高级英语写作考试试题(pdf 11页)




A.polish up B.make upC.pick up D.build up5、This book is said to be a special one, as it ____ many events not found in other history books.A.writes B.prints C.covers D.reads Array 6、The success of “one country, two systems” in practice has been universally ________, and this policy continues to go strong.A.acknowledged B.appreciatedC.accomplished D.accompanied7、The little boy stared at the strange man questioningly, not ________ whether to believe what he had said.A.to know B.knowingC.known D.having known8、Although the Roma couldn’t be forced to pay taxes, they couldn’t vote ______they agreed to ______a government.A.unless, submit to B.until, correspond toC.when, resign to D.while, compromise to9、--- What caused the party to be put off? --- ______ the invitations.A.Tom delayed sending B.Tom’s delaying sendingC.Tom delaying to send D.Tom delayed to send10、— How do you think I can make up with Jack?— Set aside _______ you disagree and try to find _______ you have in common. A.what; what B.what; where C.where; what D.where; whether第二部分阅读理解(满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。



武汉理工大学《高级英语写作2》2023-2024学年第一学期期末试卷院(系)_______ 班级_______ 学号_______ 姓名_______1、People all think it strange that the boy should tell what’s written on the paper in another room without looking at it. It really ________ explanation.A.prevents B.challenges C.interrupts D.confuses2、Wechat intends to radically change the way ______ people use mobilephones.A./ B.which C.why D.who3、It's always a good idea to have a second key somewhere________ you lose the first one. A.in case B.now thatC.even though D.as long as4、Although he did not do it___________, he definitely had some responsibility. A.instantly B.deliberatelyC.accidentally D.casually5、I ordered a drink while I______ for my friends to come.A.will wait B.am waitingC.would wait D.was waiting6、Wolf Warrior 2, which ________ the “Award for Best Visual Effects” at the Beijing Film Festival, indicates China's film industry has come of age.A.wins B.wonC.has won D.had won7、—What was it that caused the party to be put off?—________ the invitations.A.Because Tom delayed sendingB.Tom delayed to sendC.That Tom delayed sendingD.Tom delayed sending8、We’d better go now, ______ we’ll miss the train.A.but B.so C.otherwise D.therefore9、---There are probably aliens living here on earth.---_____! I can’t believe you said that.A.Come on B.Forget itC.Go ahead D.Allow me10、---Let's walk to that village together.---__________. How can we two girls do that in the dark?A.I agree with you. B.That's a good point.C.You must be joking!D.That's not your opinion!第二部分阅读理解(满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。



