-上并接420欧姆的终端电阻来改善通讯质量.注意:许多485布线文档推荐使用120终端匹配电阻、但是使用120欧电阻值太小,会导致功耗过大,且会拉低485+和485-之间的压差,影响信号的传输,因此我们推荐使用较大的几百欧的终端匹配电阻。
PH计算机风速软件用于读取PH风速风向仪测量的当前风速风向,下载风速风向仪里面记录存储的风速风向历史数据,并将历史数据保存在MS ACCESS数据库中,通过表格或曲线视图对数据进行分析,计算机软件还可以对风速风向仪的实时时钟、历史数据记录间隔等参数进行设置。
MODEL 06206MARINE WIND TRACKERNOVEMBER 2001MANUAL PN 06206-90R. M. YOUNG COMPANY西安威瑞贸易有限公司主营全球知名:无损检测设备气象科学仪器设备TEL:029-********FAX*************-8848EMAIL:*****************INTRODUCTIONThe YOUNG Model 06206 Marine Wind Tracker is a compact wind speed and wind direction display. This model has features such as relative wind angle and NMEA compatibility that make it suitable for shipboard use.FEATURES• 3 digit wind speed display• 3 digit maximum wind speed or wind direction display•Multi-color wind direction display with variability display•Wind speed and direction alarms with delay•RS-485/NMEA serial connections•Calibrated 0-5 VDC outputs•Display brightness control•4-20 mA Sensor Inputs•Luminous front panel markingsPRECAUTIONS•INDOOR USE ONLY unless placed in approved enclosure.•Operating temperature range 0-50°C (32-122°F), 0-95% RH.•Use only recommended power sources; 12-30VDC, 4.5 W.•Disconnect power when making connections or servicing sensors.•MAXIMUM 24 VAC/30 VDC on alarm relay contacts.FRONT PANEL1.Wind Speed Display2.Wind Speed Units Indicator3.Alarm Status Indicators4.Maximum Wind Speed or Relative Wind Direction Display5.Relative Wind Direction and Variability Display6.Brightness (operate mode), ENTER (setup mode)7.MAX RESET (operate mode), SELECT (setup mode) BACK PANEL1.Power input (12-30 VDC) AC adapter supplied2.Sensor or 4-20 mA inputs3.Earth ground connection4.RS-485/NMEA serial connections5.0-5 VDC calibrated outputs6.Alarm relay connections (normally open)7.Input selector switchMOUNTING AND START-UP1.Select location for display. A location out of direct sunlight providesbest visibility.The Wind Tracker may be mounted from a bulkhead or installed ina flush panel by removing the mounting bracket. Panel cutoutdimensions are given in the specifications. An optional rack mounting panel (Model 06280) and protective enclosure (Model 06260) are available from your YOUNG supplier.2.Connect cables to terminals. Refer to diagrams on page 5.Selector switch (item 7 on back panel illustration) should be DOWN for normal sensor inputs, UP for 4-20 mA or Wind Monitor-SE signals.3.Connect GND terminal to suitable earth ground.4.Insert power supply plug into power jack, plug into standard ACwall outlet.The Wind Tracker may also be powered from ships batteries. A coaxial power plug (2.1mm) must be used. Center is positive.5.The Wind Tracker will display a software version number forapproximately 4 seconds. It then begins to display wind informa-tion. The following information is displayed:•Wind Speed•Wind Speed Units•Maximum Wind Speed or Direction degrees•Relative Wind Direction (single orange indicator)•Direction Variability (green indicators)•WS, WD Alarm Status Indicators (if selected)6.Observe the unit for a few minutes to verify that it is operatingproperly. If you wish to change settings (ie: wind speed units). See the following section.CHANGING SETTINGSThe Wind Tracker has a setup mode that allows you to easily change sensor type, wind speed units, alarm settings, and other functions.Press and hold ENTER and SELECT keys (about 5 seconds). The display will briefly flash “SET UP”, then begin the SETUP sequence. Change settings with the SELECT key. Press the ENTER key to save a setting and move to the next step. Abbreviations in the left and right display windows identify each function and the available selections.DISPLAY SETUP FUNCTIONLEFT RIGHTInput/Sensor TypeInP LDi Line Driver 4-20 mA input03Wind Sentry04Wind Monitor-Jr05Wind Monitor, Wind Monitor-MASEr Serial input from Wind Monitor-SE or main displayIf SEr is selected, wind speed units and NMEAoutput rate selections do not appear.Wind Speed UnitsSPd unt Press SELECT to change units, ENTER toproceed.NMEA Output RateOUT FST16 sentences sent per secondSLO 1 sentence sent per secondDisplaydSP SPd Displays MAXIMUM wind speed in right display.dir Displays WIND DIRECTION degrees(1° resolution) in right display.Wind Direction AlarmALr no WD alarm not used.YES WD alarm activated.If no is selected, the following 2 steps do notappear.ALr dir Press SELECT to position alarm sector.Press ENTER.ALr SPn Press SELECT to set size (span) of alarmsector.Wind Speed AlarmALr no WS alarm not used.YES WS alarm activated.If no is selected, the following step does notappear.ALr000WS alarm set point. Press SELECT tochange digits. ENTER to save.If no alarm is selected, the following 2 steps do notappear.Alarm Delay TimedLY030Set alarm delay time in seconds (0-999).SoundSnd no No sound with alarm.YES Audible beeper will sound with alarm.Test FunctionstSt no Skip test functions.YES For troubleshooting only. YES will initiate thefollowing tests.If no is selected, the unit will return to normaloperation.tSt Snd Press SELECT to sound beeper.tSt dSP Press SELECT to illuminate all display seg-ments.tSt ALr Press SELECT to close alarm relays.CAL0.00Press SELECT to alternate between 0.00 Vout and5.00 Vout at terminals. Use to calibrate externaldevices (recorders, etc..)ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONALARMSWind speed and wind direction alarm functions are accessed in the SETUP sequence. Either or both alarms may be used. When activated, alarms are indicated on the front panel. When an alarm condition exists, the indicator will blink and the associated relay contact will close and the beeper will sound if selected in SETUP. When a delay time is set, the indicator will not report an alarm condition until it has existed for one complete delay period. Alarm activity will cease when conditions are outside the alarm range for one complete delay period. For a "latching" alarm effect, use the Wind Tracker alarm contacts to activate an external latching-type relay.BRIGHTNESSAdjust display brightness by holding the BRIGHT key.MAXIMUM / WIND DIRECTION DIGITAL DISPLAYThe right display window can show either MAXIMUM WIND SPEED or Numerical WIND DIRECTION. This selection is made in the setup mode under Display (dSP).NMEA OUTPUTThe Wind Tracker features NMEA serial output from the RS-485 terminals. These terminals can be used to operate remote displays or connect to other NMEA compatible devices. The NMEA output sen-tence is sent 16 times per second (Fast) or once per second (Slow) depending on the NMEA Output (OUT) setting in SETUP. For best remote display, use the Fast setting.REMOTE DISPLAYSThe Wind Tracker can be used as a remote display by selecting "InP SEr" during SETUP. Remote displays are connected to the main display using the RS-485 terminals. NMEA Serial Protocol is used to operate remote displays. Up to 16 remote displays can be connected to one main display. Use the serial input when connecting to a Model 09101 Wind Monitor-SE sensor. See wiring diagram.VOLTAGE OUTPUTSThe Wind Tracker offers calibrated voltage outputs for both wind speed and wind direction. This feature allows the use of recorders and other devices. Full scale voltage for each channel is 5.00 VDC.4-20mA INPUTSThe Wind Tracker accepts 4-20 mA (Line Driver) inputs. Line Driver circuit must provide 0-50 M/S Wind Speed scaling ("M" suffix). Connect cable as indicated on page 4. Slide switch on back must be UP at power up for correct 4-20 mA operation. Select LDI as input in SETUP.24 VDC power is required for line driver applications.ERROR MESSAGESThe Wind Tracker detects and indicates two errors. Once corrected, the error indication disappears.DISPLAYLDi Err4-20 mA (line driver) signal. Signal is missing