四川大学在读证明 中英文

在校证明英文翻译急求英语在读证明的样本CERTIFICATE OF TRAININGJiangxi Normal University (sealed)Dated on this 30th day of May, 2008在读证明英文翻译鄙视楼上机翻的,证明信那么重要的东西就不要拿来开玩笑了!要分我给你.国外标准的证明信很重视格式的,开头应该是To whom it may concern,This is to certify that Mr.XXX/Miss XXX was matriculated by the fashion college of XXX university in 2002,majoring in Fashion design and trading. He/She is studying as a senior student of XXXX department in XXXX University now, and will graduate in July 2008.Fashion College of XXX University2007-11.26在读证明英文翻译Testimony/(在读)证明We hereby testify that xxx, male, born on Jan 8th,1888, entering xxx University on June 8th,2008 after passing Sichuan Provincial Associate-Graduate to Undergraduate Examination, is one of our students listed in Class 3 of Accounting Major, and a current student registered as a Grade 2009,with Student ID of 8888 and residential ID No. of 99999. All information given herein is true and correct.备注:1.请按需要将具体数字改过来。

在读证明英文版五篇范文第一篇:在读证明英文版CertificationThis is to certify thatXX(学生姓名), born in XX City, XX Province, ID Card No.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, is a full-time registered student majoring in Translation English in School of English Language and Culture, Zhejiang International Studies University.School of English language and cultureJan.2nd, 2014 第二篇:英文在读证明Studying CertificateThis is to certify that Wu Tianbai, male, has enrolled into Longpan College of Jinling Institute of Technology in September 2011.Now he is a student of XXXXXin our college.ID card No.XXXXXX, Student No.XXXXXX.The length of schooling is four years.It is hereby to certify.Longpan College of Jinling Institute of TechnologyAugust 25, 2013第三篇:在读证明英文CertificateName: xxxGender: FemaleBackground: UndergraduateMajor: Software EngineeringDepartment: Computer Science and EngineeringSchool: xxx UniversityWe hereby certify that xxx is the undergraduate enrolled in xxx University in 2008-09,the expected date for the graduation would be in 2012-06.xxx University is a full-time accredited school for higher education approved by the Education Ministryof the People's Republic of puter Science and Engineering FacultySep 27th,2011第四篇:在读证明英文School CertificateHere after is to certify that San Zhang, male, born on January 1th , 1991, who took part in the National College Entrance Examination in June, 2009 and was matriculated by School of Literature, Lanzhou University.He is currently studying in School of Literature, Lanzhou University and majors in Chinese Language and Literature.The length of course is four years.According to the policy of Lanzhou University, He will graduate in June, 2013.On the condition that all his grades are qualified, he will obtain the Bachelor’s Degree of Art in June 2013.Students’ Affairs Division Lanzhou UniversityOctober 17th , 2012第五篇:ACCA在读证明英文CertificateThis is to certify that student Jiang Lixian(Famale , born inMay 1993), took part in the unified national college and university Entrance Examination in 2011.She enrolled into the Major of Financial management four-year undergraduate program on full-time basis at School of Accountancy offered by our university.She is a current student and her student I.D No.is 2011020012.Here by to prove above.School of Accountancy Shangdong University of Financeand Economics9/1/2013。

Wuhan 430070, P. R. China, Tel:86 27 87281542 Fax:86 27 87282023在读证明Registration Certificate兹证明XXX (姓名),性别:X ,学号: XXX ,身份证号码:XXX ,于XXXX 年XX 月经全国普通高等学校入学考试录取进入我校XXXX 学院XXXX 专业学习,学制X 年,现为本科X 年级学生。
若按时修满学校规定学分并达到的毕业要求和学位授予条件,将于XXXX 年6月毕业,并可授予学士学位。
This is to certify that XXX (name),X (sex),Student Registration Number :XXX ,ID Number :XXX , passed the National College Entrance Examination and was Enrolled into Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU) in September ,XXXX .The Period of study is X years .Now ,he (she) is in his (her) XXX year study ,majoring in XXXX ,at the XXXX ,HZAU .He (she) will be awarded a bachelor degree in July XXXX if he (she) obtains all the required credits and satisfies HZAU’S requirements for graduation and degree conferring.教务处Office of Undergraduate Academic AffairsHuazhong Agricultural UniversityXX (month). XX (date). XXXX(year)。