最新国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语写作》期末试题标准题库及答案(试卷号:) 《高级英语写作》题库一Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure [10 points]Questions 1—5 arc based on the following Usk.Choose the appropriate words or expressions from the box to complete the following paragr»pM.There are THREE extra chokes that you don't need. Write yonr answer on the Answer Sheet.Technology surrounds us and is n part of our cUily lives. We can find technological innovations at hornet our workplace< our schools, and our playgrounds* L technology has improved our lives in some ways, it has also brought many negative 2..Modern technology has made life very 3・ - We have everything we need and our inventions take care of no many unpleasant details in our day-to-dny lives. Foods from all over the world arr available at local »upermarkets< International trnvel is now fast and easy. We can talk to friends on cell phones any timet anywhere• and we can catch a TV show from many countries far away.. these conveniences have a price. Wc consume too much energy and too many resources«and we create too much waste. The world is overflowing with pollution and waste. We cannot continue like tht»(orcven We should he more 5. about protecting our world while still enjoying conveniences. If our nntura! world is destroyed^ the conveniences will be uselessPart 2 Paragraph Organization and Development [40 points]Questions 6—8 arc bnsctl on the following task. (15 points)Paragraph ARead tbc following pantgruph. Choose the belt nnwer to each question. Write your unxwcr A. B or C on the Answer SherLMy parents played an important role in my educational development by helping me in both material and spiritual ways to become the person that 1 AE today. They rained my older brothers and nisicrs in such a way that they would Met a good example for me nnd the other younger children. They bought various books that helped me become n hardworking Mudcnt■nd ■ Kood render. They A U O exposed me to experiences such an vacutionn iinrl rnuneum trip» th・t enhrHefl my pernpcctive on In Rcldition* they looked carefully my cxnminaiion resultii in school in ordrr to molivatc rnc nlwyn to do my bcst< In short> I owe nil o( my po«itivc qualities to the effort* of my purentiu6. Which sentence in the topic sentence of the parngraph?A. The fir»t sentence of the pArngrnph.R. The second xentencr of lhe paragraphC. The last sentence of the paragraph.Puragniph BHead lhe introductory paragniph of nn wsay. Choose the bcsl answer to cnch qumtioiE Write your answer A • B or C on the Answer Sheet.Eight Hours a Night(1) In my cla>se^f sleep-deprived atudentn tend to diMiurb other student*» and thi\ can make it hard to learn. (2) No matter whnt classes they are in# ftlecp dcpnved students arc likdy to cause problems. (3) For cxample t they rurely contribute to the dASsrooni topic (4) H they do something in class< it's unuftHy just to answer a question that wan nlrciidy Answered^ (S) Such sleepy students can even kill motivation for students who orc awake. 《6) When I see five people sleeping with their heads on top of their dcnliN. it is po.jMble that 1 will feel alccp/t too# especially if it in a boring or an early morning clasa* (7) Another problem with many utudents who don't get enough sleep iti that it it not unuauul (or them to arrive lute to cl ASM. interrupting wluitcvcr is happening (8) lb solve thcMe problrrruii I think that trarhrr^ should make nleep 8 hour *le?cp jx?r night ------------------------------------- n part of the de心rnpiirenwnt.7. Choose ihe type of introduction^A. Problem-Salution<B. I)eAnition/Explanation«General-tospccific.& Choose the thcniK statement*A. Sentence LB. Sentence 7.C< Sentence 8.Question 9 Complete the folk)wing pamgmph by adding dclalK (25 points)•Make sure your tone and the vocabulaQ you use urv in unity with lhe relevant paragraph.•Write about 60—80 words. Write your nnswerw on the Answer ShecLXiao (孝)—Love for Parents Expressed by ActionXiao is a fundaTncntAl concept in Chinese culture. What is Xido? 1 think Xiao is love for parents and being good to parents- There arc many examples of being Xiao towards parents by a son or a daughter. Xiao is respecting yr>ur parents. Xiao is not only supporting your parents mnlcnally when they need it: it is also frequently updating parents on our situation^ so that they wouldn'l worry about us and so thnt they can help and advise us if they sec that we need it. Xiao is not forgetting about your parents w liealth. Xiao is . . . ( Add supporting details here 1Part 3 Writing nn Essay [50 pointsjQuestion 10| Write an essay on the following topic.The IntcnuH i. beeotning more centra] to CHW lives n. It is providing more infomution. more eonvrnirnces as wrll a» acting ns AH intrrnctivr entertaintnsL Theae fuiwtiOm h・vc obvimm benefit • but [here ere dimmers involved in the contml of the I nt "nwt over OUT I八、To whm cxleru do you ngrce or dimgree?•You should stnte your opinions•You should explatn/suppon your opinions•Write about 150—180 words.试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)Part I Vocabulary und Structure [10 polnt»» 2 points each]l. F 2. E 3. G 4. H 5. HPart 2 Paragraph Onumization und Development [40 points ]Quettluns 6—8 (!SpolnU> 5 points each)6. A LA & CQumtion 9 25 points.MarklnK Guldclinei《供• %)Herr is a Mumplc.((riven on the tr»! paper t Xian in n (undarncntrtl conrrpt in Chinese culture. Wh” in X»u<>? I think Xtau i・love for pnrentn nnd lieinK K<x><! to purcnU. There nrv rrumy cxjunplcs of hetng Xta/j townnls parcnM by n 5? or n (htightcr. Xiao IM rcM|wctinK your pnrrnt^ Xiao in notonly supporttng your pnrentft tnatcrwlly when they need its it in alto frequently updating pnrvntu on our »ituntion«»o thnt they wouldn't worry about us and <io that they can help nndadvifie U!» d they srr tlwt wc nerd it. Xtau M not furgrttitig about your parents1 hralthe )Xi。