oroutside of acceptable range. Verify properswitch position or signal.SEr Err Unit is set to receive RS-485 NMEA serialsignal, but no serial data is coming in. Verify thatNMEA source is operating. Check cables forproper connection.WARRANTYThe Wind Tracker is warranted to be free of defects in materials and construction for a period of 12 months from date of purchase. Coverage is limited to repair or replacement of defective unit. SPECIFICATIONSSize:144 mm (5.65 in) x 144 mm (5.65 in) x 36 mm (1.4 in)Panel Cutout: 138 mm (5.43 in) x 138 mm (5.43 in)Compatible Sensors:Wind Monitor-SEWind MonitorWind Monitor-MAWind Monitor-JRWind SentryOther Inputs:4-20 mANMEA Serial Input/Output$WIMWV,ddd,R,sss,u,A[CR][LF]where:ddd wind direction in degreessss wind speed (ss.s for m/s)u units (N = knots, K = kilometers/hour,M = meters/second, S = miles/hour) Accuracy:±0.6% F.S.Display Resolution:Wind Direction:10° circular pattern (36 points)1° w/ dSP dIr selectedWind Speed &Maximum: 1 Knot, 1 MPH, 1 KM/H, 0.1 M/S Voltage Outputs:Wind Direction Range:0-5 VDC 0-360°Wind Speed Range: (dependent on units selected)0-5 VDC0-100 Knots0-100 MPH0-200 KM/H0-50 M/SAlarm Relays:Non-latchingNormally Open contacts for WS and WD.Contact rating 5A resistive,2A inductive @ 24 VAC, 30 VDC.Input Power:12-30 VDC, 4.5 WWeight: 1.0 lb (.45 kg) without AC adapterCE COMPLIANCEThis product has been tested and shown to comply with European CErequirements for the EMC Directive. Please note that shielded cablemust be used.Declaration of ConformityApplication of Council Directives:89/336/EECStandards to which Conformity is Declared:EN 50081-1EN 55022 (CISPR 22 class A)EN 50082-1 (IEC 801-2, 3, 4)Manufacturer's Name and Address:R. M. Young CompanyTraverse City, MI, 49686, USAImporter's Name and Address:See Shipper or InvoiceType of Equipment:Meteorological InstrumentsModel Number/Year of Manufacture:06206/1996I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the equipmentspecified conforms to the above Directives and Standards.Date / Place:Traverse City, Michigan, USA February 19, 1996David PoinsettR & D Manager, R. M. Young Company西安威瑞贸易有限公司主营全球知名丗无损检测设备气象科学仪器设备TEL:029-********FAX*************-8848EMAIL:*****************。
R 智能型流动传感器使用说明书 M-FL60 61-CN-V1.3
![R 智能型流动传感器使用说明书 M-FL60 61-CN-V1.3](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7f363d71a22d7375a417866fb84ae45c3b35c20e.png)
R智能型流动传感器使用说明书M-F L60/61-CN-V1.34. 针对较低流速,可选购方形低流量三通US0029。
6. 请选购伊玛合格的防爆线搭配本防爆产品,否则请勿使用。
7. 产品外壳所安装的管道须与等电位接电系统正确连结。
8. 警示语: 爆炸性环境存在时,请勿打开。
5. 安装防爆线时需使用扳手544. 传感器插入深度: 至少保证深度≥12mm, 使用转接头(需单独订货)可确保正确的深度。
5556当前流速过低空管闪烁提示(LED 0 闪烁)FL-黄色FE-灰色58 575960616264636566备注:标准探棒长度约45mm,另有加长型探棒长度 100型号mm/200mm,和防腐蚀型钛合金探棒供客户选购。
R智能型流动温度传感器使用说明书M-FL62-CN-V1.3674. 传感器插入深度: 至少保证深度≥12mm, 使用转接头(需单 注意:传感器探头不可碰到管壁独订货)可确保正确的深度。
70694. 针对较低流速,可选购方形 低流量三通US0029。
见右图:拧紧,拧紧扭矩为1.5Nm 。
6. 请选购伊玛合格的防爆线7. 产品外壳所安装的管道须与 等电位接电系统正确连结。
8. 警示语: 爆炸性环境存在时,请勿打开。
5. 安装防爆线时需使用扳手PNP/NPN输出PIN1: L+, 电源 (BN)PIN2流动PNP/NPN输出 (WH)PIN3L-(BU)PIN4温度PNP/NPN输出 (BK)PIN5P, 编程线 (RD):: , 电源::插件接脚定义72 71继电器及PNP输出模拟电流输出PIN1: L+, 电源 (BN)PIN2: 流动4-20mA输出 (WH)PIN3: L-, 电源 (BU)PIN4: 温度4-20mA输出 (BK)PIN5: P, 编程线 (RD)PIN1 (BN)PIN2(WH)PIN3(BU)PIN4(BK)PIN5(RD): L+, 电源: 流动继电器输出公共端: L-, 电源: 温度PNP/NPN输出: 流动继电器常开触点模拟量输出产品无显示开关点SP74737576(16)ASP:℃/-40℉~+284℉输出信号的测量值为4mA。
——版权所有翻录必究——目录简介 (4)技术参数 (4)功能特点 (5)传感器构成 (5)结构尺寸图 (6)固定方式 (7)信号输出定义 (8)线色定义 (8)风向方位与电流电压关系对应 (9)维护和保养 (10)用户反馈意见表 (11)简介风向传感器是用于测量风的水平风向的仪器。
Raytech USA WR50-12 Winding Resistance测试系统用户说明书
![Raytech USA WR50-12 Winding Resistance测试系统用户说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/27331691ab00b52acfc789eb172ded630a1c9802.png)
Portable Products: Winding ResistanceWR50-12: 50 Amp, 2 Channel Winding Resistance Meter with Demagnetization and DischargeFeaturesWR50-12Fastest discharge time on the market5-Year standard warrantyAccuracyCurrent Range Measuring Range Accuracy Resolution± 0.1% Rdg ± 0.05 µΩ 5 Digits or 0.05 µΩ0.0 µΩ … 3.3 Ω ± 0.1% Rdg ± 0.1 µΩ 5 Digits or 0.1 µΩ8 – 15A 0.0000 mΩ … 6.3 Ω ± 0.1% Rdg ± 0.2 µΩ 5 Digits or 0.2 µΩ3 – 8A 0.0000 mΩ … 16.7 Ω ± 0.1% Rdg ± 0.5 µΩ 5 Digits or 0.5 µΩ1 – 3A 0.000 mΩ … 47.2 Ω ± 0.1% Rdg ± 1 µΩ 5 Digits or 1 µΩ0.7 – 1A 0.000 mΩ … 71.4 Ω ± 0.1% Rdg ± 2 µΩ 5 Digits or 2 µΩ0.3 – 0.7A 0.000 mΩ … 167 Ω ± 0.1% Rdg ± 5 µΩ 5 Digits or 5 µΩ0.1 – 0.3A 0.00 mΩ … 500 Ω ± 0.1% Rdg ± 10 µΩ 5 Digits or 10 µΩ25 – 100 mA 0.00 mΩ … 2 kΩ ± 0.1% Rdg ± 20 µΩ 5 Digits or 20 µΩ< 25 mA 2 kΩ … 10 kΩ ± 0.2% Rdg ± 200 mΩ 5 Digits or 200 mΩ4 Digits or 20 ΩSpecsSize: L:521 mm (20.5”) W:432 mm (17”) H: 216 mm (8.5”) Resistance Range: 0.00 µΩ to 100 kΩWeight: 17.2 kg (37.9 lbs.) Panel Display: 5.7” Color LCD with backlight and touch screen Input Power: 90 to 264 VAC (1.5 kW max.), 47…63 Hz, auto ranging Front Panel: Sealed, anodizedOutput Voltage: 0 to 50V DC Interface: 2 USB 2.0 (1 host, 1 device) and 9 Pin RS-232 serial Test Current: User Selectable: 25 mA … 50 A Memory Storage: Internally stores more than 10,000 test results Inductance Range: 0 to 1,500 HenryTemperature: Operating:–10°C to 60°C (14°F to 140°F); Storage:–20°C to 70°C (-4°F to 158°F)See Instruction Manual for more parameters. Specifications subject to improvement at any time.Standard Accessories IncludedCurrent and Potential Lead Set – 10m (32 ft.) External USB drive and touch screen Stylus Paper Refill for Printer – 5 rolls Ground Lead – 10m (32 ft.) A-B USB Cable – 3.05m (10 ft.) Instruction ManualJumper Cable – 10m (32 ft.) Cable Bag with Shoulder Strap Certificate of AccuracyPower Cord – 6.09m (20 ft.) Spare Fuse Set (10A), Qty. 5Optional Items Available2040N-05003: Cable Extension Set –10m (32 ft.) WR50-12R: Rackmount Version2021N-26001: Temperature Probe – 10m (32 ft.) 2042N-15001: Annual Warranty Extension2042N-11001: Heat-Run Curve Analysis Software (AHRT-01)188****3779•Raytech is a world leader in the design and production of precision electronicmeasuring instruments and systems. The unique design approach of the engineering team at Raytech has resulted in the development of highly regarded measuring instruments,which have set new standards in the electrical testing industry.Our exceptional reputation for support and service is unmatched.Raytech products are designed for many years of trouble-free use, which is why we can offer a standard 5-year warranty – guaranteeing the highest quality instrumentation available.Raytech USA118 S. 2nd StreetPerkasie, PA 18944Tel: +267 404 2676Email:********************** Raytech GmbH Oberebenestrasse 115620 Bremgarten, Switzerland Tel: +41 56 648 60 10Email:******************www.Raytech.ch。
Dwyer VP2无线风速计温度环流量传感器针头使用说明和操作手册说明书
![Dwyer VP2无线风速计温度环流量传感器针头使用说明和操作手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/44a9b946773231126edb6f1aff00bed5b9f373e4.png)