XXX大学XXX系XX年XX月XX日(该处加盖公章)翻译CertificateIt is to certify that LI Si, student No.123456, has been studying in the Department of XXXX in XXXX University, China since 2002. His major is XXXX. Now he is a senior of the Department of XXXX, The time of graduating will be July, 2006. We hereby certify.Dept. of XXXXXXX University( date)(该处加盖公章)在读证明2姓名、性别、出身年月:XXXX年XX月XX日。
于XXXX年XX 月保送录取进入我校XXXX学院XXXX专业学习,学制四年,现为本科四年级学生。
华中科技大学教务处二00三年五月十一日Certificatename, se-x, born in month, year, was enrolled in XXXX department(school) of xx-xx, Huazhong University of Science &Technology in September, 1999,majoring in xx-xx. The length of schooling is four years. Now he is a senior.Academic Affairs Office Huazhong University of Science & Technology Date of Certification: May 11, 2003 -- Look at the large picture, ignore all the annoying details. If I repeatedly worry about the un-important details, it is very bad for my future research!厦门大学大学在读证明3________(学生姓名),_______(性别),生于____年___月____日,_____年_____月考入我校_______________学院学习,系全日制博士研究生/提前攻博生/直博生/硕博连读生/在读硕士生/应届硕士生/应届本科生(请选择),主修________________专业,校内学号为__________,学制_____年,预计于______年____月结束学业。

Sichuan University在读证明兹证明章立峰,男,学号:2014141492189,出生年月:1995年01月,经国家统一招生录取,于2014年09月进入我校学习,现为我校化学工程学院化学工程与工艺专业本科三年级学生,学制4年。
四川大学教务处2017月5日24 south Section 1 Ring Road No.1 ChengDu, SiChuan 610065P.R.ChinaSichuan UniversityCERTIFICATETo whom it may concern,This is to certify that XXXX(name), X(gender), Student ID: XXXX, born in :XX (month). XXXX (year),became an undergraduate student of Sichuan University in September. XXXX (year),after having passed the National College Entrance Examination. He(She) is now a freshman (Sophomore, Junior or Senior) majoring in XXXX in the college of XXXX of Sichuan University which is a full time university ratified by Education Ministry of the People’s Republic of China.At the same time, he began to study in the major of XXXX (for dual degree) at the college of XXXX from XX(month),XXXX(year), his study is in the process now.ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE OF SICHUAN UNIVERSITYDATE ISSUED: XX (month). XXXX (year) 24 south Section 1 Ring Road No.1 ChengDu, SiChuan 610065 P.R.China。

xx 学院学生在读证明兹有(男/女),年月日出生,为我校在读硕士研究生,学号为:。
xx学院年月日E d ucat i on Ce r t i f i cat eThi s i s t o ce r t i f y t hat(m al e/f em al e),bo r n on (d ay/m ont h/yea r),i s now st u d yi ng i n a -yea r m ast e r’s p r og r am at D oce r U ni ve r si t y an d hi s/he r st u d ent num be r i s .H e/She has been en r ol l e d i n t he School of__________,m aj o r i ng i n f r om (d ay/m ont h/yea r) t o p r esent an d w i l l be aw a rd e d t he ce r t i f i cat e of g r a d uat i on i n (d ay/m ont h/yea r).D oce r U ni ve r si t y i s a f ul l-t i m e i nst i t ut i on of hi ghe r l ea r ni ng app r ove d by t he E d ucat i on M i ni st r y of t he Peopl e’s R epubl i c of Chi na.xxx U ni ve r si t yD at e:(d ay/m ont h/yea r)。

Wuhan 430070, P. R. China, Tel:86 27 87281542 Fax:86 27 87282023在读证明Registration Certificate兹证明XXX (姓名),性别:X ,学号: XXX ,身份证号码:XXX ,于XXXX 年XX 月经全国普通高等学校入学考试录取进入我校XXXX 学院XXXX 专业学习,学制X 年,现为本科X 年级学生。
若按时修满学校规定学分并达到的毕业要求和学位授予条件,将于XXXX 年6月毕业,并可授予学士学位。
This is to certify that XXX (name),X (sex),Student Registration Number :XXX ,ID Number :XXX , passed the National College Entrance Examination and was Enrolled into Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU) in September ,XXXX .The Period of study is X years .Now ,he (she) is in his (her) XXX year study ,majoring in XXXX ,at the XXXX ,HZAU .He (she) will be awarded a bachelor degree in July XXXX if he (she) obtains all the required credits and satisfies HZAU’S requirements for graduation and degree conferring.教务处Office of Undergraduate Academic AffairsHuazhong Agricultural UniversityXX (month). XX (date). XXXX(year)。