2021国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语写作》期末试题及答案(试卷号:1359) Part 1 VocabuiaQ and Structure f 10 pointsj Questions 1 — 5 arc based on the following task. Cboose theappropriatr words or expressions from the box to complete the following paragraph. Ilicrc are THREE extrachokes Hint you don't need. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.Nanotechnology is the science of the small. ( I ) ______________ from rhe Greek word for *dwarfnano a one billionth unit of measurement (2) _____________________ a nanometer is abilliomh of a meter# and a virus is nearly 100 nanometers across. Nnnotechnology 诉the Term ( 3) _describe a wide army of theoretical and experimental approaches toengineering finy machines: everything from making smaller microchip!!> TO environing molecular robatisthat could swim through our bloodstream and fight disca«. People working in the held of nanotechnologytoday are divided between two disciplines:those working from the "bottom up." mostly chemist*attempting to create suucture by connecting moleculesi (4) thu!<e working from the *top dawn”, engineerstaking existing devices• (5〉_____ trnn^isiors* nnd making Them smaller.Part 2 Paruumph Organi/ntion and Ikvelapmcnl 40 points] Questhmsi 6—8 arr b^sed on the following task.< 15 points) Rend I hr followini; paruuraphs t Choose the best answer to cMch question. Write your answerA・ B or C oa the Answer Sheet.A new generation of communicarions tcchnolagies is upon us. They have changed workplaceconimumcatian« providing many option> for ending a mesnage^ (6)_______________________ •Etnuil is so pcrvtfsivc in organizatians thni it has become the default choice for communic^Tion t People still call each other at work, but sending an email to someone in the next cubicle common, h 1 * nosurprise that moM people believe email is u»cd too often instrnd of (her-to-Cure comTnunicatioru(7) ________ • For nhoft messages a nd quick questions, these channels ate ideal. Ofcourset with smart phono, email may give you an instant response ns well, but this varies by orKnntzationsand ptrople. A> you probably know, the real value of IMing 44presence awarcnc«s H—you know someone isavailable to respond imrnediattjly t Although nomc peopleCOn5idcr ,M nn annoying interruption at work, people who IM are at fhr office report frwrr diaruptionn and believethat IM saves time and provides timely, relevant information. One analyst predicts that in the next few years, avast majority of the employees will use IM as【be” pnmnry communications tool.Prrhnps the more interesting technologies for communication nrc social media, Web 2. 0. whichcncouragca online interaction, has opened the door for people to participate on the wcb・ I his in quitedifferent from the one - way communinition of the curly Internet, when componitii would post brochure - likewrl^ite (or pcoplr to connuinrI he? real value of social rnc<(tR for companies is the opportunity to connect with people online.(8) 一To promote interaction• companieN me Web 2. 0 technologies t forexample, hlogs,w山惜.video, and social nctwarkinK Thrnr took orc uned on the* lntcrneU pn n company、intranet and on cxtranctn. 7 he Fortune Global 100 componirs arc mUng »ocral media actively. Seventy nine percent are uxing at (emit one of four miiin %orinl plaHorrnn-Twittcr. videos. Fnccbcxjk nnd blog^ to communicate with cuMomers. (){ these luuM 1 wilier is the nrtant frequently used nhd h«K proved u^rful fur comp/imM.6. Clwosr the thesis «!Atrmcnt«A・ Impending on the type of mcssngrjit you mny chtMnc from a variety of communicAtiont tcchrtoloRirfiIL As business (od. mobile tcchnulagteA are useful (ar reporting newn end connecting with customersC. I cchnolpgy is blurring fnnny (ormii of comrnunicntion—oral nnd written • hce-tcrUcc and online7. Choose the topic sentence for the pnragrnph^A. Texting H AS been considered too informal for cornmunicntinK At wurk«B・ Instant meiisnging mnybr considered rude in front ul other people.(• Instant me心・ging (IM) nnd texting arc bcroming increasingly populiir nt work.8. Chose the bridge scntcncceA・ Social networking Bites are for people who Hharr common interests.A Multi-comniunicAtion is smd to be an effective way.Ct Socin! media is about the convcrMatiuruQuestion 9 Supply the missing support tn complete Panigraph A(25 points).•Make sure your tone and the vocabulary you use are in unity with the relevant paragraphs.•Write about 60—80 words. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Paragraph AModem technology has revolutionized our Life has become very easy. You can ____________________ (Add supporting dcUih here ) _______________ _______________________Pamgraph BHowever, modern conveniences come at R price. You have to give out informutian aboutyournclf whenever you unr these iniuuunx device!!• eo^y tereHB to pcr»onnl infurnuition hns bec ome n nrnoun nnd RrowinR problcme h i> reponed that e commerce Krowst niArketrfR «nd buRybodics can Access marc consumer datn than rvrr before, h i~ senry tu think that the pcr^onnl prtvnte dots to get surnr ^crvicr^ enn cnMtly br given tu ^onicbody we dun e 1 know nnd without our pcrmi»sion t It Ui even refiner to know our pcrhonnl inlorrruition enn be u^ed ngoinnt UNPurugraph CIrt apitc of nil the fnghtcninK concern*• you enn *till rrccivr ninny brnefitH from the convenient services that arr provided nnlinr. You |unl nrrd <o br very carrfuL You should know what inlurniAhon to how much inforniation to xivj and when and to whom io Kivr it. After thot« you enn navr lime mid effort nnd enjoy u^m« *ueh convcnicncra z crrdii curdle online shopping» or prepaid telephone curd%Part 3 Writing NO Etwiy [50(x>lntN]Quetlion IO< Write un <msdy on the folium ini: topic.Write rm CYny abetn n person / ggt Imdrr 八pef〔M ynu ndTnjrc,•Do no! try to give this per心、complete Me hiRtory.•ConerntrAtr on why thin ptrswin is admirable^•Write about 150—180 words.试题答案及评分标准Part I Vocahulory and Structure (10 p<HuU« 2 pcilnU cuch)Part 2 ParMRmph OrRnnlxntlon and Development (40 paintsi)Quntimis 6 — 8 (15 p<ilnts v 5 points cNch)6. A8. CQuestion 9. 25 points*Parngniph AModern tcchnoh»Ky htu revolutionlxcd our Hvr». Lifr bah become very easy. You can buywhmvcr you wont in one second Your m。