Model VP2 Wireless 100 mm Vane Thermo-Anemometer Probe and temperature when combined UHH2 or the Dwyer Mobile Meter app. By having a larger diameter, the rotating vane is able to measure velocities down to 50 fpm or 0.25 m/s. An arrow is molded into the vane housing to depict the flow direction.measurements up to 50 feet away bicolor LED flashes on the handle of the probe to indicate communication status with the base unit. The battery is rechargeable via the mini-USB connector on the bottomCHARGING BATTERYWhen the charge of the battery is almost used up, the LED on the handle of the wireless probe will turn solid red. There is approximately 5 minutes of battery life left at this point. If the probe is not already paired to the UHH, it will not pair while in low battery condition.Step 1: Open the USB cover on the bottom of the probe handle.Step 2: Plug the mini-USB connector end of the cable into the probe handle.Step 3: Plug the USB connector end of the cable into the port on the charger or PC.Step 4: Plug the charger into either an electrical outlet or car charging port (LED on the charger and the handle should both light up).Step 5: The LED on the handle will turn off when fully charged.Step 6: Remove charger from electrical outlet.Step 7: Remove USB connectors from the handle and the charger.Step 8: Replace the USB cover on the bottom of the probe handle.This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference. and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Cet appareil est conforme à des règlements d’Industrie Canada exempts de licence fonctionnement est soumis aux deux (1) Ce dispositif ne doit pas causer d’interférences nuisibles, et (2) cet appareil doit Cet appareil numériqué de la classe B est conformé à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.It is required prior to the initial usage to charge the battery for 12hours.If desired, can be operated with USB cables less than 3 m in length when connected to the charger or PC.Lithium ion polymer batteries are very volatile and can cause a fire if punctured or severely damaged. Only use a Dwyer Instruments,Inc. approved charging device in a well ventilated area away from any flammable materials or gases. Do not incinerate the battery. Only charge between 32 to 113°F (0 to 45°C).Printed in U.S.A. 1/19FR# 444116-00 Rev. 7©Copyright 2019 Dwyer Instruments, Inc.USING WITH UHHPairing with Wireless Probes1. Turn on Model UHH Universal Handheld by pressing the button.2. Press the and buttons to scroll through the menu headings at the top of the display.3. When PROBE is highlighted, hit the button to access the probe menu.4. Press the directional arrow to scroll through the sub-menu headings. The current selected parameter will be highlighted in yellow.5. When PAIRING MODE is highlighted, hit the button to access the pairing mode.6. Turn on the wireless probe(s) to be paired. After a period of up to 15 to 20 seconds, the UHH screen will update with the information about the wireless probe(s) just turned on.7. Press the button to scroll through the available probes. The current selected probe will be highlighted in yellow.8. When the desired probe to be paired is highlighted, hit the button to pair the probe. Once it is paired, it will be removed from the list automatically.9. Once all the desired probes are paired, press button.10. Repeat step 9 to go back to the home screen and begin ING WITH UHH2 OR MOBILE METER ® APPPairing with Wireless ProbesFor the latest instructions, please refer to the “Help” button in the Options menu in the Mobile Meter ® app.1. Verify that the UHH2 or handheld device has Bluetooth ® technology turned on and is connected to the wireless gateway. Open the Mobile Meter ® app by clicking on the icon.2. Press “Get Started”.3. Near the bottom, a pop-up will display a message that reads “Bluetooth issearching for bridges...”. When a bridge is turned on and discovered by Mobile Meter ® the pop-up will display “Mobile Meter has CONNECTED to the Bluetooth device: PROBEBRIDGE_XXXXXX” where XXXXXX is the probe’s serial number.4. Click on the Options menu and select “Setup”.5. In the Setup page, probes can be discovered and paired to the Mobile Meter ® app. After the Mobile Meter ® app connects to a bridge, a probe can be discovered. To discover a probe, simply turn on the probe by pressing the button on the handle and it will show up in the Setup list.6. Use the back button or navigation arrow to go back to the Probes List page.ACCESSORIESTo maximize the usefulness of the VP2, an optional cone kit (A-VPX-CKIT) is available. A round 7.2 in (183 mm) diameter hood and a rectangular 10.9 x 8.9 in (277 x 226 mm) hood are included in the kit. The cones are able to convert the VP2 into an air volume flow balancing tool for use with small grilles and diffusers.WIRELESS GUIDELINES IN ACCORDANCE WITH FCC:Changes not expressly approved by Dwyer Instruments, Inc. could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This product complies with FCC OET Bulletin 65 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.Pursuant to FCC 15.21 of the FCC rules, changes not expressly approved byDwyer Instruments, Inc. might cause harmful interference and void the FCC authorization to operate this product.Canadian Government Guidelines:Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.INFORMATION TO THE USER Power Output: 6 mWOperating Frequency: 2.4 GHz Operating Channel: 11Operating Mode: IEEE 802.15.4, Zigbee, Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Data Rate: Up to 250 kbpsIntended Use: Industrial/commercial HVAC Antenna Connection: Internal only, non-tunableBattery Removal:If, for some reason, the wireless probe needs to be returned to Dwyer Instruments, Inc. for maintenance or repair, the rechargeable lithium ion battery needs to be removed prior to shipping the unit. Before attempting to remove the battery ensure the probe has been powered down. To remove the battery, set the wireless probe face down on a non-abrasive surface. There are four Phillips head screws that secure the two halves of the handle together. Two are located under the serial number label at the top of the probe and two are located at the bottom of the unit. When lifting the ends of the serial label to access the screws be careful to not damage the label such that the serial number cannot be read. Remove the four screws with a suitable Phillips screw driver and set aside the back half of the housing. Remove the battery by grasping the black plastic connector on the battery wire harness and pull straight out while securing the black plastic connector on the circuit board with the other hand. Be careful to not puncture the battery as this may cause a fire. Remove the battery and set aside. Securely replace the four screws to hold the handle of the probe together. The unit may now be packaged for shipping back to Dwyer Instruments, Inc.MAINTENANCE/REPAIRUpon final installation of the Model VP2, no routine maintenance is required. The Model VP2 is not field serviceable and should be returned if repair is needed. Field repair should not be attempted and may void warranty.WARRANTY/RETURNRefer to “Terms and Conditions of Sales” in our catalog and on our website. Contact customer service to receive a Return Goods Authorization number before shipping the product back for repair. Be sure to include a brief description of the problem, plus any additional application notes.Bluetooth ®is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.If a probe does not appear, power the probe down, then power it back on.It is recommended that only four probes be selected due to the bandwidth limitations between the UHH2/Mobile Meter ® app andthe gateway.This symbol indicates waste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check withyour Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.。
30.5 风速传感器操作手册说明书
![30.5 风速传感器操作手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6a3876963086bceb19e8b8f67c1cfad6185fe96f.png)