因其近期准备出国留学深造,我校同意其出国计划并提供其成绩如下:成绩科目第一学年第二学年第三学年第四学年********* 75********* 82********* 86********* 79********* 93********* 88********* ___********* ---********* ---特此证明!校长:************大学****年**月****日School Certificate*****, male, born on Mar. ,19** and has been studying in our university since September 19**. Now he is a sophomore with the major of ******. ***** gains excellent score in examination, respects teachers, united with students, takes actively part in all kinds of activities and is a good student of good character and scholarship. **** decided to further his study in Britain, we agree with his study plan and are willing to provide the record as following:Record Subject The First Year The Second Year The Third Year The Fourth Year ********** 75********** 82********** 86********** 79********** 93********** 88********** ___********** ___********** ___Hereby Certificated!President:********************* UniversitySeptember **, 20**感谢阅读,希望能帮助您!。

在读证明英文版Students **, female, student number 00000000, passport No. G0000000, which was born in September 2007 in the grade school to study nursing profession, school system three years, the student has completed two years of study, acceto secondary school after graduation certificate.** Students in school during the performance, excellent results (with the study results), schools in the United Kingdom to support the students learning the two-year HND ******* health and social care courses.Hereby certify thatPrincipal:School stamp:Contact Tel: 0000000Date: July 20, 2009TRANSLATION ABSTRACTCERTIFICATE OF STUDYINGThis is to certify that *** is our student. Her study status is as followingName:Gender: female/maleDate of birth:Course commencement date: (入学时间)Duration: 4 YearsStudent number:Program: 学位名 Majoring In 名Expected graduation date: (毕业时间)If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Tel:Hereby provedSchool of Chemical Engineering &Technology of China University of Mining &Technology (seal):20/4/20xxOffice of Teaching Administration of China University of Mining &Technology (seal):(盖章)20 /4/20xx电话写学院办公室的,或是别的你信任的老师,但是要跟老师打好招呼,鬼佬们一般不打电话问。

四川大学在读证明中英文第一篇:四川大学在读证明中英文Sichuan University south Section 1Ring Road No.1ChengDu, SiChuan 610065P.R.China在读证明兹证明XXX(姓名),XX(性别),学号:XXXXXX,出生年月:XXXX年XX月XX日,经国家统一招生录取,于XXXX年XX月进入我校学习,现为我校XX学院XX专业本科X年级学生,学制X年。
在校期间,该生同时于XXXX年X月-XXXX年X月在我校XXXX 学院修读XXXX专业双学位。
四川大学教务处XXXX年X月X日Sichuan University south Section 1Ring Road No.1ChengDu, SiChuan 610065P.R.ChinaCERTIFICATETo whom it may concern, This is to certify that XXXX(name), X(gender), Student ID: XXXX, born in:XX(month).XXXX(year),became an undergraduate student of Sichuan University in September.XXXX(year),after having passed the National College Entrance Examination.He(She)is now a freshman(Sophomore, Junior or Senior)majoring in XXXX in the School of XXXX of Sichuan University which is a full time university ratified by Education Ministry of the People’s Republic of China.He has been studying the XXXX(for dualdegree)at the School of XXXX, Sichuan University from XX(month),XXXX(year)to XX(month),XXXX(year).ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE OFSICHUAN UNIVERSITYDATE ISSUED: XX(month).XXXX(year)第二篇:在读证明中英文(定稿)CertificationXX is a postgraduate majoring in structure engineering in class XX grade one of XX school.He will travel to XX in XX with his parents.According to the schedule, they will stay there for about XX days.All the expense including the transportation, the accommodation, the meals and the health insurance will be covered by his parents.Yours sincerely.Tel:Add:School Name:证明XX是XX大学土木与交通学院结构工程一年级XX班的研究生。
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Sichuan University
四川大学教务处 XXXX年X月X日
24 south Section 1
Ring Road No.1
ChengDu, SiChuan 610065
Sichuan University
To whom it may concern,
This is to certify that XXXX(name), X(gender), Student ID: XXXX, born in:XX (month). XXXX (year),became an undergraduate student of Sichuan University in September. XXXX (year),after having passed the National College Entrance Examination. He(She) is now a freshman (Sophomore, Junior or Senior) majoring in XXXX in the School of XXXX of Sichuan University which is a full time university ratified by Education Ministry of the People’s Republic of China.
He has been studying the XXXX (for dual degree) at the School of XXXX, Sichuan University from XX(month),XXXX(year) to XX(month),XXXX(year).
DATE ISSUED: XX (month). XXXX (year)
24 south Section 1
Ring Road No.1
ChengDu, SiChuan 610065