国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语写作》2028-2029期末试题及答案(试卷号:1359)Part 1 Vocabulary and StriKture | 10 points.Question% i—5 art based on the following Uuk.Dircctlanvi lhe appropriate words or cxprcssfonn from the tx>x to complete the followinK plinixruph. Ilirrr arc IliRKE evtni choirn that you don * t nrcd t Write your uiuwcr on the Answer SheetMy pArrnu played nn imporinnt ([) in my cducationnl development by hrlping mr in boih mAtcriol and、pirhud wny、to become fhr person th/it 1 Am today» They rnixrd my older brothrrsi and sitters (hey would g ■ Rood rxumple for me tind the other youngrhildrcn. Thry boughi vnnauB bookN (hAt helped tnr bci-ome A h/irdworking Rtuclrnl and a good rr/idcn They nUo 《3) me to experirneeM Muchvwrations and museum trip* that cnlnrHrd my pt-r^|>ectivr on life. _(4)_ ・ ihry looked CMrcfully nt my nXMaiination rrnultit in uchfxjl in order to motivate mr alwnyM to do my br«i. (5) • I owe all of my positivequahtirn io the efforts of my pnrenuA action Bt RAmr C roleA. resulting in 11 because (\ in such A way ihntA> exptwd K enabled C- providedA. Next H. In addition C Except thatA. In short K I MI G ToullyPart 2 PnruKneph (>n:flniznHon and hrwlupment [ 10 poinu ) Q U ZS IH 6 一8 urr ha^cd on the foIhminK tusk.(15 points)Rcntl the Introductory pnrxgrnph of un Choose the bwt uiiswcr to each(|ucsli(m t Write your nnswer A. B or C on the Answer ShccteWithout thr Internet« you would not be reading thm< There would be no woy to inAiantly (ind ihr nomc of rhe movie your hvoritr nctor was in five years ago or how much it CIJ M A to (ly tu Puerto Ruo^ ShoppinK retjuired going out in bad weather and terrible crowds You pnul your bilh by nendinK " leitcr through lhe posrol service lodayt with A couple a( clicks> you enn go Anywhere in thr world withnut lenving your computer. So you uhould not be surprmed th«t the Internet (m we know it) headlined the top 25 innovntions of the post quarter century • according TO a pnnei of technology leadeni.6. What type* a( introduction in thin?A. Defimtion/Explanatian.B. Prablcm Solution.C Setting the Scene.7 Which can Mrrvr AS thcuig Btaternent fur the zmy?A. -Shopping required Moing out in bod weather and terrible crowds.-B "Todfly, wuh■ col,P|c“f MckL you cun go anywhere in the world with outIrAving your computer. “"So you jihould not br thnt ibr Internet《邸wr know it) henrtlmnl ihr top 25innovnHw al I hr |)aMt quArtcr century • ncnirding ro n |Mncl of tcchTiah^y Inidmk "& Why doe. the writer u?te the rxnfnplc^ of chopping« findinK the tinrnc of nn Acfor. nnd poynig your bill”A. r()nhow how the Inirrnci ha» mndr some rhiriKM rosy.K To advcrhKr the COM of the Internet.C. Fo »how drnwbackn of the IntcrneLQm^tion 9 ( omplcfe the second pnniKruph by addinK supporllnic detnils. (25 poinK)•Hcod lhe lillr und lhe following panigrnphM first before you ctxnplrlr the ta»k.•Mulct %ure yatir tone :md the vncMbulary you use arc In unity with the rtkvunl pamKri*ph«L•Write about 60 KO worth. Write your answer on lhe Answer SheetMy Opinion on Campus DisciplineIn rermt years. univrrMtirn In < hinn have fried to admit more »tudrntR< While meeting pnhhc cknmnd (or higher cdiiCAiion> lheg iintvcrMticB are usually troubled with various problrmatte bt hnvior^ i)n the Mtudrnts f parit such nn 止中pin- rbuie nnd rntinR breakfnMi in thr rlsBnroomi 1 o dm I with t hc^r problcmn> many universitien earned out more strict di»ciplmca> Though many studentu arc nHninjit ihem. I believe thru these(JiAciphnt9 arc neceMjiary nnd hclpfu).卜irsl. these (h^ciphnt?^ urc nect^^nry io establish A proper environment lor rcjvrhiDg and leArning« (Add supporting dctnlla hm ) _____________________________ _____________ __________________Second• rhexe disciplines nrc ncccMsnry to prep/irc student» for thnr future enrrern- I Irarfird from n (nend that a mdum from A key univcrRHy wns (ired brcwiiRr hr hm! nut lollnwrd thr compnny9^ diftdpltne of nuf coming to oilier Intei and he udmittrd that he had been lutr (or chnn (rrqurntly when he wm at univer^hy. Il ran br ftccn thnf J fliudrnlfi do not ruliivnte * sennr ol dt ndpiinc nt “hod. they might hnvr various fuilurcA in their lulurr workPart 3 Writinx un E«Miy [50 point*]Quotlon 1() Write nn essay on Ihr folhming topicSome pri j *b I “ h c di.tanct?【BEing is an idyl w” of |fearrun|(. T。



《高级英语写作(2)》2023-2024学年第一学期期末试卷1、I owe my current success to David, my best friend since childhood, without whom I have no idea where I ________ today.A.am B.wasC.would have been D.would be2、That children ______meet with setbacks is a matter of necessity as they_____, so parentsdon’t worry about that.A.shall; grew up B.must;grew up C.can; grow up D.will; grow up3、—What did she want to know, Tom?—She wondered we could complete the experimentA.when was it that B.it was when thatC.it was when D.when it was that4、In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 p.m.,many people havegone home.A.whose time B.thatC.on which D.by which time5、The young man, ________ in heavy traffic on the way, got home an hour later than usual.A.catching B.caught.C.having caught D.to be caught6、-What does the sign over there read?-“No person ________ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.”A.will B.shallC.may D.mustA.to thank B.thankingC.having thanked D.to have thanked8、As teachers we shouldn’t accept the arg ument given by some people _______ standardized tests restrict educators too much and take the joy out of teaching.A.where B.whatC.how D.that9、He always keeps an eye on shortcomings of his brother’s _________ refusing to admit his own mistakes.A.but B.whileC.although D.though10、---Where is the plane?I can't see it.---It went off its ________________ to keep away from the sudden storm.A.course B.roadC.flight D.direction第二部分阅读理解(满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。