MODEL 30.5WIND SENSOROPERATION MANUALDocument No. 30.5-9800 Rev. AMet One Instruments, IncCorporate Sales & Service: 1600 NW Washington Blvd. Grants Pass, OR 97526 Tel (541) 471-7111 Fax (541) 471-7116 - ******************Copyright Notice30.5 Wind Sensor Manual© Copyright 2021 Met One Instruments, Inc. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any other language in any form by any means without the express written permission of Met One Instruments, Inc.Technical SupportThis manual is structured by customer feedback to provide the required information for setup, operation, testing, maintaining, and troubleshooting the 30.5 Weather Sensor. If additional support is required after consulting the printed documentation, please contact an expert Technical Service representative during normal business hours of 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday. In addition, technical information and service bulletins are often posted on . Please contact Met One Instruments and obtain a Return Authorization (RA) number before sending any equipment back to the factory. This allows for better tracking and scheduling of service work to expedite customer service. Please have the instrument’s serial number available when contacting the manufacturer.Voice: (541) 471-7111Fax: (541) 471-7116E-Mail: ******************Mail: Technical Services DepartmentMet One Instruments, Inc.1600 NW Washington BlvdGrants Pass, OR 97526Safety NoticeThe contents of this manual have been checked against the hardware and software described herein. Since deviations cannot be prevented entirely, full agreement cannot be guaranteed. However, the information in this manual is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions. Faultless and safe operation of the product presupposes proper transportation, storage, and installation as well as careful operation and maintenance. The seller of this equipment cannot foresee all possible modes of operation in which the user may attempt to utilize this instrumentation. The user assumes all liability associated with the use of this instrumentation. The seller further disclaims any responsibility for consequential damages.Electrical & Safety ConformityThe manufacturer certifies that this product operates in compliance with the following standards and regulations:FDA/CDRH This product is tested and complies with 21 CFR, Subchapter J, of the Health and Safety Act of 1968 US 21 CFR 1040.10Table of Contents1.Introduction & Overview – 30.5 Wind Sensor (6)1.1.Overview (6)2.Specifications (7)3.Unpacking & Installation (8)3.1.Unpacking (8)3.2.Deployment (9)Tripod / Pipe top Installation: (9)3.3.Input / Output Connections (10)3.4.Operational Checkout (11)3.5.Maintenance (11)3.6.Setting Magnetic Declination (11)er Selectable Options (12)er Interface (13)6.Standard Configuration (14)7.Appendix A (15)7.1.Terminal Mode Commands (15)7.1.1.H,h,? – Display Help Menu (15)7.1.2.AT – Ambient Temperature Printout Toggle On/Off (15)7.1.3.BV – Battery Voltage Printout Toggle On/Off (16)7.1.4.CV – Compass Measurement Printout Toggle On/Off (16)7.1.5.ID – View / Set Instrument ID (16)7.1.6.MA – View / Set Modbus Address (16)7.1.7.ME – Metric or English Units (17)7.1.8.SU –Wind Speed Units (17)7.1.9.TU –Temperature Units (17)7.1.10.MD –Magnetic Declination (18)7.1.11.OI –Output Interval (18)7.1.12.ST – Serial Trigger (19)7.1.13.RT – Output Record Type (19)7.1.14.RV – Software Version Number (19)8.Modbus (20)8.1.Modbus operation: (20)3X Registers (20)4X Registers (20)9.Appendix B (21)9.1.Theory of Operation (21)1. Introduction & Overview – 30.5 Wind Sensor1.1. OverviewThe 30.5 Wind Sensor provides measurements of wind speed and wind direction in a single, compact, rugged unit. It integrates a folded-path, low-power sonic anemometer. It also includes an internal compass that allows for automatic alignment of wind direction to magnetic north, regardless of the sensor’s orientation.The small footprint and power efficiency of the 30.5 make it ideal for remote regions, urban environments, air quality networks, construction/remediation sites, and other network applications. The sensor works well in permanent (cooperative weather networks, schools, public information dissemination) or temporary (emergency response, audit, research program support) installations.Designed for maximum portability and utility, the 30.5 is well suited for rapid deployment and use by one person under all conditions. The unit may be mounted on a tower, tripod, or vehicle mast. Data outputs are a serial, digital message as well as simple analog voltage outputs that can be interfaced to most data logging systems.2. SpecificationsPARAMETER SPECIFICATION Wind Speed Operating Range 0 to 60 m/s (0 to 134 mph)Wind Speed Accuracy Digital outputs:±0.5 m/s (1.1 mph) or 5% of reading, whichever is greater Analog output:Digital accuracy +/-1mVWind Speed Resolution 0.1 m/s (0.1 mph) Wind Speed Starting Threshold 0.1 m/s (0.1 mph) Wind Direction Range 0 to 360 degreesWind Direction Accuracy Digital outputs:±5° (including Compass) Analog output:Digital accuracy +/-1mVWind Direction Resolution 1.0°Alignment Compass Accuracy ±2°Alignment Compass Resolution 1°Measurement Rate Output 1 HzSignal Output Types RS-232, RS-485, and 0-1VDCMax Cable Lengths RS-232: 15M (50FT)RS-485: 1230M (4000FT) Analog: 100M (325FT)Power Supply 9-36 VDC, current draw 40mA @ 12 VDC typical Operating Temperature -40 to +60 °C (-40 to +140 °F)Operating Relative Humidity 0 to 100%Dimensions 6 inches (152 mm) diameter, 11 inches (279 mm) height Shipping Weight 6 pounds (2.72 kg) (including packaging)3. Unpacking & Installation3.1. UnpackingAny damages incurred to the equipment during shipping are the responsibility of the carrier. If any damage to the shipment is noticed before unpacking, a claim must be filed with the commercial carrier immediately. Please follow any special unpacking instructions provided by the carrier as items are carefully removed from the containers and inspected. It is recommended to document and photograph all damaged packages and items before, during, and after unpacking them.Unpack the 30.5 and accessories and make a visual inspection of the contents; contact the supplier if anything is missing. The 30.5 Weather Sensor ships with the following items:∙30.5 Wind Sensor.∙Calibration certificate.∙Operation manual (this document).Optional Accessories that may be purchased include:∙2954 ¾” IPS pipe vertical mounting adaptor∙WeatherView SoftwareThe required 10624 signal cable is sold separately. It is available in 5M, 12M and 25M lengths. Inquire with Met One Sales or Service groups for other length cables.Contact Met One Instruments (see the Technical Support section at the beginning of this manual) to arrange for any replacement items needed.Please keep the carton(s) and associated packing materials for reuse.3.2. DeploymentTripod / Pipe top Installation:The 30.5 can be quickly and easily deployed on top of a Met One 905 tripod or any other vertical ¾” IPS pipe using the optional 2954 vertical mount.3.3. Input / Output Connections10624 Cable Wire Color Designations:RED POWER POSITIVE (9-36VDC, 40mA nominal @ 12VDC)BLK POWER COMMONBLU ANALOG COMMONGRN SIGNAL COMMONWHT RS-232 TXBRN RS-232 RXYLW RS-485+GRY RS-485-ORN WIND SPEED ANALOG OUT 0-1VDCVIO WIND DIRECTION ANALOG OUT 0-1VDCWHT/BRN SHIELD (must be grounded for transient protection to function) Warning: Unused wires should be isolated and tied back. Take care that wires do not touch each other while power is applied or damage to sensor may occur.Maximum Cable Length Considerations:The maximum recommended cable length depends on the communication protocol to be used:RS-232 50FT maximumRS-485 4000FT maximumANALOG 300FT maximum3.4. Operational CheckoutConnect the 30.5 serial or analog signal wires to a data logger or recording device. Connect power to the sensor cable per wiring diagram in section 3.3. The 30.5 will automatically start measuring wind speed and direction and outputting data on both the serial and analog outputs. Any connected recording electronics should start displaying or recording measurements from the 30.5. Verify the data seems reasonable by comparing it to data from a local weather source. If the data looks OK, the unit is in operation. If data is questionable, contact Met One Instruments, Inc. Service Department for further guidance (see the Technical Support section at the beginning of this manual).3.5. MaintenanceThe unit has no moving parts and therefore requires no periodic maintenance for wear items. It is recommended that the data be checked every 6 -12 months to be sure there has been no failure of any of the electrical components. This can be done by placing a small container (at least 12inch diameter) over the sensor to zero check the wind measurement. The wind readings can be checked against a collocated wind sensor. The 30.5 sensor can also be returned to Met One for wind tunnel verification / calibration. 3.6. Setting Magnetic DeclinationThe internal compass automatically corrects the wind direction in the 30.5 to magnetic North. This means that the unit will not require directional alignment or orientation upon deployment.If it is necessary to measure wind direction referenced to True North it is important to understand and know the magnetic declination of the area in which the sensor is being operated. The declination in the 30.5 is factory set at zero degrees. To change this, refer to the MD command instruction in section 7.1.10 for setting the Magnetic Declination.4. User Selectable OptionsThe following User Defined Options can be set following the instructions detailed in Appendix A.AT Ambient Temperature Printout Toggle On/OffBV Battery Voltage Printout Toggle On/OffCV Compass Reading Printout Toggle On/OffID View / Set Instrument IDMA Set MODBUS AddressMD Set Magnetic DeclinationME Metric or English UnitsOI Set Output IntervalRT Output Record TypeRV Display Firmware Version NumberST Set Serial Trigger AddressSU Set Wind Speed UnitsTU Set Temperature UnitsQ Quit Terminal Mode and Save changes5. User InterfaceThe output of the 30.5 is a fixed length, comma delimited, serial data stream. The serial output is factory set for 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no flow control. The output interval default is once per second. This may be changed using the OI command (see Appendix A). The data is easily viewed and can be displayed and captured using Met One Instruments’ Comet Software or other terminal communication program.An example of the standard output format is shown below:000.6,272,U0,*02257 CR/LFEach parameter is a fixed length with leading zeros separated by a comma. The string terminates with a Carriage Return and Line Feed. Field parameters are defined as: 000.6,272,+23.1,12.7,090,U0,*02257 CR/LFWS,WD,AT,BV,COMP,CONFIG,CheckSumNote thatThe wind speed and temperature units can be changed with the SU and TU terminal commands, respectively. Please refer to Appendix A for more information. NOTE: Ambient Temperature, Compass reading, and Battery Voltage values are OFF by default in the output string, and can be added using the AT, CV, and BV commands, respectively.; see Section 7.1.2 for details and an output string example.A check sum parameter is added to the end of the message (ex: *02257).The check sum is the addition of all the characters from the start of the message through the first character preceding the asterisk (*). The check sum is expressed as a decimal number. This is a 16-bit sum and should not overflow past 4 digits given the number of characters in the output string.Polled data mode (RS232 or RS485)The sensor can be set for polled data mode instead of continuous serial output by setting the OI command to Zero and using the serial trigger string to request a data string. Refer to the ST terminal command in Appendix A for instructions on setting the Serial Trigger.6. Standard ConfigurationSerial InterfaceThe serial interface is fixed at 9600 Baud and configured for No Parity, 8 Data Bits and 1 Stop Bit, with no flow control.Analog InterfaceThe analog outputs for Wind Speed and Wind Direction are fixed at 0-1VDC.Wind SpeedThe Wind Speed unit choices are m/s or mph. The default is M/S. The Speed range for M/S is 0-60. The Speed range for MPH is 0-134.TemperatureThe Temperature unit choices are Degrees C or Degrees F. The default is Degrees C. The range for Degrees C is -40 to +60, the range for Degrees F is -40 to +140.7. Appendix A7.1. Terminal Mode CommandsRS232 / RS485 Terminal Mode CommandsTerminal mode is activated by entering three carriage return characters within a 2 second period. Terminal mode times-out after 2 minutes of inactivity.Successful entry into Terminal Mode will return an asterisk prompt:7.1.1. H,h,? – Display Help MenuAT - Temperature Printout Toggle On/OffBV - Battery Voltage Printout Toggle On/OffCV - Compass Heading Printout Toggle On/OffID - View / Set Instrument IDMA - Set MODBUS AddressMD - Set Magnetic DeclinationME - Metric or English UnitsOI - Set Output IntervalRT - Output Record TypeST - Set Serial Trigger AddressSU - Set Speed UnitsTU - Set Temperature UnitsRV - Display Firmware Version NumberQ - Quit command mode and save any changesNOTE: The commands noted in this appendix will change both the RS232 and RS485 outputs.7.1.2. AT – Ambient Temperature Printout Toggle On/OffThis command enables or suppresses the Battery Voltage reading in the serial string output. COMMAND RESULTAT<cr> Report current settingAT0<cr> Ambient Temperature Measurement removed from serial output000.0,000,M0,*02112AT1<cr> Ambient Temperature Measurement enabled in serial output000.0,000,+024.5,M0,*023447.1.3. BV – Battery Voltage Printout Toggle On/OffThis command enables or suppresses the Battery Voltage reading in the serial string output. COMMAND RESULTBV<cr> Report current settingBV0<cr> Battery Voltage Measurement removed from serial output000.0,000,+024.5,045,0970.5,000.00,0000,M0,*02112BV1<cr> Battery Voltage Measurement enabled in serial output000.0,000,+024.5,045,0970.5,000.00, 0000,12.0,M0,*023447.1.4. CV – Compass Measurement Printout Toggle On/OffThis command enables or suppresses the Compass Reading in the serial string output. COMMAND RESULTCV<cr> Report current settingCV0<cr> Compass Measurement removed from serial output000.0,000,+024.5,045,0970.5,000.00, 0000,12.0,M0,*02344CV1<cr> Compass Measurement enabled in serial output000.0,000,+024.5,045,0970.5,000.00, 0000,12.0,240,M0,*02547.1.5. ID – View / Set Instrument IDRead or Set the Instrument IDCOMMAND RESULTID<cr> Report the Instrument ID setting (provides help)ID XX<cr> Set Instrument ID to number from 1 to 997.1.6. MA – View / Set Modbus AddressRead or Set the Modbus AddressCOMMAND RESULTMA<cr> Report the Modbus Address setting (provideshelp)MA XX<cr> Set Instrument ID to number from 1 to 247.Setting this value to 0 will disable Modbus.7.1.7. ME – Metric or English UnitsThis command will set all units in the serial port’s output to Metric or English COMMAND RESULTME<cr> Report Units settingME0<cr> Set Units to Metric (Default):WS: m/sAT: Deg CME1<cr> Set Units to English:WS: MPH,AT: Deg F7.1.8. SU –Wind Speed UnitsRead or Set this serial port’s output Units for Wind SpeedCOMMAND RESULTSU<cr> Report Units settingSU0<cr> M/SSU1<cr> MPH7.1.9. TU –Temperature UnitsRead or Set this serial port’s output Units for TemperatureCOMMAND RESULTTU<cr> Report Units settingTU0<cr> FahrenheitTU1<cr> Celsius7.1.10. MD –Magnetic DeclinationThe automatic alignment compass in the 30.5 sensor provides Wind Direction automatically adjusted to MAGNETIC north. Software in the Interface allows the setting of a declination angle to correct the Wind Direction output to TRUE north. It is recommended that this procedure be done in the lab but can be done in the field as well. Once the declination angle is set in the sensor, it is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not have to be reset each time the sensor is