Iriformation for the examinees:● This examination consists of 3 parts.They are:Partl:Vocabulary and Structure [10points]Part2:Paragraph Organization and Development[40 points]Part3:Writing an Essay[50 points]● The total marks for this examination are 100 points.Timeallowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.● There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the AnswerSheet;therefore,you should write ALL your answers on theAnswer Sheet as you do each taskPart 1 Vocabulary and Structure [ 10 points, 2 points each]Questions l-5 are based on the following task.Choose the appropriate words or expressions from the box to complete the following paragraph.There are THREE extra choices that you don’t need.Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.A.producesB.HoweverC.justasD.careE.consequencesF.AlthoughG.convenientH.responsibleTechnology surrounds us and is a part of our daily lives.We can find technological innovations at home,our workplace,our schools,and our playgrounds.(1)_ technology has improved our lives in some ways,it has also brought many negative(2) .Modern technology has made life very(3) .We have everything we need and our inventions take care of so many unpleasant details in our day-to-day lives.Foods from all over the world are available at local supermarkets.International travel is now fast and easy.We can talk to friends on cell phones any time,anywhere,and we can catch a TV show from many countries faraway.(4)__ ,these conveniences have a price.We consume too much energy and too many resources,and we create too much waste.The world is overflowing with pollution and waste.We cannot continue like this forever.We should be more(5) about protecting our world while still enjoying conveniences.If our natural world is destroyed,the convemences will be useless.Part 2 Paragraph Organization and Development [40 points]Questions 6-8 are based on the following task.(15 points, 5 points each)Read the following paragraphs.Choose the best answer to each question.Write your answer A,B or C on the Answer Sheet.(6) In the first place,it is more nutritious than store-bought or restaurant food.It is also less expensive.In addition,preparing and eating home-cooked food helps strengthen family bond.Home-cooked food has higher nutritious value than prepared food.A lot of prepared food is high in sugar and fat.It is also not very fresh,so it has lost nutritious value while sitting on the shelf waiting to be bought.(7)__ A restaurant meal,even at a fast-food restaurant,is more expensive than a meal at home.Additionally,you have to tip the server and pay for transportation to and from the restaurant.Buying a pre-packed meal at a grocery store is not any better.It costs a lot more than buying ingredients and preparing the meal yourself.Family ties grow stronger when family members cook and eat meals together.When family members prepare a meal together,they spend time together.They have the chance to share ideas and discuss problems.(8) They have fun as a family.Their relationships are stronger.Home-cooked food is good for our health,our wallets,and our family relationships.There is no reason to eat prepared food from grocery stores or restaurants on a regularbasis.6.Choose the best topic sentence for this paragraph.A.Home-cooked food is better for us than prepared food in several ways.B.Home-cooked food takes time to prepare,but it tastes very good.C.Home-cooked food requires following several steps.7.Choose the best topicsentence for this paragraph.A.Eating at a restaurant is not as simple as it looks.B.Many people enjoy eating at restaurants.C.It costs a lot of money to buy prepared food.8.Choose the missing supporting detail.A.They prepare healthy meals.B.They learn to communicate with each other.C.They may have a large or small family.Question 9 Complete the following paragraph by adding details.(25 points)●Make sure your tone and the vocabulary you use are in unity with the relevant paragraph.●Write about 60-80 words.Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Xiao(孝)-LoveforParentsExpressedbyActionXiao is a fundamental concept in Chinese culture.What is Xiao?I think Xiao is love for parents and being good to parents.There are many examples of being Xiao towards parents by a son or a daughter.Xiao is respecting your parents.Xiao is notonly supporting your parents materially when they need it;it is also frequently updating parents on our situation,so that they wouldn't worry about us and so thatthey can help and advise us if they see that we need it.Xiao is not forgetting about your parents'health.(Add supporting details here)Part 3 Writing an Essay[ 50 points]Question 10: Write an essay on the following topic.Write can essay about a place(a cty or a country) that you have visited.● You can write about your first impressions.● Think about sights,language,food,people and transportation.● Write about 150-180 words.试卷代号:1359国家开放大学2 0 2 1年春季学期期末统一考试高级英语写作试题答案及评分标准(供参考)2021年7月Part l Vocabulary and Structure (10 points,2 points each)1.F.2.E 3.G 4.B 5.HPart 2 Paragraph Organization and Development (40 points)Questions 6-8 (15points,5 points each)6.A 7.C 8.BQuestion 9.(25 points)Marking Guidelines(供参考)21-25内容切题;连贯性好;语法正确,语言通顺恰当;基本无语法错误;篇幅适当。