fielded. The declination angle must be reset only if the system is used in a different geographical location separated by many miles from the location where the declination was originally set.It is suggested that the magnetic declination be determined before performing this calibration. Visit the following web site for help in determining the correct declination for the installation site:/geomag/declination.shtmlClick “Compute your declination”. On the next page, enter either zip code, or select country and city, then click “Get Location” and then “Calculate”. Alternatively, longitude and latitude can be entered, and then click “Calculate”. Declination is reported in Degrees, Minutes and Seconds. Divide minute’s value by 60 to get decimal fraction of degrees (I.E. 50 minutes = 0.8 degrees). If the declination needs to be adjusted, please use the MD command as shown below.Read or Set the Magnetic DeclinationCOMMAND RESULTMD<cr> Report Magnetic Declination settingMDXX.X<cr> Set Declination to XX.X DegreesNote: West declination values are entered and reported as negative values.7.1.11. OI –Output IntervalRead or Set the Output Interval for this serial portCOMMAND RESULTOI<cr> Report Output Interval settingOI0<cr> For Serial Trigger (Address must be set with ST command).OI1<cr> Sensor Output every 1 second (Default)OI2<cr> Sensor Output every 2 secondsOI3<cr> Sensor Output every 5 secondsOI4<cr> Sensor Output every 15 secondsOI5<cr> Sensor Output every 30 secondsOI6<cr> Sensor Output every 60 seconds7.1.12. ST – Serial TriggerRead or Set the Serial Trigger character string (Poll command) COMMAND RESULTST<cr> Report Serial Trigger string setting (provides help)ST XXXXXX<cr> Set Serial Trigger7.1.13. RT – Output Record TypeRead or Set the Output Record type.COMMAND RESULTRT<cr> Report Output Record TypeRT1<cr> Set Output Record Type to Met Record format (default). RT2<cr> Set Output Record Type to AIO format for compatibilitywith legacy AIO 102780 systems.7.1.14. RV – Software Version NumberReport the current Software Version NumberCOMMAND RESULTRV<cr> Report current Software Version8. Modbus8.1. Modbus operation:The 30.5 can be queried for data using the Modbus RTU protocol. The 30.5 will automatically detect a Modbus data request via its standard RS-232 or RS-485 interface, and will change to Modbus mode, ready to send out data as requested by a connected Modbus Master.If the 30.5 is to be used as a Modbus device, it is recommended to set the Output Interval (OI) command to 0 (zero) to turn off the 1/second output, as shown in section 7.1.11. This will prevent any serial traffic conflicts.The 30.5 can be assigned a Modbus address between 1 to 247, which allows it to be addressed on a multiple device network. Setting the Modbus address to 0 will disable the Modbus functionality of the 30.5. The 30.5’s current measurement data can be polled via Modbus using the 3X and 4X register addresses: 3X RegistersModBus Name Addr Type PointsMB_123456 = 0 float 2 Known value for easier Byte Order configurationMB_SN = 2 Char 5 Serial Number StringMB_Revision = 7 char 20 39 Char + Zero Terminator word aligned to 40 bytesMB_WS = 100 float 2 Wind SpeedMB_WD = 102 float 2 Wind DirectionMB_AT = 104 float 2 Ambient TemperatureMB_Batt = 114 float 2 Supply VoltageMB_Comp = 116 float 2 Compass Heading4X RegistersModBus Name Addr Type PointsMB_Byte_Order = 0 Int 1 1 thru 49. Appendix B9.1. Theory of OperationWindThe Met One 30.5 sonic anemometer operates on the principal that the speed of the wind affects the time it takes for sound to travel from one point to a second point. If the sound is traveling in the direction of the wind, the transit time is decreased. If the sound is traveling in a direction opposite the wind, the transit time is increased. This is used to measure air movement in two perpendicular axes, which are used to calculate Wind Speed and Wind Direction.Ambient TemperatureThe temperature sensor in the 30.5 measures air temperature for the purpose of calculating the wind measurements only. It is not designed to comply with EPA or WMO ambient temperature measurement guidelines.Automatic Alignment CompassThe internal compass module is low power and compact. It employs a pair of magneto-resistive sensors, which change with varying magnetic field strengths, to sense the Earth’s magnetic field.The 30.5 microprocessor measures the output of the internal compass and then corrects the wind direction data for the orientation of the sensor. The output of the 30.5 wind direction is relative to magnetic North. A user programmable value of Magnetic Declination may optionally be entered through terminal mode. This enables wind direction output relative to True rather than Magnetic North.。
![Vaisala WINDCAP](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/326ef4b64793daef5ef7ba0d4a7302768f996f58.png)
用户手册Vaisala WINDCAP® 超声风传感器系列WMT700M211095ZH-EVaisala Oyj 电话(国际长途):+358 9 8949 1P.O. Box 26 传真:+358 9 8949 2227FI-00421 HelsinkiFinland欢迎访问我公司网站:。
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________________________________________________________________________________目录第 1 章概述 (11)关于本手册 (11)本手册的内容 (11)版本信息 (12)相关手册 (12)文档约定 (13)安全 (13)产品回收 (14)法规遵从情况 (15)商标 (16)质保 (16)第 2 章产品简介 (17)WMT700 简介 (17)订购选项 (23)测量范围 (23)温度范围 (23)加热 (24)数字通信接口 (24)数字通信配置文件 (25)数字通信单位 (25)风速通道的模拟输出信号 (26)风向通道的模拟输出信号 (27)连接电缆 (28)安装适配器 (28)配件 (29)手册 (29)WMT703 配置示例 (30)配件 (31)防鸟笼 (32)WM 校验器 (33)电缆 (34)电缆紧固工具 (35)第 3 章功能介绍 (37)运行原理 (37)坐标系统:向量和极坐标计算 (41)VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 1用户手册 _________________________________________________________________________风速和风向平均值计算 (42)标量平均值计算 (42)风向移动 (43)向量平均值计算 (43)测量方法 (44)连续测量 (44)基于请求的风测量 (44)主机系统连接和接口 (45)串行通信和模拟输出 (47)串行通信 (47)数字通信接口 (47)配置文件 (48)协议 (49)测量模式和配置模式 (49)串行接口计时 (51)模拟输出 (52)模拟输出类型 (52)模拟输出定标 (54)输出信号的限制 (56)缺少读数和错误指示 (57)第 4 章安装 (59)海上安装 (59)选择安装位置 (60)安装步骤 (64)拆封 (64)安装 (65)安装在垂直风杆上 (66)安装在水平支架上 (70)连接电缆检查列表 (75)对齐 (76)对齐调整 (77)安装防鸟笼 (77)配线 (79)电缆 (79)2 米电缆、10 米电缆、15 米电缆和 26 米电缆 (80)带有 2 米和 10 米电缆的用于 COM2 的 RS485 (81)RS485 2 米电缆和 RS485 10 米电缆 (82)接头信号 (83)加热 (84)加热探头 (84)加热探头和横臂 (85)加热的主体、探头和横臂 (85)供电 (86)工作电源 (86)加热电源 (89)全面加热的 WMT700 的推荐功率和电缆 (89)2 ___________________________________________________________________ M211095ZH-E________________________________________________________________________________从 WS425 升级到 WMT700 (91)用 WS425 安装套件进行安装 (92)开始之前 (96)安装过程 (98)拧紧接头 (99)连接电缆检查列表 (100)升级安装中的配线 (101)使用标准 WMT700 电缆 (101)10 米 ROSA 电缆(模拟输出) (102)使用 WS425 电缆和适配器 (103)WS425 串行输出的适配器电缆 (103)WS425 模拟频率输出的适配器电缆 (104)WS425 模拟电压输出的适配器电缆 (104)WMT700 和 WS425 模拟输出信号之间的差异 (105)升级安装中的供电 (105)第 5 章操作 (107)WMT700 的串行连接 (107)用终端软件进行通信 (107)进入和退出配置模式 (109)OPEN - 进入配置模式 (109)CLOSE - 退出配置模式 (109)配置 (110)配置简介 (110)参数处理命令 (111)S — 设置参数 (112)G — 获取参数 (113)获取所有参数 (113)获取指定的参数 (113)BAUD — 显示或设定端口设置 (114)设定端口设置 (114)显示端口设置 (114)风测量控制命令 (115)MEAS — 单次风测量 (115)START — 开始连续测量 (115)STOP — 停止风测量 (115)诊断和支持命令 (116)ERRORS — 获取错误代码和计数 (116)CLEARERR — 重置错误代码和计数 (117)POLL — 获取信息 (117)RESET — 重置 CPU (117)信息命令 (117)— 显示命令集 (117)H — 显示帮助和信息 (117)VERSION — 显示固件版本 (118)WIND_GET — 获取校准数据 (118)VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 3用户手册 _________________________________________________________________________配置参数 (118)用户可配置的数据信息 (119)配置数据信息 (119)数据信息项目 (119)状态标志 (123)从配置文件加载设置 (124)操作 WMT700 (126)使用终端程序操作 WMT700 (126)数据信息 (127)WMT700 数据信息 21 (129)WMT700 数据信息 22 (130)WMT700 数据信息 23 (131)WMT700 数据信息 24 (132)WMT700 数据信息 25 (133)ROSA - MES12 数据信息 (134)缺少读数 (134)错误指示 (134)测量模式命令 (136)WMT700 配置文件命令 (136)MEAS — 开始测量 (137)OPEN — 进入配置模式 (137)POLL — 轮询数据 (138)SLEEP — 进入低功耗模式 (138)ROSA - MES12 配置文件命令 (139)M 12 — 轮询 MES12 数据信息 (139)在 WS425 模拟输出模式下操作 WMT700 (140)模拟输出设置 (140)风速输出 (142)频率 (142)电压 (143)风向输出 (144)输出信号的限制 (145)缺少读数和错误指示 (145)使用 WS425 和 SDI-12 配置文件操作 WMT700 (146)通信配置文件 (146)更改通信配置文件 (146)使用终端程序操作 WMT700 (147)进入配置模式 (148)WS425 F/G ASOS 配置文件 (149)可配置参数 (149)WS425 F/G ASOS 命令 (150)WA — 获取平均风速和风向 (151)WS — 获取内部诊断信息 (151)WS425 F/G ASOS 数据信息 (153)WS425 A/B NMEA Standard 配置文件 (155)可配置参数 (155)WS425 A/B NMEA Standard 数据信息 (156)缺少读数 (156)4 ___________________________________________________________________ M211095ZH-E________________________________________________________________________________ WS425 NMEA Extended 配置文件 (v. 0183) (157)可配置参数 (157)WS425 A/B NMEA Extended 命令 (158)WS425 A/B NMEA Extended 数据信息 (159)缺少读数 (159)WS425 A/B ASCII 配置文件 (160)可配置参数 (160)WS425 A/B ASCII 命令 (161)I — 识别传感器 (161)Wx — 开始测量 (161)缺少读数 (163)WS425 A/B WAT11 配置文件 (164)可配置参数 (164)WS425 A/B WAT11 命令 (164)缺少读数 (164)SDI-12 配置文件 (v 1.3) (165)可配置参数 (166)SDI-12 命令 (167)!