枣庄学院成人教育《高级英语写作》期末考试复习题及参考答案《高级英语写作》课程复习提纲一、单选题1.Fast service and low cost are important in the United States. (A )A、simple sentenceB、compound sentenceC、periodic sentenceD、complex sentence2.What kind of figures of speech(修辞格)is used in the sentence “Thunder roared and a pouring rain started.”?(D )A、MetaphorB、PersonificationC、SimileD、Hyperbole3.What are good manners in one country may not be appropriate in another.( C )A、simple sentenceB、compound sentenceC、complex sentenceD、compound-complex sentence4.A paragraph is a:( B )A、long paper of 500 to 750 wordsB、short paper of 150 to 200 wordsC、journalD、topic sentence5.A topic sentence is a(n):(A )A、opening pointB、series of detailsC、paragraphD、journal6.An introductory paragraph should arouse the reader’s interest and __________ the main idea of the essay.( B )A、ignoreB、introduceC、developD、emphasize7.In an essay that emphasizes_____, a writer tells a story that illustrates or explains some point. (B )A、descriptionB、narrationC、processD、definition8.In _____, a writer takes a strong position about an issue and defends that position by presenting solid reasons. ( D )A、exemplificationB、expositionC、narrationD、argumentation9.A recipe is an example of a piece of writing that emphasizes _____. ( B )A、comparison and/or contrastB、processC、narrationD、argumentation10.If you want to write to a friend about a beautiful sunset, you would use writing that emphasizes _____. ( D )A、division-classificationB、definitionC、processD、description11.__________ does not contain in the principles of “choice of words”.(C )A、ConcisenessB、AppropriatenessC、ArbitrarinessD、Accuracy12.A summary is also referred to as a(n) _____.( C )A、outlineB、reportC、abstractD、All of these13.If your writing is clear, spelled accurately, and uses correct grammar, it will _____.(D )A、have unityB、have supportC、have coherenceD、demonstrate effective sentence skills14.Behind every successful man, there is a woman and behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.( B )A、personificationB、antithesisC、euphemismD、oxymoron15.According to the rules of writing a title, “__________”is correct.(A )A、My View on the Negative Effects of SmokingB、The Way To Improve Our English-Speaking AbilityC、the war of IndependenceD、the Myth of Chinese Literature16.The farms were short of hands during the harvest season.(C )A、antithesisB、metaphorC、synecdocheD、oxymoron17.Which of the following sentences is correct with punctuation?( D )A、My sister bought a lot of fruits for me, such as banana、orange、apple and pear.B、We will go there, if it is fine tomorrow.C、Why is he so happy today? Because he has won the lottery.D、He asked, “Where are you from?”18.This has made it necessary for agriculture to develop very quickly.(A )A、simple sentenceB、compound sentenceC、complex sentenceD、loose sentence19.Although he had done all he could to come early, he missed the lecture.(C )A、simple sentenceB、compound sentenceC、periodic sentenceD、loose sentence20.During _______, another person responds to your writing and marks possible trouble spots. (B )A、prewritingB、peer reviewC、writing a first draftD、revising21.We shall appreciate it if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus _______ our buyers to catch the brisk demand at the beginning of the season.(B )A、enableB、enablingC、enables22.Which of the following sentences has punctuation error?(A )A、The alarm clock sounded, the students got up quickly.B、The alarm clock sounded; the students got up quick.C、The alarm clock sounded. The students got up quickly.D、When the alarm clock sounded, the students got up quickly.23.________ we appreciate your cooperation in giving us the information about your market, we regret that we are unable to reduce our price to the level you indicated.(C )A、DespiteB、SinceC、While24._____ the quality, you must assure that we would get the goods produced in 2004.(B )A、In regard toB、Due toC、In view of25.(修辞辨别)Selfless people are like cows, which eat straw but produce milk.()A、metaphorB、OverstatementC、UnderstatementD、simile二、填空题1.There are two main types of definition -logical or (____formal____), and extended or (___informal_____).2.The purpose of exposition is to (___inform_____); the purpose of argumentation, on the other。



A. All over the world, people walk in their own characteristic ways.
B. The idea that people communicate volumes by their posture and walk is not new.
C. People have long been aware of the idea that it is essential to walk properly.
for young males when with one another is to sit on the base of the spind and their feet wide apart. Their respect position is like our military
many resources, and we create too much waste. The world is overflowing with pollution and
waste. We cannot continue like this forever. We should be more (5)
with their legs apart. When they sit, they put their feet on the floor with legs apart and, in
some parts of the country, they cross their legs by putting one ankle on the other knee.
Leg behavior indicates sex, status, and personality. It also indicates whether or not one



高三英语高级写作练习题40题含答案解析1.假如你是李华,你的朋友Tom 在学习上遇到了一些困难,向你寻求建议。



建议信一般是写给特定的人,D 选项“To whom it may concern”通常用于不知道具体收信人的情况,不适合作为写给朋友的建议信开头。


在语言特点上,建议信应简洁明了,使用委婉的语气提出合理建议,常用表达有“I suggest that...”“It would be a good idea if...”等。


以下哪个选项不适合在感谢信中表达?A.I am extremely grateful for your help.B.Thanks a lot for your assistance.C.Your help is not important to me.D.I really appreciate what you have done.答案解析:C。

感谢信是表达感激之情的,C 选项说老师的帮助不重要,与感谢信的主旨相悖。


常用表达有“be grateful for”“appreciate”“thanks a lot for”等。


道歉信的结尾不适合用以下哪个句子?A.I hope you can forgive me.B.Please accept my sincere apology.C.I am looking forward to your reply.D.Once again, I am sorry for what I have done.答案解析:C。



[试题分类]:高级英语写作_81811003[题型]:单选[大题名称]: 在每小题所给出的四个选项中选出正确的选项,使句子成立。

[题目数量]:20[分数]:21. Some of this relates to the complexity of the subject for those unfamiliar with finance, _________ or regulation.A. accountsB. accountingC. accountD. accounted[答案]:B[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:22. When I was younger, I would pick on people’s grammar, spelling and even _________.A. capitalizationB. capitalizeC. capitalD. capitalized[答案]:A[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:23. He believed that the European Economic Community should _________.A. consolidationB. consolidatesC. consolidateD. consolidated[答案]:C[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:24. The pictures work best in _________ documents, meant to be viewed on a screen.A. electricalB. electricityC. non-electronicD. electronic[答案]:D[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:25. They are meeting more _________ now and are setting up monitoring and surveillance mechanisms.A. frequentB. frequentlyC. lessD. little[答案]:B[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:26. Since I always _________ my code, I don’t have a problem with this.A. indentB. indentionC. indentsD. indenting[答案]:A[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:27. The defendants were said to be _________ young men from respectable families with no previous convictions.A. intelligenceB. intelligentlyC. intelligentD. intelligentize[答案]:C[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:28. It’s a very ancient and a very crucial city because of its geogra phic _________.A. locateB. locationC. locatingD. located[答案]:B[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:29. The unique _________ and natural landscape offers an array of educational, cultural and recreational amenities.A. culturallyB. culturesC. culturalD. culture[答案]:C[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:210. It is inconceivable that _________ organizations in health care would allow their members to be involved.A. professionB. professionalC. professionallyD. professor[答案]:B[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:211. Among other things, investigators are looking at whether banks _________ reported their borrowing costs.A. trueB. accusationC. accurateD. accurately[答案]:D[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:212. Leinwand, who studies human heart disease, stumbled across that _________ and saw implications for people.A. descriptionB. describeC. describingD. describes[答案]:A[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:213. Few products have captured the _________ of Chinese consumers quite like Apple’s iPhones and iPads.A. imaginaryB. imagineC. imaginationD. imagined[答案]:C[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:214. _________ (or underline) titles of books, plays or feature films.A. ItalicizedB. ItalicizationC. ItalicizeD. Italic[答案]:C[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:215. Many also need help in resolving destructive conflicts and rebuilding a _________, productive society.A. peaceB. peacefulC. peacefullyD. peacefulness[答案]:B[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:216. Its stance is essentially a matter of principle—or, perhaps, a means of attracting some useful _________ immediately.A. privateB. publicC. publicityD. publicly[答案]:C[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:217. This is more a _________ of family and celebrating America and the spirit of coming together.A. celebrateB. celebrationC. celebratesD. celebrating[答案]:B[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:218. Military investigators als o have been looking into Button’s background in hopes of finding an _________.A. explainB. explainsC. explanationD. explaining[答案]:C[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:219. The book will not be, as it should, a cause for _________ celebration, but one of defense and explanation.A. joyousB. joyC. pleasureD. happiness[答案]:A[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:220. They also like the fact that open source software allows them to _________ the code themselves.A. modifyingB. improvementC. modificationD. modify[答案]:D[难度]:5[一级属性]:[二级属性]:[公开度]:公开[小题分数]:2[试题分类]:高级英语写作_81811003[题型]:判断[大题名称]:判断下列句子的正误。



东北师范大学“英语”《高级英语写作》23秋期末试题库含答案第1卷一.综合考核(共20题)1.It has been rather costly to install the machinery, but it should () in the long run.A.pay offB.pay forC.pay backD.have paid off2.The old man jumped off from the bridge and ___ the icy water save the drowning child.A、plunged intoB、plunged toC、plunged outD、plunged for3.The cost of the material is ____ in the bill for the work.A.dismissedB.excludedC.rejectedD.discovered4.5.The engineer didn't do it, ____?A.isn't heB.doesn't heC.did heD.didn't he6.She came into the room quietly ____ wake her friends.A.so as not toB.in order to notD.so she does not7.8.offend 选择能代替的选项()A.botherB.hurtC.annoyD.excite9.In their efforts to ____ us to buy that product, advertiser have madea close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses.A.causeB.forceC.persuadeD.convince10.The girls didn't have any pens, ____?A.have theyB.do theyC.did theyD.are they11.___ World War Ⅱ, DDT has been used in large quantities.A、becauseB、althoughC、for exampleD、since12.Phillip placed too much ____ on sports and not enough on his work.A、interestB、concernC、hobbyD、emphasis13.____ an old store building.A.here'sB.there'sC.their'sD.there has14.evolve选择能代替的选项A、manifestC、developD、resolve15.The house ______ in bad repair since he moved out.A、wasB、has beenC、had beenD、was being16.Because he never tells a lie, Jim makes many enemies. People are often ____ by the truth.A、offendedB、defendedC、defeatedD、defined17.outstanding选择能代替的选项A、typicalB、ordinaryC、exceptionalD、speedily18.He stood up and reached ____ the key.A、toB、aboutC、withD、for19.‘Psychology’ is () the study of human behaviors by scientific methods.A.taken asB.regarded asC.defined asD.believed as20.She bought a new dress to show off her lovely ____.A.formB.sampleC.shapeD.structure第1卷参考答案一.综合考核1.参考答案:A2.参考答案:A3.参考答案:B5.参考答案:C6.参考答案:A8.参考答案:B9.参考答案:C10.参考答案:C11.参考答案:D12.参考答案:D13.参考答案:A14.参考答案:C15.参考答案:B16.参考答案:A17.参考答案:B18.参考答案:D19.参考答案:C20.参考答案:C。