— 地址查询 (168)a!— 确认活动 (169)aAb!— 更改地址 (170)aC!— 开始并发测量 (171)aD0!— 发送数据 (172)aI!— 发送标识 (173)aM!— 开始测量 (174)aV!— 开始验证 (175)SDI-12 数据信息 (176)用于 C 和 M 命令的 WS425 A/B SDI-12 信息 (176)缺少读数 (176)用于 V 命令的 WS425 A/B SDI-12 信息 (177)请求循环冗余校验 (177)第 6 章维护 (179)定期维护 (180)目测检查 (180)清洁 (180)正常运行测试 (181)第 7 章故障排除 (183)问题情况 (183)错误和事件信息 (185)恢复串行端口设置 (186)技术支持 (188)产品退回 (188)VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 5用户手册 _________________________________________________________________________第 8 章技术数据 (189)尺寸 (193)附录 AWMT700 的完整命令集 (195)附录 B典型系统环境 (197)附录 C不同通信配置文件的默认设置 (201)附录 D配置参数 (203)附录 EWMT700 NMEA MWV 配置文件 (207)可配置参数 (208)WMT700 NMEA MWV 命令 (209)WMT700 NMEA MWV 数据信息 (210)缺少读数 (210)附录 F配件 (211)附录 G证书 (215)6 ___________________________________________________________________ M211095ZH-E________________________________________________________________________________ 插图列表图1WMT700 风传感器 (18)图2WMT700 风传感器底视图 (19)图3FIX70 安装套件 (20)图4WS425FIX60-POM (21)图5WMT70FIX60-POM (21)图6WS425FIX60-RST 和 WS425FIX60 (22)图7WMT70FIX60-RST (22)图8防鸟笼 (32)图9WM 校验器 (33)图10电缆紧固工具 (35)图11超声波测量原理 (38)图12WMT700 的测量路径 (39)图13不同风速和风向的表示(风向偏移为 0) (41)图14风向平均值计算示例 (43)图15WMT700 的外部接口 (46)图16配置模式和测量模式 (50)图17RS-232、RS-485 和 RS-422 接口的计时 (51)图18频率输出 (53)图19开阔地区推荐的位置 (61)图20建筑物上方的推荐风杆长度 (62)图21在同一高度安装的两个 WMT700 设备之间的最短距离 (63)图22传感器操作 (64)图23WMT700 和运输减震器 (65)图24将电缆插入电缆紧固工具中 (66)图25将接头连接在 WMT700 上 (67)图26位于风杆侧面的 WMT700 (68)图27位于风杆上方的 WMT700 (69)图28安装在水平支架上且探头阵列朝上的 WMT700 (71)图29安装在水平支架上且探头阵列朝下的 WMT700 (72)图30带电缆紧固工具的拧紧接头 (73)图31不用电缆紧固工具的拧紧接头 (74)图32正确对齐的 WMT700 (76)图33未正确对齐的 WMT700 以及所产生的偏移误差 (77)图34防鸟笼和防鸟笼带 (78)图35COM2 RS485 配线 (81)图3617 针 M23 接头的针 (83)图37WMT700 非加热版本的配线 (87)图38工作电源电流消耗 (88)图39工作电源功耗 (88)图40加热版本 WMT700 的配线,第 1 部分 (90)图41加热版本 WMT700 的配线,第 2 部分 (90)图42风杆上的升级安装 (93)图43水平支架上的升级安装(探头阵列朝上) (94)图44水平支架上的升级安装(探头阵列朝下) (95)图45FIX30、WS425FIX60-RST 和 WS425FIX60-POM (96)图46FIX30、WS425FIX60 的安装适配器(左),以及 FIX70 的安装适配器(右) (97)VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 7用户手册 _________________________________________________________________________图47WS425 适配器电缆 (98)图48采用用于模拟频率输出的 WS425 电缆和适配器电缆的风速频率模拟输出 (142)图49采用用于模拟电压输出的 WS425 电缆和适配器电缆的风速电压模拟输出 (143)图50使用 WS425 电缆和适配器电缆的风向电压输出 (144)图51使用 WM 校验器测试 WMT700 (182)图52WMT700 尺寸(以毫米为单位) (193)图53FIX70 安装套件尺寸(以毫米为单位) (194)图54仅具有串行端口 COM1 的系统环境 (197)图55仅具有模拟输出的系统环境 (198)图56具有串行端口 COM1 和 COM2 的系统环境 (199)图57具有备用电池的系统环境 (200)图58全套配件 (212)8 ___________________________________________________________________ M211095ZH-E表格列表表 1手册修订 (12)表 2相关手册 (12)表 3环境测试 (15)表 4电磁兼容性测试 (16)表 5不同传感器类型的测量范围 (23)表 6温度范围 (23)表 7加热 (24)表 8数字通信接口 (24)表 9数字通信配置文件 (25)表 10数字通信选项 (25)表 11输出配置 (26)表 12风向的模拟输出信号 (27)表 13模拟输出配置 (28)表 14安装适配器 (28)表 15配件 (29)表 16手册 (29)表 17电缆 (34)表 18模拟风速输出的工厂设置 (54)表 19模拟风向输出的出厂默认设置 (54)表 20AOUT1 的常见转换函数设置 (WS) (55)表 21AOUT2 的常见转换函数设置 (WD) (55)表 22连接 2 米电缆 (227567SP)、10 米电缆 (227568SP)、15 米电缆 (237890SP) 和 26 米电缆 (237889SP) (80)表 23COM2 RS485 配线 (81)表 24连接 2 米 RS485 电缆 (228259SP) 和 10 米 RS485 电缆(228260SP) (82)表 2517 针 M23 接头中的针 (83)表 26工作电源电压要求 (86)表 27加热电源要求 (89)表 28加热功率和延长电缆 (89)表 29安装套件和电缆代码 (97)表 3010 米 ROSA 电缆 (231425SP) (102)表 31WS425 串行适配器电缆中的针 (227569SP) (103)表 32WS425 模拟频率输出适配器电缆中的针 (104)表 33WS425 模拟电压输出适配器电缆中的针 (104)表 34模拟输出连接 (105)表 35配置模式命令列表 (111)表 36数据信息的风测量项目 (120)表 37数据信息的控制字符与校验和项目 (120)表 38数据信息的监控项目 (121)表 39状态标志 (123)表 40数据信息 (128)表 41测量模式命令 (136)表 42WS425 模拟输出操作模式所需的参数 (141)表 43WS425 F/G ASOS 配置文件的可配置参数 (149)表 44WS425 F/G ASOS 命令 (150)表 45WS425 F/G ASOS 数据信息 (153)表 46WS425 A/B NMEA Standard 配置文件的可配置参数 (155)表 47WS425 A/B NMEA Extended 配置文件的可配置参数 (157)表 48校验和表 (158)表 49WS425 A/B ASCII 配置文件的可配置参数 (160)表 50WS425 A/B ASCII 命令 (161)表 51WS425 A/B ASCII 数据信息 (162)表 52WS425 A/B WAT11 配置文件的可配置参数 (164)表 53SDI-12 配置文件 (166)表 54SDI-12 命令 (167)表 55一些问题情境及其解决措施 (183)表 56错误和事件信息 (185)表 57恢复的串行端口设置 (187)表 58风速 (189)表 59风向 (189)表 60输出 (190)表 61概述 (191)表 62配件 (192)表 63所有配置文件的命令集 (195)表 64不同数字通信配置文件的默认设置 (202)表 65没有协议特定默认值的参数 (202)表 66参数说明 (203)表 67WMT700 NMEA MWV 配置文件的可配置参数 (208)第 1 章概述本章提供本手册和 WMT700 系列的一般说明。
YGY-FSXY1 风速风向仪 使用说明书
![YGY-FSXY1 风速风向仪 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e33c4550876fb84ae45c3b3567ec102de2bddfc0.png)
YGY-FSXY1 风速风向仪使用说明书V.01使用前请仔细阅读本说明书,并妥善保管SMS-23感谢您选购本公司产品!由于本公司产品不断改进,您所购买的产品可能与说明书图示有所有不同,恕不另行通知。
目录1、产品简介............................................................................................................................ - 2 -2、功能特点............................................................................................................................ - 2 -3、技术参数............................................................................................................................ - 2 -4、仪表接口说明.................................................................................................................... - 3 -5、仪表菜单按键操作说明.................................................................................................... - 3 -5.1按键功能介绍............................................................................................................ - 3 -5.2菜单操作流程............................................................................................................ - 3 -6、风向传感器安装定南........................................................................................................ - 4 -7、风速报警功能(选配).................................................................................................... - 5 -8、仪器与电脑软件的连接.................................................................................................... - 5 -9、产品清单............................................................................................................................ - 5 -10、异常现象的分析及解决方法.......................................................................................... - 6 -11、注意事项.......................................................................................................................... - 6 -12、支架安装方法.................................................................................................................. - 6 -13、附表2:风向16方位图................................................................................................. - 6 -14、联系方式.......................................................................................................................... - 6 -1、产品简介YGY-FSXY1风速风向仪是用于测量并记录大气中风速与风向的气象仪器。
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Omega OM-CP-WIND101A 风速记录系统用户指南说明书
![Omega OM-CP-WIND101A 风速记录系统用户指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/32e82ee6b8d528ea81c758f5f61fb7360a4c2b57.png)
The OM-CP-WIND101A is a complete system to accurately measure and record wind speed. This low cost wind speed recordingsystem comes complete with a data logger, weatherproof enclosure, a three-cup anemometer and all the necessary cabling to quickly getup-and-running.The logger can record up to500,000 readings and the storage medium is non-volatile, solid state memory, providing maximum data security even if the battery becomes discharged. The small size of these devices allows them to fit almost anywhere.The device can be started and stopped directly from a computer using our user-friendly software. Data retrieval is simple. Simply plug it into an available USB port and our user-friendly software does the rest.The software converts a PC into a real-time strip chart recorder. Data can be printed in graphical and tabular format or exported to a text or Microsoft Excel® file. The storage medium is non-volatile solid state memory, providing maximum data security even if the battery becomes discharged.Wind Speed Data LoggerPart of the NOMAD® FamilyOM-CP-WIND101A-KIT SeriesUDurable Housing for LoggerU 3-Cup AnemometerU 0 to 100 MPH (0 to 160 KPH) RangeU 0.085 MPH Resolution at a10 Second Sampling RateU ±2.5% Calibrated Accuracy over 10 to 100 MPH(16 to 160 KPH) RangeU 10 Year Battery LifeU 1 Second Reading RateU Multiple Start/Stop FunctionU Ultra High Speed DownloadU 500,000 Reading Storage CapacityU Battery Life IndicatorU Optional Password ProtectionUField UpgradeableSpecificationsMeasurement Range:0 to 100 mph (0 to 45 m/s)Resolution: 0.085 mph at10 second reading intervalAccuracy: ±2.0 mph from 0 to10 mph; ±2.5% of reading from>10 to 100 mph OM-CP-WIND101A-KIT,shown smaller thanactual size.Starting Threshold: 1.75 mphReading Rate: 1 reading everysecond to 1 every 24 hoursMemory: 500,000 readings;software configurable memorywrap 250,000 readings in multiplestart/stopMemory Wrap Around: Y esStart Modes: Immediate start,delay start up to 18 months, multiplepushbutton start/stopStop Modes:Manual through software, timed(specific date and time)Multiple Start/Stop Mode:Start and stop the device multipletimes without having to downloaddata or communicate with a PCMultiple Start/Stop Mode Activation: T o Start the Device: Press and hold the pushbutton for 5 seconds, the green LED will flash during this time; the device has started logging T o Stop the Device: Press and hold the pushbutton for 5 seconds, the red LED will flash during this time. The device has stopped logging.Real Time Recording: The device may be used with PC to monitor and record data in real-time LED Functionality: G reen LED Blinks: 10 second rate to indicate logging; 15 secondrate to indicate delay start R ed LED Blinks: 10 second rateto indicate low battery and/or full memory; 1 second rate to indicate an alarm conditionand 1.8 m (6') USB interface cable.Ordering Example: OM-CP-WIND101A-KIT, wind speed recording system.Password Protection: An optional password may be programmed into the device to restrict access to configuration options. Data may be read out without the password Engineering Units: MPH, KPH, M/S, KNOTS (software selectable)Battery Type: 3.6V lithium battery (included); user replaceable Battery Life: 10 years typical, dependent upon frequency and duty cycle Time Accuracy: ±1 minute/ month at 20ºC (68ºF), stand alone data logging Computer Interface: USB (interface cable required); 115,200 baud Software: XP SP3/Vista/7 and 8 (32- and 64-bit) Anemometer Operating Environment: -55 to 60ºC (-67 to 150ºF); 0 to 100%RH Operating Environment: -20 to 60ºC (-4 to 150ºF), 0 to 100% RH non-condensing IP Rating: IP65Anemometer Dimensions: 54 H x 192 mm D (2.1 x 7.5")Dimensions: D ata Logger: 74 H x 148 W x 39 mm D (2.9 x 5.8 x 1.5") Enclosure: 93 H x 62 W x 24 mm D (3.7 x 2.5 x 0.9")Weight: 513 g (18.1 oz) Material: ABS plastic。
Range Sensor Damping Ratio Delay Distance Threshold Sensitivity Damped Natural Wavelength Undamped Natural Wavelength Transducer 360° mechanical, 355° electrical (5° open) Balanced vane, 38 cm (15 in) turning radius. 0.25 1.3 m (4.3 ft) for 50% recovery 1.1 m/s (2.4 mph) at 10° displacement 7.4 m (24.3 ft) 7.2 m (23.6 ft) Precision conductive plastic potentiometer, 10K ohm resistance (±20%), 0.25% linearity, life expectancy 50 million revolutions, rated 1 watt at 40° C, 0 watts at 125° C Regulated DC voltage, 15 VDC max Analog DC voltage proportional to azimuth angle with regulated excitation voltage applied across potentiometer.
When the Wind Monitor-MA is unpacked it should be checked carefully for any signs of shipping damage. Remove the plastic nut on the propeller shaft. Install the propeller on the shaft so the letter markings on the propeller face forward (into the wind). Engage the propeller into the molded ribs on the propeller shaft hub. The instrument is aligned, balanced and fully calibrated before shipment, however it should be checked both mechanically and electrically before installation. The vane and propeller should easily rotate 360° without friction. Check vane balance by holding the instrument base so the vane surface is horizontal. It should have near neutral torque without any particular tendency to rotate. A slight imbalance will not degrade performance. The potentiometer requires a stable DC excitation voltage. Do not exceed 15 volts. When the potentiometer wiper is in the 5° deadband region, the output signal is "floating" and may show varying or unpredictable values. To prevent false readings, signal conditioning electronics should clamp the signal to excitation or reference level when this occurs. NOTE: Young signal conditioning devices clamp the signal to excitation level. Avoid a short circuit between the azimuth signal line and either the excitation or reference lines. Although there is a 1K ohm current limiting resistor in series with the wiper for protection, damage to the potentiometer may occur if a short circuit condition exists. Before installation, connect the instrument to an indicator as shown in the wiring diagram and check for proper wind speed and azimuth values. Position the vane over a sheet of paper with 30° or 45° crossmarkings to check vane alignment. To check wind speed, temporarily remove the propeller and connect the shaft to an Anemometer Drive. Details appear in the CALIBRATION section of this manual.
风向和风速仪 用户手册 NLT-AM706-SSCN V110421型号: AM706J-V-C***快速使用指南***¾失电报警:一路电源掉电时,仪器失电报警,此时按任意键消除。
¾【S】键:m/s, km/h, kts风速单位切换键。
¾休眠:同时按下 两键,仪器进入休眠状态,此时按任意键恢复。
¾说明书封皮拆下可当简易手册使用!目 录仪器简介 (1)系统组成 (1)测量原理: (1)功能说明 (2)显示界面介绍 (2)功能介绍 (2)NMEA0183协议 (3)操作说明 (4)性能参数 (5)维护保养 (6)校准说明 (7)安装说明 (8)主机安装 (8)传感部件安装 (9)风向标与风杯的安装 (9)整体安装 (10)接线说明 (11)系统组成图: (11)主机外部线图 (12)仪器简介船用风向和风速仪AM706是风速和风向的综合测量仪器,可以测量显示相对于船只的风速(精度±5%,最小0.1m/s),以及相对于船艏的风向(显示精度10°输出精度±1°)。
(1) 测量风速最大值时,LCD 屏幕上方显示“MAX”字
样,如图 4:
图4 (2) 测量风速最小值时,LCD 屏幕上方显示“MIN”字
样,如图 5:
2. 操作说明
(3) 测量风速平均值时,LCD 屏幕上方显示“AVG”字 样,如图 6:
数据的保持、存储、读取及清除 数据保持:
保养和保修 1). 保养: 电池的更换和产品的保养
a 当您长时间不使用本机时,请将电池仓内电池取 出,以免电池漏液后腐蚀电池盒及电池极片。
b 开机后,LCD 上显示 " " 符号时,请您及时更 换电池,打开电池门,取出旧电池,换上新的 9V 电池(注意电池极性),然后扣合电池门。
机壳清洗 不能使用酒精、稀释液等清洗机壳,会对 LCD 屏幕 有腐蚀作用,所以清洗机壳只需用少量清水轻轻擦拭 即可。
Resolution Accuracy
5 .工作环境:
主机 风速传感器
0-50℃(32-122℉) 0-60℃(32-140℉)
6. 储存环境:
7. 电源: 6F22 9V×1
: 最小、最大值显示
: 数据保持符号
• Handheld electronic devices • Mobile devices • Digital cameras and camcorders • Entertainment consoles • Handheld GPS or navigation devices • Portable audio and video players • Photo printers
Output (with optional component) • Single 2.4V to 3.3V supply • Simple Power Down feature (with optional component) • Easy assembly, no signal adjustment required • Customizable aesthetic design • -15°C to 70°C operating temperature • Ease of assembly
The light from the emitter that beams onto the rotating code wheel placed underneath the dial of scrollwheel is reflected onto the photo-detector IC. As the code wheel
Figure 1. Illustration on the scrollwheel operation
Emitter VCC GND
Window (Reflective)
Processing Circuitry