高三英语高级写作练习题40题答案解析版1. In an argumentative essay about the importance of environmental protection, which of the following can be a strong supporting point?A. Environmental protection can create more job opportunities in the field of waste managementB. It is too costly to implement environmental protection policiesC. People are too busy to care about environmental protectionD. Environmental problems are exaggerated by the media答案:A。








“job opportunities”(就业机会)和“waste management”(废物管理)都是与环保相关的常用表达。

2. When writing an argumentative essay on the topic "Should high - school students use mobile phones at school?", which statement can bestserve as a counter - argument to the view that mobile phones can help students study?A. Mobile phones can be used to access educational resources onlineB. Mobile phones may cause distractions during classC. Mobile phones can improve communication between students and teachersD. Mobile phones are convenient for students to take notes答案:B。



《高级英语写作(2)》2023-2024学年第一学期期末试卷1、一Which T—shirt do you like best?一.They are both out of fashion and expensive.A.None B.Neither C.Any D.Both2、The education system in China is very different from ________ in the USA.A.one B.itC.those D.that3、--- The free gift doesn’t look good.--- _____, madam, but if you want good quality, you have to pay for it.A.No doubt B.No offenceC.No problem D.No way4、_______ the school, the village has a clinic, which was also built with government support.A.In reply to B.In addition toC.In charge of D.In place of5、—Where is Peter? I can't find him anywhere.—He went to the library after breakfast and ________ his essay there ever since.A.wrote B.had written C.has been writing D.is writing6、—Can't you drive a little faster?—No. If I ________ another speeding ticket, my dad would take away my car.A.would get B.would have got C.had got D.got7、My wife sometimes _____ something she has long been looking for. That’s why she enjoyswindow shopping.A.looks up B.looks for C.picks up D.picks out---I think so. He _____ for it months.A.is preparing B.has been preparing C.was preparing D.had been preparing 9、—You speak very good French!—Thanks. I __________ French in Sichuan University for four years.A.studied B.study C.was studying D.had studied10、Lisa wouldn’t ________ the job any more. She had a big argument with her boss and resigned.A.come up with B.keep up withC.make up with D.put up with第二部分阅读理解(满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Questions 6-9M are based on the following task. (1 0 points)
Identifyi孤寂 the topic sentences:
Read the followin第 description of culture and customs of wester巢军ountries. The topic sentence
Part 1: Readir量g and Summary (35 points)
Questio显s 1… 5 are based on the foJJowing tas扎 (10 po始制
The following sentences go together to form a paragraph , but they are in the wrong order. Read
m paymg.
B. They haγe the irritating habit of turning up just when you are not expecting them.
C. Most motorists , like myself , tend to dislike traffic wardens.
habit of leaving your car outside a shop while you just pop in for a moment , even
though it is in a no-parking zone.
ω AWM-冉 nM -一
川 一

m -
for each paragraph is omitted. Ch栅se the correct 协pic sentence for 帕格 paragraph from the
list of A-E provided. Put your answer in the proper box and then transfer your answers to the
the sentences carefully and put them in the ri拉t order. Write the correct letter of your choice
(A-E) in the proper box and then transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet.
they are thankful. Young people who are at college or live away frorn their farnilies usually corne horne for this dinner. If the parents are elderly , their adult children or sorτoday , in U. S. A. Thanksgiving D也y is celebrated by rnany Arnericans whose roots do not stern forrn Britain. People speak to one another of the things for which
D. As 在 result 1 continue to collect parking tickets on my car.
E. You have to be constantly on the lookout for them if , like me , you have got into the
Ans¥ver Sheet.
6 Thanksgiving Day has a speciε1 significance for Americans because it is traced
back to that group of people who were among the first to come to th告 New World in search of
Information for the Examinees! 丁his examination consists of three parts. These are: Part 1: I之eading and Summary (35 poÌnts) Part 2: Writing a Letter (25 points) Part 3: Writing (40 points) The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.
relatives will prepare the dinner.
8 Basically , the dinner rnenu rernains as it was in early tirnes: roast turkey , stuffing , cranberry s在 uc巴, sweet potatoes , rnashed white potatoes , and purnpkin. Purnpkin
试卷代号 :1027
中央广播电视大学 2010-2011 学年度第一学期"开鼓本科"期末考试 高级英语写作试题
2011 年 1 月
一、将你的学号、姓名及分校〈工作站〉名称填写在答题兢的规定糕 内。考试结束后,把试卷如答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带 出考场。
二、仔细闰读题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在苓 题纸指定的位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。
A. To make matters worse , 1 habitually forget to pay them on time , which is a bad
thing as there is a tendency for the courts to pass heavíer fines on those who ar哇 late